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The Marriage of Martu

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breeds in teal)

The name Martu can be written syllabically as Amurru or as a logogram MAR.TU which represents the Sumerian reading. But who or what was Amurru? The Amurru people are often mentioned in Mesopotamian inscriptions as the nomadic people of the steppe, who would come down from the hillsides and raid the agricultural products of the settled people of Sumer and Babylon.

1-8 When the city of Inab already existed, but the city of Kiritab did not yet exist,

when the holy crown already existed, but the holy tiara did not yet exist,

when the holy herb already existed, but the holy cedar did not yet exist,

when holy salt already existed, but holy alkali did not yet exist, when intercourse and kissing already existed,

when giving birth in the fields already existed — I was the grandfather of the holy cedar,

I was the ancestor of the mes tree, I was the mother and father of the white cedar, I was the relative of the hacur cedar.

9-15 At that time there was a princely land among the cities; Inab was this princely land among the cities.

The ruler of Inab was Tigi-cem-ala.

Now, he had a wife whose name was Cage-gur (Desired-by-the-heart),

and a child, who ……, and her name was …….

16-25 The people living around the city hung up nets, the people living around Inab hung up nets, hung up nets,

chased gazelles and killed the gazelles as one kills humans.

One day, as the evening came, and they had reached the place of rations, they established the rations before the god ……

(The correct form of this name is not known).

The ration of a married man was established as double, the ration of a man with a child was established as triple;

the ration of a single man was established as single;

but the ration of Martu, though being single, was also established as double (giant god).

Cylinder seal and imprint, Paleo-Babylonian, from Tello Offering scene before a god brandishing a curved stick. Haematite, H: 2,8 cm MNB 1471  (Ninhursag & her brother / son Martu, both King Anu‘s offspring)

 (incest amongst alien Anunnaki gods was very common, especially inside their royal family, advanced science prevented problems)

26-33 Martu went home to his own mother, and spoke to her:

“In my city I am among my friends and they all have already married wives;

I am there among my mates, and they all have already married wives.

Unlike my friends in my city I am single, I am single and I have no children.

Yet the imposed share exceeds that of my friends; over and above that of my mates, I received half of theirs.”

34-40 One day, as the evening came, and they had reached again the place of rations,

they established the rations before the god ……

(The correct form of this name is not known).

The ration of a married man was established as double, the ration of a man with a child was established as triple;

the ration of a single man was established as single;

but the ration of Martu, though being single, was also established as double.

2aa - temple of Hathor - NinhursagHathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755

                                                                        (ancient artifacts of princess-goddess, Ninhursag)

41-52 Martu went home to his own mother (Ninhursag), and spoke to her:

“My mother, find me a wife to marry and I will bring you my ration.”

His own mother replied to Martu:

Su-henuna, my son, I will give you advice; may my advice be heeded.

I shall say a word to you; you should pay attention to it.

Marry a wife of your choice, marry a wife of your heart’s desire, give me thus a companion, …… me a slave-girl.

Having built the houses of (?) your people living around the city,

and …… gardens, you will dig the wells of (?) your mates.

Martu, …… mates ……”

53-66 At that time a festival was announced in the city;

a festival was announced in the city of Inab (ancient city just northwest of today’s Aleppo, Syria).

(Martu said:) “Come, friends, let us go, let us go there, let us visit the ale-houses of Inab, let us go there.”

3a - unknown, Martu, & Utu (giant 2/3rds divine King Gilgamesh, Martu & Utu)

The god Numucda (Utu) participated in the festival; his beloved daughter Adjar-kidug participated in the festival,

9-utu-s-spouse-aia-aya-unknown-utu6o-ninsun-mixed-breed-giant-nannar  (Aya, Utu, & Utu‘s father Nannar)

his wife Namrat (Aya), the lovely woman participated in the festival.

In the city, bronze cem drums were rumbling, and the seven ala drums resounded as strong men,

Sports - Inanna, skilled in combat Sports - boxing & wrestling in Ur  Sports - wrestling & boxing in Ur

 (Inanna & other Anunnaki practice skills with hand-to-hand contests, earthlings learn their customs)


girdled champions, entered the wrestling house to compete with each other

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna2c - Utu - Shamash, Commander of the Space Port (Utu / Shamash, Anunnaki son to Nannar & Ningal, born on Earth)

for Numucda (Utu / Shamash) in the temple of Inab.

There were many coming to Inab, the city where the festival was taking place, to marvel at this.

There were many coming to Inab, the city where the festival was taking place, to marvel at this.

Two wrestlers or boxers. Terracotta relief from Eshnunna,late 3rd mill.BCE. 10 x 8 cm AO (Martu participates in the great sporting events of the gods, Olympic custom of today)

\67-75 For Numucda, because he was holy (?), Martu too strode around the great courtyard

to compete in wrestling at the gate of Inab.

They kept looking for strong fighters for him, they kept offering him strong fighters.

Martu strode around in the great courtyard.

He hit them with a destructive …… one by one.

In the great courtyard, in the battle he caused them to be bandaged;

in the great courtyard of Inab he lifted the bodies of the dead.

76-90 Rejoicing over Martu, Numucda offered him silver, but he would not accept it.

He offered jewels, but he would not accept them.

Having done so a second time, having done so a third time

08-02-14/57 (Utu‘s grand-uncle & son-in-law Martu, & Ashur)

(Martu says): “Where does your silver lead? Where do your jewels lead?

I, Martu, would rather marry your daughter, I would rather marry your daughter Adjar-kidug.”

7 lines missing

91-97 (Numucda says:) “You …… the wife with calves, as a marriage gift.

Milch cows shall feed the calves.

In the byre the calf and the cow shall lie down.

2i-cattle-pens-of-nannar-in-ur housing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man (Sumerian cattle)

Milch cows shall live in the …….

Suckling calves shall stay at their right side.

You must give your word thus and only thus, and then I will give you my daughter Adjar-kidug.”

98-104 “You …… the wife with lambs, as a marriage gift.

Milch ewes shall feed the lambs.

In their sheepfold the lamb and the ewe shall lie down.

Milch ewes shall live in the …… and suckling lambs shall stay at their left side.

You must give your word thus and only thus, and then I will give you my daughter Adjar-kidug.”

105-111 “You …… the wife with kids as a marriage gift.

Milch goats shall feed the kids.

In their stall the kid and the goat shall lie down.


   (giant alien Anunnaki established ongoing food supplies desired most by them)

The goats shall live in the …… and suckling kids shall stay …….

You must give your word thus and only thus, and then I will give you my daughter Adjar-kidug.”

112-114 He …… great …….

He shouted like …….

At the quay of Inab he …….

A27494 C5629  (Martu, Ninhursag, Nannar, & Utu)

115-126 He gratified the elders of Inab with golden torcs.

He gratified the old women of Inab with golden shawl- …….

He gratified the men and women of Inab with golden …….

He gratified the slaves of Inab with …… and gratified them also with colored …… cloths.

He gratified the slave-girls of Inab with silver jugs.

127-141 The days have multiplied, no decision has yet been made.

(Adjar-kidugs girlfriend speaks to her:)

“Now listen, their hands are destructive and their features are those of monkeys;

 3-martu-giant-alien-god-of-the-martu-lands-earthling  (giant alien god Martu, & his primitive ape-like “Martu” earthling)

he is one who eats what Nanna (Nannar / Sin) forbids and does not show reverence.

They never stop roaming about ……, they are an abomination to the gods’ dwellings.

Their ideas are confused; they cause only disturbance.

8a-hawawa-enlils-cedar-forest-guardian  (Earth creatures, many of them created / DNA mixed by the gods)

He is clothed in sack-leather ……, lives in a tent, exposed to wind and rain, and cannot properly recite prayers.

He lives in the mountains and ignores the places of gods,

digs up truffles in the foothills, does not know how to bend the knee, and eats raw flesh.

He has no house during his life, and when he dies he will not be carried to a burial-place.

My girlfriend, why would you marry Martu?”

Adjar-kidug replies to her girlfriend: “I will marry Martu!”

142 Inab — ulum, alam!

A Hymn to Martu (Martu B)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

Oxford University, 1998 – ©All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

         4g-a-song-of-praise-to-amurru (ancient cuneiform Song of Praise to Martu, son to King Anu & sister-mother Ninhursag)

Segment A

1-11. …… watching over ……, gathering together …… the divine powers (alien technologies),

…… peerless dragon, …… named in heaven and earth with an august name,

3a - Anu in flight (King Anu in his winged sky-disc, god the father in heaven / planet Nibiru)

……, engendered by great An (Anu) and brought up on his holy knees, ……,

born by Uraš (Urash / Ninhursag),

2d - Ninhursag & attendee, Ninhursag's symbolHathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755 (Ninhursag, King Anu‘s lovely daughter)

1 line unclear

  2e-enlils-home-in-nippur 3a-nippur-ziggurat-enlils-home-on-earth

            (Enlil‘s “Great Mountain” ziggurat temple residence, his actual residence in Nippur, Enlil‘s Earth Colony Command Central)

cherished and granted a favorable destiny by the Great Mountain Enlil, ……, not wearying of …… its beauty.

Proud one among the great gods, …… hearts, …… pure ……, shining purification rites, his conduct …….

His words …… cannot be unraveled, his intelligence and counsel ……, …… distant ……, …… leader ……

at least 26 lines missing

Segment B

1-9. 3 lines fragmentary

…… cherish him ……. …… embellished ……,

…… aromatic oil of cedar ……. …… raining on your body like dew …….

…… when you speak favorable words ……, …… when you speak favorable words ……,

…… prayers and entreaties …….

10-14. May the work of his hands …… be as sweet as aromatic oil of cedar ……!

May …… the city be long!

May its wives and children be fortunate!

May he bestow on him …… life of long days!

…… your divinity is …… good.

May he …… for eternal days!

4ca - Martu & unknown gods above, Babylonian king scene below   (top panel; Martu, Ninhursag, Ashur, & giant semi-divine Assyrian King Ashurbanipal)

15. A …… of Martu.

A šir-gida to Martu (Martu A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

Oxford University, 1998 – ©All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

4g-a-song-of-praise-to-amurru (ancient cuneiform Song of Praise to Martu, royal prince son to King Anu)

1-12. Hero, august youth, who completely controls the distant mountains as far as their borders!

Martu, august youth, who completely controls the distant mountains as far as their borders,

who possesses the strength of a savage lion, who occupies a holy dais in the mountains, the pure place!

4e - Martu, Utu, Lama, & Ereshkigal

                     (Martu atop ziggurat temple, giant mixed-breed king, king’s goddess mother Ninsun, & Ningal, patron goddess of Ur)     

Martu, who possesses the strength of a savage lion, who occupies a holy dais in the mountains,

the pure place, who is imbued with great fearsomeness, whom holy An (Anu) engendered,

who appears gloriously with numerous divine powers (alien technologies)!

2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer (King Anu‘s daughter Ninhursag, mother to major gods, fashioner of the “black-headed” earthlings)

His own mother Ninḫursaĝa (Ninhursag) made his form excel Medim-ša’s

so that no one should threaten him.

The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods, enhanced his strength with warrior qualities,

and spoke favorably to him.

They invested (?) him with authority that accompanies him in battle like a coat of armor,

08-02-14/57   (Martu, god of primitive earthlings called the “Martu , & Utu, both are gods of the mountains)

…… to him mace, divine weapon (alien technologies), a great bow, arrows and quiver in his august hands,

made his divinity magnificently perfect, and let him …… no adversaries.

13-20. He rears up, he …… the fields.

He is greatly august, possessing the strength of a lion, …….

He is endowed with fearsomeness like a raging lion.

Like a rampant wild bull, …….

He grasps the seven winds, makes fire ……, subduing all in battle and fight, …… like lightning.

Acute fear of him seizes all the wicked, …… a southerly storm.

The strength ebbs away from the city that he has cursed.

21-32. For the king, he annihilates all enemy lands that are not compliant to him.

 4 - Martu & king       3b - Anu of planet Nibiru

       (Martu  & a giant semi-divine king         An / Anu, god the father to offspring sent to establish Earth Colony)

Martu, the son of An, extends a hand to the good shepherd whom he has chosen in his holy heart.

His name is an august (of Anu’s royal bloodline) and ineffable name.

No one …….

The god with hands pure from purification rites, whose divine powers are resplendent divine powers,

annihilates (alien technologies) evil and violence, and sets justice in their place.

3a-anu-in-flight (King Anu in his winged sky-disc)

His father who inspired him, his own father (Anu), the lord (King) of the gods,

the prince who decides destinies, handed the distant sky and the broad earth to this savage god

who gives just verdicts, who is knowledgeable in decision-making, an adviser; and he let him have no rivals.

He presented to him the pure hills, the lapis-lazuli mountains;

he presented to him the Martu lands, the lapis-lazuli mountains.

 4d - unknown, Martu, & Utu3-martu-giant-alien-god-of-the-martu-lands-earthling

                   (king Gilgamesh        Martu         Utu)                                    (giant alien god Martu & his primitive “Martu” earthling)

33-48. He is a lion-headed hero; he is the king’s helper in battle …….

The just man on whom he has returned a …… verdict prays constantly to him.

With the scepter he leads …… to him, and has …… far away.

He makes good …… come out of the …….

He sets calves in …… his great ……. …… in cow-pens and sheepfolds …….

He makes fish and birds ……, and makes fresh fruit grow.

In the house in which the king …… silver, he ensures that it never ceases.

He exceeds ……, and decides great destinies.

…… he keeps guard over …….

In the river he causes …… to be available — he drinks the fresh water that it brings.

In the fields he produces …… for him — he eats the grain that they bring.

He makes …… increase in abundance for him.

He is hostile to those who …….

His mind …… is reliable speech, and his exterior …… is glory.

49-59. He does not alter …… for the king, and prolongs his …… days.

       He hands him the staff for his right hand, and to his side he ties the mace that guides the thousands.

1 line unclear

He sets the king’s feet in a well-ordered position (?), and causes him to have no opponents (?).

Mankind also address him …… in the view of his god.

…… him whom in his kindly heart he has called to kingship.

All day long the protective goddess of justice stands unceasingly by his right side.

In holy songs musicians sing of him — the dearly cherished one,

the god, the man of the hills, renowned everywhere — and promote his name gloriously.

4ca-martu-unknown-gods-above-babylonian-king-scene-below1 - Martu - Amurru, spouse to Utu's daughter Adjar-kidug (giant alien god Martu)

Martu, son of An, it is sweet to praise you!

60. A šir-gida of Martu.

The Seven Evil Spirits (Nuclear Missiles)

Thanks to www.sacred-texts.com

R.C. Thompson, translator [The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, London 1903].[1]

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

        Raging storms, evil gods are they
        Ruthless demons, who in heaven‘s vault were created (brought down from Nibiru), are they,
        Workers of evil are they,
        They lift up the head to evil, every day to evil
           (Ninurta, Nergal, Nannar, Utu, Adad, Inanna, etc., launch nuclear missile strikes at Marduk & his sons, Ashur & Nabu, & grandson Horus)

        Destruction to work

        Of these seven the first (missile) is the South wind…
        The second (missile) is a dragon, whose mouth is opened…
        That none can measure.
        The third (missile) is a grim leopard, which carries off the young …
        The fourth (missile) is a terrible Shibbu …
        The fifth (missile) is a furious Wolf, who knoweth not to flee,
        The sixth (missile) is a rampant … which marches against god and king.
        The seventh (missile) is a storm, an evil wind (Biblical “evil winds”), which takes vengeance,

        Seven are they, messengers (missiles) to King Anu are they,
        From city to city darkness work they,
        A hurricane, which mightily hunts in the heavens, are they
        Thick clouds, that bring darkness in heaven, are they,
        Gusts of wind rising, which cast gloom over the bright day, are they,
        With the Imkhullu [2] the evil wind, forcing their way, are they,
       2f - Hadad, warrior upon a bull - Taurus   2e - Adad, war god upon Taurus the bull  (Adad, Enlil‘s warrior son, the storm god)
        The overflowing of Adad [3] mighty destroyers, are they,
         2c - Adad, fork & hammer  3 - Adad with divine weapons (giant god Adad with his alien high-tech weaponry)
        At the right of Adad stalking, are they,
        To wreak destruction forward go they ,
        In the broad heaven, the home of Anu, the King, evilly do they arise,  and none to oppose.


        1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)       

        When Enlil (approved the strike) heard these tidings, a plan in his heart he pondered,

         3b - Enki image "God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823 (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son)

        With Ea (Enki), exalted Massu of the gods, he took counsel (pleaded against striking his descendants).   

        4l - Utu, Inanna, & Nannar The goddess Ishtar and her accolites on a mountain. Ishtar is shown in her warrior-aspect,with tiara and armour, her lion at her feet. From the ground around palace of Shakkanakku, Mari, period of the Amorite dynasties. 19th-18th BCE H: 11 cm Inv. 2880 (Nannar with twin children Utu & Inanna)

        Sin (Nannar), Shamash (Utu), and Ishtar (Inanna), (joined the strike force)

        whom he had set to order the vault of heaven,   

          (Anu, King of all Anunnaki on Nibiru & Earth Colony, father of the gods)             

        With Anu (approved the strike) he divided the lordship of the whole heaven,

        To these three gods, his offspring        

        Day and night, without ceasing, he ordained to stand,

        When the seven evil gods (missiles brought down from heaven) stormed the vault of heaven,


        Before the gleaming Sin (Nannar, moon crescent god of Ur), they set themselves angrily, [4]        

            (unidentified, Adad, Inanna, Bull man, & Utu / Shamash)

        The mighty Shamash (Utu, Sun god of Sippar), Adad the warrior, they brought on their side,

            6c - Anu & Inanna  2caa - Anu's house in Uruk

             (Anu & fighting Inanna atop her zodiac symbol of Leo    E-ana, Anu‘s & Inanna‘s ziggurat-home in Uruk)

        Ishtar (Inanna), with Anu the King, moved into a shining dwelling (E-ana)

        exercising dominion over the heavens,

        [Nearly ten lines here are unreadable.]

        Day and night he was dark (i.e., Sin) (moon god), in the dwelling of his dominion he sat not down,
        The evil gods, the messengers of Anu, the King, are they,
        Raising their evil heads, in the night shaking themselves, are they,
        Evil searching out, are they,
        From the heaven, like a wind, over the land rush they.

            (Enlil, founder of cities of Sumer / “The Eden” / “Land Between the Rivers”)

        Enlil saw the darkening of the hero Sin in heaven,
        The lord spoke to his minister Nusku,

          5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes  (Ninlil on shore, her spouse Enlil, & Nusku)

          O My minister Nusku, my message unto the ocean bring,
          The tidings of my son Sin (Moon Crescent god), who in heaven has been sadly darkened,

          2c - Nannar & his symbol 2bc - Nanna & his symbol  (Nannar / Sin, Moon Crescent god of then & now)
           3b - Enki image 3a - Enki & Aquarius constellation (Enki, wisest of the Anunnaki aliens on Earth) 

          Unto Ea (Enki, god of waters), in the ocean, announce it.”

          Nusku exalted the word of his lord,
          To Ea, in the ocean, he went quickly,
          To the prince, the exalted Massu the lord Nudimmud (Enki).[5]

          3c - Enki in the Abzu  Fish God Dagon  (Enki / Dagon wearing his wet suit, god of waters & fishes)

          Nusku, the word of his lord there announced Ea in the ocean heard that word,
          He bit his lip and filled his mouth with wailing;

          Ea called his son Marduk, and gave him the message:

           2c - Marduk relief, flowing waters of Babylon  (Marduk, Enki‘s eldest son & heir, patron god of Babylon & Egypt)

          “Go, my son Marduk,
          Son of a prince, the gleaming Sin has been sadly darkened in heaven,
          His darkening is seen in the heavens,
          The seven evil gods, death-dealing, fearless are they,
          The seven evil gods, like a flood, rush on, the land they fall upon, do they,
           Against the land, like a storm, they (7 nuclear missiles) rise, do they,

           Before the gleaming Sin, they set themselves angrily;

          4k - Utu-Shamash, uncle Ishkur, & sister Ishtar  (Utu / Shamash, Adad / Ishkur, & Inanna / Ishtar)

          The mighty Shamash, Adad the warrior, they brought on their side.”

[1] This story is the sixteenth tablet of a series called the “Evil Demon Series,” of which we have an Assyrian with a parallel Sumerian text. Presumably, therefore, it was a very ancient legend.
[2] The Imkhullu appears also in the Creation Epic.
Adad is god of storm, Anu of heaven, Enlil of storm, Sin of the Moon, Shamash of the Sun, and Ishtar of love and fruitfulness. The meaning of Massu is unknown; but Ea (Enki) was long the chief ruler.
[4] The evil gods darken the moon by an eclipse,
Shamash helping them by withdrawing his light from the moon, and Adad by sending cloudy weather.
[5] A name for


            (Nebuchadnezzar, nuclear war between alien gods thousands of years ago)

         Destructive storms and evil winds are they,
         A storm of evil, presaging the baneful storm,
         A storm of evil, forerunner of the baneful storm.
         Mighty children, mighty sons are they,
         Messengers of Namtar (Ereshkigal‘s son, alien god in the Under World) are they,

          Cylinder seal and imprint, period of the Assyrian merchant settlements in Cappadocia, 19th-18th BCE. The naked goddess under her arcade, surrounded by guardians and mythological animals. Serpentine, H: 4, 1 cm AO 22420  (Ereshkigal, sister Inanna, & Namtar)

         Throne-bearers of Ereshkigal (Queen of the Under World / Nether World / Hades / the dead). [1]
         The flood driving through the land are they.

         Seven gods (alien nuclear technologies) of the wide heavens,
         Seven gods (nuclear missiles) of the broad earth,
         Seven robber-gods are they.
         Seven gods of universal sway,
         Seven evil gods,
         Seven evil demons,
         Seven evil and violent demons,
         Seven in heaven, seven on earth.


                     (ancient missiles on launch pads;    missile cruising through the air above battle scene)

        Neither male nor female are they.
        Destructive whirlwinds (nuclear winds) they,
        Having neither wife nor offspring.
        Compassion and mercy they do not know.
        Prayer and supplication they do not hear.
        Horses reared in the mountains, Hostile to Ea (Enki).

        1g - images (alien giants in procession as Anu arrives on Earth)

        Throne-bearers of the gods are they.
        Standing on the highway, befouling the street.

        Evil are they, evil are they,
        Seven they are, seven they are,

        Twice seven they are.

            (missiles launched in anger thousands of years ago)

        The high enclosures, the broad enclosures like a flood they pass through.
        From house to house they dash along.
        No door can shut them (nuclear radiation fall-out) out,
        No bolt can turn them back.
        Through the door, like a snake, they glide,
        Through the hinge, like the wind, they storm.
        Tearing the wife from the embrace of the man,
        Snatching the child from the knees of a man,
        Driving the freedman from his family home.

        2 - Ereshkigal (Ereshkigal) 4d - Ninlil followed Enlil to Ereshkigal's Underworld

        The mistress of the netherworld (Ereshkigal), while Namtar (her son) is the god of pestilence.


        Seven are they, seven are they!
        In the channel of the deep seven are they!
        In the radiance of heaven seven are they!
        In the channel of the deep in a palace grew they up.
        Male they are not, female they are not.
        In the midst of the deep are their paths.
        Wife they have not, son they have not.
        Order and kindness know they not.
        Prayer and supplication hear they not.

        The cavern in the mountain they enter.
        Unto Hea (Enki) are they hostile.
        The throne-bearers of the gods are they.
        Disturbing the lily in the torrents are they set.
        Baleful are they, baleful are they.
        Seven are they, seven are they, seven twice again are they.
        May the spirits of heaven remember, may the spirits of earth remember (end nuclear wars!).

Prayers to An for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


6b - Ur-Nammu, Shulgi, & Rim-Sin

   (Ur-Nammu           Shulgi             Rim-Sin, a few giant mixed-breed sons of goddess Ninsun, all appointed to kingships)

1-10 Shepherd, called by name,

 (Anu, King of the alien giant Anunnaki from planet Nibiru, father to the gods on Earth)

for whom holy An (Anu) has determined in heaven a great destiny!

Rim-Sîn (giant mixed-breed appointed king), called by name,

for whom holy An has determined in heaven a great destiny!

Prince who achieved kingship when still in the true womb,

you grandly exercise lordship over the numerous people.

1e - Larsa 1912  (Larsa mountain / ziggurat ruins, 1912)

In Larsa, the …… mountain befitting the princely divine powers (alien technologies),

3b - Agade-Akkad, Sargon's Empire

(Akkad / Agade empire includes Sumer between the Rivers Euphrates & Tigris, “The Eden”, “The Land Between the Rivers”)

you are truly called to be shepherd of Sumer and Akkad.

  (Anu / An, “father in heaven / planet Nibiru, above in his sky-disc)

Great An, august in heaven and earth, lord who is wise in everything,

father of the gods, has determined to fix the destinies for that place,

never interrupting the uttering of weighty commands, …… in the pure interior of heaven.


11-28 Prince Rim-Sîn, you are the shepherd, the desire of his heart.

May great An manifest brilliantly his heart’s love for you; may he bless you for your justice.

May An in his profound heart make the days of your life abundant for you,

(Anu in his winged sky-disc)

and give you kingship over the widespread lands until distant days.

With his holy words may he determine for you a destiny of life,

and with a wholly unalterable command give you long life in addition.

1d - weld prism 3200 - 1800 B.C., Larsa Artifact  (Larsa ancient artifact, Weld Prism, 3,200 to 1,800 B.C. Kings List)

May he fix the holy headdress on your head, and seat you grandly on the throne of life.

May he hand over to you the scepter of justice,

and suspend by your side the staff which strengthens the Land.

May he make you grasp the shepherd’s crook that causes the people to multiply.

May he open for you the breasts of the brilliant heavens, and cause the rain to rain for you.

From the heart of heaven may he assemble for you years of abundance and days of plenty.

May he make splendid radiance and heart’s joy for your days,

and place in your hands an agreeable reign of justice.

3a - Anu in flight  (Sky-God Anu in his sky-disc, directing & protecting from above)

May the great An forever be the protector of your kingship!

Rim-Sîn, you are my king!


2928 lines. A prayer to An.


Excerpt from a praise poem of Rim-Sîn: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



1-9 O An (Anu), strengthen the foundations of the throne of life.

Rim-Sîn, may your name be called by a name of life;

may he look upon you with favorable eyes, and pay attention to you.

1 line unclear

May he determine a destiny of life as a fate for you.

Rim-Sîn, may you be beloved of An, and may your kingship endure forever.

7 - Anu meets 1st earthling hybrids Adapa & Titi  (giant Anunnaki King Anu meets 1st modern earthlings on Nibiru)

Great An, make him shepherd of the numerous people.

An adab to An (Anu) for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta E): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature ,

Oxford University, 1998 – ©All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


1-4 An (Anu) the powerful, great among the gods, An the respected, brilliantly manifest god!

6ac - Ur-Ningirsu, Adad's son (Ur-Ningirsu / Ur-Ninurta, Adad‘s semi-divine son appointed king of Isin, bigger, faster, stronger, smarter)

In fixing a great fate for the king, An has laid his hand truly upon Ur-Ninurta.


         5 barsud.

6-19 As he passes, alone, as far as the border of the foreign lands,

he is indeed the guardian of the Anuna (Anunnaki).

He seizes all the great divine powers (alien technologies),

and places his feet upon the numerous divine powers.

The very wise god, the prince who decides destiny, has truly spoken to him;

An has truly spoken to Ur-Ninurta (Adad‘s son).

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru (An / Anu, King of the alien Anunnaki gods, father in heaven to sons & daughters colonizing the Earth)

He has made him the mightiest in the Land;

An has made (King) Ur-Ninurta (Anu‘s mixed-breed great-grandson) the mightiest in the Land.

He has bestowed upon Ur-Ninurta a royal throne on a foundation established forever;

             (giant god Adad with the “august shepherd’s crook” possessing “divine powers”)

the august shepherd’s crook, which gathers up the divine powers of the Land;

and a just scepter which directs the numerous people.

            (alien King Anu with Enki & Enlil in winged sky-disc of heaven)

         When holy An determines a destiny, the gods of heaven stand by and the Anuna pay attention.


         20 cagbatuku.


21-25 In their place of assembly, they said “Let it be so!”

3a - Anu in flight  (Anu watching developments from above)

         An gave to Ur-Ninurta the building of cities, the founding of settlements, the subduing of foreign lands,

         and the strengthening of the foundations of the Land of Sumer; years of plenty, and a reign of long days.


         26 sa-gida.


27-44 An raised his far-reaching gaze to the good shepherd.

He spoke to Ur-Ninurta, his beloved son (great-grandson), with kindly words:

“May there be shame at your awe-inspiring splendor, while you (?) ride as if on a great storm.

May you have no rival in your youthful power.

May the Land remain (?) under your rule.

May you make your name supreme in the foreign lands, and may they speak good of you.

May the land that is of its own will unbending to you, submit to you.

Ur-Ninurta, to whom I have given great power: you should trust in my name.

May your words clamp down upon the wicked like a great neck-stock.

May the rebel land approach at your command, and do reverence to you.

In your lordliness may you hold your head high.

May you be good to the people.

May you be the man of justice, and may it come to your aid.

6 - animal offering to Shamash

(mixed-breed high-priest, Ninsun, Nannar with lamb dinner, & Utu)

You have justice that comes from the heart; you are one of Utu‘s retainers.

1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus

(naked Inanna with her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus;   Inanna, Goddess of Love with her semi-divine king before Enlil)

May Inana (Inanna), who is assuredly your beloved, provide you with long life.

May the good protective deities of the en priesthood and of kingship stand faithfully at your side.

6ad - Ur-Ningirsu

(Ur-Ninurta, giant mixed-breed appointed to kingship, position of authority, serving as a go-between for alien gods & earthlings)

My Ur-Ninurta (Adad‘s giant mixed-breed son), named with the name of Sumer!

Go with your head high to the shrine of Nibru (Nippur), to Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven-Earth”).

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s residence, Earth’s Command Central)

Brick-built E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur) accepts your offerings:

         “May the awe-inspiring shepherd stand in attendance with his great food offerings for the house.”


         45 sa-jara.


46-49 “I am the only one among the gods with great divine powers.

  (King Anu & much smaller earthlings Titi & Adapa)

I am An (Anu) the king, the only one among the gods with great divine powers (alien technologies).

         Ur-Ninurta, my utterances shall never be altered for you.” (Anu speaking in 1st person)

         Its uru.

An adab of An.

An adab to An for Lipit-Eshtar (Lipit-Eshtar C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature ,

Oxford University, 1998 – ©All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


3e - Anu, Sky God

        (Anu, King of one-world-order planet Nibiru, & its newly founded Earth Colony)

1-2 The august lord, pre-eminent, with the most complex divine powers,

1f-gods-in-procession (Anunnaki alien gods in procession)

almighty grandfather of all the lords (royal descendants controlling Earth Colony)

3 barsud.


4-9 head high, surpassing everyone, breed-bull, who makes the seeds sprout,

whose name is respected, spreading great terror, whose august commands cannot be countermanded,

who is imbued with awesomeness on the mountain of pure divine powers,

  (Anu / An, the Anunnaki King & “Father in Heaven” to sons of god on Earth)

who has taken his seat on the great throne-dais, An, the king of the gods

10 cagbatuku.


11-18 has looked at him with long-lasting favor,

has looked at prince (giant mixed-breed made King) Lipit-Ectar with favor.

He has bestowed on him a long life, he has bestowed on prince Lipit-Ectar a long life.

(alien King Anu above in his sky-disc, father in heaven to sons who came down to Earth)

The words of what An says are firmly established; no god would oppose them.

At the place of where the destinies are to be decided, all the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods gather around him.

 5b - Anu & Antu's procession on Earth (alien Anunnaki goddesses in procession)

19 cagbatuku.


20-21 He has made all the great divine powers (alien advanced technologies) manifest;

the gods of heaven stand around him.


22 2nd barsud.

23-28 He has implemented their divine plans properly;

the gods of the earth submit themselves to him (1 ms. has instead: sit around him).

3a - Anu in flight (King Anu in his sky-disc hovering, keeping in contact with Colony Earth)

With august and foremost (?) divine powers (alien technologies),

great An has bestowed on Lipit-Ectar, (giant mixed-breed) son of Enlil,

a kingship which is very precious.

29 sa-gida.


 (King Anu hovering above Tree of Life in his sky-disc)

30-31 An (Anu), the great, the great god shining forth,

An, the almighty (1 ms. has instead: eminent), is indeed the support of king Lipit-Ectar.

32 Its jicgijal1 ms. has instead: Its jicgijal of the sa-gida).


33-52 In the overflowing of his heart,

An has chosen him as king and blessed the royal (Anunnaki bloodline) descendant:

Lipit-Ectar, on whom I bestowed power, may you lift your head high!

May you spread fearsome radiance as if you were the front of a rising tempest!

May your storm cover the enemy territories, the disobedient countries!

3a-sargons-akkad (lands of giant alien gods)

You have established justice in Sumer and Akkad, and made the Land feel content.

Lipit-Ectar, (mixed-breed descendant) son of Enlil, may you shine as brilliantly as the sunlight!

 (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, Anunnaki King Anu‘s son & heir)

May concord be created under you in the established cities, settlements and dwellings!

May the black-headed people (all earthlings), numerous as flocks, follow the right path under you!

Lipit-Ectar, even in far-away foreign countries, you will be the king!

8b - High Priest, Nannar, Ninurta, and Enlil (Ur high-priest, Nannar, Martu with earthling underfoot, & Ninurta)

(mixed-breed giants appointed to high-priests, kings, queens, high-priestesses, & giant gods with alien technologies)

Enlil has faithfully bestowed on you the princely august throne,

the eternal ornament of kingship; he has made it firm for you.

May you never cease to wear the crown

5a - Ninhursag & a very early king

(earthling &, mixed-breed giant serving Ninhursag, whose DNA skills made mixed-breeds possible)

that Suen (Nannar / Sin) has placed firmly on your head!


 (modern man, early mixed-breed worker,    Enki,            2-faced Isumud, & part of Ninhursag)

Enki has adorned you with princely divine powers (advanced alien technologies).

             6o - Inanna, mixed-breed king, & Ninsun

    (Inanna atop her zodiac symbol Leo the Lion, giant mixed-breed made king, & king’s goddess mother Ninsun)

Inanna escorts (?) you with the garment of princeship.

The friendly guardians and the protecting genii of the E-kur stand by you.

May the food offerings, wine, and milk that you bring ……!

Son (descendant) and creature of Enlil, may everything be pleasant for you

2 lines missing

53 sa-jara.


1ae - Enlil, Babylonian(Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, appointed supreme Earth Colony Commander by Anu, his word is final)

54 May you, son of Enlil, chosen in his heart by the god imbued with awesomeness,

be provided abundantly with everything!”

55 Its jicgijal.


56-58 What An says decides a good destiny; what the great An says decides a good destiny.

…… for Lipit-Ectar, (mixed-breed descendant) son of Enlil.

59 Its uru.

60 An adab of An.

An adab to An for Shu-Suen (Shu-Suen E): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature ,

Oxford University, 1998 – ©All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



unknown no. of lines missing

1 Warrior from birth …….


2 Cagbatuku.


7d - Inanna presents Shu-Sin to Nannar, Sin, for kingship6h - Inanna presents a king to Nannar

3-6 Wise Cu-Suen (mixed-breed made Ur King, Shu-Suen) …….

1 line fragmentary

…… dais …….

…… the beauty and ornament …….


7 2nd (?) barsud.


8-11 An…….Cu-Suen…….

2 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing



1-2 1 line fragmentary

Cu-Suen .….. rising …….


3 Sa-gida.

4 1 line fragmentary

5 Jicgijal of the sa-gida.


3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (An / Anu, father in heaven / Nibiru to alien sons establishing Earth Colony)

6-8 As An determined the fates …….

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

     (Nannar‘s mud-brick-built mountain / residence way above his city of Ur)

Holy An determined the fates, …… the shrine Urim (Ur) …….

Like the sunlight An …… for Cu-Suen.


9 Its uru.


10 An adab of An (Anu).

Inanna Seizes the E-ana

Source: Black, J. A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E. and Zólyomu, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature , Oxford University, 1998 – ©All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)



unknown no. of lines missing

1-7 1 line fragmentary

4 - Inanna. Utu, & Earthling underfoot7-utu-inanna-capture-earthlings

    (Goddess of War Inanna & twin brother Utu with disloyal earthling underfoot; Inanna holds captive earthling by nose ring)

Holy Inanna……. 

The hero, youthful Utu, …….

At dead of night ……. E-ana (Anu‘s mud-brick-built temple / residence in Uruk) ……. Inanna…….

The great (?) heavens …….

unknown no. of lines missing



1-6 1 line fragmentary

2b - Uruk's Excavation2caa-anus-house-in-uruk

    (E-ana, Anu‘s temple / residence way above city of Uruk, safely away from prodding earthlings)

…… E-ana came forth from heaven,

…… the lady of heaven set her mind to capturing the great heavens,

…… Inanna set her mind to capturing the great heavens,

…… set her mind to capturing the great heavens from the …… of heaven,

…… youthful Utu, she set her mind to capturing the great heavens.


7-9 Holy Inanna spoke to her brother the hero, youthful Utu:

“My brother, I want to tell you something — pay attention to my speech.

……Utu, my twin, I want to tell you something — pay attention to my speech.”


 2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna2b-offering-to-inanna-towers  (Utu; “modern earthling” serving Inanna)

10-15 Her brother the hero, youthful Utu, answered holy Inanna: “My sister, I swear an oath by the life of heaven,

I swear by the life of the rainbow (?) of heaven, my ……,

……, I swear by the life of my throne, by my majesty:

I will follow what my sister says to me, I will follow what holy Inanna says to me.”


16-23 The maiden Inanna answered her brother the hero, youthful Utu:

“……, my spouse (?), has made love to me, has kissed me.

I wanted …… for him but …… he did not give it to him.

  3b - Anu of planet Nibiru (Anu, King & father of the Anunnaki gods stationed on Earth Colony)

I hastened (?) with him …… but majestic An (Anu) would not give him E-ana.

The heavens are ours, the earth is ours: E-ana should be captured from An.

After you have taken ……, listen to what I say to you.

Examine …… for me, you must observe these instructions: …… the evil wind, the south wind, against me.”

approx. 23 lines missing



1-4 1 line fragmentary

(Adagbir (barge captain) speaks:)

“…… great net.

…… the flood.

…… the fisherman.”


1a-inanna-with-liberty-torch1e-inanna-in-dress-liberty-atop-leo-lion1c-inanna-with-liberty-torch (Inanna, Utu‘s twin sister)

5-13 Holy Inanna embarked (?) on the …….

The barge …….

The rope …….

The south wind, that south wind, rose up.

The evil wind, that evil wind, rose up.

In the distant heavens …….Hienhi-sag (unidentified?).……

The fisherman …….

The reed thickets and the tall-growing reeds …….


14-18 Inanna spoke to Adagbir:

The goddess Ishtar and her accolites on a mountain. Ishtar is shown in her warrior-aspect,with tiara and armour, her lion at her feet. From the ground around palace of Shakkanakku, Mari, period of the Amorite dynasties. 19th-18th BCE H: 11 cm Inv. 28804l-utu-inanna-nannar

       (Nannar with children Inanna & Utu;    Utu, Inanna, Nannar, & damaged son Papsukal)

Youthful Utu …….

The barge …….”

2 lines fragmentary

approx. 15 lines missing



1c - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo (Inanna with advanced alien technologies, standing atop her zodiac symbol of Leo)

1-4 (Inanna speaks:) “I ……. …… the way …….”

2 lines fragmentary


5-12 Adagbir answered holy Inanna: “My lady, you cannot …….

Your divinity …….

The fisherman …… the south wind.

My lady, if you travel on the barge, and he raises the south wind, that south wind,

and he raises the evil wind, that evil wind, barges and small boats will sink in the marshes.”


13-15 Whenever (?) he approached the …… with his great net, as (?) it came out of the flood,

the swelling sea, it lashed the water and made an evil …….


1f-inanna-with-liberty-torch 1ga-inanna-in-babylon (Inanna, giant alien Goddess of Love & War)

16-19 Holy Inanna answered the fisherman: “If you are to find …… E-ana ……

and I am to gaze in admiration …… at that place, you said …… the narrow passage.”


20-22 Adagbir answered holy Inanna: “…… through the reed thickets and the tall-growing reeds.

For you …… find E-ana, which came forth from heaven.”


1ae-enlil-babylonian  (Enlil, son & heir to King Anu, tasked with colonizing Earth for the Anunnaki)

23-25 Adagbir, …… of Enlil, …… through the reed thickets and the tall-growing reeds.

She gazed in admiration at E-ana which had come forth from heaven.


26-28 Cul-a-zida (unidentified), An‘s herdsman, grasped the cosmic tethering rope in his hands.

After he had brought the …… forth from the sky, he overcame the protective deities.

He …… and kept it below the horizon.


29-32 Having drunk cleansing water from the Ulaya river,

13c - Gilgamesh artifact (Inanna & the scorpion, ancient artifact reflecting our history of the gods on Earth)

Inanna stamped on the scorpion and cut off its tail.

Like a lion it bellowed in an angry roar but its cries died down.

…… she threw it …… and made it secure.


33-38 Having heard its …… cries, …… poured forth the ……, the clay of creation, …… and laid it …….

2 lines missing

3a-anu-in-flight  (King Anu in his sky-disc, father in Heaven to royal offspring establishing Earth)

…… the great lady of heaven delivered those words to An.


39-45 Having heard those words, An slapped his thighs in ……, his voice filled with sighs of grief:

6c - Anu & Inanna  (King Anu & great-granddaughter Inanna atop Leo / Lion)

“What has my child done?

She has become greater than me!

What has Inanna done?

She has become greater than me!

From now on, the normal length of daylight becomes shorter, and daylight converts to night-time.

From today, when the day’s watch is three units long, daylight is equal to night-time.”

And now, when day began, it was indeed so.



  (King Anu meets 1st “modern earthlings” Adapa & Titi in Heaven / planet Nibiru, & the 12-pointed star symbol of Nibiru)

46-55 An, who created gods and humankind, gazed at holy Inanna

(1 ms. adds: and addressed the favorite wife who travels by his side), unable to describe this arrogance, this arrogance —

An was unable to describe (1 ms. adds: to Inanna) this arrogance, this arrogance:

“My child, …… you did not say …… — you were able to capture E-ana!

2c - Uruk & Anu's temple2da-uruks-white-temple

                   (city of Uruk / Biblical Erech;                                        Anu‘s temple / residence, alien mud-brick-built mountain)

Inanna, …… you did not say …… — you were able to capture E-ana!

E-ana should be as firm as heaven, it should not be toppled (1 ms. has instead: its attractions should never be exhausted).

Its name should be “The Settlement of the Land”. (1 ms. adds: It should have no rival.)

Mankind, all of the people, should prostrate themselves at her (?) feet.”

And now, under that sun and on that day, it was indeed so.


2cd-anus-temple-home-in-uruk  (E-ana, Anu‘s, Inanna‘s, & others residence in Uruk)

56-60 She had captured E-ana (Inanna given control over temple, city, & kings of Uruk) from An (Anu)!

She secured it …….

Now Inanna speaks of the E-ana as the house that is the place of the lady.

The goddess who has attained her triumphant position,

Inanna who has attained her triumphant position, declares in the good place: “I have captured E-ana from An.”


61-62 Because you are unmatched among the Great Princes, maiden Inanna, praising you is magnificent!