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Nisaba’s (House in Uruk) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

O house of stars, bright E-zagin (Lapis lazuli house),

reaching into all lands, establishing …… in the shrine, Ereš (Uruk)!

The primeval lords raise their heads to you every month.

…… the potash plant, great Nanibgal,

 (Nisaba, Enlil’s mother-in-law)

Nisaba, has brought divine powers from heaven and added to your divine powers (alien technologies).

Sanctuary established for ……!

To the true woman who possesses exceeding wisdom,

soothing …… and opening the mouth, always consulting a tablet of lapis lazuli,

giving advice to all lands, the true woman, the holy potash plant, born of the stylus reed,

applies the measure to heaven and places the measuring-rope on the earth –

to Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law) be praise!

2m - Enheduanna, Sargon's daughter, 1st author(Enheduanna, Nannar’s high-priestess in Ur, Sargon’s daughter)

The compiler (& author of a few) of the tablets was En-edu-ana.

My king, something has been created that no one has created before.

2e - Nisaba, unknowns, spouse Haia  (Nisaba-grain goddess, 2 unidentified gods, spouse Haia-barley god, & daughter Ninlil; Nisaba & Haia brought down & established grains upon the Earth)

14 lines: the house of Nisaba in Ereš (Uruk).

approx. 14 lines missing.

A Hymn to Haia for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-8 Lord, perfect in august wisdom and recognized for his mighty counsel,

Haia, who holds the great tablets, who enriches wisdom with wisdom!

Accountant of Hal-an-kug, having the final overview of the arts of Nisaba‘s house of wisdom;

palace archivist of heaven and earth, who keeps count of every single assignment,

who holds a holy reed-stylus and covers the great tablets of destiny with writing!

2b - Enlil, spouse Haia, Nisaba, & Ninlil

  (Enlil with plow, father-in-law Haia-barley god, mother-in-law Nisaba-goddess of grains, spouse Ninlil, & unidentified)

Wise one, who prompts holy An (Anu) with words

and attention at the appropriate times; seal-holder of Father Enlil!

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)

He who brings forth the holy objects from the treasure-house of E-kur; ornament of the abzu shrine,

wearing his hair loose for lord Nudimmud (Enki)!

9-20 Haia, linen-clad priest of E-unir, who stocks the holy animal-fattening pens;

learned scholar of the shrine E-kic-nujal, whose august name is great,

whose mind is discerning; who dwells in the great dining-hall

alongside the maiden Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse)!

2c - Nisaba & Haia, Enlil's in-laws

                       (Haia                 Enlil                  unidentified                  Nisaba)

Fair of features, beloved spouse of Nun-bar-ce-gunu (Nisaba)

         and augustly renowned father-in-law of father Enlil the Great Mountain;

junior administrator, possessor of wisdom, acknowledged in heaven and earth,

who receives the tribute for the gods, the abundance of mountains and seas!

Interpreter of the obscurity of Enlil‘s (?) words, skillful one

who steers the august princely divine powers, with …… girt at his side!

Formed (?) with a broad heart, holding in his hands the holy divine plans of the temple of Eridug (Eridu),

3 - Inanna, unknowns, & Nisaba

 (Inanna semi-divine king Ninlil      Haia                    Nisaba)

Haia, who wears the ceremonial robe during pure lustrations of the engur!

Indagara (unidentified), administrator who performs the opening of the mouth

for the gods in the heavens and in the underworld,

and who is versed in the meaning of obscure tablets; craftsman of the great gods!

21-28 He who fixes the standards on their pegs,

planner (?) who artfully excavates (?) the soil of the Land, who decorates the floor

and makes the dining-hall attractive for Ancar (Anu) and the Great Mountain (Enlil)!

Tall and with head high, he whose utterances from the abzu shrine are favorable,

who carefully holds the pure white loaves of the house of the gods!

Kugsud (unidentified) and Indagara (unidentified),

without whom heaven would not be pure nor earth bright,

continual providers of the great meals of An and Enlil in their grand dining-hall!

He who gazes upon the holy precinct, upon lord Nudimmud (Enki);

he who holds the holy bronze vessels, who makes hearts rejoice and soothes spirits!

29-38 My king, I shall praise your eminence in song!

Haia, I will declare your greatness perpetually!

Who among the gods is fitted like you for the holy divine powers (alien technologies)?

Your beloved spouse is the maiden Nisaba, the great queen of queens.

2e - Nisaba, unknowns, spouse Haia
              (Nisaba                       unidentified gods    spouse Haia  daughter Ninlil)

Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), who was born of her holy womb, the august wife of Nunamnir (Enlil),

sits with her on the dais of E-kur with head raised high,

uniquely entitled to behave as queen of the gods, the peerless goddess.

In the abzu shrine, Enki has bestowed his incantations of life on you,

great breed-bull, who are recognized for your right understanding, who constantly care for the gods,

Haia, you who operate effectively the assigning of divine powers (alien technologies),

who mark out the cult places.

39-42 You appoint the high priest for the jipar and install him there as its caretaker.

You make the shepherd of the Land hold in his hands the august scepter until distant days.

Haia, you are the god of the Land who gives ear to the prayers of all the people.

You make the king hold the widespread people in his hands for the great gods.

3c - Enki in the Abzu 2aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad 2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (alien god Enki in the Abzu)

43-48 When father Enki comes forth from the abzu, he assigns (?) its greatness to you, Haia.

You cause the people who are in its midst to lift their necks towards heaven;

you make its population pass their days in rejoicing.

You keep all its people forever contented.

You establish festivals in the houses of the great gods; you spread splendor.

49-58 Leader, leader (?) of the gods, complete the great fates of the people.

Look favorably upon the king with your gracious gaze that is full of life.

Duly grant a joyous reign of long days to prince Rim-Sîn,

marking its years on the tablet of life, forever unalterable.

6f - Ninsun, King Sinishmeanni, & Nannar-Sin  (Ninsun, her semi-divine son-king, & Nannar, god of Ur)

May An and Enlil love the shepherd Rim-Sîn in the office of high-priest.

The singers will make your praise resound sweetly in their mouths;

Haia, the singers will make your praise resound sweetly in their mouths.

Lord of heaven and earth, king of the abzu, its praise is august.

Father Enki, king of the abzu, your praise is sweet.

58 Its uru.

59 Haia, god of the Land, who loves the words “Give me life!”,

extend your broad arms round prince (semi-divine giant king) Rim-Sîn.

60 Its jicgijal.

A Hymn to the Sky-God Enlil ca. 2000 B.C.

From Hymn to Enlil, the All-Beneficent.

As reproduced in The Ancient Near East. Supplementary Texts and Pictures Relating to the Old Testament, trans. S. N. Kramer, ed. James B. Pritchard (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969), 573-574.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Enlil whose command is far-reaching, lofty his word (and) holy,

Whose pronouncement is unchangeable, who decrees destinies unto the distant future,

Whose lifted eye scans the land,

Whose lifted beam searches the heart of all the land–

 (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, son & heir to alien Anunnaki King Anu of planet Nibiru)

When Father Enlil seats himself broadly on the holy dais, on the lofty dais,

When Numamnir (Enlil) carries out to supreme perfection lordship and kingship,

The earth-gods bow down willingly before him,

The Anunna (Anunnaki) humble themselves before him,

Stand by faithfully in accordance with (their) instructions.

The great (and) mighty lord, supreme in heaven (and) earth,

          the all-knowing one who understands the judgment,

          Has set up (his) seat in Duranki–the wise one,

Made preeminent in princeship the kiur, the “great place,”

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s mud-brick-built mountain / residence in Nippur)

               In Nippur the lofty bellwether of the universe he erected (his) dwelling.

         The city–its “face” is awesome fear (and) dread,

         Its outside no mighty god can approach,

Its inside is (full of) cries of mutilation, cries of bloodshed,

It is a trap that serves as a pit and net against the rebellious land,

It grants not long days to the braggart,

Allows no evil word to be uttered against (the divine) judgment.

Hypocrisy, distortion,

Abuse, malice, unseemliness,

Insolence, enmity, oppression,

Envy, (brute) force, libelous speech,

Arrogance, violation of agreement, breach of contract, abuse of a court verdict,

(All these) evils the city does not tolerate.

8a - Nippar's Communication Towers8b - Enlil Keeps in Touch with Anu on Nibiru (Enlil‘s alien communication towers throughout Sumerian cities)

Nippur, whose “arm” is a vast net,

Whose “heart” is the fast-stepping hurin-bird,

Whose “hand” the wicked and evil cannot escape;

The city endowed with truth,

Where righteousness (and) justice are perpetuated,

Where clean garments are worn (even) at the quay,

Where the older brother honors the younger brother, acts humanely (towards him),

Where the word of the elders is heeded, where it is repeated in fear,

Where the son humbly fears his mother, where eldership endures–,

3n - Nippur excavations (Nippur ruins way below Enlil‘s ziggurat, top added in 1900)

In the city, the holy seat of Enlil,

Enlil, when you marked off holy settlements on earth,

You built Nippur as your very own city,

The kiur, the mountain, your pure place, whose water is sweet,

You founded in the Duranki (“Bond Heaven to Earth”), in the center of the four corners (of the universe),

Its ground, the life of the land, the life of all the lands,

Its brickwork of red metal, its foundations of lapis-lazuli,

You have reared it up in Sumer like a wild ox,

All lands bow the head to it,

Feasting - banquet scene in Nippur  (early “modern man” celebrating with the giant alien gods in their image & likeness)

During its great festivals, the people spend (all) their time in bountifulness….

Enlil, the shepherd upon whom you gaze (favorably),

The legitimate one, whom you have raised over the land–

The foreign land at his hand, the foreign land at his foot,

(As well as) the most distant of foreign lands you make subservient to him,

Like refreshing water, overflowing goods from all over,

XIR188782 Votive plaque depicting an offering scene, from Diyala, Early Dynastic Period, 2600-2500 BC (stone) by Mesopotamian stone Iraq Museum, Baghdad Giraudon out of copyrightFeasting - early kingship began

Their offerings and heavy tribute,

They brought into the storehouse,

Into the main courtyard they conducted (their) gifts,

Into the Ekur, the “lapis-lazuli” house they brought them in homage.

A Prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


 (Royal Prince Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, alien King Anu‘s son & heir)

1-13. May Enlil, king of heaven and earth, whose utterances are trusty and whose words are ……,

…… the shepherd Rīm-Sîn, …… my king …….

May he who gives him life-giving (?) food-offerings in Nibru (Nippur) stand in prayer before him.

May Enlil bestow upon him grain, the benefit of mankind.

May he pass his time in joy in the …… of his country.

They will …… Rīm-Sîn my king.

May he strengthen for him his royal throne and extend his reign.

May he decree his scepter for the south and the uplands.

May he make the king’s inferiors bow down before him.

             (giant mixed-breed king & alien gods from heaven)

The offerings of Rīm-Sîn my king, small or great,

at Nibru in the E-kur (Enlils temple / residence in Nippur) …….

Syrup shall drip like ghee from its fingers.

I am as the son of one man, honey and ghee.

My king, let offerings …… in my joy.

They give me silver …….


14-25. 1 line fragmentary

I am like …… a man’s son.

1 line unclear

……, may he …… you.

Alone (?) Rīm-Sîn, my king, …… like syrup and ghee.

1 line unclear

            (Enlil‘s Great Mountain residence)

…… Enlil, his Great Mountain, in accordance with your name may Rīm-Sîn be your Great Mountain.

3d - Ninurta & his spouse Bau-Gula
           (Ninurta                                      Ninnibru / Bau                                                         Royal Prince spouse Ninurta)

May Ninurta declare …… life for you, and may Ninnibru (Bau / Gula), the lady who founds cities,

……, enclose you mercifully and kindly …… to protect your life.

2a - Inanna & perhaps Ninshubur

      (Apkullapilot                  Inanna         Ninshubur  winged eagle-headed Apkulla pilot)

May Ninšubur (Inanna‘s assistant), …… whom Nanna (Nannar / Sin) declared (?),

…… good fortune on your head, and declare life for you.

1 line unclear

Hymns to Enlil for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



                                                  (An / Anu, King of Planet Nibiru & over his descendant-gods ruling Earth Colony)

1-8 O king, foremost one of An, chosen in his holy heart, Samsu-iluna, king, foremost one of An (Anu),

chosen in his holy heart, …… rites …… august, ……, joyful, supreme, assiduous,

with head high on the gold-decorated throne of …… kingship,

who sits majestically …… in its midst in heroic strength, Samsu-iluna:

An, the mighty king of heaven, the august judge,

has assigned you a great destiny, and has made you to pass your life with a secure crown.


9-17 He is the man to whom Enlil has given …… and the shepherdship over the widespread people,

            (E-kur, Enlil‘s residence – Command Central)

the beloved (?) shepherd of Nibru (Nippur named after planet Nibiru), the constant servant of E-kur;

             (giant god Ashur atop temple / ziggurat, & servant mixed-breed king, & symbols of the gods)

he is the trustworthy farmer of the house of Asalim (Ashur, Marduk‘s son),

who takes care that provisions do not cease in E-saj-ila (Marduk‘s temple-residence in Babylon).

For you to exercise your divine powers of shepherdship in the Land,

Enlil has placed the foreign lands at your feet.

4m - Utu, Inanna, & Nannar

                        (Utu, twin Inanna, & their father Nannar, also son Papsukal damaged )

Obedient to Utu, beloved (?) (twin brother) of Inana (Inanna),

Samsu-iluna, the king whose fate is never altered by Enlil, my king,

at the command uttered by Enlil, Enki and Asalim (Ashur), Zababa (Enlil‘s son),

Lugal-gu-dua, the king who builds temples (workers for gods), …… the rebel lands ……

unknown no. of lines missing



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA (Ickur / Ishkur / Adad, Enlil‘s son, thunder god to many civilizations throughout time)

1-9 Ickur (Ishkur / Adad), the net of the foreign lands ……

made the foreign countries praise him duly, and made the mighty …… manifest.

Samsu-iluna, the good hero, lordly one of his Land, has wisely coordinated decisions for the Land.

              (Sumer, then Akkad, the “Eden” between the rivers Tigris & Euphrates)

From the banks of the Tigris and the banks of the Euphrates,

to the shores of the sea …… and the banks of its rivers, men …… Samsu-iluna.

In E-kur, the house of Enlil, …… he has taken his seat on his dais of joy.

Enlil, it is sweet to praise you.


                             (praise, devotion, & obedience given to Earth Colony Commander, Enlil)

Enlil, give my king a brilliant destiny and years of life!

Grant him as a gift a life of long days!”

A hymn to Enlil for Samsu-iluna.


(Samsu-iluna H): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


1-2″ …… offerings ……, he brought (?) them into E-kur.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur)


3-8 In the E-kur, the house of Enlil, Samsu-iluna, the mighty king whose …… awesomeness covers all people

(An Akkadian gloss has: whose splendor covers all people)

1 line unclear

(An Akkadian gloss has: reach ……)

3 lines fragmentary


9-13 1 line fragmentary

(An Akkadian gloss has: by saving ……

The foreign lands …… has wisely (?) made decisions (?)

(An Akkadian gloss has: ……; who has inflicted defeat …… on all hostile lands).

Samsu-iluna, the good hero, lordly one of his Land

(An Akkadian gloss has: Samsu-iluna, the good hero, lordly one of his land)!

O Samsu-iluna, it is sweet to praise you!

A hymn to Nibru and Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan W): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



3n - Nippur excavations (Nippur ruins way below Enlil‘s mountain-type residence)

A1-A19 City whose terrifying splendor extends over heaven and earth,

whose towers are exceptionally grand, shrine Nibru (Nippur)!

Your power reaches to the edges of the uttermost extent of heaven and earth.

Of all the brick buildings erected in the Land, your brickwork is the most excellent.

You have allowed all the foreign lands and as many cities as are built to receive excellent divine powers.

Your name is as excellent as your excellent divine powers (alien technologies).

Your soil is soil as good as your name.

City, your name towers (1 ms. has instead: your divine powers tower) over heaven and earth.

8a - Nippar's Communication Towers8b - Enlil Keeps in Touch with Anu on Nibiru (Enlil‘s communication towers in Nippur)


A20-A37 You are the pillar (?) in the south and the uplands, the mooring post of all people.

Your divine powers are supreme divine powers (alien technologies)

with which no divine powers can compare.

Your plans are as if rooted in the abzu, endowed with great terrifying splendor.

As if it were the lovely earth itself, no one can comprehend your eminence.

Your pre-eminent destiny surpasses all praise.

You are a lofty hill that no one can reach.

Outstanding, with head high, you reach to the heavens.


A38-A56 Your interior towers up, and your exterior is awesome.

You were built as life-giving food for the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods;

            (when the giant alien gods worked to survive on Earth Colony, prior mankind)

you were beautified for their eating and drinking.

You are the sheepfold which is there for their life.

             (giant gods with advanced technologies they used over earthlings)

Nothing escapes your grasp, as if caught in the threads of an outspread net.

Shrine Nibru (Nippur), your activities are quite excellent, quite surpassing all description.

The divine powers that you allocate are a good fortune which cannot be overturned.


2c - Nippur (mud-brick-built ruins of the E-kur in Nippur)

A57-A71 City, your interior is holy, your exterior is radiant.

Your body exudes terrifying splendor.

             (Sumer, “Eden” between the rivers, built by Enlil, the Anunnaki leader)

Your location is a well-chosen location.

The lord of wisdom, Enlil, the Great Mountain, has built a sanctuary in your midst;

that sanctuary is a lapis-lazuli sanctuary, a sanctuary that can decide destinies.

             (E-kur, Enlil‘s residence / Command Central in Nippur) 

It is the E-kur, the lapis-lazuli temple, the temple that can decide the destinies.


 (Ninlil on shore, Enlil, & son Nuska)

A72-A114 Your prince, Nunamnir (Enlil), the steer who has engendered (?)

the divine powers, and mother Ninlil, the great lady of your Ki-ur (inner residence),

the lady who has born the divine powers — what god is there living in the Land like these two?

They have cultically purified (?) …….

They have settled ……, and taken their seats upon the good, great and praiseworthy divine powers.

              (Enlil, alien royal King Anu‘s son & heir, Commander of the Anunnaki on Earth Colony)

The Anuna (Anunnaki aliens) gaze at them as if at their own father and mother,

listening attentively when they speak holy and most precious words in the correct manner.

Enlil and Ninlil looked at the heavens, while on earth they set bounds (?);

and then, once their intention became clear in the great heavens and on the broad earth,

the Anuna gods of heaven (Nibiru) and earth (giant aliens) set to work.

The mattock and the earth-basket, tools for founding cities,

2 lines unclear

unknown no. of lines missing



B1-B1 2 lines unclear

            (Anu & Enlil survey the lands & establishes the cities of Sumer)

The command for the whole of heaven and earth ……;

…… of the king, with wide understanding, who knows all …….

They heed the holy words uttered, as if they were those of their own father and mother.

The Anuna in the Ubcu-unkena ……, …… going to Enlil and Ninlil.

               (E-kur, command central, residence of Enlil & Ninlil in Nippur)

They direct (?) their gaze to the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence), the solemn shrine.

The important commands of Enlil and Ninlil …….

They have placed in the hands of the great hero Ninurta (Enlil’s son & heir to kingship) the power

to make heaven and earth tremble at his solemn utterances.

They have covered (?) his mouth with …… like finest oil.

They have placed the divine powers of heaven and the divine powers of earth in his hands.


   (Ninurta, warrior son & heir to Enlil, 2nd in line for alien Anunnaki kingship)

Ninurta, the great hero, the strong ……,

the youth who subdues the foreign lands, the lord who plunders the cities …….

Father Enlil and the great mother (step-mother) Ninlil …… have …… him into the E-kur.

1 line damaged

unknown no. of lines missing



C1-C1 3 lines damaged

Enlil and Ninlil ……

5 lines damaged

              (son Ninurta, Enlil, & son Nuska)

Enlil and Ninlil have bestowed this on Nuska, the lord who stands …….

Nibru (Enlil‘s city, named after their planet Nibiru),

no god excels like your lord and lady; they are powerful princes, brilliantly revealed deities.

No god excels like Enlil and Ninlil; they are powerful princes, lords who can decide destinies.

In your midst they have given divine powers to Nuska as minister.


Nibru, your holy songs are exceptionally precious, surpassing all praise.

              (brick inscription of semi-divine king Ishme-Dagan)

I, (King) Icme-Dagan, have put them in everyone’s mouth for all time.

An adab to Enlil for Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan H): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


1-18 …… the prince of gods …… seated upon all the divine powers (alien technologies),

 (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir to planet Nibiru & Earth Colony, born under the alien “Double Seed Law”)

Nunamnir (Enlil), the lord of just decrees, who possesses fully the great divine powers (technologies),

father Enlil, made your fearsomeness manifest in heaven and on the earth.

He made the gods of heaven stand by in heaven (?), and gave them (?) auspicious names.

…… its king ……

1 line fragmentary

The Anuna (Anunnaki), its great gods, line up before you.

Enlil, they pay attention to your holy words and august statements.

Nunamnir, you alone are elevated in the entirety of heaven and earth. ……

of the Anuna gods, august shackle on all the lands, your …… is unfathomable.

Everything this lord has is surpassing, and his orders are not to be changed. ……

your divine powers surpass all others, your ways are ingenious, ……

you are the trustworthy shepherd even of far-away foreign countries.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth(E-kur, Enlil‘s mud-brick-built temple – residence in Nippur)

Father Enlil, your beloved …… E-kur, has been built in Ki-ur, in Dur-an-ki,

the place chosen by you; your august dais has been set up there.

The divine powers of your shrine are precious, its true purification rites are august,

and its cultic ordinances are pure and ineffable.

The interior of E-kur is artfully fashioned, and no one may come to know it.

Let Icme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan) care properly for its true divine plans and powers!


19 Sa-gida.


20 Enlil, through you may the term of kingship of Icme-Dagan, your beloved son, be enduring!


21 Jicgijal of the sa-gida.


22-40 Enlil, great lord of the gods, elevated above the numerous people!

.….., great lord of the gods, elevated above the numerous people!

…… your august utterances are prominent.

…… cannot be countermanded, your statements are firm.

Decide a good fate …… for the constant attendant of your temple …….

……Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, …….

May …… to the uttermost limits of heaven and earth …… exalted.

1 line fragmentary

May …… submit …….

May you …… Icme-Dagan …….

5 lines fragmentary

May …… be bestowed on you …….

May you …… indefatigable ……. …… holy place, pure place …….


41 Sa-jara.


42-45 …… the Anuna gods……. …… the Anuna gods…….

……, bestow on him …… a good reign, and prosperous years.


46 Its uru (?).


            (Enlil, Commander on Earth)

47 An adab (?) of Enlil.

An Adab to Enlil for Bur-Suen (Amar-Suen) (Bur-Suen B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)


        SEGMENT A

        1-13 …… who alone surpasses heaven and earth, the exalted one,

        prominent among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, whose utterances cannot be overturned!

         (Enlil, alien Anunnaki King Anu‘s son & heir, tasked with being Earth Colony Commander by Anu)       

        Nunamnir (Enlil), whose decisions cannot be altered, proud one imbued with terrifying awesomeness,

        who alone is exalted (1 ms. has instead: who alone is eminent, the foremost one)

        among the Great Princes, has taken his seat in the shrine of Nibru (Nippur),

        in Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven & Earth”), in E-kur (Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur),

2b - Ur Dynasty2e - Enlil's home in Nippur3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth

                 (E-kur, Enlil‘s house / ziggurat in Nippur, much later earthlings gathered into the city below; archaeologists added top in 1900)

        the temple where the fates are determined (Earth Colony Command Central), in the holy shining temple (in Nippur).

         (Adad, parents Enlil & equal spouse Ninlil)

        When mother Ninlil, who is equal in rank with the Great Mountain (Enlil), embraces him ……,

        …… says to ……: “…… chosen in the heart by …….

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        1-8 The city, where …… orders …….

        1 line fragmentary

5c - unknown goddess, Utu, & Enlil  (Utu has lamb offered to his grandfather Enlil at Enlil‘s E-kur / step pyramid)

        Enlil, what you say is exalted, and there is no god who can interpret it.

        “I will make the fate I have determined for you even more glorious.

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna 2e - Babylonian Shamash 2000B.C.  (Utu, Nannar‘s son, Inanna‘s twin, symbolized as the Sun god)

        I will make your life long-lasting. I will make your days as numerous as those of Utu.”

        You are the god of all the foreign lands!

          9 Sa-jara.

        10 You are the lord who determines the fates!

        Bur-Suen’s (Adad‘s mixed-breed grandson son-king of Isin) royal trust is in you!

        11 Its jicgijal.

        12-14 You have made justice and righteousness conspicuous, and you have made the Land feel content.

        2ba - Bur-sin artefact   (inscription artifact of Bur-Suen)

        Bur-Suen, may your name be a cause for rejoicing …… daily.

        May you be exalted among ……; let them call you the pre-eminent lord!

        15 Its uru.

        16 An adab to Enlil.

        (ll. 16 and 17 are written as one line in the source)

Šulgi and Ninlil’s barge: a tigi (?) to Ninlil (Šulgi R)



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

5c - Enki & shipping  (Enki & earthling workers on a barge)

1-9. Oh barge, Enki assigned the quay of abundance to you as your fate.

Father Enlil looked at you with approval.

 (Adad, Enlil, & equal spouse Ninlil)

Your lady, Ninlil, commanded your construction.

3ea - Inanna Presents King Shulgi to Nannar 3g - Lama, Shulgi, spouse Inanna, & uncle Nannar

   (giant Anunnaki goddess Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king Shulgi, goddess Inanna who espoused Shulgi, & Nannar / Nanna, Inanna‘s father, god of Ur)

She entrusted it to the faithful provider, King Šulgi (Shulgi);

and the shepherd, who is of broad intelligence, will not rest day and night in thinking deeply about you.

He, the wise one, who is proficient in planning,

he, the omniscient one, will fell large cedars in the huge forests for you.

He will make you perfect and you will be breathtaking to look upon.


Woman spinning. Bitumen relief from Susa, Iran (8th-7th BCE). 9.3 x 13 cm Sb 2834  (Enki‘s daughter Uttu spinning & weaving)  Tomb-stele, woman with distaff, child. Basalt, H: 100 cm Late Hittite, 8th-7th BCE Inv. 1756

10-22. Your woven …… is …….

Your covering reed-mats are the daylight spreading wide over the holy settlements.

Your timbers are sniffing (?) …… reptiles crouching on their paws.

Your punting poles are dragons sleeping a sweet sleep in their lair.

Your strakes (?) are …… snakes, …….

Your floor-planks are flood-currents, sparkling altogether in the pure Euphrates.

Your side-planks, which are fastened into their fixed places (?) with wooden rings (?),

are a stairway leading to a mountain spring (?), a …… filled with …….

Your holy …… are persisting and firmly founded abundance.

Your bench is a lofty dais erected in the midst of the abzu.

Your …… is Aratta, full-laden with treasures.

Your door, facing the sunrise, is a …… bird, carrying a …… in its talons while spreading wide its wings.


23-31. Your glittering golden sun-disc, fastened with leather straps,

is the brilliant moonlight, shining brightly upon all the lands.

Your banner, adorned with the divine powers (alien technologies) of kingship,

is a woodland of cypress trees irrigated with clean water, giving a pleasant shade.

Your small reed mats are the evening sky, illuminated with stars, imbued with terrible awesomeness.

In the midst of your carefully tended small gizi reeds with numerous twigs (?),

flocks of little birds twitter as in a holy swamp.

Their chirping, as pleasing to the heart as the sound of the churn’s shaking,

makes Enlil and Ninlil extremely happy (?).


32-39. Your rudder is a large kiĝ fish in the broad waters at the mouth of the Kisala canal.

Your …… are a bison, inspiring terror on the great earth.

Your tow-rope is the gliding Niraḫ extended over the land.

Your mooring pole is the heavenly bond, which …….

Your longside beams are a warrior striking straight against another warrior.

4 - Nannar and son, Utu (symbol of Nannar the Moon Crescent, & his son Utu the Sun)

Your prow is Nanna (Nannar) …… fair sky.

Your stern is Utu …… at the horizon.

Your canopy (?) is …….


40. Sa-gida.


3ab - mixed-breed King Shulgi, bronze statue (Shulgi, son to goddess Ninsun & mixed-breed spouse Lugalbanda, he was 2/3rds divine –2/3rds giant alien god, stronger, faster, smarter, etc. than any other non-mixed earthlings, shaved head as high-priest, capped or crowned as king, perfect go-between for gods & earthlings)

41-47. The faithful shepherd Šulgi established the holy festival and the great rituals.

The great gods bathe in holy water in Nibru (Nippur).

He assigns the fates to their places in the city and allocates the right divine powers (advanced alien tech).

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse (Ninlil, spouse to King Anu‘s Royal Prince Enlil, born of the “double seed”)

The mother of the Land, Ninlil the fair, comes out (?) from the house,

and Enlil embraces her like a pure wild cow.

They take their seats on the barge’s holy dais, and provisions are lavishly prepared.


48-63. The lofty barge ……, the ornament of the Tigris, enters the rolling river; …… on the shining water.

The ritually washed five-headed mace, mitum mace, lance and standard …… at the bow.

5f - Ninurta slays demon DNA experiments (Ninurta)

Enlil‘s warrior, Ninurta (Enlil‘s Royal Prince of the “double seed”),

goes at their front, directing the …… of your wide ferry-boat (?) straight.

He …… the holy punting pole of the barge, the holy raft.

5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes  (Ninlil on shore, her spouse Enlil, & Enlil‘s son Nusku)

The ferrymen (?) …… holy songs; they (?) …… the great exaltedness of the lady.

The good woman, Ninlil, …… joyfully with (?) Šulgi.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2b - Ur Dynasty  3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

(Enlil & Ninlil‘s patron city of Nippur, Ninlil‘s son Nannar‘s patron city of Ur way below his house / temple-home of Biblical Terah, Abraham, Ishmael, & Isaac)

Sumer and Urim (Ur) …… joy and happiness.

The barge bobs at the quay Mete-aĝi (Ornament of the waves);

5ba - Sumerian ship coming to port  (giant mixed-breed arrives with cargo at Enlil & Ninlil‘s Tummal)

it sails off into the reedbeds of Enlil‘s Tummal.

Like a goring (?) ox, it raises, then lowers its head.

It strikes its breast against the rising waves; it stirs up (?) the encircling waters.

When it thrusts within the waters, the fish of the subterranean waters become frightened;

as it glides (?) upon them, it makes the waters sparkle (?) luxuriantly.


64-70. …… the holy raft; …… the lady of Tummal …… prayer.

6 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

               (Apkulla pilot           Enki         Anu is his sky-disc above           Enlil        Apkulla pilot, the 3 main gods of Nibiru upon Earth Colony)

Enlil‘s ancestors and An (Anu) the king, the god who determines the fates, greets her.

4d - Enlil & Ninlil with high-priest(Enlil & Ninlil dining, when “modern man” became fashioned into their image, & into their likeness, earthlings were put to work for the giant alien gods who had already colonized the Earth)

With Ninlil, they take their seats at the banquet,

  4u - Lama, Nannar, & Utu6e - Biblical Able, Dumuzi the shepherd, & Enlil 2a - Dumuzi the Shepherd, Adam, & Eve

          (sheep, the favorite prepared meat of the Anunnaki, brought to Earth by Ninhursag to improve the menu on Earth, Dumuzi, Enki‘s son, taught Biblical Abel to become earthling shepherd for the gods)

and Šulgi the shepherd brings along his great food-offerings for them.

They pass the day in abundance, they give praise throughout night.

They decree a fate, an allotted fate to be pre-eminent forever, for the king who fitted out the holy barge.


2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna2ee - Utu, Shamash 2e - Babylonian Shamash 2000B.C.2c - Utu - Shamash, Commander of the Space Port

(Utu, son to Nannar, damaged king stands before Utu, the Sun god; Radical Islam has shamefully destroyed tens of thousands of these ancient artifacts)

71-81. Then light shines up at the edge of the Land as Utu rises refulgently.

As the barge is traveling upstream, it …… radiates (?) and creaks (?).

…… in the Ninmutum, the canal of the year of abundance …….

As the carp make their bellies (?) sparkle, Enlil rejoices.

As the mušu fish play noisily there, Ninlil rejoices.

3l - Enki & modern man (mixed-breed appointed king, & Enki) 3c - Enki in the Abzu

As the …… fish ……, Enki (giant alien Anunnaki King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son) rejoices.

As the suḫurmaš fish dart about, Nanna (Nannar) rejoices.

The Anuna (Anunnaki alien) gods rejoice at ……. …… lifts its head in the Euphrates; it …….

In the midst of …… ever-flowing water is carried.

In joyous Nibru, he moors the holy barge at the quay.


82-90. With joyful eyes and shining forehead, Ninlil,

3 - King Shulgi, Ninsun's son  (Shulgi, giant semi-divine grandson to alien giant Anunnaki goddess Ninsun)

……, looks upon King Šulgi: “Shepherd ……, Šulgi, who has a lasting name, king of jubilation!

 3a - Anu in flight3b - Anu of planet Nibiru

 (giant alien Anunnaki King An / Anu, leader of the entire planet of Nibru & their Earth Colony, THEIR WARS WERE FOUGHT TO CREATE A ONE WORLD ORDER)

I will prolong the nights of the crown that was placed upon your head by holy An,

 Kingship - King Shulgi of Ur, Anzu, & Ninurta

(Shulgi accepts the scepter of kingship from Enlil, Anunnaki‘s Earth Colony Commander; Enlil son & heir to Anunnaki King Anu, stationed on Earth)

and I will extend the days of the holy scepter that was given to you by Enlil.

"God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 28233b - Enki image2 - Enki, the wisest god (Ea / Enki /, King Anus eldest & wisest son)

   (Enki / Ea / Nudimud tasked with helping younger 1/2 brother Enlil establish Earth Colony, his descendants grew angry with Enlil‘s rule)

May the foundation of your throne that was bestowed on you by Enki be firm!

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.2i - cattle pens of Nannar in Ur housing - Housing - tents of early modern man

                    (Nanna / Nannar / Suen / Sin / El, 1st son to Enlil & Ninlil;   Nannar‘s million calves in the pens of Ur)

Shepherd who brings about perfection, may Nanna (Nannar / Sin), the robust calf, the seed of Enlil,

to whom I (Ninlil) gave birth, cover your life with …… which is full of exuberance as if it were my holy ba garment!”


91. Sa-ĝara.

An adab to Enlil for Shulgi (Shulgi G): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


5b - Ninhursag, Enlil, & Inanna  James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1 http://earthstation1.simplenet.com wandarer@earthlink.net

  (Ninhursag              Enlil                    Inanna)                            (Enlil          Inanna, Utu                Enki          Isumud)

1-8 Enlil, the eminent one, the sovereign lord, whose utterance is trustworthy;

3ac - Nippur ground level  (Enlil‘s mud-brick-built great mountain, temple residence, the E-kur in Nippur)

Nunamnir (Enlil), the eternal shepherd of the Land, who hails from the great mountain (E-kur);

the great counselor, the first and foremost in heaven and on earth,

who is in control of all the divine powers (far advanced alien technologies);

lord, who is imbued with great fearsomeness in accordance with his nobility,

a perfected heavenly star, who takes good care of the primeval and choice divine powers,

who alone is the lofty god; lord, life-giving light,

who leads the people all over the world along one track;

Communication - alien technology A cow and a stable constructed of wickerwork with sculpted columns in the background. Fragment of a cult vase of alabaster (era of Djemet-Nasr), from Uruk, Mesopotamia (Iraq). Limestone, 16 x 22,5 cm - AO 8842  Communication - Sumer's Communication Towers

(Enlil set their inter-planetary communications grid / “net” in space & in their cities on Earth)

huge net spread over heaven and earth, rope stretched over all the lands!

   (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir)

Who ever instructed Enlil, who ever rivaled him?


9-14 He thought up something of great importance and he made public what his heart,

a mighty river, carried: the hidden secrets (?) of his holy thought.

The matter is a holy and pure one, it concerns the divine powers of the E-kur (Enlil‘s Command Post),

the fated good brick embedded (?) in the bottom of the abzu, it is something most important:

            Imprint of a cylindrical seal showing a ziggurat and a priest or god. From Babylon. (alien giants build their mud-brick ziggurat homes)

a trustworthy man will rebuild the E-kur, thereby acquiring a lasting name.

The son of this trustworthy man will long hold the scepter,

and their throne will never be overthrown.


2c - Nannar & his symbol   3aa - Nanna & his symbol

(Nannar;   Enlil‘s & Ninlil‘s 1st son together, giant Anunnaki patron god of Ur, symbolized by the Moon Crescent, as is still today)

15-20 To that end, Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) appeared shining in the E-kur,

pleaded to his father Enlil and made him bring a childbearing mother (?);

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. (Nannar, god of Ur, home of Biblical Abraham & his father Terah, once the high-priest of Nannar)

in the E-duga, Nanna (Nannar), the princely son, asked for the thing to happen.

3h - Shulgi honored as High-Priest of uncle Nannar  (mixed-breed son to goddess Ninsun appointed as Nannar‘s high-priest & also king)

The en priestess gave birth to the trustworthy man from his semen placed in the womb.

Enlil, the powerful shepherd, caused a young man to emerge:

3j - mixed-breed King Shulgi statue  (statue ruins of King Shulgi, mixed-breed giant appointed Nannar‘s high-priest & king of Ur)

a royal (mixed-breed) child, one who is perfectly fitted for the throne-dais, Culgi (Shulgi) the king.


21-27 Enlil gave him a good name: “A lion’s seed,

who provides the E-kur generously, the beloved one of Ninlil;

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur

     (Enlil‘s mud-brick-built E-kur / great mountain / ziggurat / temple / residence; Earth Colony alien Command Central)

the one granted authority in the E-kur; the king of Urim (Ur),

the one with shining heart, the shepherd, the protective genius of the Land.”

Enlil chose Culgi in his pure heart and entrusted the Land to him.

As the shepherd of all the countries, Enlil leant the crook and the staff against his arm,

3l - King Shulgi of Ur, Zu, & Ninurta
(giant mixed-breed Shulgi, Ninurta as storm bird, & Enlil standing upon his ziggurat residence in Nippur)

and placed the immutable scepter of Nanna (Nannar) in his hand;

he made him raise his head high, sitting on an unshakable royal seat.


28-30 The day was for prayers, the night was for supplications; the Land rested in peace.

The shepherd of prosperity, Culgi, he with a lasting name, the king of jubilation,

the mighty one, the semen engendered by the faithful man (Lugalbanda), praised Enlil.


31-31 This is the sagida.


3eb - Lama, Inanna & spouse King Shulgi before father Nannar

(mother Ninsun, her grandson Shulgi, his spouse Inanna, her father & Ninsun‘s uncle Nannar, patron giant Anunnaki god of Ur)

32-33 Culgi, the mighty king (Biblical “mighty man”), ……, who exults in his triumph,

3d-Inanna-Ishtar-upon-lion1 The storm-god Teisheba standing on his animal-attribute the lion, in front of him a worshipper. Votive plate from the kingdom of Urartu, Turkey. The upper od the plate has merlons like contemporary fortress walls. Bronze, H: 13,8 cm AO 280861c - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo

               (Inanna with alien high-tech weaponry, her 8-pointed star of Venus, & standing atop her zodiac symbol of Leo)

the …… king vanquished the rebellious land with the agakar weapon (alien technologies) of Inana.


34-34 It is the antiphon of the sagida.


2a - Enlil, Anu's son & heir   1ae - Enlil, Babylonian

     (giant alien god Enlil, the Anunnaki King Anu‘s son & heir, appointed as Earth Colony’s Commander;    Enlil)

35-43 May Enlil the trustworthy, whose words are lofty — good fate determined by him takes precedence —

  (our solar system including their planet Nibiru, the 12th star when including the Sun)

7d - Earthlings Learn to Farm  7f - sumer farming, plowing (top: Enlil hands plow to son Ninurta to teach earthlings farming;   the hard labor workloads are passed onto their new worker-race of earthlings)

who makes sturdy flax and barley grow — may he prolong the life of Culgi, the provider of the E-kur

hence its flax is indeed fine flax, its barley is indeed fine barley — the property of Nanna,

3g - Lama, Shulgi, spouse Inanna, & uncle Nannar

   (goddess mother Ninsun, grandson Shulgi; Inanna, her father Nannar the Moon god, patron & royal Anunnaki god of Ur)

the house-born slave of the E-kur, him whom Ninlil named at his birth Culgi,

the shepherd of the Land, the man whom Enlil knows, the steward (high-priest) of the temple.


44-48 So that its voluminous offering meals would bring joy to the E-kur,

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest  (Nannar‘s mud-brick-built mountain / residence, city of Ur way below)

Enlil called upon Urim (Ur), the good city founded by the princely one,

the inside of which is a holy treasure chest which, like the abzu, no eye can see —

the city of good purification rites and pure hand-washing rites; and what he says is trustworthy.


49-53 For his setting up the abundant sacrificial tin cups,

Feasting - banquet scene in Nippur

for his having served evening meals in the dining-hall of the E-kur,

Enlil determined a princely fate for the shepherd,

him who is worthy of the kingship and the lofty throne-dais,

3 - King Shulgi, Ninsun's son (Shulgi, Ninsun‘s mixed-breed son appointed high-priest & king of Nannar‘s Ur & Enlil‘s Sumer)

Culgi, who is adorned with the ma garment of the en priests.


54-59 The one beautiful like heaven, ……,

Nanna, the king, the ……, gave him good …… in the Ki-ur, the great place (of Ninlil).

(Sky Lord Anu & Lord Air Enlil in their sky-discs)

At the command (?) of Enlil, he ……, he roars for him (?)

against the foreign land that no one dares to oppose.

He stabilizes the countryside, and the people lie at his feet.


60-62 Culgi (giant mixed-breed spouse to Inanna), the shepherd is the honey man beloved by Nibru;

may the true shepherd, Culgi, refresh himself in the pleasant shade of Enlil‘s brickwork!


63-63 It is the sajara.


64-64 O Culgi, Enlil has brought forth happy days for you in your reign!


65-65 It is the antiphon of the sajara.


5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

    (Apkulla / pilot   Enki   Anu in his sky-disc     Enlil   Apkulla / pilot; Tree of Life with the 3 main Anunnaki giant alien gods)

66-68 Heaven’s king, earth’s great mountain, father Enlil, heaven’s king, earth’s great mountain,

thought up something great: he chose Culgi in his heart for a good reign!


69-69 It is its urune.

An adab of Enlil.