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A Balbale to Bau for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen / Shu-Suen A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-6. It was she who gave birth to the holy one,

gave birth to the holy one; the queen gave birth to the holy one,

Abi-simti (i.e.Cu-Suen’s (Shu-Sin) mother) gave birth to the holy one,

the queen gave birth to the holy one — my cloth beam of the cloth of pleasure, my Abi-simti!

My warp beam placed for weaving, my queen Kubatum (i.e. Cu-Suen’s concubine) !

7-12. My one suited to a mane of hair, a wonder to behold,

my lord Cu-Suen, my one …… in words, my son of Culgi

because I uttered, because I uttered, the lord gave me a gift,

because I uttered an exclamation of joy, the lord gave me a gift.

The lord gave me as a gift a golden pin, a lapis-lazuli seal.

The lord gave me as a gift a golden ring, a silver ring.

13-18. O lord, your gifts are ……, may you cast your eyes on me.

O Cu-Suen, your gifts are ……, may you cast your eyes on me.

…… lord …… lord …….

Like pleasant …….

May your city stretch out its hands to you like a crab (?), my lord Cu-Suen.

May it lie down at your feet like a lion-cub, my son of Culgi.

19-27. My …. .., the barmaid’s beer is sweet.

Like her beer her genitals are sweet, her beer is sweet.

Like her mouth her genitals are sweet, her beer is sweet.

Her diluted beer, her beer is sweet —

8a - Inanna Presents Spouse-King Shu-Sin to Nannar

 (Shu-Sin, mixed-breed spouse-king of Inanna, the Goddess of Love & daughter to Nannar, patron god of Ur)

my Cu-Suen, who pleased me, who pleased me, who delighted me,

my Cu-Suen who pleased me, my Cu-Suen, beloved of Enlil, my king, the god of his Land!

Fragment of a stele with bust of the goddess Ba'u. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 16,2 cm AO 4572  (Bau, royal daughter to King Anu, goddess to mixed-breed kings for thousands of years)

28. It is a balbale of Bau.

A tigi to Bau for Gudea (Gudea A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-8 My lady, gracious woman, child of holy An (King Anu), adorned with attractiveness,

Enlil‘s (½ sister) beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness

and issues from the interior of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods.

 (giant alien gods Royal Prince Ninurta & his aunt-spouse Princess Bau)

Bau (Gula), gracious woman, child of holy An, adorned with attractiveness,

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, Bau‘s 1/2 brother, Earth Colony Commander)

Enlil‘s beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness

and issues from the midst of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods.

9-16 My lady, you have brought the divine powers (alien technologies) from the interior of heaven.

         (An / Anu, King of one-world-order planet Nibiru, father in Heaven / Nibiru to main giant gods on Earth Colony)

Your own father, An (Anu), the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers (alien tech),

so you inspire respect among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

 1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (powerful Royal Princess Bau, Doctor, Warden, & more)

Bau, you have brought the divine powers from the midst of heaven.

Your own father, An the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers,

so you inspire respect among the Anuna gods.

8e - Gudea, Governor of Lagash  (Gudea, giant 2/3rds semi-divine son-king of alien goddess Ninsun, grandson to Bau)

17-24 After you had chosen the shepherd in the assembly for his attractiveness,

you recognized him in ……, his lofty place, gave him ……, and …….

Bau, after you had chosen (King) Gudea for his attractiveness in the divine assembly,

you recognized him in ……, his lofty place, gave him ……, and …….

25 The sagida.

26-33 My lady, imbued with great fearsomeness, ……,

3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta (Royal Princess Bau & nephew-spouse, the Crown Prince Ninurta)

lord Ninjirsu (Ninurta) has looked at you approvingly.

He …… you with allure and has made your …… table in the E-tarsirsir (Bau’s ziggurat) lavishly famous.

2ac - possibly Bau & Ninurta  (Bau & spouse Ninurta, patron gods of Lagash, provided with kings & workers)

Bau, imbued with great fearsomeness, ……, lord Ninjirsu has looked at you approvingly.

He …… you with allure and has made your …… table in the E-tarsirsir (Lagash residence) lavishly famous.

2ab - Bau & Ninurta, boundary stone detail1dd - Bau, administer of prisons (Judge & Prison Warden Bau, with warrior-spouse Ninurta)

34-39 You are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and …….

You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior.

Bau, you are cherished in the heaven and on the earth.

             (Bau, Doctor, Warden, & Royal Princess daughter of King Anu in heaven / planet Nibiru)

Bau, you are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and …….

You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior.

Bau, you are cherished in heaven and on earth.

40-45 My lady, you have looked up in the divine assembly and …… him (?) with charms.

8h - Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, Enki missing (giant semi-divine mixed-breed king Gudea, Ningishzidda, & Gudea‘s 1/2 brother Dumuzi)

You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd Gudea.

2b - Lagash re-creation  (Lagash re-creation with Ninurta‘s ziggurat residence)

Mother Bau, he will duly praise you in your city, Lagac (Lagash, Ninurta‘s patron city)!

Bau, you have looked up in the divine assembly and …… him (?) with charms.

You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd, Gudea.

2c - Lagash, largest city of its day (Lagash with walled-off E-tarsirsir ziggurat residence of Ninurta & Bau)

Mother Bau, he will duly praise you in your city, Lagac!

46-47 The sajara.

         A tigi of Bau.

An Adab to Bau for Luma: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

 3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (King Anu & sons in his sky-disc, father to royal gods governing Earth)

1-11 Child of An (Anu), he has chosen you in his holy heart in the great sky

and on the great earth and made you worthy of the ladyship of the Land.

2b - Gula & her dog (Royal Princess Bau with her guard dog, Anu‘s daughter, spouse to her nephew Ninurta)

Bau (Gula), child of An (Anu), he has chosen you in his holy heart in the great sky

and on the great earth and made you worthy of the ladyship of the Land.

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian   (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)

Enlil has looked at you with favor, young woman, mother Bau, from the shining E-kur

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s E-kur residence in Nippur)

 1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region  (Commander Enlil‘s mud brick-built ziggurat residence in Nippur, Command Central)

  (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son & heir, born of the “double seed” to Prince Enlil & Princess Ninhursag)

and made you eminently fit for lord Ninjirsu (NInurta).

The Great Mountain Enlil has looked at you with favor, young woman,

mother Bau, from the shining E-kur and made you eminently fit for lord Ninjirsu.

12-21 In the E-tarsirsir (ziggurat), founded for you by An (Anu), you decide the fate of all the countries;

2a - Bau, her dog, & spouse Ninurta
    (Bau with her guard dog, & her nephew-spouse Ninurta using his alien technologies in battles against cousin aliens & earthlings)

you, my lady, render verdicts and decree judgments.

Bau, in the E-tarsirsir, founded for you by An (Anu), you decide the fate of all the countries;

you, Bau, render verdicts and decree judgments (earthling prison warden Bau).

The …… protective genius directs your black-headed people before you in your courtyard in the holy city.

Bau, the …… protective genius directs your black-headed people (all earthlings)

3i - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu  (alien giant Anunnaki goddess with lesser giant semi-divine king standing before her in the courtyard, receiving his many instructions from inside her royal ziggurat residence, Ningal & King Ur-Nammu)

before you in your courtyard in the holy city.

22-30 My lady, what you say is firmly grounded; Bau, what you say is firmly grounded.

It makes the king ruling in the land of Lagac (Lagash, spouse Ninurta‘s city),

in your holy dwelling place of the pure divine powers (alien technologies), extremely happy;

my lady, it makes the king extremely happy.

Bau, it makes the king ruling in the land of Lagac,

in your holy dwelling place of the pure divine powers, extremely happy;

Bau, it makes (giant semi-divine mixed-breed king) Luma extremely happy, he salutes your holy words.

31 This is the sagida.

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta 1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Bau)

32-33 Lady whose horns are perfect (descendants of King Anu wear their royal crown of horns),

Bau, nobody can learn what you are; child of An, with ……An, grandiloquent one.

34 Its antiphon.

35-50 My lady, what you say is trustworthy, your lofty words are enduring.

Bau, what you say is trustworthy, your lofty words are enduring.

Your holy words are devoted to the god, they are as clear as daylight for the king.

3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta 2j - Ninurta, unknowns, & Bau

   (King Anu‘s Royal Princess Bau & her spouse Ninurta, Anu‘s grandson & heir after Enlil; Ninurta & Bau with guard dog)

Bau, your holy words are devoted to the god, they are as clear as daylight for the king, Luma.

Your joyous countenance is as clear as daylight for the king;

Bau, your joyous countenance is as clear as daylight for the king, Luma.

Your words, which …… the pleasant place, are as clear as daylight for the king;

Bau, your words, which …… the pleasant place, are as clear as daylight for the king, Luma.

51-57 You have given a lofty name to Luma, the king ……

   (Anu, one-world-order planet Nibiru‘s king in his sky-disc, father in heaven to the royal descendant gods colonizing Earth)

by An (Anu), you have spoken to him with friendly words.

Bau, you have given a lofty name to Luma, the king ……

by An, you have spoken to him with friendly words.

Lady who loves his city, you have made him pre-eminent;

Bau, lady who loves his city, you have made him pre-eminent.

In the holy place you have treated the king graciously.

58 An adab of Bau.

Nininsina’s Journey to Nibru: a Shir-namshub to Nininsina (Nininsina C):


The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


1-18 14 lines missing

1 line fragmentary

…… escorts her to …….

She sails on the Euphrates, amid the holy reed-shoots; …….

She moors the boat at the Wine Quay;

Enki …….

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta  (princess Bau, Anu‘s daughter, Medical Doctor of the alien Anunnaki)


19-25 Humbly she …… Enlil‘s house.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth  (Enlil‘s house of mud bricks, “great mountain” built by the Anunnaki, repaired by earthlings, top of ziggurat was added by American archaeologists around 1900)

She …… food offerings …… of Enlil.

She slaughters cattle and sheep ……

2 - Enlil, chief god of All On Earth (prince Enlil, Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander, 1/2 brother to Bau)

Enlil. …… greets her from his eternal royal offering-place; …… his shining …… upon her.

Joyfully …….

1 line fragmentary

35 lines missing

Nininsina and the Gods (Nininsina F:)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


unknown no. of lines missing

They …… stood around her.

The holy and pure divine powers (alien technologies) befit Nininsina (Bau / Gula),

2a - Bau, goddess & queen of Isin (King Anu‘s Royal Princess daughter Bau, left – spouse to Ninurta, & right – brother Martu)

lady of the great divine powers.

Her divine powers are divine powers bestowed on her by An.

 (King Anu‘s son & heir Enlil, 1/2 brother to Bau)

The Great Mountain, Enlil, determined a fate for her.

1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region  (!st cities on Earth in the “Eden”, land of the giant alien gods)

Having left the temple of Enlil (E-kur in Nippur), she entered Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s city),

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 2e - Eridu temple reconstruction (Enlil‘s house in Nippur, Enki‘s house in Eridu)

the pleasant place, and took her seat in the abzu shrine.

3b - Enki image 7ea - mixed-breed king, Inanna, Isumud, & Enki  2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks

  (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, born of a concubine, not Anu‘s heir, 1st to arrive on Earth Colony with crew of 50)

Her father (brother), Enki, seated her upon his knees.

He truly cherished Nininsina — as soon as …… took a fancy to jewels of cuba stone,

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Royal Princess Bau with her cuba stone jeweled necklace)

they were hung around the neck of Nininsina;

as soon as she took a fancy to a white linen garment, he dressed the daughter of holy An (Anu) in it.

3j - unknown, Utu, Ninurta, & Enki

   (Enlil‘s descendants, grandson Utu with Enlil‘s son & heir Ninurta, climb the Eridu ziggurat to visit uncle Enki)

Lord Nudimmud (Enki) determined a fate for her.

unknown no. of lines missing


She lay down with him on …… and spent time joyously with him.

  (Ninurta wall relief artifact & tens of thousands of others unearthed in ancient Biblical cities)

“…… with your beloved spouse, lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta), …… your chosen ……!”

This is what the Great Mountain, Enlil, determined as her fate for ……

perfect with the great divine powers, the fifty divine powers (alien technologies, ruling # of Enlil),

2d - Bau & brother Enlil

(Ninurta the warrior wearing lion-headed beast skin, his spouse Bau with guard dog, & Ninhursag, Bau‘s sister)

(flying disc symbol of planet Nibiru / Moon Crescent symbol of Nannar / 8-pointed star symbol of [Venus] Anu, given Inanna the Goddess of Love / & 7-balls or planets symbol of [Earth] Enlil, the Commander of the 7th planet when entering from outside our solar system, {ex: 6-pointed star of [Mars] Nabu}

…… perfect …… adorned with jewels of cuba stone, the lady whose great name …….

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s house on Earth, the gods’ Earth Colony Command Central)

In the shrine of Nibru (Nippur), Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven and Earth”), the place of Enlil, she is …… indeed.

unknown no. of lines missing


1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Bau, King Anu‘s daughter, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, Enki‘s sister)

….. she is indeed …….

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru 2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings  (Anu, King of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony, Ninsun, Ninurta‘s daughter)

In ……, the …… of An (Anu), …… she is indeed Jatumdug (Ninsun).

In ……, her …… that reaches the heavens, she is indeed ……, the firstborn child.

In …… Jirsu, the shrine which first brought forth the seed of mankind,

2ab - Bau & Ninurta, boundary stone detail 2a - Bau, her dog, & spouse Ninurta  (Bau & spouse Ninurta / Ningirsu)

my lady is indeed mother Bau (Gula).

In …… Umma, in the Sig-kur-caga, …… she is indeed …….

In ……

unknown no. of lines missing


In ……, a dragon lying in wait for men, a …… sticking out its tongue at everybody,

my lady is indeed Nungal (Bau / Gula).

            2ab - Lagash ruins

                 (Lagash, city-state of patron god winged Ninurta, unidentified giant mixed-breed king with dinner, & king’s official with poppy)

         My lady entered Lagac (Lagash).

With her beloved spouse lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta), she …… the holy city, her chosen place.

All the …… were drinking and enjoying …….

She gave them …….

3a - Ninurta, unknowns, & spouse Bau
         (Ninurta, 2 damaged & unidentified, & spouse Bau with guard dog)

She lay down with him on …… and spent time joyously with him.

…… Nininsina, it is sweet to praise you.

…… of Nininsina.

Bau’s (House in Iri-kug) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

             (Anu, King of the Anunnaki planet Nibiru & colonies)

O Iri-kug (Holy city), shrine of holy An (Anu), which caused the human seed to come forth,

called by a good name, within you is the river of ordeal which vindicates the just man.

E-ĝalga-sud (House which spreads counsel far and wide),

storehouse which eternally possesses silver and lapis lazuli,

E-tar-sirsir (her ziggurat), from which decisions and the divine powers come forth,

where the hero performs obeisance,

your princess, the merciful princess of the Land, is the mother of all lands.

5 - Bau gives medical attention

    (Damu & his mother Bau administer medical attention to the gods & black-headed earthlings alike)

The lady, the great healer of the black-headed (earthlings)

who determines the destiny of her city, the first-born daughter of holy An,

the maiden, mother Bau (Gula), has erected a house in your precinct,

4 - Bau, Ninurta's spouse, Anu's duaghter4c - Bau & her dog (boundary stones of alien Royal Princess Bau)

O house Iri-kug, and taken her seat upon your dais.

8 lines: the house of Bau (Gula) in Iri-kug.

Nininsina’s (House in Isin) Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1a - Isin, Iraq (Bau‘s patron city Isin, heavily pitted & looted)

O Isin, city founded by An (Anu) which he has built on an empty plain!

Its front is mighty, its interior is artfully built,

its divine powers are divine powers (alien technologies) which An has determined.

Shrine which Enlil loves, place where An and Enlil determine destinies,

place where the great gods dine, filled with great awesomeness and terror:

4 - drinking bouts of the gods (drinking bouts of the gods could last for weeks)

all the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods attend your great drinking-bouts.

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter(Bau with her cuba stone jeweled necklace, & spouse Ninurta)

          Your princess, the mother, the Mistress adorned with jewels of šuba stone,

who maintains the holy place’s Niĝin-ĝar, who binds the su crown on the nugig priestess,

who causes the seven teats to flow for the nubar priestess, has resounded with seven pleasures (?).

5a - Bau & son Damu, medical treatment

       (Ninurta holding weaponry, Dr. Damu & his mother Dr. Bau administered medical attention thousands of years ago, Bau’s guard dog)

Your lady, the great healer of the Land, Ninisina, the daughter of An,

has erected a house in your precinct,

O house Isin, and taken her seat upon your dais.

16 lines: the house of Ninisina in Isin.

Kish Kings List

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(mixed-breed demigods in teal…)


        “Eight kings in five cities ruled 241,200 years before The Flood swept over the land…”


Kingship in Kish

        “After The Flood, kingship was handed down from Heaven a second time,

        this time to the city of Kish which became the seat of kingship. In Kish:

Gaur ruled 1,200 years;

Gulla-Nidaba-annapad ruled 960 years;

Palakinatim ruled 900 years;

Nangishkushma ruled 670 years, 3 months and 3½ days;

Bahina ruled 300 years;

Buanum ruled 840 years;

Kalibum ruled 960 years;

Galumum ruled 840 years;

Zukakip ruled 900 years;

Atab ruled 600 years;

Mashda, the son of Atab, ruled 840 years;

Arurim, the son of Mashda, ruled 720 years;


             (witnessing Kish King Etana fly to Heaven / Planet Nibiru)

Etana, the shepherd who ascended to Heaven

and made firm all the lands, ruled 1,560 years;

             (Etana lifts-off Earth to see Anu in Heaven / Nibiru)


Balih, the son of Etana, ruled 400 years;

Enmenunna ruled 660 years;

Melam-Kish, the son of Enmenunna, ruled 900 years;

Barsalnunna, the son of Enmenunna, ruled 1,200 years;

Meszamug, the son of Barsalnunna, ruled 140 years;

Tizkar, the son of Meszamug, ruled 305 years;

Ilku ruled 900 years;

Iltasadum ruled 1,200 years;

Enmebaraggesi, the king who smote the Land of Elam, ruled 900 years;

Agga, the son of Enmebaraggesi, ruled 625 years.


All told, twenty-three kings ruled a total of 24,510 years, 3 months and 3½ days

before Kish was defeated in battle and its kingship carried off to Eanna temple in Uruk…”


Kingship in Kish (Second Dynasty)

“After kingship was brought back to Kish,

….. ruled (more than) 201 years;

Dadasig ruled 81 years;

Mamagal ruled 420 years;

Kalbum, the son of Mamagal, ruled 132 years;

Tuge ruled 360 years;

Mennumna ruled 180 years;

Lugalmu ruled 420 years and

Ibbi-Ea ruled 290 (?) years.


All told, eight kings ruled a total of 3,195 years

before Kish was defeated in battle

and its kingship carried off to Hamazi…”


Kingship in Kish (Third Dynasty)

         “After kingship was brought back to Kish again,

            (Shala & Kug-Bau, the Queen-King of Kish, & 1st ruling female)

         Ku-Bau, the innkeeper, she who made firm the foundations of Kish,

         ruled for 100 years as ‘king’ before Kish was defeated

         and its kingship carried off to Akshak.”


Kingship in Kish (Fourth Dynasty)

         “After kingship was brought back to Kish,

         Puzur-Sin, son of Ku-Bau, ruled 25 years;

         Ur-Zababa, son of Puzur-Sin, ruled 400 years;

         Simudarra ruled 30 years; (diluted semi-divine mixed-bloodlines become obvious)

         Usiwatar, son of Simudarra, ruled 7 years;

         Ishtar-muti ruled 11 years;

         Ishme-Shamash ruled 11 years and

         Nannia, the stoneworker, ruled 7 years.


         All told, seven kings ruled 491 years before Kish was defeated

         and its kingship carried off to Uruk.”

The Kesh (Kish) Temples Hymn: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


 (Prince Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, appointed as Earth Colony Commander)

1-9 The princely one, the princely one came forth from the house.

Enlil, the princely one, came forth from the house.

The princely one came forth royally from the house.

8a - Nippar's Communication Towers8b - Enlil Keeps in Touch with Anu on Nibiru2c-enlils-flight-travel-to-nippar (Enlil‘s communication towers; Enlil in his sky-disc)

Enlil lifted his glance over all the lands, and the lands raised themselves to Enlil.

The four corners of heaven became green for Enlil like a garden (of Eden).

2-mesopotamia (the “Eden”, Land of the Gods Between the Rivers)

Kec (Kish) was positioned there for him with head uplifted,

and as Kec lifted its head among all the lands, Enlil spoke the praises of Kec.


2a - Kish ruins (Kish ruins, Ninhursag‘s patron city, where kingship began)

10-20 Nisaba (Enlil‘s mother-in-law) was its decision-maker (?); with its words she wove it intricately like a net.

2-geshtinanna-daughter-to-enki-ninsun  (Nisaba, Master Scribe of the Anunnaki gods, authored many of earliest texts)

Written on tablets it was held in her hands:

House, platform of the Land, important fierce bull!

House Kec, platform of the Land, important fierce bull!

             (E-kur, Enlil’s & Ninlil’s ziggurat residence in Nippur)

Growing as high as the hills, embracing the heavens, growing as high as E-kur, lifting its head among the mountains!

Rooted in the abzu (2 mss. have instead: Colourful as the abzu), verdant like the mountains!

Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec?

Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi (Ninurta)?

Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud (Ninhursag gave birth to Ninurta)?

2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments2b-ninhursag-chief-medical-officer  (Ninhursag, Master DNA Medical Scientist; Ninhursag with her early failed attempts to fashion replacement workers for the gods, by mixing the DNA of Earth creatures, then finally mixing their DNA with primitive hominids, virtually fashioning man into their image & likeness)


21 The first house.


22-30 Good house, built in a good location, house Kec,


    (Ninhursag‘s “House Kish / ziggurat residence & her city for earthlings, Kish discovered way below the mud-brick-built mountain)

(some mss. add here: good house,) built in a good location, floating in the heavens like a princely barge,

like a holy barge furnished with a …… gate, like the boat of heaven, the platform of all the lands!

…… from the riverbank like a …… boat cabin!

House roaring like an ox, bellowing loudly like a breed-bull!

House in whose interior is the power of the Land, and behind which is the life of Sumer!


2b-kish-ruins-where-kingship-was-born  (Kish wall ruins)

31-43 House, great enclosure, reaching to the heavens, great, true house, reaching to the heavens!

House, great crown reaching to the heavens, house, rainbow reaching to the heavens!

House whose platform extends into the midst of the heavens,

4 - Ziggourat in Kishi-Kish-Kush (residence of giant alien gods from our ancient past)

whose foundations are fixed in the abzu, whose shade covers all lands!

 1ae-enlil-babylonianHathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755 (King Anu; children Enlil & Nintud / Ninhursag)

House founded by An (Anu), praised by Enlil, given an oracle by mother Nintud!

House Kec, green in its fruit!

Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec?

Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi?

   (Ninurta & father Enlil; Enlil‘s & Ninhursag‘s son Ninurta)

Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud (Ninhursag)?


44 The second house.


45-57 House, 10 car at its upper end, 5 car at its lower end; house, 10 bur at its upper end, 5 bur at its lower end!

House, at its upper end a bison, at its lower end a stag; house, at its upper end a wild sheep, at its lower end a deer;

house, at its upper end a dappled wild sheep, at its lower end a beautiful deer!

House, at its upper end green like a viper, at its lower end floating on the water like a pelican!

House, at its upper end rising like the sun, at its lower end spreading like the moonlight;

house, at its upper end a warrior mace, at its lower end a battle-ax;

house, at its upper end a mountain, at its lower end a spring!

House, at its upper end threefold indeed:

Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec?

 5c-ningirsu-of-lagash-grasps-enemy-in-a-net5b-ninurta-with-his-50-headed-mace-weapon (Ninurta with highly advanced technologies; earthlings captured in his net)

Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi?

Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud?


58 The third house.


58A-58Q (1 ms. adds here the following lines:

House …… inspiring great awe, called with a mighty name by An;

house …… whose fate is grandly determined by the Great Mountain Enlil!

4a - Kish grand palace (discovered cities of giant alien gods)

         House of the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods possessing great power,

which gives wisdom to the people; house, reposeful dwelling of the great gods!

House, which was planned together with the plans of heaven and earth,

…… with the pure divine powers (alien technologies); house which underpins the Land and supports the shrines!

House, mountain of abundance which passes the days in glory;

house (mud-brick-built ziggurat residence) of Ninhursaja (Ninhursag) which establishes the life of the Land!

House, great hillside worthy of the purification rites, altering (?) all things; house without whom no decisions are made!

House, good …… carrying in its hands the broad Land;

house which gives birth to countless peoples, seed which has sprouts!

House which gives birth to kings, which determines the destinies of the Land;

house whose royal personages are to be revered!

Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec?

Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi?

Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud?


58R The …… house.)


59-73 It is indeed a city, it is indeed a city!

Who knows its interior?

The house Kec is indeed a city (for gods only, safely placed high & away from earthlings)!

Who knows its interior?

The heroes make their way straight into its interior and perform its oracle rites perfectly.

Frisking cattle are gathered at the house in herds.

The house consumes many cattle; the house consumes many sheep (food sacrifices feeding the gods).

1 line unclear

Those who sit on daises bow their necks before it.

It wears a crown to vie with the boxwood tree, it spreads out to vie with the poplar ……;

it is (1 ms. adds here: growing) as green as the hills!

Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec?

Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi (Ninurta, Ninhursag‘s son)?

Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud (Ninhursag)?


74 The fourth house.


75-86 House given birth by a lion, whose interior the hero has embellished (?)!

House Kec, given birth by a lion, whose interior the hero has embellished (?)!

The heroes make their way straight into its interior.

2d - Ninhursag & attendee, Ninhursag's symbol (NInhursag‘s assistant with Umbilical Chord Cutter, & Ninhursag)

Ninhursaja (Ninhursag) sits within like a great dragon.

Nintud the great mother assists at births there.

Cul-pa-ed (Ninhursag’s spouse, House Master) the ruler acts as lord.

Acgi the hero consumes the contents of the vessels (?).

Urumac (unidentified?), the great herald of the plains, dwells there too.

            (the gods’ stags, a part of their diet)

Stags are gathered at the house in herds.

Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec?

Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi?

Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud?

2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc2aa - temple of Hathor - Ninhursag (Ninhursag)


87 The fifth house.


88-102 House positioned over its foundations like a storm, like white bulls standing about on the plain;

house founded by the prince, in praise on the tigi instrument!

House in whose interior is the power of the Land, and behind which is the life of Sumer

(some mss. have instead: it is filled with life);

at whose gate is a lion reclining on its paws, at whose gate is the ruler who decides cases (?)!

House at whose door is the Great Mountain without adversary;

at whose bolt (some mss. have here instead: at whose bar) is a great frisking wild bull (some mss. add here the line: ,

at whose bolt is a beast …… a man) (1 ms. adds here instead the line: , at whose …… is an awe-inspiring lion)!

Whose well-founded storehouse is a corner of heaven, a corner of earth

(1 ms. has here instead: Whose storehouse established as a household ……);

whose terrace is supported by lahama deities; whose princely (1 ms. adds: great) wall …… the shrine of Urim (Ur)!

Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec?

Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi?

Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud?


103 The sixth house.


103A-103K (1 ms. (which uses a different numbering of the sections) adds here the following lines:

House embued with radiance, …… excellence!

House ……!

2e-eridu-temple-reconstructionhttp://earthstation1.simplenet.com (Enki‘s ziggurat residence in Eridu; Enki, brother to Ninhursag)

Lord Nudimmud (Enki) in heaven and earth …… brickwork of the Land, brickwork …… grandly in the abzu.

Terrace, relaxing abode, …… holy splendor …… of the people!

House which is seemly for the foreign lands!

Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec?

Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi?

Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud?


103LThe eighth house.)


104-115 The holy house whose …… is the shrine, the holy house Kec, whose …… is the shrine;

the house whose lords are the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, whose nuec priests are the sacrificers of E-ana!

2b-uruks-excavation  (Anu‘s ziggurat residence way above his & Inanna‘s Uruk, their patron city)

In the house the king places stone bowls in position; the good en priest …… holds the lead-rope dangling.

The a-tu priests holds the staff; the …… brings the …… waters.

The …… takes his seat in the holy place; the enkum priests bow down …….

The pacec priests beat the drumskins; they recite powerfully, powerfully.


116-126 The bull’s horn is made to growl; the drumsticks are made to thud.

The singer cries out(1 ms. has instead: declaims) to the ala drum;

the grand sweet tigi is played for him (some mss. have instead: the sweet tigi is well tuned).

The house is built; its nobility is good!

The house Kec is built; its nobility is good!

Its lady has taken a seat in its …….

4e - Ninhursag & Staff (Ninhursag, Inanna, & 2 unidentified female assistants)

Ninhursaja, its lady, has taken her seat in its …….

Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Kec?

Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi?

Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud?


127 The seventh house (colonizing residences for alien gods from planet Nibiru).


128-133 Draw near, man, to the city, to the city — but do not draw near!

Draw near, man, to the house Kec, to the city — but do not draw near!

Draw near, man, to its hero Acgibut do not draw near!

Draw near, man, to its lady Nintud— but do not draw near!

Praise be to well-built Kec, O Acgi!

Praise be to cherished Kec and Nintud!


134 The eighth house.

Inscription of Nam-maghâni

On a Stone from the Threshold of a Door

Unknown web source

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue …mixed-breed demigods in teal)

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (royal princess Bau, Ninurta‘s spouse & aunt, patron goddess of Isin, & Ninurta)

1. For the goddess Bau (Gula),
2. the good lady,
3. the daughter of
Anna (Anu),

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (father King Anu, & Bau‘s spouse Ninurta)
4. the mistress of Uru-azagga (Ninurta),
5. his mistress,
7. the patesi
8. of
Shirpurla (Isin),
9. her powerful minister,
10. as the stone of a threshold
11. has made this.