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Letter From ? to the God Nanna: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

            2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. (Nannar with parents Enlil & Ninlil)

1-7 Say to Nanna (Nannar / Sin), the firstborn son of Enlil (and Ninlil), who loves prayers;

repeat to the lord whose light spreads widely, the crown of heaven and earth,

the great lord who loves to revive man; the father of the black-headed;

the merciful king, who can untie and release; the merciful, compassionate god who listens to appeals:

8-16 You, who are perfect in lordship and wear the legitimate headdress,

the one with gleaming appearance and noble countenance,

holy form endowed lavishly with beauty: your greatness covers all countries.

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar, Moon Crescent God, atop his ziggurat temple residence in Ur)

Your fearsome radiance overwhelms the holy sky.

Your great awesomeness is imbued with terror.

…… is pre-eminent in the Land.

You are indeed glorious from east to west.

From the interior of heaven …… has given you ……, and entrusted you with the heavens.

You are the king of heaven and earth; it is you who decide their fate.

A Praise Poem of Sîn-iddinam (Sîn-iddinam A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)


unknown no. of lines missing

1-4 …… who worships ……. Sîn-iddinam …… his departing boat.

He provided flour, gold and grain, befitting the great lady.

…… all this choice (?) grain …… the lapis lazuli E-kur.


5c - Enki & shipping (alien god & earthlings on the Euphrates)

5-10 A He transported this cargo to the Quay of Life, the quay of Urim (Ur).

Joyously he brought it into the majestic house, the house of Suen (Sin).

Nanna (Nannar / Sin) was delighted with the king, and Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse) …… to him.

3d - Utu, Nannar, & Ningal (son Utu, Nannar & Ningal)

Nanna was delighted with Sîn-iddinam, and Ningal …… to him.


(Nannar‘s family, daughters Ereshkigal & Inanna, Nannar & son Utu               Utu, Inanna, father Nannar, & damaged Papsukal)

The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods, blessed him.

He had brought to complete perfection the plenitude,

the pure first-fruit offerings, the first-fruit offerings of the new year.

(1 ms. adds 1 line: He had transported this cargo to the Quay of Life, the quay of Urim.)


11-13 Suen put in order the food offerings and, after he had taken them to Nibru (Nippur),

(1 ms. adds 1 line: and had brought them into the E-kur, the house (residence) of Enlil),

              2e-enlils-home-in-nippur3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil & Ninlil; E-kur, house of Enlil & Ninlil, Command Central for the Anunnaki gods)

Enlil, delighted with the food offerings, fixed a good destiny.

Cylinder seal: two orants before a goddess. Cuneiform inscription in the name of the scribe Ur-Nanshe. From Tello  (giant mixed-breed king presented by lover Inanna to her mother Ningal as her spouse-king, doing this so often, earned her the title “Goddess of Love“)

His own mother, the great lady Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), expressed deserved affection.


3a - Nannar & moon crescent symbol (Nannar, son to Enlil & Ninlil, Moon Crescent God of Ur)

13A-18 (1 ms. adds 1 line: Suen (Nannar / Sin) addressed Enlil and Ninlil.)

He prayed to them to determine an eternal destiny for Sîn-iddinam:

“May the life of the humble shepherd whom you favorably address …….

May the life of Sîn-iddinam whom you favorably address …….

As a just destiny, may a life into the distant future be determined for him (?) in destiny.

May he be allotted long-lasting life.



19-25 “As …… this choice grain to the lapis lazuli E-kur (Enlil‘s residence in Nippur) for you,

may he hasten (?) …… thick bread …… like this threshed (?) grain.

Let us give him years of favor, days of life and months of success.

In his palace you (?) will bring to him (?) in perfection what pleases the spirit and gladdens the heart.

May you be the gift of life for Sîn-iddinam, who discourses (?) pleasingly!

May the royal throne rise high and endure eternally!

Forever make foreign lands submit to his great name!”

Prayers to Nannar for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin ?, G, & F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


  (Mesopotamian Kings Ur-Nammu, Shulgi, & Rim-Sin;   giant alien Anunnaki King Anu)

1-7 ……, who is fitted for holy lustration rites, Rim-Sîn, purification priest of An (Anu),

who is fitted for pure prayers rites, whom you summoned from the holy womb ……,

has been elevated to lordship over the Land; he has been installed as shepherd over the black-headed.

The staff which strengthens the Land has been placed in his hand.

7ea-adad-a-king  (alien giant Anunnaki god Adad & much smaller king standing in obedience, from Mesopotamia)

The shepherd’s crook which guides the living people has been attached at his side.

As he steps forward before you, he is lavishly supplied with everything that he offers with his pure hands.

8-20 Your attentive youth, your beloved king, the good shepherd Rìm-Sîn,

who determines what should be brought as offerings for his life,

6a - Nannar & a very early high-priest (high-priest pours offerings to Nannar in Ur)

joyfully pours out offerings for you in the holy royal cultic locations which are perfect for the cultic vessels:

sweet-smelling milk and grain, rich produce of the Land, riches of the meadows,

unending abundance, alcoholic drink, glistening wine,

very sweet emmer beer fermented with pure substances,

pure …… powerful beer made doubly strong with wine,

5a-sumerian-beer 5b-ninkasi-seal (gods drinking beer through straws)

a drink for your lordship; double-strength beer, superior beer,

befitting your holy hands, pale honey exported from the mountains,

which you have specifically requested, butter from holy cows,

ghee as is proper for you as prince; pressed oil, best oil of the first pressing,

and yellow cream, the pride of the cow-pen, for the holy abode of your godhead.

5c-ninhursag-at-banquet  (alien giants fed by their earthling workers)

21-26 Accept from him with your joyful heart pure food to eat as food,

and pure water to drink as water: offerings made for you.

Grant his prayer: you are indeed respected.

When he humbly speaks fair words to you, speak so that he may live.

Guide him correctly at the holy lordly cultic locations, at the august lordly cultic locations.

Greet him as he comes to perform his cultic functions.

27-37 May his kingship exist forever in your presence.

May he be the first of the Land, called (?) lord and prince.

Following your commands he shall be as unshakeable as heaven and earth;

may he be …… over the numerous people.

May the mother goddesses among the gods attend to his utterances;

may they sit in silence before that which he says, and bring restorative life.

May he create heart’s joy for the population, and be the good provider for their days.

May the terrifying splendor that he wears cover like a heavy raincloud the king who is hated by him.

May all the best what he has be brought here as their offerings.

              (Nannar atop his temple residence in Ur, antennas or a rocket atop the temple)

38-52 The good shepherd Rim-Sîn looks to you as to his personal god.

Grant him …… a life that he loves, and bestow joy on him.

May you renew it like the daylight.

2g-unknown-king-utu-shamash  (Mesopotamian scene of a king praying to his giant alien god)

As he prays to you, attend to his …….

When he speaks most fair words to you, sustain his life power for him.

May he be respected ……, and have no rivals.

As he makes supplication to you, make his days long.

In the …… of life, …… the power of kingship.

May his correct words be ever …….

May he create heart’s joy in his …….

…… make the restorative …… rest upon him, the lion of lordship.

When he beseeches you, let his exterior (?) …… shine.

Give him …… life …….

May you bring …… for his life with your holy words.

Hear him favorably as he lifts his hands in prayer, and decide a good destiny for him.

53-69 As his life ……, so may it delight his land.

Cast the four quarters at his feet, and let him be their ruler.

Reclining in meadows in his own land, may he pass his days joyously with you …….

In the palace, lengthen the days and reign of Rim-Sîn, your compliant king who is there for you;

 3a - Nannar & moon crescent symbol(Acimbabbar / Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur, son to Prince Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander)

whose name you, Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), have named, …… life.

…… the august good headdress.

…… due praise for his life.

…… the throne, and may the land be safe.

May satisfaction and joy fill his heart.

May …… be good for his …….

Place in his hand the scepter of justice; may the numerous people be bound (?) to it.

James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1 http://earthstation1.simplenet.com wandarer@earthlink.net  (giant semi-divine mixed-breed king stands before damaged Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur)

Shining brightly, the constant …… in his …….

Confer on him the benefit of months of delight and joy,

and bestow on him numerous years as infinite in number

as the stars in the lapis-lazuli colored heavens.

In his kingship may he enjoy a happy reign forever.

70-85 May you preserve the king, the good provider.

May you preserve Rim-Sîn, the good provider.

May his reign be a source of delight to you.

Lengthen the days of his life, and give him kingship over the restored land.

For him gladden the heart of the land, for him make the roads of the land passable.

For him make the Land speak with a single voice.

May you preserve alive Rim-Sîn, your shepherd with the compliant heart.

May his canals bring water for him, and may barley grow for him in the fields.

May the orchards and gardens bring forth syrup and wine for him,

and may the marshes deliver fish and fowl for him in abundance.

housing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man 2i-cattle-pens-of-nannar-in-ur  (Nannar protects his cattle pens in Ur)

May the cattle-pens and sheepfolds teem with animals,

and may rain from the heavens, whose waters are sporadic, be regular for him.

May the palace be filled with long life.

O Rim-Sîn, you are my king!

A Prayer for Rim-Sîn (Rim-Sîn F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-12 Rim-Sîn, king with princely divine powers (alien technology),

leader with all the divine powers, raising high your princely head!

The abzu is the august holy shrine of the E-kic-nujal, a great vastness in depth and breadth,

the foundation of the innermost holy pure buildings,

with a pleasant odor like a forest of aromatic cedars and hachur trees.

3g - Nannar-Biblical El, Ziggourat in Ur 3b-nannars-temple-in-ur-terah-was-the-high-priest (E-kish-nugal, Nannar‘s house in Ur)

It forms the foundations (?) of the temple, within the temple, a protection for the temple;

the terrifying splendor of the temple, a great corner, a holy corner within the solid interior.

The design of the doorway is a magic bond:

a solar disc at whose top is a standard representing a rapacious eagle,


violently seizing stags which turn to the left and right.

(giant Anunnaki) Gods stand guard over the doorway.

13-27 In this place, you see numerous tall birch trees.

The door frame, the architrave, the lock, the fence (?) around the threshold,

the door-leaves, the bolt, the bar of the temple, the supporting wall of the temple terrace,

3ab-abrahams-father-was-high-priest-of-this-temple  (Ur, the mud brick-built city)

foundation of the innermost holy pure buildings —

all these are of very holy reeds, golden yellow or silver white.

Beside the marsh of the abzu of the E-kic-nujal,


in the holy enclosure where cattle mill about,

for the many lustrous bull-calves to receive their presents,

the …… with their calves stand before you in the sacred …….

You see the old reeds, the old reeds in the water meadows ……,

the old lying reeds, the upright reeds …… well-established in these fields.

Within the marsh of the abzu of the E-kic-nujal, the holy lagoon,

the reed-beds in the holy water, you see the …… reeds growing.

3da-nannars-terahs-abrahams-home-in-ur  (the original Stairway to Heaven, Ur temple)

28-38 Within the temple is the gateway of the great august sanctuary:

endowed with abundant charms like a fine woman whose head is nobly raised high,

whose attraction radiates as if with the maturity of fruit,

with abundant charms, lovable, but imposing in splendor like the hills.

In the midst, at the sides and in the four corners

are august protective goddesses, foundations (?) of the statues.

Taking turns of office on the day of the new moon,

the protective god and the protective goddess of the temple,

the serving deities, inhabitants of the temple,

as guardians of the outer gateway and of the god’s pedestal,

can be seen sweeping the ground of the building from the base of the enclosure wall,

in accordance with the sublime purification rites of the temple.

39-46 Its …… is an august protective goddess who indeed brings butter, cheese and loaves for you.

Cylinder seal: two orants before a goddess. Cuneiform inscription in the name of the scribe Ur-Nanshe. From Tello  (giant mixed-breed king of Ur, his Anunnaki spouse Inanna, the Goddess of Love, & Inanna‘s mother Ningal, spouse to Nannar on her throne in Ur)

May the serving deities, the protective goddesses, the good mother goddesses,

receive favorable offerings (?) from you for their attention to the temple,

so that when you light the wood of the censers, Nanna (Nannar / Sin) and Ningal accept your offering,

2bd-ningal-king-ur-nammu-nannar  (Ningal, mixed-breed king of Ur, & Nannar)

and so that they pray for you with their holy words.

O Rim-Sîn, you are my king!

A Prayer for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin G): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

           2c-nannar-his-symbol 2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c (Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur) 

         1-10 May lord Nanna (Nannar / Sin), king of heaven and earth,

your good protective deity, accept the holy food offerings that you prepare,

5b-nannars-food-drink-at-the-temple-door  (mixed-breed high-priest at door of Nannar‘s temple)

and the holy pure drink offerings that you proffer with holy hands;

the sacrifices that you bring, what you say in your heart,

what you utter out loud, your reverent gestures and your holy hands raised in prayer.

May the august queen Ningal, your queen of favorable signs, accept them also.

4cc - Nannar and spouse Ningal (Ningal & Nannar seated on the ends)

O king, they who have suppressed famine, the great gods Nanna and Ningal,

have conferred abundance on you, king Rim-Sîn, in the temple of the gods.

  (Enlil, King Anu, & Enki winged in sky-disc)

11-21 O king named with a name by Enlil, the destiny of whose reign is abundance,

a time of richness and years of happiness!

May a destiny of stability and a destiny of abundance be your lot.

O king, day and night, even at dead of night, time shall pass for you in endless abundance,

and be agreeable and stable for you.

O king, since you have offered your food offerings first offered in the abzu;

o king, since you have offered your food offerings afterwards in the great courtyard,

there shall be no end to the abundance.

O King, the temple shall be well-organized for you.

Rim-Sîn, king of Urim, has restored the august divine powers of the Ki-ur.

2g-nannar-symbol-seal  (Nannar in his inner temple of Ur)

22-38 May Nanna, the king of heaven and earth,

fit perfectly onto your head the legitimate august headdress of kingship.

4b - Ningal head (Nannar‘s spouse Ningal, Queen Goddess of Ur, mother to Inanna, the Goddess of Love)

May the august queen Ningal, who has saved you from famine thanks to her benignity,

let you live (?) an agreeable life for these days.

As you receive from her holy hands the great splendor of kingship,

may she place the august scepter of heaven and earth in your hands like a ceremonial robe.

              (kings & everyone else worked for the gods & goddesses)

Rim-Sîn, king of the Ki-ur, endowed with abundance, constant attendant!

O king, may the Tigris bring you abundance, and may the upper (?)

Nun canal be filled for you with flowing water in its full flood.

May the Nun canal, the good Nun canal, the life-bringing canal of the Land,


(semi-divine Mesopotamian king, Inanna, his goddess spouse, & her mother Ningal, Queen Goddess of Ur)

bring you fish and fowl; from the ocean, the wide sea, from the standing reservoirs,

may it bring an unending supply of creatures for your kingship.

In the wide open spaces of the wide desert, the four-footed animals …….

May water levels rise for you in the irrigation ditches, with their levees, and the water-channels.

39-51 May there be life for you, and may there be a favorable response to your prayers.

May there be joy for you, and may there be favorable signs for you.

May your heart be satisfied, may your body be satisfied;

may your mood and your definite signs from the gods be good.

May there be favorable omens in the heart of Nanna and Ningal, and a destiny of life be granted for ever.

Rim-Sîn, seemly king, who holds abundance in his hands from the great gods,

may the country be stable for you, and may the foundations of the country be secure for you.

2f-nannar-moon-god-of-ur (Nanna / Nannar / Suen / Sin / El, Moon Crescent God of Ur)

May Nanna, king of heaven and earth, cause the Land to respond to you with a single voice.

Rim-Sîn, you are my king!

A Prayer for Rim-Sin Entering the Gate (Rim-Sin D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-13 Rim-Sîn, king of abundance, august doyen of rulers, may right and justice be your helpers. 

May they make a good …… for you. May they make …… for you.

Rim-Sîn, named with a name by An (Anu) and Enlil,

3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple (Ur temple Ekishnugal with city way below)

         when you enter the Great Gate, the gate of Urim (Ur),

may the favorable protective god and the protective goddess of peace,

gatekeepers of the Great Gate, shine upon you …….

May they bring you back an answer of life and peace ……

4c - Ningal, King Ur-Nammu & Nannar - Sin, (Ningal & spouse Nanna seated)

to your greeting which they bring before Nanna (Nannar) and (spouse) Ningal.

14-30 May they cause a good …… that brings happiness,

a mood of encouragement, to issue for you from within the E-kic-nujal.

May the gods of life of the Great Gate open the doors for you.

May the gods of peace, guardians of the Great Gate, rejoice at your presence,

and may their features light up at you.

May they …… their beards …… for you.

When you enter the Gate of Urim, the Gate of Splendor,

3ia - Nannar's Stairway to Heaven (Nannar‘s stairway to Heaven)

…… the brickwork of Urim.

…… the Gate of Urim.

…… the Great Gate.

May …… be your interpreter (?).

…… the Great Gate.

May they speak to you …….

May they cause …… for you with joyous hearts.

31-48 May they set favorable signs and encouraging words before you.

May they cause you to place your feet in holy places, places of life.

O Rim-Sîn, pre-eminent prince of the foreign lands and of the Land of Sumer! —

in the Dul-barag-gal-mah, the habitation of Urim,

may Nijerim-cu-tabbi (unidentified) in the Dul-barag-gal-mah,

may Nijerim-cu-urur (unidentified) in the Dul-barag-gal-mah,

may Dugab-cu-gigi (unidentified) in the Dul-barag-gal-mah,

may Dugab-cu-tabbi (unidentified) in the Dul-barag-gal-mah —

may they, the standing gods of the Great Gate and the benevolent gods of entering,1e - gods in cerimony (gods standing before Nannar)

stand at your right and left to assure you a destiny of life until distant days.

May they bring your greeting to Nanna and Ningal.

May they cause you to have a favorable sign permanently by your side

and to receive offerings (?) favorable for you.

Rim-Sîn, you are my king!

49 A prayer to the gods of peace on entering the Great Gate.

An Adab (?) to Suen for Shu-Suen (Shu-Suen F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-6 …… from the distant radiance, …… in heaven,

1 line fragmentary

Suen (Nannar / Sin), ……,

5 - Inanna presents spouse King Shu-Sin to Nannar6k-mixed-breed-king-presented-to-nannar-by-inanna

    (giant semi-divine king, spouse & Goddess of Love Inanna, & Inanna‘s father Nannar, patron god of Ur, home of Biblical Abraham)

…… Cu-Suen (King Shu-Suen).

Nanna (Nannar / Sin) has elevated …….

7 Barsud.

8-12 The beauty of heaven, the prince of earth, youthful Suen, the immense, the light of heaven and earth,

who makes years of prosperity and good …… last permanently,

5d - goddess & Nannar (Inanna & Nannar, Moon Crescent God of then & now)

Nanna, the lord who is born each month, sired my Cu-Suen.

13 Cagbatuku.

14-18 Mighty one, great power among the great gods,

father Nanna, your judgments are ingenious decisions — deciding great destinies with Nunamnir (Enlil),

2 - Nannar, father of Inanna. Utu, & Ereshkigal 2b-enlil-who-decrees-mans-fate (Nannar & his bright blue-eyed father Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander)

his beloved youth Acimbabbar (Sin / Nannar) decides destiny for my Cu-Suen.

19 2nd barsud.

20-24 The light which sweetens the night and structures the year,

3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar, son to Enlil, patron god of Ur, Moon Crescent God of then & now)

Nanna, the crown of the holy heavens, …… my Cu-Suen,

2 lines fragmentary

25 2nd cagbatuku.

26-36 …… Nanna is the great lord of heaven and earth.

…… has made manifest ……. …… is spreading …….

2 lines fragmentary

approx. 1 line missing

2 lines fragmentary

……, the just crown …… in heaven, …… on his head, he has given guidance.

My Cu-Suen is the prince of the Land.

37 Sa-barsuda.

  (unidentified king stands before Nannar seated on his throne in Ur)

38-39 ……, lengthen the days (?) for my Cu-Suen, my Cu-Suen who has grown as high as the heavens.

40 Its jicgijal.

3a - Anu in flight2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c

          (Anunnaki King Anu in his sky-disc, & Nannar with his royal “shining horns” rimmed hat)

41-50 The lord, the son (grandson) of An (Anu), ……, …… with shining horns,

renowned Nanna, ……, whose commands ……, the light of the firmament, the light of the earth,

whose luminosity speeds to the people, lord Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), a viper made visible,

2c-nannar-his-symbol  (Nannar, son to Prince & heir of the Anunnaki throne, Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander)

the youth Suen whose holy countenance approaches the earth,

Nanna — just as he appears elevated (?) in heaven and above earth,

so he has elevated Cu-Suen over the Land.

51-62 …… imbued with awesomeness, a dragon for the heavens,

…… imbued with awesomeness, …… in the heavens,

……, the prince who trusts in you, my Cu-Suen, …… has embraced …….

…… all the lands in their vastness, …… the scepter of distant days.

The people of the rebel lands, …… all of them ……, have entrusted …… to Cu-Suen

  (Enlil, god Anu’s son who came down & colonized the Earth with hundreds of others)

for the beneficent princely son (descendant) of Enlil.

My king ……, Cu-Suen …… in celebration!

63 Sa-jara.

            64 ……my Cu-Suen days of life.

65 Its jicgijal.

66-68 May (?) the lord of heaven, the well-disposed one, …… the earth,


        (8-Pointed Star symbols of Inanna, Moon Crescent symbol of Nannar, & Sun god symbol of Utu)

youthful Suen, the lord of heaven, ……, …… Cu-Suen.

69 Its uru.

Shir-namshubs to Nanna for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma E & F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        approx. 6 lines missing

        1-8 Those who leave through your gate are an uncontrollable flood.

        Shrine Urim (Ur), your interior is a mountain of abundance, your exterior a hill of plenty.        3k - Ur, city & house of Nannar

               (city of Ur discovered, with Nannar‘s E-kish-nugal residence / mud brick-built mountain in background)

        No one can learn the interior of the E-kic-nujal, the artfully fashioned mountain (ziggurat).

        Your place of marvel is …… of cedar, your name makes the Land rejoice.

        Your lord is the one called as the beautiful lord,

        2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta & Bau, spouse to giant mixed-breed Uruk king, Lugalbanda, mother to gods, goddesses, & many semi-divine mixed-breeds appointed to kingships in Mesopotamia)

        the child of Nin-sun (semi-divine King U-Nammu), the ornament of all the lands.

         2l - Nannar & Ninsun's son King Ur-Nammu  (King Ur-Nammu stands before Nannar / Sin)

        Urim, your great divine power (alien technologies) is the gods’ shackle on the Land.

        Your name be praised indeed!

        2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c  (broken image of king standing before Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, symbolized as the Sun god)

        9-12 Your gate is the blue sky imbued with fearsomeness; only when it is open does Utu illuminate from the horizon.

        Your platform is where the fates are determined by the gods; you make just decisions.

        3bc - Ur, Nnnar's ziggurat-home (Nannar‘s residence in Ur unearthed, plus tens of thousands of artifacts)

        Your name be praised indeed!

        13-19 In your interior, the evildoer dares not lay hold of the holy statutes.

        E-kic-nujal, the evil-doer cannot even come to know your interior, which is a dragon.

         (Enlil, son & heir to alien Anunnaki King Anu, also father to Nannar, & the Earth Colony Commander)

        Your E-giguna …… Enlil …… your offerings .

        At your Dubla-mah, the place where the fates are determined, the great gods determine the fates.

        Worthy of the E-temen-ni-guru (all houses of alien gods), born ……, your name be praised indeed!

        3a-nannars-temple-ziggourat-home-in-ur2k - King Ur-Nammu Rebuilds Nannar's Home (Ur temple;  Ur-Nammu)

        20-24 The beautiful lord …… the true shepherd Ur-Namma, …… Urim …….

        The E-siga …… like Utu.

        Your name be praised indeed!

        Ur-Namma ……, adorned with a lapis lazuli beard …….

2bd - Bau, King Ur-Nammu & Ninurta
   (Ningal,    Ur-Nammu,  his mother Ninsun,  Ur-Nammu, Nannar, the patron god over Ur & its kings)

        25-34 In his pure heart Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) has chosen Ur-Namma,

        the king endowed with allure, the radiance covering the nation.

        Wickedness cannot pass unnoticed before his eyes.

        2ab - Ur-Nammu, Ninsun's son king, 2300-2000 B.C. (Ur-Nammu, Ninsun‘s giant mixed-breed son appointed as Nannar‘s king of Ur)

        Ur-Namma has accomplished an achievement, justice!

        The king, who knows (?) the spreading branches, Ur-Namma acts (?) as constable.

        The eloquent one of the lord, who knows (?) the spreading branches, Ur-Namma acts (?) as constable.

        3da - Nannar's, Terah's, & Abraham's home in Ur (temple house of Suen / Nannar / El in Ur)

        The king, Ur-Namma, refreshes himself at the house of Suen (Nannar / Sin).

        1y-nippur-enlils-city-in-the-1st-region  (Sumer, the Biblical “Eden”, the cities of gods between the rivers)

           35-40 She has determined a fate for the king, for the Tigris and the Euphrates and for Ur-Namma.


             (Nannar‘s spouse Ningal, & giant mixed-breed king Ur-Namma / Ur-Nammu before her in her courtyard, receiving his instructions)

        Its lady, the lady of possessions, the lady of ……, has determined a fate for Ur-Namma.

        The woman of the princely seed has treated him kindly.


A shir-namshub to Nanna for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

        1-6 Imbued with allure from the shining rooftops, Urim (Ur), your foundation rests on abundance.

         James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1 http://earthstation1.simplenet.com wandarer@earthlink.net  (top: giant King Ur-Nammu stands before damaged image of Nannar, Nannar’s Moon Crescent symbol, & 12-Pointed Star symbol of home planet Nibiru; middle: Ningal, Ur-Nammu, Ninsun twice, Ur-Nammu repeated, & Nannar seated; bottom: Ninurta leads semi-divine King Ur-Nammu & earthling cup bearer to repair ziggurat / residence of the gods)

        City, your lord rides high in joy, Ur-Namma rides high indeed;

        the one adorned with a lapis-lazuli (blue-hued gemstone) beard rides high indeed!

        He is the tallest among all the lords, appearing as the noblest among them (bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived longer).

         (Nannar & Ur-Nammu, the semi-divine giant king, Biblically mentioned “hero of old”, one of the “men of renown”)

        7-12 Those who leave through your gate are an uncontrollable flood.

        Shrine Urim, your interior is a mountain of abundance, your exterior a hill of plenty.

        3a - Nannar's Temple, Ziggourat, Home in Ur (E-kish-nugal, “artfully fashioned hill” by Nannar)

        No one can learn the interior of the E-kic-nujal, the artfully fashioned hill (residence of Nannar & spouse Ningal).

        Your temple is a shimmering mountain; your very name is merciful.

        2i-mixed-breed-ur-nammu 2a-ninsun-mother-of-gods-mixed-breed-kings  (Ur-Nammu, giant mixed-breed child of giant alien Anunnaki goddess Ninsun)

        Your lord is the one called as the beautiful lord, the (semi-divine mixed-breed) child of Ninsun, the ornament of all the lands.

        13-17 House, your great divine power is the shackle of the gods put on the Land.

        Your gate is named by your god, the beautiful god; only when it is is open does Utu (Sun God) illuminate from the horizon.

        Your platform, the place where the fates are determined by the gods,

        3f - Ur's Ziggourat, now Re-built (Nannar‘s temple residence in Ur, once occupied by Biblical hero Terah, Abraham’s father, the powerful High-Priest of Ur)

        in order to make just decisions, is where the Anuna (Anunnaki gods), the gods of heaven and earth, take counsel.

        18-24 Your …… makes (?) the faithful woman joyous, the father proud.

        In your interior the evildoer dares not lay hold of the holy statutes.

        The offerings of the E-giguna sprinkle the rebel lands with dust.

        At your Dubla-mah, the place where the fates are determined, the great gods determine the fates.

        2l - Nannar & Ninsun's son King Ur-Nammu (Ur-Nammu stands before Nannar, as Biblical Terah once did)

         Suen (Nannar / Sin) chose Sumer and Akkad, the black-headed (earthlings) people, and Ur-Namma in his heart.

        2bc - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu (Ningal with Ur-Nammu standing in her divine courtyard in Ur)

        25-35 Let me give praise to the king endowed with allure, the radiance covering the nation, the lord Ur-Namma!

          SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar atop his ziggurat / temple / residence in Ur, & his Moon Crescent symbol)

        In his heart Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) has chosen Ur-Namma, Ur-Namma who is endowed with allure,

        the radiance covering the nation, placing thereby a shackle on all the lands and blocking the way with a strong bolt.

        The king is worthy of Suen!

        Wickedness cannot pass unnoticed before his eyes.

         2ab-ur-nammu-ninsuns-son-king-2300-2000-b-c  (Ur-Nammu, son to Ninsun & Lugalbanda, 2/3rds divine king serving under giant god Nannar in Ur)

        Ur-Namma has accomplished an achievement, justice!

        He fills the wicked land with his battle-cry.

        The rebellious land is overthrown, Ur-Namma acts (?) as the constable.

        36-44 She has determined a fate for the king and the temple of Suen, for the Tigris and the Euphrates and for Ur-Namma.

        As the sun rises from the horizon, may the population multiply!

        May he pass the …… of Ninsun! …… admiration.

        Its lady, the lady who loves possessions, who loves him, has determined a fate for Ur-Namma;

        4b - Ningal head (Ningal, giant Anunnaki Queen Goddess of Ur, brown-eyed mother to Utu & Inanna)

        Ningal, its lady, the lady who loves possessions, the woman of princely seed, has determined a fate for Ur-Namma.

          45-51 The shepherd Ur-Namma is elevated; in the house of Suen, he is the one adorned with a lapis lazuli beard.

        (NannarUr-Nammu with his lapis lazuli – blue-hued gemstone decorated, god-like long beard)

        May he pass ……!

        …… is good, is sweet in its luxuriance.

       2b-ninsun-ninurta-baus-daughter  (Ninsun, goddess mother to demigods appointed to kingships from different cities, & at different times)

        Like Ninlil who gives birth in a storm, child of Ninsun, she has given birth to you (semi-divine son Ur-Namma).

          (King Anu, leader of the Anunnaki in Heaven / planet Nibiru, father to sons of god colonizing on Earth)

        May holy An (Anu) sit with the shepherd!

        …… with the shepherd Ur-Namma.

        2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c (Royal Anunnaki Prince Nannar, patron god of Ur, grandson to King Anu in Heaven / planet Nibiru) 

        52 A cir-namcub of Nanna.

An Adab to Nanna for Gungunum (Gungunum A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


1-3 1 line missing

…… of the gods, …… light!

Attractive great ……, …… radiance!

4 Barsud.

5-12 …… in princeship.

Ruler, leader of the Anuna (Anunnaki) deities,

6f - son of Enlil, El-Nannar-Sin4b-el-sin-nannar (giant god El / Nannar on his throne in Ur)

prince of the just decision, lord Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin),

  (An / Anu, Enlil, & Enki in winged sky-disc)

An (Anu) and Enlil have made you perfect for the sky.

Beloved of the king, making the good crown sparkle, coming forth on high,

you come forth like bright sunlight, whether at noon or in the night.

Youthful Suen (Nannar / Sin), lord, …… son of the Great Mountain (Enlil) and born of Ninlil,

given a good destiny by his grandparents (uncle & aunt) Enki and Ninki

1d-nannars-moon-crescent-symbol3 - Nannar espoused Ningal, Ningikuga's daughter (Nannar’s Moon Crescent symbols)

they have given …… to him, the just lord of the sky.

13 Cagbatuku.

14-18 ……, you care for them!

……, beloved ……, on the great dais …….

2 lines fragmentary


1-9 unknown no. of lines missing

1 line fragmentary

Gungunum …… share.

May …… restore your city for you.

The ……, the prince (?), the king …… has no rival.

May he bring back for you the scattered people of Sumer and Akkad.

Making manifest …… and everlasting things, may he lift his head high.

May he prolong life and bounty for him (i.e. for the king), may he create life for him.

His golden emblem is truly outstanding and its form is praiseworthy.

            (Ninlil & Enlil, alien King Anu‘s son, heir, & Earth Colony Commander, father to Nannar)

He has …… you to continue the offerings to father Enlil may his days be prolonged for you.

10 Sa-jara.

3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple (Nannar‘s E-kish-nugal overlooking Ur from way above)

11-13 In your Urim (Ur), the ancient city, the princely land,

the city of the great divine powers (alien technologies),

in your E-kic-nu-jal which light does not enter, the house which never diminishes,

may Gungunum whom you have chosen attain a life of many days.

14 Its uru.


     (giant Nannar served by the alien Anunnaki mixed-breed offspring, the early kings & high-priests)

15 An adab of Nanna.

A Hymn to Nanna for Gungunum (Gungunum B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


1-5 unknown no. of lines missing

5 lines fragmentary



unknown no. of lines missing

1 line fragmentary

In the whole heaven and on the whole earth Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) has made …… great (?).

The respected one, the singular dragon, the god made manifest, ……, the flourishing one,

2l-nannars-moons-crescent-symbol  (Moon Crescent symbols of Nanna / Nannar, god of Ur)

the lord who …… the moonlight — supporting you, youthful Gungunum …….

             (Earth Colony Commander Enlil & spouse Ninlil)

The lord, the good wild bull, the first-born son of Enlil (with Ninlil) ……,

             (Nannar atop his temple with alien antennas, or rocket, atop his ziggurat residence)

the youthful Suen who listens to prayers ……, has made prince Gungunum’s reign long …….

When my king stands in the sky …… beauty.

 (Lama / Ninsun with her semi-divine son-king, & Nannar / Suen)

When youthful Suen stands in the sky …… beauty.

 (Enlil, alien god in charge of establishing Earth Colony, taking gold, etc., back to their home planet)

The splendid son of Nunamnir (Enlil) …….


1-6 unknown no. of lines missing

Your holy purification rites ……, the rituals (?) …….

2g - Nannar & symbol seal (Nannar in his Ur temple holy of holies)

The crescent moon fixing the months ……. Suen, radiance ……. …… in the pure sky, beauty …….

In the Land …… for you.

1 line fragmentary



unknown no. of lines missing

7 lines fragmentary or missing

A Hymn to Nanna (for Shulgi) (Nanna O)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

Segment A


4 lines missing

1 line fragmentary

You possess ……!


                      (Enlil            Inanna  Utu                     Enki                   Isimud

An (Anu), Enlil, Enki and Ninḫursaĝa (NInhursag) treat you

with deserved affection in your place of creation.

Exalted Nanna ……, adviser in heaven and on earth ……!

 1ae - Enlil, Babylonian 2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks 2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer

  (King An / Anu, his son & heir Enlil, his eldest son Enki, & his eldest daughter Ninhursag with early attempts to fashion workers)

An, Enlil, Enki and Ninḫursaĝa treat you with deserved affection in your place of creation.

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.1d-anunnaki-gods-from-nibiru

13-20. Youthful Suen, as you move the Anuna gods stand in attendance.

In the four quarters of the world the black-headed (all earthlings) people

raise their eyes to you, the first-born son of Enlil (together with Ninlil).

Nanna, youthful Suen, as you move the Anuna gods stand in attendance.

In the four quarters of the world the black-headed people (earthlings) raise their eyes to you,

the first-born son of Enlil (is Ninurta, born of Enlil & 1/2 sister Ninhursag before Enlil married Ninlil).

21-28. As you become manifest in the holy heavens, you …… broadly over all the lands.

Your light (Moon God Nannar) is holy and purifies.

Oh, ah, it has come forth for the king like the sunlight!

Nanna, as you become manifest in the holy heavens, you …… broadly over all the lands.

3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar, son to Enlil & Ninlil, & his Moon Crescent symbol of then & now)

Your light is holy and purifies.

Oh, ah, it has come forth for the king like the sunlight!

29-31. Nanna, ……, for (?) the lord you have chosen, you have made the …… manifest.

…… without ceasing (?),

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-2. 1 line fragmentary

…… into the distant future.

3-10. We are going, we are going, …… we are going to the house, to the …… of the lord,

to the …… of Prince Šulgi (giant semi-divine mixed-breed King of Ur Shulgi),

7a - Lama, Inanna & spouse King Shulgi before father Nannar
    (Ninsun, her semi-divine son-king Shulgi, his goddess spouse Inanna, & Inanna‘s father Nannar, Shulgi‘s father-in-law)

to the city that has been restored, to where speech and opinions are good,

to where lips and hearts are pure, to where feet are firm on the ground.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur in Nippur, Enlil‘s patron city)

11-20. We are going to the shrine Nibru, Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven and Earth”), to …… brick-built Tutub,

2e - Eridu temple reconstruction (re-creation of Enki‘s ziggurat home in Eridu on banks of Euphrates & Persian Gulf)

to the majestic Abzu, brick-built Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city),

to the E-šu-me-ša with the princely divine powers (alien technologies),

3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur  (E-kish-nugal, Nannar‘s house way above Ur)

in Urim (Ur) to the house of Suen, to the E-kiš-nu-ĝal of Nanna,

to the Agrun-kug, the beloved house of the lady,

3h-shulgi-honored-as-high-priest-of-uncle-nannar (top: Shulgi, Inanna, & Nannar;   bottom: Nannar, Shulgi, & Ninsun)

to the E-ḫursaĝ, the house of the king, to the E-namtila of Prince Šulgi.

2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c (missing king, & giant god Utu, Nannar‘s son, symbolized as the Sun God)

In the …… place of Suen, may you be Utu.

21-32. The abzu has flourished, the abzu is beautiful.

The abzu shall establish the lord as its lord.

3ea-ur-city-state-of-nannar  (mud brick-built Ur with mud brick-built ziggurat / residence of Nanna / Nannar)

Lord Nanna, Lord Ašimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), to the lord of the courtyard,

noble Alamuš (unidentified?), may ……!

May ……!

May …… Inana of heaven …… in beauty!

2ee - Ishtar Temple in Mari   (Inanna, Ningal & Nannar‘s spoiled powerful daughter)

May the mistress …… in beauty in the shrine!

May …… as desired!

May ……!

May you ……!

2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (Ninsun, mother to giant alien Anunnaki gods & many semi-divine mixed-breed son-kings)

…… of Ninsumun (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta & Bau) ……!

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-2. I shall address you ……!

In the …… place of Suen, may you be Utu.

Shir-namshub to Nanna (Nanna K): Shir-namgala to Nanna (L) translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue…..mixed-breed demigods in teal)



1-3 As remote as heaven, …… as the earth!

2f - Nannar, moon god of Ur (Nannar / Sin, Moon Crescent patron god of Ur, city of Biblical Abraham)

         Lord Nanna (Nannar / Sin), as remote as heaven, …… as the earth!

Lord Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), as remote as heaven, …… as the earth!


4-16 A cowherd with his numerous cows, Suen (Sin / Nannar) …… the men in (?) the pens.

2e - El & 2 lionshousing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man (Nannar protects his cow pens in Ur)

A …… with his numerous calves, Suen…… the men in (?) the pens.


1 line fragmentary


4d - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu (Ningal & Ninsun‘s semi-divine mixed-breed son, Ur-Nammu, king of Ur)

The spouse …….Ningal…….

He has butter, …….

Iterda milk …….

Cheese …… like milk.


3b-ningal-spouse-of-nannar-ningikugas-daughter (giant alien brown-eyed goddess Ningal, spouse to Nannar)

17-21 Mother Ningal addresses him:

“My …… man, my lover, …….!

My …… man, my Suen, ……!

My man who has ritually bathed, ……!

My ……!

unknown no. of lines missing



4b - Ningal head (Ningal, giant alien goddess of Ur, spouse to Nannar, mother to Utu & Inanna)

1-13 (Ningal speaks:)

“The lord of the just word …….

The lord of the E-kic-nu-jal (Nannar’s & Ningal’s ziggurat residence in Ur)…….

When he fills the rivers with the spring floods, ……, establishing fine grain in the fields, ……,

…… the marshes with various carp, ……, …… the reed-beds with dead and fresh reeds, ……,

…… the woods with fallow deer and wild sheep, ……, …… the high desert with macgurum bushes, ……,

…… the irrigated orchards with syrup and wine, ……, …… the garden plots with lettuce and cress, ……,

…… the palace with long life, ……, I will live there, ……, I will live there in the …… place.


3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur (E-kish-nu-gal, Nannar’s residence) 3ia-nannars-stairway-to-heaven

    (Nannar’s ziggurat / residence way above his patron city of Ur, & his “Stairway to Heaven“)

14-19 “…… in your brick-built Urim (Ur), in your …… of Nanna,

in your Dubla-mah, the place where judgments are given,

in your vestibule of wine and syrup, at your Just Quay, the quay of the barges,

in your house of heaven, in your beloved house, I will live!


20-26 Nanna, in the upper lands I will live on your mountain of fragrant cedars.

Lord Nanna, I will live in your city.

I will live where your cows are numerous, where your calves are numerous.


       (Nannar supplied beef & sheep from Ur, feeding the alien gods same diet as ours)

Nanna, I will live in your Urim.

Lord, the bed is already …… there.

Lord, ……, lord, king, son (grandson) of An (Anu), hero who …… the great earth!”


27 3rd kirugu.

28 A cir-namcub of Suen.


A Shir-namgala to Nanna (Nanna L): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue….mixed-breed demigods in teal)


1-6 Princely son, respected one in heaven spreading amply over the high mountains,

inspiring awe as he casts a glowing radiance, majestic ……, his head reaching the sky,

5 - Nannar and father, Enlil2bc-nanna-his-symbol (Nannar, symbolized by the Moon Crescent then & now)

fixing the new moon and the months, shining forth, Nanna (Nannar / Sin)!

Versed in numbers, may you look down graciously!

2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c 3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (Nannar & grandfather, the king of planet Nibiru, King An / Anu)

Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), great light of holy An (Anu),

         mighty one (?) spreading wide, you cover (?) the numerous people.


           7 Its jicgijal.


8-16 …… light, prince lifting his head with (?) the crown, not changing ……,

http://earthstation1.simplenet.com  (Ur King, semi-divine giant Ur-Nammu stands before damaged horn-crowned Nannar, Moon Crescent symbol of Nannar, 12-Pointed Star symbol of planet Nibiru; seated horn-crowned Ningal & spouse Nannar with King Ur-Nammu & his mother-goddess horn-crowned Ninsun; horn-crowned Ninurta leads King Ur-Nammu to Enlil’s ziggurat for repairs, earthling workers follows behind)

making the Land firm forever, august …… who …… in abundance, …… kingship ……,

…… with shining horns, in the sky ……, …… the month …… Sumer, on earth ……,

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s ziggurat / temple / residence towering way above patron city Nippur)

…… of (?) the E-kur (Enlil‘s Earth Colony Command Central), radiance …….

1b-inanna-enlil-anus-heir-earths-commander  (Inanna & Enlil, symbols of the alien gods in the skies)

(Inanna’s 8-Pointed Star of Venus above her head, etc., Nannar’s Moon Crescent, Enlil‘s 7-Planet Symbol of Earth, & sky-disc of Nibiru)

…… on the other side, holy glow which he alone ……, true light, filling the wide sky,

Acimbabbar …… greatly.

17 Its jicgijal.

18-30 Nanna, dragon of heaven and earth, standing ……,

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar atop his Ur ziggurat / residence, & his Moon Crescent symbol)

fixing the months and the new moon, sets the year in its place.

Suen (Nannar / Sin), lord, in heaven you alone are majestic.

Lord, light of heaven, you are positioned forever.

To prolong years of abundance, causing the early flood and unceasing abundance,

to make firm the quays, to regulate the nipples of heaven, to establish celebration,

…… to bring speckled grain, to ……, ……, to make firm the lofty dais of E-kic-nujal,

5a-nannar-a-very-early-king  (giant god Nannar & his giant semi-divine mixed-breed high-priest or king)

Nanna, to make firm the seat of kingship of the Land,

3 lines fragmentary


31-40 …… with (?) a remote heart ……, …… Urim (Ur), the city you have chosen,

3e - Anu's Temple in Uruk3ac-nippur-ground-level 3ca-nannars-house-city-of-ur

                    (house of Anu in Uruk, house of Enlil in Nippur, & house of Nannar in Ur)

in the …… of An (Anu) and Enlil ……, his lofty ……, may he (?) look favorably upon you.

…… when you reside in the place where you find rest, …… in the Agrun-kug a just destiny is determined.

The Great Mountain Enlil has set his mind on lord Acimbabbar.

…… in his Hursaj-galama, …… as he bears radiance and inspires terrifying awe,

  (Nannar in his shrine)

in the …… of the shrine Urim he determines favorable destinies.


41-46 …… widespread people …… may he until distant times make the power majestic.

…… speckled grain ……, …… abundance ……; may he raise raise his head …… like …….

May …… the restored place.

May he bestow …… unapproachable …….

7h - Nannar, god of Ur, very early civilization (Aya, spouse Utu, & his father Nannar)

47…… kirugu.

48-51 Majestic ……, born of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), ..…., lord Acimbabbar, holy son (grandson) of An,

…… luxuriance, majestic …… whose just word cannot be changed,

         ……, Nanna, may you exert great power (alien technologies)!


           52 Its uru.

           2g-nannar-symbol-seal (Nannar in his shrine / holy of holies in Ur) 

      53 A cir-namgala to Nanna.