The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature
(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)
(gods in blue)
1-7 Whoever has eaten good bread has also drunk good beer,
in the house where the righteous man has filled the bowls with liquor —
the lord of the storehouse, the Great Mountain Enlil;
(Earth Colony Commander Enlil & his equal spouse Ninlil carved into ancient city wall)
the lady of the storehouse, great mother Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse);

(Utu, Commander of the Space Ports, cut launch & landing pads for the alien gods into the mountains)
youthful Utu, lord of the mountain; Cerida (Utu), youthful leader of battle;
the Enki and Ninki deities; Enmul (Enlil) and Ninmul (Ninlil).
8 1st kirugu.
9-18 Unto distant days, indeed forever, stand by the righteous man who gives you bread,
O exalted one, O exalted one, O exalted one — elalu!
Unto distant days, indeed forever, stand by the most righteous of men who gives you bread,

(Great Mountain / ziggurat / residence / Enlil‘s Command Central for Earth Colony; Royal Prince Enlil, son & heir to King Anu)
O lord of the storehouse, Great Mountain Enlil!
O lady of the storehouse, great mother Ninlil!

O youthful Utu, lord of the mountain!
O Cerida, youthful leader of battle!
O exalted one, O exalted one, O exalted one — elalu!
19-23 May the righteous man have a long life, indeed forever!
May the most righteous of men have a long life, indeed forever!
Stand by him, O exalted one, O exalted one, O exalted one — elalu!
24 2nd kirugu.
25-33 Auamma! — in the house — ulili! Alliliamma! — in the house — ulili!
Pour out beer for him, pour out liquor for him,
O minister, pour out liquor for your lord, O Nuska, pour out liquor for Enlil!
(drinking bouts of the gods lasting weeks)
Beer has now been poured out: let me give you this beer to drink.
Liquor has now been poured out: let me give you this liquor to refresh yourself.
O lord, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you!

(earthling workers for the alien giant gods)
O Enlil, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you!
34-40 As you eat, flax comes into being, grain comes into being.
As you drink, early floods come into being in the rivers.
(at 1st the gods did the work)
(Enlil with plow, father-in-law Haia – god of barley, mother-in-law Nisaba – goddess of grains, & spouse Ninlil, grain goddess)
As you eat, mottled grain comes into being in the fields.
Accept what the righteous man has brought to you!
Accept the flour that the most righteous man has brought to you!
He has paid homage to you. He says to you “Eat”, he says to you “Drink”.
41 3rd kirugu.

(Ninkasi, Enki‘s daughter the Goddess of Beer; straws used to avoid thick beer mash floating on top)
42-50 The beer for the bur-gia offerings has been filled to overflowing.
Among the offerings of the house,
at the place where the huge bowls have been stood under the heavens,
where bread has been offered by pure hands,
at the house where the righteous man has offered prayers,
where the most righteous of men has offered prayers,
(mixed-breed earthling & giant Enki, God of Waters)
where the god of the man has offered prayers, where lord Enki has offered prayers,
there the righteous man has filled to overflowing the beer for the bur-gia offerings.
51-58 The righteous man, the most righteous of men, has filled them to overflowing.
O lord of the storehouse, Great Mountain Enlil, he has filled them to overflowing.
(earthling workers for the gods)
O lady of the storehouse, great mother Ninlil, he has filled them to overflowing.
The most righteous of men has …… the bowls with your beer.
May this bronze vessel increase his long life.
When Nibru (Nippur) had been fully built, when …… had been ……,
when the brickwork of this house had been ……, the living spouse ……, the seed of the house, the seed …….
59 4th kirugu.
60-66 Gaze upon him, gaze upon him!
O Utu, gaze upon him, gaze upon him!
O wild bull of the E-babbar (Utu‘s temple residence in Sippar), gaze upon him, gaze upon him!
(brown-eyed beauty Ningal, Enki‘s daughter with Ningikuga, Nannar‘s spouse)
O bearded one, son born to Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse), ……, gaze upon him!
When you gaze upon the bulls in the cattle-pen, bulls fill the cattle-pen.
When you gaze upon the sheep in the fold, sheep fill the fold.
When you have gazed upon the man, …….
67 5th kirugu.
68-73 From the malt I will gather …… from the small birds for you.
From the grain I will gather plums (?) for you.
From the …… I will gather the …… of the small birds (?) for you.
(food & drink supplied to the giant gods by their worker earthlings)
May the lord eat this produce — he has eaten …….
May the hero, youthful Utu, drink — he has drunk …….
May youthful Utu …… — he will give it to me to eat; may he …… — he will give it to me to drink.
74 6th kirugu.

(earthlings working for giant gods)
75-79 The beer …… your seat in the brewery.
Over your brewing vats …….
The good minister …… the gala priest.
The minister of the good house …….
Youthful Utu …….
80 7th kirugu.
81-84 When the heart ……, the precious seed …….
The holy offerings …….
Youthful Utu …….
85 8th kirugu.
86-110 Ulili ……!
Enlil …….
2 lines missing
21 lines fragmentary
111 …… kirugu.
(This composition is inscribed on a tablet whose colophon specifies it as a cir-namcub of Utu)
A Shir-namshub to Utu (Utu F): translation
(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)
(gods in blue)
1-23 17 lines fragmentary
(Utu cuts the mountains for launch pads)
Youthful Utu ……, calf of the wild cow, calf of the wild cow, calf of the righteous son,

(daughter Inanna, son Utu, & father Nannar; Inanna atop her zodiac sign Leo the lion, naked Inanna, & twin brother Utu)
Utu, royal brother of Inana!
He who brings thirst to streets and paths (?),
Utu, he of the tavern, provided beer, youthful Utu, he of the tavern, provided beer.
24-30 (Inana speaks:)

(winged pilot Inanna; Inanna with display of her alien technologies)
“My brother, awe-inspiring lord, let me ride with you to the mountains!
Lord of heaven, awe-inspiring lord, lord, let me ride with you to the mountains;
to the mountains of herbs, to the mountains of cedars, to the mountains;
to the mountains of cedars, the mountains of cypresses, to the mountains;
to the mountains of silver, the mountains of lapis lazuli, to the mountains;
to the mountains where the gakkul plants grow, to the mountains;
to the distant source of the rolling rivers, to the mountains.”
31-34 “My brother, come, let me …….
My brother, the midst of the sea …… my eyes.
My brother, women ……. Utu, women …….”
35-38 “I am unfamiliar with womanly matters, with …….

(young Inanna, Goddesss of Love)
I am unfamiliar with womanly matters, with sexual intercourse!
I am unfamiliar with womanly matters, with kissing!
I am unfamiliar with sexual intercourse, I am unfamiliar with kissing!”
39-43 “Whatever exists in the mountains, let us eat that.
Whatever exists in the hills, let us eat that.
In the mountains of herbs, in the mountains of cedars,
in the mountains of cedars, the mountains of cypresses,
whatever exists in the mountains, let us eat that.”
44-49 “After the herbs have been eaten, after the cedars have been eaten,
put your hand in my hand and then escort me to my house.
Escort me to my house, to my house in Zabalam.
Escort me to my mother, to my mother Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse).

(Ninsun, Dumuzi‘s mother; daughter-in-law Inanna espoused her son Dumuzi the Shepherd)
Escort me to my mother-in-law, to Ninsumun.
Escort me to my sister-in-law, to Jectin-ana (Geshtinana, Dumuzi‘s sister, daughter to Ninsun & Enki).”
50-56 For those who venture forth single-handed, who venture forth from a man’s house,
for those who venture forth from a man’s house, who venture forth single-handed,
(giant alien god Utu, had sex with daughters of men, producing mixed-breed kings)
Utu: you are their mother, Utu, you are their father.
Utu, as for the orphans, Utu, as for the widows,
Utu: the orphans look to you as their father,
Utu, you succor the widows as their mother.
With you …….”