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Invocations to the Goddess Beltis

Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. IV , ed. by A.H. Sayce, [1890], at sacred-texts.com

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1a - Inanna with Liberty Torch 

                 (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War, daughter to Nannar, twin to Utu)

1. To Beltis (Inanna), the great lady, chief of heaven and earth, queen of all the gods, the mighty one

2. of all lands, whose festival is honored among the Ishtars (Inannas), who surpasses in power her offspring, a shining form,

5d-utu-the-law-giver  (Babylonian King Hammurabi stands before the Sun god Utu)

3. who, like the sun her brother (Utu), the ends of heaven and earth together enlightens, the strong one of the Anunnaki,1

4. first-born of Anu, great one of the gods, queen over her enemies, who goes before, troubler of the seas,

3b - Inanna shown with wings for flight (attendant Ninshubur & Inanna)

5. who tramples the wooded mountains under foot,2 the mighty one of the Igigi (Anunnaki space truckers to Nibiru), lady of fight and battle,3 without whom in E-sarra the scepter

6. they would not obey, who causes to receive strength,who causes to find the fulness of the heart1 of him who loves truth,

7. hearer of prayers, receiver of supplication, who accepts entreaty, Ishtar, the perfect light,

8. all-powerful, who enlightens heaven and earth, whose name is proclaimed in the regions of all countries,

9. who bestows life, the merciful goddess, to whom it is good to pray, who dwells

10. in Calah, my lady.


In the following inscription Assur-bani-pal commemorates the revolt of Elam and its final suppression (after 648 B.C.), as well as certain repairs or alterations which he carried out in the temple of Ishtar of Nineveh, to whom are gratefully ascribed both the inspiration and the merit of his victorious campaigns.

The reference to the fate of Teumman’s successors is not altogether clear, though Tiele (BabylonischAssyrische Geschichte, ii. 399) is probably right in explaining it as an allusion to the triumphal progress of Assur-bani-pal to the gate of the temple of Ishtar in a chariot drawn by the four conquered kings. See W. A. I., v. 10, 29. But in that case the introduction of Ummanigas must be due to an error, for he was killed by his son, Tammaritu, long before the end of the Elamite war, which this barbaric triumph of Assur-bani-pal was intended to celebrate (Smith, History of Assurbanipal, p. 202).

And, as we learn from W. A. I., v. 10, it was the Arabian King Vaiteh, who, together with the three Elamite princes mentioned in our inscription, was compelled to draw the car of Assur-bani-pal.

The inscription appears to have been frequently copied and widely circulated. Four versions are preserved in the British Museum (Nos. 62, 63, 64, 65), and a fifth was discovered at Tartûs (the ancient Antarados) in 1885, of which the text, with a translation, was communicated by Professor Sayce to the Society of Biblical Archeology, and published in their Proceedings (vii. 142). It has further been published and translated by George Smith (History of Assurbp., p. 303), and S. A. Smith (Keilschriftexte Asurbanipals, ii. 10), while a German version by Jensen will be found on p. 264 of the second volume of Schrader’s Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek.1

             1aa - Inanna, equipted to fly (Inanna, alien giant goddess with advanced technologies)

1. To Beltis (Inanna), lady of the lands, who dwells in E-barbar,2

14f-king-assurnasirpal-ii  (mixed-breed descendant-king Ashurbanipal II, with many symbols of Anunnaki gods)

2. Assur-bani-pal, King of Assyria, the great one, her worshipper,

3. the governor, the work of her hands, who by her great command

4. in the onset of battle had cut off

5. the head of Teumman, King of Elam;

6. and Ummanigas, Tammaritu, Pa’e,

7. Ummanaldas, who after Teumman had exercised

8. royalty over Elam, with her great help

9. my hands took them, and to the chariot,1

10. the car of my kingship I fastened them,

  1.        and in her mighty name in all countries I went to and fro,

2 - Parked Shem at Inanna's Temple (ancient coin of Inanna‘s temple / residence with a landed shem / rocket)

12. and rival had I none. In those days the pavement of the house of Ishtar,

13. my lady, with squared stone well-hewn2 its fabric

14. I made great for ever. Beltis (Ishtar / Inanna),

15. may this pavement be accepted before thee!

16. On me, Assur-bani-pal, the worshipper of thy great godhead,

17. a life of long days, wholeness of heart bestow,

18. and going to and fro in E-barbar (Utu‘s “Shining House” in Larsa) may my feet grow old!


The following is a translation of the inscription of Assur-natsir-pal referred to in II, note 2. It establishes the identification of Beltis with Ishtar of Nineveh, and also records the fact that “the temple of the library” (?) was originally built or founded by Samsi-Rimmon. Two inscriptions and two only of this ancient king appear to have been preserved;but in both he styles himself “builder of the house of Assur,” which is perhaps the same temple as that which in later records, like the present, we find more particularly associated with Ishtar. The inscription is on a fragment of a votive dish of clay found at Kouyunjik, and now in the British Museum.

            21f-assurbanipal-could-read-the-ancient-scripts  (Ashurbanipal II could read & write in many languages, it was his text written in 3 languages, that finally gave linguists the clues to translate the ancient texts, the 1st texts, written in cuneiform) 

       1. Assur-natsir-pal, vicar1 of Bel (Marduk), high-priest of Assur (Osiris), son of Tukulti-Uras, vicar of Bel, high-priest of Assur, son of Rimmon-nirari, vicar of Bel, high-priest of Assur,

        2. when E-barbar, the house of Ishtar (Inanna) of Nineveh, my lady,  which Samsi-Rimmon, high-priest of Assur2 the great one who went before me, had made,

3d - Asar-Ashur-Osiris in winged disc (Ashur, son to Marduk, in his sky-disc, directing his king)

3. fell into decay, from its foundations to its roof I restored (it), I completed (it), I strengthened (it) more than before, I repaired (it) …3

4. An inscription I wrote in the midst … May some later monarch that which has fallen of it renew; the name written to its place [may he restore!]4


91:1 The spirits of the under world opposed to Igigi, the spirits of the upper air.

91:2 In an inscription of Assur-natsir-pal on a small altar brought from Balawât by Mr. Rassam, and numbered 71 in the Nimrud Gallery of the British Museum, the same epithet is applied to Bel. AnaBelimu-na-ri-id khur-sâ-ni a-sib E-kid-mu-ri, etc.—”To Bel, … trampling the wooded mountains under foot, dwelling in E-kid-mu-ri,” etc.

91:3 Or, as Mr. Pinches suggests, “without whom … the herd or tribe would not obey,” taking sibdhu as a collective expressing literally “that which is driven together.” Cf. Ex. xxiv. 4. ‏שׁבטי ישׂראל‎ “the tribes of Israel.” Jensen translates: “ohne dieein Strafgericht (?) nicht günstig ist.” (!) E-sarra is the temple of heaven, opposed to E-kur, the temple of the earth.

92:1 Or, “who causes to attain the heart’s desire of him,” etc.

93:1 The text will be found in the second volume of W. A. I., plate 66, No. 2; but the arrangement of the present translation is different, being that of No. 64, as edited by S. A. Smith.

93:2 It is uncertain whether the name of this temple should be read E-barbar (“Shining House”) or E-masmas, and the meaning of the name is also obscure. However, in W. A. I., ii. 48, 26, barbar (or masmas) is explained by the Assyrian phrase kis-su sa mu-’sa-ri-e, which is interpreted to mean “library” (Sayce, Hibbert Lectures, p. 149), in which case E-barbar would be “the temple of the library.” The original meaning of mu’sarû seems to have been “furrow”; cp. W. A. I., iv. 27, I: bi-i-nu sa ina mu-’sa-ri-e me-e lâ is-tu-u (“seed which in the furrows drinks not water”). Hence, through the idea of what is traced or indented, it comes to mean an inscribed character, an inscription. The temple in question is the temple of Ishtar at Nineveh, which was also restored by Assur-natsir-pal. See W. A. I., iii. 3, 40.

94:1 The words translated “chariot” (itsi sa sa-da-di) mean literally “the wood of drawing,” or “the draught-wood.”

94:2 iski, translated “well-hewn,” I take as an adjective, and connect with the root ‏שּׂכה‎, of which “primaria potestas fortasse est in secando.” The meaning “strong” has also been suggested; in any case it is difficult to see how it can be made (as by S. A. Smith) into a preterite of the first person.

95:1 I venture, on an obvious model, to introduce the phrase, “vicar of Bel,” as more expressive than such terms as “viceroy,” of the combination of functions in a ruler who was not only a king but also a pope.

95:2 The son of Isme-Dagon, cir. B.C. 1820.

95:3 At the end of line 3 I restore u-sa-tir; cp. Tiglath-Pileser, viii. 49, a-na as-ri-su-nu u-tir.

95:4 I restore lu-tir; cp. W. A. I., iii. 3, 23, ana as-ri-su lu-tir.

šir-namšubs to Inana (Inana G & I)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-19. When I go, when I go — the mighty queen who ……, who ……;

when I, the queen, go to the Abzu, when I, Inana (Inanna), go to the Abzu,

when I go to the Abzu, the E-nun, when I go to Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city) the good,

when I go to E-engura, when I go to E-ana (ziggurat residence in Uruk), the temple of Enlil,

when I go to ……, when I go to where the great offering bowls stand in the open air,

when I go to where the …… pure …… bowls, when I go to where …… is honored,

when I go to where Lord Enki is honored,

when I go to where Damgalnuna (Ninhursag) …… is honored,

when I go to where Asarluḫi (Marduk, Enki‘s son) …… is honored —

1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons3d-inanna-riding-ninhursag (Inanna with alien powers, symbols of gods)

then I bring a dog with me, I bring a lion (?) with me, I bring boxwood with me, I bring ḫalub wood with me.

I, Inana, receive the little ……, when I travel there, when I travel there.

20-35. I go as one who brings forth water; I go as one who brings forth water.

When I, the queen, go into the marshes, I go as the …… of the marshes.

When I go into the hub of the battle, I go as one who brings forth its brightest light (?).

3h - Ninurta, Ninhursag, & fighting Inanna (Ninurta, his mother Ninhursag, & Inanna in battle dress)

When I go into the van of the battle, I go as one who brings forth its brightest light (?).

When I follow at the rear of the battle, I go for …… the evil of the …….

3a-nippur-ziggurat-enlils-home-on-earth 2e-enlils-home-in-nippur   (Enlil & his ziggurat residence) 

When I enter the temple of Enlil, I go as its woman who triumphed over the mountains.

I (?) utter hostile words against the foreign lands; I seat my husband before me.

I utter a challenge in (?) the temples of the gods (?);

I utter a challenge against Utu, against Nanna (Nannar / Sin);

I utter a challenge against Sud (Ninlil, Enlil’s spouse) in its holy …….

36-47. The river, the river, good as the vast river, the ……, good as the city — there is nothing as good as this!

The river, the noble river, as the vast river, the river, the Euphrates, as the vast river,

2a-lagash-in-mesopotamia (Sumer with Rivers Euphrates & Tigris)

the …… of the Euphrates, as the vast river,

2 lines fragmentary

— good as the ……, good as the city — there is nothing as good as this!

3b - Enki image 2e-eridu-temple-reconstruction (Enki & his ziggurat residence in Eridu)

Just as when Enki, the wild bull of Eridug (Eridu), arrives;

as when the mother of the E-maḫ, Damgalnuna (Ninhursag), arrives;

2aa - Marduk, older brother to many siblings (Marduk, Enki‘s eldest & most ambitious son, patron god of Babylon)

as when Asarluḫi (Marduk), the son of Eridug, arrives;

as when Enlil eats, as when he drinks, …… good as ……, good as the city — there is nothing as good as this!

48-51. (Inana speaks:)

“…… this is in (?) my heart.

To where …… is honored, …… to where the just man honors him,

its man prepares a flowered bed within the house.”

52-65. In E-ana the linen-clad priests prepare an altar for him.

Water is placed there for the lord; they address him.

Bread is placed there; they address him.

He is refreshed in the palace; they address him as follows:

1a-inanna-dumuzi (Inanna with her young spouse Dumuzi the Shepherd)

Dumuzid (Dumuzi), radiant in the temple (?) and on earth!

Mother Inana, Mother Inana, your mounds, your mounds (?)!

Mother Inana, Inana of heaven, your garments, your garments, your black garment, your white garment!”

(Inana (?) speaks:)

“Oh my man who has come to the house: approach (?)!”

(The priests (?) speak:)

“Bring forward a chant, a melody of the heart!

Bring forward their ……, as they seat the ……!

Approach their place, where they are stationing,

where they are stationing, where they are stationing, where they are stationing Enlil in the Ki-ur!”

66-69. (Inana speaks:)

“Wild bull, face of the Land!

I will give life to its man! I will fulfill all its needs (?)!

I will make its man produce correct speech in the shrine,

…… correct speech in the interior hall of the palace.”

70-77. (The priests (?) speak:)

“Oh mistress, let your breasts be your fields!

1e-ishtar-goddess-of-loveIFOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA (fields of Inanna‘s breats)

Inana, let your breasts be your fields,

your wide fields which pour forth flax, your wide fields which pour forth grain!

Make water flow from them!

Provide it from them for the man!

Make water flow and flow from them!

Keep providing it from them for the man!

…… for the specified man, and I will give you this to drink.”

A šir-namšub to Inana (Inana I)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Segment A

5d - shipping & the gods (alien gods, royal descendants of King Anu on Earth, boating down the Euphrates)

     1-15. When I …… as I travel by boat, when I …… as I travel by boat,

when I, the queen, journey to the abzu, when I enter the house of Enlil,

I am indeed the queen who is pre-eminent in the mountains.

3ma-inanna-enlil-goddess  (Inanna standing before grandfather Enlil)

When I stand before the face of Enlil, I am indeed the emanating light.

When I stand in the mouth of the battle, I am indeed also the foremost one of all lands.

When I stand in the thick of the battle, I am indeed also the very guts of battle, the heroic strength.

3mb-ishtar-with-divine-powers-enlil  (Inanna, Goddess of War, & grandfather Enlil)

When I walk about at the rear of the battle, I am indeed also the flood bearing …….

When I take my stand behind the battle, I am the woman who comes (?).

16-22. When I sit in the alehouse, I am a woman, and I am an exuberant young man.

When I am present at a place of quarreling, I am a woman, a figurine brought to life.

         (Inanna, the one & only Goddess of Love)

When I sit by the gate of the tavern, I am a prostitute familiar with the penis;

the friend of a man, the girlfriend of a woman.

23-34. I am milk of the god.

I am pre-eminent in the mountains.

I am the milk of the god, of Dumuzid (Dumuzi).

I am pre-eminent in the mountains.

The mountains in my hands, the mountains at my feet, Elam in my hands;

1c-war-dressed-ishtar-atop-lion-leo3d-inanna-ishtar-upon-lion1  (Inanna, Goddess of War in battle-dress)

I have a pointed dagger in my belt.

The gods are small birds, and I am the falcon.

3 - Alalu & Anu, Sumerian gods wrestle for kingship (alien gods battle & even war against each other, earthlings were forced to fight wars by them, & learned wars from them)

The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods butt each other, but I am the wild cow.

I am the grandiloquent (granddaughter) daughter of Enlil.

4m-utu-inanna-nannar  (Utu, twin sister Inanna, father Nannar, & damaged Papsukal)

I am the formidable one of my father Suen (Nannar / Sin).

I am the queen created by Nudimmud (Enki).

My eye ……. My eye …….

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-7. The life of the lord …….

The life of the king …….

Filling throat and heart …….

The city which is restored …….

The beauteous countenance …….

A foot placed on the earth …….

On its full lips …….

8-9. Let the dripping (?) waters …….

The ferry boat, a prayer, a prayer, …… man …….


10-19. Imbued (?) with my awesomeness! Imbued (?) with my awesomeness!

The life of the lord, imbued (?) with my awesomeness!

The life of the king, imbued (?) with my awesomeness!

Filling throat and heart, imbued (?) with my awesomeness!

The marsh reeds of Kuara, imbued (?) with my awesomeness!

The most beautiful marsh reeds, imbued (?) with my awesomeness!

The city which is restored, imbued (?) with my awesomeness!

The beauteous countenance, imbued (?) with my awesomeness!

A foot placed on the earth, imbued (?) with my awesomeness!

On its full lips, imbued (?) with my awesomeness!


20-21. Let the dripping (?) waters …….

The ferry boat, a prayer, a prayer, …… man …….

 22-29. We shall go! We shall go! We shall go in supplication!

We shall go for the supplication of the lord!

We shall go for the supplication of the king!

Those of the supplication of the corner …… at the corner.

Those of the supplication of the side …… at the side.

1h-nude-inanna-in-cape2c-flying-inanna-1  (beautiful Inanna with alien / divine powers)

Mother Inana (Inanna) of heaven …… with beauty.

The Mistress …… with beauty in the shrine.

30. A šir-namšub of Inana.


Balbales to Inana (Inana A & ?)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-11. Great fierce storm, …… radiance!

 (Inanna with alien advanced-tech weaponry, Ninurta, & Enlil)

Inana (Inanna), emitting fearsomeness and radiance in battle!

{(1 ms. adds:) Inana, playing (?) in battle! Inana, emitting fearsomeness and radiance in battle!}

           (Inanna upon her lion symbol, & Ninhursag)

Where Enlil has commanded it, you make a lion’s body and lion’s muscles rise up.

…… in the south and in the uplands …… like grass.

 (giant alien god Ishkur / Adad, god of thunder, uncle to Inanna)

Like Iškur (Adad) …….

Like their proud mighty heroes, {you ……}

{(1 ms. has instead:) may they …… for you} their noses (?) to the ground.

May the {great} {(1 ms. has instead:) proud}

2b - Kish ruins, where kingship was born (Kish, ruins of city & walls, where “kingship came down from heaven“, the very 1st kings appointed by the alien gods, mixed-breed “might-men” appointed to kingships by the gods acting as their go-betweens from gods to earthlings)

warrior of kings and queens restore for you the shrine Keš (Kish).

May he make them …… their noses (?) to the ground for you.

12-23. My lady, you turn your gaze from the abzu (?).

3a-anu-inanna  (Anunnaki alien King Anu & great-granddaughter Inanna, Goddess of War)

An (Anu) has commanded you …….

You are gifted with divine powers (alien technologies) like An the king,

3ma-inanna-enlil-goddess  (Inanna with divine powers upon her temple residence, communicating with grandfather Enlil, also Inanna‘s 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, her father Nannar‘s Moon Crescent symbol, & Enlil‘s 7-planets / 7-pointed stars, lucky #7 symbol of Earth; calculated as follows: when entering our solar system from outer space, Earth is the 7th planet seen)

and like Enlil you are established in a place of honor.

You determine majestic verdicts in the assembly; like a light from heaven within the assembly,

you lead (?) the righteous and {seize the wicked} {(1 ms. has instead:) …… the evil}.

You {lead (?)} {(1 ms. has instead:) lead forth} the righteous in the palace for Utu.

You restore the …….

You …… the people for the king, and …….

 (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir to the throne of planet Nibiru, with authority over its satellite colonies)

Enlil gave you your fierce face and your serious brow.

24. A balbale of Inana.

A balbale to Inana

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-8. Lady, you who wander among sweet-voiced cows and gentle-voiced calves in the cattle-pen;

young woman, no sooner will you arrive there, Inana, than the churn should sound!

6b-inanna-dumuzi-in-the-underworld  (Inanna & spouse Dumuzi, son to Enki & Ninsun)

May the churn of your spouse sound, Inana, may the churn of Dumuzid (Dumuzi) sound!

May the churn sound, may the churn of Dumuzid sound!

9-16. The rocking of the churn will sing for you, Inana, thus making you joyous.

The holy churn will sound …… for you, thus making you joyous, Ninegala (Inanna).

The good shepherd, the man of sweet songs, will loudly (?) sing songs for you;

lady, with the sweetest songs, Inana, may he make your heart joyous!

weaving-reed-huts-of-early-modern-man  (cattle pens in ancient Sumer)

17-22. Lady, when you enter the cattle-pen, Inana, the cattle-pen indeed will rejoice over you.

Mistress, when you enter the sheepfold, Inana, the sheepfold indeed will rejoice over you.

When you enter the feeding-pen, healthy ewes will spread out their wool for you.

3 - Dumuzi the shepherd 1d-inanna-in-the-nude

     (Kish King Etana ascends to heaven / planet Nibiru to meet Anu & Dumuzi the Shepherd;   spouse & young Goddess of Love, Inanna)

23-29. May your spouse, Ama-ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi), …… on (?) your holy breast.

May the holy sheepfold produce plentiful supplies of butter (?) for you.

It will make butter plentiful (?), it will make milk plentiful (?), thus making you joyous, Inana.

May the holy sheepfold make the butter extensive (?) for you, thus making you joyous, Ninegala.

30-35. For the king you have chosen with your heart,

for Dumuzid, the son (nephew) of Enlil (Dumuzi is son of Enki & Ninsun),

may the cattle-pen produce (?) butter and milk, may the sheepfold produce (?) abundance!

May the days of the true shepherd be numerous!

The true shepherd, Dumuzid …… days of prosperity!

 1-inanna-dumuzi-young-lovers (Dumuzi & his bride Inanna, the Goddess of Love)

36. A balbale of Inana.

A Hymn to Inana as Ninegala (Inana D)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-8. Great light, heavenly lioness, always speaking words of assent!

Inana, great light, lioness of heaven, who always speaks words of assent!

3c - Inanna, Ninurta, & Ninhursag (Inanna, Ninurta, & his mother Ninhursag)

Ninegala! (Inanna) As you rise in the morning sky (Venus) like a flame visible from afar,

and at your bright appearance in the evening sky (Venus),

the shepherd (i.e. the king) entrusts (?) the flocks of Sumer to you.

Celestial sign, …… glory of heaven!

All the countries are building a house for you as for the risen sun;

a shining (?) torch is assigned to you, the light of the Land.

9-10. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers (alien technologies),

2d-inanna-wars-against-marduk  (Inanna, Goddess of Love; Inanna, Goddess of War)

and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

11-19. When bright …… had raised its head in the Land,

and when you live …… with ……, the young woman …… the hero for you, she has grasped …… for you.

…… has brought the numerous …… to you.

They raise …… to your ……; kids …… are ordered,

and your Egal-edina, the place of calm, has been arranged for you.

You are the good woman who appears radiantly throughout the Land.

20-21. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

22-36. After the first watch of the night has passed, as like a shepherd you get up from the grass,

you seize your battle-mace like a warrior, you fasten the guma cloth on your arms,

and you bind on your indefatigable strength.

Thus you appear brilliantly, together with An (Anu)in the city.

2ca - Anu's temple, at least 3500B.C. (ziggurat / residence of Anu & Inanna in Uruk)

On earth, Inana, you emit awe-inspiring splendor from the holy dais.

Your feet are placed on seven dogs, your seat is set upon a lion and a leopard.

Cattle and sheep are brought to you for inspection.

Lulal stands by your feet, bearing in battle the pitiless (?) mace.

Beside them the cultic attendants stand at your service, lined up for you beside the dogs.

They have taken over the temple Gu-ena-ida, to provide for you.

37-38. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

39-43. The …… dog (?) has brought the sheep close to you;

the powerful dog (?) has …… a wild bull …… in its paws,

2 lines unclear

the lion, the warrior …….

44-56. Inana, in heaven you are lightning,

on earth you move swiftly …… against the foreign land that you are angry with, …….

When in your precinct and shrine the Ibgal you regulate the divine ordinances

like the divine powers of An (Anu), when you regulate the heavenly ordinances

3b-anu-of-planet-nibiru(Anu) 2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad(son Enki) 2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c(grandson under Enlil, Nannar)

like the divine powers of Enki and cause awe of you to reach up to the heavens,

then your seat is on the …… dais on the terrace by your Gate of Four Faces.

Inana, you go into the interior of heaven like your father Suen (Sin / Nannar);

Ninegala, you appear like moonlight in your shrine the Ibgal,

placing your foot on your ordinances, and dividing them among the …… dogs (?).

56-57. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

58-65. When you slip through where brambles and foul great thorns grow,

when you stride along all the mountains, when you drink from puddles with the dogs,

when you share the stall with the horses, when with the storm you reduce everything to a mere shadow,

Inana, when you cause the rain to fall all day long,

2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu (Enki‘s city Eridu, ruins after tens of thousands of years)

then your seat is in your E-kug-nuna at Eridug (Eridu), on the dais where destinies are determined.

66-76. At the New Year, at the festival of Dumuzid (Dumuzi),

your spouse Ama-ušumgal-ana, Lord Dumuzid, steps forward to you.

1a-inanna-dumuzi  (Inanna & Dumuzi The Shepherd)

…… of weeping are brought to you, Inana, as offerings.

The tubes of the underworld are opened for you, and memorial libations are poured down them for you.

The en priests, the lumaḫ priests and the nindiĝir priestesses,

and the dead luzid and amalu, eat meals for you,

to keep away the ghosts (translation?), and drink water for you, to keep away the ghosts.

Your holy dais is set up beside them.

77-78. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

(Anunnaki King An / Anu; Anu’s son & heir Enlil)

79-87. Inana, when you give judgment with An and Enlil;

Ninegala, when you decide destinies on earth with Enki,

when you shimmer (?), when you …… to a mere shadow,

when you come forth from the corner, when you come forth from the side,

when you are to be seen on the horizon, Inana,

when in your destructiveness you make storm-floods wash over everything,

then the great en priests ……, then the igi-dua priestesses wear the tonsure for you,

then your seat is on your Dais of Silence.

88-92. The young men fastened in neck-stocks …… before you,

the mother of the sick lays her child in your arms, the mother of the uprooted (?) …… in your great hall.

You cut the …… of the weak, you release (?) …… the weak.

3b - Inanna shown with wings for flight (Ninshubur & Inanna)

93-94. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers (alien high-tech weaponry),

and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

95-106. When you act as a shepherd with the herdsman,

when …… with the cowherd you throw the halters on the cows,

when you mix the butter, when you purify the milk,

3 - Dumuzi the shepherd

(Kish mixed-breed King Etana lifts off for heaven / planet Nibiru, & seated Dumuzi The Shepherd)

when you find joy in the embrace of your spouse Dumuzid,

when you have pleasure in the embrace of your spouse Dumuzid,

when you take your seat on the high dais in the great hall in your Kura-igi-ĝal

where judgment is passed, then the people of the holy uzga stand there at your service.

1 line unclear

They cannot compete with you, Inana.

As a prostitute you go down to the tavern and,

like (?) a ghost who slips in through the window, you enter there.

1 - Inanna in Flight Suit 2e-inanna-skilled-in-combat (Inanna skilled in combat)

107-108. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

109-115. When the servants let the flocks loose,

and when cattle and sheep are returned to cow-pen and sheepfold,

then, my lady, like the nameless poor, you wear only a single garment.

The pearls of a prostitute are placed around your neck, and you are likely to snatch a man from the tavern.

As you hasten to the embrace of your spouse Dumuzid,

1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing VenusFigurine of a nude woman, from Eshnunna (Tell Asmar) Period of the Amorite dynasties, 2000-1595 BCE H: 13 cm AO 12466 (naked goddess of Venus, 8-pointed star; Inanna, Goddess of Love)

Inana, then the seven paranymphs share the bedchamber with you.

116-117. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

118-125. In the evening, when the stars return together again

2e - Babylonian Shamash 2000B.C. (damaged king & Utu, the Sun god, Inanna‘s twin brother)

and when Utu enters into his chamber, when in heaven,

Inana, you diffuse awesomeness like fire, and when on earth,

Ninegala, you screech like a falcon, then you …… in play and dancing.

1 line unclear

You go from moonlight to star, you go from star to moonlight.

126-127. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers (alien technologies),

and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

128-143. 13 lines missing or unclear

The slavegirl …… her mistress.

…… her house and property.

…… her child.

144-145. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

146-158. 7 lines unclear

…… you are the great goddess.

2 lines unclear

The levy of troops is brought into the broad square like a crouching dragon.

1aa-cities-along-tigris-euphrates-rivers 2cb-temple-uruk-today  (the 1st cities; alien houses)

The young woman abandons the E-maḫ, destroying the temple like my …….

The young man who has come to know your eminence makes a gesture of obeisance.

159-160. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

161-190. 5 lines unclear

20 lines missing

1 line fragmentary

…… has presented (?) …… to you there.

Your position …….

If …… beside the Egal-edina, then the evil demons and demonesses oppose it.

191-192. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

193-204. 1 line fragmentary

Inana, you are an object of admiration, like a charming young maiden.

…… has been opened for you.

Mistress, your …… priestess hangs the šuba jewels on you.

The great ……, responsible for the ordinances,

1 line unclear

You enter house after house, you peer into lane after lane.

Lady, when ……, when your emblem is displayed,

maiden, when you stand in ……, you are covered in loveliness.

Who …… finds …… in the sheepfold, ……, …… prayer …….

205-206. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.

Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

207-217. Inana, you are the lady of the great divine powers (alien technologies).

Your mother Ningal …… great attributes.

4c - Ningal, King Ur-Nammu & Nannar - Sin,

      (Ningal       Ur King Ur-Nammu, damaged Ninsun, Ur-Nammu, & Ningal‘s spouse Suen / Nannar

Your father Suen …… great holy cows.

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna (Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, twin brother to Inanna)

Your (twin) brother, the youth Utu…….

2b - Dumuzi the shepherd (Dumuzi the Shepherd with his stags)

Your spouse Ama-ušumgal-ana, the shepherd, Lord Dumuzid, …….

2 - Ninshubur (Ninshubur, minister-companion to Inanna, also resided in Uruk)

Your beloved minister(?) Ninšubur …….

2 - Geshtinanna, daughter to Enki & Ninsun (Geshtinana, sister to Dumuzi, Inanna‘s sister-in-law, singer of songs)

Your beloved sister-in-law Ĝeštin-ana …….

3 lines fragmentary or missing

Hymns to Inana (Inana C, F, & ?)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-10. The great-hearted mistress, the impetuous lady,

proud among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods and pre-eminent in all lands,

1c-inanna-with-liberty-torch  2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. (Inanna with alien weaponry; father Suen, the Moon Crescent god)

the great daughter of Suen (Enlil‘s son Nannar / Sin), exalted among the Great Princes

(a name of the Igigi gods), (Anunnaki / Anuna alien gods from planet Nibiru)

the magnificent lady who gathers up the divine powers (alien technologies)

of heaven and earth and rivals great An (Anunnaki King Anu),

is mightiest (spoiled daughter to Nannar) among the great gods — she makes their verdicts final.

The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods crawl before her august word whose course she does not let An know;


    (Anu, King of all AnunnakiAnu & great-granddaughter Inanna upon her zodiac symbol of Leo)

he dare not proceed against her command.

She changes her own action, and no one knows how it will occur.

She makes perfect the great divine powers (alien technologies),

she holds a shepherd’s crook, and she is their magnificent pre-eminent one.

She is a huge shackle clamping down upon the gods of the Land.

Her great awesomeness covers the great mountain and levels the roads.

3 - Inanna - Anat War Goddess with alien weaponry  (Inanna given much by King Anu, & grandfather Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander)

11-17. At her loud cries, the gods of the Land become scared.

Her roaring makes the Anuna gods tremble like a solitary reed.

At her rumbling, they hide all together.

Cylinder seal and imprint, Kassite, 16th-12th BCE. Ritual scene with a female deity holding her breasts. Haematite, H: 3,4 cm AO 2103 (604)  (Royal Prince Enlil, granddaughter Goddess of Love Inanna, & Enki)

Without Inana great An makes no decisions, and Enlil determines no destinies.

Who opposes the mistress who raises her head and is supreme over the mountains?

Wherever she ……, cities become ruin mounds and haunted places, and shrines become waste land.

When her wrath makes people tremble,

the burning sensation and the distress she causes are like an ulu demon ensnaring a man.

18-28. She stirs confusion and chaos against those who are disobedient to her,

speeding carnage and inciting the devastating flood, clothed in terrifying radiance.

1aa-inanna-equipted-to-fly 1bb-inanna-dressed-in-flight-suit-with-the-7-mes 1-inanna-in-flight-suit  (Inanna the pilot, skilled in combat)

It is her game to speed conflict and battle (Goddess of War), untiring, strapping on her sandals.

Clothed (?) in a furious storm, a whirlwind, she …… the garment of ladyship.

When she touches …… there is despair, a south wind which has covered …….

1b - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo4bbb - Utu & Inanna gods of war

                 (Inanna;             Utu & Inanna, giant Goddess of War, twin, with disloyal earthlings, one by a nose ring)

Inana sits on harnessed (?) lions, she cuts to pieces him who shows no respect.

A leopard of the hills, entering (?) the roads, raging (?), ……,

the mistress is a great bull trusting in its strength; no one dare turn against her.

……, the foremost among the Great Princes, a pitfall for the disobedient,

a trap for the evil, a …… for the hostile, wherever she casts her venom …….


        (Inanna given high-tech alien weaponry & more; mixed-breed & Inanna, Goddess of Love, & also Inanna, Goddess of War)

29-38. Her wrath is ……, a devastating flood which no one can withstand.

A great watercourse, ……, she abases those whom she despises.

2c-goddesses-in-flying-discs  (Inanna in her sky-disc above, protecting her mixed-breed king from all dangers to come)

The mistress, an eagle that lets no one escape, ……, Inana, a falcon preying on the gods,

Inana rips to pieces the spacious cattle-pens.

The fields of the city which Inana has looked at in anger …….

The furrows of the field which the mistress …… grass.


    (Anu gave his house, city of Uruk, sky-disc, & much more to Inanna, Anu departed to heaven / Nibiru)

An opposes her, …….

Setting on fire, in the high plain the mistress ……. Inana …….

The mistress …… speeding …… fighting, …… conflict.

39-48. …… she performs a song.

This song …… its established plan, weeping, the food and milk of death.

Whoever eats …… Inana‘s food and milk of death will not last.

Gall will give a burning pain to those she gives it to eat, …… in their mouth …….

In her joyful heart she performs the song of death on the plain.

1a-inanna-8-pointed-star-symbolizing-venus 1bbb-inanna-dumuzi-the-underworld (Inanna & her 8-pointed star symbols of Venus)

She performs the song of her heart.

She washes their weapons with blood and gore, …….

Axes smash heads, spears penetrate and maces are covered in blood.

Their evil mouths …… the warriors …….

On their first offerings she pours blood, filling them with death.

49-59. On the wide and silent plain, darkening the bright daylight, she turns midday into darkness.

People look upon each other in anger, they look for combat.

Their shouting disturbs the plain, it weighs on the pasture and the waste land.

2e - Adad, war god upon Taurus the bull (Ishkur / Adad, Inanna‘s uncle, the son to Enlil the Commander of Earth Colony, & heir to King Anu)

Her howling is like Iškur‘s (Adad) and makes the flesh of all the lands tremble.

No one can oppose her murderous battle — who rivals her?

No one can look at her fierce fighting, the speeding carnage.

Engulfing (?) water, raging, sweeping over the earth, she leaves nothing behind.

The mistress, a breaking plow opening hard ground, …….

The braggarts do not lift their necks, …….

Her great heart performs her bidding, the mistress who alone fashions (?) …….

Exalted in the assembly, she occupies the seat of honor, …… to the right and left.

60-72. Humbling huge mountains as if they were piles of litter, she immobilizes …….

She brings about the destruction of the mountain lands from east to west.

1c-ishtar-inanna  (giant alien sky-pilot Inanna, Goddess of Love & War to earthling kings)

Inana …… wall …… gulgul stones, she obtains victory.

She …… the kalaga stone …… as if it were an earthenware bowl, she makes it like sheep’s fat.

The proud mistress holds a dagger in her hand, a radiance which covers the Land;

her suspended net catches fish in the deep, not even leaving the ahan in the subterranean waters.

As if she were a clever fowler no bird escapes the mesh of her suspended net.

The place ……, …… the divine plans of heaven and earth.

The intention of her word does not …… to An.

The context of her confusing advice in the great gods’ assembly is not known.

2 lines fragmentary


                            (Enlil,      winged Inanna,   Utu,                       Enki ,                Isimud, 2-faced vizier to Enki)

73-79. The mistress, a leopard among the Anuna gods, full of pride, has been given authority.

Not having …… struggle ……, Inana …….

She …… the adolescent girl in her chamber, receiving her, …… heart …… charms.

She evilly …… the woman she rejects.

2-enki-eridu-1st-city-established-in-sumer (land of the gods, 1st cities established by gods on Earth Colony)

In the entire (?) country she …….

She lets her run around in the town square ……. …… of a house the wife sees her child.

80-90. When she had removed the great punishment from her body,

she invoked blessings upon it; she caused it to be named the pilipili.

She broke the spear and as if she were a man …… gave her a weapon.

When she had …… punishment, it is not …….

She …… the door of the house of wisdom, she makes known its interior.

Those who do not respect her suspended net do not escape …… when she suspends the meshes of her net.

The man she has called by name she does not hold in esteem.

Having approached the woman, she breaks the weapon and gives her a spear.

The male ĝišgisaĝkeš, the nisub and the female ĝišgi ritual officiants,

after having …… punishment, moaning …….

The ecstatic, the transformed pilipili, the kurĝara and the saĝursaĝ …….

Lament and song …….

They exhaust themselves with weeping and grief, they …… laments.

91-98. Weeping daily your heart does not …….

‘Alas’ …… heart …… knows no relaxation.

3a - Anu in flight (Anu, king of the gods in his sky-disc, father to prince sons running Earth Colony)

Beloved lady of holy An, your …… in weeping …….

In heaven …….

On your breast …….

You alone are majestic, you have renown, heaven and earth …… not …….

You rival An and Enlil, you occupy their seat of honor.

You are pre-eminent in the cult places, you are magnificent in your course.

4h-ninhursag-unknown-king-ninlil-haia-nisaba    1b-ishkur-adad-teshub

 (granddaughter Inanna, giant king, Ninlil, Ninlil‘s father Haia, & Ninlil‘s mother Nisaba, the grain gods;   Adad, son to Ninlil)

99-108. Ezina (Ninlil, Adad‘s mother) …… august dais ……. Iškur (Adad) who roars from the sky …….

His thick clouds …….

When …… the great divine powers of heaven and earth,

Inana, your victory is terrifying …….

The Anuna gods bow down in prostration, they abase themselves.

You ride on seven great beasts (7 nuclear missiles) as you come forth from heaven.

Great An feared your precinct and was frightened of your dwelling-place.

He let you take a seat in the dwelling-place of great An and then feared you no more, saying:

“I will hand over to you the august royal rites and the great divine rites (spoiled gifts).”

109-114. The great gods kissed the earth and prostrated themselves.

The high mountain land, the land of cornelian and lapis lazuli, bowed down before you,

but Ebiḫ did not bow down before you and did not greet you.

Shattering it in your anger, as desired, you smashed it like a storm.

Lady, pre-eminent through the power of An and Enlil, …….

Without you no destiny at all is determined, no clever counsel is granted favor.

115-131. To run, to escape, to quiet and to pacify are yours, Inana.

To rove around, to rush, to rise up, to fall down and to …… a companion are yours, Inana.

To open up roads and paths, a place of peace for the journey, a companion for the weak, are yours, Inana.

To keep paths and ways in good order, to shatter earth and to make it firm are yours, Inana.

2a - Inanna 720-700 BC, accepts Jericho's surrender

       (Inanna’s 8-pointed star & lion symbols, father Nannar’s Moon Crescent symbol)

To destroy, to build up, to tear out and to settle are yours, Inana.

To turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man are yours, Inana.

Desirability and arousal, bringing goods into existence

and establishing properties and equipment are yours, Inana.

Profit, gain, great wealth and greater wealth are yours, Inana.

Profit and having success in wealth, financial loss and reduced wealth are yours, Inana.

{Observation} {(1 ms. has instead:)

Everything}, choice, offering, inspection and embellishment are yours, Inana.

Assigning virility, dignity, guardian angels, protective deities and cult centers are yours, Inana.

6 lines fragmentary

132-154. …… mercy and pity are yours, Inana. …… are yours, Inana.

To cause the …… heart to tremble, …… illnesses are yours, Inana.

To have a favorite wife, ……, to love …… are yours, Inana.

Rejoicing, being haughty, …… are yours, Inana.

Neglect and care, raising and bowing down are yours, Inana.

To build a house, to create a woman’s chamber, to possess implements,

to kiss a child’s lips are yours, Inana.

To run, to race, to plot and to succeed are yours, Inana.

To interchange the brute and the strong and the weak and the powerless is yours, Inana.

To interchange the heights and valleys, and raising up and reducing, is yours, Inana.

4d-ashur-king-ashurbanipal-inanna  (Ashur, Assyrian mixed-breed King Ashurbanipal, & Inanna crowning him)

To give the crown, the throne and the royal scepter is yours, Inana.

12 lines missing

155-157. To diminish, to make great, to make low, to make broad, to ……

and to give a lavish supply are yours, Inana.

To bestow the divine and royal rites, to carry out the appropriate instructions,

slander, untruthful words, abuse, to speak inimically and to overstate are yours, Inana.

158-168. The false or true response, the sneer, to commit violence,

to extend derision, to speak with hostility, to cause smiling and to be humbled

or important, misfortune, hardship, grief, to make happy,

to clarify and to darken, agitation, terror, panic, awesome brilliance and radiance,

triumph, pursuit, imbasur illness, sleeplessness and restlessness, submission, gift, ……

and howling, strife, chaos, opposition, fighting and speeding carnage, ……, to know everything,

to strengthen for the distant future a nest built ……,

to instill fear in the …… desert like a …… poisonous snake,

to subdue the hostile enemy, …… and to hate …… are yours, Inana.

169-173. To …… the lots ……, to gather the dispersed people

and restore them to their homes, to receive ……, to …… are yours, Inana.

1 line fragmentary

174-181. …… the runners, when you open your mouth, …… turns into …….

At your glance a deaf man does not …… to one who can hear.

At your anger what is bright darkens; you turn midday into darkness.

When the time had come you destroyed the place you had in your thoughts, you made the place tremble.

Nothing can be compared to your purposes (?); who can oppose your great deeds?

You are the lady of heaven and earth!

Inana, in (?) the palace the unbribable judge, among the numerous people …… decisions.

The invocation of your name fills the mountains, An (?) cannot compete with your …….

182-196. Your understanding …… all the gods …….

You alone are magnificent.

You are the great cow among the gods of heaven and earth, as many as there are.

When you raise your eyes they pay heed to you, they wait for your word.

The Anuna gods stand praying in the place where you dwell.

Great awesomeness, glory …….

May your praise not cease!

Where is your name not magnificent?

9 lines missing

197-202. Your song is grief, lament …….

Your …… cannot be changed, your anger is crushing.

Your creation cannot be ……, An has not diminished your …… orders.


    (Apkulla / pilot given eagle head & wings, Enlil, Anu in his sky-disc above, earthling Tree of Life, Enki, & Apkulla / pilot)

Woman, with the help of An and Enlil you (?) have granted …… as a gift in the assembly.

Unison …… An and Enlil ……, giving the Land into your hand.

An does not answer the word you have uttered to him.

203-208. Once you have said ‘So be it’, great An does not …… for him.

Your ‘So be it’ is a ‘So be it’ of destruction, to destroy …….

Once you have said your …… in the assembly, An and Enlil will not disperse it.

Once you have made a decision ……, it cannot be changed in heaven and earth.

Once you have specified approval of a place, it experiences no destruction.

Once you have specified destruction for a place, it experiences no approval.

4l-utu-inanna-nannar   3aa - Nanna & his symbol

     (Nannar‘s family, alien Anunaki twins Utu & Inanna, father Nannar, & broken Papsukal;   Nannar, Moon Crescent god of Ur)

209-218. Your divinity shines in the pure heavens

like Nanna (Nannar, Moon Crescent god) or Utu (Nannar‘s son & Sun god).

Your torch lights up the corners of heaven, turning darkness into light.

The men and women form a row for you and each one’s daily status hangs down before you.

2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna 2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c  (Utu; damaged mixed-breed before Utu, the Sun god)

Your numerous people pass before you, as before Utu, for their inspection.

No one can lay a hand on your precious divine powers (alien technologies); all your divine powers …….

3mb - Ishtar with divine powers & Enlil (Inanna & grandfather Enlil)

     (symbols of Adad‘s fork, Inanna’s 8-pointed star, Nannar‘s Moon Crescent, Enlil‘s 7-planets, planet Nibiru‘s winged sky-disc)

You exercise full ladyship over heaven and earth; you hold everything in your hand.

Mistress, you are magnificent, no one can walk before you.

3e-anus-temple-in-uruk  (residences / temples of giant alien gods / Anunnaki in Uruk)

You dwell with great An (his mistress when on Earth) in the holy resting-place (Uruk).

Which god is like you in gathering together …… in heaven and earth?

You are magnificent, your name is praised, you alone are magnificent!

2m - Enheduanna, Sargon's daughter, 1st author (Enheduana, daughter to Sargon & possibly Inanna, author / praiser of Inanna)

219-242. I am En-ḫedu-ana, the high priestess of the moon god (Nannar).

……; I am the (descendant mixed-breed high-priestess)…… of Nanna.

      (Terah, the father of Biblical Abraham, was also the High-Priest of Nannar El in Ur)

1 line fragmentary

20 lines missing

1 line fragmentary

243-253. Advice ……, grief, bitterness ……, ‘alas’ …….

My lady, …… mercy …… compassion …… I am yours!

This will always be so!

May your heart be soothed towards me!

May your understanding …… compassion.

May …… in front of you, may it be my offering.

Your divinity is resplendent in the Land!

My body has experienced your great punishment.

Bitter lament keeps me awake with …… anxiety.

Mercy, compassion, care, lenience and homage are yours,

and to cause flood storms, to open hard ground and to turn darkness into light.

254-263. My lady, let me proclaim your magnificence in all lands, and your glory!

Let me praise your ways and greatness!

Who rivals you in divinity?

Who can compare with your divine rites?

May great An, whom you love, say for you “It is enough!”.

May the great gods calm your mood.

May the lapis lazuli dais, fit for ladyship, …….

May your magnificent dwelling place say to you:

1ga-inanna-in-babylon  (goddess held high, taken to her “pure bed”)

“Be seated”. May your pure bed say to you:

“Relax”. Your ……, where Utu (Inanna‘s twin brother, the Sun god) rises, …….

264-271. They proclaim your magnificence; you are the lady …….

1a-thank-you-zecharia-sitchen (the great Zecharia Sitchin holds 5,000 + year old tablet of our solar system; Enlil instructs son Ninurta to teach earthlings farming)

An and Enlil have determined a great destiny for you throughout the entire universe.

They have bestowed upon you ladyship in the assembly chamber.

Being fitted for ladyship, you determine the destiny of noble ladies.

Mistress, you are magnificent, you are great!

Inana, you are magnificent, you are great!

My lady, your magnificence is resplendent.

May your heart be restored for my sake!

272-274. Your great deeds are unparalleled, your magnificence is praised!

Young woman, Inana, your praise is sweet!

A hymn to Inana (Inana F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)

1-3 My father gave me the heavens and he gave me the earth.

I am Inana (Inanna)! Which god compares with me?

 3ca-ninhursag-inanna (Enlil; Apkulla, Ninhursag, Inanna, & Apkulla)

4-13 Enlil gave me the heavens and he gave me the earth.

I am Inana! He gave me lordship, and he gave me queenship.

            3ma - Inanna & Enlil goddess 2e-inanna-skilled-in-combat

                   (Enlil had Inanna instructed on many alien battle-skills, later witnessed by earthlings)

         He gave me battles and he gave me fighting.

         He gave me the stormwind and he gave me the dust cloud (alien flying machines).

         He placed the heavens on my head as a crown.

         He put the earth at my feet as sandals.

            1a-inanna-dressed-in-flight-suit-with-the-7-mes  (Inanna given sky-disc & more by King Anu, & granted much by grandfather Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander)

         He wrapped the holy ma garment around my body.

         He put the holy scepter in my hand.

14-17 The gods are small birds, but I am the falcon.

The Anuna (Anunnaki) mill about, but I am the good wild cow,

I am the good wild cow of father Enlil, his good wild cow which walks in front.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur

                (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple / residence, Anunnaki Command Post in Nippur)

18-20 When I enter the E-kur, the house of Enlil,

the gate-keeper does not lift his hand against my breast; the minister does not tell me, “Rise!”.

21-33 The heavens are mine and the earth is mine: I am heroic!

In Unug (Uruk) the E-ana (temple – residence) is mine,

in Zabalam the Giguna (more temples – residences, personal hotel) is mine,

in Nibru (Nippur, Inanna provided a residence in each city of gods) the Dur-an-ki is mine,

in Urim (Ur) the E-Dilmun is mine,

in Jirsu the Ecdam-kug is mine,

in Adab the E-cara is mine,

in Kic (Kish) the Hursaj-kalama is mine,

in Kisiga the Amac-kuga is mine,

in Akcak the Anzagar is mine,

in Umma the Ibgal is mine,

in Agade the Ulmac is mine.

Which god compares with me?

34 A …… of Inana.

A Hymn to Inana

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)

1-9. Lady ……!

Returning heroic youth, Inana …….

2c - Nippur  (Enlil‘s mud brick-built E-kur ruins in Nippur)

At the shrine, in Nibru (Nippur), in the E-du-kug …… by An (Anu),

with the holy crown of An placed on her head, the most holy ba garment of An draped around her torso,

and the holy scepter of An placed in her hand — seated on a seat in the assembly,

rendering great judgments in the mountains, and reaching majestic decisions in all the lands!

3 - nude Inanna in flight  (Inanna, Anunnaki pilot, Goddess of Love)

10-16. Holy Inana gazes as she shines (?) down from heaven like a light.


     (Nannar‘s house with city of Ur way below it, featuring the original “stairway to heaven“)

Together with her father Suen (Sin / Nannar / El),

the mistress issues commands to the E-kiš-nu-ĝal of Urim (Ur).

In her hands she holds prosperity for all the lands.

The lady …….

Holy Inana …….

17-22. ……, you are endowed with beauty,

5 lines fragmentary

23-29. You are she who raises …… in their prayers.

You are she who displays shining cornelian from the mountains to be admired.

Bringing shining lapis lazuli from the bright mountain on special rafts,

you are she who, like fire, melts (?) gold from Ḫarali.

You are she who creates apples in their clusters (?).

You are she who demands …….

You are she who creates the date spadices in their beauty.

2b-offering-to-inanna-towers  (earthling bringing the abundance directly to Inanna in Uruk)

30-44. (Inana speaks:)

“When I was living in my dwelling place, when I was living in An’s dwelling,

2b - Dumuzi the shepherd1ba-inanna-spouse-dumuzi (Dumuzi the Shepherd Inanna & spouse Dumuzi)

my lover Ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi) called upon me to be his wife.

In Bad-tibira (Dumuzi’s patron city), from the E-muš-kalama, …… for his crown.”

6 lines fragmentary or unclear

…… his assembly, and brought …… into her holy shrine for her brother Ušumgal-ana.

45-54. (Inana speaks:)

“…… stands ……. Dumuzid (Dumuzi) stands in beauty like an ildag tree.

3a - Inanna & Dumuzi (young lovers Inanna & spouse Dumuzi the Shepherd)

I will fill my heart with joy.

The one who makes food plentiful …… in Du-šuba (?).

My heart is filled with joy, …… in heaven and earth.

The house of Arali …….”

3 lines fragmentary or unclear

…… the houses in the broad streets.

One blank line on the tablet

55-121. approx. 67 lines missing or fragmentary

Statue of the goddess Narundi, part of the statuary ordered by king Puzur-Inshushinak of Ur-Nammu (2111-2094 BCE). The goddess wears a woollen garment, a "kaunakes",and sits on a lion-throne. See 08021226,27 Limestone, 109 cm, Sb 54  (Inanna sits upon her resident-throne, seemingly in every city & everywhere)

122-123. Holy Inana, your august ……!

…… Inana be praised!

Hymn To Ishtar for Ammiditana

Unknown web source

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Sing of the goddess, most awe-inspiring goddess,

Let her be praised, mistress of people, greatest of the Igigigods (Anunnaki).

6b-inanna-fertility-cedar-date-palmi  (Ninshubur, Goddess of Love & War Inanna, a mixed-breed king, & mother Ninsun)

Sing of Ishtar (Inanna), most awe-inspiring goddess, let her be praised,

Mistress of women, greatest of the Igigigods.


She is the joyous one, clad in loveliness,

She is adorned with allure, appeal, charm.

  (Ishtar / Inanna, daughter to Nannar & Ningal, alien Goddess of Love & War)

Ishtar is the joyous one, clad in loveliness,

She is adorned with allure, appeal, charm.

In her lips she is sweetness, vitality her mouth,

While on her features laughter bursts to bloom.

She is proud of the love-charms set on her head,

Fair her hues, full-ranging, and lustrous her eyes.

This goddess, right counsel is hers,


  (earthling, Utu from the mountains, Adad, Inanna holding ring of destinies, Bull of Heaven, & Anu)

She grasps in her hand the destinies of all that exists.

At her regard, well-being is born,

Vigor, dignity, good fortune, divine protection.

Whispers, surrender, sweet shared captivation,

Harmony too she reigns over as mistress.

The girl who invokes(?) finds (in her?) a mother,

Among women(?) one mentions her, invokes her name.

Who is it that could rival her grandeur?

Her attributes are mighty, splendid, superb.

1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons3a-anu-inanna (Inanna; King Anu & Inanna with alien weaponry)

Ishtar this is, who could rival her grandeur?

Her attributes are mighty, splendid, superb.

She it is who stands foremost among the gods,

Her word is the weightiest, it prevails over theirs.

Ishtar (Inanna) stands foremost among the gods,

Her word is the weightiest, it prevails over theirs.

She is their queen, they discuss her commands,

All of them bow down before her:

They go to her (in) her radiance,

Women and man fear her too.

In their assembly her utterance is noble, surpassing,

3a-anu-in-flight2c-goddesses-in-flying-discs (Anu in his winged sky-disc; Inanna in her sky-disk)

She is seated among them as an equal to Anu their king,

She is wise in understanding, reflection, insight.

Together they make their decisions, she and her lord.

There they sit together on the dais

In the temple chamber, delightful abode,

The gods stand in attendance before them,

Their ears awaiting what those mouths will command.

Their favorite king, whom their hearts love most,

Ever offers in splendor his pure offerings,

4d-ashur-king-ashurbanipal-inanna  (Ashur, giant mixed-breed, & Inanna, alien gods made their mixed-breed offspring into kings, using them as go-betweens for the giant gods & the early “modern earthlings”, protective alien winged sky-disc hovers above new king crowned by Inanna)

Ammiditana offers in plenty before them

His personal, pure libation of cattle and fatted stags.

She has asked of Anu her spouse (his mistress while on Earth) long life hereafter for him

Many years of life for Ammiditana.

     (mixed-breed kings, queens, high-priests, & high-priestesses, were bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived much longer than “modern earthlings”)

Has Ishtar rendered to him as her gift.

By her command she gave him in submission

The four world regions at his feet,

She harnessed the whole of the inhabited world to his yoke

What she desires, this song for her pleasure

3b-enki-image 3a-enki-aquarius-constellation (Enki / Aquarius, god of waters)

Is indeed well suited to his mouth, he performed for her Ea’s (Enki’s) own word(s).

When he heard this song of her praise, he was well pleased with him,

Saying, “Let him live long, may his (own) king always love him.”

  (Inanna, Adad, & king, alien giant gods appointed, then watched over their descendant-kings)

O Ishtar, grant long life enduring to Ammiditana, the king who loves you, (long) may he live!

The Shumunda Grass

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

The abba instructed, the abba instructed:

When the rain rained, when walls were demolished, when it rained potsherds and fireballs,

when one person confronted another defiantly, when there was copulation — he also copulated,

when there was kissing — he also kissed.

When the rain said: “I will rain,” when the wall said: “I will rain (scribal error for ‘demolish’ ?)”,

when the flood said: “I will sweep everything away” —

Heaven impregnated (?), Earth gave birth, she gave birth also to the cumunda grass.

Earth gave birth, Heaven impregnated (?), she gave birth also to the cumunda grass.

His luxuriant reeds carry fire.

They who defied it, who defied it, the umma who had survived that day,

the abba who had survived that day, the chief gala priest who had survived that year,

whoever had survived the Flood — the cumunda grass crushed them with labor,

crushed them with labor, made them crouch in the dust.

The cumunda grass is a fire carrier, he cannot be tied into bundles,

the grass cannot be shifted, the grass cannot be loosened, the grass cannot be loosened.

When built into a booth, one moment he stands up, one moment he lies down.

Having kindled a fire, he spreads it wide.

The cumunda grass’s habitat is among his bitter waters.

He butts about (saying): “I will start, I will start a fire”.

2ca - Anu's temple, at least 3500B.C. (Uruk temple, home to gods & goddesses)

He set fire to the base of the E-ana (Anu’s temple in Uruk); there he was bound, there he was fettered.

1b - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo (Inanna in her battle garments, carrying alien weaponry)

When he protested, Inana (Inanna) seized a raven there and set it on top of him.

The shepherd abandoned his sheep in their enclosure.

Inana seized the raven there.

When the rain had rained, when walls had been demolished,

when it rained potsherds and fireballs, when Dumuzid (Dumuzi) was defied —

the rain rained, walls were demolished, the cowpen was demolished,

the sheepfold was ripped out, wild flood-waters were hurled against the rivers,

wild rains were hurled against the marshes.

By (?) the …… of the Tigris and Euphrates, of the Tigris and the Euphrates, long grass grew, long grass …….

5 lines missing

He tied him into bundles, he shifted him, he …… cumunda grass, the fire-carrier.

He bundled up the cumunda grass, the fire carrier, bundled up the fire carrier.

The launderer who made her garments clean asks her, Inana

1c - Inanna with Liberty Torch (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War, daughter to Nannar & Ningal)

the carpenter who gave her the spindle to hold in her hand (asks her), Inana

the potter who fashioned pots and jugs (asks her), Inana.

The potter gave her holy drinking vessels, the shepherd brought her his sheep,


     (early earthling king / shepherd brings offering / dinner to Nannar & Ningal in Ur)

the shepherd brought her his sheep — he asks her.

He brought her all kinds of luxuriant plants, as if it were the harvest.

Her voice reached Heaven, her voice reached Earth,

her resounding cry covered the horizon like a garment, was spread over it like a cloth,

she hurled fierce winds at the head of the cumunda grass (saying):

“Cumunda grass, your name …….

You shall be a plant …….

You shall be a hateful plant …….

Your name …….”

approx. 23 lines missing

Inanna and Shu-kale-tuda

Source: The Electronic Text Project of Sumerian Literature, Oxford University, UK

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

 (Inanna & Shu-kale-tude text)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-10 The mistress who, having all the great divine powers (alien technologies), deserves the throne-dais;

3c - Inanna, Ninurta, & Ninhursag

                                      (Inanna             Ninurta             Ninhursag, mother to Ninurta)

Inanna, who, having all the great divine powers, occupies a holy throne-dais;

Inanna, who stands in E-ana (Anu’s temple residence in Uruk) as a source of wonder —

once, the young woman went up into the mountains, holy Inanna went up into the mountains.

To detect falsehood and justice, to inspect the Land closely,

to identify the criminal against the just, she went up into the mountains. —

Now, what did one say to another?

What further did one add to the other in detail?

11-14 My lady stands among wild bulls at the foot of the mountains, she possesses fully the divine powers.

3a - Inanna in celebration (mixed-breed king, naked Inanna, & Ninurta with his winged beast / storm bird)

Inanna stands among stags in the mountain tops, she possesses fully the divine powers (advanced alien weaponry).

Now, what did one say to another?

What further did one add to the other in detail?

2c-goddesses-in-flying-discs 1a-inanna-dressed-in-flight-suit-with-the-7-mes (Inanna in her sky-disc; Inanna in her flight suit)

15-22 Then the …… left heaven, left the earth and climbed up into the mountains.

Inanna left heaven, left the earth and climbed up into the mountains.

2cd - Anu's temple-home in Uruk (E-ana, Inanna‘s house in Uruk, given her by King Anu)

She left E-ana in Unug (Uruk) and climbed up into the mountains.

She left the giguna in Zabalam and climbed up into the mountains.

As she had gone up from E-ana, …… jipar ……. Inanna …… her cloak …… and climbed up into the mountains. —

Now, what did one say to another?

What further did one add to the other in detail?

23-411 line missing

7 lines fragmentary

7 lines missing

After …… had tired …… with questions and searching, may …… come alone (?) to the back-room of my shrine. —

Now, what did one say to another?

What further did one add to the other in detail?

42-58 2 lines missing

3 lines fragmentary

2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks3l-enki-modern-man

               (Enki;             Enki;                            mixed-breed “modern man”, & Enki, god of the Abzu, god of waters)

“He will …… its feet”, he (Enki) says.

Full of wisdom he adds the following words:

“Raven, I shall give you instructions.

Pay attention to my instructions.

Raven, in the shrine I shall give you instructions.

Pay attention to my instructions.

First, chop up (?) and chew (?) the kohl for the incantation priests of Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s city)

 2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu (Eridu ruins, Enki‘s patron city, over 100,000 years old)

with the oil and water which are to be found in a lapis-lazuli bowl and are placed in the back-room of the shrine.

Then plant them in a trench for leeks in a vegetable plot; then you should pull out (?) ……”.

Now, what did one say to another?

What further did one add to the other in detail?

59-71 The raven paid exact attention to the instructions of his master.

It chopped up (?) and chewed (?) the kohl for the incantation priests of Eridug

with the oil and water which were to be found in a lapis-lazuli bowl and were placed in the back-room of the shrine.

It planted them in a trench for leeks in a vegetable plot; then it pulled out (?) …….

3i-nannars-spouse-ningal-king-ur-nammu  (Ningal, plant of the gods, & mixed-breed king Ur-Nammu at her behest)

A plant growing in a plot like a leek, an oddity standing up

(1 ms. has instead: sticking up) like a leek stalk — who had ever seen such a thing before?

1 line unclear

2b-enki-his-hybred-experiments  (Enki, god of knowledge, DNA scientist)

      (Enki experiments with earth creatures, mixing their DNA to create workers, replacements for Anunnaki workers)

That a bird like the raven, performing the work of man,

should make the counterweight blocks of the shadouf bump up and settle down;

that it should make the counterweight blocks of the shadouf bump down and rise up —

who had ever seen such a thing before?

72-90 Then the raven rose up from this oddity, and climbed up it — a date palm! — with a harness.

It rubbed off the kohl (?) …… which it had stuffed into its beak onto the pistils (?).

…… just as with a date palm, which……, a tree growing forever — who had ever seen such a thing before?

Its scaly leaves surround its palm heart.

Its dried palm-fronds serve as weaving material.

Its shoots are like surveyor’s gleaming line; they are fit for the king’s fields.

Its (?) branches are used in the king’s palace for cleaning.

Its dates, which are piled up near purified barley, are fit for the temples of the great gods.

2d-enki-dna-experimentations (Enki‘s experiments)

That a bird like the raven, performing the work of man,

makes the counterweight blocks of the shadouf bump up and settle down;

that it makes the counterweight blocks of the shadouf bump down and rise up —

who had ever seen such a thing before?

At his master’s command, the raven stepped into the abzu. —

Now, what did one say to another?

What further did one add to the other in detail?

91-111…… Cu-kale-tuda was his name. ……, a son (?) of Igi-sigsig, the ……,

was to water garden plots and build the installation for a well among the plants,

but not a single plant remained there, not even one: he had pulled them out by their roots and destroyed them.

Then what did the stormwind bring?

It blew the dust of the mountains into his eyes.

When he tried to wipe the corner of his eyes with his hand, he got some of it out, but was not able to get all of it out.

He raised his eyes to the lower land and saw the exalted gods of the land where the sun rises.

He raised his eyes to the highlands and saw the exalted gods of the land where the sun sets.

He saw a solitary ghost.

He recognized a solitary god by her appearance.

He saw someone who fully possesses the divine powers (alien technologies).

He was looking at someone whose destiny was decided by the gods.

In that plot — had he not approached it five or ten times before? – there stood a single shady tree at that place.

The shady tree was a Euphrates poplar with broad shade.

Its shade was not diminished in the morning, and it did not change either at midday or in the evening.

1c-ishtar-inanna  (Inanna, giant Goddess of Love & War, Inanna in flight suit)

112-128 Once, after my lady had gone around the heavens, after she had gone around the earth,

after Inanna had gone around the heavens, after she had gone around the earth,

after she had gone around Elam and Subir, after she had gone around the intertwined horizon of heaven,

the mistress became so tired that when she arrived there she lay down by its roots.

Cu-kale-tuda noticed her from beside his plot.

4b - nude flying goddess Inanna3d - Ishtar, Inanna, flying goddess   (winged alien pilot, goddess Inanna)

Inanna …… the loincloth (?) of the seven divine powers over her genitals.

…… the girdle of the seven divine powers (alien advanced tech) over her genitals …….

…… with the shepherd Ama-ucumgal-ana (Dumuzi).…… …… over her holy genitals …….

Cu-kale-tuda undid the loincloth (?) of seven divine powers and got her to lie down in her resting place.

1e - Ishtar, goddess of loveinanna

           (Inanna had sex with gods & many giant mixed-breeds appointed to kingships, for thousands of years)

He had intercourse with her and kissed her there.

After he had had intercourse with her and kissed her, he went back to beside his plot.

When day had broken and Utu had risen, the woman inspected herself closely, holy Inanna inspected herself closely.

1c - Astarte, Hittite goddess of love (Inanna, spoiled daughter to Nannar, spoiled granddaughter to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

129-138 Then the woman was considering what should be destroyed because of her genitals;


Inanna was considering what should be done because of her genitals.

She filled the wells of the Land with blood, so it was blood that the irrigated orchards of the Land yielded,

it was blood that the slave who went to collect firewood drank,

it was blood that the slavegirl who went out to draw water drew,

and it was blood that the black-headed (alien term for earthlings) people drank.

No one knew when this would end.

She said: “I will search everywhere for the man who had intercourse with me”.

But nowhere in all the lands could she find the man who had had intercourse with her. —

Now, what did one say to another?

What further did one add to the other in detail?

139-159 The boy went home to his father and spoke to him; Cu-kale-tuda went home to his father and spoke to him:

“My father, I was to water garden plots and build the installation for a well among the plants,

but not a single plant remained there, not even one: I had pulled them out by their roots and destroyed them.

Then what did the stormwind bring?

It blew the dust of the mountains into my eyes.

When I tried to wipe the corner of my eyes with my hand,

I got some of it out, but was not able to get all of it out.

I raised my eyes to the lower land, and saw the high gods of the land where the sun rises.

I raised my eyes to the highlands, and saw the exalted gods of the land where the sun sets.

I saw a solitary ghost.

I recognized a solitary god by her appearance.

1 - Inanna in Flight Suit (alien goddess Inanna, lover to most every ancient mixed-breed made king)

I saw someone who possesses fully the divine powers (alien technologies).

I was looking at someone whose destiny was decided by the gods.

In that plot — had I not approached it five or ten (1 ms. has instead: three or six hundred) times before? —

there stood a single shady tree at that place.

The shady tree was a Euphrates poplar with broad shade.

Its shade was not diminished in the morning, and it did not change either at midday or in the evening.

160-167 “Once, after my lady had gone around the heavens, after she had gone around the earth,

after Inanna had gone around the heavens, after she had gone around the earth,

after she had gone around Elam and Subir, after she had gone around the intertwined horizon of heaven,

the mistress became so tired that when she arrived there she lay down by its roots.

I noticed her from beside my plot.

(Dumuzi & Inanna in embrace)

I had intercourse with her and kissed her there.

Then I went back to beside my plot.

168-176 “Then the woman was considering what should be destroyed because of her genitals;

Inanna was considering what should be done because of her genitals.

She filled the wells of the Land with blood, so it was blood that the irrigated orchards of the Land yielded,

it was blood that the slave who went to collect firewood drank,

it was blood that the slavegirl who went out to draw water drew, and it was blood that the black-headed people drank.

No one knew when this would end.

She said: “I will search everywhere for the man who had intercourse with me”.

But nowhere could she find the man who had had intercourse with her.”

177-184 His father replied to the boy; his father replied to Cu-kale-tuda:

“My son, you should join the city-dwellers, your brothers (1 ms. has instead: who are your brothers).

Go at once to the black-headed people, your brothers!

Then this woman will not find you among the mountains.”

He joined the city-dwellers, his brothers all together.

He went at once to the black-headed people, his brothers, and the woman did not find him among the mountains.

185-193 Then the woman was considering a second time what should be destroyed because of her genitals;

Inanna was considering what should be done because of her genitals.

She mounted on a cloud, took (?) her seat there and …….

The south wind and a fearsome storm flood went before her.

The pilipili (one of the cultic personnel in Inanna‘s entourage) and a dust storm followed her.

Abba-cucu, Inim-kur-dugdug (unidentified?), …… adviser …….

Seven times seven helpers (?) stood beside her in the high desert.

She said: “I will search everywhere for the man who had intercourse with me”.

But nowhere could she find the man who had intercourse with her.

194-205 The boy went home to his father and spoke to him; Cu-kale-tuda went home to his father and spoke to him:

“My father, the woman of whom I spoke to you,

this woman was considering a second time what should be destroyed because of her genitals;

Inana was considering what should be done because of her genitals.

She mounted on a cloud, took (?) her seat there and …….

The south wind and a fearsome storm flood went before her.

The pilipili (one of the cultic personnel in Inanna‘s entourage) and a dust storm followed her.

Abba-cucu, Inim-kur-dugdug (unidentified), …… adviser …….

Seven times seven helpers (?) stood beside her in the high desert.

She said: “I will search everywhere for the man who had intercourse with me”.

But nowhere could she find the man who had intercourse with her.”

206-213 His father replied to the boy; his father replied to Cu-kale-tuda:

“My son, you should join the city-dwellers, your brothers.

Go at once to the black-headed people (Mesopotamian earthlings), your brothers!

Then this woman will not find you among the mountains.”

He joined the city-dwellers, his brothers all together.

He went at once to the black-headed people, his brothers, and the woman did not find him among the mountains.

1d - Inanna in the nude (dangerous & deadly, Goddess of Love, Inanna)

214-220 Then the woman was considering a third time what should be destroyed because of her genitals;

Inanna was considering what should be done because of her genitals.

She took a single …… in her hand.

She blocked the highways of the Land with it.

Because of her, the black-headed people …….

She said: “I will search everywhere for the man who had intercourse with me”.

But nowhere could she find the man who had intercourse with her.

221-230 The boy went home to his father and spoke to him; Cu-kale-tuda went home to his father and spoke to him:

“My father, the woman of whom I spoke to you,

this woman was considering a third time what should be destroyed because of her genitals;


Inanna was considering what should be done because of her genitals.

She took a single …… in her hand.

She blocked the highways of the Land with it.

Because of her, the black-headed people …….

She said: “I will search everywhere for the man who had intercourse with me”.

But nowhere could she find the man who had intercourse with her.”

231-238 His father replied to the boy; his father replied to Cu-kale-tuda:

“My son, you should join the city-dwellers, your brothers.

Go at once to the black-headed people, your brothers!

Then this woman will not find you among the mountains.”

He joined the city-dwellers, his brothers all together.

He went at once to the black-headed people, his brothers, and the woman did not find him among the mountains.

            (Utu the Sun god)

239-255 When day had broken and Utu had risen,

the women inspected herself closely, holy Inanna inspected herself closely.

“Ah, who will compensate me?

Ah, who will pay (?) for what happened to me?

Should it not be the concern of my own father, Enki?”

              (Enki’s house in Eridu)

Holy Inana directed her steps to the abzu of Eridug and,

because of this, prostrated herself on the ground before him and stretched out her hands to him:

3l - Enki & modern man (“modern man” & his fashioner, Enki, wisest of gods)

“Father Enki, I should be compensated!

What’s more, someone should pay (?) (1 ms. has instead: make up) for what happened to me!

I shall only re-enter my shrine E-ana satisfied after you have handed over that man to me from the abzu.”

Enki said “All right!” to her. He said “So be it!” to her.

With that holy Inanna went out from the abzu of Eridug.

She stretched herself like a rainbow across the sky and reached thereby as far as the earth.

She let the south wind pass across, she let the north wind pass across.

From fear, (1 ms. adds: solitary) Cu-kale-tuda tried to make himself as tiny as possible,

but the woman had found him among the mountains.

256-261 Holy Inanna now spoke to Cu-kale-tuda:

“How ……? …… dog ……! …… ass ……! …… pig ……!”

1 line missing

262-281 Cu-kale-tuda replied to holy Inanna:

“My lady (?), I was to water garden plots and build the installation for a well among the plants,

but not a single plant remained there, not even one: I had pulled them out by their roots and destroyed them.

Then what did the stormwind bring?

It blew the dust of the mountains into my eyes.

When I tried to wipe the corner of my eyes with my hand, I got some of it out, but was not able to get all of it out.

I raised my eyes to the lower land, and saw the exalted gods of the land where the sun rises.

3a - Anu in flight (King Anu hovering above in his sky-disc)

I raised my eyes to the highlands, and saw the exalted gods of the land where the sun sets.

I saw a solitary ghost. I recognized a solitary god by her appearance.

I saw someone who possesses fully the divine powers (alien advanced technologies).

I was looking at someone whose destiny was decided by the gods.

In that plot — had I not approached it three or six hundred times before? — there stood a single shady tree at that place.

The shady tree was a Euphrates poplar with broad shade.

Its shade was not diminished in the morning, and it did not change either at midday or in the evening.

282-289 “Once, after my lady had gone around the heavens,

after she had gone around the earth, after Inanna had gone around the heavens,

after she had gone around the earth, after she had gone around Elam and Subir,

after she had gone around the intertwined horizon of heaven,

the mistress became so tired that when she arrived there she lay down by its roots.

I noticed her from beside my plot.

1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus (Inanna with her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, 8th planet seen when entering into our solar system)

I had intercourse with her and kissed her there.

Then I went back to beside my plot.”

290-310 When he had spoken thus to her, …… hit ……. …… added (?) ……. …… changed (?) him …….

She (?) determined his destiny ……, holy Inanna spoke to Cu-kale-tuda:

“So! You shall die! What is that to me?

Your name, however, shall not be forgotten.

Your name shall exist in songs and make the songs sweet.

A young singer shall perform them most pleasingly in the king’s palace.

A shepherd shall sing them sweetly as he tumbles his butter-churn.

A young shepherd shall carry your name to where he grazes the sheep.

The palace of the desert shall be your home.”

5 lines unclear

Cu-kale-tuda ……

1 line missing

Because …… destiny was determined, praise be to …… Inanna (deadly female alien goddess)!

Inanna and Ebih

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G.,

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-6 Goddess of the fearsome divine powers (alien technologies), clad in terror, riding on the great divine powers,

 (Inanna, Ninnurta, & Enlil)

Inanna, made complete by the strength of the holy ankar weapon,

drenched in blood, rushing around in great battles, with shield resting on the ground (?),

covered in storm and flood, great lady Inanna, knowing well how to plan conflicts,

you destroy mighty lands with arrow and strength and overpower lands.

3a - Anu & Inanna (Inanna in her sky-disc; Anunnaki King Anu & Inanna with alien weaponry)

7-9 In heaven and on earth you roar like a lion and devastate the people.

Like a huge wild bull you triumph over lands which are hostile.

Like a fearsome lion you pacify the insubordinate and unsubmissive with your gall.

10-22 My lady, on your acquiring the stature of heaven,

maiden Inanna, on your becoming as magnificent as the earth,

on your coming forth like Utu (Inanna‘s twin sister) the king and stretching your arms wide,

            (Utu & Inanna walking in skies of heaven, protecting their giant semi-divine king from above)

on your walking in heaven and wearing fearsome terror, on your wearing daylight and brilliance on earth,

on your walking in the mountain ranges and bringing forth beaming rays,

on your bathing the girin plants of the mountains (in light),

on your giving birth to the bright mountain, the mountain, the holy place, on your ……,

on your being strong with the mace like a joyful lord, like an enthusiastic (?) lord,

on your exulting in such battle like a destructive weapon —

the black-headed people (earthlings) ring out in song and all the lands sing their song sweetly.

             (Inanna rains down alien technologies from the sky upon the disloyal earthlings)

23-24 I shall praise the lady of battle, the great child of Suen (Sin / Nannar), maiden Inanna.

3ca - Ninhursag & Inanna (winged Apkulla / pilots on each end, Ninshubur, & Inanna)

25-32 (Inanna announced:)

“When I, the goddess, was walking around in heaven, walking around on earth,

when I, Inanna, was walking around in heaven, walking around on earth,

when I was walking around in Elam and Subir, when I was walking around in the Lulubi mountains,

when I turned towards the center of the mountains,

as I, the goddess, approached the mountain it showed me no respect,

as I, Inanna, approached the mountain it showed me no respect,

as I approached the mountain range of Ebih it showed me no respect.

4b-inanna-utu-with-earthlings-under-foot 4-inanna-utu-earthling-underfoot

      (giant alien gods Utu & Inanna, with captured disloyal earthlings, having no chance against warrior alien gods)

33-36 “Since they showed me no respect, since they did not put their noses to the ground for me,

since they did not rub their lips in the dust for me,

I shall personally fill the soaring mountain range with my terror.

37-40 “Against its magnificent sides I shall place magnificent battering-rams,

against its small sides I shall place small battering-rams.

I shall storm it and start the ‘game’ of holy Inanna.

              (earthling captives were no match for the giant aliens on Earth)

In the mountain range I shall start battles and prepare conflicts.

41-44 “I shall prepare arrows in the quiver.

I shall …… slingstones with the rope.

I shall begin the polishing of my lance.

I shall prepare the throwstick and the shield.

45-48 “I shall set fire to its thick forests.

I shall take an ax to its evil-doing.

I shall make Gibil (Enki‘s son, god of the fiery kilns), the purifier, bare his holy teeth at its watercourses.

I shall spread this terror through the inaccessible mountain range Aratta.

(alien Anunnaki King Anu, father to sons & daughters tasked with establishing Earth Colony)

49-52 “Like a city which An (Anu) has cursed, may it never be restored.

Like a city at which Enlil has frowned, may it never again lift its neck up.

May the mountain tremble when I approach.

May Ebih give me honor and praise me.”

4m-utu-inanna-nannar  (Utu, Inanna, Nannar, & damaged Papsukal, Nannar‘s children)

53-58 Inanna, the child of Suen (Nannar / Sin), put on the garment of royalty and girded herself in joy.

She bedecked her forehead with terror and fearsome radiance.

1aa - Inanna, equipted to fly (Inanna dressed with alien technologies)

She arranged cornelian rosettes around her holy throat.

She brandished the seven-headed cita weapon vigorously to her right and placed straps of lapis lazuli on her feet.

59-61 At dusk she came forth regally and followed the path to the Gate of Wonder.

She made an offering to An (Anu) and addressed a prayer to him.

3a - Anu in flight  (giant King An / Anu in his winged sky-disc, depicting him in flight)

62-64 An, in delight at Inanna, stepped forward and took his place.

He filled the seat of honor of heaven.

65-69 (Inanna announced:) “An, my father (great-grandfather), I greet you!

Lend your ear to my words.

You have made me terrifying among the deities in heaven.

Owing to you my word has no rival in heaven or on earth.

You have given me the …… and the cilig weapon, the antibal and mansium emblems.

70-79 “To set the socle in position and make the throne and foundation firm,

to carry the might of the cita weapon which bends like a mubum tree,

to hold the ground with the sixfold yoke, to extend the thighs with the fourfold yoke,

to pursue murderous raids and widespread military campaigns,

to appear to those kings in the …… of heaven like moonlight,

3-inanna-anat-war-goddess-with-alien-weaponry (Inanna, Goddess of War, known by all for thousands of years)

to shoot the arrow from the arm and fall on fields,

orchards and forests like the tooth of the locust, to take the harrow to rebel lands,

to remove the locks from their city gates so the doors stand open –

King An, you have indeed given me all this, and …….

            (Inanna loaded with weapons & ready to lead the king)

80-82 “You have placed me at the right hand of the king in order to destroy rebel lands:

may he, with my aid, smash heads like a falcon in the foothills of the mountain,

King An, and may I …… your name throughout the land like a thread.

83-88 “May he destroy the lands as a snake in a crevice.

May he make them slither around like a sajkal snake coming down from a mountain.

May he establish control over the mountain, examine it and know its length.

May he go out on the holy campaign of An and know its depth.

1h-procession-lg  (Anunnaki gods in procession, royal descendants of King Anu)

The gods ……, since the Anuna (Anunnaki) deities have …….

89-95 “How can it be that the mountain did not fear me in heaven and on earth, that the mountain did not fear me,

Inanna, in heaven and on earth, that the mountain range of Ebih, the mountain, did not fear me in heaven and on earth?

Because it showed me no respect, because it did not put its nose to the ground, because it did not rub its lips in the dust,

may I fill my hand with the soaring mountain range and hand it over to my terror.

96-99 “Against its magnificent sides let me place magnificent battering rams,

against its small sides let me place small battering rams.

2d - Inanna Wars Against Marduk (Inanna, Goddess of Love & Goddess of War atop the mountains)

Let me storm it and start the ‘game’ of holy Inanna.

In the mountain range let me set up battle and prepare conflicts.

100-103 “Let me prepare arrows in the quiver.

Let me …… slingstones with the rope.

Let me begin the polishing of my lance.

Let me prepare the throwstick and the shield.

104-107 “Let me set fire to its thick forests.

Let me take an ax to its evil-doing.

Let me make Gibil, the purifier, bare his holy teeth at its watercourses.

Let me spread this terror through the inaccessible mountain range Aratta.

108-111 “Like a city which An has cursed, may it never be restored.

  (Enlil, son & heir to King Anu, & Inanna)

Like a city at which Enlil has frowned, may it never again lift its neck up.

May the mountain tremble when I approach.

May Ebih give me honor and praise me.”

            (King Anu above in his winged sky-disc)

112-115 An, the king of the deities, answered her:

“My little one demands the destruction of this mountain — what is she taking on?

Inanna demands the destruction of this mountain — what is she taking on?

She demands the destruction of this mountain — what is she taking on?

116-120 “It has poured fearsome terror on the abodes of the gods.

It has spread fear among the holy dwellings of the Anuna deities.

It has poured its terror and ferocity over this land.

It has poured the mountain range’s radiance and fear over all the lands.

Its arrogance extends grandly to the center of heaven.

121-126 “Fruit hangs in its flourishing gardens and luxuriance spreads forth.

Its magnificent trees are themselves a source of wonder to the roots of heaven.

In Ebih …… lions are abundant under the canopy of trees and bright branches.

It makes wild rams and stags freely abundant.

It stands wild bulls in flourishing grass.

Deer couple among the cypress trees of the mountain range.

127-130 “You cannot pass through its terror and fear.

The mountain range’s radiance is fearsome.

Maiden Inanna, you cannot oppose it.”

Thus he spoke.

131-137 The mistress, in her rage and anger, opened the arsenal and pushed on the lapis lazuli (blue-hued gem stone) gate.

She brought out magnificent battle and called up a great storm.

3ma - Inanna & Enlil goddess (Inanna standing atop her ziggurat residence, & grandfather Enlil, symbols of gods above)

Holy Inanna reached for the quiver.

She raised a towering flood with evil silt.

She stirred up an evil raging wind with potsherds.

138-143 My lady confronted the mountain range.

She advanced step by step.

She sharpened both edges of her dagger.

She grabbed Ebih‘s neck as if ripping up esparto grass.

She pressed the dagger’s teeth into its interior.

She roared like thunder.

144-151 The rocks forming the body of Ebih clattered down its flanks.

From its sides and crevices great serpents spat venom.

She damned its forests and cursed its trees.

She killed its oak trees with drought.

She poured fire on its flanks and made its smoke dense.

The goddess established authority over the mountain.

Holy Inanna did as she wished.

152-159 She went to the mountain range of Ebih and addressed it:

“Mountain range, because of your elevation, because of your height, because of your attractiveness,

because of your beauty, because of your wearing a holy garment,

because of your reaching up to heaven, because you did not put your nose to the ground,

because you did not rub your lips in the dust, I have killed you and brought you low.

            (Inanna with terrible alien technologies atop pyramids)

160-165 “As with an elephant I have seized your tusks.

As with a great wild bull I have brought you to the ground by your thick horns.

As with a bull I have forced your great strength to the ground and pursued you savagely.

I have made tears the norm in your eyes.

I have placed laments in your heart.

Birds of sorrow are building nests on these flanks.”

166-170 For a second time, rejoicing in her fearsome terror, she spoke out righteously:

          (Inanna & grandfather Enlil, Royal Prince to King Anu, Earth Colony’s decision maker, Enlil‘s say is final)

“My father Enlil has poured my great terror over the center of the mountains.

On my right side he has placed a weapon.

On my left side a …… is placed.

My anger, a harrow with great teeth, has torn the mountain apart.

171-175 “I have built a palace and done much more.

I have put a throne in place and made its foundation firm.

I have given the kurjara cult performers a dagger and prod.

I have given the gala cult performers ub and lilis drums.

I have changed the headgear of the pilipili cult performers.

176-181 “In my victory I rushed towards the mountain.

In my victory I rushed towards Ebih, the mountain range.

I went forward like a surging flood, and like rising water I overflowed the dam.

I imposed my victory on the mountain.

I imposed my victory on Ebih.”

4w-inanna-inanna-utu  (Inanna, naked Inanna & twin brother Utu, children of Nannar / Suen)

182-183 For destroying Ebih, great child of Suen, maiden Inanna, be praised.

             (earliest Master Scribe Nisaba with grain in one hand & tablet in the other hand, the goddess of grains)

184 Nisaba (Enlil‘s mother-in-law) be praised.

Inanna and Bilulu

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G.,

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


         1-5 She can make the lament for you, my Dumuzid (Dumuzi), the lament for you,

the lament, the lamentation, reach the desert she can make it reach the house Arali;

she can make it reach Bad-tibira (Dumuzi‘s patron city); she can make it reach Dul-cuba;

3 - Dumuzi the shepherd

   (Kish King Etana ascends to heaven / planet Nibiru by eagle / pilot, & Dumuzi the Shepherd) 

she can make it reach the shepherding country, the sheepfold of Dumuzid …….

20 lines fragmentary or missing

26 …… she broods on it:

27-30 “O Dumuzid of the fair-spoken mouth, of the ever kind eyes,” she sobs tearfully,

“O you of the fair-spoken mouth, of the ever kind eyes,” she sobs tearfully.

“Lad, husband, lord, sweet as the date, ……

O Dumuzid!” she sobs, she sobs tearfully.

31-36 Holy Inanna ……

1 line fragmentary

The goddess …….

2e - Ishtar in Mari 2800 B.C. (maiden Inanna, powerful granddaughter to Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander)

The maiden Inanna …….

She was pacing to and fro in the chamber of her mother who bore her,

in prayer and supplication, while they stood in attendance on her respectfully:

37-40 “O my mother …… with your permission let me go to the sheepfold!

4b - Ningal head (Ningal, Nannar‘s brown-eyed spouse, mother to Inanna & Utu)

O my mother Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse, Inanna‘s mother)…… with your permission let me go to the sheepfold!

My father has shone forth for me in lordly fashion ……

7a - Lama, Inanna & spouse King Shulgi before father Nannar

     (Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king Shulgi, Inanna as Shulgi’s spouse, & Nannar, father to Inanna)

Suen (Nannar / Sin) has shone forth for me in lordly fashion …….”

41-45 Like a child sent on an errand by its own mother, she went out from the chamber;

               (Inanna presents her new lover to mother Ningal)

like one sent on an errand by mother Ningal, she went out from the chamber.

Full knowledgeable my lady was, and also she was full apt,

full knowledgeable holy Inanna was, and also she was full apt.

Beer stored in remote days, in long past days …….

19 lines missing

65-70 …… from the sheepfold.

1 line missing

…… to the house of old woman Bilulu (source, erroneously: Belili).

2a-dumuzi-the-shepherd-adam-eve  (Dumuzi the Shepherd bound by hand & ankle cuffs)

There the shepherd, head beaten in, ……, Dumuzid, head beaten in, ……;

Ama-ucumgal-ana (Dumuzi), head beaten in, …….

71-73 “The sheep of my master, of Dumuzid, in the desert …….

O Inanna, a man who was not the shepherd was returning beside my master’s sheep!”

74-75 The lady created a song for her young husband, fashioned a song for him,

holy Inanna created a song for Dumuzid, fashioned a song for him:

76-80 “O you who lie at rest, shepherd, who lie at rest, you stood guard over them!

Dumuzid, you who lie at rest, you stood guard over them!

5a - Dumuzi is dead (giant alien goddess mourns Dumuzi‘s death)

Ama-ucumgal-ana, you who lie at rest, you stood guard over them!

Rising with the sun you stood guard over my sheep (?),

lying down by night only, you stood guard over my sheep (?)!”

81-89 Then the son of old woman Bilulu, matriarch and her own mistress, —

Jirjire (unidentified), a man on his own, fit for the fields and a knowledgeable man —

was filling pen and fold with his captured cattle, and was stacking his stacks and piles of grain.

He left scattered in the fields his victims struck down with the mace.

Sirru (unidentified) of Edin-lila, no one’s child and no one’s friend, sat before him and held converse with him.

90-97 That day what was in the lady’s heart?

3d-inanna-ishtar-upon-lion1  (Inanna in battle dress, her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, standing upon her zodiac symbol Leo)

What was in holy Inanna‘s heart?

To kill old woman Bilulu was in her heart!

To make good the resting place for her beloved young husband, for Dumuzidama-ucumgal-ana — that was in her heart!

My lady went to Bilulu in Edin-lila.

Her son Jirjire like the wind there did ……

Sirru of Edin-lila, no one’s child and no one’s friend, …….

1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons3a-anu-inanna (Inanna in battle dress, possessing high-tech alien weaponry)

98-110 Holy Inanna entered the alehouse, stepped into a seat, began to determine fate:

“Begone! I have killed you; so it is indeed, and with you I destroy also your name:

May you become the water skin for cold water that is used in the desert!

May her son Jirjire together with her become the protective god of the desert and the protective goddess of the desert!

May Sirru of Edin-lila, no one’s child and no one’s friend, walk in the desert and keep count of the flour,

and when water is libated and flour sprinkled for the lad wandering in the desert,

let the protective god of the desert and the protective goddess of the desert call out: “Libate!”, call out: “Sprinkle!”,

and thereby cause him to be present in the place from which he vanished, in the desert!

Let old woman Bilulu gladden his heart!”

111-124 And immediately, under the sun of that day, it truly became so.

She became the water skin for cold water that is used in the desert.

Her son Jirjire together with her became the protective god of the desert and the protective goddess of the desert.

Sirru of Edin-lila, no one’s child and no one’s friend, walks in the desert and keeps count of the flour,

and when water is libated and flour sprinkled for the lad wandering in the desert,

the protective god of the desert and the protective goddess of the desert call out: “Libate!”, call out: “Sprinkle!”,

and thereby cause him to be present in the place from which he vanished, in the desert.

Old woman Bilulu gladdens his heart.

2i - Sumerian Inanna, twin sister to Utu 1-inanna-dumuzi-young-lovers (Inanna;     Dumuzi & Goddess of Love Inanna

Inanna put out her hand to the lad on the ground,

put out her hand to Dumuzid on the ground, his death-bound hands ……

12 lines missing

137-148 The francolin …… to the …… of its …….

The francolin …… to the birthplace of Dumuzid.

Like a pigeon on its window ledge it took counsel with itself; the francolin in its shelter took counsel.

Only his mother Durtur (Ninsun) can gladden my master!

2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, mother to gods & goddesses, mixed-breed  son-kings, & mixed-breed high-priestesses)

Only his mother Durtur (Ninsun) can gladden Dumuzid!

My goddess, born in Kuara, the maiden who is the crown of all ……,

the admiration and acclaim of the black-headed (Anunnaki term for earthlings) people,

the playful one who also voices laments and the cries, who intercedes before the king –

2 - Geshtinanna, daughter to Enki & Ninsun (Geshtinanna, singer of songs, scribe, daughter to Ninsun, sister to Dumuzi)

Jectin-ana (Geshtinanna,) the lady, did …….

1 line fragmentary

150-154 The maiden …… the admiration.

Jectin-ana …….

The sacred one, Inanna …… in her hand.

…… together.

…… replied:

155-161 “Let me utter the lament for you, the lament for you, the lament!

Brother, let me utter the lament for you, the lament! …… let me utter the lament for you, the lament!

Let me utter the lament for you, the lament in the house Arali!

Let me utter the lament for you, the lament in Dul-cuba!

Let me utter the lament for you, the lament in Bad-tibira!

Let me utter the lament for you, the lament in the shepherding country!”

162-165 How truly the goddess proved the equal of her betrothed,

how truly holy Inanna proved the equal of the shepherd Dumuzid!

It was granted to Inanna to make good his resting place, it was granted to the goddess to avenge him!

166-173 “Let me utter the lament for you, the lament for you, the lament!

Let me utter the lament for you, the lament for you, the lament!

In the birthplace let me utter the lament for you, the lament!

In the desert, O Dumuzid, let me utter the lament for you, the lament!

In the house Arali let me utter the lament for you, the lament!

In Dul-cuba let me utter the lament for you, the lament!

In Bad-tibira let me utter the lament for you, the lament!

In the shepherding country let me utter the lament for you, the lament!”

174-176 How truly she proved the equal of Dumuzid, avenging him;

2d-inanna-wars-against-marduk  (semi-divine king, & Inanna, Goddess of Love & War)

by killing Bilulu, Inanna proved equal to him!