Ninhursag Texts:
- Ninhursag Overview
- Ninhursag by Wikipedia
- Ninhursag Quotes From Texts
- Ninhursag Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books
- Before All Befores (A Re-telling of Creation)
- Ninhursag’s Temple (House) Hymn in Kish
- Ninhursag’s Temple (House) Hymns
- The Eridu Genesis
- Enki & Ninhursag Version 1
- Enki & Ninhursaga Version 2
- Enki & Ninmah Version 3
- A tigi to Nintud
- The Sumerian Great Flood
- The Epic of Altra-Hasis (Noah) Version 1
- The Epic of Altra-Hasis Version 2
- A Man & His God
Ninhursag Related Minor Gods Slide-Show:
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Minor Gods Related to Ninhursag Texts:
- Minor Gods Related to Ninhursag Quotes From Texts
- Martu by Wikipedia
- Martu Quotes From Texts, Anu’s Son, Utu’s Son-In-Law
- A sir-gida to Martu
- A Hymn to Martu
- The Marriage of Martu
- Ninsar Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Daughter
- Ninkurra by Wikipedia
- Ninkurra Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninsar’s Daughter
- Ninimma Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninkurra’s Daughter
- A Song to Ninimma
- Uttu Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninimma’s Daughter
- Abu by Wikipedia
- Abu Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Son via Uttu
- Ninsikila Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Daughter via Uttu
- Ninsutu by Wikipedia
- Ninsutu Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Daughter via Uttu
- Ninkasi by Wikipedia
- Ninkasi Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Daughter via Uttu
- A Hymn to Ninkasi, Goddess of Beer
- A Drinking Song
- Nanshe by Wikipedia
- Nanshe Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Daughter via Uttu
- Nanshe’s Temple (House) Hymn
- Nanshe & the Birds
- The Home of the Fish
- A balbale to Nanshe
- A Hymn to Nanshe
- Azimua Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Daughter via Uttu
- Nintulla by Wikipedia
- Nintulla Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Son via Uttu
- Nina Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Daughter via Uttu
- Inscription of Nina
- Ninmarki Quotes From Texts, Enki & Nina’s Daughter
- Ninmarki’s Temple (House) Hymn
- Ninti Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Daughter via Uttu
- Enshag Quotes From Texts, Enki & Ninhursag’s Son via Uttu
Ninhursag, Enki & Ningishzidda Develope Modern Man Slideshow:

16 - Enki, Isimud, Ningishzidda with Tree of Life branch, Marduk with his scepter, & failed solution to fashion workers to replace Anunnaki workers

19 - seated Enki is brought a failed worker by 3 sons, mixing creatures isn't working out as hpoed for they have many inabilities to be good workers

33b - Enki, two-faced Isimud, a failed mixed DNA experiment, & unidentified son of Enki's in the abzu marshlands of Eridu

20 - three unidentified gods with Enki & his hybred experiments; these creatures were not workable for the needs the Anunnaki were looking for in replacement workers for the gods

29 - two sons of Enki bring failed worker experiment before Enki; Enki is growing impatient with the progress he is making

30 - Enki & unidentified son with their failed experiment in the Abzu, the home of Enki in Eridu where he keeps on trying

59 - unidentified god, failed DNA mixed experiment, unidentified god, & Enki who's patience is running out; the worker gods are demanding replacements & soon

28 - unidentified god, Marduk, failed DNA mix, Isimud, & Enki seated; Enki is now at his wits end

24 - Enki, Isimud, unidentified god,, failed experiment, & unidentified god in Eridu; Anunnaki miners make a move on Enlil to replace them with somebody, anybody!

30a - two unidentified gods bring Enki another failed experiment; what now is left to try for Enki & his crew

25 - worker experiment, unidentified son, Enki, Marduk with his scepter, & failed experiment again; Enki has run out of ideas to try

23 - Enki & 2 unidentified sons working DNA experiments mixing creatures to no avail

33a - Enki, his vizier Isimud, failed experiment, & 2 unidentified sons of Enki working in the Abzu marshlands of Southern Iraq

26 - Enki in Abzu attempting to fashion modern man, 2334-2154 B.C.

12 - Enki asks sister Ninhursag for her help, & discuss which experiments to perform; with male & female branches on Tree of Life between them

38 - ancient artifact of The Adam and Eve cylinder seal (c.2200 to 2100 BC) in the British Museum

1 - Ninhursag / Nintud / Ninmah / mother goddess, Director of Medical Science for the gods

2 - DNA specialist Ningishzidda & his entwined serpants, DNA double-helix unraveled with Ningishzidda's help

3 - DNA Medical Symbol, Ningishzidda & his symbol; DNA mixing will be needed to fashion a worker race

4 - Ningishzidda was given entwined serpents as his DNA specialist symbol

5 - the gods discover homo erectus, a big & strong subject to be worked on, this creature shows promise for the gods

6 - friendly primitive man gave Enki the idea he badly needed, he had the size, temperament, strength, etc. to become a good worker for the gods; he just needs to be upgraded in a major way; voice box, thought process, etc.

8 - homo erectus & friendly animals found by the gods, this will be the next subject of the gods to replace their previously failed experiments

9 - early homonids found by Enki in the Abzu, his new bi-pedal specimen to be used for a worker race

58 - primitive bi-pedal earthlings, a good place to start anew, but this time things are different, Ninhursag is helping them out

11 - Enki's discovered primitive at ease in the wild with other friendly animals, a plant eater & drinks from a ditch

56 - unidentified gods discover early man, this very ancient & very important scene was recorded many times to last for all time

13 - Ninhursag & brother Enki in planning displaying their Tree of Life model with male & female branches; good to have Ninhursag join the team of scientists

14 - decisions must be made to keep peace between gods, the worker gods are ready to revolt, Enlil could be in danger, worker replacements must be found

34 - Ninhursag & Enki doing their best to fashion workers, it's crucial to have something in the works for keeping any revolt from happening

60 - Ninhursag & Enki in the DNA lab

17 - Enki & sister-scientist Ninhursag in their Lab working hard for the tired & angry worker gods, especially the gods doing the mining

18 - Ninhursag & Enki in the lab, Ninhursag was tasked with developing a replacement worker race, & please be quick about it!

33 - Ninhursag & Enki in the lab, combining the admixture getting close to the outcome desired

57 - many ancient artifact of Ninhursag & Enki working in their lab in the Abzu

35 - working in the Lab for thousands of years; the texts on this subject are found below the slideshow

36 - the task masters must hurry & be successful, pressure is on, there's descention amongst the worker gods

31 - after coming close, Enki & Nimmah work to get it right in the lab

37 - Ninhursag & brother Enki keep trying, they learn to use clay dishes for the mixing components to blend & hold together as one, using bio-engineering of homo-erectus

15 - bio-engineering - Homo Erectus, the new subject of the DNA fashioning gods

60 - Ninhursag with her failed attempts to fashion adequate replacement workers; the first ones produced had many different problems; SEE TEXTS BELOW

38aa - more failed attempts to fashion an adequate worker race; the ones fashioned at first had too many problems & couldn't reproduce

38a - failed attempts of Nintud / Niinhursag, after 50,000 years of trial & error, a suitable worker is finally formed

40 - Ninhursag has nuses & staff prepare to carry the fertilized eggs for the nine month period

39 - Ninhursag prepares her volunteer staff who lends a hand with the developement of advanced earthlings

41 - Ninhursag & infant high-bred, advanced in every way, a new breed is born; a model chosen to not work, but instead reproduce again & again living with Enlil in the Eden, the land between the rivers Euphrates & Tigris

43 - Ninhursag was asked by the gods for a worker race, & she's done it!; cheers go out for Ninhursag, the mother of gods & mankind

42 - Ninhursag in her Lab, holding the molded Adapa, fashioned to be relieving the yoke of burdensome work from the back of the worker gods, once again things become peaceful between the gods & Enlil

44 - I have done it, the worker of the gods has been fashioned as requested by many; Enlil's position as leader is now safe again

45 - Ninhursag the birth mother, & unidentified assistants; Ninhursag shows her success around to the gods coming to see for themselves a new worker race, WOW

46 - birth mother Ninhursag, the news is good for all the gods on Earth, Ninhursag becomes bigger than life as a hero goddess of the gods

47 - Enki & baby Adapa, fashioned by Ninhursag, Enki, & Ningishzidda, with some help from Ninhursag's volunteers

49 - re-telling of the events long after the historical time of our beginning; homo-sapien, then homo-sapien sapien will appear

50 - the gods come from all around to see Enki & Ninhursag with their successful beginning of a new era for the gods; the birthing of a worker race of humans

51 - all come to witness the momentous event; the worker gods will soon have replacements, no longer to mine, to farm, etc. that they had been doing for tens of thousands of years, burdensome work no more!

52 - Adapa, model of modern man meets Enlil for the 1st time; he is to stay with Enlil as the reproducing model man in Eden; & so we begin!

55 - Assyrian tale of the line of Cain taken east of Eden & given the "mark of God", no facial hair

53 - Dumuzi the Shepherd with cuffed hands & feet, Adam, & Eve, Dumuzi as the Shepherd

54 - a captured Dumuzi the Shepherd with Adapa / Adam & Titi / Eve, Dumuzi the Shepherd tending a lamb

99 - Egyptian re-telling of the historical event, when the gods fashioned a new man, a worker race to bear the burdensome work that was once the gods' work

100 - the new worker race replaced the gods in the mines & in the fields, & everywhere else that they needed, a dream come true for the gods
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Adapa (Adam), Modern Man Texts:
- Enki & Ninmah
- Adapa by Wikipedia
- The Tablet of Adapa (Adam), Enki’s Mixed-Breed Son
- Adapa & the Food of Life
Ninhursag Mixed-Breed Son King Texts:
- Lugalbanda by Wikipedia
- Lugalbanda Quotes From Texts, Ninhursag’s Mixed-Breed Son 2800 B.C.
- Lugalbanda Quotes From Sitchin Books, Ninsun’s Mixed-Breed Spouse
- Lugalbanda and the Anzu Bird
- Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave
(Ninhursag’s Umbilical Chord-Cutter Symbol, Greek Letter, Ohm)
Ninhursag Birth-Goddess, Chord-Cutter Symbol Slide-Show:

65 - Ninhursag implied by the umbilical chord cutter symbol, mother of the black-headed

52 - Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol of birth mother Ninhursag, mother many gods

2 - symbol of Ninhursag, the divine Umbilical Chord Cutter, symbols are drawn many ways with small variations

1 - Enki, Anu, Enlil, & Ninhursag Symbols, Earth's 1st symbols were only of the gods

60 - snake bent into Ninhursag symbol, simple symbols drawn many ways

61 - symbol of the umbilical chord cutter for birth goddess Ninhursag; semi-divine king & mother goddess Ninsun

62 - Ninhursag's fox animal symbol & her omega symbol

63 - Ninhursag umbilical chord cutter symbol & many others on a kudurru stone / boundary stone, 1st boundary stones

1a - Ningishzidda, Nannar, Utu-Inanna, Enlil, Ishara, Nuska, Nanshe, Marduk, Ninhursag, Nabu, Enki, Ninurta, Zababa, Enlil, Anu, Adad, & unkn symbols

64 - Ninhursag symbol upside-down & drawn in many ways

3 - Ningishzidda, Bau, Shuqamuna, Anu, Ninhursag, Enlil, unkn, & Enki symbols on a boundary stone

4a - Ningishzidda, Nanshe, Ishara, Bau, Shuqamuna, Enlil, Ninhursag, & Anu symbols on a kudurru stone

4 - boundary stone given protection by Ningishzidda, Anu, Ninhursag, Enlil, unkn, Enki, Adad, & Marduk symbols

5 - full artifact of the kudurru / boundary stoneNingishzidda, Bau, Shuqaluma, Anu, Ninhursag, Enlil, unkn, & Enki symbols

29 - Nannar's Moon Crescent, Inanna's 8-Pointed Star, Utu's Sun Disc, Anu's & Enlil's Royal Crown of Horns, Enki's Turtle & Goat-Fish, & Ninhursag's Umbilical Chord Cutter symbols on kudurru stone

57 - Ninhursag's umbilical chord cutter on kudurru stone; the kudurru stones invoked the gods enforcement to the boundary, obey or face the gods

55 - Nannar, mixed-breed king, naked Inanna, & Martu; seal artifact stone reverse carved & rolled onto wet clay

56 - naked Inanna, Martu, Nannar, & naked mixed-breeds in background; preserved ancient scene of the gods from long ago

33 - hair styled as her Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol; Hathor in Egypt, Ninhursag in Mesopotamia, & on & on

67 - semi-divine son to Ninsun, & mother goddess Ninsun

54 - Ninhursag's Umbilical Chord Cutter as Ninhursag's hair, & Ningishzidda's entwined serpents symbols

6 - Ninhursag & Enki in the Lab, hanging from a wrist is the divine Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol of Ninhursag, the "birth mother" of the gods

66 - semi-divine giant king & his goddess mother Ninsun

7 - Ninhursag & Enki in lab, both holding the divine Umbilical Chord Cutter, Ninhursag's symbol of being the "birth mother" of many gods & goddesses

8 - Abgal pilot, Ninhursag, Ishtar-Inanna, & another winged pilot; also Ninhursag's Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol above Ninhursag's head

58 - ancient seal of Inanna, the naked Goddess of Love; & Ninhursag's symbol; revers-carved shaped stone rolled onto wet clay becomes the 1st press media for thousands of years

12 - Ninhursag & Enki with Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol of "birth mother" of the gods Ninhursag

30 - hair styled as her Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol; Hathor - Ninhursag depicted many many times this way

28 - ancient scene with father Enki, Nanshe, & her mother Ninhursag at Ninhursag's ziggurat residence; symbols of Marduk, Nannar, Nibiru, Nabu, & Ninhursag's Umbilical Chord Cutter

30 - umbilical chord cutter symbol above Ninhursag's head ;ancient scene kept alive of Ninhursag visiting Adad atop his ziggurat residence

9 - Ninhursag & attendee with Ninhursag's symbol, the divine Umbilical Chord Cutter

24 - giant semi-divine king & seated Enlil; Nibiru winged sky-disc & Ninhursag's umbilical chord cutter symbols

27 - Nannar, Inanna, Utu, Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nergal, Zababa, & Ninurta symbols on kudurru stone

10 - kudurru stone; Enlil's 7-planets, Ishara, Nusku, unkn, Marduk, Ninhursag, Shala, Enki, Zababa, Ninurta, Anu, & Enlil symbols, very top are Nannar, Utu, & Inanna symbols

13 - Apkulla pilot, Enki, Anu in sky-disc, Enlil, winged Apkulla, & Tree of Life, Enki with his pilot, & Enlil with his pilot, Enki & Enlil holding Ninhursag's symbol, the chord cutter

14 - Nabu, Ninhursag's Umbilical Chord Cutter upon her ziggurat residence, Enki, & Marduk symbols; god & king stele

15 - Ninhursag's symbol found at Sumerian art museum

31 - many times Ninhursag's hair styled as her Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol in many ways

16 - Nabu in prayer at temple of Marduk; Nibiru, Marduk, & Ninhursag's Umbilical Chord Cutter symbols

18 - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, her own hair style was used as her symbol of the Umbilical Chord Cutter

19 - Hathor, her hair style used as her divine Umbilical Chord-Cutter symbol

21 - hair styled as Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol; tremendous artifact of Egyptian goddess Hathor - Ninhursag

1b - birth goddess Ninhursag with her failed attempts to create race of workers for the gods

20 - Ninhursag & her failed DNA lab experiments, & her Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol

23a - kudurru stone; Nannar, Inanna, Utu, Anu Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nergal Zababa, Ninurta, Marduk, Nabu, Bau, Adad, Shala, Nusku, Ningirsu, Shuqamuna, Shumalia, Ningishzidda, & Ishara

23 - boundary stone; Nannar, Inanna, Utu, Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nergal, Zababa, Ninurta, Marduk, Nabu, Bau, Adad, Shala, Nusku, Ningirsu, Shuqamuna, Shumalia, Ningishzidda, & Ishara

25 - Ninhursag symbol with bird legs, Nibiru cross, Nannar's Moon crescent, & Ningishzidda symbols

11 - Ninhursag's Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol along with many others

68 - Mushhushshu & rocket symbol atop Marduk's ziggurat, Ninhursag's umbilical chord cutter, & Enki's turtle symbols

22 - Bau, Ninhursag, Nabu, Ishara, Nergal, Marduk, NIngishzidda, unkn, Shuqamula, Nusku, Nannar, Utu, Inanna, Adad, Anu, Enlil, Enki, unkn, & Nanshe

26 - hair styled as her Umbilical Chord symbol; Egyptian goddess Hathor - Ninhursag

28 - many times hair styled as her Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol; ancient Egyptian artifact of Hathor, sister to Enki

50 - Greek omega, Ninhursag's umbilical chord cutter symbol thousands of years prior to the Greeks

65 - elecrtical symbols using Ninhursag umbilical chord cutter symbol from olden days

Music Merit Badge, Ninhursag's symbol of the divine Umbilical Chord Cutter still very much in use today
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