(gods in blue …mixed-breed demigods in teal…)

. Inanna / Innin / Ninni = Sumerian
. Ishtar = Akkadian
. Irnini = Assyrian
. Beltis = Assyrian (sometimes Ninlil)
. Ishtar / Eshdar = Assyria, Babylonian, Hittite, & others
. Ninegala =
. Astarte = Canaanite, Egyptian, & Hebrew
. Anat = Canaanite
. Aphrodite = Greek
. Venus = Roman
. Freya = Viking
. Columbia (“Lady Liberty”) = Western World
. twin to brother Utu, younger sister to Ereshkigal
. granddaughter to Earth Colony Commanders Enlil & Ninlil
. born on Enlil’s side of the Anunnaki alien royal family, married into Enki’s family with spouse Dumuzi, who later died
. great-granddaughter to King Anu, his mistress of choice when visiting Earth Colony,
. nicknamed Annunitum, “beloved of Anu”, “the holy mistress of Anu”
. Anu gave his “E-ana” ziggurat / residence in Uruk to Inanna, therefore becoming “her city Unug”
. Inanna’s royal ruling # is 15
. “Astarte (Inanna, the), Mistress of Horses…”
. Goddess of Love & War, very beautiful, powerful, & extremely ambitious
. director of kings in war & peace, even often appeared at the head of the troops, softening enemy defenses, insuring easy victories for her spouse-king of the period
. Leo is her constellation, the lion used as her symbol of Leo
. goddess of Venus (the 8-pointed star symbol, 8th planet seen when entering into our solar system)
. Venus as her planet, associated the Goddess of Love to the Planet of Love, (the 5-pointed star / pentagram symbolizes the strange orbit of Venus)
. “the rosette, the standard of Inanna” (8-leaved 8-pointed star)
. her city was Aratta, far land east of Sumer, later becoming mistress to Anunnaki King Anu in his city of Uruk, (she ambitiously took Uruk over as hers, along with the 8-pointed star symbol)
. E-ana (“House of heaven”) ziggurat / temple of Anu’s, then Inanna’s in Uruk
. E-kug-nuna temple of Inanna’s in Uruk
. Inanna had a temple built in her brother’s city of Sippar, & one in Aratta, & later had built one for her visitations in most every city of the gods, establishing her personal hotel chain
. E-sherzid-guru “House clad in splendor” temple of Inanna’s in Zabala / Babylon built by Hammurabi
. Eturkalama in Babylon – temple / residence
. Inanna stated,
“In Unug (Uruk) the E-ana is mine,
in Zabalam the Giguna is mine,
in Nibru (Nippur) the Dur-an-ki is mine,
in Urim (Ur) the E-Dilmuna is mine,
in Ĝirsu the Ešdam-kug is mine,
in Adab the E-šara is mine,
in Kiš (Kish) the Ḫursaĝ-kalama is mine,
in Kisiga the Amaš-kuga is mine,
in Akšak the Anzagar is mine,
in Umma the Ibgal is mine,
in Agade (Akkad) the Ulmaš is mine.
Which god compares with me? …”
Also was stated:
Inanna “abandoned the E-ana (Anu‘s temple – residence) in Unug (Uruk), …
She abandoned the E-muc-kalama in Bad-tibira, …
She abandoned the Giguna in Zabalam, …
She abandoned the E-cara (temples – residences) in Adab, …
She abandoned the Barag-dur-jara in Nibru (Nippur), …
She abandoned the Hursaj-kalama in Kic (Kish), …
She abandoned the E- Ulmac in Agade (Akkad), …
She abandoned the Ibgal in Umma, …
She abandoned the E- Dilmuna in Urim (Ur), …
She abandoned the Amac-e-kug in Kisiga, …
She abandoned the E-ecdam-kug in Jirsu, …
She abandoned the E-sig-mece-du in Isin, …
She abandoned the Anzagar in Akcak, …
She abandoned the Nijin-jar-kug in Curuppag (Shuruppak), …
She abandoned the E-cag-hula in Kazallu, and descended to the underworld) …”
. Inanna’s authority & power was usurped when rival cousin Marduk declared humself supreme in Babylon, many wars were caused by alien struggles for power over each other, earthlings died in wars for alien causes, wars ordered by the gods
. lover & spouse to mixed-breed King Sharru Kin / Sargon I, founder of Akkad
. lover & spouse to mixed-breed King Shulgi, ruler of Ur, & to many dozens more that were giant mixed-breed descendant-kings
. King Gilgamesh once denied her sex, stating she had too many lovers, later, he too espoused her
. Inanna, Goddess of Love, depicted nude in many ancient artifacts, sometimes with wings, indicating her capability of piloting flight, (all pilots are issued their wings)
. temptress to Enki, got him drunk, stole his 100 divine formulas (alien discs of knowledge)
. Inanna spoiled by Enlil‘s side of King Anu’s family, & an opponent in war to Enki‘s side of the King’s royal lineage
Inanna’s Sons:
. Nergal, son to Enki & Inanna in some texts, son to Enlil in others
. Lugalbanda, mixed-breed giant, made king of Uruk, who espoused goddess Ninsun & became parents to many mixed-breeds appointed to kingships
. Cara / Shara / Cupid, her son born of mixed-breed King Shu-Sin
Inanna’s Probable Daughter:
. Enheduanna, Sargon’s daughter, Inanna’s scribe, & her father Nannar’s high-priestess