(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)
(gods in blue …mixed-breed demigods in teal…)
(Enki & earthling workers on a barge)
1-9. Oh barge, Enki assigned the quay of abundance to you as your fate.
Father Enlil looked at you with approval.
(Adad, Enlil, & equal spouse Ninlil)
Your lady, Ninlil, commanded your construction.

(giant Anunnaki goddess Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king Shulgi, goddess Inanna who espoused Shulgi, & Nannar / Nanna, Inanna‘s father, god of Ur)
She entrusted it to the faithful provider, King Šulgi (Shulgi);
and the shepherd, who is of broad intelligence, will not rest day and night in thinking deeply about you.
He, the wise one, who is proficient in planning,
he, the omniscient one, will fell large cedars in the huge forests for you.
He will make you perfect and you will be breathtaking to look upon.
(Enki‘s daughter Uttu spinning & weaving) 
10-22. Your woven …… is …….
Your covering reed-mats are the daylight spreading wide over the holy settlements.
Your timbers are sniffing (?) …… reptiles crouching on their paws.
Your punting poles are dragons sleeping a sweet sleep in their lair.
Your strakes (?) are …… snakes, …….
Your floor-planks are flood-currents, sparkling altogether in the pure Euphrates.
Your side-planks, which are fastened into their fixed places (?) with wooden rings (?),
are a stairway leading to a mountain spring (?), a …… filled with …….
Your holy …… are persisting and firmly founded abundance.
Your bench is a lofty dais erected in the midst of the abzu.
Your …… is Aratta, full-laden with treasures.
Your door, facing the sunrise, is a …… bird, carrying a …… in its talons while spreading wide its wings.
23-31. Your glittering golden sun-disc, fastened with leather straps,
is the brilliant moonlight, shining brightly upon all the lands.
Your banner, adorned with the divine powers (alien technologies) of kingship,
is a woodland of cypress trees irrigated with clean water, giving a pleasant shade.
Your small reed mats are the evening sky, illuminated with stars, imbued with terrible awesomeness.
In the midst of your carefully tended small gizi reeds with numerous twigs (?),
flocks of little birds twitter as in a holy swamp.
Their chirping, as pleasing to the heart as the sound of the churn’s shaking,
makes Enlil and Ninlil extremely happy (?).
32-39. Your rudder is a large kiĝ fish in the broad waters at the mouth of the Kisala canal.
Your …… are a bison, inspiring terror on the great earth.
Your tow-rope is the gliding Niraḫ extended over the land.
Your mooring pole is the heavenly bond, which …….
Your longside beams are a warrior striking straight against another warrior.
(symbol of Nannar the Moon Crescent, & his son Utu the Sun)
Your prow is Nanna (Nannar) …… fair sky.
Your stern is Utu …… at the horizon.
Your canopy (?) is …….
40. Sa-gida.
(Shulgi, son to goddess Ninsun & mixed-breed spouse Lugalbanda, he was 2/3rds divine –2/3rds giant alien god, stronger, faster, smarter, etc. than any other non-mixed earthlings, shaved head as high-priest, capped or crowned as king, perfect go-between for gods & earthlings)
41-47. The faithful shepherd Šulgi established the holy festival and the great rituals.
The great gods bathe in holy water in Nibru (Nippur).
He assigns the fates to their places in the city and allocates the right divine powers (advanced alien tech).
(Ninlil, spouse to King Anu‘s Royal Prince Enlil, born of the “double seed”)
The mother of the Land, Ninlil the fair, comes out (?) from the house,
and Enlil embraces her like a pure wild cow.
They take their seats on the barge’s holy dais, and provisions are lavishly prepared.
48-63. The lofty barge ……, the ornament of the Tigris, enters the rolling river; …… on the shining water.
The ritually washed five-headed mace, mitum mace, lance and standard …… at the bow.
Enlil‘s warrior, Ninurta (Enlil‘s Royal Prince of the “double seed”),
goes at their front, directing the …… of your wide ferry-boat (?) straight.
He …… the holy punting pole of the barge, the holy raft.
(Ninlil on shore, her spouse Enlil, & Enlil‘s son Nusku)
The ferrymen (?) …… holy songs; they (?) …… the great exaltedness of the lady.
The good woman, Ninlil, …… joyfully with (?) Šulgi.

(Enlil & Ninlil‘s patron city of Nippur, Ninlil‘s son Nannar‘s patron city of Ur way below his house / temple-home of Biblical Terah, Abraham, Ishmael, & Isaac)
Sumer and Urim (Ur) …… joy and happiness.
The barge bobs at the quay Mete-aĝi (Ornament of the waves);
(giant mixed-breed arrives with cargo at Enlil & Ninlil‘s Tummal)
it sails off into the reedbeds of Enlil‘s Tummal.
Like a goring (?) ox, it raises, then lowers its head.
It strikes its breast against the rising waves; it stirs up (?) the encircling waters.
When it thrusts within the waters, the fish of the subterranean waters become frightened;
as it glides (?) upon them, it makes the waters sparkle (?) luxuriantly.
64-70. …… the holy raft; …… the lady of Tummal …… prayer.

(Apkulla pilot Enki Anu is his sky-disc above Enlil Apkulla pilot, the 3 main gods of Nibiru upon Earth Colony)
Enlil‘s ancestors and An (Anu) the king, the god who determines the fates, greets her.
(Enlil & Ninlil dining, when “modern man” became fashioned into their image, & into their likeness, earthlings were put to work for the giant alien gods who had already colonized the Earth)
With Ninlil, they take their seats at the banquet,
(sheep, the favorite prepared meat of the Anunnaki, brought to Earth by Ninhursag to improve the menu on Earth, Dumuzi, Enki‘s son, taught Biblical Abel to become earthling shepherd for the gods)
and Šulgi the shepherd brings along his great food-offerings for them.
They pass the day in abundance, they give praise throughout night.
They decree a fate, an allotted fate to be pre-eminent forever, for the king who fitted out the holy barge.
(Utu, son to Nannar, damaged king stands before Utu, the Sun god; Radical Islam has shamefully destroyed tens of thousands of these ancient artifacts)
71-81. Then light shines up at the edge of the Land as Utu rises refulgently.
As the barge is traveling upstream, it …… radiates (?) and creaks (?).
…… in the Ninmutum, the canal of the year of abundance …….
As the carp make their bellies (?) sparkle, Enlil rejoices.
As the mušu fish play noisily there, Ninlil rejoices.
(mixed-breed appointed king, & Enki) 
As the …… fish ……, Enki (giant alien Anunnaki King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son) rejoices.
As the suḫurmaš fish dart about, Nanna (Nannar) rejoices.
The Anuna (Anunnaki alien) gods rejoice at ……. …… lifts its head in the Euphrates; it …….
In the midst of …… ever-flowing water is carried.
In joyous Nibru, he moors the holy barge at the quay.
82-90. With joyful eyes and shining forehead, Ninlil,
(Shulgi, giant semi-divine grandson to alien giant Anunnaki goddess Ninsun)
……, looks upon King Šulgi: “Shepherd ……, Šulgi, who has a lasting name, king of jubilation!
(giant alien Anunnaki King An / Anu, leader of the entire planet of Nibru & their Earth Colony, THEIR WARS WERE FOUGHT TO CREATE A ONE WORLD ORDER)
I will prolong the nights of the crown that was placed upon your head by holy An,
(Shulgi accepts the scepter of kingship from Enlil, Anunnaki‘s Earth Colony Commander; Enlil son & heir to Anunnaki King Anu, stationed on Earth)
and I will extend the days of the holy scepter that was given to you by Enlil.
  (Ea / Enki /, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son)
(Enki / Ea / Nudimud tasked with helping younger 1/2 brother Enlil establish Earth Colony, his descendants grew angry with Enlil‘s rule)
May the foundation of your throne that was bestowed on you by Enki be firm!
(Nanna / Nannar / Suen / Sin / El, 1st son to Enlil & Ninlil; Nannar‘s million calves in the pens of Ur)
Shepherd who brings about perfection, may Nanna (Nannar / Sin), the robust calf, the seed of Enlil,
to whom I (Ninlil) gave birth, cover your life with …… which is full of exuberance as if it were my holy ba garment!”
91. Sa-ĝara.