Prayer to Nabu for Ashurbanipal (12)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

           (Nabu, patron god of Borsippa)

         [To the god Nabû …] commander of the gods, eminent, exalted, splendid,

        […] who bears the tablet of the fates of the gods, who controls the omens […] …

        who gives advice to the gods of heaven and netherworld,

        […] whose weapons cannot be equaled, […] whose lordship is supreme,

        [who dwells in Ezida — the proper temple, (located) in Borsippa,

        the] awesome [cult center] — great lord, my lord:

          (Ashurbanipal enjoying his royal descendant kingship)

         [I, Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assy]ria,

        king of the four quarters (of the world); [son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king,

        king of the world, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babyl]on, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

        [who (re)settled Babylon, (re)built Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries] of all cult centers,

        [constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and] (re)confirmed [their int]errupted [regular offerings,

        (who) rest]ored [the rites (and) rituals according to the old pattern;

        grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assy]ria, I —

        [During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk], entered [Babylon amidst rejoicing]

          (Marduk’s Esagil residence above his patron city-state Babylon)

        and [took up his residence in the eternal Esagil.

        I (re)confirmed the regular offer]ings for Esagil [and the gods of Babylon].

        I (re-)established [the privileged status of Babyl]on (and) [appointed Šamaš-šuma-ukīn],

             (Ashurbanipal & brother Samas-suma-ukin)

        my favorite brother, [to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

        I decorated Esagil with silver, gold, (and)] precious stones

        [and made] Eumuša glisten [like the stars (lit. “writing”) of the firmament].

        At [that time, (with regard to) 1ābi-supūršu, the (city) wall of Borsippa,

        which] had become [ol]d and [buckled (and) collapsed,

        in order to] increase [the securi]ty of Ezida and the (other) sanctuaries of Borsippa,

        [with the strength of] my [labour] forces I had [Ṭā]bi-supūršu, [its] (city) wall, built [quickly] anew

            (Ningishzidda, architect of the great monuments around the world)

        [with] the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda) and refitted [its gates.

        I had] (new) doors made and hung (them) in its gateways.

        [O (you) futu]re [prince], during whose reign this work falls into disrepair, question skilled craftsmen!

             (Nabu’s ziggurat residence & Borsippa way down below)

        (Re)build [Ṭābi-s]upūršu, the (city) wall of Borsippa, according to its ancient specifications!

        Look at [my royal inscription], anoint (it) with oil, offer a sacrifice,

        (and) place (my royal inscription) with your (own) royal inscription!

            (Marduk, son Nabu, & giant mixed-breed king with dinner)

        The god Nabû will (then) [lis]ten [to you]r [prayers].

        (But) as for the one who des[troys] my inscribed name or the name of my favorite (brother)

        [by some crafty device], (or) does not place my royal inscription with his (own) royal inscription,

             (giant alien Anunnaki god Nabu in our image & likeness)

        [may the god Nabû, (…)], glare at him [angrily] and make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from the lands!