Prayer to Marduk for Ashurbanipal (1)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

         For the god Marduk, king of all the Igīgū gods and Anunnakū gods, creator of heaven and netherworld,

           (Marduk’s Esagil residence in Babylon)

         who establishes archetypes (and) dwells in Esagil, lord of Babylon, great lord, my lord:

           (giant semi-divine mixed-breed King Ashurbanipal, named after Ashur)

          I, Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world,

          king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the world);

          son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

          viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

          who (re)settled Babylon, (re)built Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers,

          constantly established appropriate procedures in them, and (re)confirmed their interrupted regular offerings,

          (who) restored the rites (and) rituals according to the old pattern;

              (Sennacherib administers torture to his captives)

          grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I —

          During my reign, the great lord, the god Marduk,


             (son Nabu, semi-divine king with dinner, high-priest, Marduk enters Babylon, & son Ashur)

          entered Babylon amidst rejoicing and took up his residence in the eternal Esagil.

          I (re)confirmed the regular offerings for Esagil and the gods of Babylon.

           (King Samas-suma-ukin carrying mud bricks, grains, etc.)

          I (re-)established the privileged status of Babylon (and) appointed Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, my favorite brother,

          to the kingship of Babylon in order that the strong might not harm the weak.

          I decorated Esagil (“House whose Top is High”) with silver, gold, (and) precious stones

          and made Eumuša (“House of Counsel”) glisten like the stars (lit. “writing”) of the firmament.

          At that time, (with regard to) Imgur-Enlil (“The God Enlil Showed Favor”), the (city) wall of Babylon,

          (and) Nēmet-Enlil (“Bulwark of the God Enlil”), its outer wall,

          which had become old and buckled (and) collapsed,

          in order to increase the security of Esagil and the (other) sanctuaries of Babylon,

          with the strength of my labor forces I had Nēmet-Enlil, its outer wall, built quickly anew

            (Ningishzidda, architect of world’s monuments)

          with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda) and I refitted its gates.

          I had (new) doors made and hung (them) in its gateways.

          O (you) future prince, during whose reign this work falls into disrepair, question skilled craftsmen!

          (Re)build Imgur-Enlil, the (city) wall, (and) Nēmet-Enlil, the outer wall, according to their ancient specifications!

          Look at my royal inscription, anoint (it) with oil, offer a sacrifice,

          (and) place (my royal inscription) with your (own) royal inscription!

            (giant gods & ancient mixed-breed kings prayers)

          The god Marduk will (then) listen to your prayers.

          (But) as for the one who destroys my inscribed name or the name of my favorite (brother) by some crafty device,

          (or) does not place my royal inscription with his (own) royal inscription,

           (Marduk, son Nabu, & spouse Sarpanit, Ningishzidda as horned snake)

          may the god Marduk, king of everything, glare at him angrily

          and make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from the lands!