
NIN-ME-SARA: Lady of countless cosmic powers (Inanna)

Written by En-hedu-anna, (Sargon‘s daughter)

This is the first english translation of Dr. Annette Zgoll’s german, academic translation of Nin-me-sara found at the beginning of her book, “Der Rechtsfall der EnheduAna im Lied Nin-me-sara”(1997),

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1. “Queen of all the ME, too numerous to count, rising forth as resplendent light

2. Woman, most driven, clothed in frightening radiance, loved by An and Uras (Anu‘s spouse),

 (Anu, King of the alien Anunnaki in heaven / planet Nibiru, & Earth Colony)

3. An’s (Anu) nugig, you are above all the great SUHkese-breastplates,

4. You, who love the right aga-crown, who is suited for the en-priest-hood,

5. empowered with all of its all seven ME –

1 - Inanna in Flight Suit  (Inanna, daughter to Nannar, powerful Goddess of Love & War)

6. my queen! You are the guardian of the great ME (alien technologies)!

7. You have uplifted the ME, you have held the Me in your hand.

8 You have gathered the ME, you have clasped the ME to your chest.

9 Like a dragon you cast venom upon the enemy land.

2f - Hadad, warrior upon a bull - Taurus   (Adad with high-tech alien weaponry, atop his zodiac bull symbol of Taurus)

            10 In the regions where you thundered like Iskur (Adad), Asnan no longer exists because of you

          11 Flooding waters surge down on such an enemy land

             12 You are the supreme one in Heaven and Earth, you are their Inana!..”