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(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)
(gods in blue)
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When Nebuchadnezzar [the king] dwelt in Babylon, He would roar like a lion, would rum[ble] like thunder, His illustrious great men would roar like lions.
[His] prayers went up to Marduk, lord of Babylon, “Have mercy on me, in despair and pros[trate],* “Have mercy on my land, which weeps and mourns, “Have mercy on my people, who wail and weep! “How long, O lord of Babylon, Will you dwell in the land of the enemy? “May beautiful Babylon pass through your heart, “Turn your face towards Esagila (Marduk‘s ziggurat temple residence) which you love!”
[The lord of Babylon] heeded Nebuchadnezzar [‘s prayer], [ ] befell him from heaven, “I command you with my own lips, “[A word of] good fortune do I send you:
“[With] my [help?] you will attack the Westland. “Heed your instructions, [ ] “Take me [from El]am to Babylon. “I, [lord of Bab]ylon, will surely give you Elam, “[I will exalt] your [kingship] everywhere.” [ ] the land of [ ] and seized [ ] of? his gods |