2 - full artifact shows Nannar, father Enlil, & Enki in front of Mushhushshu symbol for Marduk, 3 of the main gods from King Anu's royal family on Earth; Nannar the Moon god inside his Moon-like sky-disc / flying saucer
2a - Nannar high in the sky riding inside his Moon crescent sky-disc / flying saucer; another example of alien technologies brought down to Earth, the original "Man in the Moon"
2cc - full artifact with bull-god, Ninurta riding winged storm beast, mother Ninhursag cautioning, & fighting Inanna, Nannar above inside his Moon sky-disc / flying saucer
2b - Nannar way up in the sky, riding inside his Moon sky-disc / flying saucer above his related fellow gods; Nannar is the "Man in the Moon"
15cd - Marduk attacks while Nannar/Sin inside his sky-disc / flying saucer offers peace instead
Marduk battles animal beast symbol for enemy god, & Nannar inside his sky-disc / flying saucer, the ancient scene of an areal battle between the gods
15c - Marduk above inside his sky-disc / flying saucer, Nannar below inside his Moon sky-disc / flying saucer, a time on Earth when the gods came down
2f - Nannar inside his Moon-looking sky-disc / flying saucer; eldest son to Enlil & Ninlil, but not Enlil's eldest son who is Ninurta, born of Ninhursag
2k - full artifact with Utu, Inanna, & Nannar each inside their sky-discs / flying saucers, Enlil on the ground, & Bau atop her winged guard dog
2j - Utu, Inanna, & Nannar each inside their sky-discs / flying saucers; the alien gods traversed the skies in ancient forgotten days as well as current days
16j - Nannar on the ground with damaged Enki, King Anu, & Enlil in their winged sky-disc / flying saucer, & unidentified god on the ground
2g - Inanna inside her winged sky-disc / flying saucer with her twin brother Utu & their father Nannar; all 3 have their own sky-discs / flying saucers, royal family in the Assembly of Gods have their own crafts
2r - Nannar inside his Moon sky-disc / flying saucer, also his Moon Crescent symbol for Nannar is the Moon god, symbolized by the Moon crescent
16q - Ninurta with alien high-tech 50-headed mace over a disloyal king or earthling, also giant gods Enlil, Nannar & Utu; historical scene captured in the artifact meant to last for all time
1 - Nannar with crook standard, & Moon, his identifiers; 1st son to Enlil with spouse Ninlil, Ninurta is Enlil's eldest son born of Ninhursag, King Anu's daughter
16l - Nannar with dinner, Utu with his rock saw, semi-divine king & spouse Inanna in background, & creature companion Enkidu wrestling Uruk King Gilgamesh; ancient scene from the Gilgamesh tales
16i - Ningal, her daughter Inanna, niece Ninsun, spouse Nannar with dinner, & son Utu; one of the royal families under King Anu
1 - Nannar seated with his standard, patron god to the commercial city of Ur, the ancient day center of commerce, civilization was advanced in every way
1 - Nannar with a semi-divine giant king; Nannar with his Moon crescent symbol & son Utu's Sun symbol; the royal gods had their images, their star symbols, their zodiac signs, & animal symbols as identifiers
15 - naked Inanna in background, Ningal, Nannar, semi-divine king, high-priest in background, & Utu
16h - Ningal, niece Ninsun, Ninsun's semi-divine son-king in background, Ningal's spouse Nannar with dinner, son Utu, & daughter Inanna; Nannar's royal family under King Anu, all are important gods in Earth's ancient history
1 - Nannar, pic from another artifact; Nannar is the Moon god, symbolized by the Moon crescent, still is today in religion of Islam
1 - seal of Nannar, patron god of Ur symbolized by the Moon Crescent; Nannar is the 2nd son to Enlil, but the 1st son to spouse Ninlil
4h - mother Ningal, warrior daughter Inanna with weapon in hand, spouse Nannar with one from his flocks in Ur, & son Utu with alien tech rock cutter in hand
1a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.; son to Enlil & Ninlil, born on Earth Colony, patron god over Ur, the home of Biblical Abraham & Isaac & Ishmael
4i - Ningal, Ninsun, Inanna with dinner, & her father Nannar; the gods had goddess wives & many had concubines
1b - Nannar, patron god of Ur for tens of thousands of years, his Moon crescent symbol & daughter Inanna's 8-pointed star symbol
16g - Ninsun, her semi-divine son-king, Nannar, Enlil, Ninlil, naked Inanna in background, & Ninurta; all important royal descendants under King Anu, father in heaven / planet Nibiru
16e - Enkidu creature creation, Ninurta with plow, less advanced semi-divine king, & Nannar seated upon his throne in Ur
1c - Nanna seated on his throne in Ur, & his symbol the Moon crescent; older brother to Nergal, Adad, & more; Nannar was keeper of the herds / dinner held in Ur
1d - seal with the patron god Nannar of Ur; there were many dozens of kings in Ur through tens of thousands of years
15a - naked Inanna in background, Enlil on his throne in Nippur, Nannar with dinner offering, semi-divine king in background, & Utu
1e - Nannar on his throne keeping the busy commercial hub Ur in fine order; Ur had schools, board games, trade on land & by river, coins, standard of measures & weights, etc., etc. SEE UR ARTIFACTS ON UR PAGE
4a - semi-divine king, Ninurta upon his fire-spitting winged storm beast, Nannar with Moon crescent upon his head, & Enlil seated; Ninurta's storm beast is a depiction of his weaponized flying craft
1h - Nannar seal artifact from ancient Mesopotamia; reverse-carved shaped stone rolled onto wet clay, then fired extra hot so the clay turns hard as rock
4aa - semi-divine mixed-breed king, Ninurta with winged fire-spitting beast, Nannar, & their father Enlil; Ninurta's winged fire-spitting beast is a flying craft with weapons
16c - Inanna & her divine powers, father Nannar, & grandfather Enlil; Inanna is the Goddess of Love & War, Enlil is the Commander of the Anunnaki race on Earth, his commands are final
1g - excellent Nannar seal artifact of him seated upon his throne in Ur, capitol of the sheep & cow herds, plus much more, of Mesopotamia
1i - Nannar, the Moon God, seated upon his throne in Ur directing personally each king & high-priest of Ur; a time long forgotten when the gods walked & talked with semi-divine earthlings
4b - Ninsun, Nannar with one from his flock for dinner, Utu, Lamashtu killing an earthling, & Ninurta; a time when the gods walked the Earth with earthlings
4 - Ninlil, Inanna, Nannar, & Enlil climbing out from Under World; Akkadian artifact 2300-2200 B.C.; a time long ago forgotten to history, a very important time in our history when the gods walked the Earth
2m - Nannar, Moon god of Ur, Biblical El, the God of Abraham & Isaac & Ishmael
1j - Nannar seal with his Moon Crescent symbol & crook; Nannar & spouse Ningal lived in Ur tens of thousands of years with many many kings coming & going, & Inanna espousing many of them
Utu, Nannar, & Ninurta visit Enki in Eridu, Enki's ziggurat, one of the 1st built, was decorated in polished silver so it could be seen for many miles
1ka - Nannar, the Moon God, patron god of Ur, god over a million cows & countless sheep; god over the "New York" of Mesopotamia
4k - Utu with foot onto a mountain, Nannar with one from his flocks in Ur, his spouse Ningal, Uruk King Gilgamesh, & Enkidu, a creation of Ninhursag's as a companion to Gilgamesh
1kb - Nannar reverse engraved into a seal or cylinder shaped stone, then rolled onto wet clay imprinting the carved scene, the world's 1st printing press - divine news spread quickly throughout Mesopotamia
3k - Utu & Inanna, twin children of Nannar, & Nannar; a close-nit family from 2nd & 3rd generations of gods on the Earth
1k - Nannar, the god of the Moon, the original "Man in the Moon"
3i - Nannar, spouse Ningal with dinner, also daughter & Goddess of Love Inanna; Babylonian artifact seal of an ancient family scene on Earth
1kc -seal of Nannar, ancient artifact of a giant born on Earth but from a different planet, Nibiru
5a - Enlil, man in the Moon, 2-faced Isimud, Ninurta on ziggurat temple, Adad atop ziggurat temple, Nannar with Moon crescent, & naked Inanna hovering in the air; Utu atop disloyal earthling, & medical help rendered with x-rays, technologies not understood by early earthlings
2da - Limestone stela depicting the Moon god Sin - Nannar; god over the dozens of kings in Ur for thousands of years
1m - Nannar with his Moon Crescent symbol, Lord over Ur, the commercial & trading capitol of Mesopotamia
17a - Adad atop the pyramids with alien technologies in hands, Ninsun in her praise position, Nannar, & Utu with his rock cutter alien technology in hand
1l - Nannar, son to Enlil & Ninlil, god of the Moon, patron god of Ur, giant born on Earth Colony
3a - Ningal & spouse Nannar relief, patron gods over Ur, the New York of the ancient world, 1st with many new ideas & human advances
3 - Ningal, blood-related mixed-breed King of Ur Ur-Namma, & Nannar / Sin, his patron god, & ur-Namma's goddess mother Ninsun twice damaged; Ur-Namma was 2/3rds divine
17 - Adad atop hus bull symbol with alien technologies in hand, Nannar brings dinner from his herds in Ur, & Utu with his foot upon a ziggurat
17d - Ninurta & Beast, Ningal, her spouse Nannar the Moon god, & her son Utu, the Sun god; Nannar brings one from his flocks for dinner
3b - Nannar with his twin children Inanna & Utu, 2 powerful gods of that 3rd generation of gods on Earth; powerful gods still today
3c - Utu, twin sister Inanna, with father Nannar, & his damaged son Papsukal; it was an alien royal family affair for generations that ruled planet Earth in our past & may still today
3 - Utu with his parents, Nannar, & Ningal, living, breathing, patron gods from in Ur; the gods lived so long that earthlings thought them to be immortal
3 - Ningal & her spouse Nannar, the god symbolized then & now by the Moon's crescent, lighting up the darkness on Earth
17c - Ninsun, unidentified, Nannar with dinner offering, Utu, & high-priest in background; a time when the gods walked & talked with semi-divine man
17g - Nannar, son Utu, Lamatsu with earthling, & Ninurta
3d - Inanna & her father Nannar, gods in Ur, the home of Biblical Terah, Abraham, Isaac, & Ishmael
4g - Nannar with parents Enlil & Ninlil, the 2nd & 1st generation of alien gods upon the Earth
4f - Enlil, son Nannar, & grandson Utu, example of 3 generations of gods & their amount of time spent upon the Earth; all are royal descendants of King Anu
3h - family artifact of Ningal, daughter Inanna, & spouse Nannar, gods walking & talking in Ur for thousands of years
4n - Nannar & Martu, giant aliens mistaken for gods; a time in our forgotten history when the gods came down
4c - Martu & Ninsun, Nannar, & his son Utu; ancient scene desired to be forever placed onto an artifact for thousands of years
4l - Nannar & Martu, two of Anu's descendants from 2 different generations on Earth
3f - semi-divine, semi-divine son-king, Nannar, & spouse atop their ziggurat residence, high-priest in backgroundNingal
4d - Adad, Martu, Ninurta over earthling in background, & Nannar; an ancient time on Earth when the gods walked & talked with semi-divine earthlings
4e - smaller less advanced semi-divine descendant-king, Nannar, & his son Utu
4j - Ninsun, small semi-divine high-priest, her son in background, Ningal, Nannar, & Utu with foot upon earthling; disloyal kings were punished by the gods, obey or be punished!
4m - Inanna, Ningal, Nannar seated , & Ereshkigal giving birth; Ereshkigal became the Queen of the Under World
5 - faded artifact of Enlil seated, Ninurta, Nannar, early mixed-breed , & Inanna; Inanna espoused many of the semi-divine kings earning her the title of Goddess of Love
5e - early man, 2 unidentifiedl, Ninsun, & Nannar seated
5x - many unidentified gods & Nannar seated on his throne in Ur
16o - unidentified goddess, Aya, her spouse Utu, & Utu's father Nannar seated on his throne in Ur, capitol city of Mesopotamia
15d - Adad, Nannar, Marduk, & Nabu; gods upon the Earth in ancient days forgotten
16f - giant semi-divine serving the needs of Nannar; only semi-divines walked & talked with the gods, earthlings could only look upon them from afar for safety reasons
16k - Nannar, son Utu brings semi-divine king before his father Nannar, & unidentified off to the side
16n - Utu, Adad, Nannar; semi-divine, unidentified & Utu; a time long forgotten when the gods walked & talked with the semi-divine earthlings
16p - ancient faded artifact of two unidentified gods, Adad, Nannar, & spouse Ningal
16b -daughter Inanna with symbol of peace & weapon in hand, father Nannar with dinner, & son Utu with his alien rock saw / mountain cutter in hand; Utu cut launch & landing sites into the mountain tops
16m - Utu, unidentified semi-divine giant, & Nannar with one from his flocks in Ur for dinner; Nannar fed the gods their meat from his stocks in Ur
17b - Nannar, brother Ninurta, & son Utu climb the ziggurat to see father Enlil at home in his ziggurat residence in Nippur
2p - cattle pens of Nannar in Ur, Ur was the hub for cattle & sheep raised by Nanner to feed the gods everywhere on Earth
2q - Nannar with his bulls, cows & sheep in Ur, in the middle is Jacob's Ladder to Heaven & the gods above
15b - old Elamite cylinder seal of Stairway to Heaven, a semi-divine king, & Nannar on his throne in Ur
8b - El - Nannar / Sin, alien god over Ur in Sumer
8c - El - Nannar, Canaanite god & Biblical God of Abraham; Nannar was well known & well worshiped in late B.C. days & on
Persian Moon god Nannar, 4th cent. B.C.; Nannar was well known & well worshipped in late B.C. days
9 - Greek god, Ares / Nannar, Nannar didn't dissappear after Mesopotamia, he was well worshiped in Greece
9a - Roman god, Mars / Nannar, Nannar didn't just dissappear after Greece, he was well known & worshiped in ancient Rome
9b - Roman coin with god, Mars / Nannar / Nanna
(gods in blue … mixed-breed demigods in teal)

Nannar With Giant Semi-Divine Offspring Of The Gods, Appointed As His Kings Of Ur, Slide-Show:
5k - King Ur-Namma stele, giant semi-divine stands before damaged bigger giant god Nannar, symbols of Nannar's Moon crescent & Utu's Sun above; a time when the gods walked & talked with the semi-divine earthlings
5 - Ningal, King Ur-Namma & Nannar; Ur-Namma was 2/3rds divine & a favorite of the gods, he spent a lot of time walking & talking with the divine
1 - Nannar & Ur semi-divine King Ur-Namma head to Enlil's house to make repairs; the gods built their original ziggurat residences, but the earthlings were used to repair those & build others
1a - Nannar leads Ur-Namma to repair Enlil's temple residence, the mud brick mountain ziggurat & E-kur residence in Nippur, Earth Colony Command Central; SEE Ur-Namma Texts
3 - ancient Ur-Namma stele artifact, Nannar & Ur-Namma build the gods temples measured out by Ningishzidda, workers in the image of the gods
4 - Ur-Namma stele, top panel: King Ur-Namma & giant god Nannar, bottom panel: Nannar leads Ur-Namma to repair ziggurat temple residences of the gods; a time when the gods walked & talked with the semi-divine earthlings
6 - Ninsun's 2/3rds mixed-breed son-king Ur-Namma receiving his directives from Nannar; the gods spoke to the kings while the king spoke to the people, the gods kept a safe distance from the people
7 - giant god Nannar & King Ur-Namma, 2/3rds divine mixed-breed son to Ninsun & Lugalbanda & king of Ur; Ur-Namma was bigger, stronger, faster, & smarter than earthlings making him a natural leader of men
8 - beautiful artifact of a semi-divine mixed-breed earthling, Ninurta on his fire-spitting winged beast, brother Nannar with the Moon crescent, & their father Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander; seemingly an important scene to be kept for all time from ancient Mesopotamia
8a - semi-divine mixed-breed earthling, Ninurta on his fire-spitting winged beast, brother Nannar with the Moon crescent on his head, & their father Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander on his throne in Nippur, SEE Nipur Page
9 - Utu, father Nannar, creation companion Enkidu, & giant mixed-breed king of Uruk Gilgamesh, the 2/3rds divine brother to Ur King Ur-Namma, both born of Ninsun & King Lugalbanda
2p - semi-divine king brought by Nannar to see his spouse Ningal, rare to see male god bring semi-divines before a female goddess
11 - mixed-breed high-priest upon Nannar's ziggurat temple residence, Nannar, Utu with the 50-headed mace over disloyal king, & Ninurta; the gods spoke directly to semi-divine kings & high-priests, obey the gods or pay the consequences
31 - semi-divine king, Ninsun in background, & giant Nannar, patron god over Ur for thousands of years; a time when the gods walked & talked with the semi-divine earthlings
30 - Nannar, Utu, Lamatsu with disloyal king, & Ninurta; the gods spoke directly the directives to the king for matters of the city-state, & spoke directly to the high-priest for matters of the temple residence of the gods
12 - Nannar & an unidentified semi-divine king; a time long ago forgotten when the gods walked & talked with semi-divine earthlings, & in some cases had sex with them
10 - semi-divine offspring of god stands before Nannar in Ur; there were many kings of Ur for thousands of years & Nannar was right there for all of them; the gods walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divine earthlings
13 - semi-divine giant king, Utu, & Utu's father Nannar; the gods gave the orders to the kings directly at first, & then through dreams, etc. later in history
14 - Nannar & semi-divine king, damage to the rest; a time long ago when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with semi-divine earthlings
15 - Nannar with unidentified bringing dinner, sheep from Nannar's flocks & herds in Ur, & Nannar's spouse Ningal, the brown-eyed beauty
16 - Inanna has hold of semi-divine mixed-breed appointed to be King of Ur by Nannar, the patron god over Ur; Inanna espoused many of these kings for thousands of years earning her the title Goddess of Love
17 - Nannar served by early priests of Ur for tens of thousands of years; a time long ago when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divines on Earth
18 - mixed-breed king standing before his seated god Nannar; Nannar had all the semi-divine kings of Ur stand before him & receive their instructions for thousands of years
19 - two unidentified, Adad with his Fork Lightning symbol, & Nannar seated with his Moon crescent symbol, a time forgotten when the gods were upon the Earth
20 - ancient artifact of semi-divine mixed-breed offspring king & Nannar, the gods offspring were appointed as high-priests, priestesses, & kings of Ur & other city-states, a god usually lived in one of the major cities of Mesopotamia
21 - mixed-breed, unidentified god, semi-divine, & Nannar seated in Ur; all are giants but the gods are much bigger than the giant semi-divines, who were bigger, stronger, faster, & smarter than the earthlings, and in olden days lived much longer thand earthlings
22 - Enkidu battles beast, Utu, semi-divine king, & Nannar; ancient scenes from Ur captured in artifacts meant to last for all time; important scenes of the gods were recorded into stone or clay artifacts
23 - semi-divine mixed-breed king stands before Nannar seated, Ninurta, & Adad atop bull symbols; ancient scene of the gods in Mesopotamia
24 - Nannar, semi-divine king, semi-divine, & high-priest; a time long ago when the gods walked, talked, & sometimes had sex with the semi-divines on Earth
27 - bottom panels; worker, 2 unidentified bring dinner, & Nannar seated in Ur; a time long ago when the gods walked & talked with semi-divine men & women
28 - Nannar & unidentified semi-divine king; a time long ago forgotten scene from Mesopotamia kept as an artifact record
29 - semi-divine king in background on one knee, & seated Nannar on his throne in his home town of Ur, advanced major metropolis & site of Nannar's many herds & flocks
26 - Nannar & semi-divine king, also Nannar's Moon Crescent symbol
25 - High-Priest of Nannar inside Nannar's ziggurat temple residence in Ur; only those semi-divines with invitations could enter the ziggurat residences of the gods
Genesis 6:4 “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”
(semi-divine mixed-breeds, the 1st kings of Mesopotamia)
Nannar & Daughter Inanna [Goddess of Love] With Her Semi-Divine Spouses To Be Appointed As Kings Of Ur, Slide-Show:
4a - semi-divine king brought by Goddess of Love Inanna before her father Nannar, patron god over Ur; Nannar lived in the ziggurat temple in the middle of Ur; a scene so important that it was preserved with this artifact for all time
1 - Ninsun, Inanna the Goddess of Love with spouse King Shulgi brought before Inanna's father Nannar; Shulgi becomes the son-in-law to the great god Nannar
1a - goddess Ninsun, her semi-divine grandson Shulgi the King of Ur, Inanna his goddess-spouse, & father-in-law Nannar, patron god over Ur; Inanna espoused many kings of Ur, etc. earning her the title of Goddess of Love
1b - Inanna, semi-divine mixed-breed descendant king, & Nannar seated on his throne in Ur; a time long ago forgotten when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divine men & women
1c - mixed-breed presented to Nannar by Inanna to be her spouse & king of Ur; Inanna brought dozens & dozens of semi-divines before her father Nannar & mother Ningal
1d - semi-divine mixed-breed to be spouse & king, Inanna, another mixed-breed, & Nannar the alien god over Ur; a time long forgotten when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divines
1e - Inanna presents unidentified semi-divine king to her father Nannar; Inanna espoused many many semi-divine kings earning her the title of Goddess of Love
1f - semi-divine high-priest & king of Ur, Inanna grasping the semi-divine by the wrist, & Nannar, patron god over all of Ur; an ancient time long forgotten when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divine males & females
1g - Inanna brings mixed-breed spouse-king before her father Nannar; a time long ago forgotten when the gods came down & walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divine males & females
1i - semi-divine female queen as king Kug-Bau, her goddess spouse Inanna, & her father-in-law Nannar; Inanna espoused leaders of both sexes, for she is the Goddess of Love
1j - mixed-breed to be spouse-king, Inanna, & her father Nannar; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings thet she earned the title of Goddess of Love
1k - Inanna, Ur King Ur-Namma, & god over Ur, Nannar; a time long ago forgotten when the gods came down & walked & talked with man
1m - naked Inanna, semi-divine mixed-breed king, & Nannar; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings thet she earned the title of Goddess of Love
1n - mixed-breed king, Goddess of Love Inanna, & her father Nannar the patron god over Ur, home of Biblical heroes Terah, Abraham, Ishmael, & Isaac SEE Ur Artifacts
1p - Inanna presents her semi-divine spouse-king to her father Nannar for approval; many many artifacts tell the story of Inanna's spouses, SEE Texts For More
1q - Ninsun's mixed-breed son-King Shu-Sin, his spouse to be Inanna, & father-in-law to be Nannar; this scene took place in Ur thousands of years ago & was preserved for all time with this artifact; the gods did walk & talk with the semi-divine chosen ones
1r - naked Inanna, Martu, Nannar, & naked mixed-breeds in background; Inanna espoused so many semi-divines that she earned the title Goddess of Love; some of the gods did have sex with semi-divines
1s - Ninsun, her semi-divine son & king, his goddess spouse Inanna, & his father-in-law Nannar, patron god over Ur, home of Biblical Terah, Abraham, Ishmael, & Isaac SEE Ur Artifacts
1t - father Nannar being presented a semi-divine mixed-breed for her spouse & kingship through Inanna; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings thet she earned the title of Goddess of Love, a time forgotten when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with semi-divines
1u - giant semi-divine king of Ur held by the wrist by Inanna, & her father Nannar, making many semi-divines his sons-in-law & his kings of Ur; a scene long ago forgotten when the gods lived with the rest of us in their ziggurats
1v - semi-divine lead by spouse goddess Inanna to Nannar on his throne in Ur; ancient scene so important that it was preserved for all time, a time long ago forgotten when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with semi-divine males & females
1w - important ancient scene preserved, semi-divine king brought by Inanna before Nannar the Moon god; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings thet she earned the title of Goddess of Love
1x - Inanna leads her semi-divine spouse-king to father Nannar; scene from an ancient time in our forgotten history when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divine
1z - Shulgi, semi-divine high-priest & king of Ur with spouse-goddess Inanna standing before Nannar, the resident god over the city-state of Ur
2a - semi-divine king, Inanna, another semi-divine, & Moon god Nannar; a time long long ago in our forgotten history when the gods walked with semi-divine men & women
2b - excellent artifact of an important scene not to be forgotten of semi-divine spouse to Goddess of Love Inanna, Inanna grasping him by the wrist, & her father Nannar, god of the Moon crescent then & now
2m - Inanna, father Nannar, & mighty-man King Lugal-dugedu, a semi-divine mixed-breed giant appointed to kingship
2c - young semi-divine to espouse Inanna if father Nannar agrees, he'll appoint him king; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings thet she earned the title of Goddess of Love; a time when the gods came down & had sex with semi-divines
2d - semi-divine king, brought before Nannar by Inanna, introduced as her spouse; when a king is made then Inanna grabs him to be her spouse, until the next king comes along
2e - faded ancient artifact with scene of semi-divine mixed-breed king, Inanna leading him, & Nannar, patron god of Ur; these artifact scenes tell a particular story that was meant to be preserved
2f - giant semi-divine king, Inanna, & her father Nannar; Inanna espoused semi-divines after the death of her Anunnaki husband Dumuzi; she married one after another for thousands of years
2g - Nannar & giant semi-divine King Shulgi lead by the hand of goddess-spouse Inanna, & Nannar, the father-in-law to many of his Ur kings for thousands of years
2j - semi-divine made king, Nannar, & naked Inanna; Inanna espoused many many semi-divines after the death of her 1st spouse Dumuzi
2k - Inanna damaged with her father Nannar, patron god of Ur, & her semi-divine spouse; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings that she earned the title Goddess of Love; a time when the gods came down & had sex with the semi-divines
4c - high-priest, king, Inanna, & Nannar; Nannar would instruct the high-priest on matters of the temple to pass on to the people, he instructed the king on matters of state
2n - ancient seal of mixed-breed king, Goddess of Love Inanna, & her father Nannar; a time in our long forgotten past when the gods walked with man
2o - Nannar, semi-divine king, Naked Inanna, & Ninsun, Babylonian cylinder seal; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings that she earned the title Goddess of Love
2q - unidentified, semi-divine king, Inanna, & her father Nannar; repeat
3l - semi-divine king brought by Inanna to Nannar in Ur; Inanna espoused so many semi-divines that she earned the title Goddess of Love, a time when the gods came down & had sex with semi-divines
2r - Ninsun, her semi-divine son to be king, Inanna to be his spouse, & god of Ur, Nannar, repeat; ancien artifact depicts a scene from Ur thousands of years ago so important that it had to be recorded
2z - early king, Nannar & naked Inanna; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings that she earned the title Goddess of Love; this artifact depicts an ancient time long forgotten when the gods came down & had sex with the semi-divine
3 - scenes in ancient Ur of Nannar, daughter Inanna brings semi-divine before her father as her spouse; many artifacts showing the different kings walking & talking with the semi-divine
3b - faded semi-divine king, Inanna, & Nannar, scene depicts a time lomg forgotten when gods mixed with their semi-divine offspring
3d - ancient faded scene with Nannar approached by Inanna & semi-divine king, a descendant of gods & semi-divines
4b - semi-divine kingdescendant of the gods, Inanna, & Nannar, patron god of Ur, the home of Biblical heroes Terah, Abraham, Ishmael, & Isaac
3e - semi-divine, Inanna, & Nannar; ancient scene from our forgotten past when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with their semi-divine descendants
4 - semi-divine king, Nannar, unidentified, & naked Inanna; obvious scene of gods fratenizing with their semi-divine descendants
3f - Nannar, daughter Inanna, & female semi-divine; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings that she earned the title Goddess of Love, she married male & female semi-divines, a time when the gods came down & had sex with semi-divines
2y - Inanna presents unidentified mixed-breed king to her father Nannar; Inanna espoused so many semi-divine kings that she earned the title Goddess of Love; she is also the Goddess of War
3h - missing semi-divine, Inanna grasping semi-divine by the wrist, & Nannar the Moon god seated on his throne in Ur, home of Biblical heroes Terah, Abraham, Ishmael, & Isaac
3h - faded semi-divine, Inanna, & Nannar seated on his throne in his ziggurat temple residence in Ur
3j - two unidentified females, Inanna grasping one of them, & Nannar seated on his throne in Ur; Inanna espoused semi-divine kings after the death of her 1st spouse & true love Dumuzi
3k - giant semi-divine high-priest & king, Inanna grasping him by the wrist, & father Nannar on his throne in Ur; Nannar had many many son-in-law mixed-breed semi-divine kings; an ancient time when the gods married anyone they chose
2l - Nannar seated, naked Inanna, damaged Ninsun, damage again, & mixed-breed king before Nannar; a time in our long forgotten past when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with semi-divine males & females
3i - faded semi-divine, Inanna, & father Nannar; forgotten ancient scenes so important that artifacts were made so as to tell the story for all time, the true story of gods & earthlings
5 - Utu with foot upon disloyal earthling, semi-divine king, Inanna, & Nannar
5a - semi-divine king brought by Goddess of Love Inanna to her father Nannar
5b - a semi-divine king, & Inanna who brings him to father Nannar
Nannar & Ninsun With Her Semi-Divine Offspring, Sons Appointed As Kings Of Ur, Slide-Show:
73 - Ninsun, semi-divine descendant of a god, appointed to kingship Sinishmeanni, & Nannar/Sin, the patron god over Ur; dozens & dozens of kings of Ur came before Nannar for thousands of years
1- Ninsun-brings-her-son-king Ur-Namma-before Nannar; Ur-Namma is the son of goddess Ninsun & semi-divine Lugalbanda, making him 2/3rds divine
56 - damaged Ninsun, her 2/3rds divine son King Ur-Namma, & Nannar seated giving him his instructions; the kings acted as go-betweens for the gods & earthlings, they were bigger, stronger, faster, & smarter than all others
4 - Ningal, blood-related mixed-breed giant King of Ur Ur-Namma, & Nannar/Sin, his god, Ninsun damaged twice, she is the king's divine mother; a time long forgotten when the gods came down walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divine earthlings, the kings served as go-betweens for the gods & earthlings
54 - relief of Ningal, semi-divine King Ur-Namma, Ninsun again; Ninsun, Ur-Namma, & Nannar; proof of the gods walking, talking, & having sex with semi-divine earthlings
42 - semi-divine high-priest upon Nannar's ziggurat residence, Ninsun, possibly her semi-divine son-king with dinner offering, & Utu with his rock saw in hand; the high-priests were over matters of the temple, the kings were over the matters of state
40 - Ninsun, possibly her mixed-breed advanced son, & Nannar; semi-divines were bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived longer than the earthlings, because of that they were given positions of power over the non-divine by the gods
43 - Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar the Moon god & patron of Ur; Nannar had dozens & dozens of kings over thousands of years SEE Sumerian King List on City Pages
2 - Nannar, the patron god of Ur, semi-divine mixed-breed new king, his goddess-mother Ninsun, & old king who had died; obey the gods & get along, defy the gods & pay steep consequences
57 - Ninsun, semi-divine descendant-king upside-down, possibly dead, Nannar, & semi-divine high-priest, possibly next king; the gods gave kings directions, the ones that didn-t follow orders paid a severe price
3 - bald mixed-breed high-priest, Enlil, Nannar with dinner offering, Utu, & Ninsun; like kings high-priests, & priestesses were semi-divine offspring of the gods appointed to positions of authority over earthlings
58 - ancient artifact of Ninsun, a semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar,the patron god over Ur & all its kings; artifacts of the gods have been destroyed recently by radical Islam
5 - Ninurta attacks disloyal earthling with 50-headed mace, Ninsun, Nannar with one from his flocks in Ur for dinner, Utu with his alien high-tech rock saw, & semi-divine high-priest atop a ziggurat temple residence of a god; a forgotten time when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with semi-divine men & women
6 - Ninsun & 3 young sons born semi-divine, Nannar, & Utu; a time long ago forgotten when the gods on Earth walked & talked with semi-divine mankind who then passed things on to the non-divine, from divine to the semi-divine, to the non-divine
37 - Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king, & Nannar; a forgotten time in our history when the gods walked & talked to semi-divines on Earth
8 - Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine mixed-breed descendant-king, & Nannar the patron god over Ur; Nannar gave instructions to the king who then carried it out or paid serious consequences
9 - creature creation Enkidu, Ninsun, her semi-divine son-king, & Nannar; Ninsun brings her son the king before Nannar to receive directions for the city & its people; from divine to semi-divine to the non-divine came all things known to man
10 - Ningal, semi-divine descendant high-priest, Nannar, & Ninurta; ancient scene from Mesopotamia so important that it was recorded for all time
13 - faded artifact of a semi-divine shepherd offspring of the gods, Nannar, & Ninsun in her adorning pose, an identifier of Ninsun on Mesopotamian artifacts
14 - faded Ninsun, mixed-breed descendant-king who sometimes lived for a thousand years, & alien god Nannar the patron god of Ur who appointed many kings in that time
15 - top - unidentified semi-divine king & mother Ninsun, bottom - high-priestess decorates Nannar's temple residence; a time in our lost forgotten history when the gods walked with semi-divine men & women, had sex with them, & produced more semi-divines to be appointed to positions of authority
16 - Ninsun, her uncle Nannar, her cousin Utu, & semi-divine, possibly son to Ninsun, appointed as king of Ur; the semi-divine were used as go-betweens from the gods to earthlings, all known knowledge was given from the divine to the semi-divine to non-divine
17 - bull-gods, Ninsun, semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar seated on his throne in Ur, home of Biblical heroes Terah, Abraham, Ishmael, & Isaac
18 - Ninsun, semi-divine descendant high-priest, Inanna holding the semi-divine by the wrist, & Nannar the patron god over Ur, its semi-divine kings, high-priests, priests, & priestesses
19 - Adad, Utu, Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar seated; a time in our forgotten history when gods walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divine earthlings
21 - alien goddess Ninsun, probably her semi-divine son appointed to kingship, & Nannar; there were dozens & dozens of kings in Ur for thousands of years under Nannar
24 - Ninsun, unidentified giant semi-divine descendant-king who sometimes lived for a thousand years, & Nannar the patron god over Ur, Ur was a trade center for Mesopotamia & the place of Nannar's many cow pens & flocks of sheep & goats
74 - Ninsun, unidentified descendant-king, & Nannar; a time long forgotten in history when the gods came down & walked, talked, & had sex with semi-divine men & women
25 - possible young descendant to Ninsun,, Ninsun, & Nannar; semi-divines usually married other semi-divines so as to keep their DNA advantages of being tallet, stronger, faster, & smarter than non-divines
26 - ancient decorative mace with alien goddess Ninsun, her semi-divine descendant, & Nannar who appointed him to kingship in Ur; semi-divine kings acted as go-betweens for the gods & earthling
27 - Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine descendant-king, & patron god of Ur, Nannar; many artifacts depict kings standing before Nannar getting his instructions straight from god, then the king brought the news to the people
28 - ancient faded artifact of a young semi-divine, goddess Ninsun, possibly her son-king, & Nannar seated upon his throne in Ur; scene from ancient Ur when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with the male & female semi-divines
32 - faded seal of giant goddess Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar the Moon god symbolized by the Moon crescent on hundreds of artifacts
34 - Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar with his flocks in Ur; Nannar had a million cows & many sheep herds in Ur, feeding meat to all the gods everywhere on Earth
35 - Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine king, Nannar seared, & unidentified battles bull; Ninsun had many semi-divine sons & daughters that were appointed to positions of power with authority over the non-divine
36 - Ninsun, unidentified mixed-breed descendant high-priest & king, with Nannar the patron god of Ur; the kings came before the gods when summoned to get their instructions from the gods directly, & then the kings passed information on to the people
38 - Ninsun, possibly her giant descendant-king, Nannar, & unidentified battles a beast; ancient scene from Ur so important that this artifact was made to commemorate the event for all time
39 - Ninsun with another semi-divine son made king, & Nannar; hundreds of artifacts with semi-divines walking & talking to the gods, some also had sex with the gods See Inanna Pages 1& 2
41 - Ninsun brings unidentified semi-divine king before Nannar, the patron god of Ur giving directions to the semi-divine kings & high-priests who gave orders to the people according to their instructions from gods
45 - Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine descendant wanting to be Nannar's king, & Nannar seated upon his throne in Ur, the commercial capitol of Mesopotamia, also was the place of Nannar's cattle pens & many flocks, feeding meat to all of Mesopotamia
46 - Ninsun, semi-divine descendant & king, & her uncle Nannar, patron god over Ur; semi-divine men became kings or high-priests, females became priestesses & wives
47 - another artifact with Ninsun, peewee, semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar; these scenes from Ur were so important that these artifacts were fashioned to commemorate for all time
48 - Ninsun, unidentified descendant-king, & Nannar the Moon god, Nannar was well known & well worshiped in Mesopotamia, hundreds of artifacts with the Moon crescent of Nannar
49 - semi-divine descendant high-priest upon ziggurat temple, goddess Ninsun, Nannar, & Utu; a time when the gods walked, talked, had sex with the semi-divine & produced semi-divine offspring
50 - Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine descendant-king, & Nannar giving him his instructions direct from god, obey & all is well, disobey & face severe punishment
51 - semi-divine descendant, Ninsun, Nannar, Utu, & semi-divine descendant in background; a time long forgotten when the gods came down & walked all over the Earth
53 - unidentified winged pilot, Ninsun, semi-divine with wings to ascend, & Nannar; wings depict flight abilities, men can't fly but men can pilot aircraft, just like the gods
55 - wrestling scene, damaged semi-divine king, goddess Ninsun, & Nannar the patron god over Ur; SEE UR PAGE for artifacts & texts
59 - giant goddess Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine son made king, & Nannar, god of Ur for thousands of years; the gods aged by a much slower clock than we do, giving us the notion that they are immortal, not so! they die too
61 - Ninsun with unidentified descendant-king, & Nannar, Ninsun had many semi-divine sons & daughters that were placed into positions of authority over the non-divine
62 - Ninsun, semi-divine high-priest & king, & Nannar seated on throne in Ur; many many kings were brought before Nannar by Ninsun & Inanna for thousands of years SEE SUMERIAN KINGS LIST
63 - Ninsun, her son-king, & Nannar who had many kings before him in Ur, this ceremony was going on for thousands of years & the important scenes are saved within these artifacts
64 - Ninsun, semi-divine, & Nanna the Moon god & patron god over Urr; Nannar's symbol is the Moon crescent
65 - 2 unidentified gods, semi-divine king, Ninsun, & Nannar seated; these artifacts represent actual important scenes in history from ancient Mesopotamia, many of their meanings are now lost
66 - semi-divine king, Ninsun way in background, & Nannar; semi-divines were bigger, stronger, faster, & smarter than earthlings, sometimes they lived for a thousand years & more
67 - Ninsun, possibly one of her many semi-divine son-kings, & Nannar, the Moon god then & now; the gods didn't just disappear after Mesopotamia
69 - Ninsun, unidentified semi-divine king, Nannar seated on his throne in Ur, & two unidentified gods; Nannar is the Moon god symbolized by the Moon crescent
70 - faded Ninsun, possibly her semi-divine son, & Nannar; a time when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with semi-divine males & females, & in some cases producing semi-divine offspring again
71 - faded 3 unidentified, Ninsun, & Nannar; artifact ancient scene from Ur
72 - faded Ninsun, descendant son made king, & Nannar; a time when the gods walked, talked, & had sex with the semi-divine males & females
76 - unidentified, Nannar seated, semi-divine king, Ninsun, & unidentified
75 - panels with semi-divine kings, Ninsun, & Nannar
77 - Nannar, Inanna, Enlil, semi-divine king, & Ninsun
Nannar’s Ancient Moon Crescent Symbol, Slide-Show:
10i - Nannar's Moon crescent atop battle helmet
1r - Nibiru's 12-pointed star, Utu's Sun & father Nannar's Moon Crescent symbols; sometimes they would use symbols inside other symbols
1f - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; Inanna in her winged sky-disc with her twin brother Utu, & their father Nannar
1e - Nannar's symbol of the Moon crescent
1d - ancient symbols of Nannar's Moon crescent, winged disc of Nibiru, Enlil's 7-planets, Anu's 8-pointed star, & Ninurta's storm bird
1a - Anu's, then Inanna's 8-pointed star, her father Nannar's Moon crescent, & brother Utu's Sun disc symbols; Nannar & twin children in symbols
1 - stele with symbol of Nannar the Moon's crescent, today is the symbol for Islam
1i - Anu's 8-pointed star & Nannar's Moon crescent symbols; Inanna, Enlil, & Adad
1h - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; Nannar's bulls in Ur
1g - Anu's 8-pointed star, Nannar's Moon crescent, & Utu's Sun symbols; Nanaya with semi-divine Babylonian king & ill daughter before her
1l - Inanna's 8-pointed star, Marduk's rocket, Nannar's Moon crescent, & Enlil's 7-planets symbolsUtu in his sky-disc, & naked sister Inanna above a giant king
1fa - Moon crescent symbol of Nannar; sisters Bau with her guard dog, & Ninhursag
1f - Seal From Nannar's Temple; unidentified gods, possibly Nannar on the right
1l - Nannar's Moon crescent over temple door with 2 on guard
1k - 8-pointed star symbol of Inanna, Moon crescent symbol of father Nannar
1l - alter of Nannar, Moon crescent symbol of Nannar
1j - prayers to Nannar, the Moon god
1j - Nannar's Moon crescent & Nibiru winged disc symbols; bull-god, Ninurta riding winged storm beast, Ninhursag & Inanna, Nannar above in his crescent sky-disc
1r - Nannar's Moon Crescent, Inanna's 8-Pointed Star, Utu's Sun Disc, Enlil's crown of horns, Enki's turtle head & goat fish, & Ninhursag's umbilical chord cutter symbols on kudurru stone
1q - Ningishzidda's Serpent, Nannar's Moon crescent, Utu, Inanna, Enlil, Ishara, Nusku, Nanshe, Marduk, Ninhursag, Nabu, Enki, Ninurta, Zababa, Enlil's & Anu's Royal Crown, Adad, & unidentified symbols
1q - Nannar's Moon Crescent, Inanna's 8-Pointed Star, Utu's Sun Disc, Anu's & Enlil's crowns of animal horns, Enki's turtle head & goat fish, & Ninhursag's umbilical chord cutter symbols
1m - stele of goddess Tanit with Nannar's Moon crescent, Utu's Sun disc, & Ningishzidda's entwined serpents symbol
1m - - Roman goddess, Venus holding Moon crescent symbol for her father Nannar
1w - Ningishzidda's Serpent, Inanna, Nannar, Utu, Anu's & Enlil's Royal Crown of Animal Horns, Enki, Ashur, Nabu, Ninurta, Bau, Ishara, & Nannar symbols on kudurru stone
1v - Taurus bull symbol with Moon crescent of Nannar, & Aninnaki flying disc symbol
1u - Nannar's Moon crescent, Utu-Inanna, Bau, Ishara, & Nusku symbols on kudurrru boundary stone
1u - Inanna's 8-pointed stars & father Nannar's moon crescent symbols, Nimrud artifact
1t - top - unkn, Anu, Nannar, Inanna, Shala, unkn, & Enlil symbols
1e - alter of Nannar with his Moon crescent symbol, also planet Venus symbol of Inanna
1s - Utu's Sun disc & Nannar's Moon crescent symbols in the sky; Ur King Ur-Nammu standing before damaged Nannar
2a - Nannar's Moon Crescent, Utu's-Inanna's Sun Disc & 8-Pointed Star, Nibiru's winged Sky-Disc, & Enlil's 7-Planets symbols
2a - Nannar in Moon crescent high in the sky riding in his sky-disc; original "man in the Moon"; another example of alien technologies brought down to Earth
2 - Nibiru, Inanna, Nannar's Moon crescent, Shala, Marduk, Adad, & Enlil symbols
1z - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; Enkidu, Gilgamesh, & mother goddess Ninsun
1y - Inanna's 8-pointed star, Nannar's Moon crescent, Nibiru's sky-disc, & Enlil's 7-planets symbols; Enki & Ninhursag dining, serviced by an assistant
1x - Nannar's Moon crescent & Marduk's rocket symbols, & Babylonian King Meli-shipak II, 1186-1172 B.C.
2g - Nannar's Moon crescent & Inanna's 8-pointed star symbols; Ninkasi beer drinking scene in Mesopotamia
2e - 8-pointed star of Inanna & Moon crescent of Nannar symbols; Ninhursag & brother Enki discuss the urgent task of fashioning a worker race
2d - Enlil's 7-planets, Nannar's Moon crescent, Nibiru flying disc, & Nabu's 6-pointed star symbols; Ninhursag, Adad, & 2 unidentified
2c - Nannar's Moon crescent & Nabu's 6-pointed star symbols
2a - Nannar's Moon crescent & Ningishzidda's horned snake symbols; Ningal, son Utu, & his twin sister Inanna
2l - Nannar's Moon's Crescent & daughter Inanna's 8-pointed star symbols
2k - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; Utu, twin sister Inanna, with father Nannar, & damaged son Papsukal
2k - Inanna's 8-pointed star, Enlil's 7-planets, Nannar's Moon crescent, Marduk's rocket, Nabu's stylus, & Nibiru flying disc symbols; Bau, Enlil, & Ninurta under a beast skin
2j - Nannar's Moon crescent, Utu's Sun disc, & Inanna's 8-pointed star symbols of Nannar's family; stele Aleppo Siria
2i - Nabu's double stylus, Marduk's rocket, & Nannar's Moon crescent symbols; Nannar in temple on a seal
1c - Nibiru's flying disc, Nannar's Moon crescent, & daughter Inanna's 8-pointed star symbols; giant mixed-breed high-priestess in temple of Babylon
2g - Nannar's Moon crescent & father Enlil's 7-planets symbols; Ninhursag & son Ninurta
2r - Moon crescent symbol of Nannar; Enlil, Adad, & spouse Shala
2q - Nannar's Moon crescent, daughter Inanna's 8-pointed star, & Nibiru's flying disc symbols; Nannar, unidentified
2p - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; unidentified female & Ningal
2o - 8-pointed star of Inanna & Moon crescent of father Nannar; Inanna with unidentified semi-divine & goddesses
2n - Nannar & his symbol on seal, the Moon crescent
2n - Inanna's 8-pointed star & father Nannar's Moon crescent symbols; Inanna, Utu, & Ninhursag, cautioning them against aggression
2u - Inanna's 8-pointed star, grandfather Enlil's 7-planets, Nibiru flying disc, & father Nannar's Moon crescent symbols; Marduk, Enlil, Enlil, Nibiru, Nannar, & Anu
2u - High-priest gives reverence to symbol of Nannar in his temple
2t - 8-pointed star of Inanna & Moon crescent of father Nannar; Ninurta battles animal symbols of unidentified gods
2t - Nannar, Enlil, Utu - Inanna, Nibiru symbols, Shala, Adad, Ningirsu, Bau, Ninhursag, Zababa, Ninurta, & Anzu animal symbols
2s - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; king & giant semi-divine, with his goddess mother Ninsun
2r - Inanna, Nannar, Utu, Bau, Ishara, & Nusku symbol on a kudurru boundary stone
3f - Inanna's 8-pointed star, father Nannar's Moon crescent, grandfather Enlil's 7-planets, & Nibiru flying disc symbols; Adad, Inanna, Nannar, Enlil, Nibiru, Shala, & Marduk
3a - Marduk's rocket, Nabu's stylus, & Nannar's Moon crescent symbols; governor of Mari before Adad & Shala
3 - Nannar & his Moon crescent symbol
2y - Nannar & others with his Moon crescent symbol
2w - Utu's Sun disc & Inanna's 8-pointed star as one, with father Nannar's Moon crescent symbols; queen as king, lover to Inanna, Inanna, & her mother Ningal
2v - Nannar & Anu symbols;, Ninurta & Ishara plowing the feilds before earthlings did the work
3o - Ashur & king; Nannar's Moon crescent symbol
3j - Enlil's 7-planets, granddaughter Inanna's 8-pointed star, & son Nannar's Moon crescent symbols; Ninhursag, Ninurta, & Adad atop his ziggurat residence
3i - Inanna's 8-pointed star, Nannar's Moon crescent, Enlil's 7-planets, Nabu's stylus, & Marduk's rocket symbols; Enlil, with sons Ninurta, & Nannar
3h - Nibiru, Nannar, Anu, Enlil, Marduk, Shala, Ninurta, & Bau symbols; Ninurta in beast skin, Bau, & Enlil
3g - Inanna's 8-pointed star, Nannar's Moon crescent, & Nabu's stylus symbols; Nannar, Ninsun, mixed-breed king
3f - Nannar, Nibiru, Tree of Life, Enlil, & Inanna symbols; Ninhursag, Ningal, & daughter Inanna
3r - Enlil, Anu, Nibiru, Inanna, Nannar, Nabu, Marduk, & Adad symbols on stele of a giant king
3q - Nannar's Moon crescent, Nibiru flying disc, Ninhursag's umbilical chord cutter, Nabu's stylus, Inanna's 8-pointed star, & Marduk's rocket symbols; unidentified god, Enki, his daughter Nanshe, & unidentified goddess
3q - Ningishzidda, Nannar, Utu, Enki, & Nanshe symbols
3q - Enki, Enlil, Anu, Enlil, Nannar, & Utu-Inanna symbols, Babylonian artifact
3q - - Nannar's Moon Crescent, Nibiru's winged Sky-Disc, Inanna's 8-Pointed Star, & more symbols of gods; stele of giant semi-divine king
3p - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; Ninsun, her semi-divine son-king Shulgi, his goddess spouse Inanna, & Inanna's father Nannar
3v - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; Ninsun, unidentified, & Utu
3t - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol & flying god & winged pilot
3s - Nibiru, Inanna, Nannar, Shala, Marduk, Adad, & Enlil symbols
3s - Enlil, Nannar, Nibiru, Anu, & Marduk symbols; Ninurta, Ninhursag, Bau in background, & Inanna
3r - Sumerian artifact of 6 Pointed Star of Nabu, Enlil's 7-planets, Nannar's Moon crescent, & flying disc of Nibiru symbols
3yy - Inanna's 8-pointed star, Nannar's Moon crescent, & Enlil's 7-planets symbols; Inanna & grandfather Enlil
3y - Enlil's 7-planets, Inanna's 8-pointed star, Nannar's Moon crescent, Nibiru flying disc, Nabu's stylus, & Marduk's rocket symbols; Enlil, Bau, & Ninurta in beast skin
3x - Nannar's Moon crescent & Nabu's 6 pointed star symbols
3w - Nannar's Moon crescents & Utu's Sun disc symbols; Inanna atop Leo the lion
3v - Enlil's 7-planets, Inanna's 8-pointed star, Nannar's Moon crescent, & Marduk's rocket symbols; warriors Inanna & Ninurta holding alien weaponry, & Enlil cautioning them
10d - Nannar's Moon crescent & Inanna's 8-pointed star symbols; Enki, unidentified son, Marduk, & unidentified son in the marshy Abzu
4b - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; Goddess of War Inanna, brother Utu, & Ninsun
3zz - Nabu's 6-pointed star of Mars, Utu's Sun disc, Nannar's Moon crescent, & Nibiru cross symbols; goddess Inanna & king
3zy - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol with launch site, Gateway To God's Mountain
3z - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; Sumerian plowing the farm
10g - Inanna's 8-pointed star, Nibiru's flying disc, & Nannar's Moon crescent symbols; main alien gods discussing their modifications to Tree of Life
10f - Nannar's Moon crescent symbol; Enki, 2 of his unidentified sons, Marduk, & another unidentified son in the Abzu
10e - Nabu's 6-pointed star of Mars & Nannar's Moon crescent symbolsEnki on his throne, 2 unidentified sons & Marduk with him in the Abzu
3r - Nannar's Moon Crescent symbol & Nabu's 6-pointed star symbol for Mars
3x - unidentified with Nannar's & Nabu's Symbols on Iranian Coin
3za - Nannar & his moon crescent symbol
10h - Moon Crescent & other symbols, 2000 BC near Babylon
Nannar’s Modern Moon Crescent Symbol, Slide-Show:
4 - early crucifixion, Inanna's 8-Pointed Star & Nannar's Moon Crescent symbols
4a - Nannar's Symbol all along facade of Papal Palace
4b - simply ancient & Pre-Islam, then present Islam
4c - Allah & Nannar symbol, the Moon god
4f - Red Cross & Red Crescent Flags
4ca - Ambulance with Red Crescent
4d - Islam, Nannar's Moon & Inanna's Star symbols
4e - Chand-Sitara, The Symbol of Islam
5 - NATO flag, Nibiru gods' symbols
5 - Algeria National Flag, Utu's inherited symbol
5a - Pakistan National Flag, Utu's Moon Crescent
5d - Malaysia National Flag, Utu's Moon Crescent
5e - Tunisia National Flag, Utu's Moon Crescent
5b - Azerbaijan Flag, Moon's Crescent, 8-Pointed Star
5c - Turkmenistan National Flag, Utu's Moon Crescent
5f - Comoros National Flag, Utu's Moon's Crescent
5g - Nepal, 12-pointed star, moon crescent
9 - Cadillac logo with Nannar's Moon Crescent symbol
10 - gold necklace with Nannar's symbol front & center
10a - Nannar's Moon Crescent symbol necklace with star of Inanna
10b - Nannar's Moon Crescent on gold earings
10c - silver set of Nannar's Moon Crescent earings
10d - gold ring with Nannar's Moon Crescent & Inanna's star symbols
10e - diamond ring of Nannar's Moon Crescent & Inanna's 8-Pointed Star of Venus
(Nannar’s Moon Crescent symbol lasting until this very day…as so with the other gods)