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(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)
(gods in blue …mixed-breed demigods in teal…)
Let her be praised, mistress of people, greatest of the Igigi–gods (Anunnaki).
Sing of Ishtar (Inanna), most awe-inspiring goddess, let her be praised, Mistress of women, greatest of the Igigi–gods. ii She is the joyous one, clad in loveliness, She is adorned with allure, appeal, charm.
Ishtar is the joyous one, clad in loveliness, She is adorned with allure, appeal, charm. iii While on her features laughter bursts to bloom. She is proud of the love-charms set on her head, Fair her hues, full-ranging, and lustrous her eyes. iv (earthling, Utu from the mountains, Adad, Inanna holding ring of destinies, Bull of Heaven, & Anu) She grasps in her hand the destinies of all that exists. At her regard, well-being is born, Vigor, dignity, good fortune, divine protection. v Harmony too she reigns over as mistress. The girl who invokes(?) finds (in her?) a mother, Among women(?) one mentions her, invokes her name. vi Her attributes are mighty, splendid, superb.
Ishtar this is, who could rival her grandeur? Her attributes are mighty, splendid, superb. vii Her word is the weightiest, it prevails over theirs. Ishtar (Inanna) stands foremost among the gods, Her word is the weightiest, it prevails over theirs. viii All of them bow down before her: They go to her (in) her radiance, Women and man fear her too. ix
She is seated among them as an equal to Anu their king, She is wise in understanding, reflection, insight. Together they make their decisions, she and her lord. x In the temple chamber, delightful abode, The gods stand in attendance before them, Their ears awaiting what those mouths will command. xi Ever offers in splendor his pure offerings,
Ammiditana offers in plenty before them His personal, pure libation of cattle and fatted stags. xii Many years of life for Ammiditana. (mixed-breed kings, queens, high-priests, & high-priestesses, were bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived much longer than “modern earthlings”) Has Ishtar rendered to him as her gift. xiii The four world regions at his feet, She harnessed the whole of the inhabited world to his yoke xiv
Is indeed well suited to his mouth, he performed for her Ea’s (Enki’s) own word(s). When he heard this song of her praise, he was well pleased with him, Saying, “Let him live long, may his (own) king always love him.”
O Ishtar, grant long life enduring to Ammiditana, the king who loves you, (long) may he live! |