Enlil Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


. Enlil = Sumer (“Lord Of The Command)

. Great Mountain = Sumer

. Lord Air = Sumer

. Nunamnir = Assyrian

. Ellilla = Lagash

. Elil = Babylonian

. Zeus = Greek

. Jupiter = Roman

. Dyaus = Hindu, the Vedas

. Oden = Norsemen

. Heir to Anu‘s throne on Nibiru

. Anu‘s 2nd son born, Enlil was born of Anu‘s sister-wife Antu,

      giving him the crown over older brother Enki, son of Anu & concubine

. Commander of Earth, 7th planet / star entering from outer space

          . only god to appoint “kingship” on Earth. “lowered down from heaven

. keeper of the “Tablets of Destiny”

. Enlil married Ninlil / Sud, saving him from rape charges


          . Shuruppak was Ninlil’s patron city – land of the ruler Utnapishtim / Noah,

                      who retired in the “Land of Dilmun”—“a pure place…a  pure land… a place most bright”

. Enlil known by “ his light sky-blue eyes”

. E-kur = Enlil’s temple – residence in Nippur

. Egalgasesna = Enlil’s temple – residence in Dur-Enlil

            . E-ad-da = temple to Enlil

            . E-du-kug (House of the sheer heap) in Nippur

            . E-Tummal (Tummal House), temple to Ninlil in Nippur

            . E-shenshena temple to Ninlil


Enlil’s sons:

. Ninurta – born on Nibiru of mother & aunt Ninhursag,

       Enlil’s royal heir due to the “double-seed” rule

. Nusku – born of Ninhursag & Enlil, Enlil’s chancellor

. Nannar / Sin born on Earth to mother, Ninlil / Sud (their 1st son)

. Ishkur / Adadborn on Earth to mother, Ninlil / Sud (their 2nd son)


          . Enbilulu the river warden

. Ennugi the sheriff

. Nimada the brother to Ninazu who is sometimes Enlil’s son, sometimes Ereshkigal‘s son

Enlil’s daughters:

. Sandarnunna, married to Nuska, Enlil’s minister

. Ezina-Kusu is sometimes Enlil’s daughter & spouse to Gibil,

          sometimes Enlil’s mother-in-law Nisaba, Ninlil’s mother, grain goddess

. Kusu = Gibil‘s spouse

. 4 unnamed daughters born on Earth of mother Ninlil / Sud