Contract for Loan of Money, Fourteenth year of Nabopolassar, 611 B.C.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


This is a mortgage on real estate in security for a loan. The interest was at the rate of eleven and one-third per cent.

ONE mana of money, a sum belonging to Iqisha-Marduk,

son of Kalab-Sin, (is loaned) unto Nabu-etir,

son of _____, son of _____.

Yearly the amount of the mana shall increase its sum by seven shekels of money.

3b - Marduk's Temple E-sagila

His field near the gate of Bel (Marduk) is Iqisha-Marduk’s pledge.

(This document bears the name of four witnesses, and is dated) at Babylon,

Tammuz twenty-seventh, in the fourteenth year of Nabopolassar,

(the father of Nebuchadnezzar).