Category Archives: Ur

A Cir-namgala to Meclamta-ea and Lugal-era for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen B)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing

1-4. 2 lines fragmentary

2bb - Nergal & 2 lion heads weapon (Nergal, Lord of the Under World,  with high-tech alien weaponry)

…… encouragement, your heart …….Meclamta-ea (Nergal), faraway …….

5 4th kirugu.

6. You of august power, my prince Ibbi-Suen!

7. Its jisgijal.

8-13. You are superlative, my master, you are superlative!

Your power reaches to the outer limits of heaven.

Lord Lugal-era (Ninazu, Enlil’s son), you are superlative, your power reaches to the outer limits of heaven.

Your divine powers are artfully fashioned divine powers, incomparable divine powers (alien technologies)!

Sea with high waves, you are imbued with terrible fearsomeness!

Mighty god who dwells in the Land, your great awesomeness covers heaven and earth!

14. 5th kirugu.

15-16. I will praise your greatness!

You are superlative, my master, you are superlative!

Your power reaches to the outer limits of heaven.

17. Its jicgijal.

18-31. Trustworthy warrior, I will praise you!

Lord Lugal-era (Ninazu, Enlil‘s son in this text), I will praise you!

You are the great and august neck-stock of the gods,

you are a great awesomeness resting heavily upon the Land, a heavy flood-wave covering the foreign land.

Your river is a mighty river, the river which determines destinies,

an august river where the sun rises, which nobody can bear to look upon.

Great barge riding on the flood waters, Lord Lugal-era (Ninazu):

when you set foot in the place where all mankind is gathered,

the princes of the underworld bow down before you; in the abyss you emit a bright light to them.

…… has been placed in your hands.

Lord Lugal-era (Ninazu), your greatness extends to the outer limits of heaven.

32. 6th kirugu.

33. You of august power, my prince Ibbi-Suen!

34. Its jisgijal.

35-43. My king, let me tell of your greatness!

Lord Lugal-era (Ninazu), I will praise your greatness!

You are august, you alone are august! (as the Anunnaki heir Royal Prince Enlil‘s son)

Mighty god surpassing all the gods, elevated king reaching up to the heavens,

mighty god, trustworthy lord by himself, River of the Ordeal, heart of the gods,

decision-making lord who hates evil, who like Suen (Nannar / Sin) loves justice.

44-61. They are the lords for whom An and Enlil have determined their destiny.

When everything had been brought into existence in heaven and earth,

        their destiny greatly ……. Enlil granted …….  …… of the princes, my Ibbi-Suen!

…… is great, a great wall which …… the foreign lands.

 (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, appointed by father King Anu)

Perfecting the great divine powers, he, the son of Enlil, …… the wicked like Lugal-era (Ninazu).

inergal001p1    (Nergal, lord of Nether World, some texts Enlil‘s son, some texts Enki‘s son)

In his august power Meclamta-ea greatly, in his august power he greatly …….

When he opens his mouth ……, eradicating the foreign lands, …… he heaps up the enemies in piles.

In his august power Lord Lugal-era (Ninazu) greatly, in his august power he greatly ……, …… a favorable sign.

They are kings …….

They are …… sparing ……

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-13. They are great warriors: their greatness is like the empty desert wastes.

They are both the lords of the River, the River of the Ordeal which clears the just man.

They weigh upon the evil man like a neck-stock.

              In Kisiga, their very anciently founded city,

the trustworthy does not get caught, but the evil cannot pass through.


     (Apkulla / eagle-winged pilot, son Prince Enki, Anunnaki King Anu in his winged sky-disc, son Prince Enlil, & Apkulla / pilot)

They are a source of comfort to the hearts of An (Anu) and Enlil, they are a source of relaxation …….

They are …… the great place …….

The place for which An and Enlil have determined its destiny ……, its divine powers are holy ……

2 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-6. Its divine powers …….

The seven divine powers (alien technologies), …… grandly established,

3l - Enki & modern man (semi-divine earthling before Enki)

adorned with the divine powers by the prince in the abzu (Enki), the prince …… adorned …….

The warrior qualities of Meclamta-ea (Nergal) and Lord Lugal-era (Ninazu) …… in the foreign lands;

their greatness shines forth to the outer limits of heaven and earth, to the outer limits of heaven and earth.

7. 10th kirugu.

8. You of august power, my prince Ibbi-Suen!

9. Its jisgijal.

10-11. Their power is a storm which could eradicate the Land.

Meclamta-ea (Nergal) and Lord Lugal-era (Ninazu), it is sweet to praise you!

12. Its kicu.

13. A cir-namgala of Meclamta-ea and Lugal-era (Ninazu).

An Adab to Enlil for Bur-Suen (Amar-Suen) (Bur-Suen B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)


        SEGMENT A

        1-13 …… who alone surpasses heaven and earth, the exalted one,

        prominent among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, whose utterances cannot be overturned!

         (Enlil, alien Anunnaki King Anu‘s son & heir, tasked with being Earth Colony Commander by Anu)       

        Nunamnir (Enlil), whose decisions cannot be altered, proud one imbued with terrifying awesomeness,

        who alone is exalted (1 ms. has instead: who alone is eminent, the foremost one)

        among the Great Princes, has taken his seat in the shrine of Nibru (Nippur),

        in Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven & Earth”), in E-kur (Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur),

2b - Ur Dynasty2e - Enlil's home in Nippur3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth

                 (E-kur, Enlil‘s house / ziggurat in Nippur, much later earthlings gathered into the city below; archaeologists added top in 1900)

        the temple where the fates are determined (Earth Colony Command Central), in the holy shining temple (in Nippur).

         (Adad, parents Enlil & equal spouse Ninlil)

        When mother Ninlil, who is equal in rank with the Great Mountain (Enlil), embraces him ……,

        …… says to ……: “…… chosen in the heart by …….

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        1-8 The city, where …… orders …….

        1 line fragmentary

5c - unknown goddess, Utu, & Enlil  (Utu has lamb offered to his grandfather Enlil at Enlil‘s E-kur / step pyramid)

        Enlil, what you say is exalted, and there is no god who can interpret it.

        “I will make the fate I have determined for you even more glorious.

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna 2e - Babylonian Shamash 2000B.C.  (Utu, Nannar‘s son, Inanna‘s twin, symbolized as the Sun god)

        I will make your life long-lasting. I will make your days as numerous as those of Utu.”

        You are the god of all the foreign lands!

          9 Sa-jara.

        10 You are the lord who determines the fates!

        Bur-Suen’s (Adad‘s mixed-breed grandson son-king of Isin) royal trust is in you!

        11 Its jicgijal.

        12-14 You have made justice and righteousness conspicuous, and you have made the Land feel content.

        2ba - Bur-sin artefact   (inscription artifact of Bur-Suen)

        Bur-Suen, may your name be a cause for rejoicing …… daily.

        May you be exalted among ……; let them call you the pre-eminent lord!

        15 Its uru.

        16 An adab to Enlil.

        (ll. 16 and 17 are written as one line in the source)

Šulgi and Ninlil’s barge: a tigi (?) to Ninlil (Šulgi R)



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

5c - Enki & shipping  (Enki & earthling workers on a barge)

1-9. Oh barge, Enki assigned the quay of abundance to you as your fate.

Father Enlil looked at you with approval.

 (Adad, Enlil, & equal spouse Ninlil)

Your lady, Ninlil, commanded your construction.

3ea - Inanna Presents King Shulgi to Nannar 3g - Lama, Shulgi, spouse Inanna, & uncle Nannar

   (giant Anunnaki goddess Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king Shulgi, goddess Inanna who espoused Shulgi, & Nannar / Nanna, Inanna‘s father, god of Ur)

She entrusted it to the faithful provider, King Šulgi (Shulgi);

and the shepherd, who is of broad intelligence, will not rest day and night in thinking deeply about you.

He, the wise one, who is proficient in planning,

he, the omniscient one, will fell large cedars in the huge forests for you.

He will make you perfect and you will be breathtaking to look upon.


Woman spinning. Bitumen relief from Susa, Iran (8th-7th BCE). 9.3 x 13 cm Sb 2834  (Enki‘s daughter Uttu spinning & weaving)  Tomb-stele, woman with distaff, child. Basalt, H: 100 cm Late Hittite, 8th-7th BCE Inv. 1756

10-22. Your woven …… is …….

Your covering reed-mats are the daylight spreading wide over the holy settlements.

Your timbers are sniffing (?) …… reptiles crouching on their paws.

Your punting poles are dragons sleeping a sweet sleep in their lair.

Your strakes (?) are …… snakes, …….

Your floor-planks are flood-currents, sparkling altogether in the pure Euphrates.

Your side-planks, which are fastened into their fixed places (?) with wooden rings (?),

are a stairway leading to a mountain spring (?), a …… filled with …….

Your holy …… are persisting and firmly founded abundance.

Your bench is a lofty dais erected in the midst of the abzu.

Your …… is Aratta, full-laden with treasures.

Your door, facing the sunrise, is a …… bird, carrying a …… in its talons while spreading wide its wings.


23-31. Your glittering golden sun-disc, fastened with leather straps,

is the brilliant moonlight, shining brightly upon all the lands.

Your banner, adorned with the divine powers (alien technologies) of kingship,

is a woodland of cypress trees irrigated with clean water, giving a pleasant shade.

Your small reed mats are the evening sky, illuminated with stars, imbued with terrible awesomeness.

In the midst of your carefully tended small gizi reeds with numerous twigs (?),

flocks of little birds twitter as in a holy swamp.

Their chirping, as pleasing to the heart as the sound of the churn’s shaking,

makes Enlil and Ninlil extremely happy (?).


32-39. Your rudder is a large kiĝ fish in the broad waters at the mouth of the Kisala canal.

Your …… are a bison, inspiring terror on the great earth.

Your tow-rope is the gliding Niraḫ extended over the land.

Your mooring pole is the heavenly bond, which …….

Your longside beams are a warrior striking straight against another warrior.

4 - Nannar and son, Utu (symbol of Nannar the Moon Crescent, & his son Utu the Sun)

Your prow is Nanna (Nannar) …… fair sky.

Your stern is Utu …… at the horizon.

Your canopy (?) is …….


40. Sa-gida.


3ab - mixed-breed King Shulgi, bronze statue (Shulgi, son to goddess Ninsun & mixed-breed spouse Lugalbanda, he was 2/3rds divine –2/3rds giant alien god, stronger, faster, smarter, etc. than any other non-mixed earthlings, shaved head as high-priest, capped or crowned as king, perfect go-between for gods & earthlings)

41-47. The faithful shepherd Šulgi established the holy festival and the great rituals.

The great gods bathe in holy water in Nibru (Nippur).

He assigns the fates to their places in the city and allocates the right divine powers (advanced alien tech).

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse (Ninlil, spouse to King Anu‘s Royal Prince Enlil, born of the “double seed”)

The mother of the Land, Ninlil the fair, comes out (?) from the house,

and Enlil embraces her like a pure wild cow.

They take their seats on the barge’s holy dais, and provisions are lavishly prepared.


48-63. The lofty barge ……, the ornament of the Tigris, enters the rolling river; …… on the shining water.

The ritually washed five-headed mace, mitum mace, lance and standard …… at the bow.

5f - Ninurta slays demon DNA experiments (Ninurta)

Enlil‘s warrior, Ninurta (Enlil‘s Royal Prince of the “double seed”),

goes at their front, directing the …… of your wide ferry-boat (?) straight.

He …… the holy punting pole of the barge, the holy raft.

5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes  (Ninlil on shore, her spouse Enlil, & Enlil‘s son Nusku)

The ferrymen (?) …… holy songs; they (?) …… the great exaltedness of the lady.

The good woman, Ninlil, …… joyfully with (?) Šulgi.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2b - Ur Dynasty  3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

(Enlil & Ninlil‘s patron city of Nippur, Ninlil‘s son Nannar‘s patron city of Ur way below his house / temple-home of Biblical Terah, Abraham, Ishmael, & Isaac)

Sumer and Urim (Ur) …… joy and happiness.

The barge bobs at the quay Mete-aĝi (Ornament of the waves);

5ba - Sumerian ship coming to port  (giant mixed-breed arrives with cargo at Enlil & Ninlil‘s Tummal)

it sails off into the reedbeds of Enlil‘s Tummal.

Like a goring (?) ox, it raises, then lowers its head.

It strikes its breast against the rising waves; it stirs up (?) the encircling waters.

When it thrusts within the waters, the fish of the subterranean waters become frightened;

as it glides (?) upon them, it makes the waters sparkle (?) luxuriantly.


64-70. …… the holy raft; …… the lady of Tummal …… prayer.

6 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

               (Apkulla pilot           Enki         Anu is his sky-disc above           Enlil        Apkulla pilot, the 3 main gods of Nibiru upon Earth Colony)

Enlil‘s ancestors and An (Anu) the king, the god who determines the fates, greets her.

4d - Enlil & Ninlil with high-priest(Enlil & Ninlil dining, when “modern man” became fashioned into their image, & into their likeness, earthlings were put to work for the giant alien gods who had already colonized the Earth)

With Ninlil, they take their seats at the banquet,

  4u - Lama, Nannar, & Utu6e - Biblical Able, Dumuzi the shepherd, & Enlil 2a - Dumuzi the Shepherd, Adam, & Eve

          (sheep, the favorite prepared meat of the Anunnaki, brought to Earth by Ninhursag to improve the menu on Earth, Dumuzi, Enki‘s son, taught Biblical Abel to become earthling shepherd for the gods)

and Šulgi the shepherd brings along his great food-offerings for them.

They pass the day in abundance, they give praise throughout night.

They decree a fate, an allotted fate to be pre-eminent forever, for the king who fitted out the holy barge.


2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna2ee - Utu, Shamash 2e - Babylonian Shamash 2000B.C.2c - Utu - Shamash, Commander of the Space Port

(Utu, son to Nannar, damaged king stands before Utu, the Sun god; Radical Islam has shamefully destroyed tens of thousands of these ancient artifacts)

71-81. Then light shines up at the edge of the Land as Utu rises refulgently.

As the barge is traveling upstream, it …… radiates (?) and creaks (?).

…… in the Ninmutum, the canal of the year of abundance …….

As the carp make their bellies (?) sparkle, Enlil rejoices.

As the mušu fish play noisily there, Ninlil rejoices.

3l - Enki & modern man (mixed-breed appointed king, & Enki) 3c - Enki in the Abzu

As the …… fish ……, Enki (giant alien Anunnaki King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son) rejoices.

As the suḫurmaš fish dart about, Nanna (Nannar) rejoices.

The Anuna (Anunnaki alien) gods rejoice at ……. …… lifts its head in the Euphrates; it …….

In the midst of …… ever-flowing water is carried.

In joyous Nibru, he moors the holy barge at the quay.


82-90. With joyful eyes and shining forehead, Ninlil,

3 - King Shulgi, Ninsun's son  (Shulgi, giant semi-divine grandson to alien giant Anunnaki goddess Ninsun)

……, looks upon King Šulgi: “Shepherd ……, Šulgi, who has a lasting name, king of jubilation!

 3a - Anu in flight3b - Anu of planet Nibiru

 (giant alien Anunnaki King An / Anu, leader of the entire planet of Nibru & their Earth Colony, THEIR WARS WERE FOUGHT TO CREATE A ONE WORLD ORDER)

I will prolong the nights of the crown that was placed upon your head by holy An,

 Kingship - King Shulgi of Ur, Anzu, & Ninurta

(Shulgi accepts the scepter of kingship from Enlil, Anunnaki‘s Earth Colony Commander; Enlil son & heir to Anunnaki King Anu, stationed on Earth)

and I will extend the days of the holy scepter that was given to you by Enlil.

"God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 28233b - Enki image2 - Enki, the wisest god (Ea / Enki /, King Anus eldest & wisest son)

   (Enki / Ea / Nudimud tasked with helping younger 1/2 brother Enlil establish Earth Colony, his descendants grew angry with Enlil‘s rule)

May the foundation of your throne that was bestowed on you by Enki be firm!

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.2i - cattle pens of Nannar in Ur housing - Housing - tents of early modern man

                    (Nanna / Nannar / Suen / Sin / El, 1st son to Enlil & Ninlil;   Nannar‘s million calves in the pens of Ur)

Shepherd who brings about perfection, may Nanna (Nannar / Sin), the robust calf, the seed of Enlil,

to whom I (Ninlil) gave birth, cover your life with …… which is full of exuberance as if it were my holy ba garment!”


91. Sa-ĝara.

An adab to Enlil for Shulgi (Shulgi G): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


5b - Ninhursag, Enlil, & Inanna  James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1

  (Ninhursag              Enlil                    Inanna)                            (Enlil          Inanna, Utu                Enki          Isumud)

1-8 Enlil, the eminent one, the sovereign lord, whose utterance is trustworthy;

3ac - Nippur ground level  (Enlil‘s mud-brick-built great mountain, temple residence, the E-kur in Nippur)

Nunamnir (Enlil), the eternal shepherd of the Land, who hails from the great mountain (E-kur);

the great counselor, the first and foremost in heaven and on earth,

who is in control of all the divine powers (far advanced alien technologies);

lord, who is imbued with great fearsomeness in accordance with his nobility,

a perfected heavenly star, who takes good care of the primeval and choice divine powers,

who alone is the lofty god; lord, life-giving light,

who leads the people all over the world along one track;

Communication - alien technology A cow and a stable constructed of wickerwork with sculpted columns in the background. Fragment of a cult vase of alabaster (era of Djemet-Nasr), from Uruk, Mesopotamia (Iraq). Limestone, 16 x 22,5 cm - AO 8842  Communication - Sumer's Communication Towers

(Enlil set their inter-planetary communications grid / “net” in space & in their cities on Earth)

huge net spread over heaven and earth, rope stretched over all the lands!

   (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir)

Who ever instructed Enlil, who ever rivaled him?


9-14 He thought up something of great importance and he made public what his heart,

a mighty river, carried: the hidden secrets (?) of his holy thought.

The matter is a holy and pure one, it concerns the divine powers of the E-kur (Enlil‘s Command Post),

the fated good brick embedded (?) in the bottom of the abzu, it is something most important:

            Imprint of a cylindrical seal showing a ziggurat and a priest or god. From Babylon. (alien giants build their mud-brick ziggurat homes)

a trustworthy man will rebuild the E-kur, thereby acquiring a lasting name.

The son of this trustworthy man will long hold the scepter,

and their throne will never be overthrown.


2c - Nannar & his symbol   3aa - Nanna & his symbol

(Nannar;   Enlil‘s & Ninlil‘s 1st son together, giant Anunnaki patron god of Ur, symbolized by the Moon Crescent, as is still today)

15-20 To that end, Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) appeared shining in the E-kur,

pleaded to his father Enlil and made him bring a childbearing mother (?);

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. (Nannar, god of Ur, home of Biblical Abraham & his father Terah, once the high-priest of Nannar)

in the E-duga, Nanna (Nannar), the princely son, asked for the thing to happen.

3h - Shulgi honored as High-Priest of uncle Nannar  (mixed-breed son to goddess Ninsun appointed as Nannar‘s high-priest & also king)

The en priestess gave birth to the trustworthy man from his semen placed in the womb.

Enlil, the powerful shepherd, caused a young man to emerge:

3j - mixed-breed King Shulgi statue  (statue ruins of King Shulgi, mixed-breed giant appointed Nannar‘s high-priest & king of Ur)

a royal (mixed-breed) child, one who is perfectly fitted for the throne-dais, Culgi (Shulgi) the king.


21-27 Enlil gave him a good name: “A lion’s seed,

who provides the E-kur generously, the beloved one of Ninlil;

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur

     (Enlil‘s mud-brick-built E-kur / great mountain / ziggurat / temple / residence; Earth Colony alien Command Central)

the one granted authority in the E-kur; the king of Urim (Ur),

the one with shining heart, the shepherd, the protective genius of the Land.”

Enlil chose Culgi in his pure heart and entrusted the Land to him.

As the shepherd of all the countries, Enlil leant the crook and the staff against his arm,

3l - King Shulgi of Ur, Zu, & Ninurta
(giant mixed-breed Shulgi, Ninurta as storm bird, & Enlil standing upon his ziggurat residence in Nippur)

and placed the immutable scepter of Nanna (Nannar) in his hand;

he made him raise his head high, sitting on an unshakable royal seat.


28-30 The day was for prayers, the night was for supplications; the Land rested in peace.

The shepherd of prosperity, Culgi, he with a lasting name, the king of jubilation,

the mighty one, the semen engendered by the faithful man (Lugalbanda), praised Enlil.


31-31 This is the sagida.


3eb - Lama, Inanna & spouse King Shulgi before father Nannar

(mother Ninsun, her grandson Shulgi, his spouse Inanna, her father & Ninsun‘s uncle Nannar, patron giant Anunnaki god of Ur)

32-33 Culgi, the mighty king (Biblical “mighty man”), ……, who exults in his triumph,

3d-Inanna-Ishtar-upon-lion1 The storm-god Teisheba standing on his animal-attribute the lion, in front of him a worshipper. Votive plate from the kingdom of Urartu, Turkey. The upper od the plate has merlons like contemporary fortress walls. Bronze, H: 13,8 cm AO 280861c - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo

               (Inanna with alien high-tech weaponry, her 8-pointed star of Venus, & standing atop her zodiac symbol of Leo)

the …… king vanquished the rebellious land with the agakar weapon (alien technologies) of Inana.


34-34 It is the antiphon of the sagida.


2a - Enlil, Anu's son & heir   1ae - Enlil, Babylonian

     (giant alien god Enlil, the Anunnaki King Anu‘s son & heir, appointed as Earth Colony’s Commander;    Enlil)

35-43 May Enlil the trustworthy, whose words are lofty — good fate determined by him takes precedence —

  (our solar system including their planet Nibiru, the 12th star when including the Sun)

7d - Earthlings Learn to Farm  7f - sumer farming, plowing (top: Enlil hands plow to son Ninurta to teach earthlings farming;   the hard labor workloads are passed onto their new worker-race of earthlings)

who makes sturdy flax and barley grow — may he prolong the life of Culgi, the provider of the E-kur

hence its flax is indeed fine flax, its barley is indeed fine barley — the property of Nanna,

3g - Lama, Shulgi, spouse Inanna, & uncle Nannar

   (goddess mother Ninsun, grandson Shulgi; Inanna, her father Nannar the Moon god, patron & royal Anunnaki god of Ur)

the house-born slave of the E-kur, him whom Ninlil named at his birth Culgi,

the shepherd of the Land, the man whom Enlil knows, the steward (high-priest) of the temple.


44-48 So that its voluminous offering meals would bring joy to the E-kur,

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest  (Nannar‘s mud-brick-built mountain / residence, city of Ur way below)

Enlil called upon Urim (Ur), the good city founded by the princely one,

the inside of which is a holy treasure chest which, like the abzu, no eye can see —

the city of good purification rites and pure hand-washing rites; and what he says is trustworthy.


49-53 For his setting up the abundant sacrificial tin cups,

Feasting - banquet scene in Nippur

for his having served evening meals in the dining-hall of the E-kur,

Enlil determined a princely fate for the shepherd,

him who is worthy of the kingship and the lofty throne-dais,

3 - King Shulgi, Ninsun's son (Shulgi, Ninsun‘s mixed-breed son appointed high-priest & king of Nannar‘s Ur & Enlil‘s Sumer)

Culgi, who is adorned with the ma garment of the en priests.


54-59 The one beautiful like heaven, ……,

Nanna, the king, the ……, gave him good …… in the Ki-ur, the great place (of Ninlil).

(Sky Lord Anu & Lord Air Enlil in their sky-discs)

At the command (?) of Enlil, he ……, he roars for him (?)

against the foreign land that no one dares to oppose.

He stabilizes the countryside, and the people lie at his feet.


60-62 Culgi (giant mixed-breed spouse to Inanna), the shepherd is the honey man beloved by Nibru;

may the true shepherd, Culgi, refresh himself in the pleasant shade of Enlil‘s brickwork!


63-63 It is the sajara.


64-64 O Culgi, Enlil has brought forth happy days for you in your reign!


65-65 It is the antiphon of the sajara.


5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

    (Apkulla / pilot   Enki   Anu in his sky-disc     Enlil   Apkulla / pilot; Tree of Life with the 3 main Anunnaki giant alien gods)

66-68 Heaven’s king, earth’s great mountain, father Enlil, heaven’s king, earth’s great mountain,

thought up something great: he chose Culgi in his heart for a good reign!


69-69 It is its urune.

An adab of Enlil.

A tigi to Enlil for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


(Anu & Enlil scans the skies over Earth Colony, surveying, making decisions)

1-6 Exalted Enlil, …… fame ……, lord who …… his great princedom,

Nunamnir (Enlil), king of heaven and earth ……, looked around among the people.

2bd - Ningal, King Ur-Nammu & Nannar

          (Ningal                Ur-Nammu                          Ur-Nammu                     Nanner, patron gods of Ur)

The Great Mountain, Enlil (Earth Colony Commander), chose (appointed king) Ur-Namma,

(Ninsun‘s giant alien mixed-breed son) the good shepherd from the multitude of people:

“Let him be the shepherd of Nunamnir!”

He made him emanate (?) fierce awesomeness (giant / bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & long lived).



7-19 The divine plans of brick-built E-kur (Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur) were drawn up.

The Great Mountain, Enlil, made up his mind, filled with pure and useful thoughts,

to make them shine like the sun in the E-kur, his august shrine.

               (E-kur / residence of Enlil)

He instructed the shepherd Ur-Namma to make the E-kur rise high;

the king made him the mightiest in the Land, he made him the first among the people.

The good shepherd Ur-Namma, …… whose trust in Nunamnir is enduring,

the knowledgeable judge, the lord of great wisdom, prepared the brick mold.

Enlil brought order in his rebellious and hostile lands for the shepherd Ur-Namma,

and made Sumer flourish in joy, In days filled with prosperity.

2i - mixed-breed Ur-Nammu  (foundation peg of mixed-breed Ur-Nammu, 2,100 B.C.)

The foundations were laid down firmly and the holy foundation pegs were driven in.

The enkum and ninkum priests praised it duly

and Enki made the temple rejoice with his artful incantations.


2ba - Enlil leads Ur-Nammu to repair his home

                    (Ninurta                             Ur-Nammu      & earthling cup bearer go make repairs to the E-kur)

20-30 The shepherd Ur-Namma made the lofty E-kur grow high in Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven & Earth”).

He made it to be wondered by the multitude of people.

21 - Sargon's palace in Khorsaba15 - Assyrian temple  (ancient city gateway)

He made glittering the eyebrow-shaped arches of the Lofty Gate,

the Great Gate, the Gate of Peace, the Artfully Built Mountain

and the Gate of Perpetual Grain Supplies, by covering them with refined silver.

3a - Anzu, in the Louvre

The Anzud bird runs there and an eagle seizes enemies in its claws (?).

Its doors are lofty; he filled them with joy.

3ac - Nippur ground level  (Nippur ruins, Enlil‘s mud-brick-built mountain residence in background)

The temple is lofty, it is surrounded with fearsome radiance.

It is spread wide, it awakes great awesomeness.

Within it, he made the Artfully Built Mountain, the raised temple (residence) (?),

the holy dwelling stand fast for the Great Mountain like a lofty tower (?) (Earth Command Central).

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur8ba - temple with communication towers (Enlil‘s Nippur temple / residence / Great Mountain / Command Central, his communication towers to others on Earth & Anu on Nibiru)


31-38 In the Gagiccua of the great palace, where she renders verdicts with grandeur,

he made the great mother Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse) glad.

(Nisaba, Enlil, equal spouse Ninlil, & semi-divine king)

Enlil and Ninlil relished it there.

2j - King Ur-Nammu Rebuilds Nannar's Temple  (Ur-Namma repairs Enlil‘s house in Nippur)

Nunamnir (Enlil)… You have made my lofty E-kur shine gloriously,

you have raised it high with a brilliant crenelation.

2c - Nippur  (Nippur ruins inside Enlil‘s residence / temple)

          In its great dining-hall, the trustworthy hero chosen by Nunamnir

made them enjoy a magnificent meal: the E-kur was rejoicing.

They looked with approval at the shepherd Ur-Namma,

2ab - Ur-Nammu, Ninsun's son king, 2300-2000 B.C. (giant alien mixed-breed son to goddess Ninsun, Ur-Namma appointed king of Ur)

and the Great Mountain (Enlil) decreed a great destiny for Ur-Namma for all time,

making him the mightiest (giant mixed-breed go-between) among his black-headed people.


39 The sagida.


1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Enlil; Enlil / Nunamnir, King Anu‘s heir)

              (Enlil speaking in 1st person)

40-45 I am Nunamnir, whose firm commands and decisions are immutable!

You have made my lofty E-kur shine gloriously, you have raised it high with a brilliant crenelation.

Trustworthy hero, you have made it shine gloriously in the Land.

Ur-Namma, mighty lord, may your (?) kingship be unparalleled,

may your fame spread to heaven‘s borders, as far as the foot of the mountains!”

A cow and a stable constructed of wickerwork with sculpted columns in the background. Fragment of a cult vase of alabaster (era of Djemet-Nasr), from Uruk, Mesopotamia (Iraq). Limestone, 16 x 22,5 cm - AO 8842  8 - Sumer's Communication Towers  Fragment of a stele, raised standards. From Tello. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. Limestone, H: 34,3 cm AO 4581

   (residences of gods with communication towers to father Anu on Nibiru, & other giants around planet Earth)


46-51 I am the Great Mountain, father Enlil (speaking in 1st person),

whose firm commands and decisions are immutable!

You have made my lofty E-kur shine gloriously, you have raised it high with a brilliant crenelation.

Trustworthy hero, you have made it shine gloriously in the Land.

Ur-Namma, mighty lord, may your (?) kingship be unparalleled,

may your fame spread to heaven‘s borders, as far as the foot of the mountains!”


52-57 Lord Nunamnir gave to my king the lofty mace which heaps up human heads

like piles of dust in the hostile foreign countries and smashes the rebellious lands;

5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon  (giant alien god Ninurta with his 50-headed mace, alien high-tech weaponry)

he gave to the shepherd Ur-Namma the lofty mace

20m - Assyrian scribes record Hebrew slayings 20p - Assyrian headcount

        (ancient battles results / head counts of the enemy, war lessons taught earthlings by the alien gods)

which heaps up human heads like piles of dust (advanced alien weaponry)

in the hostile foreign countries and smashes the rebellious lands,

so now he beats down the foreign lands and tramples them underfoot.

Lord Nunamnir gave it to the shepherd Ur-Namma,

7aa - Inanna & Utu with earthlings under foot (Enlil‘s grandchildren with disloyal earthling underfoot & with nose ring)

so now he beats down the foreign lands and tramples them underfoot.


58-65 He destroys the cities of the wicked,

and with heavy oppression he turns (?) them into haunted places.

The shepherd Ur-Namma destroys the cities of the wicked,

and with heavy oppression he turns (?) them into haunted places.

He has a terrible fame in the houses of the rebellious lands, his storming …… the wicked.

The shepherd Ur-Namma has a terrible fame in the houses of the rebellious lands,

his storming …… the wicked.


3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest  (Nannar‘s residence towering above his patron city of Ur)

66-71 He has made the royal dais stand firmly, he has made Urim (Ur) resplendent.

The shepherd Ur-Namma (king of Ur) has made it exude awesomeness,

and he, as king of the Land, has lifted his head high there.

All this was granted to him in the place of his king, Enlil:

a fate was decreed and then it was duly fulfilled.

5e - Nannar served by early priests & others  (alien giant Nannar served food & drink by high-priests)

There is now joy and abundance in Urim because (?) of Ur-Namma.


72 The sajara. A tigi of Enlil.

A balbale to Enlil for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma G): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


1-8 6 lines missing

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1

     (Enlil in command;  giant mixed-breed king Ur-Nammu stands before Nannar, god of Ur)

Enlil …… to (Ur King) Ur-Namma.

He bestowed on him (?) early floods, grain and speckled barley.


2ab - Ur-Nammu, Ninsun's son king, 2300-2000 B.C.  2k - King Ur-Nammu Rebuilds Nannar's Home (Ur-Namma; Ur-Nammu the worker)

9-15 Ur-Namma, may the people flourish in prosperity under your rule.

You (?) …… the plow and good barley, and your cultivated fields will be rich.

Farming - 1st with date palms  (above: Ur-Nammu & Nannar; below: Ninurta, Ur-Nammu, & earthling cup bearer)

You (?) …… trees, seeds, good barley, the plow, and the fields.

You (?) …… the plow and good barley …….

7f - sumer farming, plowing  (early earthlings do the hard labor for the alien gods)

King, cultivate the fields with oxen, and your cultivated fields will be rich;

Ur-Namma, cultivate the fields with them, and your cultivated fields will be rich.

The oxen will make (?) your cultivated fields fertile; your cultivated fields will be rich.


Figure of a god on top of a foundation nail. Such nails were buried in the foundation walls of temples, to hold a dedication tablet or because it was thought they gave stability to the walls.Period of king Ur-Bau or Gudea, around 2100 BCE. Bronze, H: 29 cm AO 311  2i - mixed-breed Ur-Nammu   2h - Ur-Nammu King of Ur, 2111-2194 B.C. 

        (Ningishzidda, builder of pyramids & ziggurats;     foundation pegs of Ur-Nammu bringing the bounty from the fields)

16-27 My king, when you have finished with all the work on the fields of Enlil;

Ur-Namma, when you have finished with all the work on the fields of Enlil,

may the rains of heaven make the furrows that you laid out sprout abundantly.

King, faithful farmer, you have …… the levees and ditches in the wide fields;

Ur-Namma, faithful farmer, you have …… the levees and ditches on the wide fields.

2e - Babylonian Shamash 2000B.C.  (broken king before giant alien god Utu, Nannar‘s son, symbolized as the Sun)

Like the rising Utu (Enlil‘s grandson, Sun God), the levees and ditches …….

My king, ……; Ur-Namma, ……

2 lines missing

2 lines fragmentary


 (Anu‘s son & heir Enlil, also his Earth Colony Commander)

28 A balbale of Enlil.

The Debate Between Silver and Copper: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



unknown no. of lines missing

1-20 5 lines fragmentary

(Silver (?) speaks:) “Powerful with huge arms, does he have any rival?

He walks carrying the precious hammer stone and anvil stone.

He can create …… and thus make it larger — ……, a brother, is your right arm; ……, a mother (?), is your left (?).

He has created ……; let him show it off.

Constantly digging ……, let him accumulate goods.

After exalted …… conceived (?) him, after …… like a breast,

after …… towards the abzu, …… to the edge of the horizon, may …… bring …… for you.

After …… made …….”

2 lines fragmentary

31 lines missing


8 - Ancient Man At Work  (Anunnaki aliens came to Earth to mine & colonize / claim the planet’s resources)

52-72 (Copper speaks:) “Mounds and wells …….

My harrow …….

Leveling all the mounds ……,

Strong Copper directs (?) the way.

A dragon ……. Strong Copper …… the fields.

Turbulent waters …… ewes.

Strong Copper …… the mighty waters.

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil in the “Eden”, Earth Colony Commander, King Anu‘s son & heir)

Enlil …….

1 line fragmentary

Silver …… Strong Copper ……

10 lines fragmentary

8 lines missing


 (Ninlil on shore, Enlil, & Nusku)

81-90 Enlil …… called for his minister Nuska: “My minister, Nuska!”

(Nuska answered:) “Always at your service!”

(Enlil replied:) “Strong Copper …… the throne and serves — let him sit in his …….”

He had barely finished speaking thus to him,

when Nuska and the minister’s retinue went together to …… and said to Strong Copper “Come in!”

Then Strong Copper clasped against his chest the labors of his huge arms,

the abundance of heaven and earth, as an offering and a gift.


91-98 But Silver too held against his chest the goats, bulls and sheep he had slaughtered.

Not planting trees in the ……,

Silver …… silver in silver pieces …….

After him, he …… his famous ……, very good things, to Strong Copper on his neck.

Silver …… an old reed box.

He put …… inside it.

Silver …… silver in small pieces …….


99-128 Against Strong Copper, the strong heir of Father Enlil, he hurled vile insults, and cast vile curses:

“The porters with their arms tied to their work; the potter, digging the hoe in the ground,

for days on end extracting the clay with his hands;

Mining - Enki & Gibil mining  Mining - mining camp in Mesopotamia (ancient mining)

the …… worker from daybreak in a pit unfit for washing or bathing;

5c - Enki & shipping  (gold mined in SO Africa shipped to Sumer for smelting)

the shipbuilder, caulking a boat, heating up fish oil, with garments not easy to clean;

the cook, heating up oil, carrying …… water, standing by like a witness;

the brewer, who does not untie his belt in warm weather, whose hands do not dry the clay;

the maltster, never resting in winter, ……; the nest hunter, (?) spreading the nets, working in hollows;

the barber, cutting the growth, removing the flourishing roots; the freight wagon oxen shaking their heads;

the donkeys submitting their necks to the yoke, ……, carrying firewood; …….”

7 lines fragmentary

7 lines missing

The oven …… warm food.

2 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing



1-14 9 lines fragmentary

(Silver speaks:) “…… one who neither …… foundations nor erects reed fences.

Get out! You wander about …….

Feasting - banquet scene in Nippur  (from farming to feasting in the “Eden”, land of the gods)

But my assigned task is in houses, in …… and at banquets.”

Silver did not …… in the …… which he had …….

He spoke this way in the matter of the …… strength.


15-18 Then Strong Copper, the warrior of heaven (?), kept his body firm, and did not take ……;

he did not show hate, but kept quiet (?).

He kept his neck firm, and did not …….

He …… his rejoicing face to the gods.


19-27 Strong Copper …… and addressed the Anuna (Anunnaki alien) gods:

2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninurta‘s daughter Ninsun, mother to gods & many mixed-breed son-kings)

Ninsumun (Ninsun, Enlil‘s granddaughter), the woman of all the destinies, …… generously.

The speech ……, …… wisdom, forgetting (?) ……, ……, pulling it out like a root, ……,

…… my counsellor ……, …… the house’s fire before Enlil, I will …… warm water …….


28-34 Strong Copper answered Silver:

“Silver, to make lead shine (?) is not an important achievement.

Restitution (?) according to the tablets does not do the work of Copper.

A hand without a wrist cannot (?) work.

A weak neck carries nothing, does not …… a thing to a load.

A heart ……, mankind ……. 

No one …… a boat with bitumen …… in the river.”

unknown no. of lines missing



1-12 (Copper speaks:)

1 line fragmentary

…… the oil jar, …… trap that ties someone up, …… all full of lies, …… his hand bringing taxes,

…… erasing restitutions (?), …… people are deceived.

A …… organized by you goes to the desert, …….

No one should put in a dwelling a …… by you.

7f - sumer farming, plowing (earthlings taught to farm for the gods)

A …… by you should not make grain grow with the labours of the soil.

It should not fill the silos with grain, it makes no one rejoice.

It should not fill the hairy sacks with grain.


13-21 “No king should ride on a barge built by you.

No one should carry things from afar on a trip in a chariot of yours.

In the palace, no one should place on a table your edible …….

No young man of …… should be pleased by …… your soil (?).

No …… of assorted woods or fine oils from you should stand on the streets.

You should not work with wood, you should not work with reeds!”

3 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing



1-5 (Copper speaks:) “…… the heavens were separated from the earth, there was no drinking water …….

In order that the people should eat food ……, my father Enlil created me in a single day,

1y - Ancient Sumeria2  (cities of the Anunnaki giant alien gods, the 1st on Earth Colony)

and then the Tigris charged like a great wild bull.


6-11 “At that time, your feet did not move, and you did not walk around.

In the …… of Enlil, not separated from the ……, you got up, and you moved your feet toward his house.

They cut you to pieces with the strength provided by me.

Someone opens …… there with the abundance I give to the population.


12-17 “Silver, consider the palace!

…… finds the time right, according to the turning starry sky, (and says:) “Come on!

You will perform the work of your arms, you will help Enlil.”

But you stick out a long tongue like a kid to a goat so that everybody can see.

            XIR188782 Votive plaque depicting an offering scene, from Diyala, Early Dynastic Period, 2600-2500 BC (stone) by Mesopotamian stone Iraq Museum, Baghdad Giraudon out of copyright  (working & feasting in the “Eden”, land between the rivers)

Indoors, the palace is your station and banquets are your assigned task (you say).

— Silver, I will demonstrate to you that the palace is neither your station nor your dwelling.


18-23 “Men caulk tiny, very strong boxes for you, as they do a boat.

They cover you over with their oldest rags,

housing - Housing - tents of early modern man (alien cattle pens in Sumer)

and someone digs a hole for you in the middle of the cattle-pen.

Or they pour clay on top of you, as on a jar with a sealed mouth, and then,

in the darkest place inside the house, someone buries you in the most obscure corner of a grave.


24-37 “When the time of wet ground has arrived for me,

you do not supply the copper hoes that chop weeds, so no one concerns themselves with you.

When sowing time has arrived for me, you do not supply the copper adzes that make plows,

so no one concerns themselves with you.

When winter time has arrived for me, you do not supply the copper axes that chop firewood,

so no one concerns themselves with you.

When harvest time has arrived for me, you do not supply the copper sickles that reap grain,

so no one concerns themselves with you.

For your harvest or winter, you do not supply the copper adzes and chisels which build houses,

not even a female lamb, so no one concerns themselves with you.


38-46 “Silver, you are forgotten in the soil inside the house.

A scared mouse in a silent house, …… —

Silver, the palace is not your station!

An obscure place, a grave, such is your station.

Silver, banquets are not your assigned task — fasting is your assigned task.

Silver, to make lead shine (?) is not an important achievement.

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian 1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub 2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna 2a - Nisaba, master scribe, grain goddess

                    (Enlil                                            Adad                                             Utu                                               Nisaba)

The task of making divine statues is not likely to fall within your capabilities.

Why do you keep attacking me like a dog?

You snake, get back in the darkest part of the house and lie down in your grave!”


47-51 Strong Copper cast his legitimate insults against Silver, and was full of hate against him —

insults of a miserable dog, like water from a brackish well.

He exerted his powers against him to harass him.

And at this, Silver felt thoroughly harassed; it did not befit his dignity.


52-59 Silver answered Strong Copper:

“You do not give blades to the …… wooden hoe that breaks the …… ground.

The wooden …… tool mixes the clay (?) ……; wedges are not written by you.

The wooden shovels pile up the sheaves — match your measuring devices to the measuring stick!

Just approach the cargo boat that …… the canal banks,

just keep knocking on the great door of the house at night!

The stonecutter wrestles with stones and with beads —

they are too hard and he has to stop because of you.

Work away with your tines at the dirt by the oven instead!


60-66 “You have accumulated lies about my honorable station.

Let me, the mouse, do his work — his assigned task in the ground is noble.

Your teeth dig the ground, your tongue (?) moves the dirt.

Farming - plow & seed in Sumer (knowledge taught earthlings by the alien gods)

The copper hoe has its digging taken over by the wooden hoe in the harder ground.

The copper sickles need to have the hard weeds burned.

Farming - 1st with date palms  (Ninsun‘s mixed-breed son-king Ur-Nammu & Nannar, below Ninurta leads Ur-Nammu to repair Enlil‘s temple / residence)

The copper axes which chop trees, stripping and pulling out tamarisks and ash shrubs,

have their blades dulled.

The copper saws have to lie down for a rest beside the mountain trees.


67-84 “When you keep hitting the soil, like someone falling from a roof;

when they carry (?) you out from the big brambles and …… thorns,

like a dog with a ……, as if they were catching a thief at midnight;

when the great, turbulent waters, regularly, yearly (?), fill the desert;

6b - Ur-Nammu, Shulgi, & Rim-Sin (3 different giant mixed-breed son-kings of Ninsun‘s, giant leaders of earthlings in Sumer)

when they carry the grain from the dry ground to the canal banks;

when they carry the sesame from the furrows to the canal banks;

when they carry to the …… red onions, white onions, edible bulbous leeks (?)

and turnips flourishing in the furrows;

when they transport the salt and spice seeds lying at the edges of the fields;

when they feed the various grains to cattle and sheep;

when they bring …… to the pigs born at the fattener’s; when they feed dough to the porcupine’s litter;

when they crush coarse flour for the huge wild boars, straight-tailed fish,

il (?) fish, carp, fish with bellies (?), giraba fish laying their eggs in large amounts in the shallows (?),

gurgal birds, suda birds, large u birds from the middle of the sea, eggs of geese and all kinds of birds,

all the good things which thrive in the desert …….

unknown no. of lines missing



1-14 1linefragmentary

Strong Copper ……. I shall give small one-shekel pieces of silver; you should …… 3 or 4 minas.

If he turns his attention to the development of humanity, small 5- or 10-mina peces of silver ……

2 lines fragmentary

The captain …… the role of overseer.

3 lines fragmentary

small 5- or 10-mina peces of silver ……

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing



1-10 2 lines fragmentary

of Enlil …….

Money - 1st with Sumerian coins  (Sumerian coins from Nannar‘s advanced city of Ur, another 1st in Sumer!)

Small ten-shekel pieces of silver ……

6 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing



1-11 5 lines fragmentary

Housing - gods house cedar timber unloaded  (Enlil‘s cedar timbers shipped from Lebanon to Sumer)

…… in aromatic oil of cedar ……. …… (all) humans, the black-headed people (unlike the gods).

Let him anoint each with my …… aromatic oil of cedar.

…… it is an abomination to my king.

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing



1-7 4 lines fragmentary

6 - Adapa, model of modern man, meets Enlil (Enlil demands that new “modern” earthlings become his workers in the “Eden”)

…… for my father Enlil.

2 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing



1-12 9 lines fragmentary

Silver and Strong Copper having carefully had a debate,

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 

       (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur, the alien Anunnaki‘s Earth Colony Command Central)

Strong Copper had the lead over Silver in Enlil‘s house (in Nippur)

Father Enlil be praised!


13-29 Then the days passed, the year grew long, the silos filled up and flax was beaten …….

The year, the faraway days, …….

The heavens …… stars and lengthening shadows. …… the shadows …….

The stars of heaven …… did not …….

Astronomy - Enuma Anu Enlil text, tales- of the solar system Astronomy - Sumerian astronomers Astronomy - Sumerian sky observers

           (astronomy & astrology began in Sumer, knowledge of the stars taught by the resident alien gods on Earth)

The records, to be found in the sacred tablets of the stars, …….

The heavens, ……, having been separated from the earth …….

8 lines fragmentary

1 line missing


30-36 Enlil joyfully addressed Sumer.

In a …… of abundance he raised …… to the duties of shepherd.

In order to build the …… of Enlil, to bring forth the houses of the great gods,

to raise the banks of the levees and ditches,

Enlil gave strength to the shepherd UrNamma in his majestic arms.


2bc - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu  2bd - Ningal, King Ur-Nammu & Nannar

     (Ningal                          Ur-Nammu                                                                                                 Ur-Nammu                 Nannar)

37-44 On UrNamma (mixed-breed made king) receiving …… and kingship,

after he …… a good ……, Strong Copper helped him mightily.

With it, the shepherd UrNamma …… in great amounts.

3a - Nannar's Temple, Ziggourat, Home in Ur  3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest (Ur / Urim)

With it, he …… the great temple of Suen (Nannar / Sin) in Urim (Ur).

With it, he …… the Ekur, the house of Enlil in Nibru (Nippur).

He made famous the houses of the great gods (literal residences of alien giants),

and raised high the banks of the levees and ditches.


45-58 Under him, his city …….

Under him, wool …….

Under him, oil …….

Under him, the people eat excellent food.

2ab - Ur-Nammu, Ninsun's son king, 2300-2000 B.C. (Ur-Namma, Ninsun‘s mixed-breed son appointed to kingship)

UrNamma, …… broad wisdom.

Strong Copper …… great …….

When raising ……, he …….

He called the one giving …… as his …… singer.

The …… of bright …….

He investigated the …… of Strong Copper.

…… their helpers.

In order to build his …….

Not neglecting …….

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Complete Mesopotamian Kings List


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


# King Reign (years) Dynasty and Titles  


1 Alulim 28,000 Eridu
2 Alalgar 36,000 Eridu
1 Enmenluanna 43,200 Bad-Tibira
2 Enmengalana 28,800 Bad-Tibira
3 Dumuzi the Shepherd 36,000 Bad-Tibira
1 Ensipadzidana 28,800 Larag
1 Enmendurana 21,000 Zimbir (Sippar)
1 Ubara-Tutu 18,600 Shurrupuk
2 Ziusudra* (Noah) 36,000 Shurrupuk
TOTAL: 241,200 [Ubaid Period: 5900-2900? B.C.; 3000 yrs?]


Flood Sweeps Over


1 Jugur 1,200 Kish [First Akkadian King]
2 Kullassina-Bel 960 (900) Kish
3 Nangishlishma 670 Kish
4 Entarahanna 420 Kish
5 Babum 300 Kish
6 Puannum 840 (240) Kish
7 Kalibum 960 (900) Kish
8 Kalumum 840 (900) Kish
9 Zuqaqip 900 (600) Kish
8 Aba (Atab) 600 Kish
9 Mashda 840 Kish
10 Atab 600 Kish
11 Mashda* 840 (720) Kish
12 Arwium* 720 Kish
13 Etana the Shepherd 1,500 (635) Kish [2800 B.C.]
(Biblical Enoch) “Conquered the foreign lands and ascended to heaven
14 Balih* 400 (410) Kish
15 Enmenunna 660 (621) Kish
16 Melem-Kish* 900 (1560) Kish
17 Barsal-Nuna 1,200 Kish “Brother of Melem-Kish”
18 Zamug* 140 Kish
19 Tizqar* 305 (1620+) Kish
20 Ilku 900 Kish
21 Iltasadum 1,200 Kish
22 Enmebaragesi 900 Kish “Made Elam submit”
23 Agga* 625 Kish
Enmenbaragesi’s dynasty ends after 1525 years”
TOTAL 24,510 [2900? – 2650? B.C. ; 250 yrs?]


1 Meshkiagasher, Son of Utu 324 (325) E-anna “Entered the sea and disappeared”
2 Enmerkar* 420 (900) Uruk [Made Aratta submit]
Meshkiagasher’s dynasty ends after 745 years”
3 Lugal-Banda the Shepherd 1200 Uruk
4 Dumuzi the Fisherman 100 (110) Uruk “His city was Kuara”
“Captured Enmebaragesi single-handedly”
5 Gilgamesh, Lord of Kulaba 126 Uruk “Father was a nomad[?]”
6 Ur-Nungal* 30 Uruk
7 Udul-Kalama* 15 Uruk “Son of Ur-Nungal
8 Laba-Shum 9 Uruk
9 Ennuntarahanna 8 Uruk
10 Meshe 36 Uruk
11 Melemanna 6 Uruk
11 Tilkug 900+ Uruk
12 Lugal-Kitun 36 (420) Uruk
TOTAL 2310 (3588) [2670-2540? B.C. ; 130 yrs?]


1 Meshanepadda 80 Ur [Defeats Agga]
2 Aannipadda* ? Ur [Temple built near Ur]
2 Meshkiagn[a/u]nna 36 (30) Ur [Son of Meshanepadda]
3 Elulu 25 Ur
4 Balulu 36 Ur
TOTAL 171 [2670-2550? B.C. ; 120 yrs?]


1 ??? ? Awan
2 ??? ? Awan
3 ??? 36 Awan
TOTAL 356 [2460-2420 B.C. ; 40 yrs]


1 Susuda the Fuller 201+ Kish II
2 Dadasig 81 Kish II
3 Mamagal the Boatman 360 (420) Kish II
4 Kalbum* 195 (132) Kish II
5 Tuge 360 Kish II
6 Mennuna* 180 Kish II
7 (8) Mesilim[?] 290 Kish II [Sets Umma/Lagash border ~2450 B.C.]
8 (7) Lugal-Gu 360 (420) Kish II
TOTAL 3,195 (3,792) [2500-2430 B.C. ; 70 yrs]


1 Hadanish 360 Hamazi [2450-2430 B.C.; 20 yrs]


1 Enshakanshanna 60 Uruk II
2 Lugal-Ure (Kinishedudu) 120 Uruk II
3 Argandea 7 Uruk II
TOTAL: 187 [2432-2340 B.C. ; 92 yrs]


1 Nani 120+ (54+) Ur II (Ur II proceeds Uruk II)
2 Meshkiagnanna 48 Ur II
3 ??? 2 Ur II (Omitted)
TOTAL: 582 (578) [2430-2340 B.C.; 90 yrs]


1 Lugal-Anemundu 90 (90) Adab [2525-2500 B.C.]


1 Anbu 30 (90) Mari
2 Anba* 17 (7) Mari
3 Bazi the Leatherworker 30 Mari
4 Zizi the Fuller 20 Mari
5 Limer the Gudu-Priest 30 Mari
6 Sharrumiter 9 (7) Mari
TOTAL: 136 (184) [2500-2334 B.C. ; 166 yrs]


1 Kubau the Tavern Keeper 100 Kish III [Female; 2400 B.C.]


1 Unzi 30 Akshak
2 Undalulu 6 (12) Akshak
3 Urur 6 Akshak
4 PuzurNirah 20 Akshak
5 Ishu-Il 24 (24) (24) Akshak
6 Shu-Suen* 7 (7) (7) (24) Akshak [2450-2360 B.C. ; 90 yrs]
TOTAL: 99 (116) “5 kings ruled 87 years.”


1 (2) Puzur-Suen, Son of Kubau 25 Kish IV (Kish III)
2 (3) Ur-Zababa 400 (6) (4+) Kish IV (Kish III)
“Kubau’s dynasty ends after 745 years.”
3 (4) Zimudar (Ziguiake) 30+ Kish IV (Kish III)
4 (5) Ubni-Watar* 7 (6) Kish IV (Kish III)
5 (6) Ectar-Muti 11 (17) Kish IV (Kish III)
6 (7) Ishma-Shamash 11 Kish IV (Kish III)
? Shu-Ilishu 15 Kish III
? Zimudar 7 Kish III
7 (8) Nanniya the Jeweler 7 (3) Kish IV (Kish III) (Omitted)
TOTAL: 491 (485) “8 kings ruled 586 years.”
[2360 – 2340 B.C.; 20 yrs]


1 En-Hegal 20? Lagash
2 Lugal-Sha-Engur 55? Lagash
3 Ur-Nanshe 30 Lagash
4 Akurgal 10 Lagash
5 EAnaTum 30 Lagash [2455 B.C.]
6 EnAnaTum I 20 Lagash [Brother of Eanatum]
7 EnTemena* 30 Lagash
8 En-Ana-Tum II 10 Lagash [2375 B.C.]
9 En-Entar-Zi 5 Lagash
10 Lugal-Anda 5 Lagash
11 Uru-Ka-Gina 10 Lagash
TOTAL: 225 [2570-2345 B.C.]


1 LugalZagesi 25(34) Uruk III (Omitted)
[2345-2316; 29yrs]


1 Sharru-Kin, Gardener’s Son 56 (55) (54) Agade “Cupbearer of Ur-Zababa
2 Rimush* 9,7 (15) Agade
3 Manishtishu 15 (7) Agade “Older brother of Rimush
4 NaramSuen* 56 (56) Agade
5 SharKaliSharri* 25 (25) (24) Agade
“Sharru-Kin’s dynasty ends after 157 years.”


Dynasty of Sharru-Kin [Sargon] Ends

Who was king? Who was not king?”


6 Irgigi 0-1 Agade
7 (8) Imi 0-1 Agade
8 (7) Nanum 0-1 Agade
9 Ilulu 0-1 Agade (Total: 3 Years)
10 Dudu 21 Agade (Omitted)
11 Shu-Durul* 15 (18) Agade (Omitted)
TOTAL: 181 “12 kings ruled 197 years.”“9 kings ruled 161 years.”
[2371-2230 B.C.; 141 yrs]


1 Ur-Nigin 7 (3) (15) (30) Uruk IV (Uruk III)
2 Ur-Gigir* 6 (7) (15) (7) Uruk IV (Uruk III)
3 Kuda 6 Uruk IV (Uruk III) (Omitted)
4 Puzur-Eli 5 (20) Uruk IV (Uruk III) (Omitted)
5 (3) Ur-Utu, son of Ur-Gigir 6 (25) Uruk IV (Uruk III)
5 Lugalmelem, son of Ur-Gigir 7 Uruk IV
TOTAL: 30 (43) (26) “3 kings ruled 47 years.”


Nobody 3 (5) Guti [Northern Elamites]
1 Inkishush 6 (7) Guti
2 Zarlagab 6 Guti
3 Shulmi (Yarlagash) 6 Guti
4 Silulumesh (Silulu) 6 (7) Guti
5 Inimabakesh 5 Guti
5 Duga 6 Guti
6 Ilu-An 3 Guti
6 Igeshaush 6 Guti
7 Yarlagab 15 (5) Guti
8 Yarla (Yarlangab) 3 Guti
9 Kulum 1 (3) Guti
10 Apil-Kin 3 Guti
11 Laerabum (?) 2 Guti
12 Irarum 2 Guti
13 Ibranum 1 Guti
14 Hablum 2 Guti
15 Puzur-Suen* 7 Guti
16 Yarlaganda 7 Guti

Text Broken…

20 ??? 7 Guti
21 Tiriga (?) 40 days Guti
TOTAL: 124 (25) [2193-2123 B.C.; 70 yrs]


4 Gudea 20 Lagash [2141-2122 B.C.]


1 Utu-Hegal 427 (7) (7) (26) Uruk


1 Ur-Nammu 18 Ur III
2 Shulgi* 46 (48) (48) (58) Ur III
3 Amar-Suena* 9 (25) Ur III
4 Shu-Suen* 9 (7) (16) (20+) Ur III
5 Ibbi-Suen* 24 (15) (25) (25) Ur III [2112-2004 B.C. ; 108 yrs]
TOTAL: 108 (117) (117) (120+) (123)


1 Ishbi-Irra 33 (32) Isin
2 Shu-Ilishu* 20 (10) (15) Isin
3 Iddin-Dagon* 21 (25) Isin
4 Ishme-Dagon* 20 (18) Isin
5 Lipit-Ishtar* 11 (11) (11) Isin “Son of Iddin-Dagon”
6 Ur-Ninurta, Son of Ishkur 28 Isin “Abundant reign & sweet life”
7 BurSuen* 21 Isin
8 Lipit-Enlil* 5 Isin
9 Erra-Imitti 8 (7) (7) Isin
? ??? 1/2 Isin
10 EnlilBani 24 Isin
11 Zambiya 3 Isin
12 Iterpica 4 Isin
13 Urdulkuga 4 Isin
14 Suen-Magir 11 Isin
? Damaqilishu* 23 Isin
TOTAL: 203 (225) [2004-1763 B.C. ; 241 yrs]


1 Naplanum 20 Larsa [Vassal to Isin]
2 Emisum 28 Larsa [Vassal to Isin]
3 Samium 35 Larsa [Vassal to Isin]
4 Zabaja 9 Larsa [Vassal to Isin]
5 Gungunum 27 Larsa [Zabaja‘s brother; King of Ur]
6 Abi-Sare 11 Larsa [Killed Ur-Ninurta of Isin]
7 Sumuel 29 Larsa [Took Nippur from Isin]
8 Nur-Adad 16 Larsa
9 Suen-Iddinam* 7 Larsa
10 Suen-Eribam 2 Larsa
11 Suen-Iqisham 5 Larsa
12 Silli-Adad 1 Larsa [Killed by Kutur-Mabuk]
13 Warad-Suen 12 Larsa [Son of Kutur-Mabuk]
14 Rim-Suen 59 Larsa [Defeated Babylon in battle]
[Conquered Isin; Defeated by Hammurabi]
TOTAL: 261 [2026-1763 B.C.]

* Son of the previous king
Colored: Variant copies of the king list
Italic: Not recorded on any king lists (taken from a different source)
Bold: City listed as built by that king

The Sumerian Kings List: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

Sumerian on clay, Babylonia, 2000-1800 BC, 1 tablet, 8,1×6,5×2,7 cm, single column, 26 lines in cuneiform script.

(In the following translation, mss. are referred to by the sigla used by Vincente 1995; from those listed there, mss. Fi, Go, P6, and WB 62 were not used; if not specified by a note, numerical data come from ms. WB.)

          Kingship - Sumerian Kings List 

               (Sumerian Kings List, original ancient list of Earth’s 1st kings, all mixed-breeds kings appointed by the gods)

        1y-nippur-enlils-city-in-the-1st-region  (land of the gods, the “Eden”, the land between the Rivers Euphrates & Tigris)

4d - Eridu remains (Eridu ruins, Enki‘s patron city)

1-39 After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug (Eridu).

In Eridug, Alulim (giant semi-divine descendant of the Anunnaki alien gods) became king; he ruled for 28,800 years.

Alaljar (bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived much longer than non-mixed earthlings) ruled for 36,000 years.

2 kings; they ruled for 64,800 years.

Then Eridug fell and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira.

1a - Bad-tibira, Iraq (aerial view of looted Bad-tibira ruins, Dumuzi‘s patron city)

In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for 43,200 years.

En-men-gal-ana ruled for 28,800 years.

Dumuzid the shepherd (Inanna‘s spouse), ruled for 36,000 years.

3 kings; they ruled for 108,000 years

Then Bad-tibira fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Larag.

In Larag (Larak), En-sipad-zid-ana ruled for 28,800 years.

1 king; he ruled for 28,800 years.

Then Larag fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Zimbir (Sippar).

2 - Utu's Temple destroyed by Noah's Flood (Sippar ruins, Utu‘s patron city)

In Zimbir, En-men-dur-ana became king; he ruled for 21,000 years.

1 king; he ruled for 21,000 years.

Then Zimbir fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Curuppag (Shuruppak).

In Curuppag (Ninlil‘s patron city), Ubara-Tutu (Noah‘s father) became king; he ruled for 18,600 years.

1 king; he ruled for 18,600 years.

In 5 cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241,200 years.

Then the flood swept over.

2d - Kish 1926 (Kish ruins, Ninhursag‘s patron city)

40-94 After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kic.

In Kic, Jucur became king; he ruled for 1,200 years.

Kullassina-bel ruled for 960 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 900) years.

Nanjiclicma ruled for (ms. P2+L2 has:) 670 (?) years.

En-tarah-ana ruled for (ms. P2+L2 has:) 420 years ……, 3 months, and 3 1/2 days.

Babum …… ruled for (ms. P2+L2 has:) 300 years.

Puannum ruled for 840 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 240) years.

Kalibum ruled for 960 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 900) years.

Kalumum ruled for 840 (mss. P3+BT14, Su1 has instead: 900) years.

Zuqaqip ruled for 900 (ms. Su1 has instead: 600) years.

(In mss. P2+L2, P3+BT14, P5, the 10th and 11th rulers of the dynasty precede the 8th and 9th.)

Atab (mss. P2+L2, P3+BT14, P5 have instead: Aba) ruled for 600 years.

Macda, the son of Atab, ruled for 840 (ms. Su1 has instead: 720) years.

Arwium, the son of Macda, ruled for 720 years.


    (Kish King Etana is lifted by eagle pilot off the Earth, headed for Heaven / planet Nibiru, to see god the father, Anu)

Etana, the shepherd, who ascended to heaven (planet Nibiru) and consolidated all the foreign countries, became king;

he ruled for 1,500 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 635) years.

Balih, the son of Etana, ruled for 400 (mss. P2+L2, Su1 have instead: 410) years.

En-me-nuna ruled for 660 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 621) years.

Melem-Kic, the son of En-me-nuna, ruled for 900 years.

(ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1,560 are the years of the dynasty of En-me-nuna.

Barsal-nuna, the son of En-me-nuna, (mss. P5, P3+BT14 have instead: Barsal-nuna) ruled for 1,200 years.

Zamug, the son of Barsal-nuna, ruled for 140 years.

Tizqar, the son of Zamug, ruled for 305 years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1620 + X …

Ilku ruled for 900 years.

Iltasadum ruled for 1,200 years.

En-men-barage-si, who made the land of Elam submit, became king; he ruled for 900 years.

Aga, the son of En-men-barage-si, ruled for 625 years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:)

1,525 are the years of the dynasty of En-men-barage-si.

23 kings; they ruled for 24,510 years, 3 months, and 3 1/2 days.

Then Kic was defeated and the kingship was taken to E-ana (Anu‘s temple residence in Uruk).

3d - Anu's Home on Earth (E-ana in Uruk, ziggurat residence of Anu, Inanna, etc.)

95-133 In E-ana, Mec-ki-aj-gacer, the (giant mixed-breed) son of Utu, became lord and king;

he ruled for 324 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 325) years.

Mec-ki-aj-gacer (Meshkiagasher) entered the sea and disappeared.

Enmerkar, the son of Mec-ki-aj-gacer, the king of Unug (Uruk), who built Unug

(mss. L1+N1, P2+L2 have instead: under whom Unug was built), became king; he ruled for 420 (ms. TL has instead: 900 + X) years.

(ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 745 are the years of the dynasty of Mec-ki-aj-gacer. (ms TL adds instead: ……; he ruled for 5 + X years.)

Lugalbanda (Ninsun‘s semi-divine mixed-breed spouse), the shepherd, ruled for 1,200 years.

Dumuzid, the fisherman(not Enki’s son) whose city was Kuara, ruled for 100 (ms. TL has instead: 110) years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:)

He captured En-me-barage-si single-handed.

Gilgamec (Ninsun‘s son), whose father (Lugalbanda) was a phantom (?), the lord of Kulaba, ruled for 126 years.

Ur-Nungal, the son of Gilgamec (Gilgamesh), ruled for 30 years.

Udul-kalama, the son of Ur-Nungal (ms. Su1 has instead: Ur-lugal), ruled for 15 years.

La-ba’cum ruled for 9 years.

En-nun-tarah-ana ruled for 8 years.

Mec-he, the smith, ruled for 36 years.

Melem-ana (ms. Su2 has instead: Til-kug (?) ……) ruled for 6 (ms. Su2 has instead: 900) years.

Lugal-kitun (?) ruled for 3 (ms. Su2 has instead: 420) years.

12 kings; they ruled for 2,310 (ms. Su2 has instead: 3,588) years.

Then Unug (Uruk) was defeated and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur).

3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur (Nannar‘s ziggurat residence in patron city of Ur)

134-147 In Urim (Nannar‘s patron city), Mec-Ane-pada became king; he ruled for 80 years.

Mec-ki-aj-Nanna (ms. P2+L2 has instead: Mec-ki-aj-nuna), the son of Mec-Ane-pada, became king;

he ruled for 36 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 30) years.

Elulu ruled for (mss. L1+N1, P2+L2, P3+BT14 have:) 25 years.

Balulu ruled for (mss. L1+N1, P2+L2, P3+BT14 have:) 36 years. (mss. L1+N1, P2+L2 have:)

4 kings; they ruled for (mss. L1+N1, P2+L2, P3+BT14 have:) 171 years.

Then Urim was defeated and the kingship was taken to Awan.

148-159 In Awan, …… became king; he ruled for …… years.

…… ruled for …… years.

…… ruled for 36 years.

3 kings; they ruled for 356 years.

Then Awan was defeated and the kingship was taken to Kic (Kish, Ninhursag‘s patron city).

160-178 In Kic, Susuda, the fuller, became king; he ruled for 201 + X years.

Dadasig ruled for (ms. vD has:) 81 years.

Mamagal, the boatman, ruled for 360 (ms. L1+N1 has instead: 420) years.

Kalbum, the son of Mamagal (ms. WB has instead: Magalgal), ruled for 195 (ms. L1+N1 has instead: 132) years.

Tuge (?) ruled for 360 years.

Men-nuna, (ms. L1+N1 adds:) the son of Tuge (?), ruled for 180 years.

(in mss. L1+N1, TL, the 7th and 8th rulers of the dynasty are in reverse order) …… ruled for 290 years.

Lugalju ruled for 360 (ms. L1+N1 has instead: 420) years.

8 kings; they ruled for 3195 (ms. L1+N1 has instead: 3792) years.

Then Kic was defeated and the kingship was taken to Hamazi.

179-185 In Hamazi, Hadanic became king; he ruled for 360 years.

1 king; he ruled for 360 years.

Then Hamazi was defeated and the kingship was taken (ms. P3+BT14 has instead: was returned a second time) to Unug (Uruk).

(In mss. IB, L1+N1, TL, the 2nd dynasty of Unug of ll. 185-191 is preceded by the 2nd dynasty of Urim of ll. 192-203.)

186-192 In Unug, En-cakanca-ana became king; he ruled for 60 years.

Lugal-ure (ms. P3+BT14 has instead: Lugal-kinice-dudu (?)) ruled for 120 years.

Argandea ruled for 7 years.

(ms. L1+N1 has:) 3 kings; they ruled for (ms. L1+N1 has:) 187 years.

Then Unug (Uruk) was defeated (ms. TL has instead:destroyed) and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur).

193-204 In Urim, Nani became king; he ruled for (ms. vD has:) 120 + X (ms. IB has instead: 54 + X) years.

Mec-ki-aj-Nanna, the son of Nani, ruled for (ms. vD has:) 48 years.

……, the son (?) of ……, ruled for (ms. IB has:) 2 years.

(ms. IB has:) 3 kings; they ruled for (ms. IB has:) 582 (ms. TL has instead: 578) years.

(ms. vD has instead: 2 kings; they ruled for 120 + years.)

Then Urim was defeated (ms. TL has instead:destroyed) and the kingship was taken to Adab.

205-210 In Adab, Lugal-Ane-mundu became king; he ruled for (mss. L1+N1, TL have:) 90 years.

(mss. L1+N1, TL have:) 1 king; he ruled for (mss. L1+N1, TL have:) 90 years.

Then Adab was defeated (ms. TL has instead: destroyed) and the kingship was taken to Mari.

211-223 In Mari, Anbu (?) became king; he ruled for 30 (ms. TL has instead: 90) years.

Anba (?), the son of Anbu (?), ruled for 17 (ms. TL has instead: 7) years.

Bazi, the leatherworker, ruled for 30 years.

Zizi, the fuller, ruled for 20 years.

Limer, the gudu priest, ruled for 30 years.

Carrum-iter ruled for 9 (ms. TL has instead: 7) years.

6 kings; they ruled for 136 (ms. TL has instead: 184) years.

Then Mari was defeated (ms. TL has instead: destroyed) and the kingship was taken to Kic (Kish).

224-231 In Kic, Kug-Bau, the woman tavern-keeper, who made firm the foundations of Kic,

became king; she ruled for 100 years. (1st female as King)

1 king; she ruled for 100 years.

Then Kic was defeated (ms. TL has instead:destroyed) and the kingship was taken to Akcak (Akkad / Agade, Adad‘s domain).

232-243 In Akcak, Unzi became king; he ruled for 30 years.

Undalulu ruled for 6 (mss. L1+N1, S have instead: 12) years.

Urur ruled for (ms. IB has instead: was king (?) for) 6 years.

Puzur-Nirah ruled for (mss. IB, L1+N1, S, Su1 have:) 20 years.

Icu-Il ruled for (mss. IB, L1+N1, S, Su1 have:) 24 years.

Cu-Suen, the son of Icu-Il, ruled for (mss. IB, L1+N1, S, TL have:) 7 (ms. Su1 has instead: 24) years.(mss. S, Su1, TL have:)

6 kings; they ruled for (mss. L1+N1, S, TL have:) 99 (ms. Su1 has instead: 116) years

(ms. IB has instead: 5 kings; they ruled for (ms. IB has:) 87 years).

Then Akcak was defeated (ms. S has instead: Then the reign of Akcak was abolished)

and the kingship was taken to Kic (Kish).

(mss. IB, S, Su1, Su3+Su4 list the 3rd and 4th dynasty of Kic of ll. 224-231 and ll. 244-258, respectively, as one dynasty)

244-258 In Kic, Puzur-Suen, the son of Kug-Bau, became king; he ruled for 25 years.

Ur-Zababa, the son of Puzur-Suen, ruled for 400 (mss. P3+BT14, S have instead: 6) (ms. IB has instead: 4 + X) years.

(ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 131 are the years of the dynasty of Kug-Bau.

Zimudar (ms. TL has instead: Ziju-iake) ruled for 30 (ms. IB has instead: 30 + X) years.

Uß³i-watar, the son of Zimudar (ms. TL has instead: Ziju-iake), ruled for 7 (ms. S has instead: 6) years.

Ectar-mut ruled for 11 (ms. Su1 has instead: 17 (?)) years.

Icme-Camac ruled for 11 years. (ms. Su1 adds:) Cu-ilicu ruled for 15 years.

Nanniya, the jeweller, (ms. Su1 has instead: Zimudar) (ms. IB has instead: ……) ruled for 7 (ms. S has instead: 3) years.

7 kings; they ruled for 491 (ms. Su1 has instead: 485) years (ms. S has instead: 8 kings; they ruled for (ms. S has:) 586 years).

Then Kic was defeated (ms. S has instead: Then the reign of Kic (Kish) was abolished)

and the kingship was taken (ms. P3+BT14 has instead: was returned a third time) to Unug (Uruk).

(ms. IB omits the 3rd dynasty of Unug of ll. 258-263)

259-265 In Unug, Lugal-zage-si became king; he ruled for 25 (ms. P3+BT14 has instead: 34) years.

1 king; he ruled for 25 (ms. P3+BT14 has instead: 34) years.

Then Unug was defeated (ms. S has instead:

Then the reign of Unug was abolished) and the kingship was taken to Agade (Akkad).

266-296 In Agade, Sargon, whose father was a gardener, the cupbearer of Ur-Zababa, became king,

the king of Agade, who built Agade (ms. L1+N1 has instead: under whom Agade was built);

he ruled for 56 (ms. L1+N1 has instead: 55) (ms. TL has instead: 54) years.

Rimuc, the son of Sargon, ruled for 9 (ms. IB has instead: 7) (ms. L1+N1 has instead: 15) years.

Man-icticcu, the older brother of Rimuc, the son of Sargon, ruled for 15 (ms. L1+N1 has instead: 7) years.

Naram-Suen, the son of Man-icticcu, ruled for (mss. L1+N1, P3+BT14 have:) 56 years.

Car-kali-carri, the son of Naram-Suen, ruled for (ms. L1+N1, Su+Su4 have:) 25 (ms. P3+BT14 has instead: 24) years.

(ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 157 are the years of the dynasty of Sargon.

Then who was king? Who was the king? (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: who was king? Who indeed was king?)

Irgigi was king, Imi was king, Nanûm was king (in mss. L1+N1, Su3+Su4, Imi and Nanûm are in reverse order) ,

Ilulu was king, and the (mss. P3+BT14, S have:) 4 of them ruled for only (mss. P3+BT14, S have:) 3 years.

Dudu ruled for 21 years.

Cu-Durul, the son of Dudu, ruled for 15 (ms. IB has instead: 18) years.

11 kings; they ruled for 181 years (ms. S has instead: 12 kings; they ruled for (ms. S has:) 197 years)

(mss. Su1, Su3+Su4, which omit Dudu and Cu-Durul, have instead: 9 kings; they ruled for (ms. Su1 has:) 161 (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: 177) years.

Then Agade was defeated (ms. S has instead:

Then the reign of Agade (Akkad) was abolished) and the kingship was taken to Unug (Uruk).

297-307 In Unug, Ur-nijin became king; he ruled for 7 (mss. IB, S have instead: 3)

(ms. Su1 has instead:15) (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: 30) years.

Ur-gigir, the son of Ur-nijin, ruled for 6 (ms. IB has instead: 7) (ms. Su1 has instead: 15) (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: 7) years.

Kuda ruled for 6 years.

Puzur-ili ruled for 5 (ms. IB has instead: 20) years.

Ur-Utu ruled for 6 (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: Ur-Utu),

the son of Ur-gigir, ruled for 25 (ms. Su1 has instead: Lugal-melem, the son of Ur-gigir, ruled for 7) years.

5 kings; they ruled for 30 (ms. IB has instead: 43) (mss. PÝ+Ha, S have instead: 26) years

(ms. Su3+Su4, which omits Kuda and Puzur-ili, has instead: 3 kings; they ruled for (ms. Su3+Su4 has:) 47 years).

Unug was defeated (ms. S has instead:

Then the reign of Unug (Uruk) was abolished) and the kingship was taken to the army (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: land) of Gutium.

308-334 In the army (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: land) of Gutium, at first no king was famous;

they were their own kings and ruled thus for 3 years

(ms. L1+N1 has instead: they had no king; they ruled themselves for 5 years).

Then Inkicuc (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: ……) ruled for 6 (ms. L1+Ni1 has instead: 7) years.

Zarlagab ruled for 6 years.

Culme (ms. L1+N1 has instead: Yarlagac) ruled for 6 years.

Silulumec (ms. Mi has instead: Silulu) ruled for 6 (ms. G has instead: 7) years.

Inimabakec ruled for 5 (ms. Mi has instead: Duga ruled for 6) years.

Igecauc ruled for 6 (ms. Mi has instead: Ilu-an (?) ruled for 3) years.

Yarlagab ruled for 15 (ms. Mi has instead: 5) years. Ibate ruled for 3 years.

Yarla (ms. L1+N1 has instead: Yarlangab (?)) ruled for 3 years.

Kurum (ms. L1+N1 has instead: ……) ruled for 1 (ms. Mi has instead: 3) years.

Apil-kin ruled for 3 years.

La-erabum (?) ruled for 2 years.

Irarum ruled for 2 years.

Ibranum ruled for 1 year.

Hablum ruled for 2 years.

Puzur-Suen, the son of Hablum, ruled for 7 years.

Yarlaganda ruled for 7 years.

…… ruled for 7 years.

Tiriga (?) ruled for 40 days.

21 kings; they ruled for (ms. L1+N1 has:) 124 years and 40 days (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: 25 years).

Then the army of Gutium was defeated (ms. TL has instead: destroyed) and the kingship was taken to Unug (Uruk).

335-340 In Unug, Utu-hejal became king; he ruled for 427 years, …… days

(ms. IB has instead: 26 years, 2 + X months, and 15 days)

(ms. J has instead: 7 years, 6 months, and 15 days) (ms. TL has instead: 7 years, 6 months, and 5 days).

1 king; he ruled for 427 years, …… days (ms. J has instead: 7 years, 6 months, and 15 days)

(ms. TL has instead: 7 years, 6 months, and 5 days).

Then Unug (Uruk) was defeated and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur).

341-354 In Urim, Ur-Namma (Ninsun’s son) became king; he ruled for 18 years.

Culgi, the son of Ur-Namma, ruled for 46 (mss. Su3+Su4, TL have instead: 48) (ms. P5 has instead: 58) years.

Amar-Suena, the son of Culgi, ruled for 9 (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: 25) years.

Cu-Suen, the son of Amar-Suena, ruled for 9 (ms. P5 has instead: 7) (ms. Su1 has instead: 20 + X) (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: 16) years.

Ibbi-Suen, the son of Cu-Suen, ruled for 24 (mss. P5, Su1 have instead: 25) (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: 15) (ms. TL has instead: 23 (?)) years.

4 kings; they ruled for 108 years (mss. J, P5, Su1, Su3+Su4 have instead:

5 kings; they ruled for (ms. P5 has:) 117 (ms. Su1 has instead: 120 + X) (ms. Su3+Su4 has instead: 123) years).

Then Urim (Ur) was defeated (ms. P5 has instead: Then the reign of Urim was abolished). (ms. Su3+Su4 adds:)

The very foundation of Sumer was torn out (?).

The kingship was taken to Isin.

1e - Isin looted (Isin, Bau‘s patron city ruins, heavily looted)

355-377 In Isin, Icbi-Erra became king; he ruled for 33 (ms. P5 has instead: 32) years.

Cu-ilicu, the son of Icbi-Erra, ruled for 20 (ms. P5 has instead: 10) (ms. Su1 has instead: 15) years.

Iddin-Dagan, the son of Cu-ilicu, ruled for 21 (ms. Su1 has instead: 25) years.

Icme-Dagan, the son of Iddin-Dagan, ruled for (mss. P2, P5 have:) 20 (ms. Mi has instead: 18) years.

Lipit-Ectar, the son of Icme-Dagan (ms. P2 has instead: Iddin-Dagan), ruled for (mss. L1+N1, P2, P5 have:) 11 years.

Ur-Ninurta (mss. L1+N1, P2 add:) , the son of Ickur (Adad)

may he have years of abundance, a good reign, and a sweet life – ruled for (ms. P5 has:) 28 years.

Bur-Suen, the son of Ur-Ninurta, ruled for 21 years.

Lipit-Enlil, the son of Bur-Suen, ruled for 5 years.

Erra-imitti ruled for 8 (mss. P5, TL have instead: 7) years. (ms. P5 adds:) …… ruled for …… 6 months.

Enlil-bani ruled for 24 years.

Zambiya ruled for 3 years.

Iter-pica ruled for 4 years.

Ur-dul-kugaruled for 4 years.

Suen-magir ruled for 11 years.

(ms. P5 adds:) Damiq-ilicu, the son of Suen-magir, ruled for 23 years.

14 kings; they ruled for 203 years (ms. P5 has instead: 225 years and 6 months).

(Mss. P2+L2, L1+N1 and P4+Ha conclude with a summary of the post-diluvian dynasties; the translation of ll.

378-431 uses numerical data from each mss. but follows the wording of P2+L2 and L1+N1)

378-431A total of 39 kings ruled for 14409 + X years, 3 months and 3 1/2 days, 4 times in Kic (Kish).

A total of 22 kings ruled for 2610 + X years, 6 months and 15 days, 5 times in Unug (Uruk).

A total of 12 kings ruled for 396 years, 3 times in Urim (Ur).

A total of 3 kings ruled for 356 years, once in Awan.

A total of 1 king ruled for 420 years, once in Hamazi.

16 lines missing

A total of 12 (?) kings ruled for 197 (?) years, once in Agade (Akkad).

A total of 21 (ms. P4+Ha has instead: 23) kings ruled for 125 years and 40 days

(ms. P4+Ha has instead: 99 years), once in the army of Gutium.

A total of 11 (ms. P4+Ha has instead: 16) kings ruled for 159 (ms. P4+Ha has instead: 226) years, once in Isin.

There are 11 cities, cities in which the kingship was exercised.

A total of 134 (ms. P4+Ha has instead: 139) kings, who altogether ruled for 28,876 + X (ms. P4+Ha has instead: 3443 + X) 21 years.

An adab to An for Shu-Suen (Shu-Suen E): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature ,

Oxford University, 1998 – ©All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



unknown no. of lines missing

1 Warrior from birth …….


2 Cagbatuku.


7d - Inanna presents Shu-Sin to Nannar, Sin, for kingship6h - Inanna presents a king to Nannar

3-6 Wise Cu-Suen (mixed-breed made Ur King, Shu-Suen) …….

1 line fragmentary

…… dais …….

…… the beauty and ornament …….


7 2nd (?) barsud.


8-11 An…….Cu-Suen…….

2 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing



1-2 1 line fragmentary

Cu-Suen .….. rising …….


3 Sa-gida.

4 1 line fragmentary

5 Jicgijal of the sa-gida.


3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (An / Anu, father in heaven / Nibiru to alien sons establishing Earth Colony)

6-8 As An determined the fates …….

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

     (Nannar‘s mud-brick-built mountain / residence way above his city of Ur)

Holy An determined the fates, …… the shrine Urim (Ur) …….

Like the sunlight An …… for Cu-Suen.


9 Its uru.


10 An adab of An (Anu).