Category Archives: Ur

A Balbale to Bau for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen / Shu-Suen A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-6. It was she who gave birth to the holy one,

gave birth to the holy one; the queen gave birth to the holy one,

Abi-simti (i.e.Cu-Suen’s (Shu-Sin) mother) gave birth to the holy one,

the queen gave birth to the holy one — my cloth beam of the cloth of pleasure, my Abi-simti!

My warp beam placed for weaving, my queen Kubatum (i.e. Cu-Suen’s concubine) !

7-12. My one suited to a mane of hair, a wonder to behold,

my lord Cu-Suen, my one …… in words, my son of Culgi

because I uttered, because I uttered, the lord gave me a gift,

because I uttered an exclamation of joy, the lord gave me a gift.

The lord gave me as a gift a golden pin, a lapis-lazuli seal.

The lord gave me as a gift a golden ring, a silver ring.

13-18. O lord, your gifts are ……, may you cast your eyes on me.

O Cu-Suen, your gifts are ……, may you cast your eyes on me.

…… lord …… lord …….

Like pleasant …….

May your city stretch out its hands to you like a crab (?), my lord Cu-Suen.

May it lie down at your feet like a lion-cub, my son of Culgi.

19-27. My …. .., the barmaid’s beer is sweet.

Like her beer her genitals are sweet, her beer is sweet.

Like her mouth her genitals are sweet, her beer is sweet.

Her diluted beer, her beer is sweet —

8a - Inanna Presents Spouse-King Shu-Sin to Nannar

 (Shu-Sin, mixed-breed spouse-king of Inanna, the Goddess of Love & daughter to Nannar, patron god of Ur)

my Cu-Suen, who pleased me, who pleased me, who delighted me,

my Cu-Suen who pleased me, my Cu-Suen, beloved of Enlil, my king, the god of his Land!

Fragment of a stele with bust of the goddess Ba'u. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 16,2 cm AO 4572  (Bau, royal daughter to King Anu, goddess to mixed-breed kings for thousands of years)

28. It is a balbale of Bau.

King Ibbi-Suen Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


When the next (and last) king of Ur, Ibbi-Sin, (son to Shu-Sin) ascended the throne, raiders from the west were clashing with the Elamite mercenaries in Mesopotamia proper. Soon Sumer’s heartland was under siege; the people of Ur and Nippur were huddled behind protective walls, and the influence of Nannar had shrunk to a small enclave.

Waiting in the wings, as once before, was Marduk. Believing his time for supremacy had finally come, he left his land of exile and led his followers back to Babylon.

Ibbi-Sin put his trust again in Nannar and Inanna, installing himself in his second year as High Priest of Inanna’s temple (residence) in Uruk…In the fourth year of his reign he was told that

         “The Son in the west will arise…it is an omen for Ibbi-Sin: Ur shall be judged…”

In his fifth year, Ibbi-Sin sought further strength by becoming High Priest of Inanna at her shrine in Ur.. But that too was no help…As the sixth year began, the omensconcerning destructionbecame more urgent and more specific.

         “When the sixth year comes, the inhabitants in Ur will be trapped,…”

Another omen said,

         “When for the second time, he who calls himself Supreme,

         like one whose chest has been anointed, shall come from the west…”

That very year, as messages from the borders reveal,

         “hostile Westerners had entered the plain!…”

of Mesopotamia; without resistance, they quickly

          “entered the interior of the country, taking one by one all the great fortresses…”

Marduk, as the omens had predicted, returned to Babylon for the second time.

         “In Hattiland I asked an oracle (about) my throne and my Lordship;

         In its midst (I asked); ‘Until when?…”

Then, in that twenty-fourth year, he received a favorable omen:

         My days (1st person) (of exile) were completed;

         To my city (I set my course);

         My temple Esagila (residence in Babylon) as a mount (to raise / rebuild),

         My everlasting abode to (reestablish).

         I raised my heels (toward Babylon)

         Through…lands (I went) to my city her (future / well-being) to establish,

         A king in Babylon to (install)

         In the house of my covenant…

         In the mountlike Esagil…

         By Anu created…

         Into the Esagil…

         A platform (landing pad) to raise…

         In my city…



        “chase away evil and bad luck…bring motherly love to Mankind…”

It was then that the holy city was despoiled and its shrine, the Ekur (Enlil’s temple – residence in Nippur), desecrated. Ninurta accused the followers of Marduk of this evil deed; but it was not so; it was his ally Nergal / Era who had done it!

         “Erra, the pitiless one, entered the sacred precinct.

         He stationed himself in the sacred precinct, he beheld the Ekur.

         His mouth he opened, he said to his young men:

         ‘Carry off the spoil of Ekur, take away its valuables,

         destroy its foundation, break down the enclosure of the shrine!’…”

When Enlil, “loftily enthroned,” heard that his temple had been destroyed, its shrine defiled, that in the holy of holies the veil was torn away, he rushed back to Nippur.

         “Riding in front of him were gods clothed with radiance;…”

he himself,

         “set off brilliance like lightning…”

as he came down from the skies;

         “made the holy place shake…”

as he ascended to the sacred precinct. Enlil then addressed himself to his son, “the prince Ninurta.” to find out who defiled the sacred place. But instead of telling the truth, that it was Erra, his ally, Ninurta pointing the accusing finger at Marduk and his followers…

The Babylonian text asserts that Ninurta was acting without the required respect of meeting with his father:

         “not fearing for his life, he removed not his tiara…”

To Enlil

         “evil he spoke…there was no justice, destruction was conceived…

         Enlil against Babylon caused evil to be planned…”

In addition to “evil deeds” against Marduk and Babylon, an attack against Nabu and his temple Ezida in Borsippa was also planned. But Nabu managed to escape westward

         “Fron Ezida…Nabu, to marshal all his cities set his step;

         Toward the great sea he set his course…”

…verses in the Babylonian text…have a direct parallel in the biblical tale of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah:

         “But when the son of Marduk in the land of the coast was,

         He-of-the-Evil-Wind (Erra) with heat the plain-land burnt…”


         “He (Nabu) the great sea entered,

         Sat upon a throne which was not his

         (Because) Ezida, the legitimate abode, was overrun…”

Enki stood by his firstborn son:

         “Now that Prince Marduk has arisen,

         now that the people for the second time have raised his image,

         why does Erra continue his opposition?…”

Finally, loosing his patience, Enki shouted at Nergal to get out of his presence. Leaving in a huff, Nergal returned to his domain. “Consulting with himself,” he decided to unleash the awesome weapons:

         “The lands I will destroy, to a deep dust-heap make them;

         the cities I will upheaval, to desolation turn them;

         the mountains I will flatten, their animals make disappear;

         the seas I will agitate, that which teems in them I will decimate;

         the people I will make vanish, their souls shall turn to vapor;

         none shall be spared….”

We learn from a text…that it was Gibil, whose domain in Africa adjoined that of Nergal, who alerted Marduk to the destructive scheme hatched by Nergal…It was then that Gibil these words to Marduk did speakin regard to the

         “Those seven, in the mountain they abide, in a cavity inside the earth they dwell.

         From this place with a brilliance they will rush forth,

         From Earth to Heaven, clad with terror…”

The Year of Doom (nuclear holocaust)–2024 B.C.–was the sixth year of reign of Ibbi-Sin, the last king of Ur...

Letter From Ishbi-Erra to Ibbi-Suen About the Purchase of Grain: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

          1-2 Say to Ibbi-Suen, my lord: this is what Icbi-Erra, your servant, says:

        3-6 You ordered me to travel to Isin and Kazallu to purchase grain.

        With grain reaching the exchange rate of one shekel of silver per gur,

        20 talents of silver have been invested for the purchase (2 mss. have instead: ……) of grain.

        7-12 I heard news that the hostile Martu (primitive earthlings) have entered inside your territories.

        I entered with 72,000 gur of grain (1 ms. has instead:72,000 gur of grain was brought) —  the entire amount of grain — inside Isin.

        Now I have let the Martu, all of them, penetrate inside the Land, and one by one I have seized all the fortifications therein.

        Because of the Martu, I am unable to hand over (2 mss. have instead: I am unable to make ……) this grain for threshing.

        They are stronger than me, while I am condemned to sitting around.

          13-16 Let my lord repair 600 barges (2 mss. have instead: boats) of 120 gur draught each;

        72 solid boats, 20 ……, 30 ……, placing (?) 50 …… and 60 (?) boat doors on the boats (?), may he also …… all the boats.

        17-21 Let them bring it up (1 ms. has instead:May he make them go out) by water,

        along the Kura and the Palictum watercourses, to the grain heaps (?) that are spread out.

        And I myself intend to go (?) (1 ms. has instead: come out) and meet them (?).

        The place there where the boats moor will be under my responsibility.

        Let them load up huge amounts of grain (?), the entire amount of grain; it should reach (?) you.

        22-23 If you have not got enough grain, I myself shall have grain brought in to you.

        24-28 My lord has become distressed about the battles in Elam.

        But the Elamites’ grain rations have quickly been exhausted, so do not slacken your forces!

        Do not fall head first into their slavery, nor follow at their heels!

        29-30 I have at my disposal enough grain to meet the needs of your palace

        and of all the cities (1 ms. has instead: all your cities) for 15 years.

        31-33 That I should guard for you (2 mss. have instead: To guard) (1 ms. adds: the city of) Isin, and Nibru:

        let it be my responsibility. (1 ms. has instead: my lord, is this my responsibility?)

        My lord should know this!

        (end of shorter version)

        34-37 My lord, I am without fear!

        I will not delay (?); I will not …… in their midst.

        Each one of Isin‘s and Nibru‘s gods may search there for faces (?); I have indeed looked for them.

        Their widespread people, their population ……, huge ……, are indeed healthy;

        the true seed is indeed great there (1 ms. has instead: precious).

        3b-nannars-temple-in-ur-terah-was-the-high-priest  (Nannar‘s ziggurat residence & city of Ur below)

        38-41 Urim (Ur), your holy city, rivaling heaven and earth, whose great prince you are ……, of which the appearance is precious,

        which dispenses the divine powers (alien technologies) and makes the foundations (?)

        and the plans firm both in the south and in the uplands, will surely escape from the grasp and will cry …….

        42-45 Elam, a raging dog, a destroyer, will not defile E-kic-nu-jal, the sanctuary which covers heaven and earth,

        which has no ……. Its protective spirits shall not be split apart!

        My lord: the loudest roarer (?), the runner, has taken flight (?)!

       5-anu-above-enlil-enki  (Apkulla / pilots on ends, Enki, Anu in his sky-disc, & Enlil)

        46-51 May An (Anu), Enlil and Enki, who have loved Ibbi-Suen from the womb, look upon him approvingly.

        …… is indeed placed there; they have changed (?) their appearance.

        With the …… and (?) the city-gates of Urim opening, they cry “Aee!”

        If …… says, “Who is my lord?” —

         (King Anu, commander Enlil, & Enki traverses the skies of Sumer)

        You are the king to whom Enlil has given …… no rival!

        52-55 Your heart should not fret over this, ……!

        For …… has avenged (?) ……; he has made its foundations firm for you.

        Let your heart be glad over …… and (?) its seed.

        As long as my lord is alive, he will exercise kingship over Urim.

        56-58 Do not suddenly reject anything that is sent as a message (?) to my lord!

        2d - Utu, twin to Inanna, younger brother to Ereshkigal2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna  (Utu)

        Before Utu, I will not change my word (?).

Letter From Ibbi-Suen to Ishbi-Erra about his bad conduct: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-2 Say to Icbi-Erra: this is what your lord (?), Ibbi-Suen, says:

2a - Enlil, Anu's son & heirJames Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1

                                                              (Enlil         Inanna  Utu                   Enki      2-faced Isumud) 

3-10 As long as Enlil was my lord (?), what course were you following?

And is this how you alter your word?

Today Enlil detests me, he detests his son Suen (Nannar, the patron deity of Urim) ,

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

     (Biblical Abraham’s city of Ur, & his father Terah, the High-Priest, serving Nannar in his mud brick-built ziggurat residence)

and is handing Urim (Ur) over to the enemy.

Its central part (?) is gone, the enemy has risen up, and all the lands are thrown into disarray.

But on the day when Enlil turns again towards his son Suen (Nannar),

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)3aa - Nanna & his symbol  (Nannar / Suen / Biblical “El” of Ur & his Moon Crescent symbol)

you and your word will be marked out!

11-13 You have received 20 talents of silver to purchase grain.

You purchase it at the price of one shekel of silver per 2 gur of grain,

but in dealing with me, you fix the price at one shekel of silver per 1 gur of grain!

14-18 How could you allow Puzur-Numucda, the commander of the fortress Igi-hursaja,

4c - Martu & king (Martu, King Anu‘s son, & unidentified giant offspring of the gods appointed to kingships)

to let the hostile Martu penetrate into my Land?

Until now (?) he has not (?) sent to you word (?) about engaging in battle.

There are puny men in the Land!

3-martu-giant-alien-god-of-the-martu-lands-earthling  (giant alien Martu with his ape-like puny primitive Martu earthling)

Why has he not (?) faced the Martu?

Letter from Puzur-Shulgi to Ibbi-Suen about Ishbi-Erra’s claim on Isin: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-3 Say to Ibbi-Suen, my lord: this is what Puzur-Culgi, the governor of Kazallu, your servant, says:

4-6 A messenger of Icbi-Erra came to me.

He presented himself before me announcing: “Icbi-Erra, my lord, sends you a message:

 (Earth Colony Commander Enlil, his commands are final)

         7-14 ” ‘Enlil, my lord, has …… the shepherdship of the land.

           2a-bau-goddess-queen-of-isin  (unidentified brother, Bau / Ninisina, & brother Martu)

Enlil has told me to bring before Ninisina (Bau)

1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region  (“Eden”, “land between the Rivers” Tigris & Euphrates)

the cities, deities and troops of the region of the Tigris, Euphrates,

Ab-gal and Me-Enlila watercourses, from the province of Hamazi to the sea of Magan

2a - Dilmun & Magan  (pristine lands of Dilmun & Magan)

(1 ms. has instead:and from the …… of Magan),

so as to make Isin the storehouse of Enlil, to make it famous,

and to make those regions its spoils of war and to make Isin‘s citizens occupy their cities


(1 ms. has instead: to make Isin‘s citizens occupy the cities as spoils of war).’ “

15-17 ” ‘Why do you oppose (?) me?

I swear by the name of my lord Enlil and by Dagan, my personal god

(2 mss. have instead:I swear by the name of Dagan, my personal god),

that I will indeed get hold of Kazallu!’ “

18-25 ” ‘The cities and the province which Enlil has promised me

I want to build up (1 ms. has instead: I want to place) within Isin in their …….

I want to perform at their ecec festivals.

I want to install my statues, my emblems, my en priests

(2 mss. add:and lumah priests) and nindijir priestesses in their jipar shrines.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur2e - Enlil's home in Nippur

      (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple residence / brick mountain in Nippur, Earth Colony Command Central)

Before Enlil, within the E-kur, before Nanna (Nannar),

within the E-kic-nu-jal, the …… shall speak their prayers.’ “

26-29 ” ‘And as for you, I want to remove (2 mss. have instead: …… eradicate)

from within his country the man in whom you placed your trust!

I want to rebuild the fortification of Isin and name it Idil-pacunu!” ‘

30-32 Just as he said he would, he has rebuilt the fortification of Isin and named it Idil-pacunu.

33-34 He has captured Nibru (Nippur) and installed his garrison (1 ms. has instead:set guards) there.

Also he has captured Nijdugani, the chief administrator of Nibru

(1 ms. has instead: at Nibru (Enlil‘s patron city named after their planet Nibiru).

35-36 He has imprisoned (1 ms. has instead: made a prisoner of) Zinnum,

the governor of Subir (Sippar, Utu‘s patron city, by the Anunnaki space port)

(1 ms. has instead: of Kec) (Kish, Ninhursag‘s patron city).

He has plundered Hamazi.

37-42 He has made Nur-ahi (2 mss. have instead: Nur-Ea),

the governor of Ecnunna, Cu-Enlil, the governor of Kec,

and Puzur-Tutu (1 ms. has instead:Puzur-Marduk), the governor of Bad-ziaba, return to their posts.

At his cry of victory the land …… is covered (?) like a ……. Icbi-Erra is constantly at the head of (?) his soldiers!

43-48 Just as he said he would, he has captured the regions of the Tigris,

Euphrates, the Ab-gal and Me-Enlila watercourses.

He has made Iddin enter Malgium (?).

Opposing (1 ms. has instead:hating) Girbubu, the governor of Jirikal,

he cut off his strap (2 mss. have instead: he removed his barley stores (?)) and captured him.

His cry of victory lies heavily upon us (?) (1 ms. has instead:…… he named ……).

49-53 Now Icbi-Erra is looking in my direction.

I have no ally, nobody with whom I can align myself.

Since he has not yet been able to get me in his grasp, let me come to you when he falls upon me.

My lord should know this!

Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Puzur-Shulgi hoping for Ishbi-Erra’s downfall

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

         Version A

Say to Puzur-Culgi (2 mss. have instead: Puzur-Numucda),

the governor of Kazallu: this is what Ibbi-Suen, your lord, says:

When I had chosen for you …… from among the troops, they were at your disposal, as governor of Kazallu.

But as in my own case, are not your troops (1 ms. has instead: your people) proof (?) of your importance?

Why have you sent me somebody saying:

Icbi-Erra has got his eyes upon me — so let me come to you when he falls upon me”?

How come you did not know how long it would take to make Icbi-Erra return to the mountain lands?

Why have you and Girbubu, the governor of Jirikal,

not confronted him with the troops which you had at hand?

How could you allow (?) him to restore (?) ……?

 (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & royal heir, Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander)

Today (?) Enlil loathes Sumer and has elevated to the shepherdship of the Land an ape

which has descended (2 mss. have instead: come forth) from those mountain lands.

Now Enlil has given kingship to an idiot, a seller of

(1 ms. has instead: who values) asafoetida (1 ms. has instead:

At this moment Enlil …… to somebody who sells asafoetida,

a peripatetic idiot) — to Icbi-Erra, who is not of Sumerian origin.

See, the assembly where the gods are and Sumer itself have been dispersed!

Father Enlil, whose words prevail (?), said:

3a - Nannar's Temple, Ziggourat, Home in Ur

      (city of Ur way below Nannar‘s ziggurat residence / mud brick-built mountain)

“Until the enemy has been expelled (?) from Urim (Ur),

Icbi-Erra, the man from Mari, will tear out Urim‘s foundations.

He will indeed measure out Sumer like grain.”

He has spoken just so.

Even though you were installed as governors of the various ……

the others will defect to Icbi-Erra, in accordance with Enlil‘s word.

Should you hand over your city to the enemy like your companions,

Icbi-Erra will not recognize you as his faithful and agreeable servant.

(1 ms. has instead: will Icbi-Erra) recognize you as his faithful and agreeable servant?

May it now be brought about (?) that good words should be restored and treason extinguished.

Let Icbi-Erra (?) participate in the harvest among the people there;

but you yourself, do not turn back (1 ms. has instead: do not harvest), and do not come to me!

His grasp should not get hold of the city!

This man from Mari, with the understanding of a dog, should not exercise lordship!

 (Earth Colony Commander Enlil, Anu, & Enki traverses the skies of Sumer in his sky-disc)

Now Enlil, my helper, has made the Martu (primitive earthlings under the giant alien god Martu)

rise from their mountain lands (1 ms. has instead:

Now Enlil has …… the Tidanum as …… from their mountain lands).

They will repel Elam and seize Icbi-Erra.

To regain the Land will indeed make our might known in all the foreign lands.

It is urgent! Do not be neglectful (1 ms. has instead: Do not all give up)!”

        Version B

unknown no. of lines missing

…… sent ……:

1 line missing

…… come (?).

…… they stood …….

How come you did not know …… to make …… return to the mountain lands?

…… of Jirikal, they had ……, they have not confronted him.

How could you allow him (?) to ……?

….. detests …….

After (?) he has elevated …… to the shepherdship of the Land.

…… has given kingship to …… asafoetida ……, who is …….

After …… has been dispersed,

3 lines missing

5c-unknown-goddess-utu-enlil (unidentified, Utu climbs ziggurat to visit Enlil in E-kur)
Enlil spoke thus: “…… will …….”

         1 line fragmentary

He (?) will defect to Icbi-Erra …….

So long as …… has indeed not been handed over to (?) the enemy,

will Icbi-Erra himself (?) recognize ……?

         You ……. …… he (?) destroyed (?) for you.

         1 line fragmentary

         …… he (?) overturns (?) there.

…… returning (?) ……. …… in my having …….

I (?) had in mind ……. …… was set there in prosperity.

…… is supreme over ……, after I (?) have made …… there.

I will seize him with my own hands …….

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

An Ululumama to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

        SEGMENT A

        SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)2bc-nanna-his-symbol2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.

              (Nannar, Moon Crescent patron god of Ur for tens of thousands of years) 

        1-8 Great lord, light holding his head high in the vault of the sky,  …… brilliance, Suen (Sin / Nannar),

        powerful dragon from the high mountains shedding light on the people,

        light of the remote heavens, crown ……, joy of the father who begot him!

        Impressive son born of Ninlil, respected in the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur),

        4-ninlil-enlils-spouse3ac-nippur-ground-level (Ninlil, Enlil‘s spouse, & their E-kur temple / residence)

        visible even at noontime, youthful Suen, …… light of heaven (Moon Crescent God),

        whose majestic radiance is visible even at noontime, light who illuminates the black-headed people (all earthlings),

        father Nanna (Nannar / Sin), emerging from the remote (?) ……, understanding well how to make the night pleasant!

        Respected prince who, when he appears, is the glorious radiance of the heavens!

        2c-nannar-his-symbol  (Nannar / Suen, patron god of Ur, light haired Moon Crescent God then & now)

        9-16 At the foundations of heaven and earth, father Nanna appears in the night time over Urim (Ur),

        the foremost city of Sumer, whose divine powers can never be altered.

        He has called the name, he has filled the heart with joy, my Ibbi-Suen!

        1y-nippur-enlils-city-in-the-1st-region 2c-nippur  (Enlil‘s residence in Nippur)

        At the shrine Nibru (Nippur), whose interior is a mountain of abundance, the dwelling-place of the Ki-ur,

        he spreads his majestic light from above over the land in princely style,

        in the august courtyard, the unceasing …… of its majestic light determining great destinies.

       7c-top-mixed-breed-king-mother-ninsun-high-priestess-decorates-temple-in-ur  (offspring of the gods were the kings, queens, high-priests, & high-priestesses of Mesopotamia)

        Suen offers a prayer in the assembly hall to the father who begot him, the great …… of heaven and earth, lord Nunamnir (Enlil):

          17-20  “Canal inspector, prince on the dais, prince with life-giving divine powers (alien technologies)!

        2e - El & 2 lionshousing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man (Nannar & his cow pens of Ur)

        There shall be no end to the butter and the milk of the cow in the cattle-pen — the shrine Urim,

        which you have chosen in your heart, the august royal dwelling-place, the encouragement of the Land!

        It shall have an abundance of butter, fish, birds, births, copper and gold!”

        21-32 The divine powers (alien technologies) of the city

        which was responsible for the emergence of human seed cannot be altered, my Ibbi-Suen!

        He has made its kingship shine forth; he prolongs life!


            (giant semi-divine mixed-breed high-priest / king brought by Inanna before her father Nannar in Ur)

        He has strengthened for you the foundations of its great dais, and has made you take your seat proudly upon it.

        He has made the divine powers of its kingship come forth; great power emerges from there.

        Those august (royal god) commands cannot ever be changed, my Ibbi-Suen!

        You, Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), have caused respect for the king to shine forth throughout the whole of heaven and earth.

        For Nanna …… the just man chosen in the holy heart,

        6f - son of Enlil, El-Nannar-Sin (giant mixed-breed king & bigger giant god Nannar of Ur)

        my Ibbi-Suen (semi-divine mixed-breed), …… august …… shine forth like a god.

        Suen …… his command …… the E-kur (Enlil‘s residence / Earth Colony Command Central in Nippur);

        5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

              (Apkulla / pilotEnki, King Anu in his sky-disc, Enlil,  & winged eagle-headed pilot / Apkulla, helper god to royal gods)

        An and Enlil, who determine the destiny of the land, the Great Mountain Enlil …..

        1 line unclear

        approx. 7 lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        1-15 The destiny which has been determined ……. Acimbabbar…….

        He has made the divine powers of kingship …… shine forth …… with head high ……,

               2h-nannar-espoused-ningal-ningikugas-daughter  (Moon Crescent Lord of Ur, Nannar, god of Biblical High-Priest Terah, Abraham’s father, Abraham, etc.)

        Nanna-Suen……, the noble manifest lord …… in heaven and earth, source of trust, son of Ninlil, ornament of ……,

        Nanna, lord with a holy mouth (?) and with an august (royal) name, encouragement of the Land!

        Prince (direct grandson to King Anu) endowed with charm, chosen in my holy heart, my Ibbi-Suen!

        Among the numerous people his name reaches far abroad, …… the decision of the Land.

        You know well how to benefit the reign and to increase abundance; direct your attention to the great storehouses!

        Father Nanna, …… is given to the one you have chosen in your heart,

        you noble lord who …… the good (DNA) seed (Anu>Enlil>Nannar royal seed), impressive with your divine powers (alien technologies),

        making …… decisions together with (father) Enlil, unique bull, manifest lord!

        Drinking scene. Bas-relief on a stele from Ugarit (Ras Shamra), Syria (Nannar;   giant alien god eating & drinking with a much smaller king)

        Praise be to Suen!

        16 An ululumama to Suen.

A Hymn to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen E): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

unknown no. of lines missing

1-9 Your divine powers (alien technologies) ……, father Nanna (Nannar / Sin),……,

…… chose from the people …….

Youthful Suen (Sin / Nannar), your holy shrine …….

An, you …… your good crown and headdress (shining animal horns) on your head.

2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c 3b - Anu of planet Nibiru (Nannar & grandfather King Anu)

When you take your seat on the great august dais …….

When you open your holy mouth, …… the great …… and the divine powers.

…… the royal crown, the holy headdress and the diadem,

gathering together the throne and the divine powers, on the dais with head high …….

10-19 Mighty (?) one of the dais, …… good seed ……, my (King) Ibbi-Suen, …… from holy An (Anu),

lord who sanctifies the divine powers, who purifies the divine powers,

            (Nannar in his temple ziggurat with giant semi-divine, long-lived king; Ninurta leads king to Enlil’s ziggurat temple for E-kur repairs)

who makes brilliant the purification rites, ……,

with shining horns, the light of heaven, youthful Suen ……, light, great ……, …….

2e-enlils-home-in-nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur, the E-kur)

Wide-armed Nibru (Nippur, named after their Planet Nibiru).

….. in his holy heart by Nanna (Nannar), beneficent prince over the full extent of heaven and earth,

…… moonlight ……, manifest bull, as august as Enlil, ……

2 lines broken

unknown no. of lines missing

An Adab to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

          1-15 …… of heaven and earth, renewing his light, …… just prince who comes forth,

         2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c 1ae-enlil-babylonian (Nannar & his royal father Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir) 

        Suen (Nannar / Sin), whom the Great Mountain (Enlil) engendered to be a princely lord,

        1 line fragmentary

        He is forceful, he is the king of heaven and earth!

       2c-nannar-his-symbol3f - Ur's Ziggourat, now Re-built (Nannar, Moon Crescent patron god of Ur, home to Biblical Abraham)

        The lord Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), renewing his light!

        Suen, renewing his light! ……, renewing his light!

       1d-nannars-moon-crescent-symbol  (ancient symbols of giant alien Mesopotamian gods)

        The god of light (Moon God Nannar), renewing his light!

        He is forceful, he is the king of heaven and earth!

        He …… in the pure sky, he shines forth towards the earth.

         (King An / Anu, leader of the Anunnaki one-world-order on Planet Nibiru)

        On the basis of the decisions of great An (Anu), he gives important advice.

        He brings forth all the divine powers (alien technologies), to keep …… in good order.

        Youth elevated to be prince, my (semi-divine mixed-breed king) Ibbi-Suen!

        He calls him to a long and prosperous reign.

       2bc-nanna-his-symbol 3a - Nannar & moon crescent symbol (Nannar on his Ur throne, & his Moon Crescent symbol, still used today!)

          16-40 Lord Acimbabbar shines forth towards the earth.

         On the basis of the decisions of great An, he gives important advice.

        He brings forth all the divine powers, to keep …… in good order.

        Youth elevated to be prince, my Ibbi-Suen, whom he calls to a long prosperous reign!

        He comes forth majestically as far as the highlands and the outer limits of the mountains;

        their holy divine powers are pure, and he has perfected the divine plans.

        He directs his far-seeing gaze over everything in all its complexity.

       2f-nannar-moon-god-of-ur (Nannar, Moon Crescent God of then & now) 

        He has a perfect crown and divine powers of eternal days; his command cannot be overthrown.

        He prolongs the life of my Ibbi-Suen.

        The lord Acimbabbar comes forth majestically.

        Their holy divine powers are pure, and he has perfected the divine plans.

        He directs his far-seeing gaze over everything in all its complexity.

         (Nannar with perfect crown of animal horns, identity of royal Anunnaki aliens vrs. the non-royal Anunnaki)

        He has a perfect crown (royal descendants of King Anu wearing animal horn-rimmed crowns)

        and divine powers of eternal days; his command cannot be overthrown.

        He prolongs the life of my Ibbi-Suen.

        The lord, the light of heaven and earth, …….

        He is the ornament of the heights (?) of the firmament.

        1 line unclear

        He has …… all its divine powers …….

        My Ibbi-Suen …….

       1aa-symbol-of-nannar-the-moon  (royal scepter of Suen / Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur, & inscribed cuneiform text)

        Lord Acimbabbar is its crown ……. …… of the heights (?) of the firmament.

        1 line unclear

        …… all its divine powers ……

        My Ibbi-Suen …….

          41 Sa-gida

          42-61 An …… favorable day …… holy …….

        He has a righteous crown, long-lasting divine powers and a royal scepter.

        Enlil has decreed lordship for his beloved one, as his destiny,

        and has created with magnificent grandeur the qualities of a warrior.

        Enki, renewing abundance and days of splendor, …… the Tigris and Euphrates in their wide flooding.

        3g - Nintu with lab monkeys (Nintud / Ninhursag with her failed early attempts to fashion earthling workers for the gods)

        Nintud (Ninhursag), who causes human seed to propagate and brings living beings into existence,

        …… cities and crowded places, all the numerous people together.

        Nanna (Nannar / Sin), the …… light, confirming the divine plans,

         SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar atop his ziggurat, his Moon Crescent symbols, & antenna or rocket)

        new moon of eternal fame, light which goes towards the earth, has given authority (?) to my Ibbi-Suen,

       foremost among princes, over the south and the uplands as far as the outer limits of heaven and earth.

       2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c  (king image damaged, & Utu, Nannar‘s son, the Sun God of Mesopotamia)

        Utu has produced justice and propriety for Ibbi-Suen the augustly powerful, strong among warriors,

        unsurpassed in his youthfulness, overthrowing the enemy lands, finding the right decisions and giving advice to the people.

        The good lady Ninirigal (unidentified?, Bau?), mother of Kulaba,

        …… prayer and supplication ……, …… lady with an august name ……. …… long life.

          62 Sa-jara

          63-64 …… youthful Suen, has bestowed …… on him, the king of heaven.

          65 Its jicgijal

          66-69 …… is indeed the light of the lofty (?) ……; …… is indeed the light of the firmament.

        …… a long reign and years of abundance …… and will prolong your life, my Ibbi-Suen.

            70 Its uru.

        Drinking scene. Bas-relief on a stele from Ugarit (Ras Shamra), Syria  (Mesopotamian relief of giant Anunnaki god & much smaller mixed-breed king drinking & eating together)

          71 An adab to Suen.

A Tigi to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-12 Lord whose divine powers (alien technologies) cannot be dispersed,

who emits an awe-inspiring radiance, great crown!

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. (Nannar / Sin, son to Enlil & Ninlil, alien Anunnaki King Anu‘s royal heirs)

Youthful Suen, light elevated by Enlil to shine forth in the firmament,

wide-spreading majestic light, floating over the deep (?),

 4b-enlil-spouse-ninlil (Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into city wall, parents to Nannar)

born of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), god whose appearance is ……, …… in the assembly of the lands!

The moonlight ……, my (King) Ibbi-Suen, …….

His princely divine powers (alien technologies) embrace the heavens;

his …… is splendid, reaching the earth.

Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) ……, my Ibbi-Suen,

to be canal inspector in the Land among the widespread people.

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur, standing atop his ziggurat temple / residence)

Nanna (Nannar / Sin) has made the righteous crown shine forth radiantly.

Acimbabbar has …… you the scepter …….

My Ibbi-Suen, among the widespread people …….

13-22 In the corners of heaven and earth, in the beautiful land …… beneath his feet,

7b-high-priest-nannar-utu-and-ninurta 7a-animal-offering-to-shamash (high-priest atop temple of Ur, Nannar, Martu atop earthling, & Ninurta:  high-priest, Ninsun, son-king with dinner, & Utu holding alien weapon)

Nanna has …… his divine powers in all lands; he has …… widely in heaven and earth.

An (Anu) …… Acimbabbar ……. Nanna has …… him in his youthfulness;

he has …… the divine powers of his lifetime forever.

May he …… my Ibbi-Suen.

Nanna‘s command is a great …… which cannot be dispersed.

4c - Ningal, King Ur-Nammu & Nannar - Sin,
        (Ningal,          giant semi-divine offspring son-king, again, & Nannar, patron god of Ur, goddess mother Ninsun damaged)

Ibbi-Suen has grasped his august hand;

he has acted truthfully for him, and so is named with a good name.

23 Sa-gida.

3ab-abrahams-father-was-high-priest-of-this-temple (Nannar‘s E-kish-nugal temple residence, Biblical city of Ur way below)

24-36 Urim (Ur) is the city of youthful Suen‘s (Sin / Nannar) princely divine powers.

6-anu-above-enlil-enki  (son Enki, King Anu in his sky-disc, & son Enlil, winged eagles on ends are pilots)

Let them give praise in a great song to An, to Enlil, to the eldest brother (of Enlil) Nudimmud (Enki)

and to the mother Nintud (Ninhursag) of the Land.

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest (E-kish-nugal, mud brick-built temple of Nannar in Ur)

The shrine Urim (Ur) is the city of youthful Suen‘s princely divine powers.

Let them give praise in a great song to An, to Enlil,

2b-ninhursag-chief-medical-officer  (Ninhursag with her early experiments, to DNA fashion a race of replacement workers)

to the eldest brother Nudimmud and to the mother Nintud of the Land.

1d - gods in procession1ee - Relief at Maltaya (gods in procession atop zodiac, etc. symbols.; giant Anunnaki alien gods Anu standing, Enlil, Bau, Ninurta, Nergal, Nannar, Adad, Inanna, & Utu)

The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods …….

Enki ……

3 lines fragmentary

…… assembly where …….

…… festival (?) …….

37 Sa-jara.

2-nannar-father-of-inanna-utu-ereshkigal (Suen / Sin / Nanna / Nannar / Biblical El, patron god of Ur)

38 A tigi to Suen.