Category Archives: Ninurta

“ Assembly of the Gods” – 12 Royal Anunnaki Family Members; King Anu & Selected Descendants

(ANU + ANTUKing & Queen, royal rulers of Nibiru)

The 12 main royal family of gods from Nibiru, & their ranking order numbers

         (Anunnaki King Anu)  (Anu in his sky-disc)  (son & heir Enlil, King Anu, & eldest son Enki in their sky-disc)

        1) King Anuranking #60

         2) ½ sister-spouse Antu#55

        . At least 21 divine couples preceded Anu as king of Planet Nibiru

          . chief of Heaven and Earth

          . father to the “sons of God” who came down to Earth

        . Anu‘s symbol is the 8-pointed star, ancient Hebrew symbol for God

        . Anu‘s patron city-state was Uruk / Biblical “Erech

        . Anu‘s temple – residence while on Earth was in Uruk, called “E.Anna”, “house of An

        . Anu‘s heavenly abode is an artificial garden sculptured in semi-precious stones

          . gateway to Anu once flanked by Tammuz / Dumuzi and Gizzida / Ningishzidda – his young descendants

        . Anu‘s throne room is the place of “The Assembly of the Gods

        . son Enlil sits on the right of Anu; son Enki sits on the left side of Anu at the “Assembly of the Gods

        . Anu had 6 concubines and 80 offspring, 14 by Antu as their

               1 – Prime Minister

               3 – Commanders in Charge of the Mu’s (rocket ships)

               2 – Commanders of the Weapons

               2 – Great Masters of the Written Knowledge

               1 – Master of the Purse

               2 – Chief Justices

               2 – “Who With Sound Impress”

                  2 – Chief Scribes, (with 5 asst. scribes)

        . Anu was visited in heaven by Inanna / Ishtar at least twice, also Dumuzi, Ningishzidda, Adapa, Kings Etana, Tyre, Enmeduranki, & others, such as Biblical Enoch

            (Enlil & father King Anu in their sky-disc)  (Enlil hands labor of farming over to the earthlings) (Enlil served by earthling worker)

     3) Enlil, son & heir to the king via mother Antu – ranking #50

       4) spouse Ninlil / Sud – ranking #45

       . Enlil was banished to the “Lower World” for raping Sud / Ninlil, who later married him, his crimes then forgiven

       . heir to father Anu, and son to Anu’s official sister-wife Antu, born on Nibiru of the “double seed”, placing him next to be king, even before older brother Enki

       . Lord Commander of Earth Colony – Chief Executive to the “Assembly of the Gods

       . founder of the “Garden of Eden” in Sumer / Mesopotamia / Southern Iraq (artifact above Enlil with plow)

       . Larsa was Enlil‘s 1st patron city-state, built 2nd, later he moved inland to Nippar

       . Nippar was built 3rd – “Mission Control Center”, the communication “Bond Between Heaven and Earth”

       . Enlil‘s temple – residence in Nippur was named “E.Kur”, “House Which is Like a Mountain”

         . overseer of purifying the gold taken from the “Abzu” & lower part of the world

       . Enlil had son Ninurta with his ½ sister Ninhursag / Ninmah / Ninti, who was born of the “double-seed” law of succession, & therefore to be Enlil‘s heir

       . Enlil and Ninlil had 2 main sons together, Nannar & Adad, plus others…

       . Enlil is accredited with giving mankind agriculture, sheep, etc., in Eden

       . Enlil gave the final approval for kingship to be “lowered from heaven”, & established high-priests & high-priestesses (positions of authority over earthlings for the giant mixed-breed offspring of the gods, therefore acting as go-betweens)

       . after Noah, Enlil decided gods would no longer mix with earthlings, their years will be only one hundred and twenty

             (Ninurta inside his sky-disc) (Ninurta riding his winged storm-beast)    (Royal Princess Bau & her spouse Ninurta)   (Ninurta)

     Ninurta, next heir to King Anu following father Enlil, assigned the number of Enlil as his heir

          . #50, when he steps into the “Enlilship” / rulership, spouse Bau will then be #45

        . Ninurta was born on Nibiru. he & Marduk were only ones from that generation born there, the younger were born on Earth

        . Ninurta married Bau / Gula, King Anu‘s daughter, father Enlil‘s ½ sister, & his own aunt

        . Ninurta‘s 1st patron city-state was Larak, the 5th city built, “Lord who completes the foundation       

        . Ninurta battled & shot down Zu / Anzu retrieving the “Tablets of Destines” stolen from father Enlil, technologies needed to command

        . Ninurta & cousin Nergal nuked Marduk‘s patron cities, brought down Marduk‘s Tower of Babel in Borsippa, & confused their tongue –

        . he & Inanna, with help of others, again defeated Marduk in the battle of the pyramids

        . usurper Marduk imprisoned by Enlilites within the Great Pyramid, & was left there to die

         . Lagash was later a patron city-state of Ninurta‘s, with a temple-residence

        . another patron city-state was Nimrud, with a temple – residence there

        . Ninurta‘s symbol is the double-headed eagle, very much still in use

        . Ninurta was in charge of Cain, banished to the east of E.din / Eden

         3b - Enki image  (Enki, oldest & wisest of gods on Earth)  (Enki in his winged sky-disc, landing on Earth)  (newly fashioned modern man & Enki)

       5) Enki / Ea, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son via a concubine – ranking #40

       6) spouse Ninki / Damkina, ex-king Alalu‘s daughter – ranking #35

        . son of Anu & Urash, a concubine, born on Nibiru

        . wisest of the gods, wrote his own biography, tales of his contributions to Earth       

        . master engineer, keeper of the ME’s (discs of knowledge)

        . god over the “Waters”, ruler of the Abzu (marshlands of Persian Gulf)

        . builder of ships, mined the gold in South Africa, shipped it bulk to Enlil

        . at first the moon eclipse was Enki‘s symbol, later discarded as Nannar / Sin took on the moon crescent symbol

        . a watery god 1/2 fish-1/2 man named Dagan was once used as his symbol (Enki in a wet suit)

        . Enki‘s patron city was Eridu, the 1st city built, “Place of the Water”, his temple – residence was there

        . Enki / E.A. “he whom home is water”, is accredited with forming the rivers and draining the marshlands

        . Enki rivaled his younger ½ brother Enlil for Earth’s Command, etc., as King Anu‘s heir he was once promised through his arranged marriage to Alalu’s daughter Damkina / Ninki, for the agreed upon compromise to gain planet Nibiru unity

        . Enki had six main sons – Marduk, Nergal, Ninagal, Gibil, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, & many others

        . Enki, sister Ninhursag, & son Ningishzidda genetically altered Homo erectus, giving him the “Tree of Knowledge”

        . he provided his DNA for the fashioning of modern man, spouse Ninki carried baby Adapa up to the 10th month

        . they made the mold to “Model Man” – “Adapa” – who would then reproduce

        . Enki used “Model Man’s” descendants as “Workers” in the gold mines of South Africa, Enlil used them in Eden

        . he genetically altered early man a second time to allow procreation of the new “Mighty Man” mixed-breed giant

        . Enki had sex with the “Daughters of Man”, at the disgust of Enlil, then many others did the same

        . he saved mankind from Enlil‘s complete extermination, helping his son, the mixed-breed Mighty Man Ziusudra (Sumerian), Utnapishtim (Akkadian), Altra-Hasis (Babylonian), Noah (Hebrew), survive the devastating floodwaters

        . he is accredited with giving mankind animal domestication, construction, metallurgy, ship building, & much more

          3aa - Nanna & his symbol  (Nannar above in sky-disc, man in the Moon) (Nannar, Moon Crescent god) (Nannar in sky-disc, Enlil, & Nabu praising Marduk)

       7) Nanna / Nannar / Sin / El, King Anu‘s grandson via Enlil – ranking #30

       8) spouse Ningal – ranking #25 “Great Lady

        . eldest son of the ruling couple Enlil & Ninlil, born on Earth

        . full older brother to Adad, younger ½ brother to Ninurta

        . Sin had twins with spouse Ningal, Utu / Shamash & Inanna / Ishtar, a boy and a girl

        . also produced son Papsukal & daughter Ereshkigal, goddess of the Under World

        . the moon’s crescent was Nannar / Sin / El‘s symbol, still very much in use

        . Nannar was god over his patron city-state Ur, home of Biblical Abraham

        . Nannar‘s temple-residence in Ur was called Egishnugal “House of the Seed of the Throne

        . Biblical Terah, Abraham‘s father, was once high-priest of Nannar‘s temple-residence (ziggurat) in Ur

          . Ur was abandoned when toxic fall-out came by way of the “terrible winds

        . Nannar became ill from the fall-out, retired, & his son Utu assumed the Moon Crescent Symbol

        . Ur‘s high-priest Terah, Abraham’s father, led the flight from Ur to Harran following his god Nannar / Sin El, the Biblical name for God

        . Harran was built as an exact replica of Ur, and Sin was made its deity, Biblical Jacob, standing outside Harran, saw a ladder with cargo carried up to Heaven & cargo carried down to Earth

        . a favored high priestess of Sin produced a mixed-breed son with god Nabu named Nabunaid, he built a temple to Sin, & was commander of the Babylonian armies, ruler of Sippar, Utu‘s patron city-state

         2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna    (Utu (Commander of the launch sites)  (Utu flying high in his sky-disc)  (Utu with alien weaponry atop small disloyal earthling)

      9) Utu / Shamash / Allah, King Anu‘s great-grandson via Enlil > Nannarranking #20

          . Utu is son to Nannar & Ningal, grandson to Enlil, nephew to Adad, twin to Inanna

          . married Aya / Aia, she was not given a ruling number

          . Utu is heir to Nannar / Sin

          . brother to Ereshkigal, queen of the “Lower World

          . Shamash:The Shining One”, “The Sun” god

          . Utu‘s patron city-state was Sippar, the 6th city built, “Land of the Missiles”, his temple – residence was there

          . Utu the Commander of “The Space Port

          . Utu the Commander of the “Eagles” / pilots carrying cargo to & from planet Nibiru

          . Utu’s temple – residence was Ebabbar, “Shining House” in Sippar

          . Utu’s Supreme Court was located in his patron city, Sippar

          . the great lawgiver, wise one, protector of travelers

          . Shamash‘s symbol was the Sun, but upon father Nannar‘s retirement, the Moon’s Crescent was given to Utu as his new symbol

          . Cancer is Utu‘s Zodiac sign

          . mixed-breed son Meskiaggasher, of a mixed-breed mother, was 1st semi-divine giant king of Uruk / Biblical Erech

         (Royal Princess Inanna)   (Inanna in her sky-disc)  (young Inanna, Goddess of Love   (Utu, Inanna, Goddess of War, & earthling captives) 

      10) Inanna / Ishtar, King Anu‘s great-granddaughter via Enlil > Nannar ranking #15

        . “Anunitum” “Beloved of Anu

        . daughter to Nannar & Ningal

        . twin to Utu, granddaughter to Enlil, mistress to King Anu (great-grandfather) when visiting Earth

        . sister Ereshkigal, Queen of the Lower World”, married Enki’s son Nergal

          . stole 100 divine formulas from a drunken grand-uncle Enki

        . Inanna married Dumuzi, youngest son to Enki, he had no ruling number

          . the title “Goddess of Love and War” given to Inanna due to her many giant mixed-breed king lovers, & due to her continued desire for war against her cousin Marduk & others

          . also known as Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Astarte, Anat, & so on

          . naked Inanna image on many stelea, statues, & rock carving artifacts

        . ruled Aratta, then Uruk, the patron city-state of Anu, was given to Inanna

        . she was once refused sex by Gilgamesh, Uruk’s 5th king, causing him a problem

          . Leo is her Zodiac sign

        . well known pilot with many depictions of her flying around in her MU (sky-ship) given by Anu, wearing the 7 MEs given by Enlil

         3 - Adad with divine weapons    (Storm God Adad)   (Adad stele in Aleppo)  (Adad atop his ziggurat residence)  (ancient king & giant Adad)

      11) Adad / Ishkur, King Anu‘s grandson via Enlil ranking #10

       . son of Enlil & Ninlil, brother to Nannar / Sin, nephew to Enki

       . younger ½ brother to Ninurta, uncle to Utu & Inanna

       . deity of the mountain lands north & west of Mesopotamia

       . known as the thunder god, depicted standing upon Taurus the Bull holding lightning & thunder

       . married Shala / Hebat, Anu‘s daughter, she has no ruling number

       . father to god Sarruma

       . father to mixed-breed King Ur-Ninurta “…… may …… be his helper. …… the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…”

       . father to mixed-breed King Amar-Suen / Bur-Suen “the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…”

            (Ninhursag & symbol)   (attractive Ninhursag)   (Enlil & Ninhursag with their son Ninurta in his sky-disc)   (Ninhursag & Enki in their DNA lab)

       12) Ninhursag / Ninmah / Ninti, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest daughter via concubine Nammu – ranking #5

         . Ninhursag, “Lady of the Mountainhead”, born on planet Nibiru

         . daughter of Anu & Urash / Nammu, a concubine to King Anu

         . sister to Enki, Bau, Martu, & others, older ½ sister to Enlil

         . had children with both Enlil (boy Ninurta), & Enki (many girls & boys)

         . son Ninurta becomes Enlil‘s heir to the crown, born of the “double seed”

         . her patron city-state was Kish, Medical Center of Sumer

         . chief nurse, “Lady of the Rib”, Mammu / Mamma / Mami / Mom

         . worked with Enki & Ningishzidda to create Adapa, “Model Man”

         . her symbol became the umbilical chord cutter, the Greek letter omega, also ohm

         . Virgo is her Zodiac sign

Note: The highest ruling number in the Anunnaki system is #60, held by King Anu.

#60’s successor is the one holding the ruling rank of #50, (Enlil)

The female, sometimes a spouse, is usually given the next lesser number divisible by 5.

There are 6 male deities and 6 female deities among the ruling numbered twelve positions in the “Assembly of the Gods“.

All those in the “Assembly of Gods are descendants of King Anu‘s royal bloodline




                         ENLIL                          BAU                   ENKI                      NINHURSAG

NINURTA    NANNAR    ADAD                                   MARDUK    NERGAL    GIBIL    NINGISHZIDDA    DUMUZI









Istaran’s (House in Der) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


       O Dēr (Akkadian name; a Sumerian name is unknown) ,

       taking extreme care of decisions, ……, on your awesome and radiant gate

       a decoration displays a horned viper and a mušuš embracing.

       Your prince, a leader of the gods, fit for giving counsel and grand speech,

       the (eldest) son of Uraš (Ninhursag & Enlil) who knows thoroughly

       the true divine powers (alien technologies) of princeship,

          2ba - Ninurta with poppy in hand   (Ninurta, born of the “double seed”; Ninurta atop his winged beast)

       Ištaran (Ninurta), the …… sovereign of heaven, has erected a house in your precinct,

       O E-dim-gal-kalama (House which is the great pole of the Land), and taken his seat upon your dais.


       8 lines: the house of Ištaran in Dēr.

Ig-alim / Galalim Quotes From Texts

Ig-alim / Galalim = Ninurta‘s Son, Superintendent

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

         Bau, lady …… true cream,

        As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter…”


       (Ninurta speaking)

        The guardians of my house and the fair-looking protective goddesses …….

        My chief superintendent, Ig-alim, is the neck-stock of my hands.

        He has been promoted to take care of my house; …….

        My messenger does not forget anything: he is the pride of the palace.

        In the city named after (?) Enlil, I recognize true and false…”


        Lugal-kur-dub walked in front of him (Gudea),

        Ig-alim directed him and Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda),

        his personal god, held him by the hand throughout the time…”


        “With his divine duties, namely to guide the hand of the righteous one;

        to force the evil-doer´s neck into a neck stock;

        to keep the house safe; to keep the house pleasant;

        to instruct his city and the sanctuaries of Jirsu;

        to set up an auspicious throne; to hold the scepter of never-ending days;

        to raise high the head of Nin-jirsu´s shepherd, Gudea, as if he wore a blue crown;

        and to appoint to their offices in the courtyard of E-ninnu (Lagash temple) the skin-clad ones,

        the linen-clad ones and those whose head is covered,

        Gudea introduced Ig-alim, the Great Door (ig gal), the Pole (dim) of Jirnun,

        the chief bailiff of Jirsu, his beloved son to lord Nin-jirsu…”


        “Young woman Nin-Nibru (unidentified), lady …….

        Lord Ninurta, my king …….

        Ig-alim, my king …….

        Cul-cagana, my king …….”


        “For the god Gal-alim, the favorite son of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

        for his king, Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla (Lagash)

        his temple of E-me-ghush-gal-an-ki has constructed…”


        Gudea,...the offspring of the goddess Gutumdug (Ninsun),

        dowered with sovereignty and the scepter supreme by the god Gal-alim,…”

Anzu / Zu Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


ANZU VRS. NINURTA (later version)

As Enlil is taking his daily swim in the pool, Anzu steals the Tablets of Destinies.

        “At the entrance of the sanctuary,which he had been viewing,

        Zu awaits the start of the day.

        As Enlil was washing with pure water—

        his crown having been removed and deposited on the throne—

        Zu seized the Tablets of Destinies in his hands, took away the Enlilship.

        Suspended were the Divine Formulas;

        Stillness spread all over; silence prevailed….

        The Sanctuary’s brilliance was taken off.

        Father Enlil was speechless….”

Anu asked,

        “Which of the gods will smiteZu?

        His name shall be greatest of all!…”

To oppose Zu while he held the powers of Enlil was

        “he who opposes him becomes like clay…”

Ninhursag, mother of Enlil’s rightfull heir, Ninurta, calls upon her son to gain back the Tablets of Destinies and the Enlilship much needed for the royal rulership in Heaven and on Earth.

       “Launch thy offensive…capture the fugitive Zu….

        Let thy terrifying offensive rage against him….

        Slit his throat! Vanquish Zu!

        Let thy seven ill Winds go against him….

        Cause the entire Whirlwind to attack him….

        Let thy Radiance go against him….

        Let thy Winds carry his Wings to a secret place….

        Let sovereignty return to Ekur;

        Let the Divine Formulas return to the father who begot thee…”


Ninurta used “arrows” against Zu, but

        “the arrows could not approach Zu’s body…

        while he bore the Tablets of Destinies of the gods in his hand…”

       “Weapons were stopped in the midst…”

Ea / Enki advised Ninurta to use the “til-lum” on the weapons and aim at the”pinions” of Zu’s “wings”. Screaming “Wing to wing”, Ninurta did as Ea / Enki instructed and shot down Zu’s flying apparatus and successfully restored the Enlilship back to his father Enlil. Til in Hebrew means “missile”.

The action begins as the Igigi,“being gathered from all parts,” decided to appeal to Enlil.Their complaint was

        “until that time for the Igigi a break-taking place had not been built…”

To voice their complaint they selected Zu to be their spokesman, sending him to Enlil’s center in Nippur.


        “the father of the gods, in the Dur-An-Ki, saw him,

        and thought of what they (the Igigi) said…”


       “As “in his mind he pondered the request,

        he studied the heavenly Zu closely…”

Ea spoke up…Igigi could be postponed if Zu were delayed at Enlil’s headquarters.

       “’Your service let him enter” Ea said to Enlil;

        ‘in the sanctuary, to the innermost seat, let him be the one to block the way.’…”

       “To the words that Ea spoke to him the god (Enlil) consented.

        At the sanctuary Zu took up his position…

        At the entrance to the chamber

        Enlil had assigned him.”


        “constantly views Enlil, the father of the gods,

        the god of the Bond-Heaven-Earth…

        his celestial Tablet of Destinies Zu constantly views…”

And soon a scheme took shape:

        “The removal of the Enlilship he conceives in his heart…”

       “I will take the celestial Tablet of Destinies;

       The decrees of the gods I will govern;

        I will establish my throne, be master of the Heavenly Decrees;

        The Igigi in their space I will command!”…

       “His heart having thus plotted aggression…”

Zu saw his chance one day as Enlil went to take a cooling swim.

        “He seized the Tablet of Destinies in his hand…”

and in his Bird

        “took off and flew to safety in the HUR-SAG-MU…”

(“mountain of the skychambers”) No soner had this happened than everything came to a standstill:

        “Suspended were the Divine Formulas

        The lighted brightness petered out;

        Silence prevailed.

        In space, the Igigi were confounded;

        The sanctuary’s brilliance was taken off…”

At first “father Enlil was speechless.”

As the communications were restored:

        “the gods on Earth gathered one by one at the news…”

Several of the younger gods known for their valor were approached. But none dare track Zu…for he was now as powerful as Enlil, having also stolen the “Brilliance” of Enlil;

        “and he who opposes him shall become as clay…

        at his brilliance the gods waste away…”

When the gods looked for a volunteer to fight Zu, they promised the vanquisher of Zu:

        “Thy name shall be the greatest in the Assembly of the Great Gods;

        Among the gods, thy brothers, thy shall have no equal;

        Glorified before the gods and potent shall be thy name!…”

It was then that Ninurta, Enlil’s legal heir, stepped forth to undertake the task. Ninhursag... advised him to attack Zu…she lent Ninurta her own:

        “seven whirlwinds that stir up the dust…”

Ninurta…attatched the wirlwinds that stir up the dust, and set out against Zu;

        “to launch a terrifying war, a fierce battle:…”

        “Zu and Ninurta met at the mountainside.

        When Zu perceived him, he broke out in rage.

        With his Brilliance, he made the mountainside bright as daylight;

        He let loose rays in a rage…”

Zu shouted to Ninurta:

        I have carried off all Authority, the decrees of the gods I (now) direct!

        Who are thou to come fight with me?

        Explain thy self!”…

But Ninurta continued to “advance aggressively” against Zu. Zu “cut off his Brilliance” and“the face of the mountain was covered with darkness.”

From the“breast”of his vehicle, he let loose a Lightning at Zu,

        “but the shot could not approach Zu; it turned back…”

With the powers Zu had obtained, no lightning bolt could “approach his body”.


        “the battle was stilled, the conflict ceased;

        the weapons were stopped in the midst of the mountain;

        they vanquished not Zu…”

       “Ishkur, the prince, took the report;

       the news of the battle he reported to Enlil…”

Enlil instructed Ishkur to go back and tell Ninurta:

        “In the battle do not tire; prove thy strength!…”

Ninurta in his “Whirlwind Bird,” should come as close as possible to the Bird of Zu, until they are “wing to wing”. ” Then he should aim the missile at thepinions” of Zu’s Whirlbird, and

       “let the missile fly like a lightning;

        when the Fiery Brilliance will engulf the pinions

        his wings will vibrate like butterflies; then will Zu be vanquished…”

The final battle scenes are missing from all the tablets, but we know that more than one “Whirlwind” participated in the combat.

Ninurta arrayed “seven whirlwinds which stir up the dust”, armed his chariots with the “Ill Winds” weapons and attacked Zu as suggested by his father.

        “The earth shook…the…became dark,

        the skies became black…

        the pinions of Zu were overcome…”

Zu was captured and brought back before Enlil in Nippur:

        “Lordship again entered the Ekur the Divine Formulas were returned…”

The captured Zu was put on trial before a court-martial…he was found guilty and sentenced to death; Ninurta, his vanquisher, “cut his throat”.


Inscriptions of Uru-Kagina

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. I, ed. by A. H. Sayce, [1888], at


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



2a - Ninurta, Enlil's heir to heaven & earth (Ninurta, KIng Anu‘s heir to the throne of planet Nibiru, after father Enlil)

1. For the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta)
2. the warrior of the god Ellilla, (Enlil)

6c - Uru-kagina (giant semi-divine mixed-breed king Urukigina & his family)
3. Uru-Kagina,
4. the king
5. of
Shirpurla-ki (lagash),
6. his temple
7. has constructed.
8. His palace of Ti-ra-ash
9. he has constructed.

           Imprint of a cylindrical seal showing a ziggurat and a priest or god. From Babylon.  3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

                       (1st gods, then kings built & repaired ziggurat temple residences of the gods in each city; ex: Ur above)



1. The an-ta-shur-ra
2. he has constructed.
3. The E-gish-me-ra

4. in order to [be] the E-ne-bi of the countries
5. he has constructed.
6. The house of fruits which produces abundance (?) in the country
7. he has constructed.
8. For the god
Dun-shagâna (unidentified?)
9. his habitation of Akkil



1. he has constructed.
2. For the god
Gal-alimma (Igalim, Ninurta‘s son)
3. the temple of E-me-gal-ghush-an-ki
4. he has constructed.

 1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta1da - Bau-Gula, administer of prisons (Princess Bau, King Anu‘s daughter, spouse & aunt to Ninurta)

        5. The temple of the goddess Bau (Ninurta‘s spouse)
6. he has constructed.

        2a - Enlil, Anu's son & heir 2 - Enlil, chief god of All On Earth (Earth Colony Commander Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir)

         7. For the god Ellilla (Enlil)
8. the temple of E-adda,
         9. his im-sag-ga,



1. he has constructed.
2. The Bur(?)-sag,
3. his temple which rises to the entrance of heaven (?),
4. he has constructed.
5. Of
6. the king
7. of
8. who the temple of
9. has constructed,
10. his god



1. is the god Nin-shagh (unidentified?).
2. For the life of the king
3. during the long days to come
4. before the god
Nin-girsu (Ninurta)
5. may he (Nin-shagh) bow down his face!


No. 2 On a Buttress

 (Ninurta artifact, thousands of others & texts unearthed in Biblical Nineveh ruins)

1. [For the god Nin-girsu],
2. [the] warrior

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s house in Nippur)
3. [of the god
El]lilla (Enlil),
4. [Uru-]Ka[g]ina,
5. [the] king
6. [of

7. [the Anta]-Shurra,
8. [the house] of abundance of his country,
9. [has] constructed.
10. His [palace] of Ti-[ra-ash]
11. [he] has constructed.

Lines 12 and 13 are destroyed.

14. [For the god] Gal-alimma (Ig-alim, Ninurta‘s son)

Lines 15–21 are destroyed.

22. [he has] constructed.
23. [For the god]
Nin-sar (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter),
24. the bearer [of the sword?]
25. [of the god]
26. his temple
27. he has constructed.
28. [For the god …]
gir (unidentified?)
29. the well-beloved
30. [of the god]
31. his temple
32. he has constructed.
33. The Bur(?)-sag,
34. his temple which rises to the entrance of heaven (?),
35. he has constructed.
36. For the god
Ellilla (Enlil)
37. the temple of E-adda?,
38. his im-sag-ga,
39. he has constructed.
40. For the god
41. the sanctuary (?)
42. of E-melam-kurra
43. he has constructed.

2b - Nimrud Tel, house of Ninurta's  (Ninurta‘s temple residence of mud brick)
The temple wherein dwells (?) the god Nin-girsu
45. he has constructed.
46. Of

47. who the temple
48. of the god

The inscription breaks of here, having never been finished.



No. 3.—On a Cylinder


The first lines are lost.

          1. Uru-Kagina,
          2. the king
3. Of
4. the Anta-shurra,
5. the house of abundance of his country,
6. his palace of
7. has constructed.

              3d - Ninurta & his spouse Bau-Gula (Bau & her nephew-spouse Ninurta in Lagash)

          8. The temple of the goddess Bau
          9. [he has] constructed.




The first lines are lost.

1. he has [constructed].
2. For the god
[Dun-sha]ga[na] (unidentified)
3. his habitation of [Akkil]
4. he has [constructed].
5. For the god …

6. his tablet-like amulets (?)2
7. (and) his temple he has made.
8. In the middle (of this temple)
9. for the god
Za-za-uru (unidentified?),
10. for the god Im-ghud-ên (unidentified?),
11. for the god Gim-nun-ta-ên-a (unidentified?)

6d - Urukagina Proclamation of Liberty  (giant King Urukigina’s “Proclamation of Liberty” text)

12. temples he has built for them.

13. For the god Nin-sar (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter, Ninkurru‘s mother)




The first lines are lost.

1. [For the god Ellil]la (Enlil)
2. [the temple of E-]adda, his [im-]sagga,
3. he has constructed.
4. For the goddess
Ninâ (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter, mother to Ninmarki),
5. her favorite river,
6. the canal
7. he has excavated (?).
8. At the mouth (of the canal), an edifice…

Fragments of four other columns remain.



68:1 From a squeeze in the Louvre. Translated by Dr. Oppert in a Communication to the Académie des Inscriptions, 29th February 1884.

69:1 [Bau is probably the Baau of Phœnician mythology, whose name was interpreted “the night,” and who was supposed along with her husband Kolpia, “the wind,” to have produced the first generation of men. The word has been compared with the Hebrew bohu, translated “void” in Gen. i. 2.—Ed.]

69:2 [“The temple of the father.”—Ed.]

69:3 Or Nin-dun.

70:1 [“The temple of the father.”—Ed.]

70:2 [“The temple of the brilliance of the (eastern) mountain.”—Ed.]

71:1 Découvertes, pl. 32.

71:2 Possibly the small tablets of white or black stone buried under the foundations of the temples. These tablets were sometimes of metal; those, for example, discovered at Khorsabad. It seems that some consisted also of ivory and precious wood; see W.A.I., i. 49, col. 4, 12.

The Inscriptions of King Ur-Nina & Other Kings

 Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. I, ed. by A. H. Sayce, [1888], at

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


         1. Ninâ-ur
         2. king

         Archeologists from the British Museum visit the historic site of Lagash, Iraq. The visit was part of an assessment of various archeological sites for damage and looting. The archeologists visited a number of sites between 2 - 9 June 2008. The visit was hosted by the General Officer Commanding Multi National Division (South East) Major General BWB White-Spunner.  (Lagash ruins areal view, Ninurta‘s patron city, long forgotten)

         3. of Shirpurla (Lagash),
         4. son of Nini-ghal-gin,

            (Utu & Ninurta climb Enki’s ziggurat to visit him in Eridu)

         5. the temple of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta)
6. has erected.
         7. The Ib-gal (?)
         8. he has erected.
         9. The temple of the goddess
Ninâ (Enki‘s & Ninhursag‘s daughter)
         10. he has erected.


1. The Sig-nir (?)
2. he has erected.

Imprint of a cylindrical seal showing a ziggurat and a priest or god. From Babylon.  (ziggurats / temple residences of the Anunnaki giant aliens in each city of the gods)

3. His tower in stages (?)
4. he has erected.
5. The temple of Ê …
6. he has erected.
7. The temple of
8. he has erected.

Astronomy - Sumerian sky observers  (earthlings taught to pay attention to the stars by the gods)
9. His observatory (?)

10. he has erected.


? [The palace]
1. of the Ti-ash-ra (?)
2. he has erected.

2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta & Bau, mother to many semi-divine kings)

3. The temple of the goddess Gatumdug (Ninsun)
4. he has erected.
5. The great apzu
6. he has constructed.
7. After that the temple of
Nin-girsu (Ninurta)
8. he has caused to be erected
9. seventy great measures (?) of corn (crop of the Americas)
10. in his house of fruits


? [he has stored up.]

2a - Dilmun & Magan 

    (Dilmun & Magan, pristine virgin lands given by Enki to a couple of his children)

1. From Mâgan
2. the mountain
3. all sorts of wood he has imported.
4. The castle of
5. he has built.
6. The small apzu
7. he has constructed;


? [in the temple]
1. of the goddess
Ninâ (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter), lady of destinies (?),
2. he has placed it.
3. Two statues (?)
4. he has set up (?);
5. these two statues (?) …




1. Ninâ-ur
2. the king
3. of
Shirpurla (lagash, Ninurta‘s patron city),
4. son of
5. the habitation (?) of Girsu


1. has constructed.
2. The bricks (of mud, fired extremely hot for strength beyond today’s ability) of the foundation (?)


The inscription breaks of here.


1. Ninâ-ur
2. the king
3. of


1. the son of Nini-ghal-g[in].


64:1 Découvertes en Chaldée, pl. 2, No. 1. Translated by Dr, Oppert in a Communication to the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 2d March 1883.

65:1 [The apzu (apsu / abzu marshes of Eridu along the Persian Gulf, Enki‘s domain), or “deep,” was the basin for purification attached to a Babylonian temple, corresponding to the “sea” of Solomon.—Ed.]

65:2 The Sinaitic Peninsula, perhaps including Midian.

65:3 Or “the country.”

65:4 Or “wall.”

66:1 Découvertes, pl. 2, No. 2. Translated by Dr. Hommel, Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens, p. 285.

66:2 L. Heuzey, “Les Rois de Tello,” in the Revue Archéologique, Nov. 1882.

Inscription of an Unknown Prince on a Boulder of Stone

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. I, ed. by A. H. Sayce, [1888], at

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



1. [pate]si
2. [of Shirpur]la



    (Ninurta with poppy in hand)

1. [of the god] Nin-girsu
2. [the . . . ] dun
3. has constructed.
4. The palace of Ti-ra-ash-di (?)
5. he has built,
6. and he has . . .
8. covered with renown


4h - King Eannatum Stele of Vultures4f - King Eannatum's victory stela

   (mixed-breed giant King Eannatum‘s victory “stele of the Vultures”, his army marches over the dead enemy, vultures eat the dead)

1. by the god Nin-girsu,
2. for the countries
3. by the power of the god


The last lines are destroyed.


67:1 Découvertes, pl. 2, No. 3. The writing used in this inscription resembles that of the inscriptions of Ur-ninâ and the Stêlê of the Vultures more than any other. However, the little that remains of the first column seems to indicate that it belongs to a patesi and not to a king, perhaps to an E-anna-du.

67:2 This proper name is mutilated, but I believe my reading very probable. Cf. the Stêlê of the Vultures, Obv. i. 1.

Inscription of Entena on a Buttress

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. I, ed. by A. H. Sayce, [1888], at

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

         2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (Ninsun, Ninurta‘s daughter, mother to gods & many mixed-breeds appointed to kingships)

         1. To the goddess Gatumdug (Ninsun),
2. the mother of Shirpurla-ki (Lagash),
4. the patesi
         5. of
         6. who has built the temple of the goddess
7. His god
         8. is the god
Dun-sir(?)-anna (unidentified?).

Inscription of En-anna-tumma on a Buttress

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. I, ed. by A. H. Sayce, [1888], at

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir 5f - Ninurta slays demon DNA experiments (warrior god Ninurta with alien technologies of flight)

1. For the god Nin-girsu,
2. the warrior of the god Ellilla (Enlil),
3. En-anna-tumma,
4. the patesi
5. Of
Shirpurla-ki (Lagash),
6. the chosen of the heart
7. of the goddess
Ninâ (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter via Uttu),
8. the great patesi
9. of the god
10. the son of Entena
11. the patesi
12. of Shirpurla-ki.
13. For the god
14. his house of fruits
15. he has restored.
16. Of
17. who the house of fruits
18. of the god
19. has restored,
20. his god
21. is the god
Dun-sir(?)-anna (unidentified?).

Lagash Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


E-dbau, temple to the goddess Bau in Lagash

E-dam, temple built by Ur-Nanshe in Lagash

E-dim-gal-abzu temple in Lagash

E-ninnu (House of 50), temple to Ningirsu in Lagash

E-a-mer, the ziggurat of E-ninnu in Lagash


8th city built on Earth. Lagash, now called Telloh by the natives, was first excavated by a Frenchman in 1877. The 650 year dynasty in Lagash started in 2900 B.C.

One of the world’s earliest known poems, 3800 years old, describes the destruction of Lagash:

My soul sighs in anguish for the city and its precious things;

My soul sighs in anguish for Lagash and its precious things.

The children are in distress in holy Lagash

Because the invader has pressed into the splendid shrine

And stolen away the Exalted Queen from her temple!

O Lady of my desolated city, when will you return?…”

According to “The Lost Book of Enki”:

On Earth more heroes were arriving,

some to the Edin were assigned, some in the Abzu tasks were given.

Larsa and Lagash by Enlil were constructed…”

Lagash had escaped the turbulent years of Sargon and was the “cult center” of Ninurta. AsEnlil’s Firmost Warrior”, Ninurta made sure…Lagash would be militarily proficient.

The resulting victories of Eannatum even impressed Inanna…and

         “because she loved Eannatum, kingship over Kish she gave him,

         in addition to the governship of Lagash…”

Eannatum became the LU.GAL (“Great Man”) of Sumer.

Ur-Bau, the viceroy of Lagash at the time of the Naram-Sin upheavals. That he was instructed by Ninurta to reinforce the walls of the Girsu and strengthen the enclosure of the Imdugud aircraft. Ur-Bau

         “compacted the soil to be as stone…fired clay to be as metal;…”

and at the Imdugud’s platform

         “replace the old soil with a new foundation…”

According to Gudea’s inscriptions, “the Lord of Girsu” appeared unto him in a vision, standing beside his “Divine Black Bird”. The god expressed to him the wish that a new E.NINNU (“House of Fifty”)–also Ninurta’s numerical rank, be built by Gudea.

Gudea was given two sets of divine instructions: one from a goddess who in one hand

         “held the tablet of the favorable star of heavens…”

and with the other

         “held a holy stylus…”

with which she indicated to Gudea the favorable planet” in whose direction the temple should be oriented.

The other set of instructions came from a god that Gudea did not recognize…Ningishzidda. He handed to Gudea a tablet made of precious stone

         “the plan of a temple it contained…”


Ningishzidda…knew how to secure the foundations of the temples; he was

         “the great god who held the plans…”

         “a god called forth from obscurity in Gudea’s time,…”

only to become a “phantom god” and a mere memory in later (Babylonian and Assyrian) times.

The nuclear attack by Nergal & Ninurta:

In Lagash,

         “mother Bau wept bitterly for her holy temple, for her city…”

Though Ninurta was gone, his spouse could not force herself to leave. Lingering behind, “O my city, O my city,” she kept crying; the delay almost cost her her life:

         “On that day, the lady–the storm caught up with her;

         Bau, as if she were mortal–the storm caught up with her…”

Temple Hymn for Lugal-Marda(‘s House in Marda)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


O E-igi-kalama (House which is the eye of the Land), your foundation is firmly laid,

growing hill which stands broadly on the earth, …… the enemies’ land,

3 lines fragmentary

approx. 1 line missing

…… has erected a house in your precinct,

O ……, and taken a seat upon your dais.

(8 (?) lines: the house of Lugal-Marda (Ninurta’s son) in Marda.)

Minor Gods Related to Ninurta Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Ab-Bau Quote From Text

Ab-Bau = Bau’s son


          Bau (Gula) has abandoned Iri-kug and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

          She has abandoned her flooded chamber and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

          Her son Ab-Bau has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold.

          Ab-Bau has abandoned Ma-gu-ena and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold.

         The protective goddess of the holy house has abandoned it

         and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold…”

     Damu Quotes From Texts

Damu = Bau’s son

doctor, worshiped in Isin


          She tests the surgical lancet; Nininsina (Bau) sharpens the scalpel.

         She has made perfect the divine powers of medicine,

          and hands them over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

         “My son, pay attention to everything medical!

         Damu, pay attention to everything medical!”

         He takes the bandages and wipes them; he treats the bandages with embrocation,

         and softens the plaster that had been put on them.

         He mops up the blood and suppuration, and places a warm hand on the horrid wound.

         My lady, the midwife of the mothers of the Land,

         is the chief doctor of the black-headed; Nininsina, the daughter of An (Anu),

         hands this all over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

         “My son, pay attention to everything medical!

         Damu, pay attention to everything medical!

         You will be praised for your diagnoses.”


         “They have told Damu, the chief barber (physician) of Nunamnir (Enlil),

         healer of the living, to make the foreign countries bow at the feet of his father and mother!…”


         Ig-alim / Galalim Quotes From Texts

Ig-alim / Galalim = Ninurta’s son, superintendent


        “Bau, lady …… true cream,

         As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter…”


        (Ninurta speaking)

         The guardians of my house and the fair-looking protective goddesses …….

         My chief superintendent, Ig-alim, is the neck-stock of my hands.

         He has been promoted to take care of my house; …….

         My messenger does not forget anything: he is the pride of the palace.

         In the city named after (?) Enlil, I recognize true and false…”


         Bau, lady …… true cream,

         As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter…”


         Lugal-kur-dub walked in front of him (Gudea),

         Ig-alim directed him and Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda),

         his personal god, held him by the hand throughout the time…”


         “With his divine duties, namely to guide the hand of the righteous one;

         to force the evil-doer´s neck into a neck stock;

         to keep the house safe; to keep the house pleasant;

         to instruct his city and the sanctuaries of Jirsu;

         to set up an auspicious throne; to hold the scepter of never-ending days;

         to raise high the head of Nin-jirsu´s shepherd, Gudea, as if he wore a blue crown;

         and to appoint to their offices in the courtyard of E-ninnu the skin-clad ones,

         the linen-clad ones and those whose head is covered,

         Gudea introduced Ig-alim, the Great Door (ig gal), the Pole (dim) of Jirnun,

         the chief bailiff of Jirsu, his beloved son to lord Nin-jirsu…”


         “Young woman Nin-Nibru, lady …….

         Lord Ninurta, my king …….

         Ig-alim, my king …….

         Cul-cagana, my king …….”


         “For the god Gal-alim, the favorite son of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

         for his king, Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla his temple of E-me-ghush-gal-an-ki has constructed…”


          Gudea,...the offspring of the goddess Gutumdug (Ninsun),

          dowered with sovereignty and the scepter supreme by the god Gal-alim,…”


Lugal-Marda Quotes From Texts

Lugal-Marda = son of Ninurta?, or Ninurta?


        “The high-priestess of Lugal-marda was elevated to office…”


        “Lugal-Marda stepped outside his city.

        Ninzuana (unidentified?, Bau’s daughter?) took an unfamiliar path away from her beloved dwelling.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

         Isin, the shrine that was not a quay, was split by onrushing waters.

        Ninisina, the mother of the Land, wept bitter tears.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


         “The boundary of the god Lugal-Marda of Mirad, Ur-Nammu, the king, determined it….”


Ninkarnunna Quotes From Texts

Ninkarnunna = Ninurta’s son, attendant


        “Ninkarnuna, having heard the favorable pronouncement of Ninurta,

         stepped before lord Ninurta and prayed to him:…”


         “The content of that prayer of the offspring of a prince,

        Ninkarnuna, his sprinkling Ninurta’s heart with an offering of cool water,

         and the matter of prosperity about which he spoke were pleasing to Ninurta’s heart

         as he went in procession to E-cumecato manifest the eternal divine powers.

         Lord Ninurta gazed approvingly at Ninkarnuna…”


Ninzuana Quote From Text

Ninzuana = Bau?, daughter of Ninurta & Bau?


        “Lugal-Marda (Ninurta?, Ninurta’a son?) stepped outside his city.

        Ninzuana took an unfamiliar path away from her beloved dwelling.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

         Isin, the shrine that was not a quay, was split by onrushing waters.

        Ninisina (Bau), the mother of the Land, wept bitter tears.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


Carur Quotes From Texts

Carur = Ninurta’s & Gudea’s general, son?,

(or Ninurta’s awesome nuclear weapons)


         “With his divine duties, namely to carry the seven-headed mace;

        to open the door of the an-kara house, the gate of battle;

         to hit exactly with the dagger blades, with the mitum mace,

         with the ´´floodstorm´ ´weapon and with the marratum club, its battle tools;

         to inundate Enlil´s enemy land, Gudea introduced Lugalkurdub,

         the warrior Carur, who in battle subdues all the foreign lands,

         the mighty general of the E-ninnu, a falcon against the rebel lands,

         his general, to lord Nin-jirsu.

         After the heavenly mitum mace had roared against the foreign lands like a fierce storm –

         the Carur, the flood storm in battle, the cudgel for the rebel lands –

         after the lord had frowned at the rebellious land, the foreign country,

         hurled at it his furious words, driven it insane the…”


         “The weapon, its heart ……, was reassured: it slapped its thighs, the Car-ur began to run,

        it entered the rebel lands, joyfully it reported the message to Lord Ninurta:…

         The Car-ur made the storm-wind rise to heaven, scattering the people; like …… it tore….

         The weapon covered the Mountains with dust,…”


        “Nin-jirsu has directed Gudea into the impenetrable mountain of cedars and he cut down its cedars with great axes

         and carved the Car-ur ,the right arm of Lagac, his master´s flood-storm weapon, out of it…”


         “He embedded its Car-ur weapon beside Lagac (Lagash) like a big standard,

         placed it in its dreadful place, the Cu-galam, and made it emanate fearsome radiance…”


Praise to Ningirsu

Unknown web source

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

            2a - Ninurta, Enlil's heir to heaven & earth (Royal Prince Ninurta, heir to King Anu‘s throne to Nibiru & Earth Colony, after father Enlil)



8gg - King Gudea of Lagash   (Gudea, Ninsun‘s giant mixed-breed son-king of Lagash)




32 - Ninurta the mighty (Imdugud Bird atop 2 lions, standard of Ninurta)



Blockprint in blind in Sumerian on clay, Lagash, Sumer, 2141-2122 BC, 1 brick, 32x32x7 cm, 6+4 columns, in cuneiform script.

Context: Foundation inscriptions of Gudea in The Schøyen collection are MSS 1877, 1895, 1936, 1937 and 2890. Building cones, see MSS 1791/1-2.

Commentary: Gudea built or rather rebuilt, at least 15 temples in the city-state of Lagash. The present brick has deposits of the bitumen that originally bound the bricks together in the wall of the temple.