Category Archives: Ninhursag

The Tablet of Adapa

Adapa: The First Man

Translated by Stephanie Dalley


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


5d - Adapa & Enki

                                    (Adapa / Adam                          Enki)

He (Enki) made broad understanding perfect in him (Adapa),

To disclose the design of the land.

To him he gave wisdom, but did not give eternal life.

At that time, in those years, he was a sage, son of Eridu.


              (DNA modified “modern Man”       Enki                   Isumud     Ninhursag)

Enki created him as a protecting spirit among mankind.


            A sage – nobody rejects his word –

Clever, extra-wise, he was one of the Anunnaki,

Holy, pure of hands, the pashishu-priest who always tends the rites.

            He does baking with the bakers of Eridu,

            5f - Enlil & Enki drinking, & on boat  (giant alien gods served by earthling workers)

He does the food and water of Eridu (Enki’s patron city) every day,

Sets up the offerings table with his pure hands,

Without him no offerings table is cleared away.

He takes the boat out and does the fishing for Eridu.


         At that time Adapa, the son of Eridu,

When he had got the leader Enki out of bed,

Used to `feed’ the bolt of Eridu every day.
5ba - Sumerian ship coming to port
At the holy Kar-usakar he embarked in a sailing-boat

And without a rudder his boat would drift,

Without a steering-pole he would take his boat out into the broad sea.


            South Wind Send him to live in the fishes’ home.

“South Wind, though you send your brothers against me,

However many there are, I shall break your wing!”

No sooner had he uttered these words than South Wind’s wing was broken;

For seven days South Wind did not blow towards the land.


  (An / Anu, King of the giant Anunnaki gods from planet Nibiru)

          An (Anu) called out to his vizier Ilabrat,

“Why hasn’t the south wind blown towards the land for seven days”

His vizier Ilabrat answered him,

3g - Enki & attendees with baby Adapa  (Enki & baby Adapa / Adam, the new species of workers)

“My lord, Adapa, the son of Enki has broken South Wind’s wing.”


3a - Anu in flight  (An / Anu in his winged sky-disc)

            When An heard this word,

He cried “Heaven help him!”, rose up from his throne.

“Send for him to be brought here!”

          Enki, aware of Heaven‘s ways, touched him

And made him wear his hair unkempt,

Clothed him in mourning garb,

Gave him instructions,

Adapa, you are to go before king An.

          You will go up to Heaven,

And when you go up to Heaven,

When you approach the gate of An,

  (gates of heaven / planet Nibiru throne of Anu)

Dumuzi and Gizzida (Ningishzidda) will be standing in the Gate of An,

Will see you, will keep asking you questions,

“Young man, on whose behalf do you wear mourning garb?”

You must answer:

“Two gods have vanished from our country,

And that is why I am behaving like this.


” They will ask:

“Who are the two gods that have vanished (went up to Nibiru to visit Anu as youths) from the countryside?”

4a - Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, & Enki missing

(giant mixed-breed King Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, seated Enki missing)

You will answer: “They are Dumuzi and Gizzida (Ningishzidda) (Enki‘s 2 youngest sons to meet Enki’s father Anu).

“They will look at each other and laugh a lot,

Will speak a word in your favor to Anu,

Will present you to An in a good mood.


7 - Anu meets 1st earthling hybrids Adapa & Titi

             (King Anu on his planet Nibiru throne     Titi / Eve     Adapa / Adam)

When you stand before An

They will hold out for you bread of death, so you must not eat.

They will hold out for you water of death, so you must not drink.

They will hold out a garment for you; so put it on.

They will hold out oil for you; so anoint yourself.

            You must not neglect the instructions I have given you;

Keep to the words that I have told you.”


The envoy of An arrived.

“Send to me Adapa, Who broke the South Wind’s wing.”

5f - Adapa ascending to Anu in heaven

(unidentified earthling, Ninurta,       Adapa ascends to Heaven,    Utu commander of the spaceport)

He made him take the way of heaven.

            When he came up to heaven,

              (grandsons Dumuzi & Ningishzidda at the gates of Heaven / Anu on planet Nibiru)

                               (story of St. Peter at the gates of Heaven were copied from this text & this artifact)

When he approached the Gate of An (Anu), Dumuzi and Gizzida were standing in the Gate of An.

            They saw Adapa and cried, “Heaven help him!

Young man, on whose behalf do you look like this Adapa, on whose behalf do you wear mourning clothes?

“Two gods have vanished from the country, and that is why I am wearing mourning clothes.”


            “Who are the two gods who have vanished from the country”

            4d - King Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, Enki missing   (High-Priest & also giant mixed-breed King Gudea, Ningishzidda, & Dumuzi)

Dumuzi and Gizzida,” Adapa answered.

They looked at each other and laughed a lot.

 When Adapa drew near to the presence of King An, An saw him and shouted,

            The Priest King of Lagash and Gudea

             (An / Anu                                 Titi / Eve    Adapa / Adam)

Come here, Adapa! Why did you break South Wind’s wind”


          Adapa answered An,

“My lord, I was catching fish in the middle of the sea,

         For the house of my lord Enki.

         But he inflated the sea into a storm

And south wind blew and sank me!

I was forced to take up residence in the fishes’ home.

In my fury, I cursed South Wind.”


          Dumuzi and Gizzida responded from beside him,

Spoke a word in his favor to An.

His heart was appeased he grew quiet.


           “Why did Enki disclose to wretched mankind

The ways of heaven and earth,

Give them a heavy heart

It was he who did it!

What can we do for him.

            Fetch him the bread of eternal life and let him eat!”


They fetched him the bread of eternal life, but he would not eat.

They fetched him the water of eternal life, but he would not drink.

They fetched him a garment, and he put it on himself.

They fetched him oil, and he anointed himself.


3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (An / Anu, god the father in Heaven / planet Nibiru)

          An watched him and laughed at him.

“Come Adapa, why didn’t you eat?

Why didn’t you drink?”

Didn’t you want to be immortal?

Alas for downtrodden people!”


2 - Enki, the wisest god  (Enki, Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, 1st to arrive on Earth with crew of 50)

            “But Enki my lord told me:

“You mustn’t eat! You mustn’t drink!”`


Take him and send him back to his earth.

6 - Adapa, model of modern man, meets Enlil   (Adapa returned to Enlil & was placed in the “Eden” / Mesopotamia)

Enlil and Sud (Ninlil)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


        …… She was faithfully sitting (?) on ……, admirable and full of charms.

        ……, the noble son — who like him can compare with An (Anu) and Enlil?

        Haia (Enlil‘s father-in-law), the ……, put the holy semen into her womb.

        2b - Enlil, spouse Haia, Nisaba, & Ninlil

                       (Enlil, Haia, Nisaba, Ninlil, & unidentified, Nisaba & spouse Haia brought down & established grains upon the Earth)       

        Nun-bar-ce-gunu (Nisaba) faithfully gave birth to ……, (Ninlil)

        she brought her up in her …… and suckled her at her breasts full of good milk.

        The …… of the young girl burgeoned, and she became full of flourishing beauty.

         2a - Nisaba, master scribe, grain goddess (Nisaba, grain goddess, instrumental alien goddess with early colonization & development of Earth)

        In the …… of Nisaba, at the gate of the E-zagin, …… she stood, the object of admiration, like a tall, beautifully shaped cow.

         3ac - Nippur ground level  (Enlil‘s mountain E-kur residence constructed in Nippur)

        At that time Enlil had not yet been given a wife in the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur) ;

        Ninlil‘s (Enlil‘s spouse) name was not yet famous in the Ki-ur.

        After traveling through Sumer and to the ends of the universe, he ……;

        2ca - Anu's temple, at least 3500B.C.  (Uruk, residence of giant alien gods)

        in his search throughout the Land, Enlil, the Great Mountain, stopped at Erec (Uruk).

        4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse  (Ninlil, spouse to Enlil)

        As he looked around there, he found the woman of his choice.

        He approached her and, overflowing with joy, engaged her in conversation:

        “I will make you perfect in a queen’s dress; after standing in the street, you will be …….

        How impressed I am by your beauty, even if you are a shameless person!”

        In her youthful inexperience Sud answered Enlil:

        “If I want to stand proudly at our gate, who dares to give me a bad reputation?

        What are your intentions?

        Why have you come here?

        …… from my sight!”

        Others (?) had already tried to deceive ……, and made her (?) angry.

        1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, light haired, blue-eyed, giant alien god, Earth Colony Commander)

        Enlil …… answered Sud (NInlil), …… standing closer to her:

        “Come, I want to speak to you!

        I will have a talk with you about your becoming my wife.

        Kiss me, my lady of most beautiful eyes — the matter rests in your hands.”

        But the words had barely left his mouth when, right in front of him, she went into the house.

        The heart of the wise lord pounded.

        He called for Nuska (Enlil‘s minister). “What is your wish?”

        He gave the following instructions to him:

2cd - Anu's temple-home in Uruk

                  (stairways & ramparts to the residence of giant alien gods who lived in Uruk)       

        “I want you to go back to Erec (Uruk), the city of Nisaba, the city whose foundations are august.

        Do not delay! Repeat to her what I am going to tell you:

        “I am a young man, I have sent this message to you because of my wish:

        I want to take your daughter as wife. Give me your consent.

        I will send you presents in my name, …… my marriage gifts.

        2b - Enlil who decrees man's fate  (blue-eyed god Enlil)

        I am Enlil, the descendant, (heir) and offspring of Ancar (Anu), the noble, the lord of heaven and earth.

        The name of your daughter shall become Ninlil, and all the foreign countries shall …… it.

        I will present her with the Ja-jic-cua as her storehouse.

        2c - Nippur  (temple / residence ruins of Enlil & Ninlil in Nippur)

        I will give her the Ki-ur to be her beloved private quarters.

        She shall sit (1 ms. has instead: live) with me in the E-kur, my (1 ms. has instead: the) august dais.

        She shall determine fates.

        She shall apportion the divine powers (alien technologies) among the Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods.

        And as for you, I will place in your hands the lives of the black-headed people.”

        When you get there, let the woman I have chosen for her beauty …… her mother.

        Do not go to her empty-handed, but take her some jewelry in your left hand.

        Waste no time. Return with her answer quickly.”

        When Nuska, the head of the assembly, had received Enlil‘s instructions, he wasted no time ……; he directed his steps to Erec (Uruk)

        .2c - Haia, Enlil, unknown god, & Nisaba

                            (Haia                   Enlil                      Nuska                     Nisaba)

        He entered E-zagin, the residence of Nanibgal (Nisaba) and prostrated himself before Nanibgal on her dais.

        …… of Enlil ……, and she (?) asked him ……:

        “…… what ……?”

        7 lines missing

        1 line fragmentary

        (Nuska speaks:) “…… Sud …….

        What you have told me …….”

        Then Nanibgal went on speaking flatteringly to the minister:

        “Adviser, fit for his (?) king, ever observant (?)!

         Who like you could give counsel daily to the Great Mountain?

        How could I contest the king’s message which his slave has received?

        If there is truth in what you have told me — and may there be no falsehood —

        who could reject one who bestows such exceedingly great favors?

        …… makes our mood and hearts happy.

        Let us consider that amends have been made.

        By bringing the marriage gifts and the presents in his name the insult is wiped away.

        Tell him: “You shall become my son-in-law; do as you wish!”

         (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, Anu‘s son & heir to Nibiru‘s royal throne)       

        Tell Enlil, the Great Mountain: “Do as you wish!”

        Let his sister come from her side, and she shall accompany Sud (Ninlil) from here.

        Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 27552a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc

                  (Ninhursag, Anu‘s eldest daughter, Chief Medical Science Officer for Earth Colony)

        Aruru (Ninhursag) shall become Sud‘s sister-in-law: let her be shown the household.

        Inform your lord thus in his august Ki-ur.

        Repeat this to Enlil in the privacy of his holy bedchamber.

        After …… had instructed ……, …… and Nuska (Enlil‘s chancellor) took his seat on it.

        1 line missing

        (Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, Chief Scribe, Grain Goddess in every way)       

        Nanibgal called …… and gave her advice:

        “My little one, asleep indoors (?) …… your pure ……, the pleasant private quarters …….

        3b - earthling, Haia, unknown, Enlil, & Nisaba seated

                                  (earthling   Haia     unidentified    Enlil                  Nisaba / farming & grain)

        …… leave the House of Nisaba‘s Wisdom.

        ……, Nuska is knowing and wise.

        …… to his presence and pour him beer.”

        According to the instructions of her mother, she washed his hands and placed a tankard in his hands.

        The minister opened his left hand and gave her the jewelry, ……. everything …… and set it before her.

        She received the gifts …….

        He …… directed his steps to Nibru (Nippur, a bond / command post between Heaven & Earth).

        …… kissed the ground before Enlil.

        …… the great Lady had said ……, as she had instructed him, he repeated (?) …….:

        “(She said:) “Adviser, fit for his (?) king, ever observant (?)!

        Who like you could give counsel daily to the Great Mountain?

        How could I contest the king’s message which his slave has received?

        If there is truth in what you have told me — and may there be no falsehood —

        who could reject one who bestows such exceedingly great favors? …… makes our mood and hearts happy.

        Let us consider that amends have been made.

        By bringing the marriage gifts and the presents in his name the insult is wiped away.

        Tell him: “You shall become my son-in-law; do as you wish!”

        Tell Enlil, the Great Mountain: “Do as you wish!”

        Let his sister come from her side, and she shall accompany Sud from here.

        2d - Ninhursag & attendee, Ninhursag's symbol  (unidentified goddess & Ninhursag)

        Aruru shall become Sud‘s (Ninlil‘s) sister-in-law: let her be shown the household. Inform your lord thus in his august Ki-ur.

        Repeat this to Enlil in the privacy of his holy bedchamber.”‘

        ….. made …… feel good, brought great rejoicing in Enlil‘s heart.

        He raised his head ……, and animals came running.

        …… herds of four-legged animals that graze together in the desert.

        He caught …… living in the mountains, he made wild bulls, red deer, elephants, fallow deer, gazelles, bears,

        wild sheep and rams, lynxes, foxes, wild cats, tigers, mountain sheep, water buffaloes, monkeys,

        and thick-horned fat cattle jostle together noisily.

        Cows and their calves, wild cattle with wide-spread horns, …… rope, ewes and lambs, goats and kids, romping ……

        (1 later ms. from Susa has instead: …… and fighting), large kids with long beards, scratching with their hooves,

        lambs, ……, and majestic sheep were dispatched by Enlil toward Erec (Uruk).

        Large cheeses, mustard-flavored cheeses, small cheeses, ……, milk, cold hard-boiled eggs, butter (?),

        the sweetest dry honey and white honey, ……, and thick and large …… were dispatched by Enlil toward Erec.

        ……, dates, figs, large pomegranates, ……, jipar fruits, plums (?), halub nuts, almonds, acorns,

        2 - Dilmun location

        Dilmun (Sinia Peninsula, “Land of the Missiles”) dates packed in baskets, dark-colored date spadices,

        large pomegranate seeds squeezed out from their rinds, big clusters of early grapes, …… trees in fruit,

        trees from orchards, …… grown in winter, and fruits from orchards were dispatched by Enlil toward Erec.

        Ores (?) from Harali, the faraway land, ……. storehouses, ……, rock-crystal, gold, silver,

        ……, the yield of the uplands ……, heavy loads of them, were dispatched by Enlil toward Erec (Uruk).

        After the personal presents, the transported goods ……, Ninmah (Ninhursag) and the minister …….

        The dust from their march reached high into the sky like rain clouds.

        Enormous marriage gifts were being brought for Nanibgal (Nisaba) to Erec;

        the city was getting full inside and out, …… it was to be replete.

        The rest …… on the outlying roads ……. …… blue sky …….

        1 line missing

        2 lines fragmentary

        Nanibgal, the mother-in-law of Enlil, the woman who had been slandered, was treated kindly by Nuska (?)

        (1 ms. has instead: …… the mother-in-law of Enlil, the woman …… Ezina (Ninlil) ……) —

        2d - Nisaba, Haia, & others

                        (Nisaba        her spouse Haia    unidentified gods)   

        but the lady disregarded the flatterer, and spoke to her daughter:

        “May you be Enlil‘s favorite wife (1 ms. has instead: the wife of Enlil‘s heart), and may he speak to you sweetly.

        May he embrace you, the most beautiful of all, and tell you: “Beloved, open wide!”

        May the two of you never lose the pleasure (?) of excitement; make it last (?) a long time. (1 ms. has instead:

        May it be that the pleasure (?) of excitement will never be lost.)

        You two …… on the hill, and have children afterwards!

        When you enter the house to live there, may abundance precede you, and may joy follow you.

        May the people line up for you wherever you go, and may all the people …… for you.

        The fate I have determined for you should be fulfilled

        (1 ms. has instead: cannot be altered)! Go with head held high into the E-mah.”

        Then Aruru grasped her by the hand and led her away into the Ec-mah.

        She brought her into the E-kur, the house of Enlil, and …….

        In the sleeping quarters, in the flowered bed …… like a cedar forest,

        Enlil made (?) love to his wife and took great pleasure in it.

        1 line fragmentary

        The lord whose statements are …… the lady; ……Nintud (Ninhursag), the “Lady who gives birth”…….

        3 - Ninhursag & Enki, fertility tree & DNA 3g - Nintu with lab monkeys

                            (Ninhursag          Tree of Life             brother Enki)                 (Ninhursag & her early attempts to fashion workers)

        …… En-batibira’s (perhaps a name of Aruru) countenance, …….

        He presented her with ……, everything ……, and …….

        (Enlil speaks:) “From now on, a woman shall be the ……; a foreign woman shall be the mistress of the house.

        May my beautiful wife, who was born by holy Nisaba, be Ezina, the growing grain, the life of Sumer.
         3c - Nisaba, Ninlil, & unknown gods

                                                  (Nisaba          daughter Ninlil    2 unidentified gods)

        When you appear in the furrows like a beautiful young girl,

        1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub  (Ishkur / Adad, ancient artifacts now destroyed by Radical Islam!)

        may Ickur (Ishkur / Adad, Enlil‘s 3rdson), the canal inspector, be your provider, supplying you with water from the ground.

        The height of the year is marked with your new prime flax and your new prime grain;

        Enlil and Ninlil procreate them (?) as desired.

        1 line unclear

        The harvest crop raises its head high for the great festival of Enlil.

       Great Sumerian hymn: Lamentation on the ruins of Ur. Inscription on clay 24.5 x 13.6 cm AO 6446 (“Lament of Ur” / “Hymn of Nisaba, text personally scribed by the giant alien goddess Nisaba)

        The scribal art, the tablets decorated with writing, the stylus, the tablet board, the computing of accounts,

        adding and subtracting, the shining measuring rope, the ……, the head of the surveyor’s peg,

        the measuring rod, the marking of the boundaries, and the …… are fittingly in your hands.

7c - gods teach mankind to plow (the beginning of farming on Earth Colony, when the alien gods did the work)       

        The farmer (?) …….

        Woman, the proudest among the Great Princes, ……, from now on, Sud …… Ninlil …….”

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        A holy song of praise ……. Enlil and Ninlil……!

        Version B

        (1 later ms. from Susa preserves a slightly variant version of ll. 142ff.)

        (Nisaba speaks:) “…… spend (?) your time on the hill! …….

        Enter ……! And may abundance precede you ……!

        May the people line up for you ……; may all the people …… for you.

        Your …… which I have determined for you should be fulfilled; …… with head held high into the Ec-mah.”

    2aa - temple of Hathor - Ninhursag (artifact images of Ninhursag / Aruru)       

        Aruru (Ninhursag) grasped her …… and …… her away into the Ec-mah.

        She brought her into the shining E-kur, and poured the best perfume over her face.

        In the sleeping quarters, in the flowered bed fragrant like a cedar forest,

        Enlil made (?) love to his wife and took great pleasure in it.

        He sat her (?) on his dais appropriate to the status of Enlil, and made the people pray to her.

        The lord whose statements are powerful also determined a fate for the Lady (Aruru) , the woman of his favor;
         3c - Ninhursag, Inanna, & staff

                              (Ninhursag     Nisaba      Ninlil    unidentified goddess)       

        he gave her the name Nintud, the “Lady who gives birth”, the “Lady who spreads her knees”.

        He made beautiful En-batibira’s (perhaps a name of Aruru) countenance, …….

        He presented her with the …… of a mistress, everything pertaining to women that no man must see, and …….

        (Enlil speaks:) “From now on, a woman shall be the ……; a woman shall be the mistress of the house.

        (Inanna, Ninlil, Nannar, & Enlil)

        May my favorite wife, who was born by holy Nisaba, be Ezina, the grain, the life of the Land.

        When she appears in the furrows like a beautiful young girl, may …… be her provider,

        watering her with water from the ground, as she grows prime grain and prime flax ……

        1 line unclear

        …… the harvest crop …… the great festival of Enlil …….

        ……, the measuring rod, the marking of the boundaries,

        and the preparation of canals and levees are fittingly in your hands.

        The farmer entrusted cultivation into your hands.

        Proud woman, surpassing the mountains!

        You who always fulfill your desires — from now on, Sud,

         (Nisaba, Enlil, Ninlil, & semi-divine king)

        Enlil is the king and Ninlil is the queen.

        The goddess without name has a famous name now, ……

        1 line unclear

        May it be you who determines that destiny …… attends to it …….”

        As the presents are given in the shrine Nibru, a holy song of praise is sung. Enlil, the lord of the countries, ……

Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.

Sumerian literary tradition states that Lugalbanda (son to Urash (Ninhursag), spouse to Ninsun) in his own right was a god-king of the city of Uruk. He is generally held to be Gilgamesh´s father, and according to the Sumerian Kings List ruled the city for no fewer than 1200 years.

At the time of this adventure, nevertheless, he seems to have been a young officer in Enmerkar´s army commanding a division of Uruk´s troops. Again in this myth, we have Aratta as the city rival to Uruk, and a bizarre adventure that took place on the road from Uruk to Aratta.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-19 When in ancient days heaven was separated from earth, when in ancient days that which was fitting ……,

2b - Enlil, parent in-laws Haia, Nisaba, & spouse Ninlil

    (Enlil farming, Haia-barley god in charge of the storehouses, Nisaba the Goddess of Grains, Ninlil of grains, & unidentified)

when after the ancient harvests …… barley was eaten (?), when boundaries were laid out and borders were fixed,

4b - Bau & unknowns 2aa - Bau on stela 4a - Bea, Gula, goddess of medicine (gods & kings boundary-stones)

when boundary-stones were placed and inscribed with names, when dykes and canals were purified,

3a - Enki & Aquarius constellation 3e - Egyptian Khnum, Ptah, Enki creates and manages the Nile (Enki, god-manager of the waters)

when …… wells were dug straight down; when the bed of the Euphrates, the plenteous river of Unug (Uruk),

was opened up, when ……, when ……, when holy An (Anu) removed ……,

7b - High Priest, Nannar, Utu, and Ninurta7c - top, mixed-breed king & mother Ninsun, high-priestess decorates temple in Ur (giant mixed-breed high-priest atop Nannar‘s temple, Nannar, Martu atop earthling, & Ninurta; top: king & Ninsun, bottom: high-priestess decorates Nannar‘s temple)

when the offices of en (priest) and king were famously exercised at Unug,

             (giant offspring of the gods appointed with authority as go-betweens from gods to earthlings)

when the scepter and staff of Kulaba were held high in battle — in battle, Inanna‘s game;

when the black-headed (mixed-breeds) were blessed with long life (living thousands of years),

in their settled ways and in their ……, when they presented the mountain goats with pounding hooves

2b - Dumuzi the shepherd  (Dumuzi the Shepherd. spouse to Inanna with stags)

and the mountain stags beautiful with their antlers to Enmerkar (mixed-breed grandson) son of Utu

20-34 — now at that time the king set his mace towards the city,

 (semi-divine king stands before giant Sun God Utu, Ninurta, & Ninsun)

Enmerkar the son (grandson) of Utu prepared an …… expedition against Aratta,

the mountain of the holy divine powers (indescribable alien technologies).

He was going to set off to destroy the rebel-land; the lord began a mobilization of his city.

The herald made the horn signal sound in all the lands.

2cb-temple-uruk-today  (Uruk city way below home of giant alien gods)

Now levied Unug (Uruk) took the field with the wise king, indeed levied Kulaba followed Enmerkar.

Unug‘s levy was a flood, Kulaba‘s levy was a clouded sky.

As they covered the ground like heavy fogs, the dense dust whirled up by them reached up to heaven.

As if to rooks on the best seed, rising up, he called to the people.

Each one gave his fellow the sign.

35-46 Their king went at their head, to go at the …… of the army.

(King) Enmerkar went at their head, to go at the …… of the army.

2 lines unclear

…… gu-nida emmer-grain to grow abundantly.

  1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Enlil, son & heir to alien King Anu,  Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander)

When the righteous one who takes counsel with Enlil (i.e. Enmerkar) took away the whole of Kulaba,

like sheep they bent over at the slope of the mountains, …… at the edge of the hills they ran forward like wild bulls.

He sought …… at the side — they recognized the way.

He sought …….

47-58 Five days passed.

On they sixth day they bathed.

…… on the seventh day they entered the mountains.

When they had crossed over on the paths — an enormous flood billowing upstream into a lagoon ……

5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird (Ninurta‘s winged sky-disc; ancient example of the disc)

Their ruler (i.e. Enmerkar), riding on a storm, Utu‘s son, the good bright metal (disc of alien technologies),

stepped down from heaven to the great earth (alien descent technologies).

His head shines with brilliance (as did the head of Moses coming down from the mountain),

3 - Adad with divine weapons  (Adad, Thunder God, with trick hammer & lightning bolts)

the barbed arrows flash past him like lightning (alien weaponry);

3a - Utu in the mountains with weapons of brilliance (Utu, Space Port Commander, cut launch & landing pads into mountains)

the …… of the bronze pointed ax of his emblem shines for him,

it protrudes from the pointed ax for him prominently, like a dog eating a corpse.

59-70 At that time there were seven, there were seven —

the young ones, born in Kulaba, were seven (giant mixed-breed brothers).

The goddess Urac (Ninhursag) had borne these seven (semi-divine brothers),

8aa - Ninhursag, young in Sumer, old cow in Egypt (Ninhursag, DNA Medical Scientist, Birth Mother, Wild Cow)

the Wild Cow (Ninhursag) had nourished them with milk.

They were heroes (Genesis 6: “Heroes of Old, Men of Renown”, “Mighty-Men”, __the 1st kings),

1y - Ancient Sumeria2 (“land of the gods” between the rivers, the “Eden”)

living in Sumer, they were princely in their prime.

They had been brought up eating at the god An‘s (Anu) table.

These seven were the overseers for those that are subordinate to overseers,

were the captains for those that are subordinate to captains

were the generals for those that are subordinate to generals.

They were overseers of 300 men, 300 men each; they were captains of 600 men, 600 men each;

they were generals of 7 car (25,200) of soldiers, 25,200 soldiers each.

(2 giant mixed-breeds, Ninsun, mixed-breed, Nannar, & Utu)

They (mixed-breed brothers) stood at the service of the lord as his elite troops.

71-86 (semi-divine King) Lugalbanda (spouse to Ninsun), the eighth of them, …… was washed in water.

In awed silence he went forward, …… he marched with the troops.

When they had covered half the way, covered half the way, a sickness befell him there, ‘head sickness’ befell him.

2aa - Bau & possibly son Damu, medical doctors (Dr. Damu, mother Bau, & Ninurta, medical attention for gods & earthlings)

He jerked like a snake dragged by its head with a reed; his mouth bit the dust, like a gazelle caught in a snare.

No longer could his hands return the hand grip, no longer could he lift his feet high.

Neither king nor contingents could help him.

In the great mountains, crowded together like a dustcloud over the ground, they said:

“Let them bring him to Unug (Uruk)“.

But they did not know how they could bring him.

“Let them bring him to Kulaba.”

But they did not know how they could bring him.

As his teeth chattered (?) in the cold places of the mountains, they brought him to a warm place there.

 5 - Bau gives medical attention (Dr. Damu & his mother Bau with her guard dog)

87-122 …… a storehouse, they made him an arbor like a bird’s nest. …… dates, figs and various sorts of cheese;

they put sweetmeats suitable for the sick to eat, in baskets of dates, and they made him a home.

They set out for him the various fats of the cow-pen, the sheepfold‘s fresh cheese,

oil with cold eggs (3,000 B.C.!), cold hard-boiled eggs,

as if laying a table for the holy place, the valued place (i.e. as if for a funerary offering).

Directly in front of the table they arranged for him beer for drinking, mixed with date syrup and rolls …… with butter.

Provisions poured into leather buckets, provisions all put into leather bags — his brothers and friends,

like a boat unloading from the harvest-place, placed stores by his head in the mountain cave.

They …… water in their leather waterskins.

Dark beer, alcoholic drink, light emmer beer, wine for drinking which is pleasant to the taste,

they distributed by his head in the mountain cave as on a stand for waterskins.

They prepared for him incense resin, …… resin, aromatic resin,

ligidba resin and first-class resin on pot-stands in the deep hole; they suspended them by his head in the mountain cave.

They pushed into place at his head his ax whose metal was tin, imported from the Zubi mountains (3000 B.C.!).

They wrapped up by his chest his dagger of iron (prior Iron Age) imported from the Gig (Black) mountains.

His eyes — irrigation ditches, because they are flooding with water — holy Lugalbanda kept open, directed towards this.

The outer door of his lips — overflowing like holy Utuhe did not open to his brothers.

When they lifted his neck, there was no breath there any longer.

His brothers, his friends took counsel with one another:

2e - Babylonian Shamash 2000B.C.  (giant mixed-breed king stands before Utu / Shamash, Sumerian Sun God)

123-127 “If our brother rises like Utu (symbolized as the Sun God) from bed,

then the god who has smitten him will step aside and,

when he eats this food, when he drinks (?) this, will make his feet stable.

May he bring him over the high places of the mountains to brick-built Kulaba.

128-132 “But if Utu calls our brother to the holy place, the valued place (i.e. the hereafter),

the health of his limbs will leave (?) him.

Then it will be up to us, when we come back from Aratta, to bring our brother’s body to brick-built Kulaba.”

    2i - cattle pens of Nannar in Ur (Nannar & his million cows in pens in his patron city of Ur, home of Biblical Abraham)

133-140 Like the dispersed holy cows of Nannar, as with a breeding bull when, in his old age,

they have left him behind in the cattle pen,

his brothers and friends abandoned holy Lugalbanda in the mountain cave;

and with repeated tears and moaning, with tears, with lamentation, with grief and weeping,

Lugalbanda‘s older brothers set off into the mountains.

141-147 Then two days passed during which (King) Lugalbanda was ill; to these two days, half a day was added.

As Utu turned his glance towards his home, as the animals lifted their heads toward their lairs,

at the day’s end in the evening cool, his body was as if anointed with oil.

But he was not yet free of his sickness.

148-150 When he lifted his eyes to heaven to Utu, he wept to him as if to his own father.

In the mountain cave he raised to him his fair hands:

  (Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, royal descendants of alien Anunnaki King Anu)

151-170 Utu, I greet you! Let me be ill no longer!

3a - Ningal head (brown-eyed beauty Ningal, spouse to Nannar, mother to Utu & Inanna)

Hero, Ningal‘s son, I greet you!

Let me be ill no longer!

Utu, you have let me come up into the mountains in the company of my brothers.

In the mountain cave, the most dreadful spot on earth, let me be ill no longer!

Here where there is no mother, there is no father, there is no acquaintance, no one whom I value,

my mother is not here to say “Alas, my child!”

My brother is not here to say “Alas, my brother!”

My mother’s neighbor who enters our house is not here to weep over me.

If the male and female protective deities were standing by, the deity of neighborliness would say,

“A man should not perish”.

A lost dog is bad; a lost man is terrible.

On the unknown way at the edge of the mountains, Utu, is a lost man, a man in an even more terrible situation.

Don’t make me flow away like water in a violent death!

Don’t make me eat saltpeter as if it were barley!

Don’t make me fall like a throwstick somewhere in the desert unknown to me!

Afflicted with a name which excites my brothers’ scorn, let me be ill no longer!

Afflicted with the derision of my comrades, let me be ill no longer!

Let me not come to an end in the mountains like a weakling!”

171-172 Utu accepted his tears.

3c - Shamash cutting mountains in Sippar  (Utu at launch & landing site in the mountains)

He sent down his divine encouragement to him in the mountain cave.

173-182 She who makes …… for the poor, whose game (i.e. battle) is sweet,

the prostitute who goes out to the inn, who makes the bedchamber delightful,

who is food to the poor man —Inanna (i.e. the evening star) (Venus, 8-pointed star),

 1e - Inanna in dress - Liberty, atop Leo lion1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus1a - Symbols of Gods & Planets

  (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War; arriving from outer space – 6-pointed-star-symbol of Nabu; 8-pointed-star-symbol of Anu / Venus, then given to Inanna, 7-pointed-star-symbol of Enlil / Earth, moon-eclipse-symbol of Enki)

the daughter of Suen (Sin / Nannar), arose before him like a bull in the Land.

       (Inanna, semi-divine king with Anunnaki royal crown of animal horns, & Ninsun)

Her brilliance, like that of holy Cara (Shara, Roman god Cupid, Inanna’s & Shu-Sin‘s son),

her stellar brightness illuminated for him the mountain cave.

When he lifted his eyes upwards to Inanna, he wept as if before his own father.

In the mountain cave he raised to her his fair hands:

 (young Utu & Inanna in Mesopotamia, land of alien Anunnaki giants)

183-196 “Inanna, if only this were my home, if only this were my city!

If only this were Kulaba, the city in which my mother bore me ……!

Even if it were to me as the waste land to a snake!

If it were to me as a crack in the ground to a scorpion!

My mighty people ……!

My great ladies ……!

2c - Uruk & Anu's temple (Anu‘s, Inanna‘s, etc. mountain / temple residence of gods in Uruk)

…… to E-ana (Anu‘s temple residence in Uruk)!”

2 lines unclear

“The little stones of it, the shining stones in their glory, sajkal stones above,

…… below, from its crying out in the mountain land Zabu, from its voice …… open —

may my limbs not perish in the mountains of the cypresses!”

197-200 Inanna accepted his tears.

With power of life she let him go to sleep just like the sleeping Utu.

2f - Inanna wall relief (Inanna seated, & naked Inanna with pilot flight wings)

Inanna enveloped him with heart’s joy as if with a woolen garment.

Then, just as if ……, she went to brick-built Kulaba.

201-214 The bull that eats up the black soup, the astral holy bull-calf (i.e. the moon), came to watch over him.

He shines (?) in the heavens like the morning star, he spreads bright light in the night.

2c - Nannar & his symbol  3aa - Nanna & his symbol

(8-pointed-star-symbol of daughter Inanna, Nannar, Moon Crescent God, widely used today in Islam; Nannar again, & crescent)

Suen (Sin / Nannar, Enlil‘s son), who is greeted as the new moon,


   (Nannar, 1st son born to Enlil & Ninlil; Utu, unidentified god, giant mixed-breed king, Enki, & unidentified god)

father Nannar (to Utu & Inanna), gives the direction for the rising Utu (symbolized by the Sun).

The glorious lord whom the crown befits,

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. 1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Nannar, son to royal prince Enlil; Enlil, Earth Colony Commander)

Suen, the beloved son of Enlil, the god (1 ms. has instead: the lord) reached the zenith splendidly.

His brilliance like holy Cara (Shara, Inanna & Shu-Sin‘s son) (1 ms. has instead: Utu)

(1 ms. has instead: like lapis lazuli), his starry radiance illuminated for him the mountain cave.

When (King) Lugalbanda raised his eyes to heaven to Suen, he wept to him as if to his own father.

In the mountain cave he raised to him his fair hands:

215-225 “King whom one cannot reach in the distant sky!

        SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images) (Nannar, patron god of Ur with his Moon Crescent Symbols, atop his house in Ur)

Suen (Nannar), whom one cannot reach in the distant sky!

King who loves justice, who hates evil!

Suen (Nannar), who loves justice, who hates evil!

Justice brings joy justly to your heart.

A poplar, a great staff, forms a scepter for you,

you who loosen the bonds of justice, who do not loosen the bonds of evil.

If you encounter evil before you, it is dragged away behind …….

When your heart becomes angry, you spit your venom at evil like a snake which drools poison.”

226-7 Suen accepted his tears and gave him life.

He conferred on his feet the power to stand.

228-239 A second time (i.e. at the following sunrise), as the bright bull rising up from the horizon,

the bull resting among the cypresses, a shield standing on the ground, watched by the assembly,

a shield coming out from the treasury, watched by the young men — the youth Utu extended his holy,

shining rays down from heaven (1 ms. from Ur adds: …… holy, his brilliance illuminated for him the mountain cave),

3h - Utu in the mountains of Sippar (Sun God Utu brings flashes of light from mountain tops)

he bestowed them on holy (King) Lugalbanda in the mountain cave.

His good protective god (Utu) hovered ahead of him, his good protective goddess (Inanna) walked behind him.

The god which had smitten him.

Lugalbanda (Uruk King) Quotes From Sitchin Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)


Seeking a ride in the “Bird of Heaven”, Lugalbanda pleaded with its custodian; his words immortalized man’s desire to fly:

Like Utu let me go, like Inanna,

         Like the Seven Stormers of Ishkur

         in a flame let me lift myself off, and thunder away!

Let me go wherever my eyes can see,

Wherever I desire, let me set my foot,

Wherever my heart wishes, let me arrive…”


When he arrived at Mount Hurum (“whose front Enlil as with a great door had closed off”), Lugalbanda was challenged by the guardian:

If a god you are, a word in friendship will I utter which will let you enter;

If a man you are, your fate will I decree…”

To which:

Lugalbanda, he of beloved seed, stretched his hand out (and said)

Like divine Shara am I, the beloved son of Inanna‘…”

But the guardian of the sacred place turned Lugalbanda down

Lugalbanda Quotes From Texts

Lugalbanda = Enmerkar & Urash‘s (Ninhursag) son

Ninsun‘s spouse

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

Enmerkar the son (grandson) of Utu (Inanna‘s twin), (father to Lugalbanda)…”

Lugalbanda, he of beloved seed, stretched his hand out (and said)

Like divine Shara (Roman god Cupid) am I, the beloved son of Inanna…”

       (Lugalbanda speaking:)

       Once upon a time my princely sister Inanna the pure summoned me

       in her holy heart from the mountains, had me enter brick-built Kulaba. …

       Inanna spoke to Lugalbanda the pure as she would speak to her son Lord Cara (Shara, Roman god Cupid):...

       my princely sister Inanna the pure has run away from me back to brick-built Kulaba. …”

       “At that time there were seven, there were seven — the young ones, born in Kulaba, were seven.

       The goddess Urac (Ninhursag) had borne these seven,

       the Wild Cow had nourished them with milk.

       They were heroes, living in Sumer, they were princely in their prime.

       They had been brought up eating at the god An‘s (Anu) table….

       (King) Lugalbanda, the eighth of them,…”

       “his brothers and friends abandoned holy Lugalbanda in the mountain cave;

        and with repeated tears and moaning, with tears, with lamentation, with grief and weeping,

        Lugalbanda‘s older brothers set off into the mountains…”

       Lugalbanda stepped into the midst of his brothers’ picked troops.

       His brothers chattered away, the troops chattered away.

       His brothers, his friends weary him with questions:

       ‘Come now, my Lugalbanda, here you are again!…’ …”

Martu Quotes From Texts

Martu = son of Anu & Ninhursag / Urash

married Utu‘s daughter, patron god to the city Ninab…

his animal symbol is the reindeer

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue …mixed-breed demigods in teal…)



        “engendered by great An (Anu) and brought up on his holy knees, ……,

        born by Uraš (Ninhursag),

        cherished and granted a favorable destiny by the Great Mountain Enlil,…”


        “Martu, august youth,

        who completely controls the distant mountains as far as their borders,…

        who occupies a holy dais in the mountains, the pureplace!…

        whom holy An (Anu) engendered,

        who appears gloriously with numerous divine powers (alien technology)!

        His own mother Ninḫursaĝa (Ninhursag) made his form excel Medim-ša’s

         so that no one should threaten him.

         The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods,

         enhanced his strength with warrior qualities, and spoke favorably to him.

         They invested (?) him with authority that accompanies him in battle

         like a coat of armor, …… to him mace, divine weapon, a great bow,

         arrows and quiver in his august hands,

         made his divinity magnificently perfect,…

        He grasps the seven winds, makes fire ……,

         subduing all in battle and fight, …… like lightning…”


        “For the king, he annihilates all enemy lands that are not compliant to him.

        Martu, the son of An, extends a hand to the good shepherd…

        his own father, the lord of the gods,…

        he presented to him the Martu lands, the lapis-lazuli mountains…

        he is the king’s helper in battle… Martu, son of An…”

The Marriage of Martu

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breeds in teal)

The name Martu can be written syllabically as Amurru or as a logogram MAR.TU which represents the Sumerian reading. But who or what was Amurru? The Amurru people are often mentioned in Mesopotamian inscriptions as the nomadic people of the steppe, who would come down from the hillsides and raid the agricultural products of the settled people of Sumer and Babylon.

1-8 When the city of Inab already existed, but the city of Kiritab did not yet exist,

when the holy crown already existed, but the holy tiara did not yet exist,

when the holy herb already existed, but the holy cedar did not yet exist,

when holy salt already existed, but holy alkali did not yet exist, when intercourse and kissing already existed,

when giving birth in the fields already existed — I was the grandfather of the holy cedar,

I was the ancestor of the mes tree, I was the mother and father of the white cedar, I was the relative of the hacur cedar.

9-15 At that time there was a princely land among the cities; Inab was this princely land among the cities.

The ruler of Inab was Tigi-cem-ala.

Now, he had a wife whose name was Cage-gur (Desired-by-the-heart),

and a child, who ……, and her name was …….

16-25 The people living around the city hung up nets, the people living around Inab hung up nets, hung up nets,

chased gazelles and killed the gazelles as one kills humans.

One day, as the evening came, and they had reached the place of rations, they established the rations before the god ……

(The correct form of this name is not known).

The ration of a married man was established as double, the ration of a man with a child was established as triple;

the ration of a single man was established as single;

but the ration of Martu, though being single, was also established as double (giant god).

Cylinder seal and imprint, Paleo-Babylonian, from Tello Offering scene before a god brandishing a curved stick. Haematite, H: 2,8 cm MNB 1471  (Ninhursag & her brother / son Martu, both King Anu‘s offspring)

 (incest amongst alien Anunnaki gods was very common, especially inside their royal family, advanced science prevented problems)

26-33 Martu went home to his own mother, and spoke to her:

“In my city I am among my friends and they all have already married wives;

I am there among my mates, and they all have already married wives.

Unlike my friends in my city I am single, I am single and I have no children.

Yet the imposed share exceeds that of my friends; over and above that of my mates, I received half of theirs.”

34-40 One day, as the evening came, and they had reached again the place of rations,

they established the rations before the god ……

(The correct form of this name is not known).

The ration of a married man was established as double, the ration of a man with a child was established as triple;

the ration of a single man was established as single;

but the ration of Martu, though being single, was also established as double.

2aa - temple of Hathor - NinhursagHathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755

                                                                        (ancient artifacts of princess-goddess, Ninhursag)

41-52 Martu went home to his own mother (Ninhursag), and spoke to her:

“My mother, find me a wife to marry and I will bring you my ration.”

His own mother replied to Martu:

Su-henuna, my son, I will give you advice; may my advice be heeded.

I shall say a word to you; you should pay attention to it.

Marry a wife of your choice, marry a wife of your heart’s desire, give me thus a companion, …… me a slave-girl.

Having built the houses of (?) your people living around the city,

and …… gardens, you will dig the wells of (?) your mates.

Martu, …… mates ……”

53-66 At that time a festival was announced in the city;

a festival was announced in the city of Inab (ancient city just northwest of today’s Aleppo, Syria).

(Martu said:) “Come, friends, let us go, let us go there, let us visit the ale-houses of Inab, let us go there.”

3a - unknown, Martu, & Utu (giant 2/3rds divine King Gilgamesh, Martu & Utu)

The god Numucda (Utu) participated in the festival; his beloved daughter Adjar-kidug participated in the festival,

9-utu-s-spouse-aia-aya-unknown-utu6o-ninsun-mixed-breed-giant-nannar  (Aya, Utu, & Utu‘s father Nannar)

his wife Namrat (Aya), the lovely woman participated in the festival.

In the city, bronze cem drums were rumbling, and the seven ala drums resounded as strong men,

Sports - Inanna, skilled in combat Sports - boxing & wrestling in Ur  Sports - wrestling & boxing in Ur

 (Inanna & other Anunnaki practice skills with hand-to-hand contests, earthlings learn their customs)


girdled champions, entered the wrestling house to compete with each other

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna2c - Utu - Shamash, Commander of the Space Port (Utu / Shamash, Anunnaki son to Nannar & Ningal, born on Earth)

for Numucda (Utu / Shamash) in the temple of Inab.

There were many coming to Inab, the city where the festival was taking place, to marvel at this.

There were many coming to Inab, the city where the festival was taking place, to marvel at this.

Two wrestlers or boxers. Terracotta relief from Eshnunna,late 3rd mill.BCE. 10 x 8 cm AO (Martu participates in the great sporting events of the gods, Olympic custom of today)

\67-75 For Numucda, because he was holy (?), Martu too strode around the great courtyard

to compete in wrestling at the gate of Inab.

They kept looking for strong fighters for him, they kept offering him strong fighters.

Martu strode around in the great courtyard.

He hit them with a destructive …… one by one.

In the great courtyard, in the battle he caused them to be bandaged;

in the great courtyard of Inab he lifted the bodies of the dead.

76-90 Rejoicing over Martu, Numucda offered him silver, but he would not accept it.

He offered jewels, but he would not accept them.

Having done so a second time, having done so a third time

08-02-14/57 (Utu‘s grand-uncle & son-in-law Martu, & Ashur)

(Martu says): “Where does your silver lead? Where do your jewels lead?

I, Martu, would rather marry your daughter, I would rather marry your daughter Adjar-kidug.”

7 lines missing

91-97 (Numucda says:) “You …… the wife with calves, as a marriage gift.

Milch cows shall feed the calves.

In the byre the calf and the cow shall lie down.

2i-cattle-pens-of-nannar-in-ur housing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man (Sumerian cattle)

Milch cows shall live in the …….

Suckling calves shall stay at their right side.

You must give your word thus and only thus, and then I will give you my daughter Adjar-kidug.”

98-104 “You …… the wife with lambs, as a marriage gift.

Milch ewes shall feed the lambs.

In their sheepfold the lamb and the ewe shall lie down.

Milch ewes shall live in the …… and suckling lambs shall stay at their left side.

You must give your word thus and only thus, and then I will give you my daughter Adjar-kidug.”

105-111 “You …… the wife with kids as a marriage gift.

Milch goats shall feed the kids.

In their stall the kid and the goat shall lie down.


   (giant alien Anunnaki established ongoing food supplies desired most by them)

The goats shall live in the …… and suckling kids shall stay …….

You must give your word thus and only thus, and then I will give you my daughter Adjar-kidug.”

112-114 He …… great …….

He shouted like …….

At the quay of Inab he …….

A27494 C5629  (Martu, Ninhursag, Nannar, & Utu)

115-126 He gratified the elders of Inab with golden torcs.

He gratified the old women of Inab with golden shawl- …….

He gratified the men and women of Inab with golden …….

He gratified the slaves of Inab with …… and gratified them also with colored …… cloths.

He gratified the slave-girls of Inab with silver jugs.

127-141 The days have multiplied, no decision has yet been made.

(Adjar-kidugs girlfriend speaks to her:)

“Now listen, their hands are destructive and their features are those of monkeys;

 3-martu-giant-alien-god-of-the-martu-lands-earthling  (giant alien god Martu, & his primitive ape-like “Martu” earthling)

he is one who eats what Nanna (Nannar / Sin) forbids and does not show reverence.

They never stop roaming about ……, they are an abomination to the gods’ dwellings.

Their ideas are confused; they cause only disturbance.

8a-hawawa-enlils-cedar-forest-guardian  (Earth creatures, many of them created / DNA mixed by the gods)

He is clothed in sack-leather ……, lives in a tent, exposed to wind and rain, and cannot properly recite prayers.

He lives in the mountains and ignores the places of gods,

digs up truffles in the foothills, does not know how to bend the knee, and eats raw flesh.

He has no house during his life, and when he dies he will not be carried to a burial-place.

My girlfriend, why would you marry Martu?”

Adjar-kidug replies to her girlfriend: “I will marry Martu!”

142 Inab — ulum, alam!

A Hymn to Martu (Martu B)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

Oxford University, 1998 – ©All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

         4g-a-song-of-praise-to-amurru (ancient cuneiform Song of Praise to Martu, son to King Anu & sister-mother Ninhursag)

Segment A

1-11. …… watching over ……, gathering together …… the divine powers (alien technologies),

…… peerless dragon, …… named in heaven and earth with an august name,

3a - Anu in flight (King Anu in his winged sky-disc, god the father in heaven / planet Nibiru)

……, engendered by great An (Anu) and brought up on his holy knees, ……,

born by Uraš (Urash / Ninhursag),

2d - Ninhursag & attendee, Ninhursag's symbolHathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755 (Ninhursag, King Anu‘s lovely daughter)

1 line unclear

  2e-enlils-home-in-nippur 3a-nippur-ziggurat-enlils-home-on-earth

            (Enlil‘s “Great Mountain” ziggurat temple residence, his actual residence in Nippur, Enlil‘s Earth Colony Command Central)

cherished and granted a favorable destiny by the Great Mountain Enlil, ……, not wearying of …… its beauty.

Proud one among the great gods, …… hearts, …… pure ……, shining purification rites, his conduct …….

His words …… cannot be unraveled, his intelligence and counsel ……, …… distant ……, …… leader ……

at least 26 lines missing

Segment B

1-9. 3 lines fragmentary

…… cherish him ……. …… embellished ……,

…… aromatic oil of cedar ……. …… raining on your body like dew …….

…… when you speak favorable words ……, …… when you speak favorable words ……,

…… prayers and entreaties …….

10-14. May the work of his hands …… be as sweet as aromatic oil of cedar ……!

May …… the city be long!

May its wives and children be fortunate!

May he bestow on him …… life of long days!

…… your divinity is …… good.

May he …… for eternal days!

4ca - Martu & unknown gods above, Babylonian king scene below   (top panel; Martu, Ninhursag, Ashur, & giant semi-divine Assyrian King Ashurbanipal)

15. A …… of Martu.

A šir-gida to Martu (Martu A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

Oxford University, 1998 – ©All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

4g-a-song-of-praise-to-amurru (ancient cuneiform Song of Praise to Martu, royal prince son to King Anu)

1-12. Hero, august youth, who completely controls the distant mountains as far as their borders!

Martu, august youth, who completely controls the distant mountains as far as their borders,

who possesses the strength of a savage lion, who occupies a holy dais in the mountains, the pure place!

4e - Martu, Utu, Lama, & Ereshkigal

                     (Martu atop ziggurat temple, giant mixed-breed king, king’s goddess mother Ninsun, & Ningal, patron goddess of Ur)     

Martu, who possesses the strength of a savage lion, who occupies a holy dais in the mountains,

the pure place, who is imbued with great fearsomeness, whom holy An (Anu) engendered,

who appears gloriously with numerous divine powers (alien technologies)!

2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer (King Anu‘s daughter Ninhursag, mother to major gods, fashioner of the “black-headed” earthlings)

His own mother Ninḫursaĝa (Ninhursag) made his form excel Medim-ša’s

so that no one should threaten him.

The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods, enhanced his strength with warrior qualities,

and spoke favorably to him.

They invested (?) him with authority that accompanies him in battle like a coat of armor,

08-02-14/57   (Martu, god of primitive earthlings called the “Martu , & Utu, both are gods of the mountains)

…… to him mace, divine weapon (alien technologies), a great bow, arrows and quiver in his august hands,

made his divinity magnificently perfect, and let him …… no adversaries.

13-20. He rears up, he …… the fields.

He is greatly august, possessing the strength of a lion, …….

He is endowed with fearsomeness like a raging lion.

Like a rampant wild bull, …….

He grasps the seven winds, makes fire ……, subduing all in battle and fight, …… like lightning.

Acute fear of him seizes all the wicked, …… a southerly storm.

The strength ebbs away from the city that he has cursed.

21-32. For the king, he annihilates all enemy lands that are not compliant to him.

 4 - Martu & king       3b - Anu of planet Nibiru

       (Martu  & a giant semi-divine king         An / Anu, god the father to offspring sent to establish Earth Colony)

Martu, the son of An, extends a hand to the good shepherd whom he has chosen in his holy heart.

His name is an august (of Anu’s royal bloodline) and ineffable name.

No one …….

The god with hands pure from purification rites, whose divine powers are resplendent divine powers,

annihilates (alien technologies) evil and violence, and sets justice in their place.

3a-anu-in-flight (King Anu in his winged sky-disc)

His father who inspired him, his own father (Anu), the lord (King) of the gods,

the prince who decides destinies, handed the distant sky and the broad earth to this savage god

who gives just verdicts, who is knowledgeable in decision-making, an adviser; and he let him have no rivals.

He presented to him the pure hills, the lapis-lazuli mountains;

he presented to him the Martu lands, the lapis-lazuli mountains.

 4d - unknown, Martu, & Utu3-martu-giant-alien-god-of-the-martu-lands-earthling

                   (king Gilgamesh        Martu         Utu)                                    (giant alien god Martu & his primitive “Martu” earthling)

33-48. He is a lion-headed hero; he is the king’s helper in battle …….

The just man on whom he has returned a …… verdict prays constantly to him.

With the scepter he leads …… to him, and has …… far away.

He makes good …… come out of the …….

He sets calves in …… his great ……. …… in cow-pens and sheepfolds …….

He makes fish and birds ……, and makes fresh fruit grow.

In the house in which the king …… silver, he ensures that it never ceases.

He exceeds ……, and decides great destinies.

…… he keeps guard over …….

In the river he causes …… to be available — he drinks the fresh water that it brings.

In the fields he produces …… for him — he eats the grain that they bring.

He makes …… increase in abundance for him.

He is hostile to those who …….

His mind …… is reliable speech, and his exterior …… is glory.

49-59. He does not alter …… for the king, and prolongs his …… days.

       He hands him the staff for his right hand, and to his side he ties the mace that guides the thousands.

1 line unclear

He sets the king’s feet in a well-ordered position (?), and causes him to have no opponents (?).

Mankind also address him …… in the view of his god.

…… him whom in his kindly heart he has called to kingship.

All day long the protective goddess of justice stands unceasingly by his right side.

In holy songs musicians sing of him — the dearly cherished one,

the god, the man of the hills, renowned everywhere — and promote his name gloriously.

4ca-martu-unknown-gods-above-babylonian-king-scene-below1 - Martu - Amurru, spouse to Utu's daughter Adjar-kidug (giant alien god Martu)

Martu, son of An, it is sweet to praise you!

60. A šir-gida of Martu.