Category Archives: Eridu

List of Kings and Cities From Before The Great Flood

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


         “IN ERIDU (Enki‘s patron city, it is not Uruk as suggested below!):


       ELALGAR RULED 43,200 YEARS.



       KINGSHIP WAS TAKEN TO BAD-TIBIRA (Dumuzi‘s patron city).



       DUMUZI RULED 28,800 YEARS.





       KINGSHIP WAS TAKEN TO SIPPAR (Utu‘s patron city).



       KINGSHIP WAS TAKEN TO SHURUPPAK (Ninlil‘s patron city).

       UBUR-TUTU (Noah‘s father) RULED 36,000 YEARS.

       TOTAL: 8 KINGS, THEIR YEARS: 222,600…”

Context: 5 other copies of the Antediluvian king list are known only: MS 3175, 2 in Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, one is similar to this list, containing 10 kings and 6 cities, the other is a big clay cylinder of the Sumerian king list, on which the kings before the flood form the first section, and has the same 8 kings in the same 5 cities as the present.

A 4th copy is in Berkeley: Museum of the University of California, and is a school tablet. A 5th tablet, a small fragment, is in Istanbul.

Commentary: The list provides the beginnings of Sumerian and the world’s history as the Sumerians knew it. The cities listed were all very old sites, and the names of the kings are names of old types within Sumerian name-giving. Thus it is possible that correct traditions are contained, though the sequence given need not be correct. The city dynasties may have overlapped. It is generally held that the Antediluvian king list is reflected in Genesis 5, which lists the 10 patriarchs from Adam to Noah, all living from 365 years (Enoch) to 969 years (Methuselah), altogether 8,575 years. It is possible that the 222,600 years of the king list reflects a more realistic understanding of the huge span of time from Creation to the Flood, and the lengths of the dynasties involved. The first of the 5 cities mentioned , Eridu, is (not) Uruk, in the area where the myths places the Garden of Eden, while the last city, Shuruppak, is the city of Ziusudra, the Sumerian Noah.

Lament For Eridu

Source: Black, J. A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E. and Zólyomu, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature ,

Oxford University, 1998 – © All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


(beginning of 1st kirugu)

1-10 4 lines missing

The roaring storm covered it like a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet.

4a - Eridu, buried by Noah's Flood (Eridu, Enki‘s discovered ziggurat E-enguru & city)

It covered Eridug (Eridu) like a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet.

In the city, the furious storm resounded …….

In Eridug, the furious storm resounded …….

Its voice was smothered with silence as by a sandstorm.

Its people …….

Eridug was smothered with silence as by a sandstorm.

Its people …….

11-18 Its king stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city.

He wept bitter tears.

 (Enki, patron god of Eridu, early city established on Earth Colony)

Father Enki stayed outside his city (Eridu) as if it were an alien city.

He wept bitter tears.

For the sake of his harmed city, he wept bitter tears.

Its lady, like a flying bird, left her city.

The mother of E-mah, holy Damgalnuna (Damkina / Ninki, OR Ninhursag, Enki‘s spouse), left her city.

The divine powers (alien technologies) of the city of holiest divine powers were overturned.

The divine powers of the rites of the greatest divine powers (held by Enki) were altered.

In Eridug everything was reduced to ruin, was wrought with confusion.

19-26 The evil-bearing storm went out from the city.

It swept across the Land — a storm which possesses neither kindness nor malice,

does not distinguish between good and evil.

Subir (fire & brimstone) came down like rain. It struck hard.

In the city where bright daylight used to shine forth, the day darkened.

In Eridug where bright daylight used to shine forth, the day darkened.

As if the sun had set below the horizon, it turned into twilight.

     (Enlil, Inanna, alien King Anu,-father in heaven to his royal descendants, those who came down to Earth, & Ninhursag)

As if An (Anu) had cursed the city, alone he destroyed it.

As if Enlil had frowned upon it, Eridug, Ec-abzu, bowed low.

27 1st kirugu.

28 It cried out bitterly: “O the destruction of the city! The destruction of the house!”

29 Its jicgijal.

30-37 A second time the storm destroyed the city — its song was plaintive.

…… was breached (?). …… intensified the lament.

It cut the lock from its main gate.

The storm dislodged its door. ……

It stacked the people up in heaps. …… on its own destroyed it.

It turned …… into tears. …… defiled ……

1 line missing

39-47 …… It distorted its appearance. …… It distorted its appearance.

It circled its …… wall. It overturned its foundations.

Throughout his city, the pure, radiant (?) place, the foundations were filled with dust.

It cast down its ziggurat, the shrine which reaches up to heaven, into a heap of debris.

The loftiness of its awe-inspiring door-ornament, befitting a house, collapsed.

It cut down the gate,

4e - Eridu, Enki's city (one of many mud-brick-built ziggurat / houses of the gods)

its Great-Ziggurat-of-Heaven-and-Earth-Covered-with-Terrible-Awesomeness,

its shining door, and it broke through its bolt.

It ripped out its doorframe. The house was defaced.

48 2nd kirugu.

49 The destruction of Eridug! Its destruction was grievous.

50 Its jicgijal.

51-57 At its lion-faced gate, the place where fates are determined,

it mutilated the copse (?) forming the architrave of the house …….

Ka-hejala (unidentified?) and Igi-hejala (unidentified?), the doorkeepers of the house, …….

Prematurely they destroyed it utterly.

They completely altered …….

At the gate of the fattening-shed, the animal-fattener …… the great offerings.

Its birds and fish were neglected there.

Destruction …….

Throughout his house, radiant (?) in silver and lapis lazuli, tears …….

58-65 The hired man and the governor …….

The festivals …… grandly …….

Holy songs, songs of all kinds …….

The cem drum and ala drum …….

The great divine powers, all the divine powers (alien technologies) …….

The place of the gods of heaven and earth …….

The judgment by the king, the holy scepter at his right side, …….

The en priestess, lumah priest and nindijir priestess …….

7g - Enki & Isumud in Eridu

  (earthling worker, Isimud,               Enki,                          earthling worker)

66-73 The minister Isimud (Enki‘s 2-faced vizier) …….

Strangers to the house …… its side.

Eridug, Ec-abzu, …… silently.

The enemy …… the cleansed tugmah robe.

…… a man …… the people …….

Along with the fluids spilled from his guts, his blood spilled forth.

The ……, which like the azure sky was embellished forever, …… grasped …….

74 3rd kirugu.

75-7 2 lines fragmentary

77 Its jicgijal. distressed and anxious …… like a pigeon …….

            1 line fragmentary

            78 The birds of the destroyed city …… a nest.

            The ukuku bird, bird of heart’s sorrow, …… the place.

            Pain …….

            The area became entangled in wild thornbushes.

            It …… wild thornbushes.

            The Cimackians and Elamites, the destroyers, looked at the holy kettles which no one may look at.

                 (NisabaEnlil‘s mother-in-law’s residence E-jectug, Goddess of Scribes, record-keeping, & grains)

            In the E-jectugNisaba, (Nisaba’s residence) the house of wisdom, …… covered over …….

            The divine powers (alien technologies) which embellish the abzu …….

            When the holy treasures stored in the treasury were put ……, when, like a mist lying heavily on the earth,

            ……, they went like small birds shooed from their hiding places.

            7 lines fragmentary

            unknown no. of lines missing


   (continuation of 4th kirugu)

   1 Father Enki uttered a lament for himself …….

   2 4th kirugu.

    (Utu & Ninurta enter Enki‘s ziggurat residence in Eridu)

3 Bitterly Father Enki uttered a lament for himself.

4 Its jicgijal.

5-9 Because of this, Enki, king of the Abzu, stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city.

It bowed its neck down to the ground.

Eridu‘s lady, holy Damgalnuna (Damkina, or Ninhursag, Enki‘s spouse), the faithful cow,

the compassionate one, clawed at her breast, clawed at her eyes.

She uttered a frenzied cry.

She held a dagger and a sword in her two hands — they clashed together.

10-15 She tore out her hair like rushes, uttering a bitter lament:

“You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her —

where is a lament uttered bitterly for you?

Eridug! You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her —

where are tears wept for you?

I fall like a bull in your lofty …… falls ……. I am …….

My heart …… queen …….”

unknown no. of lines missing

(incorporating end of 5th kirugu)


(continuation of 6th kirugu)

1-18 1 line fragmentary

          …… far away …… the great gods.

The lord Enlil, king of the lands, looked maliciously at Sumer.

He demolished it.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth (E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur, his Earth Colony “Command Central”)

He destroyed the Ki-ur, the great place.

He razed with the pickaxe all of the shining E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur).

He destroyed it but did not abandon it — at the lunches, in his great dining-hall, they call his name.

2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments (Ninhursag, sister to Enki, 1/2 sister to Enlil)

19-20 Aruru (Ninhursag), the sister of Enlil, destroyed her city Irisajrig.

In Kec (Kish), the creation place (of Adapa’s fashioning) of the Land,

the people saw inside its holy sanctuary where daylight had been unknown.

She destroyed it but did not abandon it — at the lunches, in her great dining-hall, they call her name.

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.  (Nannar / Suen / Sin / Acimbabbar, son to Enlil & Ninlil, & patron god of Ur)

The lord Nanna (Nannar), the lord, destroyed his city Urim (Ur).

He decimated the Land with famine.

He committed a sacrilege against the E-kic-nu-jal (temple).

He struck at its heart.

He destroyed it but did not abandon it — at the lunches, in his great dining-hall, they call his name.

1aa - Inanna, equipted to fly (Inanna, daughter to Nannar & Ningal, & Goddess of Love & War)

21-25 Inanna, the queen of heaven and earth, destroyed her city Unug (Uruk).

Fleeing from the E-ana (Anu‘s & Inanna‘s temple residence in Uruk),

the house of seven corners (7 is symbol of Enlil Earth) and seven fires……,

she destroyed it but did not abandon it — at the lunches, in her great dining-hall, they call her name.

26 (Damgalnuna (Damkina, Enki‘s spouse) speaks:)

“My beloved, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridug!”

27 6th kirugu.

28 “My beloved, for how long was it built? For how long is it destroyed? …… adornment of the Abzu.”

29 Its jicgijal.

30-36 “Lord Enki, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridug?

Who has ever seen such a misfortune as that of Ec-abzu, your house?”

No one goes up to his offering terrace.

At the lunches, in his great dining-hall, they do not call his name.

Enki, king of the Abzu, felt distressed, felt anxious.

At the words of his spouse, he himself began to wail.

He lay down and fasted.

37-44 My king, you must not be distressed, you must not be anxious.

3b - Enki image (Enki & descendants struggle to follow along with Enlil‘s descendants’ decisions)

Father Enki, you must not be distressed, you must not be anxious.

Son of An, return your heart to your Ki-ur and your attention to your city.

Living in an alien city is miserable — return your attention to your city.

Living in an alien house is miserable — return your attention to your house.

What can anyone compare with this city? —

Return your attention to your city.

What can anyone compare with this house? —

Return your attention to your house.

Eridug‘s day is long. Its night is over.

45-52 May your throne say to you “Sit down”.

May your bed say to you “Lie down”.

May your house say to you “Be rested”.

May your holy dais also say joyfully to you “Sit down”.

May your father An, the king of the gods, satisfy your heart.

A person, a humble man, brings you a lament over your wife’s faithful house.

When he sings it before you, may that person soothe your heart.

When he recites a prayer, look kindly upon him.

53 7th kirugu.

54 It destroyed your …… and struck against your house.

55 Its jicgijal.

56-59 …… and may he restore it for you.

2 lines fragmentary

Do not hide like a criminal …….


(UET 6 142)


1-5 House of princely powers, standing in mighty water (marshes)the waters have receded from it …….

One can walk on its wide swamp.

Within it grow wild thornbushes.

The delightful boat Antelope of the abzu — the waters have receded from it; …… its sheepfold …… the wharf.

They were Sirsir (unidentified?), the tutelary deity, and the man who rides the boat.


                                       (boats dock at Enki’s ziggurat residence in Eridu)

At the prow …… was hurled down in front of them.

Evildoers destroyed the house, and its rites were disturbed.

6-7 At the giguna shrine, the sacred house, evildoers …….

The E-unir — the shrine raises its head as high as heaven.

Its shadow …….

8-14 At the great gate, the lion-faced gate, the place where fates are determined, evildoers …….

They set fire to its door.

Ka-hejala (unidentified?) and Igi-hejala (unidentified?), the doorkeepers of the house, …….

…… Enki, at the …… place, …… its people.

…… the destroyed place, the abzu …… the powers of the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

3 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing (continuation of 3rd kirugu)


1-6 Eridug ……. City in the reed-beds …….

In Eridug, bull and cow …….

Without being a marsh boar …….

Eridug, like a bull …….

The lady of the city cried, “My city ……!”

7 3rd kirugu.

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki, eldest son to King Anu, wisest of the giant aliens on Earth)

8 Father Enki! O your house, o your city, o your people …… the mountains.

9 Its jicgijal.

Enki Builds E-Engurra

Fonte: Kramer, Samuel Noah (1988) Sumerian Mythology, University of Pennsylvania Press, West Port, Connecticut

Myth that tells how Enki built a house (temple) for himself in Eridu, the oldest city in Sumer according to tradition, the first of five cities founded before the Great Flood.

The temple, decorated with silver, lapis lazuli, carnelian and gold, was established on the bank of a river, where its foundations reached deep into the underground sweet, fertilizing waters, called the Apsu.

The temple had magical qualities: the brickwork gave Enki advice, while the surrounding reed fences roared like a bull. The roof-beam was shaped like the bull of heaven, and a lion gripping a man formed the gateway. The overall effect was described as a lusty bull.

The bustle of activity there was compared to the drama of a river rising during a flood, Enki filled the building with lyres, drums and every other kind of musical instruments.

Surrounding the temple was a delightful garden full of fruit trees, with birds singing all around and frolicking carp playing among the reeds in the streams.

After finishing the construction of the E-engurra, the temple, Enki called up the beat of the ala and the uh drums and set out by barge to Nippur, in order to receive the other gods’ blessings.

The fish danced before him on the way to Nippur, and Enki slaughtered several oxen and sheep for the feast to come.

Once in Nippur, Enki started preparing the feast.
5 - Anu is well received on Earth5 - Anu is well received on Earth

          5 - Anu is well received on Earth5 - Anu is well received on Earth (King Anu lands on Earth, celebrations begin)

Paying attention to protocol, Anu was at the head of the group, with Enlil beside him and the goddess Nintu (Ninhursag) in a seat of honor nearby. In the happy celebration that followed, all the great gods pronounced blessings on Enki‘s new home, and Anu stated: My son Enki (Anu‘s first-born male) has made his temple (residence)…. grow from the ground like a mountain” (mud brick ziggurat).

2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu 2e - Eridu temple reconstruction  (Enki‘s ziggurat home & city ruins)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

After the water of creation had been decreed,

After the name hegal (abundance) born in heaven,

Like plant and herb had clothed the land,

5 - Enki lived in the abzu marshes of Eridu (Enki in the Abzu, marshlands of Persian Gulf)

The lord of the abyss, the king Enki,

Enki the Lord who decrees the fates,

Built his house of silver and lapis lazuli (blue-hued gem stone);

Its silver and lapis lazuli, like sparkling light,

The father fashioned fittingly in the abyss.

The creatures of bright countenances and wise, coming forth from the abyss,

Stood all about the lord Nudimmud (Enki‘s pet name);

4b - Eridu excavation (excavations of mud-brick-built Eridu, Enki’s 1st home on Earth Colony)

The pure house he built

He ornamented it greatly with gold,

  (Enki 1st splash-landed in Persian Gulf, & set up home in Eridu)

In Eridu he built the house of water-bank,

Its brickwork, word-uttering, advice-giving,

Its… like an ox roaring,

The house of Enki, the oracles uttering.

7a - Enki & Isimud, his vizier, Roman Janus = January2d-enki-dna-experimentations (Enki & vizier Isimud in the Abzu, Eridu)

Follows a long passage in which Isimud, Enki‘s counselor/prime minister, sings the praises of the sea-house. Then Enki raises the city of Eridu from the abyss and makes it float over the water like a lofty mountain. Its green fruit-bearing gardens he fills with birds; fishes too he makes abundant.

Then Enki raises the city of Eridu from the abyss and makes it float over the water like a lofty mountain.

Its green fruit-bearing gardens he fills with birds; fishes too he makes abundant.

Enki is now ready to proceed by boat to Nippur, where he will obtain Enlil‘s blessings or his newly built city and temple (residence). He therefore rises from the abyss:)

           3l - Enki & modern man 3c - Enki in the Abzu (Enki raises the fishes)

When Enki rises, the fish…. rise,

The abyss stands in wonder,

In the sea joy enters,

Fear comes over the deep,

Terror holds the exalted river,

The Euphrates, the South Wind lifts it in waves.

Enki seats himself in his boat and first arrives in Eridu itself. In Eridu, he slaughters many oxen and sheep before proceeding to Nippur. Upon his arrival, a feast is prepared for all gods and Enlil in special:

             (Enki & Enlil drinking at the ziggurat dining hall in Nippur)

Enki in the shrine Nippur,

Gives his brother Enlil bread to eat,

In the first place he seated Anu (the Skyfather),


   (Apkulla / pilot, Enki, father & King, Skyfather Anu in his winged sky-disc, Anu‘s son & heir Enlil, & winged eagle-headed Apkulla / pilot)

Next to Anu he seated Enlil,

Nintu (Ninhursag) he seated at the big side,

The Anunnaki seated themselves one after the other.

          Enlil says to the Anunnaki:

            1h-procession-lg  (King Anu‘s descendants in a parade on Earth Colony)

“Ye great gods who are standing about,

My brother has built a house, the king Enki;

Eridu, like a mountain, he has raised up from the earth,

         In a good place he has built it.

Eridu, the clean place, where none may enter,

The house built of silver, adorned with lapis lazuli,

The house directed by the seven lyre-songs given over to incantation,

With pure songs….

"God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 28232aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad (Enki in Eridu, God of Waters)

The abyss, the shrine of the goodness of Enki, befitting the divine decrees,

Eridu, the pure house having been built,

O Enki, praise!

Enki’s (House in Eridu) -Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


               1-7. O E-unir (House which is a ziqqurat), grown together with heaven and earth,

               4e - Eridu, Enki's city (ziggurat image, home of giant alien gods)

               foundation of heaven and earth, great banqueting hall of Eridug (Eridu)!

               Abzu, shrine erected for its prince, E-du-kug (House which is the holy mound) where pure food is eaten,

               watered by the prince’s pure canal, mountain, pure place cleansed with the potash plant,

               Abzu, your tigi drums belong to the divine powers (alien technologies).

               8-15. Your great …… wall is in good repair.

               Light does not enter your meeting-place where the god dwells, the great ……, the beautiful place.

               Your tightly constructed house is sacred and has no equal.

               Your prince, the great prince, has fixed firmly a holy crown for you in your precinct —

               O Eridug with a crown placed on your head, bringing forth thriving thornbushes, pure thornbushes for the susbu priests (?),

               O shrine Abzu, your place, your great place!

               16-23. At your place of calling upon Utu, at your oven bringing bread to eat,

               2e - Eridu temple reconstruction

                    (Enki‘s mud-brick-built ziggurat, reconstructed image: Utu climbs Enki’s ziggurat)

               on your ziqqurat, a magnificent shrine stretching toward heaven, at your great oven rivaling the great banqueting hall,

               your prince, the prince of heaven and earth …… can never be changed, the ……, the creator, the ……, the wise one, the ……,

                2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (this artifact of Enki has been shamefully destroyed by Radical Islam)

               lord Nudimmud (Enki), has erected a house in your precinct,

               O E-engura (House of the subterranean waters), and taken his seat upon your dais.

               2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu (Eridu ruins of Enki‘s house & patron city)

               23 lines: the house of Enki in Eridug (Eridu).

Eridu Quotes From Texts

Eridu, Enki’s Patron City “Home of the Faraway”


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Eridu – . 1st city on Earth, Enki’s city


. Eridu, “Place of the Waters”, “Home of the Faraway”

. Enki’s temple was built there; it was re-built many times in history.

. It was approximately 3,800 B.C. when man’s first civilization, after the flood, began in Eridu.


Kingship in Eridu

When kingship was first handed down from Heaven (the concept of kingship),

the city of Eridu was chosen as the seat of kingship.

In Eridu, Alulim (mixed-breed) ruled for 28,800 years as king and Alalgar ruled for 36,000 years.

The two kings ruled a total of 64,800 years and then kingship was removed to Bad-tibira. …”


         “My son had for himself a House built;

         The lord Enki Eridu like the mountain on Earth he raised;

         His House, in a beautiful place he built.

         To the place, Eridu, no one uninvited can enter

         In it’s sanctuary, from the Abzu the Divine Formulas (disc knowledge on all things) Enki has deposited …”


Ninki, we learn from The Eridu Lament”, flew away from her city to a safe haven in Africa:

        “Ninki, its great lady, flying like a bird, left her city …”

But Enki left Eridu only far enough to get out of the Evil Wind’s way, yet near enough to see its fate:

        “Its lord stayed outside the city…

         Father Enki stayed outside the city…

         for the fate of his harmed city he wept with bitter tears …”


They watched the storm “put its hand” on Eridu. After the

         “evil-bearing storm went out of the city, sweeping across the countryside ,…”


Enki surveyed Eridu; he found the city

         “smothered with silence…its residents stacked up in heaps …”

Those who were saved addressed to him a lament:

         “O Enki, thy city has been cursed, made like an alien territory! …”

…and Enki

         “stayed out of his city as though it were an alien city …”

         “Forsaking the House of Eridu, …”


Enki then led

         “those who have been displaced from Eridu …”

to the desert, “towards an inimical land”; there he used his scientific powers to make the “foul tree” edible.

The Eridu Genesis


From “The Harps That Once…: Sumerian Poetry in Translation” by Thorkild Jacobsen.

Yale University Press, Publishers; Copyright 1987.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        Nintur (Ninhursag) was paying attention:

        Let me bethink myself of my humankind, all forgotten as they are;

          2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer (Ninhursag / Nintur with her early attempts to fashion workers for the gods)

        and mindful of mine, Nintur‘s creatures let me bring them back

        let me lead the people back from their trails.

        May they come and build cities and cult places, that I may cool myself in their shade;

        may they lay the bricks for the cult cities in pure spots

        and may they found places for divination in pure spots!

        She gave directions for purification and cries for elemency,

        the things that cool divine wrath, perfected the divine service and the august offices,

        said to the surrounding regions: “Let me institute peace there!”

        When An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursaga (Ninhursag) fashioned the dark-headed people (modern man)

           6 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755  (Apkulla / pilot, Enki, Anu above in sky-disc, Enlil, Apkulla / pilot, & “Tree of Life” DNA manipulations to fashion replacement workers; Ninhursag, Chief Medical Scientist on Earth Colony, taking 50,000 years to complete the fashioning of “Modern Man”)

        they had made the small animals that come up from out of the earth,

        come from the earth in abundance and had let there be, as it befits it,

        gazelles, wild donkeys, and four-footed beasts in the desert.

        …and let me have him advise; let me have him oversee their labour,

        and let him teach the nation to follow along unerringly like cattle!

        When the royal sceptre was coming down from heaven,

        the august crown and the royal throne being already down from heaven,

        he (the king) regularly performed to perfection the august divine services and offices,

        laid the bricks of those cities in pure spots.

            (Biblical “Eden”, the land of the gods “between the rivers” Euphrates & Tigris)

        They were named by name and allotted half-bushel baskets.

        The firstling of those cities, Eridu, she gave to the leader Nudimmud (Enki),

           2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu3b - Enki image (Enki‘s patron city Eridu in ruins; Enki)

          1a - Bad-tibira, Iraq   (Bad-tibira ruins; Dumuzi & Inanna)

        the second, Bad-Tibira, she gave to the prince (Dumuzi) and the sacred one (Inanna),

             (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son, & heir to throne of planet Nibiru after Anu & Enlil)

        the third, Larak, she gave to Pabilsag (Ninurta),

           2 - Utu's Temple destroyed by Noah's Flood2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna  (Sippar ruins & Utu)

        the fourth, Sippar, she gave to the gallant Utu.

         3b - Shuruppak, Ninlil's city south of Nippur

                                    (Ninlil‘s patron city ruins of Shuruppak, Enlil & his equal spouse Ninlil)

        The fifth, Shuruppak, she gave to Ansud (Ninlil).

        These cities, which had been named by names, and had been allotted half-bushel baskets,

        dredged the canals, which were blocked with purplish wind-borne clay, and they carried water.

        Their cleaning of the smaller canals established abundant growth.”

[lost account of the antediluvian rulers, and how human noise vexed the chief god Enlil so much that he persuaded the divine assembly to vote the destruction of man by the deluge] …

         2bb - Ninhursag & lab DNA experiments   (Ninhursag‘s early failures to produce a worker-race)

                (50,000 years of DNA manipulations to produce adequate replacement workers for the alien gods)

          “That day Nintur (Ninhursag) wept over her creatures and holy Inanna was full of grief over their people;

        but Enki took counsel with his own heart.

        An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursaga had the gods of heaven and earth swear by the names of An and Enlil.

        At that time, Ziusudra (Noah) was king and lustration priest.

        He fashioned, being a seer, the god of giddiness and stood in awe beside it, wording his wishes humbly.

            7e - Noah & Enki behind reed wall  (Noah overhears Enki‘s warnings of a coming flood)

         As he stood there regularly day after day something that was not a dream was appearing:

         conversation a swearing of oaths by heaven and earth,

         a touching of throats and the gods bringing their thwarts up to Kiur.

        And as Ziusudra stood there beside it, he went on hearing:

         “Step up to the wall (reed wall hiding Enki & Ningishzidda) to my left and listen!

          (Noah overhears Enki‘s warnings of a coming flood through a reed wall)

        Let me speak a word to you at the wall and may you grasp what I say, may you heed my advice!

        By our hand a flood will sweep over the cities of the half-bushel baskets, and the country;

        the decision, that mankind is to be destroyed has been made.

        A verdict, a command of the assembly cannot be revoked,

        an order of An and Enlil is not known ever to have been countermanded,

        their kingship, their term, has been uprooted they must bethink themselves of that.

        Now…What I have to say to you…”

[lost account of Enki‘s advice to build a boat and load it with pairs of living things, and Ziusudra‘s (Noah‘s) compliance]

         “All the evil winds, all stormy winds gathered into one and with them, then,

        the flood was sweeping over the cities of the half-bushel baskets for seven days and seven nights.

        After the flood had swept over the country,

          7i - Utnapishtim in the Ark  (Noah & family survive in the Ark)

        after the evil wind had tossed the big boat about on the great waters,

        the sun came out spreading light over heaven and earth.

        Ziusudra then drilled an opening in the big (submergeable) boat.

        And the gallant Utu (Sun god) sent his light into the interior of the big boat.

        Ziusudra, being (mixed-breed offspring of Enki,) king,

        stepped up before Utu kissing the ground before him.

        The king was butchering oxen, was being lavish with the sheep

        Barley cakes, crescents together with…

        …he was crumbling for him juniper, the pure plant of the mountains,

        he filled on the fire and with a …clasped to the breast he…”

           (Enlil smells Noah‘s Bar-B-Que, & discovers Noah alive by help of Enki)

[lost account of Enlil‘s wrath at finding survivor’s and his mollification by Enki]

          “You here have sworn by the life’s breath of heaven

        the life’s breath of earth that he verily is allied with yourself;

        you there, An and Enlil, have sworn by the life’s breath of heaven,

        the life’s breath of earth. that he is allied with all of you.

        He will disembark the small animals that come up from the earth!

        Ziusudra, being king, stepped up before An and Enlil kissing the ground.

        And An and Enlil after honoring him were granting him life like a god’s,

        were making lasting breath of life, like a god’s, descend into him.

          7aa - Shuruppak king Ziusudra - Noah & spouse (Noah‘s spouse & Noah made immortal by Enlil‘s decree)

        That day they made Ziusudra, preserver, as king,

        of the name of the small animals and the seed of mankind,

           2 - Dilmun location 

         (Dilmun, pristine lands given by Enki to his daughter Ninsikila; Noah‘s spouse, Noah, & Plant of Life)

        live toward the east over the mountains in mount Dilmun.

Lament for Sumer and Urim (Ur)

Source: Black, J. A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E. and Zólyomu, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford University, 1998 – © All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-2 To overturn the appointed times, to obliterate the divine plans,

the storms gather to strike like a flood.

 1ae-enlil-babylonian 2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad 2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments

(Anu, King of the Anunnaki, son & heir Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, Enki, eldest & wisest son to Anu, Ninhursag, Anu‘s eldest daughter)

3-11 An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursaja (Ninhursag) (2 mss. have instead: Ninmah (Ninhursag) have decided its fate —

1y-ancient-sumeria2  (Sumer, land of the gods “between the rivers” Euphrates & Tigris)

to overturn the divine powers of Sumer, to lock up the favorable reign in its home,

to destroy the city, to destroy the house, to destroy the cattle-pen, to level the sheepfold;

that the cattle should not stand in the pen, that the sheep should not multiply in the fold,

that watercourses should carry brackish water, that weeds should grow in the fertile fields,

that mourning plants should grow in the open country,

12-21 that the mother should not seek out her child, that the father should not say “O my dear wife!”,

that the junior wife should take no joy in his embrace, that the young child should not grow vigorous on his knee,

that the wet-nurse should not sing lullabies; to change the location of kingship, to defile the seeking of oracles,

to take kingship away from the Land, to cast the eye of the storm on all the land,

to obliterate the divine plans by the order of An (Anu) and Enlil;

  (Anu, King of the Anunnaki giants, in his winged sky-disc)

22-26 after An (Anu) had frowned upon all the lands, after Enlil had looked favorably on an enemy land,

 (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, born of the Anunnaki “double seed” law of succession)

after Nintud (Ninhursag) had scattered the creatures that she had created,

after Enki had altered the course of the Tigris and Euphrates, after Utu had cast his curse on the roads and highways;

27-37 so as to obliterate the divine powers of Sumer, to change its preordained plans,

 (early photo of Ur ruins prior excavation)

to alienate the divine powers of the reign of kingship of Urim (Ur),

to humiliate the princely son in his house E-kic-nu-jal (holy of holies within Ur ziggurat),

to break up the unity of the people of Nanna (Nannar), numerous as ewes;

to change the food offerings of Urim, the shrine of magnificent food offerings;

that its people should no longer dwell in their quarters, that they should be given over to live in an inimical place;

that Cimacki and Elam, the enemy, should dwell in their place;

that its shepherd, in his own palace, should be captured by the enemy,

that (King) Ibbi-Suen should be taken to the land Elam in fetters,

that from Mount Zabu on the edge of the sea to the borders of Ancan,

like a swallow that has flown from its house, he should never return to his city;

38-46 that on the two banks of the Tigris and of the Euphrates bad weeds should grow,

that no one should set out on the road, that no one should seek out the highway,

that the city and its settled surroundings should be razed to ruin-mounds;

that its numerous black-headed people should be slaughtered;

that the hoe should not attack the fertile fields, that seed should not be planted in the ground,

that the melody of the cowherds’ songs should not resound in the open country,

that butter and cheese should not be made in the cattle-pen, that dung should not be stacked on the ground,

that the shepherd should not enclose the sacred sheepfold with a fence,

that the song of the churning should not resound in the sheepfold;

47-55 to decimate the animals of the open country, to finish off all living things,

that the four-legged creatures of Cakkan should lay no more dung on the ground,

that the marshes should be so dry as to be full of cracks and have no new seed,

that sickly-headed reeds should grow in the reed-beds, that they should be covered by a stinking morass,

that there should be no new growth in the orchards, that it should all collapse by itself

so as quickly to subdue Urim (Ur) like a roped ox, to bow its neck to the ground:

the great charging wild bull, confident in its own strength,

the primeval city of lordship and kingship, built on sacred ground.

56-57 Its fate cannot be changed. Who can overturn it?

It is the command of An and Enlil. Who can oppose it?

58-68 An frightened the very dwellings of Sumer, the people were afraid.

  (Enlil, Anu, & Enki  traverses the skies in his sky-disc)

Enlil blew an evil storm, silence lay upon the city.

2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer  (Ninhursag, Cheif DNA Medical Scientist, with early attempts to create human workers)

Nintud (Ninhursag) bolted the door of the storehouses of the Land.

3c - Enki in the Abzu  (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, 1st to arrive on Earth with a group of 50)

Enki blocked the water in the Tigris and the Euphrates.

5aa - giant god Utu, Shamash, Throne of Sippar  (giant alien god Utu & the Wheel of Justice)

Utu took away the pronouncement of equity and justice.

3d-Inanna-Ishtar-upon-lion1  (Inanna, Goddess of War, atop her zodiac symbol Leo, her 8-Pointed Star symbol above her head)

Inanna handed over victory in strife and battle to a rebellious land.

  (Ninurta relief discovered in ancient Sumer ruins, artifacts of the giant gods & their giant mixed-breed offspring appointed to kingships, are shamefully being destroyed by Radical Islam, attempting to hide the truth of our forgotten past)

Ninjirsu (Ninurta) poured Sumer away like milk to the dogs.

Turmoil descended upon the Land, something that no one had ever known,

something unseen, which had no name, something that could not be fathomed.

The lands were confused in their fear.

The god of the city turned away, its shepherd vanished.

69-78 The people, in their fear, breathed only with difficulty.

The storm immobilized them, the storm did not let them return.

There was no return for them, the time of captivity did not pass.

What did Enlil, the shepherd (Commander) of the black-headed people, do?

Enlil, to destroy the loyal households, to decimate the loyal men,

to put the evil eye on the sons of the loyal men, on the first-born,

Enlil then (after nuclear missile attacks) sent down Gutium (ape-like primitives, barbarians) from the mountains.

Their advance was as the flood of Enlil that cannot be withstood.

The great wind of the countryside filled the countryside, it advanced before them.

The extensive countryside was destroyed, no one moved about there.

79-92 The dark time was roasted by hailstones and flames.

The bright time was wiped out by a shadow.

(2 mss. add 2 lines: On that bloody day, mouths were crushed, heads were crashed.

The storm was a harrow coming from above, the city was struck by a hoe.)

On that day, heaven rumbled, the earth trembled, the storm worked without respite.

Heaven was darkened, it was covered by a shadow; the mountains roared.

Utu (the Sun God) lay down at the horizon, dust passed over the mountains.

Nanna (the Moon Crescent God) lay at the zenith, the people were afraid.

The city …… stepped outside.

The foreigners in the city even chased away its dead.

Large trees were uprooted, the forest growth was ripped out.

The orchards were stripped of their fruit, they were cleaned of their offshoots.

The crop drowned while it was still on the stalk, the yield of the grain diminished.

3 lines fragmentary

93-103 They piled …… up in heaps, they spread …… out like sheaves.

22-great-death-pit-of-ur  (death pits in Ur)

There were corpses floating in the Euphrates, brigands roamed the roads.

The father turned away from his wife without saying “O my wife!”

The mother turned away from her child without saying “O my child!”

He who had a productive estate neglected his estate without saying “O my estate!”

The rich man took an unfamiliar path away from his possessions.

In those days the kingship of the Land was defiled.

The tiara and crown that had been on the king’s head were both spoiled.

The lands that had followed the same path were split into disunity.

The food offerings of Urim, the shrine of magnificent food offerings, were changed for the worse.

5b - Nannar's food & drink at the temple door  2bc - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar / Biblical El)

Nanna (Nannar) traded away his people, numerous as ewes.

104-111 Its king sat immobilized in the palace, all alone.

Ibbi-Suen was sitting in anguish in the palace, all alone (last king of Ur).

In E-namtila, his place of delight, he wept bitterly.

The devastating flood was leveling everything (blasts, then nuclear fall-out).

Like a great storm it roared over the earth — who could escape it? — to destroy the city, to destroy the house,

so that traitors would lie on top of loyal men and the blood of traitors flow upon loyal men.

112 1st kirugu.

113 The storms gather to strike like a flood.

114 Jicgijal to the kirugu.

2b - Kish ruins, where kingship was born Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755

                      (wall ruins of Ninhursag‘s patron city Kish, where kingship began;      Ninhursag, sister-lover to Enki)

115-122 The house of Kic (Kish), Hursaj-kalama (residence of Ninhursag), was destroyed.

Zababa (son to Enlil) took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved dwelling (in Kish).

1da - Bau-Gula, administer of prisons (Bau, Anu‘s daughter, Ninurta‘s spouse & aunt, patron goddess of Isin)

Mother Bau (Ninurta‘s spouse) was lamenting bitterly in her E-Iri-kug (residence).

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

1 line fragmentary

2 lines missing

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

123-132 Kazallu, the city of teeming multitudes, was cast into confusion.

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna  (Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, Inanna‘s twin brother)

Numucda (Utu) took an unfamiliar path away from the city, his beloved dwelling.

9a -Ba'al, Utu & wife, Aia  (Utu & his lovely spouse Aya / Aia / Namrat)

His wife Namrat (Aya), the beautiful lady, was lamenting bitterly.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

Its river bed was empty, no water flowed.

Like a river cursed by Enki its opening channel was dammed up.

On the fields fine grains grew no more, people had nothing to eat.

The orchards were scorched like an oven, its open country was scattered.

The four-legged wild animals did not run about.

The four-legged creatures of Cakkan could find no rest.

133-142 Lugal-Marda (son of Ninurta) stepped outside his city.

Ninzuana (unidentified, spouse to Lugal-Marda?) took an unfamiliar path away from her beloved dwelling.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

Isin, the shrine that was not a quay, was split by onrushing waters.

1a - Isin, Iraq

               (Isin heavily looted ruins;               Bau, patron goddess of Isin, & Ninurta, her nephew-spouse)

Nininsina (Bau), the mother of the Land, wept bitter tears.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

Enlil smote Dur-an-ki (communication center in Nippur) with a mace.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur1ae - Enlil, Babylonian

        (Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur, alien Command Central, the Duranki / “Bond Heaven Earth”;                  Enlil)

Enlil made lamentation in his city, the shrine Nibru (Nippur).

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse (Ninlil, spouse & equal partner to Enlil)

Mother Ninlil, the lady of the Ki-ur (inner residence in Nippur ziggurat) shrine, wept bitter tears.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

2 - Mesopotamia (earthlings 1st cities, established by giant alien gods)

143-154 Kec (Kish), built all alone on the high open country, was haunted.

Adab, the settlement which stretches out along the river,

was treated as a rebellious land. (1 ms. has instead: was deprived of water.)

The snake of the mountains made his lair there, it became a rebellious land.

The Gutians (primitives) bred there, issued their seed.

2bb - Ninhursag & lab DNA experiments (Ninhursag, Chief DNA Medical Scientist, mother to Ninurta)

Nintud (Ninhursag) wept bitter tears over her creatures (new breed fashioned as their workers).

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

In Zabalam the sacred Giguna was haunted.

1b - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo (Inanna, Goddess of War in her battle dress, atop zodiac Leo the lion symbol)

Inanna abandoned Unug (Uruk) and went off to enemy territory.

2a - Uruk & Anu's temple1a - Inanna with Liberty Torch

        (Uruks ziggurat residence of many alien Anunnaki from planet NibiruInanna ruling over Uruk)

In the E-ana (Uruk’s ziggurat above) the enemy set eyes upon the sacred Jipar shrine.

The sacred Jipar of en-ship was defiled.

Its en priest was snatched from the Jipar and carried off to enemy territory.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

155-162 A violent storm blew over Umma, brickwork in the midst of the highlands.

Cara (Shara, Inanna‘s son) took an unfamiliar path away from the E-mah, his beloved dwelling.

Ninmul (unidentified, Shara’s spouse?) cried bitter tears over her destroyed city.

“Oh my city, whose charms can no longer satisfy me,” she cried bitterly.

Jirsu, the city of heroes, was afflicted with a lightning storm (alien technologies).

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net (Ninurta holds earthlings captive in his alien high-tech battle net)

Ninjirsu (Ninurta, spouse to Bau) took an unfamiliar path away from the E-ninnu (Ninurta’s ziggurat residence).

Mother Bau wept bitter tears in her E-Iri-kug.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

163-173 On that day the word of Enlil was an attacking storm.

Who could fathom it?

The word of Enlil was destruction on the right, was …… on the left.

What did Enlil do in order to decide the fate of mankind?

Enlil brought down the Elamites, the enemy, from the highlands.

  (Nanshe / Nance, Enki‘s daughter, Goddess of Birds & Fish of the Persian Gulf)

Nance, the noble daughter (to senior Prince Enki), was settled outside the city.

Fire approached Ninmarki in the shrine Gu-aba.

Large boats were carrying off its silver and lapis lazuli.

The lady, sacred Ninmarki (Enki’s & Nina‘s daughter), was despondent because of her perished goods.

Then the day ……, burning like …….

2ab - Lagash ruins2c - Lagash, largest city of its day

                         (Lagash ruins;              re-creation of Ninurta‘s city of Lagash, place of great “mighty men” kings under Ninurta)

The province of Lagac (Lagash) was handed over to Elam.

And then the queen also reached the end of her time.

1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Enlil‘s 1/2 sister Bau, also his daughter-in-law)

174-184 Bau, as if she were human, also reached the end of her time:

“Woe is me! Enlil has handed over the city to the storm.

He has handed it over to the storm (weapon) that destroys cities.

He has handed it over to the storm that destroys houses.”

Dumuzid-abzu (Geshtinanna) was full of fear in the house of Kinirca.

Kinirca, the city of her noble youth, was ordered to be plundered.

The city of Nance, Nijin, was delivered to the foreigners.

Sirara, her beloved dwelling, was handed over to the evil ones.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

Its sacred Jipar of en-ship was defiled.

Its en priest was snatched from the Jipar and carried off to enemy territory.

185-192 Mighty strength was set against the banks of the Id-nuna-Nanna canal.

         The settlements of the E-danna of Nannalike substantial cattle-pens, were destroyed.

             2e - El & 2 lions housing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man (Nannar with his cattle pens in Ur)

          Their refugees, like stampeding goats, were chased (?) by dogs.

They destroyed Gaec like milk poured out to dogs, and shattered its finely fashioned statues.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

Its sacred Jipar of en-ship was defiled.

Its en priest was snatched from the Jipar and carried off to enemy territory.

193-205A lament was raised at the dais that stretches out toward heaven.

Its heavenly throne was not set up, was not fit to be crowned (?).

It was cut down as if it were a date palm and tied together.

Accu, the settlement that stretches out along the river, was deprived of water.

At the place of Nanna where evil had never walked, the enemy walked.

How was the house treated thus?

The E-puhruma was emptied.

Ki-abrig, which used to be filled with numerous cows and numerous calves, was destroyed like a mighty cattle-pen.

 (Utu / Ningubalag, patron god of Sippar, Nanshe‘s father-in-law)

Ningubalag (Utu) took an unfamiliar path away from the Ja-bur.

Niniagar (Utu‘s daughter) wept bitter tears all alone.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

Its sacred Jipar (Sippar, Utu‘s patron city) of en-ship was defiled.

Its en priest was snatched from the Jipar and carried off to enemy territory.

206-213 Ninazu (Ereshkigal‘s son) deposited his weapon in a corner in the E-gida.

2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755  (Ninhursag, patron goddess of Kish)

An evil storm swept over Ninhursaja (Ninhursag) at the E-nutura.

Like a pigeon she flew from the window, she stood apart in the open country.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

In Jicbanda, the house that was filled with lamentation, lamentation reeds grew.

2a - Ningishzidda, Master Builder, foundation peg (Ningishzidda set the foundation pegs to construct many ziggurats everywhere)

Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda) took an unfamiliar path away from Jicbanda.

Azimua (Ningishzidda‘s spouse, Enki‘s daughter), the queen of the city, wept bitter tears.

“Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

214-220 On that day, the storm forced people to live in darkness.

In order to destroy Kuara, it forced people to live in darkness.

Ninehama (unidentified) in her fear wept bitter tears.

“Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

2a - Marduk, Enki's 1st son, god of Babylon  (Marduk, Enki‘s eldest son, patron god of Babylon, & also Egypt)

Asarluhi (Marduk) put his robes on with haste and …….

Lugalbanda (Ninsun‘s giant semi-divine spouse) took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved dwelling.

(1 ms. adds: Ninsun …….) “Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu2aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad

                   (Enki‘s Eridu ruins well buried by time;                                           Enki, wisest of the gods)

221-224 Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city), floating on great waters, was deprived (?) of drinking water.

In its outer environs, which had turned into haunted plains, …….

The loyal man in a place of treachery ……. Ka-hejala and Igi-hejala (unidentified minor alien gods) …….

225-233 “I, a young man whom the storm has not destroyed, …….

I, not destroyed by the storm, my attractiveness not brought to an end, …….

We have been struck down like beautiful boxwood trees.

We have been struck down like …… with colored eyes.

We have been struck down like statues being cast in molds.

The Gutians, the vandals, are wiping us out.

3b - Enki image 3e - Enki, god over all waters (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, patron god of Eridu, God of Waters)

We turned to father Enki in the abzu (marshlands) of Eridug.

…… what can we say, what more can we add?

…… what can we say, what more can we add?

234-242 “…… we have been driven out of Eridug.

We who were in charge of …… during the day are eclipsed (?) by shadows.

We who were in charge of …… during the night are …… by the storm.

How shall we receive among our weary ones him who was in charge during the day?

How shall we let him who was in charge by night go astray among our sleepless ones?

"God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823  (Enki, King Anu‘s son, 1st to arrive on Earth with group of 50)

Enki, your city has been cursed, it has been given to an enemy land.

Why do they reckon us among those who have been displaced from Eridug?

Why do they destroy us like palm trees, us who were not violent?

Why do they break us up, like a new boat that has not ……?”

3i - Enki, god of waters (Enki with his son & earthling workers in the abzu)

243-250 After Enki had cast his eyes on a foreign land,

1 line unclear

…… have risen up, have called on their cohorts.

Enki took an unfamiliar path away from Eridug.

Damgalnuna (Enki‘s spouse Damkina, sometimes Enki‘s spouse Ninhursag), the mother of the E-mah, wept bitter tears.

“Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

Its sacred Jipar of en-ship was defiled.

Its en priest was snatched from the Jipar and carried off to enemy territory.

2c - Nannar & his symbol3b-nannars-temple-in-ur-terah-was-the-high-priest

              (Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur;   Nannar‘s temple residence way above his patron city Ur)

251-259 In Urim (home of Biblical Abraham) no one went to fetch food, no one went to fetch water.

Those who went to fetch food, went away from the food and will not return.

Those who went to fetch water, went away from the water and will not return.

To the south, the Elamites stepped in, slaughtering …….

In the uplands, the vandals, the enemy, …….

The Tidnum daily strapped the mace to their loins.

To the south, the Elamites, like an onrushing wave, were …….

In the uplands, like chaff blowing in the wind, they …… over the open country.

Urim, like a great charging wild bull, bowed its neck to the ground.

 (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, stationed on Earth as the Anunnaki Commander in Chief)

260-271 What did Enlil, who decides the fates, then do?

Again he sent down the Elamites, the enemy, from the mountains.

The foremost house, firmly founded, …….

In order to destroy Kisiga, ten men, even five men …….

Three days and three nights did not pass, …… the city was raked by a hoe.

2b - Dumuzi the shepherd2-dumuzi-youngest-son-to-enki

     (Dumuzi “The Shepherd”, Inanna‘s spouse, Enki‘s & Ninsun‘s son;   Dumuzi‘s hands & feet in cuffs)

Dumuzid left Kisiga like a prisoner of war, his hands were fettered.

5 lines fragmentary

 (Ninshubur & Inanna, Goddess of War)

271-280 She (Inanna?) rode away from her possessions, she went to the mountains.

She loudly sang out a lament over those brightly lit mountains:

“I am queen, but I shall have to ride away from my possessions, and now I shall be a slave in those parts.

I shall have to ride away from my silver and lapis lazuli, and now I shall be a slave in those parts.

There, slavery, …… people, who can …… it?

There, slavery, Elam ……, who can …… it?

Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,” she cried bitterly.

My queen, though not the enemy, went to enemy land.

2cc - Ashur-Osiris (Dumuzi “The Shepherd”, son to Enki & Ninsun)

Ama-ucumgal-ana (Dumuzi, Inanna‘s spouse) …… Kisiga.

Like a city …….

281 2nd kirugu.

1 line fragmentary

1 line missing

284 Jicgijal to the kirugu.

7 lines missing or fragmentary

1ae-enlil-babylonian (Enlil)

(Enlil, alien god who caused the Great Flood, Biblical Noah, & then later approved a nuclear attack on Marduk,- Sodom & Gomorrah)

292-302 Enlil threw open the door of the grand gate to the wind.

In Urim no one went to fetch food, no one went to fetch water.

Its people rushed around like water being poured from a well.

Their strength ebbed away, they could not even go on their way.

Enlil afflicted the city with an evil famine.

He afflicted the city with that which destroys cities, that which destroys houses.

He afflicted the city with that which cannot be withstood with weapons.

He afflicted the city with dissatisfaction and treachery.

In Urim, which was like a solitary reed, there was not even fear.

Its people, like fish being grabbed in a pond, sought to escape.

Its young and old lay spread about, no one could rise.

303-317 At the royal station (?) there was no food on top of the platform (?).

The king who used to eat marvelous food grabbed at a mere ration.

As the day grew dark, the eye of the sun was eclipsing, the people experienced hunger.

There was no beer in the beer-hall, there was no more malt for it.

There was no food for him in his palace, it was unsuitable to live in.

Grain did not fill his lofty storehouse, he could not save his life.

housing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man  (granaries of the alien gods)

The grain-piles and granaries of Nanna held no grain.

The evening meal in the great dining hall of the gods was defiled.

Wine and syrup ceased to flow in the great dining hall.

The butcher’s knife that used to slay oxen and sheep lay hungry in the grass.

Its mighty oven no longer cooked oxen and sheep, it no longer emitted the aroma of roasting meat.

The sounds of the bursaj building, the pure …… of Nanna, were stilled.

The house which used to bellow like a bull was silenced.

Its holy deliveries were no longer fulfilled, its …… were alienated.

The mortar, pestle and grinding stone lay idle; no one bent down over them.

318-327 The Shining Quay of Nanna was silted up.

The sound of water against the boat’s prow ceased, there was no rejoicing.

4l-utu-inanna-nannar  (Utu, twin sister Inanna, father Nannar, & son Papsukal damaged)

Dust piled up in the unuribanda of Nanna (Nannar)

The rushes grew, the rushes grew, the mourning reeds grew.

Boats and barges ceased docking at the Shining Quay.

Nothing moved on your watercourse which was fit for barges.

The plans of the festivals at the place of the divine rituals were altered.

The boat with first-fruit offerings of the father who begot Nanna no longer brought first-fruit offerings.

feasting-banquet-scene-in-nippur feasting-priest-caters-to-god-at-the-temple  (Enlil feasting in Nippur)

Its food offerings could not be taken to Enlil in Nibru.

Its watercourse was empty, barges could not travel.

328-339 There were no paths on either of its banks, long grass grew there.

The reed fence of the well-stocked cattle-pen of Nanna was split open.

The reed huts were overrun, their walls were breached.

The cows and their young were captured and carried off to enemy territory.

The munzer-fed cows took an unfamiliar path in an open country that they did not know.

Gayau, who loves cows, dropped his weapon in the dung.

Cuni-dug, who stores butter and cheese, did not store butter and cheese.

Those who are unfamiliar with butter were churning the butter.

Those who are unfamiliar with milk were curdling (?) the milk.

The sound of the churning vat did not resound in the cattle-pen.

Like mighty fire that once burnt, its smoke is extinguished.

5b-nannars-food-drink-at-the-temple-door 5a-nannar-a-very-early-king (food & drink brought to giant god Nannar in the temple of Ur, the duty of all high-priests)

The great dining hall of Nanna …….

340-349 Suen (Sin) wept to his father Enlil:

“O father who begot me, why have you turned away from my city which was built (?) for you?

O Enlil, why have you turned away from my Urim which was built (?) for you?

The boat with first-fruit offerings no longer brings first-fruit offerings to the father who begot him.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region

                 (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur, Command Central for all alien Anunnaki gods stationed on Earth Colony)

Your food offerings can no longer be brought to Enlil in Nibru (Nippur, named after their planet Nibiru).

The en priests of the countryside and city have been carried off by phantoms.

Urim, like a city raked by a hoe, is to be counted as a ruin-mound.

2c - Nippur (mud-brick-built Ki-ur in Nippur)

The Ki-ur, Enlil‘s resting-place, has become a haunted shrine.

O Enlil, gaze upon your city, an empty wasteland.

Gaze upon your city Nibru, an empty wasteland.

3k - Ur, city & house of Nannar (Nannar‘s ziggurat residence with city of Ur way below)

350-356 “The dogs of Urim no longer sniff at the base of the city wall.

The man who used to drill large wells scratches the ground in the market place.

My father who begot me, enclose in your embrace my city which is all alone.


             (Enki, King Anu in his sky-disc, & Enlil, sons of Anu ruling Earth Colony, Apkulla pilots on each end, & Tree of Life)

Enlil, return to your embrace my Urim which is all alone.

Enclose in your embrace my E-kic-nu-jal (Nannar’s residence) which is all alone.

May you bring forth offspring in Urim, may you multiply its people.

May you restore the divine powers of Sumer that have been forgotten.”

357 3rd kirugu.

358 O good house, good house! O its people, its people!

359 Jicgijal.

5 - Nannar and father, Enlil  (Nannar & son Utu, Nannar’s Moon Crescent symbol, & Inanna’s 8-Pointed Star symbol)

360-370 Enlil then answered his son Suen:

“There is lamentation in the haunted city, reeds of mourning grow there.

(1 ms. adds the line: In its midst there is lamentation, reeds of mourning grow there.)

In its midst the people pass their days in sighing.

(1 ms. adds the line: My son, the noble son ……, why do you concern yourself with crying?)

Oh Nanna, the noble son ……, why do you concern yourself with crying?

The judgment uttered by the assembly cannot be reversed.

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru 1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Anu, King of all Anunnaki on planet Nibiru & on Earth, his son & heir Enlil)

The word of An and Enlil knows no overturning.

Urim was indeed given kingship but it was not given an eternal reign.

From time immemorial, since the Land was founded, until people multiplied,

who has ever seen a reign of kingship that would take precedence for ever?

The reign of its kingship had been long indeed but had to exhaust itself.

O my Nanna, do not exert yourself in vain, abandon your city.”

371-377 Then my king, the noble son, became distraught.

2c - Nannar & his symbol 2d-nannar-moon-crescent-symbol (Nannar, patron god of Ur, & his Moon Crescent symbol, as is now with Islam; & the 8-pointed star symbol of Anu, later given to Inanna)

Lord Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), the noble son, grieved.

Nanna who loves his city left his city.


          (huge metropolis of Ur with Nannar‘s temple residence, home of Biblical Abraham)

Suen (Nannar) took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved Urim.

In order to go as an exile from her city to foreign territory,

4b - Ningal head (Nannar‘s spouse Ningal, mother to Inanna & twin Utu)

Ningal quickly clothed herself and left the city.

1d-anunnaki-gods-from-nibiru  (giant alien Anuna / Anunnaki gods on Earth)

The Anuna stepped outside of Urim.

378-388 …… approached Urim.

The trees of Urim were sick, its reeds were sick.

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest(Nannar & Ningal‘s ziggurat residence in Ur, city way below, place of Biblical Abraham & father Terah, Nannar‘s High-Priest, butler of Nannar‘s residence)

Laments sounded all along its city wall.

Daily there was slaughter before it.

Large axes were sharpened in front of Urim.

The spears, the arms of battle, were prepared.

The large bows, javelin and shield gathered together to strike.

The barbed arrows covered its outer side like a raining cloud.

Large stones, one after another, fell with great thuds.

(1 ms. adds the line: Daily the evil wind returned in the city.)

Urim, confident in its own strength, stood ready for the murderers.

Its people, oppressed by the enemy, could not withstand their weapons.

389-402 In the city, those who had not been felled by weapons succumbed to hunger.

Hunger filled the city like water, it would not cease.

This hunger contorted people’s faces, twisted their muscles.

Its people were as if drowning in a pond, they gasped for breath.

Its king breathed heavily in his palace, all alone.

Its people dropped their weapons, their weapons hit the ground.

They struck their necks with their hands and cried.

They sought counsel with each other, they searched for clarification:

“Alas, what can we say about it? What more can we add to it?

How long until we are finished off by this catastrophe?

Inside Urim there is death, outside it there is death.

Inside it we are to be finished off by famine.

Outside it we are to be finished off by Elamite weapons.

In Urim the enemy oppresses us, oh, we are finished.”

403-410 The people took refuge (?) behind the city walls.

They were united in fear.

The palace that was destroyed by onrushing water was defiled, its doorbolts were torn out.

Elam, like a swelling flood wave, left (?) only the ghosts.

In Urim people were smashed as if they were clay pots.

Its refugees were unable to flee, they were trapped inside the walls.

(1 ms. adds 3 lines: Like fish living in a pond, they tried to escape.

3i-nannars-spouse-ningal-king-ur-nammu  (Ningal & 2/3rds divine king of Ur, Ur-Nammu, in the E-kic-nu-jal of Nannar)

The enemy seized the E-kic-nu-jal of Nanna.

They ripped out its heavy …….)

The statues that were in the treasury were cut down.

2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna  3a-utu-in-the-mountains-with-weapons-of-brilliance (Utu, Nannar‘s son, Commander of the Space Ports)

The great stewardess Niniagar (Utu‘s daughter) ran away from the storehouse.

Its throne was cast down before it, she threw herself down into the dust.

411-419 Its mighty cows with shining horns were captured, their horns were cut off.

Its unblemished oxen and grass-fed sheep were slaughtered.

(1 ms. adds the line: They were cut down as date palms and were tied together.)

The palm-trees, strong as mighty copper, the heroic strength,

were torn out like rushes, were plucked like rushes, their trunks were turned sideways.

Their tops lay in the dust, there was no one to raise them.

The midriffs of their palm fronds were cut off and their tops were burnt off.

Their date spadices that used to fall (?) on the well were torn out.

The fertile reeds, which grew in the sacred ……, were defiled.

The great tribute that they had collected was hauled off to the mountains.

420-434 The house’s great door ornament fell down, its parapet was destroyed.

The wild animals that were intertwined on its left and right lay before it like heroes smitten by heroes.

Its gaping-mouthed dragons and its awe-inspiring lions were pulled down

with ropes like captured wild bulls and carried off to enemy territory.

housing-gods-house-cedar-timber-unloaded  (cedar timber brought to the gods in Sumer from Lebanon)

The fragrance of the sacred seat of Nanna, formerly like a fragrant cedar grove, was destroyed.

(1 ms. adds the line: Its architrave …… gold and lapis lazuli.)

The glory of the house, whose glory was once so lovely, was extinguished.

Like a storm that fills all the lands, it was built there like twilight in the heavens;

its doors adorned with the heavenly stars, its …….

Great bronze latches …… were torn out.

Its hinges …….

Together with its door fittings it (?) wept bitterly like a fugitive.

The bolt, the holy lock and the great door were not fastened for it.

The noise of the door being fastened had ceased; there was no one to fasten it.

The …… and was put out in the square.

4cc - Nannar and spouse Ningal

          (Ningal, 2/3rds divine Ur King Ur-Nammu, his mother-goddess Ninsun, again, & Nannar seated on his throne in Ur)

435-448 The food offerings …… of his royal dining place were altered.

In its sacred place (?) the tigi, cem and ala instruments did not sound.

Its mighty tigi …… did not perform its sacred song.

Verdicts were not given at the Dubla-mah, the place where oaths used to be taken.

The throne was not set up at its place of judgment, justice was not administered.

Alamuc threw down his scepter, his hands trembling.

In the sacred bedchamber of Nanna musicians no longer played the balaj drum.

The sacred box that no one had set eyes upon was seen by the enemy.

The divine bed was not set up, it was not spread with clean hay.

The statues that were in the treasury were cut down.

The cook, the dream interpreter, and the seal keeper did not perform the ceremonies properly.

They stood by submissively and were carried off by the foreigners.

The holy usga priests of the sacred lustrations, the linen-clad priests,

forsook the divine plans and sacred divine powers, they went off to a foreign city.

5p - Nannar & his moon symbol

        (top: Inanna in her sky-disc above mountains, bottom: Utu, Nannar, & Ningal)

449-459 In his grief Suen approached his father.

He went down on his knee in front of Enlil, the father who begot him:

“O father who begot me, how long will the enemy eye be cast upon my account, how long ……?

The lordship and the kingship that you bestowed ……, father Enlil, the one who advises with just words,

the wise words of the Land ……, your inimical judgment ……,

look into your darkened heart, terrifying like waves.

O father Enlil, the fate that you have decreed cannot be explained, the …… of lordship, my ornament.”

…… he put on a garment of mourning.

4e-enlil-parent-in-laws-haia-nisaba-spouse-ninlil (Enlil with plow, father-in-law Haia, the Barley God, mother-in-law Nisaba, Goddess of Grain, spouse Ninlil, also Grain Goddess, & unidentified with dinner, when gods did the work)

460-474 Enlil then provided a favorable response to his son Suen:

“My son, the city built for you in joy and prosperity was given to you as your reign.

The destroyed city, the great wall, the walls with broken battlements: all this too is part of that reign.

…… the black, black days of the reign that has been your lot.

As for dwelling in your home, the E-temen-ni-guru (ziggurat), that was properly built —

indeed Urim shall be rebuilt in splendor, the people shall bow down to you.

There is to be bounty at its base, there is to be grain.

There is to be splendor at its top, the sun shall rejoice there.

Let an abundance of grain embrace its table.

May Urim, the city whose fate was pronounced by An, be restored for you.”

Having pronounced his blessing, Enlil raised his head toward the heavens:

“May the land, south and highland, be organized for Nanna.

May the roads of the mountains be set in order for Suen.

Like a cloud hugging the earth, they shall submit to him.

By order of An and Enlil it shall be conferred.”

475-477 A Father Nanna stood in his city of Urim with head raised high again.

The youth Suen could enter again into the E-kic-nu-jal.

4bb - Ningal - spouse of Nannar, Ningikuga's daughter (brown-eyed Ningal, Nannar‘s spouse, Enlil‘s sister-in-law & daughter-in-law)

Ningal refreshed herself in her sacred living quarters.

(1 ms. adds the line: In Urim she could enter again into her E-kic-nu-jal.)

478 4th kirugu.

479-481 There is lamentation in the haunted city, mourning reeds grew there.

In its midst there is lamentation, mourning reeds grew there.

Its people spend their days in moaning.

482 Jicgijal.

483-492 O bitter storm, retreat o storm, storm return to your home.

O storm that destroys cities, retreat o storm, storm return to your home.

O storm that destroys houses, retreat o storm, storm return to your home.

Indeed the storm that blew on Sumer, blew also on the foreign lands.

Indeed the storm that blew on the land, blew on the foreign lands.

It has blown on Tidnum, it has blown on the foreign lands.

It has blown on Gutium, it has blown on the foreign lands.

It has blown on Ancan, it has blown on the foreign lands.

It leveled Ancan like a blowing evil wind.

Famine has overwhelmed the evildoer; those people will have to submit.

3a - Anu in flight (King Anu in his winged sky-disc, father in heaven / planet Nibiru to the “sons of god” who came down to Earth, & colonized it as their own)

493-504 May An not change the divine powers (alien technologies) of heaven,

the divine plans for treating the people with justice.

May An not change the decisions and judgments to lead the people properly.

To travel on the roads of the Land: may An not change it.

May An and Enlil not change it, may An not change it.

3aa-ninhursag-enki-experiment  (Ninmah & brother Enki with Tree of Life, to fashion “modern man” into their image, & into their likeness)

May Enki and Ninmah (Ninhursag) not change it, may An not change it.

1y-ancient-sumeria2  (land of the gods between the rivers Euphrates & Tigris, the “Eden”, where “modern man”  & all things began)

That the Tigris and Euphrates should again carry water: may An not change it.

That there should be rain in the skies and on the ground speckled barley: may An (Anu) not change it.

That there should be watercourses with water and fields with grain: may An not change it.

That the marshes should support fish and fowl: may An not change it.

That old reeds and fresh reeds should grow in the reed-beds: may An not change it.

May An and Enlil not change it.

3c-ninhursag-her-symbol-umbilical-chord-cutter-with-enki  1a-anunnaki-experiment-to-make-workers(Ninhursag & brother Enki in lab conducting DNA experiments on primitive earthlings, attempts to fashion their replacement workers)

May Enki and Ninmah not change it.

505-518 That the orchards should bear syrup and grapes,

that the high plain should bear the macgurum tree, that there should be long life in the palace,

that the sea should bring forth every abundance: may An not change it.

The land densely populated from south to uplands: may An not change it.

May An and Enlil not change it, may An not change it.

May Enki and Ninmah not change it, may An not change it.

That cities should be rebuilt, that people should be numerous,

that in the whole universe the people should be cared for;

O Nanna, your kingship is sweet, return to your place.

May a good abundant reign be long-lasting in Urim.

Let its people lie down in safe pastures, let them reproduce.

O mankind ……, princess overcome by lamentation and crying!

O Nanna! O your city! O your house! O your people!

2 - ancient Ur, Nannar's city (aerial view of Ur ruins)

519 5th kirugu.

Ninurta’s Journey to Eridug (Eridu): a Shirgida to Ninurta (Ninurta B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur)

1-7 The hero …… coming forth from the E-kur; Ninurta …… coming forth from the E-kur,

1 line fragmentary

……Ninurta, the (heir to throne of planet Nibiru, eldest) son of (Crown Prince) Enlil,

1 line fragmentary

in order to instruct ……, Ninurta went from the place of Enlil (Nippur) to Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s city).

8-13 To determine a destiny of abundance, to improve …… all the ……,

to see that vegetation should grow lushly in the spacious land,

to see that the cow-pens and sheepfolds should be heavy with butter and cream

to make the shepherds rejoice, the warrior Ninurta went to Eridug.

2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city & ziggurat residence)

14-28 To see that the Tigris and the Euphrates should roar, to see that ……,

to see that the subterranean waters should be terrifying,

to see that in the lagoons the carp and the goat-fish ……;

to see that in the reed thickets dead and fresh reed, first fruits, ……;

to see that the numerous animals, the creatures of the plain, the ……, the stag, the deer, the great ……;

to see that ……; to see that the living creatures should not diminish,

to see that ……; to see that the divine powers (alien tech) of Sumer shall not be forgotten,

nor the divine plans of all the lands altered; to see that ……, to see that faithfulness will prevail (?),

2a - Ninurta, Enlil's heir to heaven & earth (Ninurta, the son & heir to Enlil, the heir to King Anu‘s crown over their planet Nibiru)

Ninurta (Royal Prince), the son of Enlil (Crown Prince – next King of Nibiru, then Ninurta), in order to make judgments ……

unknown no. of lines missing


              (1st cities on Earth, locations to the residences of the gods)

1-4 As the king went to the abzu, he prepared the way for him;

as Ninurta went to Eridug, he prepared the way for him.

He made the roadway festive for him, he …… for him.

He made Ninurta joyful in the abzu, in Eridug.

          (Utu & Ninurta journey, climb Eridu‘s ziggurat residence to visit Enki on his throne)

5-9 When the king arrived at the abzu, the day was spent in abundance and the night in celebration;

when Ninurta arrived at Eridug, the day was spent in abundance and the night in celebration.

The firstborn son of An (Anu),

 2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks

       (Enki, eldest & wisest son to King Anu, but not his heir, not born of the “double seed” like younger brother Enlil)

(Enki) presented him with divine powers (alien technologies) for a lifetime;

the lord of all divine powers restored the ancient divine powers to their places for him.

The good days of Sumer were to come, ……Enki.


(Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander; Enlil‘s warrior son Ninurta)

10-17 As a king, Ninurta, the son of Enlil, wore a crown and ……;

as a lord, he tied on the shining muc headgear and held abundance in his hands.

He came forth radiantly, raised his head high in the abzu, in Eridug.

A youth who is the glory of the E-kur ……, he is the …… of kingship; he is the prayer of heaven and earth.

With An (King of Nibiru) and (eldest son) Enki he sits joyfully in the courtyard …….

unknown no. of lines missing


  (Ninurta bull-sphinx, found in his patron city of Lagash)

1-3 1 line fragmentary

Ninurta, you are the great wall of Sumer.

You are respected because of your heroism.

4-6 Lord, who renders true judgments, son of Enlil, linen-clad, god of the determining of fates,

suited for lordship, king of (?) the holy lustration rites,

an expert in divination, you are indeed suited for the holy throne-dais!

7-19 Ninurta, who together with An determines the destiny in the abzu, in Eridug,

what you say takes the breath away; the fate you determine is immutable.

Just as (?) for your statements, so also for your determining of fates,

the heroic gods of the abzu salute you.

O king, just as (?) you raise your head in the abzu, so, Ninurta, may you raise your head in Eridug!

The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods speak in praise of your heroism.

             (E-kur, Enlil‘s residence, Command Central for the gods)

King, …… the E-kur; Ninurta, …… the E-kur; …… great …… its house.

Dragon, lion, its abundance …….

20-30 At the word of Enlil, you rise up (?), warrior Ninurta.

Your kingship‘s fearsomeness and awesome radiance covers the rebellious lands.

Warrior, you harrow and you fortify the Land.

From the heart of the mountains you bring down silver and lapis lazuli,

the treasures of the mountains ……, to your father Enlil.

On the horizon …….

At evening ……, …… companion …….

Lord who destroys the foreign lands, who always claims (?) victory,

              (Enlil directing his son & heir Ninurta)

Ninurta you are the warrior of Enlil; you are authoritative in heaven, warrior …….

unknown no. of lines missing


1-7 He gave …… to you.

He gave …… into your hands.

1a - Oldest Crest on Earth, a God, Primitive Man, & Ninurta

  (Ningishzidda, mixed-breed earthling, & Ninurta with his 50-headed mace, & his ancient double-headed eagle symbol)

…… the fifty great divine powers (alien technologies), the pure cleansing rites;

fifty is the number of the divine powers of the E-igi-cu-galam ……, in which you determine the fates;

 (Ninurta with his 50-headed mace)

fifty is (Enlil‘s ruling # to kingship, King Anu = #60) the number of the divine powers

of the hall of the evening meal, where your table is erected.

No one can declare the great divine powers; no one …… the good divine powers.

8-14 Your city is august; your house is august.

Your divine powers are august (alien Royal Heir to Kingship); your lustration rites are august.

The commands of your kingship are august; the cry of your heroism is august.

(Enlil, son Ninurta, & winged Apkulla pilots)

Ninurta, the son of Enlil, …… is august (King Anu, then son Enlil, then grandson Ninurta).

When you come forth from the house of ……, your tall shadow hangs over the the Land;

from the south as far as the highlands, it covers the Land like a garment.

15-20 Your grandeur pleases Enlil; Ninurta, your grandeur pleases Enlil.

It pleases him that you give firm commands …….

It pleases him that you determine fates …….

It pleases him that you make the royal throne (over Nibiru & Earth Colony) firm.

It pleases him that you …….

21 It is a cirgida of Ninurta.

Enki’s Journey to Nibru: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

         1-8 In those remote days, when the fates were determined; in a year when An (Anu) brought about abundance,

       and people broke through the earth like herbs and plants — then the lord of the Abzu, king Enki,

        3b - Enki image2 - Enki, the wisest god (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son)

       Enki, the lord who determines the fates, built up his temple entirely from silver and lapis lazuli (gem stone).

       Its silver and lapis lazuli were the shining daylight.

       Into the shrine of the Abzu he brought joy.

       4a - Eridu, buried by Noah's Flood

             (Enki‘s patron city of Eridu buried through thousands of years of time)

         9-17 An artfully made bright crenellation rising out from the abzu was erected for lord Nudimmud (Enki).

       He built the temple from precious metal, decorated it with lapis lazuli, and covered it abundantly with gold.

       1a - Eridu, Enki's city in the marshes (Enki‘s Eridu on bank of Euphrates River, Sumer)

       In Eridug (Eridu), he built the house on the bank.

       Its brickwork (advanced hot fired mud-brick ziggurat) makes utterances and gives advice.

       Its eaves roar like a bull; the temple of Enki bellows (alien technologies).

       During the night the temple praises its lord and offers its best for him.

       7a - Enki & Isimud, his vizier, Roman Janus = January (Enki & his vizier Isimud = Roman god Janus = January, looking backward & forward simultaneously)

         18-25 Before lord Enki, Isimud the (double-faced) minister praises the temple; he goes to the temple and speaks to it.

       He goes to the brick building and addresses it: Temple, built from precious metal and lapis lazuli;

        2bb - Ningishzidda placing the temple peg for Gudea 2b - Ningishzidda, the Fashioner2a - Ningishzidda, Master Builder, foundation peg (Enki‘s amazing son Ningishzidda lays the foundation pegs to the gods ziggurat residences, Ninsun stands in praise of Ningishzidda)

       whose foundation pegs are driven into the Abzu; which has been cared for by the prince in the Abzu!

       Like the Tigris and the Euphrates, it is mighty and awe-inspiring (?).

       Joy has been brought into Enki‘s Abzu.

         26-32 Your lock has no rival.

       Your bolt is a fearsome lion.

       Your roof beams are the bull of heaven, an artfully made bright headgear.

       Your reed-mats are like lapis lazuli, decorating the roof-beams.

       Your vault is a bull (some mss. have instead: wild bull) raising its horns.

         (beasts of protection fashioned for mortal alien gods, putting “the fear of god” upon disloyal earthlings)

       Your door is a lion who seizes a man (1 ms. has instead: is awe-inspiring).

       Your staircase is a lion coming down on a man.

           33-43 Abzu (Persian Gulf marshes), pure place which fulfills its purpose!

       E-engura! Your lord has directed his steps towards you.

       Enki, lord of the abzu, has embellished your foundation pegs with cornelian.

        5bb - Enki's waterway in Eridu (the joyful docking at Enki‘s house E-engura)

       He has adorned you with …… and (?) lapis lazuli.

       The temple of Enki is provisioned with holy wax (?);

       it is a bull obedient to its master, roaring by itself and giving advice at the same time.

       E-engura (Enki’s house), which Enki has surrounded with a holy reed fence!

       In your midst a lofty throne is erected, your door-jamb is the holy locking bar of heaven. “

          44-48 Abzu, pure place, place where the fates are determined — the lord of wisdom, lord Enki,

       (1 ms. adds the line: the lord who determines the fates,)

       Nudimmud (Enki), the lord of Eridug (Eridu), lets nobody look into its midst.

       Your abgal priests let their hair down their backs.

         49-61 Enki‘s beloved Eridug, E-engura whose inside is full of abundance!

       Abzu, life of the Land, beloved of Enki!

       Temple built on the edge, befitting the artful divine powers (alien technologies)!

       Eridug, your shadow extends over the midst of the sea!

       Rising sea without a rival; mighty awe-inspiring river which terrifies the Land!

       E-engura, high citadel (?) standing firm on the earth!

        5ba - Sumerian ship coming to port(Enki‘s house with communication towers on edge of the marshlands)

       Temple at the edge of the engur, a lion in the midst of the Abzu; lofty temple of Enki,

       which bestows wisdom on the Land; your cry, like that of a mighty rising river, reaches (?) king Enki.

        62-67 He made the lyre, the aljar instrument, the balaj drum with the drumsticks (some mss. have instead:

       the lyre, the aljar instrument, the balaj drum of your sur priests  (1 ms. has instead: your lyre and aljar instrument,

       the balaj drum with the drumsticks) (1 ms. has instead: the lyre, the aljar instrument, the balaj drum

       and even the plectrum (?)), the harhar, the sabitum, and the …… miritum instruments offer their best for his holy temple.

       The …… resounded by themselves with a sweet sound.

       The holy aljar instrument of Enki played for him on his own and seven singers sang (some mss. have instead: tigi drums resounded).

          68-7“What Enki says is irrefutable; …… is well established (?).

      “This is what Isimud spoke to the brick building; he praised the E-engura with sweet songs (1 ms. has instead: duly).

       3j - unknown, Utu, Ninurta, & Enki2e - Eridu temple reconstruction

                      (Utu & Ninurta visit Enki in Eridu)                              (Enki‘s far advanced home in Eridu on Earth Colony)

       71-82 As it has been built, as it has been built; as Enki has raised Eridug up,

       it is an artfully built mountain which floats on the water.

       His shrine (?) spreads (?) out into the reed-beds; birds brood (1 ms. adds: at night) in its green orchards laden with fruit.

       The suhur carp play among the honey-herbs, and the ectub carp dart among the small gizi reeds.

       When Enki rises, the fishes rise before him like waves.

       1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region3c - Enki in the Abzu (Eridu was on the Euphrates River, along the banks of the Persian Gulf, in the Abzu / marshlands; Enki raises up the fishes) 

       He has the abzu stand as a marvel, as he brings joy into the engur.     

         83-92 Like the sea, he is awe-inspiring; like a mighty river, he instils fear.

       The Euphrates rises before him as it does before the fierce south wind.

       His punting pole is Nirah (some mss. have instead: Imdudu); his oars are the small reeds.

        5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes (alien gods, builders of ships, transporting goods, etc. down river)

       When Enki embarks, the year will be full of abundance.

       The ship departs of its own accord, with tow rope held (?) by itself.

       As he leaves the temple of Eridug, the river gurgles (?) to its lord: its sound is a calf’s mooing, the mooing of a good cow.

        7e - unknowns, Isumud, & Enki

           (Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king, Isumud, & Enki in the Abzu, father to some of Ninsun‘s children)

         93-95 Enki had oxen slaughtered, and had sheep offered there lavishly (food for alien gods).

       Where there were no ala drums, he installed some in their places;

       where there were no bronze ub drums, he dispatched some to their places.

        3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s E-kur, mud-brick-built mountain residence in Nippur, alien Anunnaki gods Communications Center / Command Central for Earth Colony, top of structure was added by American archaeologists in 1900)

         96-103 He directed his steps on his own to Nibru and entered the Giguna, the shrine of Nibru (Nippur, named after Nibiru).

       Enki reached for (?) the beer, he reached for (?) the liquor.

        3a - Enki on Dilmun seal (Enki & daughter Ninsikila; Enki & others in Dilmun)

       He had liquor poured into big bronze containers, and had emmer-wheat beer pressed out (?).

       In kukuru containers which make the beer good he mixed beer-mash.

       By adding date-syrup to its taste (?), he made it strong.

       He …… its bran-mash.

       5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

          (Apkulla / pilot,     Enki, King Anu in his winged sky-disc, Enlil, & winged eagle-headed Apkulla / pilot)

         104-116 In the shrine of Nibru, Enki provided a meal for Enlil, his father (younger 1/2 brother).

       He seated An (his father) at the head of the table and seated Enlil next to An.

       He seated Nintud (Ninhursag, his sister) in the place of honour and seated the Anuna (Aninnaki) gods at the adjacent places (?).

       All of them were drinking and enjoying beer and liquor.

       They filled the bronze aga vessels to the brim and started a competition, drinking from the bronze vessels of Urac (Ninhursag).

        2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755  (Ninhursag, King Anu‘s eldest daughter, Enki‘s lifelong love)

       They made the tilimda vessels shine like holy barges.

       After beer and liquor had been libated and enjoyed, and after …… from the house, Enlil was made happy in Nibru.

           (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, King Anu‘s son & heir, stationed on Earth for colonization purposes)

           117-129 Enlil addressed the Anuna gods: “Great gods who are standing here!

       Anuna, who have lined up in the place of assembly!

       My son (older ½ brother), king Enki, has built up the temple!

        (Eridu ruins)

       He has made Eridug rise up (?) (1 ms. has instead: come out) from the ground like a mountain!

       He has built it in a pleasant place, in Eridug, the pure place, where no one is to enter —

       a temple built with silver and decorated with lapis lazuli,

       a house which tunes the seven tigi drums properly, and provides incantations;

       where holy songs make all of the house a lovely place — the shrine of the Abzu, the good destiny of Enki,

       befitting the elaborate divine powers (alien technologies); the temple of Eridug, built with silver:

       3a - Enki & Aquarius constellation

                         (Enki, god of the waters,        Aquarius, his zodiac symbol)

        for all this, father Enki be praised!

Adapa and the Food of Life

[from “Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testament ” by R.W. Rogers, 1912].


(Mesopotamian Tale of Biblical Adam)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


         TABLET NO.1

He possessed intelligence . . . ,

His command like the command of Anu

He (Ea) (Enki) granted him a wide ear to reveal the destiny of the land,

4i - Enki & baby Adapa, created by Ninhursag

       (Enki holding his new upgraded species to become replacement workers for alien gods, the baby Adapa / Adam)

He granted him wisdom, but he did not grant him eternal life.


In those days, in those years the wise man of Eridu (Enki‘s city),

Ea (& Ninhursag) had created him (Adapa) as chief among men, (as “Model Man”)

A wise man whose command none should oppose,

4ga - I have done it, the worker of the gods (earthlings to be replacement workers)

The prudent, the most wise among the Anunnaki was he (Enki),

Blameless, of clean hands, anointed, observer of the divine statutes,

With the (Anunnaki alien) bakers he (learned to) made bread

With the bakers of Eridu, he made bread,

The food and the water for Eridu he made daily,

With his clean hands he prepared the table,

And without him the table was not cleared.


5bb - Enki's waterway in Eridu

                   (Enki‘s temple / residence in Eridu along the Euphrates River in Sumer)

The ship he steered, fishing and hunting for Eridu he did.

         Then Adapa of Eridu

While Ea, … in the chamber, upon the bed.

            2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu  

                (Enki‘s city of Eridu, remains of the oldest settlement on Earth Colony)                

         Daily the closing of Eridu he attended to.

Upon the pure dam, the new moon dam) he embarked upon the ship,

The wind blew and his ship departed,

5ba - Sumerian ship coming to port (giant docks at Enki‘s ziggurat / residence in Eridu)

With the oar, he steered his ship

Upon the broad sea . . .




The south wind …. when

He had driven me to the house of my lord,

I said, O South wind, on the way I shall to thee … everything that,

Thy wing, will I break.”


As he spoke with his mouth,

The wing of the South wind was broken, seven days The South wind blew not upon the land.

  (Anu, King of planet Nibiru, leader of their alien ONE WORLD ORDER)

Anu called to his messenger Ilabrat:

Why has the South wind not blown upon the land for seven days?

His messenger Ilabrat answered him:


(DNA modified upgraded earthling, Enki the DNA Scientist, 2-faced Isumud, Enki‘s vizier, looking forwards & backwards, & Ninhursag)

“My lord, Adapa, the son of Ea (Enki, Biblical Quote: “Let Us make man into Our image according to Our likeness”),

the wing of the South wind has broken.”


When Anu heard these words He cried, Help!”

He ascended his throne,

“Let some one bring him,”

Likewise Ea, who knows the heaven.

He roused him… he caused him to wear.

With a mourning garment

He garbed him, and gave him counsel

5f - Adapa ascending to Anu in heaven

        (mixed-breed,    Ninurta,    Adapa ascends to Heaven,       Utu, Commander of the Spaceport)

Saying: ” Adapa, before the face of Anu the King thou art to go… to heaven

When thou comest up, and when thou approachest the door of Anu,

4a - Anu flanked by Enki & Enlil (grandson Dumuzi, King Anu on his Nibiru throne, & grandson Ningishzidda)

At the door of Anu, Tammuz and Gishzida (Ningishzidda) are standing, “they will see thee, they will ask thee;

‘Sir,’ For whose sake dost thou so appear, Adapa?

For whom art thou clad in a mourning garment?’

‘In our country two gods have vanished, therefore am I so.’

‘Who are the two gods, who in the land have vanished?’


4d - King Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, Enki missing (giant mixed-breed High-Priest & King Gudea, Ningisgzidda, & Dumuzi)

Tammuz and Gishzida.’ They will look at one another and be astonished.

Good words they will speak to Anu.

A good countenance of Anu they will show thee.

            7 - Anu meets 1st earthling hybrids Adapa & Titi (Anu on Nibiru throne,  Titi / Eve, & Adapa / Adam)

         When thou standest before Anu

Food of death they will set before thee, Eat not.

Water of death they will set before thee, Drink not.

Garments they will set before thee, Put them on.

Oil they will set before thee, anoint thyself.

The counsel that I have given thee, forget not.

The words which I have spoken, hold fast.”


The messenger of Anu came:

Adapa has broken the wing of the South wind.

Bring him before me.”

5f - Adapa ascending to Anu in heaven5f - Adapa ascending to Anu in heaven3d - Etana of Kish ascends to Anu in Nibiru

           (Space Port launches, only a few earthlings ever ascended to Anu in Heaven / planet Nibiru)

         The road to Heaven he made him take, and to Heaven he ascended.

When he came to Heaven, when he approached the door of Anu,

At the door of Anu, Tammuz and Gisbzida are standing.

4 - Anu's abode on Nibiru - Heaven (Anu‘s Gates of Heaven / planet Nibiru, & eagle-headed pilots at the gates)

            (story of St. Peter at the Gates of Heaven came from this text!)

When they saw him, Adapa, they cried: ” Help,

Sir, for whom dost thou so appear? Adapa,

For whom art thou clad in a mourning garment?”

In the country two gods have vanished; therefore am I clad in mourning garments.”

“Who are the two gods, who have vanished from the land?”


 2a - Ningishzidda, Master Builder, foundation peg  (Enki’s youngest sons Dumuzi & Ningishzidda)

Tammuz (Dumuzi The Shepherd) and Gishzida (Ningishzidda the builder of pyramids).”

They looked at one another and were astonished.

When Adapa before Anu, the King, drew near, and Anu saw him, he cried: ” Come hither, Adapa.

Why hast thou broken the wings

Of the South wind? ” Adapa answered Anu:

” My lord, for the house of my lord in the midst of the sea,

I was catching fish. The sea was like a mirror,

The South wind blew, and capsized me.

To the house of my lord was I driven.

In the anger of my heart, I took heed.”


Tammuz and Gishzida answered … “art thou.”

To Anu they speak.

He calmed himself, his heart was . . .

5c - Adapa, Ninhursag, Isumud, & Enki

 (mixed-breed   Ninhursag  Isumud            Enki           primitive earthling)

“Why has Ea revealed to impure mankind

The heart of heaven and earth?

A heart… has created within him, has made him a name?

What can we do with him?

Food of life bring him, that be man, eat.”

Food of life they brought him, but he ate not.

Enki promised waters for Dilmun  (alien giant goddess with waters of life)

Water of life they brought him, but he drank not.

Garments they brought him. He clothed himself.

Oil they brought him. He anointed himself.


Anu looked at him; he wondered at him.

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (Anu, god the father in Heaven / Planet Nibiru, to offspring in command on Earth Colony)

” Come, Adapa, why hast thou not eaten, not drunken?

Now thou shalt not live.”

… men …Ea, my lord

Said: “Eat not, drink not.”

Take him and bring him back to his earth.

… looked upon him.



“When heard that

In the anger of his heart

His messenger he sent.

He who knows the heart of the great gods …………

3c - Enki in the Abzu (Enki, god over the waters, wisest of the alien giants on Earth)

To King Ea (Enki) to come,

To him, he caused words to be born.

… to him, to King Ea.

He sent a messenger

With a wide ear, knowing the heart of the great gods, … of the heavens be fixed.


A soiled garment he made him wear,

With a mourning garment he clad him,

A word he spoke to him.

            The Priest King of Lagash and Gudea (Anunnaki King Anu, Titi / Eve, &  Adapa / Adam)

Adapa, before the King Anu thou shalt go

Fail not the order, keep my word

When thou comest up to heaven, and approachest the door of Anu,

Tammuz (Dumuzi) and Gishzida (Ningishzidda) at the door of Anu are standing.

              (door of Anu)

  (Enki‘s 2 youngest sons visiting grandfather Anu on Nibiru / Heaven for the 1st time)