Category Archives: Cities & Kings of the Gods

Prayer to Ishtar (Inanna) for Esarhaddon (133)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

          (naked Inanna, semi-divine mixed-breed king, etc. & winged sky-disc)

       For the goddess Ištar (Inanna), supreme lady, sovereign of heaven and netherworld,

         most valiant of the gods, splendid, the goddess Ištar-of-Uruk,

         august princess who has taken (unto herself all) divine offices of highest rank

         (and) has gathered to herself (all) ordinances, beloved, eminent,

         who looks upon the king — her favorite — with steady favor,

         makes his reign lengthy, (and) bestows on him power and victory,

         empress of the world, most exalted of the gods, who dwells in Enirgalana

          (E-ana, ziggurat residence of Inanna in Uruk)

         (“House, Prince of Heaven”) — which is inside Eanna — lady of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

       Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

         king of the four quarters (of the world), governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

          (Adad, Ashur, mixed-breed king, & damaged Ninurta)

         the one to whom the god Aššur (Ashur) has stretched out his hand, permanently selected by the god Enlil,

          (giant god Marduk & mixed-breed king, etc)

         who was chosen by the god Marduk, favorite of the goddess Irnini (Ninlil);


(Top row: Ashur, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Marduk, & Ningishzidda as horned serpent; Bottom row: Nabu, Nergal, Ninhursag, Ninurta, Utu, & Nannar)

         who from his childhood trusted in the gods Aššur, Anu, Enlil, Ea (Enki), Sîn (Nannar), Šamaš (Utu), Adad,

         Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and Ištar (Inanna), the great gods, his lords,

         (who) allowed him to attain his desire, (the one who) recognized their power,

         (the one) over whom (the gods) extended their eternal protection

         in order to appease their divine heart(s) and set their mind(s) at rest;

         (giant god Ashur & King Esarhaddon with spouse keeling before him)

         (the one who) by the might of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), the Son-of-Bēl (Nabû), and Ištar,

         the gods, his helpers, ruled over all lands and made all rulers submissive to him;

         the one who (re)constructed the temple of the god Aššur, (re)built Esagil and Babylon,


               (Marduk’s ziggurat residence Esagil & Babylon below) (Inanna’s ziggurat residence E-anna & Uruk below)

         renovated Eanna, completed the sanctuaries and cult centers, (and) (re)confirmed (their) sattukku offerings;

         the king during the days of whose reign, the great lord, the god Marduk,


             (son Nabu, mixed-breed king with dinner, earthling worker, seated father Marduk, & son Ashur)

         became reconciled to Babylon (and again) took up his residence in Esagil, his palace;

         the one who made the god Great-Anu enter into his city Dēr and his temple Edimgalkalama

         (“House, Great Bond of the Land”) and had (him) sit upon (his) eternal dais;

         (the one who) restored the splendid appearance of the great gods who had rushed to Assyria,

          (Assyrian Empire)

         returned them from Assyria to their (proper) places and (re)confirmed their income;

         wise prince, expert who knows every craft, who constantly established appropriate procedures

         in the great cult centers (and) has purification rites performed correctly;

                    (Sennacherib)   (Sargon II)

         son of Sennacherib, king of the world (and) king of Assyria;

         descendant of Sargon (II), king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

         descendant of the eternal (mixed-breed) line of Bēl-bāni, son of Adasi, king of Assyria;

         precious scion of Baltil (Aššur), (one of) royal lineage (and) ancient stock

       When Eanna, the temple of highest rank, beloved of the goddess Ištar, my lady,

         which a previous king had built, became old and its walls buckled,

         I sought its (original) emplacement, removed its dilapidated parts, (and) surveyed its (entire) foundation.

          (Ningishzidda laid foundation pegs to the world’s greatest monuments)

         I completely (re)built (it) with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda)

         according to its ancient specifications (and) raised its top (as high) as a mountain.

       May the goddess Ištar, supreme lady, look upon this work with pleasure

         and may a good word for me be set upon her lips!

         May she make my weapons prevail over all (my) enemies!

        If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future ruler,

         this work falls into disrepair and becomes dilapidated,

         may (that ruler) seek out its (original) emplacement (and) repair its dilapidated parts!

         May he anoint an inscription written in my name with oil, make an offering, (and) set (it) back in its place!

         The gods will (then) hear his prayers.

         He will lengthen (his) days (and) enlarge (his) family.

       (But as for) the one who by some crafty device destroys an inscription written in my name or changes its position,

          (Goddess of War Inanna, her 8-pointed star symbol above her head, standing upon her zodiac symbol Leo)

         may the goddess Ištar, great lady, glare at him angrily

         and make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from every land!

Esarhaddon & Enlil’s E-kur (131 & 132)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


          (Earth Commander Enlil, mixed-breed king, & king’s mother-goddes Ninsun)

       For the god Enlil, lord of the lands, his lord: Esarhaddon, king of the world,

         king of Assyria, (5) king of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

         son of Sennacherib, king of the world (and) king of Assyria,

         descendant of Sargon (II), king of the world (and) king of Assyria,

           (Nippur, Enlil‘s Earth Command Central)

         renovated Ekur, the temple of the god Enlil, my lord,  and made its processional way shine like daylight.


Esarhaddon & Enlil’s E-kur (132)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


         (alien god, the Royal Prince & heir Enlil, & Assyrian King Esarhaddon)

       For the god Enlil, divine lord of the lands: Esarhaddon, king of Assyria,

         king of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

         for the sake of his life enlarged Pukudadaga in the courtyard of the god Enlil

         with baked bricks from a (ritually) pure kiln.

Praise of Enlil for Esarhaddon (130)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


            (alien Royal Prince Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir)

        [For the god Enlil], king of the gods, valiant, who drives out the enemies in battle,

         […] the sublime, who walks at the side of the king — his favorite —

         the one who conquers the enem[ies …] … — which is in Nippur (Duranki) — great lord, [his lord]:

          (giant mixed-breed & “mighty man” King Esarhaddon)

       [Esarhadd]on, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

         king of the four quarters (of the world), [governor of] Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

         (semi-divine offspring) selected by the steadfast heart of the god En[lil];


       [who from] his childhood [trus]ted in the gods Aššur (Ashur), Enlil, Sîn (Nannar), Šamaš (Utu), Adad,

           (top panel of gods: Ashur, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Marduk, Ningishzidda‘s snake symbol; bottom panel: Nabu, Nergal, Ninhursag, Ninurta, Utu, & Nannar)

         Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and the (other) great gods, [his] lords,

         (who) allowed him to attain his desire; (the one who) recognized their power,

       (the one) over [whom] (the gods) extended their eternal protection

         [in order to appease] their divine [he]art(s) and set their mind(s) at rest;


       [(the one who) by the might of the gods Aššur], Enlil, Bēl (Marduk), and the Son-of-Bēl (Nabû),

         the gods, his helpers, ruled over all lands and (10) made [all ru]lers submissive to him;

          (Esarhaddon; Esarhaddon text artifact)

         [the one who (re)constructed the temple of the god Aš]šur, renovated Ekur, (re)built Esagil and Babylon,

         [completed] the sanctuaries and cult centers, (and) (re)confirmed (their) sattukku offerings;

         [the king during the days of] whose [reign] the great lord, the god Marduk,

          (mixed-breeds queen & king stand before giant alien god Marduk)

         became reconcil[ed] to Babylon (and again) took up [his] residence [in Esagil], his [palace];

         (the one who) made [the god Great-Anu] enter [into his city Dēr and his temple Edim]galkalama

         (“House, Great Bond of the Land”) and had (him) sit upon (his) [eternal] dai[s; …]


        […] … […] and [make] his name (and) his descendant(s) [disappear] from [every land]!

Prayer to Enlil for Esarhaddon (129)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)



                                                         (Enlil, giant mixed-breed king, & his mother-goddess Ninsun)

        [For the god Enlil, lord of the lands], whose comma[nd] cannot be revoked,

        [… who]se utterance [cannot be reject]ed, […] gods … […] … ruler […] … […] the great lord, his lord:


             (earthlings in their alien image & likeness)

                  (“mighty man” King Esarhaddon & spouse give praise kneeling before giant alien god Ashur)

          [Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

        king of] the four [quar]ters (of the world), [governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

        selected by the steadfast hea]rt of the god Enlil (Earth Colony Commander);

        [who from his childhood trusted in the gods Aššur (Ashur), Enlil, Sîn (Nannar), Šamaš (Utu), Adad,


                              (Marduk                                            Nabu                                     Nergal)

        Marduk, Na], Nergal, and the (other) great gods, [his lords, (who) allowed] him [to attain his desire];

        (the one who) recognized their power, [(the one)] over whom [(the gods) extended] their eternal protection

        [in order to appease their divine heart(s) and set their mind(s) at rest;

        (the one who) by the might of the gods Aššur, Enlil, Bēl (Marduk), and the Son-of-Bēl (Nabû),

        the gods], his helpers, ruled over all lands and [made all rulers submissive] to him;

            (Esarhaddon stands before his god’s temple-residence, ziggurat)

        [the one who (re)constructed the temple of the god Aššur, renovated Ekur, (re)built E]sagil and Babylon,

        [completed the sanctuaries and cult cente]rs, (and) (re)confirmed (their) sattukku offerings;

        [the king during the days of whose reign the great lord, the god Marduk],

           (Esagil, Marduk‘s temple-residence inside his great ziggurat)

        became reconciled [to] Babylon (and again) took up his residence [in Esagil, his palace];

        (the one who) made [the god Great-Anu] enter [into his city Dēr and] his [temple] Edimgalkalama

        (“House, Great Bond of the Land”) and [had (him) sit upon (his)] eternal [dais;

        (the one who) restored the splendid appearance of the plundered gods of the lands,

           (Assyrian Empire under care of the gods, giant aliens in our image & likeness)

        returned them] from Assyria [to their (proper) places, and] (re)confirmed their income;

        [wise prince, expert who knows every craft, who constantly established appropriate procedures]

        in the great cult centers [(and) has] purification rites [perform]ed correctly;

        [son of Sennacherib, king of the world (and) king of Assyria]; descendant of Sargon (II),

        king of Assyria, [governor of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer] and Akkad;

        [descendant of the eter]nal line [of Bēl-bā]ni, son of Adasi, [k]ing of Assyria;

        precious [scion of Baltil (Aššur)], (one of) [roya]l lineage (and) ancient stock (of mixed-breeds)

            (Enlil‘s residence – Command Central for the gods)

        [At that] time, Ekur (“House, Mountain”), the temple (residence) of the god En[li]l, lord of the lands,

        my lord, which a previous king had [built], became [ol]d and [its] walls [buckl]ed.

        [I sou]ght [its (original) emplacement], removed its dilapidated parts, (and) surveyed its (entire) foundation.


                       (Ningishzidda places the original foundation pegs to the great wonders of the world, his spouse Azimua looks on)

        I [completely] (re)bu[ilt (it)] with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda)

        according to [its ancien]t spe[cifications (and) raised its top (as high) as a mountain.]


           (giant king & Enlil seated, & winged alien sky-disc above)

        [(On account of this), may the god Enl]il, the god who helps me,

        [look upon my] wo[rks with pleasure and may a good word for me be set upon his lips!

        May he determine as my fate a] long [life], fullness of old age, [good health, and happiness!]


        [If at any time in the] future, [during the days of the reign] of some future ruler,

        [this temple falls into disrepair and] becomes [dilapidat]ed,

        [may (that ruler) seek out its (original) emplacem[ent (and) repair] its dilapidated parts!

        [May he anoint an inscri]ption written in my name with oil, make an [of]fering, (and) [set (it) back] in [its] place!

        [The gods will (then) hear his prayers.

        He will lengthen (his) day]s (and) enlarge (his) fam[ily].


        [(But as for) the one who by some crafty devi]ce destroys [an inscription written in my name] or cha[nges] its position,

            (Enlil severely punished disobedient kings & earthlings)

        [may the god Enlil (…) glare] at him [angrily] and determine a bad fate [for him!

        May he make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from the land] and have no pity on him!

Prayer to Innini (Inanna) for Esarhaddon (128)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        For the goddess Queen-of-Nippur, ruler of Uzu-mu-a, august, eminent, most splendid of the gods,

          the goddess Innini (Inanna), supreme lady who always cares like a mother for the king — her favorite —

         who makes his reign lengthy (and) bestows on him power and might,

       queen of Nippur, who dwells in Ebaradurgara (Inanna’s private temple residence used when visiting grandfather Enlil in his patron city of Nippur, his Earth Colony Command Central),

       the temple which makes firm the royal abode, the great lady, his lady:

         (giant god Ashur & King Esarhaddon with kneeling spouse)

       Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

         king of the four quarters (of the world), governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

         selected by the steadfast heart of the god Enlil;


(Top: Ashur, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Marduk, & Ningishzidda as horned serpent; Bottom: Nabu, Nergal, Ninhursag, Ninurta, Utu, & Nannar)

         who from his childhood trusted in the gods Aššur (Ashur), Enlil, Sîn (Nannar), Šamaš (Utu), Adad,

         Marduk, Nabû, Nergal, and the (other) great gods, his lords,

         (the one who) recognized their power, (the one) over whom (the gods) extended their eternal protection

         in order to appease their divine heart(s) and set their mind(s) at rest;

           (Utu, Marduk, mixed-breed king, Enki, & scribe Nabu)

         (the one who) by the might of the gods Aššur, Enlil, Bēl (Marduk), and the Son-of-Bēl (Nabû),

         the gods, his helpers, ruled over all lands and made all rulers submissive to him;

         the one who (re)constructed the temple of the god Aššur, renovated Ekur, (re)built Esagil and Babylon,


                   (Marduk’s Easgil ziggurat residence way above Babylon;        Inanna’s E-anna ziggurat residence in Uruk)

         completed the sanctuaries and cult centers, (and) (re)confirmed (their) sattukku offerings;

         the king during the days of whose reign the great lord, the god Marduk, became reconciled to Babylon


           (son Nabu, mixed-breed king with dinner, earthling worker, father Marduk enters Babylon, & son Ashur)

         (and again) took up his residence in Esagil, his palace;

         (the one who) made the god Great-Anu enter into his city Dēr

         and his temple Edimgalkalama (“House, Great Bond of the Land”) and had (him) sit upon (his) eternal dais;

         (the one who) restored the splendid appearance of the plundered gods of the lands,

         returned them from Assyria to their (proper) places, and (re)confirmed their income;

         wise prince, expert who knows every craft, who constantly established appropriate procedures

         in the great cult centers (and) has purification rites performed correctly;

         son of Sennacherib, king of the world (and) king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon (II),

           (Sennacherib) (Sargon II)

         king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

         descendant of the eternal (long-lived mixed-breed) line of Bēl-bāni, son of Adasi, king of Assyria;

         precious scion (mixed-breed semi-divine descendant) of Baltil (Aššur), (one of) royal lineage (and) ancient stock

        At that time Ebaradurgara, the temple of the goddess Queen-of-Nippur, the great lady, my lady,


                             (Enlil’s E-kur, ziggurat complex in NippurEnlil’s ancient established cities of Sumer)

         which a previous king had built, became old and its walls buckled.

         I sought its (original) emplacement, removed its dilapidated parts, (and) surveyed its (entire) foundation.

         I completely (re)built (it) with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda) according to its ancient specifications


                            (alien architect Ningishzidda laid the 1st foundation pegs to the greatest monuments worldwide)

         (and) raised its top (as high) as a mountain.

        May the goddess Queen-of-Nippur, supreme lady, my lady, look upon this work with pleasure

         and may a good word for me be set upon her lips!

         May she determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness!

        If at any time in the future, during the days of the reign of some future ruler,

         this temple falls into disrepair and becomes dilapidated,

         may (that ruler) seek out its (original) emplacement (and) repair its dilapidated parts!

         May he anoint an inscription written in my name with oil, make an offering, (and) set (it) back in its place!

         The gods will (then) hear his prayers.

         He will lengthen (his) days (and) enlarge (his) family.

        (But as for) the one who by some crafty device destroys an inscription written in my name or changes its position,

          (Inanna, Goddess of War atop her zodiac symbol of Leo)

         may the goddess Queen-of-Nippur, great lady, glare at him angrily

         and make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from every land!

        (Property) of Ebaradurgara (Inanna’s temple residence in Nippur).

Prayer to Gula for Esarhaddon (127)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        […] … […] … […] [… w]ho to his … not … […]

          […] … paid attention to the mention of his name, his command […]

          […] brings quickly before […] [… unsub]missive to the comma[nd]

          […] destroyed [that] one, making the inhabited world shake […] the god, his helper,

          [… wi]th his help, they knelt, beseeching his lordship […] did not bear my yoke (lit. “pull my yoke-rope”)

          [who took] away [the fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa], appropriating (them) for himself

          […] did not fear his command or the mention of his name, and was not afraid of his lordship

          […] inundated and leveled like a flood.

        […] his own [fear] overwhelmed him and his life ended.

          [… he to]ok as booty and brought to Assyria.

          (Assyrian King Esarhaddon rebuilds Marduk‘s ziggurat residence in Babylon)

          [Esarhaddon, gre]at [king], mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

        [king of the four quarters (of the world)], governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

        [descendant of the eternal (semi-divine) line of Bēl-bāni, son of Adasi], king of Assyria,

           (giant alien god Ashur with King Esarhaddon & spouse;  Esarhaddon rebuilds artifact)

        precious scion of Baltil (Aššur) (Ashur), (one of) royal lineage (and) anci[ent] stock

          [At that time … the temple of the goddess G]ula of Borsippa,

        the s[ite of] which had become weak due to the strength of the (river’s) destructive flooding,

        […] I (re-)erected its dilapidated parts and reinforced [its] structure.

            (Bau with her guard dog image on boundary stone)

        May [the goddess Gula (Bau, Ninurta‘s spouse), …],

        look upon this [wo]rk of mine with pleasure [and] (…)

Self-Praise of Esarhaddon (116)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

       […] … [… the slave girl] did not list[en to] her mistress.

         [They led their gods away, neglected their goddesses], abandoned [their rites], and embraced quite different (rites);

         […] they were inciting [criminal ac]ts (and) infringing on a taboo; […] they discontinued [sattuk]ku offerings.

         They fomented a conspiracy.

         They (Babylon’s citizens) put their hands on [the possessions of Esagil and the citizens of Babylon]

         and they plundered its goods, [gold, silver, (and) stones fr]om inside the temple

         (and) sold (them) at market value to the land Elam.

         (Enlil, Anu, & Enki in their sky-disc)

       [The god] Enlil saw […] and his heart became angry (and) his mood became furious.

         [The Enlil of the gods, the lord of the lands], plotted evilly to scatter the land and people;

         [to level the land and to destroy] its [people], his heart was angry.

         A bitter curse was placed in his mouth.

       Many [bad omens] concerning the destruction of mankind occurred [in heaven and on earth.

         The path of the Enlil-stars, the path of the Anu-stars, (and) the path of] the Ea-stars

         changed their position(s) for the worse (and) they constantly revealed signs portending destruction.

         […] … in the same way, its signs became increasingly bad.

       [The river Araḫtu, (normally) a river of abundance], turned into an angry wave,

         a raging tide, a huge flood like the deluge.

         It swept (its) [waters] destructively across the city, [its dwelling(s),

         (and) its shrines], and turned (them) into a swamp.

        (Enlil, Anu, & Enki flying like birds above)

         The gods [(and goddesses) dwelling in it] flew up to the heavens like [bi]rds.

         The šēdus (and) [lamassus … fle]d and were wandering around outside.

         The people living [in it were hidden in another place] and took refuge in an unknown land.


       As time passed, [the heart of the great lord], the god Marduk, was soothed

         and he became reconciled with the land that he had punished.

         As the seventy years [passed, …] he (the god Marduk) wrote [‘11 years’], had pity, and said ‘Aḫulap!’

         (wall relief of Esarhaddon)

       (As for) me, Es[arhaddon, …], who knows how to revere his great divinity,

         [… were established] for me at the beginning of [my kingship, in my first year,

         when] I sat [on the] throne of my priestly office, when I wore the crown of lordship, and […].

         They (the gods) constantly revealed good omen(s) to me concerning the (re)population of the city and the temple.

       [Bright Jupiter(, the giver of decisions on Akkad,) came] near [in Simānu]

         and stood in the place where the sun shines.

         It was shining brightly (and) its appearance was [red. …]

         (and) there were copious [rains] (and) regular floods [in Akkad].

         It (Jupiter) reached (its) [hyp]soma [for a second time in the month “Opening of the Door”] and [stayed] i[n its place].

       [In order to triumph (and) to show overpowering strength], he (the god Marduk)

         reveal[ed to me] good omen(s) [concerning the (re-)entering of Esagil.

         Every month, the gods Sîn (Nannar) (and) Šamaš (Nannar’s son Utu) together,

         at their appearance, answered me with a firm] ‘yes’ [concerning (the renewing of the gods,)

         the completion of the shrines (and) cult centers, the stability] of my reign

         (and) the securing of the throne of my priestly office.

       [By means of the great intelligence] (and) vast understanding which [the sage of the gods,

         the prince, the god Nudimmud (Enki)], gave [to me, it occurred] to me [to (re)populate that city,

         to renovate] its [shrines], (and) to make the cult center shine, [and] my [mind prompted (me).

       [I was afraid (and) wo]rried [to perform that work] and [I knelt be]fore the gods

         Šamaš (Utu), Adad, (and) Marduk, the great judge(s), the god[s, my lords.

         In the diviner’s bowl], good [sig]n(s) were established for me,

         and they had (their response) concerning the (re)population of the city

         (and) the renovati[on of Esagil] written on a liver.

       [I trusted in their firm ‘yes’] and I mustered all of my craftsmen and (the people of) Karduniaš (Babylonia).

         I imposed baskets (on them and) had them wield ho[e]s.

         I mixed (the mud for) its revetment [with fine oil, honey,

         ghee, kurunnu-wine], muttinnu-wine, (and) mountain beer.

         I had its bricks made for a whole year [in brickmolds of musukkannu]-wood.

         I gathered together [expert craftsmen] (and) skilled master builders, who lay out plans.

       I laid the foundations of [Esagil, the palace of the gods], and secured its brickwork.

         [… fas]hioned skillfully (and) I drew its ground plan exactly as it had been written.

         [With] the large aslu-cubit, I measured the dimensions of […], in (exact) accordance with its earlier plan.

         […] I made its foundation platform as strong as the base of a mighty mountain,

         […] … (and) built its structure as it was in former days.

       I bui[lt Etemenanki, the ziqqurat], as it was before — its length [is one ašlu

         (and) one ṣup]pān, (and) its width is one ašlu (and) one ṣuppān.

       I offered pure offerings to […] the great [gods] and the god Kulla (Apkulla), the lord of foundations (and) bricks.

         I laid their foundations with […] …, wine, (and) kurunnu-wine, and I secured [their] footings.

       [I had foundation inscriptions made of (…)] basalt [(and) I wro]te [on them] the glory of the great lord, my lord,

         and I pl[ace]d (them) in their (Esagil’s and Etemenanki’s) midst.

         […] I restored its precious [ritu]als and [… I] established […] … […] … […]

Self-Praise of Esarhaddon (114)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

       Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon,

         king of Sumer and Akkad, pious prince, who reveres the gods Nabû and Marduk

        Before my time, in the reign of a previous king, bad omens occurred in Sumer and Akkad.

         The people living there were answering each other yes (for) no (and) were telling lies.

         They put the[ir] hands on the possessions of Esagil, the palace of the gods,

         and they sold the gold, sil[ver], (and) precious stones at market value to the land Elam.

         The Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, became angry

         and plotted evilly to level the land (and) to destroy [its] people.

         The river Araḫ[tu, (normally) a river of abun]dance, [turned into] a hu[ge] flood like the deluge,

         (and) [swept (its) waters] destructively across the city, its dwellings, [(…)],

         (and) its shrines, and turned (them) into ruins.

         The gods and goddesses dwelling in it went up to the heavens;

         the people living in it were distributed among the (foreign) riffraff (and) became slaves.

        The merciful god Marduk wrote that the calculated time of its abandonment (should last) 70 years,

         (but) his heart was quickly soothed, and he reversed the numbers

         and (thus) ordered its (re)occupation to be (after) 11 years.


        You [truly] selected me, Esarhaddon, in the assembly of my older brothers, to put these matters right,

         and you (are the one) who placed your sweet [protec]tion over me,

         swept away all of my enemies like [a flood], killed all of my [foes] and [made] me attain my wish,

         (and), to appease the heart of your great divinity (and) to please your spirit,

         you entrusted (me) with shepherding Assyria.

       At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat in greatness on (my) royal throne,

         [good] signs were [est]ablished for me; in heaven (and) on earth,

         [he (the god Marduk) constantly se]nt me his omen(s).

       [I was afraid] (and) worried [to] preform that work

         (and) I knelt before the gods Šamaš (Utu), [Adad], (and) Marduk, the great judge(s), the god[s], my lords.

         In the diviner’s bowl, trustworthy oracles were established for me,

         and they had (their response) concerning the (re)building of Babylon

         (and) the renovation of Esagil written on a liver.

       I trusted in their fi[rm] ‘yes’ and I mustered all of my craftsmen

         and the people of Karduniaš (Babylonia) to its full extent.

         I had them wield hoes and I imposed baskets (on them).

         I mixed (the mud for) its revetment with fine oil, honey, ghee, kurunnu-wine, (and) pure mountain beer.

         I raised a basket onto my head and carried (it) myself.

         I had its bricks made for one year in brickmolds of ivory, ebony, boxwood, (and) musukkannu-wood.

       I had Esagil, the palace of the gods, and its shrines, Babylon, the privileged city,

         Imgur-Enlil, its wall, (and) Nēmed-Enlil, its outer wall, built anew from their foundations to their parapets.

         I made (them) greater (than before), raised (them) up, (and) glorified (them).

       I refurbished the statues of the great gods (and) I had (them) dwell on their daises as an eternal dwelling.

         I (re)confirmed their interrupted sattukku offerings.

       I gathered the citizens of Babylon who had become slaves

         (and) who had been distributed among the (foreign) riffraff and I counted (them once again) as Babylonians.

         I established anew their privileged status.

Prayer to Nabu for Esarhaddon (113)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

       Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon,

            (King Esarhaddon reliefs & tomb)

         king of Sumer and Akkad, chosen by the god Marduk (and) the goddess Zarpanītu (Sarpanit),

         true shepherd, favorite of the god Aššur (Ashur) and the goddess Mullissu (Ashur‘s spouse),

         (Nabu; Nanaya, & king with ill daughter)

         the king who from his childhood trusted in the gods Nabû, Tašmētu, and Nanāya (Nabu‘s spouse) and knew their power;

         son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria;

         descendant of Sargon (II), great king, mighty king, king of the world,

         king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad;

         descendant of the eternal (giant mixed-breed semi-divine) line of Bēl-bāni (king of Assyria 1,700 B.C.),

       whose ultimate origin is Baltil (Aššur) (Ashur)

        Before my time, the great lord, the god Marduk, became furious with Esagil and Babylon,

         (and) his heart was full of rage.

         His people were answering each other with yes (for) no (and) were speaking untruthfully.

         They put their hands on the possessions of the great lord, the god Marduk,

         and gave (them) to the land Elam as a bribe.

         Their deeds were displeasing to the god Marduk (and) the goddess Zarpanītu (Sarpanit, Marduk‘s spouse),

         and they (the gods) ordered their scattering.

           (Marduk, patron god over Babylon & Egypt)

         He (the god Marduk) made (its) waters sweep destructively across the city and he turned (it) into fallow land.

         Its gods and goddesses took fright and went up to the heavens.

         The site of the city was torn out and its foundation platform(s) could not be seen.

        At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat in greatness on (my) royal throne,

         the merciful god Marduk’s heart was appeased and he became reconciled with the city that had angered (him).

           (Esagil; Babylon)

         I had Esagil (Marduk’s residence) and Babylon built anew.

         I renovated the statues of the great gods (and) had (them) dwell on their seats as an eternal dwelling.

         I completed the temple of the god Aššur (Ashur) (and) set up proper procedures in all of the cult centers.

        At that time, Eniggidrukalamasuma, the temple of the god Nabû of the ḫarû,

            (Marduk had built temples / hotels for the gods in Babylon for their overnight visits)

         its site had become a heap of ruins and changed into a tell (so that)

         the top of its foundations could not be seen (and) its shape could not be determined.

         (Ashur with smaller mixed-breeds Esarhaddon & spouse)

         I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, whose mind the gods Aššur,


                      (Nannar;                           son Utu;                             Marduk, son Nabu, & unidentified mixed-breed king)

       Sîn (Nannar), Šamaš (Utu), Bēl (Marduk), (and) Nabû 

         opened for completing the cult centers (and) renovating (their) shrines —

         it occurred to me and my heart prompted me to (re)build Eniggidrukalamasuma.

             (Esarhaddon stands before Marduk’s temple in Babylon)

        I opened up its dirt piles and surveyed (and) examined its structure.

         I measured its foundation platform in (exact) accordance with its earlier plan

         and did not add (even) a single brick more.

         In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I laid its foundation and secured its brickwork.

         I built (and) completed that temple from its foundations to its parapets (and) made (it) shine like daylight.

       May the god Nabû, the sublime son (to Marduk), look with joy upon [this work],

         ble[ss] my [kingship] with his steadfast heart,

         (and) allow my hand to grasp the righteous scepter that widens the land.

           (brothers Ashurbanipal & Samas-suma-ukin, sons to Esarhaddon)

         For Ashurbanipal, crown prince of Assyria, and Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, crown prince of Babylon,

         both brothers, my offspring, may they decree as their destiny a good fate, a favorable fate,

         one of the lengthening of the days of their reigns (and) the protection of the throne(s) of their priestly offices;

         may their kingships … lead my land in truth and justice;

           (Nannar with twin children Inanna & Utu)

         (and) may the gods Sîn and Šamaš together keep answering the true princes with a firm ‘yes’!


        In future days, in far-off days, may a future ruler, who renovates the dilapidated section(s) of this temple

         when it becomes dilapidated and old, place my inscribed name with his name.

           (Nabu statue, giant god in our image & likeness)

         The god Nabû, the sublime son, the one who gives scepter, throne, (and) reign, will (then) hear his prayers.

Esarhaddon & Elam the Enemy (112)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


       E[sarhaddon], great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of [Assyria],

         king of the kings of [(Lower) Egypt], Upper Egypt, and [Kush],

         king of the [four] quarters, the king who [has] no rival in all of [the lands];

         son of Sennach[erib, great king], mighty king, king of the world, king of [Assyria; …]s of Sum[er and Akkad],


       […] … […] … […] placed before them […] the temples, all of them, […] … that were ruined […] brought […] … […]

       the god Šamaš (Utu) [of Sumer] and Akkad, [which pre]viously no one had […;

         who] piles up heaps of grain, who drove out hunger and famine during his days and established prosperity;

         who brought to the land stable prices, bountiful harvests, (and) an abundance of grain;

         in whose reign the land Elam was disobedient; the evil enemy, the powerful offspring of the gods,

         rose up against the wishes of the gods and set out to attack … of Akkad;

         […] … his wide land; […] he mustered … and […] men and women;

       they frequently entered […] … and neighborhoods […] … […] … weapons […]

         may they kill [(my) enemies] (and) cut down (my) foes;

         may the god Nergal, lord of pestilence and murd[er], stretch out his protection over them,

         spare the lives of their people, (and) save them, their army, and their camp from anguish;

         may the god Adad, the canal inspector of heaven and netherworld,

         make plentiful rains (and) widespread floods long lasting in their land;

         night and day, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld [look upon th]em with joy in their steadfast hearts;

         may a god […] their […] to (another) god;

         may their days be long (and) their years [be long lasting];

         in Esagil, the palace of [the gods, …] may their offspring thrive;

         may […] be cursed; wherever the gods Sîn (Nannar, father to Samas) and Šamaš […

         let them order good things for them; …] with the black-headed people (earthlings) forever.

       Whoever among the future kings [… who] comes up and searches [for …,

         may he read an] inscription written in [my] name [and] anoint (it) [with o]il, … […]

         write [my name] with his name, [… my] deeds […] … […]