Category Archives: Cities & Kings of the Gods

Prayer to Marduk for Nabopolassar (5)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

          (Enlil, King Anu’s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)

       To the god Marduk, the great lord, the Enlil of the gods (supreme leader), the proud one,

         the one who directs the Igīgū (Igigi) gods, the one who controls the Anunnakū gods,

         the light of the gods — his ancestors — the one who dwells in Esagil, the lord of Babylon, my lord:

       Nabopolassar, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,


            (son Nabu, Babylonian mixed-breed king with dinner, earthling worker, Marduk seated upon his throne, & son Ashur)

         pious prince, protégé of the gods Nabû and Marduk, the humble (and) respectful one

         who thoroughly understands how to revere god and goddess in his heart,

         the one who provides for Esagil and Ezida, the one who is assiduous towards the rites of the great gods, I:

       When, by the commands of the gods Nabû and Marduk, the beloved of my royal majesty,


                            (Marduk                                     Nabu                                       Nergal)         

         and (with) the strong weapon of the awesome god Erra (Nergal),

         the one who constantly strikes my enemies with lightning (alien technologies),

         I killed the Subarean (Assyrian) (and) turned his land into a mound of ruins (lit. “a mound [and] ruins”),

          (Etemenanki, Marduk’s ziggurat residence in Babylon)

         at that time, (as for) Etemenanki — the ziggurat of Babylon, which had become very weak

         (and) had been allowed to collapse before my time — the god Marduk — (my) lord —

         commanded me to firmly secure its foundation on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld

         (and) to have its summit rival the heavens.

       I fashioned hoes, spades, and brickmolds (made) of elephant ivory, ebony, (and) musukkannu-wood,

         and (then) I made the vast number of workmen levied in my land carry (them).

         I had (them) make bricks without number (and) mold baked bricks like countless drops of rain.

         I had the Araḫtu canal carry off refined (and) crude bitumen like a raging flood.

       With the knowledge of the god Ea (Enki), with the perspicacity of the god Marduk,


                      (Enki                              Marduk                                      Nabu                                         Nisaba)

         with the wisdom of the god Nabû and goddess Nisaba,

         with the vast mind that the god who created me had allowed me to attain,

         (and) with my great sense of reason, I deliberated (matters) and (then) I commissioned well-trained craftsmen

         and (afterwards) a survey team measured the dimensions using a measuring rod.

         Master builders stretched out the (measuring) ropes (and) firmly established the ground plan.

          (Babylonian King Hammurabi & Utu seated) (semi-divine king & giant Adad)

         I made inquiries through divination to the gods Šamaš (Utu), Adad, and Marduk,

         and whenever (my) mind deliberated (matters) and took the dimensions into consideration,

         the great gods responded to me through the outcomes of divination.

         (3 sons, son Marduk the eldest, & father Enki seated)

       Through the craft of the exorcist, the wisdom of the gods Ea and (his eldest son) Marduk,

         I made that place pure and firmly set its foundation(s) on (its) original socle.

         I laid out gold, silver, (and) stones from the mountains and sea in its foundations.

         I poured out glistening ṣapšu, fine oil, aromatics, and dāmātu-paste beneath the brickwork.

         I fashioned statue(s) of my royal majesty carrying a basket and had (them) placed in the foundation.

        (Babylonian semi-divine mixed-breed king receives instructions from patron giant god Marduk)

       I bowed (my) neck to the god Marduk, my lord, rolled up (my) garment,

         the ceremonial attire of my royal majesty, and carried mud bricks (lit. “bricks and mud”) on my head.

         (semi-divine giant king Nebuchadnezzar II)

         I had baskets made from gold and silver and I made Nebuchadnezzar

         (my) first-born child, the beloved of my heart — carry, with my workmen,

         mud that was mixed with wine, oil, and crushed aromatics.

         I made Nabû-šuma-līšir — his talīmu-brother, a child who is my (own) offspring,

         (his) younger brother, my favorite — take up the hoe (and) spade.

         I imposed (upon him) a gold and silver basket and gave (him) as a gift to the god Marduk, my lord.

       In joy and happiness, I built the temple as a replica of Ešarra and I raised its superstructure up like a mountain.

         For the god Marduk, my lord, I made it suitable to be an object of wonder, just like it was in earlier times.

          (Marduk, aggressive alien giant god)

       0 Marduk, (my) lord, joyfully look upon my good deeds and by your exalted command, which cannot be altered,

         may (this) construction, my handiwork, stay in good repair for ever.

         Like the bricks of Etemenanki, which are firmly in place for eternity,

         firmly secure the foundation(s) of my throne until the distant future.

       0 Etemenanki, pray on behalf of the king who renovated you!

          (semi-divine king brought by Nabu before giant god Marduk on Mushhushu)

         When the god Marduk takes up residence inside you in joy,

         O temple, speak favorable things (about me) to the god Marduk, my lord.

Prayer to Marduk for Nabopolassar (4)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


       Nabopola[ssar], strong king, [king of Babylon], king of the land of [Sumer and Akkad,

         exalted] ru[ler, the one who reveres the god U]raš and the goddess Ištar (Inanna),

          (Marduk, Inanna, Nabu, & spouse Nanaya)

         [tr]ue she[pherd], protégé of the gods Nabû and [Marduk], I:

       When the [gr]eat g[ods] called (my) exalted name for dominion over the land,

         entrusted me with a scepter — a present to constantly guide my people —

         (and) [ma]de my hands grasps an exalted staff [t]o subjugate the insubmissive,

         at that time, I imposed (the carrying of) basket(s) on all of my workforce

         (and) made (them) carry hoe(s and) spade(s).

         (As for) the people of the upper and lower land(s),

          (Nabu & father Marduk, patron god of Babylon)

         whose lead-rope(s) the gods Nabû and Marduk placed in my hands,

            (Hades / Nergal in his sky-chariot)

         the god Erra (Nergal) — the [(…)] lord … who go[es] at my right side,

         the bail[iff …], the wise (and) [gre]at one — […] …

             (alien giant gods Enlil; Utu; & Marduk)

         [I mus]tered the work[men of the gods Enlil, Šamaš (Utu), and] Marduk [and …] on (all) four sides.

       At that time, I built anew Nēmetti-En[lil (Nēmed-Enlil), its (Babylon’s) outer wall]

         and made (it) as bright as day for the god Marduk, [my] lord.

          (Marduk’s Esagil residence in Babylon)

         I strengthened the protection of Esagil and Babylon (and) allowed the citizens of Babylon to live (there) in peace.

         I made Babylon, the cult center of the great lord — the god Marduk

         worthy of praise, just like it was in earlier times.

       0 Marduk, the Enlil of the gods, (supreme leader / Earth Colony Commander over alien gods)

         (Marduk, eldest son to wisest of all gods, Enki)

       the one who directs the (four) quarters (of the world),

       joyfully look upon my good deeds and, by your exalt[ed] command,

         [give to me a]s a gift to [my] royal majesty a just scepter,

         a firmly-founded throne, a dynasty (lasting) until the distant future,

         (and) the ability to ma[rch] through the four quarters (of the world), on high (mountain) peaks.

Self-Praise of Nabopolassar (3)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        Nabopolassar, king of justice, shepherd chosen by the god Marduk,

        creation of the goddess Ninmenna (Ninhursag) — the exalted princess, the queen of queens —

        protégé of the god Nabû and the goddess Tašmētu (Nabu’s spouse),

        beloved prince of the god Ninšiku (Ninsikila?, unidentified):

        When, during my childhood, (although) I was a son of a nobody,

          (Nabu & father Marduk)

        I was constantly assiduous towards the shrines of the gods Nabû and Marduk (Nabu’s father), my lords;

        (my) mind pondered about making their rites secure and properly administering their kidudû-rites;

        my attention was set on truth and justice.

        The god Šazu (unidentified), the lord who knows the hearts of the gods of heaven and netherworld,

        the one who constantly observes the ingenious behavior of the people, for me —

        the child who could not be found among the people —

        he observed my intention(s) and (i 20) made me pre-eminent in the land where I was created.

        He called (my) name for dominion over the land and people, made a good lamassu walk beside me,

        (and) allowed (me) to successfully undertake everything that I did.

 (Nergal, Lord of the Under World)

        He made the god Nergal, the almighty one of the god, march at my side;

        he killed my enemy (and) cut down my opponent.

        (As for) the Assyrians, who had ruled over the land of Akkad because of the hatred of the gods

        and had made the people of the land suffer under its heavy yoke,

        I, the weak (and) powerless one who is assiduous towards the lord of lords (Marduk),

        with the powerful strength of the gods Nabû and Marduk — my lords —

        I barred them (lit: “their feet”) from the land of Akkad and had (the Babylonians) cast off their yoke.

        At that time, Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, the one who pleases the heart(s) of the gods Nabû and Marduk,

        I: (As for) Imgur-Enlil — the great wall of Babylon, the original boundary marker

        which has been manifest since the distant past, the firmly-founded ground plan that has endured for all eternity,

        the high mountain that rivals the heavens, the strong shield that bolts the entrance to the land of enemies,

        the wide courtyard of the Igīgū (Igigi) gods, the broad forecourt of the Anunnakū gods,

        the stairway to the heavens, the ladder to the netherworld,

        the station(s) of the gods Lugal-girra (Ninazu) and Meslamtaʾe (Nergal),

        the cult niche of the goddess Ištar (Inanna) — the great queen —

        the site of the bow of the god Dagān (Enki) — the warrior —

(warrior god Ninurta)

        the camp enclosure of warrior — the god Ninurta

        the temple with the privileged status of the gods Anu and Enlil,

        the place of sophisticated designs of the god Ea (Enki) — the lord of Eridu —

        the secluded ground of the great gods, whose foundation(s) the Igīgū (and) Anunnakū gods

        firmly established in the jubilation of their heart(s),

        (whose construction) they had skillfully executed according to plan, (and) whose superstructure they had raised —

        a long time ago it became weak, collapsed, and, on account of heavy rains and downpours,

        its wall(s) were carried away (and) its foundation(s) had become a heap of ruins and was piled up like a tell.

 (Enlil, Utu, & Marduk)

        I mustered the workmen of the gods Enlil, Šamaš (Utu), and Marduk

        and (then) I made (them) carry hoe(s and) imposed (on them the carrying of) basket(s).

        From the bank of the Araḫtu canal on the upper side, at the gate of the goddess Ištar (Inanna),

        to the bank of the Araḫtu <canal> on the lower side, at the gate of the gate of the god Uraš (Anu),

        I removed its heaped up earth.

        I examined (and) inspected its old foundation and (then) laid its brickwork on its original place.

        I firmly secured its foundation on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld.

        I surrounded the east bank with a strong lining.

        Nabopolassar, the humble (and) submissive one who reveres the gods Nabû and Marduk,

        the shepherd who pleases the heart of the goddess Pa(p)nun-anki (Zarpanītu) (Sarpanit, Marduk’s spouse),

        the one who examines the old foundation of Babylon, the one who discovers brick(s) of the past,

        the one who executes according to plan (work) on the original socle — (which has existed) for all eternity —

        the one who grasps the hoe of the Igīgū gods, the one who carries the basket of the Anunnakū gods,

        the one who built Imgur-Enlil for the god Marduk — my lord — I:

        (So that) any future king does not have my carefully selected words removed

        (and) that no word(s) come in existence that surpass my (own) command,

        I swore an oath bound by the god Marduk, my lord, and the god Šamaš, my god:

        “My words are not lies, but are reliable statements!”

        At that time, I found a statue of a king who came before me who had built that wall,

        (and) I firmly placed (it) in a secure place, (in) the great foundation(s), with my (own) statue, for eternity.

        Any king in the future, either a son or grandson who comes after me,

        whom the god Marduk names for dominion over the land:

        Do not set your heart on feats of might and power,

        (but rather) be assiduous towards the shrines of the gods Nabû and Marduk

        so that they may kill your opponent(s).

        The god Marduk, my lord, examines the mouth (and) observes the heart

        (so) whoever is true to the god Bēl (Marduk) his foundations will endure

        (and) whoever is true to the god Son-of-Bēl (Nabû) will live for ever.

        When that wall becomes dilapidated and you repair its dilapidated section(s),

        exactly like when I found an inscription of a king who came before me and did not change its location,

        find an inscription (written) in my name (and) place (it) with your inscribed objects.

        By the command of the god Marduk, the great lord whose command cannot be changed,

        may the fame of your name be established for ever.

Nabopolassar Inscriptions

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


        Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, protégé of the gods Nabû and Marduk, I:

      (As for) Imgur-Enlil, the great wall of Babylon, which had become weak (and) had collapsed before my time,

        I firmly set its foundations on (its) original socle.

        I built (it) anew using people mustered from my land and I surrounded Babylon on (all) four sides.

        I raised its superstructure just like the one in earlier times.

       O wall, speak favorable things (about me) to the god Marduk.


 (Nabu & father Marduk)

        Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, protégé of the gods Nabû and Marduk, I:

        (As for) Imgur-Enlil, the great wall of Babylon,

          I sought out its original foundation from the bank of the Araḫtu canal on the north side,

 (Inanna with private entrance into Babylon)

         upstream, at the gate of the goddess Ištar (Inanna), to the south,

         downstream, at the gate of the gate of the god Uraš (Marduk / Ninurta?),

         and I built (it) in the same way for the god Marduk, my lord.

        O wall, speak favorable things (about me) to the god Marduk.


 (Marduk, patron god of Babylon)

       For the god Marduk, his lord: Nabopolassar, king of Babylon,

         surrounded the wall of Babylon on the outside with an embankment of baked bricks.

         O embankment, speak favorable things about him to the god Marduk.


       For the god Marduk, his lord: Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, protégé of the gods Nabû and Marduk,

         surrounded the wall of Babylon on the outside with an embankment of baked bricks.

         O embankment, speak favorable things about him to the god Marduk.

(11 & 12):

       Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, protégé of the gods Nabû and Marduk,

         the one who provides for Esagil and Babylon,

         the one who built the embankment of the Araḫtu canal for the god Marduk, his lord.

         O embankment, speak favorable things about him to the god Marduk.

Inscriptions to Sin (Nannar) for Ashurbanipal

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


        (Nannar high in the sky riding his Moon-image sky-disc)

       (For) the god Nanna, king of heaven (and) netherworld:

         in order to ensure the good health of Ashurbanipal, king of kings, his lord,

         Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur (and) Eridu, who provides for Ekišnugal,

         the shining shrine of the Watery Abyss (apsû), (re)built anew Elugalgalgasisa, his beloved temple.


        (Nannar in his Moon-image sky-disc)

       [(For) the god Nanna], his [lo]rd, [… of As]hurbanipal, [king] of the world,

         []n-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur (and) Eridu, for the sake of his life (re)built Elugalgalgasisa [an]ew.


        (alien gods Nannar, Enlil, & Ninkasi)

       (For) the god Nanna, king of the Enlil (circle of) gods, his lord:

         Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu,

         built Eušumgalana, the station of the goddess Ninkasi (Enki’s daughter, Goddess of Beer).


       (For) the god Nanna, king of the Enlil (circle) of gods, his lord:

         Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, the viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu,

         built Eešbanda, the abode of the goddess Šuzianna (Enlil’s junior wife).


       (For) the god Nanna, king of the Enlil (circle of) gods, his lord:

         Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu,

         built Eankikuga, the station of the god Kusu (Enlil’s daughter, Gibil’s spouse).


       (For) the god Nanna, king of the Enlil (circle of) gods, his lord:

         Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu,

           (Ningal on shore, Enlil & Nuska in the boat)

         built Eadgigi, the abode of the god Nusku (Enlil’s vizier, spouse to Sadarnuna).


       (For) the god Nanna, king of the Enlil (circle of) gods, his lord:

         Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu,

         built Ekišibgalekura, the abode of the god Ninimma (Enki’s daughter).


       [(For) the god Nanna, king of the Enlil (circle of) gods], his [lord:

         (ruins of Enki’s ziggurat & city of Eridu)

         Sîn-balāssu-iq]bi, [viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eri]du,

         built [E..].kuga, [the abode/station] of the god Ennugi (Enlil’s son & sheriff).


       (For) the god Nanna, king of the Enlil (circle of) gods, his lord:

         Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eanšar, his royal abode.


       (For) the god Nanna, king of the Enlil (Earth Colony Commander) (circle of) gods, his lord:

         Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Ešaduga, the abode of his Enlilship.


       (For) the god Nanna, king of the Enlil (circle of) gods, his lord:

         Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur, who provides for Eridu, built Eašanamar, the abode of the god Enlil.


        Copy from a baked brick from the debris of Ur,

        the work of Amar-Suen, king of Ur, (which) Sîn-balāssu-iqbi, viceroy of Ur,

        had discovered while looking for the ground-plan of Ekišnugal.

        Nabû-šuma-iddin, son of Iddin-Papsukkal, the lamentation-priest of the god Sîn,

        saw (it) and wrote (it) down for display.

Esarhaddon Inscriptions (1001-1004 & 1010)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


         […] … […] … the sun […] heart [was ang]ry […] … [… …] … […]

         I raised and […] Imgur-Enlil … […] … […] … a wall a king

         [… to be as secure as a great] mountain [for far-off days].

       […] oath […] … to […] he placed and […] the people.

         He built their … […] and […] over […

  (Marduk, eldest son to Enki)

         (As for) E]durgina, the dwelling of the god [Bēl-ṣarbi that is in]side of Baṣ,

         he took its […] and bui[lt] (it) anew.

         [The gods Bēl]-ṣarbi, Nabû and [Marduk, (and) Ni]nsaggirgi (unidentified) and Dumu[zi,

         (all sons & grandsons of Enki) the god]s living in [it], they raised up their […].

 (Enki; grandson Ashur)

       [The gods Ea (Enki) and] Asalluḫi (Ashur), by the[ir exalted] wisdom,


       to be as secure as [a great moun]tain [for] far-off [days. …] cast [bro]nze […]

         he oversaw its [sm]elting and examined […

         He built from its foundations t]o its parapets, [… all] of its copings […] … […] Cutha,

       The gods Ea (Enki) and Asalluḫi (Ashur), by their exalted wisdom,

         opened their mouth(s) with “the washing of the mouth” (and) “the opening of the mouth” (rites)

         and had (them) dwell on their pure pedestal(s) in their lofty cellas for all ti[me].

         The one who expanded the cult cent[ers], enlarged the temples of the [great] gods,

         which from ancient times […] … […]

 (Marduk with alien weaponry)

       Through their go[od] deeds, [may] the god Marduk, [the great god, my lord, …]

         the foundation of [their royal] thr[one …] … […]


       … […] the one who distributes [shares] to the … people, […], the one who opens canals,

         (and) the one who makes the pasturage (and) watering places flourish;

         whose countenance is excellent, the awe-inspiring god, the bearer of the furious mace,

         the one who conquered the enemy, overthrew e[vil], … […]

       […] …, anci[ent] stock, sublime ruler, governor of Babylon, tr[ue] prince,

         the one to whom the god En[lil] has stretched out his hand, rever[ent] servant,

       (No translation possible)

       [May] one of the kings, [my] descendants, [who] comes forth to rule the land,

         [read an inscripti]on written in my name when this [temple] becomes old

         and when he renovates its [dilapid]ated section(s), [and] may he anoint (it) with oil,

         make an offering, write [my name w]ith his name, (and) return (it) [to] its [place.

         May he respect] (my) inscrip[tions …]


 (Marduk’s ziggurat residence Esagil)

         [… ki]ng … […] I sett[led …] in a peaceful dwelling […] … mountain, my lord … […] …

         that road, property of/that … […] … of Esagil and Babylon […]

       […] … I brought them in […] … […] … [my] gifts […] he received […] …

         (and) he [… i]n the land they made […] disappear […].

       (No translation possible)


       [… the] scattered [people] of Uruk, who caused to re[turn …].

  (Ishtar; Nanaya)

       At that time, the scattered herds of the goddesses Ištar and [Nanāya (…)],

         those scared away from their watering place and [having no] caretaker [(…)]

         I gathered, and 60,000 sheep and goats together with […], 6,000 cows together with [their] herdsm[en (…)],

         a present of my grandfather Sargo[n (II) …] which he/they had scattered with the herds,

         I brought back to [their] pla[ces (…)].

       The sons of Samiku, the sons of […, the sons of] Bēlrammēni, the sons of […, the sons of] …,

 (Assyrian King Esarhaddon)

         and me, [Esarhaddon, (…)] … and [I inscribed (their freedom) on] a tablet.

         […] in the presence of the goddess [tar …] and the scattered herds to […] in all lands

         […] … […] I established [their] pri[vileged status (…)].

 (Inanna brings king before father Nannar)

       On account of this, [may] the goddess [Ištar, (…) look upon] my [good] deeds [with pleasure and …]

       […] like my very name, the king who builds Eanna, the one who was chosen [by the god/goddess …]

Inscriptions to Ishtar (Inanna) for Esarhaddon (137-139)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


           (Ishtar / Inanna)

        For the goddess Ištar of Uruk, lady of the lands:

        Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, (and) king of the four quarters,

        son of Sennacherib, king of the world (and) king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon (II),

        king of the world (and) (10) king of Ass[yria], renovated Eanna (“House of Heaven”),

        the temple of highest rank, for the sake of his life, and made (it) shine like daylight.


          (Ishtar / Inanna in flight suit)

        For the goddess [Ištar (of Uruk)], lady of the lands:

        Esarha[ddon], king of Assyria (and) king of Babylon,

        renovated E[ann]a (“House of Heaven”), the temple of highest rank,

        for the sake of [his] life, and made (it) shine like daylight.


          (winged pilot Ishtar / Inanna)

        For the goddess [Ištar] of Uruk, lady of Eanna, lady of the lands, [his] lady:

        Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyr[ia], governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Ak[kad],

        son of Sennacher[ib, king of the world, king of] Assyr[ia, descendant of Sargon (II)],

        king of the world, king of Assyria, [renovated Ean]na,

        [the temple of high]est rank, [and] made (it) [shine] like [daylig]ht.

Prayer to Nanaya for Esarhaddon (136)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

          (giant goddess Nanaya; Uruk ziggurat residences of gods)

        For the goddess Nanāya, queen of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

        Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

         who is assiduous toward the sanctuaries of the great gods;

         (Ashur’s residence)(Marduk’s Esagil ziggurat residence in Babylon)

          the one who (re)constructed the temple of the god Aššur (Ashur), (re)built Esagil and Babylon,

          renovated Eanna, completed the sanctuaries of all of the cult centers,

          (and) constantly established appropriate procedures in them;

          the one who conquered from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea (and) the one who made all rulers submissive to him;


                                (Esarhaddon;                                             Sennacherib;                                            Sargon II)

          son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon (II),

         king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad

         (E-ana ziggurat, residences of giant alien goddesses in Uruk)

       Eḫiliana (“House, Luxuriance of Heaven”), the cella of the goddess Nanāya, my lady,

         which Nazi-Maruttaš, king of Babylon (1307 B.C.), had built, (and which)

         Erība-Marduk, king of Babylon (769 B.C.), had shored up, became old and dilapidated.

          I sought its (original) emplacement (and) repaired its dilapidated parts with baked bricks from a (ritually) pure kiln.

          I grasped the hands of the goddess Nanāya, my lady, brought (her) inside,

          (and) caused (her) to take up residence (there) forever.

       When the goddess Nanāya looks upon this work with pleasure,

          (Marduk, Inanna, Nabu, & Nanaya)

         may a good word for me — Esarhaddon, king of Assyria (and) king of Babylon

         be set upon her lips before the god Nabû, my lord!

        (But as for) the one who erases my inscribed name by some crafty device,

          destroys my (royal) inscription, or changes its position,

          may the goddess Nanāya glare at him angrily and make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear!

Prayer to Nanaya for Esarhaddon (135)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

           (Nanaya, & semi-divine king brings his ill daughter for her help)

        For the goddess Nanāya, veiled one of the goddesses,

        who is adorned with attractiveness and joy and full of glamour,

           (Anu, giant alien Anunnaki King of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony)

        splendid daughter of the god Anu (alien Anunnaki king), whose lordship is supreme among all ladies,

        eminent spouse of the god Muzibsâ (Nabu), praised sekretu, beloved of his majesty, compassionate goddess,

        who goes to the help of the king who reveres her, who prolongs his reign,

        who dwells in Eḫiliana (“House, Luxuriance of Heaven”) — which is inside Eannaqueen of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

         (giant god Ashur, & King Esarhaddon etc. on their knees before him)

        Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

        respectful king who is assiduous toward the sanctuaries of the great gods;

        who reveres the lord of lords; the one who (re)constructed the temple of the god Aššur (Ashur),


                (Marduk’s Esagil ziggurat in Babylon;                Nabu’s Ezida ziggurat in Borsippa;                  Nanaya’s E-ana ziggurat in Uruk)

        (re)built Esagil and Babylon, provided for Ezida, renovated Eanna,

        completed the sanctuaries of cult centers, (and) constantly established appropriate procedures in them;

        son of Sennacherib, king of the world (and) king of Assyria; (mixed-breed) descendant of Sargon (II),

        king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad

            (Nanaya;  her private residence inside E-ana ziggurat)

        Eḫiliana (“House, Luxuriance of Heaven”), the cella of the goddess Nanāya, my lady, which is inside Eanna,

        which a previous king had built, became old and dilapidated.

        I sought its (original) ground-plan (and) repaired its dilapidated parts with baked bricks from a (ritually) pure kiln.

        I grasped the hands of the goddess Nanāya, great lady, brought (her) inside,

        and caused (her) to take up residence (there) forever.

        I offered splendid offerings and made her doorbolt extremely fine.

        O goddess Nanāya, august lady, when you are happily dwelling inside that cella, speak well of me —

          (Marduk, Inanna, Nabu, & spouae Nanaya)

        Esarhaddon, the prince who reveres you — before the god Nabû, your husband!

        Determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness!

        Make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a great mountain!

        Establish my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld!

        If at any time in the future, during the reign of some future ruler, this cella falls into disrepair,

        may (that ruler) repair its dilapidated state!

        May he write my name with his name!

        May he anoint with oil an inscription written in my name, make an offering,

        (and) set (that inscription) with an inscription written in his name!

        The gods will (then) hear his prayers.

        (But as for) the one who erases my inscribed name by some crafty device,

        destroys an inscription written in my name, or changes its position,

        may the goddess Nanāya, supreme lady, glare at him angrily and determine a bad fate for him!

        May she make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from the land and have no pity on him!

Prayer to Ishtar (Inanna) for Esarhaddon (134)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

         (Ninshubur, seated Inanna,& Utu with semi-divine king & spouse)

       For the goddess Ištar-of-Uruk, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, most valiant of the gods, august, supreme lady,

         who has gathered to herself (all) divine offices of highest rank,

         the one into whose hand all purification rites are appointed, empress of the goddesses,

         whose words are pre-eminent in heaven and netherworld,

          (giant gods Inanna & twin Utu with smaller earthling underfoot)

         goddess of war and battle, who goes at the side of the king, her favorite, (and) slays his foes,

         who dwells in Enirgalana (“House, Prince of Heaven) — which is inside Eanna — lady of Uruk, great lady, his lady:

         (giant King Esarhaddon relief on his mountainside tomb)

       Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

         respectful king who is assiduous toward the sanctuaries of the great gods; who reveres the lord of lords;

         (mud brick-built ziggurat temple residence of Ashur)

         the one who (re)constructed the temple of the god Aššur (Ashur), (re)built Esagil and Babylon,

         provided for Ezida, renovated Eanna, completed the sanctuaries of cult centers,

         (and) constantly established appropriate procedures in them;

         son of Sennacherib, king of the world (and) king of Assyria; descendant of Sargon (II),

         king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad

       Enirgalana (“House, Prince of Heaven”), the cella of the goddess Ištar (Inanna), my lady,

         (E-anna, Inanna‘s ziggurat temple residence way above Uruk)

         which is inside Eanna, which a previous king had built, became old and dilapidated.

         I sought its (original) emplacement (and) repaired its dilapidated parts with baked bricks from a (ritually) pure kiln.


           (semi-divine king’s hand held by Inanna, & mother Ningal seated)

         I grasped the hands of the goddess Ištar-of-Uruk, great lady, brought (her) inside,

         (and) caused (her) to take up residence (there) forever.

         I offered splendid offerings and made her doorbolt extremely fine.

       O goddess Ištar-of-Uruk (Inanna), august lady, when you are happily dwelling inside that cella,

         may a good word for me — Esarhaddon, king of Assyria — be set upon your lips!

         Determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness!

          (Inanna, Goddess of War)

         Come to my side in war and battle so that I may squash all my enemies like ants!

       If at any time in the future, during the reign of some future ruler, this cella falls into disrepair,

         may (that ruler) repair its dilapidated state!

         May he write my name with his name!

         May he anoint with oil an inscription written in my name,

         make an offering, (and) set (that inscription) with an inscription written in his name!

         The gods will (then) hear his prayers.

       (But as for) the one who erases my inscribed name by some crafty device,

         destroys my (royal) inscription, or changes its position,

          (Utu with earthling underfoot, & Inanna with earthling held by nose ring)

         may the goddess Ištar-of-Uruk glare at him angrily and determine a bad fate for him!

         May she make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from the land and have no pity on him!