Category Archives: Cities & Kings of the Gods

Enmenduranki Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


The Sumerian Kings List records the priestly reign of Enmenduranki in Sippar, then the location of the Spaceport under the command of Utu / Shamash His name:

        “Edmenduranki (was) a priest in Sippar,

        Beloved of Anu, Enlil, and Ea (Enki).

        Shamash (Utu) in the Bright Temple appointed him.

        Shamash and Adad (Ishkur) (took him) to the assembly (of the gods)…

        They showed him how to observe oil and water, a secret of Anu, Enlil, and Ea.

        They gave him the Divine Tablet, the “kibdu” secret of Heaven and Earth…

        They taught him how to make calculations with numbers …”


       The “men of Nippur, Sippar, and Babylon were called into his presence.”

        “It shall be passed, the gods commanded, from father to son:

        “The learned savant, who guards the secrets of the gods,

        will bind his favored son with an oath before Shamash and Adad….

        and will instruct him in the secrets of the gods …”


        The tablet concludes with a postscript:

        “Thus was the line of priests created–

        those who are allowed to approach Shamash and Adad …”


And so the position of priesthood began!



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

MS in Sumerian on clay, Akkad, Sumer, 2291-2254 BC, 1 brick printing block, 13x13x10 cm, 3 lines in a large formal cuneiform script, large loop handle.

Context: There are only 2 more brick stamps of Naram-Sîn known, one intact with a cylindrical handle, and a tiny fragment in British Museum.

Commentary: Naram-Sîn was the first king to use blocks for printing bricks. Prior to him the inscriptions on the bricks were written by hand. These 3 brick stamps known, are the earliest evidence of printing, in this case blindprinting on soft clay.



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(mixed-breed demigods in teal…)


MS in Sumerian on light green translucent alabaster, Akkad, Sumer, ca. 2217-2193 BC, 1 partial tablet, 10,0×11,5×4,7 cm, (originally at least ca. 20x25x5 cm), 2+2 columns (originally 5+5 columns), 18 compartments remaining in a formal archaizing cuneiform script of high quality.

Commentary: This was originally a luxury inscription of impressive size and beauty. No royal inscriptions have so far been published of this king, who is known from other sources, including monumental inscriptions. The king’s name have been re-cut, after another name had been erased, possibly of the previous king, Naram-Sîn (2254-2218 BC).


Letter From Ur-saga to a King

fearing the loss of his father’s household: composite text

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

         2bc-nanna-his-symbol  (Nannar, son to Prince Enlil, grandson to King Anu, & Moon Crescent God of Ur)

       1-2 Speak to my lord, the bull (1 ms. has instead: wild bull)

       (1 other ms. has instead: bison (?)) with sparkling eyes, who wears a lapis-lazuli (blue-hued gemstone) beard:

       3-5 Repeat to my golden statue born on a favourable day,


       to my water buffalo reared in a holy fold, chosen in the heart of holy Inana (Inanna)

         Cylinder seal and imprint, from Syria, 18th BCE. Presentation-scene before a warrior god. Steatite, H: 2,7 cm AO 21988  (Inanna, Ninsun, Utu with foot upon earthling, & Nannar)

       (1 ms. has instead: of holy Inana, …… of Suen) (Sin / Nannar), to my lord, the trusted one of Inana:

         3b-anu-of-planet-nibiru (Anu, King of alien giant Anunnaki on planet Nibiru, & their Earth Colony)

       6-9 You are fashioned like the son of An (Anu).

       As with the words of a god, what you say is irrevocable

       (1 ms. has instead: all the foreign lands cannot answer (?) your words).

       Your words, like rain pouring from the skies, are uncountable

       (1 ms. has instead: are uncheckable) (1 other ms. has instead: are uncontrollable (?)):

       this is what Ur-saga, your servant, says:

       10-14 My lord has taken care of me (2 mss. have instead: has not taken care of me);

         3ca-nannars-house-city-of-ur  (Nannar‘s temple residence in Ur, & “Stairway to Heaven“)

       I am a citizen of Urim (Ur).

       If my lord agrees (1 ms. has instead: If it pleases my lord), let no one waste my father’s household,

       let no one take away the home of my father’s estate (1 ms. has instead: my old man’s home)!

       May my lord know this!

Abraham, Ur of Chaldees

Fertile Crescent Travel

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal...)

Abraham hired an ox, Abraham leased a farm, Abraham paid part of his rent, how Abraham might have moved to Canaan. This Abraham is probably not the Biblical Abraham but from the account “books” we can understand something of his time. The Biblical Abraham had a different father and worshipped only one god. (1 of many in Sumer)

This version is from George Barton, Archaeology and the Bible.

       Abraham Hired an Ox

        1. One ox broken to the yoke,
        2. An ox from Ibri-sin, son of Sin-imgurani,
        3. From Ibni-sin
        4. through the agency of Kishti-Nabium,
        5. son of Eteru,
        6. Abarama, son of Awel-Ishtar,
        7. for one month has hired.
        8. For one month
        9. one shekel of silver
        10. he will pay.
        11. Of it 1/2 shekel of silver
        12. from the hand of
        13. Abarama
        14. Kisti-Nabium
        15. has received.
        16. In the presence of Idin-Urash, son of Idin-Labibaal,
        17. In the presence of Awele, son of Urri-bani,
        18. in the presence of Beliyatum, scribe.
        19. Month of the mission of Ishtar (i.e., Ammizadugga’s 11th year).
        20. The year of Ammizadugga, the king (built)
        21. The wall of Ammizadugga, (i.e., Ammizadugga’s 11th year).
        22. Tablet of Kisti-Nabium.

This is a copy made for Kishti-Nabium, the agent. The date is 1965 B.C.
Ammizadugga was the tenth king of that first dynasty of Babylon, of which Hammurabi was the sixth
        Abraham Leased a Farm

        1. To the patrician
        2. speak,
        3. Saying, Gimil-Marduk (wishes that)
        4. Shamash and Marduk may give thee health!
        5. Mayest thou have peace, mayest thou have health!
        6. May the god who protects thee thy head in luck
        7. Hold!
        8. (To enquire) concerning thy health I am sending.
        9. May thy welfare before Shamash and Marduk
        10. be eternal!
        11. Concerning the 400 shars of land, the field of Sin-idinam,
        12. Which to Abamrama
        13. To lease, thou hast sent;
        14. The land-steward (?) the scribe
        15. Appeared and
        16. On behalf of Sin-idinam
        17. I took that up.
        18. The 400 shars of land to Abamrama
        19. as thou hast directed
        20. I have leased.
        21. Concerning thy dispatches I shall not be negligent.

       Abraham Paid His Rent

       1. 1 Shekel of silver
        2. of the rent (?) of his field,
        3. for the year Ammizadugga, the king,
        4. a lordly, splendid statu (set up),
        5. brought
        6. Abamrama,
        7. received
        8. Sin-idinam
        9. and Iddatum
        10. Month Siman, 28th day,
        11. The year Ammizadugga, the king,
        12. a lordly, splendid statu (set up)

This was Amizadugga’s 13th year. Abraham is reported as paying part of his rent two years after he hired an ox.
Travel between Babylonia and Palestine

       1. A wagon
        2. from Mannum-balum-Shamash,
        3. son of Shelibia,
        4. Khabilkinum,
        5. son of Appani[bi],
        6. on a lease
        7. for 1 year
        8. has hired.
        9. As a yearly rental
        10. 2/3 of a shekel of silver
        11. he will pay.
        12. As the first of the rent
        13. 1/6 of a shekel of silver
        14. he has received.
        15. Unto the land of Kittim
        16. he shall not drive it.
        17. In the presence of Ibku-Adad,
        18. Son of Abiatum;
        19. in the presence of Ilukasha,
        20. son of Arad-ilishu;
        21. in the presence of ilishu….
        22. Month Ululu, day 25,
        23. the year the king Erech (Uruk) from the flood
        24. of the river as a friend protected.

This tablet is dated to the time of the migration of Abraham. Kittim is used in Jeremiah 2:10 and Ezekiel 27:6 of the coast lands of the Mediterranean. The contract protects the owner’s wagon from being driven the long, scenic route along the coast. This was like a mileage limit on renting a U-Haul for a time period.

Letter From Nana-manshum to Ninisina

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


       1-11 Speak to Ninisina (Bau / Gula), first-born child of holy An (Anu),

       eminent among ladies, …… of lord Nunamnir (Enlil);

       who perfects the divine powers (alien technologies) of E-kur (Enlil‘s ziggurat home),

        4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil  (Earth Colony Commanders Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into city wall)

        …… of great mother Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), with notions in her heart which are expressed (?);

        3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta  (Royal Princess Bau & spouse Ninurta, 2nd in line for Anunnaki kingship)

       wife of the great hero, lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta), youth who has no rival;

       2 - Bau gives medical attention  (Bau & son Damu, doctors to alien gods & earthlings)

       holy Ninisina, you reapply (?) a dressing to soothe the dark place of sores

       which no one can understand; mother of the Land, great physician of the black-headed (earthlings),

       incantation priestess of the widespread people — from the namtar demon and ……

       which are settled in a man’s body and which no one knows how to expel,

      lady of the E-gal-mah, with the help of …… you will make that person well again.

       …… to keep a person alive ……, …… who knows and listens, to my lady:


         12-13 This is what Nanna-mancum, the scribe, son of Ilcu-muballi¡, your servant, says:


          14-20 When (?) …… took care (?), she placed on my (?) …….

       The barber ……, the throne-bearer of the gods has given me …….

       Nine times she (?) has placed on my head …… and battle-axe.

       …… gathered in Nibru and Isin.

       They approached me but did not give their …… for my life.

       They have applied and created a dressing which does not hold.

       She (?) made a fattened (?) dove come (?), for my …….

List of Kings and Cities From Before The Great Flood

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


         “IN ERIDU (Enki‘s patron city, it is not Uruk as suggested below!):


       ELALGAR RULED 43,200 YEARS.



       KINGSHIP WAS TAKEN TO BAD-TIBIRA (Dumuzi‘s patron city).



       DUMUZI RULED 28,800 YEARS.





       KINGSHIP WAS TAKEN TO SIPPAR (Utu‘s patron city).



       KINGSHIP WAS TAKEN TO SHURUPPAK (Ninlil‘s patron city).

       UBUR-TUTU (Noah‘s father) RULED 36,000 YEARS.

       TOTAL: 8 KINGS, THEIR YEARS: 222,600…”

Context: 5 other copies of the Antediluvian king list are known only: MS 3175, 2 in Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, one is similar to this list, containing 10 kings and 6 cities, the other is a big clay cylinder of the Sumerian king list, on which the kings before the flood form the first section, and has the same 8 kings in the same 5 cities as the present.

A 4th copy is in Berkeley: Museum of the University of California, and is a school tablet. A 5th tablet, a small fragment, is in Istanbul.

Commentary: The list provides the beginnings of Sumerian and the world’s history as the Sumerians knew it. The cities listed were all very old sites, and the names of the kings are names of old types within Sumerian name-giving. Thus it is possible that correct traditions are contained, though the sequence given need not be correct. The city dynasties may have overlapped. It is generally held that the Antediluvian king list is reflected in Genesis 5, which lists the 10 patriarchs from Adam to Noah, all living from 365 years (Enoch) to 969 years (Methuselah), altogether 8,575 years. It is possible that the 222,600 years of the king list reflects a more realistic understanding of the huge span of time from Creation to the Flood, and the lengths of the dynasties involved. The first of the 5 cities mentioned , Eridu, is (not) Uruk, in the area where the myths places the Garden of Eden, while the last city, Shuruppak, is the city of Ziusudra, the Sumerian Noah.

The Creation Account From Assur

Babylonia and Ancient Near Eastern Texts – Britannica Keyed

Source: George Barton, Archaeology and the Bible, 7th Edition, p. 303-305

Kenneth Sublett

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

Marduk and the goddess Aruru (Ninhursag) with him created mankind, Cattle of the field, in whom is breath of life, he created. He formed the Tigris and Euphrates and set them in their places, Their names he did well declare.

     No reed had spring up, no tree had been created.

     No brick had been made, no foundation had been built,

  1. No house had been constructed, no city had been built;

     No city had been built, thrones had not been established:

  1. 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil’s E-kur residence in Nippur)
  2. Nippur had not been constructed, Ekur (Enlil‘s temple) had not been built;

  3. Erech had not been constructed, Eanna (Anu‘s temple) had not been built;

  4. The deep had not been formed, Eridu (Enki‘s city) had not been built;

  5. The holy house, the house of the gods, the dwelling had not been made,–

  6. All lands were sea,–

  7. Then in the midst of the sea was a water-course;

  8. In those days Eridu was constructed, Esagila was built,

  9. Esagila where, in the midst of the deep, the god Lugal-dul-azaga abode,

  10. (Babylon (Marduk‘s city) was made, Esagila (Marduk‘s temple) was completed.

  11. The gods and the Anunaki he made at one time.

  12. (The holy city, the dwelling of their hearts’ desire, they named as first),

  13. 2 - Marduk upon a ram  (MARDUK LOOKING 4 WAYS)
  14. Marduk (Enki’s son) bound a structure of reeds upon the face of the waters,

  15. He formed dust, he poured it out beside the reed-structure.

  16. To cause the gods to dwell in the habitation of their heart’s desire

  17. He formed mankind.

  18. the goddess Aruru (Ninhursag) with him created mankind,

  19. Cattle of the field, in whom is breath of life, he created.

  20. He formed the Tigris and Euphrates and set them in their places,

  21. Their names he did well declare.

  22. The grass, marsh-grass, the reed and brushwood (?) he created,

  23. The green grass of the field he created,

  24. The land, the marshes, and the swamps;

  25. The wild cow and her young, the wild calf; the ewe and her young, the lamb of the fold;

  26. Gardens and forests;

  27. The wild goat, the mountain goat, (who) care for himself (?).

  28. 2c - Marduk relief, flowing waters of Babylon
  29. The lord Marduk filled a terrace by the seaside,

  30. …….a marsh, reeds he set,

  31. ………..he caused to exist.

  32. [Reeds he creat]ed; trees he created;

  33. In their… their place he made;

  34. [Bricks he laid, a founda]tion he constructed;

  35. [Houses he made], a city he built;

  36. [A city he built, a throne] he established;

  37. [Nippur he constructed], Ekur he built;

  38. [Erech he constructed], Eanna he built.

    Line 21 states that Marduk and the goddess Aruru created. In another, it was just Aruru:

  39. 2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc
  40. The godess Aruru, when she heard this,

         A man like Anu she formed in her heart.

  1. Aruru washed her hands;
  2. Clay she pinched off and spat upon it;
  3. Eabani, a hero (mixed-breed) she created,
  4.              5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir
  5. An exalted offspring, with the might of Ninib (Ninurta).

Esarhaddon Chronicle (ABC 14)

The translation on this webpage was adapted from A.K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (1975) and Jean-Jacques Glassner, Mesopotamian Chronicles (Atlanta, 2004).


King Esarhaddon and his mother (Relief from the Louvre)

The Chronicle Concerning the Reign of Esarhaddon(ABC 14) is one of the historiographical texts about ancient Assyria. It deals with the wars of king Esarhaddon (680-669) and the accessions of his sons Aššurbanipal in Assyria and Šamaš-šuma-ukin in Babylonia.

This chronicle is preserved on a tablet, BM 25091 (98-2-16, 145), which is 50 mm wide and 76 mm long. At one time the tablet was broken into two fragments. There are several lacunae in the table and the top portion is entirely missing, but can be restored from parallel texts.


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



1 [The first year of the reign of Esarhaddon (680/679), Nabû-zer-kitti-lišir,

2 governor of the Sealand, having come upstream, set up camp before Ur but did not take the city.

3 He fled before the officers of Assyria and reached Elam.

4 In Elam] the king of Elam [captured and executed him.

5 Es]arhaddon named his brother Na’id-Marduk governor of the Sealand.

6 In the month Ulûlu the Great and the gods of Der entered Der;

7 Humhumya and Šimalya entered Sippar.

8 In the month Tašrîtu the forecourt […] in the mont[h…]
9 The second year (679/678): the major-domo conscripted troops in Akkad.

10 In that same year Arza was captured and sacked.

11 The people were ransomed, the king and his son were taken prisoner.

12 There was a slaughter in Buššua and there was a slaughter of the Cimmerians in Šubuhnu.[1]

13 The third year (678/677): […]-ahhe-šullum, governor of Nippur, and Šamaš-ibni, the Dakkurean

14 were transported to Assyria and executed in Assyria.

15 The fourth year (677/676): Sidon was captured and sacked. In that same year the major-domo conscripted troops in Akkad.

16 The fifth year (676/675): On the second day of the month Tašrîtu, the army of Assyria captured Bazza.

17 On the month Tašrîtu the head of the king of Sidon was cut off and conveyed to Assyria.

18 The sixth year (675/674): The army of Assyria marched to Milidu and encamped against Mugallu.

19 On the fifth day of the month Ulûlu, Humban-haltaš, king of Elam, without becoming ill and still appearing healthy, died in his palace.

20 For six years, Humban-haltaš, ruled Elam.

21 Urtak, his brother, ascended the throne in Elam.

22 Šuma-iddina, the governor of Nippur, and Kudurru, the Dakkurean, were executed.

23 The seventh year (674/673): On the eighth day of the month Addaru the army of Assyria marched to Šamele.

24 In that same year Ištar (Inanna) of Agade and the gods of Agade left Elam and

25 entered Agade on the tenth day of the month Addaru.

26 The eighth year (673/672): On the sixth day of the month Addaru the king’s wife died.

27 On the eighteenth day of the month Addaru the army of Assyria captured Šubria and

28 sacked it. The tenth year (671/670): In the month Nisannu the army of Assyria marched to Egypt.

29 On the third day of the month Tašrîtu there was a massacre in Egypt.

30 The eleventh year (670/669): In Assyria the king put numerous officers to the sword.

31 The twelfth year (669/668): The king of Assyria marched to Egypt

32 but became ill on the way and died on the tenth day of the month Arahsamna.

33 For twelve years Esarhaddon ruled Assyria.


34 For eight years under Sennacherib, for twelve years under Esarhaddon,

35 twenty years altogether, Bêl(Marduk) stayed in Aššur and the Akitu festival did not take place.

36 Nabû did not come from Borsippa for the procession of Bêl.

37 In the month Kislîmu Aššurbanipal, Esarhaddon’s son, ascended the throne in Assyria.
38 The accession year of Šamaš-šuma-ukin [2] (668/667): In the month AjaruBêl and the gods of Akkad
39 went out from Aššur and on the twenty-fifth [3] day of the month Ajaru, they entered Babylon.

40 Nabû and the gods of Borsippa went to Babylon.

41 In that same year Kirbitum was taken and its king was captured.

42 On the twentieth day of the month Tebêtu, Bêl-etir, the judge of Babylon was taken prisoner and executed.


43 The first year of Šamaš-šuma-ukin (667/666): […]

44 to […]

45Taharqo, king of E[gypt, …]

46 Eg[ypt…]

47Necho, king of Eg[ypt…]


48 The second year (666/665): […]


Left edge

Combat. Combat [4]

Note 1:
Other sources refer to Cimmerians in Hubušnu.

Note 2:
The brother of Aššurbanipal.

Note 3:
Lines 34-40 are identical to
ABC 16, lines 1-8, but the date is different.

Note 4:
The purpose of these words are unclear.


Esarhaddon Quotes From Sitchin Books, etc.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


According to the Old Testament, after Sennacherib returned to Nineveh,

        “it came to pass, as he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch,

        that Adrammelech and Sharezzer his sons smote him with a sword;

        and they escaped unto the land of Ararat.

        And Esarhaddon, his son , reigned in his stead …”

An inscription of Esarhaddon known as the Prism B describes the circumstances…On the command of the great gods, Sennacherib had publicly proclaimed that his younger son as successor:

        “He called together the people of Assyria, young and old,

        and he made my brothers, the male offspring of my father,

        take a solemn oath in the presence of the gods of Assyria…

        in order to secure my succession …”

The brothers then broke their oath, killing Sennacherib and seeking to kill Esarhaddon. But the gods snatched him away

        “and made me stay in a hiding place…preserving me for kingship …”

After a period of turmoil Esarhaddon received

        “a trustworthy command from the gods: …”

        “Go, do not delay! We will march with you! …”

The deity who was delegated to accompany Esarhaddon was Ishtar. As his brothers’ forces came out of Nineveh to beat off his attack on the capitol,

       Ishtar (Inanna), the Lady of Battle,

       who wished me to be her high priest, stood at my side.

       She broke their bows, scattered their orderly battle array …”

Once the Ninevite troops were disorganized, Ishtar addressed them in behalf of Esarhaddon.

       “Upon her lofty command, they went over in masses to me

       and rallied behind me, and recognized me as their king …”