Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Ningishzidda Quotes From Texts

Ningishzidda / Ninjeczida = Enki‘s & Ningiridas son


Azimua spouse to Ningishzidda

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


As Ningishzidda:

         “When thou comest up to heaven, and approachest the door of Anu,

Tammuz (Dumuzi) and Gishzida (Ningishzidda)

         at the door of Anu are standing (visiting Anu on Nibiru / Heaven). …”


         “Let Azimua marry Ningishzidda; …”


         “The god Nin-gish-zida (Enki‘s son) is the god of Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla,

          who the temple E-anna (Anus temple in Uruk) has constructed …”


         Gudea…whose primacy has been firmly founded by the god Nin-gish-zida (Enki‘s son) his god. …”


As Ninjiczida:

        Ninjiczida, who brings together giant snakes and dragons!

        Great wild bull who, in the murderous battle, is a flood that ……!

        Beloved by his mother, he to whom Ningirida gave birth

        from her luxurious body, who drank the good milk at her holy breast,

        who sucked in lion’s spittle, who grew up in the abzu!…”


         “Azimua shall marry Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda) …”


         “In Jicbanda, the house that was filled with lamentation, lamentation reeds grew.

         Ninjiczida took an unfamiliar path away from Jicbanda.

         Azimua (Ningishzidda‘s spouse), the queen of the city, wept bitter tears.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly. …”


         “Let Gilgamec as a ghost, below among the dead,

          be the governor of the nether world.

Let him be pre-eminent among the ghosts,

so that he will pass judgments and render verdicts,

and what he says will be as weighty as the words of Ninjiczida and Dumuzid …”


         “The king of ……, Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda) .…..,

         and he walks along the road together with Culgi (King Shulgi),

         the good shepherd of Sumer …”


         (Gudea speaking:)

         “As he …… and walked proudly,

         Lugal-kur-dub walked in front of him,

         Ig-alim directed him and Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda),

         his personal god, held him by the hand throughout the time. …”


         “The house has been built most sumptuously by its lord.

          It was built on a pedestal by Ningiczida.

Its foundation pegs were driven in by Gudea, the ruler of Lagac (Lagash). …


         “To the valiant warrior Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda), in his palace,

         the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a chariot with …… wheels sparkling

         with gold, …… donkeys, thoroughbreds, ……

         donkeys with dappled thighs, ……, followed …… by a shepherd and a herdsman …”


         “To his (Ningishzidda‘s) spouse, Ninazimua (Azimua),

         the august scribe, denizen of Arali, in her palace,

         the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a headdress

         with the august ear-pieces (?) (alien technologies)

         of a sage, made of alabaster, a …… stylus, the hallmark of the scribe,

         a surveyor’s gleaming line, and the measuring rod ……. …”


Kulla = Ningishzidda, son to Enki

Master Builder / Architect


(Assyrian King Esarhaddon Speaking:)

        “[At that] time, Ekur (“House, Mountain”), the temple (residence) of the god En[li]l, lord of the lands, my lord,

        which a previous king had [built], became [ol]d and [its] walls [buckl]ed.

        [I sou]ght [its (original) emplacement], removed its dilapidated parts, (and) surveyed its (entire) foundation.

        I [completely] (re)bu[ilt (it)] with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda)

        according to [its ancien]t spe[cifications (and) raised its top (as high) as a mountain.]


          “At that time Ebaradurgara, the temple of the goddess Queen-of-Nippur (Ninlil), the great lady, my lady,

         which a previous king had built, became old and its walls buckled.

         I sought its (original) emplacement, removed its dilapidated parts, (and) surveyed its (entire) foundation.

         I completely (re)built (it) with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda) according to its ancient specifications

         (and) raised its top (as high) as a mountain.


         “I bui[lt Etemenanki, the ziqqurat], as it was before — its length [is one ašlu

         (and) one ṣup]pān, (and) its width is one ašlu (and) one ṣuppān.

       I offered pure offerings to […] the great [gods] and the god Kulla (Ningishzidda), the lord of foundations (and) bricks.

         I laid their foundations with […] …, wine, (and) kurunnu-wine, and I secured [their] footings.

       [I had foundation inscriptions made of (…)] basalt [(and) I wro]te [on them] the glory of the great lord, my lord,

         and I pl[ace]d (them) in their (Esagil’s and Etemenanki’s) midst.

         […] I restored its precious [ritu]als and [… I] established …”


         “I had Babylon, (which was measured by) the aslu-cubit checked by the gods,

        Imgur-Enlil, its wall, (and) Nēmed-Enlil, its outer wall,

        built anew with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda) and I raised (them) like mountains.

        I am the one who (re)built Babylon, (re)constructed Esagil, renewed (it) gods and goddesses, …”


(Ashurbanipal, King of Assyria Speaking:)

          “(With regard to) Egigunû, the ziqqurat of Nippur,

        whose foundation is made secure on the breast of the Watery Abyss (apsû),

        whose enclosure wall had become old and eroded,

        I repaired its dilapidated section(s) with baked bricks from a (ritually) pure kiln, and completed its structure.

        I had it built anew with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda) and made it shine like daylight.

        I raised its top (as high) as a mountain and made [its] appearance resplendent.


          “At that time, I sought the (original) emplacement of Ebabbar,

        which is inside Sippar, the temple of the god Šamaš (Utu), the great lord, my lord,

        which had become old, buckled, and collapsed.

        I had (it) (re)built anew with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda) and raised its top (as high) as a mountain.”


          “At [that time, (with regard to) 1ābi-supūršu, the (city) wall of Borsippa,

        which] had become [ol]d and [buckled (and) collapsed,

        in order to] increase [the securi]ty of Ezida and the (other) sanctuaries of Borsippa,

        [with the strength of] my [labour] forces I had [Ṭā]bi-supūršu, [its] (city) wall, built [quickly] anew

        [with] the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda) and refitted [its gates.

        I had] (new) doors made and hung (them) in its gateways.


          “At that time, (with regard to) Imgur-Enlil (“The God Enlil Showed Favor”), the (city) wall of Babylon,

          (and) Nēmet-Enlil (“Bulwark of the God Enlil”), its outer wall,

          which had become old and buckled (and) collapsed,

          in order to increase the security of Esagil and the (other) sanctuaries of Babylon,

          with the strength of my labor forces I had Nēmet-Enlil, its outer wall, built quickly anew

          with the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda) and I refitted its gates.

          I had (new) doors made and hung (them) in its gateways.

Ningishzidda Quotes From Sitchin Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


         Enki addressed to Enlil words of lauding:

         ‘O one who is foremost among the brothers,

         Bull of Heaven, who the fate of Mankind holds:

         In my lands, desolation is wide spread;

         All the dwellings are filled with sorrow by your attacks’ …”


…the territorial disputes be brought to and end and the lands rightfully belonging to the Enlilites and the people of the line of Shem be vacated by the Enkites. Enki agreed to cede forever these territories:

         “I will grant thee the rulers position in the gods’ Restricted Zone;

         The Radiant Place, in thy hand I will e..ntrust! …”

In so ceding the Restricted Zone (the Sinai peninsula with its spaceport) and the Radiant Place (the site of Mission Control Center, the future Jerusalem) Enki had a firm condition…the sovereignty of Enki and his descendants over the Giza complex had to recognized for all time.

Enlil agreed but…sons of Enki who had brought about the war and used the Great Pyramid for combat…be barred from ruling over Giza…or the whole of Lower Egypt. Enki agreed.

        “For the formidable House Which is Raised Like a Heap …”

he appointed the prince who is like a full-grown ibex–…and commanded him to guard the Place of Life.

         “He then granted the young god

         the exalted title NIN.GISH.ZI.DA (Lord of the Artifact of Life)

A hymn…believed composed by the daughter of Sargon (Enheduanna) of Akkad in the 3rd millennium B.C. exalted the pyramid-house of Ningishzidda and confirmed its Egyptian location:

         “Enduring place, light-hued mountain which in an artful fashion was fashioned.

         Its dark hidden chamber is an awe-inspiring place; in a Field of Supervision it lies.

         Awesome, its ways no one can fathom.

         In the Land of the Shield your pedestal is closely knit as a fine-mesh net…

         At night you face the heavens, your ancient measurements are surpassing.

         Your interior knows the place where Utu (the sun god) rises,

         the measure of its width is far reaching.

         Your prince is the prince whose pure hand is outstretched,

         whose luxuriant and abundant hair flows down on his back–

         the lord Ningishzidda …”


Another text called Ningishzidda the “falcon among gods”.

Egyptians call this son of Enki / Ptah...”god of the cord who measures the Earth”.

…first urban settlements in Jerico (from 8,500 B.C. To 7,000 B.C.) The reign of Thoth in Egypt (from about 8,670 to 7,100 B.C.) His accession followed the Peace Conference. Egyptians say of his accession:

         “In the presence of the Determiners of Annu, following the night of the battle …”

after he had helped

         “defeat the Storm Wind (Adad) and the Whirlwind (Ninurta) …”

and then assisted in:

         “making the two combatants be at peace …”

the reign of Thoth was a time of peace among the gods…the Egyptian “Age of the demigods” (offspring of the cohabitation of gods and humans) was from 7100 B.C. to 3450 B.C.

According to Gudea’s inscriptions, “the Lord of Girsu” appeared unto him in a vision, standing beside his “Divine Black Bird”. The god expressed to him the wish that a new E.NINNU (“House of Fifty”)–also Ninurta’s numerical rank, be built by Gudea.

Gudea was given two sets of divine instructions: one from a goddess who in one hand

         “held the tablet of the favorable star of heavens …”

and with the other

         “held a holy stylus …”

with which she indicated to Gudea “the favorable planet” in whose direction the temple should be oriented.

The other set of instructions came from a god that Gudea did not recognize…Ningishzidda. He handed to Gudea a tablet made of precious stone

         “the plan of a temple it contained …”

Ningishzidda…knew how to secure the foundations of the temples; he was

         “the great god who held the plans …”

         “a god called forth from obscurity in Gudea’s time, …”

only to become a “phantom god” and a mere memory in later (Babylonian and Assyrian) times.

Minor Gods Related To Ningishzidda Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Azimua Quotes From Texts

Azimua / Ninazimua = Ningishzidda’s spouse, Enki’s daughter by Ninhursag via Uttu

         “’What hurts you still, dear (Enki)?’

         ‘My throat hurts me.’ (Ninhursag)

         ‘To the goddess Azimua I have given birth for you to set your throat free’ …”


        ‘”My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My arm (a) hurts me.’

         She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Azimua out of it’ …”


         “Azimua shall marry Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda), …”


To his spouse, Ninazimua, the august scribe, denizen of Arali,

in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a headdress

with the august ear-pieces (?) of a sage, made of alabaster, a …… stylus,

the hallmark of the scribe, a surveyor’s gleaming line,

and the measuring rod ……. …”


Amasilama Quotes From Texts

Amasilama = Ningishzidda’s older sister

         “His older sister removed the cover (?) from {the boat’s cabin}

         {(1 ms. has instead:) the cabin at the boat’s stern}:

         ‘Let me sail away with you, let me sail away with you, {brother}

         {(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.

         {(2 mss. add 1 line:)

         My brother, let me sail on your barge with you,

         my brother, let me sail away with you.

         {(1 ms. adds 1 further line:)

         Let me sail on your splendid barge with you, my brother,

         let me sail away with you.}}’ …”


         “Ama-šilama (Ninĝišzida’s sister) said to Ninĝišzida:

         ‘The ill-intentioned demon may accept something —

         there should be a limit to it for you.

         My brother, your demon may accept something,

         there should be a limit to it for you.

         For him let me …… from my hand the ……,

        there should be a limit to it for you.

         For him let me …… from my hand the ……,

         there should be a limit to it for you.

         For him let me …… from my hips the dainty lapis lazuli beads,

         there should be a limit to it for you.

         For him let me …… from my hips the …… my lapis lazuli beads,

         there should be a limit to it for you.’

         ‘You are a beloved ……, there should be a limit to it for you.

         How they treat you, how they treat you! —

         there should be a limit to it for you.

         My brother, how they treat you, how haughtily they treat you! —

         there should be a limit to it for you.

         ‘I am hungry, but the bread has slipped away from me!’ —

         there should be a limit to it for you.

         ‘I am thirsty, but the water has slipped away from me!’ –

         there should be a limit to it for you. …”


        “The evil demon who was in their midst,

         the clever demon, that great demon who was in their midst,

         called out to the man at the boat’s bow and to the man at the boat’s stern:

         ‘Don’t let the mooring stake be pulled out,

         don’t let the mooring stake be pulled out,

         so that she may come on board to her brother,

         that this lady may come on board the barge.’

         When Ama-šilama had gone on board the barge,

         a cry approached the heavens, a cry approached the earth,

         that great demon set up an enveloping cry before him on the river:

         ‘Urim (Ur), at my cry to the heavens lock your houses,

         lock your houses, city, lock your houses!’ …”


         “He …… to the empty river, the rejoicing (?) river:

         ‘You (addressing Ama-šilima ) shall not draw near to this house, …….

         …… to the place of Ereškigala (Ereshkigal).

         My mother …… out of her love’ …”

Dimpimekug Quotes From Text

Dimpimekug = Ningishzidda’s assistant

         “To Dimpimekug (1 ms. has instead: Dimpikug), who stands by his side,

         he gave a lapis-lazuli seal hanging from a pin,

       and a gold and silver toggle-pin with a bison’s head.

         To his (Ningishzidda’s) spouse, Ninazimua (Azimua),

         the august scribe, denizen of Arali, in her palace,

         the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a headdress with the august ear-pieces (?)

         of a sage, made of alabaster, a …… stylus, the hallmark of the scribe,

         a surveyor’s gleaming line, and the measuring rod ……. …”


         “Gilgamec, the son of Ninsumun (Ninsun),…

         He set out their surprises for Dimpikug …”

Ningishzidda Overview

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal…)


          2bb - Ningishzidda placing the temple peg for Gudea4cc - Ninsun, Gudea, Inanna, & Ningishzidda

           (Nigishzidda, “Lord of the Artifact”;       Ninsun, Gudea– her 2/3rds divine son-king, & Ningishzidda with horned snake symbol on shoulders)

        . Ningishzidda = Sumerian “Lord of the Artifact” (ziggurats & pyramids)    

        . KullaAssyrian, master architect

        . Thoth = Egyptian god of knowledge, Egyptian & Sumerian guardian of Giza

        . Hermes = Greek

        . Mercury = Roman

        . Quetzalcoatl = Mayan, etc. as feathered serpent god       


        . in some texts son to Ninazu & Ningirida / Ninsutu


        . in some texts son to Ereshkigal & Enki, & older brother to Amasilama


        . married the daughter of Enki and Ninhursag,– “Azimua shall marry Ninjiczida“… (Ningishzidda)


        . helped Enki & Ninhursag with developing the Modern Man” / Adapa / “The Worker”


        . Ningishzidda symbolized as entwined serpents, such as Medical Logo (DNA), the task of mixing species to create worker-beings, today’s modern man


        . architect of many of the world’s ziggurats, astronomical clocks, & monuments

        . Ebadbarra: “House, Outer Wall,” temple residence of Ning̃išhzida at Lagaš-Girsu (Lagash)

        . Egisbanda: “House of Gišbanda, temple residence of Ning̃išhzida at Gišbanda

        . Eguzalama: “House of the Exalted Chamberlain.” temple residence of Ning̃išhzida at Babylon


        . Kigalla: “Great Place,” seat of Ning̃išhzida in é.sag̃,íl at Babylon


        . Eniggina:, “House of Truth, temple residence of Ning̃išhzida at Ur, rebuilt by Sin.iqīsam and Rīim-Sin

        . chapel in é (E-ana) at Uruk, built by Anam and Merodachbaladam

        . temple residence at Girsu [tilde] built by Gudea

        . sanctuary at Isin

        . builder of the Egyptian Great Pyramids, & other  monuments

        . his face was possibly on the Sphinx, & later changed by Marduk to his own son Ashur’s / Osiris’

        . as founder-snake god, he established the Olmec, the Mayan civilizations, & their calendars

Ninagal Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin’s Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


        “With lapis-lazuli was adorned,

         Decorated with the handiwork of Ninagal.

         In the bright place…the residence of Inanna, the lyre of Anu they installed…”


        “For the god Nin-âgal, his (Ur-Nanshe) god his temple he has constructed…”


        “I shall certainly not try to take over the portion of Inanna in your jipar.

         Ninegal (Enki’s son) will not …… because of my valorous strength.

         But Inanna, lady, don’t you block my way, either!…”


Marduk speaking:

         “Where is Ninagal, wielder of the upper and lower millstone

          Who grinds up hard copper like hide and who forges tools?…”

NIN.A.Gal (“Prince of Great Waters”) was, as his name implied, given the region of the great lakes and the headwaters of the Nile.

         (Shulgi)...”I knelt down and feasted in the E-gal-mah of Ninegal (Enki’s son)...”


         “You are cherished by Ninegala, like a date palm of holy Dilmun…”


         “(King) Ur-Bau (mixed-breed) the patesi of Shirpurla-ki,

         the offspring begotten by the god Nin-âgal,…”


        ”For the god Nin-âgal, his god, his temple he has constructed…”

Ninagal Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artefacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


        “’Where is Ninagal (Enki’s son), wielder of the upper and lower millstone

        ‘Who grinds up hard copper like hide and who forges tools?’…”


        “Ur-Bau the patesi of Shirpurla-ki,

        the offspring begotten by the god Nin-âgal,…”


         For the god Nin-âgal (Enki’s son), his (Ur-Bau’s) god,

       his temple he has constructed. …”

Puzuramurri Quotes From Texts

Puzuramurri = Ninagal, Enki’s son

          And in the sky the dark water heavy clouds did form as Ea (Enki) had foretold.

             We bustled everyone below.

          Puzuramurri did caulk the top hatch full shut from outside where he did stand.

          So to make him glad I gave to him my house and everything around…”

I boarded the boat without further ado

And made sure that the door was safely pulled to.

I committed the navigation of the great house and its contents

         To the boatman Puzur-Amurri….”

Ninagal Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

8f - Enki's helper & Enki

     . 4th son to Enki, “Lord of the Great Waters”.

        . Ninegal, god of smiths

        . son of Enki & a concubine


        . ordered by his father Enki, Ninagal navigated Ziusudra / Noah’s submergible boat

        . saved all natural “clean“, non-modified, reproducing species from the Deluge


        . Ninegal brought aboard thelife essences and life eggs of living all creaturesof the genetically clean


        . The Deluge occurred in the 120th Shar (Nibiru orbit), appx. 13,000 years ago


        . Ninagal was father to mixed-breed King Ur-Bau

A Hymn to Kusu

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


         1-8 O angry great butting bull! O torch!

          3c - Enki in the Abzu (Enki in the abzu / marshlands of Persian Gulf)

          O great bull (son) of Enki, standing aggressively, coming forth from the abzu, the pure place!

          O Gibil the god of fire, …… the palace ……, as he radiates great awesomeness, his countenance ……!

          O Nun-bar-ana (Gibil), angry avenger (?) ……, bringing forth the great torch from the abzu, lifting his head with the noble divine powers!

             9-19 O antler-like horn of a mountain goat!

          Cedar, cypress, juniper and boxwood, white wool and black wool, white birch and black birch,

          a string of apples tied to a long string of figs, butter flowing from the holy cattle-pen and sheepfold.

          ….. in the oven and purified by the torch, …… reeds are tied up and lit …….

          2 lines fragmentary

             20-26 In their …… Kusu (Gibil‘s spouse) has consecrated the ……, she has purified the oven.

          ……, she has filled the …… purified …….

          Kusu has then put numerous bulls and numerous sheep into the great oven.

          Kusu has then put numerous bulls and numerous loaves into the great oven.

             27-33 Destiny, prosperity — the wood of destiny, wood of prosperity,

          and the reeds of destiny, reeds of prosperity, adorn the holy cattle-pen.

          3b - Enki & Gibil Mining (Enki‘s descendants in charge of mining SO Africa)

             (Gibil,         Enki         mine shaft                   Inanna atop alien god mining, prior to fashioning earthling workers)

          Through the wool from a fair lamb and the wool from a fair kid,

          Gibil, the foremost, the right arm, lifting his head to heaven receives water from the holy teats of heaven.

             34-39 This water consecrates the heavens, it purifies the earth.

          It purifies the cattle in their pen.

          It purifies the sheep in their fold.

          It purifies Utu (Sun God) at the horizon.

          It purifies Nanna (Moon God) at the zenith of heaven.

          Thus may it cleanse, may it cleanse the …… of the house.

             40-41 From Eridug (Eridu) (?) praise to lady Kusu, the princess of the holy abzu, …….”

Gibil Quotes from Texts

Gibil = Enki‘s son, God of the Kilns

maker of the gods metal products

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue….semi-divine mixed-breeds in teal)


(Lipit-Ishkur speaking:)

          “Uta-ulu, when like all the evil winds you rise to ……

          like Gibil (Enki‘s son), the lord of ……, the hero; …”


(Inanna speaking:)

         “I shall set fire to its thick forests.

I shall take an ax to its evil-doing.

I shall make Gibil (Enki‘s son), the purifier, bare his holy teeth at its watercourses.

         I shall spread this terror through the inaccessible mountain range Aratta …”


          “O Gibil the god of fire, …… the palace ……, as he radiates great awesomeness, his countenance ……!

 O Nun-bar-ana (Gibil), angry avenger (?) ……,

 bringing forth the great torch from the abzu, lifting his head with the noble divine powers! …”


          “Through the wool from a fair lamb and the wool from a fair kid, Gibil, the foremost, the right arm,

          lifting his head to heaven receives water from the holy teats of heaven …”


          Enlil brought Gibil as his aid.

He called the great storm of heaven — the people groan.

The great storm howls above — the people groan.

The storm that annihilates the Land roars below — the people groan.

The evil wind, like a rushing torrent, cannot be restrained.

          It attacks the weapons of the city and completely devours them. …”


         “In all the storehouses abounding in the Land fires were kindled.

          In its ponds Gibil, the purifier, relentlessly did his work. …”


          “Enlil — choosing Gibil (Enki‘s son) as his helper —

          called the (great) hurricane of heaven. The people mourn.

          The (blinding) hurricane howling across the skies — the people mourn —

          the tempest unsubduable like breaks through levees, beats down upon, devours the city’s ships,

          (all these) he gathered at the base of heaven. The people mourn.

          (Great) fires he lit that heralded the storm. The people mourn.

          And lit on either flank of furious winds the searing heat of the desert.

          Like flaming heat of noon this fire scorched.

          The storm ordered by Enlil in hate …”

Gibil Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books, Etc.



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


To his north, in the mining regions, Gibil (“The One of Fire”) was installed, having been taught by his father the secrets of metalworking.

        “In its ponds Gibil, the purifier, relentlessly did his work …”


        Gibil made his hoe (al) raise its head towards the heavens —

        he caused the hoe (al), sacred indeed, to be refined with fire …”

Some of Dumuzi’s brothers, not Marduk / Ra, blessed the nuptials as well. It’s not clear if Enki responded favorably. Dumuzi’s brothers hid for in the bedroom,

         “a bed of gold, adorned with lapis lazuli, …”

a precious, blue-hued gem,

         “which Gibil had refined for her in the abode of Nergal …”


         “inlaid with lapis lazuli, which Gibil has purified for you in the Iri-gal shrine …”

The Enlilite’s first reaction…was to accuse her of giving aid and comfort to the “demons”.” Ninhursag denied the accusation:

         “My House is pure, …”

she answered. But a god whose identity is unclear challenged her sarcastically:

         Is the House which is loftier and brightest of all– …”

the Great Pyramid—also “pure”?

         “Of that I cannot speak …”

Ninhursag answered;

         “its brilliance Gibil is soldiering …”

…verses in the Babylonian text…have a direct parallel in the biblical tale of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah:

         “But when the son of Marduk

         in the land of the coast was,

         He-of-the-Evil-Wind (Erra)

         with heat the plain-land burnt …”


         “He (Nabu) the great sea entered,

         Sat upon a throne which was not his

         (Because) Ezida, the legitimate abode, was overrun …”

Enki stood by his firstborn son:

         “Now that Prince Marduk has arisen,

         now that the people for the second time have raised his image,

         why does Erra continue his opposition? …”

Finally, loosing his patience, Enki shouted at Nergal to get out of his presence. Leaving in a huff, Nergal returned to his domain. “Consulting with himself,” he decided to unleash the awesome weapons:

         “The lands I will destroy, to a deep dust-heap make them;

         the cities I will upheaval, to desolation turn them;

         the mountains I will flatten, their animals make disappear;

         the seas I will agitate, that which teems in them I will decimate;

         the people I will make vanish, their souls shall turn to vapor;

         none shall be spared. …”

We learn from a text…that it was Gibil, whose domain in Africa adjoined that of Nergal, who alerted Marduk to the destructive scheme hatched by Nergal…It was then that Gibil “these words to Marduk did speak” in regard to the

         “seven awesome weapons which Anu created..

         The wickedness of those seven against thee is being laid, …”

he informed Marduk. Marduk inquired of Gibil where the awesome weapons were kept. “O Gibil,,” he said, “those seven—where were they born, where were they created?” To which Gibil revealed that they were hidden underground:

         “Those seven, in the mountain they abide,

         in a cavity inside the earth they dwell.

         From this place with a brilliance they will rush forth,

         From Earth to Heaven, clad with terror …”

But where exactly is this place? Marduk asked again and again; and all Gibil could say was that “even the wise gods, to them it is unknown.”

Now Marduk rushed to his father Enki with the frightening report.

         “To his father Enki’s house he (Marduk) entered …”

Enki was lying on the couch in the chamber to which he retired for the night. “My father” Marduk said,

         Gibil this word hath spoken to me:

         of the coming of the seven (weapons) he has found out …”

Telling his father the bad news, he urged his all-knowing father:

         “Their place to search out, do hasten thou! …”

Enki spoke out strongly against the idea, urging steps to stop Nergal, for the use of the weapons, he pointed out,

         “the lands will make desolate, the people will make perish. …”