Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Alalu Quotes From Texts & Sitchin Books

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


          “Let there listen the gods who are in Heaven,

         And those who are upon the dark-hued Earth!

         Let there lisen (sp), the mighty olden gods.

         Formerly, in the olden days, Alula was king in Heaven;

         He, Alula, was seated on the throne.

         Mighty Anu, the first among the gods, stood before him,

         Bowed at his feet, set the drinking cup in his hand.

         For nine counted periods, Alula was king in Heaven (Nibiru).

         In the ninth period, Anu gave battle against Alula.

         Alula was defeated, he fled before Anu

         He descended to the dark-hued Earth.

         Down to the dark-hued Earth he went;

         On the throne sat Anu …”

Alalush Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books:


after nine Nibiruan years, Anu (Anush in the Hittite text) “gave battle to Alaluand deposed him:

         “Once in the olden days, Alalush (Alalu) was king in heaven.

         Alalush was seated on the throne;

         The mighty Anush (Anu), first among gods, was standing before him:

         He would bow to his feet, set the drinking cup in his hand.

         For nine counted periods, Alalush was king in Heaven.

         In the ninth counted period, Anush gave battle to Alalush …”

It was then, the ancient text tells us, that the dramatic flight to Earth had occurred:

         “Alalush was defeated, he fled before Anush

         Down he descended to the dark-hued Earth.

         Anush took his seat upon the throne …”