Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta

Source (for translation): Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature,

Oxford 1998-.

4 - The tale of Enmerkar & the Lord of Aratta

(Enmerkar & the Lord of Aratta – artifact)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

Enmerkar is the priest-king (en) of Uruk, and as such, the ritual husband of the Great Goddess Inanna, upon whose favor the city´s prosperity depends. But the city of Aratta, in the snow-capped mountains that border Mesopotamia is also under the protection of the Goddess, and ruled by an en devoted to Her as well.

In order to please the gods, Enmerkar plans to build a lavish temple in Uruk which would be the first among its kind.

1-24 City majestic bull bearing vigor and great awesome splendor,

Kulaba, ……, breast of the storm, where destiny is determined;

Unug (Uruk), great mountain, in the midst of …….

2b - Uruk's Excavation (Anu‘s ziggurat temple residence in Uruk, mountain mud brick-built by the Anunnaki)

There the evening meal of the great abode of An (Anu) was set.

In those days of yore, when the destinies were determined,

the great princes allowed Unug Kulaba’s E-ana to lift its head high.

Plenty, and carp floods, and the rain which brings forth dappled barley were then increased in Unug Kulaba.

2 - Dilmun location (Dilmun, pristine lands given Ninsikila by her father Enki)

Before the land of Dilmun yet existed, the E-ana of Unug Kulaba was well founded,

2cd - Anu's temple-home in Uruk(Anu‘s residence in Uruk when on Earth)

and the holy jipar of Inanna in brick-built Kulaba shone forth like the silver in the lode.

Before …… carried ……, before ……, before …… carried ……, before the commerce was practiced;

before gold, silver, copper, tin, blocks of lapis lazuli,

and mountain stones were brought down together from their mountains,

before …… bathed for the festival, ……, …… time passed.

2 lines missing

25-32 …… was colorfully adorned, and ……,

the holy place, was …… with flawless lapis lazuli (blue-hued gemstone),

its interior beautifully formed like a white mes tree bearing fruit.

                   (flying sky-disc of the gods, the symbol of their home, planet Nibiru)

4d - Ashur, King Ashurbanipal & Inanna (Ashur & a giant mixed-breed descendant-king crowned by goddess Inanna)

The lord of Aratta placed on his head the golden crown for Inanna.

But he did not please her like the lord of Kulaba.

Aratta did not build for holy Inanna — unlike the Shrine E-ana,

the jipar, the holy place, unlike brick-built Kulaba (Uruk ziggurat).

33-37 At that time, the lord chosen by Inanna in her heart,

chosen by Inanna in her holy heart from the bright mountain,

Enmerkar, the (giant grandson) son of Utu, made a plea to his sister (grandaunt to Enmerkar),

1e - Ishtar, goddess of love 1a-inanna-8-pointed-star-symbolizing-venus (Inanna, Goddess of Love, spouse to scores of demigod mixed-breed kings)

the lady who grants desires, holy Inanna (Uruk King Enmerkar‘s spouse):

38-64 “My sister, let Aratta fashion gold and silver skillfully on my behalf for Unug (Uruk).

Let them cut the flawless lapis lazuli (favorite gemstone of goddesses) from the blocks, let them ……

the translucence of the flawless lapis lazuli ……. ……build a holy mountain (ziggurat) in Unug.

Let Aratta build a temple brought down from heaven — your place of worship, the Shrine E-ana;

3e - Anu's Temple in Uruk (E-ana, Anu‘s mud brick-built ziggurat temple residence in Uruk)

let Aratta skillfully fashion the interior of the holy jipar, your abode;

may I, the radiant youth, may I be embraced there by you.

Let Aratta submit beneath the yoke for Unug on my behalf.

Let the people of Aratta bring down for me the mountain stones from their mountain,

build the great shrine for me, erect the great abode for me, make the great abode,

the abode of the gods, famous for me, make my me prosper in Kulaba,

1a-inanna-dressed-in-flight-suit-with-the-7-mes  (Inanna wearing the 7 MEs, advanced alien technologies for flight)

make the Abzu (Eridu, in the marshlands) grow for me like a holy mountain,

4a - Eridu, buried by Noah's Flood  (Eridu ruins, decimated & desolate for thousands of years)

make Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city) gleam for me like the mountain range,

cause the Abzu shrine to shine forth for me like the silver in the lode.

1a - Eridu, Enki's city in the marshes (1st cities established by alien gods)

When in the Abzu (marshlands of the Persian Gulf) I utter praise,

when I bring the me (alien technologies) from Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city),

when, in lordship, I am adorned with the crown like a purified shrine,

when I place on my head the holy crown in Unug Kulaba,

then may the …… of the great shrine bring me into the jipar,

and may the …… of the jipar bring me into the great shrine.

May the people marvel admiringly, and may Utu witness it in joy.”

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna   (Utu, son to Nannar, grandson to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

65-68 Thereupon the splendor of holy (alien King) An, the lady of the mountains, the wise,

the goddess whose kohl is for Ama-ucumgal-ana (Dumuzi), Inanna, the lady of all the lands,

called to Enmerkar the (giant mixed-breed grandson) son of Utu:

69-104 “Come, (King) Enmerkar! I shall offer you advice:

let my counsel be heeded. I shall speak words to you; let them be heard.

Choose from the troops as a messenger one who is eloquent of speech and endowed with endurance.

Where and to whom shall he carry the important message of wise Inanna?

Let him bring it up into the Zubi Mountains, let him descend with it from the Zubi Mountains.

7d - Inanna presents Shu-Sin to Nannar, Sin, for kingship (Ninsun‘s son Shu-Sin, Inanna, & Nannar, patron god of Ur)

Let (King) Su-sin and the land of Ancan humbly salute Inanna like tiny mice.

In the great mountain ranges, let the teeming multitudes grovel in the dust for her.

Aratta shall submit beneath the yoke to Unug (Uruk).

The people of Aratta shall bring down the mountain stones from their mountains,

and shall build the great shrine for you, and erect the great abode for you,

will cause the great abode, the abode of the gods, to shine forth for you;

will make your me flourish in Kulaba, will make the Abzu grow for you like a holy mountain,

will make Eridug (Eridu) shining for you like the mountain range,

2e - Eridu temple reconstruction  (re-creation of Enki‘s house in Eridu, built on the river bank, in the marshes of Persian Gulf)

will cause the Abzu shrine (Enki‘s ziggurat temple residence in Eridu)

to shine forth for you like the glitter in the lode.

When in the Abzu you utter praise, when you bring the me (alien technologies) from Eridug (Eridu),

when, in lordship, you are adorned with the crown like a purified shrine,

when you place on your head the holy crown in Unug Kulaba,

then may the …… of the great shrine bring you into the jipar,

and may the …… of the jipar bring you into the great shrine.

May the people marvel admiringly, and may Utu witness it in joy.

Because …… shall carry daily, when …… in the evening cool ……,

— in the place of Dumuzid (Dumuzi the Shepherd) where the ewes,

3a - Inanna & Dumuzi (Inanna & spouse Dumuzi the Shepherd)

         kids and lambs are numerous, the people of Aratta shall run around for you

like the mountain sheep in the akalag fields, the fields of Dumuzid.

Rise like the sun over my holy breast!

You are the jewel of my throat!

Praise be to you, Enmerkar, son (grandson) of Utu (& spouse to Inanna)!”

105-107 The lord gave heed to the words of holy Inanna, and chose from the troops

as a messenger one who was eloquent of speech and endowed with endurance.

(One ms. adds: …… to his messenger …….)

Where and to whom will he carry the important message of wise Inanna?

108-133 “You shall bring it up into the Zubi Mountains, you shall descend with it from the Zubi Mountains.

Let Su-sin and the land of Ancan humbly salute Inanna like tiny mice.

In the great mountain ranges, let the teeming multitudes grovel in the dust for her.

Messenger, speak to the lord of Aratta and say to him:

“Lest I make the people fly off from that city like a wild dove from its tree,

5a - Hittite rockets, god in sky chamber, shem (evidence of alien presence on Earth)

lest I make them fly around like a bird over its well-founded nest,

lest I requite (?) them as if at a current market rate, lest I make it gather dust like an utterly destroyed city,

3b - Enki image3a - Enki & Aquarius constellation (Enki / Poseidon, god of waters)

lest like a settlement cursed by Enki and utterly destroyed, I too utterly destroy Aratta;

lest like the devastation which swept destructively, and in whose wake Inanna arose,

shrieked and yelled aloud, I too wreak a sweeping devastation there —

(Inanna, Goddess of War, her victory over Jericho)

let Aratta pack nuggets of gold in leather sacks, placing alongside it the kumea ore;

package up precious metals, and load the packs on the donkeys of the mountains;

and then may the Junior Enlil (Enki) of Sumer have them build for me,

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks  (Ea / Enki, eldest & wisest son to alien Anunnaki King Anu)

the lord whom Nudimmud (Enki) has chosen in his sacred heart, a mountain of a shining me;

(alien technologies) have them make it luxuriant for me like a boxwood tree,

have them make its shining horns colorful for me as when Utu comes forth from his chamber,

have them make its doorposts gleam brightly for me.” “

134-155 “Chant to him the holy song,

the incantation sung in its chambers — the incantation of Nudimmud (Enki):

“On that day when there is no snake, when there is no scorpion,

when there is no hyena, when there is no lion, when there is neither dog nor wolf,

when there is thus neither fear nor trembling, man has no rival!

At such a time, may the lands of Cubur and Hamazi, the many-tongued,

and Sumer, the great mountain of the me of magnificence (alien technologies),

and Akkad, the land possessing all that is befitting,

4 - Martu & king (Martu & giant mixed-breed king, above, many symbols of the gods)

and the Martu (Martu’s) land, resting in security — the whole universe, the well-guarded people —

may they all address Enlil together in a single language!

8d - ancient men at work in the mines (earthlings mining & doing construction work for the Anunnaki gods ruling Earth)

For at that time, for the ambitious lords, for the ambitious princes, for the ambitious kings,

Enki, for the ambitious lords, for the ambitious princes, for the ambitious kings,

for the ambitious lords, for the ambitious princes, for the ambitious kings —

Enki, the lord of abundance and of steadfast decisions, the wise and knowing lord of the Land,

2 - Enki, the wisest god (Enki, eldest & wisest alien god sent to Earth Colony, 1st to arrive with crew of 50 Anunnaki)

the expert of the gods, chosen for wisdom, the lord of Eridug (Eridu),

shall change the speech in their mouths, as many as he had placed there,

and so the speech of mankind is truly one.

156-157 The lord added further instructions for the messenger going to the mountains, to Aratta:

158-159 “Messenger, by night, drive on like the south wind!

By day, be up like the dew!”

160-175 The messenger gave heed to the words of his king.

He journeyed by the starry night, and by day he traveled with Utu of heaven.

Where and to whom will he carry the important message of Inanna with its stinging tone?

He brought it up into the Zubi Mountains, he descended with it from the Zubi Mountains.

Su-sin (giant semi-divine mixed-breed King Shu-Suen) and the land of Ancan humbly saluted Inanna like tiny mice.

In the great mountain ranges, the teeming multitudes groveled in the dust for her.

He traversed five mountains, six mountains, seven mountains.

He lifted his eyes as he approached Aratta.

He stepped joyfully into the courtyard of Aratta, he made known the authority of his king.

Openly he spoke out the words in his heart.

The messenger transmitted the message to the lord of Aratta:

176-178 “Your father, my master, has sent me to you;

the lord of Unug (Uruk, Inanna’s patron city), the lord of Kulaba, has sent me to you.”

“What is it to me what your master has spoken?

What is it to me what he has said?”

179-207 “This is what my master has spoken, this is what he has said.

My king who from his birth has been fitted for lordship (1 ms. has instead: for the crown),

the lord of Unug, the sajkal snake living in Sumer,

who pulverizes mountains (2 mss. have instead: heads) like flour,

the stag of the tall mountains, endowed with princely antlers,

wild cow, kid pawing the the holy soapwort with its hoof,

whom the good cow had given birth to in the heart of the mountains,

Enmerkar, the son of Utu, has sent me to you.”

(2 mss. add here: (the lord of Aratta speaks):

“What is it to me what your master has spoken? what is it to me what he has said?”)

“This is what my master said:

“Lest I make the people fly off from that city like a wild dove from its tree,

lest I make them fly around like a bird over its well-founded nest,

lest I requite (?) them as if at a current market rate,

lest I make it gather dust like an utterly destroyed city,

lest like a settlement cursed by Enki and utterly destroyed, I too utterly destroy Aratta;

lest like the devastation which swept destructively, and in whose wake Inanna arose,

shrieked and yelled aloud, I too wreak a sweeping devastation there —

1bb - Ishtar-Inanna, of royal blood  (Inanna atop her zodiac symbol of Leo, Goddess of Love & War)

let Aratta pack nuggets of gold in leather sacks, placing alongside it the kumea ore;

package up precious metals, and load the packs on the donkeys of the mountains;

and then may the Junior Enlil of Sumer have them build for me,

the lord whom Nudimmud (Enki) has chosen in his sacred heart, a mountain of a shining me;

have them make it luxuriant for me like a boxwood tree,

have them make its shining horns colorful for me as when Utu comes forth from his chamber,

have them make its doorposts gleam brightly for me.

Chant to him for me the holy song, the incantation sung in its chambers — the Incantation of Nudimmud.”’

208-217 “Say whatever you will say to me,

and I shall announce that message in the shrine E-ana (Anu’s temple / residence in Uruk)

as glad tidings to the scion of him with the glistening beard,

whom his stalwart cow gave birth to in the mountain of the shining me,

who was reared on the soil of Aratta, who was given suck at the udder of the good cow,

2c - Uruk & Anu's temple  (Uruk city & ziggurat temple residence of gods & goddesses)

who is suited for office in Kulaba, the mountain of great me (alien technologies),

to Enmerkar, the (giant mixed-breed grandson, & brother-in-law) son of Utu;

I shall repeat it in his jipar, fruitful as a flourishing mes tree, to my king, the lord of Kulaba.”

218-226 When he had spoken thus to him, (the lord of Aratta replied):

“Messenger, speak to your king, the lord of Kulaba, and say to him:

“It is I, the lord suited to purification, I whom the huge heavenly neck-stock,

          the queen of heaven and earth, the goddess of the numerous me (alien technologies),

            1 - Inanna in Flight Suit (Inanna wearing the 7 MEs, her alien flight suit)

holy Inanna, has brought to Aratta, the mountain of the shining me,

I whom she has let bar the entrance of the mountains as if with a great door.

How then shall Aratta submit to Unug?

Aratta’s submission to Unug is out of the question!” Say this to him.”

227-235 When he had spoken thus to him, the messenger replied to the lord of Aratta:

              (Inanna high above riding her sky-disc / me)

“The great queen of heaven, who rides upon the awesome me (sky-disc),

3b - Utu with powerful brilliance & weapons 2ka - Peru, Utu's sawed off mountain top, airport used by the gods Utu Shamash

    (ancient alien landing strip, Utu cut mountain peaks for alien launches & landings far away from the earthlings)

dwelling (landing & residing) on the peaks of the bright mountains,

adorning the dais of the bright mountains —

my lord and master, who is her servant, has had them install her as the divine queen of E-ana.

Aratta shall bow, O lord, in absolute submission!

She has spoken to him thus, in brick-built Kulaba.”

236-241 Thereupon, the lord became depressed and deeply troubled.

He had no answer; he was searching for an answer.

He stared at his own feet, trying to find an answer.

He found an answer and gave a cry.

He bellowed the answer to the message like a bull to the messenger:

242-273 “Messenger! Speak to your king, the lord of Kulaba, and say to him:

“This great mountain range is a mes tree grown high to the sky;

its roots form a net, and its branches are a snare.

   2c - Anzu Sky-Battles Ninurta (Anzu as a bird)    3a - Anzu, in the Louvre

It may be a sparrow but it has the talons of an Anzud (Anzu) bird or of an eagle.

The barrier of Inanna is perfectly made and is impenetrable (?).

Those eagle talons make the blood of the enemy run from the bright mountain.

Although in Aratta there is weeping ……, water libations are offered and flour is sprinkled;

on the mountain, sacrifices and prayers are offered in obeisance.

With fewer than five or ten men, how can mobilized Unug proceed against the Zubi mountains?

Your king is heading in all haste against my military might, but I am equally eager for a contest.

(As the proverb goes,) he who ignores a rival, does not get to eat everything up,

like the bull which ignores the bull at its side.

But he who acknowledges a contest can be the outright winner,

like the bull which acknowledges the bull at its side — or does he reject me in this contest?

Like ……, …… can match no one — or does he still reject me in this contest?

Again, I have words to say to you, messenger:

I have an artful proposal to make to you ……, may it get across to you ……..

Repeat this to your master, to the lord of Kulaba,

1c - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo  3a - Anu & Inanna (Inanna atop her zodiac symbol of Leo)

a lion lying on its paws in E-ana (Anu‘s Uruk temple-residence),

a bull bellowing within it, within his jipar, fruitful as a flourishing mes tree.

The mountain range is a warrior, …… high,

like Utu (Sun god) going to his abode at twilight, like one from whose face blood drips;

2c - Nannar & his symbol 3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar. Moon Crescent god of Ur)

or like Nanna, who is majestic in the high heavens,

like him whose countenance shines with radiance, who …… is like the woods in the mountains. ” “

274-280 ‘”Now if Enmerkar just makes straight for the …… of Aratta,

for the benevolent protective spirit of the mountain of holy powers,

for Aratta, which is like a bright crown of heaven, then I shall make my pre-eminence clear,

and he need not pour barley into sacks, nor have it carted,

nor have that barley carried into the settlements, nor place collectors over the laborers.” “

281-293 But if he were actually to have barley poured into carrying-nets,

and to have it loaded on the packasses at whose sides reserve donkeys have been placed,

and were to have it heaped up in a pile in the courtyard of Aratta

were he really to heap it up in such a manner; and were Inanna, the luxuriance of the grain pile,

who is the ‘illuminator of the lands’, the ‘ornament of the settlements’,

who adorns the seven walls, who is the heroic lady, fit for battle,

3p - Inanna & her Divine Powers 4bbb - Utu & Inanna gods of war

       (Ninurta, flying sky-disc, Enlil, & Inanna with alien weaponry;    Inanna holds earthlings captive, one by nose ring)

         who, as the heroine of the battleground, makes the troops dance the dance of Inanna

were she actually to cast off Aratta as if to a carrion-pursuing dog,

then in that case I should submit to him; he would indeed have made me know his preeminence;

like the city, I in my smallness would submit to him. “So say to him.”

294-307 After he had spoken thus to him, the lord of Aratta

made the messenger repeat the message just as he himself had said it.

The messenger turned on his thigh like a wild cow; like a sand fly he went on his way in the morning calm.

He set foot joyfully in brick-built Kulaba.

The messenger rushed to the great courtyard, the courtyard of the throne room.

He repeated it word perfect to his master, the lord of Kulaba;

he even bellowed at him like a bull, and Enmerkar listened to him like an ox driver.

The king had him sit …… at his right side.

As he turned his left side to him, he said:

“Does Aratta really understand the implications of his own stratagem?”

2ee - Utu, Shamash (damaged king before Utu, the Sun god)

308-338 After day had broken and Utu had risen, the sun god of the Land lifted his head high.

         The king combined the Tigris with the Euphrates.

He combined the Euphrates with the Tigris.

Large vessels were placed in the open air,

and he stood small vessels beside them, like lambs lying on the grass.

…… vessels were placed in the open air adjacent to them.

Then the king, Enmerkar, the son of Utu, placed wide apart the ecda vessels, which were of gold.

Thereupon, the tablet ……, the pointed stylus of the assembly, the golden statue

fashioned on a propitious day, beautiful Nanibgal (Nisaba), grown with a fair luxuriance,

(Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, Master Scribe of the Gods, & Goddess of Grains)

Nisaba, the lady of broad wisdom, opened for him her holy house of wisdom.

He entered the palace of heaven, and became attentive.

Then the lord opened his mighty storehouse, and firmly set his great lidga measure on the ground.

The king removed his old barley from the other barley;

he soaked the greenmalt all through with water; its lip …… the hirin plant.

He narrowed the meshes of the carrying nets.

He measured out in full (?) the barley for the granary, adding for the teeth of locusts.

He had it loaded on the packasses at whose sides reserve donkeys were placed.

The king, the lord of broad wisdom, the lord of Unug, the lord of Kulaba, dispatched them directly to Aratta.

He made the people go on to Aratta on their own, like ants out of crevices.

Again the lord added instructions for the messenger going to the mountains, to Aratta:

339-346 “Messenger, speak to the lord of Aratta and say to him:

2c - Iananna, Goddess of Love & War  (young Inanna, spoiled granddaughter to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

“The base of my scepter is the divine power of magnificence (alien technologies).

Its crown provides a protective shade over Kulaba;

under its spreading branches holy Inanna refreshes herself in the shrine E-ana (Uruk’s ziggurat temple residence).

Let him snap off a splinter from it and hold that in his hand;

let him hold it in his hand like a string of cornelian beads, a string of lapis lazuli beads.

Jewelry - Lapis Lazuli Necklace (lapis-lazuli necklace, favorite gemstone of Inanna & other goddesses)

Let the lord of Aratta bring that before me.” So say to him.”

347-365 After he had thus spoken to him, the messenger went on his way to Aratta;

his feet raised the dust of the road, and made the little pebbles of the hills thud;

like a dragon prowling the desert, he was unopposed.

After the messenger reached Aratta, the people of Aratta stepped forward to admire the packasses.

In the courtyard of Aratta, the messenger measured out in full (?)

the barley for the granary, adding for the teeth of locusts.

As if from the rains of heaven and the sunshine, Aratta was filled with abundance.

As when the gods return to their seats (?), Aratta’s hunger was sated.

The people of Aratta covered their fields with the water-soaked greenmalt.

Afterwards, couriers and catam officials …….

2 lines unclear

366-370 The citizens of Aratta were mindful; he revealed the matter to Aratta.

Attentively, in Aratta, from the hand ……. …… his hand …… to the lord of Unug.

371-372 “As for us, in the direst hunger, in our direst famine,

let us prostrate ourselves before the lord of Kulaba!”

373-377 The eloquent elders wrung their hands in despair, leaning against the wall;

indeed, they were even placing their treasuries (?) at the disposal of the lord.

His scepter …… in the palace …….

Openly he spoke out the words in his heart:

378-379 “Your father, my master, sent me to you.

Enmerkar, the (grandson) son of Utu, sent me to you.”

380-388 “What is it to me what your master has spoken?

What is it to me what he has said?”

“This is what my master has spoken, this is what he has said:

“The base of my scepter is the divine power of magnificence.

 Its crown provides a protective shade over Kulaba;

 under its spreading branches holy Inana refreshes herself in the shrine E-ana (Uruk’s ziggurat).

Let him snap off a splinter from it and hold that in his hand;

let him hold it in his hand like a string of cornelian beads, a string of lapis lazuli beads.

Let the lord of Aratta bring that before me. So say to him.” ”

389-393 After he had spoken thus to him,

for that reason he went inside the sanctuary …… and lay himself down in a fast.

Day broke. He discussed the matter at length, he spoke unspeakable words;

he circulated with this matter as if it were barley eaten by a donkey.

394-396 And what did one speak to another?

What did one say to another?

What one said to another, so indeed it was.

397-411 “Messenger, speak to your king, the lord of Kulaba, and say to him:

“Let him put in his hand and contemplate a scepter that is not of wood,

nor designated as wood ildag wood, nor cim-gig wood, not cedar wood, nor cypress wood,

not hacur cypress, nor palm wood, not hardwood, nor zabalum woodildag wood,

nor cim-gig wood, not hacur cypress, nor palm wood, not cedar wood,

nor zabalum wood, not cypress wood, nor hardwood, not poplar as in a chariot,

not reedwork as in whip handles; not gold, nor copper,

not genuine kumea metal nor silver, not cornelian, nor lapis lazuli —

let him snap off a splinter from that and hold it in his hand;

let him hold it in his hand like a string of cornelian beads, a string of lapis lazuli beads.

Let the lord of Kulaba bring that before me.”

So say to him.”

412-443 After he had spoken to him thus, the messenger went off like a young donkey,

braying as it is cut off from the chariot tongue; he trotted like an onager running on dry land,

he filled his mouth with wind; he ran in one track (?)

like a long-wooled sheep butting other sheep in its fury.

He set foot joyfully in brick-built Kulaba.

He transmitted the message word for word to his master, the lord of Kulaba.

Now Enki gave Enmerkar wisdom, and the lord gave instructions to his chief steward.

In his house ……, the king received …….

He wrapped it up like ……, and inspected it.

He pounded …… with a pestle like herbs, he poured it like oil on the …… reed.

From the sunlight it emerged into the shade, and from the shade it emerged into the sunlight.

After five years, ten years had passed, he split the …… reed with an ax.

The lord looked at it, pleased, and poured on …… fine oil, fine oil of the bright mountains.

The lord placed the scepter in the hands of the messenger going to the mountains.

The messenger, whose journeying to Aratta was like a pelican over the hills, like a fly over the ground,

who darted through the mountains as swiftly as carp swim, reached Aratta.

He set foot joyfully in the courtyard of Aratta, and put the scepter in …….

He …… and …… it.

The lord of Aratta, eying the scepter, which was …… in the sanctuary,

his holy dwelling — he, the lord, called to his catam official:

444-453Aratta is indeed like a slaughtered sheep!

Its roads are indeed like those of the rebel lands!

Since holy Inanna has given the primacy of Aratta to the lord of Kulaba,

now it seems that holy Inanna is looking with favor on her man

who has sent a messenger to make the severe message as clear as the light of Utu.

So in Aratta where can one go in this crisis?

How long before the yoke-rope becomes bearable?

As for us, in the direst hunger, in our direst famine,

are we to prostrate ourselves before the lord of Kulaba?”

454-455 The lord of Aratta entrusted a message to the messenger as if it were an important tablet:

456-461 “Messenger! Speak to your master, the lord of Kulaba, and say to him:

“A champion who is not black-colored, a champion who is not white-colored,

a champion who is not brown-colored, a champion who is not red-colored,

a champion who is not yellow-colored, a champion who is not multi-colored

let him give you such a champion.

My champion will compete against his champion, and let the more able one prevail!” Say this to him.”

462-469 After he had spoken to him thus, the messenger set off, ulum, alam.

In brick-built Kulaba, he was speechless, like a …….

He gazed like a goat on the mountain slopes, he …… as if it were a huge mir snake coming out of a field.

In …… he lifted his head.

…… of Aratta …….

From his seat, he addressed him like a raging torrent:

470-499 “Messenger! Speak to the lord of Aratta and say to him:

“A garment that is not black-colored, a garment that is not white-colored,

a garment that is not brown-colored, a garment that is not red-colored,

a garment that is not yellow-colored, a garment that is not multi-colored — I shall give him such a garment.

 (Enlil, Inanna, Utu, Enki, & 2-faced Isumud)

My champion is embraced by Enlil.

I shall send him such a champion.

My champion will compete against his champion, and let the more able one prevail!”

Say this to him. Second, speak to him and say:

“Let him immediately pass from subterfuge …….

In his city, let them go before him like sheep.

Let him, like their shepherd, follow behind them.

As he goes, let the mountain of bright lapis lazuli humble itself before him like a crushed reed.

And let them heap up its shining gold and silver in the courtyard of Aratta for Inanna the lady of E-ana.”

Third, speak to him and say:

“Lest I make the people fly off from that city like a wild dove from its tree,

lest I smash them like ……, lest I requite (?) them as if at a current market rate,

lest I make …… them walk in ……, when he goes, let them take the mountain stones,

and rebuild for me the great shrine Eridug, the Abzu, the E-nun; let them adorn its architrave for me …….

Let them make its protection spread over the Land for me.”

His speaking …….

Recite his omen to him.

At that time, the lord ……, …… on the throne daises and on the chairs, the noble seed, …….”

500-514 His speech was substantial, and its contents extensive.

The messenger, whose mouth was heavy, was not able to repeat it.

Because the messenger, whose mouth was tired, was not able to repeat it,

the lord of Kulaba patted some clay and wrote the message as if on a tablet.

 Writing - Vatican Musuem, Sumerian Text  Writing - natural stones, sumerian writing

 (Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets; Nisaba, Master Scribe with stylus & tablet in hand; Earth’s 1st writing – historical records)

Formerly, the writing of messages on clay was not established.

Now, under that sun and on that day, it was indeed so.

The lord of Kulaba inscribed the message like a tablet.

It was just like that.

The messenger was like a bird, flapping its wings; he raged forth like a wolf following a kid.

He traversed five mountains, six mountains, seven mountains.

He lifted his eyes as he approached Aratta.

He stepped joyfully into the courtyard of Aratta, he made known the authority of his king.

Openly he spoke out the words in his heart.

The messenger transmitted the message to the lord of Aratta:

515-517 “Your father, my master, has sent me to you;

the lord of Unug, the lord of Kulaba, has sent me to you.”

“What is it to me what your master has spoken?

What is it to me what he has said?”

518-535 “This is what my master has spoken, this is what he has said.

My king is like a huge mes tree, …… son of Enlil; this tree has grown high, uniting heaven and earth;

its crown reaches heaven, its trunk is set upon the earth.

He who is made to shine forth in lordship and kingship,

              (tens of thousands of ancient clay tablets)

Enmerkar, the son of Utu, has given me a clay tablet.

O lord of Aratta, after you have examined the clay tablet,

after you have learned the content of the message,

say whatever you will say to me, and I shall announce that message in the shrine E-ana

as glad tidings to the scion of him with the glistening beard,

whom his stalwart cow gave birth to in the mountains of the shining me,

who was reared on the soil of Aratta, who was given suck at the udder of the good cow,

who is suited for office in Kulaba, the mountain of great me (alien technologies),

to Enmerkar, the (giant mixed-breed grandson) son of Utu (appointed as king of Uruk);

I shall repeat it in his jipar, fruitful as a flourishing mes tree, to my king, the lord of Kulaba.”

536-556 After he had spoken thus to him,

the lord of Aratta received his kiln-fired tablet from the messenger.

The lord of Aratta looked at the tablet.

The transmitted message was just nails, and his brow expressed anger.

The lord of Aratta looked at his kiln-fired tablet.

At that moment, the lord worthy of the crown of lordship,

2f - Hadad, warrior upon a bull - Taurus  2e-adad-war-god-upon-taurus-the-bull (Ishkur / Adad, Thunder God atop his zodiac symbol of Taurus)

the (3rd main) son of Enlil, the god Ickur (Ishkur / Adad, born on Earth),

1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub (Adad stele & statue, now shamefully destroyed by Radical Islam)

thundering in heaven and earth, caused a raging storm, a great lion, in …….

He was making the mountains quake ……, he was convulsing the mountain range ……;

the awesome radiance …… of his breast; he caused the mountain range to raise its voice in joy.

On Aratta’s parched flanks, in the midst of the mountains,

wheat grew of its own accord, and chickpeas also grew of their own accord;

they brought the wheat which grew of its own accord into the granary of ……

for the lord of Aratta, and heaped it up before him in the courtyard of Aratta.

The lord of Aratta looked at the wheat.

The messenger’s eyes looked askance …….

The lord of Aratta called to the messenger:

557-576 Inanna, the lady of all the lands, has not run away from the primacy of her city, Aratta,

nor has she stolen it for Unug (Uruk);

she has not run away from her E-zagina, nor has she stolen it for the shrine E-ana;

she has not run away from the mountain of the shining me, nor has she stolen it for brick-built Kulaba;

  (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War)

she has not run away from the adorned bed, nor has she stolen it for the shining bed;

she has not run away from the purification for the lord, nor has she stolen it for the lord of Unug,

the lord of Kulaba. Inanna, the lady of all the lands, has surrounded Aratta,

on its right and left, for her like a rising flood.

         They are people whom she has separated from other people,

they are people whom Dumuzid has made step forth from other people,

who firmly establish the holy words of Inanna.

Let the clever champion and the …… of Dumuzid (Inanna‘s spouse) whirl about!

Quickly, come now, …….

After the flood had swept over, Inanna, the lady of all the lands,

2b - Dumuzi the shepherd  (Dumuzi, Inanna‘s 1st spouse, after his death, Inanna espoused mixed-breeds)

from her great love of Dumuzid (Dumizi), has sprinkled the water of life

upon those who had stood in the face of the flood and made the Land subject to them.”

577-587 The clever champion, when he came, had covered his head with a colorful turban,

and wrapped himself in a garment of lion skins.

4 lines unclear

Inanna …….

3d - Inanna & Dumuzi, young lovers (Dumuzi & his naked young spouse Inanna)

Her song was pleasing to her spouse, Ama-ucumgal-ana (Dumuzi).

Since that time, she has made it perfect in the holy ear,

the holy ear of Dumuzid, has sung it and has let the words be known.

588-610 When the old woman came to the mountain of the shining me,

she went up to him like a maiden who in her day is perfect, painted her eyes with kohl,

1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus  (Inanna, Goddess of Love & her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, 8th planet in from outer space)

wrapped herself in a white garment, came forth with the good crown like the moonlight.

She arranged the …… on her head.

 (Ninsun, Utu, naked Inanna, & a mixed-breed king)

She made Enmerkar, her spouse, occupy the throne-dais with her.

She raised up ……, and indeed, for Aratta, the ewes and their lambs now multiply;

indeed, for Aratta, the mother goats and their kids multiply;

indeed, for Aratta, the cows and their calves multiply;

indeed, for Aratta, the donkey mares and their black, swift-footed foals multiply.

In Aratta, they say together: “Let them heap up and pile up for the grain piles;

the abundance is truly your abundance.”

After having made …… for the lord of Aratta, let him …….

He will …….

He came forth ……, he set right for her.

3 lines missing

611-625 (An unidentified person speaks:) “…… befitting ……,

…… the ilu song of the heart, …… your abundance in his …….

(Enlil, Earth Colony Commander)

Enlil has granted you ……, and may …… be made known.

…… his father was not luxuriantly fertile, and poured forth no semen.

Enlil, king of all the lands …….

In accordance with the tasks which he has now established, the people of Aratta ……

their task of plying gold, silver and lapis lazuli; the men who …… golden fruit,

fruit trees, with their figs and grapes, shall heap the fruit up in great mounds ……;

and shall dig out the flawless lapis lazuli from the roots of the trees,

and shall remove the succulent part of the reeds from the crowns of the trees,

and then shall heap them up in a pile in the courtyard of E-ana for Inanna, the lady of E-ana.

626-636 “Come, my king, I shall offer you advice: let my counsel be heeded.

I shall speak words to you; let them be heard.

Let the people choose a man …… of the foreign lands, and let the people of Aratta speak …….

When I go from here, the ever-sparkling lady gives me my kingship.

2 - Geshtinanna, daughter to Enki & Ninsun (Geshtinanna / Jectinana Dumuzi‘s younger sister, scribe & singer of songs)

          Jectin-ana …….In that city ……, festivals were not …….

          Daily …….

6 lines missing

Enmerkar Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


In the 13th century B.C. a Mesopotamian king stated that he rebuilt Inanna’s temple in her brother Utu’s city of Sippar. The ruins rebuilt upon was at that time eight hundred years old. Her original city with temple was Aratta, located in a far land east of Sumer.

In the Land of Aratta she wasthe lofty one, Inanna, queen of all the land”. The great-nephew of Inanna and ruler of Uruk, Enmerkar, set out on awar of nervesto force the city of Aratta to submit—

          “the lord Enmerkar who is the servant of Inanna

        made her queen of the House of Anu…

She kept her house in Aratta while moving into Anu’s temple in Uruk, becoming acommuting goddess”.

We read in the ancient text that at first all Enmerker demanded of Aratta was that it contribute

          “precious stones, bronze, lead, slabs of lapis-lazuli…”

to the building of the enlarged temple, as well as

          “artfully fashioned gold and silver…”

          “Let Aratta submit to Erech (Uruk) he demanded…”

In frustration Enmerkar sent another message written on clay tablets…in the language of Aratta, a feat made possible with the help of Nidaba (Nisaba), the Goddess of Writing.

          “The lord of Aratta from the herald took the baked tablet;

          the lord of Aratta examined the clay…”

          “The dictated word was nail-like in appearance…”

Just at that moment

          “a storm, like a great lion attacking, stepped up….”

The drought was suddenly broken…and once again “white-walled Aratta” became a land of abundant grains.

Enmerkar Quotes From Texts

Enmerkar = Utu‘s grandson, Inanna‘s spouse-king, their son is Lugalbanda


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


       Their ruler (i.e. Enmerkar), riding on a storm,

       Utu‘s son, the good bright metal (alien technology), stepped down from heaven to the great earth.

        His head shines with brilliance, the barbed arrows flash past him like lightning (alien technologies); …”


       “At the time when Enmerkar in Uruk ruled, Nungal (Bau), the lion-hearted,

       was the Pilot who from the skies brought Ishtar (Inanna) down to the E-Anna (Uruk’s temple)


       “Enmerkar the son of Utu berated Inanna:

       ‘Once upon a time my princely sister Inanna the pure

       summoned me in her holy heart from the bright mountains, had me enter brick-built Kulaba‘…”


       Divine Enki who is king in Eridu tore up for me the old reeds, drained off the water completely…”


       “She made Enmerkar, her spouse, occupy the throne-dais with her…”


       “the ever-sparkling lady gives me my kingship…”


       (Enmerker speaking to Inanna):

        “may I, the radiant youth, may I be embraced there by you…”


       “He (Ensuhgiranna) may dwell with Inanna in the E-zagin of Aratta,

       but I dwell with her …… as her earthly companion (?).

       He may lie with her in sweet slumber on the adorned bed,

       but I lie on Inanna‘s splendid bed strewn with pure plants….”


        (Enmerkar speaking)

        “I accompany Inanna for a journey of 15 leagues. and yet Utu the sun-god

        cannot see my holy crown, when she enters my holy jipar.

        Enlil has given (?) me the true crown and scepter.

        Ninurta, the son of Enlil, held me on his lap as the frame holds the water-skin.

        Aruru (Ninhursag), the sister of Enlil,

        extended her right breast to me, extended her left breast to me.

        When I go up to the great shrine, the mistress (Inanna) screeches like an Anzud (Anzu) chick,

        and other times when I go there, even though she is not a duckling,  she shrieks like one…”


       “It is Unug where Inanna dwells…”


        “Lugalbanda, he of beloved seed, stretched his hand out (and said)

        ‘Like divine Shara am I, the beloved son of Inanna ‘…”

King Meshkiaggasher Quotes From Sitchin Books, Etc.


Meshkiagasher = 1st king of Uruk /Unug-ki, son to Utu


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


(Sumerian King List column III, lines 1 to 5)

          Meskiagkasher reigned for 324 years.

          Meskiagkasher journeyed upon the sea

          and came ashore in a mountainous land…”


According to “The Lost Book of Enki”:

Its first king was the high priest of the Eanna temple-abode,

a son of Utu he was!…”


Inanna and Enki

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


about 6 lines missing

She …… of the desert.

She put the cu-gura, the desert crown, on her head.

1d-inanna-in-the-nude 1h-nude-inanna-in-cape 1-inanna-dumuzi-young-lovers

                       (Inanna‘s remarkable genitals; Inanna with her 1st spouse, god Dumuzi The Shepherd)

…… when she went out to the shepherd, to the sheepfold, …… her genitals were remarkable.

…… her genitals were remarkable.

She praised herself, full of delight at her genitals, she praised herself, full of delight at her genitals.

She looked at ……, she looked at ……, she looked at ……
1e - Ishtar, goddess of love1c-astarte-hittite-goddess-of-love1i-nude-inanna-ishtar (Inanna‘s irresistible genitals)

“When I have gratified the lord ……, when I have made …… brilliant, when I have made …… beautiful,

when I have made …… glorious, when I have ……, when I have made …… perfect,

when I have made …… luxuriant, when I have made …… exuberant, when I have made …… shining (?),

when I have made …… return, when I have made …… brilliant, when I have made …… shimmering,

2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad2e-eridu-temple-reconstruction 1a-eridu-enkis-city-in-the-marshes

               (Enki, eldest & wisest son to King Anu; Enki‘s ziggurat / residence in Eridu; Eridu by the Persian Gulf)

I shall direct my steps to the abzu, to Eridug (Eridu, Enkis patron city in the marshes of Persian Gulf),

I shall direct my steps to Enki, to the abzu (marshlands of Persian Gulf), to Eridug, and I myself shall speak coaxingly to him,

in the abzu, in Eridug, I myself shall speak coaxingly to Enki, in the abzu, in Eridug.

…… had her go out …….

about 21 lines missing


Inanna, …… it is I who …….

I, Inanna, personally intend to go to the abzu (1 ms. has instead: intend to go to Eridug).

I shall utter a plea to the lord Enki.

1f-inanna-with-liberty-torch2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Inanna & her granduncle Enki)

Like the sweet oil of the cedar, who will …… for my holy …… perfume?

It shall never escape me that I have been neglected by him who has had sex.
3c - Enki in the Abzu (Enki, lord over waters, older 1/2 brother to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

On that day the maiden Inanna, holy Inanna, directed her steps all by herself towards Enki‘s abzu in Eridug.

On that day, he of exceptional knowledge, who knows the divine powers in heaven and earth,

who from his own dwelling already knows the intentions of the gods,

Enki, the king of the abzu, who, even before holy Inanna had approached within six miles of the abzu

(1 ms. has instead: the temple) in Eridug, knew all about her enterprise —

3g-pilotapkulla-enki  (Enki, god of waters, & Apkulla, alien eagle-headed & winged pilot of the gods)

Enki spoke to his man, gave him instructions:

“Come here, my man, listen to my words.”

1 line fragmentary

about 2 lines missing



“…… she will drink, …… she will eat.

Come here!

……. I will ……, …… do.

The maiden …… the abzu and Eridug,

Inanna …… the abzu and Eridug …….

2h-ishtar-inanna-sister-to-ereshkigal  (Inanna visits Enki with evil intentions)

When the maiden Inanna has entered the abzu and Eridug,

when Inanna has entered the abzu and Eridug, offer her butter cake to eat.

Let her be served cool refreshing water.

Pour beer for her, in front of the Lions Gate, make her feel as if she is in her girlfriend’s house, make her …… as a colleague.

You are to welcome holy Inanna at the holy table, at the table of An (Anu).”

7a - Enki & Isimud, his vizier, Roman Janus = January7g-enki-isumud-in-eridu  (Enki & his vizier, two-faced Isumud)

After Enki had spoken thus to him, Isimud the minister followed his master’s instructions closely.

He let the maiden into the abzu and Eridug.

He let Inanna into the abzu and Eridug.

When the maiden had entered the abzu and Eridug,

when Inanna had entered the abzu and Eridug, she got butter cake to eat.

They poured cool refreshing water for her, and they gave her beer to drink, in front of the Lions Gate.

He made her feel as if she was in her girlfriend’s house, and made her …… as a colleague.

He welcomed holy Inanna at the holy table, at the table of An.

         (Enki drinking beer through a straw, avoiding the thick mash floating on top)

So it came about that Enki and Inanna were drinking beer together in the abzu, and enjoying the taste of sweet wine.

The bronze aga vessels were filled to the brim, and the two of them started a competition,

drinking from the bronze vessels of Urac (King Anu‘s concubine).

about 35 lines missing



“I will give them to holy Inanna, my daughter; may …… not …….”

Holy Inanna received heroism, power, wickedness, righteousness, the plundering of cities, making lamentations, rejoicing.

“In the name of my power, in the name of my abzu, I will give them to holy Inanna, my daughter; may …… not …….”

Holy Inanna received deceit, the rebel lands, kindness, being on the move, being sedentary.

“In the name of my power, in the name of my abzu, I will give them to holy Inanna, my daughter; may …… not …….”

Holy Inanna received the (MEs, alien discs, each a “how-to” on everything, knowledge to be guarded by Enki only)

craft of the carpenter, the craft of the coppersmith, the craft of the scribe, the craft of the smith,

the craft of the leather-worker, the craft of the fuller, the craft of the builder, the craft of the reed-worker.

“In the name of my power, in the name of my abzu, I will give them to holy Inanna, my daughter; may …… not …….”

Holy Inanna received wisdom, attentiveness, holy purification rites,

the shepherd’s hut, piling up glowing charcoals, the sheepfold, respect, awe, reverent silence.

“In the name of my power, in the name of my abzu, I will give them to holy Inanna, my daughter; may …… not …….”

Holy Inanna received the bitter-toothed (?) ……,

the kindling of fire, the extinguishing of fire, hard work, ……, the assembled family, descendants.

“In the name of my power, in the name of my abzu, I will give them to holy Inanna, my daughter; may …… not …….”

Holy Inanna received strife, triumph, counseling, comforting, judging, decision-making.

“In the name of my power, in the name of my abzu, I will give them to holy Inanna, my daughter; may …… not …….”

Holy Inanna received ……, ……,

about 78 lines missing



“He has given me righteousness.

He has given me the plundering of cities.

He has given me making lamentations.

He has given me rejoicing.

“He has given me deceit.

He has given me the rebel lands.

He has given me kindness.

He has given me being on the move.

He has given me being sedentary.

He has given me the (MEs, library of knowledge on discs) craft of the carpenter.

He has given me the craft of the coppersmith.

He has given me the craft of the scribe.

He has given me the craft of the smith.

He has given me the craft of the leather-worker.

He has given me the craft of the fuller.

He has given me the craft of the builder.

He has given me the craft of the reed-worker.

        1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons1a-inanna-8-pointed-star-symbolizing-venus1a-inanna-with-liberty-torch (powerful, attractive, & now knowledgeable Inanna)

“He has given me wisdom.

He has given me attentiveness.

He has given me holy purification rites.

He has given me the shepherd’s hut.

He has given me piling up glowing charcoals.

He has given me the sheepfold.

He has given me respect.

He has given me awe.

He has given me reverent silence.

“He has given me the bitter-toothed (?) …….

He has given me the kindling of fire.

He has given me the extinguishing of fire.

He has given me hard work.

He has given me …….

He has given me the assembled family.

He has given me descendants.

He has given me strife.

He has given me triumph.

He has given me counseling.”

about 34-35 lines missing



7g - Enki & Isumud in Eridu (earthling workers, Enki‘s vizier Isumud, & Enki, wisest of all)

Enki spoke to the minister Isimud:

Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Since she said that she would not yet depart from here for Unug Kulaba,

that she would not yet depart from here to the place where Utu ……, can I still reach her?”

1 - Inanna in Flight Suit (Inanna displays her alien flight suit)

But holy Inanna had gathered up the divine powers (MEs) and embarked onto the Boat of Heaven.

The Boat of Heaven had already left the quay.

As the effects of the beer cleared from him who had drunk beer, from him who had drunk beer,

"God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823  (Enki, born of King Anu & his concubine, disallowing him from being Anu‘s heir)

as the effects of the beer cleared from father Enki who had drunk beer, the great lord Enki turned his attention to the …… building.

The lord looked up at the abzu.

King Enki turned his attention to Eridug.

Enki spoke to Isimud the minister:

1788-17746 (partial of semi-divine king, mixed-breed earthling, Enki, Isumud, & partial of Ninhursag)

Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Where are the office of en priest, the office of lagal priest, divinity, the great and good crown, the royal throne?”

“My master has given them to his daughter.

“Where are the noble scepter, the staff and crook, the noble dress, shepherd ship, kingship?”

“My master has given them to his daughter.”

“Where are the office of egi-zi priestess, the office of nin-dijir priestess, the office of icib priest,

the office of lu-mah priest, the office of gudu priest?”

“My master has given them to his daughter.”

“Where are constancy, ……, ……, going down to the underworld, coming up from the underworld, the kur-jara priest?”

“My master has given them to his daughter.”

“Where are the sword and club, the cultic functionary saj-ursaj,

the black garment, the colorful garment, the …… hair-style, the …… hair-style?”

“My master has given them to his daughter.”

“Where are ……?”

“My master has given them to his daughter.”

“Where are the standard, the quiver, sexual intercourse, kissing, prostitution, …… running (?)?”

“My master has given them to his daughter.”

“Where are forthright speech, deceitful speech, grandiloquent speech, ……, the cultic prostitute, the holy tavern?”

“My master has given them to his daughter.”

“Where are the holy nijin-jar shrine, ……, the hierodule of heaven, loud musical instruments, the art of song, venerable old age?”

“My master has given them to his daughter.”

about 33-36 lines missing



3k-ninsun-her-son-gudea-ningishzidda-enki  (Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king Gudea, Ningiszidda, & his father Enki)

…… king …… in the house of Enki should not forget a word.

…… full of advice, loud voiced, knowing much …….

They said: “By the bolt of the temple door, a frog spoke.”

He showed him to a place.

Enki grasped the frog by his right paw.

He showed him into his holy …….

He received …… the halub tree and his box-tree.

He gave …… to the bird of heaven.

He gave …… to the fish of the subterranean waters.

11 lines fragmentary

about 10-15 lines missing



The prince spoke to his minister Isimud, Enki addressed the Sweet Name of Heaven:

7d-enki-his-minister-isumud  (2-faced Isumud, or Roman god Janus, Romans named January after him, looking forward & backward)

Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?”

“It has just now reached the …… Quay.”

“Go now! The Enkum are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!”

The minister Isimud spoke to holy Inanna:

5-inanna-spouse-dumuzi-the-underworld (SEE TEXT WITH SAME NAME)

“My lady! Your father has sent me to you.

Inanna, your father has sent me to you.

What your father said was very serious.

What Enki spoke was very serious.

His important words cannot be countermanded.”

Holy Inanna replied to him:

“What has my father said to you, what has he spoken?

Why should his important words not be countermanded?”

“My master has spoken to me, Enki has said to me:

Inanna may travel to Unug (Uruk), but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me“.”

Holy Inanna spoke to the minister Isimud:

“How could my father have changed what he said to me?

How could he have altered his promise as far as I am concerned?

How could he have discredited his important words to me?

Was it falsehood that my father said to me, did he speak falsely to me?

Has he sworn falsely by the name of his power and by the name of his abzu?

Has he duplicitously sent you to me as a messenger?”

Now as these words were still in her mouth, he got the Enkum to seize hold of the Boat of Heaven.

2a - Inanna & perhaps Ninshubur (Anunnaki giants, Inanna, kneeling Ninshubur, & various varieties of alien technologies)

Holy Inanna addressed her minister Nincubur:

“Come, my good minister of E-ana!

2e-ninshubur-ishtar-seal  (Ninshubur & winged Inanna, capable pilot of flight)

My fair-spoken minister! My envoy of reliable words!

Water has never touched your hand, water has never touched your feet!”

So Inanna got hold again of the divine powers (alien technologies)

2c-goddesses-in-flying-discs  (Inanna in her sky-disc hovering over her appointed king)

which had been presented to her, and the Boat of Heaven;

and then for the second time the prince spoke to his minister Isimud,

Enki addressed the Sweet Name of Heaven:

Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?”

“It has just now reached the holy …….”

“Go now!

The fifty giants of Eridug are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!” (Enlil, Inanna, Utu, Enki, & Isumud)

The minister Isimud spoke to holy Inanna:

“My lady! Your father has sent me to you.

Inanna, your father has sent me to you.

What your father said was very serious.

What Enki spoke was very serious.

His important words cannot be countermanded.”

Holy Inanna replied to him:

“What has my father said to you, what has he spoken?

Why should his important words not be countermanded?”

“My master has spoken to me, Enki has said to me:

Inanna may travel to Unug, but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me“.”

Holy Inanna spoke to the minister Isimud:

“How could my father have changed what he said to me?

How could he have altered his promise as far as I am concerned?

How could he have discredited his important words to me?

Was it falsehood that my father said to me, did he speak falsely to me?

Has he sworn falsely by the name of his power and by the name of his abzu?

Has he duplicitously sent you to me as a messenger?”

Now as these words were still in her mouth,

he got the fifty giants of Eridug to seize hold of the Boat of Heaven.

  (Inanna addresses Ninshubur, carved into Mesopotamian artifact)

Holy Inanna addressed her minister Nincubur:

“Come, my good minister of E-ana (Anu‘s temple – residence in Uruk)!

My fair-spoken minister! My envoy of reliable words!

Water has never touched your hand, water has never touched your feet!”

So Inanna got hold again of the divine powers which had been presented to her, and the Boat of Heaven;

and then for the third time the prince spoke to his minister Isimud,

Enki addressed the Sweet Name of Heaven:

Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

2b-ninsun-her-mixed-breed-son-king-isumud-enki (Isumud brings mixed-breed king & Ninsun before Enki)

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?”

“It has just now reached the UL.MA hill.”

“Go now!

The fifty lahama of the subterranean waters (in USOs) are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!”

3d-inanna-riding-ninhursag  (Inanna & Ninhursag, flying sky-disc symbol & many others of the gods)

The minister Isimud spoke to holy Inanna:

“My lady! Your father has sent me to you.

Inanna, your father has sent me to you.

What your father said was very serious.

What Enki spoke was very serious.

His important words cannot be countermanded.”

Holy Inanna replied to him:

“What has my father said to you, what has he spoken?

Why should his important words not be countermanded?”

“My master has spoken to me,

Enki has said to me:

Inanna may travel to Unug (Uruk), but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me“.”

Holy Inanna spoke to the minister Isimud:

“How could my father have changed what he said to me?

How could he have altered his promise as far as I am concerned?

How could he have discredited his important words to me?

Was it falsehood that my father said to me, did he speak falsely to me?

Has he sworn falsely by the name of his power and by the name of his abzu?

Has he duplicitously sent you to me as a messenger?”

Now as these words were still in her mouth,

he got the fifty lahama of the subterranean waters (god of waters Enki‘s domain) to seize hold of the Boat of Heaven.

2-ninshubur  (Ninshubur, minor alien Anunnaki goddess, assistant to Inanna)

Holy Inanna addressed her minister Nincubur:

“Come, my good minister of E-ana! My fair-spoken minister! My envoy of reliable words!

Water has never touched your hand, water has never touched your feet!”

So Inanna got hold again of the divine powers which had been presented to her,

and the Boat of Heaven; and then for the fourth time the prince spoke to his minister Isimud,

Enki addressed the Sweet Name of Heaven:

Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

        (Inanna in submersible flying saucer / winged “Boat of Heaven with 2 other gods)

“Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?”

“It has just now reached the Field Hill.”

“Go now!

All the great fish (alien technologies) together …… are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!”

The minister Isimud spoke to holy Inanna:

“My lady! Your father has sent me to you.

Inanna, your father has sent me to you.

What your father said was very serious.

What Enki spoke was very serious.

His important words cannot be countermanded.”

Holy Inanna replied to him:

“What has my father said to you, what has he spoken?

Why should his important words not be countermanded?”

“My master has spoken to me, Enki has said to me:

Inanna may travel to Unug, but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me”.”

2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu (Eridu ruins after untold thousands of years)

Holy Inanna spoke to the minister Isimud:

“How could my father have changed what he said to me?

How could he have altered his promise as far as I am concerned?

How could he have discredited his important words to me?

Was it falsehood that my father said to me, did he speak falsely to me?

Has he sworn falsely by the name of his power and by the name of his abzu?

Has he duplicitously sent you to me as a messenger?”

Now as these words were still in her mouth, he got all the great fish together …… to seize hold of the Boat of Heaven.

Holy Inanna addressed her minister Nincubur:

“Come, my good minister of E-ana! My fair-spoken minister! My envoy of reliable words!

Water has never touched your hand, water has never touched your feet!”

So Inanna got hold again of the divine powers which had been presented to her, and the Boat of Heaven;

and then for the fifth time the prince spoke to his minister Isimud, Enki addressed the Sweet Name of Heaven:

Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?”

“It has just now reached …….”

“Go now! ……, the guardians of Unug, are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!”

The minister Isimud spoke to holy Inanna:

“My lady! Your father has sent me to you.

Inanna, your father has sent me to you.

What your father said was very serious.

What Enki spoke was very serious.

His important words cannot be countermanded.”

Holy Inanna replied to him:

“What has my father said to you, what has he spoken?

Why should his important words not be countermanded?”

“My master has spoken to me, Enki has said to me:

Inanna may travel to Unug, but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me”.”

Holy Inanna spoke to the minister Isimud:

“How could my father have changed what he said to me?

How could he have altered his promise as far as I am concerned?

How could he have discredited his important words to me?

Was it falsehood that my father said to me, did he speak falsely to me?

Has he sworn falsely by the name of his power and by the name of his abzu?

Has he duplicitously sent you to me as a messenger?”

Now as these words were still in her mouth, he got the ……, the guardians of Unug, to seize hold of the Boat of Heaven.

Holy Inanna addressed her minister Nincubur:

“Come, my good minister of E-ana! My fair-spoken minister! My envoy of reliable words!

Water has never touched your hand, water has never touched your feet!”

So Inanna got hold again of the divine powers which had been presented to her, and the Boat of Heaven;

and then for the sixth time the prince spoke to his minister Isimud, Enki addressed the Sweet Name of Heaven:

Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?”

“It has just now reached the Id-surungal …….”

“Go now!

The Id-surungal …… are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!

…… from holy Inanna.”

The minister Isimud spoke to holy Inanna:

“My lady! Your father has sent me to you.

Inanna, your father has sent me to you.

What your father said was very serious.

What Enki spoke was very serious.

His important words cannot be countermanded.”

Holy Inanna replied to him:

“What has my father said to you, what has he spoken?

Why should his important words not be countermanded?”

“My master has spoken to me, Enki has said to me:

Inanna may travel to Unug, but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me”.”

Holy Inanna spoke to the minister Isimud:

“How could my father have changed what he said to me?

How could he have altered his promise as far as I am concerned?

How could he have discredited his important words to me?

Was it falsehood that my father said to me, did he speak falsely to me?

Has he sworn falsely by the name of his power and by the name of his abzu?

Has he duplicitously sent you to me as a messenger?”

Now as these words were still in her mouth, he got the Id-surungal …… to seize hold of the Boat of Heaven.

…… from holy Inanna.

Holy Inanna addressed her minister Nincubur:

“Come, my good minister of E-ana! My fair-spoken minister! My envoy of reliable words!

Water has never touched your hand, water has never touched your feet!”

So Inanna got hold again of the divine powers which had been presented to her, and the Boat of Heaven;

and then

1 line fragmentary

…… Unug ……

1 line fragmentary

…… the Boat of Heaven.

Nincubur ……, …… the Boat of Heaven.

A seventh time ……

1 line fragmentary

The great princely scion, holy …….

        (Inanna in sky-disc that is also used by aliens in water)

Holy Inanna …… the Boat of Heaven.

Holy Inanna at that time …….

Her minister Nincubur spoke to holy Inanna:

“My lady, today you have brought the Boat of Heaven to the Gate of Joy, to Unug Kulaba.

Now there will be rejoicing in our city, now there will be rejoicing in our city.

shipping-giant-earthlings-with-cargo  (giant alien god & earthlings shipping cargo down river)

…… barges on our river …….”

Holy Inanna replied to her:

“Today I have brought the Boat of Heaven to the Gate of Joy, to Unug Kulaba.

It shall pass along the street magnificently.

The people shall stand in the street full of awe. “

1 line fragmentary

…… in joy.

…… the old men of the city …… comfort, …… the old women …… counsel,

…… the young men …… strength of arms, …… the children …… joy.

2cd-anus-temple-home-in-uruk  (city of Uruk below Inanna‘s ziggurat / residence)

…… Unug (Uruk).

1 line fragmentary

1 line missing

3 lines fragmentary

“…… festival …… the Boat of Heaven.

He shall recite great prayers.

The king shall slaughter bulls, shall sacrifice sheep.

He shall pour beer from a bowl.

He shall have the cem and ala drums sound, and have the sweet-sounding tigi instruments play.

The foreign lands shall declare my greatness.

My people shall utter my praise.”

When she had …… the Boat of Heaven to the Gate of Joy at Unug Kulaba, it passed magnificently along the street.

2 - Parked Shem at Inanna's Temple (rocket on launch pad on top of Inanna‘s ziggurat / temple / residence)

It reached the maiden’s house, and she …… its place.

…… the purified well, her principal well.

Inanna …… the divine powers which had been presented to her, and the Boat of Heaven, at the Jipar Gate.

At the Agrun Chamber …….

Holy Inanna …… the Boat of Heaven …….

The prince addressed his minister Isimud, Enki spoke to the Sweet Name of Heaven:

Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?”

“It has just now reached the White Quay.”

“Go now, …… admiration.

…… admiration …… the Boat of Heaven.

Holy Inanna ……. …… admiration ……. “

about 3 lines missing



Inanna, you have brought with you the office of en priest, you have brought with you the office of lagal priest,

you have brought with you divinity, you have brought with you the great and good crown,

you have brought with you the royal throne.

`”You have brought with you the noble scepter, you have brought with you the staff and crook,

you have brought with you the noble dress, you have brought with you shepherd ship, you have brought with you kingship.

“You have brought with you the office of egi-zi priestess, you have brought with you the office of nin-dijir priestess,

you have brought with you the office of icib priest, you have brought with you the office of lu-mah priest,

you have brought with you the office of gudu priest.

“You have brought with you constancy, you have brought with you ……, you have brought with you ……,

you have brought with you going down to the underworld, you have brought with you coming up from the underworld,

you have brought with you the kur-jara priest.

“You have brought with you sword and club, you have brought with you the cultic functionary saj-ursaj,

you have brought with you the black garment, you have brought with you the colorful garment,

you have brought with you the …… hair-style, you have brought with you the …… hair-style.

“You have brought with you ……, you have brought with you ……,

you have brought with you ……, you have brought with you ……,

you have brought with you ……, you have brought with you ……, you have brought with you …….

“You have brought with you the standard, you have brought with you the quiver,

       (Inanna with intercourse & kissing)

you have brought with you sexual intercourse, you have brought with you kissing,

you have brought with you prostitution, you have brought with you …… running (?).

“You have brought with you forthright speech, you have brought with you deceitful speech,

you have brought with you grandiloquent speech, you have brought with you ……,

you have brought with you the cultic prostitute, you have brought with you the holy tavern.

“You have brought with you the holy nijin-jar shrine, you have brought with you ……,

you have brought with you the hierodule of heaven,

you have brought with you loud musical instruments, you have brought with you the art of song,

you have brought with you venerable old age.

“You have brought with you heroism, you have brought with you power,

you have brought with you wickedness, you have brought with you righteousness,

you have brought with you the plundering of cities, you have brought with you making lamentations,

you have brought with you rejoicing.

“You have brought with you deceit, you have brought with you the rebel lands,

you have brought with you kindness, you have brought with you being on the move,

you have brought with you being sedentary.

“You have brought with you the craft of the carpenter, you have brought with you the craft of the coppersmith,

you have brought with you the craft of the scribe, you have brought with you the craft of the smith,

you have brought with you the craft of the leather-worker, you have brought with you the craft of the fuller,

you have brought with you the craft of the builder, you have brought with you the craft of the reed-worker.

“You have brought with you wisdom, you have brought with you attentiveness,

3b-2-unidentified-goddesses-inanna-ninshubur  (2 unidentified goddesses, Inanna, & Ninshubur)

you have brought with you holy purification rites, you have brought with you the shepherd’s hut,

you have brought with you piling up glowing charcoals, you have brought with you the sheepfold,

you have brought with you respect, you have brought with you awe, you have brought with you reverent silence.

“You have brought with you the bitter-toothed (?) ……, you have brought with you the kindling of fire,

you have brought with you the extinguishing of fire, you have brought with you hard work, you have brought with you ……,

you have brought with you the assembled family, you have brought with you descendants.

“You have brought with you strife, you have brought with you triumph,

you have brought with you counseling, you have brought with you comforting,

you have brought with you judging, you have brought with you decision-making.

“You have brought with you the establishing of plans (?), the attractiveness of women,

you have brought with you …… to handle the perfect divine powers,

you have brought with you …… small ……, you have brought with you …… exalted ……,

you have brought with you the holy tigi, holy lilis, ub, meze and ala drums,

you have brought with you the …… of holy An (Anu), you have brought with you the …… of holy An,

you have brought with you the …… of holy An, you have brought with you the …… of holy An,

you have brought with you the …… of holy An, you have brought with you the …… of holy An,

you have brought with you all of the ……, …… beer.”

2 lines fragmentary

6 lines missing

Where the woman …… joy ……, she named it with the name “The house Ganzer is rebuilt”.

Where the trader said “Fifty shekels” but when he brought (?) it there was less,

she named that place with the name “Potsherds and scrap metal (?)”.

Where the boat ……, she named it with the name “……”.

Where the boat came to dock at the quay, she named that place with the name “White Quay”.

Where ……, she named that place with the name “Blue Quay”.

Enki spoke to holy Inanna:

“In the name of my power, in the name of my abzu, I will establish …… in my abzu for the woman.”

( Inanna speaks:)

“Why has this one now entered here?

…… taking the divine powers from me?”

3 lines fragmentary

(A third deity speaks:)

“May the …… in your name!”

4 lines fragmentary

“May there be …… a festival!

May …… pass their time …… at the gate of your Jipar!

2c-uruk-anus-temple  (Uruk with ancient home / ziggurat to giant gods, with earthling dwellings well below)

May the citizens of your city, Inanna, the citizens of Unug, live ……!

And as for you, Enki — may …… your city, Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s city in the marshlands of the Persian Gulf)

……, and has indeed restored ……. (Enki regained his MEs)

The Inscription of Sin-gashid (translation)

Translated by Theo. G. Pinches

This short inscription of twenty-seven lines is one of peculiar interest. It is a record, written in the Akkadian language, of an endowment, made by an early Mesopotamian king with a Semitic Babylonian name, to the great temple at Erech called Ê-ana; and it is not an original, but a copy in clay, written by a man named Nabû-baladhsu-igbî, of a stone tablet kept, in ancient times, in the great temple known as Ê-zida, now the ruin called the Birs-i-Nimroud—the supposed tower of Babel. Great care has been taken by the copyist in inscribing the tablet; and the forms of the characters, as he has given them, probably reproduce fairly well the archaic style of the original. The text itself covers the greater part of the two sides of the clay tablet, which is, like most of the documents of this kind found in Babylonia and Assyria, flat—or nearly so—on the obverse, and curved on the reverse. The last three lines, which are separate from the others, are written smaller, and are in the later Babylonian style of writing. Unlike the rest, also, they are written in the Semitic-Babylonian language. The size of the tablet is 4¼ inches by 2⅜ inches, the thickness in the thickest part being 1⅛ inch. The colour is a very light yellow ochre.

As the word-order in Akkadian differs considerably from English, no attempt is made to preserve the divisions of the lines of the original; by this arrangement translations from these ancient tongues are much more easily understood.


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Sin-gashid, king of Erech (Uruk), king of Amnanum,

2cd - Anu's temple-home in Uruk (E-ana in Uruk)

and patron of Ê-ana (Anu’s temple residence in Uruk),

2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings   (Ninsun, spouse to mixed-breed Lugal-banda)

to Lugal-banda (Ninsun‘s spouse) his god and Nin-gul (Ninsun) his goddess.

When he built Ê-ana he erected Ê-kankal the house which is the seat of the joy of his heart.

During his dominion he will endow it with 30 gur of wheat, 12 mana of wool, 10 mana of produce,

18 qa of oil according to the tariff, and 1 shekel of gold.

May his years be years of plenty.


Copy of the tablet of ûsû-stone, the property of Ê-zida, which Nabû-baladhsu-igbî, son of Mitsirâa, has written.


The text begins with an invocation to Lugalbanda and his consort Nin-gul (Ninsun), who seem to have been Sin-gashid’s patron god and goddess. He then speaks of Ê-ana, one of the great temples of Erech  (which was, perhaps, Sin-gashid’s capital), and Ê-kankal, probably one of the shrines in Ê-ana. Judging from the wording, Sin-gashid seems to claim to be the founder of both those fanes, though it is probable that he only rebuilt them. Sin-gashid then gives a list of the amounts of produce, etc., with which he had endowed the shrine, and ends with a pious wish for his country. The date of the original of this inscription may be set down at about 2600 B.C. The copy which has come down to us, however, probably dates from the time of the antiquarian revival in Babylonia during the reign of Nabonidus, father of Belshazzar.

It is to be noted that the inscription is dedicated to a god and a goddess whose names I provisionally transcribe as Lugal-banda (“powerful king,” or “king of youthful strength”) and Nin-gul his consort (as we learn from the second volume of the Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, pl. 59, ll. 24 and 25). This identification of Ningul as the consort of Lugal-banda is important, as it shows that Sin-gashid, who calls her his mother, and himself her son, did not mean to imply that she was his real earthly parent, but that he simply traced his descent from her, thus asserting his divine origin. The late George Smith’s double-queried “Belat-sunat” (as he transcribed the name Nin-gul), “the earliest known queen in the Euphrates valley,” must therefore be erased from the list of historical rulers in Erech.

The temple Ê-ana was probably the principal fane in the city of Erech, and Ê-kankal3 was probably one of the shrines within it. It is not improbable that the Ê-kankal mentioned here is the same as, or the fellow-shrine to, the Ê-ghili-ana mentioned by Assur-bani-pal as the sanctuary, apparently in or connected with Ê-ana, to which he restored the image of the goddess Nanâ (Inanna), which was carried off by the king of Elam, Kudur-nankhundi, about 2,280 years before Christ. As the date of Sin-gashid is doubtful, it is impossible to say with certainty whether the capture of the image of Nanâ by the Elamites took place before or after his reign, but it was probably after.

The inscription here translated and explained is a duplicate of one published in the fourth volume of the Cuneiform Ins. of W. Asia, pl. 35, No. 3, from two cones from Warka. Of this text, which is rather roughly written, and which gives a few interesting variants from the text translated above, a tentative translation was given by the late George Smith in his “Early History of Babylonia,” published in the Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archæology, vol. i., and in the first series of the Records of the Past, vol. iii.

Proverbs: from Unug (Uruk)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Segment A

4 lines fragmentary


Segment B

2a - Enlil, Anu's son & heir (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander)

1 line fragmentary

He holds up the sky, letting the earth dangle from his hands.

Enlil‘s greatest punishment is hunger.

He bears the responsibility for it.


When he …… the man’s assassin, he became his opponent.

As a provisioner, …… upon those who speak proudly (?).

The …… wind …… harmful (?).

The east wind is a rain-bearing wind; the west wind is greater than those who live there.

      6b - Naram-Sin, by Sin Loved, King of Akkad  (Naram-Suen, giant semi-divine mixed-breed descendant-king of Akkad)

The east wind is a wind of prosperity, the friend of Naram-Suen.

1 line fragmentary


1 line fragmentary

…… poured it out for him …….

1 line fragmentary

…… gave birth …… like a nindijir priestess, the young girl …… coming out,

the young girl …… returned it …….

1 line fragmentary

A Praise Poem of Anam: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal…)

           1-11 Anam, lord, ……,  ……, perfect in your broad wisdom, ……,

        1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region (ancient cities of the gods in Sumer)

        who preserves Nibru (Nippur), who prevents the city from having ……!

        Sweet breeze (?) of his city, father of the region of Unug (Uruk), judge who …… in his verdicts, reverent ……,

        6c - Anu & Inanna

           (King Anu                      Inanna atop her zodiac symbol of Leo the lion)

        who fears (basic polivy of alien gods dominating earthlings) An (Anu) and Inana (Inanna)!

        Who cherishes E-ana (Anu‘s temple residence in Uruk), who is happy there …… in friendly words!

        2d - Inanna Wars Against Marduk  (unidentified High-Priest & Inanna The Goddess of Love & of War)

        Mighty ……, heart’s desire of Inana, who reveres the …… of the Land, …… with head high, en priest of Inana, ……, all-knowing!

        12-25……, who batters the wrathful, ……, endowed with good looks,

        …… who is fearsome; watching ……, richly endowed with charms, you are ……, foremost of the troops.

        2 - Nanaya being presented to the daughter of the king (Nanaya & mixed-breed king with his sick daughter)  

        Nanaya (Nabu‘s spouse), …… the mother of all, …… she who exists for luxury, …… a great destiny …….

        ……, the queen, ……, restoring the destroyed E-me-urur (Ninurta’s temple) and building the …… which were abandoned,

        has created the …… which had not been built up since ancient days. ……, you fix the rules.

        26-37……, excelling in the Land, you pray justly …… in its fine …….

        Standing steadfastly in prayer ……, you determine food offerings.

        And you, ……, lady, great goddess who goes by one’s side, have determined a great destiny until distant times for him

        who has set up permanent statues in E-ana and E-me-urur (Ninurta’s temple residence in Nippur),

        …… for the man whose destiny will not be spoiled,

        1 line unclear

        2a - Nanaya, spouse to Nabu, Marduk's son 2cd - Anu's temple-home in Uruk

        The lady, the nurse Nanaya (Nabu‘s spouse), who stands there like a great wall at the door of E-ana (Uruk‘s ziggurat home for gods),

        has decreed throughout heaven and earth that …… and should spend long days in heartfelt joy;

        and she has fixed life, progeny and luxury as your lot.

        38-41You are grandly there for Enlil!

        As befits your calling as lord, you have freed from Unug (Uruk) and its settlements,

        3a - Anu's Ziggourat in Unig-Uruk  3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur

               (E-ana ziggurat residence of gods in Uruk / Unug / Erech)                                          (Enlil’s Nippur residence ziggurat)

        and released to Nibru (Nippur), the citizens of Nibru, slaves and slavegirls, who have much …….

Lament for Unug (Uruk)

Source: Black, J. A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E and Zólyomi, G.

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature,

Oxford University, UK, 1998 – © All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in studies and research purposes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



          SEGMENT A

(beginning of 1st kirugu)

1-3 The …… which had developed — its wiping clean (?) was to be accomplished (?).

The …… of heaven and earth put their divine powers …… to sleep (?).

1 line fragmentary

Mining - Enki & Ninhursag ith offspring & clones  (earthling workers provided to the giant alien gods)

4-8 …… mortal man multiplied to become as numerous as the gods.

When together …… had achieved a momentous decision, the …… of the gods …….

Enki and Ninki (Enki‘s spouse) determined the consensus — deemed worthless.

Enul (Enlil) and Ninul (Ninlil) assigned the fate, …….

  3b - Anu of planet Nibiru1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (alien King An / Anu; his son & heir Enlil)

9-14 When together An and Enlil had created it, that one resembled …….

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse  (Ninlil, spouse to Enlil, his equal in authority)

When Ninlil had given it features, that one was fit for …….

2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments 2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. 2aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad

    (Ninhursag / Aruru                                Nannar                                  Enki)

When together Aruru (Ninhursag), Suen (Nannar) and Enki had fashioned its limbs,

that one turned pitch black, as at night, halfway through the watch, …….

All the great gods paled at its immensity and…… was brought about.

Like a great wild bull which bellows mightily, that one filled the world with its roar.

15-20 As its gigantic horns reached up to heaven, who trembled in his very core?

As it was piled up over the mountains like a battle-net, who turned away?

Who caused wailing and lamenting in those streets and ……?

3a - Anu's Ziggourat in Unig-Uruk (ruins of Uruk, one of the 1st cities on Earth, & house of Anu way above)

Unug (Uruk), like a loyal citizen in terror, set up an alarm (and exclaimed)

“Rise up!” Why did its hand seize Unug?

Why did the benevolent eye look away?

Who brought about such worry and lamenting and ……?

21-27 That one drew nearer.

That one settled upon the ground.

Why would he withdraw?

Who distorted Unug’s good sense and deranged its good counsel?

Who smashed its good udug deity?

Who struck its good lama deity too?

Who desecrated the fearsome radiance which crowned it?

Who brought about mob panic in Unug?

Who …… sickness too?

Along with the city, the foreign lands ……, who …… in the temple of Unug?

That one ……..

small no. of lines missing


(continuation of 1st kirugu)

1-8 1 line fragmentary

Who made ……?

Why was …… expanded?

Who made the black-headed people (modern earthlings) become so numerous?

Who overthrew ……? …… was destroyed — who restored ……?

Who confronted ……?

That one crushed …….

That one …….

small no. of lines missing


(probable beginning of 2nd kirugu)

1-9 1 line fragmentary

5aa - giant god Utu, Shamash, Throne of Sippar (2 giant alien gods & king, Utu with the Wheel of Justice)

…… and Utu, who in human form renders judgment at the law court of heaven, set and did not rise again.

…… bore a heavy burden of sin.   

…… the altered verdicts of the lord Nunamnir (Enlil).

…… who can smite ……? …… and they approach (?).

…… he brings …… forth.

…… of Enlil …….

He …… and puts an end to …….

small no. of lines missing


(continuation of 2nd kirugu)

1-9 1 line fragmentary

…… each and every one ……. …… its ways were ……. …… its destruction and demolition, …….

The …… of the gods …… attention.

……, who neglected ……, …… the city watched as the evil ghost approached.

……breathed painfully, he wept bitterly.

…… there was no nodding of the head.

10-20 He consoled himself with tears and laments — the city trembled.

A defiled hand smote him and flattened his skull — the city collapsed.

The fearsome radiance overwhelmed each and every observer (?).

The capital city, canal inspector for all the lands, became like one who spreads havoc.

2i - cattle pens of Nannar in Ur  (Nannar‘s cattle pens feeding the gods of Sumer, ivory carving)

The faithful cowherds themselves overturned every single cattlepen.

The chief shepherds themselves burned (?) every sheepfold.

They built them up like grain heaps, they spread them out like grain piles, they themselves flattened them.

…… they drenched the fields with water, they turned the city into a swamp.

They did all that.

Like reeds in a wasteland, life could not be revived.

They brought ruination.

Evil things menaced (?) the city.

A hush settled over the awed hearts of its people like a cloak.

21-33 Its good udug deities went away, its lama deities ran off.

              (aliens on Earth & in the sky)

Its lama deity (said) “Hide in the open country” and they took foreign paths.

The city’s patron god turned against it and its shepherd abandoned it.

Its guardian spirit, though not an enemy, was exiled (?) to a foreign place.

5b - Hittite relief of the gods rockets

             (Hittite battle scene artifact, missiles launched by the alien gods) 

Thus all its most important gods evacuated Unug, they kept away from it.

They hid out in the hills and wandered (?) about in the haunted plains.

In the city built upon peace, food and drink were overturned like a saman vessel.

In the pasture lands a tumultuous noise arose, the asses and sheep were driven away.

Elderly people and babies, taking their rest, …… in front …….

They saw …… and slaughtered (?) …….

3 lines fragmentary

small no. of lines missing


(continuation of 2nd kirugu)

1-7 He …… and opened his clenched fist.

He …… and reached out his hand.

2 - Enki' Eridu, 1st city established in Sumer (1st cities on Earth, established by alien gods)

The …… of Sumer, the city whose king crossed over to an enemy land,

to ……. — he smote it with the might of his weapon.

He …… and turned the place into dust.

He …… and piled the people up in heaps.

…… when will its charms be restored?

8 2nd kirugu.

9 The …… of heaven …… and the people …… to the limits of heaven.

10 Its jicgijal.

11-20 He ……, stretched forth his hand and induced terror in the land.

Enlil struck out with great ferocity.

 (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, Anu‘s son & heir to Heaven / Nibiru & Earth Colony)

He announced: “A devastating deluge shall be invoked.

At its front war shall be a …… ax, at its rear it shall be a …….

Its scales shall be a harrow, its back shall be flames.

Its countenance shall be a malevolent storm that enshrouds heaven and earth.

2b - Anzu war, Ninurta's Palace in Nimrud  (Anzu vrs. Ninurta, battle for Enlil‘s rightful control over Earth)

The glint of its eyes shall be lightning that flashes far like the Anzud bird.

Its mouth shall be grotesque — a blaze that extends as far as the nether world.

Its tongue shall be an inferno, raining embers, that sunders the Land.

3a - Anzu, in the Louvre (Anzud bird, Ninurta‘s storm bird named after Anzu)

Its arms shall be the majestic Anzud (Anzu) bird that nothing can escape when it spreads wide its talons.”

21-31 “Its ribs shall be crowbars that let light pass inside like the sun’s rays.

Knotted at both its hips shall be city-destroying slingstones (alien technologies).

Its great haunches shall be dripping knives, covered with gore, that make blood flow.

Its muscles shall be saws that slash, its feet those of an eagle.

It shall make the Tigris and Euphrates quaver, it shall make the mountains rumble.

At its reverberation the hills shall be uprooted, the people shall be pitched about like sheaves,

Sumer and Akkad shall shiver, they shall be flooded like a harvest crop.

The foolish shall rejoice, they shall exclaim:

“Let it come — we shall be seeing war and battle in the city, how the sacred precinct (?) is destroyed,

how the walls are battered down, how the city’s peace is disrupted,

how among the loyal families honest men are transformed into traitors.

32-40 “But the sensible shall beat their breasts and droop (?) their heads.

At midnight they shall toss about tearfully and suffer insomnia.

In bed, under the covers, they shall be unable to sleep soundly, they shall wander about the city.”

They shall wring their hands, their courage shall run out:

“May our allies serving in times of war mobilize their forces for peace.

May the word of Enlil be sent back, may it turn tail.

May the venom of Nunamnir‘s (Enlil) anger become exhausted.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s mud-brick mountain home on Earth Colony in Nippur)

May those vicious men who have seized the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence) be punished.

May those who have set their sight upon Nibru (Nippur) be swept away.”

41 3rd kirugu.

42 My heart is filled with sorrow, I am tear-stricken.

43 Its jicgijal.

44-50 Oh, Sumer! Alas — your spirit!

Alas — your structure!

Alas — your people!

5 - Anu is well received on Earth

            (Enlil           Ninhursag                     Anu                        Inanna)

The word of An (Anu), having been assigned its place, has destroyed the sacred precinct (?).

The pronouncement of Enlil, having been set in motion, …….

The devastating deluge …….

 2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld (warrior god Nergal, god of the Under World, with his high-tech alien weaponry)

The great and fierce ……, the lord Nergal …….

…… like Gibil, Nergal (Enki‘s sons)…….

1 line fragmentary

2c - gods battling gods (wars between royal alien princes, caused their loyal earthlings to war against each other)

51-65 War …… enemy lands …… echoed.

Like arrows in a quiver …….

Evildoers in Sumer…….Gutium, the enemy, overturned ……. Sumer, caught in a trap, …….

Its people were thrown into turmoil …….

The mighty heroes of Sumer ……. …… the heart of a hurricane …….

They advanced like the front rank of troops, …….

Like …… they were crushed, every one of them …….

Their war veterans gave up, their brains were muddled.

The troop leaders, the most outstanding of the men, were viciously hewn down.

Gutium, the enemy, …… weapons …….

Not looking at each other ……

Like a swelling flood, like ……, Subir poured into Sumer.

66-74 They …… like stampeding goats, they tore apart the corpses of the population.

They mutilated Sumer and Akkad, they pulverized it as with a pestle.

They destroyed its settlements and habitations, they razed them to ruin mounds.

The best of Sumer they scattered like dust, they heaped up …….

They massacred its populace, they finished off young and old alike.

They destroyed the city of the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, they set it aflame.

3b - E.Anna Temple in Uruk (Anu‘s ziggurat residence discovered 1st, then city of Uruk)

They put out both Unug’s (Uruk / Erech) eyes, they uprooted its young shoots.

They wandered all through the libation places of the Anuna gods.

And even Kulaba, which is the primeval city, they turned into a place of murder.

75 4th kirugu.

76 Alas — Sumer! Alas — its people!

77 Its jicgijal.

78-88 Unug! They seized your wharf and your borders and …….

7aa - Inanna & Utu with earthlings under foot (Utu, earthling under-foot, twin sister Inanna, & captured earthling with nose ring)

At Unug shouts rang out, screams reverberated, its captured men …….

The noise reached to the south.

The south was destroyed and …….

The impact forced its way to the uplands.

The uplands were struck and …….

To the right and left no people moved about, no habitations were built.

There was no …… and the mobilization of troops did not ……. …… rose up to heaven.

Heaven perished and its strength did not ……. …… upon the earth.

The earth was scattered, and it did not …….

All the settlements were dispersed — Unug stood all alone.

It was a bull, it was a champion, it was immense with pride, but it …… to the weapons.

All night and even until midday battle was waged, and afterwards it did not …….

89-99 Battering rams and shields were set up, they rent its walls.

They breached its buttresses, they hewed the city with axes.

They set fire to its stations, they …… the city’s dwellings.

They destroyed it, they demolished it.

2b - Uruk's Excavation (ruins of Uruk below Anu‘s mud-brick-built mountain / residence)

Unug, the good place, was …… with dust.

Like a great wild bull wounded with an arrow, …….

Like a wild cow pierced with a spear, …….

The mighty one rushed with his weapons and …… implements of war.

Subir, rising up like a swelling floodwave, …….

They trampled (?) through the streets and …….

They let the blood of the people flow like that of a sacrificial cow, they tore out everything that had been built.

100-111 The citizens of Unug …….

They…… and threw down …….

They …… and put an end to …….

They seized …….

They struck …….

They destroyed …….

They ……

They demolished …….

They set up …….

They heaped up …….

They put an end to …… and did not leave behind ……. …… Subir entered ……

112 5th kirugu.

113 …… cried out “…… has been created” and he smeared dust ……

114 Its jicgijal.

115 …… reached ……

19 fragmentary lines

unknown no. of lines missing


(probable beginning of another kirugu)

1-5 The enemy land ……. Zabalam …….

3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple (E-kishnugal ziggurat)

 (Ur, Nannar‘s patron city with his temple residence / man-made mountain home way above prodding earthlings)

In Urim (Ur), the E-kic-nu-jal …….

Cattlepen and sheepfold ……, evil …….

2b - City of Sippar with Utu's Ziggurat  (Sippar ruins, Utu‘s patron city)

The land of Subir (Sippar) …….

200-300 lines missing


(part of 11th kirugu)

1-5 All the great gods …….

The Anuna gods…….

1 line fragmentary

Sovereigns …….

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing


(beginning of 12th kirugu)

2c - goddesses in flying discs

  (Inanna hovering in her sky-disc above her appointed kings, giving protection & direction to many; & hovering Anu)

1-8 Lady Inanna whose greatness is vaster than the mountains, hovering like An, vested with grandeur like Enlil,

2c - Nannar & his symbol (Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur, Inanna‘s father, & her 8-Pointed Star symbol of Venus)

like her father (Nannar), perfect by night and in the heat of the day,

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna  (Utu / Shamash / Allah, Nannar‘s son, & Inanna‘s twin brother, The Sun God)

like Utu (Nannar‘s son), surpassing in vigor, singularly exalted in all the four regions —

let Icme-Dagan take pleasure in relaxing in your temple, let him murmur to you in your temple,

let him raise his head to you in your E-ana (Anu‘s temple residence in Uruk).

9-19 Let (semi-divine mixed-breed king of Isin) Icme-Dagan serve you as your steward.

Let him prepare great bulls for you.

Let him dedicate great offerings to you.

Let him make the beer, fat and oil plentiful for you.

Let him make syrup and wine flow for you as from stone jars.

Let Icme-Dagan, (giant semi-divine butler & descendant) son of Enlil on the king’s pedestal, bow in homage to you.

May he make the ub and ala drums resound grandly for you.

May the tigi sound sweetly for you, and may the zamzam play for you.

May they play …… on the tigi for you, expressing your prayers and supplications before you.

20-27 In bringing forth ……, all that there are, at your E-jipar in Unug,

as a humble man who has grasped your feet, as a pious one who has experienced your exaltedness,

he has brought a lament as offering to you and will …….

As for everything that happened to Sumer and Akkad,

which he has witnessed in Unug, the aggrieved place, may the best singers perform songs there.

28-38 If the Anuna gods emerge tearfully, let them promise to us that as it was when heaven and earth came about,

nothing of that time shall be changed.

  (An / Anu, father in Heaven / planet Nibiru in his winged sky-disc)

If An (Anu) looks kindly upon that man and at the well-built city, the place of determining fate, proclaim “Man and city!

Life and well-being!” for him. Let praises ring out.

Let him be made surpassing above all, to his right or left.

Tireless lama deity, take hold of his head, pronounce his fate in charitable words —

5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki (Apkulla pilotEnki,  Anu in his winged sky-disc, Enlil, & winged eagle-headed Apkulla pilot)

by the command of An and Enlil it will remain unaltered for a long time.

9 12th kirugu.

Inana’s (Houses in Uruk, Zabalam, & Ulmas) – Temple Hymns

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

O house with the great divine powers of Kulaba, ……, its platform has made the great shrine flourish.

Green fresh fruit, marvelous, filled with ripeness,

descending from the center of heaven, shrine built for the bull,

3ab - Uruk's White Temple 3d - Anu's Home on Earth

            (Anu’s ziggurat temple residence in Uruk, used when he visited Earth Colony, otherwise, belonging to & used by Inanna)

E-ana (House of heaven), house with seven corners, (Enlil’s symbol) with seven fires lifted at night-time,

surveying seven pleasures (?), your princess is on the pure horizon.

1b - Inanna & torch or a weapon   (Ishtar / Inanna, similar to modern day goddess Columbia / Liberty)

Your lady Inana (Inanna) who ……, who adorns the woman and covers the man’s head with a cloth,

the one with a lustrous …… su crown, the dragon of Niĝin-ĝar, the queen of heaven and earth,

Inana, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-ana, and taken her seat upon your dais.

2b - Uruk's Excavation (city of Uruk with Inanna‘s ziggurat residence way above, controlling all below)

11 lines: the house of Inana in Unug (Uruk).

Inanna’s (House in Zabalam) – Temple Hymn

O E-šerzi-guru (House clad in splendor) dressed with ornaments of šuba stone,

2h - Ishtar, Inanna- sister to Ereshkigal   (young Inanna, princess daughter to Nannar & Ningal, granddaughter to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

great awesomeness, Niĝin-ĝar of holy Inana, adorned throughout with the divine powers which are true,

Zabalam, shrine of the shining mountain, shrine of …… dawn, which has resounded with pleasure (?),

1a-inanna-dumuzi  (Inanna & her 1st spouse Dumuzi The Shepherd, Enki’s son who died young on Earth)

the Mistress has founded your good banqueting hall for you in pleasure (?).

Your lady Inana, the ……, the singular woman, the dragon who speaks hostile words to ……,

(Inanna with her royal crown of animal horns, princess descendant to giant alien Anunnaki King Anu)

who shines in brightness, who goes against the rebel land,

through whom the firmament is made beautiful in the evening,

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images) 2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c  2bc - Nanna & his symbol

           (Nannar / Suen, Inanna‘s father, patron god of Ur, symbolized by the Moon Crescent, wearing a divine long beard)

the great daughter of Suen, holy Inana, has erected a house in your precinct,

O house Zabalam, and taken her seat upon your dais.


                                   (mound remnants of Inanna’s ziggurat in Zabalam)

12 lines: the house of Inana in Zabalam.

2nd Hymn

          O Ulmaš, upper land, …… of the Land, terrifying lion battering a wild bull,

net spreading over an enemy, making silence fall upon a rebel land on which,

as long as it remains in submissive, spittle is poured!

1c - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo  (Inanna stele artifact, alien high-tech weaponry atop her Leo – zodiac symbol)

House of Inana of silver and lapis lazuli, a storehouse built of gold,

your princess is an arabu bird, the Mistress of the Niĝin-ĝar.

Arrayed in battle, jubilantly (?) beautiful, ready with the seven maces, washing her tools for battle,

opening the door of battle and ……, the extremely wise one of heaven,

2d - Inanna Wars Against Marduk 2o-inanna-goddess-of-love-war

         (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War, standing as victorious warrior atop ziggurat temples in many cities; also depicted naked on hundreds of artifacts)

Inana, has erected a house in your precinct,

O house Ulmaš, and taken her seat upon your dais.

           12 lines: the house of Inana (Inanna) in Ulmaš.