Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

E-kur (Enlil’s House) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


(E-kur = Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur, Earth Colony Command Central)


Ninlil, righteous woman of Enlil, you dwell in the Ki-ur (‘holy of holies’).”


1-13. The great house is as great as a mountain.

The house of Enlil is as great as a mountain.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur

(E-kur, Enlil‘s & Ninlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur, top structure was added in 1900 by American archaeologists)

The (mud-brick-built) house of Ninlil is as great as a mountain.

The bedchamber is as great as a mountain.

The house which knows no daylight (electricity?) is as great as a mountain.

The house at the Lofty Gate is as great as a mountain.

The house at the Gate of Well-being is as great as a mountain.

The courtyard of Enlil is as great as a mountain.

The ursaĝ-galama is as great as a mountain.

The holy Renowned Gate is as great as a mountain.

The Gate From Which Grain Is Never Diverted is as great as a mountain.

The Ubšu-unkena is as great as a mountain.

The Ĝa-ĝiš-šua is as great as a mountain.


14-27. The house of Ninlil is as great as a mountain.

The gate Kan-innamra is as great as a mountain.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth (Enlil‘s Earth Colony Command Central / “Great Mountain” of mud brick)

The E-itida-buru is as great as a mountain.

The courtyard of the Egal-ma is as great as a mountain.

The lofty E-itida-buru is as great as a mountain.

The Entum-galzu is as great as a mountain.

The Innam-gidazu is as great as a mountain.

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.  (Nannar / Suen, Enlil‘s son, patron god of Ur, home of Biblical High-Priest Terah & son Abraham)

The Suen (Nannar / Sin) Gate is as great as a mountain.

The Du-kug, the holy place, is as great as a mountain.

The field of E-dima is as great as a mountain.

The Ane-ĝara is as great as a mountain.

The Ašte, the pure place, is as great as a mountain.

The E-tilla-ma is as great as a mountain.

The Ĝa-apina is as great as a mountain.


         28. Sa-gida.

         29. He declares: ‘Heavenward (?)!’

         30. Its ĝišgiĝal.


31-41. For him who declares it, for him who declares it, the house comes forth like the daylight.

For him who declares that he is of the mountain, the house comes forth like the daylight.

For him who declares that he is of the house of Enlil, the house comes forth like the daylight.

For him who declares that he is of the house of Ninlil, the house comes forth like the daylight.

For him who declares that he is of the house of Ninurta, the house comes forth like the daylight,

for him who declares that he is of the house of the princely son (Enlil, heir to Anunnaki throne).


          42. Kirugu.


              (inside the ziggurat of Enlil & Ninlil)

43-52. The house towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars.

The house of Enlil towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars.

The house of Ninlil towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars.

The courtyard of Enlil towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars.

The courtyard of Ninlil towers high in full grandeur; in its midst is a mountain of aromatic cedars.


          53. Sa-ĝara.

          54. …… rejoice …….

          55. Its ĝišgiĝal.


56-68. Its king is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth.

             (Ninurta & father Enlil, the giant Earth Commander, father Anu rules heaven / Nibiru, son Enlil rules Earth)

The hero Ninurta is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth.

The offspring (?) of Ninlil is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth.

The lord, the hero (?) of the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur),

is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth.

The offspring (?) of Enlil is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth.

Lord Ašimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth.

2bc-nanna-his-symbol  (Nannar / Biblical El, patron god over Ur, symbolized as the Moon Crescent God of then & now)

The princely son of the E-kur is worthy of Enlil the king in the true house of youth.


          69. …… (This rubric was probably omitted accidentally)

          70. He is the favorite of Enlil.

71. Its ĝišgiĝal.

Enlil in E-Kur

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


Enlil‘s commands are by far the loftiest, his words are holy, his utterances are immutable!

The fate he decides is everlasting, his glance makes the mountains anxious,

his …… reaches into the interior of the mountains.

 (King of Nibiru Anu‘s son of the “double seed” law of succession to kingship, his royal heir)  

All the gods of the earth bow down to father Enlil (Earth Colony Commander),

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur  (Enlil‘s lofty Earth Colony Command Central / residence in Nippur, top of structure on left was added by American archaeologists around 1900)

who sits comfortably on the holy dais, the lofty dais,

to Nunamnir (Enlil), whose lordship and princeship are most perfect.


The Anunna (Anunnaki) gods enter before him and obey his instructions faithfully.

The mighty lord, the greatest in heaven and earth, the knowledgeable judge,

          the wise one of wide-ranging wisdom, has taken his seat in the Duranki (“Bond Heaven and Earth”) ,

          3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s home on Earth, away from his home on planet Nibiru)

and made the Ki-ur (Enlil‘s residence in Nippur), the great place, resplendent with majesty.

He has taken up residence in Nibru (Nippur), the lofty bond between heaven and earth (Communication Center).


3ad - Nippur with some excavation  (Nippur mud brick-built ruins in excavation)

The front of the city is laden with terrible fearsomeness and radiance,

its back is such that even the mightiest god does not dare to attack,

and its interior is the blade of a sharp dagger, a blade of catastrophe.

For the rebel lands it is a snare, a trap, a net.


It cuts short the life of those who speak too mightily.

It permits no evil word to be spoken in judgment.

……, deception, inimical speech, hostility, impropriety, ill-treatment, wickedness, wrongdoing,

looking askance, violence, slandering, arrogance, licentious speech,

egotism and boasting are abominations not tolerated within the city.


The borders of Nibru (Nippur) form a great net, within which the hurin eagle spreads wide its talons.

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net (earthlings caught in the alien high-tech net of Ninurta‘s)

The evil or wicked man does not escape its grasp.

In this city endowed with steadfastness, for which righteousness and justice have been made a lasting possession,

and which is clothed in pure clothing on the quay,

the younger brother honors the older brother and treats him with human dignity;

people pay attention to a father’s word, and submit themselves to his protection;

the child behaves humbly and modestly towards his mother and attains a ripe old age.


In the city, the holy settlement of Enlil, in Nibru (Nippur), the beloved shrine of father Great Mountain,

he has made the dais of abundance, the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence), the shining temple, rise from the soil;

he has made it grow on pure land as high as a towering mountain.

5c - unknown goddess, Utu, & Enlil

  (goddess Aya with dinner, & her spouse Utu climbing the ziggurat / “Great Mountain”, to Enlil on his throne in the E-kur)

Its prince, the Great Mountain, father Enlil, has taken his seat on the dais of the E-kur , the lofty shrine.

No god can cause harm to the temple’s divine powers (alien technologies).

Its holy hand-washing rites are everlasting like the earth.

Its divine powers are the divine powers of the Abzu (Enki‘s domain): no one can look upon them.

Its interior is a wide sea which knows no horizon.

In its …… glistening as a banner, the bonds and ancient divine powers (alien tech) are made perfect.

Its words are prayers, its incantations are supplications.

Its word is a favorable omen ……, its rites are most precious.


At the festivals, there is plenty of fat and cream; they are full of abundance.

Its divine plans bring joy and rejoicing, its verdicts are great.

5f - Enlil & Enki drinking, & on boat  (feasting artifact of gods in Mesopotamia)

Daily there is a great festival, and at the end of the day there is an abundant harvest.

The temple of Enlil is a mountain of abundance; to reach out, to look with greedy eyes, to seize are abominations in it.

The lagar priests of this temple whose lord has grown together with it are expert in blessing;

its gudu priests of the Abzu are suited for lustration rites; its nuec priests are perfect in the holy prayers.


7a - when the gods did the work before man  (when the alien Anunnaki gods did the work, prior to “modern man”)

Its great farmer is the good shepherd of the Land, who was born vigorous on a propitious day.

Farming - plow & seed in Sumer  Farming - early man feeding the gods

The farmer, suited for the broad fields, comes with rich offerings; he does not …… into the shining E-kur.

1aa - cities along Tigris & Euphrates Rivers

  (Sumer, land between the Rivers Euphrates & Tigris, the “Eden”, designed by Enlil)

Enlil, when you marked out the holy settlements, you also built Nibru, your own city (in the middle of them).
3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 3ac - Nippur ground level

     (E-kur, mud-brick-built mountain / ziggurat temple residence of alien gods Enlil & equal spouse Ninlil)

You …… the Ki-ur , the mountain, your pure place (Anunnaki Earth Colony Command Central).

You founded it in the Duranki , in the middle of the four quarters of the earth.

Its soil is the life of the Land, and the life of all the foreign countries.

Its brickwork is red gold, its foundation is lapis lazuli (blue-hued gem stone).

You made it glisten on high in Sumer as if it were the horns of a wild bull.

It makes all the foreign countries tremble with fear.


At its great festivals, the people pass their time in abundance.

            Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755 (Ninhursag, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, mother to Enlil‘s son & heir Ninurta)

Enlil, holy Urac (Ninhursag) is favored with beauty for you; you are greatly suited for the Abzu, the holy throne;

you are fresh yourself in the deep underworld, the holy chamber.

Your presence spreads awesomeness over the E-kur, the shining temple, the lofty dwelling.

Its fearsomeness and radiance reach up to heaven, its shadow stretches over all the foreign lands,

and its crenelation reaches up to the midst of heaven.

All lords and sovereigns regularly supply holy offerings there, approaching Enlil with prayers and supplications.


6e - Biblical Able, Dumuzi the shepherd, & Enlil  (Enlil in the “Eden”, where farming & sheep-herding by mankind began)

Enlil, if you look upon the shepherd favorably, if you elevate the one truly called in the Land,

then the foreign countries are in his hands, the foreign countries are at his feet!

Even the most distant foreign countries submit to him.

He will then cause enormous incomes and heavy tributes, as if they were cool water, to reach the treasury.

4 - Nippur Temples  (Nippur ruins, constructed of mud bricks so strong, they could stand end upon end to the moon without crumbling, lasting thousands – tens of thousands of years)

In the great courtyard he will supply offerings regularly.

Into the E-kur , the shining temple, he will bring …….

Enlil, faithful shepherd of the teeming multitudes, herdsman, leader of all living creatures,

has manifested his rank of great prince (Anu‘s heir), adorning himself with the holy crown.


As the Wind of the Mountain occupied the dais, he spanned the sky as the rainbow.

 (Enlil traverses the skies in sky-disc, scanning Earth Colony)

Like a floating cloud, he moved alone.

He alone is the prince of heaven, the dragon of the earth.

The lofty god of the Anunna himself determines the fates.

No god can look upon him.


5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes (Ninlil on shore, Enlil, & their son Nusku)

His great minister and commander Nusku learns his commands and his intentions from him,

consults with him and then executes his far-reaching instructions on his behalf.

He prays to him with holy prayers and divine powers (alien technologies).

Without the Great Mountain Enlil, no city would be built, no settlement would be founded;

no cow-pen would be built, no sheepfold would be established;

no king would be elevated, no lord would be given birth;

no high priest or priestess would perform extispicy; soldiers would have no generals or captains

no carp-filled waters would …… the rivers at their peak;

the carp would not …… come straight up from the sea, they would not dart about.


The sea would not produce all its heavy treasure, no freshwater fish would lay eggs in the reedbeds,

no bird of the sky would build nests in the spacious land; in the sky the thick clouds would not open their mouths;

on the fields, dappled grain would not fill the arable lands, vegetation would not grow lushly on the plain;

in the gardens, the spreading trees of the mountain would not yield fruits.


Without the Great Mountain, Enlil, Nintud (Ninhursag) would not kill, she would not strike dead;

2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc (Ninhursag, Anu‘s daughter, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, Chief Medical Scientist)

no cow would drop its calf in the cattle-pen, no ewe would bring forth …… lamb in its sheepfold;

the living creatures which multiply by themselves would not lie down in their ……;

the four-legged animals would not propagate, they would not mate.


Enlil, your ingenuity takes one’s breath away!

By its nature it is like entangled threads which cannot be unraveled, crossed threads which the eye cannot follow.

Your divinity can be relied on.

You are your own counselor and adviser, you are a lord on your own.

Who can comprehend your actions

No divine powers are as resplendent as yours.

No god can look you in the face.


1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Enlil, heir to planet Nibiru with their One-World-Order, & Commander of Earth Colony)

You, Enlil, are lord, god, king.

You are a judge who makes decisions about heaven (planet Nibiru) and earth (colony).

4 - Anu's abode on Nibiru - Heaven  (Gates of Heaven / Planet Nibiru to Lord Anu, & winged eagle-headed pilots)

Your lofty word is as heavy as heaven, and there is no one who can lift it.

The Anunna (Anunnaki alien) gods…… at your word.

Your word is weighty in heaven, a foundation on the earth.

In the heavens, it is a great ……, reaching up to the sky.

On the earth it is a foundation which cannot be destroyed.

When it relates to the heavens, it brings abundance: abundance will pour from the heavens (supplies to Earth).

When it relates to the earth, it brings prosperity: the earth will produce prosperity.

2b - Enlil, parent in-laws Haia, Nisaba, & spouse Ninlil

          (Enlil,  father-in-law Haia, mother-in-law Nisaba, equal spouse Ninlil, &    unidentified)

Your word means flax, your word means grain.

Your word means the early flooding, the life of the lands.

It makes the living creatures, the animals which copulate and breathe joyfully in the greenery.

You, Enlil, the good shepherd, know their ways. …… the sparkling stars.

            4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse (Ninlil, Enlil‘s equal in authority spouse)

You married Ninlil, the holy consort, whose words are of the heart,

her of noble countenance in a holy ma garment, her of beautiful shape and limbs, the trustworthy lady of your choice.

Covered with allure, the lady who knows what is fitting for the E-kur ,

whose words of advice are perfect, whose words bring comfort like fine oil for the heart,

 (giant gods Adad, father Enlil & mother Ninlil)

who shares the holy throne, the pure throne with you, she takes counsel and discusses matters with you.

You decide the fates together (equal rulers) at the place facing the sunrise.

Ninlil, the lady of heaven and earth, the lady of all the lands, is honored in the praise of the Great Mountain.

Prominent one whose words are well established, whose command and support are things which are immutable,

whose utterances take precedence, whose plans are firm words, Great Mountain, father Enlil, your praise is sublime.

Enlil Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin’s Books


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!))

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

The gods sorted out their responsibilities when:

         “The gods had clasped hands together,…”

Had cast lots and had divided.

         “Anu then went up to Heaven;

         To Enlil the Earth was made subject.

         The seas, enclosed as with a loop,

         They had given to Enki, the Prince of Earth …”


Another version, Akkadian states:

         “The gods clasped their hands together, then cast lots and divided:

         Anu to heaven went up;

         To Enlil the Earth was made subject;

         That which the sea as a loop encloses, they gave to the prince Enki.

         To the Abzu Enki went down, assumed the rulership of the Abzu…”


A praise to Enlil:

         “In Heaven–he is the Prince; on Earth–he is the Chief…”


        “Enlil, Whose command is far reaching;

         Whose “word” is lofty and holy;

         Whose pronouncement is unchangeable;

         Who decrees destinies unto the distant future…. “


        “The Gods of Earth bow down willingly before him;

         The Heavenly gods who are on Earth Humble themselves before him;

         They stand by faithfully, according to instructions… “


        “ENLIL, tea Lord who decided to produce what is useful

         ENLIL, tea Lord whose decisions are immutable,

         imagined the separate Sky from the Earth

         When the Sky had been placed far away from the Earth (Ki)

         When Earth tea had been separated from Sky tea

         When the name of Man had been found,

         When AN (Anu) had brought down the Sky

         When ENLIL had gathered the ground…

         ENLIL germinated the ground with the seed of the country…”

Enlil was Anu’s heir-apparent, above all other gods.

        “No cities would be built, no settlements founded;

         No stalls would be built, no sheepfolds erected;

         No king would be raised, no high priest born…”


         “Enlil, When you marked off divine settlements on Earth,

         Nippur you set up as your very own city.

         The city of Earth, the lofty,

         Your pure place whose water is sweet.

         You founded the Dur-An-Ki (bond heaven-earth)

         In the center of the four corners of the world…”


Another version states:

        “He perfected the procedures, the divine ordinances;

         Established five cities in perfect places,

         Called them by name,

         Laid them out as centers.

         The first of these cities, Eridu,

         He granted to Nudimmud (Enki), the pioneer…”


A Sumerian psalm states:

        “Lord who knows the destiny of the Land, trustworthy in his calling;

         Enlil who knows the destiny of Sumer, trustworthy in his calling;

         Father Enlil, Lord of all the lands;

         Father Enlil, Lord of the Rightfull Command;

         Father Enlil, Shepherd of the Black-Headed Ones….

         From the Mountain of Sunrise to the Mountain of Sunset,

         There is no other Lord in the land; you alone are King …”


Enlil meets the goddess who later becomes his wife. She is bathing in Nippur’s stream when:

         “The shepherd Enlil who decrees the fates,

         The Bright-Eyed One, saw her.

         The lord speaks to her of intercourse; she is unwilling.

         Enlil speaks to her of intercourse;

         She is unwilling:

         ‘My vagina is too small,

         It knows no copulation;

         My lips are too little,

         They know not kissing.’…”


After Enlil raped her and news reach other gods, a cry rang out:

        Enlil, immoral one! Get thyself out of the city!…”


Inanna once boasted:

         Enlil himself fastened the divine ME-attire about my body…”


Enlil said to her:

         “You have lifted the ME,

         You have tied the ME to your hands,

         You have gathered the ME,

         You have attached the ME to your breast….

         O Queen of all the ME, O radiant light

         Who with her hand grasps the seven ME …”

Soon they too began to clamor for the slave workers, the “creatures of bright countenance” but with thick black hair:

         “The Anunnaki stepped up to Enlil...

         Black-headed Ones they were requesting of him,

         To the Black-headed people to give the pickaxe to hold…”

Enlil ordered the expulsion of The Adam—the Earthling—from the E.Din (“The Abode of the Righteous Ones”). No longer confined to the settlements of the Anunnaki, Man began to roam the Earth.

         “And Adam knew Eve his wife,

         and she conceived and bore Cain

         and she bore again his brother Abel.

         The gods were no longer alone on Earth…”


At one time a Sumerian king of Ur complained to the Assembly of the Gods that

         Enlil did give the kingship to a worthless man…

         who is not of Sumerian seed…”

Pyramid Wars:

On one side was Ninurta, Adad, and soon joined by Sin, and then later on by Inanna / Ishtar; on the opposing side are listed Nergal, a god referred as the “Mighty, lofty One”–Ra / Marduk—and the “God of two Great Houses” (the two Great Pyramids of Giza), (Horus) who had tried to escape, camouflaged in a ram’s skin.

Ninhursag took the surrender offer of Enki’s to Enlil. She met him in the presence of Adad (while Ninurta remained on the battlefield). “O hear my prayers!” she begged the two gods…

         “Presenting himself there, to the Mother,…”


         “Adad thus said:

         ‘We are expecting victory.

         The enemy forces are beaten.

         The trembling of the land he could not withstand’…”


Adad said, let her call discussions on the basis that the Enlilites are about to win:

         “Get up and go—talk to the enemy.

         Let him attend the discussions so that the attack be withdrawn.”


Enlil, in less forceful language, supported the suggestion:

         “Enlil opened his mouth;

         In the assembly of the gods he said:

         ‘Whereas Anu at the mountain the gods assembled,

         warfare to discourage, peace to bring,

         and has dispatched the Mother of the Gods to entreat with me–

         Let the Mother of the Gods be an emissary’…”


Turning to his sister (Ninhursag), he said in a conciliatory vein:

         “Go, appease my brother!

         Raise unto him a hand for Life;

         From his barred doorway, let him come out!…”


Doing as suggested, Ninhursag

         his brother went to fetch, put her prayers before the god…”


She assured him that his safety, and that of his sons, was assured:

         “by the stars she gave a sign.”


As Enki hesitated she said to him tenderly:

         “Come, let me lead you out…”

         “And as he did, he gave her his hand…”

She conducted him and other defenders of the Great Pyramid to the Harsag, her abode. Ninurta and his warriors watched…

We learn from the continuing ancient chronicle that Ninhursag first went with her idea of stopping the fighting and convening a peace conference to Enlil’s camp.

The Enlilite’s first reaction…was to accuse her of giving aid and comfort to the “demons”.” Ninhursag denied the accusation:

         “My House is pure,…”

she answered. But a god whose identity is unclear challenged her sarcastically:

         Is the House which is loftier and brightest of all…”–

the Great Pyramid—also “pure”?

         “Of that I cannot speak…”

Ninhursag answered;

         “its brilliance Gibil is soldiering…”

…a ceremony of symbolic baptism making Ninhursag welcome again in Mesopotamia. Enlil touched her with his “bright scepter,” and the

         “power of her was not overthrown..”

But then Enlil agreed saying to her:

         “Go, appease my brother…”


Ninhursag performed a symbolic ceremony of her own. She lighted seven fires, one each for the gathered gods: Enki and his two sons: Enlil and his three sons (Ninurta, Adad, and Sin). She uttered an incantation as she lit each fire:

         “A firery offering to Enlil of Nippur…

         to Ninurta

         to Adad...

         to Enki, coming from the Abzu…

         to Nergal, coming from Meslam…”


By nightfall the place was ablaze:

         “as sunlight was the great light set off by the goddess…”


Ninhursag then appealed to the wisdom of the gods and extolled the virtues of peace:

         “Mighty are the fruits of the wise god;

         the great divine river to his vegetation shall come…

         `its overflowing will make (the land) like a garden of god…”

         “Enki addressed to Enlil words of lauding:

         ‘O one who is foremost among the brothers,

         Bull of Heaven, who the fate of Mankind holds:

         In my lands, desolation is wide spread;

         All the dwellings are filled with sorrow by your attacks’…”


…the territorial disputes be brought to and end and the lands rightfully belonging to the Enlilites and the people of the line of Shem be vacated by the Enkites. Enki agreed to cede forever these territories:

        “I will grant thee the rulers position in the gods’ Restricted Zone;

         The Radiant Place, in thy hand I will entrust! …”


In so ceding the Restricted Zone (the Sinai peninsula with its spaceport) and the Radiant Place (the site of Mission Control Center, the future Jerusalem) Enki had a firm condition…the sovereignty of Enki and his descendants over the Giza complex had to recognized for all time.

Enlil agreed but…sons of Enki who had brought about the war and used the Great Pyramid for combat…be barred from ruling over Giza…or the whole of Lower Egypt. Enki agreed.

         “For the formidable House Which is Raised Like a Heap…”


he appointed the prince who is like a full-grown ibex–…and commanded him to guard the Place of Life.

         “He then granted the young god the exalted title NIN.GISH.ZI.DA

         (Lord of the Artifact of Life)…”


As one reads the ancient words it…laid the plans for the manner in which the lands would be settled by mankind! Enki:

         “before the feet of the adversary (Enlil) laid the cities that were allotted him…”


Enlil, in turn,

         “before the feet of his adversary (Enki) the land Sumer he laid out…”


…and he, Enki, was given back the site of Eridu, the hallowed place of his first Earth Station. Accepting the condition, Enlil said:

         “In my land, let your abode become everlasting;

         from the day that you shall come into my presence,

         the laden table shall exhale delicious smells for thee.”

With all these matters settled, Enki and his sons departed for their domains.


On the apparent advise of Ninlil, Shu-Sin built for the divine couple

         “a great touring boat, fit for the largest rivers…

         He decorated it perfectly with precious stones.

         He then placed the touring boat in the wide basin

         facing Ninlil’s House of Pleasure…”


        “When Enlil heard (all this)

         From horizon to horizon he hurried,

         From south to north he traveled;

         Through the skies, over earth he hurried,

         To greatly rejoice with his beloved queen, Ninlil…”


But the very last lines refer to

         Ninurta, the great warrior of Enlil, who befuddled the Intruder,…”


apparently after “an inscription, an evil inscription” was discovered on an effigy in the boat, intended perhaps to place a curse on Enlil and Ninlil.

…a total solar eclipse…the oracle priests of Nippur could not allay Shu-Suen’s anxiety; it was, they said in their written message, an omen

         “to the king who rules the four regions;

          his wall will be destroyed, Ur will become desolate…”


Tower of Babel Tale:

         “The thoughts…”

of this god’s heart

         “were evil; against the Father of the Gods (Enlil) he was wicked…”


To achieve his evil purpose

         “the people of Babylon he corrupted to sin,…”

         “small and great to mingle on the mound…”


As the sinful work came to the attention of

         “the Lord of the Pure Mound to Heaven and on Earth spoke…

         He lifted his heart to the Lord of the Gods,

         Anu, his father; to receive a command his heart requested.

         At that time he also lifted up (his heart? Voice?) to Damkina (Enki’s spouse)…”


She was the mother of Marduk; so all the clues point to him as the instigator…Damkina stood by his side:

         “With my son I rise…”


The incomplete verse that follows has her stating that “his number” his numerical rank-status?–was at issue.

Enlil’s efforts to talk the rebellious group out of their plans, taking himself up in a Whirlwind,

         Nunamnir (Enlil) from the heaven to the earth spoke;

         (but) by his path they did not go; violently they fronted against him…”


When Enlil

         saw this, to earth he descended…”


          “when a stop he did not make of the gods,…”


he had no choice but to resort to force:

         “To their stronghold tower, in the night, a complete end he made.

         In his anger, a command he also poured out:

         To scatter abroad was his decision,

         He gave a command their counsels to confuse….their course he stopped…”


The ancient Mesopatamian scribe ended the tale of the Tower of Babel with a bitter memory: Because they

         “against the gods revolted with violence,

         violently they wept for Babylon; very much they wept…”


The biblical version also names Babel (Hebrew for Babylon)…original Akkadian—Bab-Illi–it meant “Gateway of the Gods”, the place by which the gods were to enter and leave Sumer.

Enki spoke out strongly against the idea, urging steps to stop Nergal, for the use of the weapons, he pointed out,

         “the lands will make desolate, the people will make perish…”


Nannar and Utu wavered as Enki spoke, but Enlil and Ninurta were for decisive action. And so with the Council of the Gods in disarray, the decision was left to Anu.

Nergal had already ordered the priming of “the seven awesome weapons” with their “poisons.”,

         Anu, lord of the gods, on the land had pity…”


It was then that Ninurta, attempting to dissuade Nergal from indiscriminate annihilation, used words identical to those attributed in the Bible to Abraham when he tried to have Sodom spared:

         “Valiant Era (Nergal),

         Will you the righteous destroy with the unrighteous?

         Will you destroy those who have against you sinned

          together with those who against you have not sinned?…”


The two gods argued back and forth on the extent of the destruction. More than Ninurta, Nergal was consumed by personal hatred:..he shouted

         “I shall annihilate the son (Nabu), and let the father (Marduk) bury him;

         then I shall kill the father, let no one bury him…”


Ninurta finally swayed Nergal.

         “He heard the words spoken by Ishum (Ninurta);

          the words appealed to him as fine oil…”


Agreeing to leave alone the seas, to leave Mesopotamia out of the attack, he formulated a modified plan: the destruction will be destroy the cities where Nabu might be hiding…to deny Marduk the greatest prize—the Spaceport,

         “the place from where the Great Ones ascend…”


         “From city to city an emissary I will send;

         The son, seed of his father, shall not escape;

         His mother shall cease her laughter…

         To the place of the gods, access he shall not have:

         The place from where the Great Ones ascend I shall upheaval…”


Wasting no more time, Nergal then urged Ninurta that the two of them go at once into action:

         “Then did the hero Erra go ahead of Ishum, remembering his words;

         Ishum too went forth, in accordance with the word given,

         a squeezing in his heart…”


Their first target was the Spaceport, its command complex hidden in the “Mount Most Supreme,” its landing fields spread in the adjoining great plain:

         Ishum to Mount Most Supreme set his course;

         The Awesome Seven, (weapons) without parallel, trailed behind him.

         At the Mount Most Supreme the hero arrived;

         He raised his hand–the mount was smashed;

         The plain by the Mount Most Supreme he then obliterated;

         in its forests not a tree-stem was left standing…”


So with one nuclear blow the Spaceport was obliterated…Now it was the turn of Nergal…Guiding himself through the Sinai peninsula to the Canaanite cities by following the King’s Highway, Erra upheavaled them.

The words employed by the Erra Epic” are almost identical to those used in the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah:

         “Then, emulating Ishum, Erra the King’s Highway followed.

         The cities he finished off, to desolation he overturned them.

         In the mountains he caused starvation, their animals he made perish…”


The verses that follow may well describe the creation of the new southern portion of the Dead Sea…:

         “He dug through the sea, its wholeness he divided.

         That which lives in it, even the crocodiles he made wither.

         As with fire he scorched the animals, banned its grains to become as dust…”


We find descriptions and recollections of the nuclear upheaval in other texts as well:

         “Lord, bearer of the Scorcher that burnt up the adversary;

         Who obliterated the disobedient land;

         Who withered the life of the Evil Word’s followers;

         Who raised stones and fire upon the adversaries…”


In a Babylonian text in which one king recalls the momentous events that had taken place “in the reign of an earlier king.”

        “At that time, in the reign of a previous king, conditions changed.

         Good departed, suffering was regular.

         The Lord (of the gods) became enraged, he conceived wrath.

         He gave the command: the gods of that place abandoned it…

         The two, incited to commit the evil, made its guardians stand aside;

         its protectors went up to the dome of heaven…”


The “Khedorlaomer Text”, which identifies the two gods by their epithets as Nergal and Ninurta, tells it this way:

         Enlil, who sat alone in loftiness, was consumed with anger.

         The devastators again suggested evil;

         He who scorches with fire (Ishum / Ninurta)

         and he of the evil wind (Erra / Nergal) together performed their evil.

         The two made the gods flee, made them flee the scorching…”


The target, from which they made the gods guarding it flee, was the Place of the Launching:

The nuclear blackened Sinai peninsula

         “That which was raised towards Anu to launch they caused to wither;

          Its face they made fade away, its place they made desolate…”


Thus was the Spaceport, the prize of which so many Wars of the Gods had been fought, obliterated: the Mount within which the controlling equipment was placed was smashed; the launch platforms were made to fade off the face of the earth; and the plain whose hard soil the shuttle craft had used as runways was obliterated, and not even a tree left standing.

But the deed done by Nergal and Ninurta had not gone unrecorded, for it turned out to have a most profound effect on Sumer, its people, and its very existenceThe nuclear explosion gave rise to an immense wind, a radioactive wind, which began as a whirlwind:

         “A storm, the Evil Wind, went around in the skies…”


The desolation caused by the catastrophe is then described vividly, by such verses as these:

         “Causing cities to be desolate, (causing) houses to become desolate;

         Causing stalls to be desolate, the sheepfolds to be emptied;

         That Sumer’s oxen no longer stand in their stalls,

         that its sheep no longer roam in its sheepfolds;

         That its rivers flow with water that is bitter,

         that its cultivated fields grow weeds, that its steeps grow withering plants…”


In the cities and the hamlets,

         “the mother cares not for her children,

         the father says not ‘O my wife’…

         the young child grows not sturdy on their knee,

         the nursemaid chants not a lullaby…

         kingship has been taken away from the land…”


        “On the Land (Sumer) fell a calamity, one unknown to man:

         One that had never been seen before, one which could not be withstood…”


It was an unseen death,

         “which roams the street, is let loose in the road;

         it stands beside a man–yet none can see it;

         when it enters a house, its appearance is unknown…”


There was no defense against this

         “evil which has assailed the land like a ghost:…

         The highest wall, the thickest walls, it passes as a flood,

         no door can shut it out, no bolt can turn it back;

         through the door like a snake it glides, through the hinge like a wind it blows in.

         Cough and phlegm weakened the chest,

         the mouth was filled with spittle and foam…

         dumbness and daze have come upon them,

         an unwholesome numbness…an evil curse, a headache…

         their spirit abandoned their bodies…”


it was a most gruesome death:

         “The people, terrified, could hardly breathe;

         the Evil Wind clutched them, does not grant them another day…

         Mouths were drenched in blood, heads wallowed in blood…

         The face was made pale by the Evil Wind…”


         “Covered the land as a cloak, spread over it like a sheet…”


Brownish in color, during the daytime

         “the sun in the horizon it obliterated with darkness…”


         “(Girt with dread brilliance it filleth the broad earth) it blocked out the moon:…”


         “the moon at its rising it extinguished…”


Moving from west to east, the deadly cloud–

         “enveloped in terror, casting fear everywhere

         a great wind which speeds high above,

         an evil wind which overwhelms the land…”


It was

         “a great storm directed from Anuit hath come from the heart of Enlil.

         In a single spawning it was spawned…

         like the bitter venom of the gods; in the west it was spawned.

         Bearing gloom from city to city,

         carrying dense clouds that bring gloom from the sky…”


was the result of a

         “lightning flash, from the midst of the mountains it had descended upon the land,

          From the Plain of No Pity it hath come…”


Though the people were baffled, the gods knew the cause of the Evil Wind:

         “An evil blast heralded the baleful storm,

         An evil blast the forerunner of the baleful storm was;

         Mighty offspring, valiant sons were the heralds of the pestilence…”


As soon as the “awesome weapons” were launched from the skies, there was an immense brilliance

         “they spread awesome rays towards the four points of the earth,

         scorching everything like fire…”


         “The storm, in a flash of lightning created, a dense cloud that brings gloom…”


followed by

         “rushing wind gusts…a tempest that furiously scorches the heavens…”

Several texts attest that the Evil Wind, bearing the cloud of death, was caused by gigantic explosions on a day to remember:

         “On that day

         When heaven was crushed and the Earth was smitten,

         its face obliterated by the maelstrom–

         When the skies were darkened and covered as with a shadow…”


Over Sumer, its passage lasting twenty-four hours—a day and a night…as in this…from Nippur:

         “On that day,, on that single day; on that night, on that single night…

         the storm, in a flash of lightning created, the people of Nippur left prostrate…”


The Uruk lament in part

         “The great gods paled at its immensity,

         gigantic rays reach up to heaven (and) the earth tremble to its core…”


As the Evil Wind began to “spread to the mountains as a net,” the gods of Sumer began to flee their beloved cities…Thus

         Ninhursag wept in bitter tears…”


as she escaped from Isin. Nanshe cried,

         “’O my devastated city…’

         her beloved dwelling place was given over to misfortune…”


Inanna hurriedly departed from Uruk, sailing off toward Africa in a “submersible ship” and complaining that she had to leave behind her jewelry and other possessions…Inanna / Ishtar bewailed the desolation of her city and her temple by the Evil Wind

         “which in an instant,

         in a blink of an eye was created against the midst of the mountains,…”


and against which there was no defense…As the

         “loyal citizens of Uruk were seized with terror.

         ‘Rise up! Hide in the steppe!’

         the deities ran off…they took unfamiliar paths…”


        “Thus all the gods evacuated Uruk;

         They kept away from it;

         They hid in the mountains,

         They escaped to the distant plains…”


In Uruk…

         “Mob panic was brought about in Uruk….its good sense was distorted…”

…as the people asked questions:

         “Why did the gods benevolent eye look away?

          Who caused such worry and lamentation?”…


When the Evil Storm passed over,

         “the people were piled up in heaps…a hush settled over Uruk like a cloak…”


Ninki, we learn from The Eridu Lament”, flew away from her city to a safe haven in Africa:

         Ninki, its great lady, flying like a bird, left her city…”

But Enki left Eridu only far enough to get out of the Evil Wind’s way, yet near enough to see its fate:

        “Its lord stayed outside the city…

         Father Enki stayed outside the city…

         for the fate of his harmed city he wept with bitter tears…”


They watched the storm “put its hand” on Eridu. After the

         “evil-bearing storm went out of the city, sweeping across the countryside,…”


Enki surveyed Eridu; he found the city

         “smothered with silence…its residents stacked up in heaps…”


Those who were saved addressed to him a lament:

         “O Enki, thy city has been cursed, made like an alien territory!”…

…and Enki

         “stayed out of his city as though it were an alien city…”


         “Forsaking the House of Eridu,…”


Enki then led

         “those who have been displaced from Eridu…”


to the desert, “towards an inimical land”; there he used his scientific powers to make the “foul tree” edible.

From Babylon, a worried Marduk sent his father, Enki, an urgent message as the cloud of death neared his city:

         “What am I to do?”…

he asked Enki’s advice…and in line with the advice given by the two emissaries to Lot, the people fleeing Babylon were warned

         “neither to run nor to look back…”


They were also told not to take with them any food or beverage, for these might have been “touched by the ghost.”

         Get thee into a chamber below the earth, into a darkness,…”


until the Evil Wind was gone…In Lagash,

         “mother Bau wept bitterly for her holy temple (residence), for her city…”


Though Ninurta was gone, his spouse could not force herself to leave. Lingering behind, “O my city, O my city,” she kept crying; the delay almost cost her her life:

         “On that day, the lady–the storm caught up with her;

         Bau, as if she were mortal–the storm caught up with her…”


In Ur we learn from the lamentations (one of which was composed by Ningal herself) that Nannar and Ningal refused to believe that the end of Ur was irrevocable. Nannar addressed a long and emotional appeal to his father…

         “Ur was granted kingship–it was not granted an eternal reign.

         Since days of yore, when Sumer was founded,

         to the present, when people have multiplied–

         Who has ever seen a kingship of everlasting reign?”…


While the appeals were made, Ningal recalled in her long poem,

         “the storm was ever breaking forward, its howling overpowering all.

         Although of the day I still tremble, of that day’s foul smell we did not flee…”


As night came, “a bitter lament was raised” in Ur, yet the god and goddess stayed on…and Ningal realized that Nannar

         had been overtaken by the evil storm…”

…Only next day, when

          “the storm was carried off from the city

          Ningal, in order to go from her city…hastily put on a garment,…”


and together with the stricken Nannar departed from the city they so loved. As they were leaving they saw death and desolation:

         “the people, like potsherds, filled the city’s streets;

         in its lofty gates, where they were wont to promenade,

         dead bodies were laying about;

         in its boulevards, where the feasts were celebrated,scattered they lay;

         in all of its streets, where they were wont to promenade,

         dead bodies were laying about;

         in its places where the land’s festivities took place, the people lay in heaps.

         The dead bodies, like fat placed in the sun, of themselves melted away…”


Then did Ningal raise her lamentation for Ur…

         “O house of Sin in Ur, bitter is thy desolation…

         O Ningal whose land has perished, make thy heart like water!

         The city has become a strange city, how can one now exist?

         The house has become a house of tears, it makes my heart like water…

         Ur and its temples have been given over to the wind.”…

On the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, only sickly plants grew…

         ‘In the swamps grow sickly-headed reeds that rot in the stench…

         In the orchards and gardens there is no new growth, quickly they waste away…

         The cultivated fields are not hied, no seeds are planted in the soil,

          no songs resound in the fields…”


In the countryside the animals were also affected:

         “On the steppe, cattle large and small became scarce,

         all living creatures came to an end.

         The sheepfolds have been delivered to the wind…

         The hum of the turning churn resounds not in the sheepfold…

         The stalls provide not fat and cheese…

         Ninurta has emptied Sumer of milk…”


         “The storm crushed the land, wiped out everything;

         it roared like a great wind over the land, none could escape it;

         desolating the cities, desolating the houses…

         No one treads the highways, no one seeks out the roads…”


The desolation of Sumer was complete.

The Year of Doom (nuclear holocaust)–2024 B.C.–it was the sixth year of reign for Ibbi-Sin, the last king of Ur...

Enlil Quotes From Texts, Etc.

Enlil = Anu‘s son & heir-apparent, spouse to Ninlil

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Enlil Speaking in the 1st Person:

         “’Is it too late for me to take Ninlil as my wife?’

interrupted Enlil, turning to the Assembly.

He turned then to Ninlil. He knelt graciously in front of her.

‘Will you accept me as your true husband, Ninlil?

Nothing can undo what was done,

and I deserve the hardest punishment for my act,

but I am also honor-bound to set balances right

for what I did to you, my Lady, and my seed.

          I’ll do more than marrying you, Ninlil, …”


          “Ninlil, don’t cross the threshold to the Below‘.

          ‘Have you crossed it?’ she asked instead,

          raising her head to meet his light sky-blue eyes ...”


         “…… Ninurta, having confidence in himself; …… he will be standing;

         the waters will be dried up as if by the sun’s heat;

         …… he will breathe again, he will be standing full of joy.

         I shall cause horrid storms to rise against …… of the Hero Ninurta …….

         …… as for him who resisted (?) the Mountains, he has been amazed by his strength.

         Now I shall give my orders, you are to follow these instructions:

         1 line unclear

         …… in the fields, let him not diminish the population.

         …… let him not cause a lack of posterity.

         Let him not cause to perish the name of all the kinds of species whose destinies I, Enlil, have decreed.”


           Enlil struck out with great ferocity.

           He announced: “A devastating deluge shall be invoked…”


           “Then Enlil went up into the ship.

           He grasped my hand,

           He caused me to go aboard,

           He caused my wife to go aboard,

           He made her to kneel beside me

           He stood there between us,

           He touched our foreheads and blessed us;

           ‘Until now, Ziusudra has been a more mortal

           But from now shall Ziusudra and his wife

           Be like unto us gods.

           Ziusudra shall reside far away –

           At the confluence of the celestial rivers –

           There shall he dwell!’

           And so they took me and made me reside far away, …”


         “‘I, Enlil, am elevated in heaven,

and am the lord of all the divine powers on earth.

         The good fate I have decreed to Lipit-Ectar is something which can never be changed!’…”


         “I am Nunamnir, whose firm commands and decisions are immutable!

         You have made my lofty E-kur shine gloriously, you have raised it high with a brilliant crenelation.

         Trustworthy hero, you have made it shine gloriously in the Land. Ur-Namma, mighty lord,

         may your (?) kingship be unparalleled,

         may your fame spread to heaven’s borders, as far as the foot of the mountains!”


As Enlil:

         “Enlil, son of the Great God An!…”


         “These are the ones who seized power.

The gods cast lots and divided (the Cosmos):

[Anu] went up to [heaven]

[Enlil had] the earth as his subject;

[the lock,] the snare of the sea

[was given] to Enki the wise.

[After Anu] went up to heaven

[and Enki w]ent down [to the ap[su, . . .

(they caused] the Igigi (lesser gods) [to bear the work]. …”


         “In those days, in those distant days,

in those nights, in those remote nights,

in those years, in those distant years;

in days of yore, when the necessary things

had been brought into manifest existence,

in days of yore, when the necessary things

had been for the first time properly cared for,

when bread had been tasted for the first time in the shrines of the Land,

when the ovens of the Land had been made to work,

when the heavens had been separated from the earth,

when the earth had been delimited from the heavens,

when the fame of mankind had been established,

when An (Anu) had taken the heavens for himself,

when Enlil had taken the earth for himself,

         when the nether world had been given to Erec-kigala (Ereshkigal) as a gift; …”


         “Before God Enlil, the Foremost hears his cries.

The gods will be filled with wrath against us for our deed.

          Enlil in the city of Nippur,…”


         “Enlil. He looked with favor at his black-headed people.

Now the Anuna gods stepped forward to him, and did (jal) obeisance to him.

They calmed Enlil with a prayer,

for they wanted to demand (al-dug) the black-headed people from him.

Ninmena (Ninhursag), the lady who had given birth to the ruler,

          who had given birth to the king, now set (aljaja) human reproduction going.

         The leader of heaven and earth, lord Nunamnir (Enlil),

         named the important persons and valued (kal) persons.

He …… these persons, and recruited them to provide for the gods.

Now Enki praised Enlil’s hoe (al), and the maiden Nisaba

         (Enlil’s mother-in-law) was made responsible for keeping records of the decisions…”


         “Enlil also laid plans to bring forth seeds, plants, trees and abundance to the earth.

          His was the Inspiration to fashion the pickaxe and the hoe so that humankind could work the ground…”


         “Surprise made her stop and examine him openly.

He was tall, slight of built and with light-colored eyes

that gleamed in the dim light of the coming dawn.

He seemed to carry no color and yet be the opposite of darkness.

He was Force, Weightless Energy and Sheer Might.

         Ninlil stood just apparently very still…”


         “She started swimming for her life, but Enlil was faster.

In a swift move he lifted her off the river by the waist

and laid her on the raft, standing on top of her.

Ninlil struggled in vain. He was much stronger.

Soon his mouth was in hers,

his hands everywhere along her body, tearing her morning dress.

Then his member entered her vagina,

breaking the sensitive skin that kept her maidenhood intact.

Ninlil released a shout of pain.

         Then Enlil was inside her and moving to a rhythm …”


         the son of Enlil, the god Ickur (Ishkur / Adad), thundering in heaven and earth,…”


         “Nuska (Enlil’s son & minister)!

The Great Mountain Enlil has summoned you to his divine powers.

He has made long life issue gloriously in heaven and earth for you

who were fathered by lord Nunamnir (Enlil); you are his beloved lord.

         He has entrusted the princely divine powers (alien technologies)

         of the E-kur (Enlil’s temple / residence in Nippur),…

         divine powers of the father, of the Great Mountain to you.

         Lord Nuska, summoned by the Prince!…”


        “Nuska, majestic minister of Enlil,… you have been given a majestic name by Ninlil.

         You have been given wisdom by Enki.

         You were born to Enul (Enlil) and Ninul (Ninlil), and so you are united with the lordly seed…”


         “’Minister, you are endowed with princely strength …… the lustration rites.

         You gladden father Enlil’s heart!’

         Praise be to Nuska…”


         “the princely daughter who prospers together with the Great Mountain,

         Šu-zi-ana, the junior wife of father Enlil, has erected a house in your precinct,

         O Du-saĝ-dili, and taken her seat upon your dais.”


        “she who has contended with the Great Mountain Enlil.

          The cow cries aloud to her about her calf and, because of her distress,

          Nintud — mother Nintud— looks for him, mother Nintud, the august lady of Kec,

she who has contended with the Great Mountain Enlil.

         When mother Nintud sat upon the throne-dais on the holy seat of joy,

the seat from which she has made everything numerous,

it was then that the highest divine powers (alien technologies), which are golden,

the glory of the numerous people —

the en priesthood and the kingship — were created for (& by) Enlil.

When Nintud, mother Nintud, sat upon the throne-dais on the seat of joy,

the seat from which she has made everything numerous,

it was then that the highest divine powers (alien technologies),

which are golden, the glory of the numerous people —

the en priesthood and the kingship — were created for (& by) Enlil. …”


          “it is by his Will that the scepter of kingship is conferred to the fair and strong kings to rule over the earth.

          Enlil also laid plans to bring forth seeds, plants, trees and abundance to the earth.

          His was the Inspiration to fashion the pickaxe and the hoe so that humankind could work the ground…”


          the whole universe, the well-guarded people —

          may they all address Enlil together in a single language! …”


          Now when Enlil arrived and saw the boat,

          He waxed wroth,

          He was filled with fury against the heavenly Igigi gods and said:

          What! – Has any mortal escaped?

          No mortal was to survive the destruction (Noah‘s Flood)!’

          Ninurta, God of War, opened his mouth to speak, said to valiant Enlil:

          ‘Who besides the god Enki could devise such a plan?

          The god Enki alone understands every matter.’…”


          “Just then Beletili (Ninhursag) arrived.

          She lifted up the large flies (beads) which Anu had made for his enjoyment(!):

          You gods, as surely as I shall not forget this lapis lazuli around my neck,

          may I be mindful of these days, and never forget them!

          The gods may come to the incense offering, but Enlil may not come to the incense offering,

          because without considering he brought about the Flood and consigned my people to annihilation.’…”


          HumbabaWer is his…..

          Adad the storm is his voice,

          He has the breath of death.

          He was appointed guardian of the Cedar Forest

          By Enlil, son of An, the Great God,

          To terrify all mortals

          Enlil appointed him to be guard,

          To watch the cedars, terrify mortals,

          Weakness grips one who goes down into the Cedar Forest…”


          They entered before Enlil.

          After they had kissed the ground before Enlil,

          they threw the leather bag down, tipped out his head, and placed it before Enlil.

          When Enlil saw the head of Huwawa, he spoke angrily to Gilgamec:

          (instead of lines 181-186, 1 ms. has: They brought it before Enlil and Ninlil.

          When Enlil approached (?), …… went out the window (?), and Ninlil went out …….”


          “Oh Gilgamec! Enlil, the Great Mountain, the father of gods,

          has made kingship your destiny, but not eternal life –…”


          “Let Icme-Dagan, son of Enlil on the king’s pedestal,…”


          “When the house of Enlil, the shrine which assigns the divine powers,

          is made up as for a festival, and Enlil and Ninlil sit there attractively,…

          May they look favorably upon Icme-Dagan, son of Enlil!…”


          “The throne of Enlil is not to be removed from there.

          I, Icme-Dagan, son of Dagan, stood the throne for Enlil my master…”


          “Enlil, king of the foreign lands, chose me, Icme-Dagan, son of Dagan, by extispicy.

          He looked upon me joyfully in E-kur, and spoke well of me to Sumer…”


          Enlil, great in heaven, surpassing on earth, exceptional and wide-reaching in Sumer,

           Nunamnir (Enlil), lord of princes, king of kings!

          He determined a good destiny in the holy city for me, (King) Icme-Dagan, son of Dagan (Enlil).

          He named me with a favorable name even when my seed was inserted into the womb.

          Nintud (Ninhursag) stood by at my birth,

          and she established the office of en (high-priest) for me ……, even when my umbilical cord was cut.

          Enlil, my principal deity, bestowed on me the shepherdship of Sumer,…”


          “I (Ishme-Dagan) am the …… son of Enlil, I am the …… of Ninlil,…

          Daily I shall issue instructions for what my master will have to eat,

           and what I will give to drink, fulfilling the great commands of E-kur:

          thereby I carry out correctly the instructions of my master Enlil…”


          Icme-Dagan ……decorated the chariot with silver, gold, and lapis lazuli for his king, Enlil

           Enlil stepped onto the chariot and embraced mother Ninlil, his spouse.

          He was followed by Ninurta (Enlil’s son), his mighty hero,

          and by the Anuna (Anunnaki gods) who are with Enlil…”


        “Ninurta, the mighty commissioner, has looked after things!

          He stood there before the hero, his provider Icme-Dagan,

          and issued the command to him to completely rebuild the E-kur,

          the most precious shrine! He has restored its ancient property!

          Enlil has ordered Icme-Dagan to restore its ziggurat temple, …”


          Enlil himself has commanded Icme-Dagan that the E-kur should shine like the day…”


          “The one blessed by Enlil ……, Icme-Dagan, the shepherd, …… the son of Enlil…”


          Nudimmud ……. Lord of Eridug ……. Icme-Dagan ……., son of Enlil …….

          …… gives (?) you your instructions …….”


          “May he bestow a long life with vigorous (?) days on Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil!

          May father Enki bestow a long life with vigorous (?) days on (King) Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil!…”


         “It is mother Bau who is to give prince (King) Icme-Dagan,

         the son of Enlil, a life of numerous days…”


         “May the …… of Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, …… be immutable…

         Icme-Dagan, Enlil’s son, the leader? …”


         “the spouse of the king, the woman, the goddess who is worth of the ladyship,

surpassing heaven and earth. I will pay her due homage.

         1 line unclear

…… great divine powers …….

         She cherished Lipit-Ectar, the son of Enlil …”


         “Lipit-Ectar, the prince who is a supporter of yours, the son of Enlil,

         has established justice in Sumer and Akkad, and made the Land feel content…”


                “……, make …… hostile to him bow down for Lipit-Ectar, the son of Enlil! …”


         “I am a king treated with respect, good offspring from the womb.

I am Lipit-Ectar (King Lipit-Ishtar), the (mixed-breed descendant) son of Enlil.

From the moment I lifted my head like a cedar sapling,

I have been a man who possesses strength in athletic pursuits.

As a young man I grew very muscular (?).

          I am a lion in all respects(3 mss. have instead: to the extremes (?)), having no equal…”


        “I am a human god (Lipit-Ectar), the lord of the numerous people.

         I am the strong heir of kingship…

         An placed the great and good crown firmly on my head.

Enlil gave the scepter to me, his beloved son, in the Ki-ur.

          I am what makes Ninlil (Enlil’s spouse) happy: …”


         “As the beloved husband of Inanna,

I lift my head high in the place Unug.

I am a proficient scribe of Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law).

I am a young man whose word Utu confirms.

I am the perfection of kingship.

          I am Lipit-Ectar, Enlil’s son…”


I am Lipit-Ectar, Enlil’s son. I am a king who, as he sits, is fitted for the throne …”


my spouse holy Inanna made firm the foundation of my throne.

She will embrace me forever and eternally.

I will spend all day for the Mistress in the good

(1 ms.: lapis-lazuli (blue-hued gem stone)

bedchamber that fills the heart with joy!

I am Lipit-Ectar, the powerful heir;

I am the king that makes justice prominent.

May my name be called on in all the foreign lands!

I am Lipit-Ectar, Enlil’s son.

It is sweet to praise me…”


You sit down to plentiful food and drink.

You obtain the choicest goods from the Land.

For my king named by Nanna (Nannar), the son of Enlil, Ibbi-Suen,…”


Lord Nunamnir gave to my king (Ur-Nammu) the lofty mace

which heaps up human heads like piles of dust (alien technologies)

in the hostile foreign countries and smashes the rebellious lands;…”


         “Enlil, who ever rivaled him?

         He thought up something of great importance

and he made public what his heart, a mighty river, carried:

the hidden secrets (?) of his holy thought.

The matter is a holy and pure one,

it concerns the divine powers of the E-kur (Enlil’s temple – residence in Nippur),

the fated good brick embedded (?) in the bottom of the abzu,

it is something most important: a trustworthy man will rebuild the E-kur,

thereby acquiring a lasting name.

The son of this trustworthy man will long hold the scepter,

and their throne will never be overthrown.

         To that end, Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) appeared shining in the E-kur,

pleaded to his father Enlil and made him bring a childbearing mother (?);

in the E-duga, Nanna (Nannar), the princely son, asked for the thing to happen.

The en priestess gave birth to the trustworthy man

from his semen placed in the womb.

Enlil, the powerful shepherd, caused a young man to emerge:

a royal child, one who is perfectly fitted for the throne-dais,

         Culgi (Shulgi) the king….the beloved one of Ninlil;

          the one granted authority in the E-kur; the king of Urim (Ur), …”


         “the property of Nanna, the houseborn-slave of the E-kur,

him whom Ninlil named at his birth Culgi, the shepherd of the Land,

         the man whom Enlil knows, the steward of the temple…”


Nunamnir Quotes From Texts

Nunamnir = Enlil, Anu‘s 2nd son & heir

        “Ninlil, the beloved wife of Nunamnir, …”


         “They have told Damu (Bau‘s son), the chief barber (?, a doctor) of Nunamnir,

         healer of the living, to make the foreign countries bow

         at the feet of his father (Ninurta) and mother!…”


forever the majesty of the Great Mountain Nunamnir,

enkara weapon of the universe!

It is his awe-inspiring way! has erected a house in your precinct,…”


          “mother Ninlil, the beloved wife of Nunamnir, has erected a house in your precinct,…”


Lord Air Quotes From Texts

Lord Air = Enlil, Anu‘s son & heir-apparent

         “Ninlil, from her seat, felt her heart melt,

but reason commanded her not to express her feelings openly.

Enlil had accepted her as his equal,

her baby was already acknowledged as Enlil’s and hers firstborn-to-be.

But the fact remained that the young lord Air (Enlil)

         had claimed her through violence, …”


         “Ninlil was the first to recover from the initial shock of Enlil’s vanishing.

She raised from her seat, went to the spot

         where Lord Air had stood until moments ago…”


         “Enlil, Lord Air and Enki‘s beloved older (younger) brother,…”


         “I’ve heard young Enlil, Lord Air,…”


         “Wisdom had finally started to find a tiny space in Enlil’s heart, giving substance to Lord Air…”


         “I am called Ninlil, a Maiden of the Holy House of An, daughter of Haia,

God of the Stores and of the Barley Goddess Numbarshegunu (Nisaba).

I came alone and of my own free will to the Land of No Return

to intercede for the life of my lord, Enlil, the Air god,

         who was sent to the Underworld because of a grave offense he did to myself…”


Bel Quotes From Texts Bel = sometimes Enlil

= sometimes Marduk

As Enlil:

         “If it belongs really to Bêl (Enlil), it would have been marked with the spade…”


         “(O Ninip (Ninurta)) is thy heart;

         a worshipper of Bel (Enlil) whose might upon thy great deity is founded,…”


Marduk As Bel:

         “Cyrus (king of Persia) held the hands of Bel (The Lord) Marduk


        “Nabu, who comes, stands over, and watches. :

         He is the criminal who is with Bel …..

         Because he is with Bel (Marduk).

         Tashmetu (Nabu‘s spouse), who bows down with him.

         She has come to greet him.

         The Lady of Babylon, who does not go to the Akitu temple.

         She is the governess of the temple…”


         “is the criminal who was present with Bel (Marduk).

         They Ashshur (Ashur) ………… they have killed the daughter of Anu ……”


         “an eternal line of kingship, whose rule Bêl (Marduk) and Nabu love,

whose kingship they desire for their hearts’ pleasure…”


Dagan / Dagon Quotes From Texts

Dagan / Dagon = some texts Enlil

= many texts Enki

= rarely Ninurta

god of vegetation, fertility god, half man and half fish

Dagan As Enlil:

         “Enlil, great in heaven, surpassing on earth,

exceptional and wide-reaching in Sumer,

Nunamnir (Enlil), lord of princes, king of kings!

He determined a good destiny in the holy city for me,

(King) Icme-Dagan, son of Dagan (Enlil).

         He named me with a favorable name

even when my seed was inserted into the womb.

Nintud (Ninhursag) stood by at my birth,

and she established the office of en (high-priest) for me ……,

even when my umbilical cord was cut.

         Enlil, my principal deity, bestowed on me the shepherdship of Sumer,…”


         “Enlil, king of the foreign lands, chose me,

Icme-Dagan, son of Dagan, by extispicy.

         He looked upon me joyfully in E-kur, and spoke well of me to Sumer…”


         “Dagan saw his sign and rejoiced.

         Called all the gods and joyfully he spoke:

         ‘The strong one (Ninurta) has indeed slain Anzu on his mountain

          He regained for his own hand the …. of Anu and Dagan…’…”


         “Dagan, the august lord, ……

         the divine powers of heaven and the divine powers of the earth.

         He has chosen Icme-Dagan in the Land, he …….”


         “Then she made Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, the en priest of Unug,

into their guardian — this is what Inana, the lady of heaven and earth, did;

and the great An declared his consent.

         Enlil …….”


         “I, Icme-Dagan,

         I am the …… son of Enlil, I am the …… of Ninlil, …

         Daily I shall issue instructions for what my master will have to eat,

and what I will give to drink, fulfilling the great commands of E-kur:

         thereby I carry out correctly the instructions of my master Enlil. …”


         “Enlil, king of the foreign lands, chose me,

          Icme-Dagan, son of Dagan, by extispicy. …”


            “I (Icme-Dagan) also brought into the temple of Enlil and my lady Ninlil

a copper statue of my own father. …… copper statue of my grandfather.

         I brought out …… statue, and brought it into the temple of Enlil. …”


         “Son born to Dagan (Enlil) (mixed-breed),

elevated lord who increases the people,

Iddin-Dagan, may you look approvingly on your city.

         Balm of the heart who neglects nothing, Enlil rejoices in you. …

         From the womb Dagan (Enlil) decreed that as your destiny.

He has placed your praise in all mouths. …”


         “Enlil has looked at you truly, Iddin-Dagan, he has spoken truly to you.

Enlil has commanded you to keep firm the cosmic bond in Sumer,

to keep the people on the track,

to let Sumer and Akkad relax under your broad protection,

to let the people eat noble food and drink fresh water.

Iddin-Dagan, you are the shepherd in his heart,

         the one whom Enlil has spoken to truly. …”


         “(the residents of) his city asked of Ishtar (Inanna) in the Eanna,

         of Enlil in Nippur, of Dagan (Ninurta) in Tuttul, of Ninhursag in Kish,

         of Enki in Eridu, of Sin in Ur, of Shamash in Sippar,…”


Dagan As Enki:

         “Enlil made his voice heard, and spoke to Dagan…”


         “The far-sighted one made his voice heard and spoke,

         Addressed his words to Anu and Dagan:…”


Elil / Ellilla Quotes From Texts

Elil / Ellilla = Enlil, Anu‘s heir

Enlil As Elil:

         “He founded the stand of Nibiru to mark out their courses,

So that none of them could go wrong or stray.

          He fixed the stand of Ellil (Enlil) and Ea together with it,…


          “The Anunnaki began shoveling.

For a whole year they made bricks for it.

When the second year arrived,

They had raised the top of Esagila in front of (?) the Apsu;

They had built a high ziggurat for the Apsu.

          They founded a dwelling for Anu, Ellil, and Ea likewise…”


Enlil As Elilla:

         “For the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta) the warrior of the god Ellilla,

         Uru-Kagina, the king of Shirpurla-ki, his temple has constructed.

         His palace of Ti-ra-ash he has constructed…”


           “For the god Ellilla the temple of E-adda, his im-sag-ga, he has constructed…”


      Enul Quotes From Texts

Enul = Enlil, Ninul = Ninlil

         “you have been given a majestic name by Ninlil.

           You have been given wisdom by Enki.

           You were born to Enul and Ninul,…”


          Enul and Ninul (Ninlil) assigned the fate, …….

          When together An (Anu) and Enlil had created it, that one resembled …….

          When Ninlil had given it features, that one was fit for …….”

Enlil Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


. Enlil = Sumer (“Lord Of The Command)

. Great Mountain = Sumer

. Lord Air = Sumer

. Nunamnir = Assyrian

. Ellilla = Lagash

. Elil = Babylonian

. Zeus = Greek

. Jupiter = Roman

. Dyaus = Hindu, the Vedas

. Oden = Norsemen

. Heir to Anu‘s throne on Nibiru

. Anu‘s 2nd son born, Enlil was born of Anu‘s sister-wife Antu,

      giving him the crown over older brother Enki, son of Anu & concubine

. Commander of Earth, 7th planet / star entering from outer space

          . only god to appoint “kingship” on Earth. “lowered down from heaven

. keeper of the “Tablets of Destiny”

. Enlil married Ninlil / Sud, saving him from rape charges


          . Shuruppak was Ninlil’s patron city – land of the ruler Utnapishtim / Noah,

                      who retired in the “Land of Dilmun”—“a pure place…a  pure land… a place most bright”

. Enlil known by “ his light sky-blue eyes”

. E-kur = Enlil’s temple – residence in Nippur

. Egalgasesna = Enlil’s temple – residence in Dur-Enlil

            . E-ad-da = temple to Enlil

            . E-du-kug (House of the sheer heap) in Nippur

            . E-Tummal (Tummal House), temple to Ninlil in Nippur

            . E-shenshena temple to Ninlil


Enlil’s sons:

. Ninurta – born on Nibiru of mother & aunt Ninhursag,

       Enlil’s royal heir due to the “double-seed” rule

. Nusku – born of Ninhursag & Enlil, Enlil’s chancellor

. Nannar / Sin born on Earth to mother, Ninlil / Sud (their 1st son)

. Ishkur / Adadborn on Earth to mother, Ninlil / Sud (their 2nd son)


          . Enbilulu the river warden

. Ennugi the sheriff

. Nimada the brother to Ninazu who is sometimes Enlil’s son, sometimes Ereshkigal‘s son

Enlil’s daughters:

. Sandarnunna, married to Nuska, Enlil’s minister

. Ezina-Kusu is sometimes Enlil’s daughter & spouse to Gibil,

          sometimes Enlil’s mother-in-law Nisaba, Ninlil’s mother, grain goddess

. Kusu = Gibil‘s spouse

. 4 unnamed daughters born on Earth of mother Ninlil / Sud


The Elixir of Life, Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


        “’Fetch him the bread of eternal life and let him eat!’

        They fetched him the bread of eternal life, but he would not eat.

         They fetched him the water of eternal life, but he would not drink.

         They fetched him a garment, and he put it on himself.

         They fetched him oil, and he anointed himself.

         An watched him and laughed at him.

            ‘Come Adapa, why didn’t you eat?

          Why didn’t you drink?”

          Didn’t you want to be immortal?

          Alas for downtrodden people!’

            ‘But Enki my lord told me:

        ‘You mustn’t eat! You mustn’t drink!’`…

          ‘Take him and send him back to his earth’ ….”


Then Gilgamesh raised a punting pole and drew the boat to shore.

Utanapishtim spoke to Gilgamesh, saying:

Gilgamesh, you came here exhausted and worn out.

What can I give you so you can return to your land?

I will disclose to you a thing that is hidden, Gilgamesh, a… I will tell you.

There is a plant… like a boxthorn, whose thorns will prick your hand like a rose.

          If your hands reach that plant you will become a young man again.”…


        “He took the plant, though it pricked his hand, …

         Gilgamesh spoke to Urshanabi, the ferryman, saying:

         “Urshanabi, this plant is a plant against decay(!) by which a man can attain his survival(!).

I will bring it to Uruk-Haven, and have an old man eat the plant to test it.

The plant’s name is ‘The Old Man Becomes a Young Man.’

         Then I will eat it and return to the condition of my youth.”


         “Gilgamesh went down and was bathing in the water.

        A snake smelled the fragrance of the plant, silently came up and carried off the plant.

        While going back it sloughed off its casing.’

        At that point Gilgamesh sat down, weeping, …”

          drinking-ninkasi-seal Drinking scene. Bas-relief on a stele from Ugarit (Ras Shamra), Syria (drinking with god)

Elixer of Life

Ceremonial drinking scene on a seal found in the “Great Death Pit” in the Royal Cemetery at Ur. In the top register, left, a man and a woman use straws to drink a liquid, probably beer, from a large jar on a stand between them. On the same level, right, sits a figure, likely female (goddess), raising a cup before a standing figure, possibly a servant. In the lower register, a woman plays a bull-headed lyre, in front of which two dwarves dance. On the far right, three women clap while dancing(?). On the far left, two women, perhaps with musical instruments, stand in front of a man with a staff. Lapis lazuli. Dated ca. 2550-2400 B.C.E.
Drawing © S. Beaulieu, after Aruz 2002: 109 #60c.

Earth Timeline From Zecharia Sitchin (Nephilim Gods From Nibiru On Earth)

The “Earth Chronicles” Time Chart

(by Zecharia Sitchin)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



“When men began to increase in number on the earth

and daughters were born to them,

the sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful,

and they married any of them they chose”…

The Nephilim were on earth in those days – and also afterward –

when the sons of God(s) went to the daughters of men and had children by them.

They were the heroes of old, men of renown”.

Sitchin’s Anunnaki Aliens On Earth, Historical Time-Line Of Events Years Ago

445,000 The Nefilim, led by Enki, arrive on Earth from the Twelfth Planet. Eridu, – Earth Station I,  is established in southern Mesopotamia.

430,000 The great ice sheets begin to recede. A hospitable climate in the Near East.

415,000 Enki moves inland, establishes Larsa.

400,000 The great interglacial period spreads globally. Enlil arrives on Earth, establishes Nippar as Mission Control Center. Enki establishes sea routes to southern Africa, organizes gold-mining operations.

360,000 The Nefilim establish Bad-Tibira as their metallurgical center for smelting and refining.

Sippar, the spaceport, and other cities of the gods are built.

300,000 The Anunnaki mutiny. Man, the “Primitive Worker”, is fashioned by Enki and Ninhursag.

250,000Early Homo sapiens” multiply, spread to other continents.

200,000 Life on Earth regresses during new glacial period.

100,000 Climate warms again. The sons of the gods take the daughters of man as wives.

77,000 Ubartutu / Lamech, a human of divine parentage, assumes the reign in Shuruppak under the patronage of Ninhursag.

75,000 The “accursation of Earth”, a new ice age begins. Regressive types of Man roam Earth.

49,000 The reign of Ziusudra (“Noah”), a “faithful” servant of Enki’s, begins.

38,000 The harsh climate period of the “seven passings” begins to decimate Mankind. Europe’s Neanderthal Man disappears; only Cro-Magnon Man (based in the Near East) survives.

13,000 The Nefilim, aware of the impending tidal-wave that will be triggered by the nearing Twelfth Planet, vow to let Mankind perish. The Deluge sweeps over Earth, abruptly ending the ice age.

Note: The time period of the last 432,000 years represents 120 shars of rule by the Anunnaki. One shar equals 3,600 years, or one Nibiru orbit.

Anunnaki’s physical reign on Earth ended 13,000 years ago with the Great Flood. Kings reigned in their place from then on, with instructions given, and occasional personal visits from the Anunnaki from time to time.


Sky-Ships / Sky-Chariots / Boats of Heaven / Winged Discs, Etc., Text Quotes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

(Enki‘s creation = Enkidu, Enlil‘s creation = Hawawa)


          “Its-tu-ri Same mut-tab ri,” “the winged birds of heaven. …”


The gods now rushing from the gleaming sky,

With blazing weapons carry victory; …”



         “For nine counted periods, Alula was king in Heaven.

         In the ninth period, Anu gave battle against Alula.

         Alula was defeated, he fled before Anu

         He descended to the dark-hued Earth.

         Down to the dark-hued Earth he went;

         On the throne sat Anu …”


         “The gods had clasped hands together,

         Had cast lots and had divided.

         Anu then went up to Heaven;

         To Enlil the Earth was made subject.

         The seas, enclosed as with a loop,

         They had given to Enki, the Prince of the Earth …”


         “he seated Anu (the Skyfather) …”


         “Father An (Anu), the Sky Lord ,…”


         “May the Igigi who are in heaven

          and the Anunnaki who are on Earth, bless you! …”


          “After he had brought the …… forth from the sky,

          he overcame the protective deities.

          He …… and kept it below the horizon. …”


          “Kakka went down the long stairway of heaven …”


          “Adapa, you are to go before king An.

          You will go up to Heaven,

          And when you go up to Heaven,

          When you approach the gate of An, …”


          “When he came up to heaven,

          When he approached the Gate of An, …”

          “’Fetch him the bread of eternal life and let him eat!’

          They fetched him the bread of eternal life, but he would not eat.

          They fetched him the water of eternal life, but he would not drink.

          They fetched him a garment, and he put it on himself.

          They fetched him oil, and he anointed himself.

          An watched him and laughed at him.

            ‘Come Adapa, why didn’t you eat?

          Why didn’t you drink?’

          ‘Didn’t you want to be immortal?

          Alas for downtrodden people!’

            ‘But Enki my lord told me:

          ‘You mustn’t eat! You mustn’t drink!’

Take him and send him back to his earth.’ …”


Men used to eat grass with their mouths like sheep.

In those times, they did not know grain, barley or flax.

An (Anu) brought these down from the interior of heaven …”


          “Šul-a-zida, An‘s (Anu) herdsman (?),

          grasped the cosmic tethering rope in his hands.

          After he had brought the …… forth from the sky,

          he overcame the protective deities.

          He …… and kept it below the horizon …”



         “he spanned the sky as the rainbow.

          Like a floating cloud, he moved alone.

          He alone is the prince of heaven, the dragon of the earth …”


          “Ninlil, you ride across heaven and earth …”


         “’Let us cause them to descend from the Dulkug.’

  At the pure word of Enki and Enlil,

            Lahar and Ashnan descended from the Dulkug …”


         “At that time Enki spoke to Enlil: ‘Father Enlil,

now Sheep and Grain have been created on the Holy Mound,

let us send them down from the Holy Mound.’

Enki and Enlil, having spoken their holy word,

         sent Sheep and Grain down from the Holy Mound …”


         “Your glittering golden sun-disc,

         fastened with leather straps, is the brilliant moonlight,

         shining brightly upon all the lands …”



         “set my heavenly chariot upon a pedestal …”


         “he beamed at his lion-headed weapon,

as it flew up like a bird, trampling the Mountains for him.

It raised itself on its wings to take away prisoner the disobedient,

          it spun around the horizon of heaven to find out what was happening…

          whose wings bear the deluge, the Car-ur (terrible weapons).

What did it gather there …… for Lord Ninurta?

It reported the deliberations of the Mountains,

it explained their intentions to Lord Ninurta, it outlined (?)

          what people were saying about the Asag …”


         “He made a pile of stones in the Mountains.

         Like a floating cloud he stretched out his arms over it …”


         “who brings daylight to the mountains,

……, battering ……,

         ……, who flashes like lightning …”



         “And Rimmon rides triumphant on the air, …”


         “Like Rimmon (Adad) now he flies upon the air, …

         That flash with fire along the roaring skies,

         Around the Sar and seer he furious flies …”


         “Dark tempests fly above from Rimmon‘s (Adad) breath,

         Who hovers o’er them with the gods of death; …”



         “Father Nannar, Lord of Ur

         Whose glory in the sacred Boat of Heaven is…

         Lord, firstborn of Enlil.

         When in the Boat of Heaven thou ascendeth,

         Thou art glorious.

         Enlil hath adorned thy hand

         With a scepter everlasting

         When over Ur in the Sacred Boat thou mountest …”


         “The princely son of the E-kur …….

The king, the holy barge which traverses the sky,

         Nanna, the lord ……, Suen (Nannar / Sin) ……. …”


Ningal, Nannar‘s spouse:

         “if I, birdlike, had stretched my wings,

         and, (like a bird), flown to my city …”


         “Its queen like a bird in fright departed from her city.

Ningal like a bird in fright departed from her city.

All the treasures accumulated in the Land were defiled.

          In all the storehouses abounding in the Land fires were kindled…

          Its queen cried, “Alas, my city (Ur)“, cried, “Alas, my house”.

Ningal cried, “Alas, my city,” cried, “Alas, my house.

As for me, the woman, both my city has been destroyed

and my house has been destroyed.

         O Nanna, the shrine Urim has been destroyed

         and its people have been killed …”


Papsukul, Nannar‘s son:

        “When Papsukul beheld in man’s abodes

The change that spread o’er blasted, lifeless clods,

And heard earth’s wailing through the waning light,

With vegetation passing out of sight,

From the doomed world to Heaven he quickly flies,

         While from the earth are rising fearful cries …”


          To Sin, the moon-god, Pap-su-kul now cries

 O’er Ishtar‘s fate, who in black Hades lies;

 O’er Earth’s dire end, which with Queen Ishtar dies;

          To Hea he appeals with mournful cries:…

          Release our queen! To Hades quickly fly! …”



        “For Ishtar, Anu from the clouds creates

A shining monster with thick brazen plates

And horns of adamant; and now it flies

         Toward the palace, roaring from the skies …”


        “And Ishtar in her car above doth shine.

The blazing standards high with shouts are raised,

As Samas‘ car above grand Sumir blazed.

The march they sound at Izdubar’s command,

And thus they start for King Khumbaba‘s land;

The gods in bright array above them shine,

By Ishtar (Inanna) led, with Samas (Utu), moon-god Sin (Nannar),

On either sidle with Merodac (Marduk) and Bel (Enlil),

And Ninip (Ninurta), Nergal, Nusku (Enlil’s chancellor) with his spell,

The sixty gods on chargers of the skies,

         And Ishtar‘s chariot before them flies …”


         “Inanna…hovering like An …”


         “But holy Inanna had gathered up the divine powers (alien technologies)

          and embarked onto the Boat of Heaven (flying device).

         The Boat of Heaven had already left the quay…

          ‘Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?’

          ‘Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?’

          ‘It has just now reached the holy …….’

          ‘Go now! The fifty giants of Eridug

          are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!’ …”


          “The Enkum are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!…

          but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me…

          The fifty giants of Eridug are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her! …”

          “Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?”

“It has just now reached the UL.MA hill.”

“Go now! The fifty lahama of the subterranean waters

         are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her! …”


         “At the time when Enmerkar in Uruk ruled,

         Nungal, the lion-hearted, was the Pilot

         who from the skies brought Ishtar (Inanna) down

          to the E-Anna (Uruk‘s temple – residence)


         “Lest I make the people fly off from that city

like a wild dove from its tree,

         lest I make them fly around like a bird over its well-founded nest, …”


         “Against the inhabited world they barred the gates…

The Igigi gods surrounded the city with ramparts

Ishtar (Inanna) came down from heaven to seek a shepherd,

And sought for a king everywhere.

Innina (Inanna) came down from heaven to seek a shepherd,

          And sought for a king everywhere …”


         “The great queen of heaven (Inanna),

         who rides upon the awesome me (alien technologies),

         dwelling on the peaks of the bright mountains,

         adorning the dais of the bright mountains — …”


         “Their ruler (i.e. Enmerkar), riding on a storm, Utu‘s (mixed-breed) son,

         the good bright metal, stepped down from heaven to the great earth.

         His head shines with brilliance,

         the barbed arrows flash past him like lightning; …”


         “Her Samkhatu (alien technologies)

         Kharimtu (alien technologies) from the sky,

As gently, lightly as a spirit’s wing

         Oft carries gods to earth while Sedu sing. …”


         “The march they sound at Izdubar‘s command,

And thus they start for King Khumbaba‘s land;

The gods in bright array above them shine,

By Ishtar led, with Samas, moon-god Sin,

On either sidle with Merodac and Bel,

And Ninip, Nergal, Nusku with his spell,

The sixty gods on chargers of the skies,

         And Ishtar‘s chariot before them flies. …”


         “The gods now rushing from the gleaming sky,

         With blazing weapons carry victory; …”


         “And flying with her maids, sped to the skies. …”


         “But oh, friend Izdubar, my King, when I

         From this dear earth to waiting Hades fly, …”

         “With these words from
Gilgamesh in her ears

Eanna (Inanna) did roar and shout, and

Straight to heaven did she fly.

Straight to her father (great-grandfather) Anu,

and her mother Anunna (Antu) too.

‘The king of Uruk has insulted me.

         He mocks my loves, and told of them to everyone.’ …”


         “From heaven down did Eanna (Inanna) come with roar and shout.

On high tower of Uruk did she stand and curse all below.

Woe be to all because of Gilgamesh.

For insult to Eanna by his telling all her myriad ways.

         For insult to Eanna by killing her punisher the Bull of Heaven …”

Eanna swooped downand the haunch she took

         To her temple and Did wail and lament over this haunch. …”


        “When Anu heard her words,

         he placed the nose rope of the Bull of Heaven in her hand.

         Ishtar led the Bull of Heaven down to the earth.

         When it reached Uruk It climbed down to the Euphrates …”


         “The queen in fury from his presence turned,

In speechless rage the palace halls she spurned;

And proudly from the earth swept to the skies;

          Her godly train in terror quickly flies …”


         “Inanna gathered then all the Holy Measures

The Sacred Measures were placed on the Boat of Heaven (Sky Chariot)

         The Boat of Heaven (flew) set off to Uruk …”


         “My warrior who fights by my side,

         Save the Boat of Heaven (Sky Chariot) with the sacred measures! …”

         “fly like a swallow from the window …”

         “Prince Tammuz now again to life restored,

Is crowned in Hades as its King and Lord,

And Ishtar‘s sorrow thus appeased, she flies

         To earth, and fills with light and love the skies …”



        “who put clouds in the sky, the storm which roars in the sky,

as the sunlight giving …… to the earth,

         Ningublaga (Utu), the son of Nanna (Nannar), …”


         “Great Samas once the way of me did ask,

And I forbade him, but the mighty task

He undertook, and crossed the mighty deep,

Where Death’s dark waters lie in wait asleep:

His mighty car of gold swept through the skies,

         With fiery chargers now he daily flies …”


         “The eagle (pilot) said to him, to Etana:

‘My friend, the [ ] are obvious,

          Come, let me take you up to heaven,’…

          When he bore him aloft one league,

The eagle said to him, to Etana:

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now

Examine the sea, look for its boundaries

The land is hills…

The sea has become a stream’.

When he had borne him aloft a second league,

The eagle said to him, said to Etana,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!

The land is a hill’.

When he had borne him aloft a third league,

The eagle said to him, said to Etana,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

‘The sea has become a gardener´s ditch’.

          After they had ascended to the heaven of Anu,

They passed through the gates of Anu, Enlil and Ea,

The eagle and Etana did obeisance together,

At the gate of Sin (Nannar)

          The eagle and Etana did obeisance together …”


         (Another version of this episode):

         “When he had borne him aloft one league,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

‘The land´s circumference is become one fifth of its size.

‘The vast sea is become like a paddock’.

When he had borne him aloft a second league,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

‘The land has become a garden plot [ ],

‘And the vast sea has become a trough’.

When he had borne him aloft a third league,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

‘I looked but could not see the land!

‘Nor were my eyes enough to find the vast sea!

‘My friend, I won´t go up to heaven

         ‘Set me down, let me go off to my city’ …”



The Anunnaki pay due homage:

Lord who rides the great me’s the pure me’s (alien technologies of flight),

Who has charge of the universe, the widespread,

Who received the lofty ‘sun-disk’ (alien flying saucer in Eridu (Enki‘s city)…”


        “Father Enki stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city.

He wept bitter tears.

          For the sake of his harmed city, he wept bitter tears.

          Its lady, like a flying bird, left her city.

          The mother of E-mah, holy Damgalnuna

          (Damkina, Enki‘s spouse), left her city …”


         “Ninki (Damkina, Enki‘s spouse), its great lady,

         flying like a bird, left her city …”


         “When I approached heaven a rain of prosperity poured down from heaven,

         When I approached the earth, there was a high flood, …”


“Your me’s are lofty me’s, unreachable.

Your heart is profound, unfathomable.

The enduring . . , your place where gods give birth, is untouchable like heaven…”



         “Mighty Erra (Nergal), who goes before his army,

         Will shatter his front line and go at this enemy´s side …”



         “He entered into the presence of Thoth (Ningishzidda),

         the twice great, god of magic,

and Thoth gave him the power to change himself into a great winged disk,

a disk that glowed like a ball of fire, with great wings on either side

like the colors of the sky at sunset when the blue shades from dark to light,

          and is shot with gold and flame.

          Men try to copy these hues

when they carve the winged disk above the temple-doors,

or make it into a breast-ornament of gold inlaid

          with turquoise and carnelian and lazuli.

          Thus Horus, as a great winged disk (alien technologies),

          sat on the prow of the Boat of Ra (alien technologies), …”


         “while over them flew the gleaming Disk (alien technologies) watching for Set. …”


        “Then Horus flew back to Ra …”


         “Horus came behind them in the Boat of Ra,

         and his form was the form of a great winged disk (alien technologies);…”


         “The Boat of Ra went against them,

and above the Boat shone the glory of the great winged Disk (alien technologies).

         When Horus saw the enemy gathered together in one place, …”


         “Then Horus of Edfu changed himself into a great winged Disk

          with gleaming pinions outspread, …”


         “and he gave commandment that in every temple throughout the Two Lands

          men should carve the Winged Disk, …”



        “They come! they come! three hundred spirits high,

The heavenly spirits come! the I-gi-gi!

From Heaven’s streams and mouths and plains and vales,

And gods by thousands on the wings of gales.

The spirits of the earth, An-un-na-ci,

         Now join around their sisters of the sky …”


The Bible – Genesis:

         “The Nephilim were on earth in those days – and also afterward –

          when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.

          They were the heroes of old, men of renown (giant mixed-breeds made into the 1st kings)…”



          “THE WATCHERS



Adapa of Eridu:

        Adapa, before the face of Anu the King thou art to go… to heaven

When thou comest up, and when thou approachest the door of Anu,

         At the door of Anu, Tammuz and Gishzida are standing, …”


         “The road to Heaven he made him take, and to Heaven he ascended.

When he came to Heaven, when he approached the door of Anu,

At the door of Anu, Tammuz and Gisbzida are standing.

         When they saw him, ‘Adapa‘, they cried: …”


Enmerkar of Uruk:

          “Their ruler (i.e. Enmerkar), riding on a storm, Utu‘s son,

          the good bright metal, stepped down from heaven to the great earth.

          His head shines with brilliance,

          the barbed arrows flash past him like lightning; …”


Lugalbanda of Uruk:

         “Like the Seven Stormers of Ishkur in a flame

         let me lift myself off, and thunder away! …”


Noah of Shuruppak:

          “The gods were frightened by the Flood,

         and retreated, ascending to the heaven of Anu …”


Assur-nasir-pal of Assyria:

        “The summit of the mountain was like the point of an iron blade,

         and the flying bird of heaven had not swooped upon it …”


Assurnasirpal II of Assyria:

        “Ninip who uplifts my feet. …”


The Qur’an / Koran

2:28 “…then, ascending to the sky, He fashioned it into seven heavens …”

2:49 “We caused the clouds to draw their shadow over you and sent down for you manna and quails, ‘saying: ‘Eat of the good things We have given you. …”


          6:6 “If We sent down to you a Book inscribed on real parchment and …”


6:7 “They ask: ‘Why has no angel been sent down to him?’ If We had sent down an angel, their fate would have been sealed and they would have never been reprieved. If We had made him an angel, We would have given him the semblance of a man, and would have thus added to their confusion …”


6:34 …”But they patiently bore with disbelief and persecution until Our help came down to them …”


6:75 “Thus did We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, so that he might become a firm believer …”


6:86 “We raise whom We will to exalted rank…

We gave him Isaac and Jacob and guided both as We had guided Noah before them. Among his descendants were David and Solomon, Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron; Zacharias and John, Jesus and Elias; and Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot. All these We exalted above the nations as We exalted some of their fathers, their children, and their brothers. We chose them and guided them to a straight path …”


6:111 “If We sent the angels down to them, and caused the dead to speak with them, and ranged all things in front of them, they would still not believe …”

Utu-Hegal Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books

(mixed-breed demigods in teal…)

We read in the inegmatic text that during the Gutian occupation that followed Naram-Sin’s reign, the divine object lay untouched

        “beside the dam-works for the waters…”


         “they knew not how to carry out the rules regarding the divine artifact…”

The object had to remain in its divine place

              “without being opened up,…”


              “not being offered to any god…”


              “the gods who brought the destruction shall make restitution….”

King Utu-Hehal

              “seized the Shuhadaku in its place of resting; into his hand he took it…”


               “the end of the restitution has not yet occurred…”

Unauthorized, Utu-Hegal

                “raised the weapon against the city he was besieging…”

As soon as he had done that, he fell dead.

                “The river carried off his sunken body…“

The Victory of Utu-hegal (Poem of Utu-ḫeĝal)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


          1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)

          1-12. Enlil, the king of all the lands, entrusted Utu-ḫeĝal, the mighty man (Biblical “Heroes of old, men of renown”, “giants“, the 1st kings),

          3e - Anu's Temple in Uruk  1 - Isin, Bau's home city

           (temple residences of giant alien Anunnaki gods who lived in Uruk)

        the king of Unug (Uruk), the king of the four quarters, the king whose orders cannot be countermanded,

        with wiping out the name of Gutium, the fanged (?) snake of the mountains,

        who acted with violence against the gods, who carried off the kingship of Sumer to foreign lands,

        who filled Sumer with wickedness,

        who took away spouses from the married and took away children from parents,

        who made wickedness and violence normal in the Land.

        2h - Ishtar, Inanna- sister to Ereshkigal

          (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War; mixed-breed spouse-king to Inanna, Inanna, & her grandfather Nannar)

         13-16. He went to his lady, Inana (Inanna), and prayed to her:

        “My lady, lioness in the battle, who butts the foreign lands,

          James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1

                         (Enlil     Inanna Utu                Enki       Isumud)

        Enlil has entrusted me with bringing back the kingship to Sumer.

        May you be my help!”

        17-23. The enemy troops established themselves everywhere.

        Tirigan, the king of Gutium …… the mouths of the channels (?).

        Nobody came out of his city to face him; he already occupied both banks of the Tigris.

        In the south, in Sumer, he blocked the water from the fields, in the uplands he closed off the roads.

        Because of him the grass grew high on the highways of the land.

           (Enlil, son & heir to Anunnaki alien King Anu, Earth Colony Commander)

         24-34. But the king, endowed with power by Enlil, chosen by Inana with her {(1 ms. adds:) holy} heart —

        Utu-ḫeĝal, the mighty man (Biblical “mighty man”, giant mixed-breed), came out from Unug

        1d - Adad, giant, Enlil's son (giant alien Anunnaki god Adad / Ishkur, patron god of Akkad)

        to face him and set up camp (?) at the temple of Iškur (Adad).

        He addressed a speech to the citizens of his city:

        “Enlil has given Gutium to me and my lady Inana will be my help!

        Dumuzid-ama-ušumgal-ana has declared “It is a matter for me!”

             6a - Gilgamesh, giant king2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (giant mighty man Gilgamesh & his alien mother Ninsun)

        and assigned Gilgameš (Gilgamesh), the son of Ninsumun (Ninsun), to me as a constable!”

        The citizens of Unug and Kulaba rejoiced and followed him with one accord.

        He lined up his élite troops.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  (ancient stele of Ishkur / Adad, son to Enlil)

          35-39. After departing from the temple of Iškur (Adad),

        on the fourth day he set up camp (?) in Naĝsu on the Surungal canal,

        and on the fifth day he set up camp (?) at the shrine at Ili-tappê.

        He captured Ur-Ninazu and Nabi-Enlil, generals of Tirigan sent as envoys to Sumer,

        and put them in handcuffs.

           40-50. After departing from the shrine at Ili-tappê, on the sixth day he set up camp (?) at Karkara.

        He went to Iškur and prayed to him:

            1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub (Ishkur / Adad, ancient artifact now destroyed by Radical Islam!)

        “O Iškur, Enlil has provided me with weapons, may you be my help!”

        In the middle of that night, …… he departed (?)

        and above Adab he went to the rising (?) Utu and prayed to him:

        2b - Utu (Utu, Commander of the Space Ports for Earth Colony)

        “O Utu, Enlil has given Gutium to me, may you be my help!”

        He laid a trap (?) there behind the Gutian.

        Utu-ḫeĝal, the mighty man (giant mixed-breed), defeated their generals.

           51-62. Then Tirigan the king of Gutium ran away alone on foot.

        He thought himself safe in Dabrum, where he fled to save his life;

        but since the people of Dabrum knew that Utu-ḫeĝal

          James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1

         (giant mixed-breed made king, Ninurta, & Enlil presenting a plow)

        was a king endowed with power by Enlil, they did not let Tirigan go,

        and an envoy of Utu-ḫeĝal arrested Tirigan together with his wife and children in Dabrum.

        He put handcuffs and a blindfold on him.

           4a - Utu & Inanna gods of war  (giant alien Anunnaki gods Utu & twin Inanna)

        Before Utu, Utu-ḫeĝal made him lie at his feet and placed his foot on his neck.

        He made Gutium, the fanged (?) snake of the mountains drink again from the crevices (?),

        he ……, he …… and he …… boat.

        He brought back the kingship of Sumer.