Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Enuma Elish ‘When on high’

The Babylonian Epic of Creation

Translator unknown.

The Babylonian/Mesopotamian creation myth, Enuma Elish, When on high, was written no later than the reign of Nebuchadrezzar in the 12th century B.C.E. But there is also little doubt that this story was written much earlier, during the time of the Sumerians. Drawing some new light on the ancients, Henry Layard found within the ruins of the library of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, texts that were not unlike the Genesis creation in the Bible. George Smith first published these texts in 1876 under the title, ‘The Chaldean Genesis’. Akkadian text written in the old Babylonian dialect.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

(Apsu = Sun)

(Mummu = Mercury)

(Lahumu = Venus)

(Lahmu = Mars)

(Tiamat = Earth combined with the Asteroid Belt as one)

(Kingu = Earth’s Moon)

(Anshar = Saturn)

(Kishar = Jupiter)

(Anu = Uranus /Anu)

(Nudimmud/Ea= Neptune / Enki)

(Gaga = Pluto)

(Marduk = Nibiru)

3 - The12 Celestial Bodies of our Solar System (solar system including planet Nibiru)

When on high the heaven had not been named,

Firm ground below had not been called by name,

Naught but primordial Apsu (Sun), their begetter,

(And) Mummu-Tiamat, she who bore them all,

Their waters commingling as a single body;

No reed hut had been matted, no marsh land had appeared,

When no gods whatever had been brought into being,

Uncalled by name, their destinies undetermined-

Then it was that the gods were formed within them.

Lahmu (Mars) and Lahamu (Venus) were brought forth, by name they were called.

For aeons they grew in age and stature.

Anshar (Saturn) and Kishar (Jupiter) were formed, surpassing the others.

They prolonged the days, added on the years.

Anu (Uranus) was their son, of his fathers the rival;

Yea, Anshar’s (Saturn) first born, Anu (Uranus) was his equal.

Anu (Uranus) begot in his image Nudimmud (Enki).

This Nudimmud (Neptune/ Enki) was of his fathers the master;

Of broad wisdom, understanding, mighty in strength,

Mightier by far than his grandfather, Anshar (Saturn).

He had no rival among the gods, his brothers.

The divine brothers banded together,

They disturbed Tiamat as they surged back and forth,

Yea, they troubled the mood of Tiamat

By their hilarity in the Abode of Heaven.

Apsu (Sun) could not lessen their clamor

And Tiamat was speechless at their ways.

Their doings were loathsome unto (. . .).

Unsavory were their ways; they were overbearing.

Then Apsu (Sun), the begetter of the great gods,

Cried out, addressing Mummu (Mercury), his vizier:

“O Mummu (Mercury). my vizier, who rejoicest my spirit,

Come hither and let us go to Tiamat (Earth + Asteroid belt as one planet)!”

They went and sat down before Tiamat,

Exchanging counsel about the gods, their first born.

Apsu (Sun), opening his mouth,

Said unto resplendent Tiamat:

“Their ways are verily loathsome unto me.

By day I find no relief, nor repose by night.

I will destroy, I will wreck their ways,

That quiet may be restored. Let us have rest!”

As soon as Tiamat heard this,

She was wroth and called out to her husband.

She cried out aggrieved, as she raged all alone,

Injecting woe into her mood:

“What? Should we destroy what we have built?

Their ways are indeed troublesome, but let us attend kindly!”

Ill wishing and ungracious was Mummu’s (Mercury) advice:

“Do destroy, my father, the mutinous ways.

Then shalt thou have relief by day and rest by night!”

When Apsu (Sun) heard this, his face grew radiant

Because of the evil he planned against the gods, his sons.

As for Mummu (Mercury), by the neck he embraced him

As (that one) sat down on his knees to kiss him.

(Now) whatever they plotted between them

Was repeated unto the gods, their first born.

When the gods heard (this), they were astir,

(Then) lapsed into silence and remained speechless,

Surpassing in wisdom, accomplished, resourceful,

Ea (Neptune), the all wise, saw through their scheme.

A master design against it he devised and setup,

Made artful his spell against it, surpassing and holy.

He recited it and made it subsist in the deep,

As he poured sleep upon him. Sound asleep he lay.

When Apsu (Sun) he made prone, drenched with sleep,

Mummu (Mercury), the adviser, was impotent to move,

He loosened his band, tore off his tiara,

Removed his halo (and) put it on himself.

Having fettered Apsu (Sun), he slew him.

Mummu (Mercury) he bound and left behind lock.

Having thus upon Apsu (Sun) established his dwelling,

He laid hold on Mummu (Mercury), holding him by the nose rope.

After he vanquished and trodden down his foes,

Ea (Neptune), his triumph over his enemies secured,

In his sacred chamber in profound sleep he rested.

He named it “Apsu (Sun),” for shrines he assigned (it).

In that same place his cult hut he founded.

Ea (Enki / Neptune) and Damkina, his wife, dwelled (there) in splendor.

In the chamber of fates, the abode of destinies,

A god was engendered, most potent and wisest of gods.

In the heart of Apsu (Sun) was Marduk (Nibiru) created,

In the heart of holy Apsu (Sun) was Marduk (Nibiru) created.

He who begot him was Ea (Neptune), his father;

She who conceived him was Damkina (Marduk‘s mother), his mother.

The breast of goddesses did she suck.

The nurse that nursed him filled him with awesomeness.

Alluring was his figure, sparkling the lift in his eyes.

Lordly was his gait, commanding from of old.

When Ea (Neptune) saw him, the father who begot him,

He exulted and glowed, his heart filled with gladness.

He rendered him perfect and endowed him with a double godhead.

Greatly exalted was he above them, exceeding throughout.

Perfect were his members beyond comprehension,

Unsuited for understanding, difficult to perceive.

Four were his eyes, four were his ears;

When he moved his lips, fire blazed forth.

Large were all hearing organs,

And the eyes, in like number, scanned all things.

He was the loftiest of the gods, surpassing was his stature;

His members were enormous, he was exceedingly tall.

“My little son, my little son!

My son, the Sun! Sun of the heavens!”

Clothed with the halo of the ten gods, he was strong to the utmost,

As their awesome flashes were heaped upon him.

Disturbed was Tiamat (Earth + The Asteroid Belt), astir night and day.

The gods, in malice, contributed to the storm.

Their insides having plotted evil.

To Tiamat (Earth + The Asteroid Belt) these brothers said:

“When they slew Apsu (Sun), thy consort,

Thou didst not aid him but remaindest still.

Although he fashioned the awesome Saw,

Thy insides are diluted and so we can have no rest.

Let Apsu (Sun), thy consort, be in thy mind

And Mummu (Mercury), who has been vanquished!

Thou are left alone.

4 - Nibiru intrudes solar system_c (solar chaos caused by Nibiru & its moons)

Then joined issue Tiamat (Earth + The Asteroid Belt) and Marduk (Nibiru), wisest of gods,

They swayed in single combat, locked in battle.

The lord spread out his net to enfold her,

The Evil Wind, which followed behind, he let loose in her face.

            (Marduk – planet Nibiru battles Tiamat)

When Tiamat (Earth +) opened her mouth to consume him,

He drove the Evil Wind that she close not her lips.

As the fierce winds charged her belly,

Her body was distended and her mouth was wide open.

              (creation of the Asteroid Belt & Earth as Tiamat’s remainder)

He released the arrow, it tore her belly,

It cut through her insides, splitting the heart.

Having thus subdued her, he extinguished her life.

He cast down her carcass to stand upon it…

The lord trod on the legs of Tiamat (Earth + The Asteroid Belt),

With his unsparing mace he crushed her skull.

When the arteries of her blood he had severed,

The North Wind bore (it) to places undisclosed.

On seeing this, his fathers were joyful and jubilant,

They brought gifts of homage, they to him.

Then the lord paused to view her dead body,

That he might divide the monster and do artful works.

4a - Tiamat cracks, Asteroid Belt & Earth (Nibiru moons smash Tiamat into 2 entities: the Asteroid with wandering asteroids, & new 1/2 planet = Earth filled with water & knocked to the inside of Mars)

He split her like a shellfish into two parts:

Half of her he set up and ceiled as sky,

Pulled down the bar and posted guards.

He bade them to allow not her waters to escape.

He crossed the heavens and surveyed (its) regions.

He squared Apsu’s (Sun) quarter, the abode of Nudimmud (Neptune),

As the lord measured the dimensions of Apsu (Sun).

The Great Abode, its likeness, he fixed as Esharra,

The Great Abode, Esharra, which he made as the firmament.

             (Enki, Anu, & Enlil hovering in sky-disc above)

Anu, Enlil, and Ea (Enki) he made occupy their places.

When Marduk (Nibiru) hears the words of the gods,

His heart prompts (him) to fashion artful works.

Opening his mouth he addresses EA (Neptune)

To impart the plan he addresses EA (Neptune)

To impart the plan he had conceived in his heart:

“Blood I will mass and cause boned to be.

I will establish a savage, ‘man’ shall be his name.

Verily, savage man I will create.

He shall be charged with the service of the gods

That they might be at ease!

The ways of the gods I will artfully alter.

Though alike revered, into two (groups) they shall be divided.”

Ea (Neptune) answered him, speaking a word to him.

To relate to him a scheme for the relief of the gods:

“Let but one of their brothers be handed over;”

He alone shall perish that mankind may be fashioned.

Let the great gods be here in Assembly,

Let the guilty be handed over that they may endure.”

Marduk (Nibiru) summoned the great gods to Assembly;

4c - Nibiru affects solar system (devastation to Mars & Tiamat / Earth when Nibiru orbits nearby)

         Presiding graciously, he issued instructions.

This utterance the gods pay heed.

The king addresses a word to the Anunnaki:

“If your former statement was true,

Do (now) the truth on oath by me declare!

Who was it that contrived the uprising,

And made Tiamat (Earth + The Asteroid Belt) rebel, and joined battle?

Let him be handed over who contrived the uprising.

His guilt I will make him bear that you may dwell in peace!”

The Igigi, the great gods, replied to him,

To Lugaldimmerankia, counselor of the gods, their lord:

“It was Kingu (Moon)who contrived the uprising,

And made Tiamat (Earth + Asteroid Belt)rebel, and joined battle.”

The bound him holding him before Ea (Neptune).

They imposed on him his guilt and severed his blood (vessels).

Out of his blood they fashioned mankind.

He imposed the service and let free the gods.

The Enuma-Elish Version 2

The poem was translated by N. K Sandars.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

(Apsu = Sun)

(Mummu = Mercury)

(Lahumu = Venus)

(Lahmu = Mars)

(Tiamat = Earth combined with the Asteroid Belt as one)

(Kingu = Earth’s Moon)

(Anshar = Saturn)

(Kishar = Jupiter)

(Anu = Uranus /Anu)

(Nudimmud = Neptune / Enki)

(Gaga = Pluto)

(Nibiru = Nibiru / Marduk)


When there was no heaven, no earth, no height, no depth, no name,

when Apsu was alone, the sweet water, the first begetter;

3 - The12 Celestial Bodies of our Solar System (solar system including planet Nibiru)

and Tiamat the bitter water, and that return to the womb, her Mummu, when there were no gods-

When sweet and bitter mingled together, no reed was plaited, no rushes muddied the water,

the gods were nameless, natureless, futureless, then from Apsu and Tiamat in the waters

gods were created, in the waters silt precipitated, Lahmu and Lahumu, were named;

they were not yet old not yet grown tall when Anshar and Kishar overtook them both,

the lines of sky and earth stretched where horizons meet to separate cloud from silt.

Days on days, years on year passed till Anu, the empty heaven, heir and supplanter,

first-born of his father, in his own nature begot NudimmudEa (Enki), intellect, wisdom,

wider than heaven‘s horizon the strongest of all the kindred.

Discord broke out among the gods although they were brothers,

warring and jarring in the belly of Tiamat, heaven shook, it reeled with the surge of the dance;

Apsu (Sun) could not silence the clamor, their behavior was bad, overbearing and proud.

But still Tiamat lay inert till Apsu, the father of gods, bellowed for that servant who clouds his judgment,

his Mummu ‘Dear counselor, come with me to Taimat.’

They have gone, and in front of Tiamat they sit down and talk together about the young gods,

their first-born children;

Apsu said, ‘Their manners revolt me, day and night without remission we suffer.

          My will is to destroy them, all of their kind, we shall have peace at last and we will sleep again.

When Tiamat heard she was stung, she writhed in lonely desolation, her heart worked in secret passion,

Tiamat said, ‘Why must we destroy the children that we made?

If their ways are troublesome, let us wait a little while.’

Then Mummu advised Apsu, and he spoke in malice ‘Father, destroy them in full rebellion,

you will have quiet in the daytime and at night you will sleep.’

When Apsu heard, the die was cast against his children, his face flamed with the pleasure of evil;;

but Mummu her embraced he hung on his neck, he sat him down on his knees and kissed him.

The decision was known to all their children; confusion seized them and after,

a great silence, for they were confounded.

The god who is the source of wisdom, the bright intelligence that perceives and plans,

NudimmudEa, saw through it, he sounded the coil of chaos,

and against it devised the artifice of the universe.

He spoke the word that charmed the waters, it fell upon Apsu, he lay asleep, the sweet waters slept,

Apsu slept, Mummu was overcome, Apsu lay drowned, undone.

Then Ea ripped off his flaming glory coat and took his crown, he set on himself the aureole of the king.

When Ea has bound Apsu he killed him, and Mummu, the dark counselor,

he led by the nose and locked away.

Ea has defeated his enemies and trodden them down.

Now that his triumph was completed, in deep peace he rested,

in his holy palace Ea (Neptune / Enki) slept.

Over the abyss, the distance, he built his house and shrine

and there magnificently he lived with his (Enki‘s) wife Damkina .

In that room, at the point of decision where what is to come is predetermined,

he was conceived, the most sagacious, the one from the first most absolute in action.

3c - Nibiru (planet Nibiru / heaven, home of the gods)

In the deep abyss he was conceived, MARDUK was made in the heart of the apsu,

MARDUK was created in the heart of the holy apsu.

         Ea begot him and Damkina bore him, father and mother; he sucked the paps of goddesses,

         from his nurses he was fed on the terribleness that filled him.

His body was beautiful; when he raised his eyes great lights flared;

his stride was majestic; he was the leader from the first.

When Ea who begot him saw him he exulted, he was radiant, lighthearted,

for he saw that he was perfect, and he multiplied his godhead, the one to be first and stand highest.

His limbs were immaculate, the making a fearful mystery beyond comprehension;

with four eyes for limitless sight, and four ears hearing all; when his lips moved a tongue of fire burst out.

Titanic limbs, standing so high he over-topped the tallest god;

he was strong and he wore the glory of ten, and their lightnings played round him.

‘My son, my son, son of the sun, and heaven‘s sun!’

Then Anu begot winds and brought them from the four quarters, to be the can

and to command the ranks and he brought the tornado, a wild surf to worry Tiamat.

But now the other gods had no rest any more, tormented by storms,

they conspired in their secret hearts and brought to Tiamat the matter of their plot.

To their own mother they said,

‘When they killed Apsu you did not stir, you brought no help to him, your husband.

Now Anu has called up from the four quarters this abomination

of winds to rage in your guts, and we cannot rest for the pain;

Remember Apsu in your heart, your husband, remember Mummu who was defeated;

now you are all alone, and thrash around in desolation,

and we have lost your love, our eyes ache and we long for sleep.

‘Rouse up, our Mother! Pay them back and make them empty like the wind.’

Tiamat approved it, she said, ‘I approve this advice:

we will make monsters, and monsters and gods against hods will march into battle together.’

Together they jostle the ranks to march with Tiamat, day and night furiously they plot,

the growling roaring rout, ready for battle, while the Old Hag, the first mother, mothers a new brood.

4 - Nibiru intrudes solar system_c (intruder Nibiru affects stability of planets)

She loosed the irresistible missile, she spawned enormous serpents with cutting fangs,

chock-full of venom in stead of blood, snarling dragons wearing their glory like gods.

(Whoever sees this thing received the shock of death,

for when they heave those bodies up they never turn them back.)

She made the Worm (all moons)

the Dragon “

the Female Monster “

the Great Lion “

the Mad Dog “

the Man Scorpion (all moons)

the Howling Storm “

Kulili “


There was no pity in their weapons, they did not flinch from battle for her law was binding, irrevocable.

Eleven such monsters she made, but she took from among the gods the clumsy laborer KINGU

one of the first generation to be her Captain, War-leader,

Assembly-leader , ordering the supplies, leading the van to battle.


All this she gave him when she raised their Company, she said.

‘Now it is in your hands, my spell will hold them bound, they must obey my will.

You are supreme, my one husband, your word will hold the rebel hordes.

She gave him the Tables of Fate and fastened them on to his breast,

‘Now and for ever more your word is irrevocable, your judgments will last!

They will quench the fire and the swinging mace will fail of its power.’

When Kingu had received the authority, that belonged before to Anu,

in their several natures they confirmed the brood of monsters.


3a - Nibiru's main orbit

   (each orbit of planet Nibiru = 3,600 orbits of planet Earth, earthlings age must faster than the gods)

When her labor of creation was ended, against her children Tiamat began preparations of war.

This was the evil she did to requite Apsu, this was the evil news that came to Ea.

When he had learned how matters lay he was stunned,

he sat in black silence till rage had worked itself out; then he remembered the gods before him.

He went to Anshar, his father’s father, and told him how Tiamat plotted,

‘She loathes us, father, our mother Tiamat has raised up that Company,

she rages in turbulence and all have joined her, all those gods whom you begot,’

Together they jostle the ranks to march with Tiamat, day and night furiously they plot,

the growling roaring rout, ready for battle, while the Old Hag, the first mother, mothers a new brood.

‘She has loosed the irresistible missile, spawned enormous serpents with cutting fangs,

chock-full of venom instead of blood, snarling dragons wearing their glory like gods.

(Whoever sees this thing receives the shock of death,

for when they heave those bodies up they never turn them back.)

‘She has made the Worm, (all moons of Nibiru)
Dragon ”
Female Monster ”
Great Lion ”
Mad Dog ”
Man Scorpion ”
Howling Storm (all moons)
Kulili ”
Kusariqu ”

‘There is no pity in their weapons,

they do not flinch from battle for her law is binding, irrevocable.

‘Eleven such monsters she has made but she took from among the gods the clumsy laborer KINGU

one of the first generation to be her Captain,

War-leader, Assembly-leader, ordering the supplies, leading the van to battle


All this she gave him when she raised their Company, she has said,

‘”Now it is in your hands, my spell will hold them bound, they must obey my will.

You are supreme, my one husband, your word will hold the rebel hordes.”‘

She has given to him the Tablets of Fate and fastened them on to his breast,

‘” Now and for ever more your word is irrevocable, your judgments will last!

They will quench the fire and the swinging mace will fail of its power.”

So Kingu has received the authority that belonged before to Anu,

they have confirmed in their several natures the brood of monsters.’

When Anshar heard how the Tiamat-tempest was rising he struck his groin, bit his lip,

restless, gloomy and sick at heart, he covered his mouth to stifle his groans.

At last he spoke, urging Ea on to the fight,

‘Once you made a snare of words, now go and try it out.

You killed Mummu, killed Aspu; kill Kingu who marches in front of Tiamat!’

The sagacious counselor of all the gods, NudimmudEa, answered Anshar…

[break of eight lines partially reconstructed]

‘I will meet Tiamat and calm her spirit, when her heart brims over she will hear my words,

and if not mine then yours may appease the waters.’

Nudimmud took the short toad, went the direct way to Tiamat;

but when he saw her whole strategy he could not face her, but he came back cringing.

So Anshar called his son Anu, ‘This is the true hero, an irresistible onslaught, a strong god.

Go, and face Tiamat, and calm her spirit; when her heart brims over she will listen to you,

but if she remains unreconciled my word may appease the waters.’

Anu obeyed his father’s orders, he took the short toad, went the direct way to Tiamat;

but when he had come so close that he saw her whole strategy,

he could not face her, he came back cringing to his father Anshar.

He spoke as though he saw Tiamat still, ‘My hands are too weak, I cannot conquer her.’

Anshar was dumb; he stared at the ground and his hair stood on end.

He shook his head at Ea, all the Anunnaki, the host of gods gathered into that place tongue-tied;

they sat with mouths shut for they thought, ‘What other god can make war on Tiamat?

No one else can face her and come back.’

Then the Lord, the father of gods, Anshar rose to his feet majestically.

Having considered everything he spoke to the Anunnaki,

‘Which one of us is impetuous in battle?

The hero Marduk! Only he is strong enough to avenge us.’

Then Ea called Marduk into a secret place and gave him subtle advice out of his deep mind,

‘You are the dear son who warms my heart, Marduk.

When you see Anshar go straight to him as you would go into battle.

Stand up when you speak, and when he sees you he will grow calm.’

Lord Marduk exulted, he strode forward and stood facing Anshar.

When Anshar saw him his heart swelled with joy, he kissed him on the lips and shook off despair.

Anshar, break your silence, let your words ring out

for I will accomplish what you long for most in your heart.

What hero has forced the battle on you?

Only a female thing, only Tiamat flies at you with all her contrivance.

You shall soon straddle Tiamat ‘s neck.’

‘My son, my wise son, confuse Tiamat with charged words, go quickly now, the storm is your chariot,

they will never deflect you from Tiamat, but having done with her, then return.’

The Lord exulted, with racing spirits he said to the father of gods,

‘Creator of the gods who decides their destiny,

if I must be your avenger, defeating Tiamat, saving your lives,

‘Call the Assembly, give me precedence over all the rest;

and when you sit down to pass your decrees, cheerfully sit in Ubshukinna, the Hall of the Synod;

now and for ever let my word be law; ‘I, not you, will decide the world’s nature, the things to come.

My decrees shall never be altered, never be annulled,

but my creation endures to the ends of the world.’


Words broke from the lips of Anshar; he said to his counselor Kaka,

‘You are the counselor in whom my heart finds its happiness, the one who judges truly and persuades fairly;

go to Lahmu and Lahamu, I am sending you down to primeval sediments,

call together the generations of the gods.

‘Let them speak, let them sit down to banquet together,

they shall eat the feast and drink the new-drawn liquor

and then they shall all confirm in his destiny the avenger, Marduk!

Kaka go off, stand in front of them and repeat what I say.

‘”I am sent here by your son Anshar, I am charged to tell you his  secret thoughts,

              (celestial battle between planet Tiamat – Earth + Asteroid Belt, & planet Nibiru)

‘”She loathes us, our mother Tiamat has raised up that Company,

she rages in turbulence and all have joined her, all those gods whom you begot,

‘” Together they jostle the ranks to march with Tiamat,.

Day and night furiously they plot, the growling roaring rout,

ready for battle, while the Old Hag, the first mother, mothers a new brood.

‘”She has loosed the irresistible missile, spawned enormous serpents with cutting fangs,

chock-full of venom instead of blood, snarling dragons wearing their glory like gods.

(Whoever sees this thing receives the shock of death,

for when they heave those bodies up they never turn them back.)

“She has made the Worm (all moons)
Dragon ”
Female Monster ”
Great Lion ”
Mad Dog ”
Man Scorpion ”
Howling Storm ”
Kulili ”
Kusariqu ”

“There is not pity in their weapons,

they do not flinch from battle for her law is binding, irrevocable.

‘”Eleven monsters she has made, but she took from among the gods the clumsy laborer KINGU

one of the first generation to be her Captain,

War-leader, Assembly-gatherer, ordering the supplies, leading the van to battle


All this she gave him when she set up their Company, she has said,

‘”Now it is in your hands, my spell will hold them bound, they must obey my will.

You are supreme, my one husband, your word will hold the rebel horde.’

‘”She has given to him the Tablets of Fate and fastened them on to his breast,

‘”Now and for ever more your word is irrevocable, your judgments will last!

They will quench the fire and the swinging mace will fail of its power.’

‘”So Kingu has received the authority that belonged before to Anu,

they have confirmed in their several natures the brood of monsters.

‘”I sent Anu but he could not face her, Nudimmud came flying back in terror,

             (Marduk – planet Nibiru in celestial battle with Tiamat)

then Marduk stood up, a wise god, one of your lineage,

his heart has compelled him to set out and face Tiamat but first he said this,

‘”Creator of the gods who decides their destiny, if I must be your avenger, defeating Tiamat,

saving your lives, ‘”Call the Assembly, give me precedence over all the rest;

and when you sit down to pass your decrees, cheerfully sit in Ubshukinnna,

the Hall of the Synod, now and for ever let my word be law;

‘”I, not you, will decide the world’s nature, the things to come.

My decrees shall never be altered, never annulled,

but my creation endures to the ends of the world.

‘”Come soon and confirm the destiny of Marduk

and the sooner he is off to meet the Great Adversary.”‘

He left and took his way down to Lahmu and Lahamu, stooping he kissed the primeval sediments,

bowed to the ground at their feet and delivered the message to old gods,

‘I have been sent here by your son Anu, I am charged to tell you his secret thoughts.

‘She loathes us, our mother Tiamat has raised up that Company,

she rages in turbulence and all have joined her, all those gods whom you begot.

‘Together they jostle the ranks to match with Tiamat,

day and night furiously they plot, the growling roaring rout,

ready for battle, while the Old Hag, the first mother, mothers a new brood.

‘She has loosed the irresistible missile, spawned enormous serpents with cutting fangs,

chock-full of venom instead of blood, snarling dragons wearing their glory like gods.

(Whoever sees this thing receives the shock of death,

for when they heave those bodies up over the sides they never turn them back.

‘She has made the Worm (all moons of Nibiru)
Dragon ”
Female Monster ”
Great Lion ”
Mad Dog ”
Man Scorpion ”
Howling Storm ”
Kulili ”
Kusariqu ”

‘There is no pity in their weapons,

they do not flinch from battle for her law is binding, irrevocable.

Eleven such monsters she has made, but she took from among the gods,

the clumsy one of the first generation to be her Captain, War-leader,

Assembly-gatherer, ordering the supplies, leading the van to battle


All this she gave him when she set up their Company, she has said,

‘”Now it is in your hands, my spell will hold them bound, they must obey my will.

You are supreme, my one husband, your word will hold the rebel horde.”

“She has given to him the Tablets of Fate and fastened them on to his breast,

‘”Now and for ever more your word is irrevocable, your judgments will last!

They will quench the fire and the swinging mace will fail of its power.’

‘”So Kingu has received the authority that belonged before to Anu,

they have confirmed in their several natures the brood of monsters.

‘”I sent
Anu but he could not face her, Nudimmud came flying back in terror,

then Marduk stood up, a wise god, one of your lineage,

his heart has compelled him to set out and face Tiamat but first he said this,

‘”Creator of the gods who decides their destiny, if I must be your avenger, defeating Tiamat,

saving your lives, ‘”Call the Assembly, give me precedence over all the rest;

and when you sit down to pass your decrees, cheerfully sit in Ubshukinnna,

the Hall of the Synod, now and for ever let my word be law;

“I, not you, will decide the world’s nature, the things to come.

My decrees shall never be altered,

never annulled, but my creation endures to the ends of the world.

‘”Come soon and confirm the destiny of Marduk and the sooner he is off to meet the Great Adversary.”‘

When Lahmu and Lahamu heard this they muttered together, all the gods moaned with distress,

‘What a strange and terrible decision, the coil of Tiamat is too deep for us to fathom.’

Then they prepared for the journey, all the gods who determine the nature of the world

and of things to come came in to Anshar, the filled Ubshukinna, greeted each other with a kiss.

In the Hall of the Synod the ancestral voices were heard, they sat down to the banquet,

they ate the feast, they drank the new-drawn liquor and the tubes

through which they sucked dripped with intoxicating wine.

Their souls expanded, their bodies grew heavy and drowsy;

and this was the state of the gods when they settled the fate of Marduk.


They set up a throne for Marduk

and he sat down facing his forefathers to receive the government.

‘One god is greater than all great gods, a fairer fame, the word of command, the word from heaven,

O Marduk, greater than all great gods, the honor and the fame,

the will of Anu, great command, unaltering and eternal word!

Where there is action the first to act, where there is government the first to govern;

to glorify some, to humiliate some, that is the gift of the god,

Truth absolute, unbounded will; which god dares question it?

In their beautiful places a place is kept for you, Marduk, our avenger.

‘We have called you here to receive the scepter, to make you king of the whole universe.

When you sit down in the Synod you are the arbiter; in the battle your weapon crushes the enemy.

‘Lord, save the life of any god who turns to you;

but as for the one who grasped evil, from that one let his life drain out.’

The conjured then a kind of apparition and made it appear in front of him,

and they said to Marduk, the first-born son, ‘Lord, your word among the gods

arbitrates, destroys, creates: then speak and this apparition will disappear.

Speak again, again it will appear.’

He spoke and the apparition disappeared.

Again he spoke and it appeared again.

When the gods had proved his word they blessed him and cried, MARDUK IS KING!’

They robed him in robes of a king, the scepter and the throne they gave him,

and matchless war-weapons as a shield against the adversary.

‘Be off. Slit life from Tiamat, and may the winds carry her blood to the world’s secret ends.’

The old gods had assigned to Bel (Marduk) what he would be

and what he should do, always conquering, always succeeding;

5a - Sumerian tale of collision, Nibiru battles the chaotic Tiamat  (planet Nibiru battles planet Tiamat / Earth)

Then Marduk made a bow and strung it to be his own weapon, he set the arrow against the bow-string,

in his right hand he grasped the mace and lifted it up, bow and quiver hung at his side,

lightnings played in front of him, he was altogether an incandescence.

He netted a net, a snare for Tiamat; the winds from their quarters held it,

south wind, north, east wind, west, and no part of Tiamat could escape.

With the net, the gift of Anu, held close to his side, he himself raised up

IMHULLU the atrocious wind, the tempest, the whirlwind, the hurricane,

the wind of four and the wind of seven, the tumid wind worst of all.

All seven winds were created and released to savage the guts of Tiamat, they towered behind him.

Then the tornado ABUBA his last great ally, the signal for assault, he lifted up.

He mounted the storm, his terrible chariot, reins hitched to the side,

yoked four in hand the appalling team, sharp poisoned teeth,

the Killer, the Pitiless, Trampler, Haste, they knew arts of plunder, skills of murder.

He posted on his right the Batterer, best in the mêlée;

on his left the Battle-fury that blasts the bravest, lapped in this armor,

a leaping terror, a ghastly aureole; with a magic word clenched between his lips,

a healing plant pressed in his palm, this lord struck out.

He took his route towards the rising sound of Tiamat’s rage, and all the gods besides,

the fathers of the gods pressed in around him, and the lord approached Tiamat.

He surveyed her scanning the Deep, he sounded the plan of Kingu her consort;

but so soon as Kingu sees him he falters, flusters, and the friendly gods

who filled the ranks beside him- when they saw the brave hero, their eyes suddenly blurred,

But Tiamat without turning her neck roared, spitting defiance from bitter lips,

‘Upstart, do you think yourself too great?

Are they scurrying now from their holes to yours?’

Then the lord raised the hurricane, the great weapon he flung his words at the termagant fury,

‘Why are you rising, your pride vaulting, your heart set on faction, so that sons reject fathers?

Mother of all, why did you have to mother war?

‘You made that bungler your husband, Kingu!

You gave him the rank, not his by right, of Anu.

You have abused the gods my ancestors, in bitter malevolence you threaten Anshar, the king of all the gods.

‘You have marshaled forces for battle, prepared the war-tackle.

Stand up alone and we will fight it you, you and I alone in battle.’

When Tiamat heard him her wits scattered, she was possessed and shrieked aloud,

her legs shook from the crotch down, she gabbled spells, muttered maledictions,

while the gods of war sharpened their weapons.

Then they met: Marduk, that cleverest of gods, and Tiamat grappled alone in singled fight.

4a - Tiamat cracks, Asteroid Belt & Earth (Nibiru moons crash into & crack planet Tiamat, creating 2 entities, named Asteroid Belt plus wondering asteroids, & new 1/2 planet filled in with water named Earth)

The lord shot his net to entangle Tiamat, and the pursuing tumid wind, Imhullu,

came from behind and beat in her face.

When the mouth gaped open to suck him down he drove Imhullu in,

so that the mouth would not shut but wind raged through her belly;

her carcass blown up, tumescent, She gaped-

And now he shot the arrow that split the belly, that pierced the gut and cut the womb.

4b - Nibiru's moons crack and smash (devastation & chaos caused by early planet Nibiru orbits of our Sun)

Now that the Lord had conquered Tiamat he ended her life, he flung her down and straddled the carcass;

the leader was killed, Tiamat was dead her rout was shattered, her band dispersed.

Those gods who had marched beside her now quaked in terror,

and to save their own lives, if they could, they turned their backs on danger

But they were surrounded, held in a tight circle, and there was no way out.

He smashed their weapons and tossed them into the net; they found themselves inside the snare,

they wept in holes and hid in corners suffering the wrath of god.

4c - Nibiru affects solar system (Nibiru the 12th star / 12-pointed star: 1) Pluto, 2) Neptune, 3) Uranus, 4) Jupiter, 5) Saturn, 6) Mars, the 6-pointed star, 7) Earth, lucky #7, the 7-pointed star, 8) Venus, the 8-pointed star, 9) Mercury, 10) Moon, 11) Sun, 12) Nibiru, the 12-pointed star

When they resisted he put in chains the eleven monsters,

Tiamat’s unholy brood, and all their murderous armament.

The demoniac band that has marched in front of her he trampled in the ground;

But Kingu the usurper, he chief of them, he bound and made death’s god.

He took the Tables of Fate, usurped without right,

and sealed them with his seal to wear on his own breast.

When it was accomplished, the adversary vanquished, the haughty enemy humiliated;

when the triumph of Anshar was accomplished on the enemy, and the will of Nudimmud was fulfilled,

then brave Marduk tightened the ropes of the prisoners.

He turned back to where Tiamat lay bound,

he straddled the legs and smashed her skull (for the mace was merciless), he severed

the arteries and the blood streamed down the north wind to the unknown ends of the world.

When the gods saw all this they laughed out loud, and they sent him presents.

They sent him their thankful tributes.

The lord rested; he gazed at the huge body,

pondering how to use it, what to create from the dead carcass.

He split it apart like a cockle-shell; with the upper half he constructed the arc of sky,

he pulled down the bar and set a watch on the waters, so they should never escape.

He crossed the sky to survey the infinite distance; he station himself above apsu, that apsu

built by Nudimmud over the old abyss which now he surveyed, measuring out and marking in.

He stretched the immensity of the firmament, he made Esharra, the Great Palace,

to be its earthly image, and Anu and Enlil and Ea had each their right stations.


He projected positions for the Great Gods conspicuous in the sky,

he gave them a starry aspect as constellations; he measure the year,

gave it a beginning and an end, and to each month of the twelve three rising stars.

4e - current path of Nibiru (Nibiru captured by our solar system, now arriving every 3,600 years)

When he had marked the limits of the year, he gave them Nebiru (Nibiru),

the pole of the universe, to hold their course, that never erring they should not stray through the sky.

For the seasons of Ea and Enlil he drew the parallel.

Through her ribs he opened gates in the east and west, and gave them strong bolts

on the right and left; and high in the belly of Tiamat he set the zenith.

He gave the moon the luster of a jewel, he gave him all the night, to mark off days,

to watch by night each month the circle of a waxing waning light.

‘New Moon, when you rise on the world, six days your horns are crescent,

until half-circle on the seventh, waxing still phase follows phase,

you will divide the month from full to full.

‘Then wane, a gibbous light that fails, until low down on the horizon sun oversails you,

drawing close his shadow lies across you, then dark of the moon-

at thirty days the cycle’s second starts again and follows through for ever and for ever.

‘This is your emblem and the road you take, and when you close the sun,

speak of both of you with justice judgment uncorrupted…

[some lines are missing here]

When Marduk had sent out the moon, he took the sun

and set him to complete the cycle from this one to the next New Year.

…He gave him the Eastern Gate, and the ends of the night with the day, he gave to Shamash (Utu).

Then Marduk considered Tiamat.

He skimmed spume from the bitter sea, heaped up the clouds,

spindrift of wet and wind and cooling rain, the spittle of Tiamat.

With his own hands from the steaming mist he spread the clouds.

He pressed hard down the head of water, heaping mountains over it, opening springs to flow:

Euphrates and Tigris rose from her eyes, but he closed the nostrils and held back their spring-head.

He piled huge mountains on her paps and through them drove water-holes

to channel the deep sources; and high overhead he arched her tail, locked-in to the wheel of heaven;

the pit was under his feet, between was the crotch, the sky’s fulcrum.

Now the earth had foundations and the sky its mantle.

When god’s work was done, when he had fashioned it all and finished,

then on earth he founded temples and made them over to Ea;

But the Temples of destiny taken from Kingu he returned as a first greeting to Anu;

and those gods who hung up their weapons defeated, whom he had scattered, now fettered,

he drove into his presence, the father of the gods.

With the weapons of war broken, he bound to his foot the eleven, Tiamat’s monstrous creation.

He made likenesses of them all and now they stand at the gate of the abyss, the Apsu Gate;

he said, ‘This is for recollection for Tiamat shall not be forgotten.’

All the generations of the Great Gods when they saw him were full of joy,

with Lahmu and Lahamu; their hearts bounded when they came over to meet him.

King Anshar made him welcome with ceremony, Anu and Enlil came carrying presents;

but when his mother Damkina sent her present, then he glowed, an incandescence lit his face.

He gave to her servant Usmu (Isumud), who brought the greeting,

charge of the secret house of Apsu; he made him warden of the sanctuaries of Eridu.

All the heavenly gods were there, all the Igigi fell prostrate in front of him,

all that were there of the Anunnaki kissed his feet.

The whole order came in together to worship.

They stood in front of him, low they bowed and they shouted ‘He is king indeed!’

When all the gods in their generations were drunk with the glamor of the manhood of Marduk,

when they has seen his clothing spoiled with the dust of battle, then they made their act of obedience…

He bathed and put on clean robes, for he was their king…

A glory was round his head; in his right hand he held the mace of war,

in his left grasped the scepter of peace, the bow was slung on his back;

he held the net, and his glory touched the abyss…

He mounted the throne raised up in the temple.

Damkina and Ea and all the Great Gods, all the Igigi shouted,

‘In time past Marduk meant only “the beloved son” but now he is king indeed, this is so!’

They shouted together, ‘GREAT LORD OF THE UNIVERSE! This is his name, in him we trust.’

When it was done, when they had made Marduk their king,

they pronounced peace and happiness for him,

‘Over our houses you keep unceasing watch, and all you wish from us, that will be done.’

Marduk considered and began to speak to the gods assembled in his presence.

This is what he said, ‘In the former time you inhabited the void above the abyss,

but I have made Earth as the mirror of Heaven, I have consolidated the soil for the foundations,

and there I will build my city, my beloved home.

‘A holy precinct shall be established with sacred halls for the presence of the king.

When you come up from the deep to join the Synod you will find lodging and sleep by night.

‘When others from heaven descend to the Assembly, you too will find lodging and sleep by night.

It shall be BABYLON the home of the gods.

The masters of all crafts shall build it according to my plan.’

When the older of the gods had heard this speech they had still one question to ask:

‘Over these things that your hands have formed, who will administer law?

Over all this earth that you have made, who is to sit in judgment?

‘You have given your Babylon a lucky name, let it be our home for ever!

Let the fallen gods day after day serve us;

and as we enforce your will let no one else usurp our office.’

Marduk, Tiamat’s conqueror, was glad;

the bargain was good he went on speaking his arrogant words explaining it all to the gods,

‘They will perform this service, day after day, and you shall enforce my will as law.’

Then the gods worshiped in front of him, and to him again,

to the king of the whole universe they cried aloud,

‘This great lord was once our son, now he is our king.

We invoked him once for very life, he who is the lord, the blaze of light,

the scepter of peace and of war the mace.

‘Let Ea be his architect and draw the excellent plan, his bricklayers are we!’


Now that Marduk has heard what it is the gods are saying,

he is moved with desire to create a work of consummate art.

He told Ea the deep thought in his heart.

‘Blood to blood I join, blood to bone I join from an original thing,

its name is MAN, aboriginal man is mine in making.

‘All his occupations are faithful service, the gods that fell have rest,

I will subtly alter their operations, divided companies equally blest.’

Ea answered with carefully chosen words, completing the plan for the gods’ comfort.

He said to Marduk, ‘Let one of the kindred be taken; only one need die for the new creation.

Bring the gods together in the Great Assembly; there let the guilt die, so the rest may live.’

Marduk called the Great Gods to the Synod; he presided courteously,

he gave instructions and all of them listened with grave attention.

The king speaks to the rebel gods,

‘Declare on your oath if ever before you spoke the truth, who instigated rebellion?

Who stirred up Tiamat? Who led the battle?

Let the instigator of war be handed over;

guilt and retribution are on him, and peace will be yours for ever.’

The great Gods answered the Lord of the Universe, the king and counselor of gods,

‘It was Kingu who instigated rebellion,

he stirred up that sea of bitterness and led the battle for her.’

They declared him guilty, they bound and held him down in front of Ea,

they cut his arteries and from his blood they created man; and Ea imposed his servitude.

When it was done, when Ea in his wisdom had created man

and man’s burden, this thing was past comprehension,

this marvel of subtlety conceived by Marduk and executed by Nudimmud.

Then Marduk, as king, divided the gods: one host below and another above,

three hundred above for the watchers of heaven, watchers of the law of Anu;

five times sixty for earth, six hundred gods between earth and heaven.

When universal law was set up and the gods allotted their calling,

then the Annunnaki, the erstwhile fallen, opened their mouths to speak to Marduk:

‘Now that you have freed us and remitted our labor how shall we make a return for this?

Let us build a temple and call it THE-INN-OF-REST-BY-NIGHT

‘There we will sleep at the season of the year, at the Great Festival when we from the Assembly;

we will build alters for him, we will build the Parakku, the Sanctuary.’

When Marduk heard this his face shone like broad day:

             (Marduk’s launch “Tower of Babel)

‘Tall Babel Tower, it shall be built as you desire;

bricks shall be set in molds and you shall name it Parakku, the Sanctuary.’

The Anunnaki gods took up the tools, one whole year long they set bricks in molds;

by the second year they had raised its head

             (Esagila, Marduk‘s temple residence in Babylon)

ESAGILA , it towered, the earthly temple, the symbol of infinite heaven.

Inside were lodgings for Marduk and Enlil and Ea.

Majestically he took his seat in the presence of them all,

where the head of the ziggurat looked down to the foot.

When that building was finished the Anunnaki built themselves chapels;

then all came in together and Marduk set out the banquet.

‘This is Babylon, “dear city of the gods”, your beloved home!

The length and breadth are ours, posses it, enjoy it, it is your own.’

When all the gods sat down together there was wine and feasting and laughter;

and after the banquet in beautiful Esagila they performed the liturgy

from which the universe receives its structure, the occult is made plain,

and through the universe gods are assigned their places.

When the Fifty Great Gods had sat down with the Seven who design

the immutable nature of things, they raised up three hundred into heaven.

It was then too that Enlil lifted the bow of Marduk and laid it in front of them.

He also lifted the net; they praised the workmanship

now that they saw the intricacy of the net and the beauty of the bow.

Anu lifted the bow and kissed it, he said before all the gods,

‘This is my daughter.’

And this was the naming of the bow-

‘One is for Long-wood, two for the Rain-bow, three is for Starry-bow glittering above.’

And Starry-bow was a god among gods.

When Anu had pronounced the bow’s triple destiny he lifted up the king’s throne

and set Marduk above in the gods’ Assembly.

Among themselves they uttered an execration, by oil and by water,

pricking their throats, to abide its fate on pain of death.

They ratified his authority as King of Kings, Lord of the Lords of the Universe.

Anshar praised him, he called him ASARLUHI (Marduk), the name that is first, the highest name.

‘We will wait and listen, we bend and worship his name!

His word is the last appeal, his writ will run from the zenith to the pit.

All glory to the son, our avenger!

His empire has no end, shepherd of men,

he made them his creatures to the last of time, they must remember.

He shall command hecatombs, for the gods, they shall commend food, for the fathers,

and cherish the sanctuary where the odor of incense and whisper of liturgy

echo on earth the customs of heaven.

Black-headed (earthling) men will adore him on earth, the subjected shall remember their god,

at his word they shall worship the goddess.

Let offerings of food not fail for god and goddess, at his command.

Let them serve the gods, at his command, work their lands, build their houses.

Let black-headed men serve the gods on earth without remission;

while as for us, in the multitude of his names he is our god.

Let us hail him in his names, let us hail him by his fifty names, one god.’

The Hymn of the Fifty Names of Marduk

MARDUK is One, he is Son of the Sun, he is the first, the sunburst.

Pasture and pool, and the byres full, torrents of rain that hammered the enemy.

Most shining one, Son of the Sun, the gods are walking always in the flame of his light.

He created man a living thing to labor for ever, and gods go free,

to make to break to love and to save, to Marduk all power and praise!

MARUKKA is Two hammering out the whole creation to ease the gods in tribulation.

         MARUTUKKU is Three, his praises are heard on every hand, the armed child who shields the land.

BARASHAKUSHU is Fourth, who stood at need to bridle earth, his spirit stoops, his heart is love.

LUGALDIMMERANKIA is Five, King of the Cosmos!

Over the universe he is acclaimed by that Great Company his wrath had shamed

Almighty God!

NARI is Six, the Deliverer, he is our conscience,

for once in our trouble he brought us peace and a safe haven;

Anunnaki, Igigi, from the pit and in heaven, hearing this name secretly quake.

ASARULUDU is Seven, the Great Magician, this title came from Anu; in time of peril, their good leader,

         By the deadly duel he fetched them rest.

         NAMTILLAKU is Eight, in the shadow of death he discovered life;

         it was as thought they were made all new;

         conjured from death at his word until the reckless rout submit to his will.

NAMRU is Nine, the gods go a-walking in the furnace of his beauty.

Voices of older days have spoken; Lahmu, Lahamu, Anshar have spoken,

each of them uttered three names; they said to the children,

‘Three names he has from each of us, three names he needs from you.’

As once before in Synod in Ubshukinna, at the place of decision, the young gods eagerly talked together,

‘He is the hero, our son, our avenger, we will praise the name of our defender.’

They sat down together to shape his destiny, and all of them chanted his names in the Sanctuary.


The Hymn, continued.

ASARU cultivates the sown, conducts water by small channels

for seed-time, for shooting green and harvest grain.

ASARUALIM, the gods in fear and hope at Council turn to him.

         He is the light, ASARUALIM NUNNA, light of the glory of his father;

he is the law of Anu and Enlil and Ea, he is fullness and plenty, the gods grow fat on his bounty.

TUTU is life renewed that sweetens the sanctuary;

should wrath once more rouse up their company he teaches them

to repeat the charm that lulls to sleep, he has no peer in that Assembly.

ZIUKKINNA lives in every god, he made the skies their happiness,

he holds them to their bliss; below the clouds dull men remember him,

for this is ZIKU the kernel of life, sweet breath of grace, abundance,

benevolence, unbelievable wealth changing famine to plenty;

we breathed his sweetness in our extremity.

We will speak of the mighty, we ill sing the song of his glory.

AGAKU, the love and the wrath, with living words he quickens the dead,

he pitied fallen gods, remitted the labor laid on the adversary.

For your relief he made mankind, his words endure, he is kind, he has power of life,

it is in the mouth of black-headed men who remember him.

But also this is TUKU, they mutter his anathemas who overwhelmed evil with mysterious words.

As SHAZU he made the heart, he sees the marrow, no sinner escapes his scrutiny.

He has formed the Assembly and spread his protection,

he oversees justice and subdues rebellion, he has rooted out malice;

wherever he goes the wrong and the right stand separate.

As one who reads the heart this too is ZISI, a name that hushed the rebel horde,

out of the body of older gods drove freezing fear, freeing his fathers, for

SUHRIM is the missile that extinguished them, the abject band that cringe from him,

their schemes forestalled, and flying in the wind.

Be glad you gods, be glad!

He is SUHGURIM who can destroy, but is an open court to hear all causes; old gods created new,

the enemy erased and to the children’s children nothing is left of them or what they did;

his name alone answers the summons of the world.

ZAHRIM, the destroyer, lives!

Iniquity is dead, he has found out the enemy;

when the gods fled he brought them home, each to his own, and by this name is known.

ZAHGURIM, savior destroyer, terrible title, his enemy fallen as it were on the field of battle.

ENBILULU, health to the gods and wealth!

He called their names, he called for hecatombs roast in flames,

he planned the pastures, sank wells and freed the waters.

He is EPADUN gathering moisture from sky and earth to wash down the furrows,

watering plow-land with sluices with damns and dikes in irrigation.

Enbilulu is hymned as GUGAL, in the orchards of the gods he watches the canals,

he fills the store-room with sesame, emmer, abundant grain.

And he is HEGAL, heaping up wealth for all people, into the world he sends sweet rain and greenness…

As SIRSIR he seized the carcass, he carried off Chaos meshed in his snare, and heaped on her mountains.

Overseer of the world and faithful shepherd, where his brow is furrowed,

like s shock of hair the corn waves up; where the vast ocean rises in anger,

he vaults her as a bridge thrown over the place where duel was fought.

He is also called MALAH, and many another; the sour sea is his skiff who captains the hulk.

A heap of grain is GIL, barley and sesame doled out for the land’s good.

This is GILMA, the unquenchable fire that tempers the eternity of their dwelling,

and for their safety is braced as the hoop holding the barrel.

This is AGILMA, who from the tearing surf creates over the waters clouds to guard the unchanging sky.

ZULUM cuts into clay, allots the acres, grants the tithes.

This MUMMU is the creative word, the life of the universe.

GISHNUMUNAB, the seed, created races of men from the world’s quarters.

From the wreck of Tiamat’s rout, from the stuff of fallen gods he made mankind.

He is LUGALABDUBUR who came as king to confront Chaos,

her forces wither before him for he is steadfast, the foundations are firm in every direction.

PAPALGUENNA, Lord of Lords, most sublime god, he rules his brothers.

LUGALDURMAH, at the navel of the world where heaven and earth are held

by the cord; where the high gods gather, his greatness ranks higher than all.

ARANUNNA< Counselor, with his father EA peerless in his sovereign manner, he created gods.

DUMUDUKU is the bright mountain, Dumuduku, the presence in the temple,

at the place of decision where nothing is decided except with him.

LUGALLANNA, he is strong with the charge of heaven,

conspicuous among gods even more than Anshar who called him out, called one from all.

LUGALUGGA, King Death!

He took them at the crisis, at the maelstrom; the encompassing intellect, the mid full-stretched.

IRKINGU, in the battle-fury he bore away the bungler; he created law and law now rules creation.

KINMA, advisor and leader, his name strikes terror in gods,the roar of the tornado.

ESIZKUR, up there he sits in the chapel of prayer, at the Great Festival,

when the gods all come, presents are given, duties imposed.

Unless he is by nothing is created subtle or beautiful,

but when he would man was made in the quarters of the world,

without him the gods would not know their hour.

He is GIBIL, the furnace in which the point is tempered;

lightnings forged the weapons[ of war against Tiamat;

the gods will never sound the reaches of his mind.

His name is also ADDU, wet weather and the welcome storm,

the kindly roar of thunder hovering over earth.

After the storm the clouds break up at his word,

and under heaven all people daily have their bread from him.

ASHARU guides the gods of Fate; all other gods he guards.

As NEBIRU (Nibiru, planet of the gods) he projected the stars in their orbit,

the wandering gods obey the laws of passage.

Nebiru, at the still center, is the god they adore; of this starry one they say

‘He who once crossed the firmament tirelessly now is the nub of the universe,

and all the other gods hold course on him; he shall fold the gods like a flock and conquer Tiamat.

Let her life be narrow and short, let her recede into the future far-off from man-kind,

till time is old, keep her for ever absent.’

Because he had molded matter and created the ether,

his father, named him BelMatati, Lord of this World.

With his own name he signed him when the gods of heaven ended the hymn.

Now too Ea having heard rejoiced,

‘The Great Gods have glorified my son, he is Ea, names by my name,

he will execute my will and direct my rites.’

HANSHA! With fifty names the gods proclaimed him.

HANSHA! With fifty they names him, the one who is first and fares farthest!


Remember the Titles of Marduk!

Rulers will recite them, wise men and sages debate them,

father to son repeat them, even shepherds and herdsmen shall hear them.

Let men rejoice in Marduk! The prince of the gods.

Man and earth will prosper, for his rule is strong, his command is firm,

none of the gods can alter his will; where his eyes have fixed they do not falter.

3d - Nibiru and moons (Nibiru, a much older planet)

There is no god can bear his anger, his intellect is vast and his benevolence;

sinners and such trash he will blast his presence; not so the wide teacher to whose words we listen;

he wrote it down, he saved it for time to come.

Let the Igigi who built his dwelling, let the gods speak:

this was the song of Marduk who defeated Tiamat and attained sovereignty.

The Enuma-Elish Version 1

(Unknown Website Source)

The Sumerian Book of Creation

Any lost or damaged parts of the tablets are shown with brackets

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


         (Apsu = Sun)

         (Mummu = Mercury)

         (Lahamu = Venus)

         (Lahmu = Mars)

         (Tiamat = Earth & the Asteroid Belt / Hammered Bracelet as one)

         (Kingu = Earth’s Moon, once independent)

         (Anshar = Saturn)

         (Kishar = Jupiter)

         (Anu = Uranus)

         (Nudimmud = Neptune)

         (Gaga = Pluto)

         (Marduk = Nibiru)


            3 - The12 Celestial Bodies of our Solar System (solar system including planet Nibiru)

         Tablet 1

When skies above were not yet named

Nor earth below pronounced by name,

Apsu (Sun), the first one, their begetter

And maker Tiamat (Earth + The Asteroid Belt combined), who bore them all,

Had mixed their waters together,

But had not formed pastures, nor discovered reed-beds;

When yet no gods were manifest,

Nor names pronounced, nor destinies decreed,

Then gods were born within them.

Lahmu (Mars) and Lahamu (Venus) emerged, their names pronounced.

As soon as they matured, were fully formed,

Anshar (Saturn) and Kishar (Jupiter) were born, surpassing them.

They passed the days at length, they added to the years.

Anu their first-born son rivaled his forefathers:

Anshar made his son Anu like himself,

And Anu begot Nudimmud (Neptune / Enki) in his likeness.

He, Nudimmud, was superior to his forefathers:

Profound of understanding, he was wise, was very strong at arms.

Mightier by far than Anshar his father’s begetter,

He had no rival among the gods his peers.

The gods of that generation would meet together

And disturb Tiamat, and their clamor reverberated.

They stirred up Tiamat’s belly,

They were annoying her by playing inside Anduruna.

Apsu could not quell their noise

And Tiamat became mute before them;

However grievous their behavior to her,

However bad their ways, she would indulge them.

Finally Apsu, begetter of the great gods,

Called out and addressed his vizier Mummu (Mercury),

O Mummu, vizier who pleases me!

Come, let us go to Tiamat!’

They went and sat in front of Tiamat,

And discussed affairs concerning the gods their sons.

Apsu made his voice heard

And spoke to Tiamat in a loud voice,

Their ways have become very grievous to me,

By day I cannot rest, by night I cannot sleep.

I shall abolish their ways and disperse them!

Let peace prevail, so that we can sleep.’

When Tiamat heard this,

She was furious and shouted at her lover;

She shouted dreadfully and was beside herself with rage,

But then suppressed the evil in her belly.

How could we allow what we ourselves created to perish?

Even though their ways are so grievous, we should bear it patiently.’

(Vizier) Mummu replied and counseled Apsu;

The vizier did not agree with the counsel of his earth mother.

O father, put an end to (their) troublesome ways,

so that she may be allowed to rest by day and sleep at night.’

Apsu was pleased with him, his face lit up

At the evil he was planning for the gods his sons.

(Vizier) Mummu hugged him,

Sat on his lap and kissed him rapturously.

But everything they plotted between them

Was relayed to the gods their sons.

The gods listened and wandered about restlessly;

They fell silent, they sat mute.

Superior in understanding, wise and capable,

Ea (Enki, wisest of the gods) who knows everything found out their plot,

Made for himself a design of everything, and laid it out correctly,

Made it cleverly, his pure spell was superb.

He recited it and it stilled the waters.

He poured sleep upon him so that he was sleeping soundly,

Put Apsu to sleep, drenched with sleep.

Vizier Mummu the counselor (was in ) a sleepless daze.

He (Ea) unfastened his belt, took off his crown,

Took away his mantle of radiance and put it on himself.

He held Apsu down and slew him;

Tied up Mummu and laid him across him.

He set up his dwelling on top of Apsu,

And grasped Mummu, held him by a nose-rope.

When he had overcome and slain his enemies,

Ea set up his triumphal cry over his foes.

Then he rested very quietly inside his private quarters

And named them Apsu and assigned chapels,

Founded his own residence there,

And Ea and Damkina (Enki‘s spouse, Marduk‘s mother) his lover dwelt in splendor.

In the chamber of destinies, the hall of designs,

Bel (Marduk), cleverest of the clever, sage of the gods, was begotten.

And inside Apsu, Marduk was created;

Inside pure Apsu, Marduk was born.

Ea his father created him, Damkina his mother bore him.

He suckled the teats of goddesses;

The nurse who reared him filled him with awesomeness.

Proud was his form, piercing his stare,

Mature his emergence, he was powerful from the start.

Anu his father’s begetter (Enki‘s father, Marduk‘s grandfather) beheld him,

And rejoiced, beamed; his heart was filled with joy.

He made him so perfect that his godhead was doubled (insuring his succession to their kingship).

Elevated far above them, he was superior in every way.

His limbs were ingeniously made beyond comprehension,

Impossible to understand, too difficult to perceive.

Four were his eyes, four were his ears;

When his lips moved, fire blazed forth.

The four ears were enormous

And likewise the eyes; they perceived everything.

Highest among the gods, his form was outstanding.

His limbs were very long, his height (?) outstanding.

(Anu cried out)

Mariutu, Mariutu, Son, majesty, majesty of the gods!’

Clothed in the radiant mantle of ten gods, worn high above his head

Five fearsome rays were clustered above him.

Anu created the four winds and gave them birth,

Put them in his (Marduk‘s) hand, ‘My son, let them play!’

He fashioned dust and made the whirlwind carry it;

He made the flood-wave and stirred up Tiamat.

Tiamat was stirred up, and heaved restlessly day and night.

The gods, unable to rest, had to suffer . . .

They plotted evil in their hearts, and

They addressed Tiamat (Earth + Asteroid Belt) their mother, saying,

Because they slew Apsu your lover and

You did not go to his side but sat mute,

He has created the four, fearful winds

To stir up your belly on purpose, and we simply cannot sleep!

Was your lover Apsu not in your heart?

And (vizier) Mummu who was captured? No wonder you sit alone!

Are you not a mother? You heave restlessly

But what about us, who cannot rest? Don’t you love us?

Our grip (?) [is slack], (and) our eyes are sunken.

Remove the yoke of us restless ones, and let us sleep!

Set up a [battle cry] and avenge them!

Conquer the enemy] and reduce them to naught!’

Tiamat listened, and the speech pleased her.

Let us act now, (?) as you were advising!

The gods inside him (Apsu) will be disturbed,

Because they adopted evil for the gods who begot them.’

They crowded round and rallied beside Tiamat.

They were fierce, scheming restlessly night and day.

They were working up to war, growling and raging.

They convened a council and created conflict.

Mother Hubur, who fashions all things,

Contributed an unfaceable weapon: she bore giant snakes,

Sharp of tooth and unsparing of fang(?).

She filled their bodies with venom instead of blood.

She cloaked ferocious dragons with fearsome rays

And made them bear mantles of radiance, made them godlike,

(chanting this imprecation)

Whoever looks upon them shall collapse in utter terror!

Their bodies shall rear up continually and never turn away!’

She stationed a horned serpent, a mushussu-dragon, and a lahmu-hero,

An ugallu-demon, a rabid dog, and a scorpion-man,

Aggressive umu-demons, a fish-man, and a bull-man

Bearing merciless weapons, fearless in battle.

Her orders were so powerful, they could not be disobeyed.

In addition she created eleven more likewise.

Over the gods her offspring who had convened a council for her

She promoted Qingu (Kingu / Earth’s Moon) and made him greatest among them,

Conferred upon him leadership of the army, command of the assembly,

Raising the weapon to signal engagement, mustering combat-troops,

Overall command of the whole battle force.

And she set him upon a throne.

I have cast the spell for you and made you greatest in the gods’ assembly!

I have put into your power rule over all the gods!

You shall be the greatest, for you are my only lover!

1h - procession-lg  (Anu‘s royal descendants on Earth Colony)

Your commands shall always prevail over all the Anukki (Anunnaki)!’

Then she gave him the Tablet of Destinies and made him clasp it to his breast.

Your utterance shall never be altered! Your word shall be law!’

When Qingu was promoted and had received the Anu-power

And had decreed destinies for the gods his sons, (he said),

What issues forth from your mouths shall quench Fire!

Your accumulated venom (?) shall paralyze the powerful!’

Tablet 2

Tiamat assembled his creatures

And collected battle-units against the gods his offspring.

Tiamat did even more evil for posterity than Apsu.

It was reported (?) to Ea that she had prepared for war.

Ea listened to that report,

And was dumbfounded and sat in silence.

When he had pondered and his fury subsided,

He made his way to Anshar his father;

Came before Anshar, the father who begot him

And began to repeat to him everything that Tiamat had planned.

Father, Tiamat who bore us is rejecting us!

She has convened an assembly and is raging out of control.

The gods have turned to her, all of them,

Even those whom you begot have gone over to her side,

Have crowded round and rallied beside Tiamat.

Fierce, scheming restlessly night and day,

Working up to war, growling and raging,

They have convened a council and created conflict.

Mother Hubur, who fashions all things,

Contributed an unfaceable weapon: she bore giant snakes,

Sharp of tooth and unsparing of fang(?).

She filled their bodies with venom instead of blood.

She cloaked ferocious dragons with fearsome rays

And made them bear mantles of radiance, made them godlike,

(chanting this imprecation)

“Whoever looks upon them shall collapse in utter terror!

Their bodies shall rear up continually and never turn away!”

She stationed a horned serpent, a mushussu-dragon, and a lahmu-hero,

An ugallu-demon, a rabid dog, and a scorpion-man,

Aggressive umu-demons, a fish-man, and a bull-man

Bearing merciless weapons, fearless in battle.

Her orders were so powerful, they could not be disobeyed.

In addition she created eleven more likewise.

Over the gods her offspring who had convened a council for her

She promoted Qingu and made him greatest among them,

Conferred upon him leadership of the army, command of the assembly,

Raising the weapon to signal engagement, mustering combat-troops,

Overall command of the whole battle force.

And she set him upon a throne.

“I have cast the spell for you and made you greatest in the gods’ assembly!

I have put into your power rule over all the gods!

You shall be the greatest, for you are my only lover!

Your commands shall always prevail over all the Anukki (Anunnaki)!”

Then she gave him the Tablet of Destinies and made him clasp it to his breast.

“Your utterance shall never be altered! Your word shall be law!”

When Qingu was promoted and had received the Anu-power

And had decreed destinies for the gods his sons, (he said),

“What issues forth from your mouths shall quench Fire!

Your accumulated venom (?) shall paralyze the powerful!”‘

Anshar listened, and the report was very disturbing.

[He twisted his fingers (?)]and bit his lip;

[His liver was inflamed (?)], his belly would not rest.

His roar to Ea his son was quite weak.

You must be the one who declares war!

Keep brandishing what you have made (as arms) for yourself!

[You are the hero, (?)], you slew Apsu.

Where else (will we find) someone to face Tiamat when she rages uncontrollably?’

[ ]good sense [of the] gods Nudimmud (Enki) [ ]

Ea (Enki) made his voice heard,

You are the unfathomable fixer of fates!

The power to create and to destroy is yours!

O Anshar, you are the unfathomable fixer of fates!

The power to create and to destroy is yours!

[The ]which you order immediately [ ]

(5 lines very fragmentary)

Anshar listened and the speech pleased him.

His heart prompted him to speak to Ea,

Your courage like a god [ ]

[ ] … [ ]

Rise up against Tiamat!’

(gap of up to 25 lines)

He (Anshar) addressed Anu (Uranus) his son saying,

This . . . is the kasusu-weapon of warriors.

Its strength is mighty, its attack unfaceable.

Go against Tiamat and stand your ground!

Let her anger abate, let her fury be quelled.

If she will not listen to your word,

Speak our words(?) to her, that she may be calmed.’

He listened to the speech of his father Anshar,

And took the road to her and made his way straight to her.

Anu set out. He was trying to find out the strategy of Tiamat. [ and] he turned back.

[He entered the presence of] Anshar the father who begot him [ ] he addressed him,

[‘ ] too great for me.

(short gap)

She laid(?) the . . . of her hand on top of me.’

Anshar was speechless, and stared at the ground;

He gnashed his teeth (?) And shook his head (in despair) at Ea (Neptune).

Now, the Igigi (Anunnaki truckers in orbit) assembled, all the Anukki (Anunnaki).

They sat silently (for a while), tight-lipped.

(Finally they spoke)

Will no (other) god come forward? Is [fate] fixed?

Will no one go out to face Tiamat with [ ]?’

Then Ea from his secret dwelling called

[The perfect] one (?) of Anshar, father of the great gods,

Whose heart is perfect like a fellow-citizen or countryman (?),

The mighty heir who was to be his father’s champion,

Who rushes (fearlessly) into battle: Marduk (Nibiru) the Hero!

He told him his innermost design, saying,

O Marduk, take my advice, listen to your father!

You are the son who sets his heart at rest!

Approach Anshar, drawing near to him,

And make your voice heard, stand your ground: he will be calmed by the sight of you.’

The Lord rejoiced at the word of his father,

And he approached and stood before Anshar.

Anshar looked at him, and his heart was filled with joy.

He kissed him on the lips, put away his trepidation.

(Then Marduk addressed him, saying)

Father, don’t stay so silent, open your lips,

Let me go, and let me fulfill your heart’s desire.

Anshar, don’t stay so silent, open your lips,

Let me go, and let me fulfill your heart’s desire.’

(Anshar replied)

What kind of man has ordered you out (to) his war?

My son, (don’t you realize that) it is Tiamat, of womankind, who will advance against you with arms?’

(Marduk answered)

Father, my creator, rejoice and be glad!

You shall soon set your foot upon the back of Tiamat!

Anshar, my creator, rejoice and be glad,

You shall soon set your foot upon the neck of Tiamat.’

(Anshar replied)

Then go, son, knowing all wisdom!

Quell Tiamat with your pure spell!

Set forth immediately (in) the storm chariot;

Let its [ ] be not driven out, but turn (them?) back!’

The Lord rejoiced at the word of his father;

His heart was glad and he addressed his father,

Lord of the gods, fate of the great gods,

If indeed I am to be your champion,

If I am to defeat Tiamat and save your lives,

Convene the council, name a special fate,

Sit joyfully together in Ubshu-ukkinakku:

My own utterance shall fix fate instead of you!

Whatever I create shall never be altered!

The decree of my lips shall never be revoked, never changed!’

[ [Written] according to [ ] [ ] a copy from Assur.]

Tablet 3

Anshar made his voice heard

And addressed his speech to Kakka (Anu‘s) his vizier,

O Kakka, vizier who pleases me!

I shall send you to Lahmu and Lahamu.

You know how to probe, you are skilled in speaking.

Have the gods my fathers brought before me;

Let all the gods be brought to me.

Let there be conversation, let them sit at a banquet,

Let them eat grain, let them drink choice wine,

(And then) let them decree a destiny for Marduk their champion.

Set off, Kakka, go and stand before them, and

Everything that I am about to tell you, repeat to them,

“Anshar your son has sent me,

He has told me to report his heart’s message,

To say, “Tiamat who bore us is rejecting us!

She has convened a council and is raging out of control.

The gods have turned to her, all of them,

Even those whom you begot have gone over to her side,

Have crowded round and rallied beside Tiamat.

They are fierce, scheming restlessly night and day,

They are working up to war, growling and raging,

They convened a council and created conflict.

Mother Hubur, who fashions all things,

Contributed an unfaceable weapon: she bore giant snakes,

Sharp of tooth and unsparing of fang(?).

She filled their bodies with venom instead of blood.

She cloaked ferocious dragons with fearsome rays

And made them bear mantles of radiance, made them godlike,

(chanting this imprecation)

“Whoever looks upon them shall collapse in utter terror!

Their bodies shall rear up continually and never turn away!”

She stationed a horned serpent, a mushussu-dragon, and a lahmu-hero,

An ugallu-demon (names for Nibiru moons), a rabid dog, and a scorpion-man,

Aggressive umu-demons, a fish-man, and a bull-man

Bearing merciless weapons, fearless in battle.

Her orders were so powerful, they could not be disobeyed.

In addition she created eleven more likewise.

Over the gods her offspring who had convened a council for her

She promoted Qingu and made him greatest among them,

Conferred upon him leadership of the army, command of the assembly,

Raising the weapon to signal engagement, to rise up for combat,

Overall command of the whole battle force.

And she set him upon a throne.

“I have cast the spell for you and made you greatest in the gods’ assembly!

I have put into your power rule over all the gods!

You shall be the greatest, for you are my only lover!

Your commands shall always prevail over all the Anunnaki!”

Then she gave him the Tablet of Destinies and made him clasp it to his breast.

“Your utterance shall never be altered! Your word shall be law!”

When Qingu was promoted and had received the Anu-power

And had decreed destinies for the gods his sons, (he said),

“What issues forth from your mouths shall quench Fire!

Your accumulated venom (?) shall paralyze the powerful!”

I sent Anu, but he was unable to face her.

Nudimmud panicked and turned back.

3c - Nibiru (7 steps to get to heaven / planet Nibiru, the 7th heaven, home of the gods)

Then Marduk, sage of the gods, your son, came forward.

He wanted of his own free will to confront Tiamat.

He addressed his words to me,

“If indeed I am to be your champion,

To defeat Tiamat and save your lives,

Convene the council, name a special fate,

Sit joyfully together in Ubshu-ukkinakku:

And let me, my own utterance, fix fate instead of you!

Whatever I create shall never be altered!

The decree of my lips shall never be revoked, never changed!”

Hurry and decree your destiny for him quickly,

So that he may go and face your formidable enemy!”‘

Kakka (Gaga / Pluto) set off and went on his way,

And before Lahmu and Lahamu the gods his fathers

Prostrated himself and kissed the earth in front of them,

Then straightened up and stood and spoke to them,

Anshar your son has sent me.

He has told me to report his personal message,

To say, “Tiamat who bore us is rejecting us!

She has convened a council and is raging out of control.

The gods have turned to her, all of them,

Even those whom you begot have gone over to her side,

Have crowded round and rallied beside Tiamat.

Fierce, scheming restlessly night and day,

Working up to war, growling and raging,

They have convened a council and created conflict.

Mother Hubur, who fashions all things,

Contributed an unfaceable weapon: she bore giant snakes,

Sharp of tooth and unsparing of fang(?).

She filled their bodies with venom instead of blood.

She cloaked ferocious dragons with fearsome rays

And made them bear mantles of radiance, made them godlike,

(chanting this imprecation)

“Whoever looks upon them shall collapse in utter terror!

Their bodies shall rear up continually and never turn away!”

She stationed a horned serpent, a mushussu-dragon, and a lahmu-hero,

An ugallu-demon, a rabid dog, and a scorpion-man,

Aggressive umu-demons, a fish-man, and a bull-man

Bearing merciless weapons, fearless in battle.

Her orders were so powerful, they could not be disobeyed.

In addition she created eleven more likewise.

Over the gods her offspring who had convened a council for her

She promoted Qingu and made him greatest among them,

Conferred upon him leadership of the army, command of the assembly,

Raising the weapon to signal engagement, to rise up for combat,

Overall command of the whole battle force.

And she set him upon a throne.

“I have cast the spell for you and made you greatest in the gods’ assembly!

I have put into your power rule over all the gods!

You shall be the greatest, for you are my only lover!

Your commands shall always prevail over all the Anunnaki!”

Then she gave him the Tablet of Destinies and made him clasp it to his breast.

“Your utterance shall never be altered! Your word shall be law!”

When Qingu was promoted and had received the Anu-power

And had decreed destinies for the gods his sons, (he said),

“What issues forth from your mouths shall quench Fire!

Your accumulated venom (?) shall paralyze the powerful!”

I sent Anu, but he was unable to face her.

Nudimmud panicked and turned back.

3b - Nibiru redorbit4 (NIbiru intrudes upon planetary orbit stability)

Then Marduk, sage of the gods, your son, came forward.

He wanted of his own free will to confront Tiamat.

He addressed his words to me,

“If indeed I am to be your champion,

To defeat Tiamat and save your lives,

Convene the council, name a special fate,

Sit joyfully together in Ubshu-ukkinakku:

And let me, my own utterance, fix fate instead of you!

Whatever I create shall never be altered!

The decree of my lips shall never be revoked, never changed!”

Hurry and decree your destinies for him quickly,

So that he may go and face your formidable enemy!”‘

Lahmu and Lahamu listened and cried aloud.

All the Igigi groaned dreadfully,

How terrible! Until he (Anshar) decided to report to us,

We did not even know what Tiamat was doing.’

They milled around and then came,

All the great gods who fix the fates,

Entered into Anshar’s presence and were filled with joy.

Each kissed the other: in the assembly [ ]

There was conversation, they sat at the banquet,

Ate grain, drank choice wine,

Let sweet beer trickle through their drinking straws.

Their bodies swelled as they drank the liquor;

They became very carefree, they were merry,

And they decreed destiny for Marduk their champion.

Tablet 4

They founded a princely shrine for him.

And he took up residence as ruler before his fathers, (who proclaimed)

You are honored among the great gods.

Your destiny is unequaled, your word (has the power of) Anu!

O Marduk, you are honored among the great gods.

Your destiny is unequaled, your word (has the power of) Anu!

From this day onwards your command shall not be altered.

Yours is the power to exalt and abase.

May your utterance be law, your word never be falsified.

None of the gods shall transgress your limits.

May endowment, required for the gods’ shrines

Wherever they have temples, be established for your place.

3a - Nibiru's main orbit

        (1 Nibiru orbit = 3,600 Earth years, immortal gods only in appearance)

O Marduk, you are our champion!

We hereby give you sovereignty over the whole universe.

Sit in the assembly and your word shall be pre-eminent!

May your weapons never miss (the mark), may they smash your enemies!

O lord, spare the life of him who trusts in you,

But drain the life of the god who has espoused evil!’

They set up in their midst one constellation,

And then they addressed Marduk their son,

May your decree, O lord, impress the gods!

Command to destroy and to recreate, and let it be so!

Speak and let the constellation vanish!

Speak to it again and let the constellation reappear.’

He spoke, and at his word the constellation vanished.

He spoke to it again and the constellation was recreated.

When the gods his fathers saw how effective his utterance was,

They rejoiced, they proclaimed:Marduk is King!’

They invested him with scepter, throne, and staff-of-office.

They gave him an unfaceable weapon to crush the foe.

Go, and cut off the life of Tiamat!

Let the winds bear her blood to us as good news!’

The gods his fathers thus decreed the destiny of the lord

And set him on the path of peace and obedience.

He fashioned a bow, designated it as his weapon,

Feathered the arrow, set it in the string.

He lifted up a mace and carried it in his right hand,

Slung the bow and quiver at his side,

Put lightning in front of him,

His body was filled with an ever-blazing flame.

He made a net to encircle Tiamat within it,

Marshaled the four winds so that no part of her could escape:

9 - Enlil's Interplanetary Communication Satellite

      (Enlil = Earth, the 7th planet / 7 orbs,  winged fly-by planet Nibiru,  & Marduk = Mars, the 6-pointed star / 6th planet)

South Wind, North Wind, East Wind, West Wind,

The gift of his father Anu, he kept them close to the net at his side.

He created the imhullu-wind (evil wind), the tempest, the whirlwind,

The Four Winds, the Seven Winds, the tornado, the unfaceable facing wind.

He released the winds which he had created, seven of them.

They advanced behind him to make turmoil inside Tiamat.

The lord raised the flood-weapon, his great weapon,

And mounted the frightful, unfaceable storm-chariot.

He had yoked to it a team of four and had harnessed to its side

Slayer’, ‘Pitiless’, ‘Racer’, and ‘Flyer’;

Their lips were drawn back, their teeth carried poison.

They know not exhaustion, they can only devastate.

He stationed on his right Fiercesome Fight and Conflict,

On the left Battle to knock down every contender (?).

Clothed in a cloak of awesome armour,

His head was crowned with a terrible radiance.

The Lord set out and took the road,

And set his face towards Tiamat who raged out of control.

In his lips he gripped a spell,

In his hand he grasped a herb to counter poison.

Then they thronged about him, the gods thronged about him;

The gods his fathers thronged about him, the gods thronged about him.

The Lord drew near and looked into the middle of Tiamat:

He was trying to find out the strategy of Qingu her lover.

As he looked, his mind became confused,

His will crumbled and his actions were muddled.

As for the gods his helpers, who marched) at his side,

When they saw the warrior, the leader, their looks were strained.

Tiamat cast her spell. She did not even turn her neck.

In her lips she was holding falsehood, lies, (wheedling),

[How powerful is] your attacking force, O lord of the gods!

The whole assembly of them has gathered to your place!’

(But he ignored her brandishments)

The Lord lifted up the flood-weapon, his great weapon

And sent a message to Tiamat who feigned goodwill, saying:

Why are you so friendly on the surface

When your depths conspire to muster a battle force?

Just because the sons were noisy (and) disrespectful to their fathers,

Should you, who gave them birth, reject compassion?

You named Qingu as your lover,

You appointed him to rites of Anu-power, wrongfully his.

You sought out evil for Anshar, king of the gods,

So you have compounded your wickedness against the gods my fathers!

Let your host prepare! Let them gird themselves with your weapons!

Stand forth, and you and I shall do single combat!’

When Tiamat heard this,

She went wild, she lost her temper.

Tiamat screamed aloud in a passion,

Her lower parts shook together from the depths.

She recited the incantation and kept casting her spell.

Meanwhile the gods of battle were sharpening their weapons.

Face to face they came, Tiamat and Marduk, sage of the gods.

They engaged in combat, they closed for battle.

The Lord spread his net and made it encircle her,

To her face he dispatched the imhullu-wind so that she could not close her lips.

Fierce winds distended her belly;

Her insides were constipated and she stretched her mouth wide.

He shot an arrow which pierced her belly,

Split her down the middle and split her heart,

Vanquished her and extinguished her life.

He threw down the corpse and stood on top of her.

4a - Tiamat cracks, Asteroid Belt & Earth (Nibiru moons crash into & crack planet Tiamat into 2 entities, the smashed pieces into hammered bracelet named Asteroid Belt, & new 1/2 planet filled in with water named Earth)

When he had slain Tiamat, the leader,

He broke up her regiments; her assembly was scattered.

Then the gods her helpers, who had marched at her side,

Began to tremble, panicked, and turned tail.

Although he allowed them to come out and spared their lives,

They were surrounded, they could not flee.

Then he tied them up and smashed their weapons.

They were thrown into the net and sat there ensnared.

They cowered back, filled with woe.

They had to bear his punishment, confined to prison.

And as for the dozens of creatures, covered in fearsome rays,

The gang of demons who all marched on her right,

He fixed them with nose-ropes and tied their arms.

He trampled their battle-filth (?) Beneath him.

As for Qingu, who had once been the greatest among them,

He defeated him and counted him among the dead gods,

Wrested from him the Tablet of Destinies, wrongfully his,

Sealed it with (his own) seal and pressed it to his breast.

When he had defeated and killed his enemies

And had proclaimed the submissive (?) foe his slave,

And had set up the triumphal cry of Anshar over all the enemy,

And had achieved the desire of Nudimmud, Marduk the warrior

Strengthened his hold over the captive gods,

And to Tiamat, whom he had ensnared, he turned back.

The Lord trampled the lower part of Tiamat,

With his unsparing mace smashed her skull,

Severed the arteries of her blood,

And made the North Wind carry it off as good news.

His fathers saw it and were jubilant: they rejoiced,

Arranged to greet him with presents, greetings gifts.

4b - Nibiru's moons crack and smash (Asteroid Belt = pieces of Tiamat / Earth, same with wondering asteroids)

The Lord rested, and inspected her corpse.

He divided the monstrous shape and created marvels (from it).

He sliced her in half like a fish for drying:

Half of her he put up to roof the sky,

Drew a bolt across and made a guard hold it.

Her waters he arranged so that they could not escape.

He crossed the heavens and sought out a shrine;

He leveled Apsu, dwelling of Nudimmud.

The Lord measured the dimensions of Apsu

And the large temple (Eshgalla), which he built in its image, was Esharra:

In the great shrine Esharra, which he had created as the sky,

He founded cult centers for Anu, Ellil, and Ea.

[146 lines. Fourth tablet. Not complete. Written according to a tablet whose lines were canceled. Nabu-belshu (son of) Na’id-Marduk, son of a smith, wrote it for the life of himself And the life of his house, and deposited (it) in Ezida.]

Tablet 5

4e - current path of Nibiru (Nibiru arrives appx. every 3,600 years)

He fashioned stands for the great gods.

As for the stars, he set up constellations corresponding to them.

He designated the year and marked out its divisions,

Apportioned three stars each to the twelve months

When he had made plans of the days of the year,

He founded the stand of Nibiru to mark out their courses,

So that none of them could go wrong or stray.

He fixed the stand of Ellil (Enlil) and Ea together with it,

Opened up gates in both ribs,

Made strong bolts to left and right,

With her liver he located the Zenith;

He made the crescent moon appear, entrusted night (to it)

And designated it the jewel of night to mark out the days.

Go forth every month without fail in a corona,

At the beginning of the month, to glow over the land.

You shine with horns to mark out six days;

On the seventh day the crown is half.

The fifteenth day shall always be the mid-point, the half of each month.

When Shamash (Utu) looks at you from the horizon,

Gradually shed your visibility and begin to wane.

Always bring the day of disappearance close to the path of Shamash,

And on the thirtieth day, the [year] is always equalized, for Shamash is (responsible for) the year.

A sign [shall appear (?)]: sweep along its path.

Then always approach the [ ] and judge the case.

[ ] the Bowstar to kill and rob.

(15 lines broken)

At the New Year’s Festival

Year [ ]

May [ ]

The bolt of the exit [ ]

From the days [ ]

The watches of night and day [ ]

The spittle of Tiamat [ ]

Marduk [ ]

He put into groups and made clouds scud.

Raising winds, making rain,

Making fog billow, by collecting her poison,

He assigned for himself and let his own hand control it.

He placed her head, heaped up [ ]

Opened up springs: water gushed out.

He opened the Euphrates and the Tigris from her eyes,

Closed her nostrils, [ ].

He piled up clear-cut mountains from her udder,

Bored waterholes to drain off the catchwater.

He laid her tail across, tied it fast as the cosmic bond (?),

And [ ] the Apsu beneath his feet.

He set her thigh to make fast the sky,

With half of her he made a roof; he fixed the earth.

He [ ] the work, made the insides of Tiamat surge,

Spread his net, made it extend completely.

He . . . [ ] heaven and earth

[ ] their knots, to coil [ ]

When he had designed its cult, created its rites,

He threw down the reins (and) made Ea take (them).

The Tablet of Destinies, which Qingu had appropriated, he fetched

And took it and presented it for a first reading (?) to Anu.

[The gods (?) of] battle whom he had ensnared were disentangled (?);

He led (them) as captives into the presence of his fathers.

And as for the eleven creatures that Tiamat had created, he [ ],

Smashed their weapons, tied them at his feet,

Made images of them and had them set up at the door of Apsu.

Let this be a sign that will never in future be forgotten!’

The gods looked, and their hearts were full of joy at him.

Lahmu and Lahamu and all his fathers

Embraced him, and Anshar the king proclaimed that there should be a reception for him.

Anu, Enlil, and Ea each presented him with gifts.

[ ] Damkina his mother exclaimed with joy at him;

She made him beam [inside (?)] his fine (?) house.

He (Marduk) appointed Usmu (Isumud), who had brought his greetings present as good news,

To be vizier of the Apsu, to take care of shrines.

The Igigi assembled, and all of them did obeisance to him.

The Anunnaki, each and every one, kissed his feet.

The whole assembly collected together to prostrate themselves.

[ ] they stood, they bowed, ‘Yes, King indeed!’

[ ] his fathers took their fill of his manliness,

[They took off his clothes] which were enveloped in the dust of combat.

[ ] the gods were attentive to him.

With cypress [ ] they sprinkled (?) his body.

He put on a princely garment,

A royal aura, a splendid crown.

He took up a mace and grasped it in his right hand.

[ ] his left hand.

[ ]

He set a [mushussu-dragon (?)] at his feet,

Placed upon [ ]

Slung the staff of peace and obedience at his side.

4c - Nibiru affects solar system

           (Mars’ & Earth’s stability heavily affected by each arrival of larger planet Nibiru every 3,600 years)

When the mantle of radiance [ ]

And his net was holding (?) fearful Apsu,

A bull [ ]

In the inner chamber of his throne [ ]

In his cellar [ ]

The gods, all that existed, [ ]

Lahmu and Lahamu [ ]

Made their voices heard and spoke to the Igigi,

Previously Marduk was (just) our beloved son

But now he is your king. Take heed of his command.’

Next they spoke and proclaimed in unison,

LUGAL-DIMMER-ANKIA is his name. Trust in him!

When they gave kingship to Marduk,

They spoke an oration for him, for blessing and obedience.

Henceforth you shall be the provider of shrines for us.

Whatever you command, we shall perform ourselves.’

Marduk made his voice heard and spoke,

Addressed his words to the gods his fathers,

Over the Apsu, the sea-green dwelling,

In front of (?) Esharra, which I created for you,

(Where) I strengthened the ground beneath it for a shrine,

I shall make my house to be a luxurious dwelling for myself

And shall found his cult center within it,

And I shall establish my private quarters, and confirm my kingship.

Whenever you come up from the Apsu for an assembly,

Your night’s resting place shall ve in it, receiving you all.

I hereby name it Babylon, home of the great gods.

We shall make it the center of religion.’

The gods his fathers listened to this command of his, [ ]…

Who has [ ] your [ ]

More than you by yourself have created?

Babylon, whose name you have just pronounced,

Found there our night’s resting place forever!

[ ] let them bring our regular offerings [ ]

Whatever our work that we [ ]

There [ ] his toil [ ].’

They rejoiced [ ]

The gods [ ] them

Who knows [ ] them light

He made his voice heard, his command [ ]

[ ] them [ ]

[ ]

They did obeisance to him and the gods spoke to him,

They addressed their lord Lugal-dimmer-ankia,

Previously the Lord was [our beloved] son.

But now he is our king. We shall take heed of his command.

[ ] gave long life [ ]

[ ] the mantle of radiance, the mace, and staff.

[ ] all the lore of sages.

We [ ].

             (Ashurbanipal II, King of Assyria 883-859 B.C.) 

[Palace of Asssurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria.]

Tablet 6

When Marduk heard the speech of the gods,

He made up his mind to perform miracles.

He spoke his utterance to Ea,

And communicated to him the plan that he was considering.

Let me put blood together, and make bones too.

Let me set up primeval man: Man shall be his name.

Let me create a primeval man.

The work of the gods shall be imposed (on him), and so they shall be at leisure.

Let me change the ways of the gods miraculously,

So they are gathered as one yet divided in two.’

Ea answered him and spoke a word to him,

Told him his plan for the leisure of the gods.

Let one who is hostile to them be surrendered (up),

Let him be destroyed, and let people be created (from him).

Let the great gods assemble,

Let the culprit be given up, and let them convict him.’

Marduk assembled the great gods,

Gave (them) instructions pleasantly, gave orders.

The gods paid attention to what he said.

The king addressed his words to the Anunnaki,

Your election of me shall be firm and foremost.

I shall declare the laws, the edicts within my power.

Whosoever started the war,

And incited Tiamat, and gathered an army,

Let the one who started the war be given up to me,

And he shall bear the penalty for his crime, that you may dwell in peace.’

The Igigi, the great gods, answered him,

Their lord Lugal-dimmer-ankia, counselor of the gods,

It was Qingu who started the war,

He who incited Tiamat and gathered an army!’

They bound him and held him in front of Ea,

Imposed the penalty on him and cut off his blood.

He created mankind from his blood,

Imposed the toil of the gods (on man) and released the gods from it.

When Ea the wise had created mankind,

Had imposed the toil of the gods on them –

That deed is impossible to describe,

For Nudimmud performed it with the miracles of Marduk

Then Marduk the king divided the gods,

The Anunnaki, all of them, above and below.

He assigned his decrees to Anu to guard,

Established three hundred as a guard in the sky;

Did the same again when he designed the conventions of earth,

And made the six hundred dwell in both heaven and earth.

When he had directed all the decrees,

Had divided lots for the Anunnaki, of heaven and of earth,

The Anunnaki made their voices heard

And addressed Marduk their lord,

Now, O Lord, that you have set us free,

What are our favors from you?

We would like to make a shrine with its own name.

We would like our night’s resting place to be in your private quarters, and to rest there.

Let us found a shrine, a sanctuary there.

Whenever we arrive, let us rest within it.’

When Marduk heard this,

His face lit up greatly, like daylight.

Create Babylon, whose construction you requested!

Let its mud bricks be molded, and build high the shrine!’

The Anunnaki began shoveling.

For a whole year they made bricks for it.

When the second year arrived,

They had raised the top of Esagila in front of (?) the Apsu;

They had built a high ziggurat (Marduk‘s home in Babylon) for the Apsu.

They founded a dwelling for Anu, Ellil, and Ea likewise.

In ascendancy he settled himself in front of them,

And his ‘horns’ look down at the base of Esharra.


(Esagila temple residence of Marduk in Babylon)

When they had done the work on Esagila (Marduk‘s temple residence in Babylon),

(And) the Anunnaki, all of them, had fashioned their individual shrines,

The three hundred Igigi of heaven and the Anunnaki of the Apsu assembled.

The Lord invited the gods his fathers to attend a banquet

In the great sanctuary which he and created as his dwelling.

Indeed, Bab-ili (Babylon) (is) your home too!

Sing for joy there, dwell in happiness!’

The great gods sat down there,

And set out the beer mugs; they attended the banquet.

When they had made merry within,

They themselves made a taqribtu-offering in splendid Esagila.

All the decrees (and) designs were fixed.

All the gods divided the stations of heaven and earth.

The fifty great gods were present, and

The gods fixed the seven destinies for the cult.

The Lord received the bow, and set his weapon down in front of them.

The gods his fathers looked at the net which he had made,

Looked at the bow, how miraculous her construction,

And his fathers praised the deeds that he had done.

5a - Sumerian tale of collision, Nibiru battles the chaotic Tiamat (planet Tiamat battles planet Nibiru)

Anu raised (the bow) and spoke in the assembly of gods,

He kissed the bow. ‘May she go far!’

He gave to the bow her names, saying,

May Long and Far be the first, and Victorious the second;

Her third name shall be Bowstar, for she shall shine in the sky.’

He fixed her position among the gods her companions.

When Anu had decreed the destiny of the bow,

He set down her royal throne. ‘You are highest of the gods!’

And Anu made her sit in the assembly of gods.

The great gods assembled

And made Marduk‘s destiny highest; they themselves did obeisance.

They swore an oath for themselves,

And swore on water and oil, touched their throats.

Thus they granted that he should exercise the kingship of the gods

And confirmed for him mastery of the gods of heaven and earth

Anshar gave him another name: ASARLUHI.

At the mention of his name we shall bow down!

The gods are to pay heed to what he says:

His command is to have priority above and below.

The son who avenged us shall be the highest!

His rule shall have priority; let him have no rival!

Let him act as shepherd over the black-headed people, his creation.

Let his way be proclaimed in future days, never forgotten.

He shall establish great nindabu-offerings for his fathers.

He shall take care of them, he shall look after their shrines.

He shall let them smell the qutrinnu-offering, and make their chant joyful.

Let him breathe on earth as freely as he always does in heaven.

Let him designate the black-headed people to revere him,

That mankind may be mindful of him, and name him as their god.

Let their (interceding) goddess pay attention when he opens his mouth.

Let nindabu-offerings be brought [to] their god (and) their goddess.

Let them never be forgotten! Let them cleave to their god.

Let them keep their country preeminent, and always build shrines.

Though the black-headed people share out the gods,

As for us, no matter by which name we call him, he shall be our god.

Come, let us call him by his fifty names!

His ways shall be proclaimed, and his deeds likewise!


Whose father Anu designated him at the moment of his birth,

To be in charge of pasturage and watering places, to enrich their stalls,

Who overwhelmed the riotous ones with his flood-weapon?

And saved the gods his fathers from hardship.


In his bright light may they walk forever more:

The people whom he created, the form of life that breathes.

He imposed the work of the gods (on them) so that they might rest.

Creation and abolition, forgiveness and punishment –

Such are at his disposal, so let them look to him.

           MARUKKA—he is the god who created them.

He pleases the Anunnaki and gives rest to the Igigi

MARUTUKKU—he is the help of country, city, and his people.

Him shall the people revere forever.

MERSHAKUSHU—fierce yet considerate, furious yet merciful.

Generous is his heart, controlled are his emotions.

LUGAL-DIMMER-ANKIA—his name which we gave him in our assembly.

We made his command higher than the gods his fathers’.

He is indeed BEL of the gods of heaven and earth, all of them,

The king at whose instruction the gods are awed above and below.

NARI-LUGAL-DIMMER-ANKIA is a name that we have given him as director of the gods,

Who founded our dwellings in heaven and earth out of difficulties,

And who shared out the stations for the Igigi and Anunnaki.

At his names may the gods tremble and quake in (their) dwellings.

ASARLUHI (first) is his name which his father Anu gave him,

He shall be the light of the gods, strong leader,

Who like his name is the protecting spirit of god and country.

He spared our dwellings in the great battle despite difficulties.

Second, they called him Asarluhi as NAMTILA, the god who gives life,

Who restored all the damaged gods as if they were his own creation.

Bel, who revives dead gods with his pure incantation,

Who destroys those who oppose him but . . . s the enemy.

Asarluhi third as NAMRU, whose name was given (thus),

The pure god who purifies our path.’

Anshar, Lahmu, and Lahamu called his three names;

They pronounced them to the gods their sons,

‘We have given him each of these three names.

Now you, pronounce his names as we did!’

The gods rejoiced, and obeyed their command.

In Ubshu-ukkinakku they deliberated their counsel.

Let us elevate the name of the son, the warrior,

Our champion who looks after us!’

They sat in their assembly and began to call out the destinies,

Pronounced his name in all their rites.

Tablet 7

ASARE, bestower of plow land, who fixes (its) boundaries,

Creator of grain and linseed, producer of vegetation.

ASAR-ALIM, whose weighty counsel in the Chamber of Council is most valued;

The gods, even those who know no fear, pay heed to him.

ASAR-ALIM-NUNA, the honored one, the light of the father who begot him,

Who directs the orders of Anu, Ellil, Ea, and Damkina?].

He indeed is their provider, who allocates their incomes,

Whose farmland makes a surplus for the country.

He is TUTU, (first) as creator of their renewal.

He shall purify their shrines, that they may stay at rest.

He shall invent an incantation, that the gods may be at peace.

Even if they should rise up in anger, he shall turn them back.

He shall be pre-eminent in the assembly of the gods his fathers;

None among the gods shall rival him.

He is Tutu, (second) as ZI-UKKINA, the inspiration of his people,

Who fixed pure skies for the gods,

Who set their ways and marked out their stations.

May he not be forgotten by teeming humanity, may they uphold his work.

Thirdly, they named him Tutu and ZIKU, upholder of purification,

They god of sweet breath, lord of obedience and consent,

Producer of riches and abundance, who maintains a surplus,

Who turns whatever is scant into plenty.

Even in the worst hardship we can smell his sweet breath!

May they speak in worship and sing his praises!

Fourthly, let the people glorify Tutu as AGAKU,

Lord of the pure incantation, who revives the dying,

Who showed mercy even to the captured gods,

Who removed the yoke imposed upon the gods his enemies,

Who created mankind to set them free,

The merciful one who has the power to give life!

His words shall be firm; they shall never be forgotten

In the mouth of the black-headed people whom he created with his own hands.

Fifthly, let their mouths show forth Tutu as TUKU, whose spell (is) pure,

Who uprooted all the wicked with his pure incantation

He is SHAZU, aware of the gods’ intentions, who can see emotions,

Who does not allow evil-doers to escape him,

Establisher of the gods’ assembly, gratifier of their wishes,

Who makes the arrogant kneel beneath his wide canopy.

Director of justice, who plucks out crooked speech,

In whose place lies can be distinguished from truth.

Secondly, let them worship Shazu as ZISI, silencer of the aggressor,

Expeller of deathly silence from the bodies of the gods his fathers.

Thirdly, he is Shazu as SUHRIM, uprooter of all the foe by force of arms,

Dispelling their plots, scattering them to the winds,

Extinguishing all the wicked, wherever they may be.

May the gods always proclaim the triumph in the assembly!

Fourthly, he is Shazu as SUHGURIM, responsible for the obedience of the gods his fathers.

Uprooter of the foe, destroyer of their offspring,

Dispeller of their works, who left no trace of them.

Let his name be proclaimed and spoken in the land.

Fifthly, let future generations consider Shazu as ZAHRIM,

Destroyer of all enemies, every one of them arrogant,

Who brought all the refugee gods into shrines:

Let this be established as his name.

Sixthly, let them all praise Shazu as ZAHGURIM too,

Who destroyed all the foe by himself in battle.

He is ENBILULU, the lord, their enricher;

Their deity is mighty, responsible for sacrificial omens,

Who looks after pasturage and watering places, establishes them for the land,

Who opens up wells (?) and apportions the waters of abundance.

Secondly, let them address Enbilulu as EPADUN, lord of the countryside and . . . ,

Canal-controller of heaven and earth, establisher of the furrow,

Who maintains pure plow land in the countryside,

Who directs ditches and canals and marks out the furrows.

Thirdly, let them praise Enbilulu as GUGAL (“canal-controller”) of the gods’ irrigated land.

Lord of abundance and the luxuriance of great grain-piles.

Responsible for riches, who gives surplus to homes,

Giver of cereals, producer of grain.

Fourthly (?), he is Enbilulu as HEGAL (“Abundance”), who heaps up a surplus for people,

Who brings rain of abundance over the broad earth, and makes vegetation grow profusely.

He is SIRSIR, who piled a mountain over Tiamat,

And took as booty the corpse of Tiamat, by his force of arms.

Governor of the land, their righteous shepherd,

Whose gifts are cultivation, garden plots and plow land,

Who waded into the broad Sea-Tiamat in his fury:

Like a bridge he spanned her battlefield.

Secondly, they maned Sirsir as MALAH (“Boatman”)—may she, Tiamat,

Be his barque forever, and he her sailor.

He is GIL, who amasses mighty heaps and mounds of grain.

Producer of cereals and flocks, giver of the land’s seed.

He is GILIMA, who established the cosmic bond of the gods, who created stability;

The ring that encompasses them, who prepares good things,

He is AGILIMA, the lofty, who pulled the crown from the wicked,

And built the earth above the water, established the upper regions.

He is ZULUM who designated fields for the gods, and divided up what he had created.

Bestower of incomes and food offerings, supplier of shrines.

He is MUMMU, fashioner of heaven and earth, director of . . .

The god who purifies heaven and earth, secondly as ZULUM-UMMU

Whom no other god equals for strength.

GISH-NUMUN-AB, creator of all people, maker of the world’s quarters,

Destroyer of Tiamat’s gods, maker of people in their entirety.

LUGAL-AB-DUBUR, the king who scattered Tiamat’s brood and snatched her weapon,

Who made a firm base in the van and the rear.

PAGAL-GUENA, leader of all lords, whose might is supreme,

Who is greatest of the gods his brothers, prince of them all.

LUGAL-DURMAH, king, bond of gods, lord of the cosmic bond,

Who is greatest in the royal abode, highest of the gods by far.

ARANUNA, counselor of Ea, creator of the gods [his (?)] fathers,

Whom no god equals in his princely way.

DUMU-DUKU, whose pure dwelling is marked out for him on the holy mound,

Dumu-duku, without whom rules cannot be decided, LUGAL-DUKU.

LUGAL-SHANNA, king whose might is supreme among the gods.

Lord, might of Anu, who is pre-eminent as the namesake (?) of Anshar.

IRUGA, who took them all captive from inside Tiamat,

Who unites all wisdom, and is broad of understanding.

IRQINGU, who took Qingu captive as foe (?) in (?) battle,

Who administers decrees for everything, who confirms supremacy.

KINMA, director of the gods, giver of counsel,

At whose name the gods themselves quake in fear as in a tempest.

As E-SIZKUR, he shall sit highest in the house of prayer,

And the gods shall bring their presents before him,

As long as he accepts revenues from them.

None may perform miracles without him.

No (other) god shall designate the revenues of the black-headed people, his own creation,

Without him, nor decisions about their lifetimes.

GIBIL, who establishes the . . . of weapon’s),

Who performed miracles in the battle with Tiamat.

Profound in wisdom, skilled in understanding,

(So) profound, that none of the gods can comprehend.

ADDU shall be his name: let him cover all the sky,

And may his fine noise rumble over the earth.

May he shed water (?) from the clouds,

And give sustenance to the people below.

ASHARU, who like his name is responsible for the gods of destinies:

He does indeed take charge over every single person.

NEBERU: he does indeed hold the crossings of heaven and earth.

Neither up nor down shall they cross over; they must wait on him.

Nibiru (planet of the gods) is the star which is bright in the sky.

He controls the crossroads; they must look to him,

Saying: “He who kept crossing inside Tiamat without respite,

Shall have Nibiru as his name, grasping her middle.

May he establish the paths of the heavenly stars,

And may he shepherd all the gods like sheep.

Let him defeat Tiamat, constrict her breath and shorten her life,

So that for future people, till time grows old,

She shall be far removed, not kept here, distant forever,

Because he created a place, he fashioned Dannina.”

ENKURKUR, father Ellil named him.

Ea heard that name, by which the Igigi all called him,

And was delighted, saying,

“He whose fathers have given him such a splendid name

Shall have the name Ea, just like me.

He shall have mastery over the arrangement of all my rites,

And shall direct every one of my decrees.”‘

With fifty epithets the great gods

Called his fifty names, making his way supreme.

May they always be cherished, and may the older explain (to the younger).

Let the wise and learned consult together,

Let the father repeat them and teach them to the son.

Let the ear of shepherd and herdsman be open,

Let him not be negligent to Marduk, the Ellil of the gods.

May his country be made fertile, and himself be safe and sound.

His word is firm, his command cannot alter;

No god can change his utterance.

When he is angry, he does not turn his neck (aside);

In his rage and fury no god dare confront him.

His thoughts are deep, his emotions profound;

Criminals and wrongdoers pass before him.

He (the scribe?) wrote down secret instruction which older men had recited in his presence,

And set it down for future men to read.

May the [people?]s of Marduk whom the Igigi gods created

Weave the [tale?] and call upon his name

In remembrance of the song of Marduk

Who defeated Tiamat and took the kingship.

Enlil and Nam-zid-tara

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., TEhe Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


1-10 Nam-zid-tara walked by Enlil, who said to him: “Where have you come from, Nam-zid-tara?”

3n - Nippur excavations

(Enlil‘s patron city of Nippur way below his “Great Mountain” residence, all made of mud bricks fired extremely hot)

“From Enlil‘s temple. My turn of duty is finished.

I serve at the place of the gudu priests, with their sheep.

I am on my way home. Don’t stop me; I am in a hurry.

Who are you who asks me questions?”


  (Enlil, son & heir to Anu‘s crown, & Commander of establishing Earth Colony)

11-18 “I am Enlil.” But Enlil had changed his appearance: he had turned into a raven and was croaking.

“But you are not a raven, you really are Enlil!”

“How did you recognize that I am Enlil, who decrees the destinies? “


2c - gods battling gods

  (giant alien Anunnaki gods battle each other for power over Earth Colony)

17-18 “When your uncle En-me-cara was a captive, after taking for himself the rank of Enlil, he said:

“Now I shall know the fates, like a lord. ” 


19-23 “You may acquire precious metals, you may acquire precious stones,

you may acquire cattle or you may acquire sheep;

2 - Primitive Man - Enki Found In Abzu  (earthlings prior to giant aliens inserting DNA upgrades)

but the day of a human being is always getting closer, so where does your wealth lead?

Now, I am indeed Enlil, who decrees the fates.

What is your name? “


24-27 “My name is Nam-zid-tara (Well-blessed). ”

“Your fate shall be assigned according to your name:

leave the house of your master, and your heirs shall come and go regularly in my temple.”

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s mud brick-built mountain house in Nippur)

An adab to Ninlil (Ninlil A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


1-10 Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), comprehensively replete with numerous divine powers (alien technologies)!

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Enlil, son & heir to King Anu, Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander)

Equal to the Great Mountain; deciding destinies with lord Nunamnir (Enlil);

suited to the Great Lion; pre-eminent over heaven and earth!

Joyous princess (?), lady with the princely divine powers (alien technologies);

conveying terror; wise with advice!

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse (Ninlil, equal spouse to Commander Enlil)

Mother Ninlil, whose speech is a storm (?),

you are a pleasure to Enlil‘s heart — he has embraced you!

Overseeing everything, lord Nunamnir (Enlil) loves (?) you.

  (Nisaba, Enlil, Ninlil & semi-divine king)

You occupy a holy dais, mother Ninlil; you provide the …… of prosperity.

All the great lords and sovereigns have paid homage to you.

Riding in princely style under a broad shelter in coolness,

         mother Ninlil, you are the goddess who provides the divine powers of joy and prosperity.


        11 Sa-gida.

12 Ninlil, you are more majestic than the other great gods,

          you are elevated with great and terrifying divine powers (alien technologies).


         13 Its jicgijal.

14-26 …… equal to the great gods,

1 line fragmentary

approx. 6 lines missing

1 line fragmentary


          2c - Nippur (E-kur in Nippur, Ninlil‘s temple / residence ruins)

         Mother Ninlil, righteous woman of Enlil, you dwell in the Ki-ur.

In his heart filled with pleasure at your joyous divine powers, he has embraced you.

The Enki and Ninki deities have perfected their divine powers throughout all countries for you.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur

        (E-kur, Enlil‘s & Ninlil‘s residence / Command Central on Earth Colony)

          My lady, your speech is majestic — take pleasure in your E-kur!


          27 Sa-jara.

              (Anu & Enlil in their sky-discs, surveying the lands of Mesopotamia)

         28 Good woman, mother Ninlil, you ride across heaven and earth.

         29 Its jicgijal.


30-32 My lady, unique and outstanding goddess throughout heaven and earth!

Mother Ninlil, majestic lady, unique and outstanding goddess throughout heaven and earth!

         In his heart filled with pleasure at your joyous divine powers you are his beloved, …… into the future.


         33 Its uru.

34 An adab of Ninlil.

ll. 33 and 34 are written as one line in source

Ninlil’s Descent

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

It was before dawn in Nippur (Enlil‘s city), a day after her arrival in that great city,

2c - Nippur  (ruins of Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)

when Ninlil saw her Moon Blood come for the first time.

She looked at her wet fingers with a mix of surprise, pride and shyness.

She was a woman now.

Her womb could conceive, as much as her brains and hands could create.

She was also ready to find her mate, wasn’t she?

Immediately, Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse, Ninlil‘s sister) jumped off the bed to tell her mom,

2b - Enlil, spouse Haia, Nisaba, & Ninlil

(Enlil with plow, Haia-god of grain warehouses, Nisaba-grain goddess, Ninlil, & unidentified)

the Barley Goddess Numbarshegunu (Nisaba), the news.

Father Haia, the Lord of Stores, was out in the fertile fields around Nippur,

and would be told of the auspicious events when back to the Kiur, the temple Enlil,

Nippur´s city god and lord Air (Enlil), had provided for Ninlil and family in his fast-growing-city.

They had come invited by Lord Enlil, who was building the city for his people (giant aliens).

(Nisaba, Master Scribe of the gods, keeper of harvest records, Goddess of Grains)

‘I knew this day would come!’

Numbarshegunu (Nisaba) exclaimed overjoyed, hugging Ninlil affectionately.

‘May you be proud of your womanhood, may bring happiness as much as you receive,

may your body know and give pleasure in all worlds you dare to fare!

May you conceive of your womb, may you create of your own hands, mind, heart and soul!

Now, we should search for a worthy partner for you,

Fresh as the morning the Anunnaki, the Great Gods, came out of the Duku, the Mound of Creation,

you deserve only the best young man we can find!’

Ninlil colored softly: ‘Who will he be, Mother?’

‘We’ll see… and you will know for sure when he turns up!

Hurry, now, and wash yourself as you’ve always done so far.

Down the canal to bless the waters with the power of your first blood

and dance for the sheer joy of being young, woman and goddess!

Just be very careful where you thread upon, for I’ve heard young Enlil,

 (Anu & Enlil traversing the skies over Sumer in their sky-disc)

Lord Air, comes often to the canal and the riverbank to kiss the fertile lands

with the power of his breath that makes everything grow.

Indeed, Enlil could be the best choice for you, dearest,

but he should ask your hand first to me and your father Haia.

‘Mother, if he is so special, tell me more about young Enlil‘.

 (Royal Prince Enlil, son & heir to King Anu, King Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander)

Enlil is Lord Wind, the Master of Air and the Strongest Winds.

He is the First Born of An the Sky and Ki (Antu, Anu‘s official spouse) the Earth, the First Breath of the Universe.

It is in the courtyard of his temple, the E-kur, that the Assembly of the Anunnaki, the Great Gods,

gather to judge the cases that affect the destiny of the land,

it is by his will that the scepter of kingship is conferred to the fair and strong kings to rule over the earth.

Enlil also laid plans to bring forth seeds, plants, trees and abundance to the earth.

7d - Earthlings Learn to Farm(Enlil turns over the burdens of hard labor to the modified modern earthlings)

His was the Inspiration to fashion the pickaxe and the hoe

so that humankind could work the ground (as replacement workers for the gods).

7a - when the gods did the work before man

            (ancient times – when the giant alien Anunnaki gods did the work of colonizing planet Earth)

         His is the Power of Spring to create life,

His are the Storms to Destroy what Must Be No More.

He is also about your age, my sweet, and hasn’t found the Right Lady to release his seed as yet.

I hope she is going to be you, but don’t make things easy for him’.

‘Mother, if Enlil is such a great lord, how will he notice me?’

‘Who wouldn’t notice you, dearest?’ countered Numbarshegunu softly.

She gave to Ninlil the exquisite mirror which rested on her bedside table.

‘Look at yourself in the mirror, Ninlil, what do you see?

No, don’t answer me now. Think of that image and rejoice.

You are yourself, unique and very special.

As we all are, but many times just don’t realize.

And don’t forget the most important…’

‘Which is?’

‘You are my daughter! What else did you expect me to say?

So on your way, young lady, to do your first duty as a woman in full power of her womanhood!

Go bless the waters and the fields!’

Ninlil gained the streets of Nippur, still empty at such an early time.

          2d - Nippur - Enlil's Temple, the Ekur (city of Nippur with Enlil‘s mud-brick mountain residence far above)

         As she crossed the city gates, a light breeze seemed to follow her out of nowhere,

playing with her unbound hair and the rim of her morning dress.

Ninlil turned her face towards it with delight.

She was following the Breeze or the Breeze was following her?

She wouldn’t say. She moved to the move of it in a spontaneous choreography.

The world was full of springtime scents and the slightly morning chill

was as stimulating as the Dance she was engaged in with the Wind.

Suddenly she could not feel the Breeze anymore.

Instead, she was dancing with a young man.

Surprise made her stop and examine him openly.

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & Heir, Earth Colony Commander)

He was tall, slight of built and with light-colored eyes (blue) that gleamed in the dim light of the coming dawn.

         He seemed to carry no color and yet be the opposite of darkness.

He was Force, Weightless Energy and Sheer Might.

Ninlil stood just apparently very still.

In actual fact, a storm was roaring deep inside her Self.

Awareness of him, of her own womanhood in every cell of her body, in the heartbeat of her chest.

Was this desire?

She wanted him close, but did not know how, and yet a strange shyness commanded her to be cautious.

 (Enlil, “his decisions are final“, Earth Colony Commander & King Anu‘s heir)

Who was he? Sooner or later she would find out.

When she could gather her wits enough to break their mutual appraisal.

But it was him who broke the silence first.

‘Who are you? I haven’t met you yet and I know all who live in my city’.

“My city?” So she had bumped into Lord Enlil himself.

As befitting to her and his station, she bowed graciously and introduced herself.

‘I lend you graces, my Lord. My name is Ninlil, a newcomer to your domains.

3 - Inanna, unknowns, & Nisaba

   (Inanna & semi-divine,      Ninlil,       her parents Haia      & Nisaba / Numbarshegunu)

I am the daughter of Haia, Lord of the Stores and Numbarshegunu, the Goddess of Barley.

We came in reply to your call to help you build this great city

and to ensure with our work that the land bear fruits for the forthcoming harvest..

How may I better serve you, Great One?’

‘I would like very much to taste your lips, my lady!

Will you give me a kiss, Ninlil?

As a Breeze I touched your lips, I played with your pretty dress.

As a man I long to taste your mouth, your tongue and feel the sweetness of your body.

Come to my arms, Ninlil, surrender to delights we both could share!’

Taken by surprise by Enlil‘s straightforwardness, Ninlil retreated one step.

As much as she had enjoyed playing with the Impetuous Breeze, was it wise to accept the young lord’s proposition?

She was a Maiden, so little she knew of the Sacred Art of giving and receiving pleasure.

Would she know how to please him?

She had never kissed anyone in the mouth, she had never touched a man’s body in a sexual act.

Caution and shyness won over curiosity and desire.

‘You are too great for me, my lord. I am too young.

I have never known a man.

My vagina is too narrow, my mouth still untutored.

Choose another one!’

She said these words and fled to the welcoming waters of the canal which led to the river.

She needed to be on her own to assess her own feelings.

Because part of her wanted to come back to Enlil, but the other half commanded her to wait.

What if she lost him? She also wanted to know Enlil‘s reaction.

Was he as frustrated and confused as she was?

Ninlil dived and swam as silently as she could to the high reeds by the river bank.

From that advantage point, she could observe Enlil‘s next move without being noticed.

He seemed to have been struck by a tornado, stunned and very, very angry.

5jj - Ninlil, Enlil, & Nusku

     (Ninlil                       Enlil                                            Nusku)

‘Wait! Come back over here now! Why are you running away?

Nusku (Enlil‘s minister)! Where in the Skyfather‘s name are you hiding?’

‘So he is angry! With me or himself… or both?’ considered Ninlil from the safety of the high reeds.

Because she did feel drawn to him, the greatest of the younger generation of the Anunnaki, the Great Gods.

1f - gods in procession (Anu‘s royal descendants on Earth)

She knew other young men, but no other had made her head spin,

her blood race like a chariot drawn by lions, her insides melt like fresh butter.

For the first time she knew what desire was like.

But she needed time to consider her feelings and thoughts before coming to him.

Because she definitely would.

With increasing wonder Ninlil understood her mother’s wise words of early morning.

She knew Enlil was her heart’s desire.

He was indeed Force, Enthusiasm, Might and Impetuousness.

She would come to him… when she was good and ready.

In reply to Enlil‘s call, a man slightly older came.

Nusku, Enlil‘s sukkal, his closest helper in the temple, best friend, adviser and counselor.

5j - Enlil, Nusku, Ninurta, & Bau

                       (Enlil with plow, Nusku, Ninurta with mixed-DNA worker creation, & Bau seated with her guard dog)

‘Coming my lord! What’s upsetting you?

You told me to keep out of sight!’

‘It’s a girl, damn her! Ninlil is her name.

She dared to give me the slip.

But I’ll come after her! Quick,

Nusku, find me a raft so that I can chase her in the canal.

Never before was I refused anything.

I’ll have her, no matter what!

‘Your wish is my command, my lord.

I’ll go to the quay and see what I can find’.

Enlil‘s anger was so funny!

Ninlil had a hard time not to giggle.

So she had been the first he had made such a proposal!

Like herself, he lacked experience in the Sacred Matters of the Flesh.

And he couldn’t conceive to have been refused!

Alarm bells only started ringing when she saw Nusku‘s return.

He had grabbed the first raft that came to hand, a bundle of reeds lashed together.

Enlil hardly waited for the nose of the raft to get closer,

and leaped across the waters with a bound that almost swamped the fragile vessel.

Swiftly he settled his balance and urged Nusku to punt on.

‘She can’t stay underwater long. I must have her!

What woman have I offered myself before her? None!’

‘You shall have her, my lord. Trust me’.

5 - Enki lived in the abzu marshes of Eridu  (Enki & other gods in the high reed marshes of the Persian Gulf)

Ninlil slid among the high reeds, but the raft was quickly approaching.

She kept very quiet. Her chances to escape, though, were scarce.

Against Enlil‘s and Nusku‘s combined strengths and the raft, she could only hope they gave up the pursuit.

‘There, my lord, in between the reeds!’

She started swimming for her life, but Enlil was faster.

In a swift move he lifted her off the river by the waist and laid her on the raft, standing on top of her.

Ninlil struggled in vain. He was much stronger.

Soon his mouth was in hers, his hands everywhere along her body, tearing her morning dress.

         Then his member entered her vagina, breaking the sensitive skin that kept her maidenhood intact.

Ninlil released a shout of pain.

Then Enlil was inside her and moving to a rhythm of clouds pushed by early morning winds.

She twisted her thighs trying to escape, but the discomfort gave way to an overwhelming sensation

that obliterated any rational thought as Enlil‘s seed was spilled into her.

The feeling was so intense that Enlil stopped moving, stunned, to look into her face.

‘I really made it! My seed is inside you! Ninlil, o Lady!’

Ninlil could feel the wonder in Enlil‘s words.

But her anger was greater.

Her body ached, thighs were sore and bloodier, her dreams of a tender, sweet lover marred forever.

This was the denial of her dreams of love and happily ever after.

She pushed Enlil away and dived into the waters.

She needed a physical barrier and cleansing before anything.

Ninlil, my Lady, wait!’

She heard Enlil‘s shout, and were she not beyond herself with anger and grief,

she would have noticed the different tone he was addressing to her now.

On the shore, she straightened her back with great dignity, standing proudly on the ground.

Her clothes were wet, bloodied and torn, her lips bruised and reeds were tangled in her long hair.

Tears she did not want to hide streamed down her face.

Her last words would be for Enlil before she left for Nippur,

3a - Enlil's home in Nippur

    (E-kur in Nippur, Enlil‘s mud-brick built mountain / residence, top added in 1900 by American archaeologists)

for the safety of the Kiur, her parent’s place in the city.

She turned to the raft, where Enlil stood, naked and still under the effect of last events.

Ninlil pronounced the Words of Fate addressed to Enlil, her voice deep with power, anger and pain:

         (Anunnaki King An / Anu in his sky-disc, father in heaven to his offspring running things on Earth Colony)

‘Never before was a daughter of An (Anu), a Maiden of the Holy House so ill-treated by one of the Anunnaki.

The waters of Mother Nammu (Enki‘s mother), the Source of Life, were defiled by one of her own.

May you stand trial, Enlil, for what you did to me.

May you pay a very dear price for the brightness of your seed!’

3a - Anu in flight (Skyfather Anu hovering above in his sky-disc)

From the Heights Above, An, the All-Powerful (King Anu) Skyfather,

King of All Gods, Beloved of Ki (Ninhursag, sometimes Antu), the Earth Mother,

saw Ninlil‘s bitter tears and the unspeakable behavior of Enlil, his first-born.

He immediately summoned the Assembly of the Gods,

the Anunnaki, the highest authority in the Mesopotamian universe who met,

5a - Nippur Map 5b - Nippur Map (ancient map of Enlil‘s patron city Nippur)

when occasion arose, in the forecourt of Enlil‘s own temple in Nippur

to judge wrongdoers and elect the worthy to rule the land.

All gods were bound by oath to abide by the decisions of the Assembly.

Despite the fact that the execution of the assembly‘s decisions

normally were overseen by Enlil, this time he would stand on the defendant’s corner.

No one, not even the first born of the Skyfather (Anu) and Mother Earth (Antu), was above the Law.

In the Depths Below, the Queen of the Underworld,

Ereshkigal, saw Enlil‘s wrongdoing and heard the lament of the Maiden:

4d - Ninlil followed Enlil to Ereshkigal's Underworld  (Ereshkigal, Queen of the Under World)

the Lady of the Great Below heeded the Maiden’s words.

She knew a door had been opened for Justice,

Growth and Regeneration in the Underworld if only Enlil submitted to the Laws of the Land of No Return.

6g - Ninmah - Ninhursag  (giant alien goddess Ninhursag, Chief Medical Science Officer)

In Nippur, Ki, Mother Earth, also known as Urash, Ninmah, and Ninhursag

felt strongly that Enlil should suffer the hardest of all punishments for his conduct.

Never before had the Anunnaki taken to trial one of their own.

Shocked and circumspect, they gathered, and were forty-nine, not the usual fifty in number,

because Enlil was counted out for the first time.

In the lower platform sat 46 judges, in the higher was An, who presided all judgments,

sided by Ki (Ninhursag) on his right and Enki on his left.

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru   2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments  "God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823 (Anu, Anus children Ninhursag & son Enki)

Father, Mother (Antu) and (½) Brother to Enlil they were,

but also the Guardians of the Attributes of Civilization, Law and Order.

The fourth high seat was empty.

It belonged to Enlil, the defendant.

Red-eyed Ninlil, sided by the healer goddess Gula (Bau) sat quiet and dignified on the right.

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter  (Bau, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, & his daughter-in-law as spouse to his son Ninurta seen here with long beard)

On the left and opposite to her was Enlil, whose discomfort was evident for all to see.

An opened the session: ‘ Two grave crimes were committed by one of the great gods.

First, a Maiden, a daughter of the Holy House suffered the most unspeakable offense

that could have ever been inflicted upon her.

Secondly, and related to the first offense, the sacredness of the sexual act,

Life-Force and Energy that Moves Creation and perpetuates all lines through the Times was completely neglected.

My heart bleeds for the accused, my (Antu’s) first-born Enlil, but it bleeds even more for my daughter Ninlil.

The Assembly was called upon to decide the punishment for the wrongdoer.

For no one, not even the gods, are above the Law!

Let’s hear the accuser’s defense for his act.’

Enlil bowed low to his father and the Assembly, and spoke, his voice deep and constrained:

‘Before this very day never had I felt such a strong desire for a Maiden.

Before this very day never had I felt so drawn to a lady of the Holy House.

Before this very day never had I known passion as I did and still do for Ninlil‘.

‘Is that all you have to say to the Assembly?

Is your defense based on just desire and passion?’, asked Ki (Enlil‘s ½ sister Ninhursag) to Enlil, her voice sharp as a razor.

‘Yes’, replied Enlil, clearly in discomfort.

Ninhursag-Ki’s anger was so evident that she dismissed Enlil with a wave or her mighty hand.

She turned then to the Assembly:

‘It is right to feel desire and expected that a young god feels drawn to a Maiden of the Holy House.

Above all, it is expected that they come together at the right time and season in the Sacred Marriage rite.

This is the way the Sacredness of Life is celebrated among us,

from Mother Nammu (Enki‘s & Ninhursag‘s mother) the Sea who in an act of selfless

Self-Love engendered the Skyfather (Anu) who the Assembly presides

and myself as the Cosmic Mountain Ki (Ninhursag).

It is understandable impetuousness and confusion in dealing with such matters of the flesh,

for the young need time to understand that matter, spirit,

feeling and mind are but Representations of the Mystery of Creation.

Indeed, we all stem from and are one with the Source, and we the Great Gods are but Reflections of the One.

             (Enlil & Ninlil on ancient wall)

Ninlil and Enlil are both very young.

But like a stallion waits for the right time to court the mare,

like a lion is drawn to the lioness, so it is with young god and goddess.

Only when are ready and fully aware of the Mystery they will re-enact in the Sacred Marriage Bed.

So has it always been. So will it always be!

This is the law, and anything that violates this precept hurts the Spirit,

the Inner Fabric upon which our civilization was formed.

The law shall be preserved!’

‘The law shall be preserved!’ repeated in agreement the Assembly.

‘The accused has spoken,’ said Ki, then turning to Ninlil. ‘Let’s hear the victim.

Daughter, would you like to address to the Assembly?’

Ninlil stood up and graciously bowed to the judges.

She was a sight to behold, young, eyes swollen with tears,

yet showing profound dignity as befitted to an Anunnaki princess:

‘Nothing can undo what was done to me.

For above all, now I bear Enlil‘s first seed.

A child of light is growing inside my womb, a little one conceived out of immature desire on both sides.

I claim my child as Enlil‘s first born-to-be (Ninurta is Enlil‘s 1st born son, with Ninhursag ).

To the Assembly gathered here I demand the punishment of my rapist

so that never again a daughter or son suffer the hideous act of violence I was subjected to.

As for me, to the Great Gods my fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters here today,

I the Maiden ask: can love grow out of such pain to ensoul my life’s further journey?’

Ninlil!’, was Enlil‘s strangled moan in the profound silence that followed Ninlil‘s statement.

It was Enki, lord of Wisdom, Magic and of the Sweet Waters,

son of An the Sky and Nammu the Sea, (Enki is ½ older) brother to Enlil, who answered thoughtfully after some time:

‘Sorrow and pain are the measures of the happiness and laughter that could be.

Healing can always occur, if one is ready to see truth and wholeness beyond the hardest trials.’

‘Is it too late for me to take Ninlil as my wife?’ interrupted Enlil, turning to the Assembly.

He turned then to Ninlil. He knelt graciously in front of her.

‘Will you accept me as your true husband, Ninlil?

 (Goddess of Grains Nisaba, Enlil, Ninlil, & semi-divine king)

Nothing can undo what was done, and I deserve the hardest punishment for my act,

but I am also honor-bound to set balances right for what I did to you, my Lady, and my seed.

I’ll do more than marrying you, Ninlil, because let it be known that from now on I’ll share my power with you,

Lady Air (Ninlil), so that you can become my true Soul-Counterpart everywhere we dare to fare’.

Another deep silence followed Enlil‘s words.

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse  (Ninlil, equal spouse to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

Ninlil, from her seat, felt her heart melt, but reason commanded her not to express her feelings openly.

Enlil had accepted her as his equal, her baby was already acknowledged as Enlil‘s and hers firstborn-to-be.

But the fact remained that the young lord Air (Enlil) had claimed her through violence,

and no matter who he was, he should undergo punishment as an example for the old and young of the land.

Only Enki smiled.

Wisdom had finally started to find a tiny space in Enlil‘s heart, giving substance to Lord Air.

The Anunnaki stirred indecisively.

But An‘s (Anu‘s) voice was deep and firm: ‘The possibility of marriage is only a first act to set balances right.

But it does not absolve the culprit.

Enlil‘s impiety struck at roots far deeper than that.

Enlil made himself a Guardian of the Earth, to guard,

love and protect first his mother and all women, who are garments of my Beloved Ki.

Enlil himself forbade violence all over the land, all that lies in the South, North, West and East.

He kept in the wilderness the quarreling beasts.

But now he has brought violence in.

He broke the sacred trust we gave him.

All I say is that Sky (Anu) rejects you now’.

‘The Earth rejects you now’, said Ki.

‘So be it! The Assembly rejects you now!’ echoed the judges.

‘Where should I then go?’, asked stunned Enlil.

Enki left out a deep sigh:

‘Until you set balances right, until you travel unknown depths, you cannot go back to us.

There is only one place you are bound to go.

To the Land of No Return, the Underworld‘.

‘So be it!’ agreed the Assembly.

‘But I don’t know the way to the Underworld‘, said Enlil, still trying to avoid his fate.

4 - door to Ereshkigal's Underworld  (door to the Underworld / Netherworld / Lower World / Hades / Bowels of Hell)

‘There is a door to the Underworld in every soul to set balances right and change.

The moment you forced yourself unto the young Lady you found that door.

Let’s see whether you can get in and pay the price for your return.

Now you are the doorkeeper of the Great Below‘, said Enki.

Enlil‘s eyes traveled around the whole assembly, and focused on Ninlil‘s.

Both dived into each others’ depths for the first time, totally vulnerable.

         Then he withdrew contact.

He was Enlil, the Guardian of the Earth.

He should conquer back the Right he had lost.

Enki raised from his seat and so did Enlil.

Brothers looked into each others’ eyes.

5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

      (Apkulla / pilot, Enki, father Anu above in his sky-disc / flying saucer, Enlil, Apkulla / pilot, the “Tree of Life“)

Enki bowed slightly to the older (younger) brother, Enlil nodded silently.

The unspoken dialogue meant trust on both sides.

              (Enki, sky-disc, & Enlil)

Enki would deputize for Enlil in his absence from the Heights Above.

At the same time, Enlil felt his admiration for his younger (½ brother Enki) brother grow to a much deeper level.

         Enki knew better.

He had gone to the Depths Below and returned.

So would Enlil.

With this last thought, Enlil bowed to the assembly, to Ninlil.

Then he stepped forwards with a silent

          Intent to disappear from the Assembly, Nippur and the Worlds Above.

            5a - Inanna in Underworld, Dumuzi looks on (Ninlil followed Enlil into the Underworld)

He found the threshold to the Underworld.

Ninlil was the first to recover from the initial shock of Enlil‘s vanishing.

She raised from her seat, went to the spot where Lord Air (Enlil) had stood until moments ago.

She then turned to Enki. She needed to know and act.

‘Lord Enki,’ she asked, ‘is my lord gone?’

The Lord of Wisdom, Magic and Sweet Waters looked at her with interest.

So young but strong.

And perhaps a fool too.

But the Journeys to the Underworld, the Inner Realms of Wisdom

Learnt through Experience also belong to the Holy Fools.

‘Yes, Ninlil, he is gone.

We hope it is for the time being, until he learns a deep lesson,

until he pays the price for what he did to you and all Creation’,

Enki answered softly, bowing to her. ‘Enlil has just crossed the threshold to the Underworld.’

Ninlil kept silence for a little while, as if gathering all her strength to do what she should.

3a - Inanna & Dumuzi in the Underworld (Ninlil & Enlil enter into the Under World, uncontested domain of Ereshkigal)

‘I’ll follow my lord to the bowels of the earth’, she said out loud.

‘And beyond if need be”, she thought to herself.

As these words came out, she too vanished from the assembly.

Surprised, but not afraid anymore, Ninlil saw herself at the very city gate she had crossed twice this very morning.

A tunnel entrance lied a few yards away.

In she went through the brick-built walls downwards for a long time.

Down, always downwards, deeper and deeper below Ninlil went.

When she was about to ask whether she had done right to follow the sudden impulse of her heart’s desire,

she discovered a massive wooden door. A gate!

But when she stretched her hand to pull the heavy iron handle up, a hand prevented her to do so.

A tall, imposing figure, eyes light of color as the first breeze of the day met hers

‘Go back, my lady. The door to the Underworld is closed to you’.

So Ninlil had found the gate to the Depths Below and the doorkeeper.

She assessed both silently.

Doorkeeper and Gate were oddly similar.

Both loomed in front of her, both were a barrier she had to cross, no matter what if she wanted to rescue Enlil.

For a moment, she felt immense sorrow, for there was no way back for her until she found her heart’s desire.

Heart’s desire? With an increasing sense of wonder, she dared to admit the truth: how important Enlil had become to her.

To the extent that she would risk her life for him, if it meant they could have a chance together in the future…

whenever it was meant to be!

Gone was the girl afraid of yielding to her sexuality, yet bold enough to desire the greatest of the younger gods.

In her place there was now the hopeful young woman who trusted her power to get her reluctant, stubborn Beloved back.

For herself and their child.

         She would be sustenance and balance out Enlil‘s Impetuousness.

Ninlil felt a deep bond to Enlil, his seed growing steady like a beacon of light in her mind, body and soul.

Now she had to gain her way in.

She summoned her Will and endowed it with the power of the Winds of the Four Quarters to face the doorkeeper.

‘I have a question for you, Keeper of the Gates.

Did you see my Lord Enlil come this way?’

The eyes of the gatekeeper gleamed: ‘ This way is barred to you.

My Lord Enlil commanded me to stay silent’.

Ninlil smiled: ‘ So I may not be that far behind him.

You must let me in. I am Enlil‘s Lady. Open the gate for me’.

‘Lord Enlil commanded me not to allow you to follow him.

It is too risky.

But I did dry the tears on my Lord’s face.

I did try to soothe his heart.

If you are Ninlil, his lady, let me feel your cheek, let me touch you and swear my loyalty on them to Enlil‘.

Ninlil willed herself to remain calm.

She could feel the depth of emotion that radiated from the gatekeeper.

As if he had a tornado inside.

Or were a tornado himself.

‘The seed of your lord grows within me.

If Enlil is your Master, then I am your Lady.

By my power, by the Beloved of mine you serve, let me in. Now’.

‘O Lady, may my royal seed go to heaven, may my royal seed go to the underworld.

Please, my lady, lay with me.

Let not the seed of the Bright One descend to the Underworld.

Let my seed take his place’.

Ninlil looked sternly at the gatekeeper: ‘Why are you doing this, gatekeeper?

Why are you giving your seed to replace my lord’s?

And why would I accept such high ransom?’

She could feel the shyness and reluctance of the gatekeeper to open up to her.

But she was patient.

Somehow she had seen through the disguise who he actually was.

Enlil, stop pretending and let me in so that we can descend together.

Why the disguise?

Have the Winds of Change started to blow within your heart?

Show me who you are, Enlil.

It’s me, Ninlil, your Soul-Counterpart.”

‘Lady, I offer my seed to replace my lord’s out of love and sorrow for the offense my lord committed in the Worlds Above.

He should have known better before using his force and hurt the one who is now closest to his very heart.

I am pledged to serve Enlil and ransom him with my very life.

The deep sorrow I feel for the lord is now rooted within my Self like a Tree that Bears Fruits in the Lowest Depths.

So lay with me, lady of my lord’s heart, give me your embrace and touch to quench my lonely night.

And I’ll let you go in, for you’ll have this way given consolation to my Wandering Soul.’

Ninlil reached out for the gatekeeper (Enlil in disguise) and kissed him in the mouth.

“Beloved, why?” her heart asked, but the words were not uttered, as she reached out for him.

Arms as strong as gale, light as air drew her into the lodge placed by the gate.

She fixed her eyes into his and they let themselves be carried away by the hurricane of touch and thrust.

It was much better this time for he had asked her out of his very need.

Of her, although he might not be ready to admit it.

When would he be?

As they laid in a close embrace in the aftermath, he whispered into her hair.

‘I need to go. Turn back, Ninlil, don’t cross the threshold to the Below‘.

‘Have you crossed it?’ she asked instead, raising her head to meet his light sky-blue eyes.

2b - Enlil who decrees man's fate (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander under his father King Anu)

         The Gatekeeper’s eyes reflected such deep sadness, the arms around Ninlil‘s tensed,

but the Gatekeeper’s voiced sounded strong and committed.

To what? ‘Yes. I had to. And now I need to go on’.

Ninlil touched with a tender wave of her hand the gatekeeper’s face:

‘This seed of yours that grows within me now, I’ll call him Nergal-Meslamtaea

  inergal001p1  (Nergal, sometimes Enlil‘s son, sometimes Enki‘s son, Ereshkigal‘s spouse)

and his will be the knowledge of the hard mysteries of Conflict,

Wounding and Diseases so that humanity and the gods know about Peace, Healing and Wholeness in all levels.’

She put his hand on her belly, and felt it tremble with emotion

like a leaf touched by the lightest summer breeze.

He kept silent, but she knew he had been deeply affected, as affected as herself had been by the mating they had shared.

‘But I also need to be on my way,’ Ninlil continued, her voice acquiring a decisive tone.

‘Release me, Gatekeeper. I’ve paid your price.

As Enlil is your master, I am your lady.

I am not asking your leave. I will get in. Now.’

‘So be it’, the Gatekeeper replied.

A kiss on her mouth as soft and moist as breeze touched by dewfall was his farewell.

Within Ninlil another seed had been planted, rooted in her womb.

She touched her belly and smiled with a mix of awe and wonder.

And again was she on her own, looking into the Darkness that led to the Realms Beyond.

It took a few minutes for Ninlil to get used to the new environs.

She had crossed the gate, she had actually made it!

So she was on the other side, in the Land of No Return.

Strangely enough, she was not afraid, even though she didn’t know which way to go.

There was anticipation seasoned with caution within her.

No, definitely she was not afraid.

She had a purpose, she would find Enlil and bring him back to the Worlds Above.

2a - Ereshkigal, Nannar's Daughter (Ereshkigal seated upon her throne, Queen of the Under World)

Ereshkigal (Nannar‘s daughter, Nergal‘s spouse), the Queen of the Underworld,

          had released Lord Enki once, so the Dark Lady’s graces could be obtained with the right approach.

She would find a way to win Ereshkigal‘s mercy.

The pressing question was where to go next.

Inspiration made Ninlil close her eyes.

This was the Inner Realm of Essence.

Perhaps she should look for clues her Inner World, the place she drew her strength from to be and act in all worlds.

Perhaps within the depths of her very Self she would find the right direction.

After some seconds or minutes (she wouldn’t say), a faint sound of water singing in the darkness could be heard.

She followed the sound with her eyes closed first, just trusting her Inner Knowing.

Ninlil only opened her eyes when she felt the ground become slightly moist.

To her delight, she saw a spring coming off the ground and then stretching itself downwards in a line.

A river! Confidence started to build inside Ninlil again.

Rivers and waters were sacred.

Since time immemorial the sick were taken to the waters to be healed.

At the water’s edge reeds grow,

shells are found and the land can be plowed to bring food for the people.

With reverence, Ninlil knelt and cupped her hands to gather water from the Underworld river.

She didn’t drink from it though, but sent a healing thought to Enlil as the drops came off her hands to the source back again.

“I’ll follow the course of the river and see what lies around the river bank.

There may be a bridge or a crossing point somewhere.

I just need to be persistent and walk with great care.

I’ll find a way cross the cataract …wherever it is!” reasoned Ninlil.

On she walked downwards.

Soon the droplets of water that had slipped beside her feet

like accompanying snakes were hurrying on to dive into dashing waters.

Grown in width and depth, the river started roaring in her ears, yet no bridge or crossing point could be seen.

           (Enlil, & spouse Ninlil)

Concern gripped Ninlil‘s heart.

Had her Descent finished without accomplishing her goal?

She might, for in front of her a majestic, a cataract opened its hungry mouth plunging into bottomless depths.

“No, I won’t give up. I’ve gone too far now to stop”, she reasoned with her fear.

“I fear the failure of not being able to rescue Enlil and myself.

Is my fear like a devouring river, consuming my soul, my wits, my body and my heart?

It can’t be. Or perhaps it can. But there is power where there is fear.

And where our deepest fears are, there is also the source of healing,

if one keeps one’s wits steady enough to see through the darkest hours.

If Enlil came this way, I’ll know.

I just need to gather my strength and be like a steady wind circling the world round.

Somewhere, somehow a passageway will be found’.

A throaty voice called from behind:

‘Go back, lady. You may not cross the Devouring River’.

Ninlil started and turned round.

In the darkness, she couldn’t discern his features.

Only eyes light of color gleamed.

She pulled herself together.

“Tell me first, has my Lord Enlil come this way?’

‘My Lord Enlil commanded me to be silent’.

‘So have you answered me. Enlil came this way.

             (Ninlil on shore, Enlil & Nuska)

How did he cross the river?’

‘He wept for grief in my arms, I touched him

and carried my Lord over the cataract and the stepping stones of the Underworld‘.

‘What you have done for him, you must do for me.

I am Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen’.

‘If you are Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen, let me touch your face, let me touch your body and swear my loyalty on it to Enlil‘.

His hand reached out for her face.

It was a gesture of great tenderness, and it felt like the first touch of winter winds, bringing frost to make the earth rest.

Where had she heard a similar talk before?

From the gatekeeper. Understanding started dawning on her, but if Enlil liked hide and seek games, she would play along.

At least for the time being.

‘The seed of your lord grows within me.

By my power, by Enlil you serve, carry me over the river. Now’.

‘O Lady, let my royal seed go to heaven, let my royal seed go to the Underworld.

Let my seed plunge lone into the Great Devouring River as a gift to Queen Ereshkigal.

Lie with me as well!’

‘Why are you doing this, Guardian of the Devouring River?

Why are you giving your seed to replace my lord’s?

And why would I accept such offer?’

Ninlil was incisive with the Guardian, although her heart asked silently why Enlil was doing this to her,

why couldn’t he tell her that he was the Guardian of the Devouring River in disguise?

‘I offer my seed to replace my lord’s out of love and my will to heal his troubled heart,

as well as to heal the wounds he inflicted to you, my Lady, by his unspeakable behavior.

I am pledged to serve Enlil and ransom him with my very life.

I’ve known my lord all my life, but only by carrying him over the devouring river

I’ve come face to face with mysteries unknown to me so far.

By facing the violence of the rushing waters, I faced the side of my lord that is like a storm, a restless, destructive force.

By plunging into the rushing waters I then learnt of the responsibility to heal inflicted violence and wounds,

to resurface with the wisdom of dried tears.

It is as if I had become a Water-Knower.

Lay with me, lady Air, and share a night of passion by the cataract.

I need your care to guide me through this lonely night’.

‘Will you carry me afterwords (sp), as you did… to Enlil?’

‘Yes’. Ninlil reached out for the Guardian of the Devouring River and kissed him in the mouth.

On the hard wet rock their bodies met, their lovemaking wild and passionate.

And as they lay in a close embrace, Ninlil kissed the Stranger and whispered:

This seed of yours, I’ll call him Ninazu (sometimes Ninlil‘s son, sometimes Ereshkigal‘s son), the Water-Knower,

Lord of the Depths that Heal.

His will be the knowledge to wound too, because healing and wounding are two sides of the same coin.

Now, lord of the Devouring River, fulfill your part of our contract.

Take me to the other side of the Devouring River’.

‘It is too dangerous, my lady’ .

‘Can Enlil be ransomed otherwise?’

‘No’. ‘I’ve paid your fee. Carry me’. So did he.

Ninlil wrapped her arms around his neck and, breath caught, felt the Guardian take a mighty leap over the cataract.

The world roared and thundered as he stepped on the stones which led to the opposite side of river bank.

Then, the deluge slackened as she was carefully lowered on a rock, and the Guardian was gone.

He had parted on a gust before she dared move.

“Who follows whom, Beloved?” asked Ninlil to the darkness.

No reply came. Nor had she expected one.

Ninlil massaged sore, tense muscles vigorously.

Her clothes were soaked wet, so she took them off and spread them on dry grassland.

In the distance she heard the falls bellowing behind.

No sound came from ahead, from the caves she could hardly discern in the dim light of the Great Below.

Deeper, deeper still she should go.

She hugged her knees and rested her head on them, sighing.

So much had happened since she had met Enlil, so much since the Descent had started!

And somehow by some strange and wondrous devices, Enlil had come to tell her where to go,

helping her in a backhanded way to cross the thresholds.

But why the disguises? Why couldn’t he reveal himself to her?

They had made love three times already, and three of his seeds grew in her womb.

Yet as pleasurable and intense as their physical mating had been, something was missing.

Enlil desired her, this she knew for sure.

But she needed more than caresses exchanged in the darkness and the bittersweet throbbing of her sexual parts.

“Better to be on my way… ”

Clothes almost dry, Ninlil walked towards the widest cave opening looming like a dragon’s mouth in front of her.

The ground abounded with pointed pebbles, so the descent was slow, demanding work.

She could hold on to the nearest walls, but in the limited light she could hardly see where to place her next step.

There was utter, complete silence, only interrupted by her heartbeat.

Time had also lost meaning: a minute could sound like eternity within this Nature’s fortress.

At last she stopped on the brink of a large expanse of unbroken still waters.

Too still. There was no wave, no current seemed to move, no bubble of foam beaded the shore.

Impossible to tell how far this lake would reach, how deep.

Indeed, she would risk the guess that this was the Underworld Sea,

whose darkness seemed to swallow light and not reflect it back.

Enlil, have you come this way?’

Ninlil asked the Darkness out loud,and her voice faded away into the emptiness without echo.

She stood silent on the shore, just waiting.

A ripple on the water brought her into full alert.

Far, very far yet but approaching swiftly was a boat.

As black as the water it rode on, with a hooded figure rowing on board.

When he got very close, the air stirred around her face in a caress, bringing a memory of the Great Above.

Ninlil saw two shining light-colored eyes and straightened her back.

‘Who calls the ferryman of the Great Below?’

‘Has my lord Enlil taken passage with you recently?’

‘I cannot answer this question, for I am commanded to silence’.

‘So he did come this way.

How did he manage to conquer your graces so that you could ferry him across?’

‘Lord Enlil wept for grief in my arms, I touched him and rowed my Lord to the other side’.

‘What you have done for him, you must do for me.

I am Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen’.

‘If you are Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen, let me touch your face,

let me touch your body and swear my loyalty on it to Enlil‘.

This was the same speech she had heard from the Gatekeeper and the Guardian of the Devouring River.

So here she was face to face with Enlil again in disguise.

What was he aiming at?

Ninlil could hardly suppress the urge to unmask the ferryman.

Then she thought better.

For just a little longer she would play along his little game of hide and seek.

‘The seed of your lord grows within me.

By my power, by the Beloved of mine you serve, let me in your boat and ferry me across. Now’.

‘O Lady, let my royal seed go to heaven, let my royal seed go to the Underworld.

Please Lady, let my seed dive into the waters of the Underworld Sea as a gift to Queen Ereshkigal.

Lie with me as well, my Lady”.

‘Why are you doing this, ferryman?

Why are you giving your seed to replace my lord’s?

And why would I accept such offer?’

‘Lady, I offer my seed to replace my lord’s out of love and my will to bring comfort

and kindness to his troubled mind, body and heart.

I am pledged to serve Enlil and ransom him with my very life.

I’ve known my lord all my life, but only by rowing him over the lifeless,

still waters of the Underworld sea I’ve come to realize the stuff life is made of: love and connection,

boundless energy and the will to give of oneself to the world and to the beloved within and without.

My lord wants to give of himself in a much deeper level although he doesn’t know how.

I’ve felt his need to bond and yet the fear of being let down.

I changed by ferrying him over the sea.

So lay with me, lady Air (Ninlil), and share with me all the passion that you have locked inside.

I need your loving touch to ensoul and guide me through this lonely night.

Please, Lady, once you laid on a raft under the skies.

Will you enter my boat now in the Great Below?’

Was it Enlil‘s backhanded way to ask her forgiveness?

With growing certainty, Ninlil prodded further: ‘I was not invited to the raft under the skies.

Are you asking me to accept your offer out of my own free will?’

She could feel the intense emotion gripping the ferryman.

Had she touched the core of the tornado?

And could she ride the storm afterwords?

‘Tell me, ferryman, in your own words.

Why would I accept to lay with you?’

She wanted the Words and was going to get them out of him at some stage.

‘Out of love. Love that you feel for lord Enlil‘.

“Was that so difficult, Beloved?”

Ninlil asked him silently, and said out loud:

‘And for the love that I have for myself and the future we can have together if I succeed to bring him back to the Heights Above.

I couldn’t love Enlil the extent I do if I didn’t know my mind, body, heart and soul.

He is the closest that I found to my heart’s desire, although at that time I wasn’t ready to tell him so.

I just wonder when he is going to come to terms with his Lover within

so that he can acknowledge me without as his Beloved as well as his Queen.

For all these reasons, ferryman, I take up your offer’.

Eyes light of color gleamed in the darkness.

He bowed low in a most graceful reverence and stretched his hand to help her in.

He treated her as befitted to the Chosen of the greatest Anunnaki.

‘I’ll call this seed of yours Ennugi, Lord of the Sexual Parts’, said Ninlil when intercourse was over.

She kissed the ferryman in the mouth.

‘His challenge will be to go beyond physical release, his gift will be Seduction, Laughter, Intimacy and Play.

His duty will be to be Responsible for whom he captivates.

He will be Energy and Passion seasoned with Creativity in all worlds he dares to fare’.

‘Your surprise me, my Lady’.

She knew there was a smile in his voice.

‘Fulfil your part of the contract, ferryman.

I need to go to the other side.

If I need to ransom mine and Enlil‘s life to have a future, I want to start building this future as soon as possible’.

As soon as she set foot on the shore, the feeling of disorientation,

of going deeper and deeper still into other realms took hold of Ninlil.

When an eternity later she felt her balance return very gradually, Darkness spoke.

Again, Ninlil had to get a serious grip on her strained nerves not to scream.

The voices spoke all at once, and it took a little while for Ninlil to understand the bellowed words.

‘Who has come unasked to the Great Below?

‘Who has dared to come unannounced?

‘Who has crossed the threshold of the Land of No Return?’

Ninlil took a deep breath to quieten her racing heart, the panic that had started to find a place in her soul.

The voices were real, but she could see nothing ahead.

Nevertheless, she had gone too far not to continue the descent.

But the weight of the journey was heavy on her shoulders.

Now that the end was nearer than before, would she be able to rescue Enlil and herself?

Could she reason with the Dark Lady?

3a - Ereshkigal, Inanna, Nannar, & Utu

                  (Ereshkigal           Inanna     Nannar      Utu, children of Nannar, patron god of Ur)

Strangely enough, it was the thought of Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld,

who made Ninlil turn to practical matters.

The thought of her Great Ancestress,

who had been given the Underworld for her domain after Earth and Heaven had been separated,

made Ninlil remember her temple training, the manners of a young goddess and the respects due to her elders.

No matter what, the Underworld was a Sacred Realm, and she had come uninvited.

The first thing she should do was to greet the guardians and the Lady of the Great Place.

Graciously, Ninlil knelt and bowed to answer the Voices Claiming in the Darkness:

‘I lend graces to the Guardians of the Underworld and to Almighty Ereshkigal, Queen of the Great Below

2 - Ereshkigal  (Ereshkigal, Queen of the “Great Below“).

I am called Ninlil, a Maiden of the Holy House of An, daughter of Haia,

God of the Stores and of the Barley Goddess Numbarshegunu. I came alone and of my own free will

to the Land of No Return to intercede for the life of my lord, Enlil, the Air god,

who was sent to the Underworld because of a grave offense he did to myself.

I therefore very humbly request an audience with the Lady of the Great Place.

May the Dark Lady receive also in advance my respects and deepest praises!’

Sooner than Ninlil expected, a stern gate towered over her, opened by an even sterner gatekeeper holding a torch upright.

4c - young Inanna, Ereshkigal, & Nannar (unidentified, Ninlil, & Ereshkigal seated)

He was Neti, she was told, Ereshkigal‘s guardian of the Underworld thresholds.

This time, she was sure, the Guardian had not been Enlil in disguise.

Eyes were not light of color, there were no emotions on sight, just impartiality and efficiency.

Six other gates succeeded the first with a speed she found difficult to believe, for a feeling of disorientation took hold of her,

as if she were going deeper and deeper within layers and layers of existence, her own and many others.

The strong, soul-baring feeling only subsided when she crossed the seventh gate,

when another even more serious face greeted her and Neti.

Sukkal Namtar, the young woman from the Worlds Above requests to be seen by the Great Queen,’ provided Neti.

              (Ereshkigal, naked Inanna, & Namtar)

Namtar (Ereshkigal‘s son) nodded and appraised Ninlil with cold assurance.

She felt like shrinking before such knowing gaze, but held her ground.

‘Since you’ve come this far,

it is fitting that you are given the chance to see Queen … and see whether you can conquer her graces!

Follow me,’ Namtar answered after a time that looked like eternity.

A palace rose before them.

It was made of the purest lapis lazuli (blue-hued gem stone) and crystal rock, solid and severe in its square design.

Wall carvings showed scenes she knew of the Great Myths and others she couldn’t place the land.

The ziggurat tower in the middle of the palace projected itself in the dim light of the Underworld

(aliens in high-tech underground), and torches glowed in the ever-lasting twilight.

‘I need to ask you again, my lady, is it your will to get into the domains of the Great Queen Ereshkigal?’

asked quietly Namtar.

‘If my lord Enlil is in there’.

‘He is’.

‘So it is my will to go in’.

‘You were warned’.

Ninlil followed Namtar across the silent courtyard, countless passageways, chambers and staircases.

Finally, they stopped in the Grand Hall. Namtar bowed deeply.

Ninlil wisely imitated him before raising her eyes and to see what laid before her eyes.

Seated in a high throne in the twilit room and the shadows beyond was a tall, regal woman.

She was cloaked and hooded in a shimmering black fabric that had fleeting blue glints, like those of great lapis-lazuli stones.

Her visage was hidden.

Ninlil caught her breath in foreboding because of the aura of surpassing mystery

and power which seemed to emanate from her, making her tremble as a terrified child.

Never before had Ninlil encountered this kind of grave authority and seriousness.

She was unmistakably in the presence of Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld.

‘Why have you come unasked to the Land of No Return?’ asked a deep, incisive and yet melodious voice.

The question had been issued, and it resonated within Ninlil‘s heart, mind, body and soul.

She swallowed hard and spoke, her voice sounding very small in the vastness of the Great Hall:

‘Great Lady, I came to ask you for the life of my lord Enlil,

who was sent to you because of a grave offense he did to me.

             (Ninlil, equal spouse to Enlil, heir to the throne over alien gods)

I am Ninlil, his Lady, who bears also his seeds.

And.. there is something else too…’

‘Which is?’

‘I… I would like to understand what has been going on so far, since the Descent to the Land of No Return for us started.

For I suspect there is great healing in what we’ve experienced so far.’

Ereshkigal didn’t reply, and asked on:

‘Why are you interceding for the life of Enlil, if he did harm to you?’

Enlil was violent and clumsy, but I didn’t fare much better either.

With him and myself.

But I believe we both learnt a great deal and need the chance of a future together.

I ask you for a future, my lady.

For Enlil and me and our seed, the baby of light, in the Worlds Above.’

‘On what grounds do you say that Enlil learnt a lesson?

How do you know that he satisfied the Law of Balance and made up for his wrongdoing?’,

queried implacably Ereshkigal. Ninlil sighed.

The Queen of the Underworld was not going to make things easy for her.

Yet She still hadn’t fastened on Ninlil Her ‘eye of death’.

In actual fact, Ereshkigal had been totally impartial so far, listening attentively for Ninlil‘s version of all facts.

‘I believe Enlil might have learnt a lesson because of the strange, intense meetings with the gatekeeper first,

then the guardian of the devouring river and finally with the ferryman of the Underworld sea.

They were Enlil in disguise, weren’t they?’

Having made this bold statement, Ninlil stopped and looked up to see whether there was any reaction on Ereshkigal‘s side.

There was none. But on the other hand She hadn’t said that Ninlil was out of her mind.

So she continued: ‘Somehow I could see it was him behind each Guardian of a Threshold I had to thread upon.

I wondered why he was there each time in disguise…’

Ninlil hesitated. ‘Go on’, urged Ereshkigal, her tone of command could not be denied.

‘Because… because we were both thresholds to each other.

Enlil confronted his worst nightmares at each time we met and he was in disguise.

He saw the true colors of conflict and grief at the city gate, wounding and healing in the Devouring River,

loneliness and connection in the depths of the Underworld sea.

But there is more to it.

Having been hurt by Enlil, I was his most difficult threshold.

On my side… I had to learn to see through him, understand his Quest and my role in it.’

Tears started streaming down her face.

Ninlil dried them with an impatient wave of her hand.

‘This is the reason why he never told me who he was at each threshold.

He simply couldn’t.

You inflicted a mighty test of humility to the proudest of the young Gods, my lady.

He had to come to me and beg for love, risking rejection, but trying anyway.

I wonder whether he realized all this.

And I… I had to go beyond my girlish dreams of a fancy lover to accept the god and the man in his totality.

And his seeds…’A sob cut out her words. Ninlil didn’t care.

Her tears were a measure of how much she had grown and learnt.

They couldn’t be denied. She sat on the floor,

because her knees were giving in to the effort of sustaining her body to continue:

‘The three seeds of mine and Enlil‘s I had to take them into my body and heal us three.

And now, my Lady, I understand your Great Mission and my heart is filled with awe before you.’

‘Why?’ was the question, issued in a much different tone this time.

‘Because only You and your Realm are the Keepers of Regeneration, Inner Beauty and Self-Transcendence.

Only the Mighty Ereshkigal, the Judge, Keeper of the Ancestral Land and Mistress of Balance

holds the Keys to solve Conflicts and Wars, knows the Depths of Healing and Wounding

and understands Life, Love and Connection because She is Life after Life

the One that gives Rebirth hopefully in a higher sphere, if we pass Her tests.

Lady, I lend you graces with all my body, mind, heart and Soul..

For only You are the focal point above all dualities, the Center that Sees ALL, Knows and Heals’.

Ninlil lowered her head to dry in the skirt of her dress the sea of tears that blinded her.

She didn’t see that Ereshkigal had left her high throne to stand in front of her.

‘Daughter of An, beyond your tears you’ve learnt to SEE, FEEL AND ACT so it is fitting that now look at me!’

When Ninlil looked up, the hood had fallen and she saw for the first time Ereshkigal´s face.

Not the lioness-headed goddess or the projection of one’s worst nightmares.

Instead, the radiant beauty of a dark-haired goddess looked at Ninlil.

The Lady of the Great Place was older, yet young and Ageless, a Woman in Her own right, tall and slim.

Eyes of Thoughtful Seriousness were smiling at Ninlil too. ‘You’ve traveled far and well, Ninlil.

Now, off to the Great Above you should go.

At the right time and season, you’ll come back to Me, to give birth to the three seeds

that should return to the Inner Womb of the Universe.

Now that they were created, the seeds of Conflict and War,

Healing and Wounding, Loneliness and Love can hurt as much as they can heal.

Everything will depend on one’s choices, and I can do no more than to Keep Watch and Guard

so that the Laws of Balance prevail in the end.

The fourth seed when it is due, may it ascend to the heavens with my blessings

to grow and wane for twenty-seven nights in a never-ending cycle.

On the 29th night, though, it will disappear from the Worlds Above to join My Lights in the Underworld.

At the end of the 29th night it will then return to the Heights in Waxing Glow.

Call yours and Enlil‘s baby Nanna (Nannar / Sin), the Light of the Night,

 3a - Nannar & moon crescent symbol (god Nanna / Nannar & his Moon Crescent symbol of then & now)

the Brightness that will teach humanity to count time,

the Moon that Waxes into Fullness and Wanes in all Worlds, always to Return.’

Ninlil found herself smiling back at Ereshkigal.

Hers and Enlil‘s baby would indeed have a most splendid fate.

A child whose Light would wax and wane in a never-ending cycle,

out of Darkness towards Light and back again from Brightness to Dark.

‘Great Lady, I lend you graces.’

Ereshkigal smiled at Ninlil, and then Great Goddess’ voice turned gentle and direct at once.

Ninlil suspected that this right balance of inquisitiveness, prodding and humor was Ereshkigal‘s trademark:

            (Enlil exits the Under World, greeted by Nannar, Ninlil, & Inanna

‘In the assembly of the Gods gathered to judge Enlil, I also heard your lament in a form of a question.

You asked whether love could grow out of pain to ensoul your life’s further journey.

Can it really, Ninlil?’

Understanding and joy so great filled Ninlil‘s heart.

‘Yes’, she affirmed, ‘ but only if one is able to see truth and wholeness beyond the hardest trials.’

A delighted laughter sounded in the Great Hall.

‘So what are you waiting for, Ninlil, to rescue your reluctant Lord to the Heights Above?

4d - Ninlil followed Enlil to Ereshkigal's Underworld (Ninlil & Ereshkigal in her Under World domain)

Off with both of you from my realms!’

Ninlil did exactly as she was told.

Who was she to disobey the Great Queen of the Underworld?

Enlil and Ninlil (Short Versions A & B of Ninlil’s Descent)

From “The Harps That Once…: Sumerian Poetry in Translation

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


        It was just a city, just a city

        But these chose to come settle,

        1 - Isin, Bau's home city (Mesopotamian cities of the giant alien gods)

        Nippur (Enlil’s city) was just a city, but these chose to come settle,

        Durgishimmar was just a city, but these chose to come settle.

        Just Idsalla was its pure river, just Kargeshtina its harbor quay, just Karusar its mooring quay,

        just Pulal its well of sweet water, just Nunbirdu its shimmering canal, if measured out, just fifty sar each were its arable lands.

        Just Enlil was its young man just Ninlil was its young maiden just Ninbarshegunu, was its matron.

        In those days did the mother who gave her birth advise the girl, Ninbarshegunu (Nisaba) advised Ninlil:

          (Nisaba, Ninlil‘s mother, Master Scribe, Nisaba & spouse Haia brought down & established grains upon the Earth)

        May you not, ‘o woman, bathe in the pure canal, in the pure canal, may you not ‘o Ninlil, come stepping back unto the bank of Nunbirdu!

        2b - Enlil who decrees man's fate (Enlil, son & heir to King Anu, Earth Colony Commander)

        He who is all bright eyes, will be laying eyes upon you the great mountain, father Enlil, who is all bright (blue) eyes,

        will be laying eyes upon you, the shepherd, the decision maker, who is all bright eyes, will be laying eyes upon you.

        Forthwith that cock will come burgeoning he will be kissing you

        and, happy, will gladly leave with you the glorious sperm filled into the womb.

        To the mother who advised her she on her part lent ear.

        In that selfsame pure canal, in that selfsame pure canal, the woman came and bathed,

        and Ninlil was about to come stepping back unto the bank of Nunbirdu.

             (Enlil, Earth’s Commander-in-Chief)       

        He who is all bright eyes, the master, who is all bright eyes, laid eyes upon her, the great mountain, father Enlil,

        who is all bright eyes, laid eyes upon her, the shepherd, the decision maker, who is all bright eyes, laid eyes upon her:

        “Let me make love with you!” he was saying to her, but was not thereby able to make her agree to it.

        “Let me kiss you!” Enlil was saying to her, but was not thereby able to make her agree to it.

        “My parts are little, know not how to stretch, my lips are little, know not how to kiss!

        If my mother learned about it she would be slapping my hand, if my father learned about it,

        he would be grabbing hold of me harshly, and it would not be for me, now, to tell my girlfriend, I should be drying up on her!

        Enlil said to his page, Nusku: Nusku, my page! “Yes, pray!”

        Great trust of the Ekur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)! “Yes, my master!”

        With a girl so nice, so shapely, with Ninlil, so nice, so shapely, one gets an urge to make love one gets an urge to kiss!

        The page brought to his master the likes of a boat brought to him the likes of a towline of a small boat

        brought to him the likes of a big boat:

        5jj - Ninlil, Enlil, & Nusku (Ninil, Enlil, & Nusku)

         My master, willing, let me float him down on it, so he can follow the urge to make that love,

         follow the urge to kiss those lips, father Enlil willing let me float him down on it

         so he can follow the urge to make that love, follow the urge to kiss those lips!

         As he was hugging her he held her hands, followed the urge to kiss those lips;

         and she for her part was making lie up next to him the bottom and the little moist place.

         He followed the urge to make that love, followed the urge to kiss those lips,

         and at his first making love, at his first kiss, he poured into the womb for her the sperm,

           (Nanna / Nannar / Sin / Suen, symbolized by the Moon Crescent)

        germ of Suen (Sin) the moon, the bright lone divine traveler!

        Enlil was passing through Kiur, and as Enlil was passing through Kiur

        the fifty great gods, and the seven gods of formulating the decisions, were seizing Enlil in Kiur:

        The sex offender Enlil will leave the town!

        The sex offender Nunamnir (Enlil) will leave the town!

         2d - Enlil in Nippur  (ancient artifact image of Enlil)

        Enlil, in accordance with what has been decided about him, left town.

        Enlil was walking along, Ninlil was following, Nunamnir (Enlil) was walking along, the girl was pursuing.

        Enlil said to the man in charge of the city gate:

        Man of the city gate, man of the bolt, man of the lock, man of the holy bolt!

        Your mistress Ninlil will be coming, and she asks you about me, do you not show her where I am!

        Ninlil said to the man in charge of the city gate:

        Man of the city gate, man of the bolt, man of the lock, man of the holy bolt!

        Where did Enlil your master go?

        Enlil had the man of the city gate answer her.

        My master never deigned to exchange pleasantries with me, Enlil never deigned to exchange pleasantries with me!

        Having decided in my mind, I made my plans, and was filling from him my empty womb,

        Enlil, king of all lands made love with me.

        As Enlil is your master so also am I your mistress!

        And you be my mistress let my hand touch your pudenda!

        A sperm, your future master, a lustrous sperm, is in my womb,

        2bc - Nanna & his symbol  (Suen / Nannar, patron god of Ur, symbolized by the Moon Crescent)

        a sperm, germ of Suen the moon, a lustrous sperm is in my womb!

        May the sperm, my future master, go heavenward, and may my sperm go to the netherworld,

        may my sperm instead of the sperm, my future master come to the netherworld!

        Enlil, as the man of the city gate had her lie down in the latter’s chamber, made love with her, kissed her;

         and at his lovemaking, at his first kiss,

        2 - Nergal  (Nergal)

        he poured into the womb for her the sperm, germ of Nergal, the one issuing forth from Meslam!

        Enlil was walking along, Ninlil was following, Nunamnir (Enlil) was walking along, the girl was pursuing.

        Enlil drew near the river of the mountains, the man-nourishing river,

        and to the man in charge of the river of the mountains, the man-nourishing river,

        Enlil said: Your mistress Ninlil will be coming and she ask you about me do you not show her where I am!

        Ninlil was nearing the river of the mountains, the man-nourishing river,

        and to the man in charge of the river of the mountains, the man-nourishing river,

        Ninlil said: Where did Enlil your master go?

        Enlil had the man of the river of the mountains answer her.

        My master never deigned to exchange pleasantries with me, Enlil never deigned to exchange pleasantries with me!

        Having decided in my mind, I made my plans, and was filling from him my empty womb,

        Enlil, king of all lands made love with me.

        As Enlil is your master so also am I your mistress!

        An you be my mistress let my hand touch your pudenda!

        A sperm, your future master, a lustrous sperm, is in my womb,
         2c - Nannar & his symbol  (Nannar, giant alien god of Ur, home of high-priest Terah, & his son Abraham)

        a sperm, germ of Suen the moon, a lustrous sperm is in my womb!

        May the sperm, my future master, go heavenward, and may my sperm go to the netherworld,

        may my sperm instead of the sperm, my future master come to the netherworld!

        Enlil, as the man in charge of the river of the mountains

        had her lie down in the latter’s chamber, made love with her, kissed her;

        and at his lovemaking, at his first kiss, he poured into the womb for her the sperm,

        germ of Ninazu (Enlil‘s son sometimes, Ereshkigal‘s son sometimes), owner of the temple manor Egida!

        Enlil was walking along, Ninlil was following, Nunamnir (Enlil) was walking along, the girl was pursuing.

        Enlil drew near Silulim the ferryman Enlil said:

        ‘Your mistress Ninlil will be coming and she ask you about me do you not show her where I am!’

        Ninlil drew near the ferryman and said to him: ‘O ferryman, where did Enlil your master go?

        Enlil had the man Silulim make answer:

        My master never deigned to exchange pleasantries with me, Enlil never deigned to exchange pleasantries with me!

        Having decided in my mind, I made my plans, and was filling from him my empty womb,

        Enlil, king of all lands made love with me.

        (Inanna, Ninlil, Nannar/Suen, & Enlil)

        As Enlil is your master so also am I your mistress!

        And you be my mistress let my hand touch your pudenda!

        A sperm, your future master, a lustrous sperm, is in my womb,

        a sperm, germ of Suen the moon, a lustrous sperm is in my womb!

        May the sperm, my future master, go heavenward, and may my sperm go to the netherworld,

        may my sperm instead of the sperm, my future master come to the netherworld!

        Enlil, as Silulim had her lie down in the latter’s chamber,

        made love with her, kissed her; and at his lovemaking, at his first kiss,

        he poured into the womb for her the sperm, germ of Enbilulu, the river warden!

        Thou art lord! Thou art master! Enlil, thou art lord!

           (Skyfather Anu & son Enlil, Sky Lord)

        Thou art master! Nunamnir, thou art lord! Thou art master!

        A lord, carrying great weight, lord of the storehouse, art thou!

        The lord making the barley sprout forth, the lord making the vines sprout forth, art thou!

        Lord of heaven, lord making yields be, and lord of the earth, art thou!

        Lord of the earth, lord making yields be, and lord of heaven art thou!

        Enlil being lord, Enlil being master, and inasmuch as a lord’s word cannot be changed!

        4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil  (Enlil & Ninlil on ancient city wall)

        Give praise unto Mother Ninlil!

        Father Enlil, praise!

Enlil and Ninlil

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

” by Thorkild Jacobsen. Yale University Press, Publishers; Copyright 1987.

(short version B of Ninlil‘s Descent)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

        There was a city, there was a city — the one we live in.

        3n - Nippur excavations

(Enlil‘s ancient city of Nippur located far below his ziggurat mountain residence)

        Nibru (Nippur) was the city, the one we live in.

        Dur-jicnimbar was the city, the one we live in.

        Id-sala is its holy river, Kar-jectina is its quay. Kar-asar is its quay where boats make fast. Pu-lal is its fresh-water well.

        Id-nunbir-tum is its branching canal, and if one measures from there, its cultivated land is 50 sar each way.

        Enlil was one of its young men, and Ninlil was one its young women.

        Nun-bar-ce-gunu (Nisaba) was one of its wise old women.

        2e - Nisaba, unknowns, spouse Haia

                         (Nisaba 2 unidentified gods,  spouse Haia, daughter Ninlil)       

        At that time the maiden was advised by her own mother, Ninlil was advised by Nun-bar-ce-gunu (Ninlil‘s mother):

        “The river is holy, woman! The river is holy — don’t bathe in it!

        Ninlil, don’t walk along the bank of the Id-nunbir-tum!

        His eye is bright, the lord’s eye is bright, he will look at you!

        The Great Mountain, Father Enlilhis eye is bright (blue), he will look at you!

        The shepherd who decides all destinies — his eye is bright, he will look at you!

        Straight away he will want to have intercourse, he will want to kiss!

        He will be happy to pour lusty semen into the womb, and then he will leave you to it!”

        She advised her from the heart, she gave wisdom to her.

        The river is holy; the woman bathed in the holy river.

        As Ninlil walked along the bank of the Id-nunbir-tum, his eye was bright, the lord’s eye was bright, he looked at her.

        The Great Mountain, Father Enlil — his eye was bright, he looked at her.

        The shepherd who decides all destinies — his eye was bright, he looked at her.

        The king said to her, “I want to have sex with you!”, but he could not make her let him.

        Enlil said to her, “I want to kiss you!”, but he could not make her let him.

        “My vagina is small, it does not know pregnancy.

        My lips are young, they do not know kissing.

        If my mother learns of it, she will slap my hand! If my father learns of it, he will lay hands on me!

        But right now, no one will stop me from telling this to my girl friend!”

        5j - Enlil, Nusku, Ninurta, & Bau

                                 (Enlil with plow, Nusku,    Ninurta  Bau seated with her guard dog)

        Enlil spoke to his minister Nuska: “ Nuska, my minister!”

        “At your service! What do you wish?”

        “Master builder of the Ekur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)!”

        “At your service, my lord!”

        “Has anyone had intercourse with, has anyone kissed a maiden so beautiful, so radiant —

        Ninlil, so beautiful, so radiant?”

        The minister brought his master across by boat, bringing him over with the rope of a small boat, bringing him over in a big boat.

         The lord, floating downstream to ……

        — he was actually to have intercourse with her, he was actually to kiss her! — father Enlil, floating downstream to ……

        — he was actually to have intercourse with her, he was actually to kiss her! — he grasped hold of her whom he was seeking —

        he was actually to have intercourse with her, he was actually to kiss her! — so as to lie with her on a small bank …….

        He actually had intercourse with her, he actually kissed her.

        At this one intercourse, at this one kissing he poured the seed of SuenAcimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) into her womb.

        2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.  (giant alien Anunnaki god Nannar / Sin / Acimbabbar, who lived in Ur)       

        Enlil was walking in the Ki-ur.

        As Enlil was going about in the Ki-ur, the fifty great gods and the seven gods who decide destinies had Enlil arrested in the Ki-ur.

        Enlil, the ritually impure, left the city.

        Nunamnir (Enlil), the ritually impure, left the city.

        (2 mss. have instead: “ Enlil, ritually impure, leave the city! Nunamnir, ritually impure, leave the city!”)

        Enlil, in accordance with what had been decided,

        4cc - Ninlil follows Enlil to the Underworld

                                                   (Ninlil      Enlil in the Underworld)

        Nunamnir, in accordance with what had been decided, Enlil went. Ninlil followed.

        Nunamnir went, the maiden chased him.

        Enlil spoke to the man at the city gate: “City gatekeeper! Keeper of the barrier! Porter!

        Keeper of the holy barrier!

        When your lady Ninlil comes, if she asks after me, don’t tell her where I am!”

        Ninlil addressed the city gatekeeper: “City gatekeeper! Keeper of the barrier! Porter!

        Keeper of the holy barrier! When did your lord Enlil go by?”

        She spoke to him; Enlil answered as the city gatekeeper:

        “My lord has not talked with me at all, O loveliest one.

        Enlil has not talked with me at all, O loveliest one.”

        “I will make clear my aim and explain my intent.

        You can fill my womb once it is empty — Enlil, lord of all the lands, has had sex with me!

        Just as Enlil is your lord, so am I your lady!”

        “If you are my lady, let my hand touch your ……!”

        “The seed of your lord, the bright seed, is in my womb.

        The seed of Suen, the bright seed, is in my womb.”

        “My master’s seed can go up to the heavens!

        Let my seed go downwards! Let my seed go downwards, instead of my master’s seed!”

        Enlil, as the city gatekeeper, got her to lie down in the chamber.

        He had intercourse with her there, he kissed her there.

        At this one intercourse, at this one kissing he poured the seed of NergalMeslamta-eda into her womb.

         2bb - Nergal & 2 lion heads weapon  (Nergal with his high-tech alien weaponry, & foot upon earthling)

        Enlil went. Ninlil followed.

        Nunamnir went, the maiden chased him.

        Enlil approached the man of the Id-kura river of the underworld, the man-eating river.

        “My man of the Id-kura, the man-eating river!

        When your lady Ninlil comes, if she asks after me, don’t you tell her where I am!”

         4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse  (Ninlil, spouse to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

        Ninlil approached the man of the Id-kura, the man-eating river.

        “My man of the Id-kura, the man-eating river!

        When did your lord Enlil go by?”, she said to him.

        Enlil answered as the man of the Id-kura: “My lord has not talked with me at all, O loveliest one.

        Enlil has not talked with me at all, O loveliest one.”

        “I will make clear my aim and explain my intent.

        You can fill my womb once it is empty — Enlil, lord of all the lands, has had sex with me!

         Just as Enlil is your lord, so am I your lady!”

        “If you are my lady, let my hand touch your ……!”

        “The seed of your lord, the bright seed, is in my womb.

        The seed of Suen, the bright seed, is in my womb.”

        “My master’s seed can go up to the heavens!

        Let my seed go downwards! Let my seed go downwards, instead of my master’s seed!”

        Enlil, as the man of the Id-kura, got her to lie down in the chamber.

        He had intercourse with her there, he kissed her there.

        At this one intercourse, at this one kissing he poured into her womb the seed of Ninazu (son of Enlil‘s or son of Ereshkigal‘s),

        the king who stretches measuring lines over the fields.

        Enlil went. Ninlil followed. Nunamnir went, the maiden chased him.

        Enlil approached SI.LU.IGI, the man of the ferryboat.

       “SI.LU.IGI, my man of the ferryboat!

        When your lady Ninlil comes, if she asks after me, don’t you tell her where I am!”

        Ninlil approached the man of the ferryboat.

        “Man of the ferryboat! When did your lord Enlil go by?”, she said to him.

        Enlil answered as the man SI.LU.IGI:

        “My lord has not talked with me at all, O loveliest one.

        Enlil has not talked with me at all,

        O loveliest one.” “I will make clear my aim and explain my intent.

        You can fill my womb once it is empty — Enlil, king of all the lands, has had sex with me!

         (Ninlil & Enlil, equal Earth Colony Commanders)

        Just as Enlil is your lord, so am I your lady!”

        “If you are my lady, let my hand touch your ……!”

        “The seed of your lord, the bright seed, is in my womb.

        The seed of Suen, the bright seed, is in my womb.”

        “My master’s seed can go up to the heavens!

        Let my seed go downwards! Let my seed go downwards, instead of my master’s seed!”

        Enlil, as SI.LU.IGI, got her to lie down in the chamber.

        He had intercourse with her there, he kissed her there.

        At this one intercourse, at this one kissing he poured into her womb the seed of Enbilulu, the inspector of canals.

        OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  (Adad, son to Enlil, god of canals)

        You are lord! You are king! Enlil, you are lord! You are king! Nunamnir, you are lord! You are king!

        You are supreme lord, you are powerful lord!

        Lord who makes flax grow, lord who makes barley grow, you are lord of heaven,

        Lord Plenty, lord of the earth! You are lord of the earth, Lord Plenty, lord of heaven!

        Enlil in heaven, Enlil is king! Lord whose utterances

        (2 mss. have instead: whose pronouncements) cannot be altered at all!

        His primordial utterances will not be changed!

        For the praise spoken for Ninlil the mother,

        praise be to (one ms. adds: the Great Mountain,) Father Enlil!


Enlil and Sud (Ninlil)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


        …… She was faithfully sitting (?) on ……, admirable and full of charms.

        ……, the noble son — who like him can compare with An (Anu) and Enlil?

        Haia (Enlil‘s father-in-law), the ……, put the holy semen into her womb.

        2b - Enlil, spouse Haia, Nisaba, & Ninlil

                       (Enlil, Haia, Nisaba, Ninlil, & unidentified, Nisaba & spouse Haia brought down & established grains upon the Earth)       

        Nun-bar-ce-gunu (Nisaba) faithfully gave birth to ……, (Ninlil)

        she brought her up in her …… and suckled her at her breasts full of good milk.

        The …… of the young girl burgeoned, and she became full of flourishing beauty.

         2a - Nisaba, master scribe, grain goddess (Nisaba, grain goddess, instrumental alien goddess with early colonization & development of Earth)

        In the …… of Nisaba, at the gate of the E-zagin, …… she stood, the object of admiration, like a tall, beautifully shaped cow.

         3ac - Nippur ground level  (Enlil‘s mountain E-kur residence constructed in Nippur)

        At that time Enlil had not yet been given a wife in the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur) ;

        Ninlil‘s (Enlil‘s spouse) name was not yet famous in the Ki-ur.

        After traveling through Sumer and to the ends of the universe, he ……;

        2ca - Anu's temple, at least 3500B.C.  (Uruk, residence of giant alien gods)

        in his search throughout the Land, Enlil, the Great Mountain, stopped at Erec (Uruk).

        4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse  (Ninlil, spouse to Enlil)

        As he looked around there, he found the woman of his choice.

        He approached her and, overflowing with joy, engaged her in conversation:

        “I will make you perfect in a queen’s dress; after standing in the street, you will be …….

        How impressed I am by your beauty, even if you are a shameless person!”

        In her youthful inexperience Sud answered Enlil:

        “If I want to stand proudly at our gate, who dares to give me a bad reputation?

        What are your intentions?

        Why have you come here?

        …… from my sight!”

        Others (?) had already tried to deceive ……, and made her (?) angry.

        1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, light haired, blue-eyed, giant alien god, Earth Colony Commander)

        Enlil …… answered Sud (NInlil), …… standing closer to her:

        “Come, I want to speak to you!

        I will have a talk with you about your becoming my wife.

        Kiss me, my lady of most beautiful eyes — the matter rests in your hands.”

        But the words had barely left his mouth when, right in front of him, she went into the house.

        The heart of the wise lord pounded.

        He called for Nuska (Enlil‘s minister). “What is your wish?”

        He gave the following instructions to him:

2cd - Anu's temple-home in Uruk

                  (stairways & ramparts to the residence of giant alien gods who lived in Uruk)       

        “I want you to go back to Erec (Uruk), the city of Nisaba, the city whose foundations are august.

        Do not delay! Repeat to her what I am going to tell you:

        “I am a young man, I have sent this message to you because of my wish:

        I want to take your daughter as wife. Give me your consent.

        I will send you presents in my name, …… my marriage gifts.

        2b - Enlil who decrees man's fate  (blue-eyed god Enlil)

        I am Enlil, the descendant, (heir) and offspring of Ancar (Anu), the noble, the lord of heaven and earth.

        The name of your daughter shall become Ninlil, and all the foreign countries shall …… it.

        I will present her with the Ja-jic-cua as her storehouse.

        2c - Nippur  (temple / residence ruins of Enlil & Ninlil in Nippur)

        I will give her the Ki-ur to be her beloved private quarters.

        She shall sit (1 ms. has instead: live) with me in the E-kur, my (1 ms. has instead: the) august dais.

        She shall determine fates.

        She shall apportion the divine powers (alien technologies) among the Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods.

        And as for you, I will place in your hands the lives of the black-headed people.”

        When you get there, let the woman I have chosen for her beauty …… her mother.

        Do not go to her empty-handed, but take her some jewelry in your left hand.

        Waste no time. Return with her answer quickly.”

        When Nuska, the head of the assembly, had received Enlil‘s instructions, he wasted no time ……; he directed his steps to Erec (Uruk)

        .2c - Haia, Enlil, unknown god, & Nisaba

                            (Haia                   Enlil                      Nuska                     Nisaba)

        He entered E-zagin, the residence of Nanibgal (Nisaba) and prostrated himself before Nanibgal on her dais.

        …… of Enlil ……, and she (?) asked him ……:

        “…… what ……?”

        7 lines missing

        1 line fragmentary

        (Nuska speaks:) “…… Sud …….

        What you have told me …….”

        Then Nanibgal went on speaking flatteringly to the minister:

        “Adviser, fit for his (?) king, ever observant (?)!

         Who like you could give counsel daily to the Great Mountain?

        How could I contest the king’s message which his slave has received?

        If there is truth in what you have told me — and may there be no falsehood —

        who could reject one who bestows such exceedingly great favors?

        …… makes our mood and hearts happy.

        Let us consider that amends have been made.

        By bringing the marriage gifts and the presents in his name the insult is wiped away.

        Tell him: “You shall become my son-in-law; do as you wish!”

         (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, Anu‘s son & heir to Nibiru‘s royal throne)       

        Tell Enlil, the Great Mountain: “Do as you wish!”

        Let his sister come from her side, and she shall accompany Sud (Ninlil) from here.

        Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 27552a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc

                  (Ninhursag, Anu‘s eldest daughter, Chief Medical Science Officer for Earth Colony)

        Aruru (Ninhursag) shall become Sud‘s sister-in-law: let her be shown the household.

        Inform your lord thus in his august Ki-ur.

        Repeat this to Enlil in the privacy of his holy bedchamber.

        After …… had instructed ……, …… and Nuska (Enlil‘s chancellor) took his seat on it.

        1 line missing

        (Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, Chief Scribe, Grain Goddess in every way)       

        Nanibgal called …… and gave her advice:

        “My little one, asleep indoors (?) …… your pure ……, the pleasant private quarters …….

        3b - earthling, Haia, unknown, Enlil, & Nisaba seated

                                  (earthling   Haia     unidentified    Enlil                  Nisaba / farming & grain)

        …… leave the House of Nisaba‘s Wisdom.

        ……, Nuska is knowing and wise.

        …… to his presence and pour him beer.”

        According to the instructions of her mother, she washed his hands and placed a tankard in his hands.

        The minister opened his left hand and gave her the jewelry, ……. everything …… and set it before her.

        She received the gifts …….

        He …… directed his steps to Nibru (Nippur, a bond / command post between Heaven & Earth).

        …… kissed the ground before Enlil.

        …… the great Lady had said ……, as she had instructed him, he repeated (?) …….:

        “(She said:) “Adviser, fit for his (?) king, ever observant (?)!

        Who like you could give counsel daily to the Great Mountain?

        How could I contest the king’s message which his slave has received?

        If there is truth in what you have told me — and may there be no falsehood —

        who could reject one who bestows such exceedingly great favors? …… makes our mood and hearts happy.

        Let us consider that amends have been made.

        By bringing the marriage gifts and the presents in his name the insult is wiped away.

        Tell him: “You shall become my son-in-law; do as you wish!”

        Tell Enlil, the Great Mountain: “Do as you wish!”

        Let his sister come from her side, and she shall accompany Sud from here.

        2d - Ninhursag & attendee, Ninhursag's symbol  (unidentified goddess & Ninhursag)

        Aruru shall become Sud‘s (Ninlil‘s) sister-in-law: let her be shown the household. Inform your lord thus in his august Ki-ur.

        Repeat this to Enlil in the privacy of his holy bedchamber.”‘

        ….. made …… feel good, brought great rejoicing in Enlil‘s heart.

        He raised his head ……, and animals came running.

        …… herds of four-legged animals that graze together in the desert.

        He caught …… living in the mountains, he made wild bulls, red deer, elephants, fallow deer, gazelles, bears,

        wild sheep and rams, lynxes, foxes, wild cats, tigers, mountain sheep, water buffaloes, monkeys,

        and thick-horned fat cattle jostle together noisily.

        Cows and their calves, wild cattle with wide-spread horns, …… rope, ewes and lambs, goats and kids, romping ……

        (1 later ms. from Susa has instead: …… and fighting), large kids with long beards, scratching with their hooves,

        lambs, ……, and majestic sheep were dispatched by Enlil toward Erec (Uruk).

        Large cheeses, mustard-flavored cheeses, small cheeses, ……, milk, cold hard-boiled eggs, butter (?),

        the sweetest dry honey and white honey, ……, and thick and large …… were dispatched by Enlil toward Erec.

        ……, dates, figs, large pomegranates, ……, jipar fruits, plums (?), halub nuts, almonds, acorns,

        2 - Dilmun location

        Dilmun (Sinia Peninsula, “Land of the Missiles”) dates packed in baskets, dark-colored date spadices,

        large pomegranate seeds squeezed out from their rinds, big clusters of early grapes, …… trees in fruit,

        trees from orchards, …… grown in winter, and fruits from orchards were dispatched by Enlil toward Erec.

        Ores (?) from Harali, the faraway land, ……. storehouses, ……, rock-crystal, gold, silver,

        ……, the yield of the uplands ……, heavy loads of them, were dispatched by Enlil toward Erec (Uruk).

        After the personal presents, the transported goods ……, Ninmah (Ninhursag) and the minister …….

        The dust from their march reached high into the sky like rain clouds.

        Enormous marriage gifts were being brought for Nanibgal (Nisaba) to Erec;

        the city was getting full inside and out, …… it was to be replete.

        The rest …… on the outlying roads ……. …… blue sky …….

        1 line missing

        2 lines fragmentary

        Nanibgal, the mother-in-law of Enlil, the woman who had been slandered, was treated kindly by Nuska (?)

        (1 ms. has instead: …… the mother-in-law of Enlil, the woman …… Ezina (Ninlil) ……) —

        2d - Nisaba, Haia, & others

                        (Nisaba        her spouse Haia    unidentified gods)   

        but the lady disregarded the flatterer, and spoke to her daughter:

        “May you be Enlil‘s favorite wife (1 ms. has instead: the wife of Enlil‘s heart), and may he speak to you sweetly.

        May he embrace you, the most beautiful of all, and tell you: “Beloved, open wide!”

        May the two of you never lose the pleasure (?) of excitement; make it last (?) a long time. (1 ms. has instead:

        May it be that the pleasure (?) of excitement will never be lost.)

        You two …… on the hill, and have children afterwards!

        When you enter the house to live there, may abundance precede you, and may joy follow you.

        May the people line up for you wherever you go, and may all the people …… for you.

        The fate I have determined for you should be fulfilled

        (1 ms. has instead: cannot be altered)! Go with head held high into the E-mah.”

        Then Aruru grasped her by the hand and led her away into the Ec-mah.

        She brought her into the E-kur, the house of Enlil, and …….

        In the sleeping quarters, in the flowered bed …… like a cedar forest,

        Enlil made (?) love to his wife and took great pleasure in it.

        1 line fragmentary

        The lord whose statements are …… the lady; ……Nintud (Ninhursag), the “Lady who gives birth”…….

        3 - Ninhursag & Enki, fertility tree & DNA 3g - Nintu with lab monkeys

                            (Ninhursag          Tree of Life             brother Enki)                 (Ninhursag & her early attempts to fashion workers)

        …… En-batibira’s (perhaps a name of Aruru) countenance, …….

        He presented her with ……, everything ……, and …….

        (Enlil speaks:) “From now on, a woman shall be the ……; a foreign woman shall be the mistress of the house.

        May my beautiful wife, who was born by holy Nisaba, be Ezina, the growing grain, the life of Sumer.
         3c - Nisaba, Ninlil, & unknown gods

                                                  (Nisaba          daughter Ninlil    2 unidentified gods)

        When you appear in the furrows like a beautiful young girl,

        1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub  (Ishkur / Adad, ancient artifacts now destroyed by Radical Islam!)

        may Ickur (Ishkur / Adad, Enlil‘s 3rdson), the canal inspector, be your provider, supplying you with water from the ground.

        The height of the year is marked with your new prime flax and your new prime grain;

        Enlil and Ninlil procreate them (?) as desired.

        1 line unclear

        The harvest crop raises its head high for the great festival of Enlil.

       Great Sumerian hymn: Lamentation on the ruins of Ur. Inscription on clay 24.5 x 13.6 cm AO 6446 (“Lament of Ur” / “Hymn of Nisaba, text personally scribed by the giant alien goddess Nisaba)

        The scribal art, the tablets decorated with writing, the stylus, the tablet board, the computing of accounts,

        adding and subtracting, the shining measuring rope, the ……, the head of the surveyor’s peg,

        the measuring rod, the marking of the boundaries, and the …… are fittingly in your hands.

7c - gods teach mankind to plow (the beginning of farming on Earth Colony, when the alien gods did the work)       

        The farmer (?) …….

        Woman, the proudest among the Great Princes, ……, from now on, Sud …… Ninlil …….”

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        A holy song of praise ……. Enlil and Ninlil……!

        Version B

        (1 later ms. from Susa preserves a slightly variant version of ll. 142ff.)

        (Nisaba speaks:) “…… spend (?) your time on the hill! …….

        Enter ……! And may abundance precede you ……!

        May the people line up for you ……; may all the people …… for you.

        Your …… which I have determined for you should be fulfilled; …… with head held high into the Ec-mah.”

    2aa - temple of Hathor - Ninhursag (artifact images of Ninhursag / Aruru)       

        Aruru (Ninhursag) grasped her …… and …… her away into the Ec-mah.

        She brought her into the shining E-kur, and poured the best perfume over her face.

        In the sleeping quarters, in the flowered bed fragrant like a cedar forest,

        Enlil made (?) love to his wife and took great pleasure in it.

        He sat her (?) on his dais appropriate to the status of Enlil, and made the people pray to her.

        The lord whose statements are powerful also determined a fate for the Lady (Aruru) , the woman of his favor;
         3c - Ninhursag, Inanna, & staff

                              (Ninhursag     Nisaba      Ninlil    unidentified goddess)       

        he gave her the name Nintud, the “Lady who gives birth”, the “Lady who spreads her knees”.

        He made beautiful En-batibira’s (perhaps a name of Aruru) countenance, …….

        He presented her with the …… of a mistress, everything pertaining to women that no man must see, and …….

        (Enlil speaks:) “From now on, a woman shall be the ……; a woman shall be the mistress of the house.

        (Inanna, Ninlil, Nannar, & Enlil)

        May my favorite wife, who was born by holy Nisaba, be Ezina, the grain, the life of the Land.

        When she appears in the furrows like a beautiful young girl, may …… be her provider,

        watering her with water from the ground, as she grows prime grain and prime flax ……

        1 line unclear

        …… the harvest crop …… the great festival of Enlil …….

        ……, the measuring rod, the marking of the boundaries,

        and the preparation of canals and levees are fittingly in your hands.

        The farmer entrusted cultivation into your hands.

        Proud woman, surpassing the mountains!

        You who always fulfill your desires — from now on, Sud,

         (Nisaba, Enlil, Ninlil, & semi-divine king)

        Enlil is the king and Ninlil is the queen.

        The goddess without name has a famous name now, ……

        1 line unclear

        May it be you who determines that destiny …… attends to it …….”

        As the presents are given in the shrine Nibru, a holy song of praise is sung. Enlil, the lord of the countries, ……

The Rape of Sud by Enlil

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


‘I knew this day would come!’ Numbarshegunu (Nisaba) exclaimed overjoyed, hugging Ninlil affectionately.

             2a - Nisaba, master scribe, grain goddess  (Nisaba / Numbarshegunu, Goddess of Grains, Master Scribe of the Anunnaki, Enlil‘s mother-in-law)

‘ May you be proud of your womanhood, may bring happiness as much as you receive,

may your body know and give pleasure in all worlds you dare to fare!

May you conceive of your womb, may you create of your own hands, mind, heart and soul!

Now, we should search for a worthy partner for you,

1f - gods in procession (royal descendants of King Anu on Earth)

Fresh as the morning the Anunnaki, the Great Gods, came out of the Duku, the Mound of Creation,

you deserve only the best young man we can find!’

             (Ninlil seated, equal spouse to Enlil)

Ninlil colored softly: ‘Who will he be, Mother?’

‘We’ll see… and you will know for sure when he turns up!

Hurry, now, and wash yourself as you’ve always done so far.

Down the canal to bless the waters with the power of your first blood

and dance for the sheer joy of being young, woman and goddess!

  (Sky Lord Anu & Lord Air / Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, traversing the skies of Sumer)

Just be very careful where you thread upon, for I’ve heard young Enlil, Lord Air,

comes often to the canal and the riverbank to kiss the fertile lands with the power of his breath that makes everything grow.

             (Haia, Ninurta, Enlil asks for hand of Ninlil, & Nisaba)

Indeed, Enlil could be the best choice for you, dearest, but he should ask your hand first to me and your father Haia.

2a - Enlil, Anu's son & heir (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir to 1-world-order planet Nibiru, & its colonies)

‘Mother, if he is so special, tell me more about young Enlil‘.

Enlil is Lord Wind, the Master of Air and the Strongest Winds.

  (Skyfather Anu in his sky-disc with sons Enki & Enlil)

He is the First Born of An (Anu) the Sky and Ki (Antu) the Earth, the First Breath of the Universe.

4b - Nippur 1967  (Nippur ruins, Enlil‘s patron city excavated 1967, etc.)

It is in the courtyard of his temple, the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple- residence in NIppur),

that the Assembly of the Anunnaki, the Great Gods, gather to judge the cases that affect the destiny of the land,

it is by his Will that the scepter of kingship is conferred to the fair and strong kings to rule over the earth.

Enlil also laid plans to bring forth seeds, plants, trees and abundance to the earth.

His was the Inspiration to fashion the pickaxe and the hoe so that humankind could work the ground.        James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1 (6,000 year old depiction of our solar system with 10 planets, Moon, & Sun, all in proper position, Nibiru is 12th star, a time in history when mankind was 1st given their burdensome workloads)

     (Ninurta leads giant mixed-breed shepherd-worker to Enlil, who told earthlings to learn to use the plow)

His is the Power of Spring to create life,

His are the Storms to Destroy what Must Be No More.

He is also about your age, my sweet, and hasn’t found the Right Lady to release his seed as yet.

I hope she is going to be you, but don’t make things easy for him’.’

Mother, if Enlil (Earth Colony Commander) is such a great lord, how will he notice me?’

‘Who wouldn’t notice you, dearest?’ countered Numbarshegunu softly.

She gave to Ninlil the exquisite mirror which rested on her bedside table.

‘Look at yourself in the mirror, Ninlil, what do you see?

No, don’t answer me now.

Think of that image and rejoice.

You are yourself, unique and very special.

As we all are, but many times just don’t realize.

And don’t forget the most important…’

‘Which is?’

‘You are my daughter! What else did you expect me to say?

So on your way, young lady, to do your first duty as a woman in full power of her womanhood!

Go bless the waters and the fields!’

‘Who are you? I haven’t met you yet and I know all who live in my city’.

“My city?” So she had bumped into Lord Enlil himself.

As befitting to her and his station, she bowed graciously and introduced herself.

‘I lend you graces, my Lord. My name is Ninlil, a newcomer to your domains.

I am the daughter of Haia, Lord of the Stores and Numbarshegunu, the Goddess of Barley.

We came in reply to your call to help you build this great city and to ensure 

2b - Enlil, spouse Haia, Nisaba, & Ninlil

   (Enlil with plow, Haia-barley god, his spouse Nisaba-grain goddess, their daughter Ninlil, & unidentified, when the gods did the work, Nisaba & spouse Haia brought down seeds & developed grains upon the Earth, Enlil farming in the “Eden”)

with our work that the land bear fruits for the forthcoming harvest..

How may I better serve you, Great One?’

‘I would like very much to taste your lips, my lady!

Will you give me a kiss, Ninlil?

As a Breeze I touched your lips, I played with your pretty dress.

As a man I long to taste your mouth, your tongue and feel the sweetness of your body.

Come to my arms, Ninlil, surrender to delights we both could share!’

You are too great for me, my lord. I am too young. I have never known a man.

My vagina is too narrow, my mouth still untutored. Choose another one!

‘Wait! Come back over here now!

Why are you running away? Nusku!

Where in the Skyfather‘s name are you hiding?’

‘So he is angry! With me or himself… or both?’

‘Coming my lord! What’s upsetting you?

You told me to keep out of sight!’

‘It’s a girl, damn her! Ninlil is her name.

She dared to give me the slip.

But I’ll come after her!

Quick, Nusku, find me a raft so that I can chase her in the canal.

Never before was I refused anything.

I’ll have her, no matter what!

‘Your wish is my command, my lord.

I’ll go to the quay and see what I can find’.

5ja - Ninlil, Enlil, & Nusku (alien gods traveling & shipping goods up-river)

       (Ninlil                       Enlil                                            Nusku)

‘She can’t stay underwater long. I must have her!

What woman have I offered myself before her? None!’

‘You shall have her, my lord. Trust me’.

5jb - Ninlil, Enlil, & Nusku (giant alien gods using the waterways long ago)

Ninlil slid among the high reeds, but the raft was quickly approaching.

She kept very quiet. Her chances to escape, though, were scarce.

Against Enlil‘s and Nusku‘s combined strengths and the raft, she could only hope they gave up the pursuit.

‘There, my lord, in between the reeds!’

‘I really made it! My seed is inside you! Ninlil, o Lady!’ ‘Ninlil, my Lady, wait!’

‘Never before was a daughter (granddaughter by way of Enki) of An,

a Maiden of the Holy House so ill-treated by one of the Anunnaki.

The waters of Mother Nammu (Enki‘s mother, not Enlil‘s), the Source of Life, were defiled by one of her own.

May you stand trial, Enlil, for what you did to me.

May you pay a very dear price for the brightness of your seed!’

Two grave crimes were committed by one of the great gods.

First, a Maiden, a daughter of the Holy House suffered the most unspeakable offense

that could have ever been inflicted upon her.

Secondly, and related to the first offense, the sacredness of the sexual act,

Life-Force and Energy that Moves Creation and perpetuates all lines through the Times was completely neglected.

My heart bleeds for the accused, my (Antu‘s) first-born Enlil,

but it bleeds even more for my daughter (granddaughter) Ninlil.

The Assembly was called upon to decide the punishment for the wrongdoer.

For no one, not even the gods, are above the Law!

Let’s hear the accuser’s defense for his act.’

Enlil bowed low to his father and the Assembly, and spoke, his voice deep and constrained:

‘Before this very day never had I felt such a strong desire for a Maiden.

Before this very day never had I felt so drawn to a lady of the Holy House.

Before this very day never had I known passion as I did and still do for Ninlil‘.

‘Is that all you have to say to the Assembly?

Is your defense based on just desire and passion?’, asked Ki (Ninhursag) to Enlil, her voice sharp as a razor.

  (young Ninhursag, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, & mother to NinurtaEnlil‘s son & heir)

‘Yes’, replied Enlil, clearly in discomfort.

NinhursagKi’s (Enlil‘s ½ sister) anger was so evident that she dismissed Enlil with a wave or her mighty hand.

She turned then to the Assembly:

‘It is right to feel desire and expected that a young god feels drawn to a Maiden of the Holy House.

Above all, it is expected that they come together at the right time and season in the Sacred Marriage rite.

This is the way the Sacredness of Life is celebrated among us,

from Mother Nammu (Enki‘s mother) the Sea who in an act of selfless Self-Love

3a - Anu in flight (Skyfather Anu in his sky-disc, King of the giant alien Anunnaki gods)

engendered the Skyfather (Anu) who the Assembly presides and myself as the Cosmic Mountain Ki (Ninhursag).

It is understandable impetuousness and confusion in dealing with such matters of the flesh,

for the young need time to understand that matter, spirit,

feeling and mind are but Representations of the Mystery of Creation.

Indeed, we all stem from and are one with the Source, and we the Great Gods are but Reflections of the One.

Ninlil and Enlil are both very young.

But like a stallion waits for the right time to court the mare,

like a lion is drawn to the lioness, so it is with young god and goddess.

Only when are ready and fully aware of the Mystery they will re-enact in the Sacred Marriage Bed.

So has it always been. So will it always be!

This is the law, and anything that violates this precept hurts the Spirit,

the Inner Fabric upon which our civilization was formed.

The law shall be preserved!’ ‘

The law shall be preserved!’ repeated in agreement the Assembly.

‘The accused has spoken,’ said Ki, then turning to Ninlil.

‘Let’s hear the victim. Daughter, would you like to address to the Assembly?’

Ninlil stood up and graciously bowed to the judges.

She was a sight to behold, young, eyes swollen with tears,

yet showing profound dignity as befitted to an Anunnaki princess:

‘Nothing can undo what was done to me.

For above all, now I bear Enlil‘s first seed.

A child of light is growing inside my womb, a little one conceived out of immature desire on both sides.

I claim my child as Enlil‘s first born-to-be (on earth with Ninlil).

To the Assembly gathered here I demand the punishment of my rapist so that never again

a daughter or son suffer the hideous act of violence I was subjected to.

As for me, to the Great Gods my fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters here today,

I the Maiden ask: can love grow out of such pain to ensoul my life’s further journey?’

Ninlil!’, was Enlil‘s strangled moan in the profound silence that followed Ninlil‘s statement.

3c - Enki in the Abzu3a - Enki & Aquarius constellation

              (E.A. / Enki / Nudummud / Poseidon / Neptune / Aquarius, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son)

It was Enki, lord of Wisdom, Magic and of the Sweet Waters, son of An the Sky and Nammu (Enki‘s mother) the Sea,

brother to Enlil, who answered thoughtfully after some time:

‘Sorrow and pain are the measures of the happiness and laughter that could be.

Healing can always occur, if one is ready to see truth and wholeness beyond the hardest trials.’

‘Is it too late for me to take Ninlil as my wife?’ interrupted Enlil, turning to the Assembly.

He turned then to Ninlil. He knelt graciously in front of her.

‘Will you accept me as your true husband, Ninlil?

Nothing can undo what was done, and I deserve the hardest punishment for my act,

but I am also honor-bound to set balances right for what I did to you, my Lady, and my seed.

I’ll do more than marrying you,

Ninlil, because let it be known that from now on I’ll share my power with you,

Lady Air, so that you can become my true Soul-Counterpart everywhere we dare to fare’.

 (giants Nisaba, Enlil, & his spouse Ninlil with a semi-divine king)

‘The possibility of marriage is only a first act to set balances right.

But it does not absolve the culprit.

Enlil‘s impiety struck at roots far deeper than that.

Enlil made himself a Guardian of the Earth, to guard, love and protect first his mother and all women,

who are garments of my Beloved Ki (Antu sometimes, Ninhursag sometimes).

Enlil himself forbade violence all over the land, all that lies in the South, North, West and East.

He kept in the wilderness the quarreling beasts.

But now he has brought violence in.

He broke the sacred trust we gave him.

All I say is that Sky rejects you now’.

‘The Earth rejects you now’, said Ki.

‘So be it! The Assembly rejects you now!’ echoed the judges.

‘Where should I then go?’, asked stunned Enlil.

Until you set balances right, until you travel unknown depths, you cannot go back to us.

There is only one place you are bound to go.

To the Land of No Return, the Underworld‘.

‘So be it!’ agreed the Assembly.

‘But I don’t know the way to the Underworld‘, said Enlil, still trying to avoid his fate.

4cc - Ninlil follows Enlil to the Underworld (Ninlil followed Enlil into the Underworld)                             

‘There is a door to the Underworld in every soul to set balances right and change.

The moment you forced yourself unto the young Lady you found that door.

Let’s see whether you can get in and pay the price for your return.

Now you are the doorkeeper of the Great Below‘, said Enki.

‘Lord Enki,’ she asked, ‘is my lord gone?’

‘Yes, Ninlil, he is gone.

We hope it is for the time being, until he learns a deep lesson,

until he pays the price for what he did to you and all Creation’, Enki answered softly, bowing to her.

4 - door to Ereshkigal's Underworld  (door to the Underworld / Lower World / Nether World / Hades, realm of Ereshkigal)

Enlil has just crossed the threshold to the Underworld.’

Ninlil kept silence for a little while, as if gathering all her strength to do what she should.

‘I’ll follow my lord to the bowels of the earth’, she said out loud.

‘And beyond if need be”, she thought to herself.

As these words came out, she too vanished from the assembly.

‘Go back, my lady. The door to the Underworld is closed to you’.

‘I have a question for you, Keeper of the Gates.

Did you see my Lord Enlil come this way?’

The eyes of the gatekeeper gleamed:

‘This way is barred to you.

My Lord Enlil commanded me to stay silent’.

Ninlil smiled: ‘ So I may not be that far behind him.

You must let me in. I am Enlil‘s Lady. Open the gate for me’.

‘Lord Enlil commanded me not to allow you to follow him.

It is too risky. But I did dry the tears on my Lord’s face.

I did try to soothe his heart.

If you are Ninlil, his lady, let me feel your cheek,

let me touch you and swear my loyalty on them to Enlil‘.

‘The seed of your lord grows within me.

If Enlil is your Master, then I am your Lady.

By my power, by the Beloved of mine you serve, let me in. Now’.

‘O Lady, may my royal seed go to heaven, may my royal seed go to the underworld.

Please, my lady, lay with me.

Let not the seed of the Bright One descend to the Underworld.

Let my seed take his place’.

Ninlil looked sternly at the gatekeeper:

‘Why are you doing this, gatekeeper?

Why are you giving your seed to replace my lord’s?

And why would I accept such high ransom?’

She could feel the shyness and reluctance of the gatekeeper to open up to her.

But she was patient.

Somehow she had seen through the disguise who he actually was.

Enlil, stop pretending and let me in so that we can descend together.

Why the disguise?

Have the Winds of Change started to blow within your heart?

2d - Enlil in Nippur (Anunnaki Royal Prince Enlil on his throne in Nippur, Earth Colony Command Central)

Show me who you are, Enlil.

It’s me, Ninlil, your Soul-Counterpart.”

‘Lady, I offer my seed to replace my lord’s out of love and sorrow

for the offense my lord committed in the Worlds Above.

He should have known better before using his force and hurt the one who is now closest to his very heart.

I am pledged to serve Enlil and ransom him with my very life.

The deep sorrow I feel for the lord is now rooted within my Self like a Tree that Bears Fruits in the Lowest Depths.

So lay with me, lady of my lord’s heart, give me your embrace and touch to quench my lonely night.

And I’ll let you go in, for you’ll have this way given consolation to my Wandering Soul.’

“Beloved, why?” her heart asked,

As they laid in a close embrace in the aftermath, he whispered into her hair.

‘I need to go. Turn back,

3a - Inanna & Dumuzi in the Underworld  (Ninlil fights to save Enlil from the “Land of No Return)

Ninlil, don’t cross the threshold to the Below’.

‘Have you crossed it?’ she asked instead, raising her head to meet his light sky-blue eyes.

The Gatekeeper’s eyes reflected such deep sadness, the arms around Ninlil‘s tensed,

but the Gatekeeper’s voiced sounded strong and committed. To what?

‘Yes. I had to. And now I need to go on’.

‘This seed of yours that grows within me now,

  inergal001p1 (Nergal, warrior god, Lord of the Under World, spouse to Ereshkigal)

I’ll call him Nergal-Meslamtaea (a son of Enlil‘s in this text), and his will be the knowledge of the hard mysteries

of Conflict, Wounding and Diseases so that humanity and the gods know about Peace, Healing and Wholeness in all levels.’

‘But I also need to be on my way,’ Ninlil continued, her voice acquiring a decisive tone.

‘ Release me, Gatekeeper. I’ve paid your price.

As Enlil is your master, I am your lady.

I am not asking your leave. I will get in. Now.’

‘So be it’, the Gatekeeper replied.

“I’ll follow the course of the river and see what lies around the river bank.

There may be a bridge or a crossing point somewhere.

I just need to be persistent and walk with great care.

I’ll find a way cross the cataract … wherever it is!” reasoned Ninlil.

“No, I won’t give up. I’ve gone too far now to stop”, she reasoned with her fear.

“I fear the failure of not being able to rescue Enlil and myself.

Is my fear like a devouring river, consuming my soul, my wits, my body and my heart?

It can’t be. Or perhaps it can. But there is power where there is fear.

And where our deepest fears are, there is also the source of healing,

if one keeps one’s wits steady enough to see through the darkest hours.

If Enlil came this way, I’ll know.

I just need to gather my strength and be like a steady wind circling the world round.

Somewhere, somehow a passageway will be found’.

A throaty voice called from behind: ‘Go back, lady. You may not cross the Devouring River’.

“Tell me first, has my Lord Enlil come this way?’

‘My Lord Enlil commanded me to be silent’.

‘So have you answered me. Enlil came this way.

How did he cross the river?’

‘He wept for grief in my arms,

I touched him and carried my Lord over the cataract and the stepping stones of the Underworld‘.

‘What you have done for him, you must do for me.

I am Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen’.

‘If you are Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen, let me touch your face, let me touch your body and swear my loyalty on it to Enlil‘.

‘The seed of your lord grows within me.

By my power, by Enlil you serve, carry me over the river. Now’.

‘O Lady, let my royal seed go to heaven, let my royal seed go to the Underworld.

Let my seed plunge lone into the Great Devouring River as a gift to Queen Ereshkigal. Lie with me as well!’

4d - Ninlil followed Enlil to Ereshkigal's Underworld  (Ereshkigal in her Lower World domain)

‘Why are you doing this, Guardian of the Devouring River?

Why are you giving your seed to replace my lord’s? And why would I accept such offer?’

‘I offer my seed to replace my lord’s out of love and my will to heal his troubled heart,

as well as to heal the wounds he inflicted to you, my Lady, by his unspeakable behavior.

I am pledged to serve Enlil and ransom him with my very life.

I’ve known my lord all my life, but only by carrying him over the devouring river.

I’ve come face to face with mysteries unknown to me so far.

By facing the violence of the rushing waters,

I faced the side of my lord that is like a storm, a restless, destructive force.

By plunging into the rushing waters I then learnt of the responsibility to heal inflicted violence and wounds,

to resurface with the wisdom of dried tears.

It is as if I had become a Water-Knower.

Lay with me, lady Air, and share a night of passion by the cataract.

I need your care to guide me through this lonely night’.

‘Will you carry me afterwards, as you did… to Enlil?’

‘Yes’. ‘This seed of yours, I’ll call him Ninazu (a son of Enlil‘s in this text),

the Water-Knower, Lord of the Depths that Heal.

2a - Bau & son Damu, medical treatment

                  (Bau‘s son Dr. Damu with ill patient, Bau, her guard dog, & spouse Ninurta; medical treatment administered by giant alien gods thousands of years ago on Earth)

His will be the knowledge to wound too, because healing and wounding are two sides of the same coin.

Now, lord of the Devouring River, fulfill your part of our contract.

Take me to the other side of the Devouring River’.

‘It is too dangerous, my lady’ .

‘Can Enlil be ransomed otherwise?’

‘No’. ‘I’ve paid your fee. Carry me’.

“Who follows whom, Beloved?”

“Better to be on my way… “

Enlil, have you come this way?’ Ninlil asked ‘Who calls the ferryman of the Great Below?’

‘Has my lord Enlil taken passage with you recently?’

‘I cannot answer this question, for I am commanded to silence’.

‘So he did come this way.

How did he manage to conquer your graces so that you could ferry him across?’

‘Lord Enlil wept for grief in my arms, I touched him and rowed my Lord to the other side’.

‘What you have done for him, you must do for me.

I am Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen’.

‘If you are Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen, let me touch your face,

let me touch your body and swear my loyalty on it to Enlil‘.

‘The seed of your lord grows within me.

By my power, by the Beloved of mine you serve, let me in your boat and ferry me across.

Now’. ‘O Lady, let my royal seed go to heaven, let my royal seed go to the Underworld.

Please Lady, let my seed dive into the waters of the Underworld Sea as a gift to Queen Ereshkigal.

Lie with me as well, my Lady”.

‘Why are you doing this, ferryman?

Why are you giving your seed to replace my lord’s?

And why would I accept such offer?’

‘Lady, I offer my seed to replace my lord’s out of love

and my will to bring comfort and kindness to his troubled mind, body and heart.

I am pledged to serve Enlil and ransom him with my very life.

I’ve known my lord all my life, but only by rowing him over the lifeless,

still waters of the Underworld sea I’ve come to realize the stuff life is made of: love and connection,

boundless energy and the will to give of oneself to the world and to the beloved within and without.

My lord wants to give of himself in a much deeper level although he doesn’t know how.

I’ve felt his need to bond and yet the fear of being let down.

I changed by ferrying him over the sea.

So lay with me, lady Air, and share with me all the passion that you have locked inside.

I need your loving touch to ensoul and guide me through this lonely night.

Please, Lady, once you laid on a raft under the skies.

Will you enter my boat now in the Great Below?’

Ninlil prodded further: ‘ I was not invited to the raft under the skies.

Are you asking me to accept your offer out of my own free will?’

She could feel the intense emotion gripping the ferryman.

Had she touched the core of the tornado?

And could she ride the storm afterwards?

‘Tell me, ferryman, in your own words. Why would I accept to lay with you?’

‘Out of love. Love that you feel for lord Enlil‘.

             (Ninlil, equal spouse to Enlil)

“Was that so difficult, Beloved?” Ninlil asked him silently, and said out loud:

‘And for the love that I have for myself and the future we can have together

if I succeed to bring him back to the Heights Above.

I couldn’t love Enlil the extent I do if I didn’t know my mind, body, heart and soul.

He is the closest that I found to my heart’s desire, although at that time I wasn’t ready to tell him so.

I just wonder when he is going to come to terms with his Lover within so that he can acknowledge me

without as his Beloved as well as his Queen.

For all these reasons, ferryman, I take up your offer’.

‘I’ll call this seed of yours Ennugi, Lord of the Sexual Parts’, said Ninlil when intercourse was over.

She kissed the ferryman in the mouth.

‘His challenge will be to go beyond physical release, his gift will be Seduction, Laughter, Intimacy and Play.

His duty will be to be Responsible for whom he captivates.

He will be Energy and Passion seasoned with Creativity in all worlds he dares to fare’.

‘Your surprise me, my Lady’.

She knew there was a smile in his voice.

‘Fulfill your part of the contract, ferryman.

I need to go to the other side.

If I need to ransom mine and Enlil‘s life to have a future, I want to start building this future as soon as possible’.

‘Who has come unasked to the Great Below? ‘

Who has dared to come unannounced? ‘

Who has crossed the threshold of the Land of No Return?’

‘I lend graces to the Guardians of the Underworld and to Almighty Ereshkigal, Queen of the Great Below.

2 - Ereshkigal  (Ereshkigal, undisputed giant Queen of the location in the “Great Below“)

I am called Ninlil, a Maiden of the Holy House of An, daughter of Haia,

2e - Nisaba, unknowns, spouse Haia

                 (Nisaba             Enlil   unidentified      Haia          Ninlil, royal gods of grains)

God of the Stores and of the Barley Goddess Numbarshegunu (Nisaba).

I came alone and of my own free will to the Land of No Return to intercede for the life of my lord, Enlil, the Air god,

who was sent to the Underworld because of a grave offense he did to myself.

I therefore very humbly request an audience with the Lady of the Great Place.

May the Dark Lady receive also in advance my respects and deepest praises!’


 (Under World scene, Ereshkigal, naked Inanna, & Namtar)

Sukkal Namtar (Ereshkigal‘s son), the young woman from the Worlds Above

requests to be seen by the Great Queen,’ provided Neti (the gatekeeper).

‘Since you’ve come this far, it is fitting that you are given the chance to see Queen

and see whether you can conquer her graces!

Follow me,’ Namtar answered after a time that looked like eternity.

‘I need to ask you again, my lady, is it your will to get into the domains of the Great Queen Ereshkigal?’

asked quietly Namtar.

‘If my lord Enlil is in there’.

‘He is’.

‘So it is my will to go in’.

‘You were warned’.

‘Why have you come unasked to the Land of No Return?’

‘Great Lady, I came to ask you for the life of my lord Enlil,

who was sent to you because of a grave offense he did to me.

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse  (Ninlil, equal spouse to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

I am Ninlil, his Lady, who bears also his seeds.

And.. there is something else too…’

‘Which is?’

‘I… I would like to understand what has been going on so far, since the Descent to the Land of No Return for us started.

For I suspect there is great healing in what we’ve experienced so far.’

2a - Ereshkigal, Nannar's Daughter (Ereshkigal seated upon her throne at her ziggurat located in the Under World)

Ereshkigal didn’t reply, and asked on: ‘Why are you interceding for the life of Enlil, if he did harm to you?’

Enlil was violent and clumsy, but I didn’t fare much better either. With him and myself.

But I believe we both learnt a great deal and need the chance of a future together.

I ask you for a future, my lady.

For Enlil and me and our seed, the baby of light, in the Worlds Above.’

‘On what grounds do you say that Enlil learnt a lesson?

How do you know that he satisfied the Law of Balance and made up for his wrongdoing?’, queried implacably Ereshkigal.

‘I believe Enlil might have learnt a lesson because of the strange, intense meetings with the gatekeeper first,

then the guardian of the devouring river and finally with the ferryman of the Underworld sea.

They were Enlil in disguise, weren’t they?’

‘Somehow I could see it was him behind each Guardian of a Threshold I had to thread upon.

I wondered why he was there each time in disguise…’

4c - possibly Inanna, Ereshkigal, & Nannar (unidentified, Ninlil, & Ereshkigal)

‘Go on’, urged Ereshkigal, her tone of command could not be denied.

‘Because… because we were both thresholds to each other.

Enlil confronted his worst nightmares at each time we met and he was in disguise.

He saw the true colors of conflict and grief at the city gate, wounding and healing in the Devouring River,

loneliness and connection in the depths of the Underworld sea.

But there is more to it. Having been hurt by Enlil, I was his most difficult threshold.

On my side…I had to learn to see through him, understand his Quest and my role in it.’

Tears started streaming down her face.

Ninlil dried them with an impatient wave of her hand.

‘This is the reason why he never told me who he was at each threshold. He simply couldn’t.

You inflicted a mighty test of humility to the proudest of the young Gods, my lady.

He had to come to me and beg for love, risking rejection, but trying anyway.

I wonder whether he realized all this.

And I… I had to go beyond my girlish dreams of a fancy lover to accept the god and the man in his totality.

 2 - Nergal2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. 1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub (giant alien Anunnaki seeds)

                       (Nergal)                                         (Nannar)                                          (Adad)

And his seeds…’ ‘The three seeds of mine and Enlils I had to take them into my body and heal us three.

And now, my Lady, I understand your Great Mission and my heart is filled with awe before you.’

‘Why?’ was the question, issued in a much different tone this time.

‘Because only You and your Realm are the Keepers of Regeneration, Inner Beauty and Self-Transcendence.

Only the Mighty Ereshkigal, the Judge, Keeper of the Ancestral Land and Mistress of Balance holds the Keys

to solve Conflicts and Wars, knows the Depths of Healing and Wounding and understands Life,

Love and Connection because She is Life after Life, the One that gives Rebirth hopefully in a higher sphere, if we pass Her tests.

Lady, I lend you graces with all my body, mind, heart and Soul..

For only You are the focal point above all dualities, the Center that Sees ALL, Knows and Heals’.

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (An / Anu, King of the Anunnaki from planet Nibiru, father to sons of god on Earth Colony)

‘Daughter of An, beyond your tears you’ve learnt to see, feel and act so it is fitting that now look at me!’

‘You’ve traveled far and well, Ninlil.

Now, off to the Great Above you should go.

At the right time and season, you’ll come back to Me, to give birth to the three seeds

that should return to the Inner Womb of the Universe.

Now that they were created, the seeds of Conflict and War,

Healing and Wounding, Loneliness and Love can hurt as much as they can heal.

Everything will depend on one’s choices, and I can do no more than to Keep Watch and Guard

so that the Laws of Balance prevail in the end.

The fourth seed when it is due, may it ascend to the heavens with my blessings to grow

and wane for twenty-seven nights in a never-ending cycle.

On the 29th night, though, it will disappear from the Worlds Above to join My Lights in the Underworld.

At the end of the 29th night it will then return to the Heights in Waxing Glow.

Call yours and Enlil‘s (1st together) baby Nanna (Nannar), the Light of the Night,

3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nanna / Nannar, Enlil‘s son, patron god of Ur, his is the Moon Crescent symbol, found today in Islam)

the Brightness that will teach humanity to count time,

the Moon that Waxes into Fullness and Wanes in all Worlds, always to Return.’

‘Great Lady, I lend you graces.’

‘In the assembly of the Gods gathered to judge Enlil, I also heard your lament in a form of a question.

You asked whether love could grow out of pain to ensoul your life’s further journey. Can it really, Ninlil?’

‘Yes’, she affirmed, ‘ but only if one is able to see truth and wholeness beyond the hardest trials.’

‘So what are you waiting for, Ninlil, to rescue your reluctant Lord to the Heights Above?

              (Enlil leaves the Under World)

Off with both of you from my realms!’

Enlil’s House, & Ninlil’s House Temple Hymns

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur (Enlil‘s home on Earth Colony, the Anunnaki Command Central, structure on top of ziggurat was added by American archaeologists around 1900)

O ……, shrine where destiny is determined, ……, foundation, raised with a ziqqurat, ……,

settlement of Enlil, your ……, your right and your left are Sumer and Akkad.

2c - Nippur (mud-brick-built mountain home of giants)

House of Enlil, your interior is cool, (alien technologies) your exterior determines destiny.

Your door-jambs and architrave are a mountain summit, your projecting pilasters a dignified mountain.

Your peak is a …… peak of your princely platform.

Your base serves heaven and earth.

2d - Enlil in Nippur (statue of Enlil on his throne in Nippur)

Your prince, the great prince Enlil, the good lord, the lord of the limits of heaven,

the lord who determines destiny, the Great Mountain Enlil, has erected a house in your precinct,

O shrine Nibru (Nippur), and taken his seat upon your dais.

13 lines: the house of Enlil in Nibru.


O Tummal, exceedingly worthy of the princely divine powers (alien technologies), inspiring awe and dread!

Foundation, your pure lustration extends over the abzu.

Primeval city, reed-bed green with old reeds and new shoots,

your interior is a mountain of abundance built in plenitude.

At your feast held in the month of the New Year,

you are wondrously adorned as the great lady of Ki-ur rivals Enlil.

 (NInlil on shore, Enlil, & son Nusku)

Your princess, mother Ninlil, the beloved wife of Nunamnir (Enlil),

has erected a house in your precinct,

O E-Tummal (Tummal House), and taken a place upon your dais.


          8 lines: the house of Ninlil in Nibru (Nippur, city named after their planet Nibiru).