Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Ninazu (Houses in Enegir & Eshnunna) – Temple Hymns

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

O Enegir, great libation pipe, libation pipe to the underworld of Ereškigala (Ereshkigal),

4 - door to Ereshkigal's Underworld (entrance to Ereshkigal’s Nether World)

Gudua (Entrance to the nether world) of Sumer where mankind is gathered,

E-gida (Long house), in the land your shadow has stretched over the princes of the land.

Your prince, the seed of the great lord, the sacred one of the great underworld,

given birth by Ereškigala, playing loudly on the zanaru instrument, sweet as the voice of a calf,

Ninazu of the words of prayer, has erected a house in your precinct,

O house Enegir, and taken his seat upon your dais.

         7 lines: the house of Ninazu in Enegir.

2nd Hymn

Ninazu’s (House) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)


         O E-sikil (Pure house) whose pure divine powers are supreme in all lands,

whose name is high and mighty, magnificent dwelling of the warrior,

holy house of Ninazu, house of the holy divine powers (alien technologies)!

House, your divine powers are pure divine powers, your lustration is a cleansing lustration.

The warrior refreshes himself in your dwelling.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil’s mud brick-built mountain residence in Nippur)

Ninazu dines on your platform.

Your sovereign, the great lord, the son of Enlil, is a towering lion spitting venom over hostile lands,

rising like the south wind against enemy lands,

snarling like a dragon against the walls of rebel lands,

a storm enveloping the disobedient and trampling on the enemy.

When he strides forth, no evil-doer can escape.

When he establishes his triumph, the cities of the rebel lands are destroyed.

When he frowns, their people are cast into the dust.

House, your prince is a great lion from whose claws the enemy hangs.

Your sovereign is a terrifying, mighty storm, the vigor of the battle,

in combat …… like a …… with a shield on his lofty arm,

             (giant net captures disloyal earthlings)

a net over the widespread people from whose reach the foe cannot escape.

When the great lord is resplendent, his magnificence has no equal.

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into ancient city wall)

The true seed born of the Great Mountain (Enlil) and Ninlil,

your sovereign, the warrior Ninazu, has erected a house in your precinct,

O E-sikil, O Ešnunna, and taken his seat upon your dais.

         22 lines: the house of Ninazu in Ešnunna.

A Balbale to Ninazu (Ninazu A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-6. O king, you are the …… shepherd of the city which thrives like cattle!

Ninazu, you are the …… shepherd of the city which thrives like cattle!

My lord Ninazu, you are the …… shepherd of the city which thrives like cattle!

You are the reed-worker of the ……, …… like a shining mat!

You are the herdsman of them that dwell like sheep in a sheepfold,

you who exude the allure of the high hills, Lord Ninazu!

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.    (Nanna / Nannar, son to Royal Prince Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander)

7-15. Lord Ninazu, may Nanna (Nannar / Sin) rejoice over you that the earth was created.

Powerful and of great intelligence, you were engendered by Nanna.

May Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) make the shining branches of your scepter radiant in your grasp.

3a - Anu in flight (Skyfather Anu in his winged sky-disc, father in heaven / planet Nibiru to descendants ruling Earth)

He has strengthened the foundations of the throne which An (Anu) gave you.

May he make the way straight for you as far as the ends of heaven and earth,

may he make it as straight for you as the sunlight.

My lord Ninazu, may he make it as straight for you

as the sunlight, may he make it as straight for you as the sunlight.

Suen (Sin / Nannar) has perfected your lordly staff,

 (Nannar, son to Enlil, espoused to Ningal, Moon Crescent god of Ur, city of Biblical Abraham)

the lofty scepter which shines over all the foreign countries, and guides the people.

Your protective goddess has …… great power for you in E-kic-nu-jal.

3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple (Nannar’s house Ekishnugal in Ur way above the city below)

16-22. Ninazu, born in Urim (Ur), may Nanna rejoice over you.

Lord Ninazu, born in Urim, may Nanna rejoice over you.

The father who engendered you, the Great Mountain Enlil, has made your name glorious.

Your own mother, the august lady (Ninlil, in some texts Ereshkigal),

has decided your destiny in the Ki-ur.

May you take your seat in your house, in your city –the mountain, the pure place!

May you take your seat in Enegir, in your city — the mountain, the pure place!

My lord Ninazu, may you take your seat there, may you take your seat there!

23-31. He has fixed the golden headdress on your head, making you truly perfect with it.

He has …… the lordly son of his own father, he beloved of his heart.

He has looked with best favor on ……. An has determined a good destiny for you.

Son of Enlil king of the lands, may your splendor shine forth!

My lord Ninazu, may your splendor shine forth, may your splendor shine forth!

May your wife, the maiden, the good woman, Lady Ningirida (Enki’s daughter), say to you:

“Your house, your city!” as she steps before you in prayer, god of the Land, my lord Ninazu!

32. A balbale of Ninazu.

Nuska / Nusku Quotes From Texts

Nuska / Nusku = son to Ninhursag & Enlil

Enlil’s Chancellor, Anu’s Son-in-law, Spouse to Sadarnunna


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


As Nuska:

         “adviser of the Land, Nuska (Enlil’s son & minister)!

The Great Mountain Enlil has summoned you to his divine powers (alien technologies).

He has made long life issue gloriously in heaven and earth for you

          who were fathered by lord Nunamnir (Enlil); you are his beloved lord. …”


        “Minister, you are endowed with princely strength …… the lustration rites.

         You gladden father Enlil’s heart!’ …”


         “Nuska, the lord who stocks the E-kur (Enlil’s temple residence in Nippur)…”

         “O minister, pour out liquor for your lord,

O Nuska, pour out liquor for Enlil!

Beer has now been poured out: let me give you this beer to drink.

Liquor has now been poured out: let me give you this liquor to refresh yourself.

O lord, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you!

         O Enlil, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you!…”


         “No god excels like Enlil and Ninlil;

         they are powerful princes, lords who can decide destinies.

         In your midst they have given divine powers to Nuska as minister…”


        “Your prince, the prince who is the counselor of Enlil

         and worthy of Eš-ma, the udug demon of E-kur,

         the leader Nuska, has erected a house in your precinct,…”


        “He called for Nuska. ‘What is your wish?’

         He gave the following instructions to him:

         ‘I want you to go back to Erec (Uruk), the city of Nisaba‘,…”


        “Nuska, the head of the assembly, had received Enlil’s instructions,

         he wasted no time ……; he directed his steps to Erec.

         He entered E-zagin, the residence of Nanibgal (a name of Nisaba)

         and prostrated himself before Nanibgal on her dais.

         …… of Enlil ……,”


        “Nuska is knowing and wise.

         …… to his presence and pour him beer.”


        “indeed, to give command with grandeur is now consummately and irrevocably yours.

         Moreover, you are indeed Nuska, the prince and the counselor of the E-kur!…”


        “The Anuna, the gods of the earth, as many as they are, will gather before you in the assembly-hall

         where the great verdicts are pronounced and the great commands are given.

           It is you who …… for them the forceful decisions made by Enlil…”


As Nusku:

          “Enlil opened his mouthand said to his vizier Nusku,

          ‘Nusku, lock your gate, take your weapon, stand before me.’

          Nusku locked his gate, took his weapon and stood before Enlil…”


          “The deities Papsukal, Nusku, and Shala

          Shall then be seated in the court of the god Anu….”


          “His great minister and commander Nusku

          learns his commands and his intentions from him, consults with him

          and then executes his far-reaching instructions on his behalf…”


          “In reply to Enlil’s call, a man slightly older came.

          Nusku, Enlil’s sukkal, his closest helper in the temple,

          best friend, adviser and counselor…”


          “Enlil said to his page, Nusku:

          ‘Nusku, my page!’ …”


          “Quick, Nusku, find me a raft so that I can chase her in the canal…”


          “Nusku! Where in the Skyfather’s name are you hiding? …”


          “Alarm bells only started ringing when she saw Nusku’s return.

          He had grabbed the first raft that came to hand, a bundle of reeds lashed together…”


         “Against Enlil’s and Nusku’s combined strengths and the raft,

          she could only hope they gave up the pursuit….”

Shirgidas to Nuska (Nuska A & B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


1-14 2 lines missing or fragmentary

You who bundle together the divine powers (alien technologies), ……

the divine powers, articulate …… house of the king ……,

who give instruction throughout the breadth of heaven and earth,

adviser of the Land, Nuska (Enlil’s son & minister)!

The Great Mountain Enlil has summoned you to his divine powers (alien technologies).

He has made long life issue gloriously in heaven and earth for you

 (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander)

who were fathered by lord Nunamnir (Enlil); you are his beloved lord.

He has entrusted the princely divine powers of the E-kur (Enlil’s residence in Nippur),

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth (the E-kur, Enlil’s temple residence in Nippur)

the august shrine, the holy divine powers (alien technologies),

the august and most complex divine powers,

the divine powers of the father, of the Great Mountain to you.

Lord Nuska, summoned by the Prince!

He has truly installed you Nuska as leader of the assembly,

and has truly installed you to make most brilliant the holy precinct

and the pure lustrations, to position the holy vessels,

to perfect the divine powers of his status as Enlil, and to amplify the great divine powers.

15-26 The Great Mountain has entrusted you with organizing the divine plans of heaven and earth,

throughout the breadth of heaven and earth, setting on their course the great decisionism

and perfecting the cultic ordinances, Nuska, good lord of Enlil!

Impressively strong minister (& son) of Enlil, wielding the holy scepter,

per-eminent leader of the gods, who broadens heaven and earth, good minister,

lord of the great words, honorable son (grandson) of An (Anu), with broad chest,

endowed with great strength by the Prince, perfecting the divine powers of all that is great!

Cup-bearer who makes the holy copper bowls shine,

lord of the divine powers of the offering-table, you of great terrifying splendor!

Temple cleaner, cita priest of the abzu, you sprinkle the temple courtyard!

Great ……, working industriously on the Holy Mound to prepare best butter and best milk,

reciting …… to cool the …… with incantation formula, to perfect the holy prayers,

making …… shine, hurrying about, organizing food offerings,

approx. 11 lines missing


1-15 4 lines fragmentary

E-kur …….

The great divine powers ……

2 lines fragmentary

The great divine powers …….

5jj - Ninlil, Enlil, & Nusku (Ninlil, Enlil, & Nuska)

Nuska ……. E-kur ……. Nuska …….

3 lines fragmentary

approx. 7 lines missing


1-24 2 lines fragmentary

Your verdicts are great verdicts,…….

Important lord, wise …….

My god, …… like the rainbow ……,

in Ubcu-unkena, ……, the great gods of heaven and earth ……

3 lines fragmentary

Hero, you have the …… scepter ……

3 lines fragmnetary

…… has declared a name for you.

9 lines fragmentary

approx. 4 lines missing


1-10 to him with broad wisdom, understanding everything, concentrating on the whole world.

In the august sanctuary he has indeed given to Nuska the mattock,

the plow that opens up the cultivated fields, the furrows, speckled barley,

the grain pile and the granary heaped up to the maximum,

……, years of plenty, delight, ……, abundance and life until distant days.

Mighty man, with heroic arms, hurrying to battle,

covering the Land, throwing fire at the enemy, burning …… the wicked,

trampling underfoot opponents from the mountains, the insubmissive lands!

Bulls with fat forelegs, sheep with long fleece,

and great food offerings, are brought before you, Nuska, lord beloved by An.

  (Enlil, father King An / Anu, & brother Enki in alien sky-disc)

11-24 You make truly perfect your divine powers which are bound to the foreign lands,

and you make very great your divine powers of enormous importance,

Nuska, great lord, son (grandson) of An.

May you be praised appropriately.

You who make the holy princely cita vessels look especially fine,

who search out decisions, august in heaven and earth,

protective deity of E-kur, glory of E-kur, who make great verdicts,

decision maker in heaven and earth, lord who identifies the great claims,

arms wielding a battle net over the enemy but which lead the just correctly!

Hero who bears all the great terrifying divine powers,

who covers the earth with awesome splendor like a mighty storm —

An be praised for your very great eminence!

Your own father has declared your fame:

immensely complex lord who has taken his seat, who perfects the divine powers,

lion of the far distance, lion standing by, leader of the assembly,

Nuska, it is sweet to praise you.

25 A cir-gida to Nuska.

A Shir-gida to Nuska (Nuska B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-6 ……, Enlil decreed your birth in the E-kur!

Nuska, Enlil decreed your birth in the E-kur!

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks    (Enki)

Lord Nudimmud (Enki), the king of prosperity, honored you in the abzu.

Good minister, I shall praise you!

Nuska, majestic minister of Enlil, your praise is good and most sweet.

My king, I shall praise you in song!

7-14 You are the light of the good shepherd Enlil, and you have been given a majestic name by Ninlil.

You have been given wisdom by Enki.

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Enlil & Ninlil on city wall)

You were born to Enul (Enlil) and Ninul (Ninlil), and so you are united with the lordly seed.

You are the E-kur’s (Enlil’s temple residence in Nippur) song.

You are a minister fit for his king: Nuska, you are the man of Enlil’s heart.

(giant alien gods battle amonst themselves)

15-25 You are the wise one among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods!

You are pre-eminent in just speech!

You are the good minister of father Enlil!

You do not alter what you have spoken justly.

You are the light of the shining …….

You have been given authority …….

You have been looked on favorably by Enlil.

You are an adornment of the household of Enlil.

3 lines fragmentary

approx. 30 lines missing

56-63 4 lines fragmentary

You make pleasing the offering table of Nintud (Ninhursag).

You issue orders for Ennugi (Enlil’s son, sheriff of the Anunnaki).

You …… life for the king.

You …… over the single path of heaven and earth.

64-71 At the command of the household of Enlil,

you …… the great divine powers (alien technologies), you …… the good divine powers,

you are the good provider of the majestic divine powers,

you make manifest the everlasting divine powers;

you are clothed in the divine powers of ma garments and linen garments;

you make the princely divine powers prosper, you perfect the multitude of the divine powers.

72-76 The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods, all honor you with due praise:

Minister, you are endowed with princely strength …… the lustration rites.

You gladden father Enlil’s heart!”

Praise be to Nuska, the leader of the assembly!

77-78 Praise to Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law), the righteous, glorious woman who consults with An (Anu)!

79 A cir-gida of Nuska.

An Adab to Nuska (Nusku) for Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan Q): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature,

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

         SEGMENT A

unknown no. of lines missing

1-11 1 line fragmentary

1e - gods in cerimony (alien giant gods settle upon the Earth)

The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods, …… the holy palace, the dwelling-place.

Lord Nunamnir (Enlil) has appointed you as his chief minister;

3a - Enlil's home in Nippur (Enlil‘s E-kur in his patron city Nippur)

he has firmly put the holy scepter in your hand, and made your name glorious.

You are perfectly suited to perform the ordinances of the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence)

in all their complexity, to teach the proper execution of the lustrations

and the august rites, to purify and clean, and to make grandly manifest

the numerous divine powers, the surpassing divine powers;

indeed, to give command with grandeur is now consummately and irrevocably yours.

Moreover, you are indeed Nuska, the prince and the counselor of the E-kur!

In the entire extent of heaven and earth, in all the countries, you alone are mighty.

1f - gods in procession (Anunnaki aliens in procession atop symbols)

12-16 The Anuna, the gods of the earth, as many as they are, will gather before you

in the assembly-hall where the great verdicts are pronounced and the great commands are given.

It is you who …… for them the forceful decisions made by Enlil (Earth Colony Commander).

They always pay attention to your holy words, which, like the heavens, can never be grasped fully.

In (?) the lofty ……, imbued with awesomeness, firmly founded, you announce their lot.

17 Sa-gida.

18-19 …… Icme-Dagan ……

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing


1-16 2 lines fragmentary

2 lines missing

5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes (Ninlil on shore, Enlil, & son Nuska)

Great lord, ……, Nuska, caretaker of the great gods,

Nuska, prince respected in the E-kur, caretaker of ……!

Youth who knows well how to give instructions, who …… decisions;

trustworthy god who loves ……, who listens to prayers!

When the shining E-kur, the shrine which assigns the divine powers,

             (Enlil & Ninlil served by earthlings)

is made up as for a festival, and Enlil and Ninlil sit there attractively,

may your pure mouth bring friendly words on behalf of Icme-Dagan!

Addressing them daily, may he be able to please them unto distant days!

When the house of Enlil, the shrine which assigns the divine powers,

is made up as for a festival, and Enlil and Ninlil sit there attractively,

may your pure mouth bring friendly words on behalf of Icme-Dagan!

Addressing them daily, may he be able to please them unto distant days!

17-27 When he greets them in prayer and supplication, may they look favorably upon him!

Assign him a good life, a good reign, and years of joy!

May he be elevated to be prince of all the great lords of the south and the uplands!

May he exercise forever the leadership of the living of all lands, the numerous people!

May they look favorably upon Icme-Dagan, (semi-divine descendant) son of Enlil!

Assign him a good life, a good reign, and years of joy!

May he be elevated to be prince of all the great lords of the south and the uplands!

May he exercise forever the leadership of the living of all lands, the numerous people!

…… Nuska …….

May you be his ……!

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Nuska’s (Nusku’s) House – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

O E-melem-uš (House of terrifying radiance) exuding great awesomeness,

Eš-ma (Magnificent shrine), to which princely divine powers (alien technologies) were sent from heaven,

storehouse of Enlil founded for the primeval divine powers, worthy of nobility,

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)

lifting your head in princeship, counselor of E-kur,

parapeted buttress, your house …… the platform with heaven.

The decisions at its place of reaching the great judgment — the river of the ordeal —

let the just live and consign to darkness the hearts that are evil.

In your great place fit for pure lustration and the rites of išib priests, you dine with lord Nunamnir (Enlil).

  (Ninlil on shore, Enlil, & son Nuska, his counselor)

Your prince, the prince who is the counselor of Enlil (son Nuska) and worthy of Eš-ma,

the udug demon of E-kur, the leader Nuska, has erected a house in your precinct,

2c - Nippur (part of the E-kur, Enlil‘s Command Central)

O house of Enlil, and taken his seat upon your dais.

         12 lines: the house of Nuska (Enlil‘s son) in Nibru (Nippur, named after their planet Nibiru).

Nisaba / Nunbarcegunu Quotes From Texts

Daughter to Anu & Urash, Ninlil’s Mother

In Some Texts Enlil’s Daughter,

Goddess of Scribes, and Goddess of Grains

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


E-ngeshtug-Nisaba (House of the Wisdom of Nisaba) in Ur


E-zagin (Lapis Lazuli House), temple to Nisaba in Uruk


As Nisaba:

         “Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law), great wild cow born by Uraš (Antu), …

        Nisaba, born by Uraš (Antu)…”


        “Nisaba, at the gate of the E-zagin, …… she stood, the object of admiration, like a tall, beautifully shaped cow….”


          “The lady with broad (dajal) intelligence, Nisaba,

          ordered the measuring of the E-ana for a construction project (altar),

          and then designed her own E-hamun (in Uruk) for construction (altar)…”


        “Nisaba, lady Nanibgal, the matriarch, the mother-in-law of Enlil,

         the lady …… who creates (?) life ……, the book-keeper ……, the wise one, the holy woman ……,

         …… the oracle, has placed his (?) name on the tablet of life…”


        “Haia, I will declare your greatness perpetually!

        Who among the gods is fitted like you for the holy divine powers?

        Your beloved spouse is the maiden Nisaba, the great queen of queens.

        Ninlil (Enlil’s spouse), who was born of her holy womb,…”


        (Enlil speaking:)

         “May my beautiful wife, who was born by holy Nisaba,…”

        “Nisaba, the woman radiant with joy, the true woman, the scribe,

         the lady who knows everything, guides your fingers on the clay:

         she makes them put beautiful wedges on the tablets and adorns them with a golden stylus.

         Nisaba generously bestowed upon you the measuring rod,

         the surveyor’s gleaming line, the yardstick, and the tablets which confer wisdom…”


        “He called for Nuska. ‘What is your wish?’

         He gave the following instructions to him:

         ‘I want you to go back to Erec (Uruk), the city of Nisaba,’ …”


          “Enlil spoke the praises of Keš.

          Nisaba was its decision-maker (?); with its words she wove it intricately like a net.

          Written on tablets it was held in her hands:

          House, platform of the Land, important fierce bull!

          House Keš, platform of the Land, important fierce bull!…

          Growing as high as the hills, embracing the heavens,…”


          “Is not Nisaba the Hoe’s inspector? Is not Nisaba its overseer?

          The scribe will register your work,…

          The Hoe having engaged in a dispute with the Plow, the Hoe triumphed over the Plow —

           praise be to Nisaba!”


          “and the maiden Nisaba was made responsible for keeping records of the decisions…”


          “Nance (Enki’s & Ninhursag’s daughter) also inspects the servants during the appointments.

          Her chief scribe Nisaba places the precious tablets on her knees and takes a golden stylus in her hand.

          She arranges the servants in single file for Nance …”


          “My butter will be eaten by Nisaba (Ninlil’s mother), my milk will be drunk by Nisaba

           My cheese, skillfully produced bright crown, was made fitting for the great dining hall, the dining hall of Nisaba.

          Until my butter is delivered from the holy animal pen, until my milk is delivered from the holy byre,

          the steadfast wild cow Nisaba, the first-born of Enlil (Ninurta), will not impose any levy on the people.”


           “Praise be to the lady who completed the great tablets, the maiden Nisaba,

          that Curuppag (Noah), the son of Ubara-Tutu gave his instructions!…”


          “as if he himself (Gudea) were Nisaba knowing the inmost secrets (?) of numbers,

          he started setting down (?) the ground plan of the house…”


Nisaba As Nidaba:

          “That sister of mine, the holy Nidaba,

          Has taken for herself the measuring rod,

          Has fastened the lapis lazuli line (?) on her arm,

          Proclaims all the great me’s,

          Fixes the borders, marks off the boundaries – has become the scribe of the Land,

          In her hands you have placed the food of the gods…”


          “My noble sister, the holy Nidaba, got the measuring rod, and tied about her arm the lapis measuring line,

          proclaims all the great me, fixes the borders, marks off the boundaries, is now the scribe of the land.

          Feeding the gods has been put in her hand…”


Nisaba As Nanibgal:

          “O house of stars, bright E-zagin (Lapis lazuli house), reaching into all lands, establishing …… in the shrine, Ereš!

          The primeval lords raise their heads to you every month.

           …… the potash plant, great NanibgalNisaba, has brought divine powers from heaven and added to your divine powers…

          house of Nisaba in Ereš (Uruk)…”


          “May fair Nanibgal, Nisaba, make no clay covering for his grain piles…”


          “Nanibgal, the mother-in-law of Enlil, the woman who had been slandered, was treated kindly by Nuska…”


          “beautiful Nanibgal, grown with a fair luxuriance,

          Nisaba, the lady of broad wisdom, opened for him her holy house of wisdom…”


          “Then Nanibgal went on speaking flatteringly to the minister:…”


          “May fair Nanibgal, Nisaba, make no clay covering for his grain piles…”


          (Shulgi speaking:) “There where people regularly went for tutelage in the scribal art,

          I qualified fully in subtraction, addition, reckoning and accounting.

          The fair Nanibgal, Nisaba, provided me amply with knowledge and comprehension.

          I am an experienced scribe who does not neglect a thing…”


           (Enlil-bani speaking:) Nisaba, lady Nanibgal, the matriarch, the mother-in-law of Enlil,

          the lady …… who creates (?) life ……, the book-keeper ……, the wise one, the holy woman ……,

          …… the oracle, has placed his (?) name on the tablet of life.

          She revealed counsel and response to you, granted vision to you.

          As your destiny she gave E-zagina, her house of wisdom, to provide counsel…”


          (Enmerkar speaking:) Thereupon, the tablet ……, the pointed stylus of the assembly,

          the golden statue fashioned on a propitious day, beautiful Nanibgal, grown with a fair luxuriance,

          Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law), the lady of broad wisdom, opened for him her holy house of wisdom.

          He entered the palace of heaven, and became attentive…”


          “Nuska, the head of the assembly, had received Enlil’s instructions, he wasted no time ……; he directed his steps to Erec.

          He entered E-zagin, the residence of Nanibgal and prostrated himself before Nanibgal on her dais.

          …… of Enlil ……,”


 Nisaba As Numbarshegunu:

          “I am called Ninlil, a Maiden of the Holy House of An, daughter of Haia,

          God of the Stores and of the Barley Goddess Numbarshegunu…”


          “Haia, linen-clad priest of E-unir, who stocks the holy animal-fattening pens;

          learned scholar of the shrine E-kic-nujal, whose august name is great, whose mind is discerning;

          who dwells in the great dining-hall alongside the maiden Ningal (Nannar’s spouse)!

          Fair of features, beloved spouse of Nun-bar-ce-gunu

          and augustly renowned father-in-law of father Enlil the Great Mountain;

          junior administrator, possessor of wisdom, acknowledged in heaven and earth,

          who receives the tribute for the gods,…”


          “Just Enlil was its young man just Ninlil was its young maiden just Ninbarshegunu, was its matron…”


          “In those days did the mother who gave her birth advise the girl, Ninbarshegunu advised Ninlil:…”


          “’I knew this day would come!’ Numbarshegunu exclaimed overjoyed, hugging Ninlil affectionately.

          “May you be proud of your womanhood,’…”


          “’Mother, if Enlil is such a great lord, how will he notice me?’

          ‘Who wouldn’t notice you, dearest?’ countered Numbarshegunu softly.

          She gave to Ninlil the exquisite mirror which rested on her bedside table.

          ‘Look at yourself in the mirror, Ninlil, what do you see?…

          You are my daughter! What else did you expect me to say?

          So on your way, young lady’, …”


          “My name is Ninlil, a newcomer to your domains.

          I am the daughter of Haia, Lord of the Stores and Numbarshegunu, the Goddess of Barley…”


           “It is destroyed. …… of Nisaba is destroyed.

          The house of Nisaba, her of the tablets, is destroyed.

          The house of …… is destroyed.

          The house of Nunbarcegunu is destroyed …”


          “Nun-bar-ce-gunu faithfully gave birth to ……,

          she brought her up in her …… and suckled her at her breasts full of good milk.

          The …… of the young girl burgeoned, and she became full of flourishing beauty.

           In the …… of Nisaba, at the gate of the E-zagin, …… she stood,…”


Nisaba As Ezina-Kusu:

          “…Nisaba…amid her awe-inspiring splendor, still she weeps.

          Amid her awe-inspiring splendor, still Mother Ezina-Kusu weeps.

          Fate and fortune!

          Amid her awe-inspiring splendor, still she weeps.

          A cir-namcub of Nisaba…”


          “may Ezina-Kusu (the goddess of grain) be your aid.

          May you have an eloquent protective goddess…”

The Advice of a Supervisor to a Younger Scribe (E-duba C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature,

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-2 (The supervisor speaks:)

“One-time member of the school, come here to me,

and let me explain to you what my teacher revealed.

3-8 “Like you, I was once a youth and had a mentor.

The teacher assigned a task to me — it was man’s work.

Like a springing reed, I leapt up and put myself to work.

I did not depart from my teacher’s instructions,

and I did not start doing things on my own initiative.

My mentor was delighted with my work on the assignment.

He rejoiced that I was humble before him and he spoke in my favor.

9-15 “I just did whatever he outlined for me — everything was always in its place.

Only a fool would have deviated from his instructions.

He guided my hand on the clay and kept me on the right path.

He made me eloquent with words and gave me advice.

He focused my eyes on the rules which guide a man with a task:

zeal is proper for a task, time-wasting is taboo;

anyone who wastes time on his task is neglecting his task.

16-20 “He did not vaunt his knowledge: his words were modest.

If he had vaunted his knowledge, people would have frowned.

Do not waste time, do not rest at night — get on with that work!

Do not reject the pleasurable company of a mentor or his assistant:

once you have come into contact with such great brains,

you will make your own words more worthy.

21-26 “And another thing: you will never return to your blinkered vision;

that would be greatly to demean due deference, the decency of mankind.

The heart is calm in ……, and sins are absolved.

An empty-handed man’s gifts are respected as such.

Even a poor man clutches a kid to his chest as he kneels.

You should defer to the powers that be and …… — that will calm you.

27-28 “There, I have recited to you what my teacher revealed, and you will not neglect it.

You should pay attention — taking it to heart will be to your benefit!”

29-35 The learned scribe humbly answered his supervisor:

“I shall give you a response to what you have just recited like a magic spell,

and a rebuttal to your charming ditty delivered in a bellow.

Do not make me out to be an ignoramus — I will answer you once and for all!

You opened my eyes like a puppy’s and you made me into a human being.

But why do you go on outlining rules for me as if I were a shirker?

Anyone hearing your words would feel insulted!

36-41 “Whatever you revealed of the scribal art has been repaid to you.

You put me in charge of your household and I have never served you by shirking.

I have assigned duties to the slave girls, slaves and subordinates in your household.

I have kept them happy with rations, clothing and oil rations,

and I have assigned the order of their duties to them,

so that you do not have to follow the slaves around in the house of their master.

I do this as soon as I wake up, and I chivvy them around like sheep.

42-49 “When you have ordered offerings to be prepared,

I have performed them for you on the appropriate days.

I have made the sheep and banquets attractive, so that your god is overjoyed.

When the boat of your god arrives, people should greet it with respect.

When you have ordered me to the edge of the fields, I have made the men work there.

It is challenging work which permits no sleep either at night or in the heat of day,

if the cultivators are to do their best at the field-borders.

I have restored quality to your fields, so people admire you.

Whatever your task for the oxen,

I have exceeded it and have fully completed their loads for you.

50-53 “Since my childhood you have scrutinized me and kept an eye on my behavior,

inspecting it like fine silver — there is no limit to it!

Without speaking grandly — as is your shortcoming — I serve before you.

But those who undervalue themselves are ignored by you — know that I want to make this clear to you.”

54-59 (The supervisor answers:)

“Raise your head now, you who were formerly a youth.

You can turn your hand against any man, so act as is befitting.”

(The scribe speaks:)

“Through you who offered prayers and so blessed me,

who instilled instruction into my body as if I were consuming milk and butter,

who showed his service to have been unceasing, I have experienced success and suffered no evil.”

60-61 (The supervisor answers:)

“The teachers, those learned men, should value you highly.

(2 mss. add 3 lines; 1 of the 2 mss. adds 2 more lines which correspond to ll. 67 and 68 in this edition:

They should …… in their houses and in prominent places.

Your name will be hailed as honorable for its prominence.

For your sweet songs even the cowherds will strive gloriously.

For your sweet songs I too shall strive and shall …….

The teacher will bless you with a joyous heart.)

You who as a youth sat at my words have pleased my heart.

 (Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, Goddess of Scribes & Grains)

62-72 Nisaba has placed in your hand the honor of being a teacher.

For her, the fate determined for you will be changed and so you will be generously blessed

(1 ms. has instead: You were created by Nisaba! May you …… upwards).

May she bless you with a joyous heart and free you from all despondency.

…… at whatever is in the school, the place of learning.

4 - Nisaba, Ninlil's mother, Her Holy Stylus (the 1st written documents were scribed by alien giant gods, then later Nisaba taught earthlings)

The majesty of Nisaba …… silence.

For your sweet songs even the cowherds will strive gloriously.

For your sweet songs I too shall strive and shall …….

They should recognize that you are a practitioner (?) of wisdom.

The little fellows should enjoy like beer the sweetness of decorous words:

experts bring light to dark places, they bring it to culs-de-sac and streets.”

            (seated Nisaba, Goddess of Grains, & her grain goddess daughter Ninlil)

73-74 Praise Nisaba who has brought order to …… and fixed districts in their boundaries,

the lady whose divine powers are divine powers (alien technologies) that have no rival!

A Shir-namshub to Nisaba (Nisaba B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-13 …… is destroyed.

…… is destroyed.

It is destroyed.

2cb - temple & Uruk today(ziggurat house of gods in Uruk, city way below)

…… of Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law) is destroyed.

The house of Nisaba, her of the tablets, is destroyed.

The house of …… is destroyed.

The house of Nunbarcegunu (Nisaba) is destroyed.

……, the E-hamun is destroyed.

The plants of lamentation have sprouted; the cumunda grass has sprouted.

By the walls the long grass has sprouted.

Amongst them, the willow trees are everywhere.

As for the word of An (Anu) and the word of Enlil,

the angry heart of great An is everywhere, and the malign heart of Enlil is everywhere.

 2a - Nisaba, master scribe, grain goddess (Nisaba, Master Scribe, Goddess of Grains, Enlil’s mother-in-law)

14-21 (Nisaba speaks:)

“In my house, may the moonlight in my house, the moonlight, the glorious sky in my house,

the moonlight, the glorious night in my house —

may the glorious sky, the glorious night in my house not leave me (?)!

The moonlight is obscured by the walls from my man, from my man.

The moonlight, the glorious sky, from my man, the moonlight, the glorious night, from my man,

the glorious sky, the glorious night is obscured by the walls from my man.

22-30 “In the moonlight, in the pure place of moonlight I lie down alone.

In the moonlight which fills the hills, the pure place, I lie down alone.

By the cedar mountains where Enlil lies, I lie down alone.

…… I weep a bitter lament.

…… lying in the moonlight, I weep a bitter lament.

…… which sets aglow …… shines forth. I am distraught.

The moonlight which sets aglow the glorious sky shines forth. I am distraught.

The moonlight which sets aglow the glorious night shines forth. I am distraught —

which sets aglow the glorious sky, the glorious night, shines forth. I am distraught.”

2f - high-priest, 2 unknown gods, Haia, & Nisaba
(high-priest, 2 unidentified gods, Haia, & spouse Nisaba, Nisaba & Haia brought down seeds & established grains upon the Earth)

31-33 Even now that the pure place knows daylight, amid her awe-inspiring splendor, still she weeps.

Amid her awe-inspiring splendor, still Mother Ezina-Kusu (Nisaba) weeps.

Fate and fortune!

Amid her awe-inspiring splendor, still she weeps.

34 A cir-namcub of Nisaba.

Hymns to Nisaba (Nisaba A & ?)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


        Old Babylonian version

        1-6. Lady colored like the stars of heaven, {holding}

        {(3 mss. have instead:) perfectly endowed with} a lapis-lazuli tablet!

        Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law), great wild cow born by Uraš (Nammu),

        wild sheep nourished on good milk among holy alkaline plants, opening the mouth for seven …… reeds!

         (Nisaba, Master Scribe, Enlil’s mother-in-law, grain goddess, another mother to offspring of Enki)

        Perfectly endowed with fifty great divine powers (alien technologies),

        my lady, most powerful in E-kur (Enlil’s temple residence in Nippur)!

          7-13. Dragon emerging in glory at the festival, Aruru (Ninhursag) (mother goddess) of the Land,

          …… from the clay, calming {……} {(1 ms. has instead:) the region with cool water},

        lavishing {fine oil} {(3 mss. have instead:) plenty} on the foreign lands,

        engendered in wisdom by the Great Mountain (Enlil)!

        Good woman (Nisaba), chief scribe of An (Anu), record-keeper of Enlil, wise sage of the gods!

          3c - Nisaba, Ninlil, & unknown gods (Nisaba, daughter Ninlil, & 2 unidentified gods, Nisaba-goddess of grain, & spouse Haia-god of barley, brought down & established grains upon the Earth)

        14-20. In order to make barley and flax grow in the furrows,

        so that excellent corn can be admired; to provide for the seven great throne-daises

        by making flax shoot forth and making barley shoot forth at the harvest,

        the {great} {(1 ms. has instead:) august} festival of Enlil

        in her great princely role she has cleansed her body and has {put}

        {(1 ms. has instead:) draped} the holy priestly garment on her torso.

          21-26. In order to establish bread offerings where none existed,

        and to pour forth great libations of alcohol, so as to appease the god of grandeur, Enlil,

        and to appease merciful Kusu (Gibil’s spouse) and Ezina (Ninlil, Enlil’s spouse)

        she will appoint a great en priest, and will appoint a festival; she will appoint a great en priest of the Land.

   3bb - unknowns & Nisaba

      (unidentified, unidentified grain god,    Haia,             Enlil,                       & Nisaba)

          27-35. He (Enki) (?) approaches the maiden Nisaba in prayer.

        He has organized pure food-offerings; he has opened up Nisaba’s house of learning,

        and has placed the lapis-lazuli tablet on her knees, for her to consult the holy tablet of the heavenly stars.

        In Aratta he has placed E-zagin at her disposal.

        You have built up Ereš in abundance, founded from little …… bricks,

        you who are granted the most complex wisdom!

         36-50. In the Abzu, the great crown of Eridug, where sanctuaries are apportioned,

        where elevated …… are apportioned — when Enki,

        the great princely farmer of the awe-inspiring temple,

        the carpenter of Eridug (Eridu), the master of purification rites,

        the lord of the great en priest’s precinct, occupies E-engura, and when he builds up the Abzu of Eridug;

        when he takes counsel in Ḫal-an-kug, when he splits with an ax the house of boxwood;

        when the sage’s hair is allowed to hang loose, when he opens the house of learning,

        when he stands in the street of the door of learning; when he finishes (?) the great dining hall of cedar,

        when he grasps the date-palm mace, when he strikes (?) the priestly garment with that mace,

        then he utters seven …… to Nisaba, the supreme nursemaid:

        3a - Nisaba, goddess of grain  (Nisaba, Goddess of Grain & daughter Ninlil)    

          51-55. “O Nisaba, good woman, fair woman,

        woman born {in the mountains} {(1 ms. has instead:) by the mountains}!

        Nisaba, may you be the butter in the cattle-pen, may you be the cream in the sheepfold,

        may you be keeper of the seal in the treasury, may you be a good steward in the palace,

        may you be a heaper up of grain among the grain piles and in the grain stores!”

        56-57. Because the Prince (Enki) cherished Nisaba,

        O Father Enki, it is sweet to praise you!”

A version of the beginning, preserved on a stone tablet from Lagaš perhaps dating to the Ur III period

(unknown web source)

        1-9 “Lady colored as the stars, holding a lapis-lazuli tablet!

        Nisaba, born by Uraš in the great sheepfold (?),

        …… nourished on good milk among holy alkaline plants, opening the mouth on seven …… reeds!

        Perfectly endowed with fifty great divine powers (alien technologies),

        my lady, the most powerful in E-kur (Enlil’s temple residence in Nippur)!

         2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments  (Ninhursag, King Anu’s daughter, mother to many gods & goddesses)

        Aruru (Ninhursag) (mother goddess) of the Land, …… from the clay!