Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

An Ululumama to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

        SEGMENT A

        SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)2bc-nanna-his-symbol2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.

              (Nannar, Moon Crescent patron god of Ur for tens of thousands of years) 

        1-8 Great lord, light holding his head high in the vault of the sky,  …… brilliance, Suen (Sin / Nannar),

        powerful dragon from the high mountains shedding light on the people,

        light of the remote heavens, crown ……, joy of the father who begot him!

        Impressive son born of Ninlil, respected in the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur),

        4-ninlil-enlils-spouse3ac-nippur-ground-level (Ninlil, Enlil‘s spouse, & their E-kur temple / residence)

        visible even at noontime, youthful Suen, …… light of heaven (Moon Crescent God),

        whose majestic radiance is visible even at noontime, light who illuminates the black-headed people (all earthlings),

        father Nanna (Nannar / Sin), emerging from the remote (?) ……, understanding well how to make the night pleasant!

        Respected prince who, when he appears, is the glorious radiance of the heavens!

        2c-nannar-his-symbol  (Nannar / Suen, patron god of Ur, light haired Moon Crescent God then & now)

        9-16 At the foundations of heaven and earth, father Nanna appears in the night time over Urim (Ur),

        the foremost city of Sumer, whose divine powers can never be altered.

        He has called the name, he has filled the heart with joy, my Ibbi-Suen!

        1y-nippur-enlils-city-in-the-1st-region 2c-nippur  (Enlil‘s residence in Nippur)

        At the shrine Nibru (Nippur), whose interior is a mountain of abundance, the dwelling-place of the Ki-ur,

        he spreads his majestic light from above over the land in princely style,

        in the august courtyard, the unceasing …… of its majestic light determining great destinies.

       7c-top-mixed-breed-king-mother-ninsun-high-priestess-decorates-temple-in-ur  (offspring of the gods were the kings, queens, high-priests, & high-priestesses of Mesopotamia)

        Suen offers a prayer in the assembly hall to the father who begot him, the great …… of heaven and earth, lord Nunamnir (Enlil):

          17-20  “Canal inspector, prince on the dais, prince with life-giving divine powers (alien technologies)!

        2e - El & 2 lionshousing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man (Nannar & his cow pens of Ur)

        There shall be no end to the butter and the milk of the cow in the cattle-pen — the shrine Urim,

        which you have chosen in your heart, the august royal dwelling-place, the encouragement of the Land!

        It shall have an abundance of butter, fish, birds, births, copper and gold!”

        21-32 The divine powers (alien technologies) of the city

        which was responsible for the emergence of human seed cannot be altered, my Ibbi-Suen!

        He has made its kingship shine forth; he prolongs life!


            (giant semi-divine mixed-breed high-priest / king brought by Inanna before her father Nannar in Ur)

        He has strengthened for you the foundations of its great dais, and has made you take your seat proudly upon it.

        He has made the divine powers of its kingship come forth; great power emerges from there.

        Those august (royal god) commands cannot ever be changed, my Ibbi-Suen!

        You, Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), have caused respect for the king to shine forth throughout the whole of heaven and earth.

        For Nanna …… the just man chosen in the holy heart,

        6f - son of Enlil, El-Nannar-Sin (giant mixed-breed king & bigger giant god Nannar of Ur)

        my Ibbi-Suen (semi-divine mixed-breed), …… august …… shine forth like a god.

        Suen …… his command …… the E-kur (Enlil‘s residence / Earth Colony Command Central in Nippur);

        5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

              (Apkulla / pilotEnki, King Anu in his sky-disc, Enlil,  & winged eagle-headed pilot / Apkulla, helper god to royal gods)

        An and Enlil, who determine the destiny of the land, the Great Mountain Enlil …..

        1 line unclear

        approx. 7 lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        1-15 The destiny which has been determined ……. Acimbabbar…….

        He has made the divine powers of kingship …… shine forth …… with head high ……,

               2h-nannar-espoused-ningal-ningikugas-daughter  (Moon Crescent Lord of Ur, Nannar, god of Biblical High-Priest Terah, Abraham’s father, Abraham, etc.)

        Nanna-Suen……, the noble manifest lord …… in heaven and earth, source of trust, son of Ninlil, ornament of ……,

        Nanna, lord with a holy mouth (?) and with an august (royal) name, encouragement of the Land!

        Prince (direct grandson to King Anu) endowed with charm, chosen in my holy heart, my Ibbi-Suen!

        Among the numerous people his name reaches far abroad, …… the decision of the Land.

        You know well how to benefit the reign and to increase abundance; direct your attention to the great storehouses!

        Father Nanna, …… is given to the one you have chosen in your heart,

        you noble lord who …… the good (DNA) seed (Anu>Enlil>Nannar royal seed), impressive with your divine powers (alien technologies),

        making …… decisions together with (father) Enlil, unique bull, manifest lord!

        Drinking scene. Bas-relief on a stele from Ugarit (Ras Shamra), Syria (Nannar;   giant alien god eating & drinking with a much smaller king)

        Praise be to Suen!

        16 An ululumama to Suen.

A Hymn to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen E): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

unknown no. of lines missing

1-9 Your divine powers (alien technologies) ……, father Nanna (Nannar / Sin),……,

…… chose from the people …….

Youthful Suen (Sin / Nannar), your holy shrine …….

An, you …… your good crown and headdress (shining animal horns) on your head.

2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c 3b - Anu of planet Nibiru (Nannar & grandfather King Anu)

When you take your seat on the great august dais …….

When you open your holy mouth, …… the great …… and the divine powers.

…… the royal crown, the holy headdress and the diadem,

gathering together the throne and the divine powers, on the dais with head high …….

10-19 Mighty (?) one of the dais, …… good seed ……, my (King) Ibbi-Suen, …… from holy An (Anu),

lord who sanctifies the divine powers, who purifies the divine powers,

            (Nannar in his temple ziggurat with giant semi-divine, long-lived king; Ninurta leads king to Enlil’s ziggurat temple for E-kur repairs)

who makes brilliant the purification rites, ……,

with shining horns, the light of heaven, youthful Suen ……, light, great ……, …….

2e-enlils-home-in-nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur, the E-kur)

Wide-armed Nibru (Nippur, named after their Planet Nibiru).

….. in his holy heart by Nanna (Nannar), beneficent prince over the full extent of heaven and earth,

…… moonlight ……, manifest bull, as august as Enlil, ……

2 lines broken

unknown no. of lines missing

An Adab to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

          1-15 …… of heaven and earth, renewing his light, …… just prince who comes forth,

         2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c 1ae-enlil-babylonian (Nannar & his royal father Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir) 

        Suen (Nannar / Sin), whom the Great Mountain (Enlil) engendered to be a princely lord,

        1 line fragmentary

        He is forceful, he is the king of heaven and earth!

       2c-nannar-his-symbol3f - Ur's Ziggourat, now Re-built (Nannar, Moon Crescent patron god of Ur, home to Biblical Abraham)

        The lord Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), renewing his light!

        Suen, renewing his light! ……, renewing his light!

       1d-nannars-moon-crescent-symbol  (ancient symbols of giant alien Mesopotamian gods)

        The god of light (Moon God Nannar), renewing his light!

        He is forceful, he is the king of heaven and earth!

        He …… in the pure sky, he shines forth towards the earth.

         (King An / Anu, leader of the Anunnaki one-world-order on Planet Nibiru)

        On the basis of the decisions of great An (Anu), he gives important advice.

        He brings forth all the divine powers (alien technologies), to keep …… in good order.

        Youth elevated to be prince, my (semi-divine mixed-breed king) Ibbi-Suen!

        He calls him to a long and prosperous reign.

       2bc-nanna-his-symbol 3a - Nannar & moon crescent symbol (Nannar on his Ur throne, & his Moon Crescent symbol, still used today!)

          16-40 Lord Acimbabbar shines forth towards the earth.

         On the basis of the decisions of great An, he gives important advice.

        He brings forth all the divine powers, to keep …… in good order.

        Youth elevated to be prince, my Ibbi-Suen, whom he calls to a long prosperous reign!

        He comes forth majestically as far as the highlands and the outer limits of the mountains;

        their holy divine powers are pure, and he has perfected the divine plans.

        He directs his far-seeing gaze over everything in all its complexity.

       2f-nannar-moon-god-of-ur (Nannar, Moon Crescent God of then & now) 

        He has a perfect crown and divine powers of eternal days; his command cannot be overthrown.

        He prolongs the life of my Ibbi-Suen.

        The lord Acimbabbar comes forth majestically.

        Their holy divine powers are pure, and he has perfected the divine plans.

        He directs his far-seeing gaze over everything in all its complexity.

         (Nannar with perfect crown of animal horns, identity of royal Anunnaki aliens vrs. the non-royal Anunnaki)

        He has a perfect crown (royal descendants of King Anu wearing animal horn-rimmed crowns)

        and divine powers of eternal days; his command cannot be overthrown.

        He prolongs the life of my Ibbi-Suen.

        The lord, the light of heaven and earth, …….

        He is the ornament of the heights (?) of the firmament.

        1 line unclear

        He has …… all its divine powers …….

        My Ibbi-Suen …….

       1aa-symbol-of-nannar-the-moon  (royal scepter of Suen / Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur, & inscribed cuneiform text)

        Lord Acimbabbar is its crown ……. …… of the heights (?) of the firmament.

        1 line unclear

        …… all its divine powers ……

        My Ibbi-Suen …….

          41 Sa-gida

          42-61 An …… favorable day …… holy …….

        He has a righteous crown, long-lasting divine powers and a royal scepter.

        Enlil has decreed lordship for his beloved one, as his destiny,

        and has created with magnificent grandeur the qualities of a warrior.

        Enki, renewing abundance and days of splendor, …… the Tigris and Euphrates in their wide flooding.

        3g - Nintu with lab monkeys (Nintud / Ninhursag with her failed early attempts to fashion earthling workers for the gods)

        Nintud (Ninhursag), who causes human seed to propagate and brings living beings into existence,

        …… cities and crowded places, all the numerous people together.

        Nanna (Nannar / Sin), the …… light, confirming the divine plans,

         SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar atop his ziggurat, his Moon Crescent symbols, & antenna or rocket)

        new moon of eternal fame, light which goes towards the earth, has given authority (?) to my Ibbi-Suen,

       foremost among princes, over the south and the uplands as far as the outer limits of heaven and earth.

       2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c  (king image damaged, & Utu, Nannar‘s son, the Sun God of Mesopotamia)

        Utu has produced justice and propriety for Ibbi-Suen the augustly powerful, strong among warriors,

        unsurpassed in his youthfulness, overthrowing the enemy lands, finding the right decisions and giving advice to the people.

        The good lady Ninirigal (unidentified?, Bau?), mother of Kulaba,

        …… prayer and supplication ……, …… lady with an august name ……. …… long life.

          62 Sa-jara

          63-64 …… youthful Suen, has bestowed …… on him, the king of heaven.

          65 Its jicgijal

          66-69 …… is indeed the light of the lofty (?) ……; …… is indeed the light of the firmament.

        …… a long reign and years of abundance …… and will prolong your life, my Ibbi-Suen.

            70 Its uru.

        Drinking scene. Bas-relief on a stele from Ugarit (Ras Shamra), Syria  (Mesopotamian relief of giant Anunnaki god & much smaller mixed-breed king drinking & eating together)

          71 An adab to Suen.

A Tigi to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-12 Lord whose divine powers (alien technologies) cannot be dispersed,

who emits an awe-inspiring radiance, great crown!

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. (Nannar / Sin, son to Enlil & Ninlil, alien Anunnaki King Anu‘s royal heirs)

Youthful Suen, light elevated by Enlil to shine forth in the firmament,

wide-spreading majestic light, floating over the deep (?),

 4b-enlil-spouse-ninlil (Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into city wall, parents to Nannar)

born of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), god whose appearance is ……, …… in the assembly of the lands!

The moonlight ……, my (King) Ibbi-Suen, …….

His princely divine powers (alien technologies) embrace the heavens;

his …… is splendid, reaching the earth.

Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) ……, my Ibbi-Suen,

to be canal inspector in the Land among the widespread people.

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur, standing atop his ziggurat temple / residence)

Nanna (Nannar / Sin) has made the righteous crown shine forth radiantly.

Acimbabbar has …… you the scepter …….

My Ibbi-Suen, among the widespread people …….

13-22 In the corners of heaven and earth, in the beautiful land …… beneath his feet,

7b-high-priest-nannar-utu-and-ninurta 7a-animal-offering-to-shamash (high-priest atop temple of Ur, Nannar, Martu atop earthling, & Ninurta:  high-priest, Ninsun, son-king with dinner, & Utu holding alien weapon)

Nanna has …… his divine powers in all lands; he has …… widely in heaven and earth.

An (Anu) …… Acimbabbar ……. Nanna has …… him in his youthfulness;

he has …… the divine powers of his lifetime forever.

May he …… my Ibbi-Suen.

Nanna‘s command is a great …… which cannot be dispersed.

4c - Ningal, King Ur-Nammu & Nannar - Sin,
        (Ningal,          giant semi-divine offspring son-king, again, & Nannar, patron god of Ur, goddess mother Ninsun damaged)

Ibbi-Suen has grasped his august hand;

he has acted truthfully for him, and so is named with a good name.

23 Sa-gida.

3ab-abrahams-father-was-high-priest-of-this-temple (Nannar‘s E-kish-nugal temple residence, Biblical city of Ur way below)

24-36 Urim (Ur) is the city of youthful Suen‘s (Sin / Nannar) princely divine powers.

6-anu-above-enlil-enki  (son Enki, King Anu in his sky-disc, & son Enlil, winged eagles on ends are pilots)

Let them give praise in a great song to An, to Enlil, to the eldest brother (of Enlil) Nudimmud (Enki)

and to the mother Nintud (Ninhursag) of the Land.

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest (E-kish-nugal, mud brick-built temple of Nannar in Ur)

The shrine Urim (Ur) is the city of youthful Suen‘s princely divine powers.

Let them give praise in a great song to An, to Enlil,

2b-ninhursag-chief-medical-officer  (Ninhursag with her early experiments, to DNA fashion a race of replacement workers)

to the eldest brother Nudimmud and to the mother Nintud of the Land.

1d - gods in procession1ee - Relief at Maltaya (gods in procession atop zodiac, etc. symbols.; giant Anunnaki alien gods Anu standing, Enlil, Bau, Ninurta, Nergal, Nannar, Adad, Inanna, & Utu)

The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods …….

Enki ……

3 lines fragmentary

…… assembly where …….

…… festival (?) …….

37 Sa-jara.

2-nannar-father-of-inanna-utu-ereshkigal (Suen / Sin / Nanna / Nannar / Biblical El, patron god of Ur)

38 A tigi to Suen.

A Shir-namgala to Ninisina (Bau) for Lipit-Eshtar (Lipit-Eshtar E): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-2 He (probably Enlil) told her, Ninisina (Bau / Gula, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister),

1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Bau, daughter to King Anu, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, Ninurta‘s aunt-spouse)

the great daughter of An (Anu), the great daughter-in-law (of Enlil), …… :

“That (King) Lipit-Ectar should be your provider — so let it be!”

3 Cagbatuku.

4-13 Ninisina (?) paid attention to Enlil‘s utterance.

She answered with humility: “Father Enlil, god whose name is manifest, ……,

Enlil; lord ……, your divine powers are the most ……, your instructions are the most precious (?).

For the trustworthy shepherd ……, …… lord Lipit-Ectar

2 lines unclear

He has settled the people ……, he (?) has made the Land feel content.

You looked upon him with your life-giving gaze: now decree him a true fate!

14 3rd kirugu.

15 Nunamnir (Enlil), bestow upon prince Lipit-Ectar a long life of many days!”

16 Its jicgijal.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur (Enlil‘s E-kur / “Great Mountain” temple residence in Nippur, alien Anunnaki gods Command Central)

17-24 The Great Mountain Enlil paid attention to the words spoken by Ninisina.

He blessed the king and decreed his fate:

Lipit-Ectar, you whom I have called by name, shall be elevated among the people.

May the living look to you as to their own fathers and mothers!

May the strong one who cares for E-kur, the ensi of the august shrine,

2ba - King Esarhaddon stele 3d - Asar-Ashur-Osiris in winged disc

   (alien giant god & king on his knees; gods in sky-discs provided air-cover in battles for their offspring made kings)

Uta-ulu (Ninurta), be your help on the battlefield!

May he collect your enemies like small birds for you; may he spread them out like sheaves for you!

25 4th kirugu.

26-27 Nunamnir (Enlil), the lord whose order cannot be altered,

has made the name of prince Lipit-Ectar exalted among the numerous people.

28 Its jicgijal.

 (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, his say is final)

29-30 I, Enlil, am elevated in heaven, and am the lord of all the divine powers on earth.

The good fate I have decreed to Lipit-Ectar is something which can never be changed!”

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Bau & her nephew-spouse Ninurta)

31 A cir-namgala of Ninisina.

An Adab to Ninurta for Lipit-Eshtar (Lipit-Eshtar D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


           1-3 Hero, mightiest of the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, who comes forth from the E-kur (Enlil‘s residence & Command Center)!

        Ninurta, lord Nunamnir (Enlil) created you like a great storm ……, he commanded you to achieve triumphs for him.

        7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil

             (mixed-breed high-priest of Ur, Nannar, Martu with disloyal earthling underfoot, & Ninurta, all holding high-tech alien weaponry)         

          4 Barsud.

        5-11 For you Nintud (Ninhursag) has opened wide her creative hands;

        she has breast-fed you from her sweet breasts; she has fed you with the milk of vigor.

        As if you were a spectacular wild bull, she has made your figure strong (?), she has made your limbs massive.

        (mixed-breed giants were bigger, stronger, faster, & smarter than earthlings, used as a perfect go-between for the gods with earthlings)

        She has fitted you out with …… appearance, awesome radiance and heroism.

          4k - Ninurta, Ninhursag, & Inanna, Bau seated with dog
        (Ninurta, Ninhursag,       Bau, & Inanna; symbols of Enlil, Nannar, Nibiru, & Inanna above)

        Your mother, Nintud (Ninhursag), held you by the right wrist as she led you before your father in E-kur, the august shrine.

        3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur  

                   (E-kur, Enlil‘s mud-brick-built mountain / temple residence in Nippur, his Command Central for the gods)

        Then she said: “Decide a great fate for the son who is your avenger!”

          12 Cagbatuku.
           (Ninurta, artifacts of the gods destroyed by Radical Islam, fearing knowledge of ancient history)

          13-15 Enlil looked at him with joy and decided his fate:

        “Uta-ulu (Ninurta), may your name be exalted throughout the extent of heaven and earth.

        Your awesome radiance will make all the great gods tremble with fear”.

        2c - Ninurta's power over the black-headed (Ninurta Babylonian artifact)

        16 2nd barsud.

        17-23 “Your roaring and commands make all the foreign countries submit.

        Your frightening look makes all enemies tremble!

        Uta-ulu, when like all the evil winds you rise to …… like Gibil (Enki‘s son), the lord of ……, the hero;

        1 line unclear

        After you have completely devastated the rebellious lands, ……, all the great gods will duly praise your supremacy!”

        …… your father decided your destiny.

          24 Sa-gida.

        25-26 ……, make …… hostile to him bow down for Lipit-Ectar, the (blood descendant) son of Enlil!

          27 Jicgijal of the sa-gida.

        28-41 3 lines unclear

        You have counted …… as ruin-mounds, to be mixed with dust.

        You have swept over ……, you obliterated it.

        Ninurta, hero of Enlil, as you are sitting on your throne-dais,

        3d - Ninurta & his spouse Bau-Gula
                 (Bau & spouse Ninurta, second in line for planet Nibiru‘s kingship)

        may your spouse, the true lady Ninnibru (Bau / Gula, Anu‘s daughter), who embraces you,

        step before you daily with friendly words on behalf of Lipit-Ectar!

        Uta-ulu, may you be his aid when he prays!

        May he be able to rely on your words, may he be peerless!

        May he be the king whose fate Ninurta decides, the one endowed with attractiveness!

        Lipit-Ectar, the prince who is a supporter of yours, the (semi-divine descendant) son of Enlil,

        has established justice in Sumer and Akkad, and made the Land feel content.

        42 May the the shepherd, the expert, most wise in leading, guide the people for you!

          43 Sa-jara.

        44 Great hero, when for prince Lipit-Ectar (Lipit-Ishtar)

        you reduce to heaps the rebellious lands which are insubordinate to him, may ……!

          45 Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

        46-49 Lord, mighty flood which tears out the roots of the enemy!

        Ninurta, mighty flood which tears out the roots of the enemy, may you put a weapon (alien weaponry technologies)

        5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Ninurta, warrior son & heir to Nibiru throne, after father Enlil & grandfather King Anu)

        into the mighty hands of prince Lipit-Ectar which will snap his enemies in two as if they were reeds!

        50 Its uru.

        51 An adab of Ninurta.

Inana and Lipit-Eshtar (Lipit-Eshtar H): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

        SEGMENT A

          A1-4 I will perform in song the praise of the mistress, the trustworthy lady, the noble child of the E-mah,

        1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus (Inana, Goddess of Love with her 8-pointed-star of Venus, 8th planet when entering solar system)

        the spouse of the king, the woman,

        the goddess who is worth of the ladyship, surpassing heaven and earth.

        I will pay her due homage.

        5-10 1 line unclear

        …… great divine powers (alien technologies) …….

        She cherished Lipit-Ectar, the son (descendant) of Enlil.

        …… pleasant …….

        …… pleasant …….

        …… searched …… for me.

        …… surpassing in joy …….

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        1-2 2 lines fragmentary
         1d - Inanna in the nude (Inanna espoused many mixed-breeds appointed to kingships for thousands of years)

        3 Inana, …… prince Lipit-Ectar on your holy lap.

        4 Its jicgijal.

        5 An ua-di of Inana.

Inana and Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan K): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

          1-6 Young woman Inana (Inanna), Suen’s (Nannar / Sin) daughter,

        who makes the divine powers of the Land supreme, who achieves everything,

        who seizes the divine powers (alien technologies) in heaven and gathers them up on earth,

        who proceeds proudly with her head reaching the heavens,

        whose radiance makes the nighttime secure like a fire which lights up into the distance —

        3a - Anu & Inanna (Anunnaki aliens King Anu, Inanna atop her zodiac symbol of Leo)

        no god can stand up as her opposition, …….

        4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Enlil & equal spouse Ninlil carved into ancient city wall)

        7-18 Holy Inana was endowed by Enlil and Ninlil (her grandparents) with the capacity to make the heavens shake,

        to make the earth tremble, to hold the four directions in her hand and to act grandly as their lady,

        1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons (Inanna atop Leo the Lion, armed with alien weaponry, her 8-pointed star symbol above her head)

        to shout with wide open mouth in battle and combat and to wreak carnage (?),

        to butt all at once valiantly (?) like a wild bull,

        to make the earth drink the blood of enemies like water and to pile up their bodies,

        to take captive their overwhelmed (?) troops and to make them serve, to make the people ascend from below to above,

        4b - Inanna & Utu with earthlings under foot
            (giant aliens Utu with earthling underfoot, & twin Inanna with earthling captives, one by a nose-ring)

        to make the foreign (1 ms. has instead: numerous) people change their place, and to turn light to darkness and darkness to light.

        They made her without rival in heaven and on earth.

        They bestowed on her the power to establish a woman’s domain in …….

        They determined as her fate to …… , to make them content together.

        (Ninlil & spouse Enlil, the Earth Colony Commanders)

          19-31 Inana was entrusted by Enlil and Ninlil with the capacity to gladden the heart of those

        who revere her in their established residences,

        but not to soothe the mood of those who do not revere her in their well-built houses;

        to turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man, to change one into the other,

        to make young women dress as men on their right side, to make young men dress as women on their left side,

        to put spindles into the hands of men ……, and to give weapons to the women;

        to see that women amuse themselves by using children’s language,

        to see that children amuse themselves by using womens language, to …… skill, to …….

        They built a palace, her house of ladyship, for the mistress of An (Anu), and invested it with fearsome radiance.

        They made it into the neck-stock of all the foreign countries, and imbued it with awe-inspiring, terrifying splendor.

        4 - Inanna. Utu, & Earthling underfoot

                  (Inanna & twin brother Utu with much smaller helpless earthling underfoot)

        32-35 To clamp down (?) on the black-headed people, to ……, to decide justly the lawsuits of the numerous people,

        to select the just, ……, to …… who speaks (?) violently — all these were entrusted into Inana‘s hands by them.

        36-42 Enlil and Ninlil gave her (King) Icme-Dagan, the constant attendant, …… as her husband …….

        The duty to build temples for the gods, to furnish their daily portions,

        to purify their raised temples and to sanctify their daises, to secure their daily liquor,

        syrup and choice beer in their dining hall — all this was bestowed on Inana and Icme-Dagan by Enlil and Ninlil.

        1o - Astarte - Inanna, lover of many kings (Inanna, Goddess of Love, espoused many semi-divine kings for thousands of years)

          43-45 August Nibru, no god excels like your lord and lady!

        In your midst they have bestowed the divine powers on the young woman Inana.

        I, Icme-Dagan, have put this (i.e., this composition) in everyone’s mouth for all time.

An Adab to Nanna for Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan M): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        Version A

        SEGMENT A

        1-16 1 line fragmentary

          (Enlil’s ziggurat temple residence, the E-kur)

        …… what he orders is faithfully executed, …… endowed with beauty in the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur),

        …… among the great gods, the great and august lord …… in the heavens, …… whose seat (?) no other god ……!

        3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest (Nannar‘s residence with city of Ur below 1928)

        August ……, lord whose abode is the mountains, father Nanna (Nannar / Sin)……,

        …… fixes the months and the new moon according to a cord (?), establishes the year ……,

        …… life for the multitudes ……, …… who puts all the lands in order,

        …… who makes the Tigris and the Euphrates bring flowing water ……,

        …… fine grain ……, …… lush vegetation in the spacious land ……

        Farming - early man feeding the gods (earthlings feeding the alien gods colonizing the Earth)

        1 line fragmentary

        …… lord (King) Icme-Dagan ……

        1 line unclear

        august …… bestowed upon father Nanna (Nannar) by An (Anu) and Enlil ……

        17-22 After you have extended yourself in the bright ……, the daylight ……, after you have established …… on earth,

        on the day of the disappearance of the moon, as you have completed the month, you summon (?) the people, lord;

        and then in the netherworld you decree great judgments, you decide sublime verdicts.

        Enki and Ninki (Enki‘s spouse, Marduk‘s mother), the great lords, the great princes,

         the lords who determine fates, await your utterances, father; they …… the newborn (?) moon.

        23-30 Prince, you place justice in every mouth, and make propriety resplendent.

        Daily (?) you make hearts content, daily (?) you determine fates appropriately, daily (?) your refulgence …….

        You brighten the night sky in the broad firmament, and illuminate the darkness.

        3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar, 2nd son to Enlil, 1st with spouse Ninlil, Moon Crescent god of Ur & Biblical Abraham)

        The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods stand by with prayers and supplications at your rising.

        The sweet sight of your resplendent crescent (Nannar‘s symbol), full of loveliness,

        brings joy to the great lady of the Ki-ur, mother Ninlil in ……, and the true and august lady, the good cow,

        the leader …… prays …… in the E-jajiccua, her delightful residence, the awesome palace.

        31 Sa-gida.

        32 Brightest lord, may you make Icme-Dagan …… exert superior strength.

        33 Jicgijal of the sa-gida.

        4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse (Ninlil, spouse & equal partner to Enlil)

        34-35 Lord, great and august crown of the sky ……. …… Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse).…..

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        1-8 …… heart ……. …… his august name …… king …….

        You have been assigned divine powers from the divine powers (alien technologies) by lord Nunamnir (Enlil).

        He has presented you with the capacity to determine fates, the role of a supreme deity.

        He has elevated you; the great lord, Enlil, has made you one of the princes.

        With the rightful tiara and headdress, he has made you glorious on the holy august dais.

        He has bestowed upon you the guardianship of all the countries teeming (?) like fish.

        The prince of all the foreign countries …… like a shepherd (?).

        9-25 Except you, no god …… in the entirety of heaven and earth.

        Bright diadem on the holy sky, you …… like daylight.

        The Land rejoices over the harvest, the great festival that is full of delight,

        and the black-headed people look to you as to their father.

        Great lord, you hearken to anyone who approaches you for succor; you are the beloved of the Land.

        Urim (Ur), the great cosmic bond of Sumer, the city that has grown as high as the heavens,

     3a - Nannar's Temple, Ziggourat, Home in Ur (Nannar‘s E-kish-nugal ziggurat residence)

       (Nannar‘s home in Ur with city for earthlings way below, Ur temple where Abraham’s father Terah was the High-Priest)

        joyfully becomes of one accord for you in the sanctuary built with extispicy, in your delightful cattle-pen.

        ……Icme-Dagan ……, may the breed-bull and the good ox mount holy cows ……, may they multiply vigorously for you.

        May premium …… and premium milk, the milk of your holy dining room …… become abundant there.

        2 lines fragmentary

        May he care properly for …… divine plans for you.

        May he …… for you.

        4b - Ningal head (Ningal, brown-eyed beauty patron goddess of Ur, spouse to Nannar)

        …… your …… filled with gold, the lady ……Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse), on its …… appear as brightly as daylight …….

        May he …...Icme-Dagan…….

          26 Sa-jara.

        27 May the …… of Icme-Dagan, the (giant semi-divine mixed-breed) son of Enlil, …… be immutable.

          28 Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

        29-31 Great lord, most wise in determining the fates from the holy heavens, ……!

        Brightest lord, most wise in determining the fates from the holy heavens,

        whom do you love more than Icme-Dagan, Enlil‘s son, the leader?

        32 Its uru.

        33 An adab of Nanna.”

      Version B

        SEGMENT A

        This passage runs parallel to Segment A, lines 18-29, of Version A

        1-7 unknown no. of lines missing

        1 line fragmentary

        On the day of the disappearance of the moon, ……, …… the people, lord, …… verdicts in the netherworld.

        Enki and Ninki, ……, lord, …….

        8-23 1 line fragmentary

        Father, …….

        Prince, …….

        1 line missing

        …… the hearts …….

        9 lines missing

        1 line fragmentary

        …… in her awesome palace.

        SEGMENT B

        Lines 12-24 of this passage run parallel to Segment B, lines 25-31, of Version A

        1-13 13 lines fragmentary

          14 Sa-jara.

        15-16 …… of Enlil ……

        1 line fragmentary

          17 Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

        18-22 1 line fragmentary

        4 lines missing

        23 Its uru.

          24 An adab of Nanna.

An Adab to Bau for Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

          1-8 Lady, imbued with fearsomeness, whose greatness is recognized in heaven and on earth, perfect in nobility!

        Mother Bau (Gula), foremost among ladies, warrior ……!

        1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Anu‘s daughter Bau, Medical Doctor, & Warden)

        Powerful goddess, who perfectly controls the august divine powers (alien technologies), proud one, …… great intelligence!

        ……, true woman, wise lady who has been made knowledgeable from birth!

        Daughter of An (Anu), expert, eloquent, who holds everything in her hand!

        5a - Bau & son Damu, medical treatment

                        (Damu & his mother Bau give ancient medical attention, also Bau’s guard dog & Ninurta)

        Lady, great doctor of the black-headed people, who keeps people alive, and brings them to birth.

        Cuhalbi, incantation priestess of the numerous people, ……!

        Merciful, compassionate one of the Land, lady of justice!

          (Enlil. King Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)

          9-19 Enlil, the king of all the foreign countries, Nunamnir (Enlil), the lord who determines the fates,

        decreed something of great importance in the shrine Nibru, in Dur-an-ki:

        he made you exalted in the shining E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur), …….

        You are the strong spread-net of Nunamnir.

        Anguba priestess, who provides the E-kur with food, you are in charge of the wine.

        3d - Ninurta & his spouse Bau-Gula (Princess Bau / Gula & her nephew-spouse Prince Ninurta)

        You are Enlil‘s exalted daughter-in-law (& 1/2 sister), you are the one who stands next to him with the libation water (?).

        Because you prostrated yourself humbly with supplications, Nunamnir, the prince of all the foreign countries,

        entrusted to you the exalted office of accountant of heaven and earth, and exalted you,

        giving you the rank of lady of the shrine which brought the seeds of mankind forth.

        20-26 Your own father, An, the highest god, clothed you in the ma garment.

        He gave you the warrior of Enlil, Ninjirsu (Ninurta), as your husband.

        He bestowed on you the E-ninnu, the holy city, the shrine which brought forth the seeds of mankind.

        He has set up your lofty throne-dais in Lagac (Lagash), in Jirsu, the mooring post of the Land,

        In E-jalga-sud, your beloved residence, in Tar-sirsir, the temple of ladyship;

        and now all the gods of the land of Lagac bow down before your august residence.

        27-30 Supreme lady, whose divine powers (alien technologies) are untouchable,

        daughter of An, omniscient great lady, young woman,

      (mother Bau, King Anu’s powerful daughter)

        mother Bau, you have looked favorably on the young man of handsome form,

        prince Icme-Dagan, the (semi-divine descendant) son of Enlil (appointed to kingship);

        you have determined for him a good fate once and for all.

          31 Sa-gida.

        1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta (Bau, Ninurta‘s spouse & aunt, 1/2 sister to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

        32 It is mother Bau who is to give prince (King) Icme-Dagan, the son (descendant) of Enlil,

        a life of numerous days (bigger, faster, smarter. & could live much longer than earthlings)

          33 Jicgijal of the sa-gida.

        34-42 You introduced prince Icme-Dagan, clasping to his breast a white lamb and a sheep of auspicious omens,

        into the E-namtila, Enlil‘s temple, and made him stand at the royal offering place of life.

        Then you saluted the Great Mountain, Enlil, and told him:

         (Enlil, Anu, & Enki in their sky-disc)

        “Father Enlil, great lord of all the foreign countries, determine the fate of Icme-Dagan, call him by name!

        Enlil, the king of all the foreign countries, looked encouragingly upon him, beaming radiantly;

        and determined a fate for Icme-Dagan:

         43-60 “Prince Icme-Dagan, as your fate, you shall be given a throne which concentrates all divine powers,

        an enduring legitimate crown and a scepter which maintains the people and keeps them united.

        The Tigris and the Euphrates shall bring abundance, carp-filled waters for you, their yield shall be long-lasting for you

        (1 ms. has instead: ……). Their banks shall grow vegetation for you, they shall bring (?) you rejoicing.

        The irrigated orchards shall yield (?) syrup and wine for you.

        The fertile arable tracts shall grow dappled grain for you; grain piles shall be heaped up for you.

        Cattle-pens shall be built, sheepfolds shall be enlarged for you.

        Your name shall be exalted as king; you shall be elevated as prince.

        All the foreign countries from below as far as the uplands shall bring tribute for you.

        You shall shine radiantly in the grand main courtyard like sunlight.

        Your food offerings shall never cease in the shining E-kur.”

        This is how Enlil determined his fate.

        3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth

             (E-kur, Enlil‘s mud-brick-built mountain ziggurat residence in Nippur, Command Central for the alien gods on Earth)

        From the E-kur he gave huge strength to the king.

        He has been made lordly; Enlil‘s words made him a man without rival.

        He directed his steps proudly there and entered the august palace, the royal residence.

        As he took his seat on the shining holy throne-dais, the palace …….

          61 Sa-jara.

        1h - procession-lg

            (giant alien Anunnaki gods, Anu‘s descendants establishing Earth Colony, standing upon animal symbols in procession)

        62-64 Good woman, daughter of An, Enlil has called for you!

        …… the holy shining throne-dais …… told you; young woman, mother Bau (Gula), the daughter of An (Anu),

        Enlil has called for you!

        …… the holy shining throne-dais …… told you:

        “Bestow on Icme-Dagan, the (giant king of Isin, & semi-divine descendant) son of Enlil, a life of numerous days!”

        65 Its uru.

        66 An adab of Bau (patron goddess of Isin).