Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Nininsina’s (Bau’s) journey to Nibru:

a shir-namshub to Nininsina (Nininsina C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


1-18 14 lines missing

1 line fragmentary

…… escorts her to …….

She sails on the Euphrates, amid the holy reed-shoots; …….

She moors the boat at the Wine Quay;

Enki …….

2d - Bau & brother Enlil
                                                                              (Bau              1/2 brother Enlil)

19-25 Humbly she …… Enlil’s house.

She …… food offerings …… of Enlil.

She slaughters cattle and sheep ……Enlil.

…… greets her from his eternal royal offering-place;

…… his shining …… upon her.

Joyfully …….

1 line fragmentary

35 lines missing

The Return of Ninurta to Nibru (Nippur)

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G.,The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.

Ninurta is coming to Nippur for a visit to his father Enlil and mother Ninlil in full regalia. Such is the splendor of the young god that a messenger from Nippur comes to greet the young warrior god to say that his coming is so magnificent that it would be wise for him to dim a bit his radiance. So does Ninurta, putting aside some of his weapons, not all, to enter the temple of Enlil to be greeted lovingly by his mother and Anunnaki.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


      (An / Anu, King of the Anunnaki, father to sons who came down to Earth; his son & heir Enlil; his son & heir Ninurta)

1-6 Created like An (Anu),

O son of Enlil, Ninurta, created like Enlil, born by Nintud (Ninhursag),

mightiest of the (2nd generation) Anuna (Anunnaki) gods,

who came forth from the mountain range, imbued with terrible awesomeness,

son of Enlil, confident in his strength, my sovereign, you are magnificent — let your magnificence therefore be praised.

Ninurta (Enlil‘s 1st born son), you are magnificent — let your magnificence therefore be praised.

5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Enlil‘s warrior son & heir Ninurta, 2nd in line for planet Nibiru‘s kingship)

7-12 Sovereign of all the lands, in your massive might, warrior of Enlil, in your great might, fierce warrior,

you have taken up the divine powers (alien technologies) which are like heaven,

son of Enlil, you have taken up the divine powers which are like the earth,

you have taken up the divine powers of the mountains, which are heavy as heaven,

you have taken up the divine powers of Eridug (Eridu), which are huge as the earth.

13-15 You have made the gods prostrate (?) themselves before you.

You have made the Anuna (Anunnaki) salute (?) you.

Ninurta, you are made complete by heroic strength.

16-17 The utterance of the sovereign is a storm …….

 5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Ninurta‘s sky-disc; Ninurta with alien weaponry)

The word of lord Ninurta is a storm …….

18-23 To the hostile mountains …….

To the fortress of the rebellious land …….

1 line unclear

Lord, frighteningly fierce, …….

Fierce in heaven and earth, …….

1 line unclear

24-25 His angry utterance made a corpse of the mountains.

His fierce countenance …….

5f - Ninurta slays demon DNA experiments (Ninurta eliminates unwanted demons)

26-29 Horned wild bull …….

Wild ram and stag …….

The great wild bull of the mountains …… from its …….

He put his ……, the strength in battle, in his belt.

30-40 The sovereign, with his heroic arms,

Ninurta, son (& heir) of Enlil, in his great might,

brought forth the Six-headed wild ram from the shining, lofty house.

He brought forth the Warrior dragon from the great fortress of the mountains.

He brought forth the Magilum boat from …… his abzu.

He brought forth the Bison from his battle dust.

He brought forth the Mermaid from the limits of heaven and earth.

He brought forth the White substance from the soil of the mountain range.

He brought forth the Strong copper from the shattered mountain range.


He brought forth the Anzud bird from the halub-haran tree.

He brought forth the Seven-headed serpent from the …… of the mountains.

41-46 He mustered them all before him …….

He spoke …….

He was unhappy …….

He spoke …….

He seized the ax …….

He took his …….

6d - bang, bang, Ninurta shot down Anzu (winged sky-discs above, Ninurta battles Anzu)

47-51 The warrior …… made a corpse of the mountains (alien technologies).

Lord Ninurta, who destroys (?) ……, made a corpse of the mountains.

He piled up …….

The sovereign, with his heroic strength, wreaked his vengeance (?).

The warrior Ninurta, with his heroic strength, wreaked his vengeance (?).

4d - Nergal & sky-chariot 1600 B.C.  (giant gods with sky-chariots, sky-discs, winged discs, sky-boats, flying carpets, etc.)

52-54 On his shining chariot, which inspires terrible awe (alien technologies),

he hung his captured wild bulls on the axle and hung his captured cows on the cross-piece of the yoke.

55-63 He hung the Six-headed wild ram on the dust-guard.

He hung the Warrior dragon on the seat.

He hung the Magilum boat on the …….

He hung the Bison on the beam.

He hung the Mermaid on the foot-board.

He hung the White substance on the forward part of the yoke.

He hung the Strong copper on the inside pole pin (?).

6 - Anzu, Igigi leader 3a - Anzu, in the Louvre  (Anzud bird)

He hung the Anzud bird on the front guard.

He hung the Seven-headed serpent on the shining …….

3aba - unknown mixed-breed, Inanna, & unidentified god

       (mixed-breed king, Inanna above Ninurta‘s winged storm bird, & Ninurta in his battle-worthy chariot)

64-69 Lord Ninurta stepped into his battle-worthy chariot.

Ud-ane (unidentified?), the all-seeing god, and Lugal-anbara (unidentified?), the bearded (?) lord,

went before him, and the awesome one of the mountains,

Lugal-kur-dub (unidentified?), the …… of lord Ninurta, followed behind him.

70-72 The lion who …… from the abzu,

who …… An‘s (Anu) awesomeness and radiance — the Anuna, the great gods …….

73-75 As the sovereign swept on like the deluge, as Ninurta,

storm of the rebellious land, swept on like the deluge, he rumbled like a storm on the horizon.

76-79 When, at Enlil‘s command, he was making his way towards E-kur (Enlil‘s residence in Nippur),

3a - Enlil's home in Nippur (Enlil‘s temple/ ziggurat residence in Nippur, built as the Anunnaki Earth Colony Command Central, top of structure was added by American archaeologists around 1900)

the warrior of the gods was leveling the Land; and before he had yet approached Nibru from afar,

5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes  (Ninlil on shore, her spouse Enlil, & son Nusku / Nuska)

Nuska, the chancellor of Enlil, came forth from the E-kur to meet him.

80-82 He greeted lord Ninurta: “My sovereign, perfect warrior, heed yourself.

Ninurta, perfect warrior, heed yourself.

83-86 “Your radiance has covered Enlil‘s temple like a cloak.

When you step into your chariot (alien technologies), whose creaking is a pleasant sound, heaven and earth tremble.

When you raise your arm …….

 (Ninurta, born of the “double seed”, mother Ninhursag & father Enlil)

87-91″The Anuna, the great gods …….

Do not frighten your father in his residence.

Do not frighten Enlil in his residence.

May your father give you gifts because of your heroic strength.

May Enlil give you gifts because of your heroic strength.

3a - Anu in flight  (King An / Anu in his winged sky-disc, father of the gods on Earth)

92-97 “O sovereign, shackle of An, first among the gods, seal-bearer of Enlil, inspired by E-kur,

O warrior, because you have toppled the mountains your father need send out no other god beside you.

Ninurta, because you have toppled the mountains Enlil need send out no other god beside you.”

98-101 While these words were yet in Nuska‘s mouth, Ninurta put the whip and goad away in the rope-box.

 (Enlil, King Anu, & Enki in winged sky-disc)

He leaned his mace, the strength in battle, against the box and entered into the temple of Enlil.

3n - Nippur excavations (mud brick city of Nippur way below Enlil‘s residence)

102-107 He directed his captive wild bulls into the temple.

He directed his captive cows, like the wild bulls, into the temple.

He laid out the booty of his plundered cities.

The Anuna were amazed..…..

Enlil the Great Mountain made obeisance to him, and Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) prayed to him.

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse  (Ninlil, Enlil‘s equal spouse)

106-112 The great mother Ninlil (Nannar‘s & Adad‘s mother, Ninurta‘s mother is Ninhursag),

from within her Ki-ur, spoke admiringly to lord Ninurta:

“O wild bull, with fierce horns raised, son of Enlil, you have struck blows in the mountains.

Warrior, lord Ninurta, you have …….

You have …… the rebellious land.”

2a - Ninurta, Enlil's heir to heaven & earth (future King of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony, aliens forced under a dominant “One-World-Order” rule)

113-118 Lord Ninurta answered her:

“My mother, I alone cannot …… with you …….

Ninlil, I alone cannot …… with you, for me alone …….

Battle arrayed like heaven — no one can rival me (?).

Like the deluge …….

Smashing the mountains like reed huts …….

119-124 “My battle, like an onrushing flood, overflowed in the mountains.

4n - Bull of Heaven, Ninurta, Ninhursag, & Inanna  (Ninurta atop his lion-headed winged beast)

                                                       (unidentified, Ninurta, Ninhursag, & Inanna)

With a lion’s body and lion’s muscles, it rose up in the rebellious land.

The gods have become worried and flee (?) to the mountain ranges.

They beat their wings like a flock of small birds.

They stand hiding in the grass like wild bulls …….

No one can confront my radiance, heavy as heaven.

 (Ninurta upon his winged storm-beast)

125-127 “Because I am the lord of the terraced mountain ranges, in every direction …….

Because I have subjugated these mountain ranges of alabaster and lapis lazuli, the Anuna hide like mice.

128-134 “Now I have reestablished my heroic strength in the mountains.

On my right, I bear my Mows-down-a-myriad (alien weaponry).

On my left, I bear my Crushes-a-myriad (alien weaponry).

I bear my Fifty-toothed-storm, my heavenly mace (alien weaponry).

4m - Inanna & Ninurta with weapons, & Ninhursag
                                   (Inanna,        Ninurta, winged sky-disc, & Ninurta‘s mother Ninhursag)

I bear the hero who comes down from the great mountains, my No-resisting-this-storm (alien weaponry).

I bear the weapon which devours corpses like a dragon, my agasilig ax.

I bear my …….

135-139 “I bear my …….

I bear the alkad net of the rebellious land, my alkad net.

I bear that from which the mountains cannot escape, my cucgal net.

I bear the seven-mouthed mucmah serpent, the slayer, my spike (?).

I bear that which strips away the mountains, the sword, my heavenly dagger.

7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta (Ninurta‘s symbol, the “Double-Headed Eagle“, born of the “Double Seed” law of succession, custom in use today with the world‘s royals, & his 50-headed mace)

140-145 “I bear the deluge of battle, my fifty-headed mace.

6f - Ninurta shoots down Anzu (aerial combat between Ninurta & Anzu, both in sky-discs)

I bear the storm that attacks humans, my bow and quiver (alien advanced weaponry).

I bear those which carry off the temples of the rebellious land, my throwing stick and shield.

I bear the helper of men, my spear.

I bear that which brings forth light like the day,

my Obliterator-of-the-mountains (alien nuclear weaponry brought to Earth for the 1st time).

I bear the maintainer of the people in heaven and earth, my The-enemy-cannot-escape.

5g - Ninurta with cycle sword eliminating demon (winged Ninurta & his winged storm bird)

146-151″I bear that whose awesome radiance covers the Land, which is grandly suited for my right hand,

finished in gold and lapis lazuli (gem stone), whose presence is amazing, my Object-of-trust (alien technologies).

 (“the perfect weapon”, advanced technologies of the giant gods from planet Nibiru)

I bear the perfect weapon, exceedingly magnificent (alien advanced technologies),

trustworthy in battle, having no equal, well-suited for my wrist on the battlefield, my fifty-headed mace,

I bear the weapon which consumes the rebellious land like fire, my fifty-headed club (alien technologies).

152-158 “Let my father therefore bring in my battle trophies and weapons for me.

  (Enlil, Anu‘s son & heir, Ninurta‘s father, & Earth’s Colony Commander)

Let Enlil bathe my heroic arms.

Let him pour holy water on the fierce arms which bore my weapons.

Let him set up a holy dais in the throne room for me.

Let him set my heavenly chariot upon a pedestal.

Let him tether my captured warriors there like butting bulls.

Let him have my captured kings make obeisance to me there, as to the light of heaven.

  (Ninurta artifacts now shamefully being destroyed by Radical Islam!)

159-163 “I am the strong one, unopposed in the mountains, I am Ninurta— let them prostrate themselves at my name.

 (Ninurta sphinx, artifact from his patron city-state Lagash)

I am the exceedingly mighty lion-headed one of Enlil, whom he engendered in his strength.

The storm of heaven, shackle of the gods, I am the one whom An (Anu) in his great might has chosen.

1a - Inanna with Liberty Torch  (Inanna / Columbia / Liberty, ancient Goddess of Love & War)

161-164 “I am the (uncle to)..…., the creature of Inanna.

I am the warrior, destined with Enki to be suited for the fearsome divine powers (alien technologies).

Let my kingship be manifest unto the ends of heaven and earth.

I am most able among the gods — let me be imbued with great awesomeness.

1y - Ancient Sumeria2

168-174 “Let my beloved city, the sanctuary Nibru (Nippur), raise its head as high as heaven.

Let my city be pre-eminent among the cities of my brothers.

Let my temple rise (?) the highest …… among the temples of my brothers.

Let the territory of my city be the fresh-water well of Sumer.

Let the Anuna, my brother gods, bow down there.

Let their flying birds establish nests in my city.

Let their refugees refresh themselves in my shade.”

175-179 As Ninurta went out from Enlil‘s temple, the most bright-faced of warriors, Ninkarnuna (Ninurta‘s son),

having heard the favorable pronouncement of Ninurta, stepped before lord Ninurta and prayed to him:

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net (Ninurta captures in net smaller earthlings using his alien tech)

180-186 “My sovereign, may you be well-disposed towards your beloved city.

Lord Ninurta, may you be well-disposed towards your beloved city.

May you be well-disposed towards the sanctuary Nibru, your beloved city.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Nippur with Enlil‘s mud-brick-built mountain / temple / residence)

When you enter E-cumeca, your beloved temple, alone, tell your wife, young lady Ninnibru (Bau / Gula),

 3 - Bau-Gula, spouse to Ninurta & mother to Ninsun

     (Bau, spouse to her nephew Ninurta, daughter to alien King Anu in heaven / planet Nibiru)

what is in your heart, tell her what is on your mind.

Make an enduring favorable pronouncement to her for the king.”

187-194 The content of that prayer of the offspring of a prince,

Ninkarnuna (Ninurta‘s son), his sprinkling Ninurta‘s heart with an offering of cool water,

and the matter of prosperity about which he spoke were pleasing to Ninurta‘s heart

1g - images (alien Anunnaki carrying royal goddess descendants of Anu)

as he went in procession to E-cumecato manifest the eternal divine powers (alien technologies).

Lord Ninurta gazed approvingly at Ninkarnuna.

195-198 When Ninurta entered E-cumeca, his beloved temple, alone, he told his wife, young lady Ninnibru,

2c - Bau-Gula, goddess of medicine, & dog (Bau with her guard dog, Anu‘s daughter, Ninurta‘s aunt & spouse)

what was in his heart, he told her what was on his mind

and he made an enduring favorable pronouncement to her for the king.

199-201 The warrior, whose heroism is manifest, Ninurta, son of Enlil,

has firmly grounded his greatness in Enlil‘s sanctuary.

202-207 Lord who has destroyed the mountains, who has no rival, who butts angrily in that magnificent battle,

great warrior who goes forth in his …… might, strong one, deluge of Enlil, Ninurta, magnificent child of E-kur,

pride of the father who engendered him, it is sweet to praise you.


208 Cir-gida of Ninurta.

Pabilsaj’s Journey to Nibru (Nippur) (Version A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


         SEGMENT A

 (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & heir, born of the “double seed” law of succession)

The wild bull with brindled thighs, whose house is noble!

My king, the wild bull with brindled thighs, whose house is noble!

             (Pabilsaj, the “wild bull” as a winged sphinx)

Pabilsaj (Ninurta), the wild bull with brindled thighs, whose house is noble!

His house, the house of Larag (Larak), is noble, his house is noble!

His city, a mighty city, is abundant, and his house is noble!

The warrior’s house is the house of Larag;

Lord Pabilsaj‘s city is a mighty city …….


3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur (Enlil‘s house, alien gods Command Central)

His birthplace was the shrine Nibru (Nippur, named after their planet Nibiru) …….

The place where he drank good milk was the house …….

From the place, the pure place, ……. Isin, the unique house …….

The place which the bull embraces …….

Like a scorpion rising up from among the thorns, he is a fearsome scorpion;

like a wolf rising up from his lair, he is likely to growl;

like a lion rising up in the pathway, he is likely to beat …….

            5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Enlil‘s warrior son & heir Ninurta / Pabilsaj  


At that time, he wished to dig (?) in the meadows; the lord wished to dig (?) in the meadows.

The lord Pabilsaj wished to dig (?) in the meadows;

in the meadows, the meadows of Isin, my king wished to dig (?).

So then my king set off for Nibru (Nippur, Enlil‘s city).

            3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s Nippur residence, Command Central)

And as the warrior Pabilsaj set off in Enlil‘s direction,

as he he set off, now he turned (?) in front of that house in Isin.


And then my lady in Isin came out …….

At the spacious house, the house of Isin, she …… her hair, then she …… the hair in curls (?) …….

Its (her?) face…….

            1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (King Anu‘s daughter & Ninurta‘s spouse, Bau)  

She (Bau) addressed Pabilsaj joyfully: “Good-looking …… the house of Isin!


           Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755  (King Anu‘s eldest daughter Ninhursag, Enki‘s beloved sister)   

Warrior Pabilsaj …... born to Nintud (Ninhursag)!

You who are traveling from (?) Larag to …… that house in Isin, say to your father, “May she be my spouse!”

Say further to Enlil, “…… with me!”

Fix your sights on it, fix your sights on it, and may you be its lord!

The house of Isin …….

May you, Pabilsaj, be its lord, and may I be its lady!”

small no. of lines missing



It is possible, but less likely, that Segment B belongs after


Segment D

(Enlil speaks:) “…… and may its flax be flax!

…… and may its grain be grain!

…… may its …… be good for eating.”


And now, under that very sun and on that day, so it really happened.

…… waved their tails in the Kir-sig watercourse, waved ……. …… established the house …….

…… the most righteous ……. …… the good bull-calf, the ruler …….

…… established the house ……. …… its flax was flax.

…… its grain was grain.

…… its …… was good for eating.

small no. of lines missing



            3d - Ninurta & his spouse Bau-Gula

                (Bau / Gula                        her nephewspouse Ninurta, 2nd in line for the throne of planet Nibiru & colonies)

Nininsina (Bau / Gula) …….

In the Kir-sig watercourse …… their tails …… Isin …….

Joyfully his son married a wife ……; joyfully lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta) married Nininsina (Bau)…….

She …… him the digging implement for the Kir-sig watercourse.

…… their tails …… Isin …… for him.


  (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, the Earth Colony Commander)

         Enlil stood beside the river and spoke to it.

He stood beside the Kir-sig watercourse and ……:

“River, may …… your outlet be …… for him.

May you establish …… the house here.

…… the most righteous ……, …… great wild bull …….”

approx. 1 line missing



3 lines unclear

But Pabilsaj would not eat (?) the bull in his mouth; nor would …… Pabilsaj eat (?) the sheep in his mouth.

He did not rub the …… pot …….

“Don’t go …… to …….”

They raised the …… lament, and put …….

            2j - Ninurta, unknowns, & Bau

                  (Ninurta                                        spouse Bau, aunt to Ninurta, & 1/2 sister to Ninurta‘s father Enlil)

They raised lord Pabilsaj, and put …….

They set him down (?) in the city of his sister.

His sister came out to him from the house.

5 lines unclear

            4d - Enlil, Ninurta, & Inanna

           (Enlil,                       son Ninurta,  & granddaughter Inanna, giant gods with alien high-tech weaponry)

But Pabilsaj would not eat (?) the bull in his mouth; nor would …… Pabilsaj eat (?) the sheep in his mouth.

He did not rub the …… pot …….

“Don’t go ……!”

unknown no. of lines missing

Enki’s Journey to Nibru: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

         1-8 In those remote days, when the fates were determined; in a year when An (Anu) brought about abundance,

       and people broke through the earth like herbs and plants — then the lord of the Abzu, king Enki,

        3b - Enki image2 - Enki, the wisest god (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son)

       Enki, the lord who determines the fates, built up his temple entirely from silver and lapis lazuli (gem stone).

       Its silver and lapis lazuli were the shining daylight.

       Into the shrine of the Abzu he brought joy.

       4a - Eridu, buried by Noah's Flood

             (Enki‘s patron city of Eridu buried through thousands of years of time)

         9-17 An artfully made bright crenellation rising out from the abzu was erected for lord Nudimmud (Enki).

       He built the temple from precious metal, decorated it with lapis lazuli, and covered it abundantly with gold.

       1a - Eridu, Enki's city in the marshes (Enki‘s Eridu on bank of Euphrates River, Sumer)

       In Eridug (Eridu), he built the house on the bank.

       Its brickwork (advanced hot fired mud-brick ziggurat) makes utterances and gives advice.

       Its eaves roar like a bull; the temple of Enki bellows (alien technologies).

       During the night the temple praises its lord and offers its best for him.

       7a - Enki & Isimud, his vizier, Roman Janus = January (Enki & his vizier Isimud = Roman god Janus = January, looking backward & forward simultaneously)

         18-25 Before lord Enki, Isimud the (double-faced) minister praises the temple; he goes to the temple and speaks to it.

       He goes to the brick building and addresses it: Temple, built from precious metal and lapis lazuli;

        2bb - Ningishzidda placing the temple peg for Gudea 2b - Ningishzidda, the Fashioner2a - Ningishzidda, Master Builder, foundation peg (Enki‘s amazing son Ningishzidda lays the foundation pegs to the gods ziggurat residences, Ninsun stands in praise of Ningishzidda)

       whose foundation pegs are driven into the Abzu; which has been cared for by the prince in the Abzu!

       Like the Tigris and the Euphrates, it is mighty and awe-inspiring (?).

       Joy has been brought into Enki‘s Abzu.

         26-32 Your lock has no rival.

       Your bolt is a fearsome lion.

       Your roof beams are the bull of heaven, an artfully made bright headgear.

       Your reed-mats are like lapis lazuli, decorating the roof-beams.

       Your vault is a bull (some mss. have instead: wild bull) raising its horns.

         (beasts of protection fashioned for mortal alien gods, putting “the fear of god” upon disloyal earthlings)

       Your door is a lion who seizes a man (1 ms. has instead: is awe-inspiring).

       Your staircase is a lion coming down on a man.

           33-43 Abzu (Persian Gulf marshes), pure place which fulfills its purpose!

       E-engura! Your lord has directed his steps towards you.

       Enki, lord of the abzu, has embellished your foundation pegs with cornelian.

        5bb - Enki's waterway in Eridu (the joyful docking at Enki‘s house E-engura)

       He has adorned you with …… and (?) lapis lazuli.

       The temple of Enki is provisioned with holy wax (?);

       it is a bull obedient to its master, roaring by itself and giving advice at the same time.

       E-engura (Enki’s house), which Enki has surrounded with a holy reed fence!

       In your midst a lofty throne is erected, your door-jamb is the holy locking bar of heaven. “

          44-48 Abzu, pure place, place where the fates are determined — the lord of wisdom, lord Enki,

       (1 ms. adds the line: the lord who determines the fates,)

       Nudimmud (Enki), the lord of Eridug (Eridu), lets nobody look into its midst.

       Your abgal priests let their hair down their backs.

         49-61 Enki‘s beloved Eridug, E-engura whose inside is full of abundance!

       Abzu, life of the Land, beloved of Enki!

       Temple built on the edge, befitting the artful divine powers (alien technologies)!

       Eridug, your shadow extends over the midst of the sea!

       Rising sea without a rival; mighty awe-inspiring river which terrifies the Land!

       E-engura, high citadel (?) standing firm on the earth!

        5ba - Sumerian ship coming to port(Enki‘s house with communication towers on edge of the marshlands)

       Temple at the edge of the engur, a lion in the midst of the Abzu; lofty temple of Enki,

       which bestows wisdom on the Land; your cry, like that of a mighty rising river, reaches (?) king Enki.

        62-67 He made the lyre, the aljar instrument, the balaj drum with the drumsticks (some mss. have instead:

       the lyre, the aljar instrument, the balaj drum of your sur priests  (1 ms. has instead: your lyre and aljar instrument,

       the balaj drum with the drumsticks) (1 ms. has instead: the lyre, the aljar instrument, the balaj drum

       and even the plectrum (?)), the harhar, the sabitum, and the …… miritum instruments offer their best for his holy temple.

       The …… resounded by themselves with a sweet sound.

       The holy aljar instrument of Enki played for him on his own and seven singers sang (some mss. have instead: tigi drums resounded).

          68-7“What Enki says is irrefutable; …… is well established (?).

      “This is what Isimud spoke to the brick building; he praised the E-engura with sweet songs (1 ms. has instead: duly).

       3j - unknown, Utu, Ninurta, & Enki2e - Eridu temple reconstruction

                      (Utu & Ninurta visit Enki in Eridu)                              (Enki‘s far advanced home in Eridu on Earth Colony)

       71-82 As it has been built, as it has been built; as Enki has raised Eridug up,

       it is an artfully built mountain which floats on the water.

       His shrine (?) spreads (?) out into the reed-beds; birds brood (1 ms. adds: at night) in its green orchards laden with fruit.

       The suhur carp play among the honey-herbs, and the ectub carp dart among the small gizi reeds.

       When Enki rises, the fishes rise before him like waves.

       1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region3c - Enki in the Abzu (Eridu was on the Euphrates River, along the banks of the Persian Gulf, in the Abzu / marshlands; Enki raises up the fishes) 

       He has the abzu stand as a marvel, as he brings joy into the engur.     

         83-92 Like the sea, he is awe-inspiring; like a mighty river, he instils fear.

       The Euphrates rises before him as it does before the fierce south wind.

       His punting pole is Nirah (some mss. have instead: Imdudu); his oars are the small reeds.

        5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes (alien gods, builders of ships, transporting goods, etc. down river)

       When Enki embarks, the year will be full of abundance.

       The ship departs of its own accord, with tow rope held (?) by itself.

       As he leaves the temple of Eridug, the river gurgles (?) to its lord: its sound is a calf’s mooing, the mooing of a good cow.

        7e - unknowns, Isumud, & Enki

           (Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king, Isumud, & Enki in the Abzu, father to some of Ninsun‘s children)

         93-95 Enki had oxen slaughtered, and had sheep offered there lavishly (food for alien gods).

       Where there were no ala drums, he installed some in their places;

       where there were no bronze ub drums, he dispatched some to their places.

        3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s E-kur, mud-brick-built mountain residence in Nippur, alien Anunnaki gods Communications Center / Command Central for Earth Colony, top of structure was added by American archaeologists in 1900)

         96-103 He directed his steps on his own to Nibru and entered the Giguna, the shrine of Nibru (Nippur, named after Nibiru).

       Enki reached for (?) the beer, he reached for (?) the liquor.

        3a - Enki on Dilmun seal (Enki & daughter Ninsikila; Enki & others in Dilmun)

       He had liquor poured into big bronze containers, and had emmer-wheat beer pressed out (?).

       In kukuru containers which make the beer good he mixed beer-mash.

       By adding date-syrup to its taste (?), he made it strong.

       He …… its bran-mash.

       5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

          (Apkulla / pilot,     Enki, King Anu in his winged sky-disc, Enlil, & winged eagle-headed Apkulla / pilot)

         104-116 In the shrine of Nibru, Enki provided a meal for Enlil, his father (younger 1/2 brother).

       He seated An (his father) at the head of the table and seated Enlil next to An.

       He seated Nintud (Ninhursag, his sister) in the place of honour and seated the Anuna (Aninnaki) gods at the adjacent places (?).

       All of them were drinking and enjoying beer and liquor.

       They filled the bronze aga vessels to the brim and started a competition, drinking from the bronze vessels of Urac (Ninhursag).

        2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755  (Ninhursag, King Anu‘s eldest daughter, Enki‘s lifelong love)

       They made the tilimda vessels shine like holy barges.

       After beer and liquor had been libated and enjoyed, and after …… from the house, Enlil was made happy in Nibru.

           (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, King Anu‘s son & heir, stationed on Earth for colonization purposes)

           117-129 Enlil addressed the Anuna gods: “Great gods who are standing here!

       Anuna, who have lined up in the place of assembly!

       My son (older ½ brother), king Enki, has built up the temple!

        (Eridu ruins)

       He has made Eridug rise up (?) (1 ms. has instead: come out) from the ground like a mountain!

       He has built it in a pleasant place, in Eridug, the pure place, where no one is to enter —

       a temple built with silver and decorated with lapis lazuli,

       a house which tunes the seven tigi drums properly, and provides incantations;

       where holy songs make all of the house a lovely place — the shrine of the Abzu, the good destiny of Enki,

       befitting the elaborate divine powers (alien technologies); the temple of Eridug, built with silver:

       3a - Enki & Aquarius constellation

                         (Enki, god of the waters,        Aquarius, his zodiac symbol)

        for all this, father Enki be praised!

Ishbi-Erra and Kindattu (Ishbi-Erra B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


        SEGMENT A

        unknown no. of lines missing

        1-7 1 line fragmentary

        …… to introduce …….

        At left and right was a crouching lion, …….. …… at the command of Enlil.

        Nippur appx 1948 (mud brick ruins of a city in Sumer)

        …… to reduce the city to ruin-mounds.

        He determined ……; …… Enlil is its ally!

        8 1st kirugu.

          (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, King Anu‘s son & heir, his commands are final)

          9-10 Enlil …… went forth …….

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

          1-10 1 line fragmentary

        He gave him ……, not implementing his strength.

        …… in princely style …….

        He approached the enemy like a snake spitting venom and gall.

        He wiped …… in the …… of Sumer.

       1a-1st-region-map 1e-larsa-1912 (Larsa 1912) 

        …… Larsa, …… in the plain of Urim (Ur).

        …… great …… did not escape his power.

        The great mass of the enemy …….IcbiErra (King IshbiErra) …….

        1 line fragmentary

        11-15 He fell ……

        4 lines fragmentary

        approx. 1 line missing

        SEGMENT C

        1-13 With the city ……. …… Marhaci ……. …… the foreign lands …….

        From Bacimi by the edge of the sea …… to the edge of Zabcali ……,

        and from Arawa, the bolt of Elam …… to the edge of Marhaci …….

        Kindattu, the man of Elam, ……. …… Isin, the great spindle of heaven and earth.

        The king’s battle did not …….

        The battle of Elam …… Sumer.

        …… by the edge of the sea.

        …… the land of Huhnuri.

        …… the wild animals and four-footed …….

        The king …… in the battle.

          142nd kirugu.

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT D

        1-5 …… a great chariot.

        The king …… Isin.

        …… a just verdict.

        Icbi-Erra …….

        1 line fragmentary

        4 lines missing


          (Enki, the eldest & wisest son on Earth Colony, King Anu in his sky-disc, father in Heaven / Nibiru, Enlil, Anu‘s 2nd son & royal heir, Enki & Enlil pointing to Tree of Life, both holding umbilical-chord-cutter in hand, Apkulla / pilots on the ends)

          10-14 Enlil …….

        The people …….


(Enlil with plow, father-in-law Haia, the Barley God, mother-in-law Nisaba seated, the Goddess of Grains, & spouse Ninlil, unidentified shepherd)

        Like small birds, …… the barley.

        …… the orchards.

        1 line fragmentary

        approx. 6 lines missing

        SEGMENT E

        1-9 1 line fragmentary

        …… to return …….

        He put its gold and precious belongings into sacks.

        "God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 28232aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad  (Enki, god responsible, with sister Ninhursag, for mixing earthling DNA with theirs)

        As for Zinnum, who escaped from them, Enki is their mackim.

         1a-1st-region-map  (“land between the rivers”, the “Eden”, Sumer with the 1st cities on Earth Colony)

        He was fed at the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris and the Kir-sig and Kic (Kish) watercourses.

        He died of thirst, persecuted by ghosts in the dry desert.

        The news was brought to Kindattu, the man of Elam.

        Ancan (Goddess of Grain) cried out to Cimacki, and he approached the mountains.

        He addressed the assembly of his army.

        10 3rd kirugu.

          11-12 Enlil has endowed my Icbi-Erra, the cultivator, with great strength …….

        13 Its jicgijal.

         (Nisaba, Enlil, spouse Ninlil, & semi-divine king)

        14-15 ……Enlil……Ninlil…….

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT F

          1-10  10 lines fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

A Hymn to Nininsina for Ishbi-Erra (Ishbi-Erra D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1- 9 The great gods elevated ……, and made …… perfect.

2 lines unclear

Your garment is an exalted garment; Enlil has …….

You were brought up sitting on the knees of An (Anu) the king, and the great gods elevated …….

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta (Bau / Gula with her invented cuba stone necklace, princess daughter to Nibiru King Anu)

Woman whose name inspires awe, Gula (Bau), …….

You go against all the foreign lands, lady who, for all her pleasantness,

fearsomely and mightily ……, who lifts her head in great and elevated divinity.

4c - Bau & her dog (Bau boundary stone, ancient landmark backed by the gods)

10Nininsina (Bau / Gula), your father established you in ladyship over the Land.

In awe at you, never altering the fearsomeness ……, holy Nininsina, lady Gula,

Nininsina, in the Egal-mah, (Bau‘s temple residence in Nippur) founded by An

bring joy to Icbi-Erra (King Ishbe-Erra), the beloved of your heart.

A Tigi to Nanaya for Ishbi-Erra (Ishbi-Erra C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature,

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-4 Lady of the princely powers, emerging brilliantly like the daylight, chosen forever for her virtuous beauty!

2 - Nanaya being presented to the daughter of the king (giant goddess Nanaya, semi-divine king, & his ill daughter, 8-Pointed Star symbol of Inanna, Utu‘s Sun God symbol, & Moon Crescent symbol of Nannar above)

Nanaya (Nabu‘s spouse), ornament of E-ana (temple residence in Uruk), worthy of the Lady!

Wise one, correctly chosen as lady of all the lands by the Mistress (Inanna):

Nanaya, you instruct the Land, bestowing wisdom in E-ana.

5 Barsud.

3a - Anu in flight (King Anu, leader of planet Nibiru‘s one-world-order, in his winged sky-disc)

6-11 As fine as An (Anu), woman with a holy (?) head, made perfect by the …… lady!

Nanaya, properly educated by holy Inana (Inanna / Ishtar),

woman who is as bright as the stars, wise lady who is available for everything,

righteous sympathetic woman, lady who is always available on request,

1f-inanna-with-liberty-torch (Inanna & Enlil, Earth Colony Commander Enlil‘s favored granddaughter)

counseled by holy Inana, beloved by the Mistress!

Nanaya, great judge, deity who occupies the high throne of Unug (Uruk)!

12 Cagbatuku.

13-16 Righteous woman who knows well the verdicts of the good decisions of the Land,

Nanaya, who is wise in directing the city and the numerous people, exalted woman adept at holy speech,

3e - Anu's Temple in Uruk  (E-ana ziggurat, Anu, Inanna, Ninsun, & other gods lived there for thousands of years)

lady fitted for beauty, Nanaya, pride of E-ana, well-spoken one of the Land!

17 2nd barsud.

  (An / Anu, king of the giant aliens, father in heaven to royal “sons who came down” to set Earth Colony)

18-22 By An, the benevolent eye of the Land, the king of all countries,

Nanaya …… the Land …… E-ana …… beauty …….

  (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, his word is final)

The youthful good shepherd, the son of Nunamnir (Enlil), has …… —

Icbi-Erra (King Ishbe-Erra), who wields great powers, ……

Nanaya his prayers unendingly like strong liquor …… of E-ana.

23 Cabaduga.

24 Icbi-Erra, constant benefactor of E-ana.

25 Sa-gida.


                        (Inanna conquers Jericho, her 8-Pointed Star symbol & father Nannar‘s Moon Crescent symbol)

26-27 Your Nanaya, who is beloved in the Land by the Mistress (Inanna),

is chosen together with you (?), Icbi-Erra; may you always be eulogized by her.

28 Jicgijal.

29-41 Great lady, worthy source of inspiration, counseled (?) by the Mistress:

luxurious divine powers have been generously given to you by the Mistress.

              (Marduk, Inanna, Nabu, & his spouse Nanaya)

Nanaya, great lady, worthy source of inspiration, counseled (?) by the Mistress!

Icbi-Erra, you are the king and shepherd of the people!

2-anu-as-alalus-cup-bearer-hittite-tale  (Anu prior to his kingship, & Alalu as king of planet Nibiru, Nibiru‘s winged disc symbol above)

Nanaya, by the command of An you are the queen of all the countries.

In the shrine, in Kulaba, …… he declares it,

and the people turn their hearts towards you as you address them.

Nanaya, good woman, you are the favorable (?) name of the black-headed (the earthlings)!

O youth chosen in beauty by the Mistress, (Inanna took him as a semi-divine spouse) son of Enlil,

your wise word is brightly made good for the goddess Inana!

O Nanaya, the goddess has created your holy powers …… for you.

1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus1c-astarte-hittite-goddess-of-love 1d-inanna-in-the-nude

      (after spouse Dumuzi‘s death, young widowed Inanna espoused dozens of semi-divins appointed to kingships for thousands of years, hence was named the Goddess of Love)

You have …… turned the favorable eye of life onto the bedchamber,

and Icbi-Erra is the youth chosen for his beauty.

42 Sa-jara.

43 A tigi of Nanaya.

A Praise Poem of Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

          1-4 Iddin-Dagan, in his majestic location An (Anu) has decided a great fate for you, has made the just crown shine for you,

        has raised you to shepherdship over the Land, has placed the foreign lands at your feet.

           (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, started kingship on Earth under them, for earthlings as go-betweens)

          5-13 Enlil has looked at you truly, Iddin-Dagan, he has spoken truly to you.

        Enlil has commanded you to keep firm the cosmic bond in Sumer,

        to keep the people on the track, to let Sumer and Akkad relax under your broad protection,

        to let the people eat noble food and drink fresh water.

        (semi-divine king with dinner, Ninurta, & Enlil)

        Iddin-Dagan, you are the shepherd in his heart, the one whom Enlil has spoken to truly.

          14-17 Enki has brought to you, Iddin-Dagan, broad understanding, knowledge of everything,

        wise command, a life (?) that comes from the mouth of a lion.

        May all the foreign lands praise you.

          18-23 Son (mixed-breed) born to Dagan (Enki, Enlil in this case) , elevated lord who increases the people,

        Iddin-Dagan, may you look approvingly on your city.

        Balm of the heart who neglects nothing, Enlil rejoices in you.

        (semi-divine king & Utu the Sun God)

        When like Utu you bring forth a just light, people’s eyes are indeed directed towards it.

        All the foreign lands stay calm under your broad protection.

        24-34 You have put the highways and roads in order,

        made the Land content, placed justice in every mouth, made propriety resplendent.

        You have marked the borders (?) and fixed the boundaries, made Sumer and Akkad raise their necks.

        Iddin-Dagan, you have restored the purification rituals of the deities which you have organized.

        What you order …….

        Your word reaches holy heaven, your utterances cover the heavens.

        35-42 At Enlil‘s command, your gaze brings men life, your conversation brings men health.

        Enlil rejoices in your speech. Ninlil declares “so be it” to your desires.

         (Ninlil on shore, Enlil, & son Nuska)

        Shepherd Enlil is your support.

        Iddin-Dagan, who is built like you (bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & could live longer than earthlings)?

        People’s eyes are directed towards you.

        3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth2e - Enlil's home in Nippur

              (E-kur, Enlil‘s mud-brick-built ziggurat / mountain residence in Nippur, Earth Colony Command Central)

        43-46 You are indeed the man for the E-kur (Enlil‘s residence in Nippur).

        May your offerings in the house of Enlil never cease.

        May the brickwork of the E-kur speak well of you to Enlil and Ninlil.

        At the favorable word of An (Anu) and Enlil,

        (King) Iddin-Dagan, may princely strength be yours.

          47-52 Your magnificent reputation exists throughout the Land — your name dazzles to the horizon.

        Mighty man, standing in battle and conflict with heroism and strength, you come to batter rebellious lands.

        From the womb Dagan (Enlil in this case) decreed that as your destiny.

        He has placed your praise in all mouths.

        53-59 Your kingship is good for the people.

        After your shepherdship had pleased the heart,

        the people became numerous under you, the people spread wide under you.

        All the foreign lands lie down in pastures thanks to you.

        The people spend their days in abundance thanks to you.

        The black-headed direct their gaze on you, Iddin-Dagan, as on your father.

          60-63 Iddin-Dagan, may Enlil, the lord who determines fate, make your days long.

        May he who knows everything look approvingly on you with approbation.

           (Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, Master Scribe, Goddess of Grains)

        64-70 May your exceeding wisdom, given by the tablets of Nisaba, never cease on the clay in the tablet house.

        4 - Nisaba, Ninlil's mother, Her Holy Stylus (example of Nisaba‘s texts, placed in ancient libraries)

        In this tablet house, like a shrine fashioning everything, may it never come to an end.

        May Nisaba (Enlil‘s mother-in-law), the shining …… lady, give wisdom

        to the junior scribe who puts his hand to the clay and writes this on it.

        May she show generosity.

        In the place of writing may she come forth like the sun for him.

          71-79 Iddin-Dagan, your father Cu-ilicu (Shu-ilishu), the king of the Land, made the foundation of Sumer and Akkad firm for you.

         (Enlil, Inanna, King Anu, & Ninhursag)

        By the commands of An and Enlil you excel and overwhelm the enemy territories.

        Iddin-Dagan, mighty king, king of Isin, king of Sumer and Akkad,

        everything to the end of wisdom has come forward for you.

        You are the mighty heir (Biblical “mighty man”, “hero of old”, giant), you have authority,

        Iddin-Dagan, you have raised the neck to heaven in princeship.

Inana and Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


          1-16 I shall greet her who ascends above, her who ascends above, I shall greet the Mistress who ascends above,

        2c - goddesses in flying discs (Inanna hovers above her appointed mixed-breed king)

        I shall greet the great lady of heaven, Inana (Inanna)!

        I shall greet the holy torch who fills the heavens, the light,

        Inana, her who shines like daylight (Venus), the great lady of heaven, Inana!

        I shall greet the Mistress, the most awesome lady among the Anuna gods (Anunnaki);

        1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons1c - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo 1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus

          (Inanna atop her zodiac symbol of Leo, her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus above her on each artifact)

        the respected one who fills heaven and earth with her huge brilliance; the eldest daughter of Suen (Nannar / Sin), Inana!

         The goddess Ishtar and her accolites on a mountain. Ishtar is shown in her warrior-aspect,with tiara and armour, her lion at her feet. From the ground around palace of Shakkanakku, Mari, period of the Amorite dynasties. 19th-18th BCE H: 11 cm Inv. 2880  (Nannar statue, Nannar with children Inanna & Utu)

        For the young lady I shall sing a song about her grandeur, about her greatness, about her exalted dignity;

        about her radiantly ascending at evening; about her filling the heavens like a holy torch;

        about her stance in the heavens, as noticeable by all lands, from the south to the highlands,

        as that of Nanna (Nannar / Sin) or of Utu (Shamash); about the greatness of the Mistress of heaven!

        17 1st kirugu.

        18 Her rising is that of a warrior.

          19 Jicgijal.

        3a - Anu & Inanna
            (An / Anu                             Inanna in battle-dress atop her zodiac symbol Leo)

          20-33 When standing in the heavens she is the good wild cow of An (Anu), on earth she instils respect; she is the lady of all the lands.

        She received the divine powers (alien technology) in the Abzu (Enki‘s residence in the marshlands),

        2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu (Eridu ruins, Enki‘s 1st Earth resident location)

        in Eridug (Eridu); her father Enki presented them to her.

        He placed the lordship and kingship in her hands.

        She takes her seat on the great dais with An (Anu); she determines the fates in her Land with Enlil.

        Monthly, at the new moon, the gods of the Land gather around her so that the divine powers (alien technologies) are perfected.

         (winged Apkulla / pilot, Inanna, Ninshubur, Apkulla / pilot)   

        The great Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, having bowed before them,

        stand there with prayers and supplications and utter prayers on behalf of all the lands.

        My lady decrees judgments in due order for the Land.

        (2 mss. add the line: Inana decides verdicts for the Land together with Enlil.)

        Her black-headed people parade before her.

        34 2nd kirugu.

        The storm-god Teisheba standing on his animal-attribute the lion, in front of him a worshipper. Votive plate from the kingdom of Urartu, Turkey. The upper od the plate has merlons like contemporary fortress walls. Bronze, H: 13,8 cm AO 28086 (Inanna, Goddess of War upon the lion-Leo, her zodiac symbol)

        35-43 Making silver aljar instruments sound for her, they parade before her,

        holy Inana. I shall greet the great lady of heaven, Inana!

        Making holy ub and holy lilis drums sound for her, they parade before her,

        holy Inana. I shall greet the great lady of heaven, Inana!

        Beating (?) holy balaj and holy lilis drums for her, they parade before her,

        holy Inana. I shall greet (1 ms. adds: in (?) her grandeur, in (?) her greatness,

        in (?) her exalted dignity as she ascends radiantly at evening,) (Venus) the eldest daughter of Suen (Nannar)

        (some mss. have instead: the great lady of heaven), Inana!

          44 3rd kirugu.

        1d - Inanna in the nude 1c - Astarte, Hittite goddess of love 1e - Ishtar, goddess of love  (Inanna the Goddess of Love)

        45-58 Combing (?) their hair (?) for her, male prostitutes parade before her, holy Inana (Goddess of Love).

        Their locks of hair at the back are adorned for her with colored bands (?); they parade before her, holy Inana.

        Clothed (?) in the leather (?) of divinity, they parade before her, holy Inana.

        The trustworthy man (1 ms. has instead: king) and the proud lady,

        the doyenne of the great wise women, parade before her, holy Inana.

        Those who are in charge (?) of beating (?) the soothing balaj drums parade before her, holy Inana.

        Each girded with a sword belt, the strength of battle, they parade before her, holy Inana.

        Grasping a spear, the strength of battle, in their hands, they parade before her, holy Inana.

          59 4th kirugu.

        60-68 Dressed with mens clothing on the right side, they parade before her, holy Inana.

        I shall greet the great lady of heaven, Inana!

        Adorned (?) with womens clothing on the left side, they parade before her, holy Inana.

        I shall great the great lady of heaven, Inana!

        Competing with skipping ropes of (?) colored cords for her, they parade before her, holy Inana.

        I shall greet the eldest daughter of Suen (1 ms. has instead: the great lady of heaven), Inana!

          69 5th kirugu.

        70-81 Young men put into neck-stocks (?) sing to her and parade before her, holy Inana.

        Young women, cugia priestesses, coiffured, parade before her, holy Inana.

        …… sword and dagger for her, they parade before her, holy Inana.

        With daggers in their hands, …… kurjara priests parade before her, holy Inana.

        Those who cover their swords with gore spatter blood as they parade before her, holy Inana.

        Blood is poured on the dais standing in the guena hall, as tigi, cem and ala drums are made to sound loudly.

                       (Inanna              Ninurta     Enlil; alien weaponry & symbols of the gods)

        82-87 The Mistress stands alone in the pure heavens.

        From the midst of heaven my lady looks with joy at all the lands

        and the black headed people, who are as numerous as sheep (1 ms. has instead: ewes).

        (some mss. add the line: They parade before her, holy Inana).

        I praise the lady of the evening, Inana, the august one, the young lady, Inana.

        The lady of the evening (Goddess of Love-Venus) reaches the borders of heaven!

        (1 ms. has instead: The lady exalted as high as the heaven, Inana), is august!

        88 6th kirugu.

        1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus1a - Inanna & her 8-pointed star symbol1h - Inanna, spouse Dumuzi, & the Underworld
        (Inanna & her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, the 8th star / planet viewed when entering our solar system from the outside)

        89-105 When at evening, the radiant star, the Venus star, the great light which fills the holy heavens,

        the lady of the evening (Venus), ascends above like a warrior, the people in all the lands lift their gaze to her.

        The men purify themselves, the woman cleanse themselves.

        The oxen toss (?) their heads in their yoke.

        The sheep stir up dust in their pens.

        Because of my lady, the numerous beasts of Cakkan (animal god),

        the creatures of the plain, the four-legged animals under the broad heavens

        (1 ms. has instead: of the broad high (?) plain), the orchards and gardens, the plots, the green reed-beds,

        the fish of the deep, the birds of heaven, all hasten to their sleeping places.

        All the living creatures and the numerous people bend the knee before her.

        When called for (?) by my lady the matriarchs plentifully provide food and drink, and my lady refreshes herself in her Land.

        There is play in the Land, which is made festive.

        The young men take pleasure in their spouses.

          106-110 From the midst of heaven my lady looks down with joy.

        They parade before her, holy Inana.

        The lady of the evening, Inana, is august; I praise the young lady, Inana.

        The lady of the evening, her grandeur reaches the borders of heaven!

        111 7th kirugu.

        3ma - Inanna & Enlil goddess   (Inanna & Enlil, Inanna‘s 8-pointed star of Venus, Enlil‘s 7-planets symbol of Earth, Lucky # 7, Nannar’s Moon Crescent symbol, Nannar = Enlil‘s son & Inanna‘s father)

        112-121 At night the skilled and beautiful one (?), the joy of An (King Anu = Enlil‘s father),

        the ornament of broad heaven, appears like moonlight; in the heat of the noon she appears like sunlight.

        After the storehouses of the Land have been filled with fine food,

        and all the lands and the black-headed people have assembled,

        (1 ms. adds: and the storehouses of the Land have been made full (?),)

        those who sleep on the roofs and those who sleep by the walls step up before her with …… and bring her their cases.

        Then she makes her orders known, and identifies the evil.

        She judges the evil as evil and destroys the wicked.

        She looks with favor on the just and determines a good fate for them.

        122-126 From the midst of heaven my lady looks down with joy.

        They parade before her, holy Inana.

        The lady exalted as high as the heaven, Inana, is august!

        I praise the young woman, Inana.

        The lady exalted as high as the heaven, her grandeur reaches the borders of heaven.

        1278th kirugu.

        128-131 The beautiful lady, the joy of An, has ascended above like a warrior.

        She carries there what befits the …… of heaven.

        3a - Anu in flight (An / Anu, king of the alien Anunnaki, Enlil, Anu, & Enki hovering in alien winged sky-disc)

        She takes counsel with An (Anu) in his lofty place.

        Among youths and heroes (some mss. have instead: heroic youths), may she be alone chosen!

          132 Jicgijal.

        133 She is mighty, she is respected, she exalted, she is august and great, she is surpassing in youthfulness.

           134 Cagbatuku.

        135-141 As the lady, admired by the Land, the lone star, the Venus star (Goddess of Love),        

        4b - Inanna & Utu with earthlings under foot
                             (Utu                    Inanna, & much smaller earthlings under foot, one held by nose ring)

        the lady elevated as high as the heaven, ascends above like a warrior, all the lands tremble before her …….

        The faithful black-headed (the earthlings) people bow to her.

        The young man traveling on the road directs himself by her.

        The oxen raise their heads in their yoke to her.

        (2 mss. add: The melody of the song of those tending the cattle resounds …… on the plain.

        The farmer …… the cattle …… their yoke in the Land.)

        With her the storehouses of the Land prosper.

        142-149 Everybody hastens to holy Inana.

        For my lady in the midst of heaven the best of everything is prepared (?).

        In the pure places of the plain, at its good places, on the roofs, on the rooftops, the rooftops of the dwellings (?),

        in the sanctuaries (?) of mankind, incense offerings like a forest of aromatic cedars are transmitted to her.

        3a - Inanna & Dumuzi (Inanna & spouse Dumuzi The Shepherd, son to Enki)

        They sacrifice alum sheep, long-haired sheep, and fattened sheep for her.

        They purify the earth for the Mistress, they carry out purification rites for her (some mss. have instead: celebrate her in songs).

        150-162 They fill the tables of the Land with ghee, dates, cheese, and seven sorts of fruits as first-fruit offerings for her.

        4 - drinking bouts of the gods (giants working on getting drunk)

        They pour dark beer for her, they pour light beer for her.

        Dark beer, emmer beer, and emmer beer for my lady bubble in the cagub jar and the lamsari vat for her.

        2b - offering to Inanna, & towers (black-headed earthling serves Inanna, & takes care of the needs of the gods)

        From pastes of honey mixed with ghee (some mss. add the line:

        From …… mixed with ghee), they bake date-syrup cakes for her.

        They pour out early-morning beer, flour, flour in honey, honey, and wine of sunrise for her.

        The personal gods of the people also attend upon her with food and drink.

        They provide the Mistress with food in the holy place, the pure place.

        (some mss. have instead: They purify the earth for the Mistress, they celebrate her in songs.)

        163-167 From the midst of heaven my lady looks down with joy.

        They parade before her, holy Inana.

        Inana, the lady exalted as high as the heaven is august!

        I praise the young lady, Inana.

        The lady exalted as high as the heaven, her grandeur reaches the borders of heaven!

        168 9th kirugu.

        169-180 When the black-headed people have assembled in the palace,

        the house that advises the Land, the neck-stock of all the foreign countries,

        the house of the river of ordeal, a dais is set up for Ninegala (Inanna).

        1c - Astarte, Hittite goddess of love 1 - Inanna & Dumuzi, young lovers (Inanna in the holy bed; Dumuzi & Inanna)

        The divine king stays there with her.

        At the New Year, on the day of the rites, in order for her to determine the fate of all the countries

        (1 ms. has instead: in order for the life of all the countries to be attended to),

        so that during the day (?) the faithful servants can be inspected, so that on the day of the disappearance of the moon

       1f - nude Inanna in bed  (Inanna espoused Dumuzi The Shepherd, when he died, she espoused many, many mixed-breed kings)

        the divine powers (alien technologies) can be perfected, a bed is set up for my lady.

        Esparto grass is purified with cedar perfume and arranged on that bed for my lady,

        and a coverlet is smoothed out on the top (?) of it.

        181-186 In order to find sweetness in the bed on the joyous coverlet, my lady bathes her holy thighs.

        She bathes them for the thighs of the king; she bathes them for

        (some mss. have instead: with head held high she goes to) the thighs of (giant mixed-breed King) Iddin-Dagan.

        Holy Inana rubs herself with soap; she sprinkles oil and cedar essence on the ground.

        1g - nude Inanna in ivory 1i - nude Inanna, Ishtar 1j - Inanna was present everywhere (Inanna)

        187-194 The king goes to her holy thighs with head held high,

        (some mss. add: she goes to the thighs of Iddin-Dagan,) he goes to the thighs of Inana with head held high.

        Ama-ucumgal-ana lies down beside her and caresses her holy thighs

        (some mss. have instead: (says:) “O my holy thighs! O my holy Inana!”).

        After the lady has made him rejoice with her holy thighs on the bed,

        after holy Inana has made him rejoice with her holy thighs on the bed,

        she relaxes (?) with him on her bed:Iddin-Dagan, you are indeed my beloved!”

        1h - nude Inanna in cape (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War in cuffs)

          195-202 To pour libations, to carry out purification rites, to heap up incense offerings,

        to burn juniper resin (?), to set out food offerings, to set out offering-bowls, he goes into her Egal-mah.

        She embraces her beloved spouse, holy Inana embraces him.

        She shines like daylight on the great throne dais

        (1 ms. has instead: the throne at one side (?)) and makes the king position himself next (?) to her like the sun.

        2aa - Uruk vase of offerings to Inanna (Inanna being tended to by the “black-headed”)

        203-216 Abundance and celebration are prepared before her in plenty.

        He arranges a rich banquet for her.

        The black-headed people line up before her.

        With instruments loud enough to drown out the south wind-storm, with sweet sounding aljar instruments,

        the glory of the palace, and with harps, the source of joy for mankind, musicians perform songs which delight her heart.

        The king sees to what is eaten and drunk,

        Ama-ucumgal-ana (pet name used for Dumuzi, Inanna‘s deceased spouse) sees to what is eaten and drunk.

        The palace is in festive mood, the king is joyous.

        The people spend the day amid plenteousness.

        Ama-ucumgal-ana stands in great joy.

        May his days be long on the splendid throne!

        He proudly (?) occupies the royal dais.

          217-222 They praise my lady on my behalf (?) with the hymns of heaven and earth.

        “You are the Mistress born together with heaven and earth.”

        In the holy place, the pure place, they celebrate the Mistress in songs:

        “Joy of the black-headed people, ornament of the assembly,

        Inana, eldest daughter of Suen, lady of the evening (Venus), your praise is good!”.

      (Utu & Inanna hover above semi-divine king; Inanna with 2 others in her winged sky-disc)

        223-225 From the midst of heaven my lady looks down with joy.

        They parade before her, holy Inana.

        Inana, the lady elevated as high as the heavens, is august!

        (some mss. have instead: The lady of the evening, her grandeur reaches the borders of heaven!)

        22610th kirugu.

        227-228 She is mighty, she is respected, she is exalted, she is august and great, she is surpassing in youthfulness!

          229 Jicgijal.

        2i - Sumerian Inanna, twin sister to Utu (Inanna / Ninsiana, powerful granddaughter to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

        230 A cirnamursaja of Ninsiana (Inanna).

An adab to Ningublaga (Utu) for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan C) : translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

        SEGMENT A

          1-4 The lord, a furious angry storm against the enemy, ……, strong …….,

        my lord who brings life to the people, whose own father ……, a great storm, a mighty ……,

        has …… a battle-cry — the lord whose manliness is impressively strong, ……!

          5 Barsud.


              (Utu with earthling underfoot, Inanna with captive held by nose ring;  Inanna & twin Utu with foot upon small earthling)

          6-9 Hero, with a battle-cry you have angrily piled up skulls in the rebel lands.

        You have terrified their brick buildings and scattered their chaff heavenward.

        Rampant wild bull, with a battle-cry you have angrily piled up skulls in the rebel lands.

        You have terrified their brick buildings and scattered their chaff heavenward.

          10-13 Divine offspring of a prince, by your casting down their city dwellings,

        their protective gods have been alienated because of you.

        You have made them abandon their beautiful shrines (?) and follow another path.

        Rampant wild bull, by your casting down their city dwellings, their protective gods have been alienated because of you.

        You have made them abandon their beautiful shrines (?) and follow another path.

        3a - Utu in the mountains with weapons of brilliance??????????????????????????2ka-peru-utus-sawed-off-mountain-top-airport-used-by-the-gods

                               (Utu                                                              Utu cuts launch & landing pads into mountains)

          14-17 You flatten those mountains and turn them over to ghostly winds.

        You make their young warriors submit, no longer able to enter into battle.

        Rampant wild bull, you flatten those mountains and turn them over to ghostly winds.

        You make their young warriors submit, no longer able to enter into battle.

          18 Cagbatuku.

          19-224 lines fragmentary

          23 2nd barsud.

          24-27 ……, a furious angry …… against the enemy, …… evil men.

        The …… arranges the cattle for Suen‘s (Nannar / Sin‘s) house.

        ……, a furious angry …… against the enemy, …… evil men.

        The …… arranges the cattle for Suen‘s house (ziggurat residence in Ur).

        3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest2e - El & 2 lions

                                (Biblical Abraham’s city of Ur way below Suen’s / Nannar‘s house)                                                                (Nannar & his cattle pens in Ur)

          28-31 He has spoken to Nanna (Nannar) on behalf of ……

        whose ways are beloved of Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), on behalf of the just …… (King) Iddin-Dagan.

        He has spoken to Nanna on behalf of …… whose ways are beloved of Acimbabbar, on behalf of the just …… Iddin-Dagan.

          32 1 line fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

          1-4 4 lines fragmentary

          5-8 …… given over to kingship by the word of Suen, …… whom Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) has clothed in the royal robe of office!

         (Ninsun, semi-divine king brought by Inanna before father Nannar)

        Rampant wild bull given over to kingship by the word of the hero Suen, ……

        whom Acimbabbar has clothed in the royal robe of office!

        6aa - Nannar & early priest of Ur

                            (3 earthling females, giant mixed-breed high-priest or king serving alien giant god Nannar, patron god of Ur)

          9-12 ……, a lion, his father’s respectful son, …… who …… for Iddin-Dagan!

        Rampant wild bull, a lion, his father’s respectful son, …… who …… for Iddin-Dagan!

          13-16 …… justly like sunlight, …… who like Acimbabbar gives correct verdicts!

        Rampant wild bull …… justly like sunlight, …… who like Acimbabbar gives correct verdicts!

          17-20 Rampant wild bull soothing Nanna‘s heart for Iddin-Dagan each day, whose just word is pleasing to Suen, who ……!

        Rampant wild bull soothing Nanna‘s heart for Iddin-Dagan each day, whose just word is pleasing to Suen, who ……!

          21-24…… hero given great and majestic strength by Acimbabbar,

        supporter of Iddin-Dagan, may you destroy the insubordinate lands!

        Rampant wild bull given great and majestic strength by Acimbabbar,

        supporter of Iddin-Dagan, may you destroy the insubordinate land!

          25 Sa-jara.

          26 Rampant wild bull, may you respond to Iddin-Dagan for …… days.

          27 Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

          28-30 Hero, formidable flood that no man comes forward to oppose!

        Lord Ningublaga (Utu), formidable flood that no man comes forward to oppose!

        Sumun-zig (Rampant wild bull), may you be the crusher of Iddin-Dagan’s enemies!

        7 - Inanna. Utu, & Earthling underfoot

         (Inanna & twin brother Utu holding high-tech weaponry, earthling underfoot, much smaller than alien gods)

          31 Its uru.

        2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna (Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, twin brother to Inanna, the Goddess of Love & War)

          32 An adab of Ningublaga.