Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Ninhursag’s (Houses in Adab & ?) Temple Hymns

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

2 lines missing

1 line fragmentary

An (Anu) has …… your platform.

E-ma (Exalted house), house  (ziggurat / temple / residence) of the universe, suited for its lady,

your front inspires great awesomeness, your interior is filled with radiance.

3 - Ninhursah & Inanna2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc (Ninhursag & NInsun; young Ninhursag, sister to Enki)

Mother Nintur (Ninhursag), Enlil and Enki have determined your destiny.

E-suga (Joyous (?) house) which ……, life of the black-headed (the earthlings),

An has given you the magnificent divine powers from the interior of heaven.

2a - Lagash in Mesopotamia  (Ninhursag‘s Kish, Enlil started “kingships‘ for earthlings in Kish)

As in Keš (Kish), Ninursaĝa has blessed your priests maintaining the shrine in the holy uzga precinct.

House with great divine powers (alien technologies), a pure platform and cleansing lustration,

7d - Ninurta, Ur-Nammu builds temples for the gods (top: broken king & giant alien god Ninurta; bottom: Ninurta leads king Ur-Nammu to repair Enlil‘s ziggurat / residence in Nippur, earthling carries their water-bucket)

Ašgi (son Ninurta), the god of Adab, has erected a house in your precinct,

O Adab, O house situated at a canal,

O house Adab, and taken his seat upon your dais.

2aa - temple of Hathor - Ninhursag (Ninhursag artifacts from thousands of years ago)

15 lines: the house of Ninursaĝa (Ninhursag) in Adab.”

2nd Hymn

O E-ursaĝ (House which is a mountain) beautiful as greenery, ……

(The Sumerian name of this city is unknown) , your interior is plenitude.

At the place where destiny is determined you determine destiny.

May the crown bring joy to your platform.

May your roots glisten like an immense saĝkal snake in your holy foundations.

           3aa - Ninhursag & Enki experiment 2b - Ninhursag & Enki in lab4a - I have done it, the worker of the gods (Ninhursag & Enki in their DNA lab; Ninhursag produces an adequate worker-race, replacement workers for the gods, fashioned into their image & into their likeness for ease of communication & execution of orders from the gods)

Mother Nintur (Ninhursag), the lady of creation, performs her task within your dark place,

binding the true su crown on the new-born king,

setting the crown on the new-born lord who is secure in her hand.

The midwife of heaven and earth, Ninursaĝa, has erected a house in your precinct,

O house ……, and taken her seat upon your dais.

         12 lines: the house of Ninursaĝa in …….

Before All Befores

How the Earth Mother and Queen fell in love with the Skyfather and King


At the heart of Ancient Mesopotamian religion, there was the Sacred Marriage of Heaven and Earth, the wondrous coming together of matching polarities to engender a new whole. This was probably how this time-honored ritual came into being for the first time. For Lillith of Lusitânia


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


Before All Befores, there was Nammu (King Anu’s concubine & mother to many royals), the Sea,

She the Origin, Ever flowing Beginning.

              (Nammu statues from Mesopotamia)

Nammu was the First, the Source, the Mother of the Universe, the Self-Procreating Womb of Abundance,

Alone and All-In-One, Nammu was Primal Matter, the Deep Fertile Waters of the Sea.

Before All Befores (for time was yet to be),

              (DNA symbol of earthling double helix spiral)

Nammu revolved and flowed, squeezed, coiled and rushed like a double helix spiral.

Love she made for the first time to HerSelf, and she in Pure Joy reveled.

Nammu’s waters then opened up: she had given birth to Ki-An,

Creation’s first born, She the Mountain, He the Sky.


Before all Befores, wrapped around the liquid Body of the Mother,

Ki the Mountain, An the Sky held each other close in a most tender embrace.

Ki the Mountain, An the Sky lay in each other’s arms before all befores,

             (Anu the Sky in his winged sky-disc with sons Enlil & Enki)

when An was an empty Sky, Ki a stony earth, laying barren and unfulfilled

within Nammu’s fecund body fluid (Nammu is mother to Enki, Bau, Martu, sometimes Ereshkigal, etc.).

As Ki and An lay closer and closer still, something stirred, deep from within.


Love that bound An and Ki together brought into being a Sigh,

    (Lord Air Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir)

a Wind, a First Breath, and so was Enlil, Infant Lord Air (Enlil), manifested.

Thus, life throbbed in Cheerful Continuation, as An, the Mighty Bull of Heaven,

made love fifty times (and more!) to Ki, his Beloved, the All-Powerful Cow of Earth.


Ki (Anu’s official spouse Antu, mother to double-seed son Enlil) responded to An’s enthusiasm and passion in kind.

She made herself resplendent, for her brother-spouse she beautified joyously her body with the most precious metals,

fuels and lapis lazuli, she adorned herself with diorite, chalcedony and shiny carnelian.


  (Anunnaki King, Skyfather An / Anu in his winged sky-disc, Nannar too)

So did the Skyfather An (Anu) array himself in a cloak of the purest azure

to greet his dearest sister-spouse Ki (sometimes Ninhursag, sometimes Antu).

Then in great joy and reverence An, who called himself then Heaven approached Ki, whom he called Earth.

AnHeaven dived into Ki’s welcoming expanse.

Then Sky kissed Ki, pouring the semen of Trees,

Reeds and pastures into the beloved’s womb.

Ki, fecund, brave, sweet Earth, was impregnated with the rich semen of Heaven,

and joyfully gave birth to the plants of life.


Luxuriantly did Earth bear the rich produce, generously did she exude wine and honey.

Gleefully, she invited the Skies into herself over and over again.

Fifty times (and more!), Sky came into the Earth.

Fifty times (and more!), An’s seed met Ki’s; fifty times (and more!), An’s seed grew in Ki’s;

fifty times (and more!), An and Ki made love, and so the Anunnaki,

the first Generation of Gods (Anu‘s descendants only), in Ki’s womb was formed, as yet unnamed, waiting to be born.

Only Enlil (born of the “double-seed” law of succession to King Anu’s crown),

first of the Anunnaki (the second son to Anueldest son is Enki born of Anu’s favorite concubine Nammu),

Infant Lord Air (Enlil) was there within An’s and Ki’s (Antu’s) lap, all surrounded by Nammu’s Depths.


Nammu feels and sees everything.

She must now create space for her offspring.

Under Ki, surrounding Enlil, above An, Nammu arches and stretches,

her Watery Form to further Depths she directs.

Nammu defines HerSelf as the First Ocean, cradle of other life forms to come.

Mine are the Depths reaching out to the Surface’, decrees the Fates Nammu,

mine is the Process of Becoming out of Nothing’s embrace.

mine is the Nurturing Womb, Life’s first Mystery, mine is the Silence that all Life Created.’


Enlil, who was An’s Divine Inspiration and Ki’s First Sigh of Exultation,

the first of the Great Gods to be born, struggled to grow.

Then, a Movement, Energy and Direction.

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, King Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander)

It was Enlil seeking Expansion.

He grows stronger still, eager for his Destiny to fulfill.

Out of his parents’ embrace he wants to escape off to unconquered Spaces.

Growth out of the protective Nest, all by himself, this is Enlil’s first Quest.

Thus he summons his Might from within, and manifests without as a Great Wind.

Focused, Penetrating, Directed, Enlil’s might cuts through An’s and Ki’s embrace,

on through the fluid body of Mother Nammu.


A roar, a Bang is then heard, and so are the Bull of Heaven and Cow of Earth once and for all separated.

What primal Oneness once was becomes Multiplicity.

This was the beginning of Evolution, the never-ending Adventure of Being

that transcends in Search for Wholeness and Fruition.


Nammu sees the changes that take place, and once again the All-Powerful Mother decrees the fate of Her firstborns:

3a - Anu in flight  (Anu in his winged sky-disc, king of the Anunnaki giants on Earth)

An, Beloved Son, from now on you will be ever Above. the Sphere of the Heights will be yours to protect

Let it be called Upper-world (Nibiru), whereupon the Lights of the Spirit will thread.

Knowledge, Inspiration, Dreams and Visions will be yours to share.

Ki, Dearest Daughter, you will lay on my surface, for I need to feel your presence, your embrace.

Let your abode be called Middleworld (Earth),

Sphere of Form and Substance, mundane reality and physical home of everything that lives and grows.

And to give sustenance to That Which is Above, in the Middle and Below, let another realm be found.

I’ll call it Underworld, source of Memory of what was, is and will be,

land of Challenge, realm that will go beyond my very Depths,

Inner Essence that gives Form and Spirit sustenance.


2a - Enlil, Anu's son & heir   

          (alien giant gods with very long beards, Anu & his descendants wear royal crowns of animal horns)

Meanwhile, Young Enlil, will dance and stretch, his Formless Power is the Universe’s First Breath.

So will My Seed be in everything there Is to Be as the Inner Power to Grow

and Transform in Multiple combinations of all Sorts.’

Ki, looking up to the Skies, to An, her Brother Spouse, longed for his closeness and touch.

Bits of herself to the Skies reach out, searching for An, dancing all round, up, down and round they fly.

Ki contemplated this mystery and revealed its Meaning: An, beloved, Soul of my Body,

bound as One we can no longer be, but the Intangible that united us still exists.


By the Primeval Unity we once were, may all hear what I now declare:

That which is Below will ever be linked to that which is Above here and there I dare to fare!’

From Above, An looked down at his sister-spouse Ki (Antu), longing for her closeness and kiss.

Ki, Beloved, Body of My Soul, bound as One we can no longer be, but the Intangible that united us still exists.


So from the Highest Place I’ll watch over you, My Love.

I claim then as mine the Heavens, the Supreme Heights Above

And by the Primeval Unity we once were, may all hear what I now declare:

that Which is Above will be ever united to that Which is Below.

And to remind the Universe of this Great Truth, the horned crown upon the shrine I take as symbols of mine.

May the Universe never forget that the Bull of Heaven and Cow of Earth are one everywhere I dare to fare.’


Enlil contemplates the changes taking place.

Out of An’s and Ki’s nest, all by himself, the Primal Mover of the Universe feels bereft.

He then utters a Statement of Regret and a Request

Alone, all alone, I cannot be, so I ask you,

Mother, please stay with me! I need your touch and Company.

I vow from now on to guard you and protect you everywhere I go, your safety more important than my own.

So I ask to take Ki, the Earth, my Mother with me, and together we will build Ways to Eternity.

I’ll be Breath, you’ll be Form.

Please, dearest Mother, come right along and let’s the Universe transform!’


In the Heights Above, An wept, his tears Nammu’s waters met.

In the vastness of Nammu’s nurturing Depths, the Skyfather surrenders to a heartfelt sorrow for Ki,

longing for her lost love and kiss.

Nammu accepts the bittersweet tears of her firstborn, and he loses himself in her, accepting her tenderness and love.


Mother and Son, An and Nammu, meet and make sweet love, and from the mingling of their bodies a boy and a girl,

2aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad2 - Ereshkigal (Enki; Ereshkigal, alien giant descendants of King Anu)

Divine Twins (to Nammu) are born.

Enki and Ereshkigal (Ninhursag is Enki‘s twin), you I call,’ says Nammu. ‘

May the Wisdom of the Depths to you belong!

As high as An rests Above, as Deep as my Waters go below, so will you two go: as Within so Without.

Inner Beauty is your Quest, revealed for all to know!’




How the Great God/desses and Cosmic Powers came into being

A retelling on the birth of the Great Gods and Goddesses, and the Dark Guardians, the ones who are sometimes our best teachers, if we can see and act beyond their trials

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Ki, the Great Cosmic Mound, hardly had time to cry for the loss of Anu, the Skyfather,

her Beloved and Soul Counterpart, for something extremely important was about to happen:

‘Soon, very soon, I know, the time will come, the sacred time of Birth’,

said the Great Goddess, ‘then I will give birth to the Divine Babies,

the Great Gods and Goddess, sons and daughters of mine and Anu, offspring of our great love.


  (alien Anunnaki King Anu in his winged sky-disc)

Ah, Anu, from the Great Above wherever you are, my love, watch over me

and those who will grow up to adore you in the Depths Below!’

To her surprise, deep with tenderness and love the voice of the Skyfather sounded loud and true:

‘Body of my Soul, Womb to my Seed, wherever you or my children go in all worlds,

look up skywards and I will be there watching over you.

By my word, by my very being, I bind myself to you from all Heights I trail upon!’


Delighted, Ki blew a kiss to the skies, and took action.

To welcome the gods and goddesses to be

She needed a place, a most special place: safe, sacred, pure and sound around herself.

I wish a birth rut, a holy hill, and sacred mound, whereupon the Anunnaki, my very seed and Anu‘s,

the first gods and goddesses, your brothers and sisters, Enlil, will be first found.


I’ll call this place Duku, creation chamber of the world, place of the truest judgments, Integrity and Discernment.

Thus, once and for all I reaffirm the Bond Between Heaven and Earth,

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur

 (Enlil’s temple / residence in Nippur–Earth Colony Command Center, top added by American archaeologists around 1900)

the Holy Duranki between the Great Below and the Depths Above.

And as I will, so be it!’

Enlil promptly gathered all stones his hands and eyes found.

Ki plastered them her belly round, thus newly created shapes appeared on the ground.

Ki, Lady Fashioner, panted and squeezed until her babies, seed of An and her own, came tumbling without.

2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments (Ninhursag, Chief Medical Scientist of the Anunnaki on Earth Colony)

Ki, Aruru (Ninhursag), Foetus Loosener, Urash (Ninhursag),

felt them moving unto her holy lap and contentedly smiled at last:

Ki panted and squeezed until her babies, without any labor or pain,

the holy seeds of An and her own, came tumbling without.

She felt them moving unto her holy lap, and a boundless sense of wonder and joy filled her inside out:

I’ve given birth to the Powers that will shape the Land,

I’ve given birth to the Guardians that will protect the Land!

I’ve given birth, I’ve given birth to those who will ensoul the land!

May this day will be forever praised, may this hour for Eternity remembered, for out of my womb,

out of the holy Mound the Anunnaki, the first gods and goddesses of the land have sprouted!’


An contemplated the Mystery that took place and from the Heights Above

the Skyfather’s Words could be heard in all spaces: Ki, Beloved Body of my Soul, Sister without peer,

Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear, many Names will be given to you.

But for me you will forever be Ninhursag,

Queen of the Holy Hill, dearest Ninmah, Most Exalted Lady,

Queen and Best Companion along the Heights I trail You will be remembered,

Beloved, as Nintur, Lady Birth Hut, and nothing or no one will quite compare to you!

2c - young Ninhursag in lab (Ninhursag seated on her throne in her ziggurat in Kish)

Urash, Birth Giver, most sacred Aruru (Ninhursag) everlasting praises will be sung from now on to you!

Lady of Mound, where Life sprouts happy and free.

Body of my Soul, sister without peer,

Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear, mine is the Voice but for all I sing,

Mother of all Life, Lady of my heart, Beloved and Queen!’

This was how the Great Gods and Goddesses of the Land between the Two Rivers came into being.


This was how the Children of Earth and Sky became known in all worlds,

this was how they started to grow in Diversity to reveal the treasures of the Earth and greatness of the Heights.

Most of the children of An and Ninhursag-Ki were beautiful and perfect, the truest expression of a of great love.

Nevertheless, a deep, earlier anguish had left its mark on some.

These babies were the ones scarred in Ki’s womb

by the terrible moment of loss and agony when An was torn from Ki.

They therefore grew in pain and loss, thus bringing ambivalent benedictions without.

Their experience of Primal Oneness and Joy was too short,

for what nurtured them was Ki’s and An’s pain, loneliness and loss.


Within the Mother, they felt Pain and Repression, the Opposite of the Stuff Life is made of.

Dark Guardians this is how we will know them from now on,

the Challengers and Toughest Teachers one may find as one goes along.

Theirs will be the Unbalanced Energies eternally fighting Balance everywhere they go.

‘Children of our pain, Dark Guardians of Existence, the most difficult Teachers one may come across,

this is how I feel you will become,’ declared Ninhursag-Ki to Anu

when she saw the scarred little ones come out crying out and screaming out of her sacred womb.

‘Theirs will be the Uneven Energies, eternally fighting Balance wherever they go.

But I, who gave birth to you out of my womb,

I who was the first together with your father, declare a hope to such hard destiny.


For the Daring, mastery will be granted over Chaos but only for those who will be able to see beyond pain,

suffering and loss to retrieve the light that was the primeval union of mine with Anu, my first love’.

From his post as a Watcher over Mother Earth, faithful to his promise to keep Her safe, and sound,

young Enlil was stunned by what he saw: ugly, misshapen dark little brothers and sisters

leaving the protection of the Birth Mound, crying out loud.

4c - Ninhursag & Enki (Ninhursag, Anu & others in flying disc above, & Enlil)

Disturbed beyond measure, Enlil turned to Ki, also known as Ninhursag,

Exalted Lady and the Skyfather’s Soul Counterpart.


‘Mother, are you alright?

Ninhursag-Ki’s eyes reflected immense sadness: ‘I am terribly sad, but can handle it, Enlil.’

‘Mother, what is going on?

What ails my new brothers and sisters?

Why are they so different?

Are they my real brothers and sisters too?’


Ninhursag-Ki sighed deeply:

‘Yes, Enlil, these are your brothers and sisters too, but let them be and follow their own destinies.

Learn to see beyond appearances, my firstborn, to reach out for the True Essency, learn to reach out

to the Source where yourself came from, the Union of all Opposites, The Holy Complementarity that was lost.

Indirectly, Enlil, it was your fault the suffering of these little ones, when you caused the Separation of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, I demand you to let the Dark Guardians be.

Theirs will be another Quest, much harder, I’m afraid so’.


5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

 (Apkula / winged eagle-headed pilot, Enki, Anu in his sky-disc, Enlil, & another pilot)

A shadow of guilt and regret covered the face of the young Lord Air:

”If I am at the root of all their suffering,

I vow by my Gifts of Mind, Thoughts and Never-ending Inspiration to try and understand them

to heal what needs to be healed, to make whole what was once broken.

Mother, this is such a brave new world, we cannot do it all alone!

I long for the company of my brothers and sisters to ensoul the world, make be and grow!’


Because Words of Creation have been forming in Enlil’s mind,

and they will take shape in each and every little god and goddess that come out of the Duku.

These brother and sisters, gods and goddesses-to-be, like himself are the true offspring of Ki and An.

They will continue the Work of Creation started up by Mother Nammu.

But Enlil is uncertain about the Dark Ones.

His bright, inquisitive Mind cannot accept the Unknown, the Bizarre, and this is what the dark guardians are.


“I still don’t understand what is Chaos or Darkness in its complicated patterns”,

thought endlessly Enlil,”but of order, the power of mind,

the conception of what needs to exist before action, this I am learning to know.

And the Divine Guide to every concept along all Existence it is the Word

born of Ensouled Silence which was the meeting point of Nammu, Ki and Anu.

Not the Spoken Word, but the Revelation born of Silence that is not empty but full of Meanings to Be-Come.

This Divine, Unspoken Word will lead the Way

and its power will be the Silence of Accomplished Deeds to Transform.

2d - Enlil in Nippur (Enlil artifact, seated upon his throne in Nippur)

I, Enlil, vow to follow the Silence that is Full of Meaning, I will live its Truth with the Innermost of my Being,

I will be the Inspiration that will be the Energy of Creation,

I will be the Holy Breath that permeates all that lives, gentle and yet strong to create all worlds.”


Enlil‘s logical, brilliant mind could not yet conceive of the Unknown,

of the Bizarre and Unclear and this is the Essence of all Dark Guardians.

But although he tried and tried, he could never achieve his main goal, to bring back the Dark Guardians into the fold.

The oldest, biggest and fiercest of the Dark Guardians,

Kur, found his way out the farthest he could from the Duku, out of Ki’s involving hug.

“I need to get away,” Kur thought.

“Closeness only brings pain eventually one day.”


Kur looked round and realized he wasn´t quite alone.

There were others, not many, as scarred as himself.

So he turned away from the face of Ninhursag-Ki.

She, the Earth Mother, loved all Her Children.

Kur and the little dark ones were her own and An’s, the children of their loss and sorrow.

The Great Mother felt Kur’s retreat and immediately moved towards the scarred son,

despite the fact that he deliberately tried to avoid her.


Kur, son born of my pain and loss, external differences are but the veil to cover True Essence.

All of you came from me and Anu, and I love you all in equal measure and form,

Perhaps for you, who were wounded in my womb I care more deeply so.

Kur, fruit of the loss for the deepest desire of my Body and Soul, try and do what I am myself doing,

remake yourself and be whole, transform your present into a a future of hope and growth.

Leave pain as sorrow behind, start a brand new time in your life!’


For a brief but intense moment mother and son really linked, but he broke the bond.

‘Don’t leave us’, said Ninhursag‘s eyes, but she already knew that Kur had decided to leave.

‘Mother, this place is alien to me.

And I am the alien in this place‘, cried out Kur, looking beyond the Mound,

beyond the Stony Earth that brought him into being.

He did not see Enlil‘s expression of utter astonishment and dismay.

A bitter cry of rage, anguish and violence came out from within Kur.

I will never fit in here! I don’t want to!

So I’ll leave for other places, here coming no more.

But in case there is anyone as scarred and outcast as me, I say ‘Do come along!’


So Kur did slip over the edge of the world, followed by his dark misshapen siblings.

Long they traveled, underneath caves and mounds of the stony earth

and beyond the deep waters of Nammu the Sea.

finally, over the edge of the Middleworld, at the entrance of the Underworld,

Kur and his dark little brothers and sisters stopped and kept watch, just waiting.

Kur, looking at the ugly little faces raised towards his,

straightened his back and raised his voice so that it could be heard afar:


Father and Mother, I claim the ends of the Earth for my domain and for my own kind.

And let it be known that we will challenge and fight to the very end

whoever dare to venture in our land! And beyond!‘

A dark cheer seconded Kur’s words: We will fight to the very end, and beyond!’

From the safety of the Duku, the Chamber of Creation,

Enlil and Ninhursag, heard Kur’s and his followers’ shout.

Immediately, Enlil, whose powers have grown enormously, now that he was a teenager god,

made a barrier formed the the strongest winds he could create and he projected them all to the land’s end,

where the Middleworld met the still empty Depths Below.


               (Air God Enlil, Sky Lord Anu, & Enki in flight)

The voice of the Air god sounded loud and clear in all worlds: ‘By the Strength of the Winds of my Desire,

from this moment on I vow to banish the powers of darkness to the boundaries of the Physical World.

Mine is the duty to protect mother Earth,

mine is the atonement for having separated what was born to be united.

Mine is the duty to re-establish Balance and Order, mine is the Promise this vow to fulfill

wherever I go to ensure the growth and success of what I call now civilization.

I vow to raise the Sword of Truth and the Power of Knowledge and Discernment to protect all worlds!’


It was this way that Life’s Energies were created and manifested,

under the tutelage of the ones who called themselves from then on the Hosts of Heaven and Earth.

But Ninhursag never stopped grieving for the Dark Guardians for many, many years on a roll.

It was one of these times when the Great Mother and Queen was immerse in her thoughts,

looking at the stars, that she saw the Bull of Heaven take Human Form.

Delight so great filled Beloved Earth,

  5m - Enlil, Ninurta, & possibly Nusku

         (Adad atop Taurus The Bull)                            (Enlil, son Ninurta atop Taurus, & rival Marduk)

as she realized the Age of Taurus was back in the Skies for brand new time.


‘It is me, Beloved’, said Anu, and Ki did not blink twice and rushed to his arms.

In the minutes that followed, the magic of their sacred mating took hold and it seemed there had

been no separation of Heaven and Earth for millenia long.

‘But how…?’, she asked, to make sure she knew.


Anu gave her a quick squeeze, laughed and replied: ‘I followed your movements through the skies

2b - complete solar system with Nibiru, Pluto was discovered in 1930s1d - Zecharia Sitchin, a real hero

                                    (Mr. Zecharia Sitchin, a pioneer & hero!)

                 (knowledge of our solar system — impossible for earthlings to know, obvious alien star knowledge)

and saw that it takes 26,000 years for you to go round the solar system and travel along my stars.

3a - Nibiru's main orbit (Nibiru / Planet X)

We may have met, or finally made aware of each other, in the first Age of Taurus in time immemorial,

for there was yet no time at that moment.

But this was the way you called me, this was the form I chose to come back to you for a while.

So by the winds of my Desire I came to you, who are the Body of my Wandering Soul,

dreaming with the reality of your touch.’


She kissed him back passionately.

‘Come, beloved, and see this beautiful, green and brown earth we created together

and whose beings are the multifaceted versions of our offspring.’


Together, they wandered all over the Living Earth to enjoy the Never-ending

Workings of Creation and Wonders of Evolution.

‘Amazing, isn’t it? All there is came from mother Nammu and us two’,

2bb - Ninhursag & lab DNA experiments2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer

   (Ninhursag‘s early failed attempts to develop “modern-man”, replacement workers for the gods)

said Ninhursag to Anu after they had visited the whole earth.

‘From the heights where I was I saw all this unfold, but nothing really compares to being here

and see, feel, hear, smell and touch this jolly world.’


A shadow crossed Ninhursag‘s visage.

‘Not everything that bears our seed is pleasing to the eye… or soul.’

He felt the pain and disappointment in her voice.

‘Are you referring to our children who are the Dark Guardians?’

It was a rhetoric question, because he knew the answer.

‘Yes’, she replied with her heartbreaking sincerity.

He hugged her for a long moment, and whispered:

‘Don’t feel so guilty for what happened to them’ ‘But I wish I had done more!

They left because they wanted to follow their own paths and I… let them go, let them be!’


It was the first time that Ninhursag admitted the full truth,

her frustration and immense sadness towards the Guardians of Darkness.

At the same time, it was a relief to share her doubts with Anu.

Of course she had to: he was her partner and son to her and his offspring!

‘I wish I had done more myself, beloved’, admitted Anu.

‘Nevertheless, when I look at everything that came into being from Mother Nammu and ourselves,

this Physical World full of Wonders and Challenges that reflect our greatness

and yet follow its own designs guided by our signs, I don’t think we did such a bad job.

Even considering the Dark Guardians, those who teach through pain and loss,

but only for those who are capable to see the smile beyond the tears.

Do you know why I am convinced of this truth?’

‘No. Why? ”Because of a Greater Mystery we are all part of,

and which is somehow always ahead, waiting to unfold shaped by Free Will, for nothing is a clear-cut plan,

but a Promise of Wholeness and Holiness on the Go.

Even gods and goddesses, who are the Beams of Light that point out the way to eternity,

are subject to this Mystery, which we cannot fully dominate,

but handle and sometimes interfere, under the right words and biddings.’


Taken by surprise, Ninhursag held her breath.

Anu‘s thoughtful eyes held hers as in the past, with the same intensity and longing,

so present as they had never been apart… he was real and touchable, not pure unreachable Spirit.

And suddenly there was no past, just glorious present.

Ninhursag smiled finally, anticipating the beloved’s answer,

surprised for not being capable to understand what he was making so easy to see.

‘I guess I know what you mean, my love.

What a great Mystery you are talking about, and with it, we can hardly interfere!

How badly I needed this knowledge and knowing, how dumb I was not to know!’


He stopped her with a kiss.

One of the most delightful ways to prevent Ninhursag from thinking when he had other things in mind.

‘What is this great mystery then, Lady of my Heart, Mind, Body and Soul?’

Ninhursag‘s smile was a sight to behold: ‘The name of this Great Mystery is Future,

the cycle and wheel that never ends, bringing return and healing

always in a higher level to accomplish evolution and growth.

But the Mystery lies in the fact that no future can be built without the past and present.

We sometimes cannot interfere that much, as it was with the Dark Guardians, our Children of Darkness.

I wish I had know all this before, not to have grieved so much!’


Anu kissed Ninhursag deeply and completed her thoughts: “Whenever I thought of the future,

long and not so long ago, I never lost faith and hope to hold you close in my arms again.

Mine was the desire to see come true the Dream that brought me today to you.

The Future will always bring Brightness and Hope, but Brightness and Hope will only happen

for those who will keep the flame alive to make their dreams real in all worlds.

It is the present that holds the key to all destinies, and when one works with passion, integrity and daring,

reshaping goals as the Path unfolds, the Triumph will come to the Spirit and Matter, the coming together of the Soul.

As the Sky is married to Earth from the Highest Heights to the Depths Below!

Ninhursag Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin’s Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal...)


Ninhursag, the 1/2 sister to Enlil, had sex with him and gave birth to Ninurta while on Nibiru, providing Enlil with a royal heir to the Nibiru throne by the royal bloodline of Anu.

She claimed,With shrieks of pain I gave birth”, and she hadmade certain for my brother and for Anuthat this bloodline to continue ruling theKingship of Heaven”.

She provided this service to Enlil while on Nibiru, by consenting to her ½ brother, for the procreation of a son. Ninurta, who was to become Enlil’s heir to rule both “Heaven and Earth”.

Zu stole the Tablets of Destinies, and therefore the Enlilship, from Enlil while he was taking a daily swim.

         “At the entrance of the sanctuary, which he had been viewing,

         Zu awaits the start of the day.

         As Enlil was washing with pure water–

         his crown having been removed and deposited on the throne–

         Zu seized the Tablets of Destinies in his hands, took away the Enlilship.

         Suspended were the Divine Formulas;

         Stillness spread all over; silence prevailed….

         The Sanctuary’s brilliance was taken off.

         Enlil was speechless…”

Ninurta’s mother Ninhursag, went ballistic. She would not stand for her son’s rights as Enlil’s heir to be stolen by Anzu:

         “Launch thy offensive…capture the fugitive Zu….

         Let thy terrifying offensive rage against him….

         Slit his throat! Vanquish Zu!

         Let thy seven ill Winds go against him….

         Cause the entire Whirlwind to attack him….

         Let thy Radiance go against him….

         Let thy Winds carry his Wings to a secret place….

         Let sovereignty return to Ekur;

         Let the Divine Formulas return to the father who begot thee…”

With Ea / Enki’s help, Ninurta was able to shoot Anzu’s wings and bring him down, returning the Enlilship back to Enlil and Nippur.

On one side was Ninurta, Adad, and soon joined by Sin, and then later on by Inanna / Ishtar.

On the opposing side are listed Nabu, a god referred as “Mighty, lofty One–.Ra / Marduk—and the “God of two Great Houses” (the two Great Pyramids of Giza), who had tried to escape camouflaged in a ram’s skin (Horus).

Ninhursag took the surrender offer of Enki’s to Enlil. She met him in the presence of Adad (while Ninurta remained on the battlefield). “O hear my prayers!” she begged the two gods…

         “Presenting himself there, to the Mother, Adad thus said:

         ‘We are expecting victory.

         The enemy forces are beaten.

         The trembling of the land he could not withstand’…”

Adad said, let her call discussions on the basis that the Enlilites are about to win:

         “Get up and go—talk to the enemy.

         Let him attend the discussions so that the attack be withdrawn.”…

Enlil, in less forceful language, supported the suggestion:

         “Enlil opened his mouth;

         In the assembly of the gods he said:

         ‘Whereas Anu at the mountain the gods assembled,

         warfare to discourage, peace to bring,

         and has dispatched the Mother of the Gods to entreat with me–

         Let the Mother of the Gods be an emissary.’…”

Turning to his sister, he said in a conciliatory vein:

         “Go, appease my brother!

         Raise unto him a hand for Life;

         From his barred doorway, let him come out!”…

Doing as suggested, Ninhursag

         “his brother went to fetch, put her prayers before the god…”

She assured him that his safety, and that of his sons, was assured:

         “by the stars she gave a sign…”

As Enki hesitated she said to him tenderly:

         “Come, let me lead you out.”…

         “And as he did, he gave her his hand…”

She conducted him and other defenders of the Great Pyramid to the Harsag, her abode. Ninurta and his warriors watched…

We learn from the continuing ancient chronicle that Ninhursag first went with her idea of stopping the fighting and convening a peace conference to Enlil’s camp.

The Enlilite’s first reaction…was to accuse her of giving aid and comfort to the “demons”.” Ninhursag denied the accusation:

         “My House is pure,”…

she answered. But a god whose identity is unclear challenged her sarcastically:

         “’Is the House which is loftier and brightest of all–

         the Great Pyramid—also “pure’?…”

         “Of that I cannot speak”…

Ninhursag answered;

         “its brilliance Gibil is soldiering…”

...a ceremony of symbolic baptism making Ninhursag welcome again in Mesopotamia. Enlil touched her with his “bright scepter,” and the

         “power of her was not overthrown…”

But then Enlil agreed saying to her:

         “Go, appease my brother.”…

Ninhursag performed a symbolic ceremony of her own. She lighted seven fires, one each for the gathered gods: Enki and his two sons: Enlil and his three sons (Ninurta, Adad, and Sin). She uttered an incantation as she lit each fire:

         “A firery offering to Enlil of Nippur…

         to Ninurta

         to Adad

         to Enki, coming from the Abzu…

         to Nergal, coming from Meslam…”

By nightfall the place was ablaze:

         “as sunlight was the great light set off by the goddess…”

Ninhursag then appealed to the wisdom of the gods and extolled the virtues of peace:

         “Mighty are the fruits of the wise god;

         the great divine river to his vegetation shall come…

         its overflowing will make (the land) like a garden of god…”

Ninhursag threw in her weight behind her son Ninurta:

         “She cried out and lamented to her brother;

         Like a pregnant woman she was agitated, (saying)

         ‘Inside the Ekur I call to my brother,

         my brother who an infant made me carry; upon my brother I call!’…

Of equal lineage with them (Enki & Enlil), was their sister Sud. As a daughter of Anu, she bore the title NIN.MAH (“Great Lady”). She was one of the original group of Great Anunnaki who were pioneers on Earth…She bore a son to Enlil, daughters to Enki, and was lovingly called Mammi” (“Mother of the Gods”). She helped to create Mankind.

So now that she was given her own domain, she decided to go there. Proudly she stated:

         “A Mistress I am now!

         Alone will I stay there, reigning forever!”…

Ninurta applied his experience in damning and channeling waters to make his mother’s new mountain region livable. Tablet IX of the “Feats and Exploits of Ninurta, as he addresses his mother:

         “Since you, noble lady, alone to the Land of Landing had gone,

         Since to the Land of Casting Down unafraid you went–

         A dam I shall heap up for you, so that the Land may have a mistress.”…

Ninurta assured his mother that she would have an abundance of vegetation, wood products, and minerals in her mountain abode:

        “Its valleys shall be verdant with vegetation,

         Its slopes shall produce honey and wine for you,

         Shall produce…zabalum-trees and boxwood;

         its terraces shall be adorned with fruit as a garden;

         The Harsag shall provide you with the fragrance of the gods,

         shall provide you with the shiny lodes;

         Its mines will as tribute copper and tin give you;

         Its mountains shall multiply you cattle large and small;

         The Harsag shall bring forth the four-legged creatures…”

Making a home for his mother in the Sinai’s southern region of high granite peaks, Ninurta bestowed on her a new title: NIN.HAR.SAG (“Lady of the Head Mountain”); it was the title by which Sud was to be called ever since.

         “the garden of the Great Gods and Earthly paradise, located eastward in Eden,

         was the place where Ninhursag, the Earth Mother,

         Most Exalted Lady and Supreme Queen, could be found…”

A poem exhalting Ninhursag as mistress of the “House With a Pointed Peak”–a pyramid:

         “House bright and dark of Heaven and Earth, or the rocketships put together;

         E.KUR, House of the Gods with pointed peak;

         For Heaven-to-Earth it is greatly equipped.

         House whose interior glows with a reddish Light of Heaven,

         pulsating a beam which reaches far and wide;

         Its awesomeness touches the flesh.

         Awesome ziggurat, lofty mountain of mountains–

         Thy creation is great and lofty, men cannot understand it…”

The function of this “House of the Gods With Pointed Peak” is then made clear: it was a “House of Equipment” serving to bring down to rest” the astronauts “who see the orbit” a “great landmark for the lofty Shems” (the “sky chambers”):

         “House of Equipment, lofty House of Eternity;

         Its foundation are stones (which reach) the water;

         Its great circumference is set in the clay.

         House whose parts are skillfully woven together;

         House, the rightness of whose howling

         the Great-Ones-Who-See-and-Orbit brings down to rest…

         House which is great landmark for the lofty Shem;

         Mountain by which Utu ascends.

         (House) whose deep insides men cannot penetrate…

         Anu has magnified it…”

The text then goes on to describe various parts of the structure: its foundation, which is clad in awe”, its entrance, which opens and closes as a mouth, “glowing in a dim green light”; the threshold (“like a great dragon’s mouth open and wait”); the doorjambs (“like two edges of a dagger that keeps enemies away”). Its inner chamber is like a vulva, guarded by “daggers which dash from dawn to dusk; its outpouring–that which it emits–is like a lion which no one dares attack.”

An ascending gallery is then described:

         “Its vault is like a rainbow, the darkness ends there; in awesomeness it is draped;

         its joints are like a vulture whose claws are ready to clasp…”

There, at the top of the gallery, is

         “the entryway to the Mountain’s top;…”

         “to foe it is not opened; only to Them Who Live for them it is opened…”

Three locking devices–

         “the bolt, the bar and the lock…

         slithering in an awe inspiring place…”

protect the way into the uppermost chamber, from which the Ekur

         “surveys Heaven and Earth, a net it spreads out…”

After so describing the Ekur inside and out, the laudatory text provides information regarding the functions and location of the structure:

         “On this day the Mistress herself speaks truly;

The Goddess of the Rocketships,the Pure Great Lady, praises herself:

         ‘I am the Mistress; Anu has determined my destiny; the daughter of Anu am I.

         Enlil has added to me a great destiny; his sister-prince am I.

         The gods have given unto my hand the pilot-guiding instrument of Heaven-Earth;

         Mother of the sky-chambers am I.

         Ereshkigal allotted to me the place-of-opening of the pilot-guiding instruments;

         The great landmark, the Mountain by which Utu rises,

         I have established as my dais.”…

If, …Ninhursag was the neutral Mistress of the Pyramid of Giza, it follows that she would have been know and revered as a goddess also in Egypt…Hathor “Goddess Whose Home Is Where the Falcons Are,” where the astronauts make their home: the spaceport.

The evidence comes in the form of an inscription by the Pharaoh Khufu (2600 B.C.) on a commemorative stela he erected at Giza in a temple dedicated to Isis. Known as the Inventory Stela…established that the Great Pyramid had already existed when Khufu began to reign:

         “Live Horus Mezdau.

         To king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Khufu,

         Life is given!

         He founded the House of Isis,

         Mistress of the Pyramid, beside the House of the Sphinx…”

At his time Isis was considered to have been the “Mistress of the Pyramid”, but as the continuing inscription makes clear, she was not the Pyramid’s first mistress:

         “Live Horus Mezdau.

         To king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Khufu,

         Life is given!

         For his divine mother Isis,

         Mistress of ‘The Western Mountain of Hathor,’

         he made (this) writing on a stela.

         ‘Have them call for me Belet-ili (Ninhursag), sister of the gods,

         Wise counselor of the gods her brothers,

         Have them announce her supremacy in the assembly,

         Have the gods honor her in their assembly;

         I shall then tell her the idea which is my heart.’

         They called for Belet-ili, sister of the gods, to him,

         Wise counselor of the gods her brothers,

         They announced her supremacy in the assembly,

         The gods honored her in their assembly.

         Then Ea (Enki) told the idea in the depths of his inmost being.

         ‘Previously we used to call you Mami

         But now your name shall be Mistress of all Gods.’…”

Enki too attempted to bear an heir via her, to produce a son from his ½ sister Ninhursag. When Enki came near, her appearance would

         “ cause his penis to water the dikes… “

Enki made conjugal visits to Ninhursag for the purpose of procreating his heir.


         “poured the semen into the womb of Ninhursag.

         She took the semen into the womb, the semen of Enki


        “After the nine months of Womanhood…”


        “she gave birth at the bank of the waters….

Enki and Ninhursag,…the Sumerian tale relates that Enki crossed the marshy lakes that separated Egypt and the Sinai peninsula and came unto the lonely Ninhursag…:

         “To the one who is alone,

         To the Lady of Life, mistress of the land,

         Enki came unto the wise Lady of Life.

         He causes his phallus to water the dikes;

         He causes his phallus to submerge the reeds…

         He poured his semen into the great lady of the Anunnaki,

         poured the semen into the womb of Ninhursag;

         She took the semen into her womb, the semen of Enki…”

Enki’s real intention was to obtain a son by his half-sister, but the offspring was a daughter. Enki then made love to the daughter as she became “young and fair”, and then the grand-daughter, and so on.

Telling of Enki having sex with the daughters he had with ½ sister Ninhursag, a tablet states:

         “He embraced her, he kissed her;

         Enki poured the semen into the womb…

Enki had another daughter. He then went after his granddaughter to bear him an heir. She too had a daughter. In order to stop Enki’s behavior, Ninhursag put a spell on him where he became deathly ill after eating some plants.

         “Until he is dead, I shall not look upon him with the ‘Eye of Life…”

She later removed the curse.

         “Ninhursag seated Enki by her vulva and asked:

        ‘My brother, what hurts thee?’…”

After she cured his body part by part, Enki proposed that the two of them as masters of Egypt and the Sinia assign tasks, spouses, and territories to the eight young gods:

         “Let Abu be the master of plants;

         Let Nintulla be the lord of Magan (Egypt);

         Let Ninsutu marry Ninazu;

         Let Ninkashi be she who sates the thirsts;

         Let Nazi marry Nindara;

         Let Azimua marry Ningishzidda;

         Let Nintu be the queen of the months;

         Let Enshag be the lord of Tilmun! (Sinai)…

Ptah / Enki followed up the bringing forth of these gods by assigning abodes and territories to them:

         “After he had formed the gods, he made cities,

         established districts, put the gods in their sacred abodes;

         he built their shrines and established their offerings…”

All that he did

         “to make rejoice the heart of the Mistress of Life…”

After mining gold for 100,000 Earth years, 30 Nibiru years, Enki and his men went on strike. They were tired of eating the dust in the mines for so many years; and there were no relief crews scheduled to replace them. They thought it was time for their group to switch job descriptions with Enlil’s group.

         “Let us confront our…the Chief Officer,

         That he may relieve us of our heavy work.

         The king of the gods, the hero Enlil, let us unnerve him in his dwelling!”…

Enlil would have nothing of it and ordered Enki and crew back to work.

         “Now, proclaim war; let us combine hostilities and battle.”…

It was this near war between them that led to their need and later development of the Lulu, Primitive Worker”. This newly constructed worker was originally charged to bear the yokeof the gods in the mines. It was Enki’s idea to create a worker that would relieve his men from the yoke of the gods. They were totally unsuccessful in convincing Enlil or Anu to replace them with Enlil’s men. They had to do something and a violent revolution was a bad idea.

         “While the Birth Goddess is present,

         let her create a Primitive Worker; let him bear the yoke…”

         “Let him carry the toil of the gods!”…

And they summoned Ninhursag, the half sister to both Enlil and Enki, but of separate mothers, who was charged to perform the experiment.

         “You are the Birth Goddess, create workers!

         Create a Primitive Worker, that he may bear the yoke!

         Let him bare the yoke assigned by Enlil,

         let The Worker carry the toil of the gods!”…

This was no easy task. Enki enlisted the help of his half sister, Ninhursag, and the help of his wife, Ninki. Ninhursag was to take the female Homo-erect-is egg, fertilizing it with the seed of Enki. She was to genetically engineer the egg in such a way that would put the stamp of Enki’s genes upon mankind. The genes of Enki gave the newly developed Modern Man the divine element, and the genes of the female Earthling gave Homo sapiens the Earth element. She then transplanted the fertile egg into the womb of the surrogate mother, Ninki. Ninki carried the fetus into the 10th month when Ninhursag performed the delivery. The newly created Workers were called in The Old Testament, “the Adam”, and he was created from the adama meaning the Earth’s Soil, “the Earthling”.

Ninhursag proudly announced,

         “You commanded me a task –

         I have completed it…

         I have removed your heavy work,

         I have imposed your toil on The Worker, “Man.”

         You raised a cry for a Worker-kind:

         I have loosed the yoke, I have provided your freedom.”…

Once Ninhursag developed “The Worker” for Enki, in his image and likeness, and for his own use in the mines, Enki now had workers with hands adept enough to handle their machinery. They now had vocal chords, which helped them to communicate. The frontal lobe of their brains became developed and they could understand commands. Their hair and skin was no longer like that of a wild, hairy animal, but now similar to“a skin as the skin of a god”.

The Great Flood

Not all the Anunnaki were eager to see mankind wiped off the face of the Earth. Ninti,Lady of the Rib, shared her emotions with the other Anunnaki on board her ship. They watched as all living things left upon the Earth were drowned.

         “The Anunnaki, great gods, were sitting in thirst, in hunger…

         Ninti wept and spent her emotion; she wept and eased her feelings.

         The gods wept with her for the land.

         She was overcome with grief; she thirsted for beer.

         Where she sat, the gods sat weeping; crouching like sheep at a trough.

         Their lips were feverish of thirst, they were suffering cramp from hunger…”


         “The Goddess saw and she wept…

         her lips were covered with feverishness…. “

She went on to say,

         ”My creatures have become like flies –

         they filled the rivers like dragonflies,

         their fatherhood was taken by the rolling sea.”…

Inanna / Ishtar cried out,

         “The olden days, alas, are turned into clay…”

Enki broke the promise he made to the Anunnaki clan. He arranged to save the genetically pure, Utnapishtim / Noah, his family and some friends. Enki, beforehand speaking through a reed wall to Utnapishtim / Noah said,

         “Reed hut, reed hut! Wall, Wall!

         Reed hut, hearken! Wall, reflect!

         Man of Shuruppak, a son of Ubar-Tutu (Lamech in the Bible):

         Abandon your house, build a ship!

         Give up possessions, seek thou life!

         Forswear goods, the life keep!

         Aboard the ship take thou the seed of all living things.”…

Utnapishtim / Noah, the ruler of Shuruppak, and offspring to Enki, was instructed to watch for the moment,

         “When Shamash, (Utu, the grandson of Enlil, sun god)

         who orders a trembling at dusk, will shower down a reign of eruptions –

         board thou the ship, batten up the entrance!…”

Enki also had his son, Puzur-Amurri (Ninagal) take the seeds and eggs of everyclean”, non-hybrid, non-mixed animal, and place them in the lab for safe keeping aboard the ship. Enki had earlier instructed Puzur-Amurri, with Noah’s help, to build the vessel in a special way. They built a ship capable of withstanding a huge tidal wave caused by the ice shelf sliding into the drink; and it was also capable of submerging like a submarine. Submerging the vessel would protect them from the onslaught of the coming tidal wave.

Puzur-Amurri was ordered to steer straight for Mount Ararat, the prearranged meeting place of the Anunnaki’s return to Earth, and their original landing site of many thousands of years earlier. Being the highest peak, it was the spot that would dry off first. It would have solid ground to stand upon, and was a good place to start to make a new beginning.

The nuclear attack by Nergal & Ninurta against Marduk & his son Nabu:

        Ninhursag wept in bitter tears…”

as she escaped from Isin. Nanshe cried,

         “’O my devastated city’…”

         her beloved dwelling place was given over to misfortune…”


Ninhursag Quotes From Texts, Etc.

Ninhursag / Ninhursaga = sister to Enki & ½ sister to Enlil

lover to both brothers, bearing their children


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)


Ninhursag Speaking in the 1st Person:

        “then Ninmah said to Enki:

        ‘Man’s body can be either good or bad and whether I make a fate good or bad depends on my will’ ...”


          (Ninhursag) learned of this situation.

        She ripped the clothes on her body and she …….

       “You my plant-eater Enki, who shall I send to you?

        Men will shake their heads in fear ……. Who shall I send to you?

        That name is not Enki. That name is Ugugu-that-does-not-pour (?).

        You who are death which has no mercy, who shall I send to you?”


         “’I would never bind you to me against your True Will, beloved,’

         said simply Ninhursag. ‘And because you understood this great mystery,

         because you and I are indeed two of a kind, let all worlds know what I now declare:

         from this very moment on let it be known that I, Ninhursag, the Earth Mother,

         Wisest beyond all Beings in the Ways of Nature,

         built a house for my beloved and myself on a Rock, steadfast and solid….”


         (Ninhursaja asked:)

         ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘The top of my head (ugu-dili) hurts me.’

         She gave birth to Ab-u out of it.

         ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘The locks of my hair (siki) hurt me.’

         She gave birth to Ninsikila out of it.

         ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My nose (giri) hurts me.’

         She gave birth to Ningiriudu out of it.

         ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My mouth (ka) hurts me.’

         She gave birth to Ninkasi out of it.

         ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My throat (zi) hurts me.’

         She gave birth to Nazi out of it.

         ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My arm (a) hurts me.’

         She gave birth to Azimua out of it.

         ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My ribs (ti) hurt me.’

         She gave birth to Ninti out of it.

         ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My sides (zag) hurt me.

         She gave birth to Ensag out of it.

         (She said:) ‘For the little ones to whom I have given birth

         may rewards not be lacking.

         Ab-u shall become king of the grasses,

         Ninsikila shall become lord of Magan,

         Ningiriudu shall marry Ninazu,

         Ninkasi shall be what satisfies the heart,

         Nazi shall marry Nindara,

         Azimua shall marry Ninjiczida,

         Ninti shall become the lady of the month,

         and Ensag shall become lord of Dilmun (Sinai).’ …”


As Ninhursag:

        “After Time had come into being and the holy seasons for growth and rest were finally known, holy Dilmun,

        (“Tilmun”, Sinai Peninsula, “Land of the Missiles” )

        the pure clean and bright land of the living, the garden of the Great Gods and Earthly paradise,

        located eastward in Eden, was the place where Ninhursag, the Earth Mother,

        Most Exalted Lady and Supreme Queen, could be found. …”


         “Enki replied:

         ‘Ninhursag, dearest Nintur, beloved, how can anyone quite compare to you?

         I cannot resist your wild, sweet ways, so lie with me one more time

         and fill my body, heart, soul and mind with endless delights!

         For me you will forever be my fierce Damgalnunna, my Great Spouse, passionate and very much loved!’ …”


         “Ereshkigal, saw Enlil‘s wrongdoing and heard the lament of the Maiden:

         the Lady of the Great Below heeded the Maiden’s words.

         She knew a door had been opened for Justice,

         Growth and Regeneration in the Underworld

         if only Enlil submitted to the Laws of the Land of No Return.

         In Nippur, Ki, Mother Earth, also known as Urash, Ninmah, and Ninhursag

         felt strongly that Enlil should suffer the hardest of all punishments for his conduct.

         Never before had the Anunnaki taken to trial one of their own.

         Shocked and circumspect, they gathered, and were forty-nine,

         not the usual fifty in number, because Enlil was counted out for the first time.

         In the lower platform sat 46 judges, in the higher was An, who presided all judgments,

         sided by Ki (Ninhursag, Antu is Enlil‘s mother) on his right and Enki on his left.

         Father, Mother and Brother to Enlil they were,

         but also the Guardians of the Attributes of Civilization, Law and Order.

         The fourth high seat was empty.

         It belonged to Enlil, the defendant.

         Red-eyed Ninlil, sided by the healer goddess Gula

         (Bau, Enlil‘s ½sister and his daughter-in-law), sat quiet and dignified on the right.

         On the left and opposite to her was Enlil,

         whose discomfort was evident for all to see…”


         “Is there anywhere a greater king who can say, as Gilgamesh may?

         “I am the greatest king in this world!?”

         Most of him was forged above, the rest was forged below.

         She-who-must-be-obeyed (Ninhursag) fashioned his body.

         She endowed him with wit and wisdom…”


As Ninursaga / Ninhursaja:

        “Ninursaĝa sits within like a great dragon.

        Nintur the great mother assists at births there.

        Šul-pa-e the ruler acts as lord.”


        “the house of Ninursaĝa in Keš (Kish).”


        “The mother of the gods, Ninhursaja (Ninhursag),

        had the mighty (?) (altar) light of the lord live with her in Kec (Kish);

        she had Cul-pa-eda (Ninurta, her son),no less, help her with the construction work (altar)…”


        “Ninmah (‘Great Lady’), since you entered the rebel lands for my sake,

        since you did not keep far from me when I was surrounded by the horrors of battle–

        let the name of the pile which I, the Hero, have piled up be Mountain (hursaj)

        and may you be its lady (nin): now that is the destiny decreed by Ninurta.

        Henceforth people shall speak of Ninhursaja.

        So be it…”


        “Lie down for me in the marsh, lie down for me in the marsh, that would be joyous.”

        Enki distributed his semen destined for Damgalnuna (Ninhursag).

        He poured semen into Ninhursaja’s (Ninhursag) womb

        and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki...”


Aruru Quotes From Texts

Aruru = Ninhursag, Anu‘s daughter

Chief Medical Officer

         “the Great Goddess Ninhursag, also called Aruru,

         the Earth Mother and Mistress of All Creation…”


         “Lady-creatrix-of-the-womb, Aruru (Ninhursag), Enlil‘s elder(1/2) sister,…”


          “Aruru,the sister of Enlil, has erected a house in your precinct,

          O house Keš (Kish)…, and taken her seat upon your dais.

          the house of Ninursaĝa (NInhursag) in Keš (Kish).”


         “Aruru, the sister of Enlil, extended her right breast to me,…”


         “Aruru, the sister of Enlil, destroyed her city Irisajrig…”


         “Aruru (Ninhursag), the older sister of Enlil,

         provides them with offspring for that purpose (?).

         Their statues are made for future days and they are mentioned in the Land.

         Ereckigala (Ereshkigal), mother of Ninazu, it is sweet to praise you!”


         “Aruru shall become Sud‘s (Ninlil‘s) sister-in-law: let her be shown the household…”


        “Then Aruru grasped her by the hand and led her away into the Ec-mah.

        She brought her into the E-kur, the house of Enlil…”


        “Enlil…determined a fate for the Lady (Aruru) , the woman of his favor;

        he gave her the name Nintud, the ‘Lady who gives birth’, the ‘Lady who spreads her knees’…”


         “Aruru (Ninhursag), Enlil‘s (½) sister, Nintud (Ninhursag), the lady of giving birth,

         is to get the holy birth-bricks as her prerogative.

         She is to carry off the lancet for umbilical cords, the special sand and leeks.

         She is to get the sila-jara bowl of translucent lapis lazuli (in which to place the afterbirth).

         She is to carry off the holy consecrated ala vessel.

         She is to be the midwife of the land!

         The birthing of kings and lords is to be in her hands.”


         “the good lady whose powers excel all powers,

         Lady-creatrix-of-the-womb, Aruru, Enlil‘s elder sister, stood before him:…”


         “He (Enki) formed mankind. the goddess Aruru with him created mankind,…”


         “This lament did go on high to pass into Aruru’s (Ninhursag) ear, great goddess of creation that she is:

         “I created humans. I shall create again the image of Gilgamesh

         This creation now shall be as quick in heart and as strong in arm

         This creation will speak word to word, blow to blow, so Uruk‘s children will live in peace.”


        “With this thought She did bend and scoop and spit and fling, with flick of wrist, mud

        Mud that fell deep into the woods below.

        Thus did Enkidu come about.

       Thus did Enkidu, wild man, hairy man, forest man, come about.

       Thus did Enkidu with golden sun dazzled locks of hair growing like the goddess-of-grain, come about.

       Thus did Enkidu, with body clothed like Sumuqu (cattle god) with only his own hide, come about.

       Thus Enkidu, man in no family, man in no village, ,,,”


       “When Aruru heard this she created within herself the zikrtt of Anu.

       Aruru washed her hands, she pinched off some clay, and threw it into the wilderness.

       In the wildness(?) she created valiant Enkidu, born of Silence, endowed with strength by Ninurta. …”


       “The Great Goddess Aruru (Ninhursag) designed him, planned his body, prepared his form

       A perfect body the gods gave

       For the creation of Gilgamesh Shamash (Utu) the Sun gave beauty

       Adad (Ishkur) the Storm gave courage

       And so he surpassed all others.

       He was two-thirds god, one third man,

       The form of his body no one can match

       Eleven cubits high he is, nine spans his chest …”


        “So the Goddess of Creation took and formed in her mind

        This image, and there it was conceived – in her mind, and it was made of material

        That composes the Great God,

        He of the Firmament.

        She then plunged her hands down into water and pinched off a little clay.

        She let it drop in the wilderness

        Thus the noble Enkidu was made. …”


        “Strong as a wild bull is this Gilgamesh

        So he was made by Aruru (Ninhursag), the goddess

        None there is who can – not one

        None who can survive him in fighting.

        No son left to his father.

        Gilgamesh, he takes them all,…”


        “To the Goddess of Creation, Aruru (Ninhursag)

         Cried all the gods:

         ‘You created this Gilgamesh! Well, create him his equal!…

         So the Goddess of Creation took and formed in her mind

         This image, and there it was conceived – in her mind, and it was made of material

         That composes the Great God,

         He of the Firmament.

         She then plunged her hands down into water and pinched off a little clay.

         She let it drop in the wilderness

         Thus the noble Enkidu was made…”


         “Aruru washed her hands;

         Clay she pinched off and spat upon it;

         Eabani, a hero she created,

         An exalted offspring, with the might of Ninib…”


Belet-ili Quotes From Texts

Belet-ili = Ninhursag


         “Have them call for me Belet-ili, sister of the gods,

         Wise counselor of the gods her brothers,

         Have them announce her supremacy in the assembly,

         Have the gods honor her in their assembly;

         I shall then tell her the idea which is my heart.’

         They called for Belet-ili, sister of the gods, to him,

         Wise counselor of the gods her brothers,

        They announced her supremacy in the assembly,

        The gods honored her in their assembly.

        Then Ea (Enki) told the idea in the depths of his inmost being.

        ‘Previously we used to call you Mami

        But now your name shall be Mistress of all Gods.

        Offer the powerful one, your superb beloved,

        Broad of chest, who forms the battle array!

        Give Ninurta, your superb beloved,…”


       “Just then Beletili (Ninhursag) arrived.

       She lifted up the large flies (beads) which Anu had made for his enjoyment(!):

       ‘You gods, as surely as I shall not forget this lapis lazuli around my neck,

       may I be mindful of these days, and never forget them!

       The gods may come to the incense offering, but Enlil may not come to the incense offering,

       because without considering he brought about the Flood and consigned my people to annihilation.’ …”


Damgalnuna Quotes From Texts

Damgalnunna = sometimes Ninhursag (Sumerian), sometimes Damkina / Ninki (Akkadian) Enki‘s spouse, mother goddess


Ninhursag As Damgalnuna:

         “Enki distributed his semen destined for Damgalnuna.

         He poured semen into Ninhursaja’s womb and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki…”


        “Enki replied:

        ‘Ninhursag, dearest Nintur, beloved, how can anyone quite compare to you?

        I cannot resist your wild, sweet ways, so lie with me one more time and fill my body,

        heart, soul and mind with endless delights!

        For me you will forever be my fierce Damgalnunna, my Great Spouse, passionate and very much loved!’…”


         “She is the birth-giver of the great gods, she is their goddess.

         A šir-šagḫula of Damgalnuna…”


Ki Quotes From Texts

Ki = sometimes Antu, = sometimes Ninhursag consorts of Anu


Ninhursag As Ki :

          “Ki, Beloved Body of my Soul, Sister without peer,

          Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear, many Names will be given to you.

          But for me you will forever be Ninhursag,

          Queen of the Holy Hill, dearest Ninmah, Most Exalted Lady,

          Queen and Best Companion along the Heights I trail

          You will be remembered, Beloved, as Nintur, Lady Birth Hut, and nothing or no one will quite compare to you!

          Urash, Birth Giver, most sacred Aruru everlasting praises will be sung from now on to you!

          Lady of Mound, where Life sprouts happy and free.

          Body of my Soul, sister without peer, Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear,

          mine is the Voice but for all I sing, Mother of all Life,

          Lady of my heart, Beloved and Queen!…”


          “In Nippur, Ki, Mother Earth, also known as Urash, Ninmah, and Ninhursag

          felt strongly that Enlil should suffer the hardest of all punishments for his conduct…”


          “Mother Nammu (Anu‘s concubine, Enki & Ninhursag’s mother) the Sea

          who in an act of selfless Self-Love engendered the Skyfather (An)

          who the Assembly presides and myself as the Cosmic Mountain Ki…”


          “Ninhursag-Ki’s anger was so evident that she dismissed Enlil with a wave or her mighty hand….”


          “Ninhursag-Aruru-Ki declared then his fate:…”


Ninmah Quotes From Texts

Ninmah = Ninhursag, Anu & Nammu‘s daughter

mother of the gods


          “Enki and Ninmah drank beer, their hearts became elated, and then Ninmah said to Enki:

          ‘Man’s body can be either good or bad and whether I make a fate good or bad depends on my will’…”


         “Ninmah took clay from the top of the abzu in her hand

         and she fashioned from it first a man who could not bend his outstretched weak hands…”


         “Ninmah (‘Great Lady’), since you entered the rebel lands for my sake,

         since you did not keep far from me when I was surrounded by the horrors of battle–

         let the name of the pile which I, the Hero, have piled up be Mountain (hursaj)

         and may you be its lady (nin): now that is the destiny decreed by Ninurta.

         Henceforth people shall speak of Ninhursaja.

         So be it…”


Ninmena Quotes From Texts

Ninmena = Ninhursag, Anu‘s daughter

mother goddess of gods & modern earthlings


          “Ninmena, the lady who had given birth to the ruler,

          who had given birth to the king, now set (aljaja) human reproduction going…


         (Refering to Ninurta)

         “May your father Enlil do whatever you command.

         May Ninmena not fashion your equal (?)… “


         “Ninmena learned of this situation.

         She ripped the clothes on her body and she …….

         ‘You my plant-eater Enki, who shall I send to you?’…”


Nintu / Nintud / Nintur Quotes From Texts

Nintu / Nintud / Nintur = Ninhursag, Anu‘s daughter


As Nintu:

          “I am the one Nintu really cares for: I am the one Ninhursag gave a good name…”


          “While [Nintu (Ninhursag) the birth-goddess] is present,

          let the birth-goddess create the offspring, let man bear the labor-basket of the gods.


          “They called the goddess and asked [her], the midwife of the gods, wise Mami (Ninhursag): “


         “You are the birthgoddess, creatress of man.

         Create lullu-man (Primitive Man), let him bear the yoke.

         Let him bear the yoke, the work of Enlil; let man carry the labor-basket of the gods.”


        Nintu opened her mouth and said to the great gods, ‘It is not properly mine to do these things.

         He is the one who purifies all; let him give me the clay, and I will do (it).”


          “Enki opened his mouth and said to the great gods:

          “At the new moon, the seventh day, and the full moon,

          I will set up a purifying bath.

          Let them slaughter one god.

          Let the gods be purified by immersion.

          With his flesh and blood let Nintu mix the clay. …”


          “For the goddess Nin-gharsag (Ninhursag), the goddess who protects the city, the mother of its inhabitants,

          for his lady, Gudea the patesi of Shirpurla her temple of the city Girsu-ki has constructed.

          Her sacred altar (?) he has made.

          The holy throne of her divinity he has made.

          In her sanctuary he has placed them.

          From the mountains of the land of Mâgan (Egypt)

          a rare stone he has caused to be brought; for her statue he has caused it to be cut.

          ‘O goddess who fixes the destinies of heaven and earth,

          Nin-tu mother of the gods, of Gudea the builder of the temple’…”


          “Nintu made ready to speak, and said to the great gods:

          ‘It is not for me to do it, the task is Enki‘s.

          He it is that cleanses all, let him provide me the clay so I can do the making’…”


          “Next to Anu he seated Enlil, Nintu he seated at the big side,

          The Anunnaki seated themselves…”


          “Let Nintu be the queen of the months…”


          “Aruru (Ninhursag), [Enlil‘s sist]er, (½ sister) Nintu, the queen [of the] moun[tain],…”


As Nintud:

         “Enki provided a meal for Enlil, his father.

         He seated Anat the head of the table and seated Enlil next to An.

         He seated Nintud in the place of honor…”


         “Nintud, mother of the country, like juniper oil, gave birth to Ninsar…”


         “(creator deity)…,Ninhursag


           “Enlil, Ninlil and Nintud, …… Nanna (Nannar / Sin) and Ninurta, in the …… of holy Inanna…”


         “Enlil determined a fate for the Lady (Aruru) , the woman of his favor;

         he gave her the name Nintud, the “Lady who gives birth”, theLady who spreads her knees’…


         “she who has contended with the Great Mountain Enlil.

         The cow cries aloud to her about her calf and, because of her distress,

         Nintud — mother Nintud— looks for him, mother Nintud, the august lady of Kec,

         she who has contended with the Great Mountain Enlil.

         When mother Nintud sat upon the throne-dais on the holy seat of joy,

         the seat from which she has made everything numerous,

         it was then that the highest divine powers (alien technology), which are golden,

         the glory of the numerous people — the en priesthood and the kingship — were created for (& by) Enlil.

         When Nintud, mother Nintud, sat upon the throne-dais on the seat of joy,

         the seat from which she has made everything numerous,

         it was then that the highest divine powers (alien technology),

         which are golden, the glory of the numerous people —

         the en priesthood and the kingship — were created for (& by) Enlil. …”


          “I will …… the perishing of my mankind; for Nintud, I will stop the annihilation of my creatures,…”


          “Nintud had scattered the creatures that she had created…”


          “Shulgi… ‘At the command of my (½) sister Jectin-ana, my scholars and composers of ……

         have composed adab, tigi and malgatum hymns about my being the Nintud of all that is,’…”


         “Nintud, who causes human seed to propagate and brings living beings into existence, ……

         cities and crowded places, all the numerous people together…”


         “Let them give praise in a great song to An (Anu), to Enlil,

         to the eldest brother Nudimmud (Enki) and to the mother Nintud of the Land….”


As Nintur:

          “O mighty Keš (Kish)…house of Ninursaĝa (Ninhursag)

          Nintur has made you beautiful …”


          “’Thus I call myself Nintur, the lady who gives birth,

          the Womb of the Damp Lands by the riverbanks.’

          Enki replied:Ninhursag, dearest Nintur, beloved,’…”


         “Nintur, Enlil and Enki have determined your destiny…”


         “That day Nintur wept over her creatures...”


         “Nintur’s creatures let me bring them back let me lead the people back from their trails…”


         “House founded by An (Anu), praised by Enlil, given an oracle by mother Nintur!

         House Keš (Kish), green in its fruit!…”


         “House Keš, given birth by a lion…Ninursaĝa sits within like a great dragon.

         Nintur the great mother assists at births there.

         Šul-pa-e (Ninurta) the ruler acts as lord...”


         “O Ašgi! Praise be to cherished Keš and Nintur!…”


         “The house Keš is built; its nobility is good!

         Its lady has taken a seat in its ……. Ninursaĝa, its lady, has taken her seat in its …….

         Will anyone else bring forth something as great as Keš?

         Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Ašgi?

         Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintur?…”


         “Nintur, the lady of creation, performs her task within your dark place,

         binding the true su crown on the new-born king,

         setting the crown on the new-born lord who is secure in her hand.

         The midwife of heaven and earth, Ninursaĝa (Ninhursag), has erected a house in your precinct,

         O house ……, and taken her seat upon your dais.

         the house of Ninursaĝa in …….”


Nukimmut Quote From Text

Nukimmut = Ninhursag goddess mother of Ninip / Ninurta


          “Ninip (Ninurta) most powerful hero, great, chief of the gods,

          warrior, powerful Lord, whose onset in battle has not been opposed,

          eldest son, crusher of opponents, first-born son of Nukimmut,…”


Urac / Uras / Urash Quotes From Texts

Urac / Uras / Urash = sometimes Marduk, eldest son of Enki‘s

sometimes Nammu, Anu‘s consort

sometimes Ninhursag, Anu‘s daughter


Ninhursag As Urash:

          “In Nippur, Ki, Mother Earth, also known as Urash, Ninmah, and Ninhursag

          felt strongly that Enlil should suffer the hardest of all punishments for his conduct…”


          “the son of Uraš who knows thoroughly the true divine powers of princeship, Ištaran (Ninurta),…”


          “(Martu) engendered by great An (Anu & Ninhursag) and brought up on his holy knees, ……,

          born by Uraš, cherished and granted a favorable destiny by the Great Mountain Enlil, …”


          “Ki, Beloved Body of my Soul,

          Sister without peer, Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear, many Names will be given to you.

          But for me you will forever be Ninhursag, Queen of the Holy Hill, dearest Ninmah,

          Most Exalted Lady, Queen and Best Companion along the Heights I trail

          You will be remembered, Beloved, as Nintur, Lady Birth Hut, and nothing or no one will quite compare to you!

          Urash, Birth Giver, most sacred Aruru everlasting praises will be sung from now on to you!

          Lady of Mound, where Life sprouts happy and free.

          Body of my Soul, sister without peer, Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear,

          mine is the Voice but for all I sing, Mother of all Life,

          Lady of my heart, Beloved and Queen!’ …”


          “At that time there were seven, there were seven — the young ones, born in Kulaba, were seven.

          The goddess Urac (Ninhursag) had born these seven, the Wild Cow had nourished them with milk.

          They were heroes, living in Sumer, they were princely in their prime.

          They had been brought up eating at the god An‘s (Anu) table…. (King) Lugalbanda, the eighth of them, …”


Ninhursag Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)

Enkidu = Ninhursag’s creation)

2b - Ninhursag & Enki in lab 2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments6g - Ninmah - Ninhursag

. Ninhursag = Sumerian Lady of the Mountainhead”, inKec(Kish)

. Ninursaga = Babylonian

. Aruru = Babylonian, “her city Irisajrig”

. Nintud, the “Lady who gives birth”, the “Lady who spreads her knees”

. Nintur / Nintu = “Lady Birth Hut”

. Ninmah = (“Great Lady”, “Most Exalted Lady”, many other pet names)

. Ninmena 

. Belet-ili 

. Hathor = Egyptian

. Demeter = Greek

. Ceres = Roman

. Mami = Wise Birth Goddess”, midwife of the gods, fashioner of the Model Man

          . Mammu = the forerunner of mom, or mama

. Mother of the GodsBirth Mother”

. daughter to King Anu & concubine Nammu, born on home planet Nibiru

. ½ sister to Enlil, King Anu‘s heir & Earth Colony Commander

. twin sister to Enki by Anu & Nammu / Urash

. sister to Bau by Anu & Nammu / Urash

. Kish was her patron city – Medical Science Center

. E-mah (Great house”) temple to Ninhursag in Babylon.

. Chief Medical Officer on Nibiru, & then Earth

. Enki’s partner in the creation ofAdapa”, “Model Man” “Adama”, “of Earth’s soil”“the worker”, modified advanced species, capable of properly replacing the Anunnaki workers – Biblical Adam & descendants


. 1st goddess of Venus, later given to Inanna

. Virgo is Ninhursag’s zodiac sign

. Her symbol is the “umbilical chord cutter”, as pictured above

          . the tool used to cut the umbilical chord of gods & modified earthlings

          . the Greek “omega” symbol

          . the electrical symbol for “ohms”, & other things


Ninhursag’s Sons:

     Martu, son by King Anu, making him a son & a brother

     Ninurta, a son of the “double seed”, fathered by Enlil, next in line for their royal throne

     Nusku, a son with Enlil

     Abu, a son by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

     Nintulla, a son by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

     Enshag, a son by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninhursag’s Daughters:


     Ninsar, a daughter by Enki & Ninhursag

     Ninkurra / Nindurra, a daughter by Enki & Ninsar

     Ninimma, a daughter by Enki & Ninkurra

     Uttu, a second daughter by Enki & Ninkurra, sometimes by Enki & Ninimma

     Nanshe / Nazi, a daughter by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

     Ninsutu, a daughter by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu, possible 2nd name for one of the others

     Ninkasi, a daughter by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

     Azimua, a daughter by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

     Ninti, a daughter by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

     Nina, a daughter by Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

     Ninmarki, a daughter by Enki & Nina

Ninhursag’s DNA Fashioned Mixed-Breed Creation:


      Adapa/Adam, a son to Enki, via genetic engineering by Ninhursag & Ningishzidda    

          (plus 50,000 years of failed fashioning attempts prior to success,  Adapa)

          Ninhursag’s DNA Fashioned Creature Creation:

                     Enkidu, a creation fashioned to become travel companion to King Gilgamesh

She received the name by which she was more widely known, NIN.HUR.SAG, following the Deluge, when she was granted the region which is today known as the Sinai Peninsula.

Ninurta’s (House in Nippur) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


O E-me-ur-ana (House which gathers the divine powers of heaven) standing in a great place,

the just divine powers (alien technologies) which the warrior ……, strength of battle, heroic mace,

5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Enlil‘s warrior son Ninurta with alien weaponry)

carrier of the quiver, mighty bustling brick building, your foundation is eternal.

Founded by the primeval lord, with decisions which belong to the princely divine powers,

holy soil filling the mountain (ziggurat residence of gods), lifting your head among the princes,

magnificent house, the wonder coming from you is like the sun whose glow spreads.


E-šu-me-ša (House which …… the divine powers) (ziggurat residence of gods),

Enlil has instilled your name with terrifying awesomeness.

Your prince, the great ……, the warrior whose strength is boundless,

               (Enlil, Ninurta‘s father, the Earth Colony Commander)

the great ruler for Enlil, the noble who rivals heaven and earth,

the provisioning (?) seal-keeper of father Enlil who makes the great divine powers perfect, the ……,

the leader for father Enlil, the foremost, the lion engendered by the Great Mountain (Enlil),

who destroys the hostile lands for Enlil, lord Ninurta, has erected a house in your precinct,

 (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son & heir born of the “double seed” law of succession)

O E-šu-me-ša, and taken his seat upon your dais.


         15 lines: the house of Ninurta in Nibru

              (Nippur, alien god Enlil’s Command Central, named after their planet Nibiru).

The History of the Tummal

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


        3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur2e-enlils-home-in-nippur (Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur, the Anunnaki Earth Colony Command Central, top of structure on left was added by American archaeologists around 1900)

        En-me-barage-si, the king, built the Iri-nanam in Enlil‘s temple.

         (Ninlil on shore, Enlil, & son Nusku)

        Aga, son of En-me-barage-si, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse) into the Tummal.


        3f - Enlil and Ninlil's RebuiltTemple in Nippar  2e - Enlil's home in Nippur

        Then the Tummal fell into ruins for the first time.

        Mes-ane-pada built the Burcucua in Enlil‘s temple.

        Mes-ki-aj-nuna, son of Mes-ane-pada, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal.


        Then the Tummal fell into ruins for a second time.

        6fc - 2 kings, sons to mother Ninsun (Ningishzidda, mixed-breed son-king of Ninsun’s, Ninsun, & another of her son-kings)

        Gilgamec (Gilgamesh, Ninsun‘s son-king) built the Numunbura in Enlil‘s temple.

        Ur-lugal, son of Gilgamec, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal.


        Then the Tummal fell into ruins for a third time (each time a thousand + years).

        Nanni built the Lofty Garden in Enlil‘s temple.

        Mes-ki-aj- Nanna, son of Nanni, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal.

        2c - Nippur (mud-brick-built ruins of Enlil‘s ziggurat residence)


      Then the Tummal fell into ruins for a fourth time (standing for thousands of years).

        2ba - Enlil leads Ur-Nammu to repair his home

           (Enlil leads Ur-Namma, Ninsun‘s 2/3rds divine son-king,to the E-kur, Enlil‘s house in Nippur)

        Ur-Namma, built the E-kur.

        Culgi (Shulgi), son of Ur-Namma, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal.


        Then the Tummal fell into ruins for a fifth time.

        From the years of Amar- Suen (Ninsun‘s semi-divine great-grandson-kings) (1 ms. has instead: Cu-Suen) (ShuSuen)

        until king Ibbi- Suen (Ninsun‘s semi-divine great-great-grandson-king) chose En-am-gal-ana

        (1. ms. has instead: En-me-gal-ana) by extispicy as the high priest of Inana (Inanna) of Unug (Uruk),

        1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus (Nannar‘s daughter Inanna, espoused mixed-breed kings for thousands of years / The Goddess of Love)

      4cc - Ninlil follows Enlil to the Underworld (Ninlil follows spouse Enlil to the Underworld)

        Ninlil came regularly to the Tummal.


        Written according to the words of Lu-Inanathe (unidentified?) chief leatherworker of Enlil.

        Icbi-Erra (Enlil‘s semi-divine descendant-king), who looks after the E-kur (Enlil‘s residence in Nippur), built the E-cutum of Enlil.

The Tummal Chronicle

This chronicle is a Sumerian text on the history of the Tummal sanctuary in Nippur, where the goddess Ninlil was venerated, the divine spouse of Enlil. The last kings mentioned belong to the Third Dynasty of Ur. Ten copies are known, all written in the Old-Babylonian period. Only some beginnings of lines of one column on the obverse of the tablet are legible.


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


3ac-nippur-ground-level2e - Enlil's home in Nippur (Enlil‘s ziggurat temple residence in Nippur, the Anunnaki Command Central, top of structure on left was added by American archaeologists in 1900)


1-4 In his city of Nippur, Enmen-baragesi, the king, built Enlil‘s temple; Aka, Enmenbaragesi’s son, made the Tummal splendid and introduced Ninlil there.

5-9 For the first time the Tummal fell into ruin. Mes-ane-pada, the king, built the Buršušua of Enlil‘s temple; Mes-ki’ag-nuna, the son of Mes-ane-pada, made the Tummal splendid and introduced Ninlil there.

10-14 For the second time, the Tummal fell into ruin. Gilgameš built the Dunumunbura, Enlil‘s dais; Ur-lugal, the son of Gilgameš, made the Tummal splendid and introduced Ninlil there.

15-19 For the third time, the Tummal fell into ruin. Nanne designed the ornamental garden of Enlil‘s temple; Mes-ki’ag-Nanna, the son of Nanne, made the Tummal splendid and introduced Ninlil there.

20-24 For the fourth time, the Tummal fell into ruin. Ur-Nammu(2113-2095) built the Ekur; Šulgi(2095-2047) the son of Ur-Nammu, made the Tummal splendid and introduced Ninlil there.

25-28 For the fifth time, the Tummal fell into ruin. From the year Amar-Sin became king (2047) until the year of Ibbi-Sin, the king, during which En-amgal-ana, the en-priest of Inanna of Uruk, was chosen by the oracular lamb (2028), Ninlil went several times to the Tummal.

29 Written according to the word of Lu-Inanna, Enlil‘s head saddler.

30 Išbi-Erra built the Ešutum of Enlil‘s Ekura’igigala.

Nippur Quotes From Texts & Sitchin Books

Enlil’s Patron City:

(Mission Control Center)

(Moved To Jerusalem After Nuclear Fall-Out Ended Sumer)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


         To Nippur which is midway between the River Euphrates and the River Tigris…”


         “Kiur, the temple Enlil, Nippur´s city god and lord Air (Enlil),

had provided for Ninlil and family in his fast-growing-city.

         They had come invited by Lord Enlil, who was building the city for his  people…”


Enlil, When you marked off divine settlements on Earth,

Nippur you set up as your very own city.

The city of Earth, the lofty,

Your pure place whose water is sweet.

You founded the Dur-An-Ki (“bond heaven-earth”)

In the center of the four corners of the world…”


         “On that day,, on that single day; on that night, on that single night…

         the storm, in a flash of lightning created, the people of Nippur left prostrate…”


Nippur Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin’s Books


The one time Religious Center of Sumer and Akkad.

Nippur was the place where the bond between Heaven and Earth exists, and where in his awesome city Nippur he could

         “raise the beams that search the heart of all the lands—

         eyes that could scan all the lands…”

            8b - Enlil Keeps in Touch with Anu on Nibiru8 - Sumer's Communication Towers            8a - Nippar's Communication Towers

(Nippur control towers) Nippur: 3rd city built on Earth, Enlil’s new city, and “Mission Control Center”

Has “a lifted eye which scans the land…”

Has “a lifted beam which searches the heart of the land…”

Has “a fast stepping bird whose hand the wicked cannot escape…”

        “No mighty god could approach its parameter…”

Has “a heavenward tall pillar reaching the sky…”

The Journey of Nanna to Nibru

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.

The text dates from the Old Babylonian period, but thought to have been composed during the Third Dynasty of Ur. The text begins with a praise to Nippur, the city of Enlil, Nanna´s father. Nanna decides to visit the city of his mother.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. 2c - Nannar & his symbol (god of the Moon Crescent, SEE NANNAR‘S SYMBOLS AT BOTTOM of Nannar’s page)

(Nannar / Suen / Nanna / Sin, Enlil & Ninlil‘s son, not of the “double seed” because mother Ninlil is not Enlil‘s sister)

1-8 The heroic Nanna-Suen (Nannar / Sin) fixed his mind on the city of his mother (Ninlil in Nippur).

Suen Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) fixed his mind on the city of his mother.

Nanna-Suen fixed his mind on the city of his mother and his father.

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil  (Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into city wall)

Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) fixed his mind on the city of Enlil and Ninlil:

9-16 “I, the hero, will set off for my city.

I will set off for my city, I will set off to my father.

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

(Nannar‘s city of Ur way below his temple / house, the temple of Biblical Abraham & his father Terah, who was Nannar‘s High-Priest / butler, working daily with Nannar in his ziggurat / mud-brick-built mountain)

I, Suen (Sin), will set off for my city. I will set off for my city,

I will set off to my father. I will set off to my father Enlil.

I will set off for my city, I will set off to my mother.

I will set off to my mother Ninlil. I will set off to my father.

17-27 “The shining city, the pure place …….

6 lines missing

…… very great, …… very great, …… very great, …… very great.

28-36 “My Nibru (Nippur, named after their planet Nibiru), where black birch trees grow in a good place,

my sanctuary Nibru, where white birch trees grow in a pure place — my Nibru‘s shrine is built in a good place.

The sanctuary Nibru‘s name is a good name.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur(Enlil & Ninlil‘s ziggurat / temple / residence in Nippur, Command Central for the alien Anunnaki, top of structure was added by American archaeologists around 1900)

My Nibru‘s shrine is built in a good place.

The sanctuary Nibru‘s name is a good name.

Before Dilmun existed, palm trees grew in my city.

2a - Dilmun & Magan (Dilmun & Magan, pristine lands given by Enki to 2 of his offspring)

Before Dilmun (Sinai Peninsula) existed, palm trees grew in Nibru

and the great mother Ninlil was clothed in fine linen.”

37-38 Suen set about constructing (?) a barge.

He set about constructing (?) a barge and sent for reed matting.

1d - Anunnaki gods from Nibiru (giant aliens on Earth)

39-48 Nanna-Suen dispatched people to Tummal for the barge’s reeds.

Acimbabbar (Nanner / Sin) dispatched people to the abzu for the barge’s pitch.

Nanna-Suen dispatched people to Du-acaga for its rushes.

Acimbabbar dispatched people to the cypress forest for its strakes (?).

Nanna-Suen dispatched people to the forests of Kug-nuna for its ribbing (?).

(3 mss. add 2 lines in a parallel passage:

Acimbabbar dispatched people to the mountain of fragrant cedar for its beams.)

49-58 Acimbabbar dispatched people to the forests of Ebla for its planking.

Housing - gods house cedar timber unloaded (fragrant cedar timbers from Lebanon shipped to Nippur for Enlil)

Nanna-Suen dispatched people to the fragrant cedar forest for its fir wood.

Acimbabbar dispatched people to the junipers of Langi for its …….

Acimbabbar dispatched people to …… for its …….

Nanna-Suen dispatched people to the mound of …… for its …….

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images) 3aa - Nanna & his symbol

(Nannar / El, father to Utu & Inanna, Moon Crescent god of Biblical Terah, Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob in Ur & Harran)

59-82 When the barge’s reeds were brought to Nanna-Suen from Tummal,

when the barge’s pitch was brought to Acimbabbar from the abzu,

when its rushes were brought to Nanna-Suen from Du-acaga,

when its strakes (?) were brought to Acimbabbar from the cypress forest;

when its ribbing (?) was brought to Nanna-Suen from the forests of Kug-nuna,

(3 mss. add 2 lines: when its beams were brought to Acimbabbar from the mountain of fragrant cedar,)

when its planking was brought to Acimbabbar from the forests of Ebla,

when its fir wood was brought to Nanna-Suen from the fragrant cedar forest;

when its …… was brought to Acimbabbar from the junipers of Langi,

when its …… was brought to Acimbabbar from ……,

when its …… was brought to Nanna-Suen from the mound of ……,

1 line fragmentary

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna  (Utu, Nannar‘s son, patron god of Sippar, & the alien Anunnaki Space Port Commander)

Utu rejoiced at him and put ……. Gibil (Enki‘s son) rejoiced at him.

lines 83-146 missing or fragmentary

147-150 (He declared:) “I am Nanna-Suen,

I ……, I will …… to the house of Enlil.

I am Acimbabbar, and I will …… to the house of Enlil.

5 lines missing

3n - Nippur excavations (Nippur ruins excavated, way below Enlil‘s home away from home)

157-166 Nanna-Suen will gather bulls for the cow-pen for the house of Enlil.

Acimbabbar will collect (?) fattened sheep for the house of Enlil.

Nanna-Suen will purify the cow-pen for the house of Enlil.

Acimbabbar will feed meal to the goats for the house of Enlil.

Nanna-Suen will …… porcupines for the house of Enlil.

167-175 Acimbabbar will…… long-tailed bush-rats for the house of Enlil.

Nanna-Suen will gather (?) little kuda birds for the house of Enlil.

Acimbabbar will bring small ubi birds from the pond for the house of Enlil.

Nanna-Suen will bring small azagun birds from the …… for the house of Enlil.

176-185 Acimbabbar will …… suhur carp for the house of Enlil.

Nanna-Suen will …… ectub carp for the house of Enlil.

Acimbabbar will pour the oil of rushes onto the water for the house of Enlil.

Nanna-Suen will fill baskets with eggs for the house of Enlil.

Acimbabbar will cause old reed and fresh reed to thrive for the house of Enlil.

186-197 Nanna-Suen will cause six hundred ewes to give birth to lambs for the house of Enlil,

for he will cause their rams to be let loose among them,

and he will distribute them along the banks of the Id-surungal.

Acimbabbar will cause six hundred she-goats to give birth to kids for the house of Enlil,

for he will cause their bucks to be let loose among them,

and he will distribute them along the banks of the Id-surungal.

housing - Housing - tents of early modern man  (Nannar‘s cow pens, over 1 million cows in Ur)

Nanna-Suen will cause six hundred cows to give birth to calves for the house of Enlil,

Animals - gods & beasts (Sumer’s animals)

for he will cause their bulls to be let loose among them,

and he will distribute them along the banks of the Id-surungal.

198-202 Enegir lay ahead of the offerings, Urim (Ur) lay behind them.

She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house, what should not come out of the house —

Ningirida (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter via Uttu, Ninazu‘s spouse)

brought out of the house what should not come out of the house:

“Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

O boat of Suen, welcome, welcome o boat!”

5c - Enki & shipping

203-208 She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat.

(1 ms. adds 1 line: With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?)

for him (declaring):) “I shall rub precious oil on this peg.

May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!”

But the boat did not give her its cargo: “I am going to Nibru (Nippur, named after their planet Nibiru)!”

1aa - cities along Tigris & Euphrates Rivers (earthlings 1st cities, between the rivers, “the Eden”)

209-213 Larsa lay ahead of the offerings, Enegir lay behind them.

She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house, what should not come out of the house —

the lovely Cerida (unidentified?) brought out of the house what should not come out of the house:

“Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

O boat of my father, welcome, welcome o boat!”

214-219 She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat.

(1 ms. adds 1 line: With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?) for him (declaring):)

“I shall rub precious oil on this peg.

May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!”

But the boat did not give her its cargo: “I am going to Nibru!”

5bb - Enki's waterway in Eridu (docking at the ziggurat)

220-224 Unug (Uruk) lay ahead of the offerings, Larsa lay behind them.

She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house, what should not come out of the house —

1b - Inanna & torch or a weapon  (Inanna, Nannar‘s daughter, Goddess of Love, War, & later Goddess Liberty)

holy Inanna brought out of the house what should not come out of the house:

“Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

O boat of my father welcome, welcome o boat!

(1 ms. adds 1 line: O boat of Suen welcome, welcome o boat!)

225-230 She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat. (1 ms. adds 1 line:

With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?) for him (declaring):)

“I shall rub precious oil on your peg.

May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!”

But the boat did not give her its cargo: “I am going to Nibru (Nippur)!”

231-235 Curuppag (Shuruppaklay ahead of the offerings, Unug (Uruk) lay behind them.

She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house, what should not come out of the house —

Ninunuga (unidentified?) brought out of the house what should not come out of the house (alien items):

“Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

O boat of Suen welcome, welcome o boat!”

5ba - Sumerian ship coming to port (giant god & earthling workers dock at Enki‘s ziggurat in Eridu)

236-241 She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat.

(1 ms. adds 1 line: With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?) for him (declaring):)

“I shall rub precious oil on this peg.

May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!”

But the boat did not give her its cargo: “I am going to Nibru!”

242-246 Tummal lay ahead of the offerings, Curuppag (Shuruppak) lay behind them.

She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house, what should not come out of the house —

5a - Enki in the abzu-marshes (Ninlil on shore, Enlil, & Nusku)

the fair Ninlil brought out of the house what should not come out of the house:

“Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

O boat of the princely son welcome, welcome o boat!”

247-252 She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat.

( 1 ms. adds 1 line): (With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?) for him (declaring):)

“I shall rub precious oil on this peg.

May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!”

But the boat did not give her its cargo: “I am going to Nibru!”

253-257 Nibru lay ahead of the offerings, Tummal lay behind them.

At the Shining Quay, the quay of Enlil, Nanna-Suen finally docked the boat.

At the White Quay, the quay of Enlil, Acimbabbar (Nannar) finally docked the boat.

258-264 He stepped up to the cultic building of his father who begot him and called out

to the porter of his father who begot him: “Open the house, porter, open the house!

Open the house, Kalkal, open the house!

Kalkal (unidentified?), doorkeeper, open the house!

Doorman, doorkeeper, open the house! Porter, open the house! Kalkal, open the house!

2e - El & 2 lions (Nannar‘s cow pens in Ur)

265-274 “I, Nanna-Suen, have gathered bulls for the cow-pen for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Acimbabbar, have collected (?) fattened sheep for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Nanna-Suen, shall purify the cow-pen for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Acimbabbar, shall feed meal to the goats for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Nanna-Suen, have …… porcupines for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

4l - Utu, Inanna, & Nannar (Utu, twin sister Inanna, their father Nannar, & damaged son Papsukal)

275-283 “I, Acimbabbar

I, Acimbabbar — have …… long-tailed bush-rats for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Nanna-Suen, have gathered (?) little kuda birds for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Acimbabbar, have brought small ubi birds from the pond for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Nanna-Suen, have brought small azagun birds from the pond for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

          (Nannar, spouse to Ningal, son to Enlil)

284-293 “I, Acimbabbar, …… suhur carp for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Nanna-Suen, …… ectub carp for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Acimbabbar, shall pour the oil of rushes onto the water for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Nanna-Suen, have filled baskets with eggs for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

I, Acimbabbar, have caused old reed and fresh reed to thrive for the house of Enlil; porter, open the house.

           (Nanna-Suen, patron god over Ur)

294-305 “I, Nanna-Suen, have caused six hundred ewes to give birth to lambs for the house of Enlil,

for I have caused their rams to be let loose among them,

and I have distributed them along the banks of the Id-surungal; porter, open the house.

I, Acimbabbar, have caused six hundred she-goats to give birth to kids for the house of Enlil,

for I have caused their bucks to be let loose among them,

and I have distributed them along the banks of the Id-surungal; porter, open the house.

I, Nanna-Suen, have caused six hundred cows to give birth to calves for the house of Enlil,

for I have caused their bulls to be let loose among them,

and I have distributed them along the banks of the Id-surungal; porter, open the house.

306-308 “Porter, open the house! Kalkal, open the house!

I will give you that which is in the prow of the boat as a first offering,

and I will give you that which is in the stern of the boat as a last offering.”

309-318 Rejoicing, the porter rejoicing, the porter rejoicing opened the house.

Kalkal, the doorkeeper, rejoicing, the porter rejoicing opened the house.

Kalkal, in charge of the bolt-handle, rejoicing, the porter rejoicing, opened the house.

At the house of Enlil,……, Nanna-Suen made the offerings.

Enlil, rejoicing over the offerings, offered bread to Suen, his son.

 (Ninlil & Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, King Anu‘s son & heir)

319-325 Enlil rejoiced over Suen and spoke kindly:

“Give sweet cakes to my little fellow who eats sweet cakes.

Give sweet cakes to my Nanna who loves eating sweet cakes.

Bring out from the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple – residence) the bread allotment and first quality bread for him.

             (gods feasting & drinking at Enlil’s house)

Pour out for him the finest beer, my pure …….

May the …… of the towering tilimda vessels, standing on the ground, …….

Order pure sweet cake, syrup, crescent (?) cake and clear water for him.”

5 - Nannar and father, Enlil (Nannar & son Utu; Moon Crescent symbol of god Nannar, & 8-Pointed Star of Inanna)

326-330 Suen replied to his father who begot him:

“Father who begot me (Enlil), I am indeed satisfied with what you have given me to eat.

O Great Mountain, father who begot me, I am indeed satisfied with what you have given me to drink.

Wherever you lift your eyes, there is kingship.

O Enlil, your abundance is …….

3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple (Nannar’s house with Ur way below)

331-339 “Give to me, Enlil, give to me — I want to set off for Urim (Ur)!

In the river give me the carp-flood — I want to set off for Urim!

In the fields give me speckled barley — I want to set off for Urim!

In the marshes give me kuda carp and suhur carp — I want to set off for Urim!

In the reedbeds give me old reed and fresh reed — I want to set off for Urim!

In the forests give me the ibex and wild ram — I want to set off for Urim!

In the high plain give me the macgurum tree — I want to set off for Urim!

In the orchards give me syrup and wine — I want to set off for Urim!

In the palace give me long life — I want to set off for Urim!”

3d - Nannar's Ziggourat-Temple in Ur (Nannar‘s home discovered in Ur, southern Iraq)

340-348 He gave to him, Enlil gave to him — and he set off for Urim.

In the river he gave him the carp-flood — and he set off for Urim.

In the field he gave him speckled barley — and he set off for Urim.

In the pond he gave him kuda carp and suhur carp — and he set off for Urim.

In the reedbeds he gave him old reed and fresh reed — and he set off for Urim.

In the forests he gave him the ibex and wild ram — and he set off for Urim.

In the high plain he gave him the macgurum tree — and he set off for Urim.

In the orchards he gave him syrup and wine — and he set off for Urim.

In the palace he gave him long life — and he set off for Urim.

349-352 My king, on your throne, for Enlil, may Nanna-Suen (Nannar / Sin) make you be born for seven days.

              (Ninlil on her throne in Nippur)

On your holy throne, for the great mother Ninlil,

may the lord Acimbabbar make you be born for seven days.