Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

A Drinking Song (to Ninkasi): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-9 The gakkul vat, the gakkul vat!

The gakkul vat, the lamsare vat!

The gakkul vat, which puts us in a happy mood!

The lamsare vat, which makes the heart rejoice!

The ugurbal jar, glory of the house!

The caggub jar, filled with beer!

The amam jar, which carries the beer from the lamsare vat!

The troughs made with bur grass and the pails for the dough!

All the beautiful vessels are ready on their pot stands!

10-20 May the heart of your god be well disposed towards you!

Let the eye of the gakkul vat be our eye, and let the heart of the gakkul vat be our heart!

What makes your heart feel wonderful in itself also makes our hearts feel wonderful in themselves!

We are in a happy mood, our hearts are joyful!

You have poured a libation over the fated brick,


and you have laid the foundations in peace and prosperity — now may Ninkasi dwell with you!

She should pour beer and wine for you!

Let the pouring of the sweet liquor resound pleasantly for you!

4 - drinking bouts of the gods (drinking bouts of the gods could last for weeks)

21-31 In the troughs made with bur grass, there is sweet beer.

I will have the cupbearers, the boys and the brewers stand by.

As I spin around the lake of beer, while feeling wonderful, feeling wonderful,

while drinking beer, in a blissful mood, while drinking alcohol and feeling exhilarated,

with joy in the heart and a contented liver — my heart is a heart filled with joy!

I clothe my contented liver in a garment fit for a queen!

2b - offering to Inanna, & towers  (modern earthling servant brings produce to goddess Inanna)

The heart of Inana is happy once again; the heart of Inana is happy once again!

2 - Ninkasi (Ninkasi, Enki’s offspring were assigned management positions over certain responsibilities)

32 A …… to Ninkasi.

A Hymn to Ninkasi: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

           2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer (Ninhursag, King Anu’s eldest daughter, Chief Medical Science Engineer) 

        1-4 Given birth by the flowing water ……, tenderly cared for by Ninhursaja (Ninhursag)!

           2a - Ninkasi, Enki's daughter via Uttu (Ninkasi, daughter of Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu)

Ninkasi, given birth by the flowing water ……, tenderly cared for by Ninhursaja!

5-8 Having founded your town upon wax, she completed its great walls for you.

Ninkasi, having founded your town upon wax, she completed its great walls for you.

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki, King Anu’s eldest & wisest son, 1st to arrive on Earth with his crew of 50)

9-12 Your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud, and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu.

(Ninti, daughter of Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu)

Ninkasi, your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud, and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu.

13-16 It is you who handle the …… and dough with a big shovel,

mixing, in a pit, the beerbread with sweet aromatics.

5e - Mesopotamia Plaque Showing Banqueters  (beer manufacturing lead by giant goddess Ninkasi)

Ninkasi, it is you who handle the …… and dough with a big shovel,

mixing, in a pit, the beerbread with sweet aromatics.

17-20 It is you who bake the beerbread in the big oven, and put in order the piles of hulled grain.

6a - Ninkasi brewing the beer5 - cup bearer for the gods

                        (leisure of the alien gods, earthlings bear the burdensome workloads)

Ninkasi, it is you who bake the beerbread in the big oven, and put in order the piles of hulled grain.

21-24 It is you who water the earth-covered malt; the noble dogs guard it even from the potentates (?).

2 - Ninkasi3a - Ninkasi tasting the elixer of the gods (NInkasi tastes the brew, using straws, avoiding thick mash)

Ninkasi, it is you who water the earth-covered malt; the noble dogs guard it even from the potentates (?).

25-28 It is you who soak the malt in a jar; the waves rise, the waves fall.

Ninkasi, it is you who soak the malt in a jar; the waves rise, the waves fall.

29-32 It is you who spread the cooked mash on large reed mats; coolness overcomes …….

Ninkasi, it is you who spread the cooked mash on large reed mats; coolness overcomes …….

33-36 It is you who hold with both hands the great sweetwort, brewing it with honey and wine.

Ninkasi, it is you who hold with both hands the great sweetwort, brewing it with honey and wine.

37-40 1 line damaged

You …… the sweetwort to the vessel.

Ninkasi, …….

You …… the sweetwort to the vessel.

41-44 You place the fermenting vat, which makes a pleasant sound,

appropriately on top of a large collector vat.

Ninkasi, you place the fermenting vat, which makes a pleasant sound,

appropriately on top of a large collector vat.

45-48 It is you who pour out the filtered beer of the collector vat;

2a - Lagash in Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia, “land of the gods”, the “Eden”, between Rivers Euphrates & Tigris)

it is like the onrush of the Tigris and the Euphrates.

Ninkasi, it is you who pour out the filtered beer of the collector vat;

it is like the onrush of the Tigris and the Euphrates.

Ninimma Quotes From Texts

Ninimma = Enki’s & Ninkurra’s daughter


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


        “Ninkura in turn gave birth to Ninimma.

          She brought the child up and made her flourish…”


         Ninimma in turn went out to the riverbank.

         Enki was towing his boat along and was able to see up there, …….

         He laid eyes on Ninimma on the riverbank and said to his minister Isimud:

         ‘Have I ever kissed one like this nice youngster?

         Have I ever made love to one like nice Ninimma?’

         His minister Isimud answered him:

          ‘My master will sail, let me navigate.

         He will sail, let me navigate.’

         First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

         He clasped her to the bosom, lying in her crotch, made love to the youngster and kissed her.

         Enki poured semen into Ninimma’s womb and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki.

         To the woman its one month was but its one day,

         its two months were but its two days, its three months were but its three days,

         its four months were but its four days, its five months were but its five days,

         its six months were but its six days, its seven months were but its seven days,

          its eight months were but its eight days, and at its nine days,

         in the month of womanhood, like juniper oil, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

         Ninimma, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance, gave birth to Uttu, the exalted (?) woman…”


         “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant; and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug,

       ……  and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”

A Song to Ninimma (Ninimma A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


1-18 You are the seal-holder of the treasury of the …….

You are the caretaker of the great gods, you are …….

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur  (E-kur, Enlil’s mud-brick-built ziggurat residence in Nippur)

Ninimma, you are the lady of all the great rites in the E-kur.

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (King Anu’s son & heir Enlil, Earth Colony Commander)

Lady, you are the …… of Enlil, you are the heavenly scribe.

You …… the tablet of life.

1 line fragmentary

You, who bring the best corn, are the lady of the E-sara.

The surveyor’s gleaming line and the measuring rod suit you perfectly.

You can hold your head high among the great princes.

You are …….

You are ……, the cherished one.

1 line fragmentary

……; you are exceptional in wisdom.

…… joy …….

My lady, you were exalted already in the womb; you are resplendent like the sunlight.

You are suited to the lapis-lazuli crown (?); you are the heavenly ……. …… adorned with loveliness …….

1 line fragmentary

approx. 10 lines missing


5d-nannar-his-sheep-2-unknowns (semi-divine king with dinner approaches Nannar in Ur)

1-11…… like a strong (?) ……. …… of the E-kur …… lady ……. …… the forceful one of Nanna …….

You are profoundly intelligent, one who knows everything.

You are the shining light which fills the exalted sanctuary.

You are she who …… by Enlil.

You are …….

You are …….

You are most apt for the holy susbu rites and lustration rites.

1 line unclear

Ninimma of the holy divine plans, it is sweet to praise you!


1You are …….

A Balbale to Nanše (Nanše B)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

   Segment A

1-2. 2 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-12. A fish is held in her hand as a staff …….

Fishes are put on her feet as sandals …….

Fishes light up the interior of the sea like fires …….

Fishes play on instruments for her like (?) sur priests.

Fishes call out loudly for her like (?) oxen.

She has fish wrapped around her body as a regal garment.

The runner-fish (kaškaš) hastens (kaš) to her.

The gurgur fish makes the sea surge up (gurgur) for her.

The flash-fish (ĝir) makes the sea sparkle (ĝir) for her.

She heaps up fish spawn so that …… fish will grow for her in the sea.

Fishes fly around for her like swallows.

f490bc24768f3d0b7637245a26b854ba   (Nanshe, Goddess of Persian Gulf Birds & Fishes)

13-22. “I, the lady, will ride on my boat, I will ride home.

I will ride on the prow of the boat, I will ride home.”

Its canopy of gold and fragrant cedarwood sparkles for her on the sea.

Its cabin shines for her like rejoicing moonlight on the sea.

“My husband is the tax collector of the sea, Nindara is the tax collector of the sea.”

2 lines unclear

EGE13118  (Enki‘s daughter Nanshe in charge of the birds & fishes)

23. A balbale of Nanše.”

A Hymn to Nanshe: translation A

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-9 There is a city, there is a city whose powers are apparent.

Nijin is the city whose powers are apparent.

The holy city is the city whose powers are apparent.

The mountain rising from the water is the city whose powers are apparent.

Its light rises over the secure temple; its fate is determined.

              (Nanshe, respected daughter of Enki’s, goddess over the Persian Gulf)

There is perfection in the city; the rites of mother Nance (Enki‘s daughter) are performed accordingly.

Its lady, the child born in Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city),

Nance, the lady of the precious divine powers, is now to return.

10-19 She is beer mash (?), the mother is yeast (?),

Nance is the cause of great things: her presence makes the storehouses of the land bulge

(1 ms. has instead: prosper) and makes the honey …… like resin in the storerooms.

Because of her, there stand vessels with ever-flowing water;

Farming - clay Sumerian sickle Farming - early man feeding the gods (Sumer, 1st to farm)

because of Nance, the baskets containing the treasures of the Land

cover the ground like the silt of the river.

She is the lady of …….

2 lines unclear

20-31 She is concerned for the orphan and concerned for the widow.

She does not forget the man who helps (?) others, she is a mother for the orphan;

Nance, a carer for the widow, who always finds advice for the debt-slave;

the lady who gives protection for refugees.

She seeks out a place for the weak.

She swells his collecting basket for him; she makes his collecting vessel profitable for him.

For the righteous maiden who has taken her path, Nance chooses a young man of means.

Nance raises a secure house like a roof over the widow who could not remarry.

32-46 There is perfection in the presence of the lady.

Lagac thrives in abundance in the presence of Nance.

3h - King Ur-Nanshe stela, Ninhursag (King Ur-Nanshe & spouse with Nanshe‘s mother Ninhursag)

She chose the cennu in her holy heart and seated (King) Ur-Nance,

the beloved lord of Lagac (Lagash), on the throne.

She gave the lofty scepter to the shepherd.

She adorned (King) Gudea with all her precious divine powers (alien technologies).

8d - Gudea as high-priest of Lagash (Gudea, son-king of Ninsun‘s, Ninurta‘s 2/3rds divine mixed-breed grandson)

The shepherd chosen by her in her holy heart,  Gudea, the ruler of Lagac, placed the lyre (?)

Cow-of-Abundance among the tigi drums and placed the holy balaj drum at its side.

While sacred songs and harmonious songs were performed before her,

            (1st with beer, music, & song)

the kintur instrument praised the temple.

The chief musician played the ibex horn for her: the song

2e - Eridu temple reconstruction 2b - Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king, Isumud, & Enki  (Abzu, Enki‘s ziggurat & domain)

‘The house has been granted powers from the Abzu’,

the sacred song of the house of Sirara about the princely powers was performed.

47-58 The dream interpreter went into the sacristy and made glittering silver ecde cups ready for her.

The temple cook ……, and prepared hot and cold food for her.

He …… of the oven for her (?) and …… made the great shovel bellow for her.

After the meat had arrived in large bowls and cool water had been brought from the Sirara-canal,

             (land of the gods between the rivers)

after the festival trappings had arrived from Lagac and wine had been brought from the countryside,

her great oven which vies with the great dining hall, Nance‘s shrine of food offerings, was humming.

59-64 The lady, the matriarch of Enlil, Nance, the lady of abundance who lives in in the Land, 

(Nanshe, child of Enki, Fish & Bird Goddess of the Persian Gulf)

the……, the child of Enki, acting as a good woman for a good household, is to make the appointments.

After she, as a good woman for a good household, has made the appointments,

the regular offerings and daily goods of the house arrive unfailingly from the Bursaj.

65-75 If (?) the grain does not suffice for these rites and the the vessels are empty and do not pour water,

the person in charge of the regular offerings does not receive extra.

After what was distributed from the foods and what was distributed from the drinks,

after what was left over from the regular offerings and was not used by the house,

after what was expended from the taxed fish, after what …… one iku of reed-beds ……,

and after what was received in nuts ouch them.

No one should carry the bread of the shrines in the district as bread allotment.

…… prime beer, …… cool water.

76-82 The preparation for the temple’s permanent first-fruit festival should not stop.

Let there be a fat carrier who delivers fat to the house,

             (earthlings feeding the alien gods)

let there be a milk carrier who delivers milk to the house

and let there be a fish courier, a person of daily assignment.

After the firewood carrier has brought his delivery from the open country into his lady’s house,

it should be deposited in its corners and sides.

He who confirms or contradicts what is uttered,

               (Nanshe, Goddess over the Birds & Fishes of the Persian Gulf)

who enters Nance‘s house from outside (?), and does not leave it,

the caretaker of Nance‘s house, the child born to Utu, lord Hendursaja …….

The king discriminates between the good and the evil deeds,

              (Utu, the Sun God, Commander of the Space Ports, son to Nannar)

Hendursaja (Utu‘s & Aia’s son) discriminates between the good and the evil deeds.

The …… which might be obstructed by evil he …….

…… (incompletely preserved name of a goddess) ……,

the heroic child of youthful Suen (Sin / Nannar), …… the evil utterances for Nance.

92-93 May the lady of the right commands and inalienable divine powers,

              (Nanshe, Inanna, & Ningal seated; Persian Gulf fish & fowl of Nanshe)

Nance, be praised in all the countries!

94-112  At new year, on the day of rites, the lady libates water on the holy …….

On the day when the bowls of rations are inspected,

Nance also inspects the servants during the appointments.

  (Nisaba, Enlil’s mother-in-law, Goddess of Scribes & Grains)

Her chief scribe Nisaba places the precious tablets on her knees and takes a golden stylus in her hand.

She arranges the servants in single file for Nance and then it will be decided whether or not

a leather-clad servant can enter before her in his leather,

whether or not a linen-clad servant can pass before her in his linen.

Any registered and …… hired (?) person about whom observers (?)

and witnesses claim to witness his fleeing from the house will be terminated in his position …….

The king who always cares for the faithful servants,

      (Enlil with plow, Haia registering on a tablet, his spouse Nisaba & their daughter Ninlil, Enlil‘s equal spouse)

Haia, the man in charge of registration, registers on a tablet

him who is said to be a faithful servant of his lady

but deletes from the tablet her who is said not to be the maidservant of her lady.

113-129 If the vessels pour no water, the roads are not in order,

the dough trough is not kept clean, the fire is …… in the house during (?) the night-time,

the incantations are …… in the house during (?) the day-time,

then the cita-aba priest serving his term will be terminated from his office.

For a susbu priest who serves his term administering food allotments

and against whom a complaint has been lodged and for a sajja priest who while living in the house

did not make her holy songs and thoughts manifest (?), …… further rations are denied

and thereby mother Nance‘s ordinances will become apparent.

These words are ultimate; nothing is to be added to these rites.

No one should …… other powers to these powers.

Since not even one ……, no …… enters Nance‘s house (in Lagash).

1 line is unclear

130-136  At Nance‘s house, the river of the ordeal cleanses a person.

After the oracular messages and (?) the holy songs have come out of ……

of the Abzu (marshlands of Enki‘s patron city Eridu on the Persian Gulf), …… the songs,

and the enkum and ninkum priests choose (?) the purification rites.

No …… or …… are to be added its words.

No obstinate or threatening utterance shall arise.

137-153 Anyone who …… his hand and reaches out (?) for something forcefully (?),

and whose hand matches (?) his mouth and who commits violence,

who …changes a firm foundation or alters a marked out border, who is rushing (?) to the place of oath,

1 line unclear

who …… a small weight in place (?) of a large weight,

and …… a small ban measure in place (?) of a large ban measure,

who desire something after having acquired something,

who does not say “I have eaten” after having eaten,

and does not say “I have drunk” after having drunk,

and then says, “I will set a bowl before you, I will filter beer for you”;

a maidservant of a god who …… and …… from the house,

an untrustworthy person who …… while living in the house;

if anyone says “Serve (?) me, I want to eat”, or says “Serve (?) me,

I want to drink”, then Nance does not allow him to eat any bread

with fat or shining eggs, because of the violation (?).

154-162 If the violent person was allowed to eat ……, with (?) …… eyes,

paralyzed mouth, shuffling feet, he does not …… and does not …….

The powerful one who ……, the rich one who …… on the street,

the married one who …… his wife for (?) the widow,

who laughed one day in his rage, who makes fun of his calamity another day —

this person does not raise his …… for (?) the lady.

163-174 For the lady who cares for all the countries, the queen, mother Nance, sees into their hearts:

the orphan who ……, the widow who ……, the waif delivered up to the powerful,

the powerful delivered to the powerless, the mother who scolds at her child,

the child who talks obstinately to his mother,

the younger brother who talks against his elder brother or talks back his his father.

The lady, who ……, Nance, who ……,

Nance sees into the heart of the Land as if it were a split reed.

1 line unclear

175-180 Her herald lord Hendursaja (Utu‘s son, Nanshe‘s House Master)…….

Her protecting genius Dumu-tur-cugi does not ……, her guardian placed ……, guarding …….

Nance …... her house in Sirara (temple district of gods in Lagash) sprinkled with water,

her house …… during (?) the night-time.

181-192 He who extends his staff of office, the one respected within the Abzu,

               (Enki’s goddess daughter Nanshe)

the lord who has no opposition in the terraced tower (?) of Nance‘s house,

the king, lord Hendursaja, promulgates the decrees of Nance‘s house.

They are heavy smoke settling on the ground; the commands of the house

are thick clouds covering the sky as if they were joined together with the needle of matrimony,

yet the king, lord Hendursaja, tears them apart.

He can discriminate between the just and the wicked,

and he can bring justice to the orphan as well as to the widow.

193-211 He decides justly any lawsuits between mother and child:

if the mother has given to the child what she had to eat,

has given to it what she had to drink, has ……,

1 line unclear

and his mother …… the firewood carrier’s delivery from the open country,

and yet the child does not speak to the mother

who bore him in the great city with black looks (?) or in anger;

and if the mother ordered her child to the place where the offense happened

and the mother struck him at his ……,

but nevertheless she has given him suck from her milk-filled breast,

2 lines unclear

then, after the king who loves justice,

Hendursaja, has evaluated their testimonies and examined the case,

he will place the blame on the mother of the child

so that she will not be able to bear the weight of heavy blame,

and there will be no god such a person could pray to.

212-221 If the mother has not given to the child what she had to eat,

has not given to it what she had to drink, has not ……

1 line unclear

and his mother …… the firewood carrier’s delivery from the open country,

and the child speaks to the mother who bore him in the great city

with black looks (?) and in anger, then the king who hates violence,

Hendursaja, will treat such a person like water in a filthy place,

and will reject that child for her sake as grain is rejected by acid soil.

…… the words of his own mother …….

223-231 The guarantor of boundaries, the expert in (?) righteous words,

2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta, mother to giant 2/3rds divine king Gudea)

lady, wise woman who founded Lagac (Lagash)…… with Jatumdug (Ninsun).

…… righteous words for (?) Nance.

              (Enlil instructs son Ninurta & granddaughter Inanna)

The exalted lady whose commands are ……, the lady who like Enlil determines fates,

who is seated on the throne of Sirara (also used as her name)

she, the pure one, looks at her powers.

232-240 At the house which has been granted powers from the Abzu,

in Sirara, the gods of Lagac gather around her.

To weigh silver with standard weights, to standardize the size of reed baskets,

Weights & Measures - Babylonian weights of measureThe Rassam obelisk from Nimrud, Mesopotamia, northern Iraq. Neo-Assyrian, 883-859 BCE. This fragment of a stone relief formed part of an obelisk discovered by archaeologist Hormuzd Rassam. The obelisk decorated one of the central squares in Nimrud, the site where King Ashurbanipal II chose to build his new administrative centre of the Assyrian Empire. This panel shows the king watching treasure being weighed on a pair of scales. ANE, 118800.

           (standardized weights & measures, 1st used in Sumer, land of advanced giant alien gods)

they establish an agreed ban measure throughout the countries.

The shepherd, the expert of the Land, the wise one (?) of the countries,

 (Ninurta, grandfather of King Gudea)

Ictaran (Ninurta)who decides lawsuits justly, who lives in the Land ……

 (Ninsun, her 2/3rds divine son King Gudea, & Ningishzidda)

Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda) …….

2 lines unclear


241-250 To weigh silver with standard weights, to standardize the size of reed baskets (a bushel),

they establish an agreed ban measure throughout the countries.

…… of (?) all the great rites.

1 line unclear

After …… in (?) the established storerooms, the lady of the storerooms ……

her lofty …… with (?) vessels with ever-flowing water

and with (?) …… of (?) reed containers which never become empty,

she ordered her herald, lord Hendursaja to make them profitable (?).

251-255 My lady, your divine powers (alien technologies) are mighty powers,

surpassing all other divine powers; Nance, there are no divine powers matching your powers.

             (Anu, the sole authority & King over planet Nibiru & their Earth Colony project)

An (Anu), the king, looks joyfully at you,

as you sit with Enlil on the throne-dais where the fates are to be determined.

Father Enki determined a fate for you.

2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu (Enki‘s daughter, Eridu ruins, Enki‘s patron city)

Nance, child born in Eridug , sweet is your praise.

Nanše and the Birds (Nanše C)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Segment A

1-7.The pelican (?) came forth from the holy reedbeds.

It came forth from the holy reedbeds.

The wise pelican (?) spent the day high in the skies.

The pelican (?) cried out in the sky: its singing was sweet and its voice was pleasing.

My lady …… her pelican (?) with beauty.

EGE13118  (Nanshe, Enki’s daughter, Goddess of Persian Gulf Birds & Fishes)

The mistress, Mother Nanše, …… her pelican (her standard) (?) with beauty.

8-9. “I am the mistress! How can my pelican (?) ……? How can I ……? I am Nanše!

How can my pelican (?) …… holy? How can ……?”

10-22. She herself …… upon the water like a large pelican (?).

Stepping onto earth from heaven, she …… in the water like a holy cow.

A holy pelican (?), a white cow, she drank by the water’s side.

With the towering flood …….

Nanše, shining …… of the Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods!

f490bc24768f3d0b7637245a26b854ba  (Enki’s offspring were each given areas of responsibility for Earth Colony establishment)

Mistress, Mother Nanše, good woman, ……!

Nanše, sister praised by the Anuna (aliens mistaken for gods)!

Mother, beautiful matriarch of Enlil!

{Nanše} {(1 ms. has instead:) My lady}, delighting in her pelican (?),

erected a lapis lazuli shrine, and set the holy pelican (?) by her feet.

23-27. “I am the mistress, so let my birds assemble for me where the sheaves are gathered!

I am Nanše, so let my birds assemble for me where the sheaves are gathered!

Let the birds of heaven and earth stand at my service!

Let every bird without a name bring offerings!

Let every bird not caught in nets ……!”

28-30. The voiceless bat ……, a bird that darts by in the heavens.

The Anzud bird decides the fates with (?) the Anuna gods.

6 - Anzu, Igigi leader

31-42. The sharp-toothed bird in (?) the water sends forth …… wisdom:

“My mistress, ……. I am the bird, the sharp-toothed bird!

All by myself …….

My Nanše, ……!

I am the bird, the sharp-toothed bird!

All by myself …….”

3 lines fragmentary

The lammergeier ……. …… the lammergeier …….

It kills wild bulls in the foothills, and it kills the stags in the high mountains.

43-45. Raven, raven, your eggs are shining bright!

Raven bird, your eggs are shining bright!

Where do people carry off your holy eggs, your …… eggs to?

46-48. The ostrich …… her eggs on the hillside.

She receives those eggs as something to carry: the bird knows how to keep watch at night.

  (Nanshe with her birds of the Persian Gulf, ancient Mesopotamia)

49-53. The peacock spends the day keeping watch.

The holy bird, the peacock, spends the day calling ‘ḫaya’.

A bird red from cornelian, blue from lapis lazuli, white (?) from chalcedony (?),

with all kinds of gold, and leather inlaid with gold —

may the copper-smith fashion the peacock for you thus.

54-63. O bird in the sky! O vulture, weaver, vulture, weaver!

O uz vulture in the sky!

O vulture, weaver, vulture, weaver!

Its wings together, its feet together,

1 line fragmentary

Its call …… to the ear (?) ……. …… its call …….

4 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-14. 3 lines fragmentary

The misaz bird …… cries out …….

1 line fragmentary

The snake-eater bird is green …….

Its wings …… a barge …….

The …… bird …….

The gubi bird …….

5 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-6. 1 line fragmentary

2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer (Ninhursag’s failed attempts at fashioning a worker / “modern man”)

…… of Ninḫursaĝa (Ninhursag) (?) he brings as his property to the mountains.

Since it was searching for its property, the bird is called niĝgurmudum (‘He brings his property’).

The niĝgurmudum bird calls out and laments in the desert of Keš (Kish).

2d - Kish 1926 (Kish ruins & Ninhursag‘s ziggurat residence)

7-17. The twittering birds flocking in the palace …….

The salsal bird cries in lament over itself.

The egret (?), seemly in a …… linen garment, is present at the quayside.

The heron (?) is brown, and clad in …… in the reedbeds.

The …… bird catches azagur fish.

The giri-ilu bird, dread of the people, …… its ‘giri-ilu’.

The stork …… picks up (?) …… like grass.

The sa bird names …… its young …….

The dubdubu bird …….

The šegšeg bird sheds tears like a crying baby.

The gubiguzaga bird …… like an angry man.

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment D

(it is possible that Segment D belongs to a different version)

1-15. 2 lines fragmentary

…… green ……. …… birds, like ants in crevices …….

Fragment of a stele with bust of the goddess Ba'u. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 16,2 cm AO 4572  (Bau, King Anu‘s daughter, spouse to her nephew Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag)

…… Bau (Gula) takes a bath …….

The tigilu bird …… the split roots …….

The dove …… gently in the broad fields.

The pigeon …… bitterly in the vacant lot of the king.

           (Nanshe & her birds of the Persian Gulf)

The ubi bird and the udar bird …… ants …….

The bird ……. …… in the gutter like beasts.

1 line unclear

…… humbly like an orphaned child …….

The ḫamun bird …… in harmony …… is dressed in linen.

…… wine, like wine ……

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment E

1-16. The heron (?) …….

The girgid bird …….

The dur bird …….

1 line fragmentary

The dar bird …… guard …….

The dar bird …… ‘tikutikumae’.

The …… bird …… in the marshes.

The adardara bird …… the swallow …….

The …… bird, when the net is suspended …….

The …… bird …… marshes …….

The šu-ur bird …… its extended wings and its head.

The sleep bird spends its time crying ‘dilibipila’.

The shepherd bird cries ‘uludig uludig’.

The shepherd bird is brightly coloured like the durdar bird, and has a crest on its head.

The nu-erimla bird does not live in windows or reed huts.

The tirida bird calls the name ‘tirida’ in the reedbeds.

17-20. ……, you are she who loves the fish and birds!

You are she who does not scatter my ……!

You are she who does not belittle ……!

Mistress, Mother Nanše, it is sweet to praise you!

Nanshe’s (House in Sirara) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

O house, wild cow ……, city which appears in splendor adorned for the princess,

Sirara, great and princely place, your …… by the shrine,

your lady Nanše, a great storm, a mighty flood, born on the shore of the sea,

who laughs on the foam of the sea, who plays on the water of the flood, who ……,

  (Nanshe, daughter to Enki, Goddess of Persian Gulf Birds & Fishes)

Nanše, the …… lady, has erected a house in your precinct,

O house Sirara (ancient city), and taken her seat upon your dais.

f490bc24768f3d0b7637245a26b854ba (Nanshe, giant alien Goddess of Birds & Fishes of Persian Gulf)

10 lines: the house of Nanše in Sirara.

Nanshe Quotes From Texts

Nanshe / Nanse / Nazi = Enki’s & Ninhursag‘s Daughter, via Uttu

Spouse to Nindara, Goddess of Fish & Fowl of the Persian Gulf


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Nanshe has two major symbols, both of which are also seen in Christian folklore. The fish represents her original role as a water and fishing goddess. The pelican, said in folklore to rip open its own chest to feed its young, represents her role as a protector and caregiver.

The Guarantor of Boundaries – the lady of the storerooms

In the Nanše Hymn she is described as having a role seeing that weights and measures are correct.

As Nanshe:

        “as she escaped from Isin. Nanshe cried, ‘O my devastated city…’

        her beloved dwelling place was given over to misfortune….”


       “Who . . s the izi-bird and the lil-fish, who . . . . ,

        Who comes out from the zipag, who . . . . ,

        The Lady of Sirar[a, Mother Nansh]e,

        Of the sea, of its . . . . places, Enki placed in charge…”


        “Nanshe, the lady, the lord – the holy . . . fell at her feet,

        She has become the fishery inspector of the se[a] (?),

        Fish, tasty, (and) . . . . ,

        She presents to her [father(uncle) Enlil…”


       “the child of Enki, acting as a good woman for a good household,…”


As Nance:

       “Nance, the noble daughter, was settled outside the city…”


        Father Enki determined a fate for you.

       Nance, child born in Eridug (Eridu, Enki’s city), sweet is your praise…”


       “He who confirms or contradicts what is uttered,

       who enters Nance’s house from outside (?), and does not leave it,

        the caretaker of Nance’s house, the child born to Utu, lord Hendursaja …….”


       “He who extends his staff of office, the one respected within the Abzu,

       the lord who has no opposition in the terraced tower (?) of Nance’s house,

        the king, lord Hendursaja, promulgates the decrees of Nance’s house…”


       “The lady of precious rites, Nance, versed in singing holy songs, sang songs for the house…”


       “Nance, the queen of the fishermen, will be delighted with you…”


       “The city of Nance, Nijin, was delivered to the foreigners.

        Sirara, her beloved dwelling, was handed over to the evil ones.

        ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly… “


       Nance, what you say is trustworthy and takes precedence.

       You are the interpreter of dreams among the gods,…”


        “You have taken your place upon the throne-dais of Lagac (Lagash).

        Speak to holy mother Nance,…”


       Nance answered the ruler: My shepherd, I will explain your dream for you in every detail.

        The person who, as you said, was as enormous as the skies, who was as enormous as the earth,

        whose head was like that of gods, whose wings, as you said, were like those of the Anzud bird,

        and whose lower body was, as you said, like a flood storm,

        at whose right and left lions were lying, was in fact my brother Nin-jirsu (Ninurta)

       ´The young woman …… sheaves, who held a stylus of refined silver in her hand,

        who had placed it on a tablet with propitious stars and was consulting it, she was in fact my sister Nisaba‘….”


       “’Nin-jirsu, I want to build up your house for you,

       I want to make it perfect for you, so I will ask your sister, the child born of Eridu,

        an authority on her own, the lady, the dream-interpreter among the gods,

        my divine sister from Sirara, Nance, to show me the way.’

       His call was heard; his master, Lord Nin-jirsu accepted from (2/3rds divine King) Gudea


       “Now the ruler imposed a levy on his land.

       He imposed a levy on his realm of abundant ……, on Nin-jirsu´s Gu-edina.

       He imposed levy on his built-up cities and settlements, on Nance´s Gu-jicbara…”


       “There was a levy for him on the clan of Nance

        Both river banks and shores rising out of the waters,

        the huger river, full of water, which spreads its abundance everywhere,

        and he placed the holy pelican (?), the standard of Nance, in front of them…”


As Nanse:

        “When the mistress, Mother Nanše, floats her holy barge to visit you,

        sweet and noble singers perform for her on board…”


        “Nanše (Nanshe) has placed a mighty symbol in your hand, Ḫendursaĝa (Utu’s son).

        The mistress, Mother Nanše, speaks confidentially with you…”


        “Nindara, the king of Lagaš (Lagash).

        Also with her help, monthly and at the New Year on the days of regular offerings,

        in your house Nindara makes the wedding-gifts on your behalf

        for the mistress, Mother Nanše…”


        “The one who sets sail…in the holy shrine, the innin who induces copulation…

        great flood-wave of the sea, turbulent flood-wave, the inundation of the sea…

        who springs forth out of the sea-foam…the innin of Sirara,

        mother Nanse, the sea in all its breadth, Enki placed in charge of it…”


          (Nanshe, powerful daughter to Enki)

       “Nanse, the noble nin/en, at whose feet the holy u-bird stands,

        is now the customs inspector of the sea.

        Good fish, tasty birds, she grants her father (uncle) Enlil in Nippur…”


As Nazi:

       “Let Nazi marry Nindara;…”


       “Nazi shall marry Nindara,…”


       “’My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

        ‘My throat (zi) hurts me.’

        She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Nazi out of it


       “My husband is the tax collector of the sea,

       Nindara is the tax collector of the sea.

       2 lines unclear

       A balbale of Nanše….”

Minor Gods Related to Ninhursag Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Martu Quotes From Texts

Martu = son of Anu & Ninhursag / Urash

married Utu’s daughter, patron god to the city Ninab…


         “engendered by great An (Anu) and brought up on his holy knees, ……,

         born by Uraš (Ninhursag),

         cherished and granted a favorable destiny by the Great Mountain Enlil,…”

        “Martu, august youth,

         who completely controls the distant mountains as far as their borders,…

        who occupies a holy dais in the mountains, the pureplace!…

        whom holy An (Anu) engendered,

        who appears gloriously with numerous divine powers (alien technologies)!

         His own mother Ninḫursaĝa (Ninhursag) made his form excel Medim-ša’s

         so that no one should threaten him.

         The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods,

         enhanced his strength with warrior qualities, and spoke favorably to him.

         They invested (?) him with authority that accompanies him in battle

         like a coat of armor, …… to him mace, divine weapon, a great bow,

         arrows and quiver in his august hands,

         made his divinity magnificently perfect,…

         He grasps the seven winds, makes fire ……,

         subduing all in battle and fight, …… like lightning…”

        “For the king, he annihilates all enemy lands that are not compliant to him.

         Martu, the son of An, extends a hand to the good shepherd…

         his own father, the lord of the gods,…

         he presented to him the Martu lands, the lapis-lazuli mountains…

         he is the king’s helper in battle… Martu, son of An…”

Enki & Ninhursag have daughters

(in search of an heir for Enki by his sister Ninhursag)

Ninsar Quotes From Texts

Ninsar = Ninhursag & Enki’s daughter, Ninkurra’s mother

goddess of Green Fields and Luscious Meadows

         “Enki distributed his semen destined for Damgalnuna (Ninhursag).

He poured semen into Ninhursaja’s (Ninhursag) womb

and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki.

But her one month was one day,

but her two months were two days,

but her three months were three days,

but her four months were four days,

but her five months were five days,

but her six months were six days,

but her seven months were seven days,

but her eight months were eight days,

but her nine months were nine days.

In the month of womanhood, like juniper oil, like juniper oil,

like oil of abundance, Nintud, mother of the country,

          like juniper oil, gave birth to Ninsar. …”


        “Nine days later, without the slightest labor or pain,

         the Great Mother Goddess gave birth to a lovely girl

         without the slightest travail or pain.

         The girl was called Ninsar, Lady Verdure,

         the Mistress of Vegetation, the green carpet of grass, leaves

         and flower beds that cover the surface of the earth…”

        “Enki was overjoyed with the birth of his and Ninhursag’s child:…”

        “’How perfect, how lovely is our Ninsar!

         I love already the woman in the girl-child,

         the young Anunnaki goddess and Mistress of Velvet Meadows and Green Fields.

         The ties that bind me to Ninsar are strong” and tempered by an even greater love,

         for in her face I see also Ninhursag’s, the one and only to my wandering heart.’

         The Great Lady, holding Ninsar in her arms, kissed Enki in the mouth, and said:

         ‘Soon my time to leave Dilmun will come,

         I endow Ninsar with the power to grow in record time,

         and in holy Dilmun I’ll leave my youngster daughter

         safe and sound from any illness, hatred or harm.’ …

         nine days later Ninsar was fully grown, charming and graceful, a sight to behold.

        …Enki saw Ninsar walking on her own along the marshlands.

          Indeed, a lovely goddess she had become, and Enki’s eyes fell on the Maiden’s,…”

         “Enki did not lose time and immediately started wooing the young lady,

         encouraging her to love him wildly by the riverside.

         Curious and eager as Ninsar was to experience the power of love in her body,

         mind, soul, and heart,

         she, the young goddess of Green Fields and Luscious Meadows,

         yielded to the Sweet Waters Lord, and together they made wild love.

         But when morning came, Enki looked into Ninsar’s eyes and found her a loving,

         but pale portrait of Ninhursag…”

        “Enki stayed with Ninsar for a while, because he knew his seed could be her womb.

         So he stayed with her until the ninth day, when Ninsar gave birth to Ninkurra,

        another girl-child, the future goddess of Mountain Pastures…”

         “Sadly, Ninsar realized that although she had been

         passionately loved by Enki for a time,

         there was a longing in his eyes, his body, soul and mind she could not satisfy.

         ‘Bonded to him I for a time was,’ thought Ninsar,

         ‘but he does not want me for myself, this I can tell.

         Mine is not the mind, body, soul and heart

         that holds his for a minute that means eternity,

         so I’ll let him go, now and forever’…”

          “In turn Ninsar went out to the riverbank.

         Enki was able to see up there from in the marsh, he was able to see up there, he was.

         He said to his minister Isimud:

         ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed? Is this nice Ninsar not to be kissed?’

         His minister Isimud answered him:

         ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed? Is this nice Ninsar not to be kissed?’…”

         “First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

         He clasped her to the bosom, kissed her,

         Enki poured semen into the womb and she conceived the semen in the womb,

         the semen of Enki.

         But her one month was one day, but her two months were two days,

         but her nine months were nine days.

         In the month of womanhood, like juniper oil, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

         Ninsar, like juniper oil, like juniper oil,

         like oil of abundance, gave birth to Ninkura...”

Ninkurra Quotes From Texts

Ninkurra = daughter by Enki & Ninsar

(grand-daughter to Ninhursag)

Uttu & Ninimma’s mother

        “Ninsar gave birth to Ninkurra, another girl-child,

         the future goddess of Mountain Pastures.

         As before, Enki rejoiced at Ninkurra’s loveliness,

         at her cheerful smile and sweet face.

         Again, Enki saw in Ninkurra twice the mark of his beloved Ninhursag

        “ Ninkurra, who, like herself, grew in record time.

         Lovely, resourceful Ninkurra demonstrated enormous energy

         by climbing the highest heights, up to the mountain tops,

         but also keeping her essence tied to the ground.

         This way Ninkurra, the Goddess of Mountain Pastures

         grew safe from all hatred or harm.

         Another nine days passed by, and as Ninkurra played at a mountain top,

         curiosity led her to explore a well that surfaced out of the blue to water the greens

         and wild flower beds she had just made grow.

         To her sheer surprise and delight, the well took the shape of a handsome god,

         who introduced himself to her as Enki the Sweet Waters Lord.

         Again, Enki looked at Ninkurra’s young and cheerful face,

         and desired to dive into the maiden’s embrace,

         for she reminded him twice of Ninhursag,…

        “Ninkurra, who had lived a life so sheltered at the mountain heights,

         was fully bewitched by the easy charm of the older, more experienced god.

         Thus she joyously yielded to him and love they made for nine days and nine nights.

         But Enki soon realized that as lovely as Ninkurra was,

         she could not be compared to Ninhursag.

         As before, the Sweet Waters Lord left Ninsar after nine days,

         when Ninkurra gave birth to another lovely girl-child called Uttu,

         the Spider, the Weaver of Patterns and Life Desires…

        “Ninhursag…frowned at the sadness reflected in Ninsar’s and Ninkurra’s eyes,

         and frowned at Enki’s unbridled lust…”

         “In turn Ninkura went out to the riverbank.

         Enki was able to see up there from in the marsh, he was able to see up there, he was.

         He said to his minister Isimud:

         ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed? Is this nice Ninkura not to kissed?’

         His minister Isimud answered him:

         ‘Kiss this nice youngster. Kiss this nice Ninkura.

         My master will sail, let me navigate.

         He will sail, let me navigate.’

         First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

         He clasped her to the bosom, kissed her,

         Enki poured semen into the womb and she conceived the semen in the womb,

         the semen of Enki.

         But her one month was one day, but her nine months were nine days.

         In the month of womanhood, like juniper oil, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

         Ninkura, like juniper oil, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

         gave birth to Uttu, the exalted (?) woman…”


         “Ninkura in turn gave birth to Ninimma (instead of Uttu).

She brought the child up and made her flourish.

Ninimma in turn went out to the riverbank.

Enki was towing his boat along and was able to see up there, …….

          He laid eyes on Ninimma (Enki & Ninkura’s daughter) on the riverbank …”

Ninimma Quotes From Texts

Ninimma = Enki & Ninkurra’s daughter

(great-grand-daughter of Ninhursag’s)

        “Ninkura in turn gave birth to Ninimma.

         She brought the child up and made her flourish…”

         “Ninimma in turn went out to the riverbank.

         Enki was towing his boat along and was able to see up there, …….

         He laid eyes on Ninimma on the riverbank and said to his minister Isimud:

        “‘Have I ever kissed one like this nice youngster?

         Have I ever made love to one like nice Ninimma?’

         His minister Isimud answered him:

         ‘My master will sail, let me navigate.

         He will sail, let me navigate.’

         First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

         He clasped her to the bosom, lying in her crotch,

         made love to the youngster and kissed her.

         Enki poured semen into Ninimma’s womb

         and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki.

         To the woman its one month was but its one day,

         its two months were but its two days, its three months were but its three days,

         its four months were but its four days, its five months were but its five days,

         its six months were but its six days, its seven months were but its seven days,

         its eight months were but its eight days, and at its nine days,

         in the month of womanhood, like juniper oil, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

        Ninimma, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

        gave birth to Uttu, the exalted (?) woman…”

         “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

         and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, ……

         and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”

Nina Quotes From Texts

Nina = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu

goddess of Oracles

       O Nina, Hea’s (Enki’s) daughter!


        “may the goddess Ninâ the mistress of interpretations,…”

        “For the goddess Ninâ, the lady of destinies (?), the lady of oracles (?),

         for his lady, Gudea the patesi of Shirpurla has made the dedicatory inscriptions (?).

         In Ninâ-ki, her favorite city, her temple of E-ud-mâ-Ninâ-ki-tag

         which rises from the Kur-ê he has constructed…”

         “For the goddess Ninâ, the lady of destinies (?), the lady of oracles (?),

         for his mistress, Dungi (King Shulgi) the puissant prince, the king of Ur,

         the king of Shumer and Accad, the temple of E-shish-shish-e-ma-ra,

         her favorite temple, has constructed…”

         “he (Ur-Nanshe) has erected.

         The temple of the goddess Ninâ…”

         “may the goddess Nin-marki the eldest daughter of the goddess Ninâ...”

         “For the goddess Nin-mar-ki (Enki’s daughter), the good lady,

         the eldest daughter of the goddess Niná…”

          “En-anna-tumma, the patesi Of Shirpurla-ki,

         the chosen of the heart of the goddess Ninâ,

         the great patesi of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

         the son of Entena the patesi of Shirpurla-ki…”

         “By harvesting, the men of Umma had eaten one storehouse-full

         of the grain of Nina [goddess of Oracles], the grain of Ningirsu;…”

         “Urlumma, ruler of Umma drained the boundary canal of Ningirsu,

         the boundary canal of Nina;…”

         “Ili, ruler of Umma, wickedly flooded the dyked and irrigated field;

         he commanded that the boundary canal of Ningirsu;

         the boundary canal of Nina be ruined….

         Enlil and Ninkhursag did not permit [this to happen].

         Entemena, ruler of Lagash, whose name was spoken by Ningirsu,

         restored their canal to its place according to the righteous word of Enlil,

         according to the righteous word of Nina,…”

        “Ur-Bau (mixed-breed), the patesi of Shirpurla-ki,

        the offspring begotten by the god Nin-âgal (Enki’s son),…

        chosen by the immutable will of the goddess Niná,…”

Ninmarki Quotes From Texts

Ninmarki = Enki & Nina’s daughter

        “may the goddess Nin-marki the eldest daughter of the goddess Ninâ…”

         “Ur-Bau;…For the goddess Nin-mar-ki the good lady,

        the eldest daughter of the goddess Ni(Enki’s daughter),

        the Esh-gu-tur, the temple of her constant choice, he has constructed…”

        “Nance, the noble daughter, was settled outside the city.

         Fire approached Ninmarki in the shrine Gu-aba.

         Large boats were carrying off its silver and lapis lazuli.

         The lady, sacred Ninmarki, was despondent because of her perished goods.

         Then the day ……, burning like …….

         The province of Lagac (Lagash) was handed over to Elam…”

         “For the goddess Nin-mar-ki the good lady,

         the eldest daughter of the goddess Niná, the Esh-gu-tur (?),

         the temple of her constant choice, he (Ur-Nanshe) has constructed…”

         “She of Gu-aba has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

         Ninmarki has abandoned the shrine Gu-aba

         and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold…”

Uttu Quotes From Texts

Uttu = Enki & Ninimma’s daughter,

  sometimes Enki & Ninkurru’s daughter

goddess of clothing, weaving


Uttu As Ninimma’s Daughter:

         Ninimma, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

         gave birth to Uttu, the exalted (?) woman.

         Nintud (Ninhursag) said to Uttu:

         ‘Let me advise you, and may you take heed of my advice.

         Let me speak words to you and may you heed my words.

         From in the marsh one man is able to see up here, is able to see up here, he is;

         from in the marsh Enki is able to see up here, is able to see up here, he is.

         He will set eyes on you.’

         10 lines fragmentary

         …… Uttu, the exalted (?) woman ……

         3 lines fragmentary

         ( Uttu said:)

         ‘Bring cucumbers in ……, bring apples with their stems sticking out (?),

         bring grapes in their clusters, and in the house

         you will indeed have hold of my halter,

         O Enki, you will indeed have hold of my halter.’

         When he was filling with water a second time,

         he filled the dykes with water, he filled the canals with water,

         he filled the fallows with water.

         The gardener in his joy rose (?) from the dust and embraced him:

         ‘Who are you who …… the garden?’

         Enki (said to) …… the gardener:

         4 lines missing

         He brought him cucumbers in ……,

         brought him apples with their stems sticking out (?),

         brought him grapes in their clusters, filled his lap.

         Enki made his face attractive and took a staff in his hand.

         Enki came to a halt at Uttu’s, knocked at her house (demanding): ‘Open up, open up.’

         (She asked): ‘Who are you?’

         (He answered:) ‘I am a gardener.

         Let me give you cucumbers, apples, and grapes for your …Yes’.

         Joyfully Uttu opened the house. Enki gave Uttu, the exalted (?) woman,

         cucumbers in ……, gave her apples with their stems sticking out (?),

         gave her grapes in their clusters. (1 line not in the ms. from Nippur:

         He poured beer for her in the large ban measure.)

         Uttu, the exalted (?) woman, …… to the left for him, waved the hands for him.

         Enki aroused Uttu.

         He clasped her to the bosom, lying in her crotch,

         fondled her thighs, fondled her with the hand.

         He clasped her to the bosom, lying in her crotch,

         made love to the youngster and kissed her.

         Enki poured semen into Uttu’s womb

         and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki.

         Uttu, the beautiful woman, cried out :

         ‘Woe, my thighs’. She cried out: ‘Woe, my liver. Woe, my heart.’

         Ninhursaja (Ninhursag) removed the semen from the thighs…

         Ninhursaja cursed the name Enki:

         ‘Until his dying day, I will never look upon him with life-giving eye.’…”


        “and since in the Land he neither fashioned the yarn of Uttu

         (the goddess of weaving) nor pegged out the loom for Uttu…”


        “There was no cloth to wear; Uttu had not been born —

         no royal turban was worn;…”


         “All the yarns of Uttu, the splendor of kingship, belong to me…”

        “For Enki the people…the…garment.

        The one who is the dignity of the palace, the decorum of the king,

         Uttu, the unfailing woman of silence, Enki placed in charge of them…”

        “The tiara (?) of the palace, the jewel of the king,

        Uttu, the trustworthy woman, the joyous (?), Enki placed in charge of them…”

Uttu As Ninkurra’s Daughter:

          “Enki poured semen into the womb

and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki.

But her one month was one day, but her nine months were nine days.

In the month of womanhood, like juniper oil,

like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

Ninkura, like juniper oil, like juniper oil,

          like oil of abundance, gave birth to Uttu, the exalted (?) woman. …”


         “Ninkurra, who had lived a life so sheltered at the mountain heights,

         was fully bewitched by the easy charm of the older, more experienced god.

         Thus she joyously yielded to him and love they made for nine days and nine nights.

         But Enki soon realized that as lovely as Ninkurra was,

         she could not be compared to Ninhursag.

         As before, the Sweet Waters Lord left Ninsar after nine days,

         when Ninkurra gave birth to another lovely girl-child called Uttu,

         the Spider, the Weaver of Patterns and Life Desires…”


         “Nintud (Ninhursag) said to Uttu:

         ‘Let me advise you, and may you take heed of my advice.

         Let me speak words to you and may you heed my words.

         From in the marsh one man is able to see up here, is able to see up here, he is;

         from in the marsh Enki is able to see up here, is able to see up here, he is.

         He will set eyes on you.’…


         “Ninhursag…frowned at the sadness reflected in Ninsar’s and Ninkurra’s eyes,

         and frowned at Enki’s unbridled lust.

         Ninhursag knew how charming Enki could be,

         but no matter what, young Uttu the Weaver

         should be advised to avoid the riverbanks,

         or the places where Enki and herself could be found alone or unchaperoned:

         ‘Daughter Uttu, beware of the marshes and the riverbanks,

         where Enki, the Sweet Waters god, reigns as Sovereign.

         There he will see you, there he will desire you and want to make of you his own,

         only to leave you all alone later on!’ was Ninhursag’s stern advice to Uttu.

         For a time young Uttu did follow the Great Lady’s advice

         and kept her distance from Enki’s lusty sight.

         But one day Enki’s desire won the young goddess’ heart,

         when he brought to her delicacies from the garden of delights:

         apples, cucumbers and grapes, all this and more Enki offered to the young goddess.

         Then Uttu, full of joy, opened herself to welcome Enki, the crafty god,

         and he embraced her with heartfelt glee, lying in her lap content and happy.

         Loving strokes, kisses and hugs they shared,

         until Enki’s seed found its way to Uttu’s young and yet untried womb.

         Later, still lying on Enki’s powerful arms,

         doubt entered Uttu’s mind, body and heart:

         ‘Tonight you loved me so dearly, tonight I was your spouse,

         the one and only, your dearest,’ she thought .

         ‘But will you love me in the morning, o lustiest of all gods?

         Will you stay in my arms and never let me go

         And will you love for more than a holy night,

         and share with me happy and hard times?’

         But when morning came and Uttu looked into Enki’s eyes,

         she knew she still was not the one to hold captive the Sweet Waters Lord.

         With a tender kiss Enki took his leave,

         but did not say when he was going to come back, or ever returned to stay.

         Uttu swallowed stubborn tears,

         but decided not to surrender to loss and sorrow, and more.

         ‘I vow not to be bonded to Enki from this moment on,’

         she promised herself with a deep-rooted resolve.

         ‘If he does not want me for myself, for what we can together be,

         I will not carry any of his seeds within or without my very being!’

         Uttu immediately turned then to Ninhursag for help.

         The Great Mother goddess, beloved by all, would know what to do,

         would ensure the best course of action.

         ‘Wipe out Enki’s seed of your body,

         and bury within the depths of the Earth the promise of life you shared with him,’

         said the Great Lady and Womb of Creation.

         ‘Let the Earth receive and transform yours and Enki’s seed.

         And after you do this all, take your time so that your body,

         heart, mind and soul may heal.

         And I, who have known love, pain, sorrow and immense joy, give you,

         daughter, a very special blessing:

         may the wisdom of experience brought by such pain enter your being again

         and may you learn to ask as much as you give from your future lovers

         for as long as you live.

         Reciprocation is the key for everlasting relationships!’…”

8 Children of Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

Ninhursaja made Enki sit by her vagina.

(1 line not in the ms. from Nippur:

She placed (?) her hands on …….

and ……. on its outside.)

(Ninhursaja asked:)

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“The top of my head (ugu-dili) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Ab-u out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“The locks of my hair (siki) hurt me.”

She gave birth to Ninsikila out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My nose (giri) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Ningiriudu out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My mouth (ka) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Ninkasi out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My throat (zi) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Nazi out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My arm (a) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Azimua out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My ribs (ti) hurt me.”

She gave birth to Ninti out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My sides (zag) hurt me.”

She gave birth to Ensag out of it.

(She said:) “For the little ones to whom I have given birth

may rewards not be lacking.

Ab-u shall become king of the grasses, (#1)

Ninsikila shall become lord of Magan (Egypt, #2),

Ningiriudu shall marry Ninazu,(#3)

Ninkasi shall be what satisfies the heart, (#4)

Nazi shall marry Nindara, (#5)

Azimua shall marry Ninjiczida, (#6)

Ninti shall become the lady of the month, (#7)

and Ensag shall become lord of Dilmun (Sinai).” (#8)

(#1)Abu Quotes From Texts

Abu = Enki & Ninhursag’s son via Uttu

god of the grasses, vegetation, sprung from head of Enki

        “Enki heard Ninhursag’s voice resonate all over his being:

         ‘The first seed you ate and made you ill,

         I take its power into my myself and transform it into a newly born god,

        a younger brother and son to you, dearest.

         I therefore have given birth to the god Abu to set your body free.’…”


        “( Ninhursaja asked:)

         ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘The top of my head (ugu-dili) hurts me.’

         She gave birth to Ab-u out of it…”

        “Let Abu be the master of plants;…”

        “(She (Ninhursag) said:)

        ‘For the little ones to whom I have given birth may rewards not be lacking.

        Ab-u shall become king of the grasses,’…”

(#2)Ninsikila Quotes From Texts   Ninsikila = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu

Patron goddess of the paradise land of Dilmun

         “‘My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?

         ‘The locks of my hair (siki) hurt me.’

         She gave birth to Ninsikila out of it…”


          “He laid her (Ninhursag) down all alone in Dilmun,

and the place where Enki had lain down with his spouse,

that place was still virginal, that place was still pristine.

He laid her down all alone in Dilmun,

and the place where Enki had lain down with Ninsikila

(Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu),

          that place was virginal, that place was pristine. …”

        “Ninsikila said to her father Enki:

         ‘You have given a city. You have given a city.

         What does your giving avail me? You have given a city, Dilmun’…”

         “(Enki answered Ninsikila:)

         ‘When Utu steps up into heaven,

         fresh waters shall run out of the ground for you

         from the standing vessels (?) on Ezen’s (?) shore,

         from Nanna’s (Nannar’s) radiant high temple,

         from the mouth of the waters running underground’…”

         “from Nanna’s (Nannar’s) radiant high temple,

         from the mouth of the waters running underground,

         fresh waters ran out of the ground for her.

         The waters rose up from it into her great basins.

         Her city drank water aplenty from them.

         Dilmun drank water aplenty from them…”

         “Ninsikila shall become lord of Magan,…”

         “He cleansed, purified the [land Di]lmun,

         Placed Ninsikilla in charge of it,…”

         “He cleanses and purified the kur-Dilmun, set Ninsikilla in charge of it…”


        “Nin-sikil was also instructed and she made large halub logs, ebony,

        and aba wood reach the ruler building the E-ninnu…”

(#3)Ningirida / Ningiriudu /Ninsutu Quotes From Texts

Ningirida / Ningiriudu / Ninsutu = Enki’s & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu

Ninazu’s spouse, Ningishzidda’s mother, Ereshkigal’s daughter-in-law

As Ningirida:

         “Ninjiczida, who brings together giant snakes and dragons!

         Great wild bull who, in the murderous battle, is a flood that ……!

         Beloved by his mother, he to whom Ningirida gave birth

         from her luxurious body, who drank the good milk at her holy breast,

         who sucked in lion’s spittle, who grew up in the abzu!…”


         “She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house,

         what should not come out of the house —

         Ningirida (Ninazu’s spouse) brought out of the house

         what should not come out of the house:

         ‘Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

         O boat of Suen, welcome, welcome o boat!’…”


         “Lady Ningirida, say to you:

         ‘Your house, your city!’ as she steps before you in prayer,

         god of the Land, my lord Ninazu!…”

         “Praise be to Enki.

         Ninjiczida, son of Ninazu!…”

As Ningiriudu:

        “’My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My nose (giri) hurts me.’

         She gave birth to Ningiriudu out of it…”

         “Ningiriudu shall marry Ninazu,…”

As Ninsutu:

         “Let Ninsutu marry Ninazu;…”

         “Where else do you hurt, dearest?’ ‘ My tooth hurts me.’ ‘

         To the goddess Ninsutu I have given birth for you to set your tooth free…”

(#4)Ninkasi Quotes From Texts

Ninkasi / Ninkashi = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu

beer maker for the gods

As Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu:

         “’Where do you still feel much pain, dearest? What hurts you?’

         ‘My mouth hurts me.’ Ninhursag kissed Enki in the mouth.

         ‘To the goddess Ninkasi I have given birth for you to set your mouth free’…”

        ‘”My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My mouth (ka) hurts me.’

         She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Ninkasi out of it…”

As Enki & Ninti’s Daughter:

         “Your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud,

         and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu.

         Ninkasi, your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud,

         and your mother is Ninti (Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu),

         the queen of the abzu…”

         “Ninkasi shall be what satisfies the heart,…”

         “Let Ninkasi be she who sates the thirsts;…”

         “”When the beer dough has been carefully prepared in the oven,

         and the mash tended in the oven,

         Ninkasi (the goddess of beer) mixes them for me…”

        “Ninkasi, it is you who pour out the filtered beer of the collector vat;

         it is like the onrush of the Tigris and the Euphrates…”

        “I am Ninkasi’s help, for her I sweeten the beer, with as much cold water,

         the tribute of the hills, as you brought…”

         “An (Anu) will fetch Ninguenaka (Ninkasi) for me from her mountain home —

         the expert woman, who redounds to her mother’s credit,

         Ninkasi the expert, who redounds to her mother’s credit:

         her fermenting-vat is of green lapis lazuli,

         her beer cask is of refined silver and of gold;

         if she stands by the beer, there is joy, if she sits by the beer, there is gladness;

         as cupbearer she mixes the beer, never wearying as she walks back and forth,

         Ninkasi, the keg at her side, on her hips;

         may she make my beer-serving perfect…”

(#5)Nanshe Quotes From Texts

Nanshe / Nanse / Nazi = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu

spouse to Nindara, goddess of fish & fowl of the sea, goddess of justice

As Nanshe:

         “as she escaped from Isin. Nanshe cried, ‘O my devastated city…’

          her beloved dwelling place was given over to misfortune….”


        “Who . . s the izi-bird and the lil-fish, who . . . . ,

         Who comes out from the zipag, who . . . . ,

         The Lady of Sirar[a, Mother Nansh]e,

         Of the sea, of its . . . . places, Enki placed in charge…”


         “Nanshe, the lady, the lord – the holy . . . fell at her feet,

         She has become the fishery inspector of the se[a] (?),

         Fish, tasty, (and) . . . . ,

         She presents to her [father] Enlil…”


         “the child of Enki, acting as a good woman for a good household,…”

As Nance:

         “Nance, the noble daughter, was settled outside the city…”


        “Father Enki determined a fate for you.

         Nance, child born in Eridug (Eridu, Enki’s city), sweet is your praise…”

       “He who confirms or contradicts what is uttered,

        who enters Nance’s house from outside (?), and does not leave it,

         the caretaker of Nance’s house, the child born to Utu, lord Hendursaja …….”


         “He who extends his staff of office, the one respected within the Abzu,

         the lord who has no opposition in the terraced tower (?) of Nance’s house,

         the king, lord Hendursaja, promulgates the decrees of Nance’s house…”


        “The lady of precious rites, Nance, versed in singing holy songs,

         sang songs for the house…”

        “Nance, the queen of the fishermen, will be delighted with you…”


        “The city of Nance, Nijin (Isin), was delivered to the foreigners.

         Sirara, her beloved dwelling, was handed over to the evil ones.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


        “Nance, what you say is trustworthy and takes precedence.

        You are the interpreter of dreams among the gods,…”


         “You have taken your place upon the throne-dais of Lagac (Lagash).

         Speak to holy mother Nance,…”


         “Nance answered the ruler:

         ‘My shepherd, I will explain your dream for you in every detail.

         The person who, as you said, was as enormous as the skies,

         who was as enormous as the earth, whose head was like that of gods,

         whose wings, as you said, were like those of the Anzud bird,

         and whose lower body was, as you said, like a flood storm,

         at whose right and left lions were lying,

         was in fact my brother Nin-jirsu (Ninurta)…”


        “The young woman …… sheaves,

        who held a stylus of refined silver in her hand,

        who had placed it on a tablet with propitious stars and was consulting it,

         she was in fact my sister Nisaba….”


        “’Nin-jirsu, I want to build up your house for you,

         I want to make it perfect for you, so I will ask your sister, the child born of Eridu,

         an authority on her own, the lady, the dream-interpreter among the gods,

         my divine sister from Sirara, Nance,to show me the way.’

         His call was heard; his master, Lord Nin-jirsu accepted from (King) Gudea…”


        “Now the ruler imposed a levy on his land.

        He imposed a levy on his realm of abundant ……, on Nin-jirsu´s Gu-edina.

        He imposed levy on his built-up cities and settlements, on Nance´s Gu-jicbara…”


         “There was a levy for him on the clan of Nance

         Both river banks and shores rising out of the waters,

         the huger river, full of water, which spreads its abundance everywhere,

         and he placed the holy pelican (?), the standard of Nance, in front of them…”

As Nanse:

         “When the mistress, Mother Nanše, floats her holy barge to visit you,

         sweet and noble singers perform for her on board…”


         “Nanše (Nanshe) has placed a mighty symbol in your hand,

         Ḫendursaĝa (Utu’s son).

         The mistress, Mother Nanše, speaks confidentially with you…”


         “Nindara, the king of Lagaš (Lagash).

         Also with her help, monthly and at the New Year on the days of regular offerings,

         in your house Nindara makes the wedding-gifts on your behalf

         for the mistress, Mother Nanše…”


        “The one who sets sail…in the holy shrine, the innin who induces copulation…

         great flood-wave of the sea, turbulent flood-wave, the inundation of the sea…

         who springs forth out of the sea-foam…the innin of Sirara,

         mother Nanse, the sea in all its breadth, Enki placed in charge of it…”


         “Nanse, the noble nin/en, at whose feet the holy u-bird stands,

         is now the customs inspector of the sea.

         Good fish, tasty birds, she grants her father Enlil in Nippur…”


As Nazi:

        “Let Nazi marry Nindara;…”


        “Nazi shall marry Nindara,…”


         “’My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My throat (zi) hurts me.’

         She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Nazi out of it

Nindara Quotes From Texts

Nindara = Nanshe’s husband

Enki & Ninhursag’s son-in-law

        “Nindara, the king of Lagaš (Lagash).

         Also with her help, monthly and at the New Year on the days of regular offerings,

         in your house Nindara makes the wedding-gifts on your behalf for the mistress,

         Mother Nanše…”


        “may the god Nin-dara (Nanshe’s husband) the royal warrior,…”


        “Let Nazi marry Nindara;…”


          “Nazi shall marry Nindara,…”


        “You are the accountant of Nindara (Nanshe’s spouse),

         king of Niĝin in its spacious location…”


        “My husband is the tax collector of the sea,

         Nindara is the tax collector of the sea.

         2 lines unclear

         A balbale of Nanše….”


         “For the god Nin-dara, the lord of destinies (?), his temple he has constructed….

         Gudae…dowered with power by the god Nin-dara…”

(#6)Azimua Quotes From Texts

Azimua = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu

spouse to Ningishzidda

As Azimua:

        “’What hurts you still, dear (Enki)?’

         ‘My throat hurts me. (Ninhursag)’

         ‘To the goddess Azimua I have given birth for you to set your throat free.’…”

        “’My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

         ‘My arm (a) hurts me.’

         She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Azimua out of it…”

         “Azimua shall marry Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda),…”

        “To Dimpimekug (1 ms. has instead: Dimpikug, who stands by his side,

        he gave a lapis-lazuli seal hanging from a pin,

       and a gold and silver toggle-pin with a bison’s head.

         To his spouse, Ninazimua (Azimua), the august scribe, denizen of Arali,

         in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a headdress

         with the august ear-pieces (?) of a sage, made of alabaster, a …… stylus,

         the hallmark of the scribe, a surveyor’s gleaming line, and the measuring rod …….”

As Ninazimua:

         “To …… Ninjiczida, in his palace,

         the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a …… sparkling with ……,

         ……. donkeys that bray loudly (?), followed by …….”

         “To …… Ninazimua, …… denizen of Arali, and to Jectin-ana, the king’s sister,

         in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a ……,

         the hallmark of the scribe, ……, a peg and the measuring rod …….”

(#7)Ninti Quotes From Texts

Ninti = Enk & Ninhursag’s daughtervia Uttu “Lady Life”

Your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud,

and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu.

Ninkasi, your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud,

and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu…”

What hurts you most, dearest (Enki)?’

‘My rib hurts me.’

‘To the goddess Nin-ti, the Lady of the Rib and the One who makes Live,

I (Ninhursag) have given birth for you to set your rib free.’…”

‘”My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

‘My ribs (ti) hurt me.’

She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Ninti out of it…

Ninti shall become the lady of the month,…”

Ninti,Lady of the Rib”, shared her emotions with the other Anunnaki on board her ship. They watched as all living things left upon the Earth were drowned.

The Anunnaki, great gods, were sitting in thirst, in hunger…

Ninti wept and spent her emotion; she wept and eased her feelings.

The gods wept with her for the land.

She was overcome with grief; she thirsted for beer.

Where she sat, the gods sat weeping; crouching like sheep at a trough.

Their lips were feverish of thirst, they were suffering cramp from hunger…”


The Goddess saw and she wept…her lips were covered with feverishness….”

(She went on to say:)

My creatures have become like flies – they filled the rivers like dragonflies,

their fatherhood was taken by the rolling sea…”

(#8)Enshag Quotes From Texts

Enshag = Enki & Ninhursag’s son via Uttu

lord over Tilmun

What hurts you still, dear (Enki)?’ ‘My limbs hurt me.’

To the god Enshag I (Ninhursag) have given birth for you to set your limbs free…”

“‘My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’ ‘My sides (zag) hurt me.’

She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Ensag out of it…”

         “and Ensag shall become lord of Dilmun…”

         “Let Enshag be the lord of Tilmun!…”

Nintulla Quote From Text

Nintulla = Enki & Ninhursag’s son via Uttu

         “The Great Lady (Ninhursag) continued her mighty healing ritual,

         asking Enki for the names of the organs that had been affected.:

         ‘Dearest, what hurts you?’

         ‘My jaw hurts me.’

         ‘To the god Nintulla I have given birth for you to set your jaw free’…”

Sal-pae Quote From Text

Sul-pae = lord of Ninhursag’s house in Kish, Ninhursag’s spouse?, concubine?

         “House Keš, given birth by a lion…

         Ninursaĝa (Ninhursag) sits within like a great dragon.

         Nintur the great mother assists at births there.

         Šul-pa-e the ruler acts as lord…”


Umul Quote From Text

Umul = one of Enki & Ninhursag’s creatures

failure in producing the mixed-breed “workers

         “Enki said to Ninmah:

         ‘For your creatures I have decreed a fate,

         I have given them their daily bread.

         Now, you should decree a fate for my creature, give him his daily bread too.’

         Ninmah looked at Umul and turned to him.

         She went nearer to Umul asked him questions but he could not speak.

         She offered him bread to eat but he could not reach out for it.

         He could not lie on ……., he could not …….

         Standing up he could not sit down, could not lie down,

         he could not …… a house,

         he could not eat bread…”