Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

The Building of Ningirsu´s (Ninurta’s) temple: translation

Cylinder A |Cylinder B

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


          1-4 On the day when in heaven and earth the fates had been decided, Lagac (Lagash) raised its head high in full grandeur,

        and Enlil looked at lord Nin-jirsu (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son) with approval.

        In our city there was perfection.


          5-9 The heart overflowed with joy, Enlil‘s heart, a river in flood, overflowed with joy.

        The heart overflowed with joy, and just as the Tigris brings sweet water,

        so Enlil, whose will is an enormous flood, sparkling and awe-inspiring, came to a sweet decision:


                  (Lagash ruins with Ninurta‘s E-ninnu zigurat-residence)

          10-16 ‘The lord called for his house and I intend to make the grandeur of E-ninnu known everywhere.

        Using his wisdom, the ruler will achieve great things.

        He will direct faultless cattle and kids for offering.

        It is for him the fated brick is waiting.

        It is by him that the building of the house is to be done.´


          7c - Ninurta, Lord over the Pyramid wars (mixed-breed king Gudea, mother goddess Ninsun, & Ninurta)

        17-23 On that day, in a nocturnal vision Gudea saw his master, lord Nin-jirsu.

        Nin-jirsu (Ninurta) spoke to him of his house, of its building.

        He showed him an E-ninnu with full grandeur.

        Outstanding though his mind was, the message remained to be understood for him.


           24-32 ´Well, I have to tell her about this! Well, I have to tell her about this.

        I will ask her to stand by me in this matter.

        Profound things (?) came suddenly to me, the shepherd,

        but the meaning of what the nocturnal vision brought to me I do not understand.

        So I will take my dream to my mother and I will ask my dream-interpreter, an expert on her own,

        my divine sister from Sirara (temple complex in Lagash), to reveal its meaning to me.´


        33-38 He stepped aboard his boat, directed it on the canal Id-Nijin-dua towards her city Nijin (Bau‘s city Isin),

        and merrily cut through the waves of the river.

         (Ninurta‘s patron city of Lagash, along the Tigris River)

        After he had reached Bagara, the house extending as far as the river,

        he offered bread, poured cold water and went to the master of Bagara to pray to him.


        5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir 2ba - Ninurta atop his winged hell-cat.  (Ninurta, Enlil‘s eldest son & heir; Ninurta riding his winged beast)

           39-51 ´Warrior, rampant lion, who has no opponent!


                                    (Utu & Ninurta climb Eridu ziggurat to visit Enki at home in the abzu / marshlands) 

        Nin-jirsu, important in Abzu (marshlands of Persian Gulf), respected in Nibru (Nippur, named after their planet Nibiru)!

        Warrior, I want to carry out faithfully what you have commanded me;

        Nin-jirsu, I want to build up your house for you, I want to make it perfect for you, so I will ask your sister,

        the child born of Eridu (Enki), an authority on her own, the lady,

        the dream-interpreter among the gods (Goddess of Persian Gulf Birds & Fishes)

         f490bc24768f3d0b7637245a26b854ba1e - Nanshe, goddess of birds & fish (Enki gave daughter Nanshe authority of Persian Gulf birds & fishes) 

        my divine sister from Sirara, Nance (Enki‘s & Ninhursag‘s daughter via Uttu), to show me the way.´

        His call was heard; his master, Lord Nin-jirsu accepted from (King) Gudea his prayer and supplication.


          8e - Gudea, Governor of Lagash   (Gudea, Ninsun‘s giant mixed-breed son-king of Lagash)

          52-63  Gudea celebrated the ecec festival in the house of Bagara.

        The ruler set up his bed near to Jatumdug (Ninsun).

          2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun / Jatumdug, Ninurta‘s daughter, Gudea‘s mother)

        He offered bread and poured cold water and went to holy Jatumdug to pray to her:

        ´My lady, child begotten by holy (Bau) An, an authority on her own, proud goddess, living in the Land, …… of her city.

         Lady, mother, you who founded Lagac if you but look upon your people,

         it brings abundance; the worthy young man on whom you look will enjoy a long life.


          2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (Ninsun, mother of many mixed-breed son-kings & some alien giant gods)

          64-67 ´For me, who has no mother, you are my mother; for me, who has no father, you are my father.

          3ca - Ninhursag & helpers 4c - Ninhursag & Enki in the lab  (alien lab)

        You implanted my semen in the womb (alien technologies), gave birth to me in the sanctuary,

        Jatumdug (Ninsun), sweet is your holy name!


          68-79 ´Tonight I shall lie down here (?).

        You are my great dagger (?), being attached to my side; you are a …… planted in great waters, providing me with life;

        you are a broad sunshade; let me cool off in your shade.

        May the favorable, right-hand palm of your lofty hands, my lady Jatumdug, lend me protection!

        I am going to the city, may my sign be favorable!

        May your friendly guardian go before me, and may your friendly protecting genius walk with me

          8h - Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, Enki missing

          (Ninsun‘s son Gudea, Enki‘s giant son Ningishzidda, & Ninsun‘s & Enki‘s giant son Dumuzi, brothers assist mixed-breed king Gudea)

        on the way towards Nijin (Isin), the mountain rising from the water.


          80-89 ´Well, I have to tell her about this! Well, I have to tell her about this.

        I will ask her to stand by me in this matter.

        I will take my dream to my mother and I will ask my dream-interpreter, an expert on her own,

        my divine sister from Sirara, Nance (Enki‘s daughter), to reveal its meaning to me.´

        His call was heard; his lady, holy Jatumdug, accepted from Gudea his prayer and supplication.


       5ba - Sumerian ship coming to port  (giant mixed-breed king & earthlings moor the boat by the ziggurat entrance)

        90-100 He stepped aboard his boat, directed it towards her city Nijin, mooring it at the quay of Nijin (Bau‘s city Isin).

        The ruler raised his head high in the courtyard of the goddess from Sirara.

        He offered bread, poured cold water and went to Nance to pray to her:

        ´Nance, mighty lady, lady of most precious (?) powers, lady who like Enlil determine fates,

        EGE13118  (giant alien goddess Nanshe, Enki‘s scientist-goddess over birds & fishes, fish or pelicans are used to symbolize her)

        my Nance, what you say is trustworthy and takes precedence.

        You are the interpreter of dreams among the gods, you are the lady of all the lands.

        Mother, my matter today is a dream:


          101-109 ´In the dream there was someone who was as enormous as the heaven, who was as enormous as the earth.

       5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird  (Ninurta‘s winged storm-bird / sky-disc, armed for areal battles)

        His head was like that of a god, his wings were like those of the Anzud bird, his lower body was like a flood storm.

       2ee - Ninurta as a sphynx in Lagash  (Ninurta as a lion sphinx guarding gates of Lagash)

        Lions were lying at his right and his left.

        He spoke to me about building his house, but I could not understand what he exactly meant,

        then daylight rose for me on the horizon.


          110-114 ´Then there was a woman – whoever she was.

        She …… sheaves.

         2 - Geshtinanna, daughter to Enki & Ninsun  (giant goddesses, scribes to the 1st written texts on Earth, discovered in Mesopotamia)

        She held a stylus of refined silver in her hand, and placed it on a tablet with propitious stars, and was consulting it.


          115-123 ´There was, furthermore, a warrior.

        His arm was bent, holding a lapis lazuli tablet in his hand, and he was setting down the plan of the house.

        The holy basket stood in front of me, the holy brick mold was ready and the fated brick was placed in the mold for me.

        In a fine ildag tree standing before me tigidlu birds were spending the day twittering.

        My master´s good donkey was pawing the ground for me.´


          124-131 His mother Nance answered the ruler:

        ´My shepherd, I will explain your dream for you in every detail.

        The person who, as you said, was as enormous as the skies,

        who was as enormous as the earth, whose head was like that of gods,

          6 - Anzu, Igigi leader 3a - Anzu, in the Louvre

        whose wings, as you said, were like those of the Anzud bird, and whose lower body was, as you said,

        like a flood storm, at whose right and left lions were lying, was in fact my brother (cousin) Nin-jirsu.

        He spoke to you about the building of his shrine, the E-ninnu.


          132-133 ´The daylight that had risen for you on the horizon is your personal god Ningiczida (Ningishzidda),

         4a - Enki. Ningishzidda, & unknowns (Enki, Ningishzidda, & a shepherd-king with spouse)

        who will rise for you as the daylight on the horizon.


          134-140 ´The young woman …… sheaves, who held a stylus of refined silver in her hand,

        who had placed it on a tablet with propitious stars and was consulting it, she was in fact my sister Nisaba.

           (Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, Master Scribe for gods & earthlings, goddess of grains)

        She announced to you the holy stars auguring the building of the house.


          141-143 ´The second one, who was a warrior and whose arm was bent, holding a lapis lazuli tablet in his hand,

        was Nin-dub (Ninurta‘s architect), putting the plan of the house on the tablet.


          144-146 ´As regards the holy basket standing in front of you,

        the holy brick mold which was ready and the fated brick placed in the mold,

        this part of the dream concerns the good brick (fired brick) of the E-ninnu.


          147-149 ´As regards the fine ildag tree standing before you, in which, as you said, tigidlu birds were spending the day twittering,

        this means that the building of the house will not let sweet sleep come into your eyes.


          150-151 ´As regards that part when the right donkey stallion of your master, as you said, pawed the ground for you;

        this refers to you, who will paw the ground for the E-ninnu like a steed.


          152-172 ´Let me advise you and may my advice be taken.

        Direct your steps to Jirsu, the foremost house of the land of Lagac, open your storehouse up and take out wood from it;

        build (?) a chariot for your master and harness a donkey stallion to it; decorate this chariot with refined silver and lapis lazuli

       and equip it with arrows that will fly out from the quiver like sunbeams, and with the an-kara weapon, the strength of heroism;

        fashion for him his beloved standard and write your name on it, and then enter before the warrior who loves gifts,

        before your master lord Nin-jirsu in E-ninnuthewhiteAnzud-bird, (alien aircraft)

        together with his beloved balaj drum Ucumgal-kalama, his famous instrument to which he keeps listening.

        Your requests will then be taken as if they were commands; and the drum will make the inclination of the lord –

        which is as inconceivable as the heavens – will make the inclination of Nin-jirsu, the son of Enlil,

        favorable for you so that he will reveal the design of his house to you in every detail.

        With his powers, which are the greatest, the warrior will make the house thrive (?) for you.´


          8b - Gudea of Lagash (Gudea, son-king to goddess-mother Ninsun) 2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings

          173-195 The true shepherd Gudea is wise, and able too to realize things.

        Accepting what Nance had told him, he opened his storehouse up and took out wood from it.

        Gudea checked (?) the wood piece by piece, taking great care of the wood.

        He smoothed mes wood, split halub wood with an ax and built (?) a blue chariot from them for him.

        He harnessed to it the stallion Pirij-kase-pada.

        He fashioned for him his beloved standard, wrote his name on it and then entered before the warrior who loves gifts,

        before his master lord Nin-jirsu in E-ninnu-the-white-Anzud-bird together with his beloved drum,

        Ucumgal-kalama, his famous instrument to which he keeps listening.

        He joyfully brought the drum to him in the temple.

        Gudea came out of the shrine E-ninnu with a radiant face (like Biblical Moses?).


        196-206 Thereafter the house was the concern of all the days and all the nights that he made pass by.

        He leveled what was high, rejected chance utterances (?), he removed the sorcerers´ spittle (?) from the roads.

        Facing Cu-galam, the fearful place, the place of making judgments, from where Nin-jirsu keeps an eye on all lands,

        8a - Nippar's Communication Towers8ba - temple with communication towers (Enlil‘s communication towers)

        the ruler had a fattened sheep, a fat-tail sheep, and a grain-fed kid rest on hides of a virgin kid.

        He put juniper, the mountains´ pure plant, onto the fire, and raised smoke with cedar resin, the scent of gods.


        207-216 He rose to his master in public and prayed to him; he went to him in the Ubcukkina and saluted him:

       ´My master Nin-jirsu, lord who has turned back the fierce waters, true lord,

        semen ejaculated by the Great Mountain (Enlil), noble young hero who has no opponent,

        Nin-jirsu; I am going to build up your house for you, but I lack an ominous sign.

        Warrior, you asked for perfection, but, son of Enlil, lord Nin-jirsu,

        you did not let me know your will as to how to achieve it.

          217-225 ´Your will, ever-rising as the sea, crashing down as a destructive flood, roaring like gushing waters,

        destroying cities (?) like a flood-wave, battering against the rebel lands like a storm;

        my master, your will, gushing water that no one can stem; warrior, your will inconceivable as the heaven –

        can I learn anything about it from you, o son of Enlil, lord Nin-jirsu


          226-231 Afterwards, Nin-jirsu stepped up to the head of the sleeper, briefly touching him:

        ´You who are going to build it for me, you who are going to build it for me, ruler, you who are going to build my house for me,

        Gudea, let me tell you the ominous sign for building my house, let me tell you the pure stars of heaven indicating my regulations (?).


          232-240 ´As if at the roaring of the Anzud bird (alien high-tech aircraft),

        3a - Anu in flight   (Anu, king of the aliens, in his winged sky-disc)

        the heavens tremble at my house, the E-ninnu founded by An (Anu),

        the powers of which are the greatest, surpassing all other powers, at the house whose owner looks out over a great distance.

        Its fierce halo reaches up to heaven, the great fearsomeness of my house settles upon all the lands.

        In response to its fame all lands will gather from as far as heaven´s borders, even Magan and Meluha will come down from their mountains.


          4e - Inanna, Ninurta, & Enlil
                                               (Inanna                Ninurta       Enlil)

          241-247´I am Nin-jirsu (Ninurta) who has turned back the fierce waters, the great warrior of Enlil´s realm, a lord without opponent.

        My house the E-ninnu, a crown, is bigger than the mountains; my weapon the Car-ur (alien tech) subdues all the lands.

          5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir  (Ninurta upon his winged sky-beast, his weaponized sky-disc)

        No country can bear my fierce stare, nobody escapes my outstretched arms.


          248-253 ´Because of his great love, my father who begot me called me ´

        ´King, Enlil´s flood, whose fierce stare is never lifted from the mountains,

           (Enlil & warrior son Ninurta with alien weaponry)

        Nin-jirsu, warrior of Enlil´´, and endowed me with fifty powers. (alien high-tech weapon)


          254-261 ´I lay the ritual table and perform correctly the hand-washing rites.

        My outstretched hands wake holy An (Anu) from sleep.

        My father who begot me receives the very best food from my hands.

          (Anu, King of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony, father in Heaven to the ruling gods on Earth)

        An, king of the gods, called me therefore ´´Nin-jirsu, king, lustration priest of An´´.


          262-265 ´I founded the Tirac shrine with as much majesty as the Abzu.

        Each month at the new moon the great rites (?), my ´´Festival of An´´, are performed for me perfectly in it.


          266-270 ´Like a fierce snake, I built E-huc, my fierce place, in a dread location.

        When my heart gets angry at a land that rebels against me – unutterable idea (?) –

        it will produce venom (alien technologies) for me like a snake that dribbles poison.


          271-276 In the E-babbar, where I issue orders, where I shine like Utu, there I justly decide the lawsuits of my city like Ictaran (Ninurta).

        In the E-bagara, my dining place, the great gods of Lagac (Lagash) gather around me.


          8c - Gudea, son of Ninsun & Lugulbanda 

               (giant King Gudes, walked & talked with giant alien gods from Heaven / planet Nibiru)

          277-285 ´ When you, true shepherd (King) Gudea, really set to work for me on my house, the foremost house of all lands,

        the right arm of Lagac, the Anzud bird roaring on the horizon (alien tech), the E-ninnu, my royal house,

        I will call up to heaven for humid winds so that plenty comes down to you from heaven

        and the land will thrive under your reign in abundance.


        286-293 Laying the foundations of my temple will bring immediate abundance:

        the great fields will grow rich for you, the levees and ditches will be full to brim for you,

        the water will rise for you to heights never reached by the water before.

        Under you more oil than ever will be poured and more wool than ever will weighed in Sumer.


          8oo - Ningishzidda, temple foundation peg, Lagash 

              (Master Builder Ningishzidda with the temple foundation pegs; Ningishzidda & Gudea)

          294-305 ´ When you drive in my foundation pegs for me, when you really set to work for me on my house,

        I shall direct my steps to the mountains where the north wind dwells and make the man with enormous wings,

        the north wind, bring you wind from the mountains, the pure place, so that this will give vigor to the land,

        and thus one man will be able to do as much work as two.

        At night the moonlight, at noon the sun will send plentiful light for you

        so the day will build the house for you and the night will make it rise for you.


          306-314 ´ I will bring halub and nehan trees up from the south,

        and cedar, cypress and juniper together will be brought for you from the uplands.

        From the ebony mountains I will have ebony trees brought for you,

        in the mountains of stones I will have the great stones of the mountain ranges cut in slabs for you.

        On that day I will touch your arm with fire and you will know my sign.´


           315-322  Gudea rose – it was sleep; he shuddered – it was a dream.

        Accepting Nin-jirsu´s words, he went to perform extispicy on a white kid.

        He performed it on the kid and his omen was favorable.

        Nin-jirsu´s intention became as clear as daylight to Gudea.


          323-329 He is wise, and able too to realize things.

        The ruler gave instructions to his city as to one man.

        The land of Lagac became of one accord for him, like children of one mother.

        He opened manacles, removed fetters; established ……, rejected legal complaints,

        and locked up (?) those guilty of capital offenses (instead of executing them).


        330-344 He undid the tongue of the goad and the whip, replacing them with wool from lamb-bearing sheep.

        No mother shouted at her child. No child answered its mother back.

        No slave who …… was hit on the head by his master, no misbehaving slave girl was slapped on the face by her mistress.

        Nobody could make the ruler building the E-ninnu, Gudea, let fall a chance utterance.

        The ruler cleansed the city, he let purifying fire loose over it.

        He expelled the persons ritually unclean, unpleasant to look at, and …… from the city.


        345-352 In respect of the …… of the brick-mold he had a kid lie down, and he requested from the kid an omen about the brick.

         (Nanshe, daughter to Enki)

        He looked at the excavated earth (?) approvingly, and the shepherd, called by his name by Nance, …… it with majesty.

        After making a drawing on the …… of the brick mold and …… the excavated earth with majesty,

        he made the Anzud bird, the standard of his master, glisten there as a banner.


          3a - Anzu, in the Louvre (storm-bird, symbol of Ninurta‘s victory over Anzu)

           353-364 The citizens were purifying an area of 24 iku for him, they were cleansing that area for him.

        He put juniper, the mountains´ pure plant, onto the fire and raised smoke with cedar resin, the scent of gods.

        For him the day was for praying, and the night passed for him in supplications.

        In order to build the house of Nin-jirsu, the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods of the land of Lagac

        stood by Gudea in prayer and supplication, and all this made the true shepherd Gudea extremely happy.


          365-371 Now the ruler imposed a levy on his land.

        He imposed a levy on his realm of abundant ……, on Nin-jirsu´s Gu-edina.

        He imposed levy on his built-up cities and settlements, on Nance´s Gu-jicbara.


          372-376 There was a levy for him on the clans of Nin-jirsu ´

        ´Rampant fierce bull which has no opponent´´ and ´´White cedars surrounding their master´´,

        1e - Ninurta's Standard, Double-Headed Eagle  7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta (double-headed eagle symbol of Ninurta, born of the “double seed” law of succession, by father Enlil & mother Enlil‘s 1/2 sister Ninhursag)

        and he placed Lugalkurdub, their magnificent standard, in front of them.


          377-381 There was a levy for him on the clan of Nance´

       ´Both river banks and shores rising out of the waters, the huger river, full of water,

          (Nanshe, Inanna, & Ningal)

        which spreads its abundance everywhere´´, and he placed the holy pelican (?), the standard of Nance, in front of them.


          382-385 There was a levy for him on the clans of Inanna

        ´´The net suspended for catching the beasts of the steppe´´ and ´´Choice steeds, famous team, the team beloved by Utu´´,

        and he placed the rosette, the standard of Inanna, in front of them.


          386 In order to build the house of Nin-jirsu,

        (5 lines missing or unclear)


          392-396 The Elamites came to him from Elam, the Susians came to him from Susa.

        Magan and Meluha loaded wood from their mountains upon their shoulders for him,

        and to build the house of Nin-jirsu, they gathered for Gudea at his city Jirsu (Isin).


          397-404 Nin-zaga (unidentified) was commanded and he made his copper,

          (bottom panel: Ninurta leads mixed-breed king to construction work-site)

        as much as if it were a huge grain transport, reach Gudea, the man in charge of building the house.

        Nin-sikil (Ninsikila) was also instructed and she made large halub logs, ebony, and aba wood reach the ruler building the lagac.


          405-411 Nin-jirsu has directed Gudea into the impenetrable mountain of cedars and he cut down its cedars with great axes

        5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon  (Ninurta with his Car-ur, 50-headed mace, alien weaponry)

        and carved the Car-ur (?), the right arm of Lagac, his master´s flood-storm weapon, out of it.


          412-423 It was like a giant serpent floating on the water as, for lord Nin-jirsu,

        Gudea had the long rafts floating downstream moor at the main quay of Kasura:

        logs of cedar wood from the cedar hills, logs of cypress wood from the cypress hills,

        logs of zabalum wood from the zabalum hills, tall spruce trees, plane trees, and eranum trees.


           (Ninjirsu / Ninurta, heir to throne of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony, after grandfather King Anu, & father Enlil)

          424-433 Nin-jirsu directed Gudea into the impenetrable mountains of stones, and he brought back great stones in the form of slabs.

        For lord Nin-jirsu, Gudea had ships with hauna dock there, and ships with gravel, with dried bitumen, ……-bitumen,

        and gypsum from the hills of Madga, cargoes like boats bringing grain from the fields.


        434-445 Great things came to the succor of the ruler building the E-ninnu: a copper mountain in Kimac revealed itself to him.

        He mined its copper into baskets (?).

        To the man in charge of building his master´s house, the ruler, gold was brought in dust form from its mountains.

        For Gudea refined silver was brought down from its mountains.

        Translucent cornelian from Meluha was spread before him.

        From the alabaster mountains alabaster was brought down to him.


        446-451 The shepherd was going to build the house with silver, so he sat together with silversmiths.

        He was going to build the E-ninnu with precious stone, so he sat with jewelers.

        He was going to build it with copper and tin, so Nintu-kalama (unidentified) directed before him the chief of the smiths.


          452-455 The heavy hammer-stones roared for him like a storm.

        The dolerite, the light hammer-stone, …… two …… three.

        …… like a huge mass of water gushing forth,

        (2 lines missing or unclear)


        458-462 He …… the days (?). Gudea prolonged the nights (?) for Nin-jirsu.

        Because of building the house for his master, he neither slept at night, nor did he rest his head during the siesta.


        463-470 For the one looked on with favor by Nance, for the favorite of Enlil, for the ruler …… by Nin-jirsu,

        for Gudea, born in the august sanctuary by Jatumdug (Ninsun),

         (Nisaba, Goddess of Grains, & young daughter Ninlil, Enlil‘s spouse)

        Nisaba (Enlil‘s mother-in-law) opened the house of understanding and Enki put right the design of the house.


        471-481 Towards the house whose halo reaches to heaven, whose powers embrace heaven and earth,

        whose owner is a lord with a fierce stare, whose warrior Nin-jirsu is expert at battle,

        6c - Ninurta wins battle, defeats Anzu6cc - famed Ninurta and Anzu battle (Anzu vrs. Ninurta)

        towards E-ninnu-the-white-Anzudbird, Gudea went from the south and admired it northwards.

        From the north he went towards it and admired it southwards.

        He measured out with rope exactly one iku.

             (Ningishzidda & Gudea‘s mother Ninsun, Foundation Peg of Gudea 2,100 B.C.)

        He drove in pegs at its sides and personally verified them.

        This made him extremely happy.

        482-491 When the night fell, he went to the old temple to pray,

        so that the inclination of the one from the dais of Jirnuni, Nin-jirsu would become favorable for Gudea.

        When day broke, he took a bath and arranged his outfit correctly. Utu let abundance come forth for him.

        Gudea left Iri-kug a second time; he sacrificed a perfect bull and a perfect kid.

        He went to the house and saluted it.


          492-498 He …… the holy basket and true fated brick mold …… the E-ninnu.

        As he (Gudea) …… and walked proudly, Lugal-kur-dub walked in front of him,

        Ig-alim (Ninurta‘s son, chief superintendent, bailiff) directed him

          8q - Lama, Gudea, Inanna, & Ningishzidda  (Ninsun, her son-king Gudea, & Ningishzidda)

        and Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda), his personal god, held him by the hand throughout the time.


        499-512 He poured clear water into the …… of the brick mould – adab, sim and ala drums were playing for the ruler.

        He prepared the excavated earth for making (?) the brick, and hoed honey, ghee and precious oil into it.

        He worked ambergris and essences from all kinds of trees into the paste.

        Farming - early man feeding the gods  (earthling workers, directed by the king, who was directed by the gods)

        He lifted up the holy carrying-basket and put it next to the brick mold.

        Gudea placed the clay into the brick mold and acted exactly as prescribed,

        bringing the first brick of the house into existence in it, while all the bystanders sprinkled oil or cedar perfume.

        His city and the land of Lagac spent the day with him in joy.


        513-522 He shook the brick mold and left the brick to dry.

        He looked at the …… with satisfaction.

        He anointed it with cypress essence and ambergris.

         2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna (Utu, Nannar‘s son, Inanna‘s twin, Commander of the Space Port)

        Utu rejoiced over the brick put into the mold by Gudea, and king Enki …… the …… rising like great river.

          3i - Enki, god of waters  (Enki in his patron city Eridu)

        …… and Gudea went into the house.


          523-542 He raised the brick out of the …… of the mold, and it looked as a holy crown worn by An.

           (An / Anu, father in Heaven / planet Nibiru, in his winged sky-disc)

        He lifted up the brick and went around among his people: it was like Utu´s holy team tossing (?) their heads.

        The brick lifting its head toward the house was as if Nanna´s (Nannars) cows were eager to be tethered in their pen.

          2e - El & 2 lions (Nannar‘s cow pens holding a million cows located in Ur, feeding gods & earthlings)

        He put down the brick, entered the house and as if he himself were Nisaba (Enlil‘s mother-in-law)

        knowing the inmost secrets (?) of numbers, he started setting down (?) the ground plan of the house.

        As if he were a young man building a house for the first time, sweet sleep never came into his eyes.

        Like a cow keeping an eye on its calf, he went in constant worry to the house.

        Like a man who takes but little food into his mouth, he went around untiringly.

        The intention of his master had become clear for him, the words of Nin-jirsu had become as conspicuous as a banner.

        In (?) his heart beating loudly because of building the house, someone …… a propitious ominous remark.

       This made him extremely happy.


         543-550 He performed extispicy on a kid and his omen was favorable.

        He cast grain on to …… and its appearance was right.

        Gudea lay down for a dream oracle, and while he was sleeping a message came to him:

        in the vision he saw his master´s house already built, the E-ninnu separating heaven and earth.

        This made him extremely happy.


        551-561 He stretched out lines in the most perfect way; he set up (?) a sanctuary in the holy uzga.

        In the house, Enki drove in the the foundation pegs,

        while Nance, the daughter of (Enki) Eridu, took care of the oracular messages.

          2b - Ninsun, Ninurta & Bau's Daughter (mother to gods & many mixed-breed son-kings)

        The mother of Lagac, holy Jatumdug (Ninsun, Bau‘s daughter), gave birth to its bricks amid cries (?),

        and Bau (Ninurta‘s spouse), the lady, first-born daughter of An (Anu), sprinkled them with oil and cedar essence.

        En and lagar priests were detailed to the house to provide maintenance for it.

        The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods stood there full of admiration.


          17a - King Shulgi, found in Inanna temple at Nippur (Gudea with the “carrying basket for the house”)

          562-577 Gudea, in charge of building the house, placed on his head the carrying-basket for the house, as if it were a holy crown.

        He laid the foundation, set the walls on the ground.

        He marked out a square, aligned the bricks with a string.

        He marked out a second square on the site of the temple, saying,

        ´It is the line-mark for a topped-off jar of 1 ban capacity (?)´.

        He marked out a third square on the site of the temple, saying,

        ´It is the Anzud bird enveloping its fledgling with its wings´.

        He marked out a fourth square on the site of the temple, saying, ´It is a panther embracing a fierce lion´.

        He marked out a fifth square on the site of the temple, saying, ´It is the blue sky in all its splendor´.

        He marked out a sixth square on the site of the temple, saying, ´It is the day of supply, full of luxuriance´.

          2b - Lagash re-creation  (Ninurta‘s patron city & ziggurat in Lagash, a re-creation)

        He marked out a seventh square (7-step pyramid house) on the site of the temple, saying,

        ´It is the E-ninnu bathing the country with moonlight at dawn´.


        578-590 They inserted the wooden door frames, which were like a crown worn in the blue sky.

        As Gudea sat down at a wooden door frame, from there it was like a huge house embracing heaven.

        As he built the house and laid wooden scaffolding against it, it was like Nanna´s (Nannar) lagoon attended by Enki.

        They made the house grow as high as the hills, they made it float in the midst of heaven as a cloud,

        they made it lift its horns as a bull and they made it raise its head above all the lands, like the jicgana tree over the Abzu.

        As the house had been made to lift its head so high as to fill the space between heaven and earth like the hills,

        it was like a luxuriant cedar growing among high grass (?);

        E-ninnu was decorated most alluringly among Sumer´s buildings.


        591-601 As they placed wooden beams on the house, they looked like dragons of the Abzu coming out all together,

        they were like …… of heaven ……, they were like huge serpents of the foothills …….

        The reeds cut for the house were like mountain snakes sleeping together.

        Its upper parts were covered with luxuriant cedar and cypress,

        and they put white cedars in its inner room of cedar, marvelous to behold.

        They treated them with with good perfume and oil.

        The mud-wall of the house was covered with the abundance (?) of the Abzu and they tied its …… to it.

        The shrine of E-ninnu was thus placed in the …… hand of An.


          602-616 The ruler built the house, he made it high, high as a great mountain.

        Its Abzu foundation pegs, big mooring stakes, he drove into the ground so deep they could take counsel with Enki in the E-engur.

        He had heavenly foundations pegs surround the house like warriors,

        5a - goddesses of Lagash (alien goddesses with life-giving waters)

        so that each one was drinking water at the libation place of the gods.

        He fixed the E-ninnu, the big mooring stake, he drove in its pegs shaped like praying wizards.

        He planted the pleasant poplars of his city so that they cast their shadow.

        He embedded its Car-ur weapon (alien tech) beside Lagac like a big standard,

         placed it in its dreadful place, the Cu-galam (?), and made it emanate fearsome radiance.

        On the dais of Jirnun, on the place of making judgments, the provider of Lagac lifted his horns like a mighty bull.


          617-624 It took one year to bring the great stones in slabs and it took another year to fashion them,

        although not even two or three days did he let pass idly.

        Then it needed a day’s work to set up each one but by the seventh day, he had set them all up around the house.

        He laid down the trimmings from the slabs as stairs, or fashioned basins from them, and had them stand in the house.


         (winged pilot Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & heir, patron god of Lagash, Bau‘s spouse)

          625-629 The stela which he set up in the great courtyard he named as

        ´´The king who …… the courtyard, lord Nin-jirsu, has recognized Gudea from the Jirnun´´.


          630-635 The stela which he set up at the Kasura gate he named as

        ´´The king, Enlil´s flood storm, who has no opponent, lord Nin-jirsu, has looked with favor at Gudea´´.


          636-641 The stela which he set up facing the rising sun he named as

        ´´The king, the roaring storm of Enlil, the lord without rival, lord Nin-jirsu, has chosen Gudea with his holy heart´´.


          642-646 The stela which he set up facing Cu-galam he named as

        ´´The king, at whose name the foreign countries tremble, lord Nin-jirsu, has made Gudea´s throne firm´´.


          647-650 The stela which he set up facing E-uru-ga he named as ´´The lord Nin-jirsu has decided a good fate for Gudea´´.


        1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse  (Bau, King Anu‘s daughter; Bau & spouse Ninurta)

          651-654 The stela which he set up by the inner room (?) of Bau he named as ´´The eyes of An know the E-ninnu, and Bau is the life source of Gudea´´.


          655-664 He built his master´s house exactly as he had been told to.

        8d - Gudea as high-priest of Lagash (Gudea, mixed-breed son to Ninsun, appointed to kingship, perfect go-between for the gods with earthlings)

        The true shepherd Gudea made it grow so high as to fill the space between heaven and earth,

        had it wear a tiara shaped like the new moon, and had its fame spread as far as the heart of the highlands.

        Gudea made Nin-jirsu´s house come out like the sun from the clouds,

        had it grow to be like hills of lapis lazuli and had it stand to be marveled at like hills of white alabaster.


        665-672 He made its door-sockets stand like wild bulls and he flanked them with dragons crouching on their paws like lions.

        He had its terraced tower (?) grow on a place as pure as the Abzu.

        He made the metal tops of its standards twinkle as the horns of the holy stags of the Abzu.

        Gudea made the house of Nin-jirsu stand to be marveled at like the new moon in the skies.


        673-687 The built-in door-sockets of the house are lahama deities standing by the Abzu.

        Its timber store (?) looks like waves (?) of an enormous lagoon where snakes have dived (?) into the water.

        Its …… is …… full of fearsomeness.

        Its …… is a light floating in the midst of heaven.

        100 - Ninurta's Double-headed Eagle, Lagash (Ninurta‘s double-headed eagle symbol then & now)  1a - Oldest Crest on Earth, a God, Primitive Man, & Ninurta

           On the ´´Gate where the king enters´´ an eagle is raising its eyes toward a wild bull.

           Its curved wooden posts joining above the gate are a rainbow stretching over the sky.

           Its upper lintel of the gate like (?) the E-ninnu stands among rumbling, roaring storms.

           Its awe-inspiring eyebrow-shaped arch (?) meets the admiring eyes of the gods.

           His white shrine …… of the house is a firmly founded lapis lazuli mountain connecting heaven and earth.


           688-695 They installed the great dining hall for the evening meals:

           it was as if An himself were setting out golden bowls filled with honey and wine.

They built the bedchamber: it is the Abzu´s fruit-bearing holy mes tree among innumerable mountains.

He finished with the building, which made the hearts of the gods overflow with joy.


696-721 The true shepherd Gudea is wise, and able too to realize things.

In the inner room (?) where the weapons hang, at the ´´Gate of Battle´´

he had the warriors Six-headed wild ram and ……-head take their stand.

Facing the city, its place laden with awe, he had the Seven-headed serpent take its stand.

In Cu-galam, its awesome gate, he had the Dragon and the Date palm take their stand.

Facing the sunrise, where the fates are decided,

he erected the standard of Utu, the Bison head, beside others already there.

At the Kasura gate, at its lookout post, he had the Lion,the terror of the gods, take its stand.

In the Tar-sirsir, where the orders are issued, he had the Fish-man and the Copper take their stand.

In Bau´s inner room (?), where the heart can be soothed, he had the Magilum boat and the Bison take their stand.

Because these were warriors slain by Nin-jirsu, he set their mouths towards libation places.

Gudea, the ruler of Lagash, made their names appear among those of the gods.


722-729 The cedar doors installed in the house are Ickur (Ishkur / Adad) roaring above.

2c - Adad, fork & hammer (Adad, Enlil‘s son, younger than brothers Ninurta & Nannar)

The locks of the E-ninnu are bisons, its door-pivots are lions,

from its bolts horned vipers and fierce snakes are hissing at wild bulls.

Its jambs, against which the door leaves close, are young lions and panthers lying on their paws.


730-737 The shining roof-beam nails hammered into the house are dragons gripping a victim.

The shining ropes attached to the doors are holy Nirah (unidentified?) parting the Abzu.

Its …… is pure like Kec (Kish) and Aratta, its …… is a fierce lion keeping an eye on the country;

nobody going alone can pass in front of it.


2caa - Anu's house in Uruk  (Uruk ziggurat / residence of alien gods & goddesses)

738-758 The fearsomeness of the E-ninnu covers all the lands like a garment.

The house! It is founded by An on refined silver, it is painted with kohl,

and comes out as the moonlight with heavenly splendor.

The house! Its front is a great mountain firmly grounded,

its inside resounds with incantations and harmonious hymns, its exterior is the sky, a great house rising in abundance,

2cd - Anu's temple-home in Uruk  (Uruk‘s residence for giant aliens) 

its outer assembly hall is the Anuna gods´ place of rendering judgments,

from its …… words of prayer can be heard, its food supply is the abundance of the gods,

its standards erected around the house are the Anzud bird spreading its wings over the bright mountain.

E-ninnu´s clay plaster, harmoniously blended clay taken from the Edin (Eden) canal,

has been chosen by Lord Nin-jirsu with his holy heart,

and was painted by Gudea with the splendors of heaven as if kohl were being poured all over it.


759-769 From its cow-pen cream and milk are brought in.

From its huge oven, great cakes and croissants come.

Its …… feeds cattle and sheep.

Its house of food rations …… an uzga shrine.

Its regular offerings are a mountain oozing wine, from its brewery as much beer comes as the Tigris at high water.


770-780 Its storehouse is full of gems, silver and tin.

Its coach-house is a mountain set on the ground.

Its drum hall is a roaring bull.

Its courtyard resounds with holy prayers, sim and ala drums.

Its stone stairs, laid before the house, are like a mountain range lying down in princely joy.

Its upper stairs leading (?) to the roof are like a light clearly visible as far as the mountains.

Its vineyard ´´Black garden in the steppe´´, planted near the house,

is a mountain oozing wine and grows in a place with fearsome radiance.


781-798 The seven stones surrounding the house are there to take counsel with its owner.

Its chapel for funerary offerings is as pure as the clean Abzu.

The stone basins set up in the house are like the holy room of the lustration priest where water never ceases to flow.

Its high battlements where pigeons live is ……

Eridu ……. E-ninnu offers rest to pigeons, it is a protective cover with large branches and a pleasant shade,

with swallows and other birds chirping loudly there.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat / residence in Nippur)

It is Enlil´s E-kur (Enlil‘s temple / residence) when a festival takes place in it.

The house´s great awesomeness settles upon the whole Land, its praise reaches to the highlands,

the awesomeness of the E-ninnu covers all lands like a garment.


799-803 The house has been built most sumptuously by its lord.

4c - Lama, Gudea, Inanna, & Ningishzidda (Ninsun, her son-king Gudea, & Ningishzidda)

It was built on a pedestal by Ningiczida (Ningishzidda, Enki‘s son).

Its foundation pegs were driven in by Gudea, the ruler of Lagac (Lagash).


804-812 For the restoration of E-ninnu, the house that rises like the sun over the country,

stands like a great bull in the …… sand, illuminates the assembly like delightful moonlight,

is as sumptuous as lush green foothills, and stands to be marveled at, praise be to Nin-jirsu!


813-814 This is the middle of the hymn

´´The building of Nin-jirsu´s house´´.

Cylinder B | (Cylinder A)

815-819House, mooring post of the land, grown so high as to fill the space between heaven and earth,

E-ninnu, the true brickwork, for which Enlil determined a good fate,

green hill standing to be marveled at, standing out above all the lands.


820-823 The house is a great mountain reaching up to the skies.

It is Utu filling the midst of the heaven;

E-ninnu is the white Anzud bird spreading its talons upon the mountain land.


824-829 All the people were placed (?) before it, the whole country was detailed (?) to it.

The Anuna gods stood there in admiration.

The ruler, who is wise, who is knowledgeable, kissed the ground before that godly company.

He touched the ground in prostration (?), with supplications and prayers;

the ruler, the god of his city prayed.


830-833 For the bread-consuming house he added more and more bread,

for the suppers in need of mutton he added sheep.

In front of the house he lined up bowls like …… abundance …….


834-841 He went to the Anuna gods and prayed to them:

´O all you Anuna gods, admired by the land of Lagac, protectors of all the countries,

whose command, a massive breach in a dam, carries away any who try to stop it.

The worthy young man on whom you have looked will enjoy a long life.

I, the shepherd, built the house, and now I will let my master enter his house.

O Anuna gods, may you pray on my behalf!´

842-850 The true shepherd Gudea is wise, and able too to realize things.

His friendly guardian went before him and his friendly protecting genius followed him.

4b - Ningishzidda & King Gudea, Ninsun's son (Ningishzidda & giant mixed-breed King Gudea)

For his master, lord Nin-jirsu Gudea gave numerous gifts to the house of yore,

the old house, his dwelling place.

He went into the E-ninnu to the lord, and prayed to him:


5f - Ninurta slays demon DNA experiments (Ninurta eliminates unwanted demons on Earth)

851-862 ´My master Nin-jirsu, lord who has turned back the fierce waters,

lord whose commands take precedence, male child of Enlil, warrior,

I have carried out faithfully what you have ordered me to do.

Nin-jirsu, I have built up your house for you; now I shall let you enter it in joy!

3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta (Bau & her nephew-spouse Ninurta)

My goddess Bau, I have set up your E-mi quarters for you: take up pleasant residence in them.´

His call was heard, his master Lord Nin-jirsu accepted from Gudea his prayer and supplication.


863-871 The year ended and the month was completed.

A new year started, a month began and three days elapsed in that month.

As Nin-jirsu arrived from Eridu, beautiful moonlight shone illuminating the land,

              (Nannar, Enlil‘s & Ninlil‘s son, the Moon god)

and the E-ninnu competed with the new-born Suen (Sin / Nannar).


872-882 Gudea made a paste with cornelian and lapis lazuli and applied it to the corners.

He sprinkled the floor with precious oil.

He made the ……, who worked there (?), leave the house.

Syrup, ghee, wine, sour milk, jipar fruit, fig-cakes topped with cheese,

dates, …… and small grapes, things untouched by fire,

these were the foods for the gods which he prepared with syrup and ghee.


883-891 On the day when the true god was to arrive,

Gudea was busy with the evening meal from early morning.

Asari (Ashur) cared for the maintenance of the house.

Nin-mada (Enlil‘s son) took care of its cleaning.

King Enki gave oracular pronouncements concerning it.

Nin-dub, the chief purification priest of Eridu, filled it with the smoke of incense.

The lady of precious rites, Nance, versed in singing holy songs, sang songs for the house.


892-906 They sheared the black ewes and milked the udder of the cow of heaven.

They cleaned the E-ninnu, they polished it with brooms of tamarisk and …….

The ruler made the whole city kneel down, made the whole land prostrate itself.

He leveled what was high, rejected chance utterances (?); the sorcerers´ spittle (?) was removed from the roads.

In the city only the mother of a sick person administered a potion.

The wild animals, creatures of the steppe, all had crouched together.

The lions and the dragons of the steppe were lying in sweet sleep.


907-909 The day was for supplication, the night was for prayer.

The moonlight …… early morning.

Its master ……


910-924 Warrior Nin-jirsu entered the house, the owner of the house had arrived.

He was an eagle raising its eyes toward a wild bull.

The warrior´s entering his house was a storm roaring into battle.

Nin-jirsu entered his house and it became the shrine of Abzu when there is a festival.

The owner came out of his house and he was Utu rising over the land of Lagac.

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta  (Bau, King Anu‘s daughter, Ninurta‘s spouse & aunt) 

Bau´s going to her E-mi quarters was a true woman´s taking her house in hand.

Her entering her bedroom was the Tigris at high water.

When she sat down beside her ……, she was the lady, the daughter of holy An, a green garden bearing fruit.


925-928 The daylight came out, the fate had been decided.

Bau entered her E-mi quarters, and there was abundance for the land of Lagac.

              (Utu, Nannar‘s son, the Sun god)

The day dawned. Utu (Sun god) of Lagac lifted his head over the land.


929-933 The house received fattened oxen and sheep.

Bowls were set up in the open air and were filled with wine.

The Anuna gods of the land of Lagac gathered around Nin-jirsu.

In the house the purification had been completed, the oracular pronouncements had been taken care of.


934-943 Wine was poured from big jars while …… was heaped up in the E-ninnu.

Nin-dub caused the sanctuary to be full of clatter and noise (?)

and with fresh bread and hind´s milk available day and night,

he woke from sleep the noble one, the beloved son of Enlil, the warrior Nin-jirsu.

 (giant winged pilot Nin-jirsu / Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & heir)

Nin-jirsu raised his head with all the great powers, and …… rituals, …… for (?) the sanctuary E-ninnu.


944-956 With his divine duties, namely to guide the hand of the righteous one;

to force the evil-doer´s neck into a neck stock; to keep the house safe;

to keep the house pleasant; to instruct his city and the sanctuaries of Jirsu;

to set up an auspicious throne; to hold the scepter of never-ending days;

to raise high the head of Nin-jirsu´s shepherd, Gudea, as if he wore a blue crown;

and to appoint to their offices in the courtyard of E-ninnu

the skin-clad ones, the linen-clad ones and those whose head is covered,

Gudea introduced Ig-alim (Ninurta‘s son), the Great Door (ig gal),

the Pole (dim) of Jirnun, the chief bailiff of Jirsu, his beloved son to lord Nin-jirsu.


957-970 With his divine duties, namely to keep the house clean;

to let hands always be washed; to serve water to the lord with holy hands;

5c - Sumerian drinking (drinking beer through straws at Sumerian banquett)

to pour beer into bowls; to pour wine into jars; to make emmer beer in the brewery fizz

like the water of the Papsir canal, the house of pure strength;

to make certain that faultless cattle and goats, grain-fed sheep,

fresh bread and hind´s milk are available day and night;

to wake from sleep the noble one, Enlil´s beloved son,

warrior Nin-jirsu by offering (?) food and drink, Gudea introduced Cul-caga (unidentified?),

the lord of the pure hand-washings (cu-luh), the first-born son of E-ninnu to Nin-jirsu.


971-982 With his divine duties, namely to carry the seven-headed mace;

to open the door of the an-kara house, the gate of battle;

to hit exactly with the dagger blades, with the mitum mace,

with the ´´floodstorm´´ weapon and with the marratum club,

         its battle tools; to inundate Enlil´s enemy land,

Gudea introduced Lugalkurdub, the warrior Carur (unidentified?),

who in battle subdues all the foreign lands, the mighty general of the E-ninnu,

a falcon against the rebel lands, his general, to lord Nin-jirsu.


7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta  (Ningishzidda, high-priest Gudea, & Ninurta)

983-989 After the heavenly mitum mace had roared against the foreign lands like a fierce storm –

the Carur, the flood storm in battle, the cudgel for the rebel lands –

after the lord had frowned at the rebellious land,

the foreign country, hurled at it his furious words, driven it insane

the text here seems to be corrupt, and there may be some lines missing,


990-992 With his divine duties, Gudea introduced the lord´s second general,

Kur-cuna-buruam (unidentified?) to the son of Enlil.


993-1005 With his divine duties, namely to send entreaties on behalf of the land of Lagac;

to perform supplications and prayers for it, propitious ones;

to greet pleasantly the warrior departing for Eridu; and until (?) Nin-jirsu comes from Eridu,

to keep the throne of the built-up city firm; to pray, with hand placed before the nose,

together with Gudea, for the life of the true shepherd,

Gudea introduced his adviser, Lugal-sisa (unidentified?), to lord Nin-jirsu.

1006-1014 With his divine duties, namely to request; to command;

to co-operate with the one speaking straightforwardly; to …… the one speaking evil;

to inform Nin-jirsu, the warrior sitting on a holy dais in the E-ninnu,

Gudea introduced Cakkan, the wild ram, the minister of the E-duga, his ……, to lord Nin-jirsu.

1015-1023 With his divine duties, namely to clean with water; to clean with soap;

to …… with oil from white bowls and with (?) soap;

to urge him to sweet sleep on his bed strewn with fresh herbs;

to let him enter the E-duga, his bed chamber, from outside (?)

and to make him not wish to leave it,

Gudea introduced Kinda-zid (unidentified?), the man in charge of the E-duga,

to lord Nin-jirsu.


1024-1034 With his divine duties,

namely to yoke up the holy chariot decorated with stars;

to harness the donkey stallion, Pirij-kase-pada, before it; to …… a slender donkey from Eridu ……;

to have stallions joyfully transport their owner Nin-jirsu,

Gudea introduced En-signun (unidentified?), who roars like a lion,

who rises like a flood storm, Nin-jirsu´s hurrying bailiff, his donkey herd, to lord Nin-jirsu.


1035-1040 With his divine duties, namely, to make the fat abundant; to make the cream abundant;

to see that the fat and the milk of the holy goats, the milking goats, and the hind,

the mother of Nin-jirsu, do not cease to flow in the E-ninnu sanctuary,

Gudea introduced En-lulim (unidentified?), the herdsman of the hinds, to lord Nin-jirsu.


1041-1047 With his divine duties, namely to tune properly

the sweet-toned tigi instrument; to fill the courtyard of E-ninnu with joy;

to make the algar and miritum, instruments of the E-duga,

offer their best in the E-ninnu to the warrior with an ear for music,

Gudea introduced his beloved musician, Ucumgal-kalama (unidentified?), to lord Nin-jirsu.


1048-1057 With his divine duties, namely to soothe the heart,

to soothe the spirits; to dry weeping eyes; to banish mourning from the mourning heart;

to …… the heart of the lord that rises like the sea,

washes away like the Euphrates, that hits like a flood storm,

that has overflowed with joy after inundating a land which is Enlil´s enemy,

Gudea introduced his balaj drum, Lugal-igihuc (unidentified?), to lord Nin-jirsu.


1058-1069 Zazaru, Ickur-pa-ed, Ur-agrunta-ea, He-girnuna, He-caga, Zurju and Zarju,

who are Bau´s septuplets, the offspring of lord Nin-jirsu,

his beloved lukur maidens, who create plenty for the myriads,

stepped forward to lord Nin-jirsu with friendly entreaties on behalf of Gudea.


1070-1081 With his divine duties, namely to see that the great fields grow rich;

to see that the levees and ditches of Lagac will be full to the brim;

to see that Acnan, the bright and long one, the pure stalk,

will raise its head high in the furrows in Gu-edina, the plain befitting its owner;

to see that after the good fields have provided wheat, emmer and all kinds of pulses,

the numerous grain heaps – the yield of the land of Lagac – will be heaped up,

Gudea introduced Jicbar-ed (unidentified?), Enlil´s surveyor, the farmer of Gu-edina, to lord Nin-jirsu.


1082-1087 With his divine duties, namely to make sure that Imin-catam (unidentified?),

the messenger of Gu-edina, informs Nin-jirsu about the amount of carp and perch yielded by the marshes,

and about the quantity of new shoots of reed yielded by the green reedbeds,

1c - golden statue of Lama  (Lama / Ninsun, adorning goddess-mother to many mixed-breed kings)

Gudea introduced Lama, the inspector of the fisheries of Gu-edina, to lord Nin-jirsu.


1088-1099 With his divine duties, namely to administer the open country,

the pleasant place; to give directions concerning the Gu-edina,

the pleasant open country; to make its birds propagate (?);

to have them lay their eggs in nests (?); to have them rear their young;

to see that the multiplication of the beasts of Nin-jirsu´s beloved countryside does not diminish,

Gudea introduced Dimgal-abzu (unidentified?), the herald of Gu-edina, to lord Nin-jirsu.


1100-1106 With his divine duties, namely to erect cities; to found settlements;

to build guard-houses for the wall of the Iri-kug; to have its divine resident constable,

the mace of white cedar with its enormous head, patrol around the house,

Gudea introduced Lugal-ennu-irikugakam (unidentified?) to lord Nin-jirsu.


1107-1117 Holy An made the location appropriate.

Enlil wound (?) a turban (?) round its top.

Nin-hursaj (Ninhursag) looked at it approvingly.

Enki, the king of Eridu, drove in its foundation pegs.

The true lord with a pure heart, Suen (Nannar), made its powers the largest in heaven and on earth.

Nin-jirsu chose it among shrines of sprouting seeds with his heart.

             (mother Nanshe, Goddess of Persian Gulf Birds & Fishes)

Mother Nance cared for it especially among the buildings of the land of Lagac.

But it was the god of most reliable progeny who built the house and made its name famous.


1118-1124 The mighty steward of Nance (Enki‘s daughter), the accomplished shepherd of Nin-jirsu,

is wise, and able too to realize things; the man in charge of building the house,

Gudea the ruler of Lagac, was to make presents for the house.


1125-1142 Gudea, the ruler in charge of building the house, presented it with the chariot

´´It makes the mountains bow down´´,

which carries awesome radiance and on which fearsomeness rides

and with its donkey stallion, Ud-gu-dugduga, to serve before it;

with the seven-headed mace, the fierce battle weapon (alien technology),

the weapon unbearable both for the North and for the South, with a battle cudgel, with the mitum mace,

with the lion-headed weapon made from nir stone, which never turns back before the highlands,

with dagger blades, with nine standards, with the ´´strength of heroism´´,

with his bow which twangs like a mes forest, with his angry arrows which whiz like lightning flashes

in battle and with his quiver, which is a like a lion, a pirij lion, or a fierce snake sticking out its tongue –

strengths of battle endued with the power of kingship.


1143-1154 Along with copper, tin, slabs of lapis lazuli, refined silver and pure Meluha cornelian,

he set up (?) huge copper cauldrons, huge …… of copper,

shining copper goblets and shining copper jars worthy of An,

for laying (?) a holy table in the open air …… at the place of regular offerings (?).

Nin-jirsu gave his city, Lagac (Lagash) …….

He set up his bed within the bedchamber, the house´s resting place;

and everyone (?) rested like birds in the streets with the son of Enlil.


1155-1181 With his duties, namely to fill the channels with flowing water;

to make the marshes full with carp and perch (?)

and to have the inspector of fisheries and the inspector of dykes stand at their posts;

to fill the great waters with boats carrying grain; to see that tons, heaps and tons –

the yield of the land of Lagac – will be piled up; to see that cattle-pens and sheepfolds will be erected;

to see that lambs abound around healthy ewes; to have the rams let loose on the healthy ewes;

to see that numerous calves stand beside healthy cows;

to see that breed bulls bellow loudly among them; to have the oxen properly yoked

and to have the farmers and ox drivers stand beside them; to have donkeys carry packsaddles

and to have their drivers, who feed them, follow behind them;

to see that large copper …… will be strapped onto jackasses; to see that the principal mill will produce (?);

to …… the house of Nin-jirsu´s young slave women; to ……; to set …… right;

to see that the courtyard of the E-ninnu will be filled with joy;

to see that the ala drums and balaj drum will sound in perfect concert with the sim drums,

and to see that his beloved drum Ucumgal-kalama (uidentified?) will walk in front of the procession,

the ruler who had built the E-ninnu, Gudea, himself entered before lord Nin-jirsu.


1182-1202 The temple towered upwards in full grandeur, unparallelled in fearsomeness and radiance.

Like a boat it …… and …….

Its owner, warrior Nin-jirsu, came out as the daylight on the dais of Jirnun.

Its …… resting on supports was like the blue sky in all its splendor.

Its standards and their caps (?) were Nin-jirsu himself emanating fearsomeness;

their leather straps stretched out in front of them were bathing snakes with yellow mouths.

Its owner, warrior Nin-jirsu, stood like Utu in his most fascinating blue chariot.

Its throne, standing in the guena hall, was An´s holy seat which is sat upon joyfully.

Its bed, standing in the bedroom, was a young cow kneeling down in its sleeping place.

             (Ninurta & his spouse Bau with her guard dog)

On its quilt (?), strewn with fresh herbs, mother Bau was resting comfortably with lord Nin-jirsu.


1203-1210 Large bronze plates (?) offered all sorts of food (?).

In the good house …… were cooked in shining bronze vessels (?).

Its pure bowls standing in the great dining-hall were troughs in various sizes that never lack water,

and the goblets beside them were the Tigris and Euphrates continually carrying abundance.


1211-1223 He had everything function as it should in his city.

Gudea had built the E-ninnu, made its powers perfect.

He brought fat and cream into its dairy and provided its …… with bread (?).

He had debts remitted and made all hands clear.

When his master entered the house, for seven days the slave woman was allowed to became equal

to her mistress and the slave was allowed to walk side by side with his master.

But the ritually unclean ones could sleep only at the border of his city.

He silenced the evil-speaking tongue and locked up evil.


1224-1231 He paid attention to the justice of Nance and Nin-jirsu.

He provided protection for the orphan against the rich,

and provided protection for the widow against the powerful.

He had the daughter become the heir in the families without a son.

A day of justice dawned for him.

He set his foot on the neck of evil ones and malcontents.


1232-1247 Like Utu, he rose on the horizon for the city.

He wound (?) a turban (?) on his head.

He made himself known by the eyes of holy An.

He entered the shrine of E-ninnu with raised head like a bull and sacrificed there faultless oxen and kids.

He set bowls in the open air and filled them full with wine.

Ucumgal-kalama (unidentified?) was accompanied by tigi drums, and ala drums roared for him like storm.

The ruler stepped onto the outer wall (?) and his city looked up to him in admiration.

(6 lines missing)


1254-1257 …… made abundance come forth for him.

The earth produced mottled barley for him.

Lagac thrived in abundance with the ruler.


1258-1263 For the warrior who entered his new house, for Nin-jirsu, he arranged a rich banquet.

He seated An at the place of honor for him, he seated Enlil next to An (Anu)

and Nin-mah (Ninhursag) next to Enlil.

(13 lines missing or unclear)


1276-1284 Rejoicing over the the house, the owner determined a fate for the brickwork of E-ninnu:

´O brickwork of E-ninnu, let there be a good fate determined,

brickwork of E-ninnu, let there be a fate determined,

brickwork of E-ninnu, let there be a good fate determined!

House! Mountain founded by An, built in grandeur!´

(16 lines missing)


1301-1305…… determined a fate for the brickwork of E-ninnu:

´O brickwork of E-ninnu, let there be a fate determined,

brickwork of E-ninnu, let there be a good fate determined!

House …… embers (?) …… embracing heaven.

…… holy …….´

(15 lines missing or unclear)


1321-1325 ´On your behalf, numerous cow-pens will be erected and many sheepfolds be renewed!

The people will lie down in safe pastures, enjoying abundance under you.

The eyes of Sumer and all the countries will be directed toward you.

An will elevate your house of Anzud for you.´

(14 lines missing or unclear)


6aa - Gilgamesh two-thirds Divine   (ancient Gilgamesh relief; modern Gilgamesh statue, brother to Gudea)

1340-1354 ´Grown as tall as Gilgamec (Gilgamesh).

No one shall remove its throne set up there.

Your god Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda) is the grandson of An;

2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings  (Ninsun, goddess mother to Gilgamesh, Gudea, & many others)

your divine mother is Ninsun, the bearing mother of good offspring,

who loves her offspring; you are a child born by the true cow.

You are a true youth made to rise over the land of Lagac by Nin-jirsu;

your name is established from below to above.

Gudea, nobody …… what you say.

You are …… a man known to An.

You are a true ruler, for whom the house has determined a good fate.

  (Ninsun, her son-king Gudea, & Ningishzidda)

Gudea, son of Nin-jiczida, you will enjoy a long life!´


1355-1361 The house reaches up to heaven like a huge mountain

and its fearsomeness and awesome radiance have settled upon the land.

            (Enki, Anu in his sky-disc, & Enlil, winged Apkulla pilots on each end)

An and Enlil have determined the fate of Lagac;

Nin-jirsu´s authority has become known to all the countries;

E-ninnu has grown so high as to fill the space between the heaven and the earth.

Nin-jirsu be praised!’

”The building of Nin-jirsu´s house”.


This is the end of the hymn

Ninurta’s (House in Lagash) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


O E-ninnu (House of 50), (Enlil‘s royal ruling #, also his heir Ninurta‘s # to be)

right hand of Lagaš (Lagash), foremost in Sumer,

the Anzud bird which gazes upon the mountain, the šar-ur weapon of …… Ninĝirsu (Ninurta),

5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Ninurta‘s 50-headed mace, alien high-tech weaponry)

…… in all lands, the strength of battle, a terrifying storm which envelops men,

giving the strength of battle to the Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods,

            (mud brick-built ziggurats & cities of Mesopotamia)

brick building on whose holy mound destiny is determined, beautiful as the hills,

your canal ……, your …… blowing in opposition (?) at your gate facing towards Iri-kug,

wine is poured into holy An‘s (Anu‘s) beautiful bowls set out in the open air.


Whatever enters you is unequaled, whatever leaves endures. ……,

terrifying facade, house of radiance, a place of reaching judgment

which lord Ninĝirsu has filled with great awesomeness and dread!

All the Anuna gods attend your great drinking-bouts.

4 - drinking bouts of the gods

Your prince, a raging storm which destroys cities in hostile lands, your sovereign,

a terrifying wild ox which will manifest its strength, a terrifying lion which smashes heads,

the warrior who devises strategies in lordship and attains victory in kingship,

the mighty one, the great warrior in battle, the lord without rival, the son of Enlil,

             (Lagash re-creation with Ninurta‘s ziggurat residence)

lord Ninĝirsu, has erected a house in your precinct,

O E-ninnu, and taken his seat upon your dais.


              (Lagash city walls & Ninurta‘s ziggurat-residence)

22 lines: the house of Ninĝirsu (Ninurta) in Lagaš (Lagash).

Ninurta Quotes From Texts, Etc.

Ninurta = Enlil‘s eldest son with ½ sister Ninhursag, & heir to Heaven & Earth


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


NInurta Speaking in the 1st Person:

           “I am the strong one, unopposed in the mountains,

         I am Ninurta— let them prostrate themselves at my name.

         I am the exceedingly mighty lion-headed one of Enlil, whom he engendered in his strength.

         The storm of heaven, shackle of the gods, I am the one whom An in his great might has chosen.

         “I am the (uncle to)……, the creature of Inanna.

         I am the warrior, destined with Enki to be suited for the fearsome divine powers (alien technologies).

         Let my kingship be manifest unto the ends of heaven and earth.

         I am most able among the gods — let me be imbued with great awesomeness.

         “Let my beloved city, the sanctuary Nibru (Nippur), raise its head as high as heaven.

         Let my city be pre-eminent among the cities of my brothers.

         Let my temple rise (?) the highest …… among the temples of my brothers.

         Let the territory of my city be the fresh-water well of Sumer.

         Let the Anuna, my brother gods, bow down there.

         Let their flying birds establish nests in my city.

         Let their refugees refresh themselves in my shade.”


Ninurta, lord of the gods, glory of E-cumeca, speaks most generously in praise:

“My father Enlil!”

Ninurta …… himself like a lion:

“I am the hero belonging to Enlil, I am he who controls the affairs of Nibru (Nippur).

……, and do not let the birds escape.

I am a man after the heart of my father Enlil,

and I am the hero beloved by my mother Ninlil (step-mother, Ninhursag is mother).

I was born in the mountains; I am strong in the mountains.”


           “I will fell trees, I will strike down forests.

           Let my mother (Ninhursag) know it.

           I, Ninurta, will fell trees, I will strike down forests.

           Let my mother know it.

           I will clear them away like an …… ax.

           Let my mother know it.

           I will strike down …… walls like a huge ax.

           Let my mother now it.

           I will make their troops tremble like …….

           Let my mother know it.

           I will devour them like storm and flood.

           Let my mother know it.”

           The warrior, …… in furious battle, smashes heads.

           The Lord curses the disobedient, rebellious lands:

           “I will …… battering ram, I will …… your venom.

           I will destroy (?) your city gate ……, and reach your …….

           I will …… shield on (?) your tower, and reduce it to a pile of dust.

           I will …… your ……, like a city cursed by Enlil.

           I will …… you into ruin mounds, like a city hated by Ninurta.”


           Nin-jirsu stepped up to the head of the sleeper, briefly touching him:

           ´You who are going to build it for me, you who are going to build it for me, ruler,

           you who are going to build my house for me, Gudea, let me tell you the ominous sign for building my house,

           let me tell you the pure stars of heaven indicating my regulations (?). …

           ´I am Nin-jirsu (Ninurta) who has turned back the fierce waters,

           the great warrior of Enlil´s realm, a lord without opponent.

           My house the E-ninnu, a crown, is bigger than the mountains;

           my weapon the Car-ur (alien technologies) subdues all the lands.

           No country can bear my fierce stare, nobody escapes my outstretched arms. …”


         “Ninurta prays to Enlil:

‘Please, look with favor on Icme-Dagan,

the accomplished shepherd, who is at your service in the dining-hall;

on the king who has built you the chariot!

        Give him Inana your beloved eldest daughter as a spouse’…”


As Ninurta:

        “son of Enlil, Ninurta, created like Enlil, born by Nintud (Ninhursag),

        mightiest of the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods,…”


        “Ninurta, lord Nunamnir (Enlil) created you like a great storm ……,

he commanded you to achieve triumphs for him.


For you Nintud (Ninhursag) has opened wide her creative hands;

she has breast-fed you from her sweet breasts; she has fed you with the milk of vigor.

As if you were a spectacular wild bull, she has made your figure strong (?),

she has made your limbs massive.

She has fitted you out with …… appearance, awesome radiance and heroism.

Your mother, Nintud, held you by the right wrist

as she led you before your father in E-kur (Enlil‘s temple), the august shrine.

         Then she said: ‘Decide a great fate for the son who is your avenger!’…”


        “Ninurta who is great in heaven, great on earth, lordly in the east! …”


        “The lord called for his house and I intend to make the grandeur of E-ninnu known everywhere. …”


         “While these words were yet in Nuska‘s mouth, Ninurta put the whip and goad away in the rope-box.

He leaned his mace, the strength in battle, against the box and entered into the temple of Enlil…”


         “It is his food that anyone who has food eats; it is his water that anyone who has water drinks.

And so people no longer call upon the name of their personal gods,

but …… in every mouth the name of him who is their only god….

A balbale of Ninurta.”


       Now when Enlil arrived and saw the boat,

He waxed wroth,

He was filled with fury against the heavenly Igigi gods and said:

‘What! – Has any mortal escaped?

No mortal was to survive the destruction (Noah‘s Flood)!’

Ninurta, God of War, opened his mouth to speak, said to valiant Enlil:

‘Who besides the god Enki could devise such a plan?

        The god Enki alone understands every matter.’ …”


         “Ninurta, hero of Enlil, as you are sitting on your throne-dais,

may your spouse, the true lady Ninnibru (Bau / Gula), who embraces you,

step before you daily with friendly words on behalf of Lipit-Ectar!

Uta-ulu, may you be his aid when he prays!

May he be able to rely on your words, may he be peerless!

        May he be the king whose fate Ninurta decides,…”


          “that I (Ishme-Dagan) have had the fifty-headed battle-mace, an exceptional weapon, cast for Ninurta ……”


Asgi / Acgi Quotes From Texts

Asgi / Acgi = Ninurta, son of Ninhursag & Enlil

Enlil‘s heir by Anunnaki law of the “double seed”

        “Will any other mother ever give birth to someone as great as its hero Acgi?

        Who has ever seen anyone as great as its lady Nintud (Ninhursag)?…”


        “Ašgi, the god of Adab, has erected a house in your precinct,

        O Adab, O house situated at a canal, O house Adab, and taken his seat upon your dais.

        the house of Ninursaĝa (Ninhursag) in Adab.


        “Ašgi the hero consumes the contents of the vessels (?)…”


        “Draw near, man, to the house Keš (Kish), to the city — but do not draw near!

        Draw near, man, to its hero Ašgi– but do not draw near!

        Draw near, man, to its lady Nintur— but do not draw near!

        Praise be to well-built Keš, O Ašgi!

        Praise be to cherished Keš and Nintur (Ninhursag)!”


Birtum Quote From Text

Birtum = Nungal‘s (Bau‘s) spouse Ninurta

        “NungalBirtum the very strong, my spouse, resides there with me.

        Taking a seat on its great and lofty dais, he gives mighty orders…

        my lady is indeed Nungal (Bau / Gula)…”


Ishtaran Quotes From Texts

Ishtaran / Ictaran / Gusilim = Ninurta

Tutelary god of the city of Dur

        “the son of Uraš (Ninhursag) who knows thoroughly the true divine powers of princeship,

        Ištaran, the …… sovereign of heaven, has erected a house in your precinct,

        O E-dim-gal-kalama (House which is the great pole of the Land),

        and taken his seat upon your dais. the house of Ištaran in Dēr…”


        “They give [your name as Pabilsag] in Egalmah (Bau‘s residence in Isin, Bau‘s patron city-state),

        Call your name …… in Ur,

        Give your name as Nin-Azu in Ekurmah, [ ] Duranki was your birthplace.

        [In ] they speak of you as Ishtaran, [In ] Zababa.

        [ ] they call his name.

        Your bravery much greater than all the other gods, [ ] your divinity is surpassing;…”


        (Ninurta speaking):

        “In the E-babbar, where I issue orders, where I shine like Utu,

        there I justly decide the lawsuits of my city like Ictaran.

        In the E-bagara, my dining place, the great gods of Lagac (Lagash) gather around me…”


        “Ictaran (Ninurta)… son of Belet-ili (Ninhursag), your mother,…”


        “…Ictaran (Ninurta).

        In the E-bagara, my dining place, the great gods of Lagac (Lagash) gather around me. …”


        “Ictaran (god of justice)…”


          “The shepherd, the expert of the Land, the wise one (?) of the countries,

        Ictaran, who decides lawsuits justly, who lives in the Land…”


         “and in view of my expertise, comparable to that of Ictaran, in verdicts,

         my heart has never committed violence against even one other king,…”


Ningirsu / Nin-jirsu Quotes From Texts

Ningirsu / Nin-jirsu = Ninurta, Enlil‘s son

Enlil‘s heir, god of thundershowers, god of the plow

the son of Enlil, lord Ninĝirsu, has erected a house in your precinct,

O E-ninnu, and taken his seat upon your dais. the house of Ninĝirsu (Ninurta) in Lagaš (Lagash).”


        “Bau, imbued with great fearsomeness, ……, lord Ninjirsu has looked at you approvingly.

        He …… you with allure and has made your …… table in the E-tarsirsir lavishly famous…”


        “Your own father, An (Anu), the highest god, clothed you (Bau) in the ma garment.

        He gave you the warrior of Enlil, Ninjirsu, as your husband…”


        “The hero Ninurta, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,

        the hero Pabilsaj, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,

        the hero Ninjirsu, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,…”


        “Jirsu, the city of heroes, was afflicted with a lightning storm.

        Ninjirsu took an unfamiliar path away from the E-ninnu.

        Mother Bau wept bitter tears in her E-Iri-kug.

        ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


         “lord Nijir-si (Ninurta), the precious lord, had not been born;

Cakkan (the god of wild animals) had not gone out into the barren lands.

The people of those days did not know about eating bread.

They did not know about wearing clothes; they went about with naked limbs in the Land.

         Like sheep they ate grass with their mouths and drank water from the ditches…”


 “in a nocturnal vision Gudea saw his master, lord Nin-jirsu

Nin-jirsu (Ninurta) spoke to him of his house, of its building.

         He showed him an E-ninnu with full grandeur. …”


        “Nin-jirsu, I want to build up your house for you, I want to make it perfect for you, so I will ask your sister,

the child born of Eridu, an authority on her own, the lady, the dream-interpreter among the gods,

my divine sister from Sirara, Nance (Enki‘s daughter), to show me the way.´

His call was heard; his master,

         Lord Nin-jirsu accepted from (King) Gudea his prayer and supplication. …”


        “Nin-jirsu, I have built up your house for you; now I shall let you enter it in joy!

My goddess Bau, I have set up your E-mi quarters for you: take up pleasant residence in them.´

His call was heard, his master Lord Nin-jirsu accepted from Gudea his prayer and supplication. …”


Pabilsag Quotes From Texts

Pabilsag = Ninurta Tutelary god of Isin

        “Warrior Pabilsaj …… born to Nintud (Ninhursag)…”


        “my lady is indeed Nungal (Bau / Gula).

        My lady entered Lagac (Lagash).

        With her beloved spouse lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta),..”


        “Nininsina (Bau / Gula) …….

In the Kir-sig watercourse …… their tails …… Isin …….

Joyfully his son married a wife ……;

         joyfully lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta) married Nininsina (Bau / Gula)…….”


        “I am the beautiful woman Nininsina, daughter of holy An!…

        My husband, lord Pabilsaj, the son of Enlil, lies inside with me ……, enjoying his rest there….”


        “Hero Ninurta, the combs of your neck-hair are loosened!

        Hero Pabilsaj, the combs of your neck-hair are loosened!

        Hero Ninjirsu (Ninurta), the combs of your neck-hair are loosened;…”


        “The hero Ninurta, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,

        the hero Pabilsaj, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,

        the hero Ninjirsu, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,…”


        “Larak, she gave to Pabilsag,…”


        “Larag (Larak), was given to Pabilsaj…”


Ninip Quotes From Texts

Ninip = Ninurta

god of the morning sun

        “To Ninip most powerful hero, great, chief of the gods, warrior,

        powerful Lord, whose onset in battle has not been opposed,

        eldest son, crusher of opponents, first-born son of Nukimmut (Enlil)…”


        “(O Ninip) is thy heart; a worshipper of Bel (Enlil) whose might upon thy great deity is founded,…”


        “the renown of Ninip the warrior, worshipper of the great gods,

        prolonging the benefits (conferred by) his fathers: a Prince…”


        “in the great gate I fixed them, in the date of this year which takes its name from me,

        in honor of Assur my Lord and Ninip who uplifts my feet…”


        “a temple to Ninip my Lord I therein founded;

        when an image of Ninip himself which had not been made before,

        in the reverence of my heart for his great mighty god-ship,

        of mountain stone and brilliant gold I caused to make in its completeness;…

        an altar to Ninip my Lord I therein consecrated:

        a temple for Beltis (Inanna), Sin (Nannar), and Gulanu (Bau / Gula),

        Hea-Manna (Enki) and Yav (Adad) great ruler of heaven and earth I founded…”


        “Nin (Ninurta)! The son of Bel (Enlil); thy hands didst lay

        Upon Ar-ur-u (Ninhursag), thine own queen (Ninurta’s mother & father),

        With glory crowned her on that day…”


Uru-azagga Quotes From Texts

Uru-azagga = Ninurta

Ninhursag & Enlil‘s eldest son & heir

        “For the goddess Bau (Ninurta’s spouse), his mistress, the mistress who Uru-azagga directs,…”


        “… and the goddess Bau (Ninurta’s spouse) into his temple of Uru-azagga he has introduced…”


        “To the goddess Bau (Ninurta’s spouse), the good lady, the daughter of Anna (Anu),

        the mistress of Uru-azagga, the mistress of abundance, the lady who fixes the destinies of Girsu-ki,

        the lady who judges her city, the lady beloved of mortals (?), the lady of death (?), to his lady,

        Gudea the patesi of Shirpurla, who (the temple) of E-ninnû of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta) has constructed…”


        “so for the goddess Bau (Ninurta’s spouse) the daughter of Anna (Anu), the mistress of Uru-azagga, his mistress,

        the temple of E-sil-sirsira, her favorite temple, he (Gudea) has constructed;…”


        “mother Bau (Ninurta’s spouse), in the temple of E-sil-sirsira ‘to Gudea give life!’

        by this name he has named (the statue), and in the temple of Uru-azagga he has placed it…”


Uta-ulu Quotes From Texts

Uta-ulu = Ninurta, Enlil‘s eldest son

        “Lord Uta-ulu, son of Enlil, who has come forth from the hills, Ninurta!

        Your imposing greatness is declared in praise songs…”


        “Uta-ulu, lord of the gods, great hero of An‘s, great lord of Enlil‘s, Ninurta, august son of E-kur,…”


        “My Ninurta, whose form Enki contemplates with favor, my Uta-ulu, Lord, son of Enlil, what is to be done?…”


        “May your anger be appeased ……. Ninurta, King, Utu-ulu (Ninurta), lift your head to heaven…”


        “Ninurta, lord Nunamnir (Enlil) created you like a great storm ……, …

        Your mother, Nintud, held you by the right wrist

        as she led you before your father in E-kur (Enlil‘s temple – residence), the august shrine…

        Enlil looked at him with joy and decided his fate:

        ‘Uta-ulu (Ninurta), may your name be exalted throughout the extent of heaven and earth.

Your awesome radiance will make all the great gods tremble with fear’.”


        “Your roaring and commands make all the foreign countries submit.

Your frightening look makes all enemies tremble!

Uta-ulu, when like all the evil winds you rise to ……”


        “Enlil looked at him with joy and decided his fate:

        ‘Uta-ulu, may your name be exalted throughout the extent of heaven and earth.

        Your awesome radiance will make all the great gods tremble with fear’…”


        “The chick Anzu took the hero Ninurta by his hand and drew near with him to Enki‘s place, the Abzu.

        The chick Anzu returned Uta-ulu to the Abzu.

        The lord was delighted with the hero, father Enki was delighted with the hero Ninurta.

        The lord Nudimmud (Enki) honored him duly: Hero, no god among your brother gods could have acted so.

        As for the bird which your mighty weapon captured, from now to eternity you will keep your foot placed on its neck.

        May the great gods give your heroic strength its due.

        May your father Enlil do whatever you command’…”


        “May the strong one who cares for E-kur, the ensi of the august shrine, Uta-ulu, be your help on the battlefield!

        May he collect your enemies like small birds for you; may he spread them out like sheaves for you!…”


        “Uta-ulu, riding on fearsome radiance ……, greatest amongst the great lords ……!

        Ninurta, perfect in authority, caretaker of heaven and earth ……, lord who was given strength by Nunamnir (Enlil),…”


        “Ninurta, …… Anuna gods!

        Lord in the E-kur, mighty ……!

        Uta-ulu …… great strength ……, who has come forth from the hills and …… on the numerous divine powers!

        Ninurta ……, perfect lord ……!”


        “Uta-ulu …… in majesty. …… the battle-mace …… the enemy.

        Ninurta, surpassing in authority, caretaker for ……!

        Lord who was given great strength by Nunamnir, confident in his strength, striding into battle!

        Ninurta, …… foremost ……, great wild bull,…”

Ninurta Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin’s Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)


Zu stole the Tablets of Destinies, and therefore the Enlilship, from Enlil while he was taking a daily swim.

          “At the entrance of the sanctuary, which he had been viewing,

         Zu awaits the start of the day.

         As Enlil was washing with pure water–

         his crown having been removed and deposited on the throne–

         Zu seized the Tablets of Destinies in his hands, took away the Enlilship.

         Suspended were the Divine Formulas;

         Stillness spread all over; silence prevailed….

         The Sanctuary’s brilliance was taken off.

         Enlil was speechless…”

Ninurta’s mother Ninhursag, went ballistic. She would not stand forher son’s rights as Enlil’s heir to be stolen by Anzu:

         “Launch thy offensive…capture the fugitive Zu….

         Let thy terrifying offensive rage against him….

         Slit his throat! Vanquish Zu!

         Let thy seven ill Winds go against him….

         Cause the entire Whirlwind to attack him….

         Let thy Radiance go against him….

         Let thy Winds carry his Wings to a secret place….

         Let sovereignty return to Ekur;

         Let the Divine Formulas (alien technologies) return to the father who begot thee…”

With Ea / Enki’s help, Ninurta was able to shoot Anzu wings and bring him down, returning the Enlilship back to Enlil.

To make Tilmun (Sinai peninsula) her dominion was an idea that no one opposed. So now that she was given her own domain, she decided to go there. Proudly she stated:

         “A Mistress I am now!

         Alone will I stay there, reigning forever!…”

Ninurta applied his experience in damning and channeling waters to make his mother’s new mountain region livable. Tablet IX of the “Feats and Exploits of Ninurta,as he addresses his mother:

         “Since you, noble lady, alone to the Land of Landing had gone,

         Since to the Land of Casting Down unafraid you went–

         A dam I shall heap up for you, so that the Land may have a mistress…”

Ninurta assured his mother that she would have an abundance of vegetation, wood products, and minerals in her mountain abode:

        “Its valleys shall be verdant with vegetation,

         Its slopes shall produce honey and wine for you,

         Shall produce…zabalum-trees and boxwood;

         its terraces shall be adorned with fruit as a garden;

         The Harsag shall provide you with the fragrance of the gods,

         shall provide you with the shiny lodes;

         Its mines will as tribute copper and tin give you;

         Its mountains shall multiply you cattle large and small;

         The Harsag shall bring forth the four-legged creatures…”

Making a home for his mother in the Sinai’s southern region of high granite peaks, Ninurta bestowed on her a new title: NIN.HAR.SAG (“Lady of the Head Mountain”);it was her title

On one side was Nergal, Ninurta, Adad, and soon joined by Nannar / Sin, and then later on by Inanna / Ishtar.

On the opposing side are listed Nabu, a god referred as “Mighty, lofty One”-Ra / Marduk—and the“God of two Great Houses” (the two Great Pyramids of Giza), who had tried to escape camouflaged in a ram’s skin (Horus).

the…most direct chronicle of the Great Pyramid War is the epic text Lugal-e Ud Melam-bi,

         “King, the glory of thy day is lordly;

         Ninurta, Foremost, possessor of the Divine Powers,

         who into the throes of the Mountainlands stepped forth.

         Like a flood which cannot be stopped,

         the Enemyland as with a girdle you tightly bound.

         Foremost one, one who in battle vehemently enters;

         Hero, who in his hand the Divine Brilliant Weapon carries;

         Lord: the Mountainland you subdued as your creature.

         Ninurta, royal son, whose father to him had given might;

         Hero: in fear of thee the city has surrendered…

         O mighty one–the Great Serpent, the heroic god,

         you tore away from all the mountains…”

It was in this “crafted ship”-a manufactured vehicle–

         “that which in war destroys the princely abodes,…”

that Ninurta soared into the skies during the battles of the Second Pyramid War.

         “in his Winged Bird, against the walled abode …”

he swooped down.

         “As his Bird neared the ground,the summit

         (of the enemy’s stronghold ) he smashed…”

Chased out of their strongholds, the Enemy began to retreat…Adad roamed the countryside behind enemy lines, destroying the adversary’s food supplies:

         “In the Abzu, Adadthe fish caused to be washed away…the cattle he dispersed…”

As the battle extends in time and scope, the two leading gods called on the others to join them.

         “My lord, to the battle which is becoming extensive, why don’t you go?…”

They asked a god whose name is missing…The question was clearly also asked of Ishtar:

         “In the clash of weapons, in the feats of heroship,

         Ishtar (Inanna) her arm did not hold back…”

As the two gods saw her, they shouted:

         “Advance hither without stopping!

         Put your foot down firmly on the Earth!

         In the mountains, we await thee!…”


         “The weapon which is lordly brilliant the goddess brought forth…

         a horn (to direct it) she made for it…”


         “the skies were like red-hued wool in color…”

The explosive beam

         “tore apart (the enemy), made him with his hand clutch his heart…”


         “Fear of Ninurta’s Brilliance encompassed the land…”

Ninurta rained on the city poison-bearing missiles, which

         “he catapulted into it the poison, by itself, destroyed he city…”


         “with the Weapons That Smites threw fire upon the mountains;

         the godly Weapon of the Gods, whose Tooth is bitter, smote down the people…”

some kind of chemical warfare is indicated:

         “The Weapon Which Tears Apart robbed the senses;

         The Tooth skinned them off.

         Tearing-apart he stretched upon the land;

         The canals he filled with blood,

         in the Enemyland for dogs like milk to lick…”

Overwhelmed by the merciless onslaught, Azag / Marduk called on his followers to show no resistance:

         “The arisen Enemy to his wife and child called;

         against the lord Ninurta he raised not his arms.

         The weapons of Kur with soil were covered (hidden away);

         Azag them did not raise...”

Ninurta took the lack of resistance as a sign of victory…after Ninurta killed the opponents occupying the land of the Harsag (Sinai) and went on “like a Bird” to attack the gods who“behind their walls retreated”in Kur, he defeated them in the mountains. He then burst out in a song of victory:

        “My fearsome Brilliance like Anu’s is mighty;

         Against it, who can rise? I am lord of the high mountains,

         of the mountains which to the horizon raise their peaks.

         In the mountains I am the master…”

Byhis nonresistance tactics, Azag had escaped defeat.

         “The scorpion of Kur Ninurta did not annihilate…”

Instead the Enemy gods retreated into the Great Pyramid, where “the Wise Craftsmen”Enki? Thoth?–raised up a protective wall

         “which the Brilliance could not match…”

With the pyramid’s defenses thus enhanced, Ninurta resorted to another tactic. He called upon Utu / Shamash to cut off the pyramid’s water supply…Huddled in their last stronghold, cut off from food and water, the besieged gods did their best…

But now one of the younger gods—Horus, we believe—trying to sneak out of the Great Pyramid disguised as a ram, was struck by Ninurta’s Brilliant Weapon and lost sight of his eye. An Olden god then cried out to save the young god’s life:

         “At that time the Killing Brightness came;

         The House’s platform withstood the lord.

         Unto Ninhursag there was an outcry:

         ‘…the weapon…my offspring with death is accursed’…”

Other Sumerian texts call this young god

         “offspring who did not know his father…”

It was then, responding to the “outcry” that Ninhursag decided to intervene to stop the fighting….In telltale verses she announced her decision to cross the battle lines and bring an end to the hostilities:

         “To the House Where Cord-Measuring begins,

         Where Asar (Ashur), his eyes to Anu raised,

         I shall go.

         The cord I will cut off, for the sake of the warring gods…”

Ninurta was at first astounded by her decision to

         “enter alone the Enemyland…”

He provided her with

         “clothes which should make her unafraid…”

of the radiation left by the beams) As she neared the pyramid she addressed Enki:

         “She shouts to him…she beseeches him…”

Enki agreed to surrender the pyramid to her:

         “The House that is like a heap,

         that which I have as a pile raised up–its mistress you may be…”

The surrender was subject to a final resolution of the conflict until

         “the destiny-determining time…”

shall come…

Ninhursag took the surrender offer of Enki’s to Enlil. She met him in the presence of Adad (while Ninurta remained on the battlefield). “O hear my prayers!”she begged the two gods…

         “Presenting himself there, to the Mother,

         Adad thus said:

         ‘We are expecting victory.

         The enemy forces are beaten.

         The trembling of the land he could not withstand’…”

Adad said, let her call discussions on the basis that the Enlilites are about to win:

         “Get up and go—talk to the enemy.

         Let him attend the discussions so that the attack be withdrawn…”

Enlil, in less forceful language, supported the suggestion:

         “Enlil opened his mouth;

          In the assembly of the gods he said:

         ‘Whereas Anu at the mountain the gods assembled,

         warfare to discourage, peace to bring,

         and has dispatched the Mother of the Gods to entreat with me–

         Let the Mother of the Gods be an emissary’…”

Turning to his sister, he said in a conciliatory vein:

         “Go, appease my brother!

         Raise unto him a hand for Life;

         From his barred doorway, let him come out!…”

Doing as suggested, Ninhursag

         “his brother went to fetch, put her prayers before the god…”

She assured him that his safety, and that of his sons, was assured:

         “by the stars she gave a sign…”

As Enki hesitated she said to him tenderly:

         “Come, let me lead you out…”

        “And as he did, he gave her his hand…”

She conducted him and other defenders of the Great Pyramid to the Harsag, her abode. Ninurta and his warriors watched…

…verses in the Babylonian text…have a direct parallel in the biblical tale of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah:

        “But when the son of Marduk in the land of the coast was,

         He-of-the-Evil-Wind (Erra) with heat the plain-land burnt…”


         “He (Nabu) the great sea entered,

         Sat upon a throne which was not his

         (Because) Ezida, the legitimate abode, was overrun…”

Enki stood by his firstborn son:

        “Now that Prince Marduk has arisen,

         now that the people for the second time have raised his image,

         why does Erra (Nergal) continue his opposition?…”

Finally, loosing his patience, Enki shouted at Nergal to get out of his presence. Leaving in a huff, Nergal returned to his domain. “Consulting with himself,” he decided to unleash the awesome weapons:

         “The lands I will destroy, to a deep dust-heap make them;

         the cities I will upheaval, to desolation turn them;

         the mountains I will flatten, their animals make disappear;

         the seas I will agitate, that which teems in them I will decimate;

         the people I will make vanish, their souls shall turn to vapor;

         none shall be spared….”

We learn from a text…that it was Gibil, whose domain in Africa adjoined that of Nergal, who alerted Marduk to the destructive scheme hatched by Nergal…It was then that Gibil “these words to Marduk did speak” in regard to the

         “seven awesome weapons which Anu created..

         The wickedness of those seven against thee is being laid,…”

he informed Marduk.

Marduk inquired of Gibil where the awesome weapons were kept. “O Gibil,,” he said, “those seven—where were they born, where were they created?” To which Gibil revealed that they were hidden underground:

         “Those seven, in the mountain they abide, in a cavity inside the earth they dwell.

         From this place with a brilliance they will rush forth,

         From Earth to Heaven, clad with terror…”

But where exactly is this place? Marduk asked again and again; and all Gibil could say was that “even the wise gods, to them it is unknown…”

Now Marduk rushed to his father Enki with the frightening report.

         “To his father Enki’s house he (Marduk) entered…”

Enki was lying on the couch in the chamber to which he retired for the night. “My father” Marduk said,

         Gibil this word hath spoken to me:

         of the coming of the seven (weapons) he has found out…”

Telling his father the bad news, he urged his all-knowing father:

         “Their place to search out, do hasten thou!…”

Enki spoke out strongly against the idea, urging steps to stop Nergal, for the use of the weapons, he pointed out,

         “the lands will make desolate, the people will make perish…”

Nannar and Utu wavered as Enki spoke, but Enlil and Ninurta were for decisive action. And so with the Council of the Gods was in disarray, the decision was left to Anu.

Nergal had already ordered the priming of “the seven awesome weapons” with their “poisons.”,

         “Anu, lord of the gods, on the land had pity…”

It was then that Ninurta, attempting to dissuade Nergal from indiscriminate annihilation, used words identical to those attributed in the Bible to Abraham when he tried to have Sodom spared:

         “Valiant Era (Nergal),

         Will you the righteous destroy with the unrighteous?

         Will you destroy those who have against you sinned

         together with those who against you have not sinned?…”

The two gods argued back and forth on the extent of the destruction. More than Ninurta, Nergal was consumed by personal hatred:..he shouted

         “I shall annihilate the son (Nabu), and let the father (Marduk) bury him;

         then I shall kill the father, let no one bury him…”

Ninurta finally swayed Nergal.

         “He heard the words spoken by Ishum (Ninurta);

          the words appealed to him as fine oil…”

Agreeing to leave alone the seas, to leave Mesopotamia out of the attack, he formulated a modified plan: the destruction will be destroy the cities where Nabu might be hiding…to deny Marduk the greatest prize, “the place from where the Great Ones ascend…”, the Spaceport–

         “From city to city an emissary I will send;

         The son, seed of his father, shall not escape;

         His mother shall cease her laughter…

         To the place of the gods, access he shall not have:

         The place from where the Great Ones ascend I shall upheaval…”

Wasting no more time, Nergal then urged Ninurta that the two of them go at once into action:

         “Then did the hero Erra go ahead of Ishum, remembering his words;

         Ishum too went forth, in accordance with the word given,

         a squeezing in his heart...”

Their first target was the Spaceport, its command complex hidden in the “Mount Most Supreme,” its landing fields spread in the adjoining great plain:

         “Ishum to Mount Most Supreme set his course;

         The Awesome Seven, (weapons) without parallel, trailed behind him.

         At the Mount Most Supreme the hero arrived;

         He raised his hand–the mount was smashed;

         The plain by the Mount Most Supreme he then obliterated;

         in its forests not a tree-stem was left standing…”

So with one nuclear blow the Spaceport was obliterated…Now it was the turn of Nergal…Guiding himself through the Sinai peninsula to the Canaanite cities by following the King’s Highway, Erra upheavaled them.

The words employed by the Erra Epic” are almost identical to those used in the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah:

         “Then, emulating Ishum, Erra the King’s Highway followed.

         The cities he finished off, to desolation he overturned them.

         In the mountains he caused starvation, their animals he made perish…”

The verses that follow may well describe the creation of the new southern portion of the Dead Sea…:

         “He dug through the sea, its wholeness he divided.

         That which lives in it, even the crocodiles he made wither.

         As with fire he scorched the animals, banned its grains to become as dust…”

We find descriptions and recollections of the nuclear upheaval in other texts as well:

         “Lord, bearer of the Scorcher that burnt up the adversary;

         Who obliterated the disobedient land;

         Who withered the life of the Evil Word’s followers;

         Who raised stones and fire upon the adversaries…”

In a Babylonian text in which one king recalls the momentous events that had taken place “in the reign of an earlier king.”

         “At that time, in the reign of a previous king, conditions changed.

         Good departed, suffering was regular.

         The Lord (of the gods) became enraged, he conceived wrath.

         He gave the command: the gods of that place abandoned it…

         The two, incited to commit the evil, made its guardians stand aside;

         its protectors went up to the dome of heaven…”

The “Khedorlaomer Text”, which identifies the two gods by their epithets as Nergal and Ninurta, tells it this way:

         “Enlil,who sat alone in loftiness, was consumed with anger.”

The devastators again suggested evil;

         “He who scorches with fire (Ishum / Ninurta)

         and he of the evil wind (Erra / Nergal) together performed their evil.

         The two made the gods flee, made them flee the scorching…”

The target, from which they made the gods guarding it flee, was the Place of the Launching:

         “That which was raised towards Anu to launch they caused to wither;

          Its face they made fade away, its place they made desolate…”

Thus was the Spaceport, the prize of which so many Wars of the Gods had been fought, obliterated: the Mount within which the controlling equipment was placed was smashed; the launch platforms were made to fade off the face of the earth; and the plain whose hard soil the shuttle craft had used as runways was obliterated, and not even a tree left standing.

But the deed done by Nergal and Ninurta had not gone unrecorded, for it turned out to have a most profound effect on Sumer, its people, and its very existenceThe nuclear explosion gave rise to an immense wind, a radioactive wind, which began as a whirlwind:

         “A storm, the Evil Wind, went around in the skies…”

The desolation caused by the catastrophe is then described vividly, by such verses as these:

         “Causing cities to be desolate, (causing) houses to become desolate;

         Causing stalls to be desolate, the sheepfolds to be emptied;

         That Sumer’s oxen no longer stand in their stalls,

         that its sheep no longer roam in its sheepfolds;

         That its rivers flow with water that is bitter,

         that its cultivated fields grow weeds, that its steeps grow withering plants…”

In the cities and the hamlets,

         “the mother cares not for her children, the father says not ‘O my wife’…

         the young child grows not sturdy on their knee,

         the nursemaid chants not a lullaby…

         kingship has been taken away from the land…”


         “On the Land (Sumer) fell a calamity, one unknown to man:

         One that had never been seen before, one which could not be withstood…”

It was an unseen death,

         “which roams the street, is let loose in the road;

         it stands beside a man–yet none can see it;

         when it enters a house, its appearance is unknown…”

There was no defense against this

         “evil which has assailed the land like a ghost:…

         The highest wall, the thickest walls, it passes as a flood,

         no door can shut it out, no bolt can turn it back;

         through the door like a snake it glides,

         through the hinge like a wind it blows in.

         Cough and phlegm weakened the chest,

         the mouth was filled with spittle and foam…

         dumbness and daze have come upon them,

         an unwholesome numbness…

         an evil curse, a headache…their spirit abandoned their bodies…”

it was a most gruesome death:

         “The people, terrified, could hardly breathe;

         the Evil Wind clutched them, does not grant them another day…

         Mouths were drenched in blood, heads wallowed in blood…

         The face was made pale by the Evil Wind…”


         “Covered the land as a cloak, spread over it like a sheet…”

Brownish in color, during the daytime

         “the sun in the horizon it obliterated with darkness…”

         “(Girt with dread brilliance it filleth the broad earth…)”

it blocked out the moon:

         “the moon at its rising it extinguished…”

Moving from west to east, the deadly cloud–

         “enveloped in terror, casting fear everywhere

         a great wind which speeds high above,

         an evil wind which overwhelms the land…”

It was

         “a great storm directed from Anuit hath come from the heart of Enlil.

         In a single spawning it was spawned…like the bitter venom of the gods;

         in the west it was spawned.

         Bearing gloom from city to city,

         carrying dense clouds that bring gloom from the sky…”

was the result of a

         “lightning flash, from the midst of the mountains it had descended upon the land,

         From the Plain of No Pity it hath come…”

Though the people were baffled, the gods knew the cause of the Evil Wind:

         “An evil blast heralded the baleful storm,

         An evil blast the forerunner of the baleful storm was;

         Mighty offspring, valiant sons were the heralds of the pestilence…”

As soon as the “awesome weapons” were launched from the skies, there was an immense brilliance

         “they spread awesome rays towards the four points of the earth,

         scorching everything like fire…”

        “The storm, in a flash of lightning created, a dense cloud that brings gloom…”

followed by

         “rushing wind gusts…a tempest that furiously scorches the heavens…”

Several texts attest that the Evil Wind, bearing the cloud of death, was caused by gigantic explosions on a day to remember:

         “On that day

         When heaven was crushed and the Earth was smitten,

         its face obliterated by the maelstrom–

         When the skies were darkened and covered as with a shadow…”

Over Sumer, its passage lasting twenty-four hours—a day and a night…as in this…from Nippur:

         “On that day,, on that single day; on that night, on that single night…

         the storm, in a flash of lightning created, the people of Nippur left prostrate…”

The Uruk lament

         “The great gods paled at its immensity, gigantic rays reach up to heaven

         (and) the earth tremble to its core…”

As the Evil Wind began to “spread to the mountains as a net,” the gods of Sumer began to flee their beloved cities…Thus

         “Ninhursag wept in bitter tears…”

as she escaped from Isin. Nanshe cried,

         “O my devastated city…”

         “her beloved dwelling place was given over to misfortune…”

Inanna hurriedly departed from Uruk, sailing off toward Africa in a “submersible ship” and complaining that she had to leave behind her jewelry and other possessions…Inanna / Ishtar bewailed the desolation of her city and her temple by the Evil Wind

         “which in an instant, in a blink of an eye

         was created against the midst of the mountains,…”

and against which there was no defense…As the

         “loyal citizens of Uruk were seized with terror…”


         “’Rise up! Hide in the steppe!’

         the deities ran off…they took unfamiliar paths…”


         “Thus all the gods evacuated Uruk;

         They kept away from it;

         They hid in the mountains,

         They escaped to the distant plains…”

In Uruk…

         “Mob panic was brought about in Uruk….its good sense was distorted…”

…as the people asked questions:

         “Why did the gods benevolent eye look away?

         Who caused such worry and lamentation?…”

When the Evil Storm passed over,

         “the people were piled up in heaps…a hush settled over Uruk like a cloak…”

Ninki, we learn fromThe Eridu Lament”, flew away from her city to a safe haven in Africa:

         “Ninki, its great lady, flying like a bird, left her city…”

But Enki left Eridu only far enough to get out of the Evil Wind’s way, yet near enough to see its fate:

         “Its lord stayed outside the city…

         Father Enki stayed outside the city…

         for the fate of his harmed city he wept with bitter tears…”

They watched the storm “put its hand” on Eridu. After the

         “evil-bearing storm went out of the city, sweeping across the countryside,…”

Enki surveyed Eridu; he found the city

         “smothered with silence…its residents stacked up in heaps…”

Those who were saved addressed to him a lament:

        “O Enki, thy city has been cursed, made like an alien territory!…”

…and Enki

         “stayed out of his city as though it were an alien city.

         Forsaking the House of Eridu,…”

Enki then led

         “those who have been displaced from Eridu…”

to the desert, “towards an inimical land”; there he used his scientific powers to make the “foul tree” edible.

From Babylon, a worried Marduk sent his father, Enki, an urgent message as the cloud of death neared his city:

         “What am I to do?…”

he asked Enki’s advice…and in line with the advice given by the two emissaries to Lot, the people fleeing Babylon were warned

         “neither to run nor to look back…”

They were also told not to take with them any food or beverage, for these might have been “touched by the ghost.”

         “Get thee into a chamber below the earth, into a darkness,…”

until the Evil Wind was gone…In Lagash,

         “mother Bau wept bitterly for her holy temple, for her city…”

Though Ninurta was gone, his spouse could not force herself to leave. Lingering behind, “O my city, O my city,” she kept crying; the delay almost cost her her life:

         “On that day, the lady–the storm caught up with her;

         Bau, as if she were mortal–the storm caught up with her…”

In Ur we learn from the lamentations (one of which was composed by Ningal herself) that Nannar and Ningal refused to believe that the end of Ur was irrevocable. Nannar addressed a long and emotional appeal to his father…

         “Ur was granted kingship–it was not granted an eternal reign.

         Since days of yore, when Sumer was founded,

         to the present, when people have multiplied–

         Who has ever seen a kingship of everlasting reign?…”

While the appeals were made, Ningal recalled in her long poem,

         “the storm was ever breaking forward, its howling overpowering all.

         Although of the day I still tremble, of that day’s foul smell we did not flee…”

As night came, “a bitter lament was raised” in Ur, yet the god and goddess stayed on…and Ningal realized that Nannar

         “had been overtaken by the evil storm…”

…Only next day, when

         “the storm was carried off from the city

         Ningal, in order to go from her city…hastily put on a garment,…”

and together with the stricken Nannar departed from the city they so loved. As they were leaving they saw death and desolation:

         “the people, like potsherds, filled the city’s streets;

         in its lofty gates, where they were wont to promenade,

         dead bodies were laying about;

         in its boulevards, where the feasts were celebrated,

         scattered they lay; in all of its streets,

         where they were wont to promenade, dead bodies were laying about;

         in its places where the land’s festivities took place, the people lay in heaps.

         The dead bodies, like fat placed in the sun, of themselves melted away…”

Then did Ningal raise her lamentation for Ur…

        “O house of Sinin Ur, bitter is thy desolation…

         O Ningal whose land has perished, make thy heart like water!

         The city has become a strange city, how can one now exist?

         The house has become a house of tears, it makes my heart like water…

         Ur and its temples have been given over to the wind…”


         “On the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, only sickly plants grew…

         In the swamps grow sickly-headed reeds that rot in the stench…

         In the orchards and gardens there is no new growth, quickly they waste away…

         The cultivated fields are not hied, no seeds are planted in the soil,

         no songs resound in the fields…”

In the countryside the animals were also affected:

         “On the steppe, cattle large and small became scarce,

         all living creatures came to an end.

         The sheepfolds have been delivered to the wind…

         The hum of the turning churn resounds not in the sheepfold…

         The stalls provide not fat and cheese…

         Ninurta has emptied Sumer of milk…”


         “The storm crushed the land, wiped out everything;

         it roared like a great wind over the land, none could escape it;

         desolating the cities, desolating the houses…

         No one treads the highways, no one seeks out the roads…”

The desolation of Sumer was complete.

The Year of Doom (nuclear holocaust)–2024 B.C.–was the sixth year of reign of Ibbi-Sin, the last king of Ur…

Ninurta Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


3d - Ninurta & his spouse Bau-Gula

(Ninurta)                (Bau, Ninurta’s spouse                              Ninurta, heir to Heaven & Earth Colony)

. Ninurta = Sumer Lord who completes the foundation

. Pabilsaj = Babylon

. Ningirsu = Akkad

. Ninip, Ninib = Assyria

. Ishtaran = “Myth of Anzu name for Ninurta

. Ishum = Babylon

. Astabis = Hurrian

. Apollo = Greek

. Apollo = Roman

. son to Enlil and Enlil‘s ½ sister Ninhursag, born of the “double-seed” law of succession to kingship

. Enlil’s legal royal heir to Nibiru & colonies; Anu > Enlil > Ninurta, Anu‘s “double seed” descendants

. born on Nibiru, the last royal prince born there (older Marduk was born on Nibiru)

. spouse Bau / Gula, Lady who the dead brings back to life, healer, doctor, & warden of prisons


          . God of War and Irrigation


Ninurta’s Temples – Residences:

    . E-me-ur-ana = “House which gathers the divine powers of heaven“,  Ninurta in Nibru (Nippur, named after planet Nibiru)

    . E-ninnu = “House of 50”, Temple to Ningirsu in Lagash (father Enlil‘s royal succession #50)

    . E-dim-gal-kalama = “House which is the great pole of the Land”, Ištaran in Dēr

              . E-igi-kalama = “House which is the eye of the land” of Lugal-Marad to Ninurta in Marad

              . E-igi-zid-bar-ra = Temple to Ningirsu, built by Entemena


Ninurta’s Sons:

      . Damu, the doctor

      . Ab-Bau

      . Ig-alim

                . Ninkarnuna

         Ninurta’s Daughter:

              . Ninsun, mother of Gilgamesh & many other mixed-breed kings


          Mother Bau´s septuplets, the offspring of lord Nin-jirsu (Ninurta):

              . Zazaru

              . Ickur-pa-ed

              . Ur-agrunta-ea

     . He-girnuna

     . He-caga

     . Zurju

     . Zarju

Zazaru, Ickur-pa-ed, Ur-agrunta-ea, He-girnuna, He-caga, Zurju and Zarju, who are Bau´s septuplets, the offspring of lord Nin-jirsu, his beloved lukur maidens, who create plenty for the myriads, stepped forward to lord Nin-jirsu (Ninurta) with friendly entreaties on behalf of (King) Gudea…” (Ninurta’s semi-divine grandson-king)

Gods Using Nuclear Weapons Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)



Ninurta, Enlil’s son, was handing down decisions.

At that moment the Lord’s battle-mace looked towards the Mountains,

the Car-ur (Ninurta’s weapon? /general?) cried out aloud to its master:

‘Lord of lofty station, foremost one,

who presides over all lords from the throne dais,

Ninurta, whose orders are unalterable,

whose decisions are faithfully executed; my master!

Heaven copulated with the verdant Earth,

Ninurta: she has born him a warrior who knows no fear —

the Asag (Marduk), a child who sucked the power of milk

without ever staying with a wet-nurse, a foster-child,

O my master — knowing no father, a murderer from the Mountains,

a youth who has come forth from ……,

whose face knows no shame; impudent of eye, an arrogant male,

Ninurta (1 ms. has instead: Ninjirsu), rejoicing in his stature.

My Hero, you who are like a bull, I will take my stand beside you.

My master, who turns sympathetically towards his own city,

who is effective in carrying out his mother’s wishes:

it has sired offspring in the Mountains, and spread its seeds far and wide.

The plants have unanimously named it king over them;

like a great wild bull, it tosses its horns amongst them.

The cu, the sajkal, the esi (diorite), the usium,

the kagina (haematite), and the heroic nu stones,

its warriors, constantly come raiding the cities.

For them a shark’s tooth has grown up in the Mountains; it has stripped the trees.

Before its might the gods of those cities bow towards it.

My master, this same creature has erected a throne dais: it is not lying idle.

Ninurta, Lord, it actually decides the Land’s lawsuits, just as you do.

Who can compass the Asag’s (Marduk’s) dread glory?

Who can counteract the severity of its frown?

People are terrified, fear makes the flesh creep; their eyes are fixed upon it.

My master, the Mountains have taken their offerings to it.”

“Hero! They have appealed to you, because of your father; son of Enlil,

Lord, because of your superior strength they are looking to you here;

since you are strong, my master,they are calling for your help,

saying, Ninurta, that not a single warrior counts except for you!

They wanted to advise you about …….

Hero, there have been consultations with a view to taking away your kingship.

Ninurta, it is confident that it can lay hands

on the powers received by you in the abzu (Enki’s domain).

Its face is deformed, its location is continually changing;

day by day, the Asag (Enki’s son Marduk) adds territories to its domain.”

“But you will force it into the shackles of the gods.

You, Antelope of Heaven, must trample the Mountains beneath your hooves,

Ninurta, Lord, son of Enlil.

Who has so far been able to resist its assault?

The besetting Asag is beyond all control, its weight is too heavy.

Rumors of its armies constantly arrive, before ever its soldiers are seen.

This thing’s strength is massive, no weapon has been able to overturn it.

Ninurta, neither the ax nor the all-powerful spear can penetrate its flesh,

no warrior like it has ever been created against you.

Lord, you who reach out towards the august divine powers (alien technology),

splendor, jewel of the gods, you bull with the features of a wild bull,

with a prominent backbone, …… this fellow is clever!

My Ninurta, whose form Enki contemplates with favor,

my Uta-ulu (Ninurta), Lord, son of Enlil, what is to be done?

The Lord cried “Alas!” so that Heaven trembled,

and Earth huddled at his feet and was terrified (?) at his strength.

Enlil became confused and went out of the E-kur.

The Mountains were devastated.

That day the earth became dark, the Anuna trembled.

The Hero beat his thighs with his fists. The gods dispersed;

the Anuna (Anunnaki) disappeared over the horizon like sheep.

The Lord arose, touching the sky;

Ninurta went to battle, with one step (?) he covered a league,

he was an alarming storm, and rode on the eight winds towards the rebel lands.

His arms grasped the lance.

The mace snarled at the Mountains, the club began to devour all the enemy.

He fitted the evil wind and the sirocco on a pole (?),

he placed the quiver on its hook (?).

An enormous hurricane, irresistible,

went before the Hero, stirred up the dust,

caused the dust to settle, leveled high and low, filled the holes.

It caused a rain of coals and flaming fires; the fire consumed men.

It overturned tall trees by their trunks, reducing the forests to heaps,

Earth put her hands on her heart and cried harrowingly;

the Tigris was muddied, disturbed, cloudy, stirred up.

He hurried to battle on the boat Ma-kar-nunta-eda;

the people there did not know where to turn, they bumped into (?) the walls.

The birds there tried to lift their heads to fly away,

but their wings trailed on the ground.

The storm flooded out the fish there in the subterranean waters,

their mouths snapped at the air.

It reduced the animals of the open country to firewood,

roasting them like locusts. (alien nuclear technology)

It was a deluge rising and disastrously ruining the Mountains.

The Hero Ninurta led the march through the rebel lands.

He killed their messengers in the Mountains, he crushed (?) their cities,

he smote their cowherds over the head like fluttering butterflies,

he tied together their hands with hirin grass,

so that they dashed their heads against walls.

The lights of the Mountains did not gleam in the distance any longer.

People gasped for breath (?); those people were ill,

they hugged themselves, they cursed the Earth,

they considered the day of the Asag’s birth a day of disaster.

The Lord caused bilious poison to run over the rebel lands.

As he went the gall followed, anger filled his heart,

and he rose like a river in spate and engulfed all the enemies.

In his heart he beamed at his lion-headed weapon,

as it flew up like a bird, trampling the Mountains for him. (skyship)

It raised itself on its wings to take away prisoner the disobedient,

it spun around the horizon of heaven to find out what was happening.

          Someone from afar came to meet it,

brought news for the tireless one, the one who never rests,

whose wings bear the deluge, the Car-ur (terrible weapon).

What did it gather there …… for Lord Ninurta?

It reported the deliberations of the Mountains,

it explained their intentions to Lord Ninurta, it outlined (?)

what people were saying about the Asag.

“Hero, beware!” it said concernedly.

The weapon embraced him whom it loved,

the Car-ur (general / pilot / weapon) addressed Lord Ninurta:

“Hero, pitfall (?), net of battle,

Ninurta, King, celestial mace …… irresistible against the enemy,

vigorous one, tempest which rages against the rebel lands,

wave which submerges the harvest,

King, you have looked on battles, you have …… in the thick of them.

Ninurta, after gathering the enemy in a battle-net, after erecting a great reed-altar,

Lord, heavenly serpent, purify your pickaxe and your mace!

Ninurta, I will enumerate the names of the warriors you have already slain:

the Kuli-ana, the Dragon, Gypsum, the Strong Copper,

the hero Six-headed Wild Ram, the Magilum boat,

Lord Saman-ana, the Bison bull, the Palm-tree King,

the Anzud bird (Anzu), the Seven-headed Snake

Ninurta, you slew them in the Mountains.”

“But Lord, do not venture again to a battle as terrible as that.

Do not lift your arm to the smiting of weapons,

to the festival of the young men, to Inanna’s dance!

Lord, do not go to such a great battle as this!

Do not hurry; fix your feet on the ground.

Ninurta, the Asag is waiting for you in the Mountains.

Hero who is so handsome in his crown, firstborn son (of Ninhursag)

whom Ninlil has decorated with numberless charms,

good Lord, whom a princess bore to an en priest,

Hero who wears horns like the moon, who is long life for the king of the Land,

who opens the sky by great sublime strength, inundation who engulfs the banks ……,

Ninurta, Lord, full of fearsomeness, who will hurry towards the Mountains,

proud Hero without fellow, this time you will not equal the Asag!

Ninurta, do not make your young men enter the Mountains.”

The Hero, the son, pride of his father,

the very wise, rising from profound deliberation,

Ninurta, the Lord, the son of Enlil, gifted with broad wisdom, the …… god,

the Lord stretched his leg to mount the onager, and joined the battalions …….

He spread over the Mountains his great long ……,

he caused …… to go out among its people like the …….

He reached …….

He went into the rebel lands in the vanguard of the battle.

He gave orders to his lance, and attached it …… by its cord;

the Lord commanded his mace, and it went to its belt.

The Hero hastened to the battle, he …… heaven and earth.

He prepared the throw-stick and the shield,

the Mountains were smitten and cringed beside the battle legions of Ninurta.

When the hero was girding on his mace, the sun did not wait, the moon went in;

they were forgotten, as he marched towards the Mountains;

the day became like pitch.

The Asag leapt up at the head of the battle.

For a club it uprooted the sky, took it in its hand;

like a snake it slid its head along the ground.

It was a mad dog attacking to kill the helpless, dripping with sweat on its flanks.

Like a wall collapsing, the Asag fell on Ninurta the son of Enlil.

Like an accursed storm, it howled in a raucous voice;

like a gigantic snake, it roared at the Land.

It dried up the waters of the Mountains, dragged away the tamarisks,

tore the flesh of the Earth and covered her with painful wounds.

It set fire to the reed-beds, bathed the sky in blood, turned it inside out;

it dispersed the people there.

At that moment, on that day, the fields became black potash,

across the whole extent of the horizon, reddish like purple dye —

truly it was so! (nuclear war, Ninurta & Nergal vrs. Marduk and Nabu)

An (Anu) was overwhelmed, crouched, wrung his hands against his stomach;

Enlil groaned and hid himself in a corner,

the Anuna flattened themselves against walls,

the house was full of fearful sighing as of pigeons.

The Great Mountain Enlil cried to Ninlil:

“My wife, my son is no longer here; what is there to support me?

The Lord, the authority of the E-kur,

the King who imposes the strong shackle for his father,

a cedar rooted in the abzu, a crown with broad shade,

my son, my security — he is not here any more: who will take me by the hand?”

The weapon which loved the Lord, obedient to its master,

the Car-ur .….. for Lord Ninurta to his father in Nibru …….

The awesome splendor enveloped Ninurta like a garment, …….

…… bound him: therefore the Lord …….

The weapon …… spoke to Enlil.

“…… Ninurta, having confidence in himself; …… he will be standing;

the waters will be dried up as if by the sun’s heat;

…… he will breathe again, he will be standing full of joy.

I shall cause horrid storms to rise against …… of the Hero Ninurta …….

…… as for him who resisted (?) the Mountains,

he has been amazed by his strength.

Now I shall give my orders, you are to follow these instructions:

1 line unclear

…… in the fields, let him not diminish the population.

…… let him not cause a lack of posterity.

Let him not cause to perish the name of all the kinds of species (alien weapons)

whose destinies I, Enlil, have decreed.”

The weapon, its heart ……, was reassured:

it slapped its thighs, the Car-ur began to run,it entered the rebel lands,

joyfully it reported the message to Lord Ninurta:

“My master, …… for you, Enlil has said:

“As the Deluge i.e. Ninurta, before whom the venom has piled up,

attacks the enemy, let him take the Asag by the shoulder,

let him pierce its liver, let my son enter with it into the E-kur.

Then, Ninurta, to the limits of the earth my people

will deservedly praise your power.”

You, Lord who trusts in the word of his father, do not tarry, great strength of Enlil.

Storm of the rebel lands, who grinds the Mountains like flour,

Ninurta, Enlil’s seal-bearer, go to it!

Do not tarry. My master:

the Asag has constructed a wall of stakes on an earthen rampart;

the fortress is too high and cannot be reached, …… its fierceness does not diminish.

3 lines unclear

My master, …….”

Ninurta opened his mouth to speak to the mace …….

He aimed the lance at the Mountains …….

The Lord stretched out an arm towards the clouds.

Day became a dark night.

He yelled like a storm, …….

2 lines unclear

The Lord …… clouds of dust.

In his battle he smote the Mountains with a cudgel.

The Car-ur made the storm-wind rise to heaven,

scattering the people; like …… it tore.

Its venom alone destroyed the townspeople.

The destructive mace set fire to the Mountains,

the murderous weapon smashed skulls with its painful teeth,

the club which tears out entrails gnashed its teeth.

The lance was stuck into the ground and the crevasses filled with blood.

In the rebel lands dogs licked it up like milk.

The enemy rose up, crying to wife and child,

“You did not lift your arms in prayer to Lord Ninurta.

The weapon (alien technology) covered the Mountains with dust,

but did not shake the heart of the Asag.

The Car-ur threw its arms around the neck of the Lord:

“Hero, ah, what further awaits you?

Do not on any account meddle with the hurricane of the Mountains.

Ninurta, Lord, son of Enlil, I tell you again, it is made like a storm.

It is a blister whose smell is foul,

like mucus which comes from the nose it is unpleasant,

Lord, its words are devious, it will not obey you.

My master, it has been created against you as a god; who can help you?

Hero, it falls on the land as a whirlwind, it scrubs it as if with saltwort,

Ninurta, it chases the onagers before it in the Mountains.

Its terrifying splendor sends the dust into clouds,

it causes a downpour of potsherds (alien nuclear technology).

In the rebel lands it is a lion striking with savage teeth; no man can catch it.

After reducing everything to nothing in the north wind, it …….

The sheepfolds have been closed by ghostly demons.

It has dried up the waters in the ground.

In the whirlwind storm, the people are finished, they have no solution (?).

From an implacable enemy, great Hero, Lord, turn away,” he said quietly.

But the Lord howled at the Mountains, could not withhold a roar.

The Hero did not address the rebel lands, he …….

He reversed the evil that it had done …….

He smashed the heads of all the enemies, he made the Mountains weep.

The Lord ranged about in all directions,

like a soldier saying “I will go on the rampage”.

Like a bird of prey the Asag looked up angrily from the Mountains.

He commanded the rebel lands to be silent and …….

Ninurta approached the enemy and flattened him like a wave (?).

The Asag’s terrifying splendor was contained, it began to fade, it began to fade.

It looked wonderingly upwards.

Like water he agitated it, he scattered it into the Mountains,

like weeds he pulled it up, like rushes he ripped it up. …”

ERRA (Nergal) AND ISHUM (Ninurta)


Narrator invokes Marduk, chief deity of Babylon, and Ishum (Ninurta), vanguard and companion of Erra (Nergal). Erra is restless and breaks into a soliloquy. He is anxious to fight and campaign, but hesitates through natural inertia.

Speaking of himself in the third person, Erra says that what he needs to stir him to action is Ishum´s encouragement (Ninurta & Nergal Battle Marduk)

O Ishum (Ninurta), zealous slaughterer,

whose hands are suited to brandish fierce weapons,

And to make his sharp spear flash, Erra (Nergal), warrior of the gods,

was restless in his dwelling,

His heart urged him to do battle!

Says he to his weapons.

“Smear yourselves with deadly venom!”

To the Seven, warriors (alien technology-nuclear weapons) unrivaled,

“Let your weapons be girded!”

He even says to you:

“You are the torch, they will see your light

“You are the vanguard, the gods will [ ]

“You are the stanchion, [zealous] slaughterer!

“(So) up, Erra, from laying waste the land

“How cheerful your mood will be and joyful your heart!

Erra´s limbs are sluggish, like those of a mortal lacking sleep,

“He says to himself, ‘Shall I get up or go to sleep?’

“He says to his weapons, ‘Stay in the corners!’

“To the Seven, warriors unrivaled,

‘Go back to your dwellings!’

“Until you rouse him, he will sleep in his bedrooms,

“He will dally with Mami, his mate”.

(With a second invocation, now of Ishum, the narrator introduces the terrible Seven (nuclear weapons), who stand ready to massacre the “black-headed folk” or Mesopotamians) (plus Marduk and Nabu)

O Engidudu, (?) who patrols at night, ever guiding the noble,

Who ever guides young men and women in safety, making light as day,

The Seven, warriors (the 7 nuclear missiles) unrivaled,

their divine nature is different,

Their origins are strange, (alien technology from Nibiru) they are terrifying,

Whoever sees them is numbed with fear.

Their breath of life is death,

People are too frightened to approach it!

Yet Ishum is the door, bolted before them.

When Anu, the king of the gods, sowed his seed in the earth,

She bore him seven gods (7 missiles), he called them the Seven.

They stood before him, that he ordain their destinies,

He summoned the first to give his instructions,

“Wherever you go and spread terror, have no equal.”

He said to the second,

“Burn like fire, scorch like flame”.

He commanded the third,

“Look like a lion, let him who sees you be paralyzed with fear”.

He said to the fourth,

“Let a mountain collapse when you present your fierce arms”.

He said to the fifth,

“Blast like the wind, scan the circumference of the earth”.

He said to the sixth.

“Go out everywhere (like the deluge) and spare no one”.

The seventh he charged with viperous venom,

” Slay whatever lives”.

After Anu had ordained destinies for all of the Seven (nuclear missiles),

He gave those very ones to Erra, warrior of the gods, saying:

“Let them go beside you,

when the clamor of human habitations becomes noisome to you,

“And you resolve to wreak destruction,

“To massacre the black-headed folk and fell the livestock,

“Let these be your fierce weaponry, let them go beside you”.

The Seven offer the encouragement that Erra needs. . In a rousing call to arms, they extol the heroic excitement of the campaign, the honor, prestige and gratification it brings. The Seven claim vaguely that they are not respected enough, that others are growing more important than they. They bring up the old charge that men make too much noise for the gods to sleep, although this was not the cause Erra had given for his own lack of sleep. The Seven claim further that there are too many wild animals on the loose. Their final claim no doubt the most important one, is that they are bored and out of training. (for war against Marduk & Nabu!)

These are the ones who are in a fury, holding their weapons aloft,

They are saying to Erra, “Up, do your duty!

“Why have you been sitting in the city like a feeble old man,

“Why sitting at home like a helpless child?

“Shall we eat woman food, like non-combatants?

Have we turned timorous and trembling, as if we can’t fight?

“Going to the field for the young and vigorous is like to a very feast,

“But the noble who stays in the city can never eat enough.

“His people will hold him in low esteem, he will command no respect,

“How could he threaten a campaigner?

“However well developed is the strength of the city dweller,

“How could he possibly best a campaigner?

“However toothsome city bread, it holds nothing to the campfire loaf,

“However sweet fine beer, it holds nothing to water from a skin,

“The terraced palace holds nothing to the wayside sleeping spot!

“Be off to the field, warrior Erra, make your weapons clatter,

“Make loud your battle cry that all around they quake,

“Let the Igigi-gods (those who transport to & from Nibiru & Earth)

hear and extol your name,

“Let the Anunna-gods hear and flinch at the mention of your,

“Let all the gods hear and bend for your yoke,

“Let sovereigns hear and fall prostrate before you,

“Let countries hear and bring you their tribute,

“Let the lowly hear and perish of their own accord,

“Let the mighty hear and his strength diminish,

“Let lofty mountains hear and their peaks crumble,

“Let the surging sea hear and convulse, wiping out her increase!

“Let the stalk be yanked from the tough thicket,

“Let reeds of the impenetrable morass be shorn off,

“Let men turn cowards and their clamor subside,

“Let beasts tremble and return to clay,

“Let the gods your ancestors see and praise your valor!

“Warrior Erra, why do you neglect the field for the city?

“The very beats and creatures hold us in contempt!

“O warrior Erra, we will tell you, thought that we say be offensive to you!

Erra the whole land outgrows us,

“You must surely hear our words!

“Do a kindly deed for the gods of hell, who delight in deadly stillness,

“The Anunna-gods (those on Earth doing the work)

cannot fall asleep for the clamor of humankind,

Beasts are overrunning the meadows, life of the land,

“The farmer sobs bitterly for his field,

“Lion and wolf are felling the livestock,

“The shepherd, who cannot sleep day and night

for the sake of his flocks, is calling upon you,

“We too, who know the mountain passes, have forgotten how to go,

“Cobwebs are spun over our field gear,

“Our fine bow resists and is too strong for us,

“The tip of our sharp arrow is bent out of true,

“Our blade is corroded for want of a slaughter!”

The warrior Erra heard them,

What the Seven said pleased him like finest oil.

He made ready to speak and said to Ishum:

“Why, having heard, did you sit by silent?

“Lead the way, let me begin my campaign!

“[ ] the Seven, warriors without rival,

Make my fierce weapons (the Seven) march by my side,

But you be the vanguard and rear guard”.

When Ishum heard what he said, he felt pity and said to the warrior Erra:

“O Lord Erra, why have you plotted evil against the gods?

To lay waste the lands and decimate the people”.

Erra made ready to speak and said to Ishum (Ninurta), his vanguard:

“Keep quiet, Ishum, listen to what I say,

as concerns the people of the inhabited world, whom you would spare.

“O vanguard of the gods, wise Ishum, whose counsel is always for the best,

“I am the wild bull in heaven, I am the lion on earth,

“I am king in the land, I am the fiercest among the gods,

“I am warrior among the Igigi-gods, mighty one among the Anunna-gods!

“I am the smiter of wild beasts, battering ram against the mountain,

“I am the blaze in the reed thicket, the broad blade against the rushes,

“I am banner for the march, I blast like the wind, I thunder like the storm,

“Like the sun, I scan the circumference of the world,

“I am the wild ram striding forth in the steppe,

“I invade the range and take up my dwelling in the fold,

“All the gods are afraid of a fight, so the black-headed folk are contemptuous!

As for me, since they did not fear my name,

and I have disregarded Marduk´s command,

so he may act according to his wishes”I will make Marduk angry,

stir him from his dwelling, and lay waste the people!”

The warrior Erra (Nergal) set out for Babylon, city of the king of the gods.

He entered Esagila (Marduk’s), palace of heaven and earth

and stood before him. …

When Marduk heard this, he made ready to speak, saying to the warrior Erra:

“(When) I rise from my dwelling,

the regulation of heaven and earth will disintegrate,

“The waters will rise and sweep over the land,

“Bright day will turn to darkness,

whirlwind will rise and the stars of heaven will be…

Ill winds will blow and the eyesight of living creatures will be darkened,

“Demons will raise up and seize [ ],

“They will …. the unarmed one who confronts them!

“The gods of hell will rise up and smite down living creatures,

“Who will keep them at bay till I gird on my weaponry once more?

When Erra heard this, he made himself ready to speak, saying to noble Marduk:

“O noble Marduk, while you enter the house,

fire cleanses your apparel and you return to your palace,

“For that time I will govern and keep strong the regulation of heaven and earth,

“I will go up to heaven and issue instructions

to the Igigi (gods in orbit under Marduk, to transport goods) gods,

“I will go down to the depths and keep the Anunna (Anunnaki) gods in order.

“I will dispatch the wild demons to the netherworld,

“I will brandish my fierce weaponry against them,

“I will truss the wings of the ill wind like a bird’s.

“At that house you shall enter, O noble Marduk,

“I will station Anu and Enlil to the right and left, like bulls.”

Noble Marduk heard him, the words which Erra spoke pleased him.


He arose from his dwelling, an inaccessible place,

He set out for the dwelling of the Anunna-gods.

He entered that house and stood before them.

Shamash (Utu) looked upon him and let his protective radiance fall…

Sin (Sin / Nannar) looked everywhere, and did not leave the Netherworld,

Ill winds rose and the bright daylight was turned to gloom,

The clamor of the peoples throughout the land was stilled,

The Igigi gods were terrified and went up to heaven,

The Anunna gods were frightened and went down to the pit of hell,

[ ] the entire circumference [ ][ ] in the dust …”

The lament for Urim: translation

entire text


entire text


entire text

A Praise Poem of Enlil-bani (Enlil-bani A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixedbreed demigods in teal…)

          1-17 Enlil-bani, wondrous king among the princes!

       Created by An (Anu), elevated by Enlil, like Utu the light of all lands, born to princedom,

       girded with all the divine powers (alien technologies), watched over by Enlil

       4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into city wall)

       and listened to by Ninlil (Enlil‘s spoue) on account of the widespread people living at the boundary of heaven and earth!

       Fair of ……, lordly of limb!

       With the shepherd’s crook you have settled innumerable people.

         4i - Enki & baby Adapa, created by Ninhursag (Enki with semi-divine mixed DNA baby, a future king)

         18-27 Enlil-bani, great (mixed-breed) son of Enki, shepherd (1 ms. has instead: sage)

       and counselor who guides living things, who spreads broad shade over all lands,

       grandiloquent prince whom great An has summoned, great mother Ninlil trusts in you.

       8b - Enlil-bani envelope & depiction (rare ancient artifact of semi-divine giant King Enlil-bani)

         28-36 Enlil-bani, you are the one who has authority.

       Sweet mouth, lips good with words,

       2 lines missing

         (Inanna, called Goddess of Love, espoused many dozens of DNA-mixed offspring appointed to kingships)

       husband of holy Inana (Inanna), Asarluhi (Marduk) gave you wisdom.

       2e - Nisaba, unknowns, spouse Haia
                      (Nisaba                2 unidentified           spouse Haia  & daughter Ninlil)

         37-48 Nisaba, lady Nanibgal, the matriarch, the mother-in-law of Enlil, the lady …… who creates (?) life ……,

        (semi-divine king & Master Scribe Nisaba with stylus & tablet)

       the book-keeper ……, the wise one, the holy woman ……, …… the oracle, has placed his (?) name on the tablet of life.

       49-60 She revealed counsel and response to you, granted vision to you.

       As your destiny she gave E-zagina, her house of wisdom, to provide counsel.

       In the Land you have caused order to be resplendent.

       Your virtue is broadcast in all lands.

          61-79 Enlil-bani, having counsel and exceptional wisdom, soothing hearts and proclaiming your judgments, wise in everything,

       1 line missing

       …… counselor, you …… to keep in order the judgement of the black-headed (earthlings) and to render verdicts.

       Articulate in appropriate expressions, you know how to cleanse impropriety.

       You make justice shine like gold.

       You take the whip to injustice.

       80-91 You have destroyed the hiss of hostile talkers.

       You know how to undo sin and its illness.

       You do not kill transgressors; you understand those you lead.

       You make words benign.

       Compassionate, loving the just, you cause no harm when offerings have been made (?).

         92-111 Your governors suffer no injuries.

       Your troops triumph over hostile troops.

       Your weapons have no rival weapons (alien technologies).

       When you take your seat, you cause all the foreign lands to bow down.

       All sovereigns become allies with you and you soothe their quarrels.

       With numerous oxen and numerous sheep, with gold, cornelian and lapis lazuli they enter your palace;

       with their lips they kiss the ground before you.

       XIR188782 Votive plaque depicting an offering scene, from Diyala, Early Dynastic Period, 2600-2500 BC (stone) by Mesopotamian stone Iraq Museum, Baghdad Giraudon out of copyrightfarming-early-man-feeding-the-gods (servicing the giant gods)

         112-135 Enlil-bani, king who gladdens the heart of his city, you speed offerings into Nibru (Nippur).

       You bring the best corn into E-kic-nujal; daily you ensure that it does not cease.

       You are him whom Enlil has summoned by name; you are the property of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse).

       8b - High Priest, Nannar, Ninurta, and Enlil

(semi-divine high-priest atop alien god’s ziggurat temple residence, Nannar, Utu with earthling under foot, & Ninurta; semi-divine high-priest, Nannar, Utu, & unidentified)

        As for the lands rebellious against you, Ninurta the strong hero of Enlil, in triumph has dissolved into ruins

        those that are hostile and are not supporters of yours, and has spread them out as heaps for you.

      3a-enlils-home-in-nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)

       Nuska, the lord who stocks the E-kur,

       1 line missing

       a favorable omen.

         136-150 Dijir-mah (Ninhursag / Ninmah), the …… of the Land, fixed a destiny for your broad heart and,

       2d - Ninhursag & attendee, Ninhursag's symbol (helper with the umbilical chord cutter, the symbol of Ninhursag, & Ninhursag seated)

       when your umbilical cord (?) was cut, appointed you to lordship.

      5-inanna-presents-spouse-king-shu-sin-to-nannar  (semi-divine mixed-breeds espousing Inanna, brought before her father Nannar, then appointed as king)

       Nanna (Nannar / Sin), the benign (?) lord, the son of Enlil, has fixed the crown of life firmly upon your head.

      2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, but not his heir, Lord of the Abzu)

       In the Abzu Nudimmud (Enki), your divine creator (father), has increased abundance for you.

       2caa - Anu's house in Uruk  (E-ana, Anu‘s & Inanna‘s temple residence in Uruk)

       151-168 In the E-ana, Inana has fixed a rejoicing heart

       2a - Ishtar, Inanna's Sky Chamber  1c-astarte-hittite-goddess-of-love  (Inanna)

       to be your lot and has you brought grandly into her holy bedchamber to spend the night there.

      2b - Gula & her dog  (Bau / Gula & her guard dog, princess daughter to King Anu, doctor, warden, etc.)

       The mother of the Land, Ninisina (Bau / Gula), has caused you to lay the foundations with your hands in Isin.

       2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna  2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c

            (Utu, symbolized as Sun god, son to Nannar & Ningal, twin brother to Inanna, & unidentified king)

       Utu, the judge, the king of heaven and earth,

       has confirmed for you in your hands the scepter which brings the black-headed to justice.

       1 line missing

         169-177 Enlil-bani, you are the king who

       1 line missing

       in a favorable month, in a year of abundance, on a day of celebration and the elevation of the king, you are exalted.

       The four quarters of the world praise you with royal offerings.

       178-184 May the wise scribe in the scribal academy, the house which advises the Land, not allow your praise to cease!

Amar-Suena and Enki’s Temple (Amar-Suena A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

(The sequence of Segment A (UET 8 33 + U 5307) and Segments B-E (UET 8 32, UET 6/3 487) is far from certain; they may well belong to separate compositions. However, C follows B and E follows D.)


1-8 …… protective deity ……. Amar-Suena …… his heart.

He who …… the temple with an axe ……. Amar-Suena …… the abzu shrine.

…… built with gold, and decorated with lapis lazuli.

He applied himself to building the temple; king Amar-Suena applied himself to building the temple.

The people turned against the king, and the foreign countries …….

9-25 In the first year the temple remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Amar-Suena …… the divine powers (alien technologies) of kingship.

In the second year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Amar-Suena …… his royal garments for mourning clothes.

In the third year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Amar-Suena could not interpret (?) the temple’s ominous sign among (?) the birch trees.

In the fourth year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Although he had been advised (?) by a sage, he could not realize the plans of the temple.

In the fifth year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

The abzu shrine has been …… by force.

In the sixth year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

He was searching for the divine plan of the temple, but could not find it.

In the seventh year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Enki spoke to him about the temple, the temple that did not exist.

In the eighth year, he applied himself to building the temple.

By the ninth year, king Amar-Suena built the E-uduna of the wise lord (?) like …….

2 - Enki, the wisest god (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest son, 1st to arrive on Earth with his crew of 50; Enki’s temple ruins)

26-32 Then the lord, the great lord Enki, destroyed (?) the site of his own temple.

2 lines fragmentary

Father Enki …… Eridug ……. …… his minister (Isumud) ……

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

SEGMENT B (= UET 8 32 obverse)

1-4 1 line fragmentary

The guardian (?) of the spacious land …….

3l - Enki & modern man (semi-divine mixed-breed earthling stands before Enki in the Abzu)

As Enki lifted his gaze …….

Having left the temple …… in the abzu.

5-9 At that time mankind was not …….

Far-reaching wisdom, wise words were not …….

1 line unclear

To grieve and to do evil was good (?).

Amar-Suena …… to build the temple of Enlil.

unknown no. of lines missing

SEGMENT C (= UET 8 32 reverse)

1-6 Lord …….

When he performed extispicy regarding the building of Enki‘s temple,

the omen did not mention anything about the building of the temple, so he did not start it.

To establish a lasting fame for himself, the king ……; to establish a lasting fame for himself,

2e - Eridu temple reconstruction (re-constructed image of Enki‘s ziggurat temple residence in his city of Eridu, Enki’s boat dock at the temple)

Amar-Suena……. …… the temple of Enki…….

unknown no. of lines missing

SEGMENT D (= UET 6/3 487 obverse; this fragment might belong to the same tablet as UET 8 32, in which case it would preserve the beginning and the end of the tablet)

1-2 Lord, wise prince ……

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

SEGMENT E (= UET 6/3 487 reverse)


                     (Adad, thunder god;   Ninsun, her mixed-breed offspring king, & Adad atop his zodiac symbol of Taurus the Bull)

1-2 He who ……. King Amar-Suena (Ninsun’s giant mixed-breed grandson-king of Ur)

has not been assigned a fate from (?) it.

An Adab to Ninurta for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen A): translation

An adab to Ninurta for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


          1-24  ……, lord, whom the Great Mountain engendered, whose magnificence has no equal.

        (alien Prince Ninurta, giant mixed-breed king with dinner, & mixed-breeds unidentified)

        Ninurta, magnificent in heaven and earth, surpassing among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

          (alien King Anu, father to royal gods inhabiting Earth Colony)

        ……, foremost among the gods, support of An (Anu).

        …… imbued with ……, who roars like a storm, who growls in battle.

        ……, who butts like a huge wild bull, who destroys the fortresses of the rebel lands.

         (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, father to Ninurta)

        …… of Enlil: no foreign land can escape from his grasp.

        2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Enlil & house)

        …… by Nunamnir (Enlil), whose words are firmly established.

        ……, fit for princeship, the counselor of Ekur (Enlil’s temple residence in Nippur).

        …… cannot be scattered, the neckstock of the gods.

        approx. 7 lines missing

        …… may …… be his helper.

        …… (Bur-Suen) the son (grandson) of (alien giant god) Ickur (Ishkur / Adad).

        3 - Adad with divine weapons 1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub (Enlil‘s son Adad, the God of Thunder, father to mixed-breed kings)

        ……, may he provide …… with good food.

        May he regulate …….

        May he be the constant attendant of the E-cumeca, his beloved residence.

        May he never cease to …… daily his great offerings.

        May …… prolong the years of abundance and a pleasant life ……

        for Bur-Suen, well suited for kingship, beloved of An (Anu).


          25 Sa-gida.

         5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son, last descendant to be born on Nibiru)

          26 May Ninurta be the help of Bur-Suen, who is reverent towards him.

        27 Its jicgijal.


        28-46 ……, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands;

        Ninurta, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands.

        The king, whose rising is a flood no one can oppose.

        Ninurta, the furious storm in battle, who tramples upon the enemy.

        He is girded with heroism, a young man without rival.

        The one given superior strength by Nunamnir (Enlil), who makes his father feel truly content.

        Your mighty commands are lofty and great.

        Ninurta, your mighty commands are lofty and great.

        …… flattens …… in the rebel lands, who forces the enemy to bow low.

        ……, who roars like a storm.

        3 lines fragmentary

        4 lines missing

        2 lines fragmentary


          47 Sa-jara.

          48 ……whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…….

          49 Its jicgijal.


        08-02-15/11 (warrior, giant alien god Ninurta)

        50-52 Warrior, surpassing dragon ……; Ninurta, surpassing dragon ……,

        …… Bur-Suen, whom you have truthfully chosen.


        53 Its uru.

        5fa - Ninurta, Assyrian cylinder seal (Ninurta, giant alien who will one day, if not now, rule Nibiru & Earth Colony)

        54 An adab to Ninurta.

        (ll. 53 and 54 written as one line in the source)

A Hymn of Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

          1-15 ……, when she augustly appears, no one can keep pace with her, …… glowing in the night, …… with awe-inspiring splendor.

        The great gods are filled with fear at her …….

        3a - Anu & Inanna (Anu, Anunnaki King of planet Nibiru, & Inanna, war goddess)

        Her …… utterances are as grand as those of An (Anu), and as weighty as those of Enlil.

        Inana is supreme, with multifarious divine powers (alien technologies) surpassing the other divine ladies.

        3p - Inanna & her Divine Powers

              (Ninhursag           Enlil                        Inanna                 Ninhursag, winged disc symbol of Nibiru, Moon Crescent of Nannar, etc.)

        She perfected the divine plans of kingship, so as to re-establish it, and she made up her mind

        and truly yearned to provide justice for the black-headed and to give them stable governance.

        6ad - Ur-Ningirsu (giant mixed-breed high-priest & king, Ur-Ninurta)

        From among the numerous people she summoned (King) Ur-Ninurta to be the shepherd of living beings.

           (Inanna takes her semi-divine spouse-king by the hand before her father Nannar, the Moon God)

        She made the king whom she took by the hand humbly enter into the …… where destinies are determined,

        where the good divine powers (alien high-tech) are assigned to the great gods —

        3a - Enlil's home in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur, Earth Command Central)

        the E-kur, the holy dwelling of An and Enlil that is endued with terrifying awe.

        There the goddess without whom no destiny is determined in heaven or earth

        sits on the dais with An and Enlil, taking counsel with them.

        16 1st kirugu.

        17-26 (Inana speaks:) “Great An, your commands are great indeed: who can revoke them?

        Father Enlil, no one knows how to dissipate the great destinies that you determine.

        Both of you, bestow permanently the role of shepherd of living beings, of the numerous people,

        6ac - Ur-Ningirsu, Adad's son  (Ur-Ninurta, Adad‘s mixed-breed son appointed to kingship by the gods, acting as the gods go-between)

        upon (King) Ur-Ninurta, the youth who knows how to carry out your orders.

        He has brought with him from the holy womb a knowledge of how to build homes and cities, and how to strengthen the Land.

        He knows how to direct all countries: let him give great commands.

        May his shepherd’s crook make the rebel lands bow low; may he let them have stable governance.

        From the south to the uplands may he clamp down upon the Land like a neck-stock.

        May his utterances …….

        May he search out food for them to eat as if for sheep, and may he get them …… water to drink.”

        27 2nd kirugu.

         (damaged semi-divine king stands before Utu the Sun God)

       28 “May Ur-Ninurta shine forth like Utu over the people for long years!”

        29 Jicgijal.

         3a - Anu in flight (Sky-God Anu, Nibiru‘s one-world-order king hovering in his winged sky-disc)

        30-39 The god who made human seed come forth (An) , the father of all that is, spoke favorably to the king, determining his destiny:

        “Chosen cedar, ornament of the courtyard of E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)!

        Ur-Ninurta, may the Land refresh itself in your shade.

        May you be the good shepherd of all lands.

        2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna (Utu, patron god of Sippar, Commander of the Space Ports, Sun god)

        May they attend as if to Utu when you deliver a just verdict.

        As you take your seat upon the royal dais with its firm foundations, may you hold your head high, Ur-Ninurta.

        May the good crown be your glory.

        Inspiring fear and trembling, o lion of kingship, may you wear the royal robe!”

        40 3rd kirugu.

        (E-ana, Anu’s & Inanna’s residence towering over their city Uruk)

        41-42 “May you establish the divine powers of E-ana (Anu’s temple in Uruk)!

        Ur-Ninurta , I am your great wall permanently and forever!”

        43 Jicgijal.

        44-55 “You howl like a storm upon your enemies.

        May your splendor cover like a heavy raincloud the lands that are disobedient to you.

        Let the great sovereigns and powerful ones (?) tremble …… like solitary reeds.

        1 line fragmentary

        You arise like the south wind, and when you have plotted against the rebel lands,

        when you have taken their people prisoners, then, o Ur-Ninurta,

        1a - Isin, Iraq (areal view of heavily looted Isin, Bau‘s patron city)

        place the yoke on their necks in Isin, your city of great divine powers.”

          (An / Anu, king of Nibiru‘s entire planet, & Earth Colony, father to sons colonizing Earth)

        Great An, father of the gods, has determined this as a destiny forever unchangeable for Ur-Ninurta, his attentive shepherd.

        56 4th kirugu.

        57-66 The lord who has the decisions of heaven and earth in his hands, the Great Mountain Enlil,

        has made the king’s fame extend as far as the boundaries of heaven:

        “Ur-Ninurta! In authority and youthfulness may your neck be as fat as a wild bull’s.

        2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld (Erra / Nergal, some texts Enlil‘s son, some texts Enki‘s son, god of the Under World, spouse to Ereshkigal)

        Like the warrior Erra (Nergal), ……, may my avenging son lord Ninurta, a furious storm against the enemy,

        be your helper on the battlefield, and may you put your trust in him.

        …… the enemy land, and may he spread out in heaps for me …….

        The holy purification rites of E-kur …. (Enlil‘s temple residence).., serving daily.

        May your offerings on the august table in my great dining hall be everlasting.

        May you lift your head and raise your neck to the heavens.

        Life is yours, irrevocably.”

        67 5th kirugu.

       1d - gods in procession 1ee - Relief at Maltaya

        68-76 The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods, said “Let it be so!”

        to the destiny determined by great An and by Nunamnir (Enlil), the lord of all living beings.

        In order to strengthen the black-headed in their dwelling-places,

        to keep the foreign lands on the track, to put …… the people in unison, and to make them bow down at his feet,

        Inana (Inanna), the great daughter of Suen (Nannar / Sin) and Ur-Ninurta’s beloved spouse,

        (Inanna brings by the hand her beloved spouse before father Nannar)

       gathered together …… all the divine powers (alien technologies) and placed them in his hand.

       1e-ancient-lands-of-the-gods 1ae-enlil-babylonian (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander)

        Together the two of them went forth joyfully from Enlil‘s presence to take their seats in the palace,

        the dwelling-place of sweet honey.

        …… her king …… does not cease, as she speaks truly to him:

        77 6th kirugu.

        78-87 “Youth with beautiful and well-formed limbs, …… radiantly and proudly lifting his head,

        full of charm and beauty, fitted for lordship, worthy of the holy dais, Ur-Ninurta:

        I have decided to give you your precious divine powers (alien technologies).

        I called to you when you lifted your faithful gaze: you are the one whom I called by name.

        Great An has made you forever pre-eminent, as far as the outer limit of the mountains.

        To prolong your days, o youth, in E-kur Enlil has commanded my …… holy life-giving embrace.

        You shall not cease to sit on …… the dais which I care for.

        May the foreign lands rejoice at you, my Ur-Ninurta,

        3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar, Moon Crescent God, patron god of Ur, home of Biblical Abraham)

        as at Nanna (Nannar / Sin, Moon symbol) when, admired by the Land, he appears in the holy heavens.”

          88 7th kirugu.

        89 “My Ur-Ninurta, Enlil has called you truly to be the shepherd of the Land.”

        90 Jicgijal.

        91-93 “…… my holy ……, at my good decision which cannot be changed, …… may impressive strength be with (?) you.”

        1 line fragmentary

        94 1 line fragmentary

        95 A …… of Inana.