Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Rulers of Lagash (Version B)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

After the flood had swept over and brought about the destruction of the countries;

when mankind was made to endure,

and the seed of mankind was preserved and the black-headed (earthling) people all rose;

5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

         (Apkulla / pilot, Enki,  King Anu in his sky-disc, Enlil, & winged eagle-headed pilot / Apkulla, faceless minor god)

when An (Anu) and Enlil called the name of mankind and established rulership,

but kingship and the crown of the city had not yet come out from heaven (Home Planet Nibiru),

 (Ninurta, King Anu‘s successor following father Enlil, & Enlil seated)

and Nin-jirsu (Ninurta)had not yet established for the multitude of well-guarded (?) people

the pickaxe, the spade, the earth basket and the plow, which mean life for the Land —

in those days, the carefree youth of man lasted for 100 years and,

following his upbringing, he lasted for another 100 years.

However, he did not do any work.

He became smaller and smaller, ……; his sheep died (?) in the sheepfold.

In those days, because the water of Lagac (Lagash) was held back, there was famine in Jirsu.

Canals were not dug, the levees and ditches were not cleaned.

The large arable tracts were not ……,

there was no water to irrigate abundantly all the cultivated fields: the people relied on rain;

2 - Enlil, Haia, spouse Nisaba, & Ninlil
                (Enlil,            Haia,                     Nisaba,               Ninlil, grain god & goddess, & unidentified mixed-breed with dinner)

Acnan (Nisaba, Goddess of Grains) did not make dappled barley grow,

furrows were not yet opened, they bore no yield; the high plain was not tilled, it bore no yield.

None of the countries with numerous people libated emmer beer,

liquor, ……, sweet liquor or …… for the gods.

They did not till large fields for them with the plow.

10 lines missing

…… the canal. …… its (?) fields.

In order to dig canals, to clean the levees and ditches,

to …… the large arable tracts, to …… all the cultivated fields,

he established for the people the pickaxe, the spade, the earth basket,

7d - Earthlings Learn to Farm

and the plow, which mean life for the Land.

Then he turned his attention to making barley sprout.

He made the people stand before the maiden,

and they raised their heads day and night, at the appointed times.

Before Acnan (Nisaba) who makes the seeds grow,

they prostrated themselves and she made them grow (?).

3bb - unknowns & Nisaba

    (unidentified, Haia,               Ningirsu,      Enlil,           & Nisaba, Enlil‘s in-laws) 

Before (?) Acnan who makes the dappled barley grow, they ……

33 lines missing or uncertain

…… acted for …… years.

…… dug the canal ……, he acted (ruled as king) for 2760 years.

En-akigalaguba: his personal god was ……,he dug the canal Nijin-jic-tukuam, he acted for 1200 years.

In those days there was no writing, ……, canals were not dug, earth baskets were not carried.

In those days, ……, the people …… offerings of refined gold

2 lines uncertain

a good shepherd rose over the Land; he gave them (?) …… as a gift.

En- Ninjirsu-ki-aj, the son of En-akigalaguba: he acted for 1320 years.

En- Enlile-ki-aj, the son of En- Ninjirsu-ki-aj: he acted for 1800 years.

Ur- Bau the son of En- Enlile-ki-aj: he acted for 900 years.

A-gal: his personal god was Ig-alim (Ninurta’s son), he acted for 660 years.

Kue (?), the son of A-gal: he acted for 1200 years.

Ama-alim, son of Kue (?): ……, he acted for 600 years.

12 lines unclear or missing, the lines list further rulers with unrecoverable names and length of rule.

2 lines missing

he dug the Mah canal, the …… canal, the Pirijgin-jen canal, the …… canal,

the Pirij canal at the mouth of the Lugal canal,

the Gana-hili-ana canal, the …… canal, and the Nance-pada canal.

To care, single-handedly, for the great arable lands,

he dug irrigation ditches and ……, he acted for 2220 years.

Ur- Nance, the son of ……, who built the E-Sirara (Nanshe’s), her temple of happiness

and Nijin, her beloved city, acted for 1080 years.

Ane-tum, the son of Ur- Nance, in whose …… place the gods stood, who …… the land register of great Enlil:

his personal god was Cul-utul (unidentified?), he acted for 690 years. ……,

the son of Ane-tum: he acted for X+360 years.

En-entar-zid: his god was Mes-an-du (unidentified?), of the seed of ancient days,

who had grown together with the city, he acted for 990 years.

……, the son of En-entar-zid: he dug the canal Urmah-banda,

and the canal Tabta-kug-jal, his personal god was Mes-an-du (unidentified?);

his master Nin-jirsu (Ninurta) commanded him to build his temple; he acted for 960 years.

En- Enlile-su: he acted for 600 years.

……, the son of En- Enlile-su: his personal god was Ninazu ; he acted for 660 years.

……: he acted for 1110 years.

Puzur- Ninlil: he acted for X x 60 + 1 years.

En- Mes-an-du (?), the son of Puzur- Ninlil: his personal god was ……, he acted for 120 years.

Dadu, the son of En- Mes-an-du (?): he acted for 160 years.

Tuggur, the son of Dadu: he acted for 160 years.

……: he acted for 120 years.

Puzur- Mama, the scribe of Ninki (Enki’s official spouse):

his personal god was Zazaru (unidentified?); he acted for …… years.

Lamku-nijgena (?), the administrator of Puzur- Mama,

who built the wall of Jirsu, his ……, and the Tirac palace in Lagac (Lagash): he acted for 280 years.

Henjal, the son of Lamku-nijgena (?): his god was Pabilsaj (Ninurta) (?), he acted for 140 years.

……, the son of Henjal: he acted for 144 years.

Ur- Ninmarki (named after Ninmarki), the scribe and scholar: ……,

 2c - Nisaba & Haia, Enlil's in-laws

                  (Haia             Ningirsu              Enlil                       Nisaba)

his personal gods were Haya (Haia) and Nisaba (Haia‘s spouse), he acted for X + 20 years.

Ur- Ninjirsu, the son of Ur- Ninmarki: he acted for X x 60 years.

Ur- Bau, the scribe of Ur- Ninjirsu, who …… in the assembly: he acted for X + 30 years.

Gudea (Ninsun’s 2/3rds divine son-king), the younger brother of Ur- Bau, ……,

who was not the son of his mother nor the son of his father: he acted for …… years.

  2 - Geshtinanna, daughter to Enki & Ninsun (Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law)

Written in the school.

Nisaba be praised! (Goddess of Grains, & Master Scribe, Author to many texts)

The Royal Chronicle of Lagaš (Kings): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        After the Flood had swept over and caused the destruction of the earth,

        when the permanence of humanity had been assured and its descendants preserved,

        when the black-headed people had risen up again from their clay,

        and when, humanity’s name having been given and government having been established,

        [the gods] An (Anu) and Enlil had not yet caused kingship, crown of the cities, to come down from heaven, (earthling, Ninurta & Enlil giving 1st plow & the labor to mankind)

        and by Ningirsu (Ninurta), they had not yet put in place the spade,

        the hoe, the basket, nor the plow that turns the soil, for the countless throng of silent people –

       1ba - story of Gilgamesh (earthlings prior to DNA modifications, non-workers)

        at that time the human race in its carefree infancy had a hundred years.

        Coming into an advanced age, it had another hundred years.

       2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer  (Ninhursag with her failed early attempts to fashion workers, using manipulated DNA mixes)

        But without the ability to carry out the required work, its numbers decreased, decreased greatly.

        In the sheepfolds, its sheep and goats died out.

        CCT-08-099-UNC (areal view of Lagash ruins)

        At this time, water was short in Lagaš (Lagash), there was famine in Girsu.

        Canals were not dug, vast lands were not irrigated by a shadoof,

        abundant water was not used to dampen meadows and fields, because humanity counted on rainwater.

        2d - Inanna, unknowns, & Nisaba

        (Inanna, unidentified mixed-breed, Ninlil, her father Haia, & his spouse Nisaba, Ninlil‘s mother, the Goddess of Grains)

        Ašnan (Nisaba) did not bring forth dappled barley, no furrow was plowed nor bore fruit!

        No land was worked nor bore fruit!

        No country or people made libations of beer or wine, […] sweet wine […], to the gods.

        No one used the plow to work the vast lands.


        The canals […].

        Their fields […].

        In order to dig the canals, in order to dredge the irrigation ditches, in order to irrigate the vast lands by a shadoof,

        in order to utilize abundant water so that the meadows and fields were moistened,

        7a - when the gods did the work before man 1f - gods battling gods

                 (Anunnaki gods hard working the soil                                  alien giant gods demand replacement workers from Enlil)

        An and Enlil put a spade, a hoe, a basket, a plow, the life of the land, at the disposal of the people.

       Farming - gods then man tilled the fields   7b - farming in Enlil's Edin

                  (earthlings taught to farm by the gods, who tired from the long heavy labor needed performed on Earth Colony)

        After this time, human beings gave all their attention to making the barley grow.

        Before the Young Lady, in front of her they stood upright, ready to work.

        Day and night, whenever necessary, they were attentive.

        They bowed down before Ašnan (Nisaba) who produces barley seed and began to work.

        2 - Enlil, Haia, spouse Nisaba, & Ninlil

                (Enlil,   father-in-law Haia,  mother-in-law Nisaba,       spouse Ninlil,       unidentified smaller mixed-breed with dinner)

        Before Ašnan (Nisaba) who produces the late barley, they […].

        (…) […] reigned […].

(Biblical – Genesis 6:  “When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose… The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.  They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”………)

(the 1st giant semi-divine mixed-breeds appointed to kingships over earthlings by the alien gods on Earth, they were bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived much longer than earthlings, the perfect go-between from alien gods to the the earthlings…….SEE THE MANY EXAMPLES WITHIN TEXT)

        Igi-huš[…] dug the canal [“…”]; he reigned 2,760 years.

        En-a-kigala-guba, whose god was […], dug the canal “He bend an ear to Sirara(Nanshe); he reigned 1,200 years.

       Cylinder seal and imprint, Paleo-Babylonian period. The water-goddess, standing on two goats between two naked heroes. They honour a deity holding a large ring. Haematite, H: 2,25 cm AO 25518

                 (3 naked early advanced semi-divine mixed-breeds appointed to kingships, & 3 alien giant gods- Inanna, Nannar, & Utu)

        At that time there was still no writing […], no canals were dug, no baskets were carried.

        At that time, in the manner of a royal […], humanity presented offerings of polished gold, red, […] (to the gods, from the beginning!).

        The faithful shepherd brought forth […] to the […] people, the steward offered him fish.

        En-Ningirsu-ki’ag, son of En-a-kigala-guba, reigned 1,230 years (as did the 1st 10 generations of the Bible).

        Ur-Baba, son of En-Ningirsu-ki’ag, reigned 900 years.

        Agal, whose god was Igalim (Ninurta‘s son), reigned 660 years.

        KUe, son of Agal, reigned 1,200 years.

        Ama-alim, son of KUe, reigned 600 years.

        Dan[…] reigned […] years.

        […] reigned […] years.

        A[…] reigned […] years.

        ‘A[…], son of […], reigned […] years.

        […] dug canal [“…”]; he reigned […] years.

        […], son of […], dug the Eminent canal, the [“…”] canal, the “Canal that moves like a lion”,

        the [“…”] canal, the “Lion Canal” at the mouth of the Royal Canal, the canal “Field, heaven‘s delight”,

        the [“…”] canal, and the canal “Choice of Nanše (Nanshe, Enki‘s daughter)“.

        To take care, alone, of the vast watered areas, he dug irrigation ditches […].

        He reigned 2,220 years.

        Cylinder seal: two orants before a goddess. Cuneiform inscription in the name of the scribe Ur-Nanshe. From Tello

                             (Ur-Nanshe, giant mixed-breed king of Lagash, his spouse the Goddess of Love Inanna, & her mother Ningal)

        Ur-Nanše, son of […]ma, who built E-sirara (Nanshe’s temple residence), the residence that was his heart’s joy,

        and Sirara (temple complex in Lagash, name also used for Nanshe), his beloved city, reigned 1,080 years.

       4d - Eannatum votive stela  (King Eannetum in middle, Biblical “heroes of old, men of renown”)

        Ane-tum, son of Ur-Nanše, on the […] on which the gods stood upright, the […] of Enlil […],

        whose god was Šulutula (unidentified?), reigned 690 years.

        […]gibil, son of Ane-tum, reigned N+360 years.

        En-entar-zi, whose god was Mes-an-DU (unidentified?,), seed of days of old who grew up with the city, reigned 990 years.

        […]enda-insi, son of En-entar-zi, dug the “Ferocious lion” canal and canal

        “[…] is canal inspector”; his god was Mes-an-Du (Adad, the Canal Inspector of the gods, back when the gods did the work).

         (warrior hero Ninurta / Ningirsu riding his winged beast, sky-craft in battle)

        His king Ningirsu enjoined him to build his temple; he reigned 960 years.

        En-Enlile-su reigned 600 years.

        En[…], the son of En-Enlile-su, whose god was Ninasu (Ninazu, sometimes Enlil‘s son, sometimes Ereshkigal‘s son, or both),

        reigned 660 years.

        […]du reigned 1,110 years.

        Puzur-Ninlil reigned Nx60+1 years.

        En-Mes-an-DU, son of Puzur-Ninlil, whose god was […], reigned 120 years.

        Dadu, son of En-Mes-an-DU, reigned 160 years.

        TUG-GUR, the son of Dadu, reigned 160 years.

        La[…] reigned 120 years.

        Puzur-Mama, Ninki‘s scribe (Enki‘s official spouse), whose goddess was Zazaru (unidentified?), reigned […] years.

        LAM-KU-nigina, Puzur-Mama’s administrator, the one who constructed the wall of Girsu, his residence,

        and the Tiraš palace in Lagaš, reigned 280 years.

        Hengal, son of LAM-KU-nigina, whose god was […]-bilsag (Pabilsag / Ninurta), reigned 140 years.

        […], son of Hengal, reigned 144 years.

        2a - Nisaba & Haia, Enlil's in-laws

                            (Haia   Ningirsu / Ninurta     Enlil     Haia‘s spouse Nisaba)

        Ur-Nin-MAR.KI, scribe and expert […] (named after Enki’s daughter Ninmarki)  whose gods were Haya and Nisaba, reigned N+20 years.

       1i - King Ur-Ningirsu, Gudea's son  (Adad‘s semi-divine mixed-breed son-king Ur-Ningirsu, named after older brother Ningirsu / Ninurta)

        Ur-Ningirsu, son of Ur-Nin-MAR.KI, reigned Nx60 years.

       7b - Ur-Bau Foundation Peg 2080 B.C. (4,000 year old foundation peg of Ur-Bau / Ur-Baba, figure of Ningishzidda, Architect of the ziggurats & pyramids) 

        Ur-Baba, scribe of Ur-Ningirsu, the one who […] in the assembly, reigned N+30 years.

       8g - King Gudea of Lagash  (giant mixed-breed king Gudea on his Lagash throne)

        Gudea (Ninsun‘s & Lugalbanda’s 2/3rds divine son-king), younger brother of Ur-Baba, […]

        who was not the son of either his mother or father (Anunnaki goddess offspring), reigned […] years.

          (Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, Haia‘s spouse, Goddess of Scribes, Accounting, & Grains)

        Written in the Academy.

        Praise to Nisaba. (Master Scribe / Author of many Anunnaki alien recordings of original history on inhabited Earth)

Temple Hymn for Lugal-Marda(‘s House in Marda)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


O E-igi-kalama (House which is the eye of the Land), your foundation is firmly laid,

growing hill which stands broadly on the earth, …… the enemies’ land,

3 lines fragmentary

approx. 1 line missing

…… has erected a house in your precinct,

O ……, and taken a seat upon your dais.

(8 (?) lines: the house of Lugal-Marda (Ninurta’s son) in Marda.)

Minor Gods Related to Ninurta Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Ab-Bau Quote From Text

Ab-Bau = Bau’s son


          Bau (Gula) has abandoned Iri-kug and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

          She has abandoned her flooded chamber and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

          Her son Ab-Bau has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold.

          Ab-Bau has abandoned Ma-gu-ena and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold.

         The protective goddess of the holy house has abandoned it

         and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold…”

     Damu Quotes From Texts

Damu = Bau’s son

doctor, worshiped in Isin


          She tests the surgical lancet; Nininsina (Bau) sharpens the scalpel.

         She has made perfect the divine powers of medicine,

          and hands them over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

         “My son, pay attention to everything medical!

         Damu, pay attention to everything medical!”

         He takes the bandages and wipes them; he treats the bandages with embrocation,

         and softens the plaster that had been put on them.

         He mops up the blood and suppuration, and places a warm hand on the horrid wound.

         My lady, the midwife of the mothers of the Land,

         is the chief doctor of the black-headed; Nininsina, the daughter of An (Anu),

         hands this all over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

         “My son, pay attention to everything medical!

         Damu, pay attention to everything medical!

         You will be praised for your diagnoses.”


         “They have told Damu, the chief barber (physician) of Nunamnir (Enlil),

         healer of the living, to make the foreign countries bow at the feet of his father and mother!…”


         Ig-alim / Galalim Quotes From Texts

Ig-alim / Galalim = Ninurta’s son, superintendent


        “Bau, lady …… true cream,

         As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter…”


        (Ninurta speaking)

         The guardians of my house and the fair-looking protective goddesses …….

         My chief superintendent, Ig-alim, is the neck-stock of my hands.

         He has been promoted to take care of my house; …….

         My messenger does not forget anything: he is the pride of the palace.

         In the city named after (?) Enlil, I recognize true and false…”


         Bau, lady …… true cream,

         As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter…”


         Lugal-kur-dub walked in front of him (Gudea),

         Ig-alim directed him and Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda),

         his personal god, held him by the hand throughout the time…”


         “With his divine duties, namely to guide the hand of the righteous one;

         to force the evil-doer´s neck into a neck stock;

         to keep the house safe; to keep the house pleasant;

         to instruct his city and the sanctuaries of Jirsu;

         to set up an auspicious throne; to hold the scepter of never-ending days;

         to raise high the head of Nin-jirsu´s shepherd, Gudea, as if he wore a blue crown;

         and to appoint to their offices in the courtyard of E-ninnu the skin-clad ones,

         the linen-clad ones and those whose head is covered,

         Gudea introduced Ig-alim, the Great Door (ig gal), the Pole (dim) of Jirnun,

         the chief bailiff of Jirsu, his beloved son to lord Nin-jirsu…”


         “Young woman Nin-Nibru, lady …….

         Lord Ninurta, my king …….

         Ig-alim, my king …….

         Cul-cagana, my king …….”


         “For the god Gal-alim, the favorite son of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

         for his king, Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla his temple of E-me-ghush-gal-an-ki has constructed…”


          Gudea,...the offspring of the goddess Gutumdug (Ninsun),

          dowered with sovereignty and the scepter supreme by the god Gal-alim,…”


Lugal-Marda Quotes From Texts

Lugal-Marda = son of Ninurta?, or Ninurta?


        “The high-priestess of Lugal-marda was elevated to office…”


        “Lugal-Marda stepped outside his city.

        Ninzuana (unidentified?, Bau’s daughter?) took an unfamiliar path away from her beloved dwelling.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

         Isin, the shrine that was not a quay, was split by onrushing waters.

        Ninisina, the mother of the Land, wept bitter tears.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


         “The boundary of the god Lugal-Marda of Mirad, Ur-Nammu, the king, determined it….”


Ninkarnunna Quotes From Texts

Ninkarnunna = Ninurta’s son, attendant


        “Ninkarnuna, having heard the favorable pronouncement of Ninurta,

         stepped before lord Ninurta and prayed to him:…”


         “The content of that prayer of the offspring of a prince,

        Ninkarnuna, his sprinkling Ninurta’s heart with an offering of cool water,

         and the matter of prosperity about which he spoke were pleasing to Ninurta’s heart

         as he went in procession to E-cumecato manifest the eternal divine powers.

         Lord Ninurta gazed approvingly at Ninkarnuna…”


Ninzuana Quote From Text

Ninzuana = Bau?, daughter of Ninurta & Bau?


        “Lugal-Marda (Ninurta?, Ninurta’a son?) stepped outside his city.

        Ninzuana took an unfamiliar path away from her beloved dwelling.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

         Isin, the shrine that was not a quay, was split by onrushing waters.

        Ninisina (Bau), the mother of the Land, wept bitter tears.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


Carur Quotes From Texts

Carur = Ninurta’s & Gudea’s general, son?,

(or Ninurta’s awesome nuclear weapons)


         “With his divine duties, namely to carry the seven-headed mace;

        to open the door of the an-kara house, the gate of battle;

         to hit exactly with the dagger blades, with the mitum mace,

         with the ´´floodstorm´ ´weapon and with the marratum club, its battle tools;

         to inundate Enlil´s enemy land, Gudea introduced Lugalkurdub,

         the warrior Carur, who in battle subdues all the foreign lands,

         the mighty general of the E-ninnu, a falcon against the rebel lands,

         his general, to lord Nin-jirsu.

         After the heavenly mitum mace had roared against the foreign lands like a fierce storm –

         the Carur, the flood storm in battle, the cudgel for the rebel lands –

         after the lord had frowned at the rebellious land, the foreign country,

         hurled at it his furious words, driven it insane the…”


         “The weapon, its heart ……, was reassured: it slapped its thighs, the Car-ur began to run,

        it entered the rebel lands, joyfully it reported the message to Lord Ninurta:…

         The Car-ur made the storm-wind rise to heaven, scattering the people; like …… it tore….

         The weapon covered the Mountains with dust,…”


        “Nin-jirsu has directed Gudea into the impenetrable mountain of cedars and he cut down its cedars with great axes

         and carved the Car-ur ,the right arm of Lagac, his master´s flood-storm weapon, out of it…”


         “He embedded its Car-ur weapon beside Lagac (Lagash) like a big standard,

         placed it in its dreadful place, the Cu-galam, and made it emanate fearsome radiance…”


Praise to Ningirsu

Unknown web source

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

            2a - Ninurta, Enlil's heir to heaven & earth (Royal Prince Ninurta, heir to King Anu‘s throne to Nibiru & Earth Colony, after father Enlil)



8gg - King Gudea of Lagash   (Gudea, Ninsun‘s giant mixed-breed son-king of Lagash)




32 - Ninurta the mighty (Imdugud Bird atop 2 lions, standard of Ninurta)



Blockprint in blind in Sumerian on clay, Lagash, Sumer, 2141-2122 BC, 1 brick, 32x32x7 cm, 6+4 columns, in cuneiform script.

Context: Foundation inscriptions of Gudea in The Schøyen collection are MSS 1877, 1895, 1936, 1937 and 2890. Building cones, see MSS 1791/1-2.

Commentary: Gudea built or rather rebuilt, at least 15 temples in the city-state of Lagash. The present brick has deposits of the bitumen that originally bound the bricks together in the wall of the temple.

A Hymn to Shul-pa-ed (Shul-pa-ed A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Version A

1-9 Hero, who shines forth like moonlight over the upper city!

Hero Cul-pa-ed, who shines forth like moonlight over the upper city!

Eminent and famous Cul-pa-ed, who shines forth like moonlight over the upper city!

Lord of great divine powers (alien technologies), god who appears in glory,

Cul-pa-ed, of great divine powers, god who appears in glory,

lordly in battle, who makes vegetation grow tall in the Land!

8b - High Priest, Nannar, Ninurta, and Enlil7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta  (alien giants wield the 50-headed mace)

Lord who raises his great arms, battle-club that smashes all enemies!

 (Enlil with plow, King Anu‘s heir, born of the Anunnaki “double seed” law of succession)

Pre-eminent brother-in-law of father Enlil, good youth!

Enlil has named your august name.

10-18 Lordly with weapons in the thick of battle!

Owner of the rebel lands, lordly in the rebel lands, my king, you are an august god!

              (young Ninhursag with her Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol)

You are an august god, and your wife (Ninhursag) is an august queen.

2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc  Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755 (Princess Ninhursag, Ninurta‘s mother, Anu‘s daughter)

You are beloved by Ninhursaja (Ninhursag).

You are a hero before whom the gods are very fearful.

Hero Cul-pa-ed, lordly in heaven and on earth, my ……,

may your name be truly called upon in all the foreign lands!

My king, may your greatness be truly called upon in all the foreign lands!

19-30 August ……, rising flood, storm which approaches mankind!

People bring their prayers to you like anxious birds.

Rising ……, imbued with awesomeness, no one …… you.

Of terrifying appearance, endowed with fearsome splendor, you are imbued with great awesomeness.

You are a hurricane that approaches mankind,

a great …… that sweeps men down, …… that …… mankind!

In the mountains you measure the fields like a ……. …… emitted from heaven,

without compare, ……, who brings daylight to the mountains,

……, battering ……, ……, who flashes like lightning (alien technologies).

31-40 Falling upon mankind like a …… bird of grief,

a namtar demon with no hands or feet, suited (?) to the night,

prowling at night like a namtar demon, ……, shaped like a ……

you, hero Cul-pa-ed, are the lord of orchards and gardens,

plantations and green reed-beds, of the quadrupeds of the wide high desert,

of the animals, the living creatures of the plains.

3a - Anu in flight   (King Anu in his sky-disc, god the father in Heaven / Nibiru)

An (Anu), king of the gods, has put them in your hands;

he has put them in your hands, and you are their lord.

Hero Cul-pa-ed, they cannot escape your clutches.

41-48 It is his food that anyone who has food eats;

it is his water that anyone who has water drinks.

And so people no longer call upon the name of their personal gods,

but …… in every mouth the name of him who is their only god.

The hand …… of his god …….

He does not …… the hand, he does not …… the mouth.

He takes away …….

……, he gives you your …….

49-61 You are the throne-bearer of An and Enlil,

the fierce constable of the gods, and the table-steward of Enlil.

You do not …… these people what you have placed.

He brings (?) to you ……. …… that he has handed you.

……, after you have …… from above; the heavy …… cover …… like a garment.

……, after …… has said ……, ……, he addresses a prayer to you.

After he has declared his …… of lament to you,

he calls (?) to you like a …… of a boat in an inundation, and raises …… to you.

62-85 You make him shine like gold, and polish him like bronze,

then you restore him to the benign hands of his god.

…… shining, and lifts his head proudly.

…… appears gloriously in the Land.

5 lines fragmentary

……, you release …… for your beloved.

……, you place …… for your little ones.

……, you release …… for your little ones.

……, you release …… for your great ones.

2 lines fragmentary

…… on the fifteenth day.

4 lines fragmentary

You are the merciful king of the foreign lands ……, looking mercifully …….

1 line fragmentary

Version B (fragment of a divergent version)

unknown no. of lines missing

1-8 6 lines fragmentary

……. like Cul-pa-ed.

My king …… may he call your name.

A Balbale to Ninurta (Ninurta F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-21 Good semen, good seed, King chosen by Enlil!

 (Ninurta, thousands of artifacts unearthed in Mesopotamia, many now destroyed by Radical Islam)

Very good semen, very good (double) seed, Ninurta (son), chosen by Enlil!

My king, I shall call upon your name. Ninurta, I am your man, your man;

I shall call upon your name.

My king, ewes give birth to lambs, ewes give birth to lambs,

the sheep of the fold are born; I shall call upon your name.

My king, goats give birth to kids, goats give birth to kids, buck goats are born;

I shall call upon your name.

housing - Housing - tents of early modern man  (cow pens of ancient Sumer)

My king, cows give birth to calves, cows give birth to calves,

cows and breed-bulls are born; I shall call upon your name.

My king, she-asses give birth to foals, she-asses give birth to foals,

donkeys …… are born; I shall call upon your name.

My king, humans give birth to children, humans give birth to children.

Ninurta, king …….

      (our Solar System depicted on 5,000 year old tablet) (Enlil tells Ninurta to give mankind the plow work)

22-31 Through the King, flax is born; through the King, barley is born.

Through him, carp floods are made plentiful in the river.

Through him, fine grains are made to grow in the fields.

Through him, carp are made plentiful in the lagoons.

Through him, dead and fresh reed are made to grow in the reed thickets.

Through him, fallow deer and wild sheep are made plentiful in the forests.

Through him, macgurum trees are made to grow in the high desert.

Through him, syrup and wine are made plentiful in the watered gardens.

Through him, life which is long is made to grow in the palace.

2ba - Ninurta with poppy in hand   (Ninurta, heir to Anu‘s planet Nibiru throne, after father Enlil)

32 A balbale of Ninurta.

Hymns to Ninurta (Ninurta C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-41 1 line fragmentary

……. ……, lordly son of Enlil, ……. ……, hero who appears in glory,

who ……. …… in Enlil‘s house ……. …… no one …….

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s mud brick-built mountain / residence in Nippur, Earth Colony Command Central, House of Decisions, for “Enlil‘s word is final”)

…… of E-kur, the rebel lands ……. ……, lord ……. ……, captain, …….

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest  (Nannar‘s house, son to Enlil & NInlil, patron city of Ur / Urim way below his mud-brick-built mountain / ziggurat with original “stairway to heaven“)

…… king of Urim (Ur), ……. ……, king of Adab …….

……, king of ……. …… E-kur …….

1 line fragmentary

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Enlil & equal spouse Ninlil carved into ancient city wall)

…… of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse) ……. …… to the …… of Enlil…….

…… heaven and earth, the mother who bore …….

 (Enlil, alien King Anu‘s son & heir, stationed on Earth Colony as the Commander, his say is final)

…… Enlil……. …… of the hero …….

1 line fragmentary

            (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & heir, spouse to his royal aunt Bau)

…… Zababa ……. …… hero …….

20 lines missing

42-48…… favorable before Ninurta, the great governor of Enlil,

and Ninnibru (Bau / Gula, his spouse), the beloved child of An (Anu).

4 lines missing

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Bau & her nephew-spouse Ninurta, both royal descendants of King Anu in heaven)

May …… the beloved spouse, Ninnibru (Ninurta‘s spouse), the great queen, be favorable towards you.

49-57 Ninurta, lord of the gods, glory of E-cumeca, speaks most generously in praise: “My father Enlil!”

  (Ninurta with royal scepter & alien technologies in hand, on his wrist, in the sky, etc., etc.)

Ninurta …… himself like a lion: “I am the hero belonging to Enlil,

I am he who controls the affairs of Nibru (Nippur).

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net  (Ninurta captures the Anzud bird, earthlings caught in alien battle-net)

……, and do not let the birds escape.

I am a man after the heart of my father Enlil,

and I am the hero beloved by my mother Ninlil (step-mother, Ninhursag is mother).

I was born in the mountains; I am strong in the mountains.”

58-63 Ninurta, before whose roaring the mountains tremble,

hurricane, south storm that flashes with lightning, you belong to Enlil!

3n - Nippur excavations (Enlil‘s patron city of Nippur, his E-kur residence in background)

May it therefore ……, may Ninurta‘s city, the shrine Nibru (Nippur) — therefore …….

He is indeed its beloved, is indeed its beloved; the lord is indeed the beloved of E-kur.

64-75 You desire everything in your heart, you wish for everything valuable in your heart.

Hero, Enlil‘s right arm, youth without rival!

Ninurta, Enlil‘s right arm, youth without rival,

7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil  5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (alien giants wielding high-tech weaponry)

         grandly heaping up …… with the fifty-headed (mace, high-tech alien weapon) ……,

letting no enemies escape from the mountains!

5a - Ninurta with missile weapon 5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird

      (Ninurta riding upon his winged beast / storm bird;    (Ninurta‘s sky-disc

Wild raging lion, overpowering the enemy, Ninurta, wild raging lion, overpowering the enemy —

who like a foul moving storm …… the rebel lands and territories!

Hero, first choice of his father, lord Ninurta, first choice of his father!

He is the hero, he is the hero, the hero who does not let the mountains escape!

He (?) is the hero!

He is Ninurta who does not let the mountains escape!

5h - Ninurta wins the Battle of the Great Pyramids 7c - Ninurta, Lord over the Pyramid wars (Ninurta, a warrior, & ruler)

76-86 He is great in his anger (?)!

He (?) alone is a hero!

No superior god raises himself against him (heir to planet Nibiru‘s throne)!

King who is great in heaven, great on earth, lordly in the east!

Ninurta who is great in heaven (Nibiru), great on earth, lordly in the east!

Mighty hero Ninurta!

Praise be to father Enlil!

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks  (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, King Anu‘s “double seed” heir Enlil‘s, older 1/2 brother)

Praise be to the …… of intelligence, the lord who decides destinies, to father Enki!

1d - gods in procession 1ee - Relief at Maltaya

…… Anuna (Anunnaki) gods ……, favorable before Ninurta, the great governor of Enlil,

Fragment of a stele with bust of the goddess Ba'u. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 16,2 cm AO 4572  (Royal Princess Bau; father An / Anu, King of the Anunnaki, father in heaven / planet Nibiru, to those who came down, royal descendant gods he stationed upon the Earth)

and Ninnibru, the beloved child (daughter) of An.

A Hymn to Ninurta: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

            (Ninurta; Enlil, son & father in discs traversing the skies of Earth)

1-2 Ninurta, son of Nunamnir (Enlil).

……, lord, …… youthfulness.

unknown no. of lines missing

A shir-namshub to Ninurta (Ninurta G): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-16 Hero, Enlil‘s gatherer of the numerous divine powers (alien technologies),

great hero, consummately your kingship is gloriously manifest!

 (the hero Royal Prince Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son & heir to planet Nibiru & Earth Colony)

Hero Ninurta, the combs of your neck-hair are loosened!

Hero Pabilsaj (Ninurta), the combs of your neck-hair are loosened!

Hero Ninjirsu (Ninurta), the combs of your neck-hair are loosened; your kingship is gloriously manifest!

Your kingship exists in the heavens, exists on the earth.

You sit with Enki upon the holy throne-dais.

17-37 The hero, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, batters at the rebel lands.

5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Enlil‘s warrior son Ninurta, riding his flying lion-headed beast, with high-tech alien weaponry)

The hero Ninurta, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,

the hero Pabilsaj, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,

the hero Ninjirsu, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, batters at the rebel lands.

A king, a storm beating down from above: you are an unrivaled lord.

Hero, you are the towering wall of your city; may your august name be invoked!

2b - Lagash re-creation 2c - Lagash, largest city of its day

                                          (re-creations of NInurta‘s patron city-state of Lagash)

Hero Ninurta, you are the towering wall of your city.

Hero Pabilsaj, you are the towering wall of your city.

Hero Ninjirsu, you are the towering wall of your city; may your august name be invoked!

38-57 Since the day it was so decreed, your donkey-foals have …… gardens and mec trees.

Cakkan (unidentified?), the lord of donkeys, has positioned them at your feet.

Hero, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains; your grandeur covers all foreign lands.

Hero Ninurta, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains.

Hero Pabilsaj, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains.

Hero Ninjirsu, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains; your grandeur covers all foreign lands.

Since the day it was so decreed, your donkey-foals …… gardens and mec trees.

Cakkan, the lord of donkeys, has positioned them at your feet.

58-75 You have taken your place upon the throne-dais of Nibru, where you sit with father Enlil.

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 

       (Enlil, his ziggurat home & patron city Nibru / Nippur, named after their planet Nibiru, Enlil‘s Earth Command Central)

You are the heroic son (& heir to Nibiru throne) of father Enlil.

He made you stand in service in E-kur (Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur).

You have taken your place upon the throne-dais of Lagac (Lagash, Ninurta‘s patron city).

Speak to holy mother Nance (Enki‘s daughter), so she will cast her protecting arms over you like Utu!

May she indicate your station for you!

May she who has no fear of your splendor embrace your limbs!

May my lady of the beneficent divine powers (alien technologies),

with the ornaments of cuba stone about her neck, ……

1 line missing

76-87 The hero is most precious; his word is august.

He is the sun of the Land; the discloser of great counsel in E-ama-lama.

Ninurta is most precious.

Pabilsaj is most precious.

Ninjirsu is most precious; his word is august.

He is the sun of the Land; the discloser of great counsel in E-ama-lama.

88-101 Hero, on the battlefield the cities of the foreign lands have dedicated (?) a house to you:

E-ama-lama, a house of sanctuary (?). Ninurta, a house of sanctuary (?), Pabilsaj, a house of sanctuary (?),

Ziggurat Nimrud Iraq (Ninurta‘s mud brick-built ziggurat residence)

Ninjirsu, on the battlefield the cities of the foreign lands have dedicated (?) a house to you:

E-ama-lama, a house of sanctuary (?).

It is a most distant forest whose edges are widespread (?).

Its extent is indeed with the king, E-ama-lama.

It is a forest, a most distant boat moored on the mountains.

102-110 If someone diminishes its borders,

that man cuts off the house of his father at its borders, E-ama-lama.

If someone, though a stranger to his father, diminishes its borders,

that man cuts off the house of his father at its borders, E-ama-lama.

111-999 Its jicgijal.

5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird (Ninurta‘s sky-disc, alien Anunnaki technologies)

112-133 The hero is a powerful force; may his storm leave no rain behind!

The hero Ninurta is a powerful force.

The hero Pabilsaj is a powerful force.

The hero Ninjirsu is a powerful force; may his storm leave no rain behind!

My king is the pillager of cities for his father.

O his valor! The hero Ninurta is the pillager of cities for his father.

7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta (unidentified god, mixed-breed earthling, Ninurta with high-tech weaponry, & his symbol – double-headed eagle, symbolizing the “double seed” law of succession, making him heir to Nibiru throne)

The hero Pabilsaj is the pillager of cities for his father.

The hero Ninjirsu is the pillager of cities for his father.

O his valor! My king, …… the mountains, you …….

Hero Ninurta, before you the land swells (?) as if …….

134-164 My king, you covered the edge of the sea with rays of light.

On that day from the gold (?) of Harali you are Ena-tum.

From the cornelian and lapis lazuli of the land of Meluha you are Ena-tum.

From the ducia stone of the land of Marhaci you are Enakam.

From the silver of fifteen cities you are Enakam.

From the copper and tin of Magan (Egypt) you are Enakam.

From the bronze of …… you are Enakam (?).

From the silver of Dilmun you are Ena-tum.

From the im-kalaga clay of the mouth of the hills you are Enakam.

From the gypsum of the shining hills you are Enakam.

10 lines missing or fragmentary

165-171 House of the rebel lands! Ah you! You! Ah me! Me!

House of the rebel lands, when will your clay return to its abzu?

House of the rebel lands, when will your reeds return to their reed-beds?

House of the rebel lands, when will your beams return to their forests?

172-183 The enemy …… on the wall, and pays homage.

My king, if only he knew your titanic, mighty awesomeness!

Cylinder seal and imprint, Neo-Babylonian, 612-539 BCE. A man or deity subduing a lion. Chalcedony, H: 3,6 cm AO 22353  2b - Anzu war, Ninurta's Palace in Nimrud (Ninurta, Enlil‘s mighty warrior son)

Hero Ninurta, if only he knew your mighty awesomeness!

If only he knew your devouring of men like a lion!

If only he knew your …… like a dragon!

If only he knew your …… kid and lamb like a lion!

184-999 Its kicu.

              (Ninurta artifacts & thousands of others now destroyed by Radical Islam)

            185-186 A cir-namcuba of Ninurta.

A tigi to Ninurta (Ninurta D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-6 I will fell trees, I will strike down forests.

2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments (Ninhursag, Anu‘s most respected daughter, Chief Medical Scientist & mother of the gods)

Let my mother (Ninhursag) know it.


         (NInurta, father Enlil‘s & aunt Ninhursag‘s son & heir, born of the deciding “double seed” law of succession)

I, Ninurta, will fell trees, I will strike down forests.

Let my mother know it.

I will clear them away like an …… ax.

Let my mother know it.

I will strike down …… walls like a huge ax.

Let my mother now it.

I will make their troops tremble like …….

Let my mother know it.

5a - Ninurta with missile weapon 5a - Hittite rockets, god in sky chamber, shem

   (Ninurta rides his winged beast / storm bird                 rockets & sky-ships of the gods & landed shem in mountains with pilot)

I will devour them like storm and flood.

Let my mother know it.”

7-13 The warrior, …… in furious battle, smashes heads.

7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta  (Ningishzidda, mixed-breed earthling, & Ninurta with his 50-headed mace)

The Lord curses the disobedient, rebellious lands:

“I will …… battering ram, I will …… your venom.

I will destroy (?) your city gate ……, and reach your …….

I will …… shield on (?) your tower, and reduce it to a pile of dust.

I will …… your ……, like a city cursed by Enlil.

I will …… you into ruin mounds, like a city hated by Ninurta.”

14 Sa-gida.

15-32 O king, given strength by Enlil, conquer the foreign lands!

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net  (Ninurta with his alien high-tech battle net, & captured earthlings, Anzu / bird in his grasp)

Lord Ninurta, given strength by Enlil, conquer the foreign lands!

Lord, first choice of An (Anu), given strength by Enlil, conquer the foreign lands!

Lord Ninurta ……

4 lines missing

6 lines fragmentary

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Bau, royal princess daughter to King Anu, & long bearded Ninurta, her royal prince nephew-spouse)

Young woman Nin-Nibru (Bau), lady …….

Lord Ninurta, my king ……. Ig-alim (Ninurta‘s son, my king …….

Cul-cagana (Ninurta‘s son, housemaster), my king …….

33 Sa-jara, to be played with the hands (?).

34 A tigi of Ninurta (?).