Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

A Hymn to Nanna for Gungunum (Gungunum B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


1-5 unknown no. of lines missing

5 lines fragmentary



unknown no. of lines missing

1 line fragmentary

In the whole heaven and on the whole earth Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) has made …… great (?).

The respected one, the singular dragon, the god made manifest, ……, the flourishing one,

2l-nannars-moons-crescent-symbol  (Moon Crescent symbols of Nanna / Nannar, god of Ur)

the lord who …… the moonlight — supporting you, youthful Gungunum …….

             (Earth Colony Commander Enlil & spouse Ninlil)

The lord, the good wild bull, the first-born son of Enlil (with Ninlil) ……,

             (Nannar atop his temple with alien antennas, or rocket, atop his ziggurat residence)

the youthful Suen who listens to prayers ……, has made prince Gungunum’s reign long …….

When my king stands in the sky …… beauty.

 (Lama / Ninsun with her semi-divine son-king, & Nannar / Suen)

When youthful Suen stands in the sky …… beauty.

 (Enlil, alien god in charge of establishing Earth Colony, taking gold, etc., back to their home planet)

The splendid son of Nunamnir (Enlil) …….


1-6 unknown no. of lines missing

Your holy purification rites ……, the rituals (?) …….

2g - Nannar & symbol seal (Nannar in his Ur temple holy of holies)

The crescent moon fixing the months ……. Suen, radiance ……. …… in the pure sky, beauty …….

In the Land …… for you.

1 line fragmentary



unknown no. of lines missing

7 lines fragmentary or missing

A Hymn to Nanna (for Shulgi) (Nanna O)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

Segment A


4 lines missing

1 line fragmentary

You possess ……!

                      (Enlil            Inanna  Utu                     Enki                   Isimud

An (Anu), Enlil, Enki and Ninḫursaĝa (NInhursag) treat you

with deserved affection in your place of creation.

Exalted Nanna ……, adviser in heaven and on earth ……!

 1ae - Enlil, Babylonian 2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks 2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer

  (King An / Anu, his son & heir Enlil, his eldest son Enki, & his eldest daughter Ninhursag with early attempts to fashion workers)

An, Enlil, Enki and Ninḫursaĝa treat you with deserved affection in your place of creation.

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.1d-anunnaki-gods-from-nibiru

13-20. Youthful Suen, as you move the Anuna gods stand in attendance.

In the four quarters of the world the black-headed (all earthlings) people

raise their eyes to you, the first-born son of Enlil (together with Ninlil).

Nanna, youthful Suen, as you move the Anuna gods stand in attendance.

In the four quarters of the world the black-headed people (earthlings) raise their eyes to you,

the first-born son of Enlil (is Ninurta, born of Enlil & 1/2 sister Ninhursag before Enlil married Ninlil).

21-28. As you become manifest in the holy heavens, you …… broadly over all the lands.

Your light (Moon God Nannar) is holy and purifies.

Oh, ah, it has come forth for the king like the sunlight!

Nanna, as you become manifest in the holy heavens, you …… broadly over all the lands.

3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar, son to Enlil & Ninlil, & his Moon Crescent symbol of then & now)

Your light is holy and purifies.

Oh, ah, it has come forth for the king like the sunlight!

29-31. Nanna, ……, for (?) the lord you have chosen, you have made the …… manifest.

…… without ceasing (?),

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-2. 1 line fragmentary

…… into the distant future.

3-10. We are going, we are going, …… we are going to the house, to the …… of the lord,

to the …… of Prince Šulgi (giant semi-divine mixed-breed King of Ur Shulgi),

7a - Lama, Inanna & spouse King Shulgi before father Nannar
    (Ninsun, her semi-divine son-king Shulgi, his goddess spouse Inanna, & Inanna‘s father Nannar, Shulgi‘s father-in-law)

to the city that has been restored, to where speech and opinions are good,

to where lips and hearts are pure, to where feet are firm on the ground.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur in Nippur, Enlil‘s patron city)

11-20. We are going to the shrine Nibru, Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven and Earth”), to …… brick-built Tutub,

2e - Eridu temple reconstruction (re-creation of Enki‘s ziggurat home in Eridu on banks of Euphrates & Persian Gulf)

to the majestic Abzu, brick-built Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city),

to the E-šu-me-ša with the princely divine powers (alien technologies),

3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur  (E-kish-nugal, Nannar‘s house way above Ur)

in Urim (Ur) to the house of Suen, to the E-kiš-nu-ĝal of Nanna,

to the Agrun-kug, the beloved house of the lady,

3h-shulgi-honored-as-high-priest-of-uncle-nannar (top: Shulgi, Inanna, & Nannar;   bottom: Nannar, Shulgi, & Ninsun)

to the E-ḫursaĝ, the house of the king, to the E-namtila of Prince Šulgi.

2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c (missing king, & giant god Utu, Nannar‘s son, symbolized as the Sun God)

In the …… place of Suen, may you be Utu.

21-32. The abzu has flourished, the abzu is beautiful.

The abzu shall establish the lord as its lord.

3ea-ur-city-state-of-nannar  (mud brick-built Ur with mud brick-built ziggurat / residence of Nanna / Nannar)

Lord Nanna, Lord Ašimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), to the lord of the courtyard,

noble Alamuš (unidentified?), may ……!

May ……!

May …… Inana of heaven …… in beauty!

2ee - Ishtar Temple in Mari   (Inanna, Ningal & Nannar‘s spoiled powerful daughter)

May the mistress …… in beauty in the shrine!

May …… as desired!

May ……!

May you ……!

2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (Ninsun, mother to giant alien Anunnaki gods & many semi-divine mixed-breed son-kings)

…… of Ninsumun (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta & Bau) ……!

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-2. I shall address you ……!

In the …… place of Suen, may you be Utu.

Shir-namshub to Nanna (Nanna K): Shir-namgala to Nanna (L) translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue…..mixed-breed demigods in teal)



1-3 As remote as heaven, …… as the earth!

2f - Nannar, moon god of Ur (Nannar / Sin, Moon Crescent patron god of Ur, city of Biblical Abraham)

         Lord Nanna (Nannar / Sin), as remote as heaven, …… as the earth!

Lord Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), as remote as heaven, …… as the earth!


4-16 A cowherd with his numerous cows, Suen (Sin / Nannar) …… the men in (?) the pens.

2e - El & 2 lionshousing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man (Nannar protects his cow pens in Ur)

A …… with his numerous calves, Suen…… the men in (?) the pens.


1 line fragmentary


4d - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu (Ningal & Ninsun‘s semi-divine mixed-breed son, Ur-Nammu, king of Ur)

The spouse …….Ningal…….

He has butter, …….

Iterda milk …….

Cheese …… like milk.


3b-ningal-spouse-of-nannar-ningikugas-daughter (giant alien brown-eyed goddess Ningal, spouse to Nannar)

17-21 Mother Ningal addresses him:

“My …… man, my lover, …….!

My …… man, my Suen, ……!

My man who has ritually bathed, ……!

My ……!

unknown no. of lines missing



4b - Ningal head (Ningal, giant alien goddess of Ur, spouse to Nannar, mother to Utu & Inanna)

1-13 (Ningal speaks:)

“The lord of the just word …….

The lord of the E-kic-nu-jal (Nannar’s & Ningal’s ziggurat residence in Ur)…….

When he fills the rivers with the spring floods, ……, establishing fine grain in the fields, ……,

…… the marshes with various carp, ……, …… the reed-beds with dead and fresh reeds, ……,

…… the woods with fallow deer and wild sheep, ……, …… the high desert with macgurum bushes, ……,

…… the irrigated orchards with syrup and wine, ……, …… the garden plots with lettuce and cress, ……,

…… the palace with long life, ……, I will live there, ……, I will live there in the …… place.


3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur (E-kish-nu-gal, Nannar’s residence) 3ia-nannars-stairway-to-heaven

    (Nannar’s ziggurat / residence way above his patron city of Ur, & his “Stairway to Heaven“)

14-19 “…… in your brick-built Urim (Ur), in your …… of Nanna,

in your Dubla-mah, the place where judgments are given,

in your vestibule of wine and syrup, at your Just Quay, the quay of the barges,

in your house of heaven, in your beloved house, I will live!


20-26 Nanna, in the upper lands I will live on your mountain of fragrant cedars.

Lord Nanna, I will live in your city.

I will live where your cows are numerous, where your calves are numerous.


       (Nannar supplied beef & sheep from Ur, feeding the alien gods same diet as ours)

Nanna, I will live in your Urim.

Lord, the bed is already …… there.

Lord, ……, lord, king, son (grandson) of An (Anu), hero who …… the great earth!”


27 3rd kirugu.

28 A cir-namcub of Suen.


A Shir-namgala to Nanna (Nanna L): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue….mixed-breed demigods in teal)


1-6 Princely son, respected one in heaven spreading amply over the high mountains,

inspiring awe as he casts a glowing radiance, majestic ……, his head reaching the sky,

5 - Nannar and father, Enlil2bc-nanna-his-symbol (Nannar, symbolized by the Moon Crescent then & now)

fixing the new moon and the months, shining forth, Nanna (Nannar / Sin)!

Versed in numbers, may you look down graciously!

2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c 3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (Nannar & grandfather, the king of planet Nibiru, King An / Anu)

Acimbabbar (Nannar / Sin), great light of holy An (Anu),

         mighty one (?) spreading wide, you cover (?) the numerous people.


           7 Its jicgijal.


8-16 …… light, prince lifting his head with (?) the crown, not changing ……,  (Ur King, semi-divine giant Ur-Nammu stands before damaged horn-crowned Nannar, Moon Crescent symbol of Nannar, 12-Pointed Star symbol of planet Nibiru; seated horn-crowned Ningal & spouse Nannar with King Ur-Nammu & his mother-goddess horn-crowned Ninsun; horn-crowned Ninurta leads King Ur-Nammu to Enlil’s ziggurat for repairs, earthling workers follows behind)

making the Land firm forever, august …… who …… in abundance, …… kingship ……,

…… with shining horns, in the sky ……, …… the month …… Sumer, on earth ……,

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s ziggurat / temple / residence towering way above patron city Nippur)

…… of (?) the E-kur (Enlil‘s Earth Colony Command Central), radiance …….

1b-inanna-enlil-anus-heir-earths-commander  (Inanna & Enlil, symbols of the alien gods in the skies)

(Inanna’s 8-Pointed Star of Venus above her head, etc., Nannar’s Moon Crescent, Enlil‘s 7-Planet Symbol of Earth, & sky-disc of Nibiru)

…… on the other side, holy glow which he alone ……, true light, filling the wide sky,

Acimbabbar …… greatly.

17 Its jicgijal.

18-30 Nanna, dragon of heaven and earth, standing ……,

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar atop his Ur ziggurat / residence, & his Moon Crescent symbol)

fixing the months and the new moon, sets the year in its place.

Suen (Nannar / Sin), lord, in heaven you alone are majestic.

Lord, light of heaven, you are positioned forever.

To prolong years of abundance, causing the early flood and unceasing abundance,

to make firm the quays, to regulate the nipples of heaven, to establish celebration,

…… to bring speckled grain, to ……, ……, to make firm the lofty dais of E-kic-nujal,

5a-nannar-a-very-early-king  (giant god Nannar & his giant semi-divine mixed-breed high-priest or king)

Nanna, to make firm the seat of kingship of the Land,

3 lines fragmentary


31-40 …… with (?) a remote heart ……, …… Urim (Ur), the city you have chosen,

3e - Anu's Temple in Uruk3ac-nippur-ground-level 3ca-nannars-house-city-of-ur

                    (house of Anu in Uruk, house of Enlil in Nippur, & house of Nannar in Ur)

in the …… of An (Anu) and Enlil ……, his lofty ……, may he (?) look favorably upon you.

…… when you reside in the place where you find rest, …… in the Agrun-kug a just destiny is determined.

The Great Mountain Enlil has set his mind on lord Acimbabbar.

…… in his Hursaj-galama, …… as he bears radiance and inspires terrifying awe,

  (Nannar in his shrine)

in the …… of the shrine Urim he determines favorable destinies.


41-46 …… widespread people …… may he until distant times make the power majestic.

…… speckled grain ……, …… abundance ……; may he raise raise his head …… like …….

May …… the restored place.

May he bestow …… unapproachable …….

7h - Nannar, god of Ur, very early civilization (Aya, spouse Utu, & his father Nannar)

47…… kirugu.

48-51 Majestic ……, born of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), ..…., lord Acimbabbar, holy son (grandson) of An,

…… luxuriance, majestic …… whose just word cannot be changed,

         ……, Nanna, may you exert great power (alien technologies)!


           52 Its uru.

           2g-nannar-symbol-seal (Nannar in his shrine / holy of holies in Ur) 

      53 A cir-namgala to Nanna.

An Ululumama to Nanna (Nanna J)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue….mixed-breed demigods in teal)

1-4. Lord, glory of heaven, suited to ……, Nanna (Nannar / Sin),

whose appearance in the high heavens is adorned with radiance!

2l - Nannar's Moon's Crescent Symbol1e-inanna-enlil-goddess

(Nannar‘s Moon Crescent symbol of then & now, his daughter Inanna‘s 8-Pointed Star symbol of Venus, 8th star when entering into our solar system)

King, glittering light, crown of Urim (Ur), Nanna, glittering light, crown of Urim!

          4-ninlil-enlils-spouse (Anu, Enlil, & Ninlil) 

5-18. Great lion of holy An, first-born of Enlil (& Ninlil), seed of a bison, beloved of the gods,

great strength inspiring awe in the Land, with the just crown and the shining scepter,

sparkling over the high mountains, …… of Enlil filled with princely divine powers (alien technologies),

          2c-nippur 2e-enlils-home-in-nippur  (Enlil‘s Command Central in Nippur)

…… in the center of Nibru (Nippur), highly skilled at examining ……,

7 lines fragmentary

19-27. Butting …… aggressively, ……, never tiring, …… in heaven and on earth;


       (alien Anunnaki gods Ningal & Nannar give commands to mixed-breed king of Ur, Ur-Nammu)

giving princely commands to ……, …… like a bull, ……, looking down upon his rivers grand and small!

Lion uttering hostile words to the enemy, supplying evening light to dark places!

2f - Nannar, moon god of Ur (Nanna / Nannar / Suen / Sin / El, Moon Crescent God of Ur)

Youthful Suen, glorious moonlight, the people gaze at you in wonder.

28-32. The ewe with its lambs expresses deep affection.

The goat with its kids honors you.

The young man is able to make love with his wife.

3a-ningal-head 3b-ningal-spouse-of-nannar-ningikugas-daughter (brown-eyed goddess Ningal, Nannar‘s spouse)

Suen relaxes with beautiful Ningal.

Praise be to youthful Suen (Nannar / Sin), to Father Nanna!

33. An ululumama of Nanna.

Balbales to Nanna (Nanna B, C, D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

            4b - Ningal head 3b-ningal-spouse-of-nannar-ningikugas-daughter (Ningal, Nannar‘s spouse, Queen Goddess of Ur)

1-26 (Ningal speaks:)

“I …… for the …….

approx. 19 lines missing

The embrace of my spouse …….

The young man …….


          (alien god Nannar protects his cow pens in Ur;                   Nannar’s cow pens)

Among his cows …….

My beloved who …….

I shall go ……!

There with the lord …….”

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)3aa - Nanna & his symbol  (Nannar / Sin, Enlil‘s son, Moon Crescent god of Ur)

27-31 Nanna addresses Ningal:

My spouse, ……, Ningal who ……, …… butter from the holy cows.

Pure hands and …… feet …….

My lovely …….

32-37 “……, the reed-beds, the playground …….

I shall …… sharp knives to the …… and pointed reeds.

I shall …… to the beautiful young reeds.

Mistress, …… the treasures (?) of the ubi birds.

I will gather their eggs for you, and I shall …… the nest.

High priestess of Nanna, …… the ubi birds.

38-43 “After I have …... butter into the container, after I have …… for cakes in the morning (?),

after I have …… carp in the great marsh, young lady, after I have …… little kuda birds,

then I will …… your own mother Ningikuga (Nannar‘s mother-in-law).

Ningal, I shall go with you to your house.

44-49 “After I have led the cows into the stall ……, after I have …… holy milk into the holy churn for you,

after Cuni-du (unidentified?) has done the churning, young lady, after I have given my …… young calves milk ……,

then I will …… pats of butter and purified milk for you.

Ningal, I shall go with you to your house.”

50-59 Ningal addresses (her spouse) Nanna (Nannar):

“……, my beloved, if only I could come to you without my mother to ……!

  (Nisaba / Ningikuga, once mistress to Enki, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, & Nannar‘s mother-in-law)

If only I could come to you without Ningikuga (?) ……!

approx. 1 line missing

Lord Nanna, bring it to me!

In the dwelling of the shepherd, in the house of gleaned barley, my lord, I shall come to you in the storehouse!

……, wonder of the Land, I shall come to you!

My Nanna, your chant is sweet; it is the chant of my heart.”

60 A balbale of Nanna.

      A balbale to Nanna (Nanna C)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

Segment A

1-10. O eastern (?) house of Sumer, I will declare your greatness!

O E-kiš-nu-ĝal (Nannar’s ziggurat residence), whose purification rites are brilliant,

O house (mud brick-built ziggurat home) of Nanna (Nannar / Sin)!  

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

   (Nannar‘s mud brick-built ziggurat / temple / residence in his patron city of Ur, unearthed way below his man-made mountain)

O shrine Urim (Ur), I shall glorify your name.

Emerging from the holy heart of the pure hills,

Urim, wisdom of An (Anu) and Uraš (Antu), appropriate for E-temen-ni-guru!


               (An / Anu in his sky-disc, father in Heaven / Nibiru to sons ruling the Earth;   Anu, King of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony)

With An (Anu) you bestow kingship; your majesty …… the foreign lands.

I shall glorify your name far and wide!

11-22. He keeps in order the lordly purification rites …….

He has taken his seat …… in Urim.

Your name is sweet!

The Prince …….

Your holy word is pleasing to An.

2m - Enheduanna, Sargon's daughter, 1st author (Enheduana, Inanna & King Sargon‘s daughter, Nannar‘s high-priestess)

May my En-ḫedu-ana excel even An.

…… the purification rites of the ĝipar.

…… the lordly divine powers (alien technologies).

…… the excellent ĝipar.

Ašimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) …….

probably 1 line missing

2 lines fragmentary

23-42. …… holy songs …….

The Prince ……. …… wisdom ……. …… the great divine powers (alien technologies).

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru 1ae - Enlil, Babylonian3a-ningal-head (Anu, Enlil, Ningal)

An and Enlil ……. Ningal ……

May he excel ……. Aš-im-babbar (Nannar / Sin) …….

2bc-nanna-his-symbol3a - Nannar & moon crescent symbol  (Nanna / Nannar / Acimbabba, Enlil‘s son, Moon Crescent God)

Like the sweet moonlight ……. …… the ĝipar, my delight, ……. An and Enlil …….


       (Ningal, giant mixed-breed King Ur-Nammu, his mother Ninsun damaged, Ur-Nammu again, & Nannar)

Mother Ningal …… charm …….

The high priestess of the moon god ……. En-ḫedu-ana …….

My king ……. …… the great divine powers ……. …… holy songs, light ……

1 line fragmentary

2q - Enheduanna with high-hat (High-Priestess of Moon God Nannar)

En-ḫedu-ana (the giant with hat in above artifact)……

1 line fragmentary

probably 1 line missing

Segment B

1-10. …… who is familiar with your purification rites, ……,

may he do ……. …… shall build for you in the pure abode (?) ……. …… shall not enter …….

He shall grind your barley for you in the pure cloister.

Your milled grain is not laid in his hall.

Water shall not touch what you have ground, and your malt shall not be turned over.

3da-nannars-terahs-abrahams-home-in-ur  (Nannar‘s residence in his patron city of Ur)

O palace of Suen, what do men know of you?

1 line unclear

(earthlings bring food for Nannar’s house)

11-17. To bring offerings in baskets, to cause rejoicing, to make the house comfortable,

to establish the house, to put in order the place of the holy purification rites —

may Ningal, my En-ḫedu-ana, restore your …….

…… Nanna, I shall praise you.

2n - EnheduAnna, rolled cap in the middle (Enheduana second in line, Nannar‘s high-priestess & consort)

…… Suen (Nannar / Sin), I shall glorify your name.

18. Its ĝišgiĝal.

19. A balbale of Nanna.


A balbale to Nanna (Nanna D)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-7. They are as numerous, as numerous as the grasses which break through the earth.

2 - Nannar, father of Inanna. Utu, & Ereshkigal (Royal Prince Nanna / Nannar, son to Earth Colony Commander Enlil; semi-divine king, Ninurta upon his flying storm beast, Nannar, & father Enlil)

Nanna, in the …… they are as numerous as the grasses which break through the earth.

Their …… are translucent lapis lazuli.

Their …… are the color of the rising moon.

The cows with their calves are numerous and are precious šuba stone.

…… built and …… together.

In their …… he chooses …….

8-12. He who loves the cows herds them into the pen.

…… who loves the cows rounds up the cows.

shipping-giant-earthlings-with-cargo  (earthlings & alien giant god on ship with cargo & bull)

He has …… his great cows for her, and their butter …….

Seven {(1 ms. adds:) small} churns resound with …… and sweet butter for her.

…… their butter is holy butter, their milk is holy milk.

13-18. …… {from the holy pen} {(1 ms. has instead:) in my holy pen}, the woman does not drink.

…… in the holy ……, the woman does not eat.

When he sits …… in the pen, he fills the pen with praise.

2i-cattle-pens-of-nannar-in-ur  (Nannar protects his herds of cattle & sheep in Ur)

When he sits …… in the pen, he is an ornament of the pen.

…… the temple, the cattle-pen is a glory — Nanna is the master.

The …… is Suen’s – Nanna (Nannar / Sin) is the master.

7a - Lama, Inanna & spouse King Shulgi before father Nannar

(Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king Shulgi, his spouse-goddess Inanna, & Inanna‘s father Nannar, Moon Crescent god of then & now)

19-24. …… truly cares for ……, the king of Urim (Ur).

In its …… fish and birds are abundant.

In its …… fish and birds are abundant.

The fish …… and the birds skim (?).

The fish …… and the birds skim (?).

He has planted ……, and the carp grow fat.

25-40. He has planted …… so that the calves may feed for me.

He has planted …… so that the cows may feed for me.

…… eats. …… drinks.

12 lines fragmentary or missing

2f-nannar-moon-god-of-ur (Nannar / Sin)

41. A balbale of Nanna.

A Song of Praise to Nanna as the Shepherd of the Land (A Balbale to Suen)

Source: Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G.,

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998-.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-14 How many there are! How many cows there are!

2e - El & 2 lionshousing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man  (Nannar‘s herds of cows in Ur)

How many cattle of Suen (Nannar / Sin) there are!

The dark ones are translucent lapis lazuli; the pale cows are the light of the risen moon.

animals-gods-beasts (Nannar‘s animals in Ur)

The little ones trickle down like barleycorns for you; the large ones throng together like wild bulls for you.

The Glory of Heaven (Suen) has undone the halters of the numerous cows in his teeming herd.

He has poured out milk from the beautiful cows at the offering table; his bright hands ever pour the milk.

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Moon god Nannar atop his ziggurat residence in Ur)

After my king has completed the work, Suen …… the shining halter ……

the cows, he …… the cows, he …… the cows.

He acts as the herder of the cows.

4e-enlil-parent-in-laws-haia-nisaba-spouse-ninlil  (when the gods did the work)

           (Enlil, his father-in-law Haia, mother-in-law Nisaba, spouse Ninlil, & unidentified with dinner)

15-20 His own mother (Ninlil), the lady of Nibru (Nippur), speaks a prayer to the lord in his desert:

“A prayer, o shepherd! A prayer!

May the cows be numerous for you in the good desert.

When you arrive at nightfall, may you renew the E-kur, the highly prized sanctuary.”

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur2e-enlils-home-in-nippur

     (E-kur / Enlil‘s temple / residence, Earth Colony Command Central for all alien Anunnaki on Earth)

21-24 He is its lover, he is its lover, he is the lord, the E-kur’s lover!

He is the man of delight to Enlil, he is Suen, the cry of joy of his own mother.

25-36 The mother who bore him speaks kindly from her loving heart to Suen:

“You are the beloved of the heart who calms the heart,

2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c  (Nannar / Suen / Sin, Enlil‘s & Ninlil‘s son born on Earth Colony, patron god of Ur)

Suen, shining calf who grew fat on the holy lap; you can wish in your heart for anything!

You can desire everything precious to the heart!

2b-ur-dynastyImprint of a cylindrical seal showing a ziggurat and a priest or god. From Babylon. (giant constructing a ziggurat / step pyramid)

……, splendor of the E-kur (Enlil‘s house in Nippur), make your wish on Enlil‘s lap.

May you create glory in heaven!

May the E-kur sing a song of joy about you, may the people call upon your life,

2c-nannar-his-symbol  1a-inanna-her-8-pointed-star-symbol

(Nannar seated on his throne in Ur, & his symbol the Moon Crescent; his daughter Inanna, & her symbol of the 8-Pointed Star, Venus)

Suen, may you be supreme in heaven and earth!”

37-40 He has poured out milk from the …… cows at the offering table,

Suen has ordained the purification rites: “Everything that I do is brilliant!

 (Enlil, Nannar‘s father, Royal Prince & heir to Nibiru‘s throne, the Earth Colony Commander)

My father Enlil has fed me well.”

1e-ancient-lands-of-the-gods  (Enlil is his sky-disc traversing the skies over Sumer)

41-49 His mother speaks kindly in joy to the king, the holy barge which travels across the sky:

“My wild bull whom An (Anu) has well called, your name is respected in all lands.

Lord of the holy herd who consecrates the purification rites,

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse (Ninlil, Enlil‘s spouse equal in power to the Earth Colony Commander)

          seed engendered in a holy shrine, shining halter, heroic child born by Ninlil!

            7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil  

             (semi-divine high-priest of Ur atop Nannar‘s temple / residence, Nannar, Martu with alien weaponry atop earthling, & Ninurta)

Nanna (Nannar / Sin), seed engendered in the fields, beloved of holy An (Anu)!

An has conferred on you the shepherding of the Land!

50-60 Enlil has named you with a good renown — you are the son of Enlil whose speech is just.

In his elevated heart An has bestowed kingship on you.

3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur (stairway to heaven / Nannar, god of Ur)

He has chosen your city Urim (Ur) in his heart.

For you he has brought fish and birds to the princely river.

First-born of Enlil, who …… the rank of lord, he has bestowed on you the kingship of heaven.

You are a god dressed in beauty in the heavens.

2f-nannar-moon-god-of-ur (Nanna Suen, the god of the Moon Crescent)

Your moonlight is holy and bright, and as like Utu you are a shepherd of the Land,

Nanna, it shines forth for the king like the daylight. “

61 A balbale to Suen.

Hymns to Nanna (Nanna E, G, M, N, Etc.)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

      1-4. Princely son, you are radiant as you come forth from the sacred bathing chamber (?), …….

         …… the mountain of pure divine powers (alien technologies), the abzu shrine, …….

         …… the majestic foundation platform, …….

         Bringing terrifying radiance from the marshes, you …… a fearsome …….

     5-12. Lifting your head in your goodness, greatness and majesty,

         majestically you extend your arm in order to determine destinies:

           (Anunnaki King Anu, father in Heaven to “sons of god” ruling on Earth Colony)

       great (grandfather) An has liberally bestowed on you your kingship over heaven and earth,

          (Enlil, son & heir to King Anu, Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander)

       and Enlil has perfected for you your great and noble filial status and lordship.

       Enlil has made majestic divinity manifest for you.

         Determining a destiny for your flowing waters, the majestic lower (?) waters,
 (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, 1st to arrive on Earth with his crew of 50)

       Enki from within the sacred bathing chamber (?) has placed the good earth, the good mother, at your feet.

       Enlil has sired you in majesty and lordship.

         SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)3a - Nannar & moon crescent symbol 

            (Nannar, Enlil‘s son, Moon Crescent God, SEE NANNAR‘S SYMBOLS AT BOTTOM OF HIS PAGE!)

      13-19. O Nanna (Nannar / Sin), your crescent moon is called “the crescent moon of the seventh day (?)” (Monday – Moon Day).

       Enlil has made known throughout heaven and earth your name, which is a sacred name.

         Princely son (of Enlil), he has made your greatness manifest throughout heaven and earth.

        1f-gods-in-procession (alien royal descendants of King Anu on Earth)

      The majestic assembly has bestowed on you his status as Enlil.

         And from the place of the sanctuary Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city),

         3b - Enki image2e-eridu-temple-reconstruction  (Enki & his ziggurat / residence in Eridu, on the Euphrates)

       Enki has determined for you your lordship and majesty.

         King of heaven and earth who adorns heaven and earth (?), from the majestic abzu,

      the place of the sanctuary Eridug, he has declared your great lordship and your greatness.

       2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)

               (Nanna / Nannar, Enlil‘s son, patron god of Ur, the home of Biblical Abraham, who’s father Terah was Nannar‘s High-Priest)

      20-26. O Nanna, he has chosen as your inheritance that you should surpass the Anuna gods.

         He has seated you in a sacred dwelling

         amid their pure divine powers (alien technologies) which gladden the heart.

           2 - Nannar, father of Inanna. Utu, & Ereshkigal  (Nannar)     4 - drinking bouts of the gods

         He has grandly called the great gods to the food offerings.

         He has seated them for the ritual which fills the heart with majestic pleasure.

         He has presented to (?) the gods their offerings which gladden the heart.

         He has seated you in a majestic place, a sacred place.

       O Nanna, he has seated you in a sacred place, a sacred dwelling.

       27-30. Enki purifies the dwelling for you, he makes the dwelling shine for you.

         He consecrates the heavens for you, he makes the earth shine for you.

       3a - Nannar's Temple, Ziggourat, Home in Ur (Nannar‘s residence way above Ur)

         He makes the E-kiš-nu-ĝal, the house of the cedar forests, tower straight upward for you.

         He makes your majestic residence into a sacred place for you, the foundation of heaven and earth.

      31-40. He puts your ritual plans and majestic lustration rituals in order for you.

          …… he makes the offering table resplendent for you in the sacred place.

           XIR188782 Votive plaque depicting an offering scene, from Diyala, Early Dynastic Period, 2600-2500 BC (stone) by Mesopotamian stone Iraq Museum, Baghdad Giraudon out of copyright  (meals for the giant alien gods provided by their worker-earthlings)

         …… he puts in order for you …… evening meals, your evening meals and morning meals.

         He consecrates the lustration rituals and makes them shine for you.

         After ……, he has made the …… beautiful.

         He has called …….

       Enki sets up for you the lustration rituals created in his abzu;

       Kusu (Gibil‘s spouse, Enlil‘s daughter) establishes the lustration rituals created in their specific house —

         the oven for oxen, sheep and bread beside the interior of the bathing chamber (?),

         those sacred lustration rituals beside the shrine!

      41-48. Kusu purifies the oil for the house.

         It is placed in readiness and the limbs are …….

         To ensure the sacred lustration rituals are not neglected,

         from the majestic marshes, the vast, sacred bathing chamber (?), this destiny emerges:

         3ab-abrahams-father-was-high-priest-of-this-temple  (Nannar‘s house with advanced city of Ur way below)

         the E-kiš-nu-ĝal (Nannar‘s house in Ur), with its majestic, sacred dais,

         perfects the great, majestic divine powers of heaven and earth (alien tech).

         You bathe on the majestic banks by (?) the sacred bathing chamber (?);

      you put mountain oil on your sacred body;

       O Nanna, you are placed upon your majestic dais —

        4c - Ningal, King Ur-Nammu & Nannar - Sin,

                  (Ningal,                               (mixed-breed king of Ur Ur-Nammu, again,                                  Nannar, alien gods with animal horn crowns)

         wrapped in majestic linen, with raised head, shining horns and the diadem of lordship!

      49-55. With the majestic oil of the sacred body, the oil of lordship, oil from your great treasury,

        2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna 2b-utu  (Utu, Nannar‘s son, symbolized by the Sun)

       Lord Ningublaga (Utu) consecrates the hands on his lapis-lazuli quay, the majestic quay, the sacred quay.

       But from Eridug (Eridu) the stag of the abzu (Enki) purifies the oil for those hands.

       feasting-priest-caters-to-god-at-the-temple  (Enlil & Enki in the banquet hall, served by their worker-earthlings)

         So that you should place sacred hands upon your offering table in the banqueting hall, the great place,

       your steward Kusu — she who purifies hands and cleanses hands — consecrates the hands.

     But from Eridug the stag of the abzu purifies the oil for those hands.

        4b - Ningal head  (Ningal, spouse to Nannar, brown-eyed beauty, Queen Goddess of Ur)

      56-60. Ningal is the majestic lady of the abzu shrine, of the majestic dais of Urim (Ur)

      determining good and great destinies, and of the E-kiš-nu-ĝal, the sacred and good dwelling.

       O, the sacred dwelling is the place of your ladyship for Nanna its king (patron god)!

         The E-kiš-nu-ĝal, the Agrun-kug, is your house of royalty!

       Nanna and Ningal bring joyfulness to the dwelling.

         2c - Nannar & his symbol 3b-ningal-spouse-of-nannar-ningikugas-daughter (Nannar the Moon Crescent God of Ur, & spouse Ningal)

      61-65. O Suen (Nannar / Sin), sage, majestic lord throughout heaven and earth, your crown is a majestic crown!

       O Ašimbabbar (Nannar) who puts a terrifying radiance in heaven and earth!

         May his hands be consecrated for him.

         May they be consecrated like heaven for him, may they be made to shine like the earth for him.

         May they be as resplendent as the center of heaven for him.

         May he lift his head with its crown (?) of heaven and earth, the sacred crown.

      66-68. Suen (Nannar), the sage lord, majestic throughout heaven and earth, who perfects the pure dais,

      Ašimbabbar who wears (?) the diadem and just crown with majestic, shining horns, lifts his head.

      69. Sacred oil, pure oil, cleansing oil!

(This line is written on the left edge of the tablet and may represent an accidentally omitted line, or else the catchline to another composition, possibly an incantation.)

A Hymn to Nanna (Nanna G)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing

1-4. Nanna (Nannar / Sin), ……, lord, son of Enlil, ……, Nanna, lord, ……, lord, son of Enlil, ……!

3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar, giant alien god of Ur, symbolized by the Moon Crescent then, & still is today!)

5-8. Lord, sweet wonder ……!

The woman perfect in beauty …….

Nanna, lord, sweet wonder ……!

The woman perfect in beauty …….

2aa - temple of Hathor - Ninhursag (Ninhursag artifacts)

9-12. Ninḫursaĝa (Ninhursag) ……, the great mother Ninḫursaĝa …….

Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755  (young Ninhursag, Medical DNA Scientist, creatress of “modern man”, their replacement workers)

Nanna, ……, the great mother Ninḫursaĝa …….

13-16. 1 line fragmentary

you ……. Nanna, ……, you …….

17. 1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

  1.   1 line fragmentary

2-5. …… you have shown your attractiveness to me.

May your beauty cover my body like a …… garment.

Nanna, …… you have shown your attractiveness to me.

May your beauty cover my body like a …… garment.

5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki (Apkulla / pilot, Enki, King Anu in his sky-disc, Enlil, & winged eagle-headed Apkulla / minor god & pilot)

6-9. Lord whose pure hands befit the milk churn, what you accomplish is pleasing to An (Anu) and Enlil.

Nanna, lord whose pure hands befit the milk churn, what you accomplish is pleasing to An and Enlil.

3ca-nannars-house-city-of-ur  (Nannar‘s mud brick-built residence in Ur, & stairway to Heaven)

10-17. May you build enduringly the eternal (?) house.

May you build enduringly Nanna‘s eternal (?) house, the …… quarters (?) and the courtyard of Nanna

the temple whose shadow extends out into the midst of the sea,

the E-kiš-nu-ĝal, the sweet wonder, the temple of Nanna built on empty land (prior earthlings)!

3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple (Nannar‘s city & stairway to Heaven)

……, Suen (Nannar / Sin)…… among the gods.

…… Enlil(?).

……, Nanna, lord, great son (grandson) of An, beloved …… (son) of Enlil and Ninlil,

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Enlil & spouse of equal divine powers Ninlil, carved into ancient city wall)

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-12. 12 lines missing or fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

A Hymn to Nanna (Nanna M)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c  (alien giant Royal Prince Nannar / Suen)

1-6. Princely lord ……, great lord of heaven ……!

In the city which like the sea inspires awe!

3ab-abrahams-father-was-high-priest-of-this-temple  (Nannar‘s throne over his patron city of Ur)

Far-seeing Suen, ruler of Urim (Ur)!

O Suen, princely lord ……, great lord of heaven ……!

In the city which like the sea inspires awe!

Far-seeing Suen, ruler of Urim!

3bc - Ur, Nnnar's ziggurat-home (ruins of the ancient house of Nannar)

7-14. Born in the mountains and coming forth in joy,

he is a powerful force, a lion, a dragon, a mighty lord — Suen, mouth like a dragon’s, ruler of Urim!

Nanna, born in the mountains and coming forth in joy,

he is a powerful force, a lion, a dragon, a mighty lord — Suen, mouth like a dragon’s, ruler of Urim!

15-20. In the ĝipar (?) …… perfect reputation.

3k-ur-city-house-of-nannar  2b-ur-dynasty (Biblical Abraham’s Ur)

My king, having …… and sat upon the dais, in his great banqueting hall he arranges the table of An.

Nanna, in the ĝipar (?) …… perfect reputation.

My king, having …… and sat upon the dais, in his great banqueting hall he arranges the table of An.

21-26. …… has gathered the divine powers (alien technologies) in joy.

……, the black-headed (modern earthlings) have lifted their eyes to you,

2e - El & 2 lions (Nannar protects his multitudes of cattle gathered in the many pens of Ur)

{the first-born son of Enlil} {(the other ms. has instead:) Suen}.

…… has gathered the divine powers (alien technologies) in joy.

……, the black-headed have lifted their eyes to you,

the first-born son of Enlil (with spouse Ninlil, Ninurta was 1st, born of Enlil & his 1/2 sister Ninhursag).

A Hymn to Nanna (Nanna N)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-9. …… that fills the holy heavens, an adept (?) exuding radiance (?), Nanna, your crown is holy!

Unique lord, …… lord who …… the heavens, shining in the high heavens, ……,

spreading advice throughout heaven and earth, ……, you are the god who ……, …… the place of creation.

1 line fragmentary

10-17. …… as you come forth, …… you rise in radiance (God of the Moon).

Your …… is holy and bright.

O, it has come forth for my king like the good sunlight!

2g - Nannar & symbol seal (Nannar within his temple / residence / holy of holies)

Nanna, …… as you come forth, …… you rise in radiance.

Your …… is holy and bright.

SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar atop his ziggurat, symbolized as the Moon Crescent God then & now)

O, it has come forth for my king like the good sunlight!

18-21. …… for (?) the ruler whom you (?) have chosen, you have made your holy …… manifest.

…… without ceasing, he has attained …….

22-27. The sweet-sounding tigi instruments are arranged in the majestic forecourt

5a-nannar-a-very-early-king  (giant mixed-breed high-priest brings food & drink to Nannar seated on his throne)

where your food-offerings are presented.

8b-lyre-from-royal-tomb-in-ur  (ancient lyre unearthed in Ur, many thousands of years old, 1st with music)

In the heavenly assembly (?), the tigi instruments resound for you.

Nanna, the sweet-sounding tigi instruments are arranged in the majestic forecourt

30-ur-ceremonial-plaque-from-3000-b-c  (artifact of Ur, organized labor established to feed the alien gods)

where your food-offerings are presented.

In the heavenly assembly (?), the tigi instruments resound for you.

28-33. May your city experience prosperity under you!

3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur (Nannar‘s house with his stairway to Heaven)

In Urim may you raise your head high, unique lord, …… lord, into the distant future!

Nanna, may your city experience prosperity under you!

In Urim may you raise your head high, unique lord, …… lord, into the distant future!

A Hymn to Nanna

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

         3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat house in Nippur)

1-13. Princely lord, foremost in the E-kur, …… fearsomeness!

Suen (Sin / Nannar), beneficent one of Enlil, …… the living!

Cornelian calf, adorned with beauty, …… brilliance!

…… prince whose forehead flourishes and whose countenance ……!

3 - Nannar espoused Ningal, Ningikuga's daughter (alien giant Moon Crescent patron god of Ur, Nannar / Suen)

Suen, warrior possessing great strength whose solidity ……,

……, radiance in (?) the pure heavens, …… fear over the broad earth, making

…… manifest among the gods, ……, …… greatly ……, …… in heaven and on earth ……,

4 lines fragmentary

14-20. (Suen speaks:) “

2 lines fragmentary

I am the …… of Enlil, …….

In fear (?) of my lordship and greatness …….

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, Nannar‘s father, King Anu‘s son & royal heir, Earth Colony Commander stationed in Nippur)

O my mother, speak to my father ……, speak to the Great Mountain Enlil …….

Like the god, my brother, …….”

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse (Ninlil)

21-29. His mother Ninlil spoke (?) to her spouse, she addressed her words to the Great Mountain Enlil:

“O my spouse, your son Suen …….

The beneficent son, the song of the heart, …….

You …… born of mother and father, …….

Prince, glory of the E-kur, fruitful one of the Ki-ur ……,

housing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man2bc-nanna-his-symbol  (cowherds of Nannar in Ur)

the cowherd …… cows, Suen……, the princely son …….”

A fragment of a Hymn to Nanna

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing

1-13. 2 lines fragmentary

…… puts in order the great cattle pens …… for him.

2i-cattle-pens-of-nannar-in-ur  (Nannar with his herds of cattle & sheep in Ur)

…… the breeding bulls of the teeming cows …… bellow loudly.

…… prepares butter, milk and eggs.

The …… of his celebration which has been multiplied for you,

Drinking scene. Bas-relief on a stele from Ugarit (Ras Shamra), Syriafarming-early-man-feeding-the-gods (Anunnaki giant god, mixed-breed king;  earthlings feeding the gods)

…… their prince, …… put in order the …… for Suen, the abundance of heaven and earth.

……, the king befitting the holy heavens, …… in the interior of heaven,

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-11. 4 lines fragmentary

The foremost ……, …… in heaven and on earth, …… moonlight. …… radiance.

3i - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu (Ningal & mixed-breed king Ur-Nammu standing before her getting his instructions)

The lord …… dignity ……. Ningal …….

The lord …… splendor.

unknown no. of lines missing

An excerpt from a Hymn to Nanna

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-5. God who …… among the gods, coming forth on high,

perfecting the divine powers (alien technologies) of heaven!

Outstanding crown, radiance, ……, prince, …… of heaven, justly cherished by An (Anu) and Uraš (Antu)!

Born in Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven and Earth” in Enlil‘s residence in Nippur)!

3c - Nannar's Temple, place of Abraham's childhood (ruins of Ur, city of many Biblical stories)

Light, radiance and crown of Urim (Ur)!

6-8. Now in addition he desired something good, something good.

The lord wearied Enlil to determine the fate of his city:

“My father, may you restore my city for me!”

9-11. No one should escape the grasp of Father Nanna, him of most just words!

Princely lord, princely lord, great princeliness among the gods!

In the temple that, like the heavens, inspires terror and fear, you are awesome.

3da - Nannar's, Terah's, & Abraham's home in Ur

(Nannar‘s house in Ur excavated, top is lost)

A fragment of a Hymn to Nanna

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

unknown no. of lines missing

1-2. 1 line fragmentary

…… the …… of Suen(?), father (?) …….

3-13. The boat sailed, the boat sailed, ……. …… to the lord (?), to the E-sila (?).

…… the E-mud-kura in Urim (Ur).

3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur (E-kish-nu-gal, Nannar‘s ziggurat residence in Ur)

…… the E-kiš-nu-ĝal.

…… the Kar-zida, …… the Kar-zagina, the place of ……. …… gazing at the ĝipar,

1 line fragmentary

…… the Kar-zagina, the place of ……. ……, going alone,

shipping-giant-earthlings-with-cargo  (ancient earthling workers, & giant alien god transporting goods down river)

…… the boat sailed, the boat sailed, the lord …….

An adab to Nanna (Nanna H)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Segment A

1-5. Righteous lord who determines destiny!

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse     (Ninlil & son Nannar / Suen / Sin)

Born to Ninlil, Suen (Nannar / Sin), beloved son of Ninlil,

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest   3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth

        (Nannar‘s mud-brick-built mountain-home in Ur                Enlil‘s mud-brick-built mountain-home / E-kur in Nippur)

Suen, having no rival in the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple), the house of Enlil:

your divine powers (alien technologies) are majestic divine powers granted by An (Anu)!

      (Anu / An in his sky-disc, King of all alien Anunnaki gods in Heaven / Nibiru, & on their new colony Earth; King Anu)


6-12. Your father (grandfather), holy An,

has bestowed upon you divine powers to which other gods cannot aspire.

Enlil (your father) has decreed them to you in destiny.

The lord of the holy lustration rites, An, has established them.

2c - Nannar & his symbol (Nannar, giant alien Anunnaki god of Ur, symbolized by the Moon Crescent, & still today)

……, sacred lion of the gods, justly honored, you are the light of heaven.

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing


Segment B

3a - Anu in flight  2a - Sumerian relief of solar system  2b - complete solar system with Nibiru, Pluto was discovered in 1930s

                    (An / Anu in his flying disc symbol of planet Nibiru, their home “planet that flies by” our solar system)

1-5. O house of …… in ……, city founded by An!

O house of …… in ……, city founded by An!

O house of Lugalbanda in ……, city founded by An!

2caa - Anu's house in Uruk  (mud-brick-built mountain-home of Anu with Uruk below)

O house of …… in ……, city founded by An!

O house of Inana (Inanna) in Zabalam, city founded by An!


6. Sa-ĝara.


3f - Ur's Ziggourat, now Re-built3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

7-9. O shrine Urim (Nannar‘s mud-brick-built mountain-home in Ur)!

3j - unknown, Utu, Ninurta, & Enki 2e - Eridu temple reconstruction

                                 (Utu                     Ninurta travel to uncle Enki’s mud-brick-built mountain-home / ziggurat in Eridu)

Within, through their intricate craftsmanship, the Enki and Ninki deities

have perfected the divine powers (alien technologies) with their righteousness,

6b - Enki & his sons in the Abzu (Enki with sons standing before him in the abzu of Eridu)

and the Anuna gods stand there in service.


10. Its ĝišgiĝal to the sa-ĝara.


3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple
   (Nannar‘s home in Ur far above the city, & also the temple of Abraham‘s farher Terah)

11-13. O Urim, shrine of the mountains!

O shrine Urim, shrine of the mountains!

O Urim, city founded by An!


14. Its uru.


2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1

             (Nanna / Nannar, Enlil & Ninlil‘s son; Ur-Nammu stands before damaged Moon Crescent God Nannar)

15. An adab of Nanna.

(lines 14 and 15 are written as one line in source)

A Tigi to Suen (Nanna I): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-9. My king …… in his reed marshes.

He …… in the silent (?) reed marshes.

He extended his house over a huge reed marsh, over a …… reed marsh.

Its …… is green (?); he has built …… by the water.

3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur (Nannar‘s residence in Ur, stairway to heaven, city way below)

He called his city the shrine Urim (Ur).

In his city, the lord of the long days, Suen (Nannar / Sin), founded a dwelling-place.

In Urim, the city chosen in his heart, bull-like the house gives praise.

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest (all mud brick-built structures)

10-15. My king’s splendid place is indeed an august place, a most precious place.

2bc-nanna-his-symbol  (Nannar, Enlil‘s son, Moon Crescent God of Ur, royal family giant alien on Earth, & his long beards of the gods)

Suen …… his beloved city, the shrine Urim, the pure divine powers (alien tech) …… his city.

My king …… the holy dais.

Lord Ašimbabbar (Nannar / Sin) …….

16. Sa-gida.

2e - El & 2 lions (Nannar protects the food of gods, same diet as earthlings)

17-21. “O Nanna, Nanna (Nannar), where have you tended your cows,

Lord Ašimbabbar?” “In the chosen city, the shrine of my heart which I have founded in joy like Aratta …….

housing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man  (Nannar‘s cows & granaries from thousands & thousands of years ago)

In my shrine Urim I have tended my cows.”

        First-born son of Enlil (by official spouse Ninlil, Ninurta is Enlil‘s 1st son by his 1/2 sister Ninhursag),

where have you tended the people, Lord Ašimbabbar?”

22-40. “In the chosen city, the shrine of my heart which I have founded in joy, like Aratta ……;

in my E-mud-kura I have tended my cows.”

               SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)  (Nannar atop his ziggurat / residence in Ur, & his Moon Crescent symbol)

“First-born son of Enlil, where have you tended the people, Lord Ašimbabbar?”

“In a place founded on a good day and given a good name,

in the place chosen in my heart, my E-mud-kura, I, Ašimbabbar, have tended my cows.”

2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c   (Nannar & father Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander)

“First-born son of Enlil, where have you tended the people,

Lord Ašimbabbar?” “In a place founded on a good day and given a good name,

in the place chosen in my heart, my E-mud-kura, I, Ašimbabbar, have tended my cows.”

“King of the holy cattle-pen, where have you tended your cows, youthful, noble shepherd?”

“In the meadow where I have built a dais for my shrine Urim and have let date palms

2a - Dilmun & Magan  (virgin pristine lands of Dilmun, lands given to Ninsikila by her father Enki)

grow as in the land of Dilmun — there in its holy reedbeds I have tended my cows.”

“First-born son of Enlil, where have you tended the people, youthful, noble shepherd?”

“In the meadow where I have built a dais for my shrine Urim and have let date palms grow

as in the land of Dilmun — there in its holy reedbeds I have tended my cows.”

A-H. (instead of lines 22-40, 1 ms. has:) “…… where have you tended your cows, youthful, noble shepherd?”

“…… for my shrine Urim …… as in the land of Dilmun —

 (ancient artifact of Nannar, patron god of Ur)

there in the house’s cattle-pen I have tended my cows.”

“King of the holy cattle-pen (?), where have you tended your cows, youthful, noble shepherd, Lord Ašimbabbar?

“In a place founded on a good day and given a good name, in the place chosen in my heart, E-kiš-nu-ĝal,

               (E-kish-nu-gal, Nannar’s ziggurat residence in Ur)

the …… house (residence of Nannar), I, Ašimbabbar, have tended my cows (?).”}

41. Sa-ĝara.

2c - Nannar & his symbol  (Nannar / Nanna / Suen / Sin, Biblical El, Moon Crescent God of then & now)

42. A tigi of Suen.

The Herds of Nanna (Nanna F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-8 The lord has burnished (?) the heavens; he has embellished the night (1 ms. has instead: the earth).

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. 2bc-nanna-his-symbol (Nannar, God of the Moon Crescent, SEE NANNAR‘S SYMBOLS AT PAGE BOTTOM)

Nanna (Nannar / Sin) has burnished the heavens; he has embellished the night (1 ms. has instead: the earth).

When he comes forth from the turbulent mountains,

2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna 2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c  (Utu, giant alien God of the Sun symbol)

he stands as Utu / Shamash (Nannar‘s son, Sun God,) stands at noon.

When Acimbabbar (Nannar, Moon Crescent God) comes forth from the turbulent mountains,

he stands as Utu stands at noon.

9-13 His father, whose word is true, speaks with him day and night.

 (Enlil, Anunnaki alien King Anu‘s son & heir, tasked with being Earth Colony Commander)

Enlil, whose word is true, speaks with him day and night, and in decision determines the fates with him.

14-17 His lofty jipar number four.

There are four platforms (1 ms. has instead: cattle pens) which he has established for him.

housing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man  (cattle pens, food for the giant alien gods on Earth prior humans)

His great temple cattle pens, one ece in size, number four.

They play for him on the aljarsura instrument (1 ms. has instead: on the churn).

18-25 The cows are driven together in herds for him.

His various types of cow number 39600.

His young (?) cows and calves (1 ms. has instead: His fattened cows) number 108000.

His young bulls number 126000.

The sparkling-eyed cows number 50400.

The white cows number 126000.

The cows for the evening meal (?) are in four groups of five each (?).

Such are the various types of cow of father Nanna.

2e - El & 2 lions animals-gods-beasts

     (Nannar, giant Anunnaki god of Ur, his herds of cattle & sheep fed the Anunnaki & then later, earthlings working for them)

26-30 His wild cows number 180000.

The …… cows are four.

Their herds of cattle are seven.

Their …… herdsmen are seven.

There are four of those who dwell among the cows (?).

31-36 They give praise to the lord, singing paeans (?) as they move into the jipar.

2b-enlil-parent-in-laws-haia-nisaba-spouse-ninlil  (Enlil, Haia, Nisaba, Ninlil, & unidentified)

 (Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, Master Scribe of the gods, accountant, author, teacher)

Nisaba has taken their grand total; Nisaba has taken their count, and she is writing it on clay.

Great Sumerian hymn: Lamentation on the ruins of Ur. Inscription on clay 24.5 x 13.6 cm AO 64464-nisabas-holy-stylus (alien languages, alien authored texts deciphered recently by earthlings)

The holy cows of Nanna, cherished by the youth Suen (Sin), be praised!

37-41 He is ever able to increase the butter of abundance in the holy animal pens of …… and goats.

He is able to provide abundantly the great liquor of the mountains,

and syrup, and alcoholic drink for the king on his lofty pure platform.

42-45 Mighty one, trusted one (son) of Enlil, youth, god of living creatures,

3a-ningal-head 4-unknown-goddess-nannar  (Ningal & spouse Nannar)

leader of the Land, and Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse), lady of the jipar —

O father Nanna, be praised!