Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

She Has Never Given Birth

Unknown web source

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


The cow was pregnant, the cow is giving birth,

 (Utu appointed as Commander of the Space Ports)

In the paddock of Shamash (Utu), the pen of Shamkan[1] (Utu‘s son).

When he saw her, Shamash began to cry,

When the Pure-rited[2] One saw her, his tears were flowing down.

2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna  (giant Anunnaki alien god Shamash / Utu, son to Nannar, grandson to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

Why is Shamash crying,

Why are the Pure-rited One’s tears flowing down?

“For the sake of my cow, who had never been breeched!”*

“For the sake of my kid, who had never given birth!”*

Whom shall I [send with an order to the the daught]er(s) of Anu, seven [and seven],

[May] they [ ] their pots of [ ],

May they bring this baby straight forth!*

If it be male, like a wild ram,*

If it be female, like a wild cow(?) may it come into the world.

(Incantation for a woman in labor)


[1] Shamkan, the cattle-god, was the son of Shamash (van Dijk, OrNS 41 [1972], 344; Cavigneaux in Abusch, ed., Magic, 261–264); Stol (Birth in Babylonia, 64) suggests that the line means the woman is in Larsa, which had an important temple (residence) of Shamash (Utu).

[2] An epithet of the moon.

[3] Compare II.23a, d.

[4] Literally: “falls toward the ground,” as Babylonian women often gave birth in a seated position.

A Hymn to Utu (Utu B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

          1-6 Emerging …… below and gazing upwards, Utu (Shamash), great physician, father of the black-headed,

2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna2-utus-temple-destroyed-by-noahs-flood Utu; Utu‘s patron city of Sippar)

wearing a lapis-lazuli (blue-hued gemstone) beard in the E-babbar (Utu‘s temple / residence in Sippar)!

Utu, great hero, focus of the assembly, king, bison running over the mountains!

Utu, bison running over the mountains!

7-12 A young wild cow ……, a young gazelle (?) caught in a trap, Utu, the son born (on Earth) with the city

 (giant mixed-breed king Ur-Nanshe, spouse Inanna, & her mother Ningal)

to Ningal (Nannar / Sin‘s spouse) in the E-nun-ana, a bull,

a cedar fed with water thriving among cypresses, holy (?),

patient-hearted, playful, radiating light, he is iridescent radiance!

13-21 Then, as my king comes forth, the heavens tremble before him and the earth shakes before him.

After he has left the palace he …….

The heavens …….

May the bolt of heaven …….

The stars …… are awe-struck.

His mother …… in the streets.

She spreads her protection towards Utu.

               (Utu rising over the mountains)

He has raised his head over the mountains; he is indeed their king!

22-26 Utu who decrees judgments for all countries,

4b - Ningal head  (Ningal, mother to Utu & Inanna, spouse to Nannar, patron gods of Ur)

the lord, the son of Ningal, who renders decisions for all countries,

the lord who is highly skilled at verdicts, the son (grandson) of Enlil,

              (Utu, twin Inanna, & father Nannar)

highly knowledgeable and majestic Utu, the son of ……(Nannar / Sin)

Utu has placed the …… on his head.

3 - Utu- Shamash of the Spaceport-Sippar 3h-ningal-king-ur-nammu-nannar-sin

       (Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal; Ningal, king Ur-Nammu, Ninsun damaged, Ur-Nammau, & Nannar)

27-32 The lord, the son of Ningal, holds the 50 …… in his hand

             (Utu stands atop disloyal earthling holding alien technology, a 50-headed mace in his hand)

and thunders over the mountains like a storm.

He has lifted his head over the Land.

            (Utu in the sky riding in his Sun sky-disc)

My king Utu (Sun God), you cross all the shining mountains like an eagle!

He has lifted his gaze over the mountains.

Shir-namshubs to Utu (Utu E): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-7 Whoever has eaten good bread has also drunk good beer,

in the house where the righteous man has filled the bowls with liquor —

the lord of the storehouse, the Great Mountain Enlil;

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Earth Colony Commander Enlil & his equal spouse Ninlil carved into ancient city wall)

the lady of the storehouse, great mother Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse);

3a-utu-in-the-mountains-with-weapons-of-brilliance2ka-peru-utus-sawed-off-mountain-top-airport-used-by-the-godsUtu Shamash

     (Utu, Commander of the Space Ports, cut launch & landing pads for the alien gods into the mountains)

youthful Utu, lord of the mountain; Cerida (Utu), youthful leader of battle;

the Enki and Ninki deities; Enmul (Enlil) and Ninmul (Ninlil).

8 1st kirugu.

9-18 Unto distant days, indeed forever, stand by the righteous man who gives you bread,

O exalted one, O exalted one, O exalted one — elalu!

Unto distant days, indeed forever, stand by the most righteous of men who gives you bread,

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur

  (Great Mountain / ziggurat / residence / Enlil‘s Command Central for Earth Colony;   Royal Prince Enlil, son & heir to King Anu)

O lord of the storehouse, Great Mountain Enlil!

O lady of the storehouse, great mother Ninlil!

3c - Shamash cutting mountains in Sippar7-utu-inanna-capture-earthlings

O youthful Utu, lord of the mountain!

O Cerida, youthful leader of battle!

O exalted one, O exalted one, O exalted one — elalu!

19-23 May the righteous man have a long life, indeed forever!

May the most righteous of men have a long life, indeed forever!

Stand by him, O exalted one, O exalted one, O exalted one — elalu!

24 2nd kirugu.

25-33 Auamma! — in the house — ulili! Alliliamma! — in the house — ulili!

Pour out beer for him, pour out liquor for him,

O minister, pour out liquor for your lord, O Nuska, pour out liquor for Enlil!

4 - drinking bouts of the gods (drinking bouts of the gods lasting weeks)

Beer has now been poured out: let me give you this beer to drink.

Liquor has now been poured out: let me give you this liquor to refresh yourself.

O lord, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you!

5f-enlil-enki-drinking-on-boat6-adapa-model-of-modern-man-meets-enlil  (earthling workers for the alien giant gods)

O Enlil, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you!

34-40 As you eat, flax comes into being, grain comes into being.

As you drink, early floods come into being in the rivers.

4e-enlil-parent-in-laws-haia-nisaba-spouse-ninlil (at 1st the gods did the work)

      (Enlil with plow, father-in-law Haia – god of barley, mother-in-law Nisaba – goddess of grains, & spouse Ninlil, grain goddess)

As you eat, mottled grain comes into being in the fields.

Accept what the righteous man has brought to you!

Accept the flour that the most righteous man has brought to you!

He has paid homage to you. He says to you “Eat”, he says to you “Drink”.

41 3rd kirugu.

2-ninkasi 3a-ninkasi-tasting-the-elixer-of-the-gods  4b-ninkasi-tasting-the-brew

       (Ninkasi, Enki‘s daughter the Goddess of Beer; straws used to avoid thick beer mash floating on top)

42-50 The beer for the bur-gia offerings has been filled to overflowing.

Among the offerings of the house,

at the place where the huge bowls have been stood under the heavens,

where bread has been offered by pure hands,

at the house where the righteous man has offered prayers,

where the most righteous of men has offered prayers,

3l-enki-modern-man  (mixed-breed earthling & giant Enki, God of Waters)

where the god of the man has offered prayers, where lord Enki has offered prayers,

there the righteous man has filled to overflowing the beer for the bur-gia offerings.

51-58 The righteous man, the most righteous of men, has filled them to overflowing.

O lord of the storehouse, Great Mountain Enlil, he has filled them to overflowing.

2aa-uruk-vase-of-offerings-to-inanna 2b-offering-to-inanna-towers (earthling workers for the gods)

O lady of the storehouse, great mother Ninlil, he has filled them to overflowing.

The most righteous of men has …… the bowls with your beer.

May this bronze vessel increase his long life.

When Nibru (Nippur) had been fully built, when …… had been ……,

when the brickwork of this house had been ……, the living spouse ……, the seed of the house, the seed …….

59 4th kirugu.

60-66 Gaze upon him, gaze upon him!

O Utu, gaze upon him, gaze upon him!

O wild bull of the E-babbar (Utu‘s temple residence in Sippar), gaze upon him, gaze upon him!

4bb - Ningal - spouse of Nannar, Ningikuga's daughter (brown-eyed beauty Ningal, Enki‘s daughter with Ningikuga, Nannar‘s spouse)

O bearded one, son born to Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse), ……, gaze upon him!

When you gaze upon the bulls in the cattle-pen, bulls fill the cattle-pen.

When you gaze upon the sheep in the fold, sheep fill the fold.

When you have gazed upon the man, …….

67 5th kirugu.

68-73 From the malt I will gather …… from the small birds for you.

From the grain I will gather plums (?) for you.

From the …… I will gather the …… of the small birds (?) for you.

  (food & drink supplied to the giant gods by their worker earthlings)

May the lord eat this produce — he has eaten …….

May the hero, youthful Utu, drink — he has drunk …….

May youthful Utu …… — he will give it to me to eat; may he …… — he will give it to me to drink.

74 6th kirugu.

5ee-ninkasi-ninhursag-drinking-with-early-king5-cup-bearer-for-the-gods (earthlings working for giant gods)

75-79 The beer …… your seat in the brewery.

Over your brewing vats …….

The good minister …… the gala priest.

The minister of the good house …….

Youthful Utu …….

80 7th kirugu.

81-84 When the heart ……, the precious seed …….

The holy offerings …….

Youthful Utu …….

85 8th kirugu.

86-110 Ulili ……!

Enlil …….

2 lines missing

21 lines fragmentary

111 …… kirugu.

(This composition is inscribed on a tablet whose colophon specifies it as a cir-namcub of Utu)

A Shir-namshub to Utu (Utu F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-23 17 lines fragmentary

3b - Utu with powerful brilliance & weapons (Utu cuts the mountains for launch pads)

Youthful Utu ……, calf of the wild cow, calf of the wild cow, calf of the righteous son,

    (daughter Inanna, son Utu, & father NannarInanna atop her zodiac sign Leo the lion, naked Inanna, & twin brother Utu

Utu, royal brother of Inana!

He who brings thirst to streets and paths (?),

Utu, he of the tavern, provided beer, youthful Utu, he of the tavern, provided beer.

24-30 (Inana speaks:)

            2j - Utu - Shamash as a pilot1 - Inanna in Flight Suit (winged pilot Inanna; Inanna with display of her alien technologies)

“My brother, awe-inspiring lord, let me ride with you to the mountains!

Lord of heaven, awe-inspiring lord, lord, let me ride with you to the mountains;

to the mountains of herbs, to the mountains of cedars, to the mountains;

to the mountains of cedars, the mountains of cypresses, to the mountains;

to the mountains of silver, the mountains of lapis lazuli, to the mountains;

to the mountains where the gakkul plants grow, to the mountains;

to the distant source of the rolling rivers, to the mountains.”

31-34 “My brother, come, let me …….

My brother, the midst of the sea …… my eyes.

My brother, women ……. Utu, women …….”

35-38 “I am unfamiliar with womanly matters, with …….

2b - Inanna was given a skyship1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus1g-nude-inanna-in-ivory (young Inanna, Goddesss of Love)

I am unfamiliar with womanly matters, with sexual intercourse!

I am unfamiliar with womanly matters, with kissing!

I am unfamiliar with sexual intercourse, I am unfamiliar with kissing!”

39-43 “Whatever exists in the mountains, let us eat that.

Whatever exists in the hills, let us eat that.

In the mountains of herbs, in the mountains of cedars,

in the mountains of cedars, the mountains of cypresses,

whatever exists in the mountains, let us eat that.”

44-49 “After the herbs have been eaten, after the cedars have been eaten,

put your hand in my hand and then escort me to my house.

Escort me to my house, to my house in Zabalam.

Escort me to my mother, to my mother Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse).

    (Ninsun, Dumuzi‘s mother;  daughter-in-law Inanna espoused her son Dumuzi the Shepherd)

Escort me to my mother-in-law, to Ninsumun.

Escort me to my sister-in-law, to Jectin-ana (Geshtinana, Dumuzi‘s sister, daughter to Ninsun & Enki).”

50-56 For those who venture forth single-handed, who venture forth from a man’s house,

for those who venture forth from a man’s house, who venture forth single-handed,

2c - Utu - Shamash, Commander of the Space Port (giant alien god Utu, had sex with daughters of men, producing mixed-breed kings)

Utu: you are their mother, Utu, you are their father.

Utu, as for the orphans, Utu, as for the widows,

Utu: the orphans look to you as their father,

Utu, you succor the widows as their mother.

With you …….”

Utu / Shamash Quotes From Texts

Utu / Shamash = Nannar & Ningal‘s Son

Inanna‘s twin, Ereshkigal‘s brother, spouse to Aya


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)

(Huwawa = Enlil‘s creation)

As Utu:

       “He filled the E-kur, the house of Enlil, with possessions.

       Enlil was delighted with Enki and Nibru (Nippur) was glad.

       He demarcated borders and fixed boundaries.

       For the Anuna gods, Enki situated dwellings in cities and disposed agricultural land into fields.

       Enki placed in charge of the whole of heaven and earth the hero,

       the bull who comes out of the hacur forest bellowing truculently,

       the youth Utu, the bull standing triumphantly, audaciously, majestically,

       the father of the Great City, the great herald in the east of holy An,

       the judge who searches out verdicts for the gods, with a lapis-lazuli beard, rising from the horizon into the holy heavens –

       Utu, the son born by Ningal…”


       “give our daughter-to-be (Inanna) a brother, let him be a child of equal outer brightness.

       I’ll call him Utu,…”


       “Utu, I greet you! Let me be ill no longer!

       Hero, Ningal‘s son, I greet you!…”


       “Proud Utu is already on his way to the bosom of his mother Ningal (Nannar’s spouse)…”


       “Facing the sunrise, where the fates are decided, he erected the standard of Utu, the Bison head,…”


       “’Come, let us go to Utu (Shamash) of heaven, who as he lies there, as he lies there, sleeps a sound sleep,

       to the hero, the son of Ningal (Nannar / Sin’s spouse), who as he lies there sleeps a sound sleep.

       ‘He raised his hands towards Utu of the seventy doors (?).

       Utu …… table (?) …….’ …”


       “Inanna spoke to her brother the hero, youthful Utu:

       “My brother, I want to tell you something — pay attention to my speech.

       ……Utu, my twin, I want to tell you something — pay attention to my speech.”


       “’Utu should know about it from you.

       If you want to set off into the Mountains of Cedar-felling (Enlil‘s domain, Lebanon), Utu should know about it from you.

       A decision that concerns the mountains is Utu’s business (Commander of their launch pads).

       A decision that concerns the Mountains of Cedar-felling is the business of youthful Utu‘…”


       “At that time, the lord chosen by Inanna in her heart, chosen by Inanna in her holy heart from the bright mountain,

       Enmerkar, the (giant semi-divine “mighty-man” – grandson) son of Utu,

       made a plea to his sister, the lady who grants desires, holy Inanna:…”


       “Inanna, the lady of all the lands, called to Enmerkar the (semi-divine grandson) son of Utu:…”


       “Then the king, Enmerkar, the (grandson) son of Utu,..”

       “Before Utu/Shamash the Sun (Sun God) they dug a well…”


       “Huwawa wept, …….)

       He tugged at Gilgamec‘s hand.(4 mss. have instead: “Gilgamec, let me go!”)

       “I want to talk to Utu! “


       “Utu, I never knew a mother who bore me, nor a father who brought me up!

       I was born in the mountains — you brought me up!

       Yet Gilgamec swore to me by heaven, by earth, and by the mountains.” …”


As Shamash:

       “Great Samas (Shamash) once the way of me did ask,

       And I forbade him, but the mighty task

       He undertook, and crossed the mighty deep,

       Where Death’s dark waters lie in wait asleep:

       His mighty car of gold swept through the skies,

       With fiery chargers now he daily flies…”


       “She raised her hands to Shamash:…

       May Aya your bride fear you not and keep you mindful

       And may she also commend him

       To those who watch over the hours of the night!…”


       “‘Let us swear an oath by the netherworld‘.

       Before Shamash (Utu) the warrior they swore the oath,

       ‘Whoever transgresses the limits of Shamash

       ‘ May Shamash deliver him as an offender into the hands of the executioner,

       ‘ Whoever transgresses the limits of Shamash,

       ‘ May the mountains remove their praises far away from him,

       ‘ May the oncoming weapon make straight for him,

       ‘May the trap and curse of Shamash overthrow him and hunt him down!’…”


       Etana kept on beseeching Shamash day after day.

       ‘O Shamash, you have dined from my fattest sheep!

       ‘O Netherworld, you have drunk of the blood of my sacrificed lambs!

       ‘I have honored the gods and revered the spirits,

       ‘Dream interpreters have used up my incense,

       ‘Gods have used up my lambs in slaughter.

       ‘O Lord, give the command!

       ‘Grant me the plant of birth!

       ‘Reveal to me the plant of birth!

       ‘Relieve me of my burden, grant me an heir!’

       Shamash made ready to speak and said to Etana:

       ‘Find a pit, look inside,

       ‘An eagle is cast within it.

       ‘He will reveal to you the plant of birth‘….”


Alla Quotes From Text

Alla = Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal

twin to Inanna, younger brother to Ereshkigal


       “stretching out a hand to Alla, master of the battle-net, being taken away on the barge,…”


       “Alla, master of the battle-net, let me sail away with you, {brother} {(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you…”


Ningublaga Quotes From Texts

Ningublaga = Utu, son of Nannar & Ningal

twin to Inanna, younger brother to Ereshkigal


Utu’s (House) – Temple Hymn

       “…Ningublaga, the son of Nanna (Nannar), has erected a house in your precinct,

       O Ki-abrig, and taken his seat upon your dais. the house of Ningublaga in Ki-abrig.”


       “Ningubalag took an unfamiliar path away from the Ja-bur.

       Niniagar (Utu’s daughter) wept bitter tears all alone.

       ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


       “Lord Ningublaga consecrates the hands on his lapis-lazuli quay,..”


Numucda / Numusda Quotes From Texts

Numucda / Numusda = Numushda / Utu, Nannar‘s son

Inanna‘s twin, God of Justice


As Numucda:

       “The god Numucda participated in the festival; his beloved daughter Adjar-kidug participated in the festival,

       his wife Namrat (Aya), the lovely woman participated in the festival…”


       “Warrior Numucda, powerful in strength, who perfectly controls the complex divine powers!

       God with the limbs of a bison, decorous to behold, like your father Suen (Nannar / Sin)…”


       “Kazallu, the city of teeming multitudes, was cast into confusion.

       Numucda took an unfamiliar path away from the city, his beloved dwelling.

       His wife Namrat (Aya), the beautiful lady, was lamenting bitterly.

       ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


As Numusda:

       “great lord Numušda, has erected a house in your precinct,

       O Kun-satu (Threshold of the mountain),

       O Kazallu, and taken his seat upon your dais.

       the house of Numušda in Kazallu…”


Utu Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin’s Books


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

(Humbaba = Enlil’s creation)


Canaanite Quotes of Ba’al (Utu)

A Canaanite text describes how Ba’al had sex with his sister Anat (Inanna) after dismissing his wives upon her visit to him.

They looked into each others eyes, and they anointed each others “horns”.

         “He seizes and holds her womb….

         She seizes and holds his ‘stones.’…”


        “The maiden Anat (Inanna)…is made to conceive and bear. …”


After battling… he arrives home to his father El / Nannar

         “Through the fields of El he comes

         He enters the pavilion of the Father of Years.

         At El’s feet he bows, falls down,

         Prostrates himself, paying homage.

         El, the kindly one, the merciful, rejoices.

         His feet on the footstool he sets.

         He opens his throat and laughs;

         He raises his voice and cries out:

         ‘I shall sit and take my ease,

         The soul shall repose in my breast;

         For Ba’al the mighty is alive,

         For the Prince of Earth exists!’ …”


Enlil appointed Sin’s son as the commander of the Mission Control Center:

         “He called in Shamash (Utu) the grandchild of Ninlil.

         He took him (by the hand)

         In Shulim he placed him …”


Jerusalem—Ur-Shulim, the “City of Shulim”–was given to Shamash to command. Its name, SHU.LIM, meant “The Supreme Place of the Four Regions”

         “The valiant Utu [is] the herald of the holy Anu the judge,

         the decision-maker of the gods, who wears a lapis lazuli beard,

         who comes from the holy heaven, born of Ningal,

           Enki placed in charge of the entire universe…”


          “Brightener of gloom, illuminator of darkness,

        Dispeller of darkness, illuminator of the broad earth …”


           “The learned savant who guards the secrets of the gods

         will bind his favored son with an oath before Shamash and Adad …”


         “and will instruct him in the secrets of the gods …”


         “Thus was the line of priests created,

         those who are allowed to approach Shamash and Adad. …”


a text in which Inanna describes passionate lovemaking with her own brother, Utu:

         “My beloved met me, took his pleasure of me, rejoiced together with me.

         The brother brought me to his house, made me lie on its sweet bed…

         In unison, the tongue-making in unison,

         my brother of fairest face made fifty times. …”


         “At that time a festival was announced in the city;

         a festival was announced in the city of Inab.

         (Martu said:)

         ‘Come, friends, let us go, let us go there,

         let us visit the ale-houses of Inab, let us go there’ …”


        “The god Numucda (Utu) participated in the festival;

         his beloved daughter Adjar-kidug participated in the festival,

         his wife Namrat (Aya), the lovely woman participated in the festival …”


It was a place, we suggest, which the Bible called Kadesh-Barnea, and there Abraham stood with his elite troops, blocking the invaders’ advance to the Spaceport proper…it was intended to prevent the return of Marduk and thwart the efforts of Nabu to gain access to the Spaceport.

Marduk’s desire to make Babylon “the heavenward naval in the four regions.” It was to thwart this, that the gods opposing Marduk, ordered Khedorla’omar to seize and defile Babylon:

         “The gods…to Kudur-Laghamar, king of the land of Elam, they decreed:

         ‘Descend there!’

         That which to the city was bad he performed;

         In Babylon, the precious city of Marduk, kingship he overthrew;

         To herds of dogs its temple he made a den;

         Flying ravens, loud shrieking, their dung dropped there …”


After the “bad deeds” were done there, Utu / Shamash sought action against Nabu, who (he had said in accusation) had subverted the allegiance of a certain king to his father.

         “Before the gods the son of his father (came);

         On that day Shamash, the Bright One, against the lord of lords, Marduk

         (he said):

         ‘The faithfulness of his heart (the king) betrayed–

         in the time of the thirteen year a falling-out against my father (he had);

         to his faith-keeping the king ceased to attend;

         all this Nabu has caused to happen’ …”


Nannar and Utu wavered as Enki spoke, but Enlil and Ninurta were for decisive action. And so with the Council of the Gods was in disarray, the decision was left to Anu.

Nergal had already ordered the priming of “the seven awesome weapons” with their “poisons.”,

         “Anu, lord of the gods, on the land had pity …”


The ruler of Sumer and Akkad in 555 B.C. was Nabunaid. As promised by his mother to Sin in exchange for establishing Nabunaid’s reign, he rebuilt Utu’s temple in Sippar called Ebabbara “shining house”. He stated:

         “I sought out its ancient foundation-platform,

         and I went down eighteen cubits into the soil.

         Utu, the Great Lord of Ebabbara…

         Showed me personally the foundation-platform of Naram-Sin, son of Sargon,

         which for 3,200 years no king preceeding me had seen …”


        “Utu, who sheds a wide light, …”


        “lights up Heaven and Earth …”


The Sumerian Kings List records the priestly reign of Enmenduranki in Sippar, then the location of the Spaceport under the command of Utu / Shamash His name:

         “Edmenduranki (was) a priest in Sippar,

         Beloved of Anu, Enlil, and Ea (Enki).

         Shamash in the Bright Temple appointed him.

         Shamash and Adad (took him) to the assembly (of the gods)

         They showed him how to observe oil and water, a secret of Anu, Enlil, and Ea.

         They gave him the Divine Tablet, the ‘kibdu’ secret of Heaven and Earth…

         They taught him how to make calculations with numbers …”


         “men of Nippur, Sippar, and Babylon were called into his presence …”

It shall be passed, the gods commanded, from father to son:

         “The learned savant, who guards the secrets of the gods,

         will bind his favored son with an oath before Shamash and Adad….

         and will instruct him in the secrets of the gods …”

The tablet concludes with a postscript:

         “Thus was the line of priests created–

          those who are allowed to approach Shamash and Adad …”

And so priesthood was created!


         “The... words of Gilgamesh, her son,

grieving, Queen Ninsun heard over and over.

Ninsun went into her living quarters.

She washed herself with the purity plant,

she donned a robe worthy of her body,

she donned jewels worthy of her chest,

she donned her sash, and put on her crown.

She sprinkled water from a bowl onto the ground.

She… and went up to the roof.

She went up to the roof and set incense in front of Shamash, …”


I she offered fragrant cuttings, and raised her arms to Shamash.

‘Why have you imposed–nay, inflicted!–

a restless heart on my son, Gilgamesh!

Now you have touched him so that he wants to travel

a long way to where Humbaba is!

He will face fighting such as he has not known,

and will travel on a road that he does not know!

Until he goes away and returns, until he reaches the Cedar Forest,

until he kills Humbaba the Terrible,

and eradicates from the land something baneful that you hate,

on the day that you see him on the road(?)

may Aja, the Bride, without fear remind you,

and command also the Watchmen of the Night,

           the stars, and at night your father, Sin‘ …”


Shulgi’s own words.

         “With valiant Utu, a friend as a brother,

         I drank strong drink in the temple founded by Anu.

         My minstrels sang for me the seven songs of love.

         Inanna, the queen, the vulva of heaven and earth,

         was by my side, banqueting in the temple. …”


A “wisdom tablet” under Utu, the great lawgiver reads:

         “Unto your opponent do no evil;

         Your evildoer recompense with good.

         Unto your enemy, let justice be done….

         Let not your heart be induced to do evil….

         To the one begging for alms—give food to eat, give wine to drink….

         Be helpful; do good. …”


The Great Hymn To Shamash:

         “You climb to the mountains surveying the Earth,

         You suspend from the heavens the circle of the lands.

         You care for all the peoples of the lands,

         And everything that Ea (Enki), king of the counselors,

         had created is entrusted to you.

         Whatever has breath you shepherd without exception,

         You are their keeper in upper and lower regions.

         Regularly and without cease you traverse the heavens.

         Every day you pass over the broad Earth….

         Shepherd of that breath, keeper of that above,

         You, Shamash, direct, are the light of everything.

         You never fail to cross the wide expanse of sea,

         The depth of which the Igigi (Anunnaki space truckers) know not.

         Shamash, your glare reaches down to the abyss

         So that monsters of the deep behold your light….

         Among all the Igigi there is none who toils but you.

         None who is supreme like you in the whole pantheon of gods.

         At your rising the gods of the lands assemble,

         Your fierce glare covers the land.

         Of all the lands of varied speech,

         You know their plans, you scan their way …”

Utu Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



          2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna5aa - giant god Utu, Shamash, Throne of Sippar


          . Utu = Sumer

          . Shamash = Akkadian Sun God

          . Ningublaga = Assyrian

          . Numucda = Larsa

          . Babbar = Assyrian

          . Ba’al = Canaanite

          . Athtar = Canaanite

          . Allah = Babylonian

          . Shimiki = Hurrian, northern neighbors to Akkad and Sumer 

          . Helios = Greek

          . Sol Ivictus = Roman

. son and heir to Nannar / Sin & Ningal

. twin brother to Inanna

. spouse to Aya / Aia / Namrat, daughter to Ninsun

. born on Earth Colony before modern man was on the Earth


             . E-babbar “Shining house” temple to Utu in Sippar,

                    together with E-kun-ankuga [‘pure stairway to heaven‘], its ziggurat

             . E-gud-du-shar (House with numerous perfect oxen) temple of Ningublaga in Ki-abrig

             . E-nun-ana (House of the prince of heaven) temple to Utu in Sippar

            . Kun-satu (Threshold of the mountain) house of Numušda in Kazallu


. Sippar spaceport was Utu’s domain and the 4th city built on Earth

. Sippar was the land of missile launches

. Sippar was also the place of the supreme court


. Sun God of Mesopotamia, symbolized as the Sun

          . Sunday named after the Sun God Utu


. after Nannar / Sin / El’s retirement, Utu assumed his father’s symbol as the Moon Crescent God

. associated with laws and justice “in accordance with the true word of Utu”.


          . “the standard of Utu, the Bison head,…”

          . the Bison is Utu’s animal symbol

          . Utu’s zodiac symbol is Gemini, the twins Utu & Inanna


Utu’s Sons:

         . Nindara, Nanshe‘s spouse

         . Hendersaga, accountant to Nindara & Nanshe, god of law

         . Sisig “(a god of dreams), the son of Utu

         . Buenne, probable son to Utu & spouse Aia



Utu’s Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Son:

          . Meskiaggasher: giant semi-divine mxed-breed son to Utu, 1st king in semi-divine dynasty in Uruk


Utu’s Daughters:

          . Adjar-kidug, daughter to Aya & spouse to Martu

                         (Greek Goddess Circe)


          . Niniagar, a daughter of Utu? or spouse of Utu?, stewardess of the storehouses

Enhedu’ anna: Hymn C to Inanna 1 – 16:

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)





          3mb - Ishtar with divine powers & Enlil (Inanna & Enlil, many symbols of gods above)




        A HOUSE OF DEVILS’ …

MS in Sumerian on clay, Babylonia, 20th-17th c. BC, 1 tablet, 21x17x4 cm, 3 columns, 16+16+16+4 lines in cuneiform script by a teacher of a scribal school in column 1, with 2 students repeating the hymn in columns 2 and 3.

Context: The same text as on MS 2367/3. Hymns to Inanna are MSS 2367/1, 2367/3, 2647, 2698/1-2, 2784, 3286, 3301, 3376 and 3384. Hymns by Enhedu’Anna are MSS 2367/1-4,, 2647, 3376 and 3384.

  (Enheduana is second from left)

Commentary: Enhedu’anna was daughter of King Sargon of Akkad (2334-2279 BC), founder of the first documented empire in Asia. Enhedu’anna emerges as a genuine creative talent, a poetess as well as a princess, a priestess and a prophetess. She is, in fact, the first named and non-legendary author in history. As such she has found her way into contemporary anthologies, especially of women’s literature.


NIN-ME-SARA: Lady of countless cosmic powers (Inanna)

Written by En-hedu-anna, (Sargon‘s daughter)

This is the first english translation of Dr. Annette Zgoll’s german, academic translation of Nin-me-sara found at the beginning of her book, “Der Rechtsfall der EnheduAna im Lied Nin-me-sara”(1997),

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1. “Queen of all the ME, too numerous to count, rising forth as resplendent light

2. Woman, most driven, clothed in frightening radiance, loved by An and Uras (Anu‘s spouse),

 (Anu, King of the alien Anunnaki in heaven / planet Nibiru, & Earth Colony)

3. An’s (Anu) nugig, you are above all the great SUHkese-breastplates,

4. You, who love the right aga-crown, who is suited for the en-priest-hood,

5. empowered with all of its all seven ME –

1 - Inanna in Flight Suit  (Inanna, daughter to Nannar, powerful Goddess of Love & War)

6. my queen! You are the guardian of the great ME (alien technologies)!

7. You have uplifted the ME, you have held the Me in your hand.

8 You have gathered the ME, you have clasped the ME to your chest.

9 Like a dragon you cast venom upon the enemy land.

2f - Hadad, warrior upon a bull - Taurus   (Adad with high-tech alien weaponry, atop his zodiac bull symbol of Taurus)

            10 In the regions where you thundered like Iskur (Adad), Asnan no longer exists because of you

          11 Flooding waters surge down on such an enemy land

             12 You are the supreme one in Heaven and Earth, you are their Inana!..”

Sîn-iddinam and Ishkur (Sîn-iddinam E): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

          OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA (Ishkur / Adad, 3rd son to Earth Colony Commander Enlil, & Thunder God of Mesopotamia)

           1-8 When Ickur (Ishkur / Adad) — the lord, the storm, the …… lion,

        the great storm of heaven and earth, confident in his majesty, the foremost,

        the advocate, the son (grandson) of An (Anu), whose head is clothed in power,

        the fearsome chief lord, the great storm that has no rival ……,

        who masses the clouds — rushes within the storm, the earth trembles before him.

           9-18 A majestic wind bellowing in the broad heavens, whose thunder signifies abundance —

        when he utters his cries, the Land and the great mountains are fearful.

         (Ishkur with the “shepherd’s crook in his hand” & “clasping authority at his side”)

        Great hero, holding the shepherd’s crook in his hand and clasping authority at his side —

        when he roars over the sea and covers the Land with radiance, huge hailstones …… and slanting (?) rain, …… they set up …… for him.

          19-23 2 lines missing

        …… like a reed (?), on their own accord at his presence they (?) lift …… to him.

          24-32 He surveys these numerous people — the lord of prosperity who makes celebration plentiful,

        who gives sustenance to the Land, the merciful prince whose solicitude is kind,

         1e - Larsa 1912 (ancient Larsa ziggurat & city ruins discovered)

        (Adad) the protector of Larsa, the helper of Sîn-iddinam on the battlefield,

        who stands in combat with the troops at his side, the great lord,

        the canal administrator of An and Enlil, whose destiny has no equal!

          33-56 Sîn-iddinam the mighty man (semi-divine giant king), the humble prince who respects Enlil;

        2e-enlils-home-in-nippur   (E-kur, Enlil‘s house in Nippur;  earthling & Enlil, heir to King Anu)

        approved with a “let it be so!” by the E-kur (Enlil’s temple residence, Command Central in Nippur);

          3b-nannars-temple-in-ur-terah-was-the-high-priest3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar‘s house with Ur way below; Nannar, god of Ur)

        the young man given a propitious name by Nanna (Nannar / Sin);

        the provider of Urim (Ur), the king of Larsa, the king of Sumer and Akkad,

          2e-eridu-temple-reconstruction  2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki‘s house in Eridu; Enki, eldest & wisest son to King Anu, was 1st to land on Earth)

        given broad wisdom and surpassing intelligence by Nudimmud (Enki),

        granted a good reign, a long life and unending abundance by Ickur, his god;

        2ba-enkis-temple-ziggourat-in-eridu 2-enki-eridu-1st-city-established-in-sumer  (Eridu ruins, Enki‘s city discovered)

        who puts in order the divine plans of Eridug (Eridu), who makes perfect offerings to the gods;

        the wise one who has restored the ancient divine powers (alien technologies),

        …… who has favorably identified his numerous people —

        put in place a majestic throne, …… surpassing in form, for his lord, for his god.

          57-67 Made grandly from …… and refined silver, …… of the beautiful heavens,

        approx. 4 lines missing

        befitting his size and well-suited to running (?) — with jubilation he finished the work.

          2j - Teshub in a chariot pulled by Taurus6-twin-temples-to-anu-and-adad-in-uruk (Adad; Adad‘s & grandfather King Anu‘s twin residences in Uruk)

           68-74 At that time he grandly seated Ickur (Ishkur / Adad), his god, on his throne of glory.

        Then he made its form surpassing for ever.

        He sought out its majestic divine plans and divine powers (alien technologies).

         2f-hadad-warrior-upon-a-bull-taurus2e-adad-war-god-upon-taurus-the-bull Tablet from Syria. Two bulls facing each other, a large deity, followed by a smaller, winged deity, is adored by an orant. Late Bronze. Terracotta, 7,9 x 7,1 cm AO 28362  (Adad attacks earthlings with alien weaponry) 

          75-85 By the throne he …… two great wild bulls, below (?) on the right and the left, butting the king’s enemies

        1 line fragmentary

        9d-giant-god-teshub-unknown-king  (Adad & smaller mixed-breed descendant-king, giant gods protected their semi-divine kings)

        The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods in abundance …… stand beside him …… the horizon (?).

        He …… that statue and …… on its lap.

        He …….

        3 lines missing

The Cedar

Unknown web source

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)



2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna (Utu, son to Nannar, grandson to Enlil, symbolized as the Sun god)

O Shamash (Utu), I place to my mouth sacred cedar,

For you I knot it in a lock of my hair,

For you I place in my lap bushy cedar.

I have washed my mouth and hands,

I have wiped my mouth with bushy cedar,

I have tied sacred cedar in a lock of my hair,

For you I have heaped up bushy cedar.

Cleansed now, to the assembly of the gods draw I near for judgment.

2 - Utu-Shamash, god of the mountains,2a - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub, upon Taurus (Utu / Shamash & Adad / Ishkur)

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad (Ishkur), lord of prayers and divination.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

O Shamash, I place incense to my mouth,… sacred cedar, let the incense linger!

Let it summon to me the great gods.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

2-enki-eridu-1st-city-established-in-sumer (Sumer, the “Eden”, Land of gods Between the Rivers)

O Shamash, I hold up to you water of Tigris and Euphrates,

Which has carried to you cedar and juniper from the highlands (of Lebanon).

Wash yourself, O valiant Shamash,

Let the great gods wash with you.

And you too, Bunene (unidentified?), faithful messenger,

Wash yourself in the presence of Shamash the judge.

2b - Utu (Utu, god of laws & justice, Commander of the Space Ports)

O Shamash, to you I hold up something choice, … sacred water for the flour.

2c - Utu - Shamash, Commander of the Space Port (Utu seated on his throne, symbols of Nannar, Anu, & Utu / Inanna)

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad, lord of prayers and divination,

Seated on thrones of gold, dining from a tray of lapis (-lazuli blue-hued stone),

Come down to me that you may dine, that you may sit on the throne and render judgment.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

3a - Utu in the mountains with weapons of brilliance 2ka-peru-utus-sawed-off-mountain-top-airport-used-by-the-gods

        (Utu cutting launch & landing sites into the mountains, hidden away from the earthlings)

O Shamash, I hold up to you a lordly tribute,

Which in the courtyard of the gods [ ] to you.

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad l[ord of prayers] and divination,

Seated on thrones of gold, dining from a tray of lapis,

Come down to me that you may sit on the throne and render judgment.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

2ee - Utu, Shamash (damaged mixed-breed king stands receiving his instructions before giant Utu, the Sun God)

O Shamash, I hold up to you seven and seven sweet loaves,

The rows of which are ranged before you.

O Shamash, lord of judgement, O Adad, lord of divination,

Seated on thrones of [gold], dining from a tray of lapis,

Come [down to me] that you may eat,

5aa - giant god Utu, Shamash, Throne of Sippar  (Utu & the wheel of justice, alien god pulling the strings from above)

That you may sit on the throne and render judgement.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

O Shamash, I hold up to you the plentiful yield of the gods, the radiance of the grain-goddess.

(Utu, Adad, & Ninhursag)

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad, lord of divination,

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

O Shamash, I have laid out for you the plentiful yield of the gods, the radiance of the grain-goddess,

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad, lord of prayer and divination,

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

Take your seat, O valiant Shamash,

Let there be seated with you the great gods,

 2bc-nanna-his-symbol (alien Anunnaki King Anu & his grandson Nannar)

Let Anu, father of heaven, Sin (Nannar), king of the tiara,

2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons (Nergal & his niece Inanna, Goddess of War) 

Nergal, lord of weaponry, Ishtar (Inanna), lady of battle

Be seated with you.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

Or: cleansed for the assembly of the gods.