Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Dumuzi Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breeds in teal)


         . Dumuzid = Sumerian “Son who is life”

         . Dumuzi = Akkadian

         . Dumuzi the Shepherd

         . Tammuz = Babylonian

          . E-namtila, Dumuzid’s house”

         . E-dumi-zi-abzu temple to Tammuz, destroyed in the time of Urukagina

         . E-bara-igi-e-di “temple of wonders”, zigurrat residence of Dumuzi in Akkad

         . youngest of 6 main sons to Enki

         . son to Ninsun, young mother to Anunnaki gods & mixed-breed kings

         . “lord of the shepherds”, trained Biblical figure Abel to become a shepherd

         . married Inanna, had no children by her

         . conspired with Inanna to rape his sister Geshtinanna to gain an heir (sister-wife laws)                       

         . had nightmares of being killed after committing the rape

         . older ½ brother Marduk, chased him to his death for his deed

         . Inanna waged wars against Marduk thereafter avenging Dumuzi’s death

Ninsun Quotes From Texts

Ninsun / Ninsumun = Ninsun, daughter of Ninurta & Bau

Spouse to Lugalbanda, Mother to Gods, Goddesses, & Many Giant Mixed-Breed Kings


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)


(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

(Enki‘s creation = Enkidu, Enlil‘s creation = Hawawa)


Ninsun Speaking in the 1st Person:

          Culgi (semi-divine mixed-breed), you are a pure calf, born to me.

          You are a good seed of Lugal-banda (semi-divine King, ½ Anunnaki, ½ earthling).

          I raised you upon my own holy lap.

          I have decided your fate with my holy bosom.

          You are a good fortune which fell to my share.

          I requested you from holy An in the …….

          I, the lady, holy Ninsun, the royal mother, the good woman with beautiful hair befitting a lady,

          Culgi, I am your faithful guardian (?).

          May you be dressed in my …… ma garment! Dance …… on my holy knees!

          May you, the shepherd, born for justice, trust in my holy words!

          Your holy name is worthy of being praised; may it please the flesh of the great gods like fine oil!

          An has given you a scepter for rendering judgments; may your head be raised high!

          Your father who begot you, holy Lugalbanda,

          has named you as the ‘Valiant one whom An made known among the gods’.”


        “I, (Ninsun) the lady …… holy temple of residence …….

My mother (is Bau in some texts), Urac (Antu, her great-grandmother), the lady of the gods

and my father (is Ninurta in some texts), An (Anu, great-grandfather),…

the Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods, stood by me.

They made Culgi’s shepherdship everlasting for me and made Culgi,

the righteous one of his god, rise over the land like Utu for me.

         They set up a throne of firm reign for him …”


         “Ninsun entered her chamber

(Here one line is lost)

She donned a garment suitable to her body

Also an ornament appropriate for her breast

Placed her tiara on her head,

Went out into the grounds,

Climbed the stairs, ascended the parapet

Attained the roof and there did offer up

             (smoke offering to Shamash)

To Shamash the Sun much incense

With this smoke-offering in progress

She raised her hands to Shamash:

‘Having granted me as my son Gilgamesh,

Why have then have you given my him such a restless heart?

         Why have you made him wish to go on a Great Journey to the place of  Humbaba? ..”


As Ninsun:

         “Nintud (Ninhursag) assisted at my birth.

As I came forth from the womb of my mother Ninsun, a favorable destiny was determined for me.

         In me, Ur-Namma, the lands of Sumer and Akkad have their protecting genius …”


         “The mother, miserable because of her son,

the mother of the king, holy Ninsun, was crying: ‘Oh my heart!’.

         Because of the fate decreed for (King) Ur-Namma, …”


         “Gilgamesh prayed: ‘O Shamash, by the life of my mother Ninsun, who gave birth to me,

And of pure Lugulbanda, my father, truly I have entered this land of the cedar

         And here have I known your dwelling place …”


         “The… words of Gilgamesh, her son, grieving, Queen Ninsun heard over and over.

Ninsun went into her living quarters.

She washed herself with the purity plant, she donned a robe worthy of her body,

she donned jewels worthy of her chest, she donned her sash, and put on her crown.

She sprinkled water from a bowl onto the ground.

She… and went up to the roof.

She went up to the roof and set incense in front of Shamash,.

I she offered fragrant cuttings, and raised her arms to Shamash.

         ‘Why have you imposed–nay, inflicted!–a restless heart on my son, Gilgamesh!

         Now you have touched him so that he wants to travel a long way to where Humbaba is!

         He will face fighting such as he has not known, and will travel on a road that he does not know!

         Until he goes away and returns, until he reaches the Cedar Forest, until he kills Humbaba the Terrible,

         and eradicates from the land something baneful that you hate, on the day that you see him on the road(?)

         may Aja (Aya), the Bride, without fear remind you, and command also the Watchmen of the Night,

         the stars, and at night your father, Sin.’ …”


         (King) Lugalbanda took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved dwelling.

         (1 ms. adds: Ninsun …….) ‘Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly …”


         “She, the Wise, the Custodian of Knowledge,

Says to her lord –

She, Ninsun (daughter to Ninurta & Bau), Custodian of Knowledge,

          Says to Gilgamesh: …”


         “Gilgamesh spoke to Enkidu, said to him: ‘Up, my friend, let us go to the Great Palace

To see Ninsun (Lugulbanda‘s spouse), the Great Queen Ninsun the Wise, who has knowledge of everything, …”


         “Gilgamec rested his hand on the ground, and addressed Huwawa:

‘By the life of my own mother Ninsun and of my father, holy Lugalbanda!

No one really knows where in the mountains you live;

they would like to know where in the mountains you live.

         Here, I have brought you En-me-barage-si, my big sister, to be your wife in the mountains.’ …”


         “’By the life of my mother Ninsun and of my father, holy Lugalbanda!

No one really knows where in the mountains you live;

they would like to know where in the mountains you live.

         Here, I have brought you Ma-tur, my little sister, to be your concubine in the mountains.’ …”


         “His sister …….

His mother who bore him (Ninsun) ……

Pectur (mixed-breed), his little sister ……. Gilgamec ……

‘My mother who bore me, in the house (?) of Enki (?) ……. Pectur, the little sister, ……,

will bring back the cattle to their tethering stakes ……,

         will bring back the sheep to their tethering stakes …….’ …”


As Ninsumun:

        “Dumuzid-ama-ušumgal-ana has declared ‘It is a matter for me!

        and assigned Gilgameš (Gilgamesh), the son of Ninsumun, to me as a constable!’

        The citizens of Unug and Kulaba rejoiced …”


        “Warrior Gilgamec, son of Ninsumun, …”


         (Inanna speaking to Utu)

         “put your hand in my hand and then escort me to my house.

Escort me to my house, to my house in Zabalam.

Escort me to my mother, to my mother Ningal (Nannar’s spouse).

Escort me to my mother-in-law, to Ninsumun (Ninsun, Dumuzi‘s mother).

         Escort me to my sister-in-law, to Jectin-ana (Dumuzi‘s sister Geshtinana) …”


         “Utnapishtim (Noah) replied: (to Gilgamesh)

‘You are two parts divine from virgin Ninsun mother yours‘ …”


Ninsun As Rimat-Ninsun:

         “The offspring of Lugulbanda, Gilgamesh is perfect in strength

The son of the revered Cow, of the woman Rimat-Ninsun (Ninsun).

            Gilgamesh inspires perfect awe …”


Dannat / Ellat-gula = Ninsun, Spouse to Lugalbanda

Goddess of Uruk, Mother to Gods & Mixed-Breed Giants


       His mother Ellat-gula on the throne

         From Erech (Uruk) all Kardunia ruled alone

         Behold the sovereign on her throne of bronze,

         While crouching at her feet a lion fawns;

         The glittering court with gold and gems ablaze

         With ancient splendor of the glorious days

         Of Accad‘s sovereignty. Behold the ring

         Of dancing beauties circling while they sing

         With amorous forms in moving melody,

          The measure keep to music’s harmony.

         Hear! how the music swells from silver lute

         And golden-stringèd lyres and softest flute

         And harps and tinkling cymbals, measured drums,

         While a soft echo from the chamber comes.

         But see! the sovereign lifts her jeweled hand,

         The music ceases at the Queen’s command;

         And lo! two chiefs in warrior’s array,

         With golden helmets plumed with colors gay,

         And golden shields, and silver coats of mail,

         Obeisance make to her with faces pale,

         Prostrate themselves before their sovereign’s throne;

         In silence brief remain with faces prone,

         Till Ellat-gula speaks: ‘My chiefs, arise!

         What word have ye for me? what new surprise?’

         Tur-tau-u, rising, says, ‘O Dannat Queen!

         Thine enemy, Khum-baba with Rim-Siun (King Rim-Sin)

         With clanging shields, appears upon the hills,

         And Elam’s host the land of Sumir fills.’

         ‘Away, ye chiefs! sound loud the nappa-khu!

         Send to their post each warrior bar-ru! ‘…”


         Queen Daunat’s (Ninsun’s) son, our Izdubar, …”


         Izdubar (Gilgamesh)…

         His mother Ellat-gula (Ninsun) on the throne

         From Erech (Uruk) all Kardunia ruled alone …”


Dutur Quotes From Text

Durtur = Ninsun, Dumuzi‘s & Geshtinanna‘s mother with Enki

         My mother will call to me, my mother, my Durtur, will call to me,

         my mother will call to me for five things, my mother will call to me for ten things:

         if she does not know the day when I am dead …”


         Only his mother Durtur can gladden my master!

         Only his mother Durtur can gladden Dumuzid!

         My goddess, born in Kuara, the maiden who is the crown of all ……,

         the admiration and acclaim of the black-headed people, the playful one who also voices laments and the cries,

       who intercedes before the king – Jectinana, the lady, did …….”


Gutumdug / Jatumdug Quotes From Texts

Gutumdug / Jatumdug = Ninsun, Bau‘s & Ninurta‘s daughter, spouse to mix-breed Lugalbanda

Mother to Anunnaki Gods, & Mother to many Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Kings

As Gatumdug / Gutumdug:

        “Your god Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda, Enki‘s son) is the grandson of An;

        your (Gudea) divine mother is Ninsun, the bearing mother of good offspring,

        who loves her offspring; you are a child born by the true cow …”


        “Gudea,...the offspring of the goddess Gutumdug,

        dowered with sovereignty and the scepter supreme by the god Gal-alim (Ig-alim, …”


        “covered with renown by the goddess Bau (Ninsun’s mother),

        (Gudea) the offspring begotten by the goddess Gatumdug,

        endowed with sovereignty and the scepter supreme by the god Gal-alim (Ninurta‘s son) ...”.


         “may the mother of Shirpurla (Lagash) the august goddess Gatumdug,

         may the goddess Bau (Ninurta‘s spouse) the lady the elder daughter of Anna (Anu) ,…”


         “To the goddess Gatumdug, the mother of Shirpurla (Lagash),

         Gudea the patesi of Shirpurla, the man of the goddess Gatumdug,

         thy favorite servant, who has made the dedicatory (?) inscriptions,

         (and) the temple of E-ninnû which illuminates the darkness (?),

         (the temple) of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta) (who) has constructed,

         the goddess Gatumdug his lady, who in Shirpurla, her favorite city,

         for the supreme rank (?) has created him, the temple of the goddess Gatumdug

         his lady to construct has given him the order …”


         Gudea, the architect (?), the patesi of Shirpurla,

         the shepherd chosen by the unchangeable will of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

         regarded with a favorable eye by the goddess Ninâ (Enki‘s daughter),

         dowered with power by the god Nin-dara (Nanshe‘s husband),

         covered with renown by the goddess Bau (Ninurta‘s spouse),

         the offspring of the goddess Gutumdug (Ninsun), …”


         “The temple of the goddess Gatumdug he (Ur-Nanshe) has erected …”


         [The palace] of the Ti-ash-ra (?) he has erected.

         The temple of the goddess Gatumdug …”


          Ninâ-ur king of Shirpurla (Lagash), son of Nini-ghal-gin

         The temple of the goddess Gatumdug he has erected …”


         To the goddess Gatumdug, the mother of Shirpurla-ki (Lagash),

         Entena, the patesi of Shirpurla-ki, who has built the temple of the goddess Gatumdug …”


As Jatumdug:

         she is indeed Jatumdug.

         In ……, her …… that reaches the heavens, she is indeed ……, the firstborn child.

         In …… Jirsu, the shrine which first brought forth the seed of mankind, 

       my lady is indeed mother Bau .…”


         Jatumdug has abandoned that house Lagac (Lagash) and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold …”


         for Gudea, born in the august sanctuary by Jatumdug …”


         Gudea celebrated the ecec festival in the house of Bagara.

         The ruler set up his bed near to Jatumdug

         He offered bread and poured cold water and went to holy Jatumdug to pray to her:

         ‘My lady, child begotten by holy An (Bau is Anu‘s daughter)

         Lady, mother, you who founded Lagac (Lagash)’ …”


         For me, who has no mother, you are my mother; for me, who has no father, you are my father.

         You implanted my semen in the womb, gave birth to me in the sanctuary, Jatumdug, sweet is your holy name!’ …”


         “May the favorable, right-hand palm of your lofty hands, my lady Jatumdug, lend me protection!…

         His call was heard; his lady, holy Jatumdug, accepted from Gudea his prayer and supplication …”


         “In the house, Enki drove in the the foundation pegs,

         while Nance, the daughter of Eridu, took care of the oracular messages.

         The mother of Lagac, holy Jatumdug, gave birth to its bricks amid cries (?),

         and Bau (Ninurta‘s spouse), the lady, first-born daughter of An (Anu), sprinkled them with oil and cedar essence.

         En and lagar priests were detailed to the house to provide maintenance for it.

         The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods stood there full of admiration ….”


Ningul / Nungal Quotes From Texts

Nin-gul = Ninsun, Lugalbanda‘s Spouse, Mother to Many Kings 2/3rds Divine, Demigods

        “to Lugal-banda his god and Nin-gul his goddess …”

        “He attached the seventh roar to the goddess Nungal …”

Lama Quote From Text

Ninurta’s inspector of the fisheries

           “With his divine duties, namely to make sure that Imin-catam, the messenger of Gu-edina,

         informs Nin-jirsu about the amount of carp and perch yielded by the marshes,

         and about the quantity of new shoots of reed yielded by the green reedbeds,

         Gudea introduced Lama, the inspector of the fisheries of Gu-edina, to lord Nin-jirsu …”


Ninsun / Lama Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


        . Ninsun = Sumerian, Assyrian,

        . Ninsuna = Babylonian

        . Ninsumun = Akkadian

        . Jatumdug / Gatumdug = Lagash

        . Ellat-gula =

        . Rimat-Ninsun = Akkadian “august cow”

        . daughter to Ninurta & Bau / Gula in some texts

                 . daughter to Anu & Urash in some texts

        . born on Earth Colony, in Kuara

        . E-tarsirsir = Ninsun’s temple residence in Lagash, city of mother Bau & father Ninurta

        . E-ana = Ninsun’s & others temple residence in Uruk

        . Ti-ash-ra = “The temple of the goddess Gatumdug …”

        . espoused semi-divine mixed-breed King Lugalbanda of Uruk, ruled 1,200 years

Ninsun’s Divine Anunnaki Son:

        . Dumuzi The Shepherd with Enki

Ninsun’s Divine Anunnaki Daughters:

         . Geshtinanna with Enki

        . Aya / Aia, Utu‘s spouse

               (Utu Speaking: Escort me to my mother-in-law, to Ninsumun…”)

Ninsun’s Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Sons Made Kings:       

       . King Gilgamesh / Izdubar of Uruk, 2/3rds divine, ruled 126 yrs.

              “Izdubar (Gilgamesh)his mother Ellat-gula (Ninsun)...”; “ Gilgamec, son of Ninsumun…”

       . King Ur-Nammu of Ur, 2/3rds divine

              “Ur-Namma…child of Ninsun, she has given birth to you…”

       . King Gudea of Lagash, 2/3rds divine

              “Gudea…your divine mother is Ninsun…”

Ninsun’s Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Grandson Made King:

       . King Shulgi / Culgi of Ur

              Culgi, the son of Ninsun…”

Ninsun’s Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Great-Grandsons Made Kings:

        . King Amar-Sin / Bur-Sin of Ur, brother to Shu-Sin

        . King Shu-Sin of Ur, son of Ninsumun (Ninsun)…”

Ninsun’s Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Daughters:

        . daughters Enmebaragesi & Matur

               Gilgamesh Speaking: my own mother Ninsun and of my father, holy Lugalbanda! …I have brought you En-me-barage-si, my big sister…I have brought you Ma-tur, my little sister, …”

Minor Gods Related to Ereshkigal Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)


Neti Quote From Text

Neti = Ereshkigal’s Gatekeeper in the Under World


        “Sooner than Ninlil expected, a stern gate towered over her,

          opened by an even sterner gatekeeper holding a torch upright.

         He was Neti, she was told, Ereshkigal’s guardian of the Underworld thresholds.

         This time, she was sure, the Guardian had not been Enlil in disguise.

         Eyes were not light of color, there were no emotions on sight, just impartiality and efficiency.

         Six other gates succeeded the first with a speed she found difficult to believe,

         for a feeling of disorientation took hold of her,

          as if she were going deeper and deeper within layers and layers of existence, her own and many others.

          The strong, soul-baring feeling only subsided when she crossed the seventh gate,

          when another even more serious face greeted her and Neti.

Sukkal Namtar (Ninlil), the young woman from the Worlds Above

requests to be seen by the Great Queen,’ provided Neti.

Namtar (Ereshkigal’s son) nodded and appraised Ninlil with cold assurance.

She felt like shrinking before such knowing gaze, but held her ground.

‘Since you’ve come this far, it is fitting that you are given the chance to see Queen …

and see whether you can conquer her graces!

Follow me,’ Namtar answered after a time that looked like eternity …”


Namtar Quotes From Texts

Namtar = Ereshkigal’s Son & Vizier

Gatekeeper to the Under World, Messenger God for Ereshkigal


At each of the seven gates, one of Inanna’s accoutrements and weapons was from her removed, Then, unclothed and powerless before Ereshkigal’s throne, Of scheming an heir by Nergal, Dumuzi’s brother, she was accused! Trembling with fury, Ereshkigal to her sister’s explanations would not listen.

         “’Let loose against her the sixty diseases!’

         Ereshkigal her vizier, Namtar, in anger ordered …”


         To Namtar, who decrees all the fates,

         in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered perfectly wrought jewelery,

         a golden ring cast (?) as a …… barge,..

         To Hucbisag, the wife of Namtar, in her palace,

         the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a chest (?) with a lapis-lazuli handle,

         containing (?) everything that is essential in the underworld,

         a silver hair clasp adorned with lapis-lazuli, and a comb of womanly fashion …”


         “When before Ereshkigal they came, Ereshkigal by their appearance was puzzled:

         Are you Anunnaki? Are you Earthlings?

         With bewilderment she asked them.

         Namtar the magical weapons of power against them directed, but unharmed the two were.

         To the lifeless body of Inanna he took them, hanging from a stake she was …”


         Sukkal Namtar, the young woman from the Worlds Above

         requests to be seen by the Great Queen,’ provided Neti.

         Namtar nodded and appraised Ninlil with cold assurance …”


         “’Follow me,’ Namtar answered after a time that looked like eternity …

         ‘is it your will to get into the domains of the Great Queen Ereshkigal?’ asked quietly Namtar …”


         Ninlil followed Namtar across the silent courtyard, countless passageways, chambers and staircases.

         Finally, they stopped in the Grand Hall. Namtar bowed deeply.

         Ninlil wisely imitated him before raising her eyes and to see what laid before her eyes …”


         Ereshkigal made her voice heard and spake, she addressed her words to her vizier Namtar,

         ‘O Namtar my vizier, I shall send you to the heaven of our father Anu.

         Namtar, go up the long stairway of heaven.

         Take from the table and accept a present for me.

         Whatever Anu gives to you, you must present to me’ …”


         Ereshkigal made her voice heard and spake,

         Addressed her words to Namtar her vizier, ‘Go, Namtar, you must speak to Anu, Ellil, and Ea!

         Set your face towards the gate of Anu, Ellil, and Ea,’ …”


       “The evil demons and the evil demonesses who beset mankind,

       Dim-me and Dim-mea who enter by night, Namtar and Asag who will not leave a man alone, …”


         Enkidu went down to retrieve them but the nether world has seized him.

         Namtar did not seize him, the Asag did not seize him; but the nether world has seized him.

         The udug demon of Nergal, who spares nobody,

         did not seize him, but the nether world has seized him …”


         Namtar with no hands or feet takes away …….”


         Ninazu Quotes From Texts

Ninazu – Son to Ereshkigal Some Texts, Son to Enlil Some Texts

Spouse to Ninsutu


As Ereshkigal’s son:

         To Ereckigala (Ereshkigal), the mother of Ninazu, …”


         “Praise be to Enki. Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda), son of Ninazu! …”


         “’She who lies there, she who lies there, Ninazu’s (Ereshkigal’s son) mother who lies there —

         her pure shoulders are not covered with a garment, and no linen is spread over her pure breast.

         She has fingers like a pickaxe, she plucks her hair out like leeks.’ …”


As Enlil’s son:

         “made love with her, kissed her; and at his lovemaking, at his first kiss,

        he poured into the womb for her the sperm, germ of Ninazu, owner of the temple manor Egida! ..”.


         Ninazu dines on your platform.

       Your sovereign, the great lord, the son of Enlil,…

         The true seed born of the Great Mountain and Ninlil,

         your sovereign, the warrior Ninazu, has erected a house in your precinct,

         O E-sikil, O Ešnunna, and taken his seat upon your dais, the house of Ninazu in Ešnunna …”


         Ninazu of the words of prayer, has erected a house in your precinct,

         O house Enegir, and taken his seat upon your dais, the house of Ninazu in Enegir …”


         (Culgi speaks:)

         Seed placed by the prince in the holy womb, born on the bright mountain,

         Ninazu, who like a wild bull which lows in its drinking,’

         8 lines missing or unclear

         (Ninazu speaks:)

         ‘…… like syrup …… ghee …….

         You, the hero, coming from the rebel land …….

         O king, the lord of prayers and supplications has chosen you in his heart;

         shepherd Culgi, the lord of prayers and supplications has chosen you in his heart.

         Who can rival (?) a king to whom Enlil has given strength?’ …”


         Then Ninazu ……, and said to his brother Ninmada:

         ‘Let us go to the mountain, to the mountain where barley and flax grow;

         …… the rolling river, where the water wells up from the earth.

         Let us fetch the barley down from its mountain, let us introduce the innuha barley into Sumer.

         Let us make barley known in Sumer, which knows no barley.’

         Ninmada, the worshiper of An (Anu), replied to him:

         ‘Since our father has not given the command,

         since Enlil has not given the command, how can we go there to the mountain?’ …”

Cultivated cereals by Ninmada in Sumer, they genetically altered grains from Nibiru (hemp, wheat, barley), mountain strains to valley strains, etc.


         Ninazu deposited his weapon in a corner in the E-gida …”


         “’Lay with me, lady Air (Ninlil), and share a night of passion by the cataract.

         I need your care to guide me through this lonely night.’…

         ‘Will you carry me afterwards, as you did… to Enlil?’

         Yes’. ‘This seed of yours, I’ll call him Ninazu, the Water-Knower, Lord of the Depths that Heal.

         His will be the knowledge to wound too, because healing and wounding are two sides of the same coin’ …”


         Let Ninsutu marry Ninazu; …”


         Ningiriudu shall marry Ninazu, …”


Ninsutu Quotes From Texts

Ninsutu / Ningiriudu /Ninjirida / Ningirida = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu

Ninazu’s spouse


As Ninsutu:

       “’Where else do you hurt, dearest (Enki)?’

       ‘My tooth hurts me.’

       ‘To the goddess Ninsutu

       I (Ninhursag) have given birth for you to set your tooth free’ …”


       “Let Ninsutu marry Ninazu; …”


As Ningirida / Ningiriudu:

          “Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda), who brings together giant snakes and dragons!

          Great wild bull who, in the murderous battle, is a flood that ……!

          Beloved by his mother, he to whom Ningirida gave birth from her luxurious body,

          who drank the good milk at her holy breast, who sucked in lion’s spittle, who grew up in the abzu! …’

            ‘Praise be to Enki. Ninjiczida, son of Ninazu!’ …”


Lady Ningirida, say to you: ‘Your house, your city!’

as she steps before you in prayer, god of the Land, my lord Ninazu! …“


Enegir lay ahead of the offerings, Urim lay behind them

She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house, what should not come out of the house —

Ningirida (Ninazu’s spouse) brought out of the house what should not come out of the house:

‘Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

O boat of Suen, welcome, welcome o boat!’

She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat.

(1 ms. adds 1 line:With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?) for him (declaring):)

‘I shall rub precious oil on this peg.

May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!’

         But the boat did not give her its cargo: ‘I am going to Nibru!’ …”


        Ningiriudu shall marry Ninazu, …”


(Ninhursag speaking:) “‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

(Enki) ‘My nose (giri) hurts me.’

         She gave birth to Ningiriudu out of it …”


Nimada Quotes From Texts

Nimada = Enlil’s Son in Some Texts

Nimada = Ereshkigal’s Son in Some Texts


         “Then Ninazu (son of Enlil sometimes, son of Ereshkigal sometimes)……, and said to his brother Ninmada:…

         ‘Let us fetch the barley down from its mountain, let us introduce the innuha barley into Sumer.

         Let us make barley known in Sumer, which knows no barley’. …”


         “Ninmada, the worshipper of An (Anu), replied to him:

‘Since our father has not given the command, since Enlil has not given the command,

how can we go there to the mountain?

         How can we bring down the barley from its mountain?’ …”


         “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

         and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug,

         …… and Ninguna stand by as you give birth …”


Belit-Seri Quote From Text

Belit-SeriEreshkigal’s Scribe

And also Ereshkigal, who is the Queen of the Underworld.

Belit-Seri, her scribe, kneels before here.

And she reads out from a tablet to her.

She, the scribe, lifts her head, sees me and says:

‘Who brought this one? ‘…”

Ninĝišzida’s Journey to the Nether World

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breeds in teal)

1-3. “Arise and get on board, arise, we are about to sail, arise and get on board!” —

Woe, weep for the bright daylight, as the barge is steered away! —

“I am a young man! Let me not be covered against my wishes by a cabin,

as if with a blanket, as if with a blanket!”

4-10. Stretching out a hand to the barge, to the young man being steered away on the barge,

stretching out a hand to {my young man Damu (Bau‘s son)

2 - Ningishzidda, younger son to Enki, son to Ereshkigal (Ningishzidda, son to Enki & Ningiridu, god of knowledge)

{(1 ms. has instead:) Lord Ninĝišzida} (Ningishzidda) being taken away on the barge,

  (thousands of artifacts discovered in Lagash, Ninurta‘s patron city)

stretching out a hand to Ištaran (Ninurta) of the bright visage being taken away on the barge,

2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna  (Utu / Alla, Sun god, son to Nannar the moon crescent god of Biblical Abraham in Ur)

stretching out a hand to Alla (Utu), master of the battle-net, being taken away on the barge,

stretching out a hand to Lugal-šud-e (unidentified?) being taken away on the barge,

stretching out a hand to Ninĝišzida (Ningishzidda) being taken away on the barge —

his younger sister was crying in lament to him in {the boat’s cabin}

{(1 ms. has instead:) the cabin at the boat’s bow}.

11-12. His older sister removed the cover (?) from {the boat’s cabin}

{(1 ms. has instead:) the cabin at the boat’s stern}:

“Let me sail away with you, let me sail away with you, {brother}

{(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.

{(2 mss. add 1 line:)

My brother, let me sail on your barge with you, my brother, let me sail away with you.

{(1 ms. adds 1 further line:)

Let me sail on your splendid barge with you, my brother, let me sail away with you.}}”

13-14. She was crying a lament to him at the boat’s bow: ”

{Brother} {(1 ms. has instead:) My brother}, let me sail away with you.

Let me …… for you in your boat’s stern, {brother}

{(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.”

{(1 ms. adds 2 lines:) “The gudug priest sits in the cabin at your boat’s stern.”

She was crying a lament to him:

“Let me sail away with you, my brother, let me sail away with you.”}

2-bau-gives-medical-attention  (Dr. Damu, his patient, & Damu‘s mother Bau with her guard dog)

15-19. “My young man Damu (Bau‘s son), let me sail away with you, {brother}

{(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.

  (Ninurta, son to Enlil & Ninhursag, born of the Anunnaki “double seed” law of royal succession)

Ištaran (Ninurta) of the bright visage, let me sail away with you, {brother}

{(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.

5b-utu-ur-nammu-law-code  (giant alien god Utu & his wheel of justice, the alien way)

Alla (Utu), master of the battle-net, let me sail away with you, {brother}

{(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.

Lugal-šud-e, let me sail away with you, {brother}

{(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.

{(1 ms. adds 1 line:) Lugal-ki-bura (unidentified?), let me sail away with you,

my brother, let me sail away with you.}

2a - Ningishzidda, Master Builder, foundation peg  (giant Ningishzidda laid the foundation pegs to the ziggurats & pyramids found everywhere on Earth)

Ninĝišzida, let me sail away with you, {brother} {(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.

{(1 ms. adds 2 lines:)

My brother, let me sail on your barge with you, my brother, let me sail away with you.

Let me sail on your splendid barge with you, my brother, let me sail away with you.}”

20-28. The evil demon who was in their midst called out to {Lugal-ki-suna} {(2 mss. have instead:) Ninĝišzida}:

{Lugal-ki-suna} {(1 ms. has instead:) Lugal-ki-bura}, look at your sister!”

Having looked at his sister, {Lugal-ki-suna} {(1 ms. has instead:) Lugal-ki-bura} said to her:

“He sails with me, he sails with me.

Why should you sail {(1 ms. adds:) to the underworld}?

Lady, the demon sails with me.

Why should you sail {(1 ms. adds:) to the underworld}?

The thresher sails with me.

Why should you sail {(1 ms. adds:) to the underworld}?

The man who has bound my hands sails with me.

Why should you sail?

The man who has tied my arms sails with me.

Why should you sail?”

29-37. “The river of the nether world produces no water, no water is drunk from it.

{(1 ms. adds:) Why should you sail?}

The fields of the nether world produce no grain, no flour is eaten from it.

{(1 ms. adds:) Why should you sail?}

The sheep of the nether world produce no wool, no cloth is woven from it.

{(1 ms. adds:) Why should you sail?}

As for me, even if my mother digs as if for a canal,

I shall not be able to drink the water meant for me.

The waters of springtime will not be poured for me as they are for the tamarisks;

I shall not sit in the shade intended for me.

The dates I should bear like a date palm will not reveal (?) their beauty for me.

I am a field threshed by my demon — you would scream at it.

He has put manacles on my hands — you would scream at it.

2a-dumuzi-the-shepherd-adam-eve  (Dumuzi the Shepherd with manacles on his hands & feet)

He has put a neck-stock on my neck — you would scream at it.”

38-44. Ama-šilama (Ninĝišzida‘s sister) said to Ninĝišzida:

“The ill-intentioned demon may accept something — there should be a limit to it for you.

My brother, your demon may accept something, there should be a limit to it for you.

For him let me …… from my hand the ……, there should be a limit to it for you.

For him let me …… from my hand the ……, there should be a limit to it for you.

For him let me …… from my hips the dainty lapis lazuli beads, there should be a limit to it for you.

For him let me …… from my hips the …… my lapis lazuli beads, there should be a limit to it for you.”

45-49. “You are a beloved ……, there should be a limit to it for you.

How they treat you, how they treat you! — there should be a limit to it for you.

My brother, how they treat you, how haughtily they treat you! — there should be a limit to it for you.

“I am hungry, but the bread has slipped away from me!” — there should be a limit to it for you.

“I am thirsty, but the water has slipped away from me!” – there should be a limit to it for you.”

50-54. The evil demon who was in their midst,

the clever demon, that great demon who was in their midst,

called out to the man at the boat’s bow and to the man at the boat’s stern:

“Don’t let the mooring stake be pulled out, don’t let the mooring stake be pulled out,

so that she may come on board to her brother, that this lady may come on board the barge.”

55-62. When Ama-šilama had gone on board the barge,

a cry approached the heavens, a cry approached the earth,

that great demon set up an enveloping cry before him on the river:

Urim (Ur), at my cry to the heavens lock your houses, lock your houses, city, lock your houses!

3d - Nannar's Ziggourat-Temple in Ur (Nannar‘s ziggurat temple residence in Ur)

Shrine Urim, lock your houses, city, lock your houses!

Against your lord who has left the ĝipar, city, lock your houses!”

1 line fragmentary

approx. 1 line missing

64-69. 2 lines fragmentary

…… a holy scepter.

…… a holy robe of office.

…… a holy crown.

…… a lapis-lazuli scepter.

70-75. He …… to the empty river, the rejoicing (?) river:

“You (addressing Ama-šilima) shall not draw near to this house, …….

…… to the place of Ereškigala (Ereshkigal).

My mother …… out of her love.

As for you (addressing the demon), you may be a great demon ……,

…… your hand against the nether world‘s office of throne-bearer.”

76-81. “My king will no longer shed tears in his eyes.

The drum will …… his joy in tears.

Come! May the fowler utter a lament for you in his well-stocked house, lord, may he utter a lament for you.

How he has been humiliated!

May the young fisherman utter a lament for you in his well-stocked house,

lord, may he utter a lament for you.

How he has been humiliated!

May the mother of the dead gudug priest {utter a lament for you in her empty ĝipar}

{( 1 ms. has instead:) , on whom the house of the palace looked with envy (?)},

utter a lament for you, lord, may she utter a lament for you.

How he has been humiliated!

May the mother high priestess utter a lament {for you who have left the ĝipar}

{(1 ms. has instead:) for you, now dead, who used to be in your ĝipar}, lord, may she utter a lament for you.

How he has been humiliated!”

82-89. “My king, bathe with water your head that has rolled in the dust.

…… in sandals your feet defiled from the defiled place.”

The king bathed with water his head that had rolled in the dust.

…… in sandals his feet defiled from the defiled place.

“Not drawing near to this house, ……. …… your throne …… to you “Sit down”.

May your bed …… to you “Lie down”.”

He ate food in his mouth, he drank choice wine.

       Great holy one,

         (Ereshkigal, Queen of the Under World)

       Ereškigala, praising you is sweet.

Nergal and Ereshkigal

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

3a - Anu in flight  (Sky Father Anu in his winged sky-disc;  Enlil, father King Anu, & brother Enki in another disc)

Anu made his voice heard and spoke, he addressed his words to Kakka,

Kakka, I shall send you to Kurnugi.

You must speak thus to Ereshkigal,

Saying, ‘It is impossible for you to come up.

In your year you cannot come up to see us

And it is impossible for us to go down.

In our months we cannot go down to see you.

Let your messenger come

And take from the table, let him accept a present for you.

I shall give something to him to present to you.'”

Kakka went down the long stairway of heaven.

4 - door to Ereshkigal's Underworld (“stairway of heaven”; gate to domain of Ereshkigal, the Under World / Nether World)

When he reached the gate of Ereshkigal, he said,

“Gatekeeper, open the gate to me!”

Kakka, come in, and may the gate bless you.”

He let the god Kakka in through the first gate,

He let the god Kakka in through the second gate,

He let the god Kakka in through the third gate,

He let the god Kakka in through the fourth gate,

He let the god Kakka in through the fifth gate,

He let the god Kakka in through the sixth gate,

He let the god Kakka in through the seventh gate.

He entered into her spacious courtyard,

He knelt down and kissed the ground in front of her.

He straightened up, stood and addressed her,

Anu your father sent me

To say, ‘It is impossible for you to go up;

In your year you cannot go up to see us,

And it is impossible for us to go down;

In our month we cannot go down to see you.

Let your messenger come

And take from the table, let him accept a present for you.

I shall give something to him to present to you,”‘

2a - Ereshkigal, Nannar's Daughter (Ereshkigal seated upon her throne, Queen of the Under World)

Ereshkigal made her voice heard and spake, she addressed her words to Kakka.

“O messenger of Anu our father, you who have come to us,

6-anu-above-enlil-enki (eagle-headed & winged Apkulla / pilot, son Enki, father in heaven King Anu in his sky-disc, son Enlil, the 3 main giant gods ruling Earth Colony, & another Apkulla, minor god & pilot)

May peace be with Anu, Ellil (Enlil), and Ea (Enki), the great gods.

May peace be with Nammu (Bau‘s mother) and Nash (Bau / Guda), the pure Goddesses.

1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Royal Princess Bau / Nash, daughter to King Anu, medical doctor, prison warden, etc.)

May peace be with the husband of the Lady of Heaven.

May peace be with Ninurta, champion in the land.”

Kakka made his voice heard and spake, he addressed his words to Ereshkigal,

“Peace is indeed with Anu, Ellil, and Ea (Enki), the great gods.

Peace is indeed with Nammu (Bau’s mother) and Nash the pure.

Peace is indeed with the husband of the Lady of Heaven.

 (Ninurta, son to Enlil & Enlil‘s 1/2 sister Ninhursag, “double seed” heir to Enlil)

Peace is indeed with Ninurta, champion in the land.”

Kakka made his voice heard and spake, he addressed his words to Ereshkigal,

“[ ] may be well with you.”

Ereshkigal made her voice heard and spake, she addressed her words to her vizier Namtar,

“O Namtar my vizier, I shall send you to the heaven of our father Anu.

2l - Uruk as Was  (re-creation of Anu‘s ziggurat residence in Uruk, stairway to god)

Namtar, go up the long stairway of heaven.

Take from the table and accept a present for me.

Whatever Anu gives to you, you must present to me.”

(about 26 lines missing)

(Ea addresses Nergal)

“[ ]

[ ] path [ ]

The gods are kneeling together before him.

The great gods, the lords of destiny.

For it is he who controls the rites, controls the rites of [ ]

The gods who dwell within Erkalla (Ereshkigal‘s temple residence in Under World).

Why do you not kneel before him?

I keep winking at you,

But you pretend no to realize,


(6 lines missing)

(Nergal addresses Ea– apparently expressing a wish to visit Ereshkigal)

“[ ] I will rise to my feet

[ ] you said.

[ ] will double it.”

3b - Enki image (Ea / Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, 1st to land on Earth with his crew of 50)

When Ea heard this he said to himself, “[ ]”

Then Ea made his voice heard and spake, he addressed his words to Nergal.

“My son, you shall go on the journey you want to make, … grasp a sword in your hand.

Go down to the forest of mesu trees.

Cut down mesu trees, tiaru trees, and juniper!

Break off kanaktu trees and simberru trees.”

2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld (Nergal, Enki‘s son, Anunnaki Lord of the Under World, nuclear destroyer of mountains, cities, etc.)

When Nergal heard this, he took an ax up in his hand,

Drew the sword from his belt,

Went down to the forest of mesu trees,

Cut down mesu trees, tiaru trees, and juniper,

Broke off kanaktu trees and simberru trees, [ ] he made a throne for far-sighted Ea.

He painted it with [ ] as a substitute for silver,

Painted it with yellow paste and red paste as a substitute for gold,

Painted it with blue glaze as a substitute for lapis lazuli.

The work was finished, the chair complete.

Then he (Ea) called out and laid down instructions for him,

My son (of Enki‘s), about the journey which you want to make: from the moment you arrive,

Follow whatever instructions I give you.

From the moment they bring a chair to you,

Do not go to it, do not sit upon it.

When the baker brings you bread, do not go to it, do not eat the bread.

When the butcher brings you meat, do not go to it, do not eat the meat.

When the brewer brings you beer, do not go to it, do not drink the beer.

When they bring you a foot bath, do not go to it, do not wash your feet.

 (Ereshkigal, some texts daughter to Anu, some texts daughter to Nannar)

When she (Ereshkigal) has been to the bath

And dressed herself in a fine robe,

Allowing you to glimpse her body…

You must not do that which men and women do.”

Nergal set his face toward Kurnugi,

To the dark house, dwelling of Erkalla’s god,

To the house which those who enter cannot leave,

On the road where traveling is one way only,

To the house where those who enter are deprived of light,

Where dust is their food, clay their bread.

They are clothed, like birds, with feathers.

They see no light, the dwell in darkness.

They moan like doves.

          The gatekeeper opened his mouth and addressed his words to Nergal,

“I must take back a report about the god standing at the door.”

  (Eeshkigal, naked sister Inanna, & gatekeeper Namtar)

The gatekeeper entered and addressed his words to Ereshkigal,

“May lady, a [ ] has come to see us.

[ ] will identify him.”

Ereshkigal made her voice heard and spake to Namtar, “[ ]”

(Namtar replies)

“Let me identify him,

Let me … him at the outer gate.

Let me bring back to my lord a description of him.”

2f - Nergal (Nergal, alien who teamed up with Ninurta to nuclear strike Marduk & sons)

Namtar went and looked at Erra (Nergal) in the shadow of the door.

Namtar‘s face went as livid as cut tamarisk.

His lips grew dark as the rim of a kuninu vessle.

Namtar went and addressed his lady,

“My lady, when you sent me to your father,

When I entered the courtyard of Anu

All the gods were kneeling, humbled before him,

All the gods of the land were kneeling humbled before him.

The gods rose to their feet in my presence.

Now ‘they’ (Nergal) have gone down to Kurnugi.”

Ereshkigal made her voice heard and spake, she addressed her words to Namtar,

“My dear Namtar, you should not seek Ellil power,

Nor should you desire to do heroic deeds.

What, come up and sit on the throne of the royal dais?

You, perform the judgments of the broad Earth?

  (alien Anunnaki King Anu in his winged sky-disc, father in heaven / planet Nibiru to Royal Prince-Leaders Enki & Enlil, tasked by Anu to colonize the Earth, generations of them were then born on Earth, each wanting controls over earthlings)

Should I go up to the heaven of Anu my father?

Should I eat the bread of the Anunnaki?

Should I drink the water of the Anunnaki?

Go and bring the god into my presence!”

Namtar went and let in ‘the Gods’, Erra (Nergal).

He let Nergal in through the first, the gate of Nedu.

He let Nergal in through the second, the gate of Enkishar.

He let Nergal in through the third, the gate of Endashurimma.

He let Nergal in through the fourth, the gate of Enuralla.

He let Nergal in through the fifth, the gate of Endukuga.

He let Nergal in through the sixth, the gate of Endushuba.

He let Nergal in through the seventh, the gate (Earth is 7 planets away from Anunnaki planet Nibiru) of Ennugigi.

He came into the broad courtyard,

And he knelt down, kissed the ground in front of her.

He straightened up, stood and addressed her,

Anu your father sent me to see you,

Saying, ‘Sit down on that throne,

Judge the cases of the great gods,

The great gods who live within Erkalla!'”

As soon as they brought him to a throne

He did not go to it, and did not sit on it.

When the baker brought him bread, he did not go to it, and did not eat the bread.

When the butcher brought him mean, he did not go to it, and did not eat the meat.

When the brewer brought him beer, he did not go to it, and did not drink the beer.

When they brought him a footbath, he did not go to it, and did not wash his feet.

When she went to the bath,

And dressed herself in a fine robe,

And allowed him to catch a glimpse of her body,

He resisted his heart’s desire to do what men and women do.

(about 13 lines missing)

Nergal [ ]

She went to the bath

And dressed in a fine robe, and allowed him to catch a glimpse of her body.

He gave in to his heart’s desire to do what men and women do.

The two embraced each other

And went passionately to bed.

They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a first day and a second day.

They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a third day and a fourth day.

They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a fifth day and a sixth day.

When the seventh day arrived,

Nergal, without [ ]

Took away after him [ ] “let me go, and my sister [ ]

Do not make tremble [ ]

Let me go now, and I will return to Kurnugi later.”

Her mouth turned dark with rage [ ]

inergal001p1 (warrior god Nergal, some texts Enlil‘s son, some texts Enki‘s son)

Nergal went and made his voice heard and spake.

He addressed his speech to the gatekeeper,

Ereshkigal your lady sent me,

Saying, ‘I am sending you to the heaven of Anu our father’

So let me be allowed out! The message [ ].”

Nergal came up along the long stairway of heaven.

4a - Anu flanked by Enki & Enlil (gate of heaven with King Anu on his throne over entire planet of Nibiru)

When he arrived at the gate of Anu, Ellil (Enlil), and Ea (Enki), Anu, Ellil, and Ea saw him and said,

The son of Ishtar (Inanna) has come back to us,

She (Ereshkigal) will search for him and [ ].

Ea his father must sprinkle him with spring water, and bareheaded,

Blinking and cringing let him sit in the assembly of the gods.”

Ereshkigal [ ]

To the bath [ ]

Her body [ ]

She called out [ ]

“The chair [ ]

Sprinkle the room with the water of [ ]

Sprinkle the room with the water of [ ]

Sprinkle the room with the water of [ ]

              (Lamatsu / Lamashtu, alien demon)

The [ ] of the two daughters of Lamashtu (demon) and Enmesharra (Enmecara, Enlil’s uncle),

Sprinkle with the waters of [ ].

The messenger of Anu our father who came to see us

Shall eat our bread and drink our water.”

Namtar made his voice heard and spake,

Addressed his words to Ereshkigal his lady,

“The messenger of Anu our father who came to see us-

Before daylight he disappeared!”

Ereshkigal cried aloud, grievously,

Fell from the throne to the ground,

Then straightened up from the ground.

Her tears flowed down her cheeks.

Erra (Nergal), the lover of my delightI did not have enough delight with him before he left!

Erra, the love of my delight- I did not have enough delight with him before he left.”

Namtar made his voice heard and spake, addressed his words to Ereshkigal,

“Send me to Anu your father, and let me arrest the god!

Let me take him to you, that he may kiss you again!”

Ereshkigal made her voice heard and spake,

Addressed her words to Namtar her vizier,

“Go, Namtar, you must speak to Anu, Ellil (Enlil), and Ea!

3b-anu-of-planet-nibiru1ae-enlil-babylonian 2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad (King Anu, son & heir Prince Enlil, & eldest son Prince Enki)

Set your face towards the gate of Anu, Ellil, and Ea,

To say, ‘Ever since I was a child and a daughter,

I have not known the playing of other girls,

I have not known the romping of children.

That god whom you sent to me and who has impregnated me- let him sleep with me again!

Send that god to us, and let him spend the night with me as my lover!

I am unclean, and I am not pure enough to perform the judging of the great gods,

The great gods who dwell within Erkalla.

If you do not send that god to me

According to the rites of Erkalla (Ereshkigal‘s residence in Under World) and the great Earth

I shall raise up the dead, and they will eat the living.

I shall make the dead outnumber the living!'”

Namtar came up the long stairway of heaven.

When he arrived at the gate of Anu, Ellil, and Ea,

Anu, Ellil, and Ea saw him and said,

“What have you come for, Namtar?”

“Your daughter sent me,

To say, ‘Ever since I was a child and a daughter,

I have not known the playing of other girls,

I have not known the romping of children.

That god whom you sent to me and who has impregnated me- let him sleep with me again!

Send that god to us, and let him spend the night with me as my lover!

I am unclean, and I am not pure enough to perform the judging of the great gods,

The great gods who dwell within Erkalla.

If you do not send that god to me

According to the rites of Erkalla and the great Earth I shall raise up the dead, and they will eat the living.

I shall make the dead outnumber the living!'”

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki, wisest god who could save Anunnaki lives, could enter & safely leave the Under World)

Ea made his voice heard and spake, addressed his words to Namtar,

“Enter, Namtar, the court of Anu,

Search out your wrongdoer and bring him!”

When he entered the court of Anu,

All the gods were kneeling humbly before him,

All the gods of the land were kneeling humbled before him.

1f-gods-in-procession  (alien Anunnaki royal descendants of King Anu on Earth)

He went straight up to one, but did not recognize that god,

Went straight up to a second and a third, but did not recognize that god either.

Namtar went, and addressed his words to his lady,

“My lady, about your sending me up to the heaven of Anu your father:

May lady, there was only one god who sat bareheaded, blinking, and cringing at the assembly of the gods.”

“Go, seize that god and bring him to me!

Ea his father sprinkled him with spring water,

And he is sitting in the assembly of all the gods bareheaded, blinking, and cringing.”

Namtar came up the long stairway of heaven.

4-anus-abode-on-nibiru-heaven  (gate of King Anu, Apkulla / pilots, & many symbols of certain gods)

When he reached the gate of Anu, Ellil, and Ea, Anu, Ellil, and Ea saw him and said,

“What have you come for, Namtar?”

“Your daughter sent me,

To say, ‘Seize that god and bring him to me.'”

“Then enter, Namtar, the courtyard of Anu, and search out your wrongdoer and take him.”

He went straight up to one god, but did not recognize him,

Went straight up to a second and third, but did not recognize him either.

Then [ ] made his voice heard and spake, addressed his words to Ea,

“Let Namtar, the messenger who has come to us,

Drink our water, wash, and anoint himself.”

(15 lines missing)

“He is not to strip off [ ] Erra,

[ ] I shall [ ]”

Namtar made his voice heard and spake, addressed his words to Erra,

Erra, [ ]

All the rites of the great Underworld [ ]

When you go from [ ]

You shall carry the chair [ ]

You shall carry [ ]

You shall carry [ ]

You shall carry [ ]

You shall carry [ ]

You shall carry [ ] [ ]

Do not grapple with him lest he bind your chest.”

4d - Nergal & sky-chariot 1600 B.C. (Anunnaki warrior god Nergal in his sky-chariot)

Erra took to heart the speech of Namtar.

He [ ] oiled his strap and slung his bow.

Nergal went down the long stairway of heaven.

When he arrived at the gate of Ereshkigal he said, “Gatekeeper, open [ ]!”

2bb - Nergal & 2 lion heads weapon (Nergal with his high-tech alien weaponry)

He struck down Nedu, the doorman of the first gate, and did not let him grapple with him.

He struck down the second doorman, and did not let him grapple with him.

He struck down the third doorman, and did not let him grapple with him.

He struck down the fourth doorman, and did not let him grapple with him.

He struck down the fifth doorman, and did not let him grapple with him.

He struck down the sixth doorman, and did not let him grapple with him.

He struck down the seventh doorman, and did not let him grapple with him.

He entered her wide courtyard,

And went up to her and laughed.

He seized her by her hairdo,

And pulled her from the throne.

He seized her by her tresses [ ].

The two embraced each other

And went passionately to bed.

They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra (Nergal), for a first day and a second day.

They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a third day.

They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a fourth day.

They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a fifth day.

They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a sixth day.

When the seventh day arrived, Anu made his voice heard and spoke,

Addressed his words to Kakka, his vizier, Kakka, I shall send you to Kurnugi (Under World ziggurat),

To the home of Ereshkigal who dwells within Erkalla (Under World),

To say, “That god, whom I sent you,

Forever [ ]

Those above [ ]

Those below [ ]

(about 20 – 25 lines missing at end)

Ereshkigal Quotes From Texts, Etc.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue….semi-divine mixed-breeds in teal)


Ereckigala / Ereshkigal Quotes From Texts

Ereckigala / Ereshkigal = Nannar‘s eldest daughter

Queen of the Netherworld, spouse to Gugulanna (Nergal)


Ereshkigal As Erickigala:

when An (Anu) had taken the heavens for himself, when Enlil had taken the earth for himself,

when the nether world had been given to Erec-kigala as a gift; …”


         Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld, entered the house of his mistress Erec-ki-gala and said:

         ‘My mistress, there is a lone girl outside.

         It is Inanna, your sister, and she has arrived at the palace Ganzer’ …”


           Erec-ki-gala slapped the side of her thigh.

           She bit her lip and took the words to heart.

           She said to Neti, her chief doorman:

           ‘Come Neti, my chief doorman of the underworld, don’t neglect the instructions I will give you.

            Let the seven gates of the underworld be bolted.

           Then let each door of the palace Ganzer be opened separately.

           As for her, after she has entered, and crouched down

         and had her clothes removed, they will be carried away’ …”


         “I (Nungal / Bau) am the daughter of An (Anu).

            Enlil too has provided me with an eminent fate, for I am his daughter-in-law (Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, & spouse to Enlil‘s son Ninurta).

           The gods have given the divine powers of heaven and earth into my hands.

           My (Nungal / Bau) own mother, Ereckigala, has allotted to me her divine powers.

           I have set up my august dais in the nether world, …”


            “To Ereckigala, the mother of Ninazu

            in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a …… which he filled with oil,

            a cajan bowl of perfect make, a heavy garment, a long-fleeced garment,

          a queenly pala robe, …… the divine powers of the nether world …”


As Ereshkigal:

            Ereshkigal reigns sovereign here, and those who worship her may never leave.

          Would you go back now, little Lord?’

          ‘ I won’t go back without Ereshkigal.

          I’ll fight up to my last breath, but alone I won’t return to the Middleworld.

          Not as a loser, not without her.’

          Deep inside though Enki’s heart was heavy with terror.

          For the first time he contemplated the immensity of Ereshkigal’s loss to him and the Realms Above. …”


          “In the Worlds Above, his first Breath and Awareness he had shared with Ereshkigal, his Beloved Twin.

For Ereshkigal he had built his magur boat, for Ereshkigal he had come this far.

For Ereshkigal now Enki laid down his shield, mail and spear in the hope to fulfill his promise

to rescue Ereshkigal to the Worlds Above. …”


         “’I already know who you are. And why you came too.

You made it very loud and clear that you want to bring your sister

Ereshkigal back to the Worlds Above’, continued the Voice. ‘

But how can you be so sure that she wants to return with you?

Time has gone by, she might have found the Depths are her home now, not the Heights Above.’ …”


           “’She who lies there, she who lies there, Ninazu‘s mother (Ereshkigal) who lies there —

           her pure shoulders are not covered with a garment, and no linen is spread over her pure breast.’ …”


         “’Do you understand now, Enki?

Why my place is here, why I cannot return with you?’ asked softly Ereshkigal.

I’ve become one of the Great Guardians now., and my choice to be so.

Father An for the Sky, Ki-Ninhursag of Many Names for the Earth,

Enlil for Air, you for the Sweet, Shape-Forming Waters and myself for the Underworld.’ …”


         “’Don’t regret your choice of having descended for me, Enki,’ continued Ereshkigal.

Indeed, I knew you would come, and expected you all along.

         Our bond was and will always be strong, so whenever you seek me out, you will find me,’ …”


         “’Ever since I (Ereshkigal) was a child and a daughter, I have not known the playing of other girls,

I have not known the romping of children.

That god whom you sent to me and who has impregnated me- let him sleep with me again!

Send that god to us, and let him spend the night with me as my lover!

I am unclean, and I am not pure enough to perform the judging of the great gods,

The great gods who dwell within Erkalla.

If you do not send that god to me

According to the rites of Erkalla and the great Earth I shall raise up the dead, and they will eat the living.

I shall make the dead outnumber the living!'”


          Ereshkigal, saw Enlil‘s wrongdoing and heard the lament of the Maiden:

           the Lady of the Great Below heeded the Maiden’s words.

           She knew a door had been opened for Justice,

           Growth and Regeneration in the Underworld if only Enlil submitted to the Laws of the Land of No Return.

           In Nippur, Ki, Mother Earth, also known as Urash, Ninmah, and Ninhursag

           felt strongly that Enlil should suffer the hardest of all punishments for his conduct.

           Never before had the Anunnaki taken to trial one of their own.

         Shocked and circumspect, they gathered, and were forty-nine, not the usual fifty in number,

         because Enlil was counted out for the first time.

In the lower platform sat 46 judges, in the higher was An, who presided all judgments,

sided by Ki (Ninhursag) on his right and Enki on his left.

Father, Mother and Brother to Enlil they were, but also the Guardians of the Attributes of Civilization, Law and Order.

The fourth high seat was empty.

It belonged to Enlil, the defendant.

Red-eyed Ninlil, sided by the healer goddess Gula (Bau, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister), sat quiet and dignified on the right.

On the left and opposite to her was Enlil, whose discomfort was evident for all to see …”


Ereshkigal´s face.

Not the lioness-headed goddess or the projection of one’s worst nightmares.

Instead, the radiant beauty of a dark-haired goddess looked at Ninlil.

The Lady of the Great Place was older, yet young and Ageless, a Woman in Her own right, tall and slim …”


Ninlil found herself smiling back at Ereshkigal.

Hers and Enlil‘s baby would indeed have a most splendid fate.

A child whose Light would wax and wane in a never-ending cycle,

out of Darkness towards Light and back again from Brightness to Dark.

‘Great Lady, I lend you graces.’

Ereshkigal smiled at Ninlil, and then Great Goddess’ voice turned gentle and direct at once.

Ninlil suspected that this right balance of inquisitiveness, prodding and humor was Ereshkigal’s trademark: …”


Allat Quotes From Texts

Allat = Ereshkigal, Nannar & Ningal‘s daughter

           “Within, O goddess! Allat (Ereshkigal) thee receives!

           Tis thus to thee our Queen her welcome gives.”


           “Within the next gate he her earrings takes,

           And goddess Ishtar now with fury shakes, …

           And thus he strips the goddess at each gate,

           Of ornaments upon her breast and feet

           And arms; her bracelets, girdle from her waist,

           Her robe next took, and flung the Queen undrest

           Within a cell of that dark solitude.

           At last, before Queen Ishtar Allat stood,

           When she had long remained within the walls

           And Allat mocked her till Queen Ishtar falls

           Humiliated on the floor in woe;

           Then turning wildly, cursed her ancient foe.

           Queen Allat furious to her servant cries:

           ‘Go! Naintar (Namtar)! with disease strike blind her eyes!

           And strike her side! her breast and head and feet;

           With foul disease her strike, within the gate!’ …”


           “At last obedient doth Allat speak:

           ‘Go, Namtar (Ereshkigal’s son)! and the iron palace strike!

           O’er Asherim1 adorned let the dawn break!

           And seat the spirits on their thrones of gold!

           Let Ishtar Life’s bright waters then behold,

           And drink her fill, and bring her then to me;

           From her imprisonment, I send her free’ …”


Irkalla, The Under World Ziggurat

Irkalla = Ereshkigal’s residence

           To the Land of No Return, the realm of Ereshkigal,

           Ishtar (Inanna), the daughter of the Moon (Nannar), set her mind.

           To the dark house, the abode of Irkalla (Ereshkigal’s palace residence in the Netherworld),

           To the house which none leave who have entered it, …”

Ereshkigal Quotes From Zecharia Sitchen Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


Descent into the underworld:

One of the most famous myths about Ishtar describes her descent to the underworld. In this myth, Ishtar approaches the gates of the underworld and demands that the gatekeeper open them:

         “If thou openest not the gate to let me enter,

         I will break the door, I will wrench the lock,

         I will smash the door-posts,

         I will force the doors.

         I will bring up the dead to eat the living.

         And the dead will outnumber the living …”


The gatekeeper hurried to tell Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld. Ereshkigal told the gatekeeper to let Ishtar enter, but “according to the ancient decree”.

The gatekeeper lets Ishtar into the underworld, opening one gate at a time. At each gate, Ishtar has to shed one article of clothing. When she finally passes the seventh gate, she is naked. In rage, Ishtar throws herself at Ereshkigal, but Ereshkigal orders her servant Namtar to imprison Ishtar and unleash sixty diseases against her.

After Ishtar descends to the underworld, all sexual activity ceases on earth. The god Papsukal reports the situation to Ea, the king of the gods. Ea creates an intersex creature called Asu-shu-namir and sends him-her to Ereshkigal, telling him-her to invoke “the name of the great gods” against her and to ask for the bag containing the waters of life. Ereshkigal is enraged when she hears Asu-shu-namir’s demand, but she has to give him-her the water of life. Asu-shu-namir sprinkles Ishtar with this water, reviving her. Then Ishtar passes back through the seven gates, getting one article of clothing back at each gate, and is fully clothed as she exits the last gate.

Here there is a break in the text of the myth. The text resumes with the following lines:

         “If she (Ishtar) will not grant thee her release,

         To Tammuz (Dumuzi), the lover of her youth,

         Pour out pure waters, pour out fine oil;

         With a festival garment deck him that he may play on the flute of lapis lazuli,

         That the votaries may cheer his liver. [his spirit]

         Belili (Geshtinanna) [sister of Tammuz (Dumuzi)]

         (Geshtinanna) had gathered the treasure,

         With precious stones filled her bosom.

         When Belili heard the lament of her brother, she dropped her treasure,

         She scattered the precious stones before her,

         ‘Oh, my only brother, do not let me perish!

         On the day when Tammuz plays for me on the flute of lapis lazuli,

         playing it for me with the porphyry ring.

         Together with him, play ye for me, ye weepers and lamenting women!

         That the dead may rise up and inhale the incense …”

Formerly, scholars believed that the myth of Ishtar’s descent took place after the death of Ishtar’s lover, Tammuz: they thought Ishtar had gone to the underworld to rescue Tammuz. However, the discovery of a corresponding myth about Inanna, the Sumerian counterpart of Ishtar, has thrown some light on the myth of Ishtar’s descent, including its somewhat enigmatic ending lines. According to the Inanna myth, Inanna can only return from the underworld if she sends someone back in her place. Demons go with her to make sure she sends someone back.

However, each time Inanna runs into someone, she finds him to be a friend and lets him go free. When she finally reaches her home, she finds her husband Dumuzi (Babylonian Tammuz) seated on his throne, not mourning her at all. In anger, Inanna has the demons take Dumuzi back to the underworld as her replacement.

Dumuzi’s sister Geshtinanna is grief-stricken and volunteers to spend half the year in the underworld, during which time Dumuzi can go free. The Ishtar myth presumably has a comparable ending, Belili being the Babylonian equivalent of Geshtinanna.

Ereshkigal Overview

(gods in blue)

        Cylinder seal and imprint, period of the Assyrian merchant settlements in Cappadocia, 19th-18th BCE. The naked goddess under her arcade, surrounded by guardians and mythological animals. Serpentine, H: 4, 1 cm AO 22420                                                                                               Ereshkigal  Inanna       Namtar

         . Ereshkigal = Mesopotamian

         . Persephone = Greek

         . Proserpine = Roman


         . in some texts Ereshkigal is daughter to Nannar and Ningal

                . in some texts she is daughter to Anu & Nammu

         . in some texts Ereshkigal is older sister to twins Utu and Inanna

                . in some texts she is as if Ninhursag, the twin & lover to Enki


         . espoused Nergal, Enki‘s & Inanna’s son in some texts

                . in some texts Nergal is Enlil‘s & Ninlil’s son


         . Queen of the Lower World / Under World / Netherworld / Irkalla / Hades / Hell

         . Irkalla / Erkalla = Akkadian for the Under World realm of Ereshkigal & Nergal

                       “I shall send you to Kurnugi,  To the home of Ereshkigal who dwells within Erkalla,…”


         . Ganzer Ereshkigal’s ziggurat residence in the Under World, a fully-functioning world below

         . Kur / Kurnugi = Sumerian for the Under World Palace of Ereshkigal & Nergal


Ereshkigal’s Sons:

         . (in some texts) son Ningishzidda with Enki

                . (in some texts) Ningishzidda is son to Ninazu & Ningirida / Ninsutu


         . Namtar with Enlil, gatekeeper of the Under World

         . Ninmada with Enlil

         . Ninazu, with Gugalana / Nergal,

                . in some texts Ninazu is son with Enlil

                       . Ninazu is spouse to Ningirida


Ereshkigal’s Daughters:

          . Nungal / Bau with King Anu in a few texts only

                 . Bau is daughter to King Anu & Nammu in all other texts

An Elegy on the Death of Nannaya (Elegy 1): Translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-2 A father sent a message to his son, to a far-off place;

at that time the son, having gone to a distant place, was far away.

3-8 The city-dwelling father was stricken with illness.

He, precious brilliance found in a distant mountain (?), was stricken with illness.

He, attractive in ……, a man who made words pleasing, was stricken with illness.

He who had a tall figure, and altogether was powerful, was stricken with illness.

He, wise in divine plans and an ornament of the assembly, was stricken with illness.

He who was a man of truth, god-fearing, was stricken with illness.

9-15 He, not eating, was stricken with illness and was languishing away (?).

Having closed his mouth, he ate no food and lay famished.

According to a tablet …….

The warrior, a wanderer (?), did not move a foot.

From (?) his sick …… he was consumed with wailing for his children.

Heart anguished, overcome by wailing, the scholar died a violent death in Nibru (Nippur).

16-19 This matter reached his son on the distant journey.

Like a son who does not depend closely on his father,

he had not returned the message which had been sent (?) to him.

Now the son shed tears, threw himself to the dust and performed a musical song for him.

20-32 Lu-dijira out of his inflamed heart wrote a lament:

2 - Nanaya being presented to the daughter of the king (giant goddess Nanaya, spouse to Nabu, & earthlings)

“O father who has died a violent death, O Nannaya (1 ms. has instead: my Nannaya),

who through the evil planned against him has been carried off to the nether world,

your wife’s husband is a thing of the past, forever she will be a widow —

wheels (?) about you like a whirlwind, …….

She used to treat you as a foster-child — now her reason is gone.

Stupor has fallen upon her as if she were about to give birth.

She turns the ……, moans (?) like a cow.

She …… a lament, and sheds tears.

She has covered up its …… and has taken (?) what is just (?).

1 line fragmentary

The one who gathers (?) ……. …… touches you, the heart …… is heavy (?).

33-39 “The one who (?) rises (?) …… at dawn (?) from among the ……

 (Ninurta, son & heir to Enlil the Earth Colony Commander)

who dwell in ……, the lukur priestess of Ninurta from the ……, has thrown …….

Like a mourning (?) god (?), she …….

Her shouts (?) …… evil.

In the midst of the cloister (?) she (?) …….

1 line fragmentary

…… has made (?) the widespread people …… grain and …….

40-46 “The confusion of battles …… the nin-dijir priestess of Nuska (Enlil‘s minister).

She tears apart (?) …… for you, …… for you her (?) …….

5 lines fragmentary

47-55 “Your sons who were treated (?) like king’s sons,

whatever they (?) eat ……, whatever they (?) drink …….

They (?) …… honey and ghee.

They load the table with (?) oil for you.

The tears which they shed for him are tears of compassion.

Their mourning (?) for him is that of loving and pure-hearted ones.

They are bent over like over-ripe grain.

The fledglings return ……, raise …….

56-62 “Over the brides of your sons who have said

“Where, where is he now?” your …… has fallen.

In their …… has been silenced (?) for you.

On the laps of the household …… for you.

Your …… sweet sounds …… sleep …… has been …… like …….

The …… lament for you …… does not (?) cease.

63-69 “O my father, may your heart be at rest.

O Nannaya, may your spirit be pleased.

The en and ensi …….

Those who have escaped the hand of death …….

The hand of death has been …… in their …….

Death is the favor of the gods, the place where fate is decreed …….

May your offspring …… your knee.

70-76 “Your daughters have …… for you in their …….

The elders of your city have set up (?) mourning (?) for you.

The young women of your city have …… for you.

The slave at the grindstone …… has shed (?) tears for you.

The house where he is placed (?) …….

He has …… silver, has acquired grain, has …… wide possessions.

May the eldest son …… for you your …… firm foundations.

77-84 As for your murderer who …… like one who …… the heart, your ……

who plotted malice against you — true (?) execution belongs to the king,

2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna  (Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, symbolized as the Sun god)

the shepherd, your god; true (?) counsel belongs to Utu.

May that man be a man accursed, death ……. …… his bones.

May the names of his offspring …….

May their possessions …… like birds flying away.

85-87 “May the …… of the Land …….

May he bring you favorable …… words, may they make you content.

O Nannaya, may your spirit be pleased, may your heart be at rest.

3c - Shamash cutting mountains in Sippar (Utu cut launch & landing pads into the mountain tops)

88-98 Utu, the great lord of the nether world,

after turning the dark places to light, will judge your case.

May Nanna (Nannar / Sin) decree your fate on the day of sleep.

Nergal, the Enlil of the underworld, …… before it,

may the …… utter your name, may he cause you to eat fresh food.

May you be …… of the underworld, and may she have pity on you.

May your household bring fresh water to the libation place.

May lord Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda) …… the house …….

May the mighty Gilgamec (Gilgamesh) …… health for you.

2ba-giant-god-nabu-in-nimrud  (Nabu, son to Marduk statue in museum)

May Nedu (Nabu) and Etana be your helpers.

May the god of the underworld utter prayers for you.

99-103 “May your god say “Enough!”, may he …… your fate.

May the god of your city …… compassion on you.

May he release you from wrath and sin.

May he erase the reckoning of the guilt of your house.

…… the evil planned against you …….

104-112 “May your descendants be happy, …….

May …….

May the protective gods and goddesses …… your …….

May the children you begot be written down for privilege (?).

May your daughters have divine favor.

May your wife stay well, may your kin multiply.

May prosperity and well-being (?) surround them day in day out.

May good beer never cease in your libation tube.

May the invocation (1 ms. has instead: incantation) of your house

be forever the invocation (1 ms. has instead: incantation) of your god.”