Category Archives: Anunnaki Gods

Lament For Eridu

Source: Black, J. A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E. and Zólyomu, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature ,

Oxford University, 1998 – © All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in research and study purposes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


(beginning of 1st kirugu)

1-10 4 lines missing

The roaring storm covered it like a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet.

4a - Eridu, buried by Noah's Flood (Eridu, Enki‘s discovered ziggurat E-enguru & city)

It covered Eridug (Eridu) like a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet.

In the city, the furious storm resounded …….

In Eridug, the furious storm resounded …….

Its voice was smothered with silence as by a sandstorm.

Its people …….

Eridug was smothered with silence as by a sandstorm.

Its people …….

11-18 Its king stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city.

He wept bitter tears.

 (Enki, patron god of Eridu, early city established on Earth Colony)

Father Enki stayed outside his city (Eridu) as if it were an alien city.

He wept bitter tears.

For the sake of his harmed city, he wept bitter tears.

Its lady, like a flying bird, left her city.

The mother of E-mah, holy Damgalnuna (Damkina / Ninki, OR Ninhursag, Enki‘s spouse), left her city.

The divine powers (alien technologies) of the city of holiest divine powers were overturned.

The divine powers of the rites of the greatest divine powers (held by Enki) were altered.

In Eridug everything was reduced to ruin, was wrought with confusion.

19-26 The evil-bearing storm went out from the city.

It swept across the Land — a storm which possesses neither kindness nor malice,

does not distinguish between good and evil.

Subir (fire & brimstone) came down like rain. It struck hard.

In the city where bright daylight used to shine forth, the day darkened.

In Eridug where bright daylight used to shine forth, the day darkened.

As if the sun had set below the horizon, it turned into twilight.

     (Enlil, Inanna, alien King Anu,-father in heaven to his royal descendants, those who came down to Earth, & Ninhursag)

As if An (Anu) had cursed the city, alone he destroyed it.

As if Enlil had frowned upon it, Eridug, Ec-abzu, bowed low.

27 1st kirugu.

28 It cried out bitterly: “O the destruction of the city! The destruction of the house!”

29 Its jicgijal.

30-37 A second time the storm destroyed the city — its song was plaintive.

…… was breached (?). …… intensified the lament.

It cut the lock from its main gate.

The storm dislodged its door. ……

It stacked the people up in heaps. …… on its own destroyed it.

It turned …… into tears. …… defiled ……

1 line missing

39-47 …… It distorted its appearance. …… It distorted its appearance.

It circled its …… wall. It overturned its foundations.

Throughout his city, the pure, radiant (?) place, the foundations were filled with dust.

It cast down its ziggurat, the shrine which reaches up to heaven, into a heap of debris.

The loftiness of its awe-inspiring door-ornament, befitting a house, collapsed.

It cut down the gate,

4e - Eridu, Enki's city (one of many mud-brick-built ziggurat / houses of the gods)

its Great-Ziggurat-of-Heaven-and-Earth-Covered-with-Terrible-Awesomeness,

its shining door, and it broke through its bolt.

It ripped out its doorframe. The house was defaced.

48 2nd kirugu.

49 The destruction of Eridug! Its destruction was grievous.

50 Its jicgijal.

51-57 At its lion-faced gate, the place where fates are determined,

it mutilated the copse (?) forming the architrave of the house …….

Ka-hejala (unidentified?) and Igi-hejala (unidentified?), the doorkeepers of the house, …….

Prematurely they destroyed it utterly.

They completely altered …….

At the gate of the fattening-shed, the animal-fattener …… the great offerings.

Its birds and fish were neglected there.

Destruction …….

Throughout his house, radiant (?) in silver and lapis lazuli, tears …….

58-65 The hired man and the governor …….

The festivals …… grandly …….

Holy songs, songs of all kinds …….

The cem drum and ala drum …….

The great divine powers, all the divine powers (alien technologies) …….

The place of the gods of heaven and earth …….

The judgment by the king, the holy scepter at his right side, …….

The en priestess, lumah priest and nindijir priestess …….

7g - Enki & Isumud in Eridu

  (earthling worker, Isimud,               Enki,                          earthling worker)

66-73 The minister Isimud (Enki‘s 2-faced vizier) …….

Strangers to the house …… its side.

Eridug, Ec-abzu, …… silently.

The enemy …… the cleansed tugmah robe.

…… a man …… the people …….

Along with the fluids spilled from his guts, his blood spilled forth.

The ……, which like the azure sky was embellished forever, …… grasped …….

74 3rd kirugu.

75-7 2 lines fragmentary

77 Its jicgijal. distressed and anxious …… like a pigeon …….

            1 line fragmentary

            78 The birds of the destroyed city …… a nest.

            The ukuku bird, bird of heart’s sorrow, …… the place.

            Pain …….

            The area became entangled in wild thornbushes.

            It …… wild thornbushes.

            The Cimackians and Elamites, the destroyers, looked at the holy kettles which no one may look at.

                 (NisabaEnlil‘s mother-in-law’s residence E-jectug, Goddess of Scribes, record-keeping, & grains)

            In the E-jectugNisaba, (Nisaba’s residence) the house of wisdom, …… covered over …….

            The divine powers (alien technologies) which embellish the abzu …….

            When the holy treasures stored in the treasury were put ……, when, like a mist lying heavily on the earth,

            ……, they went like small birds shooed from their hiding places.

            7 lines fragmentary

            unknown no. of lines missing


   (continuation of 4th kirugu)

   1 Father Enki uttered a lament for himself …….

   2 4th kirugu.

    (Utu & Ninurta enter Enki‘s ziggurat residence in Eridu)

3 Bitterly Father Enki uttered a lament for himself.

4 Its jicgijal.

5-9 Because of this, Enki, king of the Abzu, stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city.

It bowed its neck down to the ground.

Eridu‘s lady, holy Damgalnuna (Damkina, or Ninhursag, Enki‘s spouse), the faithful cow,

the compassionate one, clawed at her breast, clawed at her eyes.

She uttered a frenzied cry.

She held a dagger and a sword in her two hands — they clashed together.

10-15 She tore out her hair like rushes, uttering a bitter lament:

“You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her —

where is a lament uttered bitterly for you?

Eridug! You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her —

where are tears wept for you?

I fall like a bull in your lofty …… falls ……. I am …….

My heart …… queen …….”

unknown no. of lines missing

(incorporating end of 5th kirugu)


(continuation of 6th kirugu)

1-18 1 line fragmentary

          …… far away …… the great gods.

The lord Enlil, king of the lands, looked maliciously at Sumer.

He demolished it.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth (E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur, his Earth Colony “Command Central”)

He destroyed the Ki-ur, the great place.

He razed with the pickaxe all of the shining E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur).

He destroyed it but did not abandon it — at the lunches, in his great dining-hall, they call his name.

2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments (Ninhursag, sister to Enki, 1/2 sister to Enlil)

19-20 Aruru (Ninhursag), the sister of Enlil, destroyed her city Irisajrig.

In Kec (Kish), the creation place (of Adapa’s fashioning) of the Land,

the people saw inside its holy sanctuary where daylight had been unknown.

She destroyed it but did not abandon it — at the lunches, in her great dining-hall, they call her name.

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.  (Nannar / Suen / Sin / Acimbabbar, son to Enlil & Ninlil, & patron god of Ur)

The lord Nanna (Nannar), the lord, destroyed his city Urim (Ur).

He decimated the Land with famine.

He committed a sacrilege against the E-kic-nu-jal (temple).

He struck at its heart.

He destroyed it but did not abandon it — at the lunches, in his great dining-hall, they call his name.

1aa - Inanna, equipted to fly (Inanna, daughter to Nannar & Ningal, & Goddess of Love & War)

21-25 Inanna, the queen of heaven and earth, destroyed her city Unug (Uruk).

Fleeing from the E-ana (Anu‘s & Inanna‘s temple residence in Uruk),

the house of seven corners (7 is symbol of Enlil Earth) and seven fires……,

she destroyed it but did not abandon it — at the lunches, in her great dining-hall, they call her name.

26 (Damgalnuna (Damkina, Enki‘s spouse) speaks:)

“My beloved, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridug!”

27 6th kirugu.

28 “My beloved, for how long was it built? For how long is it destroyed? …… adornment of the Abzu.”

29 Its jicgijal.

30-36 “Lord Enki, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridug?

Who has ever seen such a misfortune as that of Ec-abzu, your house?”

No one goes up to his offering terrace.

At the lunches, in his great dining-hall, they do not call his name.

Enki, king of the Abzu, felt distressed, felt anxious.

At the words of his spouse, he himself began to wail.

He lay down and fasted.

37-44 My king, you must not be distressed, you must not be anxious.

3b - Enki image (Enki & descendants struggle to follow along with Enlil‘s descendants’ decisions)

Father Enki, you must not be distressed, you must not be anxious.

Son of An, return your heart to your Ki-ur and your attention to your city.

Living in an alien city is miserable — return your attention to your city.

Living in an alien house is miserable — return your attention to your house.

What can anyone compare with this city? —

Return your attention to your city.

What can anyone compare with this house? —

Return your attention to your house.

Eridug‘s day is long. Its night is over.

45-52 May your throne say to you “Sit down”.

May your bed say to you “Lie down”.

May your house say to you “Be rested”.

May your holy dais also say joyfully to you “Sit down”.

May your father An, the king of the gods, satisfy your heart.

A person, a humble man, brings you a lament over your wife’s faithful house.

When he sings it before you, may that person soothe your heart.

When he recites a prayer, look kindly upon him.

53 7th kirugu.

54 It destroyed your …… and struck against your house.

55 Its jicgijal.

56-59 …… and may he restore it for you.

2 lines fragmentary

Do not hide like a criminal …….


(UET 6 142)


1-5 House of princely powers, standing in mighty water (marshes)the waters have receded from it …….

One can walk on its wide swamp.

Within it grow wild thornbushes.

The delightful boat Antelope of the abzu — the waters have receded from it; …… its sheepfold …… the wharf.

They were Sirsir (unidentified?), the tutelary deity, and the man who rides the boat.


                                       (boats dock at Enki’s ziggurat residence in Eridu)

At the prow …… was hurled down in front of them.

Evildoers destroyed the house, and its rites were disturbed.

6-7 At the giguna shrine, the sacred house, evildoers …….

The E-unir — the shrine raises its head as high as heaven.

Its shadow …….

8-14 At the great gate, the lion-faced gate, the place where fates are determined, evildoers …….

They set fire to its door.

Ka-hejala (unidentified?) and Igi-hejala (unidentified?), the doorkeepers of the house, …….

…… Enki, at the …… place, …… its people.

…… the destroyed place, the abzu …… the powers of the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

3 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing (continuation of 3rd kirugu)


1-6 Eridug ……. City in the reed-beds …….

In Eridug, bull and cow …….

Without being a marsh boar …….

Eridug, like a bull …….

The lady of the city cried, “My city ……!”

7 3rd kirugu.

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki, eldest son to King Anu, wisest of the giant aliens on Earth)

8 Father Enki! O your house, o your city, o your people …… the mountains.

9 Its jicgijal.

Enki Builds E-Engurra

Fonte: Kramer, Samuel Noah (1988) Sumerian Mythology, University of Pennsylvania Press, West Port, Connecticut

Myth that tells how Enki built a house (temple) for himself in Eridu, the oldest city in Sumer according to tradition, the first of five cities founded before the Great Flood.

The temple, decorated with silver, lapis lazuli, carnelian and gold, was established on the bank of a river, where its foundations reached deep into the underground sweet, fertilizing waters, called the Apsu.

The temple had magical qualities: the brickwork gave Enki advice, while the surrounding reed fences roared like a bull. The roof-beam was shaped like the bull of heaven, and a lion gripping a man formed the gateway. The overall effect was described as a lusty bull.

The bustle of activity there was compared to the drama of a river rising during a flood, Enki filled the building with lyres, drums and every other kind of musical instruments.

Surrounding the temple was a delightful garden full of fruit trees, with birds singing all around and frolicking carp playing among the reeds in the streams.

After finishing the construction of the E-engurra, the temple, Enki called up the beat of the ala and the uh drums and set out by barge to Nippur, in order to receive the other gods’ blessings.

The fish danced before him on the way to Nippur, and Enki slaughtered several oxen and sheep for the feast to come.

Once in Nippur, Enki started preparing the feast.
5 - Anu is well received on Earth5 - Anu is well received on Earth

          5 - Anu is well received on Earth5 - Anu is well received on Earth (King Anu lands on Earth, celebrations begin)

Paying attention to protocol, Anu was at the head of the group, with Enlil beside him and the goddess Nintu (Ninhursag) in a seat of honor nearby. In the happy celebration that followed, all the great gods pronounced blessings on Enki‘s new home, and Anu stated: My son Enki (Anu‘s first-born male) has made his temple (residence)…. grow from the ground like a mountain” (mud brick ziggurat).

2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu 2e - Eridu temple reconstruction  (Enki‘s ziggurat home & city ruins)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

After the water of creation had been decreed,

After the name hegal (abundance) born in heaven,

Like plant and herb had clothed the land,

5 - Enki lived in the abzu marshes of Eridu (Enki in the Abzu, marshlands of Persian Gulf)

The lord of the abyss, the king Enki,

Enki the Lord who decrees the fates,

Built his house of silver and lapis lazuli (blue-hued gem stone);

Its silver and lapis lazuli, like sparkling light,

The father fashioned fittingly in the abyss.

The creatures of bright countenances and wise, coming forth from the abyss,

Stood all about the lord Nudimmud (Enki‘s pet name);

4b - Eridu excavation (excavations of mud-brick-built Eridu, Enki’s 1st home on Earth Colony)

The pure house he built

He ornamented it greatly with gold,

  (Enki 1st splash-landed in Persian Gulf, & set up home in Eridu)

In Eridu he built the house of water-bank,

Its brickwork, word-uttering, advice-giving,

Its… like an ox roaring,

The house of Enki, the oracles uttering.

7a - Enki & Isimud, his vizier, Roman Janus = January2d-enki-dna-experimentations (Enki & vizier Isimud in the Abzu, Eridu)

Follows a long passage in which Isimud, Enki‘s counselor/prime minister, sings the praises of the sea-house. Then Enki raises the city of Eridu from the abyss and makes it float over the water like a lofty mountain. Its green fruit-bearing gardens he fills with birds; fishes too he makes abundant.

Then Enki raises the city of Eridu from the abyss and makes it float over the water like a lofty mountain.

Its green fruit-bearing gardens he fills with birds; fishes too he makes abundant.

Enki is now ready to proceed by boat to Nippur, where he will obtain Enlil‘s blessings or his newly built city and temple (residence). He therefore rises from the abyss:)

           3l - Enki & modern man 3c - Enki in the Abzu (Enki raises the fishes)

When Enki rises, the fish…. rise,

The abyss stands in wonder,

In the sea joy enters,

Fear comes over the deep,

Terror holds the exalted river,

The Euphrates, the South Wind lifts it in waves.

Enki seats himself in his boat and first arrives in Eridu itself. In Eridu, he slaughters many oxen and sheep before proceeding to Nippur. Upon his arrival, a feast is prepared for all gods and Enlil in special:

             (Enki & Enlil drinking at the ziggurat dining hall in Nippur)

Enki in the shrine Nippur,

Gives his brother Enlil bread to eat,

In the first place he seated Anu (the Skyfather),


   (Apkulla / pilot, Enki, father & King, Skyfather Anu in his winged sky-disc, Anu‘s son & heir Enlil, & winged eagle-headed Apkulla / pilot)

Next to Anu he seated Enlil,

Nintu (Ninhursag) he seated at the big side,

The Anunnaki seated themselves one after the other.

          Enlil says to the Anunnaki:

            1h-procession-lg  (King Anu‘s descendants in a parade on Earth Colony)

“Ye great gods who are standing about,

My brother has built a house, the king Enki;

Eridu, like a mountain, he has raised up from the earth,

         In a good place he has built it.

Eridu, the clean place, where none may enter,

The house built of silver, adorned with lapis lazuli,

The house directed by the seven lyre-songs given over to incantation,

With pure songs….

"God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 28232aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad (Enki in Eridu, God of Waters)

The abyss, the shrine of the goodness of Enki, befitting the divine decrees,

Eridu, the pure house having been built,

O Enki, praise!

Enki’s (House in Eridu) -Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


               1-7. O E-unir (House which is a ziqqurat), grown together with heaven and earth,

               4e - Eridu, Enki's city (ziggurat image, home of giant alien gods)

               foundation of heaven and earth, great banqueting hall of Eridug (Eridu)!

               Abzu, shrine erected for its prince, E-du-kug (House which is the holy mound) where pure food is eaten,

               watered by the prince’s pure canal, mountain, pure place cleansed with the potash plant,

               Abzu, your tigi drums belong to the divine powers (alien technologies).

               8-15. Your great …… wall is in good repair.

               Light does not enter your meeting-place where the god dwells, the great ……, the beautiful place.

               Your tightly constructed house is sacred and has no equal.

               Your prince, the great prince, has fixed firmly a holy crown for you in your precinct —

               O Eridug with a crown placed on your head, bringing forth thriving thornbushes, pure thornbushes for the susbu priests (?),

               O shrine Abzu, your place, your great place!

               16-23. At your place of calling upon Utu, at your oven bringing bread to eat,

               2e - Eridu temple reconstruction

                    (Enki‘s mud-brick-built ziggurat, reconstructed image: Utu climbs Enki’s ziggurat)

               on your ziqqurat, a magnificent shrine stretching toward heaven, at your great oven rivaling the great banqueting hall,

               your prince, the prince of heaven and earth …… can never be changed, the ……, the creator, the ……, the wise one, the ……,

                2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (this artifact of Enki has been shamefully destroyed by Radical Islam)

               lord Nudimmud (Enki), has erected a house in your precinct,

               O E-engura (House of the subterranean waters), and taken his seat upon your dais.

               2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu (Eridu ruins of Enki‘s house & patron city)

               23 lines: the house of Enki in Eridug (Eridu).

Eridu Quotes From Texts

Eridu, Enki’s Patron City “Home of the Faraway”


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Eridu – . 1st city on Earth, Enki’s city


. Eridu, “Place of the Waters”, “Home of the Faraway”

. Enki’s temple was built there; it was re-built many times in history.

. It was approximately 3,800 B.C. when man’s first civilization, after the flood, began in Eridu.


Kingship in Eridu

When kingship was first handed down from Heaven (the concept of kingship),

the city of Eridu was chosen as the seat of kingship.

In Eridu, Alulim (mixed-breed) ruled for 28,800 years as king and Alalgar ruled for 36,000 years.

The two kings ruled a total of 64,800 years and then kingship was removed to Bad-tibira. …”


         “My son had for himself a House built;

         The lord Enki Eridu like the mountain on Earth he raised;

         His House, in a beautiful place he built.

         To the place, Eridu, no one uninvited can enter

         In it’s sanctuary, from the Abzu the Divine Formulas (disc knowledge on all things) Enki has deposited …”


Ninki, we learn from The Eridu Lament”, flew away from her city to a safe haven in Africa:

        “Ninki, its great lady, flying like a bird, left her city …”

But Enki left Eridu only far enough to get out of the Evil Wind’s way, yet near enough to see its fate:

        “Its lord stayed outside the city…

         Father Enki stayed outside the city…

         for the fate of his harmed city he wept with bitter tears …”


They watched the storm “put its hand” on Eridu. After the

         “evil-bearing storm went out of the city, sweeping across the countryside ,…”


Enki surveyed Eridu; he found the city

         “smothered with silence…its residents stacked up in heaps …”

Those who were saved addressed to him a lament:

         “O Enki, thy city has been cursed, made like an alien territory! …”

…and Enki

         “stayed out of his city as though it were an alien city …”

         “Forsaking the House of Eridu, …”


Enki then led

         “those who have been displaced from Eridu …”

to the desert, “towards an inimical land”; there he used his scientific powers to make the “foul tree” edible.

The Eridu Genesis


From “The Harps That Once…: Sumerian Poetry in Translation” by Thorkild Jacobsen.

Yale University Press, Publishers; Copyright 1987.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        Nintur (Ninhursag) was paying attention:

        Let me bethink myself of my humankind, all forgotten as they are;

          2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer (Ninhursag / Nintur with her early attempts to fashion workers for the gods)

        and mindful of mine, Nintur‘s creatures let me bring them back

        let me lead the people back from their trails.

        May they come and build cities and cult places, that I may cool myself in their shade;

        may they lay the bricks for the cult cities in pure spots

        and may they found places for divination in pure spots!

        She gave directions for purification and cries for elemency,

        the things that cool divine wrath, perfected the divine service and the august offices,

        said to the surrounding regions: “Let me institute peace there!”

        When An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursaga (Ninhursag) fashioned the dark-headed people (modern man)

           6 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755  (Apkulla / pilot, Enki, Anu above in sky-disc, Enlil, Apkulla / pilot, & “Tree of Life” DNA manipulations to fashion replacement workers; Ninhursag, Chief Medical Scientist on Earth Colony, taking 50,000 years to complete the fashioning of “Modern Man”)

        they had made the small animals that come up from out of the earth,

        come from the earth in abundance and had let there be, as it befits it,

        gazelles, wild donkeys, and four-footed beasts in the desert.

        …and let me have him advise; let me have him oversee their labour,

        and let him teach the nation to follow along unerringly like cattle!

        When the royal sceptre was coming down from heaven,

        the august crown and the royal throne being already down from heaven,

        he (the king) regularly performed to perfection the august divine services and offices,

        laid the bricks of those cities in pure spots.

            (Biblical “Eden”, the land of the gods “between the rivers” Euphrates & Tigris)

        They were named by name and allotted half-bushel baskets.

        The firstling of those cities, Eridu, she gave to the leader Nudimmud (Enki),

           2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu3b - Enki image (Enki‘s patron city Eridu in ruins; Enki)

          1a - Bad-tibira, Iraq   (Bad-tibira ruins; Dumuzi & Inanna)

        the second, Bad-Tibira, she gave to the prince (Dumuzi) and the sacred one (Inanna),

             (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son, & heir to throne of planet Nibiru after Anu & Enlil)

        the third, Larak, she gave to Pabilsag (Ninurta),

           2 - Utu's Temple destroyed by Noah's Flood2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna  (Sippar ruins & Utu)

        the fourth, Sippar, she gave to the gallant Utu.

         3b - Shuruppak, Ninlil's city south of Nippur

                                    (Ninlil‘s patron city ruins of Shuruppak, Enlil & his equal spouse Ninlil)

        The fifth, Shuruppak, she gave to Ansud (Ninlil).

        These cities, which had been named by names, and had been allotted half-bushel baskets,

        dredged the canals, which were blocked with purplish wind-borne clay, and they carried water.

        Their cleaning of the smaller canals established abundant growth.”

[lost account of the antediluvian rulers, and how human noise vexed the chief god Enlil so much that he persuaded the divine assembly to vote the destruction of man by the deluge] …

         2bb - Ninhursag & lab DNA experiments   (Ninhursag‘s early failures to produce a worker-race)

                (50,000 years of DNA manipulations to produce adequate replacement workers for the alien gods)

          “That day Nintur (Ninhursag) wept over her creatures and holy Inanna was full of grief over their people;

        but Enki took counsel with his own heart.

        An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursaga had the gods of heaven and earth swear by the names of An and Enlil.

        At that time, Ziusudra (Noah) was king and lustration priest.

        He fashioned, being a seer, the god of giddiness and stood in awe beside it, wording his wishes humbly.

            7e - Noah & Enki behind reed wall  (Noah overhears Enki‘s warnings of a coming flood)

         As he stood there regularly day after day something that was not a dream was appearing:

         conversation a swearing of oaths by heaven and earth,

         a touching of throats and the gods bringing their thwarts up to Kiur.

        And as Ziusudra stood there beside it, he went on hearing:

         “Step up to the wall (reed wall hiding Enki & Ningishzidda) to my left and listen!

          (Noah overhears Enki‘s warnings of a coming flood through a reed wall)

        Let me speak a word to you at the wall and may you grasp what I say, may you heed my advice!

        By our hand a flood will sweep over the cities of the half-bushel baskets, and the country;

        the decision, that mankind is to be destroyed has been made.

        A verdict, a command of the assembly cannot be revoked,

        an order of An and Enlil is not known ever to have been countermanded,

        their kingship, their term, has been uprooted they must bethink themselves of that.

        Now…What I have to say to you…”

[lost account of Enki‘s advice to build a boat and load it with pairs of living things, and Ziusudra‘s (Noah‘s) compliance]

         “All the evil winds, all stormy winds gathered into one and with them, then,

        the flood was sweeping over the cities of the half-bushel baskets for seven days and seven nights.

        After the flood had swept over the country,

          7i - Utnapishtim in the Ark  (Noah & family survive in the Ark)

        after the evil wind had tossed the big boat about on the great waters,

        the sun came out spreading light over heaven and earth.

        Ziusudra then drilled an opening in the big (submergeable) boat.

        And the gallant Utu (Sun god) sent his light into the interior of the big boat.

        Ziusudra, being (mixed-breed offspring of Enki,) king,

        stepped up before Utu kissing the ground before him.

        The king was butchering oxen, was being lavish with the sheep

        Barley cakes, crescents together with…

        …he was crumbling for him juniper, the pure plant of the mountains,

        he filled on the fire and with a …clasped to the breast he…”

           (Enlil smells Noah‘s Bar-B-Que, & discovers Noah alive by help of Enki)

[lost account of Enlil‘s wrath at finding survivor’s and his mollification by Enki]

          “You here have sworn by the life’s breath of heaven

        the life’s breath of earth that he verily is allied with yourself;

        you there, An and Enlil, have sworn by the life’s breath of heaven,

        the life’s breath of earth. that he is allied with all of you.

        He will disembark the small animals that come up from the earth!

        Ziusudra, being king, stepped up before An and Enlil kissing the ground.

        And An and Enlil after honoring him were granting him life like a god’s,

        were making lasting breath of life, like a god’s, descend into him.

          7aa - Shuruppak king Ziusudra - Noah & spouse (Noah‘s spouse & Noah made immortal by Enlil‘s decree)

        That day they made Ziusudra, preserver, as king,

        of the name of the small animals and the seed of mankind,

           2 - Dilmun location 

         (Dilmun, pristine lands given by Enki to his daughter Ninsikila; Noah‘s spouse, Noah, & Plant of Life)

        live toward the east over the mountains in mount Dilmun.

Ninmarki Quotes From Texts

Ninmarki = Enki’s & Nina’s (who is Enki’s daughter), daughter

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


        E-ab-shaga-la (House which stretches over the midst of the sea) temple to Ninmarki in Gu-aba


       “may the goddess Nin-marki the eldest daughter of the goddess Ninâ…”


       “Ur-Bau;…For the goddess Nin-mar-ki the good lady,

       the eldest daughter of the goddess Niná (Enki’s daughter),

        the Esh-gu-tur, the temple of her constant choice, he has constructed…”


       “Nance, the noble daughter, was settled outside the city.

        Fire approached Ninmarki in the shrine Gu-aba.

        Large boats were carrying off its silver and lapis lazuli.

        The lady, sacred Ninmarki, was despondent because of her perished goods.

        Then the day ……, burning like …….

        The province of Lagac (Lagash) was handed over to Elam…”


        “For the goddess Nin-mar-ki the good lady,

        the eldest daughter of the goddess Niná, the Esh-gu-tur (?),

        the temple of her constant choice, he (Ur-Nanshe) has constructed…”


        “She of Gu-aba has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

        Ninmarki has abandoned the shrine Gu-aba and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold…”

Ninmarki’s (House in Guaba) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

O E-ab-šaga-la (House which stretches over the midst of the sea) built in a holy place,

Gu-aba, your interior produces everything and is a well-established storehouse.

Holy shrine, wild cow for which everything endures,

your princess is Ninĝagia (unidentified), the magnificent …… stewardess,

 (Enlil, King Anu’s son & heir, Anu’s Earth Colony Commander)

the mighty …… of father Enlil, who takes counsel with lord Nunamnir (Enlil).

Born in ……, …… in the flood of the sea, like her …… father a controller of the pure sea,

holy Ninmarki (Enki’s daughter) has erected a house in your precinct,

O house Gu-aba, and taken her seat upon your dais.

10 lines: the house of Ninmarki in Gu-aba.

Enshag Quotes From Texts

Enshag = son to Enki & Ninhursag via Uttu

lord over Tilmun / Dilmun


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


          “’What hurts you still, dear (Enki)?” ‘My limbs hurt me’.

         To the god Enshag I (Ninhursag) have given birth for you to set your limbs free’ …”


        “‘My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’ ‘My sides (zag) hurt me.’

         She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Ensag out of it …”


         “and Ensag shall become lord of Dilmun …”


         “Let Enshag be the lord of Tilmun! …”

Isimud Quotes From Texts

Isimud / Isumud = Enki’s vizier, minister

Isimud has two faces, front & back, Roman god Janus, January-looking forward & backward

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


        “He said to his minister Isimud:

         ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed?

         Is this nice Ninsar not to be kissed?’

         His minister Isimud answered him:

         ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed?

         Is this nice Ninsar not to be kissed?

         My master will sail, let me navigate.

         He will sail, let me navigate.’

         First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

         He clasped her to the bosom, kissed her, Enki poured semen into the womb …”


        “He said to his minister Isimud:

         ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed?

         Is this nice Ninkura not to kissed?’

         His minister Isimud answered him:

         ‘Kiss this nice youngster.

         Kiss this nice Ninkura.

         My master will sail, let me navigate.

         He will sail, let me navigate.

         First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

         He clasped her to the bosom, kissed her, Enki poured semen into the womb …”


         He laid eyes on Ninimma (Enki & Ninkura’s daughter) on the riverbank

         and said to his minister Isimud:

         ‘Have I ever kissed one like this nice youngster?

         Have I ever made love to one like nice Ninimma?’

         His minister Isimud answered him:

         ‘My master will sail, let me navigate.

         He will sail, let me navigate.’

         First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

         He clasped her to the bosom, lying in her crotch made love to the youngster and kissed her.

         Enki poured semen into Ninimma’s womb …”


         “He said to his minister Isimud:

         ‘I have not determined the destiny of these plants.

         What is this one? What is that one?’

         His minister Isimud had the answer for him.

         ‘My master, the ‘tree’ plant,’ he said to him, cut it off for him and Enki ate it.

         ‘My master, the ‘honey’ plant,’ he said to him, pulled it up for him and Enki ate it.

         ‘My master, the ‘vegetable’ plant,” he said to him, cut it off for him and Enki ate it.

         ‘My master, the alfalfa grass (?),’ he said to him, pulled it up for him and Enki ate it.

          “My master, the atutu plant,’ he said to him, cut it off for him and Enki ate it.

         ‘My master, the actaltal plant,’ he said to him, pulled it up for him and Enki ate it.

         ‘My master, the …… plant,’ he said to him, cut it off for him and Enki ate it.

         ‘My master, the amharu plant,’ he said to him, pulled it up for him and Enki ate it.

         Enki determined the destiny of the plants, had them know it in their hearts …”


         Isimud the minister followed his master’s instructions closely.

         He let the maiden into the abzu and Eridug.

         He let Inanna into the abzu and Eridug …”


         Enki spoke to the minister Isimud:

         Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!’

         Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?’

         ‘Since she said that she would not yet depart from here for Unug Kulaba,

         that she would not yet depart from here to the place where Utu ……, can I still reach her?’

         But holy Inanna had gathered up the divine powers and embarked onto the Boat of Heaven.

         The Boat of Heaven had already left the quay …”


         “The minister Isimud spoke to holy Inanna:

         ‘My lady! Your father has sent me to you.

         Inanna, your father has sent me to you.

         What your father said was very serious.

         What Enki spoke was very serious.

         His important words cannot be countermanded.’

         Holy Inanna replied to him:

         ‘What has my father said to you, what has he spoken?

         Why should his important words not be countermanded?’

         ‘My master has spoken to me, Enki has said to me:

         Inanna may travel to Unug, but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me’.

         ‘Holy Inanna spoke to the minister Isimud:

         ‘How could my father have changed what he said to me?’ …”


         “and then for the second time the prince spoke to his minister Isimud,

         Enki addressed the Sweet Name of Heaven:

         Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!’

         Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?’

         ‘Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?’

         ‘It has just now reached the holy’ …….

         ‘Go now! The fifty giants of Eridug are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!’ …”


         “The minister Isimud spoke to holy Inanna:

         ‘My lady! Your father has sent me to you. Inanna, your father has sent me to you.

         What your father said was very serious.

         What Enki spoke was very serious.

         His important words cannot be countermanded’ …”

Minor Gods Related to Enki Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Damgalnuna / Damkina / Ninki Quotes From Texts

Damgalnuna / Damkina / Ninki = Enki’s Official Spouse

Daughter of Alalu, Arranged Marriage of Peace & Unity Between Alalu’s Daughter & Anu’s Eldest Son

= Sometimes Ninhursag Mother Goddess to Many Minor Gods & Goddesses


As Damgalnuna:         

       “She is the birth-giver of the great gods, she is their goddess.

       A šir-šagḫula of Damgalnuna…”


         Damgalnuna (Damkina) speaks:

         ‘My beloved, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridug (Eridu)!’ …”


         “The mother of E-mah, holy Damgalnuna (Damkina), left her city…

         In Eridug everything was reduced to ruin …”


         Enki took an unfamiliar path away from Eridug.

         Damgalnuna, the mother of the E-mah, wept bitter tears.

          ‘Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

         Its sacred Jipar of en-ship was defiled.

         Its en priest was snatched from the Jipar and carried off to enemy territory …”


        “Eridu’s lady, holy Damgalnuna (Damkina, Enki’s spouse), the faithful cow,

         the compassionate one, clawed at her breast, clawed at her eyes.

         She uttered a frenzied cry.

         She held a dagger and a sword in her two hands — they clashed together.

         She tore out her hair like rushes, uttering a bitter lament:

         ‘You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her —

         where is a lament uttered bitterly for you?

         Eridug! You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, …”


         Your husband, the great lord Nudimmud (Enki) …”


        “Eridu’s lady, holy Damgalnuna


        “Enki, lord, firstborn son of An ……,

        Nudimmud (Enki), great bull of the Abzu ……,

        may you …… with your consort, holy Damgalnuna (Damkina) …”


As Damkina:

         Ea (Neptune), his triumph over his enemies secured,

         In his sacred chamber in profound sleep he rested.

         He named it “Apsu (Sun),” for shrines he assigned (it).

         In that same place his cult hut he founded.

         Ea (Enki / Neptune) and Damkina, his wife, dwelled (there) in splendor.

         In the chamber of fates, the abode of destinies,

         A god was engendered, most potent and wisest of gods.

         In the heart of Apsu (Sun) was Marduk (Nibiru) created,

         In the heart of holy Apsu (Sun) was Marduk (Nibiru) created.

         He who begot him was Ea (Neptune), his father;

         She who conceived him was Damkina (Marduk’s mother), his mother …”


         in his holy palace Ea (Neptune-Enki) slept.

         Over the abyss, the distance, he built his house and shrine

         and there magnificently he lived with his (Enki’s) wife Damkina .

         In that room, at the point of decision where what is to come is predetermined,

         he was conceived, the most sagacious, the one from the first most absolute in action.

         In the deep abyss he was conceived, MARDUK was made …”


         Ea set up his triumphal cry over his foes.

         Then he rested very quietly inside his private quarters

         And named them Apsu and assigned chapels,

         Founded his own residence there,

         And Ea and Damkina his lover dwelt in splendor …”


         Bel, cleverest of the clever, sage of the gods, was begotten.

         And inside Apsu, Marduk was created;

         Inside pure Apsu, Marduk was born.

         Ea his father created him, Damkina his mother bore him.… …”


As Dao-ki-na:         

         As Hea’s (Ea / Enki) face, and heaving breast divine!

         O Sabit, to your father Hea take our prayer!

         And may Dao-ki-na (Damkina), your bright mother, hear!’ …”


         “O hear us, Hea! hear us, dear Dao-ki-na! …”

As Ninki:

         “son of the Great Mountain and born of Ninlil (and Enlil), given a good destiny by…Enki and Ninki …”


         The Enki and Ninki deities have perfected their divine powers throughout all countries for you…. …”


         Enki and Ninki (his spouse, Marduk’s mother), the great lords, the great princes,

         the lords who determine fates, await your utterances, …”


As Nimul:

       “the Enki and Ninki deities; Enmul and Ninmul. …”


       “A violent storm blew over Umma, brickwork in the midst of the highlands.

       Cara (Shara, Inanna’s son) took an unfamiliar path away from the E-mah, his beloved dwelling.

       Ninmul cried bitter tears over her destroyed city.

       ‘Oh my city, whose charms can no longer satisfy me,’ she cried bitterly …”


As Ninhursag:

         Enki distributed his semen destined for Damgalnuna.

         He poured semen into Ninhursaja’s womb

         and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki …”


       “Enki replied: ‘Ninhursag, dearest Nintur, beloved, how can anyone quite compare to you?

         I cannot resist your wild, sweet ways, so lie with me one more time and fill my body,

         heart, soul and mind with endless delights!

         For me you will forever be my fierce Damgalnunna (Ninhursag),

         my Great Spouse, passionate and very much loved!’ …”


Sabit Quote From Text

Sabit = Enki & Damkina’s daughter


       “As Hea’s (Ea / Enki) face, and heaving breast divine!

       ‘O Sabit, to your father Hea take our prayer!

       And may Dao-ki-na (Damkina), your bright mother, hear!’ …”


Enki & Ninhursag Had Many Daughters

in Search of a Male Heir of the “Double Seed” Law of Succession, for Enki by his Sister-Lover Ninhursag


8 Children of Enki’s & Ninhursag’s, via Uttu

Ninhursaja made Enki sit by her vagina.

(1 line not in the ms. from Nippur: She placed (?) her hands on ……. and ……. on its outside.)

(Ninhursaja asked:) “My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“The top of my head (ugu-dili) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Ab-u out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“The locks of my hair (siki) hurt me.”

She gave birth to Ninsikila out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My nose (giri) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Ningiriudu out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My mouth (ka) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Ninkasi out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My throat (zi) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Nazi out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My arm (a) hurts me.”

She gave birth to Azimua out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My ribs (ti) hurt me.”

She gave birth to Ninti out of it.

“My brother, what part of you hurts you?”

“My sides (zag) hurt me.”

She gave birth to Ensag out of it.

(She said:) “For the little ones to whom I have given birth may rewards not be lacking.

Ab-u shall become king of the grasses, (#1)

Ninsikila shall become lord of Magan, (#2, Egypt area)

Ningiriudu shall marry Ninazu, (#3, sometimes Enlil’s son, sometimes Ereshkigal’s son)

Ninkasi shall be what satisfies the heart, (#4, goddess of beer)

Nazi (Nanshe) shall marry Nindara, (#5, Utu’s son)

Azimua shall marry Ninjiczida, (#6, Enki’s son with Ereshkigal, Ningishzidda)

Ninti shall become the lady of the month, (#7)

and Ensag shall become lord of Dilmun.” (#8, Sinai area)


Umul Quote From Text

Umul = one of Enki & Ninhursag’s creatures

one of many failures to produce Adequate mixed-breed “workers”


          “Enki said to Ninmah:

          ‘For your creatures I have decreed a fate, I have given them their daily bread.

          Now, you should decree a fate for my creature, give him his daily bread too.’

          Ninmah looked at Umul and turned to him.

          She went nearer to Umul asked him questions but he could not speak.

          She offered him bread to eat but he could not reach out for it.

          He could not lie on ……., he could not …….

          Standing up he could not sit down, could not lie down,

          he could not …… a house, he could not eat bread …”