Category Archives: Anu

Prayer to Urash for Ashur-etel-ilani (3)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

          (alien Anunnaki King Anu, Lord over the entire planet of Nibiru)

       For the god Uraš (Anu), august lord, fore most of the great gods of E-ibbi-Anum —

         the shrine (which is) worthy of honor — great lord, his lord:

       Aššur-etel-ilāni, king of Assyria, who renovated the shrine(s) of the great gods,

         son of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, shepherd of the black-headed,

         renovated E-ibbi-Anum, the holy place which is inside Dilbat (ancient city),

         the abode of the god Uraš and the goddess Ninegal (Inanna, mistress to Anu when he visits Earth).

         He (re)built (it) anew with baked bricks, the product of the god Baḫar (unidentified) and,

         with regard to the foundation of the well, he (re-)established its position as (it had been) in ancient times.

       For future days he cleaned this entire wall (in order to make its water as pure)

         (land of the gods, the Eden, land between the rivers Euphrates & Tigris)

         as (that of) the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and he established its water for the meals of the great gods.

         That water should be brought every day in good time for (their) meals.

         May they say good things about Aššur-etel-ilāni, the king, their favorite,

         (Marduk, son Nabu takes by the hand semi-divine king holding dinner offering)

         to the deities Nabû, Marduk, Uraš (Anu), and Ninegal (Inanna), who dwell in that temple.

        May his reign be long!

“ Assembly of the Gods” – 12 Royal Anunnaki Family Members; King Anu & Selected Descendants

(ANU + ANTUKing & Queen, royal rulers of Nibiru)

The 12 main royal family of gods from Nibiru, & their ranking order numbers

         (Anunnaki King Anu)  (Anu in his sky-disc)  (son & heir Enlil, King Anu, & eldest son Enki in their sky-disc)

        1) King Anuranking #60

         2) ½ sister-spouse Antu#55

        . At least 21 divine couples preceded Anu as king of Planet Nibiru

          . chief of Heaven and Earth

          . father to the “sons of God” who came down to Earth

        . Anu‘s symbol is the 8-pointed star, ancient Hebrew symbol for God

        . Anu‘s patron city-state was Uruk / Biblical “Erech

        . Anu‘s temple – residence while on Earth was in Uruk, called “E.Anna”, “house of An

        . Anu‘s heavenly abode is an artificial garden sculptured in semi-precious stones

          . gateway to Anu once flanked by Tammuz / Dumuzi and Gizzida / Ningishzidda – his young descendants

        . Anu‘s throne room is the place of “The Assembly of the Gods

        . son Enlil sits on the right of Anu; son Enki sits on the left side of Anu at the “Assembly of the Gods

        . Anu had 6 concubines and 80 offspring, 14 by Antu as their

               1 – Prime Minister

               3 – Commanders in Charge of the Mu’s (rocket ships)

               2 – Commanders of the Weapons

               2 – Great Masters of the Written Knowledge

               1 – Master of the Purse

               2 – Chief Justices

               2 – “Who With Sound Impress”

                  2 – Chief Scribes, (with 5 asst. scribes)

        . Anu was visited in heaven by Inanna / Ishtar at least twice, also Dumuzi, Ningishzidda, Adapa, Kings Etana, Tyre, Enmeduranki, & others, such as Biblical Enoch

            (Enlil & father King Anu in their sky-disc)  (Enlil hands labor of farming over to the earthlings) (Enlil served by earthling worker)

     3) Enlil, son & heir to the king via mother Antu – ranking #50

       4) spouse Ninlil / Sud – ranking #45

       . Enlil was banished to the “Lower World” for raping Sud / Ninlil, who later married him, his crimes then forgiven

       . heir to father Anu, and son to Anu’s official sister-wife Antu, born on Nibiru of the “double seed”, placing him next to be king, even before older brother Enki

       . Lord Commander of Earth Colony – Chief Executive to the “Assembly of the Gods

       . founder of the “Garden of Eden” in Sumer / Mesopotamia / Southern Iraq (artifact above Enlil with plow)

       . Larsa was Enlil‘s 1st patron city-state, built 2nd, later he moved inland to Nippar

       . Nippar was built 3rd – “Mission Control Center”, the communication “Bond Between Heaven and Earth”

       . Enlil‘s temple – residence in Nippur was named “E.Kur”, “House Which is Like a Mountain”

         . overseer of purifying the gold taken from the “Abzu” & lower part of the world

       . Enlil had son Ninurta with his ½ sister Ninhursag / Ninmah / Ninti, who was born of the “double-seed” law of succession, & therefore to be Enlil‘s heir

       . Enlil and Ninlil had 2 main sons together, Nannar & Adad, plus others…

       . Enlil is accredited with giving mankind agriculture, sheep, etc., in Eden

       . Enlil gave the final approval for kingship to be “lowered from heaven”, & established high-priests & high-priestesses (positions of authority over earthlings for the giant mixed-breed offspring of the gods, therefore acting as go-betweens)

       . after Noah, Enlil decided gods would no longer mix with earthlings, their years will be only one hundred and twenty

             (Ninurta inside his sky-disc) (Ninurta riding his winged storm-beast)    (Royal Princess Bau & her spouse Ninurta)   (Ninurta)

     Ninurta, next heir to King Anu following father Enlil, assigned the number of Enlil as his heir

          . #50, when he steps into the “Enlilship” / rulership, spouse Bau will then be #45

        . Ninurta was born on Nibiru. he & Marduk were only ones from that generation born there, the younger were born on Earth

        . Ninurta married Bau / Gula, King Anu‘s daughter, father Enlil‘s ½ sister, & his own aunt

        . Ninurta‘s 1st patron city-state was Larak, the 5th city built, “Lord who completes the foundation       

        . Ninurta battled & shot down Zu / Anzu retrieving the “Tablets of Destines” stolen from father Enlil, technologies needed to command

        . Ninurta & cousin Nergal nuked Marduk‘s patron cities, brought down Marduk‘s Tower of Babel in Borsippa, & confused their tongue –

        . he & Inanna, with help of others, again defeated Marduk in the battle of the pyramids

        . usurper Marduk imprisoned by Enlilites within the Great Pyramid, & was left there to die

         . Lagash was later a patron city-state of Ninurta‘s, with a temple-residence

        . another patron city-state was Nimrud, with a temple – residence there

        . Ninurta‘s symbol is the double-headed eagle, very much still in use

        . Ninurta was in charge of Cain, banished to the east of E.din / Eden

         3b - Enki image  (Enki, oldest & wisest of gods on Earth)  (Enki in his winged sky-disc, landing on Earth)  (newly fashioned modern man & Enki)

       5) Enki / Ea, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son via a concubine – ranking #40

       6) spouse Ninki / Damkina, ex-king Alalu‘s daughter – ranking #35

        . son of Anu & Urash, a concubine, born on Nibiru

        . wisest of the gods, wrote his own biography, tales of his contributions to Earth       

        . master engineer, keeper of the ME’s (discs of knowledge)

        . god over the “Waters”, ruler of the Abzu (marshlands of Persian Gulf)

        . builder of ships, mined the gold in South Africa, shipped it bulk to Enlil

        . at first the moon eclipse was Enki‘s symbol, later discarded as Nannar / Sin took on the moon crescent symbol

        . a watery god 1/2 fish-1/2 man named Dagan was once used as his symbol (Enki in a wet suit)

        . Enki‘s patron city was Eridu, the 1st city built, “Place of the Water”, his temple – residence was there

        . Enki / E.A. “he whom home is water”, is accredited with forming the rivers and draining the marshlands

        . Enki rivaled his younger ½ brother Enlil for Earth’s Command, etc., as King Anu‘s heir he was once promised through his arranged marriage to Alalu’s daughter Damkina / Ninki, for the agreed upon compromise to gain planet Nibiru unity

        . Enki had six main sons – Marduk, Nergal, Ninagal, Gibil, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, & many others

        . Enki, sister Ninhursag, & son Ningishzidda genetically altered Homo erectus, giving him the “Tree of Knowledge”

        . he provided his DNA for the fashioning of modern man, spouse Ninki carried baby Adapa up to the 10th month

        . they made the mold to “Model Man” – “Adapa” – who would then reproduce

        . Enki used “Model Man’s” descendants as “Workers” in the gold mines of South Africa, Enlil used them in Eden

        . he genetically altered early man a second time to allow procreation of the new “Mighty Man” mixed-breed giant

        . Enki had sex with the “Daughters of Man”, at the disgust of Enlil, then many others did the same

        . he saved mankind from Enlil‘s complete extermination, helping his son, the mixed-breed Mighty Man Ziusudra (Sumerian), Utnapishtim (Akkadian), Altra-Hasis (Babylonian), Noah (Hebrew), survive the devastating floodwaters

        . he is accredited with giving mankind animal domestication, construction, metallurgy, ship building, & much more

          3aa - Nanna & his symbol  (Nannar above in sky-disc, man in the Moon) (Nannar, Moon Crescent god) (Nannar in sky-disc, Enlil, & Nabu praising Marduk)

       7) Nanna / Nannar / Sin / El, King Anu‘s grandson via Enlil – ranking #30

       8) spouse Ningal – ranking #25 “Great Lady

        . eldest son of the ruling couple Enlil & Ninlil, born on Earth

        . full older brother to Adad, younger ½ brother to Ninurta

        . Sin had twins with spouse Ningal, Utu / Shamash & Inanna / Ishtar, a boy and a girl

        . also produced son Papsukal & daughter Ereshkigal, goddess of the Under World

        . the moon’s crescent was Nannar / Sin / El‘s symbol, still very much in use

        . Nannar was god over his patron city-state Ur, home of Biblical Abraham

        . Nannar‘s temple-residence in Ur was called Egishnugal “House of the Seed of the Throne

        . Biblical Terah, Abraham‘s father, was once high-priest of Nannar‘s temple-residence (ziggurat) in Ur

          . Ur was abandoned when toxic fall-out came by way of the “terrible winds

        . Nannar became ill from the fall-out, retired, & his son Utu assumed the Moon Crescent Symbol

        . Ur‘s high-priest Terah, Abraham’s father, led the flight from Ur to Harran following his god Nannar / Sin El, the Biblical name for God

        . Harran was built as an exact replica of Ur, and Sin was made its deity, Biblical Jacob, standing outside Harran, saw a ladder with cargo carried up to Heaven & cargo carried down to Earth

        . a favored high priestess of Sin produced a mixed-breed son with god Nabu named Nabunaid, he built a temple to Sin, & was commander of the Babylonian armies, ruler of Sippar, Utu‘s patron city-state

         2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna    (Utu (Commander of the launch sites)  (Utu flying high in his sky-disc)  (Utu with alien weaponry atop small disloyal earthling)

      9) Utu / Shamash / Allah, King Anu‘s great-grandson via Enlil > Nannarranking #20

          . Utu is son to Nannar & Ningal, grandson to Enlil, nephew to Adad, twin to Inanna

          . married Aya / Aia, she was not given a ruling number

          . Utu is heir to Nannar / Sin

          . brother to Ereshkigal, queen of the “Lower World

          . Shamash:The Shining One”, “The Sun” god

          . Utu‘s patron city-state was Sippar, the 6th city built, “Land of the Missiles”, his temple – residence was there

          . Utu the Commander of “The Space Port

          . Utu the Commander of the “Eagles” / pilots carrying cargo to & from planet Nibiru

          . Utu’s temple – residence was Ebabbar, “Shining House” in Sippar

          . Utu’s Supreme Court was located in his patron city, Sippar

          . the great lawgiver, wise one, protector of travelers

          . Shamash‘s symbol was the Sun, but upon father Nannar‘s retirement, the Moon’s Crescent was given to Utu as his new symbol

          . Cancer is Utu‘s Zodiac sign

          . mixed-breed son Meskiaggasher, of a mixed-breed mother, was 1st semi-divine giant king of Uruk / Biblical Erech

         (Royal Princess Inanna)   (Inanna in her sky-disc)  (young Inanna, Goddess of Love   (Utu, Inanna, Goddess of War, & earthling captives) 

      10) Inanna / Ishtar, King Anu‘s great-granddaughter via Enlil > Nannar ranking #15

        . “Anunitum” “Beloved of Anu

        . daughter to Nannar & Ningal

        . twin to Utu, granddaughter to Enlil, mistress to King Anu (great-grandfather) when visiting Earth

        . sister Ereshkigal, Queen of the Lower World”, married Enki’s son Nergal

          . stole 100 divine formulas from a drunken grand-uncle Enki

        . Inanna married Dumuzi, youngest son to Enki, he had no ruling number

          . the title “Goddess of Love and War” given to Inanna due to her many giant mixed-breed king lovers, & due to her continued desire for war against her cousin Marduk & others

          . also known as Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Astarte, Anat, & so on

          . naked Inanna image on many stelea, statues, & rock carving artifacts

        . ruled Aratta, then Uruk, the patron city-state of Anu, was given to Inanna

        . she was once refused sex by Gilgamesh, Uruk’s 5th king, causing him a problem

          . Leo is her Zodiac sign

        . well known pilot with many depictions of her flying around in her MU (sky-ship) given by Anu, wearing the 7 MEs given by Enlil

         3 - Adad with divine weapons    (Storm God Adad)   (Adad stele in Aleppo)  (Adad atop his ziggurat residence)  (ancient king & giant Adad)

      11) Adad / Ishkur, King Anu‘s grandson via Enlil ranking #10

       . son of Enlil & Ninlil, brother to Nannar / Sin, nephew to Enki

       . younger ½ brother to Ninurta, uncle to Utu & Inanna

       . deity of the mountain lands north & west of Mesopotamia

       . known as the thunder god, depicted standing upon Taurus the Bull holding lightning & thunder

       . married Shala / Hebat, Anu‘s daughter, she has no ruling number

       . father to god Sarruma

       . father to mixed-breed King Ur-Ninurta “…… may …… be his helper. …… the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…”

       . father to mixed-breed King Amar-Suen / Bur-Suen “the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…”

            (Ninhursag & symbol)   (attractive Ninhursag)   (Enlil & Ninhursag with their son Ninurta in his sky-disc)   (Ninhursag & Enki in their DNA lab)

       12) Ninhursag / Ninmah / Ninti, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest daughter via concubine Nammu – ranking #5

         . Ninhursag, “Lady of the Mountainhead”, born on planet Nibiru

         . daughter of Anu & Urash / Nammu, a concubine to King Anu

         . sister to Enki, Bau, Martu, & others, older ½ sister to Enlil

         . had children with both Enlil (boy Ninurta), & Enki (many girls & boys)

         . son Ninurta becomes Enlil‘s heir to the crown, born of the “double seed”

         . her patron city-state was Kish, Medical Center of Sumer

         . chief nurse, “Lady of the Rib”, Mammu / Mamma / Mami / Mom

         . worked with Enki & Ningishzidda to create Adapa, “Model Man”

         . her symbol became the umbilical chord cutter, the Greek letter omega, also ohm

         . Virgo is her Zodiac sign

Note: The highest ruling number in the Anunnaki system is #60, held by King Anu.

#60’s successor is the one holding the ruling rank of #50, (Enlil)

The female, sometimes a spouse, is usually given the next lesser number divisible by 5.

There are 6 male deities and 6 female deities among the ruling numbered twelve positions in the “Assembly of the Gods“.

All those in the “Assembly of Gods are descendants of King Anu‘s royal bloodline




                         ENLIL                          BAU                   ENKI                      NINHURSAG

NINURTA    NANNAR    ADAD                                   MARDUK    NERGAL    GIBIL    NINGISHZIDDA    DUMUZI









An adab to Nanna (Nanna H)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Segment A

1-5. Righteous lord who determines destiny!

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse     (Ninlil & son Nannar / Suen / Sin)

Born to Ninlil, Suen (Nannar / Sin), beloved son of Ninlil,

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest   3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth

        (Nannar‘s mud-brick-built mountain-home in Ur                Enlil‘s mud-brick-built mountain-home / E-kur in Nippur)

Suen, having no rival in the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple), the house of Enlil:

your divine powers (alien technologies) are majestic divine powers granted by An (Anu)!

      (Anu / An in his sky-disc, King of all alien Anunnaki gods in Heaven / Nibiru, & on their new colony Earth; King Anu)


6-12. Your father (grandfather), holy An,

has bestowed upon you divine powers to which other gods cannot aspire.

Enlil (your father) has decreed them to you in destiny.

The lord of the holy lustration rites, An, has established them.

2c - Nannar & his symbol (Nannar, giant alien Anunnaki god of Ur, symbolized by the Moon Crescent, & still today)

……, sacred lion of the gods, justly honored, you are the light of heaven.

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing


Segment B

3a - Anu in flight  2a - Sumerian relief of solar system  2b - complete solar system with Nibiru, Pluto was discovered in 1930s

                    (An / Anu in his flying disc symbol of planet Nibiru, their home “planet that flies by” our solar system)

1-5. O house of …… in ……, city founded by An!

O house of …… in ……, city founded by An!

O house of Lugalbanda in ……, city founded by An!

2caa - Anu's house in Uruk  (mud-brick-built mountain-home of Anu with Uruk below)

O house of …… in ……, city founded by An!

O house of Inana (Inanna) in Zabalam, city founded by An!


6. Sa-ĝara.


3f - Ur's Ziggourat, now Re-built3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest

7-9. O shrine Urim (Nannar‘s mud-brick-built mountain-home in Ur)!

3j - unknown, Utu, Ninurta, & Enki 2e - Eridu temple reconstruction

                                 (Utu                     Ninurta travel to uncle Enki’s mud-brick-built mountain-home / ziggurat in Eridu)

Within, through their intricate craftsmanship, the Enki and Ninki deities

have perfected the divine powers (alien technologies) with their righteousness,

6b - Enki & his sons in the Abzu (Enki with sons standing before him in the abzu of Eridu)

and the Anuna gods stand there in service.


10. Its ĝišgiĝal to the sa-ĝara.


3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple
   (Nannar‘s home in Ur far above the city, & also the temple of Abraham‘s farher Terah)

11-13. O Urim, shrine of the mountains!

O shrine Urim, shrine of the mountains!

O Urim, city founded by An!


14. Its uru.


2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1

             (Nanna / Nannar, Enlil & Ninlil‘s son; Ur-Nammu stands before damaged Moon Crescent God Nannar)

15. An adab of Nanna.

(lines 14 and 15 are written as one line in source)

Before All Befores

How the Earth Mother and Queen fell in love with the Skyfather and King


At the heart of Ancient Mesopotamian religion, there was the Sacred Marriage of Heaven and Earth, the wondrous coming together of matching polarities to engender a new whole. This was probably how this time-honored ritual came into being for the first time. For Lillith of Lusitânia


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


Before All Befores, there was Nammu (King Anu’s concubine & mother to many royals), the Sea,

She the Origin, Ever flowing Beginning.

              (Nammu statues from Mesopotamia)

Nammu was the First, the Source, the Mother of the Universe, the Self-Procreating Womb of Abundance,

Alone and All-In-One, Nammu was Primal Matter, the Deep Fertile Waters of the Sea.

Before All Befores (for time was yet to be),

              (DNA symbol of earthling double helix spiral)

Nammu revolved and flowed, squeezed, coiled and rushed like a double helix spiral.

Love she made for the first time to HerSelf, and she in Pure Joy reveled.

Nammu’s waters then opened up: she had given birth to Ki-An,

Creation’s first born, She the Mountain, He the Sky.


Before all Befores, wrapped around the liquid Body of the Mother,

Ki the Mountain, An the Sky held each other close in a most tender embrace.

Ki the Mountain, An the Sky lay in each other’s arms before all befores,

             (Anu the Sky in his winged sky-disc with sons Enlil & Enki)

when An was an empty Sky, Ki a stony earth, laying barren and unfulfilled

within Nammu’s fecund body fluid (Nammu is mother to Enki, Bau, Martu, sometimes Ereshkigal, etc.).

As Ki and An lay closer and closer still, something stirred, deep from within.


Love that bound An and Ki together brought into being a Sigh,

    (Lord Air Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir)

a Wind, a First Breath, and so was Enlil, Infant Lord Air (Enlil), manifested.

Thus, life throbbed in Cheerful Continuation, as An, the Mighty Bull of Heaven,

made love fifty times (and more!) to Ki, his Beloved, the All-Powerful Cow of Earth.


Ki (Anu’s official spouse Antu, mother to double-seed son Enlil) responded to An’s enthusiasm and passion in kind.

She made herself resplendent, for her brother-spouse she beautified joyously her body with the most precious metals,

fuels and lapis lazuli, she adorned herself with diorite, chalcedony and shiny carnelian.


  (Anunnaki King, Skyfather An / Anu in his winged sky-disc, Nannar too)

So did the Skyfather An (Anu) array himself in a cloak of the purest azure

to greet his dearest sister-spouse Ki (sometimes Ninhursag, sometimes Antu).

Then in great joy and reverence An, who called himself then Heaven approached Ki, whom he called Earth.

AnHeaven dived into Ki’s welcoming expanse.

Then Sky kissed Ki, pouring the semen of Trees,

Reeds and pastures into the beloved’s womb.

Ki, fecund, brave, sweet Earth, was impregnated with the rich semen of Heaven,

and joyfully gave birth to the plants of life.


Luxuriantly did Earth bear the rich produce, generously did she exude wine and honey.

Gleefully, she invited the Skies into herself over and over again.

Fifty times (and more!), Sky came into the Earth.

Fifty times (and more!), An’s seed met Ki’s; fifty times (and more!), An’s seed grew in Ki’s;

fifty times (and more!), An and Ki made love, and so the Anunnaki,

the first Generation of Gods (Anu‘s descendants only), in Ki’s womb was formed, as yet unnamed, waiting to be born.

Only Enlil (born of the “double-seed” law of succession to King Anu’s crown),

first of the Anunnaki (the second son to Anueldest son is Enki born of Anu’s favorite concubine Nammu),

Infant Lord Air (Enlil) was there within An’s and Ki’s (Antu’s) lap, all surrounded by Nammu’s Depths.


Nammu feels and sees everything.

She must now create space for her offspring.

Under Ki, surrounding Enlil, above An, Nammu arches and stretches,

her Watery Form to further Depths she directs.

Nammu defines HerSelf as the First Ocean, cradle of other life forms to come.

Mine are the Depths reaching out to the Surface’, decrees the Fates Nammu,

mine is the Process of Becoming out of Nothing’s embrace.

mine is the Nurturing Womb, Life’s first Mystery, mine is the Silence that all Life Created.’


Enlil, who was An’s Divine Inspiration and Ki’s First Sigh of Exultation,

the first of the Great Gods to be born, struggled to grow.

Then, a Movement, Energy and Direction.

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, King Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander)

It was Enlil seeking Expansion.

He grows stronger still, eager for his Destiny to fulfill.

Out of his parents’ embrace he wants to escape off to unconquered Spaces.

Growth out of the protective Nest, all by himself, this is Enlil’s first Quest.

Thus he summons his Might from within, and manifests without as a Great Wind.

Focused, Penetrating, Directed, Enlil’s might cuts through An’s and Ki’s embrace,

on through the fluid body of Mother Nammu.


A roar, a Bang is then heard, and so are the Bull of Heaven and Cow of Earth once and for all separated.

What primal Oneness once was becomes Multiplicity.

This was the beginning of Evolution, the never-ending Adventure of Being

that transcends in Search for Wholeness and Fruition.


Nammu sees the changes that take place, and once again the All-Powerful Mother decrees the fate of Her firstborns:

3a - Anu in flight  (Anu in his winged sky-disc, king of the Anunnaki giants on Earth)

An, Beloved Son, from now on you will be ever Above. the Sphere of the Heights will be yours to protect

Let it be called Upper-world (Nibiru), whereupon the Lights of the Spirit will thread.

Knowledge, Inspiration, Dreams and Visions will be yours to share.

Ki, Dearest Daughter, you will lay on my surface, for I need to feel your presence, your embrace.

Let your abode be called Middleworld (Earth),

Sphere of Form and Substance, mundane reality and physical home of everything that lives and grows.

And to give sustenance to That Which is Above, in the Middle and Below, let another realm be found.

I’ll call it Underworld, source of Memory of what was, is and will be,

land of Challenge, realm that will go beyond my very Depths,

Inner Essence that gives Form and Spirit sustenance.


2a - Enlil, Anu's son & heir   

          (alien giant gods with very long beards, Anu & his descendants wear royal crowns of animal horns)

Meanwhile, Young Enlil, will dance and stretch, his Formless Power is the Universe’s First Breath.

So will My Seed be in everything there Is to Be as the Inner Power to Grow

and Transform in Multiple combinations of all Sorts.’

Ki, looking up to the Skies, to An, her Brother Spouse, longed for his closeness and touch.

Bits of herself to the Skies reach out, searching for An, dancing all round, up, down and round they fly.

Ki contemplated this mystery and revealed its Meaning: An, beloved, Soul of my Body,

bound as One we can no longer be, but the Intangible that united us still exists.


By the Primeval Unity we once were, may all hear what I now declare:

That which is Below will ever be linked to that which is Above here and there I dare to fare!’

From Above, An looked down at his sister-spouse Ki (Antu), longing for her closeness and kiss.

Ki, Beloved, Body of My Soul, bound as One we can no longer be, but the Intangible that united us still exists.


So from the Highest Place I’ll watch over you, My Love.

I claim then as mine the Heavens, the Supreme Heights Above

And by the Primeval Unity we once were, may all hear what I now declare:

that Which is Above will be ever united to that Which is Below.

And to remind the Universe of this Great Truth, the horned crown upon the shrine I take as symbols of mine.

May the Universe never forget that the Bull of Heaven and Cow of Earth are one everywhere I dare to fare.’


Enlil contemplates the changes taking place.

Out of An’s and Ki’s nest, all by himself, the Primal Mover of the Universe feels bereft.

He then utters a Statement of Regret and a Request

Alone, all alone, I cannot be, so I ask you,

Mother, please stay with me! I need your touch and Company.

I vow from now on to guard you and protect you everywhere I go, your safety more important than my own.

So I ask to take Ki, the Earth, my Mother with me, and together we will build Ways to Eternity.

I’ll be Breath, you’ll be Form.

Please, dearest Mother, come right along and let’s the Universe transform!’


In the Heights Above, An wept, his tears Nammu’s waters met.

In the vastness of Nammu’s nurturing Depths, the Skyfather surrenders to a heartfelt sorrow for Ki,

longing for her lost love and kiss.

Nammu accepts the bittersweet tears of her firstborn, and he loses himself in her, accepting her tenderness and love.


Mother and Son, An and Nammu, meet and make sweet love, and from the mingling of their bodies a boy and a girl,

2aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad2 - Ereshkigal (Enki; Ereshkigal, alien giant descendants of King Anu)

Divine Twins (to Nammu) are born.

Enki and Ereshkigal (Ninhursag is Enki‘s twin), you I call,’ says Nammu. ‘

May the Wisdom of the Depths to you belong!

As high as An rests Above, as Deep as my Waters go below, so will you two go: as Within so Without.

Inner Beauty is your Quest, revealed for all to know!’




How the Great God/desses and Cosmic Powers came into being

A retelling on the birth of the Great Gods and Goddesses, and the Dark Guardians, the ones who are sometimes our best teachers, if we can see and act beyond their trials

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Ki, the Great Cosmic Mound, hardly had time to cry for the loss of Anu, the Skyfather,

her Beloved and Soul Counterpart, for something extremely important was about to happen:

‘Soon, very soon, I know, the time will come, the sacred time of Birth’,

said the Great Goddess, ‘then I will give birth to the Divine Babies,

the Great Gods and Goddess, sons and daughters of mine and Anu, offspring of our great love.


  (alien Anunnaki King Anu in his winged sky-disc)

Ah, Anu, from the Great Above wherever you are, my love, watch over me

and those who will grow up to adore you in the Depths Below!’

To her surprise, deep with tenderness and love the voice of the Skyfather sounded loud and true:

‘Body of my Soul, Womb to my Seed, wherever you or my children go in all worlds,

look up skywards and I will be there watching over you.

By my word, by my very being, I bind myself to you from all Heights I trail upon!’


Delighted, Ki blew a kiss to the skies, and took action.

To welcome the gods and goddesses to be

She needed a place, a most special place: safe, sacred, pure and sound around herself.

I wish a birth rut, a holy hill, and sacred mound, whereupon the Anunnaki, my very seed and Anu‘s,

the first gods and goddesses, your brothers and sisters, Enlil, will be first found.


I’ll call this place Duku, creation chamber of the world, place of the truest judgments, Integrity and Discernment.

Thus, once and for all I reaffirm the Bond Between Heaven and Earth,

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur

 (Enlil’s temple / residence in Nippur–Earth Colony Command Center, top added by American archaeologists around 1900)

the Holy Duranki between the Great Below and the Depths Above.

And as I will, so be it!’

Enlil promptly gathered all stones his hands and eyes found.

Ki plastered them her belly round, thus newly created shapes appeared on the ground.

Ki, Lady Fashioner, panted and squeezed until her babies, seed of An and her own, came tumbling without.

2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments (Ninhursag, Chief Medical Scientist of the Anunnaki on Earth Colony)

Ki, Aruru (Ninhursag), Foetus Loosener, Urash (Ninhursag),

felt them moving unto her holy lap and contentedly smiled at last:

Ki panted and squeezed until her babies, without any labor or pain,

the holy seeds of An and her own, came tumbling without.

She felt them moving unto her holy lap, and a boundless sense of wonder and joy filled her inside out:

I’ve given birth to the Powers that will shape the Land,

I’ve given birth to the Guardians that will protect the Land!

I’ve given birth, I’ve given birth to those who will ensoul the land!

May this day will be forever praised, may this hour for Eternity remembered, for out of my womb,

out of the holy Mound the Anunnaki, the first gods and goddesses of the land have sprouted!’


An contemplated the Mystery that took place and from the Heights Above

the Skyfather’s Words could be heard in all spaces: Ki, Beloved Body of my Soul, Sister without peer,

Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear, many Names will be given to you.

But for me you will forever be Ninhursag,

Queen of the Holy Hill, dearest Ninmah, Most Exalted Lady,

Queen and Best Companion along the Heights I trail You will be remembered,

Beloved, as Nintur, Lady Birth Hut, and nothing or no one will quite compare to you!

2c - young Ninhursag in lab (Ninhursag seated on her throne in her ziggurat in Kish)

Urash, Birth Giver, most sacred Aruru (Ninhursag) everlasting praises will be sung from now on to you!

Lady of Mound, where Life sprouts happy and free.

Body of my Soul, sister without peer,

Heart’s Desire and Spouse so dear, mine is the Voice but for all I sing,

Mother of all Life, Lady of my heart, Beloved and Queen!’

This was how the Great Gods and Goddesses of the Land between the Two Rivers came into being.


This was how the Children of Earth and Sky became known in all worlds,

this was how they started to grow in Diversity to reveal the treasures of the Earth and greatness of the Heights.

Most of the children of An and Ninhursag-Ki were beautiful and perfect, the truest expression of a of great love.

Nevertheless, a deep, earlier anguish had left its mark on some.

These babies were the ones scarred in Ki’s womb

by the terrible moment of loss and agony when An was torn from Ki.

They therefore grew in pain and loss, thus bringing ambivalent benedictions without.

Their experience of Primal Oneness and Joy was too short,

for what nurtured them was Ki’s and An’s pain, loneliness and loss.


Within the Mother, they felt Pain and Repression, the Opposite of the Stuff Life is made of.

Dark Guardians this is how we will know them from now on,

the Challengers and Toughest Teachers one may find as one goes along.

Theirs will be the Unbalanced Energies eternally fighting Balance everywhere they go.

‘Children of our pain, Dark Guardians of Existence, the most difficult Teachers one may come across,

this is how I feel you will become,’ declared Ninhursag-Ki to Anu

when she saw the scarred little ones come out crying out and screaming out of her sacred womb.

‘Theirs will be the Uneven Energies, eternally fighting Balance wherever they go.

But I, who gave birth to you out of my womb,

I who was the first together with your father, declare a hope to such hard destiny.


For the Daring, mastery will be granted over Chaos but only for those who will be able to see beyond pain,

suffering and loss to retrieve the light that was the primeval union of mine with Anu, my first love’.

From his post as a Watcher over Mother Earth, faithful to his promise to keep Her safe, and sound,

young Enlil was stunned by what he saw: ugly, misshapen dark little brothers and sisters

leaving the protection of the Birth Mound, crying out loud.

4c - Ninhursag & Enki (Ninhursag, Anu & others in flying disc above, & Enlil)

Disturbed beyond measure, Enlil turned to Ki, also known as Ninhursag,

Exalted Lady and the Skyfather’s Soul Counterpart.


‘Mother, are you alright?

Ninhursag-Ki’s eyes reflected immense sadness: ‘I am terribly sad, but can handle it, Enlil.’

‘Mother, what is going on?

What ails my new brothers and sisters?

Why are they so different?

Are they my real brothers and sisters too?’


Ninhursag-Ki sighed deeply:

‘Yes, Enlil, these are your brothers and sisters too, but let them be and follow their own destinies.

Learn to see beyond appearances, my firstborn, to reach out for the True Essency, learn to reach out

to the Source where yourself came from, the Union of all Opposites, The Holy Complementarity that was lost.

Indirectly, Enlil, it was your fault the suffering of these little ones, when you caused the Separation of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, I demand you to let the Dark Guardians be.

Theirs will be another Quest, much harder, I’m afraid so’.


5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

 (Apkula / winged eagle-headed pilot, Enki, Anu in his sky-disc, Enlil, & another pilot)

A shadow of guilt and regret covered the face of the young Lord Air:

”If I am at the root of all their suffering,

I vow by my Gifts of Mind, Thoughts and Never-ending Inspiration to try and understand them

to heal what needs to be healed, to make whole what was once broken.

Mother, this is such a brave new world, we cannot do it all alone!

I long for the company of my brothers and sisters to ensoul the world, make be and grow!’


Because Words of Creation have been forming in Enlil’s mind,

and they will take shape in each and every little god and goddess that come out of the Duku.

These brother and sisters, gods and goddesses-to-be, like himself are the true offspring of Ki and An.

They will continue the Work of Creation started up by Mother Nammu.

But Enlil is uncertain about the Dark Ones.

His bright, inquisitive Mind cannot accept the Unknown, the Bizarre, and this is what the dark guardians are.


“I still don’t understand what is Chaos or Darkness in its complicated patterns”,

thought endlessly Enlil,”but of order, the power of mind,

the conception of what needs to exist before action, this I am learning to know.

And the Divine Guide to every concept along all Existence it is the Word

born of Ensouled Silence which was the meeting point of Nammu, Ki and Anu.

Not the Spoken Word, but the Revelation born of Silence that is not empty but full of Meanings to Be-Come.

This Divine, Unspoken Word will lead the Way

and its power will be the Silence of Accomplished Deeds to Transform.

2d - Enlil in Nippur (Enlil artifact, seated upon his throne in Nippur)

I, Enlil, vow to follow the Silence that is Full of Meaning, I will live its Truth with the Innermost of my Being,

I will be the Inspiration that will be the Energy of Creation,

I will be the Holy Breath that permeates all that lives, gentle and yet strong to create all worlds.”


Enlil‘s logical, brilliant mind could not yet conceive of the Unknown,

of the Bizarre and Unclear and this is the Essence of all Dark Guardians.

But although he tried and tried, he could never achieve his main goal, to bring back the Dark Guardians into the fold.

The oldest, biggest and fiercest of the Dark Guardians,

Kur, found his way out the farthest he could from the Duku, out of Ki’s involving hug.

“I need to get away,” Kur thought.

“Closeness only brings pain eventually one day.”


Kur looked round and realized he wasn´t quite alone.

There were others, not many, as scarred as himself.

So he turned away from the face of Ninhursag-Ki.

She, the Earth Mother, loved all Her Children.

Kur and the little dark ones were her own and An’s, the children of their loss and sorrow.

The Great Mother felt Kur’s retreat and immediately moved towards the scarred son,

despite the fact that he deliberately tried to avoid her.


Kur, son born of my pain and loss, external differences are but the veil to cover True Essence.

All of you came from me and Anu, and I love you all in equal measure and form,

Perhaps for you, who were wounded in my womb I care more deeply so.

Kur, fruit of the loss for the deepest desire of my Body and Soul, try and do what I am myself doing,

remake yourself and be whole, transform your present into a a future of hope and growth.

Leave pain as sorrow behind, start a brand new time in your life!’


For a brief but intense moment mother and son really linked, but he broke the bond.

‘Don’t leave us’, said Ninhursag‘s eyes, but she already knew that Kur had decided to leave.

‘Mother, this place is alien to me.

And I am the alien in this place‘, cried out Kur, looking beyond the Mound,

beyond the Stony Earth that brought him into being.

He did not see Enlil‘s expression of utter astonishment and dismay.

A bitter cry of rage, anguish and violence came out from within Kur.

I will never fit in here! I don’t want to!

So I’ll leave for other places, here coming no more.

But in case there is anyone as scarred and outcast as me, I say ‘Do come along!’


So Kur did slip over the edge of the world, followed by his dark misshapen siblings.

Long they traveled, underneath caves and mounds of the stony earth

and beyond the deep waters of Nammu the Sea.

finally, over the edge of the Middleworld, at the entrance of the Underworld,

Kur and his dark little brothers and sisters stopped and kept watch, just waiting.

Kur, looking at the ugly little faces raised towards his,

straightened his back and raised his voice so that it could be heard afar:


Father and Mother, I claim the ends of the Earth for my domain and for my own kind.

And let it be known that we will challenge and fight to the very end

whoever dare to venture in our land! And beyond!‘

A dark cheer seconded Kur’s words: We will fight to the very end, and beyond!’

From the safety of the Duku, the Chamber of Creation,

Enlil and Ninhursag, heard Kur’s and his followers’ shout.

Immediately, Enlil, whose powers have grown enormously, now that he was a teenager god,

made a barrier formed the the strongest winds he could create and he projected them all to the land’s end,

where the Middleworld met the still empty Depths Below.


               (Air God Enlil, Sky Lord Anu, & Enki in flight)

The voice of the Air god sounded loud and clear in all worlds: ‘By the Strength of the Winds of my Desire,

from this moment on I vow to banish the powers of darkness to the boundaries of the Physical World.

Mine is the duty to protect mother Earth,

mine is the atonement for having separated what was born to be united.

Mine is the duty to re-establish Balance and Order, mine is the Promise this vow to fulfill

wherever I go to ensure the growth and success of what I call now civilization.

I vow to raise the Sword of Truth and the Power of Knowledge and Discernment to protect all worlds!’


It was this way that Life’s Energies were created and manifested,

under the tutelage of the ones who called themselves from then on the Hosts of Heaven and Earth.

But Ninhursag never stopped grieving for the Dark Guardians for many, many years on a roll.

It was one of these times when the Great Mother and Queen was immerse in her thoughts,

looking at the stars, that she saw the Bull of Heaven take Human Form.

Delight so great filled Beloved Earth,

  5m - Enlil, Ninurta, & possibly Nusku

         (Adad atop Taurus The Bull)                            (Enlil, son Ninurta atop Taurus, & rival Marduk)

as she realized the Age of Taurus was back in the Skies for brand new time.


‘It is me, Beloved’, said Anu, and Ki did not blink twice and rushed to his arms.

In the minutes that followed, the magic of their sacred mating took hold and it seemed there had

been no separation of Heaven and Earth for millenia long.

‘But how…?’, she asked, to make sure she knew.


Anu gave her a quick squeeze, laughed and replied: ‘I followed your movements through the skies

2b - complete solar system with Nibiru, Pluto was discovered in 1930s1d - Zecharia Sitchin, a real hero

                                    (Mr. Zecharia Sitchin, a pioneer & hero!)

                 (knowledge of our solar system — impossible for earthlings to know, obvious alien star knowledge)

and saw that it takes 26,000 years for you to go round the solar system and travel along my stars.

3a - Nibiru's main orbit (Nibiru / Planet X)

We may have met, or finally made aware of each other, in the first Age of Taurus in time immemorial,

for there was yet no time at that moment.

But this was the way you called me, this was the form I chose to come back to you for a while.

So by the winds of my Desire I came to you, who are the Body of my Wandering Soul,

dreaming with the reality of your touch.’


She kissed him back passionately.

‘Come, beloved, and see this beautiful, green and brown earth we created together

and whose beings are the multifaceted versions of our offspring.’


Together, they wandered all over the Living Earth to enjoy the Never-ending

Workings of Creation and Wonders of Evolution.

‘Amazing, isn’t it? All there is came from mother Nammu and us two’,

2bb - Ninhursag & lab DNA experiments2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer

   (Ninhursag‘s early failed attempts to develop “modern-man”, replacement workers for the gods)

said Ninhursag to Anu after they had visited the whole earth.

‘From the heights where I was I saw all this unfold, but nothing really compares to being here

and see, feel, hear, smell and touch this jolly world.’


A shadow crossed Ninhursag‘s visage.

‘Not everything that bears our seed is pleasing to the eye… or soul.’

He felt the pain and disappointment in her voice.

‘Are you referring to our children who are the Dark Guardians?’

It was a rhetoric question, because he knew the answer.

‘Yes’, she replied with her heartbreaking sincerity.

He hugged her for a long moment, and whispered:

‘Don’t feel so guilty for what happened to them’ ‘But I wish I had done more!

They left because they wanted to follow their own paths and I… let them go, let them be!’


It was the first time that Ninhursag admitted the full truth,

her frustration and immense sadness towards the Guardians of Darkness.

At the same time, it was a relief to share her doubts with Anu.

Of course she had to: he was her partner and son to her and his offspring!

‘I wish I had done more myself, beloved’, admitted Anu.

‘Nevertheless, when I look at everything that came into being from Mother Nammu and ourselves,

this Physical World full of Wonders and Challenges that reflect our greatness

and yet follow its own designs guided by our signs, I don’t think we did such a bad job.

Even considering the Dark Guardians, those who teach through pain and loss,

but only for those who are capable to see the smile beyond the tears.

Do you know why I am convinced of this truth?’

‘No. Why? ”Because of a Greater Mystery we are all part of,

and which is somehow always ahead, waiting to unfold shaped by Free Will, for nothing is a clear-cut plan,

but a Promise of Wholeness and Holiness on the Go.

Even gods and goddesses, who are the Beams of Light that point out the way to eternity,

are subject to this Mystery, which we cannot fully dominate,

but handle and sometimes interfere, under the right words and biddings.’


Taken by surprise, Ninhursag held her breath.

Anu‘s thoughtful eyes held hers as in the past, with the same intensity and longing,

so present as they had never been apart… he was real and touchable, not pure unreachable Spirit.

And suddenly there was no past, just glorious present.

Ninhursag smiled finally, anticipating the beloved’s answer,

surprised for not being capable to understand what he was making so easy to see.

‘I guess I know what you mean, my love.

What a great Mystery you are talking about, and with it, we can hardly interfere!

How badly I needed this knowledge and knowing, how dumb I was not to know!’


He stopped her with a kiss.

One of the most delightful ways to prevent Ninhursag from thinking when he had other things in mind.

‘What is this great mystery then, Lady of my Heart, Mind, Body and Soul?’

Ninhursag‘s smile was a sight to behold: ‘The name of this Great Mystery is Future,

the cycle and wheel that never ends, bringing return and healing

always in a higher level to accomplish evolution and growth.

But the Mystery lies in the fact that no future can be built without the past and present.

We sometimes cannot interfere that much, as it was with the Dark Guardians, our Children of Darkness.

I wish I had know all this before, not to have grieved so much!’


Anu kissed Ninhursag deeply and completed her thoughts: “Whenever I thought of the future,

long and not so long ago, I never lost faith and hope to hold you close in my arms again.

Mine was the desire to see come true the Dream that brought me today to you.

The Future will always bring Brightness and Hope, but Brightness and Hope will only happen

for those who will keep the flame alive to make their dreams real in all worlds.

It is the present that holds the key to all destinies, and when one works with passion, integrity and daring,

reshaping goals as the Path unfolds, the Triumph will come to the Spirit and Matter, the coming together of the Soul.

As the Sky is married to Earth from the Highest Heights to the Depths Below!

Sky-Ships / Sky-Chariots / Boats of Heaven / Winged Discs, Etc., Text Quotes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

(Enki‘s creation = Enkidu, Enlil‘s creation = Hawawa)


          “Its-tu-ri Same mut-tab ri,” “the winged birds of heaven. …”


The gods now rushing from the gleaming sky,

With blazing weapons carry victory; …”



         “For nine counted periods, Alula was king in Heaven.

         In the ninth period, Anu gave battle against Alula.

         Alula was defeated, he fled before Anu

         He descended to the dark-hued Earth.

         Down to the dark-hued Earth he went;

         On the throne sat Anu …”


         “The gods had clasped hands together,

         Had cast lots and had divided.

         Anu then went up to Heaven;

         To Enlil the Earth was made subject.

         The seas, enclosed as with a loop,

         They had given to Enki, the Prince of the Earth …”


         “he seated Anu (the Skyfather) …”


         “Father An (Anu), the Sky Lord ,…”


         “May the Igigi who are in heaven

          and the Anunnaki who are on Earth, bless you! …”


          “After he had brought the …… forth from the sky,

          he overcame the protective deities.

          He …… and kept it below the horizon. …”


          “Kakka went down the long stairway of heaven …”


          “Adapa, you are to go before king An.

          You will go up to Heaven,

          And when you go up to Heaven,

          When you approach the gate of An, …”


          “When he came up to heaven,

          When he approached the Gate of An, …”

          “’Fetch him the bread of eternal life and let him eat!’

          They fetched him the bread of eternal life, but he would not eat.

          They fetched him the water of eternal life, but he would not drink.

          They fetched him a garment, and he put it on himself.

          They fetched him oil, and he anointed himself.

          An watched him and laughed at him.

            ‘Come Adapa, why didn’t you eat?

          Why didn’t you drink?’

          ‘Didn’t you want to be immortal?

          Alas for downtrodden people!’

            ‘But Enki my lord told me:

          ‘You mustn’t eat! You mustn’t drink!’

Take him and send him back to his earth.’ …”


Men used to eat grass with their mouths like sheep.

In those times, they did not know grain, barley or flax.

An (Anu) brought these down from the interior of heaven …”


          “Šul-a-zida, An‘s (Anu) herdsman (?),

          grasped the cosmic tethering rope in his hands.

          After he had brought the …… forth from the sky,

          he overcame the protective deities.

          He …… and kept it below the horizon …”



         “he spanned the sky as the rainbow.

          Like a floating cloud, he moved alone.

          He alone is the prince of heaven, the dragon of the earth …”


          “Ninlil, you ride across heaven and earth …”


         “’Let us cause them to descend from the Dulkug.’

  At the pure word of Enki and Enlil,

            Lahar and Ashnan descended from the Dulkug …”


         “At that time Enki spoke to Enlil: ‘Father Enlil,

now Sheep and Grain have been created on the Holy Mound,

let us send them down from the Holy Mound.’

Enki and Enlil, having spoken their holy word,

         sent Sheep and Grain down from the Holy Mound …”


         “Your glittering golden sun-disc,

         fastened with leather straps, is the brilliant moonlight,

         shining brightly upon all the lands …”



         “set my heavenly chariot upon a pedestal …”


         “he beamed at his lion-headed weapon,

as it flew up like a bird, trampling the Mountains for him.

It raised itself on its wings to take away prisoner the disobedient,

          it spun around the horizon of heaven to find out what was happening…

          whose wings bear the deluge, the Car-ur (terrible weapons).

What did it gather there …… for Lord Ninurta?

It reported the deliberations of the Mountains,

it explained their intentions to Lord Ninurta, it outlined (?)

          what people were saying about the Asag …”


         “He made a pile of stones in the Mountains.

         Like a floating cloud he stretched out his arms over it …”


         “who brings daylight to the mountains,

……, battering ……,

         ……, who flashes like lightning …”



         “And Rimmon rides triumphant on the air, …”


         “Like Rimmon (Adad) now he flies upon the air, …

         That flash with fire along the roaring skies,

         Around the Sar and seer he furious flies …”


         “Dark tempests fly above from Rimmon‘s (Adad) breath,

         Who hovers o’er them with the gods of death; …”



         “Father Nannar, Lord of Ur

         Whose glory in the sacred Boat of Heaven is…

         Lord, firstborn of Enlil.

         When in the Boat of Heaven thou ascendeth,

         Thou art glorious.

         Enlil hath adorned thy hand

         With a scepter everlasting

         When over Ur in the Sacred Boat thou mountest …”


         “The princely son of the E-kur …….

The king, the holy barge which traverses the sky,

         Nanna, the lord ……, Suen (Nannar / Sin) ……. …”


Ningal, Nannar‘s spouse:

         “if I, birdlike, had stretched my wings,

         and, (like a bird), flown to my city …”


         “Its queen like a bird in fright departed from her city.

Ningal like a bird in fright departed from her city.

All the treasures accumulated in the Land were defiled.

          In all the storehouses abounding in the Land fires were kindled…

          Its queen cried, “Alas, my city (Ur)“, cried, “Alas, my house”.

Ningal cried, “Alas, my city,” cried, “Alas, my house.

As for me, the woman, both my city has been destroyed

and my house has been destroyed.

         O Nanna, the shrine Urim has been destroyed

         and its people have been killed …”


Papsukul, Nannar‘s son:

        “When Papsukul beheld in man’s abodes

The change that spread o’er blasted, lifeless clods,

And heard earth’s wailing through the waning light,

With vegetation passing out of sight,

From the doomed world to Heaven he quickly flies,

         While from the earth are rising fearful cries …”


          To Sin, the moon-god, Pap-su-kul now cries

 O’er Ishtar‘s fate, who in black Hades lies;

 O’er Earth’s dire end, which with Queen Ishtar dies;

          To Hea he appeals with mournful cries:…

          Release our queen! To Hades quickly fly! …”



        “For Ishtar, Anu from the clouds creates

A shining monster with thick brazen plates

And horns of adamant; and now it flies

         Toward the palace, roaring from the skies …”


        “And Ishtar in her car above doth shine.

The blazing standards high with shouts are raised,

As Samas‘ car above grand Sumir blazed.

The march they sound at Izdubar’s command,

And thus they start for King Khumbaba‘s land;

The gods in bright array above them shine,

By Ishtar (Inanna) led, with Samas (Utu), moon-god Sin (Nannar),

On either sidle with Merodac (Marduk) and Bel (Enlil),

And Ninip (Ninurta), Nergal, Nusku (Enlil’s chancellor) with his spell,

The sixty gods on chargers of the skies,

         And Ishtar‘s chariot before them flies …”


         “Inanna…hovering like An …”


         “But holy Inanna had gathered up the divine powers (alien technologies)

          and embarked onto the Boat of Heaven (flying device).

         The Boat of Heaven had already left the quay…

          ‘Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?’

          ‘Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?’

          ‘It has just now reached the holy …….’

          ‘Go now! The fifty giants of Eridug

          are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!’ …”


          “The Enkum are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!…

          but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me…

          The fifty giants of Eridug are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her! …”

          “Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!”

Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?”

“Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?”

“It has just now reached the UL.MA hill.”

“Go now! The fifty lahama of the subterranean waters

         are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her! …”


         “At the time when Enmerkar in Uruk ruled,

         Nungal, the lion-hearted, was the Pilot

         who from the skies brought Ishtar (Inanna) down

          to the E-Anna (Uruk‘s temple – residence)


         “Lest I make the people fly off from that city

like a wild dove from its tree,

         lest I make them fly around like a bird over its well-founded nest, …”


         “Against the inhabited world they barred the gates…

The Igigi gods surrounded the city with ramparts

Ishtar (Inanna) came down from heaven to seek a shepherd,

And sought for a king everywhere.

Innina (Inanna) came down from heaven to seek a shepherd,

          And sought for a king everywhere …”


         “The great queen of heaven (Inanna),

         who rides upon the awesome me (alien technologies),

         dwelling on the peaks of the bright mountains,

         adorning the dais of the bright mountains — …”


         “Their ruler (i.e. Enmerkar), riding on a storm, Utu‘s (mixed-breed) son,

         the good bright metal, stepped down from heaven to the great earth.

         His head shines with brilliance,

         the barbed arrows flash past him like lightning; …”


         “Her Samkhatu (alien technologies)

         Kharimtu (alien technologies) from the sky,

As gently, lightly as a spirit’s wing

         Oft carries gods to earth while Sedu sing. …”


         “The march they sound at Izdubar‘s command,

And thus they start for King Khumbaba‘s land;

The gods in bright array above them shine,

By Ishtar led, with Samas, moon-god Sin,

On either sidle with Merodac and Bel,

And Ninip, Nergal, Nusku with his spell,

The sixty gods on chargers of the skies,

         And Ishtar‘s chariot before them flies. …”


         “The gods now rushing from the gleaming sky,

         With blazing weapons carry victory; …”


         “And flying with her maids, sped to the skies. …”


         “But oh, friend Izdubar, my King, when I

         From this dear earth to waiting Hades fly, …”

         “With these words from
Gilgamesh in her ears

Eanna (Inanna) did roar and shout, and

Straight to heaven did she fly.

Straight to her father (great-grandfather) Anu,

and her mother Anunna (Antu) too.

‘The king of Uruk has insulted me.

         He mocks my loves, and told of them to everyone.’ …”


         “From heaven down did Eanna (Inanna) come with roar and shout.

On high tower of Uruk did she stand and curse all below.

Woe be to all because of Gilgamesh.

For insult to Eanna by his telling all her myriad ways.

         For insult to Eanna by killing her punisher the Bull of Heaven …”

Eanna swooped downand the haunch she took

         To her temple and Did wail and lament over this haunch. …”


        “When Anu heard her words,

         he placed the nose rope of the Bull of Heaven in her hand.

         Ishtar led the Bull of Heaven down to the earth.

         When it reached Uruk It climbed down to the Euphrates …”


         “The queen in fury from his presence turned,

In speechless rage the palace halls she spurned;

And proudly from the earth swept to the skies;

          Her godly train in terror quickly flies …”


         “Inanna gathered then all the Holy Measures

The Sacred Measures were placed on the Boat of Heaven (Sky Chariot)

         The Boat of Heaven (flew) set off to Uruk …”


         “My warrior who fights by my side,

         Save the Boat of Heaven (Sky Chariot) with the sacred measures! …”

         “fly like a swallow from the window …”

         “Prince Tammuz now again to life restored,

Is crowned in Hades as its King and Lord,

And Ishtar‘s sorrow thus appeased, she flies

         To earth, and fills with light and love the skies …”



        “who put clouds in the sky, the storm which roars in the sky,

as the sunlight giving …… to the earth,

         Ningublaga (Utu), the son of Nanna (Nannar), …”


         “Great Samas once the way of me did ask,

And I forbade him, but the mighty task

He undertook, and crossed the mighty deep,

Where Death’s dark waters lie in wait asleep:

His mighty car of gold swept through the skies,

         With fiery chargers now he daily flies …”


         “The eagle (pilot) said to him, to Etana:

‘My friend, the [ ] are obvious,

          Come, let me take you up to heaven,’…

          When he bore him aloft one league,

The eagle said to him, to Etana:

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now

Examine the sea, look for its boundaries

The land is hills…

The sea has become a stream’.

When he had borne him aloft a second league,

The eagle said to him, said to Etana,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!

The land is a hill’.

When he had borne him aloft a third league,

The eagle said to him, said to Etana,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

‘The sea has become a gardener´s ditch’.

          After they had ascended to the heaven of Anu,

They passed through the gates of Anu, Enlil and Ea,

The eagle and Etana did obeisance together,

At the gate of Sin (Nannar)

          The eagle and Etana did obeisance together …”


         (Another version of this episode):

         “When he had borne him aloft one league,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

‘The land´s circumference is become one fifth of its size.

‘The vast sea is become like a paddock’.

When he had borne him aloft a second league,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

‘The land has become a garden plot [ ],

‘And the vast sea has become a trough’.

When he had borne him aloft a third league,

‘Look, my friend, how the land is now!’

‘I looked but could not see the land!

‘Nor were my eyes enough to find the vast sea!

‘My friend, I won´t go up to heaven

         ‘Set me down, let me go off to my city’ …”



The Anunnaki pay due homage:

Lord who rides the great me’s the pure me’s (alien technologies of flight),

Who has charge of the universe, the widespread,

Who received the lofty ‘sun-disk’ (alien flying saucer in Eridu (Enki‘s city)…”


        “Father Enki stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city.

He wept bitter tears.

          For the sake of his harmed city, he wept bitter tears.

          Its lady, like a flying bird, left her city.

          The mother of E-mah, holy Damgalnuna

          (Damkina, Enki‘s spouse), left her city …”


         “Ninki (Damkina, Enki‘s spouse), its great lady,

         flying like a bird, left her city …”


         “When I approached heaven a rain of prosperity poured down from heaven,

         When I approached the earth, there was a high flood, …”


“Your me’s are lofty me’s, unreachable.

Your heart is profound, unfathomable.

The enduring . . , your place where gods give birth, is untouchable like heaven…”



         “Mighty Erra (Nergal), who goes before his army,

         Will shatter his front line and go at this enemy´s side …”



         “He entered into the presence of Thoth (Ningishzidda),

         the twice great, god of magic,

and Thoth gave him the power to change himself into a great winged disk,

a disk that glowed like a ball of fire, with great wings on either side

like the colors of the sky at sunset when the blue shades from dark to light,

          and is shot with gold and flame.

          Men try to copy these hues

when they carve the winged disk above the temple-doors,

or make it into a breast-ornament of gold inlaid

          with turquoise and carnelian and lazuli.

          Thus Horus, as a great winged disk (alien technologies),

          sat on the prow of the Boat of Ra (alien technologies), …”


         “while over them flew the gleaming Disk (alien technologies) watching for Set. …”


        “Then Horus flew back to Ra …”


         “Horus came behind them in the Boat of Ra,

         and his form was the form of a great winged disk (alien technologies);…”


         “The Boat of Ra went against them,

and above the Boat shone the glory of the great winged Disk (alien technologies).

         When Horus saw the enemy gathered together in one place, …”


         “Then Horus of Edfu changed himself into a great winged Disk

          with gleaming pinions outspread, …”


         “and he gave commandment that in every temple throughout the Two Lands

          men should carve the Winged Disk, …”



        “They come! they come! three hundred spirits high,

The heavenly spirits come! the I-gi-gi!

From Heaven’s streams and mouths and plains and vales,

And gods by thousands on the wings of gales.

The spirits of the earth, An-un-na-ci,

         Now join around their sisters of the sky …”


The Bible – Genesis:

         “The Nephilim were on earth in those days – and also afterward –

          when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.

          They were the heroes of old, men of renown (giant mixed-breeds made into the 1st kings)…”



          “THE WATCHERS



Adapa of Eridu:

        Adapa, before the face of Anu the King thou art to go… to heaven

When thou comest up, and when thou approachest the door of Anu,

         At the door of Anu, Tammuz and Gishzida are standing, …”


         “The road to Heaven he made him take, and to Heaven he ascended.

When he came to Heaven, when he approached the door of Anu,

At the door of Anu, Tammuz and Gisbzida are standing.

         When they saw him, ‘Adapa‘, they cried: …”


Enmerkar of Uruk:

          “Their ruler (i.e. Enmerkar), riding on a storm, Utu‘s son,

          the good bright metal, stepped down from heaven to the great earth.

          His head shines with brilliance,

          the barbed arrows flash past him like lightning; …”


Lugalbanda of Uruk:

         “Like the Seven Stormers of Ishkur in a flame

         let me lift myself off, and thunder away! …”


Noah of Shuruppak:

          “The gods were frightened by the Flood,

         and retreated, ascending to the heaven of Anu …”


Assur-nasir-pal of Assyria:

        “The summit of the mountain was like the point of an iron blade,

         and the flying bird of heaven had not swooped upon it …”


Assurnasirpal II of Assyria:

        “Ninip who uplifts my feet. …”


The Qur’an / Koran

2:28 “…then, ascending to the sky, He fashioned it into seven heavens …”

2:49 “We caused the clouds to draw their shadow over you and sent down for you manna and quails, ‘saying: ‘Eat of the good things We have given you. …”


          6:6 “If We sent down to you a Book inscribed on real parchment and …”


6:7 “They ask: ‘Why has no angel been sent down to him?’ If We had sent down an angel, their fate would have been sealed and they would have never been reprieved. If We had made him an angel, We would have given him the semblance of a man, and would have thus added to their confusion …”


6:34 …”But they patiently bore with disbelief and persecution until Our help came down to them …”


6:75 “Thus did We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, so that he might become a firm believer …”


6:86 “We raise whom We will to exalted rank…

We gave him Isaac and Jacob and guided both as We had guided Noah before them. Among his descendants were David and Solomon, Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron; Zacharias and John, Jesus and Elias; and Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot. All these We exalted above the nations as We exalted some of their fathers, their children, and their brothers. We chose them and guided them to a straight path …”


6:111 “If We sent the angels down to them, and caused the dead to speak with them, and ranged all things in front of them, they would still not believe …”

Gilgamesh & Aga: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

(Ninhursag‘s creature creation = Enkidu)


           1-8 Envoys of Aga (Kish giant semi-divine mixed-breed king ruled 625 years),

          the son of En-me-barage-si (Kish giant semi-divine mixed-breed king ruled 900 years),

             2b - Kish ruins, where kingship was born 2c - Kish walls, 5th city in Mesopotamia (Kish ruins of city walls)

came from Kic (Kish) to Gilgamec (King Gilgamesh) in Unug (Uruk).

Gilgamec presented the issue before the elders of his city, carefully choosing his words:

“There are wells to be finished, many wells of the Land yet to be finished;

there are shallow wells of the Land yet to be finished,

there are wells to deepen and hoisting gear to be completed.

We should not submit to the house of Kic!

Should we not smite it with weapons? (2 mss. have instead: Let us smite it with weapons!)

9-14 In the convened assembly, his city’s elders answered Gilgamec:

“There are indeed wells to be finished, many wells of the Land yet to be finished;

there are shallow wells of the Land yet to be finished,

there are wells to deepen and hoisting gear to be completed.

2d - Kish 1926 (Kish, Ninhursag‘s ziggurat & patron city)

So we should submit to the house of Kic.

We should not smite it with weapons!

(1 ms. has instead: So should we not submit to the house of Kic?

Should we smite it with weapons?)

Gilgamesh & Inanna  (Gilgamesh & naked  Goddess of Love Inanna)

15-23 Gilgamec, the lord of Kulaba, placing his trust in Inana (Inanna),

did not take seriously the advice of his city’s elders.

Gilgamec (1 ms. adds: , the lord of Kulaba,) presented the issue again,

this time before the able-bodied men of his city, carefully choosing his words:

“There are wells to be finished, many wells of the Land yet to be finished;

there are shallow wells of the Land yet to be finished,

there are wells to deepen and hoisting gear to be completed.

Never before have you submitted to the house of Kic.

Should you not smite it with weapons? (1 ms. has instead: We should not submit to the house of Kic.

We should smite it with weapons!)

24-29 In the convened assembly, his city’s able-bodied men answered Gilgamec:

“Standing on duty and sitting in attendance, escorting the king’s son,

and forever grasping the donkey’s reins — who has that much breath?”, as the saying goes.

You old men should not submit to the house of Kic (Kish)!

Should we young men not smite it with weapons?

3e - Anu's Temple in Uruk  (residences of alien gods Anu, Inanna, Ninsun, Ninshubur, etc. in Uruk‘s ziggurat)

30-39 “The great gods created the structure of Unug (Uruk),

the handiwork of the gods, and of E-ana (Anu’s ziggurat temple residence in Uruk),

2caa - Anu's house in Uruk (E-ana temple & ramparts) 

the (mud-brick-built) house lowered down from heaven (architecture from Nibiru).

You watch over the great rampart, the rampart which An (Anu) founded

(1 ms. has instead: its great rampart, a cloudbank resting on the earth),

  (Anu, King of the alien Anunnaki on Nibiru & Earth Colony, father in heaven)

the majestic residence which An established (for his Earth Colony visits, otherwise Inanna‘s).

You are its king and warrior, an exuberant person,

a (giant, smarter, faster, longer-lived, 2/3rds divine mixed-breed) prince beloved of An.

When Aga comes, what terror he will experience!

That army is small, and scattered at the rear.

Its men will be incapable of confronting us.”

40-47 Then Gilgamec, the lord of Kulaba (Anu‘s district in Uruk prior being given to Inanna),

rejoiced at the advice of his city’s able-bodied men and his spirit brightened.

 Terracotta plaque showing a bull-man holding a post, Mesopotamian, Old Babylonian, 2.000-1.600 BCE. The relief shows a creature with head and torso of a human but lower body and legs of a bull. He may be supporting a divine emblem and this acting as a protective deity. Baked clay tablets were mass-produced using moulds in southern Mesopotamia from the second millenium BCE. ANE 103225 (Enkidu, DNA-created creature by Ninhursag for Gilgamesh‘s companionship & protection)

He addressed his servant Enkidu:

“On this account let the weaponry and arms of battle be made ready.

War - captured & killed (earthlings forced into wars by alien gods)

Let the battle mace return to your side.

             (2,150 B.C. mace dedicated to Gilgamesh, ancient weapon prior to bronze age weapons)

May they create a great terror and radiance.

When he comes, my great fearsomeness will overwhelm him.

His reasoning will become confused and his judgment disarrayed.”

48-54 Not five, not ten days had passed when Aga, the son of En-me-barage-si,

             (Uruk city with E-anna, house of alien gods)

laid siege to Unug (Uruk) with his men.

Unug‘s reasoning became confused.

6a - Gilgamesh, giant kingKONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA

 (Gilgamesh, giant semi-divine king of Uruk ruled 126 years; Gilgamesh statue @ University of Sidney, Australia)

Gilgamec, the lord of Kulaba, addressed its warriors:

My warriors shall have the choice. (2 mss. have instead: My warriors, choose!)

Let someone with courage volunteer “I shall go to Aga

(1 ms. has instead: , and I will send him to Aga).”

55-58 Birhur-tura, his royal guard, spoke in admiration to his king:”

(2 mss. add: My king,) I shall go (1 ms. has instead: go prancing (?) to Aga

so that his reasoning will become confused and his judgment disarrayed.”

59-69 Birhur-tura went out through the city gate.

As soon as Birhur-tura went out through the city gate,

they captured him at the gate’s entrance, and then beat Birhur-tura’s entire length.

He came into the presence of Aga and then spoke to Aga.

Before he had finished speaking,

an officer of Unug climbed up on the rampart and leaned out over the rampart.

Aga saw him and then spoke to Birhur-tura: “Slave, is that man your king?”

70-81 “That man is not my king!

Were that man my king, were that his angry brow, were those his bison eyes,

were that his lapis lazuli beard, were those his elegant fingers,

would he not cast down multitudes, would he not raise up multitudes,

would multitudes not be smeared with dust, would not all the nations be overwhelmed,

would not the land’s canal-mouths be filled with silt, would not the barges’ prows be broken,

and would he not take Aga, the king of Kic (Kish), captive in the midst of his army?”

82-89 They hit him, they struck him.

They beat Birhur-tura’s entire length.

3i - Uruk  (Uruk‘s many ramparts)

Gilgamec climbed up on the rampart after the officer of Unug.

His radiance overwhelmed Kulaba‘s young and old.

He armed Unug‘s (Uruk) able-bodied men with battle maces

and stationed them on the causeway at the city gate’s door.

Only Enkidu went out through the city gate.

Gilgamec leaned out over the rampart.

Looking up, Aga saw him: “Slave, is that man your king?”

92-99 “That man is indeed my king.”

It was just as he had said: Gilgamec cast down multitudes, he raised up multitudes,

multitudes were smeared with dust, all the nations were overwhelmed,

the land’s canal-mouths were filled with silt, the barges’ prows were broken, and he took Aga,

the king of Kic, captive in the midst of his army.

(1 ms. adds 1 line:Unug‘s able-bodied men …… that army.)

100-106 Gilgamec, the lord of Kulaba, spoke to (1 ms. has instead: approached close to) Aga:

Aga my overseer, Aga my lieutenant, (1 ms. adds 1 line: Aga my governor, Aga my commander,)

Aga my military commander!

Aga gave me breath, Aga gave me life:

Aga took a fugitive into his embrace, Aga provided the fleeing bird with grain.”

107-113 The able-bodied men acclaim Gilgamec

“You watch over Unug, the handiwork of the gods, the great rampart,

the rampart which An (Anu) ( founded, the majestic residence which An established.

2ca - Anu's temple, at least 3500B.C. (Uruk home of Anu & giant alien gods)

You are its king and warrior, an exuberant person, a prince beloved of An.”

Gilgamec addresses Aga:

5b - Utu & Ur-Nammu Law Code (Utu seated, god above pulling the strings of the original “wheel of justice”)

“Before Utu, your former kindness is hereby repaid to you.'”

(the other ms. has instead: “I watch over Unug, the handiwork of the gods, its great rampart,

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (An / Anu, father in Heaven to alien royal offspring sent to establish Earth Colony)

a cloudbank resting on the earth, its majestic residence which An established.

The city will repay the kindness shown to me.

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna5d-utu-the-law-giver

   (Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, twin brother to Inanna; Babylonian King Hammurabi & Utu, symbolized as the Sun god)

Before Utu, your former kindness is hereby repaid to you.”)

He set Aga free to go to Kic.

114-115 O Gilgamec, lord of Kulaba (during days of Anu’s presence on Earth), praising you is sweet.

Proverbs: from Unug (Uruk)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Segment A

4 lines fragmentary


Segment B

2a - Enlil, Anu's son & heir (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, Anu‘s Earth Colony Commander)

1 line fragmentary

He holds up the sky, letting the earth dangle from his hands.

Enlil‘s greatest punishment is hunger.

He bears the responsibility for it.


When he …… the man’s assassin, he became his opponent.

As a provisioner, …… upon those who speak proudly (?).

The …… wind …… harmful (?).

The east wind is a rain-bearing wind; the west wind is greater than those who live there.

      6b - Naram-Sin, by Sin Loved, King of Akkad  (Naram-Suen, giant semi-divine mixed-breed descendant-king of Akkad)

The east wind is a wind of prosperity, the friend of Naram-Suen.

1 line fragmentary


1 line fragmentary

…… poured it out for him …….

1 line fragmentary

…… gave birth …… like a nindijir priestess, the young girl …… coming out,

the young girl …… returned it …….

1 line fragmentary

Lament for Unug (Uruk)

Source: Black, J. A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E and Zólyomi, G.

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature,

Oxford University, UK, 1998 – © All rights reserved to authors. Text reproduced here for aid in studies and research purposes

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)



          SEGMENT A

(beginning of 1st kirugu)

1-3 The …… which had developed — its wiping clean (?) was to be accomplished (?).

The …… of heaven and earth put their divine powers …… to sleep (?).

1 line fragmentary

Mining - Enki & Ninhursag ith offspring & clones  (earthling workers provided to the giant alien gods)

4-8 …… mortal man multiplied to become as numerous as the gods.

When together …… had achieved a momentous decision, the …… of the gods …….

Enki and Ninki (Enki‘s spouse) determined the consensus — deemed worthless.

Enul (Enlil) and Ninul (Ninlil) assigned the fate, …….

  3b - Anu of planet Nibiru1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (alien King An / Anu; his son & heir Enlil)

9-14 When together An and Enlil had created it, that one resembled …….

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse  (Ninlil, spouse to Enlil, his equal in authority)

When Ninlil had given it features, that one was fit for …….

2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments 2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. 2aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad

    (Ninhursag / Aruru                                Nannar                                  Enki)

When together Aruru (Ninhursag), Suen (Nannar) and Enki had fashioned its limbs,

that one turned pitch black, as at night, halfway through the watch, …….

All the great gods paled at its immensity and…… was brought about.

Like a great wild bull which bellows mightily, that one filled the world with its roar.

15-20 As its gigantic horns reached up to heaven, who trembled in his very core?

As it was piled up over the mountains like a battle-net, who turned away?

Who caused wailing and lamenting in those streets and ……?

3a - Anu's Ziggourat in Unig-Uruk (ruins of Uruk, one of the 1st cities on Earth, & house of Anu way above)

Unug (Uruk), like a loyal citizen in terror, set up an alarm (and exclaimed)

“Rise up!” Why did its hand seize Unug?

Why did the benevolent eye look away?

Who brought about such worry and lamenting and ……?

21-27 That one drew nearer.

That one settled upon the ground.

Why would he withdraw?

Who distorted Unug’s good sense and deranged its good counsel?

Who smashed its good udug deity?

Who struck its good lama deity too?

Who desecrated the fearsome radiance which crowned it?

Who brought about mob panic in Unug?

Who …… sickness too?

Along with the city, the foreign lands ……, who …… in the temple of Unug?

That one ……..

small no. of lines missing


(continuation of 1st kirugu)

1-8 1 line fragmentary

Who made ……?

Why was …… expanded?

Who made the black-headed people (modern earthlings) become so numerous?

Who overthrew ……? …… was destroyed — who restored ……?

Who confronted ……?

That one crushed …….

That one …….

small no. of lines missing


(probable beginning of 2nd kirugu)

1-9 1 line fragmentary

5aa - giant god Utu, Shamash, Throne of Sippar (2 giant alien gods & king, Utu with the Wheel of Justice)

…… and Utu, who in human form renders judgment at the law court of heaven, set and did not rise again.

…… bore a heavy burden of sin.   

…… the altered verdicts of the lord Nunamnir (Enlil).

…… who can smite ……? …… and they approach (?).

…… he brings …… forth.

…… of Enlil …….

He …… and puts an end to …….

small no. of lines missing


(continuation of 2nd kirugu)

1-9 1 line fragmentary

…… each and every one ……. …… its ways were ……. …… its destruction and demolition, …….

The …… of the gods …… attention.

……, who neglected ……, …… the city watched as the evil ghost approached.

……breathed painfully, he wept bitterly.

…… there was no nodding of the head.

10-20 He consoled himself with tears and laments — the city trembled.

A defiled hand smote him and flattened his skull — the city collapsed.

The fearsome radiance overwhelmed each and every observer (?).

The capital city, canal inspector for all the lands, became like one who spreads havoc.

2i - cattle pens of Nannar in Ur  (Nannar‘s cattle pens feeding the gods of Sumer, ivory carving)

The faithful cowherds themselves overturned every single cattlepen.

The chief shepherds themselves burned (?) every sheepfold.

They built them up like grain heaps, they spread them out like grain piles, they themselves flattened them.

…… they drenched the fields with water, they turned the city into a swamp.

They did all that.

Like reeds in a wasteland, life could not be revived.

They brought ruination.

Evil things menaced (?) the city.

A hush settled over the awed hearts of its people like a cloak.

21-33 Its good udug deities went away, its lama deities ran off.

              (aliens on Earth & in the sky)

Its lama deity (said) “Hide in the open country” and they took foreign paths.

The city’s patron god turned against it and its shepherd abandoned it.

Its guardian spirit, though not an enemy, was exiled (?) to a foreign place.

5b - Hittite relief of the gods rockets

             (Hittite battle scene artifact, missiles launched by the alien gods) 

Thus all its most important gods evacuated Unug, they kept away from it.

They hid out in the hills and wandered (?) about in the haunted plains.

In the city built upon peace, food and drink were overturned like a saman vessel.

In the pasture lands a tumultuous noise arose, the asses and sheep were driven away.

Elderly people and babies, taking their rest, …… in front …….

They saw …… and slaughtered (?) …….

3 lines fragmentary

small no. of lines missing


(continuation of 2nd kirugu)

1-7 He …… and opened his clenched fist.

He …… and reached out his hand.

2 - Enki' Eridu, 1st city established in Sumer (1st cities on Earth, established by alien gods)

The …… of Sumer, the city whose king crossed over to an enemy land,

to ……. — he smote it with the might of his weapon.

He …… and turned the place into dust.

He …… and piled the people up in heaps.

…… when will its charms be restored?

8 2nd kirugu.

9 The …… of heaven …… and the people …… to the limits of heaven.

10 Its jicgijal.

11-20 He ……, stretched forth his hand and induced terror in the land.

Enlil struck out with great ferocity.

 (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, Anu‘s son & heir to Heaven / Nibiru & Earth Colony)

He announced: “A devastating deluge shall be invoked.

At its front war shall be a …… ax, at its rear it shall be a …….

Its scales shall be a harrow, its back shall be flames.

Its countenance shall be a malevolent storm that enshrouds heaven and earth.

2b - Anzu war, Ninurta's Palace in Nimrud  (Anzu vrs. Ninurta, battle for Enlil‘s rightful control over Earth)

The glint of its eyes shall be lightning that flashes far like the Anzud bird.

Its mouth shall be grotesque — a blaze that extends as far as the nether world.

Its tongue shall be an inferno, raining embers, that sunders the Land.

3a - Anzu, in the Louvre (Anzud bird, Ninurta‘s storm bird named after Anzu)

Its arms shall be the majestic Anzud (Anzu) bird that nothing can escape when it spreads wide its talons.”

21-31 “Its ribs shall be crowbars that let light pass inside like the sun’s rays.

Knotted at both its hips shall be city-destroying slingstones (alien technologies).

Its great haunches shall be dripping knives, covered with gore, that make blood flow.

Its muscles shall be saws that slash, its feet those of an eagle.

It shall make the Tigris and Euphrates quaver, it shall make the mountains rumble.

At its reverberation the hills shall be uprooted, the people shall be pitched about like sheaves,

Sumer and Akkad shall shiver, they shall be flooded like a harvest crop.

The foolish shall rejoice, they shall exclaim:

“Let it come — we shall be seeing war and battle in the city, how the sacred precinct (?) is destroyed,

how the walls are battered down, how the city’s peace is disrupted,

how among the loyal families honest men are transformed into traitors.

32-40 “But the sensible shall beat their breasts and droop (?) their heads.

At midnight they shall toss about tearfully and suffer insomnia.

In bed, under the covers, they shall be unable to sleep soundly, they shall wander about the city.”

They shall wring their hands, their courage shall run out:

“May our allies serving in times of war mobilize their forces for peace.

May the word of Enlil be sent back, may it turn tail.

May the venom of Nunamnir‘s (Enlil) anger become exhausted.

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s mud-brick mountain home on Earth Colony in Nippur)

May those vicious men who have seized the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence) be punished.

May those who have set their sight upon Nibru (Nippur) be swept away.”

41 3rd kirugu.

42 My heart is filled with sorrow, I am tear-stricken.

43 Its jicgijal.

44-50 Oh, Sumer! Alas — your spirit!

Alas — your structure!

Alas — your people!

5 - Anu is well received on Earth

            (Enlil           Ninhursag                     Anu                        Inanna)

The word of An (Anu), having been assigned its place, has destroyed the sacred precinct (?).

The pronouncement of Enlil, having been set in motion, …….

The devastating deluge …….

 2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld (warrior god Nergal, god of the Under World, with his high-tech alien weaponry)

The great and fierce ……, the lord Nergal …….

…… like Gibil, Nergal (Enki‘s sons)…….

1 line fragmentary

2c - gods battling gods (wars between royal alien princes, caused their loyal earthlings to war against each other)

51-65 War …… enemy lands …… echoed.

Like arrows in a quiver …….

Evildoers in Sumer…….Gutium, the enemy, overturned ……. Sumer, caught in a trap, …….

Its people were thrown into turmoil …….

The mighty heroes of Sumer ……. …… the heart of a hurricane …….

They advanced like the front rank of troops, …….

Like …… they were crushed, every one of them …….

Their war veterans gave up, their brains were muddled.

The troop leaders, the most outstanding of the men, were viciously hewn down.

Gutium, the enemy, …… weapons …….

Not looking at each other ……

Like a swelling flood, like ……, Subir poured into Sumer.

66-74 They …… like stampeding goats, they tore apart the corpses of the population.

They mutilated Sumer and Akkad, they pulverized it as with a pestle.

They destroyed its settlements and habitations, they razed them to ruin mounds.

The best of Sumer they scattered like dust, they heaped up …….

They massacred its populace, they finished off young and old alike.

They destroyed the city of the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, they set it aflame.

3b - E.Anna Temple in Uruk (Anu‘s ziggurat residence discovered 1st, then city of Uruk)

They put out both Unug’s (Uruk / Erech) eyes, they uprooted its young shoots.

They wandered all through the libation places of the Anuna gods.

And even Kulaba, which is the primeval city, they turned into a place of murder.

75 4th kirugu.

76 Alas — Sumer! Alas — its people!

77 Its jicgijal.

78-88 Unug! They seized your wharf and your borders and …….

7aa - Inanna & Utu with earthlings under foot (Utu, earthling under-foot, twin sister Inanna, & captured earthling with nose ring)

At Unug shouts rang out, screams reverberated, its captured men …….

The noise reached to the south.

The south was destroyed and …….

The impact forced its way to the uplands.

The uplands were struck and …….

To the right and left no people moved about, no habitations were built.

There was no …… and the mobilization of troops did not ……. …… rose up to heaven.

Heaven perished and its strength did not ……. …… upon the earth.

The earth was scattered, and it did not …….

All the settlements were dispersed — Unug stood all alone.

It was a bull, it was a champion, it was immense with pride, but it …… to the weapons.

All night and even until midday battle was waged, and afterwards it did not …….

89-99 Battering rams and shields were set up, they rent its walls.

They breached its buttresses, they hewed the city with axes.

They set fire to its stations, they …… the city’s dwellings.

They destroyed it, they demolished it.

2b - Uruk's Excavation (ruins of Uruk below Anu‘s mud-brick-built mountain / residence)

Unug, the good place, was …… with dust.

Like a great wild bull wounded with an arrow, …….

Like a wild cow pierced with a spear, …….

The mighty one rushed with his weapons and …… implements of war.

Subir, rising up like a swelling floodwave, …….

They trampled (?) through the streets and …….

They let the blood of the people flow like that of a sacrificial cow, they tore out everything that had been built.

100-111 The citizens of Unug …….

They…… and threw down …….

They …… and put an end to …….

They seized …….

They struck …….

They destroyed …….

They ……

They demolished …….

They set up …….

They heaped up …….

They put an end to …… and did not leave behind ……. …… Subir entered ……

112 5th kirugu.

113 …… cried out “…… has been created” and he smeared dust ……

114 Its jicgijal.

115 …… reached ……

19 fragmentary lines

unknown no. of lines missing


(probable beginning of another kirugu)

1-5 The enemy land ……. Zabalam …….

3ab - Abraham's father was high-priest of this temple (E-kishnugal ziggurat)

 (Ur, Nannar‘s patron city with his temple residence / man-made mountain home way above prodding earthlings)

In Urim (Ur), the E-kic-nu-jal …….

Cattlepen and sheepfold ……, evil …….

2b - City of Sippar with Utu's Ziggurat  (Sippar ruins, Utu‘s patron city)

The land of Subir (Sippar) …….

200-300 lines missing


(part of 11th kirugu)

1-5 All the great gods …….

The Anuna gods…….

1 line fragmentary

Sovereigns …….

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing


(beginning of 12th kirugu)

2c - goddesses in flying discs

  (Inanna hovering in her sky-disc above her appointed kings, giving protection & direction to many; & hovering Anu)

1-8 Lady Inanna whose greatness is vaster than the mountains, hovering like An, vested with grandeur like Enlil,

2c - Nannar & his symbol (Nannar, Moon Crescent God of Ur, Inanna‘s father, & her 8-Pointed Star symbol of Venus)

like her father (Nannar), perfect by night and in the heat of the day,

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna  (Utu / Shamash / Allah, Nannar‘s son, & Inanna‘s twin brother, The Sun God)

like Utu (Nannar‘s son), surpassing in vigor, singularly exalted in all the four regions —

let Icme-Dagan take pleasure in relaxing in your temple, let him murmur to you in your temple,

let him raise his head to you in your E-ana (Anu‘s temple residence in Uruk).

9-19 Let (semi-divine mixed-breed king of Isin) Icme-Dagan serve you as your steward.

Let him prepare great bulls for you.

Let him dedicate great offerings to you.

Let him make the beer, fat and oil plentiful for you.

Let him make syrup and wine flow for you as from stone jars.

Let Icme-Dagan, (giant semi-divine butler & descendant) son of Enlil on the king’s pedestal, bow in homage to you.

May he make the ub and ala drums resound grandly for you.

May the tigi sound sweetly for you, and may the zamzam play for you.

May they play …… on the tigi for you, expressing your prayers and supplications before you.

20-27 In bringing forth ……, all that there are, at your E-jipar in Unug,

as a humble man who has grasped your feet, as a pious one who has experienced your exaltedness,

he has brought a lament as offering to you and will …….

As for everything that happened to Sumer and Akkad,

which he has witnessed in Unug, the aggrieved place, may the best singers perform songs there.

28-38 If the Anuna gods emerge tearfully, let them promise to us that as it was when heaven and earth came about,

nothing of that time shall be changed.

  (An / Anu, father in Heaven / planet Nibiru in his winged sky-disc)

If An (Anu) looks kindly upon that man and at the well-built city, the place of determining fate, proclaim “Man and city!

Life and well-being!” for him. Let praises ring out.

Let him be made surpassing above all, to his right or left.

Tireless lama deity, take hold of his head, pronounce his fate in charitable words —

5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki (Apkulla pilotEnki,  Anu in his winged sky-disc, Enlil, & winged eagle-headed Apkulla pilot)

by the command of An and Enlil it will remain unaltered for a long time.

9 12th kirugu.

A Hymn to Sadarnuna (Sadarnuna A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


1-3 The just woman dwelling among the great divine powers (alien advanced technologies)

is the lady unsurpassed in ladyship!

Sadarnuna (Nuska’s spouse), the just woman of far-reaching and just counsel, is the beloved of An (Anu)!

  (An / Anu in his winged sky-disc, King of giant Anunnaki aliens from planet Nibiru)

4-8 The great authority (?), the majestic quay, made fitting for the Ec-mah by Enul (Enlil) and Ninul (Ninlil),

2c - Nippur

        (residence of Enlil in Nippur, Earth Colony Command Central; Enlil)

the just woman has erected her majestic dais in the courtyard of Enlil.

As she stands in the holy storehouse Ec-mah, the …… place, she conveys terrifying awesomeness.

 3a - Anu in flight (Anu in his winged sky-disc, father in heaven / planet Nibiru to “sons of god” on Earth)

The beloved offspring of An (Anu) the king, as she is worthy of the Pada-nunus (?), …… the Ec-mah (?).

9-15 In his E-melem-huc conveying great awesomeness, …… fear,

            (Ninurta, Adad, Nusku, & their father Enlil)

serving the great gods of heaven and earth, her spouse, the assembly leader Nuska, …….

4 lines fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing


1-4 1 line fragmentary

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (giant gods Enlil & spouse NIngal carved into city wall)

Enlil (?) …….

1 line fragmentary

The heart of Ninlil …….

5 Sadarnuna, …… praising you is sweet.

Sadarnuna Quotes From Texts

Sadarnuna = Anu & Antu’s Daughter

Nusku’s Spouse


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


          just woman dwelling among the great divine powers is the lady unsurpassed in ladyship!

         Sadarnuna, the just woman of far-reaching and just counsel, is the beloved of An (Anu)!

         The great authority (?), the majestic quay, made fitting for the Ec-mah by Enul (Enlil) and Ninul (Ninlil),…

         The beloved offspring of An her spouse, the assembly leader Nuska, …”


         “The beloved offspring of An (Anu) the king, as she is worthy of the Pada-nunus (?), …… the Ec-mah…”


         I led Sin, Ningal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna -my lords- in procession from Babylon, my royal city,…”


         “Through you I will bring about the return of the gods (to) the dwelling in Harran,

         by means of Nabonidus your son. He will construct Ehulhul; he will complete its work.

         He will complete the city Harran greater than it was before and restore it.

         He will bring Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna in procession back into the Ehulhul.”