(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)
(gods in blue)
‘I knew this day would come!’ Numbarshegunu (Nisaba) exclaimed overjoyed, hugging Ninlil affectionately.
(Nisaba / Numbarshegunu, Goddess of Grains, Master Scribe of the Anunnaki, Enlil‘s mother-in-law)
‘ May you be proud of your womanhood, may bring happiness as much as you receive,
may your body know and give pleasure in all worlds you dare to fare!
May you conceive of your womb, may you create of your own hands, mind, heart and soul!
Now, we should search for a worthy partner for you,
(royal descendants of King Anu on Earth)
Fresh as the morning the Anunnaki, the Great Gods, came out of the Duku, the Mound of Creation,
you deserve only the best young man we can find!’
(Ninlil seated, equal spouse to Enlil)
Ninlil colored softly: ‘Who will he be, Mother?’
‘We’ll see… and you will know for sure when he turns up!
Hurry, now, and wash yourself as you’ve always done so far.
Down the canal to bless the waters with the power of your first blood
and dance for the sheer joy of being young, woman and goddess!
(Sky Lord Anu & Lord Air / Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, traversing the skies of Sumer)
Just be very careful where you thread upon, for I’ve heard young Enlil, Lord Air,
comes often to the canal and the riverbank to kiss the fertile lands with the power of his breath that makes everything grow.
(Haia, Ninurta, Enlil asks for hand of Ninlil, & Nisaba)
Indeed, Enlil could be the best choice for you, dearest, but he should ask your hand first to me and your father Haia‘.
(Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir to 1-world-order planet Nibiru, & its colonies)
‘Mother, if he is so special, tell me more about young Enlil‘.
‘Enlil is Lord Wind, the Master of Air and the Strongest Winds.
(Skyfather Anu in his sky-disc with sons Enki & Enlil)
He is the First Born of An (Anu) the Sky and Ki (Antu) the Earth, the First Breath of the Universe.
(Nippur ruins, Enlil‘s patron city excavated 1967, etc.)
It is in the courtyard of his temple, the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple- residence in NIppur),
that the Assembly of the Anunnaki, the Great Gods, gather to judge the cases that affect the destiny of the land,
it is by his Will that the scepter of kingship is conferred to the fair and strong kings to rule over the earth.
Enlil also laid plans to bring forth seeds, plants, trees and abundance to the earth.
His was the Inspiration to fashion the pickaxe and the hoe so that humankind could work the ground.
(6,000 year old depiction of our solar system with 10 planets, Moon, & Sun, all in proper position, Nibiru is 12th star, a time in history when mankind was 1st given their burdensome workloads)
(Ninurta leads giant mixed-breed shepherd-worker to Enlil, who told earthlings to learn to use the plow)
His is the Power of Spring to create life,
His are the Storms to Destroy what Must Be No More.
He is also about your age, my sweet, and hasn’t found the Right Lady to release his seed as yet.
I hope she is going to be you, but don’t make things easy for him’.’
Mother, if Enlil (Earth Colony Commander) is such a great lord, how will he notice me?’
‘Who wouldn’t notice you, dearest?’ countered Numbarshegunu softly.
She gave to Ninlil the exquisite mirror which rested on her bedside table.
‘Look at yourself in the mirror, Ninlil, what do you see?
No, don’t answer me now.
Think of that image and rejoice.
You are yourself, unique and very special.
As we all are, but many times just don’t realize.
And don’t forget the most important…’
‘Which is?’
‘You are my daughter! What else did you expect me to say?
So on your way, young lady, to do your first duty as a woman in full power of her womanhood!
Go bless the waters and the fields!’
‘Who are you? I haven’t met you yet and I know all who live in my city’.
“My city?” So she had bumped into Lord Enlil himself.
As befitting to her and his station, she bowed graciously and introduced herself.
‘I lend you graces, my Lord. My name is Ninlil, a newcomer to your domains.
I am the daughter of Haia, Lord of the Stores and Numbarshegunu, the Goddess of Barley.
We came in reply to your call to help you build this great city and to ensure

(Enlil with plow, Haia-barley god, his spouse Nisaba-grain goddess, their daughter Ninlil, & unidentified, when the gods did the work, Nisaba & spouse Haia brought down seeds & developed grains upon the Earth, Enlil farming in the “Eden”)
with our work that the land bear fruits for the forthcoming harvest..
How may I better serve you, Great One?’
‘I would like very much to taste your lips, my lady!
Will you give me a kiss, Ninlil?
As a Breeze I touched your lips, I played with your pretty dress.
As a man I long to taste your mouth, your tongue and feel the sweetness of your body.
Come to my arms, Ninlil, surrender to delights we both could share!’
‘You are too great for me, my lord. I am too young. I have never known a man.
My vagina is too narrow, my mouth still untutored. Choose another one!‘
‘Wait! Come back over here now!
Why are you running away? Nusku!
Where in the Skyfather‘s name are you hiding?’
‘So he is angry! With me or himself… or both?’
‘Coming my lord! What’s upsetting you?
You told me to keep out of sight!’
‘It’s a girl, damn her! Ninlil is her name.
She dared to give me the slip.
But I’ll come after her!
Quick, Nusku, find me a raft so that I can chase her in the canal.
Never before was I refused anything.
I’ll have her, no matter what!
‘Your wish is my command, my lord.
I’ll go to the quay and see what I can find’.
(alien gods traveling & shipping goods up-river)
(Ninlil Enlil Nusku)
‘She can’t stay underwater long. I must have her!
What woman have I offered myself before her? None!’
‘You shall have her, my lord. Trust me’.
(giant alien gods using the waterways long ago)
Ninlil slid among the high reeds, but the raft was quickly approaching.
She kept very quiet. Her chances to escape, though, were scarce.
Against Enlil‘s and Nusku‘s combined strengths and the raft, she could only hope they gave up the pursuit.
‘There, my lord, in between the reeds!’
‘I really made it! My seed is inside you! Ninlil, o Lady!’ ‘Ninlil, my Lady, wait!’
‘Never before was a daughter (granddaughter by way of Enki) of An,
a Maiden of the Holy House so ill-treated by one of the Anunnaki.
The waters of Mother Nammu (Enki‘s mother, not Enlil‘s), the Source of Life, were defiled by one of her own.
May you stand trial, Enlil, for what you did to me.
May you pay a very dear price for the brightness of your seed!’
‘ Two grave crimes were committed by one of the great gods.
First, a Maiden, a daughter of the Holy House suffered the most unspeakable offense
that could have ever been inflicted upon her.
Secondly, and related to the first offense, the sacredness of the sexual act,
Life-Force and Energy that Moves Creation and perpetuates all lines through the Times was completely neglected.
My heart bleeds for the accused, my (Antu‘s) first-born Enlil,
but it bleeds even more for my daughter (granddaughter) Ninlil.
The Assembly was called upon to decide the punishment for the wrongdoer.
For no one, not even the gods, are above the Law!
Let’s hear the accuser’s defense for his act.’
Enlil bowed low to his father and the Assembly, and spoke, his voice deep and constrained:
‘Before this very day never had I felt such a strong desire for a Maiden.
Before this very day never had I felt so drawn to a lady of the Holy House.
Before this very day never had I known passion as I did and still do for Ninlil‘.
‘Is that all you have to say to the Assembly?
Is your defense based on just desire and passion?’, asked Ki (Ninhursag) to Enlil, her voice sharp as a razor.

(young Ninhursag, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, & mother to Ninurta – Enlil‘s son & heir)
‘Yes’, replied Enlil, clearly in discomfort.
Ninhursag–Ki’s (Enlil‘s ½ sister) anger was so evident that she dismissed Enlil with a wave or her mighty hand.
She turned then to the Assembly:
‘It is right to feel desire and expected that a young god feels drawn to a Maiden of the Holy House.
Above all, it is expected that they come together at the right time and season in the Sacred Marriage rite.
This is the way the Sacredness of Life is celebrated among us,
from Mother Nammu (Enki‘s mother) the Sea who in an act of selfless Self-Love
(Skyfather Anu in his sky-disc, King of the giant alien Anunnaki gods)
engendered the Skyfather (Anu) who the Assembly presides and myself as the Cosmic Mountain Ki (Ninhursag).
It is understandable impetuousness and confusion in dealing with such matters of the flesh,
for the young need time to understand that matter, spirit,
feeling and mind are but Representations of the Mystery of Creation.
Indeed, we all stem from and are one with the Source, and we the Great Gods are but Reflections of the One.
Ninlil and Enlil are both very young.
But like a stallion waits for the right time to court the mare,
like a lion is drawn to the lioness, so it is with young god and goddess.
Only when are ready and fully aware of the Mystery they will re-enact in the Sacred Marriage Bed.
So has it always been. So will it always be!
This is the law, and anything that violates this precept hurts the Spirit,
the Inner Fabric upon which our civilization was formed.
The law shall be preserved!’ ‘
The law shall be preserved!’ repeated in agreement the Assembly.
‘The accused has spoken,’ said Ki, then turning to Ninlil.
‘Let’s hear the victim. Daughter, would you like to address to the Assembly?’
Ninlil stood up and graciously bowed to the judges.
She was a sight to behold, young, eyes swollen with tears,
yet showing profound dignity as befitted to an Anunnaki princess:
‘Nothing can undo what was done to me.
For above all, now I bear Enlil‘s first seed.
A child of light is growing inside my womb, a little one conceived out of immature desire on both sides.
I claim my child as Enlil‘s first born-to-be (on earth with Ninlil).
To the Assembly gathered here I demand the punishment of my rapist so that never again
a daughter or son suffer the hideous act of violence I was subjected to.
As for me, to the Great Gods my fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters here today,
I the Maiden ask: can love grow out of such pain to ensoul my life’s further journey?’
‘ Ninlil!’, was Enlil‘s strangled moan in the profound silence that followed Ninlil‘s statement.

(E.A. / Enki / Nudummud / Poseidon / Neptune / Aquarius, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son)
It was Enki, lord of Wisdom, Magic and of the Sweet Waters, son of An the Sky and Nammu (Enki‘s mother) the Sea,
brother to Enlil, who answered thoughtfully after some time:
‘Sorrow and pain are the measures of the happiness and laughter that could be.
Healing can always occur, if one is ready to see truth and wholeness beyond the hardest trials.’
‘Is it too late for me to take Ninlil as my wife?’ interrupted Enlil, turning to the Assembly.
He turned then to Ninlil. He knelt graciously in front of her.
‘Will you accept me as your true husband, Ninlil?
Nothing can undo what was done, and I deserve the hardest punishment for my act,
but I am also honor-bound to set balances right for what I did to you, my Lady, and my seed.
I’ll do more than marrying you,
Ninlil, because let it be known that from now on I’ll share my power with you,
Lady Air, so that you can become my true Soul-Counterpart everywhere we dare to fare’.
(giants Nisaba, Enlil, & his spouse Ninlil with a semi-divine king)
‘The possibility of marriage is only a first act to set balances right.
But it does not absolve the culprit.
Enlil‘s impiety struck at roots far deeper than that.
Enlil made himself a Guardian of the Earth, to guard, love and protect first his mother and all women,
who are garments of my Beloved Ki (Antu sometimes, Ninhursag sometimes).
Enlil himself forbade violence all over the land, all that lies in the South, North, West and East.
He kept in the wilderness the quarreling beasts.
But now he has brought violence in.
He broke the sacred trust we gave him.
All I say is that Sky rejects you now’.
‘The Earth rejects you now’, said Ki.
‘So be it! The Assembly rejects you now!’ echoed the judges.
‘Where should I then go?’, asked stunned Enlil.
Until you set balances right, until you travel unknown depths, you cannot go back to us.
There is only one place you are bound to go.
To the Land of No Return, the Underworld‘.
‘So be it!’ agreed the Assembly.
‘But I don’t know the way to the Underworld‘, said Enlil, still trying to avoid his fate.
(Ninlil followed Enlil into the Underworld)
‘There is a door to the Underworld in every soul to set balances right and change.
The moment you forced yourself unto the young Lady you found that door.
Let’s see whether you can get in and pay the price for your return.
Now you are the doorkeeper of the Great Below‘, said Enki.
‘Lord Enki,’ she asked, ‘is my lord gone?’
‘Yes, Ninlil, he is gone.
We hope it is for the time being, until he learns a deep lesson,
until he pays the price for what he did to you and all Creation’, Enki answered softly, bowing to her.
(door to the Underworld / Lower World / Nether World / Hades, realm of Ereshkigal)
‘Enlil has just crossed the threshold to the Underworld.’
Ninlil kept silence for a little while, as if gathering all her strength to do what she should.
‘I’ll follow my lord to the bowels of the earth’, she said out loud.
‘And beyond if need be”, she thought to herself.
As these words came out, she too vanished from the assembly.
‘Go back, my lady. The door to the Underworld is closed to you’.
‘I have a question for you, Keeper of the Gates.
Did you see my Lord Enlil come this way?’
The eyes of the gatekeeper gleamed:
‘This way is barred to you.
My Lord Enlil commanded me to stay silent’.
Ninlil smiled: ‘ So I may not be that far behind him.
You must let me in. I am Enlil‘s Lady. Open the gate for me’.
‘Lord Enlil commanded me not to allow you to follow him.
It is too risky. But I did dry the tears on my Lord’s face.
I did try to soothe his heart.
If you are Ninlil, his lady, let me feel your cheek,
let me touch you and swear my loyalty on them to Enlil‘.
‘The seed of your lord grows within me.
If Enlil is your Master, then I am your Lady.
By my power, by the Beloved of mine you serve, let me in. Now’.
‘O Lady, may my royal seed go to heaven, may my royal seed go to the underworld.
Please, my lady, lay with me.
Let not the seed of the Bright One descend to the Underworld.
Let my seed take his place’.
Ninlil looked sternly at the gatekeeper:
‘Why are you doing this, gatekeeper?
Why are you giving your seed to replace my lord’s?
And why would I accept such high ransom?’
She could feel the shyness and reluctance of the gatekeeper to open up to her.
But she was patient.
Somehow she had seen through the disguise who he actually was.
“Enlil, stop pretending and let me in so that we can descend together.
Why the disguise?
Have the Winds of Change started to blow within your heart?
(Anunnaki Royal Prince Enlil on his throne in Nippur, Earth Colony Command Central)
Show me who you are, Enlil.
It’s me, Ninlil, your Soul-Counterpart.”
‘Lady, I offer my seed to replace my lord’s out of love and sorrow
for the offense my lord committed in the Worlds Above.
He should have known better before using his force and hurt the one who is now closest to his very heart.
I am pledged to serve Enlil and ransom him with my very life.
The deep sorrow I feel for the lord is now rooted within my Self like a Tree that Bears Fruits in the Lowest Depths.
So lay with me, lady of my lord’s heart, give me your embrace and touch to quench my lonely night.
And I’ll let you go in, for you’ll have this way given consolation to my Wandering Soul.’
“Beloved, why?” her heart asked,
As they laid in a close embrace in the aftermath, he whispered into her hair.
‘I need to go. Turn back,
(Ninlil fights to save Enlil from the “Land of No Return“)
Ninlil, don’t cross the threshold to the Below’.
‘Have you crossed it?’ she asked instead, raising her head to meet his light sky-blue eyes.
The Gatekeeper’s eyes reflected such deep sadness, the arms around Ninlil‘s tensed,
but the Gatekeeper’s voiced sounded strong and committed. To what?
‘Yes. I had to. And now I need to go on’.
‘This seed of yours that grows within me now,
(Nergal, warrior god, Lord of the Under World, spouse to Ereshkigal)
I’ll call him Nergal-Meslamtaea (a son of Enlil‘s in this text), and his will be the knowledge of the hard mysteries
of Conflict, Wounding and Diseases so that humanity and the gods know about Peace, Healing and Wholeness in all levels.’
‘But I also need to be on my way,’ Ninlil continued, her voice acquiring a decisive tone.
‘ Release me, Gatekeeper. I’ve paid your price.
As Enlil is your master, I am your lady.
I am not asking your leave. I will get in. Now.’
‘So be it’, the Gatekeeper replied.
“I’ll follow the course of the river and see what lies around the river bank.
There may be a bridge or a crossing point somewhere.
I just need to be persistent and walk with great care.
I’ll find a way cross the cataract … wherever it is!” reasoned Ninlil.
“No, I won’t give up. I’ve gone too far now to stop”, she reasoned with her fear.
“I fear the failure of not being able to rescue Enlil and myself.
Is my fear like a devouring river, consuming my soul, my wits, my body and my heart?
It can’t be. Or perhaps it can. But there is power where there is fear.
And where our deepest fears are, there is also the source of healing,
if one keeps one’s wits steady enough to see through the darkest hours.
If Enlil came this way, I’ll know.
I just need to gather my strength and be like a steady wind circling the world round.
Somewhere, somehow a passageway will be found’.
A throaty voice called from behind: ‘Go back, lady. You may not cross the Devouring River’.
“Tell me first, has my Lord Enlil come this way?’
‘My Lord Enlil commanded me to be silent’.
‘So have you answered me. Enlil came this way.
How did he cross the river?’
‘He wept for grief in my arms,
I touched him and carried my Lord over the cataract and the stepping stones of the Underworld‘.
‘What you have done for him, you must do for me.
I am Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen’.
‘If you are Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen, let me touch your face, let me touch your body and swear my loyalty on it to Enlil‘.
‘The seed of your lord grows within me.
By my power, by Enlil you serve, carry me over the river. Now’.
‘O Lady, let my royal seed go to heaven, let my royal seed go to the Underworld.
Let my seed plunge lone into the Great Devouring River as a gift to Queen Ereshkigal. Lie with me as well!’
(Ereshkigal in her Lower World domain)
‘Why are you doing this, Guardian of the Devouring River?
Why are you giving your seed to replace my lord’s? And why would I accept such offer?’
‘I offer my seed to replace my lord’s out of love and my will to heal his troubled heart,
as well as to heal the wounds he inflicted to you, my Lady, by his unspeakable behavior.
I am pledged to serve Enlil and ransom him with my very life.
I’ve known my lord all my life, but only by carrying him over the devouring river.
I’ve come face to face with mysteries unknown to me so far.
By facing the violence of the rushing waters,
I faced the side of my lord that is like a storm, a restless, destructive force.
By plunging into the rushing waters I then learnt of the responsibility to heal inflicted violence and wounds,
to resurface with the wisdom of dried tears.
It is as if I had become a Water-Knower.
Lay with me, lady Air, and share a night of passion by the cataract.
I need your care to guide me through this lonely night’.
‘Will you carry me afterwards, as you did… to Enlil?’
‘Yes’. ‘This seed of yours, I’ll call him Ninazu (a son of Enlil‘s in this text),
the Water-Knower, Lord of the Depths that Heal.

(Bau‘s son Dr. Damu with ill patient, Bau, her guard dog, & spouse Ninurta; medical treatment administered by giant alien gods thousands of years ago on Earth)
His will be the knowledge to wound too, because healing and wounding are two sides of the same coin.
Now, lord of the Devouring River, fulfill your part of our contract.
Take me to the other side of the Devouring River’.
‘It is too dangerous, my lady’ .
‘Can Enlil be ransomed otherwise?’
‘No’. ‘I’ve paid your fee. Carry me’.
“Who follows whom, Beloved?”
“Better to be on my way… “
‘Enlil, have you come this way?’ Ninlil asked ‘Who calls the ferryman of the Great Below?’
‘Has my lord Enlil taken passage with you recently?’
‘I cannot answer this question, for I am commanded to silence’.
‘So he did come this way.
How did he manage to conquer your graces so that you could ferry him across?’
‘Lord Enlil wept for grief in my arms, I touched him and rowed my Lord to the other side’.
‘What you have done for him, you must do for me.
I am Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen’.
‘If you are Ninlil, Lord Enlil‘s Queen, let me touch your face,
let me touch your body and swear my loyalty on it to Enlil‘.
‘The seed of your lord grows within me.
By my power, by the Beloved of mine you serve, let me in your boat and ferry me across.
Now’. ‘O Lady, let my royal seed go to heaven, let my royal seed go to the Underworld.
Please Lady, let my seed dive into the waters of the Underworld Sea as a gift to Queen Ereshkigal.
Lie with me as well, my Lady”.
‘Why are you doing this, ferryman?
Why are you giving your seed to replace my lord’s?
And why would I accept such offer?’
‘Lady, I offer my seed to replace my lord’s out of love
and my will to bring comfort and kindness to his troubled mind, body and heart.
I am pledged to serve Enlil and ransom him with my very life.
I’ve known my lord all my life, but only by rowing him over the lifeless,
still waters of the Underworld sea I’ve come to realize the stuff life is made of: love and connection,
boundless energy and the will to give of oneself to the world and to the beloved within and without.
My lord wants to give of himself in a much deeper level although he doesn’t know how.
I’ve felt his need to bond and yet the fear of being let down.
I changed by ferrying him over the sea.
So lay with me, lady Air, and share with me all the passion that you have locked inside.
I need your loving touch to ensoul and guide me through this lonely night.
Please, Lady, once you laid on a raft under the skies.
Will you enter my boat now in the Great Below?’
Ninlil prodded further: ‘ I was not invited to the raft under the skies.
Are you asking me to accept your offer out of my own free will?’
She could feel the intense emotion gripping the ferryman.
Had she touched the core of the tornado?
And could she ride the storm afterwards?
‘Tell me, ferryman, in your own words. Why would I accept to lay with you?’
‘Out of love. Love that you feel for lord Enlil‘.
(Ninlil, equal spouse to Enlil)
“Was that so difficult, Beloved?” Ninlil asked him silently, and said out loud:
‘And for the love that I have for myself and the future we can have together
if I succeed to bring him back to the Heights Above.
I couldn’t love Enlil the extent I do if I didn’t know my mind, body, heart and soul.
He is the closest that I found to my heart’s desire, although at that time I wasn’t ready to tell him so.
I just wonder when he is going to come to terms with his Lover within so that he can acknowledge me
without as his Beloved as well as his Queen.
For all these reasons, ferryman, I take up your offer’.
‘I’ll call this seed of yours Ennugi, Lord of the Sexual Parts’, said Ninlil when intercourse was over.
She kissed the ferryman in the mouth.
‘His challenge will be to go beyond physical release, his gift will be Seduction, Laughter, Intimacy and Play.
His duty will be to be Responsible for whom he captivates.
He will be Energy and Passion seasoned with Creativity in all worlds he dares to fare’.
‘Your surprise me, my Lady’.
She knew there was a smile in his voice.
‘Fulfill your part of the contract, ferryman.
I need to go to the other side.
If I need to ransom mine and Enlil‘s life to have a future, I want to start building this future as soon as possible’.
‘Who has come unasked to the Great Below? ‘
Who has dared to come unannounced? ‘
Who has crossed the threshold of the Land of No Return?’
‘I lend graces to the Guardians of the Underworld and to Almighty Ereshkigal, Queen of the Great Below.
(Ereshkigal, undisputed giant Queen of the location in the “Great Below“)
I am called Ninlil, a Maiden of the Holy House of An, daughter of Haia,

(Nisaba Enlil unidentified Haia Ninlil, royal gods of grains)
God of the Stores and of the Barley Goddess Numbarshegunu (Nisaba).
I came alone and of my own free will to the Land of No Return to intercede for the life of my lord, Enlil, the Air god,
who was sent to the Underworld because of a grave offense he did to myself.
I therefore very humbly request an audience with the Lady of the Great Place.
May the Dark Lady receive also in advance my respects and deepest praises!’
(Under World scene, Ereshkigal, naked Inanna, & Namtar)
‘Sukkal Namtar (Ereshkigal‘s son), the young woman from the Worlds Above
requests to be seen by the Great Queen,’ provided Neti (the gatekeeper).
‘Since you’ve come this far, it is fitting that you are given the chance to see Queen …
and see whether you can conquer her graces!
Follow me,’ Namtar answered after a time that looked like eternity.
‘I need to ask you again, my lady, is it your will to get into the domains of the Great Queen Ereshkigal?’
asked quietly Namtar.
‘If my lord Enlil is in there’.
‘He is’.
‘So it is my will to go in’.
‘You were warned’.
‘Why have you come unasked to the Land of No Return?’
‘Great Lady, I came to ask you for the life of my lord Enlil,
who was sent to you because of a grave offense he did to me.
(Ninlil, equal spouse to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)
I am Ninlil, his Lady, who bears also his seeds.
And.. there is something else too…’
‘Which is?’
‘I… I would like to understand what has been going on so far, since the Descent to the Land of No Return for us started.
For I suspect there is great healing in what we’ve experienced so far.’
(Ereshkigal seated upon her throne at her ziggurat located in the Under World)
Ereshkigal didn’t reply, and asked on: ‘Why are you interceding for the life of Enlil, if he did harm to you?’
‘Enlil was violent and clumsy, but I didn’t fare much better either. With him and myself.
But I believe we both learnt a great deal and need the chance of a future together.
I ask you for a future, my lady.
For Enlil and me and our seed, the baby of light, in the Worlds Above.’
‘On what grounds do you say that Enlil learnt a lesson?
How do you know that he satisfied the Law of Balance and made up for his wrongdoing?’, queried implacably Ereshkigal.
‘I believe Enlil might have learnt a lesson because of the strange, intense meetings with the gatekeeper first,
then the guardian of the devouring river and finally with the ferryman of the Underworld sea.
They were Enlil in disguise, weren’t they?’
‘Somehow I could see it was him behind each Guardian of a Threshold I had to thread upon.
I wondered why he was there each time in disguise…’
(unidentified, Ninlil, & Ereshkigal)
‘Go on’, urged Ereshkigal, her tone of command could not be denied.
‘Because… because we were both thresholds to each other.
Enlil confronted his worst nightmares at each time we met and he was in disguise.
He saw the true colors of conflict and grief at the city gate, wounding and healing in the Devouring River,
loneliness and connection in the depths of the Underworld sea.
But there is more to it. Having been hurt by Enlil, I was his most difficult threshold.
On my side…I had to learn to see through him, understand his Quest and my role in it.’
Tears started streaming down her face.
Ninlil dried them with an impatient wave of her hand.
‘This is the reason why he never told me who he was at each threshold. He simply couldn’t.
You inflicted a mighty test of humility to the proudest of the young Gods, my lady.
He had to come to me and beg for love, risking rejection, but trying anyway.
I wonder whether he realized all this.
And I… I had to go beyond my girlish dreams of a fancy lover to accept the god and the man in his totality.

(giant alien Anunnaki seeds)
(Nergal) (Nannar) (Adad)
And his seeds…’ ‘The three seeds of mine and Enlil‘s I had to take them into my body and heal us three.
And now, my Lady, I understand your Great Mission and my heart is filled with awe before you.’
‘Why?’ was the question, issued in a much different tone this time.
‘Because only You and your Realm are the Keepers of Regeneration, Inner Beauty and Self-Transcendence.
Only the Mighty Ereshkigal, the Judge, Keeper of the Ancestral Land and Mistress of Balance holds the Keys
to solve Conflicts and Wars, knows the Depths of Healing and Wounding and understands Life,
Love and Connection because She is Life after Life, the One that gives Rebirth hopefully in a higher sphere, if we pass Her tests.
Lady, I lend you graces with all my body, mind, heart and Soul..
For only You are the focal point above all dualities, the Center that Sees ALL, Knows and Heals’.
(An / Anu, King of the Anunnaki from planet Nibiru, father to sons of god on Earth Colony)
‘Daughter of An, beyond your tears you’ve learnt to see, feel and act so it is fitting that now look at me!’
‘You’ve traveled far and well, Ninlil.
Now, off to the Great Above you should go.
At the right time and season, you’ll come back to Me, to give birth to the three seeds
that should return to the Inner Womb of the Universe.
Now that they were created, the seeds of Conflict and War,
Healing and Wounding, Loneliness and Love can hurt as much as they can heal.
Everything will depend on one’s choices, and I can do no more than to Keep Watch and Guard
so that the Laws of Balance prevail in the end.
The fourth seed when it is due, may it ascend to the heavens with my blessings to grow
and wane for twenty-seven nights in a never-ending cycle.
On the 29th night, though, it will disappear from the Worlds Above to join My Lights in the Underworld.
At the end of the 29th night it will then return to the Heights in Waxing Glow.
Call yours and Enlil‘s (1st together) baby Nanna (Nannar), the Light of the Night,
(Nanna / Nannar, Enlil‘s son, patron god of Ur, his is the Moon Crescent symbol, found today in Islam)
the Brightness that will teach humanity to count time,
the Moon that Waxes into Fullness and Wanes in all Worlds, always to Return.’
‘Great Lady, I lend you graces.’
‘In the assembly of the Gods gathered to judge Enlil, I also heard your lament in a form of a question.
You asked whether love could grow out of pain to ensoul your life’s further journey. Can it really, Ninlil?’
‘Yes’, she affirmed, ‘ but only if one is able to see truth and wholeness beyond the hardest trials.’
‘So what are you waiting for, Ninlil, to rescue your reluctant Lord to the Heights Above?
(Enlil leaves the Under World)
Off with both of you from my realms!’