Author Archives: nibirudb

A shir-gida to Nininsina (Nininsina A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

…… who has taken her seat on an exalted dais, ……, imbued with awesomeness, an amazing sight,

2 - Bau-Gula, spouse to Ninurta & mother to Ninsun (Bau, daughter to King Anu, spouse-aunt to Ninurta, & her guard dog Tuni-iu-sag)

…… Nininsina (Bau / Gula), joyously fresh, ……, gathering up the divine powers, she announces the rites.

…… Nininsina …… with intricate skill.

……, ministering with intricate skill, she gathers up the divine powers (alien technologies);

Nininsina, ministering with intricate skill, she gathers up the divine powers.

She takes in her hands the august divine powers.

She attaches the incrustations to the great garment, while speaking favorable words.

5aa - Bau & possibly son Damu, medical doctors (son Damu & Bau, doctors to gods & black-headed earthlings)

She tests the surgical lancet; Nininsina sharpens the scalpel.

She has made perfect the divine powers (alien technologies) of medicine,

and hands them over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

5a - Bau & son Damu, medical treatment (Damu & Bau, her guard dog, & Ninurta)

My son, pay attention to everything medical!

Damu, pay attention to everything medical!

He takes the bandages and wipes them; he treats the bandages with embrocation,

and softens the plaster that had been put on them.

He mops up the blood and suppuration, and places a warm hand on the horrid wound.

My lady, the midwife of the mothers of the Land,

              (bottom panel: Bau seated next to a patient)

is the chief doctor of the black-headed; Nininsina, the daughter of An,

hands this all over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

5b - Bau & son administer medical attention (alien doctors Damu & mother Bau kneeling)

“My son, pay attention to everything medical!

Damu, pay attention to everything medical!

You will be praised for your diagnoses.”

5c - Bau & helpers attend to illness (Princess Bau watches son Damu administer medical attention)

Holy Nininsina performs for him her role as incantation priest,


            (Anu with 2 others in his sky-disc above the Tree of Life;            Enki with his flowing waters of life)

which Enki bestowed on her from the princely abzu (marshlands of Persian Gulf).

Because of the anxiety and intestinal disease which pursue mankind,

this person writhes like a …… snake, hissing like a snake in waste ground,

always calling out anew: “My heart! My stomach!”

My lady performs the incantations perfectly.

Nininsina speaks the incantation formula over them and they become better.

She performs the incantation with ghee,

and pours it into her great bowl, bringing it along in her cooling hands.

She makes the illness leave this person’s body like wind.

Like a raging fire of esparto grass, it dies out of its own accord.

The personal gods of mankind stand before her pleading and praying;

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru 1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Anunnaki alien King Anu with son & heir Enlil, Earth Colony Commander)

at their request, holy Nininsina intercedes before An (Anu) and Enlil for them at his highest cult place:

“The evil demons and the evil demonesses who beset mankind,

Dim-me (unidentified) and Dim-mea (unidentified) who enter by night,

Namtar (from Under World) and Asag (?) who will not leave a man alone, stand before the man.

He is robbed of sleep (?).

His god who smites all

1 line unclear

That man calls a dream interpreter, wishing to have knowledge of the future.

The man for whom the demonic illness has been too great utters pleas to holy Nininsina,

utters prayers to her: “My lady, I come to do homage to you!”

Then your incantation descends onto the man,

and you will treat him like a youth who has a protective deity.

Afterwards, when you have stretched out your finger over him,

he will himself praise you fittingly and call upon your name favorably!

My lady searched intensively on her own (?),

concerned herself with things that otherwise one does not bother with,

directed her attention to things that otherwise one does not do.

Proudly she …… the rank of Mistress, and my lady took away all the divine powers established for it.

At that time, the jewelery of cuba stones did not exist;

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Bau wearing cuba stone necklace, & nephew-spouse Ninurta, Enlil‘s heir)

no jewelery of cuba stones was worn on the neck.

Nininsina invented it: it was she who plowed with the cuba stones, she who made them into seeds.

For (?) the goddess, the great Mistress of heaven, she invented the jewelery of cuba stones.

Radiating terrifying splendor as she grasped it, she placed it joyously on her head.

To create offspring for thousands of young women,

2b - Ninhursag & Enki in lab  2b-enki-his-hybred-experiments

(Ninhursag & brother Enki with umbilical chord cutter, children of King Anu & leaders on Earth;   Enki in the abzu with DNA experiments, Anunnaki working to develop earthling hybrids to become their adequate replacement workers)

to make things in order like a potter, to cut the umbilical cord, to determine destinies,

to place a hand on the door of the Nijin-jar (a part of Nininsina‘s temple at Isin),

……, to let the human child scream loud and long after it is received in the embrace,

to turn his belly downwards and to turn it upside down,

to …… the office of Mistress, to treat it quickly, to wash ……

— after she has made all these great divine powers (alien technologies) appear gloriously,

and my lady has spoken praise …… in addition, Nininsina praises herself fittingly:

4c - Bau & her dog (boundary stone of Bau, used by her to protect boundaries of kingdoms & land grants)

“I am the lady, the youthful woman, the great strength of Enlil!

I am the beautiful woman Nininsina, daughter of holy An!

 (King Anu in sky-disc, ruler of their planet’s one-world-order, & of Earth Colony)

My father An the king, shepherd of the gods, sat me in the Land on a holy dais.

My mother Urac (Nammu), the lady of the gods, had momentous sexual intercourse with An,

relaxing in the holy bedchamber; my place of engendering by holy An was a holy place.

1a - Isin, Iraq (areal view, Bau‘s patron city-state & house in Isin, now heavily looted)

My house is the house of Isin, the cosmic border of heaven and earth,

a fragrant cedar forest whose perfume does not diminish;

its interior is a mountain established in plenteousness.

2a - Dilmun & Magan  (Dilmun, pristine lands given to Enki‘s daughter Ninsikila)

Before the land of Dilmun ever existed, my house was created from a date palm.

3d-ninurta-his-spouse-bau-gula  (Royal Princess Bau & spouse Royal Prince & heir to kingship, Ninurta)

Before the land of Dilmun ever existed, Isin was created from a date palm.

Its dates are like a great linen garment that hangs on a tree, heaped up into piles.

Feasting - banquet scene in Nippur   (gods feast as earthlings work)

The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods, eat together with me.

My house is a place of healing, full of opulence, the place of the formation of the Land.

At night it shines to me like the moonlight; in the noonday heat it shines to me like the sunlight.

3a-ninurta-unknowns-spouse-bau  (Ninurta & his Royal Princess spouse Bau)

My husband, lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta), the son of Enlil, lies inside with me ……, enjoying his rest there.

My watercourse is the Kir-sig watercourse, which produces plenty for eating,

which spreads out over the wheat; in it the flowing water always rises high for me.

Its banks make syrup and wine grow there, and make their produce rich for me.

  (Earth Colony Commander Enlil, father to Ninurta, & 1/2 brother to Bau)

“The heart of the Great Mountain Enlil became fearsome:

he frowned at the enemy land, and cursed the rebel land.

My father Enlil dispatched me to the rebel land, the enemy land that he had frowned at —

me, the young woman, me, the strong heroine — I went there.

2b - Gula & her dog (Bau the prison warden, with her guard dog Tuni-iu-sag)

I made the shepherd of the rebel land there grasp Enlil‘s words well in his ears.

He became frightened at me and became silent (?) in my presence,

after I had stormed (?) in his ear for him.

Now no one knows him there in the destroyed city, no one finds the shepherd there in his pastures.

After I had destroyed it like water, drowned it like the harvest,

after I had grabbed him as a threshing sledge grabs barley,

after I had set him ablaze like esparto grass, I struck him with the mace and killed him.

I announced the news to my father (½ brother) Enlil in Nibru (Nippur).

2f - Bau, Enlil & Anu (Bau, Enlil, & their father King Anu)

“I am the lady who sits upon terrifying divine powers (alien technologies)!

I am she who is endowed from holy heaven with the office of incantation priestess!

I am she who withdraws the first fruits from the palace,

I am she who has received the divine powers from the most elevated dais.

I am mighty, I am the forceful one of An (Anu) and Urac (Nammu),

I am the great lady of the gods!

My terror is fearsome as it weighs on the Land;

2ab - Bau & Ninurta, boundary stone detail2a - Bau, her dog, & spouse Ninurta (Bau & spouse Ninurta / Ningirsu)

my terrifying splendor burdens all the foreign lands.

No man anticipates my commands.

I am the lady, I am heroic, I am youthful, I am the powerful one of the Land!

The heavens fold themselves in my presence like a mourning garment;

the earth is more and more submerged as if by the water of a flood when I am present.

I am the neck-stock of the Land which grips mankind.

I am she who hastens like a north wind storm into the midst of the people!

I am she who hears prayer and pleading!”

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta (Bau seated on her throne in Isin)

Praise be to holy Nininsina.

A cir-gida of Nininsina.

A Namerima (?) for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-2 Great lady, majestic physician to the black-headed,

holy Nininsina (Bau / Gula), daughter of An (Anu), may you be praised!

2k - Bau - Gula, found in Nineveh

         (unidentified goddess              Bau / Nininsina                        unidentified god) 

3-9 Lady whose tempest, like a raging storm, …… the interior of heaven and the trembling earth,

whose upraised fierce face, like a fire, rips the bodies of the enemy;

who, like a dragon, does not bring up venom in her place where ……,

paws of a lion, sharpened knives, claws constantly dripping blood, …… which prick the body with fear!

5c - Bau & helpers attend to illness (Bau & son Damu‘s medical treatment)

When you draw through the flesh the scalpel and the lancet, knives like lion’s claws —

the bodies of the black-headed people tremble because of you!

10-15 Great storm that approaches the earth and has no rival,

howling storm, roaring lion that cuts off the neck of the enemy,

overpowering storm, …… spittle and gnashing its teeth in its ……!

Storm that howls loudly, whose mouth drips blood,

storm from whose mouth spittle spews constantly, pouring venom on the enemy,

1 line fragmentary

16-25 Great terror of the desert that ……!

A lion, a leopard rising from its lair and terrifying people,

that like a great snare lies in wait for the evil-doer!

  (An / Anu, King of entire planet Nibiru in winged sky-disc, father in Heaven to gods on Earth)

Lady whose radiance is awesome, born of An (Anu), who cares for the righteous of the Land,

who watches over the assembly, lady of the living and of the dead,

who holds the life of the Land in her hand!

Mistress whom no one can withstand, who sounds a triumphal cry!

Holy Nininsina, who wears the ornaments of cuba stone in Nijin-jar, the holy place!

Lady who is supreme over the mountains,

whose divine powers are awesome divine powers (alien technologies),

instilled …… in the great shrine, the everlasting house of the Land!

26-33 Lady, life-creator of the Land, your name is its great standard.

Lady of the majestic divine powers who rivals great An, mistress of all the great gods,

lady, you have instilled fear of you in heaven and on earth.

Your face is awesome, your cry is majestic, your forehead ……, your mouth ……;

your arm, …… the evil-doer like a net, has cut off …….

4 - Bau, Ninurta's spouse, Anu's duaghter (Bau with her guard dog on boundary stone, guaranteeing respect of the boundary)

34-39 Holy Nininsina, ……, whose raging heart, made like the heart of dusk (?),

none can cool; whose angry heart no god can confront,

which like the sea, bringing a flood-wave, drowns (?) the foe.

Like the high tide, she pours spewed-out bile upon the enemy.

She has made …… known in its midst.

2b - Gula & her dog  (Bau & guard dog, Warden, Doctor, Royal Princess of King Anu)

40-43 Holy Nininsina, the city that fears (?) you is not restored.

The …… you address (?) is turned into ruins for you.

No one moves about in the rebellious land that you curse.

The …… that fears (?) you does not cross the river.

2f - Bau, Enlil & Anu (Bau, 1/2 brother Enlil, & their father King Anu)

44-56 My lady, your supreme magnitude and eminence being outstanding,

the …… of your established assembly being ….. holy Nininsina, lady ……, mistress whose majesty ……,

holy Nininsina, lady ……, lion, foremost viper ……, who ……,

…… the place of oaths where the just hand is raised, the deceiver …… your name ……, …… on the enemies!

May those who plan evil against Iddin-Dagan ……!

Nininsina, let not the enemy carry away your name,

O your name, Nininsina, O your name!

 3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (Anu, king of Nibiru / Heaven & Earth Colony in his sky-disc)

57-64 Sublime An, father of the gods, ……, patient-hearted,

who …… the princely divine powers …… greatly!

The voice of a flood that covers the disobedient, that knows ……, the north wind ……

1 line fragmentary

May the deceivers of Iddin-Dagan who …… be overwhelmed as by a battle-net!

Majestic god An, let not the enemy carry away your name,

1g-images  (Adad, damaged unknown, Bau, & Inanna carried in procession)

O your name, great An, O your name!

65-72 Enlil whose great divine powers cannot be overturned, viper of the gods,

Nunamnir (Enlil), your …… lets loose fear and terror!

The Anuna (Anunnaki gods) of all the lands strike …… with their hands.

Your decision …… a tempest that …… furiously.

In the land where no enemies exist, prayers …… to the city.

May those who do not clasp the feet of Iddin-Dagan be drowned as by water!

Great Mountain Enlil, let not the enemy carry away your name,

O your name, Enlil, O your name!

4 - Ninlil, Enlil's spouse (Ninlil, spouse & equal to Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir)

73-80 Ninlil, garbed in white, foremost and watchful lady who brings forth ……,

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, & spouse Ninlil, carved into city wall)

lady who consummately perfects all radiance, who dwells with Enlil!

The king who dares to utter your name falsely, who does not fear the slaughterhouse

where blood flows at the place of transgression, the Land’s river of ordeal —

make him bear the heavy guilt that ……!

Great mother Ninlil, let not the enemy carry away your name,

O your name, Ninlil, O your name!

2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer  (Ninhursag with her early attempts to fashion earthling replacement workers)

81-85 Aruru (Ninhursag), whose divine powers cannot be overturned, …… an awesome tempest.

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, leader of the sons of god that came down to Earth, & had sex with daughters of men)

Enlil who purifies all ……

1 line fragmentary

…… hostility and violence, …… Iddin-Dagan,

unknown no. of lines missing

A Balbale to Bau for Cu-Suen (Cu-Suen / Shu-Suen A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-6. It was she who gave birth to the holy one,

gave birth to the holy one; the queen gave birth to the holy one,

Abi-simti (i.e.Cu-Suen’s (Shu-Sin) mother) gave birth to the holy one,

the queen gave birth to the holy one — my cloth beam of the cloth of pleasure, my Abi-simti!

My warp beam placed for weaving, my queen Kubatum (i.e. Cu-Suen’s concubine) !

7-12. My one suited to a mane of hair, a wonder to behold,

my lord Cu-Suen, my one …… in words, my son of Culgi

because I uttered, because I uttered, the lord gave me a gift,

because I uttered an exclamation of joy, the lord gave me a gift.

The lord gave me as a gift a golden pin, a lapis-lazuli seal.

The lord gave me as a gift a golden ring, a silver ring.

13-18. O lord, your gifts are ……, may you cast your eyes on me.

O Cu-Suen, your gifts are ……, may you cast your eyes on me.

…… lord …… lord …….

Like pleasant …….

May your city stretch out its hands to you like a crab (?), my lord Cu-Suen.

May it lie down at your feet like a lion-cub, my son of Culgi.

19-27. My …. .., the barmaid’s beer is sweet.

Like her beer her genitals are sweet, her beer is sweet.

Like her mouth her genitals are sweet, her beer is sweet.

Her diluted beer, her beer is sweet —

8a - Inanna Presents Spouse-King Shu-Sin to Nannar

 (Shu-Sin, mixed-breed spouse-king of Inanna, the Goddess of Love & daughter to Nannar, patron god of Ur)

my Cu-Suen, who pleased me, who pleased me, who delighted me,

my Cu-Suen who pleased me, my Cu-Suen, beloved of Enlil, my king, the god of his Land!

Fragment of a stele with bust of the goddess Ba'u. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 16,2 cm AO 4572  (Bau, royal daughter to King Anu, goddess to mixed-breed kings for thousands of years)

28. It is a balbale of Bau.

A tigi to Bau for Gudea (Gudea A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-8 My lady, gracious woman, child of holy An (King Anu), adorned with attractiveness,

Enlil‘s (½ sister) beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness

and issues from the interior of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods.

 (giant alien gods Royal Prince Ninurta & his aunt-spouse Princess Bau)

Bau (Gula), gracious woman, child of holy An, adorned with attractiveness,

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  (Enlil, Bau‘s 1/2 brother, Earth Colony Commander)

Enlil‘s beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness

and issues from the midst of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods.

9-16 My lady, you have brought the divine powers (alien technologies) from the interior of heaven.

         (An / Anu, King of one-world-order planet Nibiru, father in Heaven / Nibiru to main giant gods on Earth Colony)

Your own father, An (Anu), the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers (alien tech),

so you inspire respect among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

 1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (powerful Royal Princess Bau, Doctor, Warden, & more)

Bau, you have brought the divine powers from the midst of heaven.

Your own father, An the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers,

so you inspire respect among the Anuna gods.

8e - Gudea, Governor of Lagash  (Gudea, giant 2/3rds semi-divine son-king of alien goddess Ninsun, grandson to Bau)

17-24 After you had chosen the shepherd in the assembly for his attractiveness,

you recognized him in ……, his lofty place, gave him ……, and …….

Bau, after you had chosen (King) Gudea for his attractiveness in the divine assembly,

you recognized him in ……, his lofty place, gave him ……, and …….

25 The sagida.

26-33 My lady, imbued with great fearsomeness, ……,

3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta (Royal Princess Bau & nephew-spouse, the Crown Prince Ninurta)

lord Ninjirsu (Ninurta) has looked at you approvingly.

He …… you with allure and has made your …… table in the E-tarsirsir (Bau’s ziggurat) lavishly famous.

2ac - possibly Bau & Ninurta  (Bau & spouse Ninurta, patron gods of Lagash, provided with kings & workers)

Bau, imbued with great fearsomeness, ……, lord Ninjirsu has looked at you approvingly.

He …… you with allure and has made your …… table in the E-tarsirsir (Lagash residence) lavishly famous.

2ab - Bau & Ninurta, boundary stone detail1dd - Bau, administer of prisons (Judge & Prison Warden Bau, with warrior-spouse Ninurta)

34-39 You are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and …….

You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior.

Bau, you are cherished in the heaven and on the earth.

             (Bau, Doctor, Warden, & Royal Princess daughter of King Anu in heaven / planet Nibiru)

Bau, you are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and …….

You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior.

Bau, you are cherished in heaven and on earth.

40-45 My lady, you have looked up in the divine assembly and …… him (?) with charms.

8h - Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, Enki missing (giant semi-divine mixed-breed king Gudea, Ningishzidda, & Gudea‘s 1/2 brother Dumuzi)

You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd Gudea.

2b - Lagash re-creation  (Lagash re-creation with Ninurta‘s ziggurat residence)

Mother Bau, he will duly praise you in your city, Lagac (Lagash, Ninurta‘s patron city)!

Bau, you have looked up in the divine assembly and …… him (?) with charms.

You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd, Gudea.

2c - Lagash, largest city of its day (Lagash with walled-off E-tarsirsir ziggurat residence of Ninurta & Bau)

Mother Bau, he will duly praise you in your city, Lagac!

46-47 The sajara.

         A tigi of Bau.

An Adab to Bau for Luma: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

 3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (King Anu & sons in his sky-disc, father to royal gods governing Earth)

1-11 Child of An (Anu), he has chosen you in his holy heart in the great sky

and on the great earth and made you worthy of the ladyship of the Land.

2b - Gula & her dog (Royal Princess Bau with her guard dog, Anu‘s daughter, spouse to her nephew Ninurta)

Bau (Gula), child of An (Anu), he has chosen you in his holy heart in the great sky

and on the great earth and made you worthy of the ladyship of the Land.

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian   (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)

Enlil has looked at you with favor, young woman, mother Bau, from the shining E-kur

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s E-kur residence in Nippur)

 1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region  (Commander Enlil‘s mud brick-built ziggurat residence in Nippur, Command Central)

  (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son & heir, born of the “double seed” to Prince Enlil & Princess Ninhursag)

and made you eminently fit for lord Ninjirsu (NInurta).

The Great Mountain Enlil has looked at you with favor, young woman,

mother Bau, from the shining E-kur and made you eminently fit for lord Ninjirsu.

12-21 In the E-tarsirsir (ziggurat), founded for you by An (Anu), you decide the fate of all the countries;

2a - Bau, her dog, & spouse Ninurta
    (Bau with her guard dog, & her nephew-spouse Ninurta using his alien technologies in battles against cousin aliens & earthlings)

you, my lady, render verdicts and decree judgments.

Bau, in the E-tarsirsir, founded for you by An (Anu), you decide the fate of all the countries;

you, Bau, render verdicts and decree judgments (earthling prison warden Bau).

The …… protective genius directs your black-headed people before you in your courtyard in the holy city.

Bau, the …… protective genius directs your black-headed people (all earthlings)

3i - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu  (alien giant Anunnaki goddess with lesser giant semi-divine king standing before her in the courtyard, receiving his many instructions from inside her royal ziggurat residence, Ningal & King Ur-Nammu)

before you in your courtyard in the holy city.

22-30 My lady, what you say is firmly grounded; Bau, what you say is firmly grounded.

It makes the king ruling in the land of Lagac (Lagash, spouse Ninurta‘s city),

in your holy dwelling place of the pure divine powers (alien technologies), extremely happy;

my lady, it makes the king extremely happy.

Bau, it makes the king ruling in the land of Lagac,

in your holy dwelling place of the pure divine powers, extremely happy;

Bau, it makes (giant semi-divine mixed-breed king) Luma extremely happy, he salutes your holy words.

31 This is the sagida.

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta 1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Bau)

32-33 Lady whose horns are perfect (descendants of King Anu wear their royal crown of horns),

Bau, nobody can learn what you are; child of An, with ……An, grandiloquent one.

34 Its antiphon.

35-50 My lady, what you say is trustworthy, your lofty words are enduring.

Bau, what you say is trustworthy, your lofty words are enduring.

Your holy words are devoted to the god, they are as clear as daylight for the king.

3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta 2j - Ninurta, unknowns, & Bau

   (King Anu‘s Royal Princess Bau & her spouse Ninurta, Anu‘s grandson & heir after Enlil; Ninurta & Bau with guard dog)

Bau, your holy words are devoted to the god, they are as clear as daylight for the king, Luma.

Your joyous countenance is as clear as daylight for the king;

Bau, your joyous countenance is as clear as daylight for the king, Luma.

Your words, which …… the pleasant place, are as clear as daylight for the king;

Bau, your words, which …… the pleasant place, are as clear as daylight for the king, Luma.

51-57 You have given a lofty name to Luma, the king ……

   (Anu, one-world-order planet Nibiru‘s king in his sky-disc, father in heaven to the royal descendant gods colonizing Earth)

by An (Anu), you have spoken to him with friendly words.

Bau, you have given a lofty name to Luma, the king ……

by An, you have spoken to him with friendly words.

Lady who loves his city, you have made him pre-eminent;

Bau, lady who loves his city, you have made him pre-eminent.

In the holy place you have treated the king graciously.

58 An adab of Bau.

Minor Gods Related to Bau / Gula Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


Damu Quotes From Texts

Damu = son of Bau & Ninurta

doctor of gods & earthlings, worshiped in Isin

        “She tests the surgical lancet; Nininsina (Bau) sharpens the scalpel.

         She has made perfect the divine powers (alien technologies) of medicine,

         and hands them over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

         ‘My son, pay attention to everything medical!

         Damu, pay attention to everything medical!’

         He takes the bandages and wipes them;

         he treats the bandages with embrocation,

         and softens the plaster that had been put on them.

         He mops up the blood and suppuration,

         and places a warm hand on the horrid wound.

         My lady, the midwife of the mothers of the Land,

        is the chief doctor of the black-headed;

        Nininsina (Bau), the daughter of An (Anu),

        hands this all over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

         ‘My son, pay attention to everything medical!

         Damu, pay attention to everything medical!

         You will be praised for your diagnoses.’

         Holy Nininsina performs for him her role as incantation priest,

         which Enki bestowed on her…”


        “They have told Damu,

        the chief barber (? physician) of Nunamnir (Enlil), healer of the living,

         to make the foreign countries bow at the feet of his father and mother!…”

Ab-Bau Quote From Text

Ab-Bau = Bau’s son

         “Bau (Gula) has abandoned Iri-kug and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

         She has abandoned her flooded chamber

         and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

         Her son Ab-Bau has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold.

         Ab-Bau has abandoned Ma-gu-ena and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold.

         The protective goddess of the holy house has abandoned it

         and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold …”

Galalim / Ig-alim Quotes From Texts

Galalim / Ig-alim = Ninurta’s son, Bau’s son?

chief superintendent

Ninurta As Gal-alim:

         “For the god Gal-alim, the favorite son of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

         for his king, Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla

         his temple of E-me-ghush-gal-an-ki has constructed…”


        “Gudea,...the offspring of the goddess Gutumdug (Ninsun),

        dowered with sovereignty and the scepter supreme by the god Gal-alim,…”

Ninurta As Ig-alim:

         “Bau, lady …… true cream,

         As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter…”


        (Ninurta speaking)

         “The guardians of my house and the fair-looking protective goddesses …….

         My chief superintendent, Ig-alim, is the neck-stock of my hands.

         He has been promoted to take care of my house; …….

         My messenger does not forget anything: he is the pride of the palace.

         In the city named after (?) Enlil, I recognize true and false…”


        “Lugal-kur-dub walked in front of him (Gudea),

        Ig-alim directed him and Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda),

        his personal god, held him by the hand throughout the time…”


        “With his divine duties, namely to guide the hand of the righteous one;

         to force the evil-doer´s neck into a neck stock;

         to keep the house safe; to keep the house pleasant;

         to instruct his city and the sanctuaries of Jirsu;

         to set up an auspicious throne; to hold the scepter of never-ending days;

         to raise high the head of Nin-jirsu´s shepherd, Gudea, as if he wore a blue crown;

         and to appoint to their offices in the courtyard of E-ninnu the skin-clad ones,

         the linen-clad ones and those whose head is covered,

         Gudea introduced Ig-alim, the Great Door (ig gal), the Pole (dim) of Jirnun,

         the chief bailiff of Jirsu, his beloved son to lord Nin-jirsu…”


        “Young woman Nin-Nibru, lady ……. Lord Ninurta, my king…….

         Ig-alim, my king …….Cul-cagana, my king …….”

Ninsun Quotes From Texts

Ninsun = Bau & Ninurta’s daughter


Bau’s Septuplets Quote From Text

Bau’s & Ninurta’s septuplets

Zazaru, Ickur-pa-ed, Ur-agrunta-ea,

He-girnuna, He-caga, Zurju and Zarju,

who are Bau´s septuplets, the offspring of lord Nin-jirsu (Ninurta),

his beloved lukur maidens, who create plenty for the myriads,

stepped forward to lord Nin-jirsu with friendly entreaties on behalf of Gudea…”

Ninzuana Quote From Text

Ninzuana = Bau?, daughter of Bau & Ninurta?

        “Lugal-Marda (Ninurta?, Ninurta’a son?) stepped outside his city.

        Ninzuana took an unfamiliar path away from her beloved dwelling.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

         Isin, the shrine that was not a quay, was split by onrushing waters.

         Ninisina (Bau), the mother of the Land, wept bitter tears.

         ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”

Nininsina’s Journey to Nibru: a Shir-namshub to Nininsina (Nininsina C):


The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


1-18 14 lines missing

1 line fragmentary

…… escorts her to …….

She sails on the Euphrates, amid the holy reed-shoots; …….

She moors the boat at the Wine Quay;

Enki …….

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta  (princess Bau, Anu‘s daughter, Medical Doctor of the alien Anunnaki)


19-25 Humbly she …… Enlil‘s house.

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth  (Enlil‘s house of mud bricks, “great mountain” built by the Anunnaki, repaired by earthlings, top of ziggurat was added by American archaeologists around 1900)

She …… food offerings …… of Enlil.

She slaughters cattle and sheep ……

2 - Enlil, chief god of All On Earth (prince Enlil, Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander, 1/2 brother to Bau)

Enlil. …… greets her from his eternal royal offering-place; …… his shining …… upon her.

Joyfully …….

1 line fragmentary

35 lines missing

Nininsina and the Gods (Nininsina F:)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


unknown no. of lines missing

They …… stood around her.

The holy and pure divine powers (alien technologies) befit Nininsina (Bau / Gula),

2a - Bau, goddess & queen of Isin (King Anu‘s Royal Princess daughter Bau, left – spouse to Ninurta, & right – brother Martu)

lady of the great divine powers.

Her divine powers are divine powers bestowed on her by An.

 (King Anu‘s son & heir Enlil, 1/2 brother to Bau)

The Great Mountain, Enlil, determined a fate for her.

1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region  (!st cities on Earth in the “Eden”, land of the giant alien gods)

Having left the temple of Enlil (E-kur in Nippur), she entered Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s city),

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 2e - Eridu temple reconstruction (Enlil‘s house in Nippur, Enki‘s house in Eridu)

the pleasant place, and took her seat in the abzu shrine.

3b - Enki image 7ea - mixed-breed king, Inanna, Isumud, & Enki  2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks

  (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, born of a concubine, not Anu‘s heir, 1st to arrive on Earth Colony with crew of 50)

Her father (brother), Enki, seated her upon his knees.

He truly cherished Nininsina — as soon as …… took a fancy to jewels of cuba stone,

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Royal Princess Bau with her cuba stone jeweled necklace)

they were hung around the neck of Nininsina;

as soon as she took a fancy to a white linen garment, he dressed the daughter of holy An (Anu) in it.

3j - unknown, Utu, Ninurta, & Enki

   (Enlil‘s descendants, grandson Utu with Enlil‘s son & heir Ninurta, climb the Eridu ziggurat to visit uncle Enki)

Lord Nudimmud (Enki) determined a fate for her.

unknown no. of lines missing


She lay down with him on …… and spent time joyously with him.

  (Ninurta wall relief artifact & tens of thousands of others unearthed in ancient Biblical cities)

“…… with your beloved spouse, lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta), …… your chosen ……!”

This is what the Great Mountain, Enlil, determined as her fate for ……

perfect with the great divine powers, the fifty divine powers (alien technologies, ruling # of Enlil),

2d - Bau & brother Enlil

(Ninurta the warrior wearing lion-headed beast skin, his spouse Bau with guard dog, & Ninhursag, Bau‘s sister)

(flying disc symbol of planet Nibiru / Moon Crescent symbol of Nannar / 8-pointed star symbol of [Venus] Anu, given Inanna the Goddess of Love / & 7-balls or planets symbol of [Earth] Enlil, the Commander of the 7th planet when entering from outside our solar system, {ex: 6-pointed star of [Mars] Nabu}

…… perfect …… adorned with jewels of cuba stone, the lady whose great name …….

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (Enlil‘s house on Earth, the gods’ Earth Colony Command Central)

In the shrine of Nibru (Nippur), Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven and Earth”), the place of Enlil, she is …… indeed.

unknown no. of lines missing


1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Bau, King Anu‘s daughter, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, Enki‘s sister)

….. she is indeed …….

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru 2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings  (Anu, King of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony, Ninsun, Ninurta‘s daughter)

In ……, the …… of An (Anu), …… she is indeed Jatumdug (Ninsun).

In ……, her …… that reaches the heavens, she is indeed ……, the firstborn child.

In …… Jirsu, the shrine which first brought forth the seed of mankind,

2ab - Bau & Ninurta, boundary stone detail 2a - Bau, her dog, & spouse Ninurta  (Bau & spouse Ninurta / Ningirsu)

my lady is indeed mother Bau (Gula).

In …… Umma, in the Sig-kur-caga, …… she is indeed …….

In ……

unknown no. of lines missing


In ……, a dragon lying in wait for men, a …… sticking out its tongue at everybody,

my lady is indeed Nungal (Bau / Gula).

            2ab - Lagash ruins

                 (Lagash, city-state of patron god winged Ninurta, unidentified giant mixed-breed king with dinner, & king’s official with poppy)

         My lady entered Lagac (Lagash).

With her beloved spouse lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta), she …… the holy city, her chosen place.

All the …… were drinking and enjoying …….

She gave them …….

3a - Ninurta, unknowns, & spouse Bau
         (Ninurta, 2 damaged & unidentified, & spouse Bau with guard dog)

She lay down with him on …… and spent time joyously with him.

…… Nininsina, it is sweet to praise you.

…… of Nininsina.

Bau’s (House in Iri-kug) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

             (Anu, King of the Anunnaki planet Nibiru & colonies)

O Iri-kug (Holy city), shrine of holy An (Anu), which caused the human seed to come forth,

called by a good name, within you is the river of ordeal which vindicates the just man.

E-ĝalga-sud (House which spreads counsel far and wide),

storehouse which eternally possesses silver and lapis lazuli,

E-tar-sirsir (her ziggurat), from which decisions and the divine powers come forth,

where the hero performs obeisance,

your princess, the merciful princess of the Land, is the mother of all lands.

5 - Bau gives medical attention

    (Damu & his mother Bau administer medical attention to the gods & black-headed earthlings alike)

The lady, the great healer of the black-headed (earthlings)

who determines the destiny of her city, the first-born daughter of holy An,

the maiden, mother Bau (Gula), has erected a house in your precinct,

4 - Bau, Ninurta's spouse, Anu's duaghter4c - Bau & her dog (boundary stones of alien Royal Princess Bau)

O house Iri-kug, and taken her seat upon your dais.

8 lines: the house of Bau (Gula) in Iri-kug.

Nininsina’s (House in Isin) Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1a - Isin, Iraq (Bau‘s patron city Isin, heavily pitted & looted)

O Isin, city founded by An (Anu) which he has built on an empty plain!

Its front is mighty, its interior is artfully built,

its divine powers are divine powers (alien technologies) which An has determined.

Shrine which Enlil loves, place where An and Enlil determine destinies,

place where the great gods dine, filled with great awesomeness and terror:

4 - drinking bouts of the gods (drinking bouts of the gods could last for weeks)

all the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods attend your great drinking-bouts.

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter(Bau with her cuba stone jeweled necklace, & spouse Ninurta)

          Your princess, the mother, the Mistress adorned with jewels of šuba stone,

who maintains the holy place’s Niĝin-ĝar, who binds the su crown on the nugig priestess,

who causes the seven teats to flow for the nubar priestess, has resounded with seven pleasures (?).

5a - Bau & son Damu, medical treatment

       (Ninurta holding weaponry, Dr. Damu & his mother Dr. Bau administered medical attention thousands of years ago, Bau’s guard dog)

Your lady, the great healer of the Land, Ninisina, the daughter of An,

has erected a house in your precinct,

O house Isin, and taken her seat upon your dais.

16 lines: the house of Ninisina in Isin.