Author Archives: nibirudb

Gods Using Nuclear Weapons Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)



Ninurta, Enlil’s son, was handing down decisions.

At that moment the Lord’s battle-mace looked towards the Mountains,

the Car-ur (Ninurta’s weapon? /general?) cried out aloud to its master:

‘Lord of lofty station, foremost one,

who presides over all lords from the throne dais,

Ninurta, whose orders are unalterable,

whose decisions are faithfully executed; my master!

Heaven copulated with the verdant Earth,

Ninurta: she has born him a warrior who knows no fear —

the Asag (Marduk), a child who sucked the power of milk

without ever staying with a wet-nurse, a foster-child,

O my master — knowing no father, a murderer from the Mountains,

a youth who has come forth from ……,

whose face knows no shame; impudent of eye, an arrogant male,

Ninurta (1 ms. has instead: Ninjirsu), rejoicing in his stature.

My Hero, you who are like a bull, I will take my stand beside you.

My master, who turns sympathetically towards his own city,

who is effective in carrying out his mother’s wishes:

it has sired offspring in the Mountains, and spread its seeds far and wide.

The plants have unanimously named it king over them;

like a great wild bull, it tosses its horns amongst them.

The cu, the sajkal, the esi (diorite), the usium,

the kagina (haematite), and the heroic nu stones,

its warriors, constantly come raiding the cities.

For them a shark’s tooth has grown up in the Mountains; it has stripped the trees.

Before its might the gods of those cities bow towards it.

My master, this same creature has erected a throne dais: it is not lying idle.

Ninurta, Lord, it actually decides the Land’s lawsuits, just as you do.

Who can compass the Asag’s (Marduk’s) dread glory?

Who can counteract the severity of its frown?

People are terrified, fear makes the flesh creep; their eyes are fixed upon it.

My master, the Mountains have taken their offerings to it.”

“Hero! They have appealed to you, because of your father; son of Enlil,

Lord, because of your superior strength they are looking to you here;

since you are strong, my master,they are calling for your help,

saying, Ninurta, that not a single warrior counts except for you!

They wanted to advise you about …….

Hero, there have been consultations with a view to taking away your kingship.

Ninurta, it is confident that it can lay hands

on the powers received by you in the abzu (Enki’s domain).

Its face is deformed, its location is continually changing;

day by day, the Asag (Enki’s son Marduk) adds territories to its domain.”

“But you will force it into the shackles of the gods.

You, Antelope of Heaven, must trample the Mountains beneath your hooves,

Ninurta, Lord, son of Enlil.

Who has so far been able to resist its assault?

The besetting Asag is beyond all control, its weight is too heavy.

Rumors of its armies constantly arrive, before ever its soldiers are seen.

This thing’s strength is massive, no weapon has been able to overturn it.

Ninurta, neither the ax nor the all-powerful spear can penetrate its flesh,

no warrior like it has ever been created against you.

Lord, you who reach out towards the august divine powers (alien technology),

splendor, jewel of the gods, you bull with the features of a wild bull,

with a prominent backbone, …… this fellow is clever!

My Ninurta, whose form Enki contemplates with favor,

my Uta-ulu (Ninurta), Lord, son of Enlil, what is to be done?

The Lord cried “Alas!” so that Heaven trembled,

and Earth huddled at his feet and was terrified (?) at his strength.

Enlil became confused and went out of the E-kur.

The Mountains were devastated.

That day the earth became dark, the Anuna trembled.

The Hero beat his thighs with his fists. The gods dispersed;

the Anuna (Anunnaki) disappeared over the horizon like sheep.

The Lord arose, touching the sky;

Ninurta went to battle, with one step (?) he covered a league,

he was an alarming storm, and rode on the eight winds towards the rebel lands.

His arms grasped the lance.

The mace snarled at the Mountains, the club began to devour all the enemy.

He fitted the evil wind and the sirocco on a pole (?),

he placed the quiver on its hook (?).

An enormous hurricane, irresistible,

went before the Hero, stirred up the dust,

caused the dust to settle, leveled high and low, filled the holes.

It caused a rain of coals and flaming fires; the fire consumed men.

It overturned tall trees by their trunks, reducing the forests to heaps,

Earth put her hands on her heart and cried harrowingly;

the Tigris was muddied, disturbed, cloudy, stirred up.

He hurried to battle on the boat Ma-kar-nunta-eda;

the people there did not know where to turn, they bumped into (?) the walls.

The birds there tried to lift their heads to fly away,

but their wings trailed on the ground.

The storm flooded out the fish there in the subterranean waters,

their mouths snapped at the air.

It reduced the animals of the open country to firewood,

roasting them like locusts. (alien nuclear technology)

It was a deluge rising and disastrously ruining the Mountains.

The Hero Ninurta led the march through the rebel lands.

He killed their messengers in the Mountains, he crushed (?) their cities,

he smote their cowherds over the head like fluttering butterflies,

he tied together their hands with hirin grass,

so that they dashed their heads against walls.

The lights of the Mountains did not gleam in the distance any longer.

People gasped for breath (?); those people were ill,

they hugged themselves, they cursed the Earth,

they considered the day of the Asag’s birth a day of disaster.

The Lord caused bilious poison to run over the rebel lands.

As he went the gall followed, anger filled his heart,

and he rose like a river in spate and engulfed all the enemies.

In his heart he beamed at his lion-headed weapon,

as it flew up like a bird, trampling the Mountains for him. (skyship)

It raised itself on its wings to take away prisoner the disobedient,

it spun around the horizon of heaven to find out what was happening.

          Someone from afar came to meet it,

brought news for the tireless one, the one who never rests,

whose wings bear the deluge, the Car-ur (terrible weapon).

What did it gather there …… for Lord Ninurta?

It reported the deliberations of the Mountains,

it explained their intentions to Lord Ninurta, it outlined (?)

what people were saying about the Asag.

“Hero, beware!” it said concernedly.

The weapon embraced him whom it loved,

the Car-ur (general / pilot / weapon) addressed Lord Ninurta:

“Hero, pitfall (?), net of battle,

Ninurta, King, celestial mace …… irresistible against the enemy,

vigorous one, tempest which rages against the rebel lands,

wave which submerges the harvest,

King, you have looked on battles, you have …… in the thick of them.

Ninurta, after gathering the enemy in a battle-net, after erecting a great reed-altar,

Lord, heavenly serpent, purify your pickaxe and your mace!

Ninurta, I will enumerate the names of the warriors you have already slain:

the Kuli-ana, the Dragon, Gypsum, the Strong Copper,

the hero Six-headed Wild Ram, the Magilum boat,

Lord Saman-ana, the Bison bull, the Palm-tree King,

the Anzud bird (Anzu), the Seven-headed Snake

Ninurta, you slew them in the Mountains.”

“But Lord, do not venture again to a battle as terrible as that.

Do not lift your arm to the smiting of weapons,

to the festival of the young men, to Inanna’s dance!

Lord, do not go to such a great battle as this!

Do not hurry; fix your feet on the ground.

Ninurta, the Asag is waiting for you in the Mountains.

Hero who is so handsome in his crown, firstborn son (of Ninhursag)

whom Ninlil has decorated with numberless charms,

good Lord, whom a princess bore to an en priest,

Hero who wears horns like the moon, who is long life for the king of the Land,

who opens the sky by great sublime strength, inundation who engulfs the banks ……,

Ninurta, Lord, full of fearsomeness, who will hurry towards the Mountains,

proud Hero without fellow, this time you will not equal the Asag!

Ninurta, do not make your young men enter the Mountains.”

The Hero, the son, pride of his father,

the very wise, rising from profound deliberation,

Ninurta, the Lord, the son of Enlil, gifted with broad wisdom, the …… god,

the Lord stretched his leg to mount the onager, and joined the battalions …….

He spread over the Mountains his great long ……,

he caused …… to go out among its people like the …….

He reached …….

He went into the rebel lands in the vanguard of the battle.

He gave orders to his lance, and attached it …… by its cord;

the Lord commanded his mace, and it went to its belt.

The Hero hastened to the battle, he …… heaven and earth.

He prepared the throw-stick and the shield,

the Mountains were smitten and cringed beside the battle legions of Ninurta.

When the hero was girding on his mace, the sun did not wait, the moon went in;

they were forgotten, as he marched towards the Mountains;

the day became like pitch.

The Asag leapt up at the head of the battle.

For a club it uprooted the sky, took it in its hand;

like a snake it slid its head along the ground.

It was a mad dog attacking to kill the helpless, dripping with sweat on its flanks.

Like a wall collapsing, the Asag fell on Ninurta the son of Enlil.

Like an accursed storm, it howled in a raucous voice;

like a gigantic snake, it roared at the Land.

It dried up the waters of the Mountains, dragged away the tamarisks,

tore the flesh of the Earth and covered her with painful wounds.

It set fire to the reed-beds, bathed the sky in blood, turned it inside out;

it dispersed the people there.

At that moment, on that day, the fields became black potash,

across the whole extent of the horizon, reddish like purple dye —

truly it was so! (nuclear war, Ninurta & Nergal vrs. Marduk and Nabu)

An (Anu) was overwhelmed, crouched, wrung his hands against his stomach;

Enlil groaned and hid himself in a corner,

the Anuna flattened themselves against walls,

the house was full of fearful sighing as of pigeons.

The Great Mountain Enlil cried to Ninlil:

“My wife, my son is no longer here; what is there to support me?

The Lord, the authority of the E-kur,

the King who imposes the strong shackle for his father,

a cedar rooted in the abzu, a crown with broad shade,

my son, my security — he is not here any more: who will take me by the hand?”

The weapon which loved the Lord, obedient to its master,

the Car-ur .….. for Lord Ninurta to his father in Nibru …….

The awesome splendor enveloped Ninurta like a garment, …….

…… bound him: therefore the Lord …….

The weapon …… spoke to Enlil.

“…… Ninurta, having confidence in himself; …… he will be standing;

the waters will be dried up as if by the sun’s heat;

…… he will breathe again, he will be standing full of joy.

I shall cause horrid storms to rise against …… of the Hero Ninurta …….

…… as for him who resisted (?) the Mountains,

he has been amazed by his strength.

Now I shall give my orders, you are to follow these instructions:

1 line unclear

…… in the fields, let him not diminish the population.

…… let him not cause a lack of posterity.

Let him not cause to perish the name of all the kinds of species (alien weapons)

whose destinies I, Enlil, have decreed.”

The weapon, its heart ……, was reassured:

it slapped its thighs, the Car-ur began to run,it entered the rebel lands,

joyfully it reported the message to Lord Ninurta:

“My master, …… for you, Enlil has said:

“As the Deluge i.e. Ninurta, before whom the venom has piled up,

attacks the enemy, let him take the Asag by the shoulder,

let him pierce its liver, let my son enter with it into the E-kur.

Then, Ninurta, to the limits of the earth my people

will deservedly praise your power.”

You, Lord who trusts in the word of his father, do not tarry, great strength of Enlil.

Storm of the rebel lands, who grinds the Mountains like flour,

Ninurta, Enlil’s seal-bearer, go to it!

Do not tarry. My master:

the Asag has constructed a wall of stakes on an earthen rampart;

the fortress is too high and cannot be reached, …… its fierceness does not diminish.

3 lines unclear

My master, …….”

Ninurta opened his mouth to speak to the mace …….

He aimed the lance at the Mountains …….

The Lord stretched out an arm towards the clouds.

Day became a dark night.

He yelled like a storm, …….

2 lines unclear

The Lord …… clouds of dust.

In his battle he smote the Mountains with a cudgel.

The Car-ur made the storm-wind rise to heaven,

scattering the people; like …… it tore.

Its venom alone destroyed the townspeople.

The destructive mace set fire to the Mountains,

the murderous weapon smashed skulls with its painful teeth,

the club which tears out entrails gnashed its teeth.

The lance was stuck into the ground and the crevasses filled with blood.

In the rebel lands dogs licked it up like milk.

The enemy rose up, crying to wife and child,

“You did not lift your arms in prayer to Lord Ninurta.

The weapon (alien technology) covered the Mountains with dust,

but did not shake the heart of the Asag.

The Car-ur threw its arms around the neck of the Lord:

“Hero, ah, what further awaits you?

Do not on any account meddle with the hurricane of the Mountains.

Ninurta, Lord, son of Enlil, I tell you again, it is made like a storm.

It is a blister whose smell is foul,

like mucus which comes from the nose it is unpleasant,

Lord, its words are devious, it will not obey you.

My master, it has been created against you as a god; who can help you?

Hero, it falls on the land as a whirlwind, it scrubs it as if with saltwort,

Ninurta, it chases the onagers before it in the Mountains.

Its terrifying splendor sends the dust into clouds,

it causes a downpour of potsherds (alien nuclear technology).

In the rebel lands it is a lion striking with savage teeth; no man can catch it.

After reducing everything to nothing in the north wind, it …….

The sheepfolds have been closed by ghostly demons.

It has dried up the waters in the ground.

In the whirlwind storm, the people are finished, they have no solution (?).

From an implacable enemy, great Hero, Lord, turn away,” he said quietly.

But the Lord howled at the Mountains, could not withhold a roar.

The Hero did not address the rebel lands, he …….

He reversed the evil that it had done …….

He smashed the heads of all the enemies, he made the Mountains weep.

The Lord ranged about in all directions,

like a soldier saying “I will go on the rampage”.

Like a bird of prey the Asag looked up angrily from the Mountains.

He commanded the rebel lands to be silent and …….

Ninurta approached the enemy and flattened him like a wave (?).

The Asag’s terrifying splendor was contained, it began to fade, it began to fade.

It looked wonderingly upwards.

Like water he agitated it, he scattered it into the Mountains,

like weeds he pulled it up, like rushes he ripped it up. …”

ERRA (Nergal) AND ISHUM (Ninurta)


Narrator invokes Marduk, chief deity of Babylon, and Ishum (Ninurta), vanguard and companion of Erra (Nergal). Erra is restless and breaks into a soliloquy. He is anxious to fight and campaign, but hesitates through natural inertia.

Speaking of himself in the third person, Erra says that what he needs to stir him to action is Ishum´s encouragement (Ninurta & Nergal Battle Marduk)

O Ishum (Ninurta), zealous slaughterer,

whose hands are suited to brandish fierce weapons,

And to make his sharp spear flash, Erra (Nergal), warrior of the gods,

was restless in his dwelling,

His heart urged him to do battle!

Says he to his weapons.

“Smear yourselves with deadly venom!”

To the Seven, warriors (alien technology-nuclear weapons) unrivaled,

“Let your weapons be girded!”

He even says to you:

“You are the torch, they will see your light

“You are the vanguard, the gods will [ ]

“You are the stanchion, [zealous] slaughterer!

“(So) up, Erra, from laying waste the land

“How cheerful your mood will be and joyful your heart!

Erra´s limbs are sluggish, like those of a mortal lacking sleep,

“He says to himself, ‘Shall I get up or go to sleep?’

“He says to his weapons, ‘Stay in the corners!’

“To the Seven, warriors unrivaled,

‘Go back to your dwellings!’

“Until you rouse him, he will sleep in his bedrooms,

“He will dally with Mami, his mate”.

(With a second invocation, now of Ishum, the narrator introduces the terrible Seven (nuclear weapons), who stand ready to massacre the “black-headed folk” or Mesopotamians) (plus Marduk and Nabu)

O Engidudu, (?) who patrols at night, ever guiding the noble,

Who ever guides young men and women in safety, making light as day,

The Seven, warriors (the 7 nuclear missiles) unrivaled,

their divine nature is different,

Their origins are strange, (alien technology from Nibiru) they are terrifying,

Whoever sees them is numbed with fear.

Their breath of life is death,

People are too frightened to approach it!

Yet Ishum is the door, bolted before them.

When Anu, the king of the gods, sowed his seed in the earth,

She bore him seven gods (7 missiles), he called them the Seven.

They stood before him, that he ordain their destinies,

He summoned the first to give his instructions,

“Wherever you go and spread terror, have no equal.”

He said to the second,

“Burn like fire, scorch like flame”.

He commanded the third,

“Look like a lion, let him who sees you be paralyzed with fear”.

He said to the fourth,

“Let a mountain collapse when you present your fierce arms”.

He said to the fifth,

“Blast like the wind, scan the circumference of the earth”.

He said to the sixth.

“Go out everywhere (like the deluge) and spare no one”.

The seventh he charged with viperous venom,

” Slay whatever lives”.

After Anu had ordained destinies for all of the Seven (nuclear missiles),

He gave those very ones to Erra, warrior of the gods, saying:

“Let them go beside you,

when the clamor of human habitations becomes noisome to you,

“And you resolve to wreak destruction,

“To massacre the black-headed folk and fell the livestock,

“Let these be your fierce weaponry, let them go beside you”.

The Seven offer the encouragement that Erra needs. . In a rousing call to arms, they extol the heroic excitement of the campaign, the honor, prestige and gratification it brings. The Seven claim vaguely that they are not respected enough, that others are growing more important than they. They bring up the old charge that men make too much noise for the gods to sleep, although this was not the cause Erra had given for his own lack of sleep. The Seven claim further that there are too many wild animals on the loose. Their final claim no doubt the most important one, is that they are bored and out of training. (for war against Marduk & Nabu!)

These are the ones who are in a fury, holding their weapons aloft,

They are saying to Erra, “Up, do your duty!

“Why have you been sitting in the city like a feeble old man,

“Why sitting at home like a helpless child?

“Shall we eat woman food, like non-combatants?

Have we turned timorous and trembling, as if we can’t fight?

“Going to the field for the young and vigorous is like to a very feast,

“But the noble who stays in the city can never eat enough.

“His people will hold him in low esteem, he will command no respect,

“How could he threaten a campaigner?

“However well developed is the strength of the city dweller,

“How could he possibly best a campaigner?

“However toothsome city bread, it holds nothing to the campfire loaf,

“However sweet fine beer, it holds nothing to water from a skin,

“The terraced palace holds nothing to the wayside sleeping spot!

“Be off to the field, warrior Erra, make your weapons clatter,

“Make loud your battle cry that all around they quake,

“Let the Igigi-gods (those who transport to & from Nibiru & Earth)

hear and extol your name,

“Let the Anunna-gods hear and flinch at the mention of your,

“Let all the gods hear and bend for your yoke,

“Let sovereigns hear and fall prostrate before you,

“Let countries hear and bring you their tribute,

“Let the lowly hear and perish of their own accord,

“Let the mighty hear and his strength diminish,

“Let lofty mountains hear and their peaks crumble,

“Let the surging sea hear and convulse, wiping out her increase!

“Let the stalk be yanked from the tough thicket,

“Let reeds of the impenetrable morass be shorn off,

“Let men turn cowards and their clamor subside,

“Let beasts tremble and return to clay,

“Let the gods your ancestors see and praise your valor!

“Warrior Erra, why do you neglect the field for the city?

“The very beats and creatures hold us in contempt!

“O warrior Erra, we will tell you, thought that we say be offensive to you!

Erra the whole land outgrows us,

“You must surely hear our words!

“Do a kindly deed for the gods of hell, who delight in deadly stillness,

“The Anunna-gods (those on Earth doing the work)

cannot fall asleep for the clamor of humankind,

Beasts are overrunning the meadows, life of the land,

“The farmer sobs bitterly for his field,

“Lion and wolf are felling the livestock,

“The shepherd, who cannot sleep day and night

for the sake of his flocks, is calling upon you,

“We too, who know the mountain passes, have forgotten how to go,

“Cobwebs are spun over our field gear,

“Our fine bow resists and is too strong for us,

“The tip of our sharp arrow is bent out of true,

“Our blade is corroded for want of a slaughter!”

The warrior Erra heard them,

What the Seven said pleased him like finest oil.

He made ready to speak and said to Ishum:

“Why, having heard, did you sit by silent?

“Lead the way, let me begin my campaign!

“[ ] the Seven, warriors without rival,

Make my fierce weapons (the Seven) march by my side,

But you be the vanguard and rear guard”.

When Ishum heard what he said, he felt pity and said to the warrior Erra:

“O Lord Erra, why have you plotted evil against the gods?

To lay waste the lands and decimate the people”.

Erra made ready to speak and said to Ishum (Ninurta), his vanguard:

“Keep quiet, Ishum, listen to what I say,

as concerns the people of the inhabited world, whom you would spare.

“O vanguard of the gods, wise Ishum, whose counsel is always for the best,

“I am the wild bull in heaven, I am the lion on earth,

“I am king in the land, I am the fiercest among the gods,

“I am warrior among the Igigi-gods, mighty one among the Anunna-gods!

“I am the smiter of wild beasts, battering ram against the mountain,

“I am the blaze in the reed thicket, the broad blade against the rushes,

“I am banner for the march, I blast like the wind, I thunder like the storm,

“Like the sun, I scan the circumference of the world,

“I am the wild ram striding forth in the steppe,

“I invade the range and take up my dwelling in the fold,

“All the gods are afraid of a fight, so the black-headed folk are contemptuous!

As for me, since they did not fear my name,

and I have disregarded Marduk´s command,

so he may act according to his wishes”I will make Marduk angry,

stir him from his dwelling, and lay waste the people!”

The warrior Erra (Nergal) set out for Babylon, city of the king of the gods.

He entered Esagila (Marduk’s), palace of heaven and earth

and stood before him. …

When Marduk heard this, he made ready to speak, saying to the warrior Erra:

“(When) I rise from my dwelling,

the regulation of heaven and earth will disintegrate,

“The waters will rise and sweep over the land,

“Bright day will turn to darkness,

whirlwind will rise and the stars of heaven will be…

Ill winds will blow and the eyesight of living creatures will be darkened,

“Demons will raise up and seize [ ],

“They will …. the unarmed one who confronts them!

“The gods of hell will rise up and smite down living creatures,

“Who will keep them at bay till I gird on my weaponry once more?

When Erra heard this, he made himself ready to speak, saying to noble Marduk:

“O noble Marduk, while you enter the house,

fire cleanses your apparel and you return to your palace,

“For that time I will govern and keep strong the regulation of heaven and earth,

“I will go up to heaven and issue instructions

to the Igigi (gods in orbit under Marduk, to transport goods) gods,

“I will go down to the depths and keep the Anunna (Anunnaki) gods in order.

“I will dispatch the wild demons to the netherworld,

“I will brandish my fierce weaponry against them,

“I will truss the wings of the ill wind like a bird’s.

“At that house you shall enter, O noble Marduk,

“I will station Anu and Enlil to the right and left, like bulls.”

Noble Marduk heard him, the words which Erra spoke pleased him.


He arose from his dwelling, an inaccessible place,

He set out for the dwelling of the Anunna-gods.

He entered that house and stood before them.

Shamash (Utu) looked upon him and let his protective radiance fall…

Sin (Sin / Nannar) looked everywhere, and did not leave the Netherworld,

Ill winds rose and the bright daylight was turned to gloom,

The clamor of the peoples throughout the land was stilled,

The Igigi gods were terrified and went up to heaven,

The Anunna gods were frightened and went down to the pit of hell,

[ ] the entire circumference [ ][ ] in the dust …”

The lament for Urim: translation

entire text


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A Praise Poem of Enlil-bani (Enlil-bani A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixedbreed demigods in teal…)

          1-17 Enlil-bani, wondrous king among the princes!

       Created by An (Anu), elevated by Enlil, like Utu the light of all lands, born to princedom,

       girded with all the divine powers (alien technologies), watched over by Enlil

       4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into city wall)

       and listened to by Ninlil (Enlil‘s spoue) on account of the widespread people living at the boundary of heaven and earth!

       Fair of ……, lordly of limb!

       With the shepherd’s crook you have settled innumerable people.

         4i - Enki & baby Adapa, created by Ninhursag (Enki with semi-divine mixed DNA baby, a future king)

         18-27 Enlil-bani, great (mixed-breed) son of Enki, shepherd (1 ms. has instead: sage)

       and counselor who guides living things, who spreads broad shade over all lands,

       grandiloquent prince whom great An has summoned, great mother Ninlil trusts in you.

       8b - Enlil-bani envelope & depiction (rare ancient artifact of semi-divine giant King Enlil-bani)

         28-36 Enlil-bani, you are the one who has authority.

       Sweet mouth, lips good with words,

       2 lines missing

         (Inanna, called Goddess of Love, espoused many dozens of DNA-mixed offspring appointed to kingships)

       husband of holy Inana (Inanna), Asarluhi (Marduk) gave you wisdom.

       2e - Nisaba, unknowns, spouse Haia
                      (Nisaba                2 unidentified           spouse Haia  & daughter Ninlil)

         37-48 Nisaba, lady Nanibgal, the matriarch, the mother-in-law of Enlil, the lady …… who creates (?) life ……,

        (semi-divine king & Master Scribe Nisaba with stylus & tablet)

       the book-keeper ……, the wise one, the holy woman ……, …… the oracle, has placed his (?) name on the tablet of life.

       49-60 She revealed counsel and response to you, granted vision to you.

       As your destiny she gave E-zagina, her house of wisdom, to provide counsel.

       In the Land you have caused order to be resplendent.

       Your virtue is broadcast in all lands.

          61-79 Enlil-bani, having counsel and exceptional wisdom, soothing hearts and proclaiming your judgments, wise in everything,

       1 line missing

       …… counselor, you …… to keep in order the judgement of the black-headed (earthlings) and to render verdicts.

       Articulate in appropriate expressions, you know how to cleanse impropriety.

       You make justice shine like gold.

       You take the whip to injustice.

       80-91 You have destroyed the hiss of hostile talkers.

       You know how to undo sin and its illness.

       You do not kill transgressors; you understand those you lead.

       You make words benign.

       Compassionate, loving the just, you cause no harm when offerings have been made (?).

         92-111 Your governors suffer no injuries.

       Your troops triumph over hostile troops.

       Your weapons have no rival weapons (alien technologies).

       When you take your seat, you cause all the foreign lands to bow down.

       All sovereigns become allies with you and you soothe their quarrels.

       With numerous oxen and numerous sheep, with gold, cornelian and lapis lazuli they enter your palace;

       with their lips they kiss the ground before you.

       XIR188782 Votive plaque depicting an offering scene, from Diyala, Early Dynastic Period, 2600-2500 BC (stone) by Mesopotamian stone Iraq Museum, Baghdad Giraudon out of copyrightfarming-early-man-feeding-the-gods (servicing the giant gods)

         112-135 Enlil-bani, king who gladdens the heart of his city, you speed offerings into Nibru (Nippur).

       You bring the best corn into E-kic-nujal; daily you ensure that it does not cease.

       You are him whom Enlil has summoned by name; you are the property of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse).

       8b - High Priest, Nannar, Ninurta, and Enlil

(semi-divine high-priest atop alien god’s ziggurat temple residence, Nannar, Utu with earthling under foot, & Ninurta; semi-divine high-priest, Nannar, Utu, & unidentified)

        As for the lands rebellious against you, Ninurta the strong hero of Enlil, in triumph has dissolved into ruins

        those that are hostile and are not supporters of yours, and has spread them out as heaps for you.

      3a-enlils-home-in-nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)

       Nuska, the lord who stocks the E-kur,

       1 line missing

       a favorable omen.

         136-150 Dijir-mah (Ninhursag / Ninmah), the …… of the Land, fixed a destiny for your broad heart and,

       2d - Ninhursag & attendee, Ninhursag's symbol (helper with the umbilical chord cutter, the symbol of Ninhursag, & Ninhursag seated)

       when your umbilical cord (?) was cut, appointed you to lordship.

      5-inanna-presents-spouse-king-shu-sin-to-nannar  (semi-divine mixed-breeds espousing Inanna, brought before her father Nannar, then appointed as king)

       Nanna (Nannar / Sin), the benign (?) lord, the son of Enlil, has fixed the crown of life firmly upon your head.

      2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, but not his heir, Lord of the Abzu)

       In the Abzu Nudimmud (Enki), your divine creator (father), has increased abundance for you.

       2caa - Anu's house in Uruk  (E-ana, Anu‘s & Inanna‘s temple residence in Uruk)

       151-168 In the E-ana, Inana has fixed a rejoicing heart

       2a - Ishtar, Inanna's Sky Chamber  1c-astarte-hittite-goddess-of-love  (Inanna)

       to be your lot and has you brought grandly into her holy bedchamber to spend the night there.

      2b - Gula & her dog  (Bau / Gula & her guard dog, princess daughter to King Anu, doctor, warden, etc.)

       The mother of the Land, Ninisina (Bau / Gula), has caused you to lay the foundations with your hands in Isin.

       2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna  2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c

            (Utu, symbolized as Sun god, son to Nannar & Ningal, twin brother to Inanna, & unidentified king)

       Utu, the judge, the king of heaven and earth,

       has confirmed for you in your hands the scepter which brings the black-headed to justice.

       1 line missing

         169-177 Enlil-bani, you are the king who

       1 line missing

       in a favorable month, in a year of abundance, on a day of celebration and the elevation of the king, you are exalted.

       The four quarters of the world praise you with royal offerings.

       178-184 May the wise scribe in the scribal academy, the house which advises the Land, not allow your praise to cease!

Amar-Suena and Enki’s Temple (Amar-Suena A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

(The sequence of Segment A (UET 8 33 + U 5307) and Segments B-E (UET 8 32, UET 6/3 487) is far from certain; they may well belong to separate compositions. However, C follows B and E follows D.)


1-8 …… protective deity ……. Amar-Suena …… his heart.

He who …… the temple with an axe ……. Amar-Suena …… the abzu shrine.

…… built with gold, and decorated with lapis lazuli.

He applied himself to building the temple; king Amar-Suena applied himself to building the temple.

The people turned against the king, and the foreign countries …….

9-25 In the first year the temple remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Amar-Suena …… the divine powers (alien technologies) of kingship.

In the second year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Amar-Suena …… his royal garments for mourning clothes.

In the third year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Amar-Suena could not interpret (?) the temple’s ominous sign among (?) the birch trees.

In the fourth year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Although he had been advised (?) by a sage, he could not realize the plans of the temple.

In the fifth year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

The abzu shrine has been …… by force.

In the sixth year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

He was searching for the divine plan of the temple, but could not find it.

In the seventh year it remained in ruins, and he did not restore it.

Enki spoke to him about the temple, the temple that did not exist.

In the eighth year, he applied himself to building the temple.

By the ninth year, king Amar-Suena built the E-uduna of the wise lord (?) like …….

2 - Enki, the wisest god (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest son, 1st to arrive on Earth with his crew of 50; Enki’s temple ruins)

26-32 Then the lord, the great lord Enki, destroyed (?) the site of his own temple.

2 lines fragmentary

Father Enki …… Eridug ……. …… his minister (Isumud) ……

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

SEGMENT B (= UET 8 32 obverse)

1-4 1 line fragmentary

The guardian (?) of the spacious land …….

3l - Enki & modern man (semi-divine mixed-breed earthling stands before Enki in the Abzu)

As Enki lifted his gaze …….

Having left the temple …… in the abzu.

5-9 At that time mankind was not …….

Far-reaching wisdom, wise words were not …….

1 line unclear

To grieve and to do evil was good (?).

Amar-Suena …… to build the temple of Enlil.

unknown no. of lines missing

SEGMENT C (= UET 8 32 reverse)

1-6 Lord …….

When he performed extispicy regarding the building of Enki‘s temple,

the omen did not mention anything about the building of the temple, so he did not start it.

To establish a lasting fame for himself, the king ……; to establish a lasting fame for himself,

2e - Eridu temple reconstruction (re-constructed image of Enki‘s ziggurat temple residence in his city of Eridu, Enki’s boat dock at the temple)

Amar-Suena……. …… the temple of Enki…….

unknown no. of lines missing

SEGMENT D (= UET 6/3 487 obverse; this fragment might belong to the same tablet as UET 8 32, in which case it would preserve the beginning and the end of the tablet)

1-2 Lord, wise prince ……

1 line fragmentary

unknown no. of lines missing

SEGMENT E (= UET 6/3 487 reverse)


                     (Adad, thunder god;   Ninsun, her mixed-breed offspring king, & Adad atop his zodiac symbol of Taurus the Bull)

1-2 He who ……. King Amar-Suena (Ninsun’s giant mixed-breed grandson-king of Ur)

has not been assigned a fate from (?) it.

An Adab to Ninurta for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen A): translation

An adab to Ninurta for Bur-Suen (Bur-Suen A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


          1-24  ……, lord, whom the Great Mountain engendered, whose magnificence has no equal.

        (alien Prince Ninurta, giant mixed-breed king with dinner, & mixed-breeds unidentified)

        Ninurta, magnificent in heaven and earth, surpassing among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

          (alien King Anu, father to royal gods inhabiting Earth Colony)

        ……, foremost among the gods, support of An (Anu).

        …… imbued with ……, who roars like a storm, who growls in battle.

        ……, who butts like a huge wild bull, who destroys the fortresses of the rebel lands.

         (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander, father to Ninurta)

        …… of Enlil: no foreign land can escape from his grasp.

        2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Enlil & house)

        …… by Nunamnir (Enlil), whose words are firmly established.

        ……, fit for princeship, the counselor of Ekur (Enlil’s temple residence in Nippur).

        …… cannot be scattered, the neckstock of the gods.

        approx. 7 lines missing

        …… may …… be his helper.

        …… (Bur-Suen) the son (grandson) of (alien giant god) Ickur (Ishkur / Adad).

        3 - Adad with divine weapons 1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub (Enlil‘s son Adad, the God of Thunder, father to mixed-breed kings)

        ……, may he provide …… with good food.

        May he regulate …….

        May he be the constant attendant of the E-cumeca, his beloved residence.

        May he never cease to …… daily his great offerings.

        May …… prolong the years of abundance and a pleasant life ……

        for Bur-Suen, well suited for kingship, beloved of An (Anu).


          25 Sa-gida.

         5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son, last descendant to be born on Nibiru)

          26 May Ninurta be the help of Bur-Suen, who is reverent towards him.

        27 Its jicgijal.


        28-46 ……, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands;

        Ninurta, the right arm of Enlil, who destroys the rebellious foreign lands.

        The king, whose rising is a flood no one can oppose.

        Ninurta, the furious storm in battle, who tramples upon the enemy.

        He is girded with heroism, a young man without rival.

        The one given superior strength by Nunamnir (Enlil), who makes his father feel truly content.

        Your mighty commands are lofty and great.

        Ninurta, your mighty commands are lofty and great.

        …… flattens …… in the rebel lands, who forces the enemy to bow low.

        ……, who roars like a storm.

        3 lines fragmentary

        4 lines missing

        2 lines fragmentary


          47 Sa-jara.

          48 ……whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…….

          49 Its jicgijal.


        08-02-15/11 (warrior, giant alien god Ninurta)

        50-52 Warrior, surpassing dragon ……; Ninurta, surpassing dragon ……,

        …… Bur-Suen, whom you have truthfully chosen.


        53 Its uru.

        5fa - Ninurta, Assyrian cylinder seal (Ninurta, giant alien who will one day, if not now, rule Nibiru & Earth Colony)

        54 An adab to Ninurta.

        (ll. 53 and 54 written as one line in the source)

Inscriptions of Ur-nin-girsu

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. II, ed. by A. H. Sayce, [1888], at

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

No. 1.—Inscription on a Brick

6ad - Ur-Ningirsu  (Ur-Ninurta, semi-divine son to alien god Adad)

         1. Ur-nin-girsu,
2. the priest of the god Anna (Anu),
3. the priest of the god En-ki,
4. the favorite priest of the goddess Ninâ (Enki‘s daughter).

No. 2.—Inscription on a Brick

 (winged god Ninurta, & semi-divine mixed-breed king with dinner offering)

1. To the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),
2. the powerful warrior
3. of the god
Ellilla (Enlil),
4. for his king,
6. the patesi
7. of
the son of Gudea,
9. the patesi
10. of
Shirpurla (Lagash)
11. who the temple of
12. of the god
Nin-girsu (Ninurta)
13. has constructed.
14. His favorite gigunû
15. of cedar-wood
16. he has constructed for him.

A Hymn of Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

          1-15 ……, when she augustly appears, no one can keep pace with her, …… glowing in the night, …… with awe-inspiring splendor.

        The great gods are filled with fear at her …….

        3a - Anu & Inanna (Anu, Anunnaki King of planet Nibiru, & Inanna, war goddess)

        Her …… utterances are as grand as those of An (Anu), and as weighty as those of Enlil.

        Inana is supreme, with multifarious divine powers (alien technologies) surpassing the other divine ladies.

        3p - Inanna & her Divine Powers

              (Ninhursag           Enlil                        Inanna                 Ninhursag, winged disc symbol of Nibiru, Moon Crescent of Nannar, etc.)

        She perfected the divine plans of kingship, so as to re-establish it, and she made up her mind

        and truly yearned to provide justice for the black-headed and to give them stable governance.

        6ad - Ur-Ningirsu (giant mixed-breed high-priest & king, Ur-Ninurta)

        From among the numerous people she summoned (King) Ur-Ninurta to be the shepherd of living beings.

           (Inanna takes her semi-divine spouse-king by the hand before her father Nannar, the Moon God)

        She made the king whom she took by the hand humbly enter into the …… where destinies are determined,

        where the good divine powers (alien high-tech) are assigned to the great gods —

        3a - Enlil's home in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur, Earth Command Central)

        the E-kur, the holy dwelling of An and Enlil that is endued with terrifying awe.

        There the goddess without whom no destiny is determined in heaven or earth

        sits on the dais with An and Enlil, taking counsel with them.

        16 1st kirugu.

        17-26 (Inana speaks:) “Great An, your commands are great indeed: who can revoke them?

        Father Enlil, no one knows how to dissipate the great destinies that you determine.

        Both of you, bestow permanently the role of shepherd of living beings, of the numerous people,

        6ac - Ur-Ningirsu, Adad's son  (Ur-Ninurta, Adad‘s mixed-breed son appointed to kingship by the gods, acting as the gods go-between)

        upon (King) Ur-Ninurta, the youth who knows how to carry out your orders.

        He has brought with him from the holy womb a knowledge of how to build homes and cities, and how to strengthen the Land.

        He knows how to direct all countries: let him give great commands.

        May his shepherd’s crook make the rebel lands bow low; may he let them have stable governance.

        From the south to the uplands may he clamp down upon the Land like a neck-stock.

        May his utterances …….

        May he search out food for them to eat as if for sheep, and may he get them …… water to drink.”

        27 2nd kirugu.

         (damaged semi-divine king stands before Utu the Sun God)

       28 “May Ur-Ninurta shine forth like Utu over the people for long years!”

        29 Jicgijal.

         3a - Anu in flight (Sky-God Anu, Nibiru‘s one-world-order king hovering in his winged sky-disc)

        30-39 The god who made human seed come forth (An) , the father of all that is, spoke favorably to the king, determining his destiny:

        “Chosen cedar, ornament of the courtyard of E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur)!

        Ur-Ninurta, may the Land refresh itself in your shade.

        May you be the good shepherd of all lands.

        2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna (Utu, patron god of Sippar, Commander of the Space Ports, Sun god)

        May they attend as if to Utu when you deliver a just verdict.

        As you take your seat upon the royal dais with its firm foundations, may you hold your head high, Ur-Ninurta.

        May the good crown be your glory.

        Inspiring fear and trembling, o lion of kingship, may you wear the royal robe!”

        40 3rd kirugu.

        (E-ana, Anu’s & Inanna’s residence towering over their city Uruk)

        41-42 “May you establish the divine powers of E-ana (Anu’s temple in Uruk)!

        Ur-Ninurta , I am your great wall permanently and forever!”

        43 Jicgijal.

        44-55 “You howl like a storm upon your enemies.

        May your splendor cover like a heavy raincloud the lands that are disobedient to you.

        Let the great sovereigns and powerful ones (?) tremble …… like solitary reeds.

        1 line fragmentary

        You arise like the south wind, and when you have plotted against the rebel lands,

        when you have taken their people prisoners, then, o Ur-Ninurta,

        1a - Isin, Iraq (areal view of heavily looted Isin, Bau‘s patron city)

        place the yoke on their necks in Isin, your city of great divine powers.”

          (An / Anu, king of Nibiru‘s entire planet, & Earth Colony, father to sons colonizing Earth)

        Great An, father of the gods, has determined this as a destiny forever unchangeable for Ur-Ninurta, his attentive shepherd.

        56 4th kirugu.

        57-66 The lord who has the decisions of heaven and earth in his hands, the Great Mountain Enlil,

        has made the king’s fame extend as far as the boundaries of heaven:

        “Ur-Ninurta! In authority and youthfulness may your neck be as fat as a wild bull’s.

        2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld (Erra / Nergal, some texts Enlil‘s son, some texts Enki‘s son, god of the Under World, spouse to Ereshkigal)

        Like the warrior Erra (Nergal), ……, may my avenging son lord Ninurta, a furious storm against the enemy,

        be your helper on the battlefield, and may you put your trust in him.

        …… the enemy land, and may he spread out in heaps for me …….

        The holy purification rites of E-kur …. (Enlil‘s temple residence).., serving daily.

        May your offerings on the august table in my great dining hall be everlasting.

        May you lift your head and raise your neck to the heavens.

        Life is yours, irrevocably.”

        67 5th kirugu.

       1d - gods in procession 1ee - Relief at Maltaya

        68-76 The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods, said “Let it be so!”

        to the destiny determined by great An and by Nunamnir (Enlil), the lord of all living beings.

        In order to strengthen the black-headed in their dwelling-places,

        to keep the foreign lands on the track, to put …… the people in unison, and to make them bow down at his feet,

        Inana (Inanna), the great daughter of Suen (Nannar / Sin) and Ur-Ninurta’s beloved spouse,

        (Inanna brings by the hand her beloved spouse before father Nannar)

       gathered together …… all the divine powers (alien technologies) and placed them in his hand.

       1e-ancient-lands-of-the-gods 1ae-enlil-babylonian (Enlil, Earth Colony Commander)

        Together the two of them went forth joyfully from Enlil‘s presence to take their seats in the palace,

        the dwelling-place of sweet honey.

        …… her king …… does not cease, as she speaks truly to him:

        77 6th kirugu.

        78-87 “Youth with beautiful and well-formed limbs, …… radiantly and proudly lifting his head,

        full of charm and beauty, fitted for lordship, worthy of the holy dais, Ur-Ninurta:

        I have decided to give you your precious divine powers (alien technologies).

        I called to you when you lifted your faithful gaze: you are the one whom I called by name.

        Great An has made you forever pre-eminent, as far as the outer limit of the mountains.

        To prolong your days, o youth, in E-kur Enlil has commanded my …… holy life-giving embrace.

        You shall not cease to sit on …… the dais which I care for.

        May the foreign lands rejoice at you, my Ur-Ninurta,

        3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar, Moon Crescent God, patron god of Ur, home of Biblical Abraham)

        as at Nanna (Nannar / Sin, Moon symbol) when, admired by the Land, he appears in the holy heavens.”

          88 7th kirugu.

        89 “My Ur-Ninurta, Enlil has called you truly to be the shepherd of the Land.”

        90 Jicgijal.

        91-93 “…… my holy ……, at my good decision which cannot be changed, …… may impressive strength be with (?) you.”

        1 line fragmentary

        94 1 line fragmentary

        95 A …… of Inana.

A Hymn to Ishkur for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta F ): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

        1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub (Adad / Ishkur / Thor, etc., father to mixed-breed son Ur-Ninurta, appointed to kingship, Adad named as the Thunder God, due to his use of high-tech alien weaponry & the thunderous crashing noise it makes)

        SEGMENT A

          1-2 Hero of abundance, joyously (?) rumbling, father Ickur (Ishkur / Adad), great storm, you …….

          3 barsud

        4-9 Inundation, mighty tempest, raging wind, whose noise ……, …… in heaven and earth ……,

        OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2c-adad-fork-hammer2e-adad-war-god-upon-taurus-the-bull

            (Adad, the Thunder God, atop his zodiac symbol of Taurus the Bull, with alien weaponry in hand)

        Ickur …… wind ……, flashing lightning, ……

        1 line fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

          1-10 1 line fragmentary

        A second time he …… a mighty tempest and a raging wind.

         (“destructive wind of heaven” from planet Nibiru)

        A third time …… a destructive wind of heaven.

        A fourth time he addressed (?) the dense clouds in the heavens.

        Fine barley stood in the fertile fields, and the corn (known only to grow in the Americas) joyously …….

         (“grain stores in the fields” of Mesopotamia)

        Ickur organized everything; he …… the harvest and the superior barley.

        He heaped up grain piles and grain stores in the fields for Ur-Ninurta (his semi-divine mixed-breed son-king).

           2h-ur-nammu-king-of-ur-2111-2194-b-c  (mixed-breed kings responsible for the production of goods, & work for the alien gods)    

        On a favorable day he sowed the seeds, he …… the wheat.

        For Ur-Ninurta the son of An (Adad is Anu’s grandson) he sowed the seeds, ……. Ickur, Inana (Inanna) and …… life for him.

        11 sa-jara

        4-ninlil-enlils-spouse  (images of Enlil’s spouse Ninlil, mother to Ishkur)

        12 Ickur …… Ur-Ninurta, the favorite (?) of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse, Adad’s mother).

        13 Its jicgijal.

        14-16 Holy lord of heaven and earth, who gives life to the holy people (?),

        2h-adad-atop-a-bull-taurus 1i-king-ur-ningirsu-gudeas-son  (Adad & his son-king Ur-Ninurta, perfect go-between for gods & earthlings)

        Father Ickur, (father to giant mixed-breed semi-divine King Ur-Ninurta)

        holy lord of heaven and earth, who gives life to the holy people (?)!

        May plenty be provided for Ur-Ninurta, …….

        17 Its uru.

An adab of Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        1-4 Goddess who excels the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, who has gathered together all the divine powers (alien technologies)!

        Your gaze is lordly as it surveys all the foreign lands in heaven and earth.

        1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons 3d-Inanna-Ishtar-upon-lion1 1c-war-dressed-ishtar-atop-lion-leo

                (Inanna, Goddess of War, atop her zodiac sign of Leo the Lion, & 8-pointed star of Venus)

        Inana (Inanna), lioness shining in the heavens, your divine powers (alien technologies) are most complex,

        your cultic ordinances are unalterable, and your divine plans are influential.

          5 barsud.

        6-12 Your ideas are as profound as the abzu, no one is known to have perceived them.

        Your actions are very great, and there is no god to rival you.

        You fetched your divine powers on a favorable day, and none of them escaped you.

        You have secured the kingship, and nothing escapes from your hand.

        3a - Anu & Inanna
              (Anu                                                         Inanna)

        You have equal rank with An (Anu) the king, and you decide destinies with him.

        Your utterances are as well-established as those of Enlil.

        Grandiloquent Inana, you have no rival in heaven or on earth.

        13-21 You cheer on the king whom the gods love: (King) Ur-Ninurta, the youth whom you chose, in your honor an en priest.

        6ac - Ur-Ningirsu, Adad's son 

           (Ur-Ningirsu / Ur-Ninurta, Adad‘s giant semi-divine mixed-breed son appointed to kingship, the perfect go-between from gods to earthlings)

         (Ninhursag / Nintud, giant goddess of Medical Science, alien DNA scientist)

        Nintud has created attractiveness for him, and has made him step forward to you for your admiration.

        She has confirmed his lot as favorable, and has made him …… before you.

        She has elevated as a prince the …… who is fitted for the emblem.

        Your holy heart has driven you towards him as if to a pleasant sweet scent.

        1c - Astarte, Hittite goddess of love (Inanna, giant alien Goddess of Love & War, espoused dozens of mixed-breed kings)

        May he …… with you on your flowery bed which is full of delight.

        May the attentive youth, the prince who is all for you, stand at the service of your eternal divine powers.

         (semi-divine high-priest & king Ur-Ninurta / Ur-Ningirsu)

        May Ur-Ninurta (Adad‘s mixed-breed go-between son-king) make the numerous people follow the just path.

          22 sa-gida.

        23 Inana, may Ur-Ninurta never cease doing so, until far-off days.

        24I ts jisgijal.

        25-34 Inana, lady of heaven and of the broad earth, powerful ……, who radiates ……, who shines by night,

        who …… goes forth from ……, who is diffused wide over heaven and earth.

        (Inanna brings her semi-divine spouse-king before father Nannar)

        …… may you make eminent …… Ur-Ninurta, …… who is the awe …… and the joy of his mother.

        …… may he lift his head high, and be their great wild bull.

        Make …… bow low for him ……, so that he may clamp down upon them.

        Deliver them into the exalted hands of him created from good seed.

        Under his rule may the people rest in meadows with him as their herdsman.

        May Ur-Ninurta make the numerous people follow the just path.

          35 sa-jara.

        1a-inanna-8-pointed-star-symbolizing-venus1f-nude-inanna-in-bed (Goddess of Love Inanna & her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, the 8th star / planet seen when entering our solar system from deep space)

        36 Inana, may (spouse) Ur-Ninurta prolong the days of his life in your sweet holy embrace.

        37Its jisgijal.

        38-40 Lady of the great divine powers (alien technologies), perfect in valor!

        Inana, lady of the great divine powers, perfect in valor!

       2o-inanna-goddess-of-love-war  (Love & War Goddess Inanna with alien weaponry atop ziggurats, nude Inanna & her semi-divine mixed-breed king, also her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus)

        You have bestowed plenty and long-lasting life on Ur-Ninurta.

          41 Its uru.

        42 An adab of Inana.

An Adab of Ninurta for Ur-Ninurta Ur-Ninurta C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

          1-4 Hero, terror-inspiring dragon of exceptional fearsome terror, powerful Ninurta!

         (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son born of planet Nibiru‘s “double seed” law of succession to kingship)

        Rising hurricane, ……, mighty possessor of august strength, who lets no foreign land escape!

        Fitted for heroism from the womb, unrivaled!

          5 barsud.

        6-11 You who treat as hostile the cities as well as the unsettled areas, the rebel lands —

        5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir  5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird 

        (Ninurta rides his winged beast / weaponized storm bird;         Ninurta‘s sky-disc / storm bird)

        Ninurta, as you pass by, like a terrifying fierce lion (?) you make heaven and earth tremble from east to west.

        When in judgment, like a hero possessing great strength, you batter a rebel land,

        by day you thrust, by night you rear up, and you leave the rebel land lying prone.

        If you merely lift your gaze, you make the great hills tremble (?) together.

          12 cagbatuku.

         (Royal Prince Enlil, son to King Anu in heaven / planet Nibiru, served Anu as Earth Colony Commander)

        13-15 Mighty lord, with all the qualities of Nunamnir (Enlil)!

        Support of your father!

         3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur Communication - Sumer's Communication Towers (“Great Mountain” / E-kur / ziggurat residence of Enlil & equal spouse Ninlil, Anunnaki giant aliens Command Central on Earth Colony, Communications Center, & House of Great Decisions, for “Enlil‘s say is final”)

        Ninurta, you are the right arm of the Great Mountain (Enlil), on whom he has bestowed life.

        You understand how to establish and to fulfill the decisions pronounced by him.

        16 2nd barsud.

        17-23 Lord of all rulers, of the terrifying ……, you do not let the evil and wicked escape, …….

        The foreign land and the broad territories that you have looked upon with favor spread themselves before you in abundance.

        You have entrusted the various quarters of heaven and earth,

        6ab - Ur-Ningirsu  (Ur-Ninurta, giant offspring of the alien gods, Adad‘s mixed-breed son appointed as king)      

        with their settled peoples, to Ur-Ninurta, the youth who is all for you, the good shepherd who is attentive to you.

        You have made him to whom Enki has given wisdom understand how to …… them.

        May you be available to make the black-headed (all earthlings), numerous as sheep, follow your path.

          24 sa-gida.

        25 Cast down in heaps all those who are not obedient to the great hero Ur-Ninurta.

          26 jicgijal of the sa-gida.

          1ae - Enlil, Babylonian  2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments

       (Royal Prince Ninurta, born of the “double seed”;  his father Enlil;   & his mother Ninhursag, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, same as Hebrew custom)

        27-35 Lord Uta-ulu (Ninurta), son of Enlil, who has come forth from the hills, Ninurta!

        Your imposing greatness is declared in praise songs.

        Your authority and your powerful greatness cover the numerous people in all the lands

        from east to west with their tempestuous splendor.

        Your father who engendered you, the shepherd of the gods, lord Nunamnir (Enlil),

        5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Ninurta on his throne with his 50-headed mace, alien high-tech weaponry)

        has placed the great divine powers (alien technologies) of heaven and earth in your hands for safe keeping,

        has given you valor and pre-eminence, and let you have no rivals.

      4f - Nisaba, 2 unknowns, spouse Haia, & daughter Ninlil  

       (Grain Goddess Nisaba, 2 unidentified, her spouse Haia, & their daughter Ninlil, grain gods, Enlil‘s in-laws) 

        You are the heart’s delight of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse): she loves you dearly.

        Rejoicing in your actions, she has made you awe-inspiring.

        36-46 Who like you is a god rising in glory, whose name reaches as far as the limits of heaven?

        You have given …… to the just youth, who was called from among the widespread people,

       5 - Anu above, Enlil, & Enki

      (Apkulla / pilot, Enki,  King Anu in his sky-disc, Enlil, & winged eagle-headed Apkulla / pilot, a minor god with flight capabilities)

        engendered by the Great Mountain (Enlil) Ur-Ninurta, (semi-divine grandson to Enlil)

        …… joy, to whom you have spoken favorably.

        On the dais …… you have bestowed on him a lapis lazuli …….

        You have added years of joy to (Mesopotamian King) Ur-Ninurta’s reign.

        You have built his city amid plenty, a habitation where the people are settled.

        Top of a Mesopotamian stele, usurped by the Elamites. A god with orant (damaged). Sun- and moongod symbols above the figures. From Susa, Iran. Basalt, 63 x 40 cm Sb 105dd - Shamash & Hammurabi2ee - Utu, Shamash

        (Utu, giant alien symbolized by the Sun, & mixed-breed kings; Hammurabi & Utu;  damaged king & Utu, the Sun god)

        May the black-headed (all earthlings) direct their gaze at you as at the rising Utu.

        3h - Utu in the mountains of Sippar4d - Enlil, Ninurta, & Inanna
         (Utu rising over the mountains;  Earth Colony Commander Enlil, son & heir Ninurta, & granddaughter Inanna with alien weaponry)

        When you have given him the weapon that …… the hostile foreign lands, that makes the earth tremble, ……,

        you will completely devastate the populations that are disobedient to him.

        Uta-ulu (Ninurta), let Ur-Ninurta grasp (?) it in his hand (alien weaponry technologies).

          47 sa-jara.

        48 May you be …… a helper for the great hero Ur-Ninurta.

          49 Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

        50-53 Lord, your fixing of destinies cannot be upset, and your holy word is powerful.

       2ba - Ninurta with poppy in hand  (giant alien Royal Prince Ninurta, with poppy in hand?)

        Ninurta, lord, your fixing of destinies cannot be upset, and your holy word is powerful.

        Determine a good fate for Ur-Ninurta, with years of life forever unalterable as his destiny.

        54 Its uru.

        55 An adab of Ninurta.

A tigi of Enki for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta B): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

          1-12 Lord of complex divine powers (alien technologies), who establishes understanding,

       whose intentions are unfathomable, who knows everything!

       3i - Enki, god of waters (Enki with son & 2 earthling workers in the Abzu)

       Enki, of broad wisdom, august ruler of the Anuna (Anunnaki), wise one who casts spells, who provides words,

       who attends to decisions, who clarifies verdicts, who dispenses advice from dawn to dusk!

       Enki, lord of all true words, I will praise you.

        (alien Anunnaki King Anu, father to sons who came down to Earth)

       Your father, An (Anu) the king (of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony),

       the lord who caused human seed to come forth and who placed all mankind on the earth,

       has laid upon you the guarding of the divine powers of heaven and earth, and has elevated you to be their prince.

        (Sky-God Anu hovering in his winged sky-disc)

       An, king of the gods, has instructed you to keep open the holy mouths of Tigris and Euphrates,

       to fill them with splendor, to make the dense clouds release plentiful water and make them rain all over the fields,

      (Nisaba, Master Scribe holding a tablet, & Goddess of Grains)

       to make Acnan (Nisaba, Goddess of Grains) lift her head in the furrows, to make vegetation …… in the desert,

       and to make orchards and gardens ripe with syrup and vines grow as tall as forests.

        (Enlil, King Anu‘s 2nd son & heir, prince born of the “double seed”)

         13-20 Enlil, the lord who creates everything, has bestowed on you his august,

       proud and greatly awe-inspiring name: you are the junior Enlil.

       Throughout heaven and earth he alone is divine, and you are his (Enki‘s) younger (1/2) brother.

       He has placed in your hands the power like him to decide destinies of both the south and the uplands.

       A good decision that comes forth from your mouth is exceptionally powerful.

       Sa-bara (a name of Enlil as judge) , you concern yourself with the sustenance of the people who are widely settled

       as far as the borders of the mountains: you are their true father.

       Lord, all together they praise your greatness like the greatness of their protective deities.

         21 Sa-gida.

         22-23 Nudimmud (Enki), let your holy word and august command be a source of honor for Ur-Ninurta (Adad‘s mixed-breed son-king),

       and let him have no rivals.

         24 Jicgijal.

        2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki, Anu‘s eldest son, wisest of all alien gods on Earth, born of a concubine, not the “double seed”)

       25-34 August lord, you excel in heaven and earth, and you have made your name shine forth.

       Enki, you have gathered up all the divine powers that there are, and stored them in the abzu.

       You have made praiseworthy the divine powers (alien technologies), exceeding all other divine powers,

       of your holy dwelling which you have chosen in your heart — the abzu, the august shrine …… — as well as its divine plans.

       Its shadow covers all lands from east to west, and its terrifying splendor rests upon the holy heavens like dense thunderclouds.

       3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur)

       It fills with terror E-kur (Enlil‘s house), the holy dwelling of An and Enlil.

       Therein, equipped with the scepter, you fashion the numerous seeds (?) ……

       for the assigned divine powers of the great gods; to create mankind and to preserve them alive is in your power,

         2g - Enki & Abzu experiments4b - Ninhursag & Enki in the lab

        4g - Ninhursag in her Lab, holding the molded Adapa4i - Enki & baby Adapa, created by Ninhursag

               (Enki & sister Ninhursag use Anunnaki DNA to develop earthling workers, replacements for the gods) 

       father Enki, when you take your seat on the dais where you decide destinies.

         35 Sa-jara.

       36-47 May Ur-Ninurta, the king in whom Enlil trusts, open up your house of wisdom

      in which you have gathered knowledge in plenty, and then be the great ruler of the black-headed (earthlings).

       Make terrifying splendor befitting his godhead issue from him,

       the lion of kingship, in everything that he does, for as long as he lives.

       May you present him with weighty tribute from the upper and the lower seas, and let Ur-Ninurta bring it into the glorious E-kur.

       May Enlil look upon him joyously, and add to his period of rule blissful days and years of joy and life.

       3b - Enki image (Enki, born of King Anu & his concubine, not eligible to become king under Anunnaki law)

       Father Enki, inspiring terrible awe, surpassing description, may the Anuna (Anunnaki), your divine brothers, rejoice over you.

     "God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823 2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad (Enki / Ptah / Poseidon, powerful alien god known throughout time)

       Son of An, possessor of august honour, it is sweet to praise you!

          48 A tigi of Enki.