Author Archives: nibirudb

A Hymn to Shul-pa-ed (Shul-pa-ed A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Version A

1-9 Hero, who shines forth like moonlight over the upper city!

Hero Cul-pa-ed, who shines forth like moonlight over the upper city!

Eminent and famous Cul-pa-ed, who shines forth like moonlight over the upper city!

Lord of great divine powers (alien technologies), god who appears in glory,

Cul-pa-ed, of great divine powers, god who appears in glory,

lordly in battle, who makes vegetation grow tall in the Land!

8b - High Priest, Nannar, Ninurta, and Enlil7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta  (alien giants wield the 50-headed mace)

Lord who raises his great arms, battle-club that smashes all enemies!

 (Enlil with plow, King Anu‘s heir, born of the Anunnaki “double seed” law of succession)

Pre-eminent brother-in-law of father Enlil, good youth!

Enlil has named your august name.

10-18 Lordly with weapons in the thick of battle!

Owner of the rebel lands, lordly in the rebel lands, my king, you are an august god!

              (young Ninhursag with her Umbilical Chord Cutter symbol)

You are an august god, and your wife (Ninhursag) is an august queen.

2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etc  Hathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755 (Princess Ninhursag, Ninurta‘s mother, Anu‘s daughter)

You are beloved by Ninhursaja (Ninhursag).

You are a hero before whom the gods are very fearful.

Hero Cul-pa-ed, lordly in heaven and on earth, my ……,

may your name be truly called upon in all the foreign lands!

My king, may your greatness be truly called upon in all the foreign lands!

19-30 August ……, rising flood, storm which approaches mankind!

People bring their prayers to you like anxious birds.

Rising ……, imbued with awesomeness, no one …… you.

Of terrifying appearance, endowed with fearsome splendor, you are imbued with great awesomeness.

You are a hurricane that approaches mankind,

a great …… that sweeps men down, …… that …… mankind!

In the mountains you measure the fields like a ……. …… emitted from heaven,

without compare, ……, who brings daylight to the mountains,

……, battering ……, ……, who flashes like lightning (alien technologies).

31-40 Falling upon mankind like a …… bird of grief,

a namtar demon with no hands or feet, suited (?) to the night,

prowling at night like a namtar demon, ……, shaped like a ……

you, hero Cul-pa-ed, are the lord of orchards and gardens,

plantations and green reed-beds, of the quadrupeds of the wide high desert,

of the animals, the living creatures of the plains.

3a - Anu in flight   (King Anu in his sky-disc, god the father in Heaven / Nibiru)

An (Anu), king of the gods, has put them in your hands;

he has put them in your hands, and you are their lord.

Hero Cul-pa-ed, they cannot escape your clutches.

41-48 It is his food that anyone who has food eats;

it is his water that anyone who has water drinks.

And so people no longer call upon the name of their personal gods,

but …… in every mouth the name of him who is their only god.

The hand …… of his god …….

He does not …… the hand, he does not …… the mouth.

He takes away …….

……, he gives you your …….

49-61 You are the throne-bearer of An and Enlil,

the fierce constable of the gods, and the table-steward of Enlil.

You do not …… these people what you have placed.

He brings (?) to you ……. …… that he has handed you.

……, after you have …… from above; the heavy …… cover …… like a garment.

……, after …… has said ……, ……, he addresses a prayer to you.

After he has declared his …… of lament to you,

he calls (?) to you like a …… of a boat in an inundation, and raises …… to you.

62-85 You make him shine like gold, and polish him like bronze,

then you restore him to the benign hands of his god.

…… shining, and lifts his head proudly.

…… appears gloriously in the Land.

5 lines fragmentary

……, you release …… for your beloved.

……, you place …… for your little ones.

……, you release …… for your little ones.

……, you release …… for your great ones.

2 lines fragmentary

…… on the fifteenth day.

4 lines fragmentary

You are the merciful king of the foreign lands ……, looking mercifully …….

1 line fragmentary

Version B (fragment of a divergent version)

unknown no. of lines missing

1-8 6 lines fragmentary

……. like Cul-pa-ed.

My king …… may he call your name.

A Balbale to Ninurta (Ninurta F): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-21 Good semen, good seed, King chosen by Enlil!

 (Ninurta, thousands of artifacts unearthed in Mesopotamia, many now destroyed by Radical Islam)

Very good semen, very good (double) seed, Ninurta (son), chosen by Enlil!

My king, I shall call upon your name. Ninurta, I am your man, your man;

I shall call upon your name.

My king, ewes give birth to lambs, ewes give birth to lambs,

the sheep of the fold are born; I shall call upon your name.

My king, goats give birth to kids, goats give birth to kids, buck goats are born;

I shall call upon your name.

housing - Housing - tents of early modern man  (cow pens of ancient Sumer)

My king, cows give birth to calves, cows give birth to calves,

cows and breed-bulls are born; I shall call upon your name.

My king, she-asses give birth to foals, she-asses give birth to foals,

donkeys …… are born; I shall call upon your name.

My king, humans give birth to children, humans give birth to children.

Ninurta, king …….

      (our Solar System depicted on 5,000 year old tablet) (Enlil tells Ninurta to give mankind the plow work)

22-31 Through the King, flax is born; through the King, barley is born.

Through him, carp floods are made plentiful in the river.

Through him, fine grains are made to grow in the fields.

Through him, carp are made plentiful in the lagoons.

Through him, dead and fresh reed are made to grow in the reed thickets.

Through him, fallow deer and wild sheep are made plentiful in the forests.

Through him, macgurum trees are made to grow in the high desert.

Through him, syrup and wine are made plentiful in the watered gardens.

Through him, life which is long is made to grow in the palace.

2ba - Ninurta with poppy in hand   (Ninurta, heir to Anu‘s planet Nibiru throne, after father Enlil)

32 A balbale of Ninurta.

Hymns to Ninurta (Ninurta C): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-41 1 line fragmentary

……. ……, lordly son of Enlil, ……. ……, hero who appears in glory,

who ……. …… in Enlil‘s house ……. …… no one …….

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (E-kur, Enlil‘s mud brick-built mountain / residence in Nippur, Earth Colony Command Central, House of Decisions, for “Enlil‘s word is final”)

…… of E-kur, the rebel lands ……. ……, lord ……. ……, captain, …….

3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest  (Nannar‘s house, son to Enlil & NInlil, patron city of Ur / Urim way below his mud-brick-built mountain / ziggurat with original “stairway to heaven“)

…… king of Urim (Ur), ……. ……, king of Adab …….

……, king of ……. …… E-kur …….

1 line fragmentary

4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil (Enlil & equal spouse Ninlil carved into ancient city wall)

…… of Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse) ……. …… to the …… of Enlil…….

…… heaven and earth, the mother who bore …….

 (Enlil, alien King Anu‘s son & heir, stationed on Earth Colony as the Commander, his say is final)

…… Enlil……. …… of the hero …….

1 line fragmentary

            (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & heir, spouse to his royal aunt Bau)

…… Zababa ……. …… hero …….

20 lines missing

42-48…… favorable before Ninurta, the great governor of Enlil,

and Ninnibru (Bau / Gula, his spouse), the beloved child of An (Anu).

4 lines missing

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Bau & her nephew-spouse Ninurta, both royal descendants of King Anu in heaven)

May …… the beloved spouse, Ninnibru (Ninurta‘s spouse), the great queen, be favorable towards you.

49-57 Ninurta, lord of the gods, glory of E-cumeca, speaks most generously in praise: “My father Enlil!”

  (Ninurta with royal scepter & alien technologies in hand, on his wrist, in the sky, etc., etc.)

Ninurta …… himself like a lion: “I am the hero belonging to Enlil,

I am he who controls the affairs of Nibru (Nippur).

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net  (Ninurta captures the Anzud bird, earthlings caught in alien battle-net)

……, and do not let the birds escape.

I am a man after the heart of my father Enlil,

and I am the hero beloved by my mother Ninlil (step-mother, Ninhursag is mother).

I was born in the mountains; I am strong in the mountains.”

58-63 Ninurta, before whose roaring the mountains tremble,

hurricane, south storm that flashes with lightning, you belong to Enlil!

3n - Nippur excavations (Enlil‘s patron city of Nippur, his E-kur residence in background)

May it therefore ……, may Ninurta‘s city, the shrine Nibru (Nippur) — therefore …….

He is indeed its beloved, is indeed its beloved; the lord is indeed the beloved of E-kur.

64-75 You desire everything in your heart, you wish for everything valuable in your heart.

Hero, Enlil‘s right arm, youth without rival!

Ninurta, Enlil‘s right arm, youth without rival,

7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil  5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (alien giants wielding high-tech weaponry)

         grandly heaping up …… with the fifty-headed (mace, high-tech alien weapon) ……,

letting no enemies escape from the mountains!

5a - Ninurta with missile weapon 5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird

      (Ninurta riding upon his winged beast / storm bird;    (Ninurta‘s sky-disc

Wild raging lion, overpowering the enemy, Ninurta, wild raging lion, overpowering the enemy —

who like a foul moving storm …… the rebel lands and territories!

Hero, first choice of his father, lord Ninurta, first choice of his father!

He is the hero, he is the hero, the hero who does not let the mountains escape!

He (?) is the hero!

He is Ninurta who does not let the mountains escape!

5h - Ninurta wins the Battle of the Great Pyramids 7c - Ninurta, Lord over the Pyramid wars (Ninurta, a warrior, & ruler)

76-86 He is great in his anger (?)!

He (?) alone is a hero!

No superior god raises himself against him (heir to planet Nibiru‘s throne)!

King who is great in heaven, great on earth, lordly in the east!

Ninurta who is great in heaven (Nibiru), great on earth, lordly in the east!

Mighty hero Ninurta!

Praise be to father Enlil!

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks  (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, King Anu‘s “double seed” heir Enlil‘s, older 1/2 brother)

Praise be to the …… of intelligence, the lord who decides destinies, to father Enki!

1d - gods in procession 1ee - Relief at Maltaya

…… Anuna (Anunnaki) gods ……, favorable before Ninurta, the great governor of Enlil,

Fragment of a stele with bust of the goddess Ba'u. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 16,2 cm AO 4572  (Royal Princess Bau; father An / Anu, King of the Anunnaki, father in heaven / planet Nibiru, to those who came down, royal descendant gods he stationed upon the Earth)

and Ninnibru, the beloved child (daughter) of An.

A Hymn to Ninurta: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

            (Ninurta; Enlil, son & father in discs traversing the skies of Earth)

1-2 Ninurta, son of Nunamnir (Enlil).

……, lord, …… youthfulness.

unknown no. of lines missing

A shir-namshub to Ninurta (Ninurta G): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-16 Hero, Enlil‘s gatherer of the numerous divine powers (alien technologies),

great hero, consummately your kingship is gloriously manifest!

 (the hero Royal Prince Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son & heir to planet Nibiru & Earth Colony)

Hero Ninurta, the combs of your neck-hair are loosened!

Hero Pabilsaj (Ninurta), the combs of your neck-hair are loosened!

Hero Ninjirsu (Ninurta), the combs of your neck-hair are loosened; your kingship is gloriously manifest!

Your kingship exists in the heavens, exists on the earth.

You sit with Enki upon the holy throne-dais.

17-37 The hero, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, batters at the rebel lands.

5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Enlil‘s warrior son Ninurta, riding his flying lion-headed beast, with high-tech alien weaponry)

The hero Ninurta, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,

the hero Pabilsaj, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities,

the hero Ninjirsu, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, batters at the rebel lands.

A king, a storm beating down from above: you are an unrivaled lord.

Hero, you are the towering wall of your city; may your august name be invoked!

2b - Lagash re-creation 2c - Lagash, largest city of its day

                                          (re-creations of NInurta‘s patron city-state of Lagash)

Hero Ninurta, you are the towering wall of your city.

Hero Pabilsaj, you are the towering wall of your city.

Hero Ninjirsu, you are the towering wall of your city; may your august name be invoked!

38-57 Since the day it was so decreed, your donkey-foals have …… gardens and mec trees.

Cakkan (unidentified?), the lord of donkeys, has positioned them at your feet.

Hero, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains; your grandeur covers all foreign lands.

Hero Ninurta, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains.

Hero Pabilsaj, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains.

Hero Ninjirsu, your awesomeness is spread over the mountains; your grandeur covers all foreign lands.

Since the day it was so decreed, your donkey-foals …… gardens and mec trees.

Cakkan, the lord of donkeys, has positioned them at your feet.

58-75 You have taken your place upon the throne-dais of Nibru, where you sit with father Enlil.

2e - Enlil's home in Nippur3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 

       (Enlil, his ziggurat home & patron city Nibru / Nippur, named after their planet Nibiru, Enlil‘s Earth Command Central)

You are the heroic son (& heir to Nibiru throne) of father Enlil.

He made you stand in service in E-kur (Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur).

You have taken your place upon the throne-dais of Lagac (Lagash, Ninurta‘s patron city).

Speak to holy mother Nance (Enki‘s daughter), so she will cast her protecting arms over you like Utu!

May she indicate your station for you!

May she who has no fear of your splendor embrace your limbs!

May my lady of the beneficent divine powers (alien technologies),

with the ornaments of cuba stone about her neck, ……

1 line missing

76-87 The hero is most precious; his word is august.

He is the sun of the Land; the discloser of great counsel in E-ama-lama.

Ninurta is most precious.

Pabilsaj is most precious.

Ninjirsu is most precious; his word is august.

He is the sun of the Land; the discloser of great counsel in E-ama-lama.

88-101 Hero, on the battlefield the cities of the foreign lands have dedicated (?) a house to you:

E-ama-lama, a house of sanctuary (?). Ninurta, a house of sanctuary (?), Pabilsaj, a house of sanctuary (?),

Ziggurat Nimrud Iraq (Ninurta‘s mud brick-built ziggurat residence)

Ninjirsu, on the battlefield the cities of the foreign lands have dedicated (?) a house to you:

E-ama-lama, a house of sanctuary (?).

It is a most distant forest whose edges are widespread (?).

Its extent is indeed with the king, E-ama-lama.

It is a forest, a most distant boat moored on the mountains.

102-110 If someone diminishes its borders,

that man cuts off the house of his father at its borders, E-ama-lama.

If someone, though a stranger to his father, diminishes its borders,

that man cuts off the house of his father at its borders, E-ama-lama.

111-999 Its jicgijal.

5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird (Ninurta‘s sky-disc, alien Anunnaki technologies)

112-133 The hero is a powerful force; may his storm leave no rain behind!

The hero Ninurta is a powerful force.

The hero Pabilsaj is a powerful force.

The hero Ninjirsu is a powerful force; may his storm leave no rain behind!

My king is the pillager of cities for his father.

O his valor! The hero Ninurta is the pillager of cities for his father.

7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta (unidentified god, mixed-breed earthling, Ninurta with high-tech weaponry, & his symbol – double-headed eagle, symbolizing the “double seed” law of succession, making him heir to Nibiru throne)

The hero Pabilsaj is the pillager of cities for his father.

The hero Ninjirsu is the pillager of cities for his father.

O his valor! My king, …… the mountains, you …….

Hero Ninurta, before you the land swells (?) as if …….

134-164 My king, you covered the edge of the sea with rays of light.

On that day from the gold (?) of Harali you are Ena-tum.

From the cornelian and lapis lazuli of the land of Meluha you are Ena-tum.

From the ducia stone of the land of Marhaci you are Enakam.

From the silver of fifteen cities you are Enakam.

From the copper and tin of Magan (Egypt) you are Enakam.

From the bronze of …… you are Enakam (?).

From the silver of Dilmun you are Ena-tum.

From the im-kalaga clay of the mouth of the hills you are Enakam.

From the gypsum of the shining hills you are Enakam.

10 lines missing or fragmentary

165-171 House of the rebel lands! Ah you! You! Ah me! Me!

House of the rebel lands, when will your clay return to its abzu?

House of the rebel lands, when will your reeds return to their reed-beds?

House of the rebel lands, when will your beams return to their forests?

172-183 The enemy …… on the wall, and pays homage.

My king, if only he knew your titanic, mighty awesomeness!

Cylinder seal and imprint, Neo-Babylonian, 612-539 BCE. A man or deity subduing a lion. Chalcedony, H: 3,6 cm AO 22353  2b - Anzu war, Ninurta's Palace in Nimrud (Ninurta, Enlil‘s mighty warrior son)

Hero Ninurta, if only he knew your mighty awesomeness!

If only he knew your devouring of men like a lion!

If only he knew your …… like a dragon!

If only he knew your …… kid and lamb like a lion!

184-999 Its kicu.

              (Ninurta artifacts & thousands of others now destroyed by Radical Islam)

            185-186 A cir-namcuba of Ninurta.

A tigi to Ninurta (Ninurta D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-6 I will fell trees, I will strike down forests.

2e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments (Ninhursag, Anu‘s most respected daughter, Chief Medical Scientist & mother of the gods)

Let my mother (Ninhursag) know it.


         (NInurta, father Enlil‘s & aunt Ninhursag‘s son & heir, born of the deciding “double seed” law of succession)

I, Ninurta, will fell trees, I will strike down forests.

Let my mother know it.

I will clear them away like an …… ax.

Let my mother know it.

I will strike down …… walls like a huge ax.

Let my mother now it.

I will make their troops tremble like …….

Let my mother know it.

5a - Ninurta with missile weapon 5a - Hittite rockets, god in sky chamber, shem

   (Ninurta rides his winged beast / storm bird                 rockets & sky-ships of the gods & landed shem in mountains with pilot)

I will devour them like storm and flood.

Let my mother know it.”

7-13 The warrior, …… in furious battle, smashes heads.

7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta  (Ningishzidda, mixed-breed earthling, & Ninurta with his 50-headed mace)

The Lord curses the disobedient, rebellious lands:

“I will …… battering ram, I will …… your venom.

I will destroy (?) your city gate ……, and reach your …….

I will …… shield on (?) your tower, and reduce it to a pile of dust.

I will …… your ……, like a city cursed by Enlil.

I will …… you into ruin mounds, like a city hated by Ninurta.”

14 Sa-gida.

15-32 O king, given strength by Enlil, conquer the foreign lands!

5c - Ningirsu of Lagash grasps enemy in a net  (Ninurta with his alien high-tech battle net, & captured earthlings, Anzu / bird in his grasp)

Lord Ninurta, given strength by Enlil, conquer the foreign lands!

Lord, first choice of An (Anu), given strength by Enlil, conquer the foreign lands!

Lord Ninurta ……

4 lines missing

6 lines fragmentary

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter (Bau, royal princess daughter to King Anu, & long bearded Ninurta, her royal prince nephew-spouse)

Young woman Nin-Nibru (Bau), lady …….

Lord Ninurta, my king ……. Ig-alim (Ninurta‘s son, my king …….

Cul-cagana (Ninurta‘s son, housemaster), my king …….

33 Sa-jara, to be played with the hands (?).

34 A tigi of Ninurta (?).

Royal Annals of King Tiglath-Pilesar I

Unknown web source

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal…)


              (royal annals;  mixed-breed giant King Tiglath-pilesar I)














        2 - Ninurta stela found in Library of Nineveh (thousands of ancient artifacts of gods & ancient giant kings discovered in Biblical Nineveh ruins)



        FOR THE SECOND TIME TO BABYLONIA (Marduk‘s domain) I WENT.

        SIPPAR (Utu‘s patron city-state), BABYLON, UPI,






            (Babylonian mixed-breed King Marduk-nadin-ahhe on stele artifact)

        THE CITY OF MARDUK-NADIN-AHHI (king named after Marduk),








        IN THE CITY SITULA WHICH IS NORTH OF THE CITY AKKAD (Adad‘s patron city-state)








MS in Middle Assyrian on clay, Assyria, 1115-1077 BC, 1 tablet, 19,7×14,5×3,3 cm, single column, 35+35 lines in Assyrian cuneiform script, with 60 ‘fire holes’.

Binding: Barking, Essex, 1995, quarter green morocco gilt folding case, by Aquarius.

Context: Another inscription of Tiglath-pileser is MS 2795.

Commentary: The present tablet represents a major new contribution to the history of the world in its detailed account of two hitherto unknown wars between 2 of the 3 greatest powers of the period, Assyria and Babylonia, texts 2 and 3. The campaigns in text 1 are known from other sources, while the city Pakute in text 4 is attested here for the first time.

A Tigi to Ninurta for Shulgi (Shulgi T): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

            4h - Ninurta holding a mace, Ninhursag, & fighting Inanna

             (Ninurta, his mother Ninhursag, & Inanna, with high-tech alien weaponry)

1-16 Lord, perfect warrior, beloved by ……. Ninurta, mec tree with a broad shining canopy, …….

Weapon striding into battle, …… foreign countries.

A dragon with a terrifying face, venomous snake who …… its venom against the rebel lands.

4g - Ninurta visits Enki in Eridu  (Ninurta climbs the Eridu ziggurat to visit uncle Enki at home)

…… overpowering ……, foremost lion ……. Ninurta, who …… with the great prince Enki.

My king, in your city, shrine Nibru (Nippur), ……. E-cumeca, where …… for you.

Lord, the kingship is perfect with you …….

3n - Nippur excavations (Nibru / Nippur excavations, Enlil‘s E-kur residence in background)

Adviser, the dragon of the Land, ……. Ninurta, the great wall of Nibru, …….

My king, whose divine powers (alien technologies) cannot be scattered, warrior …….

5a - Ninurta with missile weapon (Ninurta rides his winged lion-headed beast, his storm bird sky-disc)

Forceful lion, …….

King with the broad wisdom of heaven (Nibiru) and earth, …….

Exalted scepter rising above the Land,

7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil

             (mixed-breed high-priest upon Nannar‘s Ur temple, Nannar, Martu with earthling underfoot, & Ninurta)

……. Ninurta, who …… the enemy, …….

17 Sa-gida.

18-27 Warrior, fearsome lord, powerful, overpowering …….

5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird (Ninurta‘s storm bird sky-disc)

Ninurta, terrible storm, powerful fire, (loaded with alien high-tech weaponry)…….

Frightening storm, raging against the rebellious lands, …… lion.

Dragon spreading terror, lord without rival …….

King with broad wisdom, neck-stock of gods.

…… given strength …….

           (Shulgi, Goddess of Love Inanna, & her father Nannar, patron god of Ur)

3h - Shulgi honored as High-Priest of uncle Nannar (Nannar, his mixed-breed King Shulgi, & Shulgi‘s goddess mother Ninsun)

…… trustworthy ……, Culgi (Shulgi, high-priest, then king of Ur under Nannar) ……

1 line fragmentary

You have chosen …… among your own …… in your heart.

……, Ninurta, be praised.

28 Sa-jara.

3 - King Shulgi, Ninsun's son (Shulgi, Ninsun‘s mixed-breed son appointed to kingship in Ur, bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived longer than earthlings, Biblical “mighty men”, “heroes of old, men of renown”, the giant mixed-breed kings that 1st ruled over earthlings, on behalf of the gods who fashioned them into their “image & likeness”)

29 ……, bestow a long life and prosperous years on Culgi!

30 Its jicgijal.

31 A tigi (?) of Ninurta.

A Tigi (?) to Ninurta for Shu-Suen (Shu-Suen D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1-4 Ancient warrior, greatly respected and forceful, with the strength of a full-grown lion!

Ninurta, …… flood, great lion, fierce opponent in battle!

5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir  (Ninurta riding his winged lion-headed beast / storm bird / sky-disc armed with alien weaponry)

Mighty one, who …… the enemy peoples,

destroyer of cities, who turns the settlements into dust! (alien high-tech weaponry)

Ninurta, great wild bull, a battering ram who …… great walls!

5 Barsud.

6-14 A flood which frightens the rebel lands, without rival!

6f - Ninurta shoots down Anzu (Ninurta rides his flying beast, recovers “Tablets of Destiny” from Anzu, sky-disc on left)

Ninurta, deathly hush, …… bolt of lightning (?), ……

(the other ms. has instead: imbued with fearsomeness, ……, …… the enemy).

You have made the name of king Cu-Suen known among the widespread people.

When he directs big bulls and big sheep to the main courtyard of your E-cumeca,

the holy residence, the Igi-cu-galam in which the fates are determined,

may he greet (?) you from its holy royal offering place,

8a - Inanna Presents Spouse-King Shu-Sin to Nannar

        (Inanna, Goddess of Love espouses another mixed-breed king, her father Nannar is presented Shu-Suen)

may Cu-Suen (King Shu-Suen, another mixed-breed spouse to Inanna) greet (?) you from there.

…… Ninurta …… long life ……. …… long life …… for Cu-Suen.

15 Cagbatuku.

16-20 2 lines fragmentary

(Ninurta, (not Adad), upon his winged lion-headed beast / sky-disc on left)

Ninurta, firstborn son of Enlil, …… fearsomeness.

2 lines fragmentary

21 2nd barsud.

22-28 2 lines fragmentary

…… raging …… horizon ……. Ninurta, the strong one, the august provider,

born of Ninlil (born of Ninhursag, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister, his “double seed” heir)!

…… deathly hush …… Cu-Suen who is always at Enlil‘s service.

Ninurta, may you be his great wall, may you look on him favorably;

may you be Cu-Suen’s great wall, may you look on him favorably.

29 Sa-gida.

30 Ninurta, may you be the aid of my Cu-Suen’s weapons (alien technologies).

31 Its jicgijal.

32-43 …… who moves fast into the heart of the mountains!

5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird (Ninurta‘s sky-discstorm bird)

Ninurta, massive stormwind over the rebel lands, devastating the people!

Counselor, who controls perfectly the divine powers of the E-kur, support of his father!

Ninurta, …… who moves fast into the heart of the mountains!

Ninurta, massive stormwind over the rebel lands, devastating the people!

Counselor, who controls perfectly the divine powers (alien technologies)

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth (the E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat residence ruins in Nippur, alien Command Central)

of the E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur), support of his father!

My king, the great strength of Enlil, from whose grasp no foreign country can escape!

 (King Anu‘s son & heir Enlil, father to Ninurta, Enlil‘s heir, both born of the alien “double seed” law of succession)

For Cu-Suen ……, given great strength by father Enlil

you, Ninurta, will destroy myriads in the battle and the fray.

(Enlil, Earth Colony Commander)

Ninurta, the great strength of Enlil, from whose grasp no foreign country can escape!

For Cu-Suen ……, given great strength by father Enlil

7g - high-priest, Nannar, Ninurta, & Enlil

     (mixed-breed high-priest atop Nannar‘s temple residence in Ur, Nannar, Martu with earthling underfoot, & Ninurta)

you, Ninurta, will destroy myriads in the battle and the fray.

44-62 My king, you alone perform the ancient rites, a truly immense task.

Ninurta, yellow evening light that casts fear over the Land,

3bb - Marduk in battle riding reptilian symbol  (Marduk & son Nabu battle NInurta, Nergal, & Inanna)

like holy Urac (Marduk), a fearsome dragon brandishing a terrible torch!

Ninurta, you alone perform the ancient rites, a truly immense task.

Ninurta, yellow evening light that casts fear over the Land,

2c - Marduk relief, flowing waters of Babylon  (Marduk, patron god of Babylon, & then Egypt)

like holy Urac (Marduk), a fearsome dragon raising a terrible torch!

My king, grandiloquent great warrior, confident in his strength!

And may you, Cu-Suen, put your trust in him, in lord Ninurta.

May Cu-Suen, the king whom Enlil has appointed for you, be your constable.

5f - Ninurta slays demon DNA experiments (giant alien god Ninurta killing with his beast)

Ninurta, grandiloquent great warrior, confident in his strength!

And may you, Cu-Suen, put your trust in him, in lord Ninurta.

May Cu-Suen, the king whom Enlil has appointed for you, be your constable.

…… of nir stone, …… holy and fearsome ……, a truly immense task.

Like …… your august strength, he has written your name on it.

…… will be the guardian of his life forever.

Cu-Suen! Holy and fearsome, a truly immense task.

Like …… your august strength, he has written your name on it.

…… will be the guardian of his life forever.

1 line missing

63 Sa-jara.

A Shir-gida to Ninurta (Ninurta A): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


   (Ninurta reliefs, ancient artifacts of giant alien gods who colonized the Earth, now destroyed by Radical Islam)

          1-8 The warrior, the lordly son of Enlil, Ninurta, the fierce bull, fit to be a prince,

          the hero manifest in E-cu-me-ca, the glory of E-kur (Enlil‘s residence in Nippur),

the rigorous judge, king, …… of the gods, the butting bull, placing his foot on the rebel lands,

Ninurta, the lord of E-cu-me-ca, has taken his seat on the throne-dais of An (Anu).

2c - Nannar & his symbol2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.3aa - Nanna & his symbol

   (Nannar, Enlil‘s son, the Moon Crescent God of Ur, home of Biblical Abraham & his father the high-priest of Nannar, Terah)

9-17 Like the new moon he comes forth over the people.

Like Nanna (Nannar / Sin) he is ……in heaven and earth.

  (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & heir, Royal Scepter in hand, born of the “double seed”)

He holds in his hand a scepter of shining precious metal,

and the true crown of An (King Anu) is placed on his head.

Like Utu (Shamash, the Sun God) he comes forth over the cypresses;

like Nanna (Nannar, Utu‘s father & Moon Crescent God) he stands over the high mountains.

7c - Ninurta, Lord over the Pyramid wars (Ninurta, victor over Marduk in their pyramid wars)

The lord in the courtyard (1 ms. has instead: The lord, the king), ……,

the king who was born in the women’s chambers in the mountains,

second in rank …… (to father Enlil, both born of the alien “double seed” law of succession)

at least 6 lines missing


1-9 …… playing ……, …… roaring ……, in the remote …… lord Ninurta

…… all the divine powers (alien technologies) …… ornament of cuba stone,

3ma - Inanna & Enlil goddess (Inanna atop her ziggurat / residence, with her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, Enlil with his 7-planets symbol of Earth, & Nannar‘s Moon Crescent Symbol, his symbol is heavily used today in Islam)

Inana (Inanna, daughter to Nannar, Enlil‘s granddaughter,) ……, beautiful charms …….

       (planet Nibiru‘s King Anu;    Anu in his winged sky-disc, father in heaven to royal descendant gods on Earth Colony)

The lord of the great place of An, …….

…… in the abzu (marshes of Eridu) constantly, the lord, the foremost one of the house (ziggurat)

3j - unknown, Utu, Ninurta, & Enki

    (Utu & Ninurta climb uncle Enki‘s ziggurat to visit him on his throne in the Abzu marshes of Eridu, his patron city-state)

of the excellent divine powers (alien technologies) ……, greeting Enki in the abzu shrine.

10-22 August wisdom filling the Land like the abzu, …… of his pure house,

…… he tends carefully, …… he calls.

The house of cedar …… (1 ms. has instead: The lord ……).

He pours light over the fields.

The lord with the holy mouth (?) standing on the high mountains,

the light keeping guard over ……, present constantly every month in the great shrine,

5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir  5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Ninurta, warrior son of Enlil, with his high-tech alien weaponry)

(Ninurta, warrior son to King Anu‘s son & heir Enlil the Earth Colony Commander, & Enlil‘s 1/2 sister Ninhursag, Anu‘s daughter)

Uta-ulu (Ninurta), lord of the gods, great hero of An‘s, great lord (son & heir) of Enlil‘s,

3a - nippur ziggurat, Enlil's home on Earth2c - Nippur

   (Enlil‘s residence / ziggurat in Nippur, Command Central for the 900 giant alien Anunnaki stationed on Earth Colony & Mars)

Ninurta, august son of E-kur (Enlil‘s house in Nippur), lordly son of his own father, your praise is sweet!

23 A cir-gida to Ninurta.

The Myth of Anzu

Source: Dalley, Stephanie (1991) Myths from Mesopotamia:

Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


I sing the superb son of the king of populated lands,


     (Ninurta, Enlil‘s son & heir to planet Nibiru‘s throne)   (winged pilot Ninurta & his royal mother Ninhursag)

I praise superb Ninurta, beloved of Mani (Ninhursag, Ninurta‘s mother),

The powerful god, Enlil´s son,

Eku´s (Enlil) child, leader of the Anunnaki, focus of Eninnu (“House of 50” in Lagash),

Who waters cattle-pens, irrigated gardens, ponds (?), in country and town.

Flood-wave of battles, who darkens the sash, warrior.

The fiercest gallu-demons, though tireless, fear his attack.

Listen to the praise of the powerful onés strength,

Who subdued, who bound the Mountain of Stones in his fury,

5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son & heir)

Who conquered soaring Anzu with his weapon,

Who slew the bull-man inside the Sea.

Strong warrior who slays with his weapon,

Powerful one, who is quick to form a battle array,

Until now, no dais had been created for the Igigi;

The Igigi would assemble for their Enlilpower.

Rivers were formed – the Tigris, the Euphrates –

But springs had not yet sent their water to the land.

Seas [ ]

Clouds were still far away on the horizon [ ]

All the Igigi (Anunnaki space truckers of Nibiru > Mars > Earth & back) gathered

To Enlil, their father, warrior of the gods,

They his sons, brought a report,

‘Pay attention to reliable words!

On Hehe, a wooded mountain of [ ]

In the lap of (?) the Anunnaki [ ]

[ ] has given birth to Anu.

[His beak is a saw]

[ ]

Which [ ]

Eleven coats of mail (?) [ ]

The mountains [ ]

At his shout [ ]

The South Wind [ ]

The powerful [ ] wind [ ]

The mass [ ]

Whirlwinds [ ]

They met and [ ]

The four winds [ ]

Father of the gods, Duranki´s (“Bond Heaven and Earth”) god, looked at him,

But kept his thoughts to himself.

He studied Anzu closely [ ]

He considered with (?) [ ]

´Who gave birth to [ ]

Why is this [ ]

3c - Enki in the Abzu (Enki on his throne in Eridu)

Ea (Enki) answered his heart-searching,

The far-sighted one addressed his words to Enlil,

‘Surely water of the spate begot Anzu,

Holy water of the gods of Apzu.

Broad Earth conceived him,

And he was born from mountain rocks.

You have looked at Anzu himself [ ]

Let him serve you and never cease!

In the hall let him bar the way to the innermost chamber, forever1.

(gap of three lines)

[ ] the words spoken to him.

He (Enlil) took a cult center [ ]

And administered the orders of all the gods.

He made no extra fate, and Anzu administered it.

 (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)

Enlil appointed him to the entrance of the chamber which he had perfected

He would bathe in holy water in his presence

His eyes would gaze at the trappings of Enlilpower;

His lordly crown, his robe of divinity,

The Tablet of Destinies in his hands, Anzu gazed,

And fixed his purpose, to usurp the Enlil-power.

6 - Anzu, Igigi leader (Anzud bird; Anzu & Ninurta)

Anzu often gazed at Duranki´s god, father of the gods,

And fixed his purpose to usurp the Enlilpower.

‘ I shall take the gods´ Tablet of Destinies for myself,

And control the orders for all the gods,

And shall possess the throne and be master of the rites!

I shall direct every one of the Igigi (2-300 Anunnaki space truckers)!’

He plotted opposition in his heart

And at the chamber´s entrance from which he often gazed,

He waited for the start of the day.

While Enlil was bathing in the holy water,

Stripped and with his crown laid down on the throne,

He gained the Tablet of Destinies for himself,

Took away the Enlil-power.

Rites were abandoned,

3b - Anzu seal

Anzu flew off and went into

Radiance faded, silence reigned,

Father Enlil, their counselor, was dumbstruck,

For he had stripped the chamber of its radiance.

The gods of the land searched high and low for a solution.

Anu made his voice heard, and spoke, addressed the gods his sons:

‘Whichever god slays Anzu

Will make our name great in all populated lands!’

They called the canal-controller, Anu´s son,

The decision-maker spoke for him;

They called Adad, the canal controller, Anu´s son,

The decision-maker spoke to him,

2c - Adad, fork & hammer(Adad, Enlil‘s son, patron god of Akkad)

‘Powerful Adad, ferocious Adad, your attack cannot be deflected;

Your name shall be great in the great gods´ assembly,

You shall have no rival among the gods your brothers,

Then surely shall shrines be created!

Establish your cult centers all over the four quarters!

Your cult centers shall enter Ekur!

Show prowess to the gods, and your name shall be Powerful!

1c - Hadad - Assyrian weather god (Adad, brother to Ninurta & Nannar)

Adad answered the speech, addressed his words to Anu, his father:

‘Father, who could rush off to the inaccessible mountain?

Has taken away the Enlilpower: rites are abandoned!

Anzu flew off and went into hiding!

His utterance has replaced that of Duranki´s god!

He has only to command, and whoever he curses turns to clay!

At his utterance, the gods must now tremble!’

He turned away, saying he would not make the expedition.

2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld (Nergal, god of the Under World, spouse to Ereshkigal)

They called Gerra (Erra / Nergal), Anunitu´s (Inanna’s) son.

The decision-maker spoke to him,

4d - Nergal & sky-chariot 1600 B.C.   (Nergal in his sky-chariot, flying disc)

‘Powerful Gerra, ferocious Gerra, your attack cannot be deflected;

Burn Anzu with fire, your weapon!

Your name shall be great in the great gods´ assembly,

You shall have no rival among the gods your brothers,

Then surely shall shrines be created!

Establish your cult centers all over the four quarters!

Your cult centers shall enter Ekur!

Show prowess to the gods, and your name shall be Powerful!’

2f - Nergal   (Nergal, sometimes Enki‘s son, sometimes Enlil‘s son)

Gerra answered the speech, addressed his words to Anu, his father (grandfather),

‘Father, who could rush off to the inaccessible mountain?

Which of the gods your sons will be Anzu´s conqueror?

For he has gained the Tablets of Destinies for himself,

Has taken away the Enlil power: rites are abandoned!

His utterance has replaced that of Duranki´s god!

He has only to command, and whoever he curses turns to clay!

At his utterance, the gods must now tremble!’

He turned away, saying he would not make the expedition.

They called Shara, Ishtars (Inanna & King Shu-Sin’s) son,

He (Anu) proposed a solution, spoke to him,

‘Powerful Shara, ferocious Shara, your attack cannot be deflected!

Strike Anzu with [ ……..] your weapon!

Your name shall be great in the great gods´ assembly,

You shall have no rival among the gods your brothers,

Then surely shall shrines be created!

Establish your cult centers all over the four quarters!

Your cult centers shall enter Ekur!

Show prowess to the gods, and your name shall be Powerful!’

Shara answered the speech, addressed his words to Anu his father,

‘ Father, who could rush off to the inaccessible mountain?

Which of the gods your sons will be Anzu´s conqueror?

For he has gained the Tablets of Destinies for himself,

Has taken away the Enlil power: rites are abandoned!

His utterance has replaced that of Duranki´s god!

He has only to command, and whoever he curses turns to clay!

At his utterance, the gods must now tremble!’

He turned away, saying he would not make the expedition.

The gods fell silent and despaired of advice.

The Lord of Intelligence wise one who dwells in the Apsu

Formed an idea in the depths of his being

Ea (Enki) formed intelligence in his heart

He told Anu what he was thinking in his inmost being.

‘Let me give orders and search among the gods,

6g - Ninurta & Anzu story told & retold

     (Ninurta battles Anzu for the return of his father Enlil‘s “Tablets of Destinies”)

And pick from the Assembly Anzu´s conqueror.

I myself shall search among the gods

And pick from the Assembly Anzu´s conqueror.’

The Igigi (Anunnaki space truckers) listened to this speech of his

The Igigi were freed from anxiety and kissed his feet

The far-sighted one (Enki) made his voice heard and spoke,

Addressed his words to Anu and Dagan:

6gg - Ninhursag - Ninmah (Ninhursag, Ninurta‘s mother, Enlil‘s 1/2 sister)

‘Have them call for me Belet-ili (Ninhursag), sister of the gods,

Wise counselor of the gods her brothers,

Have them announce her supremacy in the assembly,

Have the gods honor her in their assembly;

I shall then tell her the idea which is my heart.’

They called for Belet-ili, sister of the gods, to him,

Wise counselor of the gods her brothers,

They announced her supremacy in the assembly,

The gods honored her in their assembly.

            "God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823 (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son)

Then Ea (Enki) told the idea in the depths of his inmost being.

‘Previously we used to call you Mami (Ninhursag)

But now your name shall be Mistress of all Gods.

Offer the powerful one, your superb beloved,

Broad of chest, who forms the battle array!

 (Ninurta, Ninhursag, & fighting Goddess of War Inanna)

Give Ninurta, your superb beloved (son to Ninhursag / Mami),

Broad of chest who forms the battle array,

Then shall his name be Lord in the great gods´ assembly.

Let him show prowess to the gods that his may be Powerful!

Let his name be made great in all populated lands

His cult centers….


(2 lines fragmentary)

2d - Ninhursag & attendee, Ninhursag's symbol (Ninhursag & helper with Umbilical Chord Cutter)

Mami listened to this speech of his

And Belet-ili the supreme uttered “Yes”

The gods of the land were glad at her utterance

The Igigi were freed from anxiety and kissed her feet.

She called her son into the gods´ assembly,

And instructed her favorite, saying to him,

            (Ninhursag, Enki as Dagan in a wet suit, Anu in his sky-disc, & Abgal in a “Fish’s Suit”)

‘In the presence of Anu and Dagan,

They announced the course of their rites in the assembly

I gave birth to all the Igigi,

I created every single one of the Anunnaki!

             (alien royal siblings Ninhursag, Enlil, & Bau)

And I created the gods´ assembly. I Mami,

Assigned the Enlil-power to my brother.

Anzu has disrupted the kingship that I designated!

He has obtained for himself the Tablet of Destinies [ ]

He has robbed Enlil; he rejected your father,

Stole the rites and turned them to his use


Make a path, fix the hour,


Make a path, fix the hour,

Let light dawn for the gods whom I created.

Muster your devastating battle force,

Make your evil winds flash as they march over him.

Capture soaring Anzu

And inundate the earth, which I created – wreck his dwelling.

Let terror thunder above him,

Let fear of your battle force shake in him.

5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird (Ninurta‘s winged sky-disc)

Make the devastating whirlwind rise up against him

 (Ninurta the warrior with high-tech alien weaponry)

         Set your arrow in the bow, coat it with poison,

Your form must keep chaning, like a gallu-demon,

6e - Ninurta shoots down, defeats Anzu, Gula seated   (Ninurta, Anzu, & Bau)

Send out a fog, so that he cannot recognize your features!

May your rays proceed above him,

Make a high, attacking leap; have glare

More powerful than Shamash (Utu) generates,

May broad daylight turn to darkness for him

6ii - Ninurta executes the convicted Anzu-Zu Bird (Anzu seized by the throat)

Seize him by the throat: conquer Anzu,

And let the winds bring his feathers as good news

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur  (Enlil‘s temple / residence in Nippur)

To Ekur, to your father Enlil´s house,

Rush and inundate the mountain pastures

And slit the throat of wicked Anzu.

Then shall kingship enter Ekur again,

Then shall rites return for the father who begot you!

Then surely shall shrines be created!

Establish your cult centers all over the four quarters!

Your cult centers shall enter Ekur!

Show prowess to the gods, and your name shall be Powerful!’

The warrior listened to his mother´s words,

He hunched in trepidation and went into hiding,

The Lord marshaled the Seven of Battle

The warrior marshaled the seven evil winds,

Who dance in the dust, the seven whirlwinds,

He mustered a battle array, made war with a terrifying formation,

Even the gales were silent at his side, poised for conflict.

On the mountainside, Anzu and Ninurta met.

6c - Ninurta wins battle, defeats Anzu 

       (Anunnaki gods Anzu & Ninurta battle for stolen tablets)

Anzu looked at him and shook with rage at him,

Bared his teeth like a lion in sudden rage,

In utter fury shouted to the warrior:

‘I have taken away every single rite,

And I am in charge of all the gods´ orders!

Who are you, to come to do battle against me?

Give your reasons!’

Insolently his speech rushed out at him,

The warrior Ninurta answered Anzu:

‘I am the avenger of Duranki´s god,

Who established Duranki, the ….. of the broad Earth of…..Ea king of destinies’.

Anzu listened to his speech, then hurled his about furiously amid the mountains,

Darkness fell over the mountain, their faces were overcast,

          (Utu / Shamash, Sun god)

Shamash, the light of the gods, was overcast by darkness,

Adad roared like a lion, his din joined that of Anzu,

A clash between battle arrays war imminent, the flood-weapon massed,

The armor-plated breast was bathed in blood,

Clouds of death rained down, an arrow flashed lightning,

Wizzed, the battle force roared between them

The powerful, superb one,

Mami´s (Ninhhursag‘s) son, trusted of Anu and Dagan,

Beloved of the far-sighted one,

Aimed the shaft at him from the bow’s curve

But it did not go near Anzu: the shaft turned back.

6f - Ninurta shoots down Anzu (artifacts of their battle)


        Anzu shuted at it,

“You, shaft that came, return to your reed thicket!

Bow frame, back to your copse!

Bow string, back to the ram´s gut!

Feathers, return to the birds!”

He was holding the gods´ Tablet of Destinies in his hand,

And they influenced the string of the bow, the arrows did not come near his body.

Deadly silence came over the battle and conflict ceased.

Weapons stopped and did not capture Anzu amid the mountains

He (Ninurta) shouted out and instructed Sharur (unidentified?):

‘Repeat to the far-sighted Ea the actions you have seen!

             (Ninurta encircles Anzu; Anu in his sky-disc above)

The Lord´s message is: Ninurta was encircling Anzu

And Ninurta was wrapped in devastation´s dust,

But when he set the shaft to the bow, drew it taut

And aimed the shaft at him from the bows curve,

It did not go near Anzu: the shaft turned back

As Anzu shouted at it: “You, shaft that came, return to your reed thicket!

Bow frame, back to your copse!

Bow string, back to the ram´s gut!

Feathers, return to the birds!”

He was holding the gods´ Tablet of Destinies in his hand,

And they influenced the string of the bow, the arrows did not come near his body.

Deadly silence came over the battle and conflict ceased.

Weapons stopped and did not capture Anzu amid the mountains.’

Sharur bowed, took the message,

Carried the battle dispatch to far-sighted Ea.

‘The Lord´s message is: Ninurta was encircling Anzu

And Ninurta was wrapped in devastation´s dust,

But when he set the shaft to the bow, drew it taut

And aimed the shaft at him from the bows curve,

It did not go near Anzu: the shaft turned back

6d - bang, bang, Ninurta shot down Anzu  (areal battle, Ninurta shoots at Anzu‘s pinions)

As Anzu shouted at it:

“You, shaft that came, return to your reed thicket!

Bow frame, back to your copse!

Bow string, back to the ram´s gut!

Feathers, return to the birds!”

He was holding the gods´ Tablet of Destinies in his hand,

And they influenced the string of the bow, the arrows did not come near his body

Deadly silence came over the battle and conflict ceased.

Weapons stopped and did not capture Anzu amid the mountains.’

The far-sighted one listened to his son´s words,

Called out and instructed Sharur:

‘Repeat to your lord what I say, and everything I tell you, repeat to him:

“Don´t let the battle slacken, press home your victory!

Tire him out so that he sheds his pinions in the clash of tempests!

Take a throw-stick to follow your arrows

And cut off his pinions, detach both right and left.

When he sees his wings and emits (?) his utterance,

Shouts “Wing to wing”, don´t panic:

Draw taut from the curve of your bow

Seize him by the throat, conquer Anzu,

And let the winds bring his feathers as good news

To Ekur, to your father Enlil´s house.

Rush and inundate the mountain pastures

             (Enlil has Anzu killed, & retrieves the “Tablets of Destinies”)

And slit the throat of wicked Anzu.

Then shall kingship enter Ekur again,

Then shall rites return for the father who begot you!

Then surely shall shrines be created!

Establish your cult centers all over the four quarters!

Your cult centers shall enter Ekur!

Show prowess to the gods, and your name shall be Powerful!’

Sharur bowed, took the message,

Carried the battle dispatch to his lord,

Everything Ea told him, he repeated to him.

‘Don´t let the battle slacken, press home your victory!

Tire him out so that he sheds his pinions in the clash of tempests!

Take a throw-stick to follow your arrows

And cut off his pinions, detach both right and left.

When he sees his wings and emits his utterance,

Shouts ‘Wing to wing’, don´t panic;

Draw taut from the curve of your bow, let shafts fly like lightning,

Let the wing feathers dance like butterflies.

Seize him by the throat, conquer Anzu

And let the winds bring his feathers as good news

To Kur, to your father´s Enlil house.

Rush and inundate the mountain pastures

And slit the throat of wicked Anzu.

Then shall kingship enter Ekur again,

Then shall rites return for the father who begot you!

Then surely shall shrines be created!

Establish your cult centers all over the four quarters!

Your cult centers shall enter Ekur!

Show prowess to the gods, and your name shall be Powerful!’

The Lord listened to the words of far-sighted Ea.

He hunched (2) in trepidation, and went into hiding.

The Lord marshaled the Seven of Battle, (alien technologies)

The warrior marshaled the seven evil winds,

   (Ninurta with pilot wings, royal alien prince & heir to father Enlil & King Anu)

Who dance in the dust, the seven whirlwinds,

He mustered a battle array, made war with a terrifying formation,

Even the gales were silent at his side, poised for conflict.


(3 Lines fragmentary)


A heatwave blazed, confusion (?) [ ]

A tempest [ ] to the four winds,

Weapons slew (?) the protection of frost,

Both were bathed in the sweat of battle.

Anzu grew weary and in the clash of tempests shed his pinions.

6cc - famed Ninurta and Anzu battle (wall relief with the “Myth of Anzu text)

He (Ninurta) took a throw-stick to follow his arrows,

And cut off his pinions, detached both right and left.

        He (Anzu) saw his wings and emitted his utterance.

But as he shouted ‘Wing to wing’ a shaft came up at him

A dart passed through his very heart.

He (Ninurta) made an arrow pass through pinion and wing,

A dart passed through heart and lungs,

He slew the mountains, inundated their proud pastures,

Inundated the broad earth in his fury,

Inundated the midst of the mountains, slew wicked Anzu,

08-02-15/11  (Ninurta, the eldest warrior son to Enlil)

And warrior Ninurta regained the Tablets of Destinies for his own hand.

As a sign of good news,

The wind brought Anzu´s feathers

4a - Dagon british museum   (Dagan, Enki in his “Fish’s Suit” – wet suit, god over the waters)

Dagan saw his sign and rejoiced

Called all the gods and joyfully he spoke:

‘The strong one has indeed slain Anzu on his mountain

He regained for his own hand the …. of Anu and Dagan.

Come! Let hm come to us,

Let him rejoice, play, make merry.

…. the gods, his brothers and hear their secrets.

…. the secrets of the gods.

Let Enlil the …. of the gods his brothers bestow on him the rites’.

4g - Enki & Ninhursag
               (Dagan in his wet suit, Anu & sons in his sky-disc, & Ninhursag)

4b - Alalu greeting Enki & crew to Earth (Enki lands on Earth, swims to shore, & greets Alalu)

         (pilot Abgal    Enki / Dagan           planet Nibiru symbol                Alalu)

Enlil made his voice heard, and spoke to Dagan, ‘ [ ] water….

When [ ] he took.

When he slew wicked Anzu in the midst of the mountains,

Warrior Ninurta regained the gods´ Tablet of Destinies for his own hand.

Send for him and let him come to you.

Let him place the Tablet of Destinies in your lap!’

Enlil made his voice heard and spoke,

Addressed his words to Nusku, his vizier,

Nusku, go outside, bring Birdu (unidentified?) into my presence’.

Nusku went outside, brought Birdu into Enlil´s presence.

Enlil made his voice heard and spoke,

Addressed his words to Birdu,

Birdu, I shall send you, I shall….’

(gap of a few lines)

Ninurta made his voice heard and spoke.

Addressed his words to Birdu,

Birdu, why have you come here so aggressively?’

Birdu made his voice heard and spoke.

Addressed his words to Ninurta, his lord,

‘ My lord, Enlil, your father, sent me to you …. to say

The gods have heard

That you slew wicked Anzu amid the mountains.

They rejoiced, were glad and [ ]

Made me to come to your presence and [ ]

Go to him that he may [ ]

(11 lines fragmentary, about 34 lines missing, then 3 lines fragmentary)

Let him (Enlil) in his powerfulness faze upon wicked Anzu in Ekur,

Warrior, in your powerfulness, when you slew the mountain,

You captured Anzu, slew him in powerfulness,

Slew soaring Anzu in his powerfulness.

Because you were so brave and slew the mountain,

You made all foes kneel at the feet of Enlil your father,

Ninurta, because you were so brave and slew the mountain,

You have made all foes kneel at the feet of Enlil your father,

You have won complete dominion, every single rite,

Who was ever created like you?

The mountain´s rites are proclaimed,

The shrines of the gods of fates granted to you.

(Nisaba, Enlil‘s mother-in-law, Master Scribe of the gods & men, Goddess of Grains)

They call upon Nissaba (Nisaba, Ninlil‘s mother) for your purification ceremony;

They call your name in the furrow Ningirsu (Ninurta).

They designate for you the entire shepherding of peoples,

Give your great (?) name as Duku for kingship.

In Elam they give your name as Hurabtil,

They speak of you as Shushinak in Susa.

Your name is Anu´s.…. they give you as Lord of the Secret

[ ] among the gods your brothers [ ] your father.

[ ] who marshes in front.

They give [your name as Pabilsag (Ninurta)] in Egalmah (Ninurta‘s spouse Bau‘s residence in Nippur),

Call your name …… in Ur,

Give your name as Nin-Azu (Ereshkigal‘s son, sometimes Enlil‘s son) in Ekurmah,

[ ] Duranki was your birthplace.

[In ] they speak of you as Ishtaran,

[In ] Zababa.

[ ] they call his name (many names for Ninurta in many areas, for thousands of years).

Your bravery much greater than all the other gods, [ ] your divinity is surpassing;

Wholehearted (?) I praise you!

They give your name in …… as Lugalbanda (Ninurta‘s son-in-law).

In E-igi-kalama (?) they give you as Warrior Tishpak,

They call you (?) …. or …… in E-nimma-anku.

[ ] son of Belet-ili (Ninhursag), your mother,

2aa - Bau on stela 4 - Bau, Ninurta's spouse, Anu's duaghter(boundary stones of Bau, Ninurta with bow & arrow)

[ ] lord of the Boundary-Arrow,

[ ] Panigara,

[In E-akkil (?)] they call……

[ Your name ] Papsukkal (Nannar‘s son), who marshes in front.

[ ] surpassing are your names among the gods by far!

[ ] you are thoughtful, capable, awesome,

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru (Anu, King of entire planet of Nibiru, father to main gods sent to colonize the Earth)

Your counselor (?) the far-sighted one, your father Anu, [ ] battle and combat,

He granted you [ ]

Called you [ ] of their [ ]

(7 lines fragmentary, about 5 lines missing, 2 lines fragmentary. After a ruled line, 5 fragmentary lines and a few missing lines appear to give a concluding passage.)


[ ] land of Hanigalbat [ ] speedily excerpted

[ ] read (?), inspected (?), reviewed (?)