Author Archives: nibirudb

Nanna / Nannar Overview

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal…)

2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C.2bc - Nanna & his symbol

. Nannar = Sumerian

. Nanna = Akkadian, Sumerian short for Nannar bright oneaffectionately called Father Nanna” 

. Sin = Akkadian

. SU.EN = Akkadian “Multiplying Lord” due to his twins Inanna & Utu

. Acimbabbar = Sumer

. El = Canaanites (retired god married to Asherah), Biblical name for Yaweh during time of Abraham

. lofty deity–Ab Adam-father of man, the Kindly, the Merciful, creator of things created”

. Ares = Greek

          . Mars = Roman

. 1st son born to Enlil & Ninlil 

. older brother to Ishkur / Adad

. younger ½ brother to Enlil’s heir, Ninurta

. married to Ningal– “great lady”, daughter to Enki & Ningikuga

. Nannar’s ruling # is 30, Ningal’s # is 25

. Nannar is the Moon God, the Moon Crescent was his symbol until falling ill, then it was given to son Utu

          . Monday named after Moon Day, for Moon Crescent God Nannar

             . Nanna, your crescent moon is called “the crescent moon of the seventh day (?)”.

. Nannar was given sovereignty over the great city-state of Ur, (of Biblical hero Abraham fame)

          . Harran was built as a copy of Ur, & designated a city of Nannar, the Moon God

           . Ehulhul, the temple of Sin in Harran

 . Egishnugal (“House of the seed of the throne”) ziggurat temple residence of Nannar in Ur

           . E-kiš-nu-ĝal (“House sending light to the earth”) in Ur

          . E-ab-lua (“House with teeming cattle”), Nannar possessed over one million cattle in large pens in Urim / Ur

          . Kar-zida (“Pure quay”) in Gaeš, small shining city of Suen

          . E-dim-an-na (“Temple of the bond of heaven“), built by Nebuchadnezzar for Sin

          . E-hursang (“House which is a hill”), construction of Shulgi in Ur

          . E-mud-kura in Ur

          . E-temen-ni-guru, main ziggurat of Ur


According to Sitchin Books:

Part of the Sinai peninsula was called by the Old Testament the (“Wilderness of Sin”), Mount Sinai is named in Arabic, (Nakhl”) after the goddess Ningal, the spouse to Sin.

Jericho / Yeriho in the Semitic / Biblical word, means (“City of the Moon God”), Allah in Arabic, is adopted from El .



            . Utu / Shamash, Sun God

            . Papsukal



            . Inanna / Ishtar, Goddess of Love & War 

            . Ereshkigal, Queen of the Under World / Netherworld / Hades

(Shara’s House in) Umma – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

O E-bur-sigsig (House with beautiful bowls)

set up under heaven, mighty banqueting hall, fulfilling (?) the commands,

abundance of the midst of the sea in ……, at whose holy …… there is entreaty and joy.

The faithful man has enlarged E-ma (Magnificent house), the house of Šara

(Shara, Shu-Suen & Inanna’s son, more god than man), for you in plenty.

2 - Inanna (powerful goddess Inanna, Shara’s mother, Goddess of Love & War)

Your house E-ma — whose prince is the princely son of the Mistress

continues (?) in good fortune, an area of abundance and well-being.

The one who arranges the hair at the nape of the neck, with the gaze of a wild cow,

Šara (Shara, Roman god Cupid), who …… good things,

the son who allots the divine powers (alien technologies) to his mother,

has erected a house in your precinct,

O house Umma, and taken his seat upon your dais.

314. 11 lines: the house of Šara in Umma.

Letter from Gudea to His God Imploring Support: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)

            8gg - King Gudea of Lagash (Gudea, 2/3rds divine son-king of Ninsun‘s, Ninurta‘s grandson)

            1-2 Speak to my god: this is what Gudea, your servant, says:

            3-4 I am like a sheep who has no reliable shepherd; there is no reliable herdsman to lead me on.

            5-6 An unintelligent merchant transported me (?) for trading purposes.

         With a vicious whip he …… me cruelly like a donkey.

            7-9 I am noble (?) but do not utter a word, being vigilantly (?) …….

         Seven times …… has not …… my accomplishments.

         Seven times my god (?) has not been able to find out about their extent.

            10 My god, I am not one to be hostile.

         May you show sympathy towards me once again.

Inanna and Gudam:

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        SEGMENT A

       8ee - King Gudea, son to goddess Ninsun 8b - Gudea of Lagash  (Lagash King Gudea, mixed-breed son-king to Ninsun)

          1 Gudam…… the city.

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

       8e - Gudea, Governor of Lagash 3aa - mixed-breed king, Inanna & unknown god

               (Gudea;        Gudea, elevated Goddess of Love Inanna, Ninurta with his winged beast chariot / “storm bird“)

          1-7 Gudam…….Gudam…….Inanna…….Gudam…… within Unug (Uruk) …….

        He …… the storehouse …….

        Gudam…… the beer, …… the wine, …… the bronze vessels, …… the bronze vessels …….

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT C

        1-9 They filled the bronze vessels to the brim.

        He made the tilimda vessels shine like the holy barge, …… fine chickpea flour,

        bearded carp ……. ……, he …… fish like dates.

        Many followed Gudam on the streets of Unug (Uruk).

        They sat armed before him.

          3d - Inanna - Ishtar upon lion (armed Inanna atop her zodiac lion symbol of Leo, & her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus)

        Her = Inanna‘s singer …… came out to …… the forceful king, and looked at the troops.

        The singer met him with a song, …… string with his hand:

        10-15 “What you have eaten, what you have eaten —

        it was not bread that you have eaten, it was your flesh that you have eaten!

        What you have drunk, what you have drunk —

        it was not beer that you drank, it was your blood that you drank!

        Gudam, many followed you on the streets of Unug (Uruk); they sat armed before you.”

        16-19 “…… what the woman ordered me, when I have …….”

        Gudam slapped his thigh with his fist in annoyance; fear overcame him:

        8d - Gudea as high-priest of Lagash 5b - Ninurta with his 50-headed mace weapon (Gudea; his giant grandfather Ninurta, with his 50-headed mace)

        “He did not grasp the Car-ur, my heroic weapon (alien technologies from Ninurta).

        For me the temple (ziggurat residence) of Zabalam …….”

         2caa - Anu's house in Uruk (E-ana / ziggurat / residence of Anu & Inanna in Uruk)

        20-25 He lopped off the crossbeams of E-ana (Anu’s temple when on Earth) as if (?) they were branches.

        Gudam went out into the street.

        Gudam crushed many on the streets of Unug, and killed many with his mace.

        He hacked down the door of the city gate (the other ms. has instead: …… the gate, the gate of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad).


         2d - Adad with his weapon of brilliance 9d - giant god Teshub & unknown king (Ninurtagiant Anunnaki god Adad / Ishkur, & king)

        He went out from ……

        26-29 A junior fisherman, a fisherman of Inanna, turned

        (the other ms. has instead: ……) the double-ax against him and struck Gudam down.

        Gudam began to weep, and turned pale:

         1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons (Inanna, goddess who espoused many mixed-breed kings for thousands of years, hence – Goddess of Love)

          30-32  Inanna, spare my life! I will give you bulls of the mountains,

        I will make your cow-pen full! I will give (?) you sheep of the mountains, I will make your sheepfold full!”

        33-35 Holy Inanna replied to him: ” (the other ms. adds: …… bulls of the mountains for me.

        …… sheep of the mountains for me.

        …… weapon …….)

         (Zabalam, ancient city of Mesopotamia)

        The fields of Zabalam, where you dwelt: its villages …….

        Over a wide area, may …… calm for you, may …… desire (?).”

       1c - Inanna with Liberty Torch  (Inanna, Ninurta’s niece, Goddess of Love & War)

          36-37 Inana, I will speak of your heroism.

        It is pleasant to praise you!

Praise of Gudea

unknown web source

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


             8c - Gudea, son of Ninsun & Lugulbanda (Gudea, giant mixed-breed son to goddess Ninsun)

          I had debts remitted and “washed all hands.”

For seven days no grain was ground.

The slave-woman was allowed to be equal to her mistress,

the slave was allowed to walk side by side with his master.

In my city the one unclean to someone was permitted to sleep outside.

I had anything disharmonious turned right back to where it belongs.


I paid attention to the justice ordained by Nanse

(Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter, ½ sister to Ninurta) and Ningirsu (Ninurta);

I did not expose the orphan to the wealthy person

nor did I expose the widow to the influential one.

In a house having no male child I let the daughter become its heir.

Inscription on Statues A-H, Etc. of the Louvre (Gudea)

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. II, ed. by A. H. Sayce, [1888], at

Gudea cylinders in the Louve  (Gudea Inscriptions)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

8b - Gudea of Lagash 8q - Ninsun, Gudea, Inanna, & Ningishzidda

 (Gudea, King of Lagash, giant 2/3rds divine son to goddess Ninsun & spouse LugalbandaNinsun with son Gudea & Ningishzidda)

1. Gudea,

8d - Gudea as high-priest of Lagash  (Gudea, bald headed High-Priest & Governor of Ninurta’s Lagash)
2. the patesi
3. of Shirpurla

2b - Nimrud Tel, house of Ninurta's  (Ninurta‘s ancient ziggurat residence of mud bricks)
4. who the temple
E-ninnû (Ninurta‘s ziggurat temple residence in Lagash)
5. of the god
Nin-girsu (Ninurta)
6. has constructed.


2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etcHathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 27552e - Ninhursag & DNA experiments (Ninurta‘s mother Ninhursag)

1. For the goddess Nin-gharsag (Ninhursag),
2. the goddess who protects the city,
3. the mother of its inhabitants,
4. for his lady,
6. the patesi
7. of Shirpurla
8. her temple (residence) of the city
Girsu-ki (nearby capitol of Lagash city-state)
9. has constructed.


1. Her sacred altar (?)
2. he has made.

2c - young Ninhursag in lab  (Ninhursag, Chief Medical Science Officer, in her lab)
3. The holy throne of her divinity

4. he has made.
5. In her sanctuary he has placed them.

2a - Dilmun & Magan (Dilmun & Magan, virgin lands given by Enki)
6. From the mountains of the land of


1. a rare stone he has caused to be brought;
2. for her statue
3. he has caused it to be cut.
4. “O goddess who fixes the destinies of heaven and earth,

2aa - temple of Hathor - Ninhursag (Ninhursag / Nintu artifacts)
Nin-tu (Ninhursag)
6. mother of the gods,
7. of


1. the builder of the temple
2. prolong the life!”
3. by this name he has named it (i.e. the statue),
4. and in the temple he has placed it.

No. 2.—Inscription on Statue B of the Louvre 1

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


5f - Ninurta slays demon DNA experiments (Ninurta, warrior son to Enlil & NInhursag)

     1. In the temple of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

       2. his king,

       (statue of Gudea, semi-divine King of Lagash)

  1. 3. the statue of Gudea,
    4. the patesi
    5. of Shirpurla (Lagash),
    6. who the
    temple E-ninnû (“House of 50”, Ninurta’s # & residence in Lagash)
    7. has constructed:
    8. 1 qa of fermented liquor,
    9. 1 qa of food,
    10. half a qa of …,
    11. half a qa of …,
    12. such are the offerings which it institutes.
    13. As for the patesi
    14. who shall revoke them,

    15. who the orders of the god
    16. shall transgress,
    17. let the offerings instituted by him
    18. in the temple of the god

Ziggurat Nimrud Iraq (mud brick temple residence of the god Ningirsu / Ninurta)

19. be revoked!
20. Let the commands of his mouth be annulled!


5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir 7b - a god, primitive man, & Ninurta (Ninurta, Enlil‘s warrior son with alien technologies)

1. To the god Nin-girsu,
2. the powerful warrior
3. of the god
Ellilla (Enlil),

8h - Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, Enki missing  (Gudea lead by the hand of Ningishzidda & Dumuzi)
4. Gudea,
5. the architect (?),
6. the patesi
7. of Shirpurla,
8. the shepherd chosen by the unchangeable will
9. of the god
10. regarded with a favorable eye
11. by the goddess
Ninâ (Enki‘s daughter),
12. dowered with power
13. by the god
Nin-dara (Nanshe‘s husband),
14. covered with renown

 2j - Ninurta, unknowns, & Bau (Prince Ninurta & Princess spouse Bau)
15. by the goddess
16. the offspring

2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings  (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta, mother to mixed-breed son-king Gudea)
17. of the goddess Gutumdug (Ninsun),
18. dowered with sovereignty and the scepter supreme
19. by the god
Gal-alim (Ninurta‘s son Ig-alim),


1. proclaimed afar among living creatures
2. by the god
Dun-shaga (unidentified?),
3. whose primacy has been firmly founded

  (Ningishzidda, Master Builder of ziggurats, with Ninsun)
4. by the god
Nin-gish-zida (Enki & Ereshkigal‘s son)
5. his god.
6. After that the god
7. had turned towards his city a favorable gaze
8. (and)
9. had chosen as the faithful shepherd of the country
10. (and) among the divisions (?) of men
11. had established his power,

12. then he purified the city and cleansed it.

2bb - Ningishzidda placing the temple peg for Gudea 2b - Ningishzidda, the Fashioner  (Ningishzidda lays foundation pegs for ziggurats)
13. He has laid the foundations (of a temple)
14. and deposited the foundation-cylinder.
15. The adorers of the demons (?),


1. the evokers of spirits (?),
2. the necromancers (?),
3. the prophetesses of divine decrees (?),
4. he has banished from the city.
5. Whoever has not departed obediently,
6. has been expelled perforce by the warriors.
7. The temple of the god
8. in all respects
9. in a pure place he has constructed.
10. No tomb has been destroyed (?),
11. no sepulchral urn has been broken (?),
12. no son has ill-treated his mother.
13. The ministers,
14. the judges,
15. the doctors,
16. the chiefs,
17. during the execution of this work
18. have worn
garments of … (?).
19. During all the time (of its construction)


1. in the cemetery of the city no ditch has been excavated (?),
2. no corpse has been interred (?).
3. The Kalû
2 has performed his funeral music or uttered his lamentations;
4. the female mourner has not caused her lamentations to be heard.
5. On the territory
6. of

7. a man at variance (with his neighbor)
8. to the place of oath
9. leas taken no one;
10. a brigand
11. has entered the house of no one.
12. For the god
13. his king

Gudea cylinders in the Louve  (Gudea’s giant cylinders with his engravings)
(Gudea) has made the dedicatory inscriptions (?);
his temple E-ninnû which illuminates the darkness (?) (reflective finish outer layer),
16. he has constructed
17. and reinstated.
18. In the interior (of this temple) his favorite gigunû
19. of cedar-wood
20. he has constructed for him.
21. After that the temple of the god
22. he has had constructed,
23. the god
24. the king beloved by him,
25. from the Sea of the Highlands (
26. to the lower Sea
27. has forcefully opened (the ways) for him.
28. In Amanum,
3 the mountain of cedars (in Lebanon),
29. [joists] of cedar,
30. whose [length] was 70 spans,
31. [and joists] of cedar
32. whose [length was] 50 spans,
33. [and joists] of box (?)
34. whose length was 25 spans,
35. he has caused to be cut;

Island of Arvad (today Tyre), top right, on the Lebanese coast. Cedar wood transport for the building of a palace. Bas-relief from the Palace of King Sargon in Khorsbad, Mesopotamia (Iraq). Center panel, for continuation see 08-02-16/18,20 Gypseous alabaster.  (Lebanese cedars sent to Sumer for Enlil‘s & other giant alien gods residences)

36. from this mountain he has caused them to be brought.

37. The …
38. he has made
39. The …
40. he has made
41. The …
42. he has made
43. The …

Archaeological site of Nippur in Iraq  (Enlil‘s ziggurat ruins in his ancient city of Nippur)

44. he has made
45. As for the cedars
46. (some) to form great gates
47. he has employed;
48. with brilliant ornaments he has enriched them (?),
49. and in the temple
50. he has placed them.
51. (Others) in his sanctuary E-magh-ki-a-sig-dê-da
52. he has used as beams.
53. Near the city of
54. in the mountains of Ib-la1
55. joists of zabanum trees,
56. of great sha-ku
2 trees,
57. of tulubum trees, and of gin trees,
58. he has caused to be cut;


1. in the temple of E-ninnû
2. he has caused them to be used as beams.
3. From
4. in the mountains of
5. from
Susalla (?)3

1 - Martu - Amurru, spouse to Utu's daughter Adjar-kidug  (Martu, Anunnaki King Anu‘s & Princess Ninhursag‘s son)
6. in the mountains of
7. nagal stones
8. he has caused to be brought;
9. in slabs

10. he has caused them to be cut;
11. the Holy of Holies in the temple
12. he has constructed of them.
13. From

Cylinder seal and imprint, Paleo-Babylonian, from Tello Offering scene before a god brandishing a curved stick. Haematite, H: 2,8 cm MNB 1471  (Princess Ninhursag with her son & brother, Prince Martu)

14. in the mountains of Martu
15. shirgal-ghabbia stones
16. he has caused to be conveyed;
17. in the form of urpadda
18. he has caused them to be cut;
19. to (receive) the bars of the gates
20. in the temple he has arranged them.
2I. From the country of
22. in the mountains of
23. I caused copper to be taken,
24. To make the arm (?) from which one escapes not
25. he has employed it.
26. From the country of
27. kala trees5 he has imported;
28. he has caused to be made.
29. From Kilzanim
30. he has imported;
31. to make the arm (?) …
32. he has employed it.
33. Gold-dust
34. from the mountains of
35. he has imported;
36. for the fabrication of the arm (?) …
37. he has utilized it.

2e - Martu & king  (giant Anunnaki god Martu & mixed-breed king, possibly Gudea?, symbols of gods above)

39. from the mountains of Melughgha
40. he has imported
41. to make the
42. he has employed it.
43. Lid-ri (?)
44. he has imported.
45. From the country of
46. the land of the ghaluku trees,
47. ghaluku wood
48. he has imported;
49. to make pillars (?)
50. he has employed it.
51. From the country of
52. in the mountains of the river Gurruda
53. bitumen (?)
54. he has imported;
55. the platform of the temple
56. he has constructed.
57. Im-gha-um
58. he has imported.
59. From the mountains of
60. nalua stones
61. in large boats
62. he has caused to be brought;
63. the foundation of the temple
E-ninnû he has encircled with them.
64. By arms, the city of
Anshan in the country of Elam
65. he has conquered;
66. its spoils
67. to the god
68. in the temple E-ninnû
69. he has consecrated.
. Gudea,
71. the patesi
72. Of
73. after that the t
emple E-ninnû

  (Royal Prince Ninurta, Anunnaki King Anu‘s grandson, Prince Enlil‘s son & heir)

74. to the god Nin-girsu
75. he had constructed,
76. has built an edifice:
77. a pillared (?) temple


1. no patesi
2. for the god
3. had constructed;
4. he has constructed it for him.
5. He has written there his name;
6. he has made dedicatory inscriptions (?).
7. The orders of the mouth
8. of the god
9. he has faithfully executed.
10. From the mountains of the country of
11. a hard stone he has imported.

2 - Ninurta stela found in Library of Nineveh  (artifacts by the thousands unearthed in Ninurta temple ruins)
12. For his statue
13. he has caused it to be cut.
14. “O my king,
15. whose temple
16. I have built,
17. may life be my recompense!”
18. By this name he has named (the statue),
19. and in the temple

20. he has erected it.

8e - Gudea, Governor of Lagash8b - Gudea of Lagash (Gudea, governor, high-priest, & king under Ninurta)
22. unto the statue
23. has given command:
24. “To the statue of my king
25. speak!”
26. After that the temple
27. his favorite temple
28. I had constructed,
29. I have remitted penalties, I have given presents.
30. During seven days obeisance has not been exacted.
31. The female slave has been made the equal of her mistress;

32. the male slave
33. has been made the equal of his master;
34. in my city the chief of his subject
35. has been made the equal.
36. All that is evil from this temple
37. I have removed.
38. Over the commands
39. of the goddess
Ninâ (Enki‘s daughter)
40. and the god Nin-girsu
41. I have carefully watched.
42. A fault (?) the rich man has not committed;
43. all that he has desired (?) the strong man has not done.
44. The house where there was no son,
45. it is its daughter, who new offerings (?)
46. has consecrated;
47. for the statue of the god
48 before the mouth she has placed them.
49. Of this statue,
50. neither in silver nor in alabaster
51. nor in copper nor in tin
52. nor in bronze
53. let any one undertake the execution!
54. Let it be of hard stone!
55. Let a sacristy be established,
56. and of all that shall be brought there
57. let nothing be destroyed!
58. The statue which is before thee,
59. O god
60. the statue.

8ee - King Gudea, son to goddess Ninsun (Gudea, 2/3rds divine son to Ninsun, grandson to Ninurta)
61. of


1. the patesi
2. Of Shirpurla,
3. who the temple (residence) E-ninnû
4. of the god
5. has constructed,
6. whosoever from the temple E-ninnû
7. shall remove

8. (or) its inscription
9. shall efface;
10. whosoever shall break it;
I1. on the fortunate day of the commencement of the year,
12. whoever in the place of my god,
13. his god—

6l - King Shulgi of Ur, Anzu, & Ninurta 

  (giant mixed-breed king & Ninurta with his winged beast symbol / alien hi-tech storm bird)
14. and it is
15. who is my king—
16. in the country shall invoke;
17. (whoever) my judgments
18. shall transgress,
19. my gifts
20. shall revoke;
21. (whoever) in the recitation of my prayers
22. shall suppress my name
23. and insert his own;
24. (whoever) of the Holy of Holies of the god
Nin-girsu, my king,
25. shall abandon the service (?)
26. and shall not keep it (ever) before his eyes;—
27. from the most distant days,
28. of all men of noble race,
29. of the patesis
30. of Shirpurla
31. who the temple E-ninnû
32. of the god
33. my king
34. have constructed,
35. and who have made dedicatory inscriptions (?),
36. the words of their mouth
37. let no one change
38. nor transgress their judgments!
39. Of
40. the patesi
41. of Shirpurla,
42. whoever shall change his words
43. or transgress his judgments,

 3a - Anu in flight3b - Anu of planet Nibiru (Anunnaki King Anu, & his sky-disc;   Anu)
44. may the god
Anna (Anu),

 (Enlil, Anu‘s son & Heir, Earth Colony Commander, Ninurta‘s father)

         45. may the god Ellilla (Enlil),

          2aa - temple of Hathor - Ninhursag  (Ninhursag artifacts)
         46. may the goddess Nin-gharsag

          "God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823 2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks  (Prince Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, 1st to land on Earth with crew of 50)

         47. may the god En-ki, whose word is unchangeable,

          6c - Ninurta wins battle, defeats Anzu (Ninurta stops Anzu‘s coup against father Enlil)
         48. may the god En-zu (Anzu?), whose name none pronounces,
         49. may the god Nin-girsu
         50. the king of weapons (alien technologies),
51. may the goddess
Ninâ (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter)
         52. the mistress of interpretations,
53. may the god
Nin-dara (Nanshe‘s husband)
54. the royal warrior,
55. may the mother of Shirpurla
56. the august goddess
Gatumdug (Ninsun, Ninurta‘s daughter),

           Fragment of a stele with bust of the goddess Ba'u. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 16,2 cm AO 4572  (Princess Bau, King Anu‘s daughter, Ninurta‘s spouse)

        57. may the goddess Bau (Ningirsu‘s spouse)
58. the lady the elder daughter of Anna (Anu),

        1c - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo 3d-Inanna-Ishtar-upon-lion1  (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War)
        59. may the goddess Ninni (Inanna)
60. the lady of battles,

         2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna  (Utu, son to Nannar, twin to Inanna, symbolized as the Sun God)
may the god Babbar (Utu)
62. the king of abundance (?),
63. may the god
Pasag (unidentified?)
64. the master workman of men (aliens directing earthlings to the work),
65. may the god
Gal-alima (Ninurta‘s son Igalim),
         66. may the god Dun-shagana (unidentified?),
         67. may the goddess Nin-marki (Enki & Nina’s daughter)


1. the eldest daughter of the goddess Ninâ (Enki & Ninhuerag‘s daughter),
2. may the goddess Duzi-abzu (Geshtinanna, Enki & Ninsun‘s daughter)
3. the mistress of Kinunir-ki,

3 - Ningishzidda & his father Enki (Ningishzidda, DNA Master Scientist, & his father Enki)
4. may my god Nin-gishzida (Enki & Ereshkigal‘s’s son),
5. change his destiny!
6. Like an ox,
7. may he be slain in the midst of his prosperity!
8. Like a wild bull

7 - Inanna. Utu, & Earthling underfoot (giant aliens Inanna & twin Utu with earthling underfoot)
9. may he be felled in the plenitude of his strength!
10. As for his throne, may those even whom he has reduced to captivity
11. overthrow it in the dust!
12. To efface its traces (?),

13. even of its memory (?),

14. may they apply their care!
15. His name, in the temple of his god
16. may they efface from the tablets!
17. May his god
18. for the ruin of the country have no look (of pity)!
19. May he ravage it with rains from heaven!
20. May he ravage it with the waters of the earth!
21. May he become a man without a name!
22. May his princely race be reduced to subjection!
23. May this man,
24. like every man who has acted evilly towards his chief,
25. afar, under the vault of heaven, in no city whatsoever
26. find a habitation!
27. Of the champion of the gods,
28. the lord
29. the greatness
30. may the peoples proclaim!

No. 3.—Inscription on Statue C of the Louvre.1

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


2 - Ningishzidda, younger son to Enki, son to Ereshkigal (ziggurat builder in Sumer, pyramid builder in Egypt, ziggurat builder in Meso-America)

1. The god Nin-gish-zida (Enki & Ereshkigal‘s son)
2. is the god of
3. the patesi
4. of Shirpurla

3e - Anu's Temple in Uruk (E-anna, mud-brick-built residence of Anu, Inanna, etc., in Uruk)
5. who the temple E-anna
(Anu‘s & Inanna‘s temple residence in Uruk)
6. has constructed.


2d - Inanna Wars Against Marduk  (naked goddess Inanna, Goddess of Love & War)

1. To the goddess Ninni (Inanna),
2. the mistress of the world,
3. to his lady,
. Gudea
5. the architect (?),
6. the patesi
7. Of Shirpurla,

8. who the temple of E-ninnû
9. of the god
10. has constructed.

1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus 1h - nude Inanna in cape (Inanna, Goddess of Love with her 8-Pointed Star symbol of Venus, spouse to many semi-divine kings)
11. After that the goddess
Ninni (Inanna)
I2. her favorable regard
13. had cast upon him,
15. the patesi
16. Of Shirpurla,
17. a man endowed with large understanding,
18. a servant to his mistress
19. devoted,
20. to make the tablet-like amulets (?)
21. has ordered (?);
22. of the ka-al
23. he has caused the splendor to shine.


1. His clay (for the construction of the temple) in a pure place
2. he has caused to be taken;

3. his bricks
4. in a holy place
5. he has caused to be molded.
6. Its site (?)
7. he has cleaned and leveled (?);
8. its foundation (?)
9. in the …
10. he has firmly established (?).

2b - Uruk's Excavation (E-anna ziggurat way above Uruk city below, all mud brick!)
The favorite temple (of the goddess),
12. the temple of E-anna in
Girsu-ki (name for Uruk temple),
13. he has built.
14. From the mountains of the land of
15. a rare stone he has imported;

1 - Inanna, goddess of love  (Inanna, spoiled, favored descendant to King Anu)
16. for her statue
17. he has caused it to be cut.
18. “Of
19. the builder of the temple


           1. may she prolong the life!”
         2. by this name he has named it (i.e. the statue),
         3. and in the temple of E-anna
         4. he has placed it.
         5. Whoever from the temple of E-anna
         6. shall remove it,
         7. shall break it,
         8. (or) shall efface its inscription,
         9. may the goddess
Ninni (Inanna),
10. the mistress
of the world,
         11. from top to bottom1
         12. overthrow him!
         13. Of his throne established
         14. the foundations
         15. may she not maintain!
         16. may she annihilate his race!
         17. may she cut off the years of his reign!

No. 4.—Inscription on Statue D of the Louvre.2

Cartouche on the right shoulder.

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1. Gudea,
2. the patesi
3. Of Shirpurla.


5a - Ninurta with missile weapon (warrior god Ninurta riding his winged lion-headed beast)

1. To the god Nin-girsu,
2. the powerful warrior (son)

1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Earth Colony Commander Enlil)
3. of the god
Ellilla (Enlil),
4. to his king,
. Gudea,
6. the patesi
7. Of
8. the architect (?)
9. the constructor of the (sacred) bark

10. of the god Ellilla (Enlil),
11. the shepherd chosen by the immutable will
12. of the god
13. the powerful minister
14. of the goddess
Ninâ (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter),
15. covered with renown
16. by the goddess
17. the offspring begotten
18. by the goddess
Gatumdug (Ninsun),
19. endowed with sovereignty and the scepter supreme


1. by the god Gal-alim (Ninurta‘s son Igalim),
2. proclaimed afar among living creatures
3. by the god
Dun-shagâna (unidentified?),
4. the governor
5. who loves his city,
6. (who) has made dedicatory (?) inscriptions,
7. (and who)
his temple of E-ninnû, which illumines the darkness,
8. has constructed.
9. In the interior (of the temple) his favorite gigunû
10. he has made for him of cedar-wood.
11. The temple of
E-ghud, his temple in 7 stages (7-step ziggurats),
12. he has constructed.
13. In this temple the offerings
14. of the goddess

2a - Bau, her dog, & spouse Ninurta2 - Bau-Gula, spouse to Ninurta & mother to Ninsun (Bau & Ninurta)


1. his lady
2. he has regulated.
3. His favorite bark …
4. named Kar-nun-ta-êa
5. he has caused to be made;
6. on the Kar-zagin-kâ-surra

7. he has placed it.
8. The crew of this bark …
9. and its captain

10. he has organized.
11. The temple of his lord
12. to the summit he has raised (?).

1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter  (Royal Princess Bau & nephew-spouse Ninurta)
For the goddess Bau,
14. the good lady,
15. the daughter of
Anna (Anu),
16. for his lady
17. her temple of


1. he has constructed.
2. By the power of the goddess
Ninâ (Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter),
3. by the power of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),
4. to Gudea
5. who has endowed with the scepter
6. the god
7. the country of Mâgan,1
8. the country of
9. the country of
10. and the country of
11. which possess every kind of tree,
12. vessels laden with trees of all sorts
13. into
14. have sent.
15. From the mountains of the land of
16. a rare stone he has caused to come;
17. for his statue\


1. he has caused it to be cut.
2. “O king, for the force immense which
3. no country can resist (?),
4. O god
5. for Gudea

6. the builder of the temple
7. appoint a prosperous fate!”
8. by this name he has named (the statue),
9. (and) in the temple of E-ninnu
10. he has placed it.

No. 5.—Inscription on Statue E of the Louvre.

Cartouche on the right shoulder.


(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

8c - Gudea, son of Ninsun & Lugulbanda8h - Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, Enki missing (Gudea; Gudea, Ningishzidda, & Dumuzi)

1. Gudea,
2. the patesi
3. of Shirpurla.


1. To the goddess Bau,
2. the good lady,

 (Anu, King of the one-world-order planet Nibiru, & their Earth Colony)
3. the daughter of
4. the mistress of Uru-azagga,
5. the mistress of abundance,
6. the lady who fixes the destinies of Girsu-ki,

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta 1dd - Bau, administer of prisons (Anu‘s daughter Bau)
7. the lady who judges her city,
8. the lady beloved of mortals (?),
9. the lady of death (?),
10. to his lady,
12. the patesi
13. of Shirpurla,
14. who (the temple) of E-ninnû
15. of the god
16. has constructed.
17. After that the goddess
18. his mistress
19. in her august heart had chosen him


1. as a servant full of reverential fear,
2. for his mistress
3. the greatness of his mistress
4. he has proclaimed,

5. (and) in his clear intelligence (?)
6. to the goddess
7. his lady
8. has entrusted himself.
9. As the temple of E-ninnû,
10. the favorite temple

2d - Bau & brother Enlil

       (Ninurta in beast skin, Bau seated, & her 1/2 brother Enlil, father to Ninurta)
11. of the god
12. his king
13. he had constructed,
14. so for the goddess
15. the daughter of Anna
16. the mistress of Uru-azagga,
17. his mistress,
18. the temple of
19. her favorite temple,
20. he has constructed;
21. the city he has cleansed (?),
22. and leveled (?);


1. to make tablet-like amulets (?)
2. he has given orders (?);
3. of the ka-al
4. he has caused the splendor to shine.
5. Its clay (for the construction of the temple) in a pure p
6. he has caused to be taken;
7. its bricks in a holy place
8. he has caused to be molded.
9. The brick-like amulets (?) he has caused to be made;
10. the dedicatory inscriptions he has composed (?).
11. Its site he has cleansed (?)
12. and leveled (?);
13. its foundations (?)
14. in the …
15. he has firmly established (?).

3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta  (Bau & nephew-spouse Ninurta)

16. For the goddess Bau,
17. his mistress,
18. the mistress who
19. directs,
20. in


1. in a pure place,
2. he has built the temple.
3. The holy throne
4. of his divinity
5. he has made;
6. in the place of her oracles
7. he has installed it.
8. Her sacred altar (?)

9. he has made;
10. in her sanctuary
11. he has placed it.
12. The tabernacle (?) (called)
13. he has made;
14. in her sanctuary
15. he has installed it.


1. At the commencement of the year,
2. the festival of the goddess
3. when offerings are made to her,—
4. 1 ox she,2
5. 1 sheep ni,
6. 3 sheep she,
7. 6 sheep ush,
8. 2 lambs,
9. 7 pat of dates,
10. 7 shab of cream,
11. 7 shoots of a palm,

12. 7 … ,
13. 7 …,
14. 1 bird …,
15. 7 swans,

16. 15 cranes,
17. 1 bird (?) …
18. with its 15 eggs (?),
19. 1 tortoise (?)
20. with its 30 eggs (?),
21. 30 garments of wool,
22. 7 garments of …,


1. 1 garment of …,
2. (such were) the offerings of the goddess
3. in the ancient temple
4. on that day.

8q - Ninsun, Gudea, Inanna, & Ningishzidda (Ninsun, her son Gudea, & Ningishzidda)
6. the patesi
7. of Shirpurla,
8. after that for the god
9. his king
10. his favorite temple,
I1. the temple of E-ninnû,
12. he had constructed,

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta 8g - King Gudea of Lagash (Bau & Gudea)
13. (and after that)
for the goddess Bau
14. his mistress
15. her favorite temple,
16. the temple of

Imprint of a cylindrical seal showing a ziggurat and a priest or god. From Babylon.  (alien giant ziggurat houses built by the gods, then by earthlings)

17. he had constructed,—
18. 2 oxen she,
19. 2 sheep ni,
20. 10 sheep she,
21. 2 lambs,
22. 7 pat of dates,
23. 7 shab of cream,
24. 7 shoots of a palm,
25. 7 …,


1. 7 …
2. 14 …
3.14 …,
4. 1 bird …,
5. 7 swans,
6. 15 cranes,
7. 7 birds…,
8. 1 bird (?)…
9. with its 15 eggs (?),
10. 1 tortoise (?)
11. with its 30 eggs (?),
12. 40 garments of wool,
13. 7 garments of …,
14. 1 garment of …,
15. (such are) the offerings to the goddess
16. which in the new temple
18. the patesi
19. Of Shirpurla,

2ba - Enlil leads Ur-Nammu to repair his home  (Enlil leads semi-divine king & earthling to repair ziggurats)
20. the builder of the temple
21. has added.
22. The temple of the goddess
23. having been restored,
24. its prosperity


1. having been assured;
2. of the throne of Shirpurla
3. the foundation having been strengthened;
4. for
5. the patesi
6. of Shirpurla,
7. the scepter of command
8. having been placed in the hand;
9. of his life
the days having been prolonged;
11. (then) his god

4aa - Enki, Ningishzidda, & earthling (Enki, Ningishzidda, Gudea, & unidentified)
Nin-gish-zida (Enki‘s & Ereshkigal‘s son)

13. and the goddess Bau
14. into his temple of Uru-azagga
15. he has introduced.
16. In that year
17. from the mountains of the land of
18. he has caused a rare stone to be brought;
19. for his statue
20. he has caused it to be cut.


          1. O my mistress …
          2. ……
          3. ……!”
          4. by this name he has named (the statue),
          5. and in the temple he has placed it.
          6. (This) statue
          7. of the man who the temple of the goddess
          8. has constructed,
          9. let no one from the place of its installation
          10. remove it!
          11. His prescriptions
          12. let no one transgress!

No. 6.—Inscription on Statue F of the Louvre 1

Cartouche on right shoulder.


(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

8d - Gudea as high-priest of Lagash (Gudea, son to Ninsun, leader of Lagash 2,144 B.C.)

1. Gudea,
2. the patesi
3. of Shirpurla,
4. the man of the goddess
Gatumdug (Ninsun).


2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (Ninsun, mother goddess to Gudea)

1. To the goddess Gatumdug (Ninsun),
2. the mother of Shirpurla,
4. the patesi
5. of Shirpurla,

2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings  (Ninsun, mother to alien gods, & many earthling mixed-breeds appointed to kingships)

6. the man of the goddess Gatumdug (Ninsun, Ninurta‘s daughter),
7. thy favorite servant,
8. who has made the dedicatory (?) inscriptions,
9. (and) the temple of E-ninnû which illuminates the darkness (?),
10. (the temple) of the god
11. (who) has constructed,
12. the goddess
Gatumdug (Ninsun, Gudea’s mother)
13. his lady,
14. who in Shirpurla,
15. her favorite city,
16. for the supreme rank (?)


1. has created him,
2. the temple of the goddess
Gatumdug (Ninsun, Bau & Ninurta‘s daughter)
3. his lady
4. to construct
5. has given him the order.
7. the patesi
8. of Shirpurla,
9. a man endowed with large intelligence,
10. a servant filled with reverential fear
11. for his mistress,
12. to make tablet-like amulets (?)
13. has commanded (?);
14. of the ka-al
15. he has caused the splendor to shine.
16. The clay (for the construction of the temple) in a pure place
17. he has caused to be taken;
18. its bricks in a holy place

19. he has caused to be molded.


1. Its site he has cleansed (?)
2. and leveled (?);
3. its foundation (?)

4. in the …
5. he has firmly established (?).
6. In
Uru-azagga, in a pure place,
7. he has built the temple.
8. The holy throne of her divinity
9. he has made.
10. Her sacred altar (?)
11. he has made.
12. The oxen il-la
13. he has formed into a herd,
14. their herdsman
15. he has established.
16. To the sacred cows
17. he has added sacred calves;
18. their drover
19. he has established.
20. To the sacred sheep
21. he has added sacred lambs;
22. their shepherd
23. he has established.
24. To the sacred she-goats
25. he has added sacred kids;
26. their goatherd
27. he has established.
28. Each herd (?) of dams, whatever be the species,
29. with a herd (?) of younglings in addition
30. he has increased.
31. Their guardian
32. he has established.

No. 7.—Inscription on Statue G of the Louvre


(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

          COLUMN I

1. To the god Nin-girsu,
2. the powerful warrior
3. of the god
Ellilla (Enlil),
4. to his king,

5. Gudea
6. the patesi
7. Of Shirpurla,
8. who the temple of E-ninnû

6l - King Shulgi of Ur, Anzu, & Ninurta  (semi-divine king & Ninurta with winged beast symbol)
9. of the god
Nin-girsu (Gudea‘s grandfather)
10. has constructed,
11. for the god
12. his king,
13. the temple of
E-ghud, the temple of the 7 stages,
14. this temple of
15. from the summit whereof
16. the god
17. dispenses favorable fortunes,
18. he has constructed.


  1.     (1. Besides) the offerings
        2. which in the joy of his heart
    3. to the god

        1c - Gula, Anu's daughter, Ninurta's spouse (Bau, daughter to Anu, spouse to Ninurta)
    4. to the goddess Bau,
        5. the daughter of Anna,
    6. his favorite wife,
    7. he presented,
    8. for his god

        4da - Gudea, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, & Enki (Gudea, Ningishzidda, & Dumuzi)

         9. Nin-gish-zida (Enki & Ereshkigal‘s son- in some texts)
         10. he has established others also.
    11. Gudea

         12. the patesi
    13. Of Shirpurla
    14. from Girsu-ki
    15. to Uru-azagga
    16. has proclaimed peace.
    17. In that year,


1. from the mountains of the country of Mâgan
2. he has caused a rare stone to be brought;
3. for his statue
4. he has caused it to be cut.

Here 10 lines have been left blank, it having been intended to fill them up with the name of the statue.

5. On the day of the commencement of the year,
6. the festival of the goddess
7. when the offerings are presented,—
8. 1 ox she
9. 1 sheep ni,
10. 3 sheep she,


1. 6 sheep ush,3
2. 2 lambs,
3. 7 pat of dates,
4. 7 shab of cream,
5. 7 shoots of a palm,
6. 7 ……
7. 7 ……
8. 1 bird ……
9. 7 swans,
10. 15 cranes,
11. 1 bird (?) …
12. with its 15 eggs (?),
13. 1 tortoise (?)
14. with its 30 eggs (?),
15. 30 garments of wool,
16. 7 garments of …
17. 1 garment of …
18. (such were) the offerings to the goddess
19. in the ancient temple
20. on that day.


1. the patesi
2. of Shirpurla,
3. after that for his god
4. his king

5. his favorite temple,
6. the temple of E-ninnû,
7. he had constructed,
8. (and after that) for the goddess
9. his mistress,
10. her favorite temple,
11. the temple of
12. he had constructed,
13. 2 oxen she,
14. 2 sheep ni,
15. 10 sheep she,
16. 2 lambs,
17. 7 pat of dates,
18. 7 shab of cream,
19. 7 shoots of a palm,
20. 7 ……
21. 7 ……
22. 14 ……


1. 14 ……
2. 1 bird ……
3. 7 swans,
4. 10 cranes,
5. 7 birds ……
6. 1 bird (?) ……
7. with its 15 eggs (?),
8. 1 tortoise (?)
9. with its 30 eggs (?),
10. 40 garments of wool,
11. 7 garments of …
12. 1 garment of …
13. (such are) the offerings to the goddess
14. which in the new temple
. Gudea
16. the patesi
17. Of
18. the constructor of the temple,
19. has added.

No. 8.—Inscription on Statue H of the Louvre


(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


1b - Bau, Gula - Ninurta's spouse, Anu's daughter  (Princess Bau, daughter to King Anu, & nephew-spouse Ninurta)

1. To the goddess Bau,
2. the good lady,
3. the daughter of Anna,
4. the mistress of Uru-azagga,
5. the mistress of abundance, the daughter of the bright sky,
6. to his mistress
8. the patesi
9. of


1. After that the temple of E-sil-sirsira,
2. her favorite temple,

3. the temple which is the marvel of
4. he had caused to be constructed,
5. from the mountains of the country of
6. a rare stone he has caused to be brought;

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta 1dd - Bau, administer of prisons  (Bau)
7. for her statue
8. he has caused it to be cut.


1. O divine daughter, beloved by the bright sky,

2. mother Bau,

3. in the temple of E-sil-sirsira

4. “to Gudea

5. give life!”

6. by this name he has named (the statue),

7. and in the temple of Uru-azagga

8. he has placed it.

Inscription on a stone serving as the threshold of a Door1


(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1. For the god Nin-girsu,

2. the powerful warrior
3. of the god
Ellilla (Enlil),
4. for his king,
6. the patesi
7. of Shirpurla
8. has made the dedicatory inscriptions (?),
9. (and) his temple of E-ninnû, which illumines the darkness,
10. has constructed,
11. and restored.

Inscriptions on two unpublished votive tablets


(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

             1a - Ishtar-Inanna, of royal blood (Inanna, Goddess of War)

1. For the goddess Ninni (Inanna),
2. the mistress of the world,
3. for his mistress,
5. the patesi
6. of Shirpurla
her temple of E-anna in Girsu-ki (Uruk)
8. has constructed.

Column II

1. For the god Gal-alim (Ig-alim, Ninurta‘s son),
2. the favorite son

  (Ninurta / Ningirsu & spouse Bau)
3. of the god Nin-girsu,
4. for his king,
5. Gudea
6. the patesi
7. of Shirpurla
his temple of E-me-ghush-gal-an-ki
9. has constructed

Unpublished Inscription on a Brick


(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1. For the god Nin-girsu,
2. the powerful warrior

3. of the god Ellilla (Enlil),
4. for his king,
6. the patesi
7. of Shirpurla
his temple of Eninnû, which illumines the darkness (?) (alien technologies),
9. has constructed.
10. In the interior of this temple, a sanctuary of cedar wood,
11. the place of his oracles,
12. he has constructed for him.

Inscription on a Brick1


(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1. For the goddess Ninâ (Enki& Ninhursag‘s daughter),
2. the lady of destinies (?),
3. the lady of oracles (?),
4. for his lady,
6. the patesi
7. of
8. has made the dedicatory inscriptions (?).

Imprint of a cylindrical seal showing a ziggurat and a priest or god. From Babylon.  (ziggurat residences of the giant alien gods)

9. In Ninâ-ki, her favorite city,
10. her temple of
11. which rises from the Kur-ê
12. he has constructed.


75:2 The Sinaitic Peninsula.

76:1 The first column has been translated by Dr. Oppert: Communications à l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, March 1882.

78:1 I give the translation of the lines which follow, as far as col. v. 1. 4, inclusively, only with the greatest reserve.

78:2 The kalû were a class of priests.

79:1 That is, a court of justice.

79:2 That is, the Persian gulf.

79:3 Evidently Amanus in northern Syria.

79:4 The Assyrian urkarinnu. For its explanation see an article by the Rev. C. J. Ball, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology, xi. p. 143.

80:1 Dr. Hommel has proposed to read this name Dalla. I should prefer to read Tilla, explained by Urdhu in W. A. I., ii. 48, 13.

80:2 It is the tree called ashûhu by the Assyrians.

80:3 The reading is uncertain. Dr. Hommel reads Kasalla, comparing the Kazalla of W. A. I., iv. 34. 31, 33.

80:4 Phœnicia.

81:1 Identified by Dr. Hommel, with much probability, with Tidnu or “the West” (Syria and Canaan); W. A. I., ii. 48, 12, etc.

81:2 Or a “city of Abullât,” or perhaps the city “Abullu-abishu,” W. A. I., ii. 52. 55.

81:3 Perhaps “the land of Mash” or Arabia Petræa, the Mash of Gen. x. 23. From Ki-mas was derived the Assyrian kêmassi, “copper” (W. A. I., ii. 18, 54; iv. 28, 13).

81:4 In the vicinity of the Sinaitic Peninsula.

81:5 The tree called ushu by the Assyrians.

81:6 If this line is not due to an error, the engraver must have omitted something between lines 27 and 28.

81:7 Perhaps Kilzanim is the name of a country. In this case, the engraver must have made some omission here.

82:1 [“Temple of the West.”—Ed.].

82:2 The tree called huluppu in Assyrian. [The Sumerian name may be read ghalup, of which huluppu would be an Assyrian modification.—Ed.]

83:1 [The Sinaitic Peninsula and Midian.]

87:1 Partially translated by Dr. Hommel: Die Vorsemitischen Kulturen, p. 460.

89:1 Literally “his head in his foundations.”

89:2 Découvertes, pl. 9. Translated by Dr. Oppert in a Communication à l’Académie des Inscriptions, June 23d 1882.

90:1 [Perhaps related to gâgunû, “a field.”—Ed.]

90:2 [I should render: “the quay which comes forth from the lord.”—Ed.]

90:3 Perhaps the name of a canal. [I should translate it: “the quay which runs from the white stone of the gate.”—Ed.]

91:1 [The Sinaitic Peninsula.]

91:2 Perhaps Coptos in Egypt.

91:3 The Tilmun of the Assyrians, in the Persian Gulf.

93:1 Perhaps the foundation-cylinders and clay cones with dedicatory inscriptions.

94:1 [“The lady of the place of the maternal deity.”—Ed.]

94:2 [“Young?”—Ed.]

94:3 [“Fat?”—Ed.]

94:4 [“Male?”—Ed.]

97:1 Découvertes, pl. 14.

99:1 See W. A. I., i. 66, iii. 9.

101:1 [“Young”?—Ed.]

101:2 [“Fat”?—Ed.]

101:3 [“Male”?—Ed.]

103:1 Découvertes, pl. 27, No. 3.

105:1 Découvertes, pl. 37, No. 3. See the inscription on a cone supposed to come from Zerghul (W. A. I. i. 5, No. xxiii. 2). The attributes in lines 2 and 3 of the cone oblige us to restore dingir Ninâ, “the goddess Ninâ (Enki’s daughter),” in the first line.

105:2 [“The house of light which illuminates the ship of Ninâ-ki.”—Ed.]

105:3 [“The mountain of the temple.”—Ed.]

King Gudea Quotes From Sitchin Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)


According to Gudea’s inscriptions, “the Lord of Girsu ”appeared unto him in a vision, standing beside his “Divine Black Bird”. The god expressed to him the wish that a new E.NINNU (“House of Fifty”)–also Ninurta’s numerical rank, be built by Gudea.


Gudea was given two sets of divine instructions: one from a goddess who in one hand

         “held the tablet of the favorable star of heavens…”


and with the other

         “held a holy stylus…”


with which she indicated to Gudea “the favorable planet” in whose direction the temple should be oriented.


The other set of instructions came from a god that Gudea did not recognize…Ningishzidda. He handed to Gudea a tablet made of precious stone

         “the plan of a temple it contained…”


Ningishzidda...knew how to secure the foundations of the temples; he was

         “the great god who held the plans…”

         “a god called forth from obscurity in Gudea’s time,…”


only to become a “phantom god” and a mere memory in later (Babylonian and Assyrian) times.


King Ur-Bau Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


      “Ur- Bau the son of En- Enlile-ki-aj: he acted for 900 years. …”

    Ur-Bau the patesi of Shirpurla-ki,

       the offspring begotten by the god Nin-âgal (Enki’s son),

       chosen by the immutable will of the goddess Niná (Enki’s daughter),

       endowed with power by the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

      named with a favorable name by the goddess Bau (Gula),

       endowed with intelligence by the god En-ki,

       covered with renown by the goddess Ninni (Inanna?),

       the favorite servant of the god who is king of Gishgalla-ki,

       the favorite of the goddess Duzi-abzu (Geshtinanna).

       “I am Ur-Bau; the god Nin-girsu is my king…”

Inscriptions of Ur-Bau

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. I, ed. by A. H. Sayce, [1888], at

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

No. 2.—On the Stone of a Threshold

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki, King Anu’s eldest & wisest son on Earth Colony, 1st to arrive with a crew of 50)

         1. For the god En-ki,
2. his king,
3. Ur-Bau (Ninagal’s mixed-breed son-king named after giant alien goddess Bau),
4. the patesi
         5. Of
Shirpurla (Lagash),
6. the offspring begotten
7. by the god Nin-âgal (Enki’s son),
8. his temple
         9. has constructed.”

No 3.—On large Bricks

2e - Ninurta Sphynx in his city, Lagash (Ninurta sphynx, artefact unearthed within Lagas ruins)

1. “For the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),
2. the powerful warrior (royal son & heir to father Enlil)

2 - Enlil, chief god of All On Earth (Enlil, King Anu’s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)
3. of the god
Ellilla (Enlil),
5. the patesi (high-priest / king)
6. Of
Shirpurla (Lagash, Ninurta’s patron city)
7. his temple
8. has constructed.

No. 4.—On a Small Round Object of White Stone

1d - Bau, spouse to Ninurta (Princess Bau, King Anu’s daughter, aunt to Ninurta, & his spouse)

1.”For the goddess Bau (Gula)
2. the daughter of Anna (Anu),

3. for the life
4. of
5. the patesi
6. Of
7. Ur-Ellilla has brought this da;
8. and for the life of the wife of his son
9. he has consecrated it.

7c - Ur-Bau tablet (Ur-Bau tablet, over 2,000 B.C.)

VI. Inscriptions of Ur-Bau and his Reign

Records of the Past, 2nd series, Vol. I, ed. by A. H. Sayce, [1888], at

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

No. I.—On a Statue


5 - Ninurta's flying Divine Storm Bird2bb - Ninurta, Enlil's heir to Nibiru & Earth Colony

                                                                      (Ninurta’s weaponized sky-disc / storm bird;                                              Ninurta)

        1. To the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta)
2. the powerful warrior
        3. of the god
Ellilla (Enlil),
4. Ur-Bau (mixed-breed giant appointed to kingship)
        5. the patesi
        6. of Shirpurla-ki (Lagash),
        7. the offspring begotten
        8. by the god
Nin-âgal (Enki’s son),
        9. chosen by the immutable will of the goddess
Niná (Enki’s daughter),

         2a - Bau, her dog, & spouse Ninurta  (Bau & her spouse Ninurta)
10. endowed with power by the god Nin-girsu,
11. named with a favorable name by the goddess Bau (Gula),
12. endowed with intelligence by the god En-ki,


         1. covered with renown by the goddess Ninni (Inanna?),
2. the favorite servant of the god who is king of Gishgalla-ki,
         3. the favorite of the goddess
Duzi-abzu (Geshtinanna, Enki & Ninsun’s daughter).
4. I am Ur-Bau (mixed-breed son of Ninagal);
5. the god Nin-girsu is my king.
         6. The site of … he has excavated.
         7. The earth thence extracted, like precious stones, he has measured (?);
         8. like a precious metal he has weighed (?) it.


         1. According to the plan adopted he has marked out a large space;
         2. into the middle (of it) he has carried this earth,
         3. and he has made its mundus.
         4. Above, a substructure 6 cubits high, he has built.
         5. Above this substructure
         6. the temple
E-ninnû, which illumines the darkness (?), 30 cubits in height,
         7. he has built.

           2a - Ninhursag, Ninmah, Nintu, etcHathorix capital. Limestone, bas-relief from Paphos, Cyprus 80 x 44 x 24 cm AM 2755 (Ninurta’s mother Ninhursag, eldest daughter to King Anu)

         8. For the goddess Nin-gharsag (Ninhursag), the mother of the gods,


1. her temple of Girsu-ki
2. he has constructed.

1da - Bau-Gula, administer of prisonsFragment of a stele with bust of the goddess Ba'u. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 16,2 cm AO 4572 (Bau, Anu’s powerful princess daughter)

3. For the goddess Bau,
4. the good lady,
5. the daughter of
Anna (Anu),
6. her temple of Uru-azagga
7. he has constructed.
8. For the goddess
Ninni (Inanna?), the lady august, the sovereign (?),
9. her temple of
10. he has constructed.

2ba - Enki's Temple-Ziggourat in Eridu 2e - Eridu temple reconstruction2aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad 

   (Enki’s patron city Eridu ruins; Enki’s ziggurat / residence / temple in Eridu; Enki)
11. For the god
En-ki, the king of Eridu,
12. his temple of


1. he has constructed.
For the god Nin-dara (Nanshe’s husband), the lord of destinies (?),
3. his temple he has constructed.
4. For the god
Nin-âgal (Enki’s son),

         5. his god,
         6. his temple
         7. he has constructed.
         8. For the goddess
Nin-mar-ki (Enki & Nina’s daughter)
9. the good lady,
10. the eldest daughter of the goddess
Niná (Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu),
11. the Esh-gu-tur (?), the temple of her constant choice,
         12. he has constructed.


1. For the god …
2. the shepherd … [of]
3. his temple …
4. he has constructed.
For the goddess Kû-Anna (unidentified?),
6. the lady of the cloudy sky (?),
7. her temple of
8. he has constructed.
For the goddess Duzi-abzu (Geshtinanna, Enki & Ninsun’s daughter),
10. the lady of Kinunir-ki,
11. her temple of
12. he has constructed.

Praise of King Urukigina

From Wikipedia

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

            6c - Uru-kagina

                  (Free Market Reform by Urukigina, a giant mixed-breed early king, his wife, & 3 kids)

1. Since time immemorial, since life began, in those days,

the head boatman appropriated boats, the livestock official appropriated asses,

the livestock official appropriated sheep, and the fisheries inspector appropriated….

The shepherds of wool sheep paid a duty in silver on account of white sheep, and the surveyor,

chief lamentation-singer, supervisor, brewer and foremen paid a duty in silver on account of young lambs. . .

These were the conventions of former times!

 (Utu & Ninurta, climb Enki’s ziggurat residence to visit)

2. When Ningirsu, warrior (son) of Enlil, granted the kingship of Lagash to Urukagina,

             (alien gods Ninurta & his father Enlil have the authority of Earth Command)

selecting him from among the myriad people, he replaced the customs of former times,

carrying out the command that Ningirsu, his master, had given him.

3. He removed the head boatman from control over the boats,

he removed the livestock official from control over asses and sheep,

he removed the fisheries inspector from control….

4. He removed the silo supervisor from control over the grain taxes of the guda-priests,

he removed the bureaucrat responsible for the paying of duties

in silver on account of white sheep and young lambs,

and he removed the bureaucrat responsible for the delivery of duties

by the temple administrators to the palace.

5. The… administrators no longer plunder the orchards of the poor.

When a high quality ass is born to a shublugal, and his foreman says to him, “I want to buy it from you”;

whether he lets him buy it from him and says to him “Pay me the price I want!,”

or whether he does not let him buy it from him, the foreman must not strike at him in anger.

6. When the house of an aristocrat adjoins the house of a shublugal,

and the aristocrat says to him, “I want to buy it from you”;

whether he lets him buy it from him, having said to him,

“Pay me the price I want! My house is a large container—fill it with barley for me!,”

or whether he does not let him buy it from him, that aristocrat must not strike at him in anger.

7. He cleared and canceled obligations for those indentured families,

citizens of Lagash living as debtors because of grain taxes, barley payments, theft or murder.

7c - Ninurta, Lord over the Pyramid wars

 (giant semi-divine king with dinner offering, his mother Ninsun, & Ninsun‘s father Ninurta)

8. Urukagina solemnly promised Ningirsu

that he would never subjugate the waif and the widow to the powerful.