Author Archives: nibirudb

An Adab to Utu for Shulgi (Shulgi Q): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        unknown no. of lines missing

        2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna (Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, Commander of the Space Port in the mountains by Sippar)

          1-11 Youthful Utu (Shamash) ……, …… from Urac (Marduk); brilliant light, great lion, ……,

        hero emerging from the holy interior of heaven, storm whose splendor covers the Land and is laden with great awesomeness;

        Utu, king of justice that befits the true offspring (King Anu>Enlil>Nannar>Utu royal bloodline),

         (mother-goddess Ninsun, Shulgi, his spouse Inanna, & Inanna’s father Nannar)

        made Culgi (semi-divine mixed-breed King Shulgi), the trustworthy shepherd, glorious in the battle.

        The great wild bull, youthful Utu (Sun God), who like a torch illuminates the Land from the holy heavens;

        the wise one of all the countries, the fearsome radiance of (?) Urac (Marduk),

        5aa - giant god Utu, Shamash, Throne of Sippar  (Sun God Utu brings laws & justice to earthlings, giant gods Wheel of Justice)

        the just god among the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods, the long (?), holy dragon,

        the first-born son (Utu) cherished by (his father) Suen (Nannar / Sin),

        the lord born to command — Utu bestowed the kingship of the Land on (semi-divine mixed-breed cousin) Culgi.


               (God of Thunder Adad, ancient semi-divine king, & Nergal, gods with alien high-tech weapons, Nergal‘s lion-headed mace)

          12-22 Like a mace with three lion-heads, he makes the mountains tremble and then destroys the rebel lands.

          (Nannar, son to Earth Colony Commander Enlil, & the patron god of Ur)

        …… the enemy of Nanna (Nannar / Sin).

        …… the great …… of the gods.

        2 lines fragmentary

        Utu …… the shepherd.

        Culgi …… justice.

        …… in famine.
         2b - Ninsun, Ninurta & Bau's Daughter (Ninsun, Enlil‘s granddaughter, mother-goddess to Shulgi, & many semi-divines made kings)

        …… son of Ninsumun (Ninsun)…….

        May …… great fearsomeness for the people for you.

        …… the creation of …… no one …….

          23 Sa-gida.
         3a - Utu in the mountains with weapons of brilliance (Utu splits the mountains, creating launch & landing sites away from earthlings)

        24 Utu, assign a sweet destiny to the king ……!

          25 Jicgijal of the sa-gida.

          26-36 …… is exalted.

        Like …… very pleasing.

        (mother Ninsun, semi-divine Ur king Shulgi, & Nannar, patron god of Ur)

        …… shepherd Culgi, the lion …… the rebel lands …….

        As long as the cities are not pacified …….

        Youthful Utu …… the people numerous as ewes.

        May …… of the holy lapis-lazuli shrine, rejoicing.

        …… very proudly …….

        Like a cow …… proudly.

        3 lines fragmentary

         (Shulgi;  semi-divine king & alien giant Sun God Utu)

        37-43 Culgi …… Utu ……. …… a fragrant cedar forest.

        O king, the lord who covers the heavens with awesomeness …….

         …… the heavenly august dais (Utu, The Sun God) from the holy place.

        The lord …… august radiance on all the lands from the holy heavens.

        Because of your purity, youthful Utu has made everything abundant for you;

        2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta & Bau, spouse to mixed-breed giant Lugalbanda)

  may a sweet life be your lot, son of Ninsumun (Ninsun).

          44 Sa-jara.

          45-48 Youthful Utu chose the shepherd in his heart.

        Years of plenty are assigned to Culgi, the trustworthy shepherd, the king, as his fate.

        From the shrine in Nibru (Nippur), Enlil bestowed this on the trustworthy shepherd, whose fate is determined by Utu.

          49 Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

        4b - Ningal head3ca-nannars-house-city-of-ur

                        (Ningal, patron goddess of Ur, residing in Nannar‘s ziggurat temple / residence in Ur)

          50-52 Lord of all the great divine powers, born by Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse)!

        Youthful Utu, lord of all the great divine powers, born by Ningal,

        1 line fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

An Adab to Nergal for Shulgi (Shulgi U): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        unknown no. of lines missing

        2f - Nergal (Nergal, sometimes son to Enlil, in other texts son to Enki, Lord of the Under World)

          1-4 Nergal who ……, …… great awe, who ……the underworld

        its awesome radiance …… the battle-net, its awesomeness has filled heaven and earth.

          5 2nd cagbatuku.

        inergal001p1  (Nergal with alien Anunnaki royal crown of animal horns, spouse to Ereshkigal, Queen of the Lower World)

           6-12 Hero, wild bull with thick horns, …… like a cow, your terrifying name lets loose awe and fear.

        You fall on the rebel lands like the south wind.

        You are a bolt on the broad extent of the mountains.

        When you sit in E-meclam, your desires are joyously fulfilled (?).

        The people assemble at your feet.

           13 2nd barsud.
         2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld (Nergal with foot upon earthling & holding alien high-tech weaponry for protection & supremacy)

          14-16 Meclamta-eda (Nergal), your supremacy in the rebel lands!

         (Nergal encircles the rebel earthling lands)

        You have encircled the rebel lands,

        O youth. Nergal, your supremacy in the rebel lands!

          17-20 Your father loves you greatly.

        He has made your heroism known among the people.

        2a-enlil-anus-son-heir 1ae-enlil-babylonian(Prince Enlil, placed in charge of Earth by Anunnaki King Anu, his father in heaven)  

        Your father Enlil loves you greatly.

        He has made your heroism known among the people.

          21-23 Hero …… for the people, god roaming the mountains!

        You have …… the rebel lands.

        Nergal …… for the people, god roaming the mountains!

          24-26 Wherever you stride, all their troops suffer.
           (giant god Nergal with high-tech weaponry used upon earthlings)

        …… Ancan and Tidnum, Nergal, wherever you stride, all their troops suffer.

          27 Sa-gida.

         3ab - mixed-breed King Shulgi, bronze statue   (Shulgi, semi-divine giant, son to goddess Ninsun & mixed-breed semi-divine Lugalbanda, appointed to kingship by Enlil)

          28-29 May you prolong the life of the hero Culgi (King Shulgi).

        …… to his strength, …….

          30 Its jicgijal.

        unknown no. of lines missing

Inscriptions of Dungi , (Shulgi) King of Ur

(unknown web source)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        No. 1.—Inscription On A Tablet

        5aa - Ninurta, son of Enlil & Ninhursag, heir (Ninurta, Royal Prince Enlil‘s warrior son)

         1. For the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),
         2. the powerful warrior

            (Enlil, Anunnaki King Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)
         3. of the god
Ellilla (Enlil),
         4. for his king,

          3-king-shulgi-ninsuns-son  (Shulgi, High-Priest & King of Ur, semi-divine grandson to goddess Ninsun)
Dungi (Shulgi)
         6. the puissant prince,
         7. the king of
         8. the king of
Shumer and Accad,
         9. the temple of
         10. his favorite temple
         11. has constructed.

No. 2.—Inscription on a Tablet

3b-enki-image  (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, 1st to arrive on Earth Colony with crew of 50)

1. For the goddess Ninâ (Enki‘s daughter),
2. the lady of destinies (?),
3. the lady of oracles (?),
4. for his mistress,
5. Dungi (Shulgi)
6. the puissant prince,
7. the king of Ur,
8. the king of Shumer and Accad,
9. the temple of E-shish-shish-e-ma-ra,
10. her favorite temple,
11. has constructed.

King Shulgi Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books, etc.



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


E-ddun-gi, temple to the deified king Dungi

E-hursang (House which is a hill) of Shulgi in Ur


Shulgi…Biblical contempt for a king who “prostituted himself” and “did that which was evil in the view of the Lord.”

It was Nannar himself who had arranged for the child to be conceived at Enlil’s shrine in Nippur, through a union between Ur-Nammu and Enlil’s high priestess, so that “a little Enlil…a child suitable for kingship and throne, shall be conceived.”

He embarked on the building (or re-building) of a temple for Ninurta in Nippur…declared Ur and Nippur to be “Brother Cities”. He then built a ship—naming it after Ninlil—and sailed to the “Land of Flying for Life”…He imagined himself as a second Gilgamesh. Landing at “The Place of the Ramp”, Shulgi built there an alter to Nannar…he reached the place called BAD.GAL.DINGIR “The Great Fortified Place of the Gods”…there Shulgi built an alter to the “God Who Judges”…he also built alters at the “Place of Bright Oracles” and “The Snow-covered Place.”

Shulgi returned to Sumer boasting he had learned four foreign languages…In return he was awarded with the titles “High Priest of Anu, Priest of Nannar.” Shulgi recorded the two ceremonies on cylinder seals.


Inanna…invited Shulgi to Erech (Uruk), making him “a man chosen for the vulva of Inanna.”...Shulgi’s own words.

        “With valiant Utu, a friend as a brother,

         I drank strong drink in the temple founded by Anu.

         My minstrels sang for me the seven songs of love.

         Inanna, the queen, the vulva of heaven and earth,

         was by my side, banqueting in the temple…”


Shulgi reclaimed the title “King of the Four Regions…Hero, King of Ur, Ruler of the Four Regions….favorite of the God Who Judges, beloved by Inanna, occupier of Dur-Ilu.” In the year 2049 B.C. Shulgi ordered the building of “The Wall of the West” to protect Mesopotamia…He stayed on the throne one more shaky year. Shulgi continued to proclaim himself “a cherished of Nannar,” he was no longer a “chosen” of Anu and Enlil.

In their recorded view

        “the divine regulations he did not carry out, his righteousness he dirtied…”

Therefore, they declared for him the “death of a sinner.” The year was 2048 B.C. Shulgi’s successor on the throne of Ur was his son Amar-Sin.

Amar-Sin set sail to the same “Place of the Ramp” where Shulgi had gone. But reaching the “Land of Flying for Life” he got no further:he died of a scorpion’s (or snake’s) bite…He was replaced by his brother Shu-Sin.


King Shulgi (c. 2100 BC) on the future of Sumerian literature.

         “Now, I swear by the sun god Utu on this very day —

and my younger brothers shall be witness of it in foreign lands

where the sons of Sumer are not known,

where people do not have the use of paved roads,

where they have no access to the written word —

that I, the firstborn son, am a fashioner of words, a composer of songs,

a composer of words, and that they will recite my songs as heavenly writings,

 and that they will bow down before my words……”


Šulgi, the son of Ur-Nammu, provided abundant food for Eridu,

which is on the seashore.

But he had criminal tendencies and the property of Esagila and Babylon

he took away as booty.

Bêl (Marduk) caused […] to consume his body and killed him…”


King Ur-Nammu Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books, etc.



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)


The prologue, typical of Mesopotamian law codes, invokes the deities for Ur-Nammu’s kingship and decrees equity in the land.

         “After An (Anu) and Enlil had turned over the Kingship of Ur to Nannar,

at that time did Ur-Nammu (mixed-breed offspring made king),

son born of Ninsun, for his beloved mother who bore him,

in accordance with his principles of equity and truth…

Then did Ur-Nammu the mighty warrior, king of Ur,

king of Sumer and Akkad, by the might of Nannar, lord of the city,

and in accordance with the true word of Utu, establish equity in the land;

he banished malediction, violence and strife,

and set the monthly Temple expenses at 90 gur of barley,

30 sheep, and 30 sila of butter.

He fashioned the bronze sila-measure,

standardized the one-mina weight, and standardized the stone weight

of a shekel of silver in relation to one mina…

The orphan was not delivered up to the rich man;

the widow was not delivered up to the mighty man;

the man of one shekel was not delivered up to the man of one mina…

One mina ( 1/60 of a talent ) was made equal to 60 shekels ( 1 shekel = 11 grams )…”

Indeed, one of the first acts of Ur-Nammu was to subdue Lagash and slay its governor, then occupy seven other cities…We know from inscriptions that after Ur and Sumer

         “enjoyed days of prosperity (and) rejoiced greatly with Ur-Nammu,…”

after Ur-Nammu then rebuilt the Ekur in Nippur, Enlil found him worthy of holding the Divine Weapon; with it Ur-Nammu was to subdue “evil cities” in “foreign lands”:

         “The Divine Weapon,

         that which in the hostile lands heaps up the rebels in piles,

         to Ur-Nammu, the Shepherd,

         He, the Lord Enlil, has given it to him;

         Like a bull to crush the foreign land,

         Like a lion to hunt it down;

         To destroy the evil cities,

         Clear them of opposition to the Lofty…”

The sad fact is that Ur-Nammu himself, becoming a mighty warrior, “The Might of Nannar,” met a tragic death on the battlefield.

         “The enemy land revolted, the enemy land acted hostilely…”

in a battle in that unnamed but distant land, Ur-Nammu’s chariot got stuck in the mud; Ur-Nammu fell off it;

         “the chariot like a storm rushed along,..”

leaving Ur-Nammu behind,

         “abandoned on the battlefield like a crushed jug…”

The tragedy was compounded when the boat returning his body to Sumer

         “in an unknown place had sunk; the waves sank it down,

         with him (Ur-Nammu) aboard…”

They could not understand why

         “the Lord Nannar did not hold him by the hand,

         why Inanna, Lady of Heaven, did not put her noble arm around his head,

         why the valiant Utu did not assist him…”

Why had these gods “stepped aside” when Ur-Nammu’s bitter fate was determined? Surely it was betrayal by the great gods:

         “How the fate of the Hero has been changed!

         Anu altered his holy word…

         Enlil deceitfully changed his fate-decree…”

The manner in which Ur-Nammu had died (2096 B.C.) may have accounted for the behavior of his successor, of whom one can use the Biblical contempt for a king who “prostituted himself and

         “did that which was evil in the view of the Lord….Shulgi….”

The Death of Ur-Namma (Ur-Nammu) Texts: A) translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

      A version from Nippur

          1-7 …… entire land ……, ……. struck, the palace was devastated.

        …… panic spread rapidly among the dwellings of the black-headed people.

        …… abandoned places …… in Sumer.

        …… the cities were destroyed in their entirety; the people were seized with panic.

        Evil came upon Urim (Ur) and made the trustworthy shepherd pass away.

        2ab - Ur-Nammu, Ninsun's son king, 2300-2000 B.C. (Ur-Namma, giant son-king to Anunnaki goddess Ninsun & semi-divine Lugalbanda, = 2/3rds divine)

        It made (King) Ur-Namma, the trustworthy shepherd, pass away; it made the trustworthy shepherd pass away.

         3b - Anu of planet Nibiru  (King Anu of planet Nibiru; Enlil, Anu‘s son & heir, leader on Earth)

          8-14 Because An (Anu) had altered his holy words completely, …… became empty,

        and because, deceitfully, Enlil had completely changed the fate he decreed,

        3b - Enki image2b - Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer (Enki & sister-lover Ninhursag / Ninmah – “birth mother”)

        Ninmah (Ninhursag) began a lament in her ……. Enki shut (?) the great door of Eridug (Eridu, Enkis patron city).

        Nudimmud (Enki) withdrew into his bedchamber and lay down fasting.

        At his zenith, Nanna (Nannar) frowned at the …… words of An (Anu).

        2bc - Nanna & his symbol2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna (Nannar the Moon Crescent God; son Utu the Sun God)

        Utu did not come forth in the sky, and the day was full of sorrow.

          15-21 The mother, miserable because of her son, the mother of the king, holy Ninsun, was crying: “Oh my heart!”.

        2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, mother to Ur-Namma & other giant mixed-breeds appointed to kingships)

        Because of the fate decreed for (King) Ur-Namma, because it made the trustworthy shepherd pass away,

        she was weeping bitterly in the broad square, which is otherwise a place of entertainment.

        Sweet sleep did not come to the people whose happiness ……;

        they passed their time in lamentation over the trustworthy shepherd who had been snatched away.

          22-30 As the early flood was filling the canals, their canal-inspector was already silenced (?);

        the mottled barley grown on the arable lands, the life of the land, was inundated.

        To the farmer, the fertile fields planted (?) by him yielded little.

         (Nannar’s house E-kishnugal & devastated city of Ur way below)

        Enkimdu (unidentified?), the lord of levees and ditches, took away the levees and ditches from Urim (Ur).

        1 line fragmentary

        As the intelligence and …… of the Land were lost, fine food became scarce.

        The plains did not grow lush grass any more, they grew the grass of mourning.

        2e - El & 2 lionshousing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man (Nannar‘s cattle-pens in Ur)

        The cows ……, their …… cattle-pen has been destroyed.

        The calves …… their cows bleated bitterly.

          31-51 The wise shepherd …… does not give orders any more.

        …… in battle and combat.

        The king, the advocate of Sumer, the ornament of the assembly,

        Ur-Namma, the advocate of Sumer, the ornament of the assembly, the leader of Sumer, …… lies sick.

        His hands which used to grasp cannot grasp any more, he lies sick.

        His feet …… cannot step any more, he lies sick.

        1 line fragmentary

        The trustworthy shepherd, king, the sword of Sumer, Ur-Namma, the king of the Land, was taken to the …… house.

        3a - Nannar's Temple, Ziggourat, Home in Ur (Nannar‘s house E-kishnugal & city of Ur way below)

        He was taken to Urim; the king of the Land was brought into the …… house.

        The proud one lay in his palace.

        Ur-Namma, he who was beloved by the troops, could not raise his neck any more.

        The wise one …… lay down; silence descended.

        As he, who was the vigor of the Land, had fallen, the Land became demolished like a mountain;

        like a cypress forest it was stripped, its appearance changed.

        As if he were a boxwood tree, they put axes against him in his joyous dwelling place.

        As if he were a sappy cedar tree, he was uprooted in the palace where he used to sleep (?).

        His spouse …… resting place; …… was covered by a storm; it embraced it like a wife her sweetheart (?).

        His appointed time had arrived, and he passed away in his prime.

          52-75 His (?) pleasing sacrifices were no longer accepted; they were treated as dirty (?).

        The Anuna (Anannaki) gods refused his gifts.

        An (Anu) did not stand by an “It is enough”, and he could not complete his (?) days.

         (Enlil, Anu, & Enki in his sky-disc traversing the skies of Sumer)

        Because of what Enlil ordered, there was no more rising up; his beloved men lost their wise one.

        Strangers turned into (?) …….

        How iniquitously Ur-Namma was abandoned, like a broken jar!

        His …… with grandeur like (?) thick clouds (?).

        He does not …… any more, and he does not reach out for ……. “…… Ur-Namma, alas, what is it to me?”

        2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (Ninsun, mother to Ur-Namma & many others)

        (King) Ur-Namma, the son of Ninsun, was brought to Arali, the …… of the Land, in his prime.

        The soldiers accompanying the king shed tears:

        their boat (with Ur-Namma) was sunk in a land as foreign to them as Dilmun.

        …… was cut.

        It was stripped of the oars, punting poles and rudder which it had.

        ……; its bolt was broken off.

        …… was put aside; it stood (?) in saltpeter.

        His donkeys were to be found with the king; they were buried with him.

        His donkeys were to be found with Ur-Namma; they were buried with him.

        As he crossed over the …… of the Land, the Land was deprived of its ornament.

        The journey to the nether world is a desolate route.

        Because of the king, the chariots were covered over,

        the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them.

        Because of Ur-Namma, the chariots were covered over,

        the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them.

          76-87 He presented gifts to the seven chief porters of the nether world.

        As the famous kings who had died and the dead icib priests, lumah priests, and nindijir priestesses,

        all chosen by extispicy, announced the king’s coming to the people, a tumult arose in the nether world.

        As they announced Ur-Namma’s coming to the people, a tumult arose in the nether world.

        The king slaughtered numerous bulls and sheep, Ur-Namma seated the people at a huge banquet.

        The food of the nether world (Under-World of the dead) is bitter, the water of the nether world is brackish.

        The trustworthy shepherd knew well the rites of the nether world, so the king presented the offerings of the nether world,

        Ur-Namma presented the offerings of the nether world:

        as many faultless bulls, faultless kids, and fattened sheep as could be brought.

        2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld (Nergal, lord of the Under World)

          88-91 To Nergal, the Enlil (absolute ruler) of the nether world, in his palace,

        the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a mace, a large bow with quiver and arrows,

        an artfully made …… dagger, and a multi-colored leather bag for wearing at the hip.

        6aa - Gilgamesh two-thirds Divine (Gilgamesh, king of Uruk 2,700 B.C.)

          92-96 To Gilgamec (Gilgamesh), the king of the nether world, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a spear,

        a leather bag for a saddle-hook, a heavenly lion-headed imitum mace,

        a shield resting on the ground, a heroic weapon, and a battle-ax, an implement beloved of Ereckigala (Ereshkigal).

        2 - Ereshkigal (Ereshkigal, Queen of the Under World, Nergal‘s spouse)

          97-101 To Ereckigala, the mother of Ninazu, in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a …… which he filled with oil,

        a cajan bowl of perfect make, a heavy garment, a long-fleeced garment, a queenly pala robe, …… the divine powers of the nether world.

         3a - Inanna & Dumuzi  (Inanna & 1st spouse Dumuzi, the Shepherd)                     

          102-105 To Dumuzid, the beloved husband of Inanna, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a …… sheep,

        ……, mountain ……, a lordly golden scepter, …… a shining hand.

        (1 ms. adds: He …… a gold and silver ……, a lapis-lazuli ……, and a …… pin to Dimpikug ……. )

          106-109 To Namtar (Ereshkigal‘s son & visier), who decrees all the fates, in his palace,

        the shepherd Ur-Namma offered perfectly wrought jewelery, a golden ring cast (?) as a …… barge,

        pure cornelian stone fit to be worn on the breasts of the gods.

          110-113 To Hucbisag, the wife of Namtar, in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a chest (?) with a lapis-lazuli handle,

        containing (?) everything that is essential in the underworld,

        a silver hair clasp adorned with lapis-lazuli, and a comb of womanly fashion.

         4a - Enki. Ningishzidda, & unknowns (Enki, Ningishzidda, semi-divine king & queen)

          114-122 To the valiant warrior Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda), in his palace,

        the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a chariot with …… wheels sparkling with gold,

        …… donkeys, thoroughbreds, …… donkeys with dappled thighs, ……, followed …… by a shepherd and a herdsman.

        To Dimpimekug (Ningishzidda‘s sister) (1 ms. has instead: Dimpikug), who stands by his side,

        he gave a lapis-lazuli seal hanging from a pin, and a gold and silver toggle-pin with a bison’s head.

          123-128 To his spouse, Ninazimua (Ningishzidda‘s spouse Azimua), the august scribe, denizen of Arali,

        in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a headdress with the august ear-pieces (?) of a sage, made of alabaster,

        a …… stylus, the hallmark of the scribe, a surveyor’s gleaming line, and the measuring rod …….

          129-131 To ……, the great …… of the nether world, he gave

        2 lines fragmentary

          132-144 After the king had presented properly the offerings of the nether world,

        after Ur-Namma had presented properly the offerings of the nether world, the …… of the underworld,

        the ……, seated Ur-Namma on a great dais of the nether world and set up a dwelling place for him in the nether world.

        At the command of Ereckigala all the soldiers who had been killed by weapons

        and all the men who had been found guilty were given into the king’s hands.

        Ur-Namma was ……, so with Gilgamec, his beloved (younger) brother,

        he will issue the judgments of the nether world and render the decisions of the nether world.

          145-154 After seven days, ten days had passed, lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed my king, lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed Ur-Namma.

        My king’s heart was full of tears, he …… bitterly that he could not complete the wall of Urim (Ur);

        that he could no longer enjoy the new palace he had built; that he, the shepherd, could no longer …… his household (?);

        that he could no longer bring pleasure to his wife with his embrace; that he could not bring up his sons on his knees;

        that he would never see in their prime the beauty of their little sisters who had not yet grown up.

          155-165 The trustworthy shepherd …… a heart-rending lament for himself:

        2bc - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu  (Ningal & Ur king Ur-Namma)

        “I, who have been treated like this, served the gods well, set up chapels for them.

        I have created evident abundance for the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods.

        I have laid treasures on their beds strewn with fresh herbs.

        Yet no god stood by me and soothed my heart.

        Because of them, anything that could have been a favorable portent for me was as far away from me as the heavens, the …….

        What is my reward for my eagerness to serve during the days?

        My days have been finished for serving them sleeplessly during the night!

        Now, just as the rain pouring down from heaven cannot turn back, alas, nor can I turn back to brick-built Urim.

          166-186 “Alas, my wife has become a widow (?)!

        She spends the days in tears and bitter laments.

        My strength has ebbed away …….

        The hand of fate …… bitterly me, the hero.

        Like a wild bull ……, I cannot …….

        Like a mighty bull, …….

        Like an offshoot …….

        Like an ass ……, I died.

        …… my …… wife …….

        She spends the days in tears and bitter laments.

        Her kind protective god has left her; her kind protective goddess does not care for her any more.

        Ninsun no longer rests her august arm firmly on her head.

        Nanna, lord Acimbabbar (Nannar), no longer leads (?) her by hand.

        Enki, the lord of Eridug (Eridu), does not …….

        Her …… has been silenced (?), she can no longer answer.

        She is cast adrift like a boat in a raging storm; the mooring pole has not been strong enough for her.

        Like a wild ass lured (?) into a perilous pit she has been treated heavy-handedly.

        Like a lion fallen into a pitfall, a guard has been set up for her.

        Like a dog kept in a cage, she is silenced.

        Utu …… does not pay heed to the cries “Oh, my king” overwhelming her.

          187-197 “My tigi, adab, flute and zamzam songs have been turned into laments because of me.

        The instruments of the house of music have been propped against the wall.

        Because I have been made to …… on a heap of soil (?) instead of my throne whose beauty was endless;

        because I have been made to lie down in the open, desolate steppe instead of my bed,

        the sleeping place whose …… was endless, alas, my wife and my children are in tears and wailing.

        My people whom I used to command (?) sing like lamentation and dirge singers because of her (?).

        1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons (Inanna Goddess of War, atop her zodiac symbol Leo)

        While I was so treated, foremost Inanna, the warlike lady, was not present at my verdict.

        Enlil had sent her as a messenger to all the foreign lands concerning very important matters.

          198-216 When she had turned her gaze away from there,

        1b - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo (Goddess of War Inanna, daughter to Nannar)

        Inanna humbly entered the shining E-kur (Enlil‘s temple residence in Nippur), she …… at Enlil‘s fierce brow.

        (Then Enlil said:) “Great lady of the E-ana (Inanna‘s temple residence in Uruk), once someone has bowed down,

        he cannot …… (?) any more; the trustworthy shepherd left E-ana, you cannot see him any more.”

        My lady …… among the people ……(1 ms. has instead: like ……).

        Then Inanna, the fierce storm, the eldest child of Suen (Sin / Nannar), ……,

        (giant alien Goddess of War)

        made the heavens tremble, made the earth shake.

        Inanna destroyed cattle-pens, devastated sheepfolds, saying: “I want to hurl insults at An (Anu), the king of the gods:

        Who can change the matter, if Enlil elevates someone?

        Who can change the import of the august words uttered by An, the king?

        If there are divine ordinances imposed on the Land,

        but they are not observed, there will be no abundance at the gods’ place of sunrise.

        My holy jipar, the shrine E-ana, has been barred up like (?) a mountain (some mss. have instead: like the heavens).

        If only my shepherd could enter before me in it in his prime —

        I will not enter it otherwise! (some mss. have instead: Why should I enter it otherwise?)

        If only my strong one could grow for me like grass and herbs in the desert.

        If only he could hold steady for me like a river boat at its calm mooring.”

        This is how Inanna…… a lament over him (1 ms. has instead: …… Ur-Namma ……)

        2a - Ningishzidda, Master Builder, foundation peg (Ningishzidda & semi-divine mixed-breed king)

          217-233 Lord Ninjiczida ……. Ur-Namma, my …… who was killed,

        1 line fragmentary

        Among tears and laments, …… decreed a fate for Ur-Namma: “Ur-Namma ……, your august name will be called upon.

        From the south to the uplands, …… the holy scepter.

        Sumer …… to your palace.

        The people will admire …… the canals which you have dug,

        the …… which you have ……, the large and grand arable tracts which you have ……,

        the reed-beds which you have drained, the wide barley fields which you ……,

        and the fortresses and settlements which you have ……. Ur-Namma, they will call upon …… your name.

        Lord Nunamnir (Enlil), surpassing ……, will drive away the evil spirits ……”

          234-242 After shepherd Ur-Namma……, Nanna, lord Acimbabbar (Nanna), ……,

        2l - Nannar & Ninsun's son King Ur-Nammu (Ur-Namma & Nannar)

        Enki, the (god) king of Eridug ……. …… devastated sheepfolds …… (the other ms. has instead: …… the foremost, the flood ……).

        …… holy ……, lion born on high (the other ms. has instead: …… basket (?) ……).

        …… your city; renders just judgments.

        ……, lord Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda) be praised!

        My king …… among tears and laments; …… among tears and laments.

      A version from Susa:

        SEGMENT A

        approx. 10 lines missing

          1-4 1 line fragmentary

        …… frowned at ……. ……, the day was full of sorrow.

        …… withdrew into his bedchamber and lay down fasting.

          5-11 The mother, wretched (?) because of her son, …… the mother of the king (Ur-Namma), holy Ninsun, was crying:

        2b - Ninsun, Ninurta & Bau's Daughter (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta & Bau)

        “Oh my heart!”. She was weeping bitterly in the broad square, which is otherwise a place of entertainment,

        that the fate of Ur-Namma had been overturned and that the trustworthy shepherd had been made to pass away.

        She spent the day in lamentation over the trustworthy shepherd who had been snatched away.

        Sweet sleep did not (?) come to the people whose happiness had come to an end.

          12-19 As the early flood was filling the canals, their canal-inspector …….

        The mottled barley come forth on the arable lands, the life of the land, …….

        To the farmer, the fertile fields ……. Enkimdu (unidentified?), the lord of levees and ditches, …….

        …… its numerous people ……. …… of the Land …….

        The plains …… fine grass ……. ….. heavy cows ……

        approx. 4 lines missing

        SEGMENT B

2ba - Enlil leads Ur-Nammu to repair his home
                          (Ninurta                                            Ur-Namma                   earthling cup-bearer)

          1-13 Ur-Namma …….

        His hands which used to grasp, cannot …….

        His feet which used to tread, …….

        1 line unclear

        The trustworthy shepherd, the king, the …… of Sumer, Ur-Namma, …….

        As he himself was going to Urim (Ur), Ur-Namma …… house.

        The proud one lying in the palace, Ur-Namma, who …… by the troops (?), …….

        He could not rise any more, the wise one of the countries lay down; silence …….

        As he, who was the vigor of the Land, has fallen, the land became demolished like a mountain.

        As he, a cypress forest, was felled, the state of the Land became confused.

        As he, the cedar tree of the Land, was uprooted, the state of the Land became altered.

        Axes (?) were set against him, a boxwood tree, in his joyous dwelling place.

        His appointed time arrived, and he passed away in his prime.

          14-22 His (?) pleasing sacrifices were no longer accepted; they were treated as dirty (?).

         1e - gods in cerimony (alien giants called gods)

       The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods did not reach out for his gifts any more.

        …… did not stand by an (?) “It is enough”, his (?) days were not prolonged.

        ……, there was no more rising up.

        Ur-Namma, a broken jar, was abandoned at …….

        3 lines unclear

        “……, what is it to me?”

         approx. 5 lines missing

        SEGMENT C

          1-10 3 lines unclear

        …… the bolt ……. …… sat (?) in saltpeter.

        ……, the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them;

        ……, the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them.

        …… is a long route.

        …… the way ……. …… the journey to the nether world …….

          11-20 …… gifts ……. …… chief porters …….

        …… who died ……, …… dead nindijir priestesses, chosen by extispicy,

        1 line unclear

        …… raised a tumult ……; …… raised a tumult …….

        The king knew well the rites of the nether world, Ur-Namma knew well the rites of the nether world:

        so he brought magnificent bulls, faultless kids, and fattened sheep.

        inergal001p1 (Nergal, lord of the Under World)

          21-24 To Nergal, the Enlil of the nether world, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a mace,

        a large bow with quiver and arrows, a large …… dagger, and a multi-colored leather bag for wearing at the hip.

        6ac-gilgamesh-son-to-mixed-breed-lugalbanda-goddess-ninsun (Gilgamesh, younger brother to Ur-Namma)

          25-28 To Gilgamec, the king of the nether world, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a spear,

        a leather bag for (?) the saddle-hook ……, a heavenly lion-headed mitum mace,

        a shield resting on the ground, and a battle-ax, an implement beloved of Ereckigala (Ereshkigal).

        2a-ereshkigal-nannars-daughter (Ereshkigal, Queen of the Under World, Nergal‘s spouse)

          29-32 To Ereckigala, the mother of Ninazu ……, in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a …… with oil,

        a cajan bowl of perfect make, a royal ……, …… the divine powers (alien technologies) of the nether world …….

         2d - Biblical Able, Dumuzi the shepherd, & Enlil (Dumuzi the Shepherd, 1st spouse to Inanna)

          33-37 To Dumuzid (Dumuzi), the beloved husband of Inanna, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered alum sheep,

        long-fleeced sheep, big mountain he-goats, a lordly …… of manu wood fit for a shining hand,

        and shepherd’s staff and crook of manu wood, fit for a lord.

          38-41 To Namtar (Ereshkigals son), who decrees all (?) the fates, in his palace,

        the shepherd Ur-Namma offered perfectly wrought jewelery,

        a golden ring cast (?) as a …… barge, pure cornelian stone …… of the gods.

          42-45 To Hucbisag, the wife of Namtar, in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a chest with a lapis-lazuli handle,

        containing (?) everything that is essential in the underworld,

        a hair clasp adorned with lapis-lazuli, and seven (?) combs of womanly fashion.

         4b - Ningishzidda & King Gudea, Ninsun's son (Ningishzidda & Ur-Namma’s younger brother Gudea)

          46-50 To …… Ninjiczida, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a …… sparkling with ……,

        ……. donkeys that bray loudly (?), followed by …….

          51-56 To …… Ninazimua (Ningishzidda‘s spouse Azimua), …… denizen of Arali,

        and to Jectin-ana,(Geshtinanna) the king’s (1/2) sister,

        2 - Geshtinanna, daughter to Enki & Ninsun (singer & scribe Geshtinana, full sister to Dumuzi, 1/2 sister to Ur-Namma)

        in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a ……, the hallmark of the scribe, ……, a peg and the measuring rod …….

          57-60 To Dimpimekug, (Ningishzidda‘s sister) who stands at the right and the left (?),

        the shepherd Ur-Namma …… and offered in her (?) palace a golden and silver toggle-pin with a bison’s head,

        and a lapis-lazuli seal with a golden edge and a pin of refined silver.

          61-63 To ……, the great ensi (high-priest) of the nether world he brought the magnificent bulls, faultless kids,

        and fattened sheep that he had; in his palace the shepherd Ur-Namma offered them.

        64-72 After the offerings were presented to the great …… of the underworld,

        the Anuna, they (?) seated Ur-Namma on a great dais of the nether world

        and set up a dwelling place for him in the nether world.

        At the command of Ereckigala, with (?) Gilgamec, his beloved brother, he will pass the judgments of the nether world

        and render the …… decisions concerning (?) all the men who fell by weapons and all the men who …… guilty.

          73-88 After five days, ten days had passed, lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed my king, lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed Ur-Namma.

        As he could not complete the wall of Urim; as he could no longer enjoy the new palace he had built;

        as he, the shepherd, could no longer protect (?) his household; as he could no longer bring pleasure to his wife with his embrace;

        as he could not bring up his sons on his knees; as he would never see in their prime the beauty of their little sisters,

        who are yet to grow up, the trustworthy shepherd uttered a heart-rending lament for himself:

        “I, who ……, who ……,

        2j - King Ur-Nammu Rebuilds Nannar's Temple (Ur-Namma worker-king for the alien gods)

        …… for the great gods, I have set up chapels for them.

        I have created evident abundance for the Anuna gods.

        I have …… treasures to their …… shining thrones.

        …… a favorable portent for me, was …… as the nether world or the heavens …….

        1 line fragmentary

        approx. 7 lines missing

        SEGMENT D

          1-11 “…… guard ……. …… silence ……. …… adab, flute and zamzam songs …… laments.

        …… have been propped against the wall.

        Because I have been made to sit on …… whose beauty was endless; because I have been made to fall in …… was endless,

        1 line fragmentary

        3a - Anu & Inanna (Anunnaki King Anu & Inanna)

        Maiden Inanna, the warlike lady (Goddess of War),……. Enlil had sent her as a messenger to all the great mountains.”

          12-20 When she had turned her gaze away from there,

        the trustworthy shepherd had left the E-ana, and she (?) could not see him any more.

        She …… at Enlil‘s fierce brow.

        Antagonistically (?) she insulted An, the king of the gods: “When An, the king speaks, his words cannot be changed!

        …… Ur-Namma …….

        There will be no …… at the gods’ place of sunrise.

        …… holy jipar, shrine E-ana …… …… not enter …….

The Ur-Nammu Law Code


The Ur-Nammu law code is the oldest known, written about 300 years before Hammurabi‘s law code. When first found in 1901, the laws of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC) were heralded as the earliest known laws. Now older collections are known: They are laws of the town Eshnunna (ca. 1800 BC), the laws of King Lipit-Ishtar of Isin (ca. 1930 BC), and Old Babylonian copies (ca. 1900-1700 BC) of the Ur-Nammu law code , with 26 laws of the 57. This cylinder is the first copy found that originally had the whole text of the code, and it is the world’s oldest law code. Further it actually mentions the name of Ur-Nammu for the first time.

Hammurabi‘s laws represented the inhuman Law of Retaliation, ‘an Eye for an Eye’. One would expect the 300 years older laws of Ur-Nammu would be even more brutal, but the opposite is the case: ‘If a man knocks out the eye of another man, he shall weigh out 1/2 a mina of silver’.

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


After An and Enlil had turned over the Kingship of Ur to Nanna,

at that time did Ur-Nammu, son born of Ninsun,

2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, mother to Anunnaki gods, goddesses, & many mixed-breeds appointed to kingships)

for his beloved mother who bore him, in accordance with his principles of equity and truth…

2bc - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu (King Ur-Nammu stands before goddess Ningal of Ur)

Then did Ur-Nammu the mighty warrior, king of Ur, king of Sumer and Akkad,

4b-nannar-and-utu  (Nannar & his son Utu the Sun God, Moon Crescent & 8-Pointed Star symbols of Nannar & Anu)

by the might of Nanna, lord of the city, and in accordance with the true word of Utu,

establish equity in the land; he banished malediction, violence and strife,

and set the monthly Temple expenses at 90 gur of barley, 30 sheep, and 30 sila of butter.

He fashioned the bronze sila-measure, standardized the one-mina weight,

and standardized the stone weight of a shekel of silver in relation to one mina…

The orphan was not delivered up to the rich man; the widow was not delivered up to the mighty man;

the man of one shekel was not delivered up to the man of one mina.”

(One mina was made equal to 60 shekels).

1. If a man commits a murder, that man must be killed.

2. If a man commits a robbery, he will be killed.

3. If a man commits a kidnapping, he is to be imprisoned and pay 15 shekels of silver.

4. If a slave marries a slave, and that slave is set free, he does not leave the household.

5. If a slave marries a native (i.e. free) person, he/she is to hand the firstborn son over to his owner.

6. If a man violates the right of another and deflowers the virgin wife of a young man, they shall kill that male.

7. If the wife of a man followed after another man and he slept with her, they shall slay that woman, but that male shall be set free.

8. If a man proceeded by force, and deflowered the virgin slavewoman of another man, that man must pay five shekels of silver.

9. If a man divorces his first-time wife, he shall pay her one mina of silver.

10. If it is a (former) widow whom he divorces, he shall pay her half a mina of silver.

11. If the man had slept with the widow without there having been any marriage contract, he need not pay any silver.

13. If a man is accused of sorcery he must undergo ordeal by water; if he is proven innocent, his accuser must pay 3 shekels.

14. If a man accused the wife of a man of adultery, and the river ordeal proved her innocent, then the man who had accused her must pay one-third of a mina of silver.

15. If a prospective son-in-law enters the house of his prospective father-in-law, but his father-in-law later gives his daughter to another man, the father-in-law shall return to the rejected son-in-law twofold the amount of bridal presents he had brought.

17. If a slave escapes from the city limits, and someone returns him, the owner shall pay two shekels to the one who returned him.

18. If a man knocks out the eye of another man, he shall weigh out ½ a mina of silver.

19. If a man has cut off another man’s foot, he is to pay ten shekels.

20. If a man, in the course of a scuffle, smashed the limb of another man with a club, he shall pay one mina of silver.

21. If someone severed the nose of another man with a copper knife, he must pay two-thirds of a mina of silver.

22. If a man knocks out a tooth of another man, he shall pay two shekels of silver.

24. […] If he does not have a slave, he is to pay 10 shekels of silver. If he does not have silver, he is to give another thing that belongs to him.

25. If a man’s slave-woman, comparing herself to her mistress, speaks insolently to her, her mouth shall be scoured with 1 quart of salt.

28. If a man appeared as a witness, and was shown to be a perjurer, he must pay fifteen shekels of silver.

29. If a man appears as a witness, but withdraws his oath, he must make payment, to the extent of the value in litigation of the case.

30. If a man stealthily cultivates the field of another man and he raises a complaint, this is however to be rejected, and this man will lose his expenses.

31. If a man flooded the field of a man with water, he shall measure out three kur of barley per iku of field.

32. If a man had let an arable field to a(nother) man for cultivation, but he did not cultivate it, turning it into wasteland, he shall measure out three kur of barley per iku of field.

MS in Sumerian on clay, Sumer, reign of King Shulgi, 2095-2047 BC, 1 cylinder, l. 28 cm, diam. 12 cm, 8 columns (originally 10 columns), 243 lines in cuneiform script.

Binding: Barking, Essex, 1996, green quarter morocco gilt folding case by Aquarius.

A Hymn to Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma I): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

         SEGMENT A

        unknown no. of lines missing

          1-6 He is the …… of his god; all the foreign countries are full (?) of his fame.

        He carries out his plans, and Sumer is …… by his greatness.

        2c - Utu - Shamash, Commander of the Space Port (Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, Lord of the Space Ports, symbolized as the Sun God, father Nannar‘s Moon Crescent symbol, Nannar‘s father Enlil‘s 7-Pointed Star symbol, & Enlil‘s father King Anu‘s 8-Pointed Star symbol)

        Utu marches before the king.

        1 line unclear

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

        1-2 1 line fragmentary

        …… gate …… spectacle.

          3-6 King, white mec tree growing in a pleasant spot in Urim (Ur), a canopy of numerous large branches facing the sky,

        years of abundance extending over all foreign countries for those who keep close (?) to your shade.

        3b-anu-of-planet-nibiru  (Anu, Anunnaki King of planet Nibiru / Heaven, & Earth Colony)

        An (Anu) looks with favor at ……, …… with joy …….

        2j - King Ur-Nammu Rebuilds Nannar's Temple (Ur-Namma repairs the ziggurat temples houses of the alien gods who patron different city-states)

        7-12 Ur-Namma, (giant 2/3rds divine) son of Ninsun, king given strength by Enlil, tenderly cared for by Ninlil,

        1900.53.0077A-2, 6/21/06, 11:08 AM, 8C, 7392x12084 (15.6/400.0), 100%, Custom, 1/30 s, R84.7, G67.1, B91.44b-enlil-spouse-ninlil

                            (goddess Ninsun & her mixed-breed son made king;            Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into city wall)

        enthroned by the will of Ninhursaja (Ninhursag), provided with superior intelligence by Enki,


         (ancient Mesopotamian artifacts of Ninhursag; statue of Enki, now both completely destroyed by Radical Islam)

        1 line fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT C

        2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings5l-mixed-breed-king-mother-ninsun

                    (Ninsun;      one of Ninsun‘s giant mixed-breed “heroes of old, men of renown”, & his mother goddess Ninsun)

        1 May Ninsun, the mother who gave you birth, hold you against her chest in the E-kic-nujal (Nannar’s ziggurat residence name).

Ur-Namma the Canal-Digger (Ur-Namma D): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


        A version from Nibru

          1-5 Who will dig it? Who will dig it?

        Who will dig the Asilal-kug canal?

        Who will dig the Pabi-luh canal?

        2i - mixed-breed Ur-Nammu (Ninsun‘s & Lugalbanda‘s son Ur-Nammu, 2/3rds divine, foundation peg 2,100 B.C.)

        …… (King) Ur-Namma will dig it.

        …… will dig it.

          6-14 ……,

        2bc-nanna-his-symbol (Nannar, Prince Enlil‘s son, King Anu‘s grandson, Moon Crescent patron god of Ur)

        …… Acimbabbar (Nannar) you are on your …… because of Enlil.

        The watercourse of …… is full of fish, and the air above is full of birds.

        The fresh water of …… is full of fish, the air above is full of birds.

        …… honey-plants are planted, and the carp grow fat.

        …… honey-plants are planted, and the carp grow fat.

        The gizi reed of …… is so sweet that the fish eat them.

        The gizi reed of …… is so sweet that the fish eat them.

        Since my …… was founded, it is teeming with fish and birds.

        Since …… was founded, it is teeming with fish and birds.

          15-16 Its …… is the master of Eridug — your provider (?) (Ur-Namma) is exultant.

        2e - Eridu temple reconstruction  2-enki-the-wisest-god (Enki & his reconstructed ziggurat residence in Eridu)

        Nudimmud (Enki), the master of Eridug — your provider (?) is exultant.

        2h - Ur-Nammu King of Ur, 2111-2194 B.C. (“sons of God” who came down to Earth, “had sex with the daughters of men”, produced giant mixed offspring, & they became the Biblical “heroes of old, men of renown”, 1st Kings on Earth reigned under gods in Mesopotamia)

          17-18 May the fresh water bring ……; may they be carried in baskets to me.

        May the fresh water bring ……; may they be carried in baskets to me.

        A version of unknown provenance

        1-5 Who will dig it? Who will dig it? Who will dig the canal?

        Who will dig the Kec-kug canal? Who will dig the canal?

        Who will dig the Pabi-luh canal? Who will dig the canal?

        2ba - Enlil leads Ur-Nammu to repair his home

                (Ninurta leads his great-grandson, giant semi-divine king Ur-Nammu, & an earthling servant to repair Enlil‘s house in Nippur)

        Wealthy Ur-Namma will dig it.

        The trustworthy, prosperous youth will dig it.

        2a - Nannar statue 2,000 B.C. James Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1  (Nannar;    top panel: giant king of Ur Ur-Nammu stands before damaged Nannar seated, Nannar’s Moon Crescent symbol, & planet Nibiru‘s 12-pointed star symbol above;  middle: Ningal, Ur-Nammu, Ninsun & Ninsun, Ur-Nammu, & Nannar;  bottom 2 panels: repairs in progress, earthling workers repair houses for the alien gods)

          6-20 My king, lord Acimbabbar, you are on your throne because of Enlil.

 (Earth Colony Commander, son & heir to King Anu of the Anunnaki in Heaven / planet Nibiru, home of the giant gods colonizing Earth)

        Youthful Suen, lord Acimbabbar, you are on your throne because of Enlil.

        I, the king, whose fate was already decreed in the true womb, who raises his head in authority,

         2ab - Ur-Nammu, Ninsun's son king, 2300-2000 B.C. (King Ur-Nammu, one of many sons of alien goddess Ninsun, Royal Prince Enlil‘s granddaughter)

        Ur-Namma, the youth who caught the eyes of the Great Mountain, Enlil, was chosen by Nunamnir (Enlil) in Sumer and Akkad.

        He decreed my fate in Nibru, in the mountain (Enlil‘s E-kur residence in Nippur) of life.

        He beamed at me approvingly and bestowed the kingship on me.

        In Urim (Ur), in the E-mud-kura, he made the foundation of my throne firm.

        He (placed) …… the holy scepter to guide the numerous people in my hand.

        2ba - King Esarhaddon stele 9d - giant god Teshub & unknown king7a - giant Anu meets Earthling Hi-brids(gods & kings, giant alien Anunnaki god & subservient king with his spouse-queen on her knees; giant god & king;  giant god with praising modern man & his woman)

        He …… the staff and the shepherd’s crook to …… the expanding and teeming people.

        Lord Acimbabbar …… a long-lasting life.

        Enlil …… of the four quarters of the world.

        He …… a lasting name, a name worthy to be praised.

        Enki presented me with my broad wisdom.

          21-33 ln my city I dug a canal of abundance and named it the Kec-kug canal;

        in Urim, I dug a canal of abundance and named it the Kec-kug canal.

        I named it the Pabi-luh canal, a lasting name worthy to be praised.

        The watercourse of my city is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds.

        The watercourse of Urim is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds.

        In my city honey-plants are planted, and the carp grow fat.

        In Urim honey-plants are planted, and the carp grow fat.

        The gizi reed of my city is so sweet that the cows eat them.

        The gizi reed of Urim is so sweet that the cows eat them.

        Since my ……, it is teeming with fish and birds.

        In Urim …….

        May the watercourse bring them (the fish) into my canal, may they be carried in baskets to him.

        May the watercourse bring them into Urim, into my canal, may they be carried in baskets to him.

          34-35 Its king is the master of Eridug (Eridu) — your provider (?) (Ur-Namma) is exultant.

         5e - Enki & Adapa  

            (mixed alien Anunnaki & earthling blood modern man & giant leader standing before Enki, larger giant & patron god of Eridu)

        Nudimmud (Enki), the master of Eridug — your provider (of all manual labor needs required by gods) (?) is exultant.

          36-39 King of the four quarters, you who make Enlil content, Ur-Namma, provider of Nibru (Nippur), supporter of Urim (Ur),

        with you (?) the people pass the time joyously at (?) moonlight over the Land of Urim (home of Moon God Nannar).

          40 Ur-Namma, king of Urim, sweet is your praise!”

      A version from Urim

          1-10unknown no. of lines missing

        1 line fragmentary

        Who will dig it? Who will dig the …… canal? Who will dig the canal?

        Who will dig the Jisala-jara canal? Who will dig the canal?

        2j - King Ur-Nammu Rebuilds Nannar's Temple (Ur KIng Ur-Nammu, worker for the giant alien gods King Anu stationed on Earth Colony)

        Wealthy Ur-Namma will dig it. Who will dig the canal?

       3-king-shulgi-ninsuns-son (Shulgi, brother to Ur-Nammu, giant 2/3rds divine sons to goddess Ninsun, a High-Priest, then King of Ur)

        Prosperous Culgi (Shulgi) will dig it. Who will dig the canal?

          11-28 I, the king, whose fate was already decreed in the true womb, who raises his head in authority,

        Ur-Namma, the youth who caught the eyes of the Great Mountain, Enlil, was chosen by Nunamnir in Sumer and Akkad.

        3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur  (Enlil‘s house in Nippur, Command Central)

        He decreed my fate in Nibru, in the mountain of life.

        In Urim, in the E-mud-kura, he made the foundation of my throne firm.

        He placed the awesome crown, the adornment of kingship, on my head.

        2l - Nannar & Ninsun's son King Ur-Nammu (Ur-Nammu receives directions from Nannar / Sin, god of Ur)

        He put (?) the holy staff to guide the numerous people in my hand.

        He …… the staff, the shepherd’s crook into my hand, and the nose-rope to lead the living.

        He …… the amazing house …….

        2 lines fragmentary

        1 line missing

        …… strengthened the roots of E-kic-nu-jal, ……, E-temen-ni-guru, a delightful residence.

        1 line unclear

        …… standing in silver …….

          29-36 ……, and I named it the Kec-kug canal.

        I named it the Pabi-luh canal, a lasting name worthy to be praised.

        The watercourse of my city is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds.

        The city of the Kec-kug canal is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds.

        The watercourse of the Pabi-luh canal is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds.

        Its abundance brings fish and birds for me to the E-kic-nu-jal.

        Its banks are lush with licorice, a honey-sweet plant to eat.

        Its arable tracts grow fine grain sprouting abundantly like a forest.

        1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region 2a - Lagash in Mesopotamia 

                           (land of the gods, the “Eden”, the “land between the rivers” Euphrates & Tigris)

          37-39 King of the four quarters, favorite of Enlil, shepherd Ur-Namma, the provider (workforce) of Sumer and Akkad,

        beloved of Enlil, it is you (?) who makes …… of Urim pass the time joyously …….

        2bc - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu

           (Nannar‘s goddess-spouse Ningal in her royal courtyard, & 2/3rds divine giant king Ur-Namma, Nannar‘s & Ningal’s son-in-law)

          40 Ur-Namma, king of eternal fame, sweet is your praise!

Praise Poems of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma C & H): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        1-16 City of the finest divine powers (alien technologies), lofty royal throne-dais!

        3b - Nannar's Temple in Ur, Terah was the high-priest (city of Ur & temple residence of Nannar; god’s mountain residence)

        Shrine Urim (Ur), pre-eminent in Sumer, built in a pure place!

        City, your well-founded great wall has grown out of the abzu (marshlands of Persian Gulf)!

        City, beautiful as the sky, endowed with beauty, colorfully decorated in a great place!

        Shrine Urim (Ur), well-founded jipar, dwelling (multi-units for multi gods) of An (Anu) and Enlil!

        Your (Nannar‘s) lofty palace (in Ur) is the E-kic-nujal, in which the fates are determined!

        Your pilasters heavy with radiance tower over all the countries!

        3d - Nannar's Ziggourat-Temple in Ur (E-kishnugal discovered of Ur, original stairway to heaven & to god / Nannar, the patron god of the large, advanced city unearthed way below, much on top is missing)

        Its terrace like a white cloud is a spectacle in the midst of heaven.

        Its …… like flashing lightning shines (?) inside a shrine.

        Like a single bull under the yoke, …….Suen‘s (Nannar / Sin) beloved pure table; E-kic-nujal, Suen‘s beloved pure table.

        The king, ornament of the royal offering place, occupies the august courtyard;

        2ab - Ur-Nammu, Ninsun's son king, 2300-2000 B.C. (Ur King Ur-Namma, 2/3rds divine son-king to Ninsun & Lugalbanda, Ninsun‘s uncle Nannar‘s king)

        Ur-Namma the exalted, whom no one dares to oppose, ……. Urim, the wide city …….

        1 line unclear

          17-30 ……, the authoritative, praised himself exultantly:

        Under Ur-Namma, king of Urim, for whom a favorable destiny was determined, the roads have been made passable.

        3b-anu-of-planet-nibiru (An / Anu, Anunnaki King of planet Nibiru & Earth Colony, father to sons of god who came down to colonize Earth) 

        An (Anu) opens his holy mouth, and because of me rain is produced.

        He directs it downward into the earth, and abundance is brought for me.

        Enlil treats me kindly, ……. Enki treats me kindly, bestowing early floods, grain and dappled barley.

        6gg - Ninhursag - Ninmah 2b-ninhursag-chief-medical-officer (Ninhursag, Chief Medical Science Officer – DNA Specialist;  Ninhursag with early failed attempts at fashioning adequate worker replacements for the minor alien gods toiling with mining, cultivation, civilization, etc.)

        Nintud (Ninhursag) formed me (DNA mixing); I am peerless.

        …… brought me up well; I am the king of the Land.

        I am ……; under my rule the cattle-pens and sheepfolds are extended wide.

        2e-babylonian-shamash-2000b-c  (damaged semi-divine king stands before Utu, the Sun God, as symbolized) 

        Utu endowed me with eloquence (?); my judgments create concord in Sumer and Akkad.

        Ningubalag (Utu) has given me strength.

        In the whole extent of heaven and earth, no one can escape from a battle with me.

          31-42 I am Ur-Namma, king of Urim, the protecting (taller, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived longer) genius of my city.

        I strike against those guilty of capital offenses, and make them tremble.

        The fear I cause …….

        2o-law-code-of-ur-nammu-utu-seated (Utu seated & pulling the strings on the “Wheel of Justice”)

        My judgments make Sumer and Akkad follow a single path.

        I place my foot on the necks of thieves and criminals.

        I clamp down on evildoers, who will be caught like snakes.

        I …… fugitives, and their intentions will be set right.

        I make justice apparent; I defeat wickedness.

        As if I were fire, even my frowning is enough to create concord.

        My word ……. …… the lands, the foreign countries …… Urim …….

        5a-nannar-a-very-early-king  (high-priests fed & clothed, worker-caterer to alien god Nannar & his spouse Ningal in Ur)

        Their food offerings make Nanna rejoice in E-kic-nujal.

        2l - Nannar & Ninsun's son King Ur-Nammu 2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna(Ur-Namma receives his instructions from Utu)

          43-49 After my seed had been poured into the holy womb,

        Suen (Nannar), loving its appearance (?), made it partake of Nanna‘s attractiveness (DNA manipulations).

        1ae-enlil-babylonian2e-ninhursag-dna-experiments (Nannar, Enlil, & Nintud / Ninhursag)

        Coming forth over the Land like Utu, Enlil called me by an auspicious name, and Nintud (Ninhursag) assisted at my birth.

        As I came forth from the womb of my mother Ninsun, a favorable destiny was determined for me.

        2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, daughter to Bau & Ninurta, goddess-mother to Anunnaki gods, & many mixed-breed kings)

          50-56 In me, Ur-Namma, the lands of Sumer and Akkad have their protecting genius.

        I am a source of joy for the Land; my life indeed creates!

        ……, the fields are resplendent (?) under my rule.

        In the fields growing with ……, …… did not multiply under my rule.

        In the desert, the roads are made up as for a festival, and are passable because of me.

        The owner of the fields ……; it rises (?) up to his chest.

         I have freed the sons of the poor from their duty of going to fetch firewood.

           57-69 After the storm ……, and the month had been completed (?) for me,

         (Royal Prince Enlil, son & heir to alien Anunnaki King Anu, stationed as their Earth Colony Commander)

        Enlil chose me by extispicy on a day very auspicious for him.

        He spoke fairly to Sumer, and caused me to arise (?) from my family (?). (mixed bloodline of gods, 2/3rds divine)

        Because of my broad understanding and wisdom, An the king entrusted …… into my hands.

        3a - Anu in flight (King Anu visits Earth Colony in his winged sky-disc)

        I am the foremost one of Sumer.

        I am …… good ……. I am ……. I am …… of the Land.

        3 lines fragmentary

        I, the lord, …….

          70-78 I, Ur-Namma, born on high, …… shining. (2,040 B.C. stele, top panel: mixed-breed giant King Ur-Namma stands before giant alien god Nannar; middle panel: Ningal, Ur-Namma, & Ninsun / Ninsun, Ur-Namma, & Nannar; bottom panels: giant god, very large king, & much smaller earthling workers doing their assigned tasks benefiting the gods)

       The people line up in front of me (bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, & lived much longer than earthlings).

        Enlil has given me the task of keeping the Land secure, with unscathed (?) troops.

        I am clad in linen in the jipar.

        I lie down on the splendid bed in its delightful bedchamber.

        I cause the people to eat splendid food;

        I am their Enkimdu (i.e. the god of irrigation and cultivation) (yoke bearer of the gods).

        I am the good shepherd whose sheep multiply greatly.

        2i-cattle-pens-of-nannar-in-ur housing-housing-tents-of-early-modern-man  (Nannar protects his cattle pens in Ur)

        I open the …… of the cattle-pens and sheepfolds.

        I am peerless. …… the pastures and watering-places of shepherds (?).

          79-85 Since I have been adorned (?) with their rulership, no one imposes taxes on my abundant crops which grow tall.

        My commands bring about (?) joy in the great fortresses of the mountains.

        The joy of my city and the territory (?) of Sumer delights me.

        I release water into the canals of Sumer, making the trees grow tall on their banks.

        I have lifted the yoke of its male prostitutes.

        1 line unclear

        3ca - Nannar's house & city of Ur (Nannar‘s & Ningal‘s house, with the stairway to heaven in Ur)

           86-100 I returned …… to Urim.

        I made …… return (?) to his country …… like ……. I loaded its grain on barges, I delivered it to its store-houses.

        I returned its …… citizens to their (?) homes.

        I …… their earth-baskets.

        I …… the savage hands of the Gutians (primitive earthlings not in cities), the …….

        After I had made the evil-doers return (?) to their ……,

        I restored (?) the walls that had been torn down; my outstanding mind ……. …… the shrine of Urim …….

      2ba - Enlil leads Ur-Nammu to repair his home
(Enlil leads his great-grandson, mixed-breed King Ur-Namma,  & smaller earthling cup bearer to repair Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur)

        I am the foremost workman (?) of Enlil; I am the one who …… food offerings.

        7 lines fragmentary or missing

        XIR188782 Votive plaque depicting an offering scene, from Diyala, Early Dynastic Period, 2600-2500 BC (stone) by Mesopotamian stone Iraq Museum, Baghdad Giraudon out of copyright  farming-naked-plowman-seal

                     (feeding the alien gods, & all the work that goes with it, labor handed down to the earthlings)

           101-110 …… at a banquet with me in the city.

        …… joyful dance …….

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur 2e - Enlil's home in Nippur 1y - Nippur, Enlil's City in the 1st Region

              (Earth Colony Command Central, Commander Enlil‘s ziggurat temple residence, home away from home, in Nippur)

        I have brought abundance to Enlil‘s temple on the king’s canal:

        I have directed ships both to the wine quay of Enlil and to the lapis-lazuli quay of Nanna (Nannar / Sin).

        Alcohol and syrup have been poured out before Enlil.

        To me, the shepherd Ur-Namma (Biblical Abraham was also called a shepherd), let life be given as a reward!

        SYRIA - CIRCA 2002: Limestone stela depicting the Moon God Sin, rear view. Artefact from Tell Ahmar, Syria. Assyrian civilisation, 8th Century BC. Aleppo, Archaeological Museum (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)Communication - temple with communication towers3e-urs-ziggourat-nannars-house

            (Moon Crescent God of Ur, Nannar, standing atop his ziggurat temple residence;  his communication towers;  Nannar‘s home)

        For Nanna, my master, I have built (repaired, built thousands of years prior to Ur-Nammu) his temple;

        as if it were a verdant hillside, I have set up the E-kic-nujal in a great place.

        I have surrounded (?) its terrace with a gold and lapis-lazuli fence.

          111-115 I am the creature of Nanna!

        6aa - Gilgamesh two-thirds Divine (Gilgamesh, giant 2/3rds divine famous king of Uruk, son to Ninsun & Lugalbanda, = 2/3rds divine)

        I am the older brother of Gilgamec (Gilgamesh)!

          2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed KingsCylinder seal and imprint, Paleo-Babylonian period. The water-goddess, standing on two goats between two naked heroes. They honour a deity holding a large ring. Haematite, H: 2,25 cm AO 25518

                    (Ninsun                               2 mixed-breed sons, Ninsun, another son, Nannar, & Utu)

        I am the son born by Ninsun, a princely seed!

        For me, kingship came down from heaven!

(Enlil‘s decision to have mixed-breeds serve as kings, queens, high-priests, & high-priestesses, acting as perfect go-betweens for alien gods, established in many cities, & early “modern man”)

        Sweet is the praise of me, the shepherd Ur-Namma (Ur King)!

A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma H): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(mixed-breed demigods in teal…)

        SEGMENT A

        2j - King Ur-Nammu Rebuilds Nannar's Temple (Ur-Namma working for the gods, acting as king, go-between for gods & earthlings)

          1-4 Ur-Namma, king of the Land ……. …… far and distant (?) ……. …… ebony …….

        1 line fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

        SEGMENT B

          1-6 1 line fragmentary

        …… with silver and lapis lazuli ……. …… like silver …… in the Land.

        …… in (?) the desert.


               (Ningal, goddess queen of Ur, King Ur-namma, damaged Ninsun, again Ur-Namma, & Nannar seated on his throne in Ur)

        Lion (?) and dragon ……. Ur-Namma, king of the Land, far and distant (?)

        unknown no. of lines missing