Author Archives: nibirudb

Prayer to Enlil for Simbar-Sipak


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


          (reverence paid by king to Earth Commander Enlil)

       For the god Enlil, supreme lord, exalted, king of the universe,

         august leader, sovereign of heaven and netherworld, who decides the fates,

         venerable, splendid, whose rulership cannot be equaled among all the gods,

         king of the gods, lord of the whole expanse of the heavens,

         at whose utterance all the Igīgū (Igigi) gods moan in fear and at the giving of whose order(s)

         (Aia & spouse Utu come before Commander Enlil)

         all the Anunnakū (Anunnaki) gods shake like reeds, lord of Ekur and Nippur, who dwells in Ekurigigal, his lord:


       Simbar-Šipak, just king, (his) respectful servant,

         who administers correctly the rites of the gods Anu and Dagan (Enki) (and) duly performs their cultic rites,

           (giant mixed-breed Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar I artifact, 1,125 B.C.)

       (With regard to) the throne of the god Enlil in Ekurigigal which Nebuchadnezzar (I), a previous king,

         had made — during the reign of Adad-apla-iddina, king of Babylon,

         hostile Arameans and Sutians, enemies of Ekur and Nippur,

         who desecrated Duranki, upset in Sippar — the ancient city (and) abode of the great judge of the gods —

         their cultic rites, plundered the land of Sumer and Akkad, (and) overthrew all the temples.


       The goods (and) property of the god Enlil which the Arameans had carried off

         and (which) the Subartu had (subsequently) taken (from them), at the command of the god Enlil

          exalted ruler of the gods, lord of lords —

           (Marduk, patron god of Babylon)

         the god Marduk — king of the universe,  who has the power to make (a region) desolate and to resettle (it) —

       (and) the god Utulu terror of (his) enemies, slayer of (his) foes — an Assyrian recognized the goods

         (and) property of the god Enlil and brought (them) into Baltil (Aššur).

         It returned from Baltil to i[ts] place in Duranki.

         (blue-eyed Earth Colony Commander Enlil, his commands are final)

       Simbar-Šipak, viceroy for the god Enlil, wise, beloved of the god […], reverent shepherd,

         who is assiduous toward the sanctuaries of the god Enlil, the knowledgeable one,

         was exceedingly concerned about the renovation of Ekur and Nippur.


       He had constructed and set [up] a throne (made) of mēsu-wood — the durable wood —

         whose mountings were made of ṣāriru-gold and [whose] form was extra large,

         (in sum, a throne) suitable for his (Enlil’s) august position as supreme god.

          (Marduk, patron god over Babylon, & later Egypt)

       On account of this, when the god Marduk — the great lord, Enlil of the gods, s[up]r[eme] (deity) —

         sits upon this throne, may the fate of Simbar-Šip[ak] — just king, shepherd,

         (and) his (the god Marduk’s) favorite — be esta[blished] favorably.


       Colophon on ex. L

       Written and collated according to its original.

       (By) the hand of (mixed-breed descendants) Marduk-šarrani,

         son of Rīmūt-Nabû, son of Lūṣi-ana-nūr-Irra, descendant of Sîn-leqe-unnēnī,

          (IshtarInanna (Nanaya, a mixed-breed king & daughter)

         the lamentation-priest of the goddesses Ištar (Inanna) of Uruk and Nanāia (Nanaya, Nabu’s spouse),

         one privileged to enter the temple of the goddess Kanisurra (unidentified), [scribe] of Eanna.


       Tablet of Rīmūt-Nabû, descendant of Sîn-leqe-unnēnī,

         the lamentation-priest of the goddesses Ištar of Uruk and Nanāia,

         one privileged to enter the temple of the goddess Kanisurra.


       Written in the month Kislīmu, on the first day.


       Colophon on ex. 2

       [That which is (written) upon the thr]one at Nippur [(…)].

            (E-kur, Enlil‘s residence in his patron city-state, Nippur)

Prayer to Ishtar (Inanna) for Samas-suma-ukin (2001)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

          (Ishtar Inanna, Goddess of Love (King Samas-suma-ukin)

       For the goddess Ištar (Inanna), supreme lady:

       Sîn-šarra-uṣur, viceroy of Ur, in order to ensure the good health of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, king of Babylon,

          (IshtarInanna (Nanaya & a king with ill daughter)

         gave to the goddesses Ištar and Nanāia (Nanaya) (a plot of land measuring) 660 (cubits along its) upper width,

         bordering (the property of) Atrāia (and) stretching to the estate of the simmagir-official;

         its upper and lower lengths stretch from the Euphrates (River) to the town Sūrānu.

       Whoever you are, whether king or overseer, who appears and changes the border or boundary line,

          (Marduk, giant alien patron god of Babylon)

         may the god Marduk, the great lord, highest-ranking god (and) lord of the lands,

         afflict him with dropsy (as) his punishment which cannot be alleviated!

         May the goddess Ištar of Uruk, the august lady, inflict defeat and rout on his army!

         May she ungird him (lit. “loosen his loins”) in the presence of his enemy!

         May the goddess Nanāia (Nabu’s spouse), beloved of the gods Nabû and Marduk,

          (alien gods Marduk, Inanna, Nabu, & his spouse Nanaya)

         continually speak evil of him in the presence of the god Nabû, the one who loves him (Sîn-šarra-uṣur)!

          (Nergal, warrior god, patron of the Under World)

         May the god Nergal, the mightiest of the gods, most overpowering of the gods (and) valiant male,

         not spare his life in plague or bloody battle!

         May he take away his descendant(s) (and) his name, and decree that his life (last) not one day (more)!

Praise of Marduk for Samas-suma-ukin (06)


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


       [the one during whose reign, the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, relented,

         entered] Babylon [amidst] rejoicing [and took up his residence in] Esagila forever[more;

         the one who (re)confirmed the regular offer]ings for Esagila and the gods of the land of [Sumer and Akkad;

         son of] Esarhaddon, great king, mig[hty] king, [king of the world, king of Assyria,

         vicero]y of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sume[r and Akkad;

         grandso]n of Sennacherib, great king, [mighty] k[ing, king of the world, (and) king of Assyria;

         descend]ant of Sargon (II), gr[eat] king, [mighty king, king of the world, (and) king of Assyria]

Praise of Nabu for Samas-suma-ukin (05)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


               (Marduk;                                          Marduk & his giant mixed-breed Babylonian king, etc.)

        For the star of the god Marduk, mighty … exalted, [br]ight, the god Šiḫṭu, (unidentified)

        lord of catchwater, spring … (and) wide seas, who produces (both) rain and flood,

            (Nergal, Lord over deceased earthlings;  Nergal, Lord of Netherworld)

        the god Imdudu (Nergal), who roams through heaven and netherworld,

        lord of the wind blast … and storm, who establishes the inundation,

           (Nabu statue, actual size of the giant god)

        the god Nabû, the bright one who holds the lead-rope of earth and netherworld,

        star of East and West …, at whose appearance the Igīgū gods and the Anunnakū gods hap[pily] …

           (Ezida with Borsippa way down below the mud-brick mountain)

        who dwells in Ezida, which is inside Borsippa, [(…) his lord]:

        Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, viceroy of Babylon […] had (this) … made and a boat … it was brought with difficulty …

        procession … for the conveyance of his great lordship, (for his) going and returning […,

        the god Šidd]ukišarra (unidentified), who administers all of heaven and netherworld

        for his descent where water, the life of the land, the well-being of the house …[…]

          (Marduk upon Mushhushu, Inanna & mixed-breed Babylonian king)

        … august, splendid, son of the god Asari (Marduk), who has bro[ad understanding …],

        the god Mudugasâ (Ningishzidda), supreme, ruler … lord of ingenious things, martial,


          (semi-divine king Gudea, Ningishzidda, & Dumuzi                   Ningishzidda places the monuments foundation pegs, & Ninsun)

        who in counsel […] expert of all the temp[les] …[…] the one who makes opposing forces agree,

        who administers everything […], who has broad understanding,

          (Nabu the scribe on door of US Congress)  (Esagila over Babylon)

        scribe of Esagila, who wa[tches ov]er the Igīgū gods and [the Anunnakū gods],

        who bears the tablet of the fates of the great gods, who supervises every[thing], capable, wise,

           (Nabu’s Ezida looking over Borsippa)

        god who[se] rule is pre-eminent, lord of Borsippa, who dwells in Ezida, the great lord [his] l[ord],

         Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, viceroy [of Babylon], king of the land of Sumer and Akk[ad]

        had (this object) of 18 1/2 cubits made […].

        [In order] to ensure his good health, to prolong his days […] may he determine as his fate!

           (brother mixed-breeds Ashurbanipal & Samas-suma-ukin)

        […] … […] … […] … Ashurbanipal [… Šama]š-šuma-ukīn, kin[g …]

Prayer to Nabu for Samas-suma-ukin (04)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

         (Utu, Marduk, giant mixed-breed king, Enki, & scribe Nabu)

       For the god Nabû, po[werful, emine]nt, wisest of the gods, exalted, noble,

         scribe of everything, super[visor of the totality of heaven and netherworld],

         who makes opposing forces agree, who knows everything, splendid, perfect,

         who has gat[hered to himself all] the (divine) offices, who controls the omens,

         lord of skilful works, whose command is pre-eminent [in the assembly of the gods], his fathers,

         (one with) a far-reaching mind, whose heart none among the gods knows,

         supreme lord, who raises up lords (and) the fame of rulers,

          (Marduk, son Nabu, & mixed-breed descendant-king)

         who gives sceptre, throne, and reign, who confirms kingship,

         compassionate one, who bestows for future days power and victory;

         (Marduk, spouse Sarpanit, & son Nabu)

         most important son of the god Asari (Marduk), offspring of the goddess Erua (Marduk‘s spouse Sarpanit)

         (Borsippa, Nabu’s Ezida, “True House” residence, a mud-brick mountain)

         queen (and) goddess of ladies — who dwells in Ezida — the true house, (located) in [Bor]sippa,

        the cult centre which is worthy of honour — great lord, my lord:

         (giant god Marduk & mixed-breed Babylonian king)

       I, Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, [mighty] king, [ki]ng of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

         wise viceroy, valiant prince, […], who reveres the lord of lords, wise vice-regent, true shepherd,

         [who is assid]uous toward the sanctuaries (residences) of the great gods,

         who (re)settl[ed Babyl]on, (re)built (Marduk’s) Esagila, (and) provides for (Nabu’s) Ezida;

         the one during whose [reign] the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk,


                               (Ezida in Borsippa;                                                                       Esagila in Babylon)

         relented, entered Babylon amidst rejoicing, and took up his residence in Esagila forevermore;

         the one who (re)confirmed the regular offerings (in) Esagila (for) the gods of the land of Sumer and Akkad;


                            (Esarhaddon; Ashurbanipal; Sennicherib; & Sargon II mixed-breed descendant-kings)

         son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

         viceroy of Babylon, (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;  

         favourite (brother) of Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the world, (and) king of Assyria;

         grandson of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king, king of the world, (and) king of Assyria;

         descendant of Sargon (II), great king, mighty king, king of the world, (and) king of Assyria;

          (giant alien god Ashur above the king in his winged sky-disc)

         descendant of the enduring royal lineage of Bēl-bāni, son of Adasi, scion (descendants) of Baltil (Aššur(Ashur)

              (mixed-breed brothers Ashurbanipal & Samas-suma-ukin)

       In order to ensure the good health of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, my favourite brother,

         to prolong (his) life, to ensure the well-being of (his) descendant(s)‬,

         to confirm (his) reign, and to defeat (his) enemy, and, with regard to me,

         to ensure my good health, to prolong my life, to ensure the well-being of my descendant(s),

         to confirm my reign, (and) to ensure that I might have no illness, […] together,

          (Nabu’s Ezida, mud bricks high as a mountain in Borsippa)

         I had the storehouses of Ezida built anew and made (them) high as a mountain.

       May [any] future [pr]ince, during whose reign this work falls into disrepair

         (and) sustains damage, repair [its dilapidated state]!

         May he write my name with his (own) name, look at my royal inscription,

         [anoint (it) with oil], offer a sacrifice, (and) place (my royal inscription) with his (own) royal inscription!

          (Nabu statue unearthed in Nimrod)

         The god Nabû will (then) listen to his prayers.

       [(But) as for the one who] erases [my inscribed name or the name] of my favourite brother

         by some crafty device, [(or) destroys my royal inscription, or] changes its position

         and does not place (it) with his (own) royal inscription,

          (Nabu with animal horn crown, patron god over Borsippa, a mini Babylon)

         may [the god Nabû, august lord], glare at him [ang]rily

         and make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from the lands!

Prayer to Nabu for Samas-suma-ukin (03)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

           (Kings Ashurbanipal of Assyria & brother Samas-suma-ukin of Babylon)

        I, Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, [mighty] king, [king] of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

         august [vice]-regent, true shepherd, who reveres the lord of lords;

        (Enlil; Marduk with sky-discs)

         the one during [who]se reign the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, had pity,

         entered Babylon amidst rejoicing, and took up his residence in Esagila forevermore;

         [who (re)confirmed] the regular offerings (in) Esagila (for) the gods of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

          (Esarhaddon on his stele)  (Sennacherib)

         son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria,

         (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, king of Assyria;

         descendant of Sargon (II), king of Assyria (and) king of the land of Sumer and Akkad;

          (Sargon IIAshurbanipal

         favourite (brother) of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, (and) king of the four quarters (of the world) —

       (With regard to) the enclosure wall of (Nabu’s) Ezida (‟True House”) which had become old

           (Nabu’s residence in his patron city of Borsippa)

         during the reign of a previous king and whose foundation had become weak,

         during my reign, I renovated its dilapidated sections and made (them) high as a mountain.

       Whoever among the future kings, my descendants, appears and governs the land,

         may he read my statue, anoint (it) with oil, (and) offer a sacrifice!

         May he write my name with his (own) name and praise my deeds!

          (Nabu, patron god of Borsippa, a mini Babylon)

         (Then), may the god Nabû, scribe of Esagila, inscribe a long life for him upon (his) tablet,

         determine (for him) longevity as his lot, (and) constantly say good things about him

          (Marduk; Marduk, Nabu, & giant mixed-breed king)

         in the presence of the god Marduk, king of the gods!

       (But), as for the one who erases my inscribed name or the name of my favourite brother

         by some crafty device and makes my statue unrecognizable, or changes its position

          (giant god Nabu, in man’s image & likeness)

         and does not put it with his (own) statue, may the god Nabû, august lord, glare at him angrily

         and make [his name], his descendants, his offspring, (and) [his] progeny disappear

         [from the mouths of the multi]tudes [of people, and may he have no] pi[ty] upon him!

Prayers to Samas (Shamash – Utu) for Samas-suma-ukin (01 & 02)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

          (Samas-suma-ukin, Ashur‘s semi-divine mixed-breed King of Babylon)

       Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, mighty king (giant “mighty man”), king of the Amnānu, king of Babylon,

          (Enlil; Utu; & Marduk)

         capable (and) judicious, shepherd, favourite of the gods Enlil, Šamaš, and Marduk,

         king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, I (Ashur’s offspring)––

       In the womb of (my) mother who bore me (lit. ‟in the place of creating of the mother who bore me”),

         the queen of the gods, the goddess Erua (Sarpanit, Marduk’s spouse), gladly appointed me to be lord of the people.

       The great gods looked with pleasure upon me to gather the scattered people of Akkad

         and they joyfully appointed me to carry out the forgotten rites and rituals.

       The king of the gods, the god Asari (Ashur), came happily with me from Baltil (Aššur) unto ‟the Seat of Life.”


            (son Nabu the scribe, semi-divine king, earthling worker, Marduk upon Mushhushu, & son Ashur)

       The great lord (and) hero, the god Marduk, gladly took up his holy residence in Esagila,

         the palace of heaven and netherworld.

       I restored the precious rites (and) choice cult practices of the great gods who sit upon dais(es) in the whole of Ekur.

       At that time, I (re-)erected the dilapidated parts of Badullisâ (‟Wall Named in Ancient Times”),

         the (city) wall of Sippar, which had become weak and buckled because of enemy disturbances.

         I strengthened its weak sections (and) with earth raised its top (as high) as a mountain.

         (Aia / Aya & spouse Utu stand before father Nannar)

       On account of this, O god Šamaš, the manly hero, and goddess Aya, (his) bride,

         look upon my good deeds with pleasure and speak well of me ––

         Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, the humble one who reveres you!

Prayer to Samas for Samas-suma-ukin (02)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal)

        (dinner offering by semi-divine king for Utu)

         For the god Šamaš, king of Sippar, his lord: Šamaš-šuma-ukīn,

         viceroy of Šuanna (Babylon), king of Sumer (and) Akkad,

         (re)constructed Ebabbar (“Shining House”) (Utu’s temple residence in Sippar) anew with baked bricks

          (Assyrian King Ashurbanipal)

         for the sake of his life and for the sake of the life of Ashurbanipal,

         king of Assyria, his favourite brother.

Prayers to Ishtar (Inanna) for Sargon II (03 – 06)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

          (Ishtar / Inanna, daughter to Nannar & Ningal)

        [For] the goddess Ištar (Inanna), mistress of the lands, (most) eminent of the gods,

          [(most) valiant] of the goddesses, […] fierce, terrifying flood, [(…)

          who] is endowed with […] […] … majestic, […] awe, […] … the firmament (of the heavens),

          […] … […] humble, [… who give]s judgment and decision, […] purification rites,

          […] which is inside Uruk, [the great lady], his lady:

        [Sargon (II), king of Assy]ria, king of the world, viceroy of Babylon,

          [king of (the land of) Sume]r and Akkad, prince who provides for her,

        [In order to ensure] his [good health], to prolong his days, to lengthen his reign,

          [to …] his […], (and) to overthrow his enemy,

           (E-ana, ziggurat residence of many goddesses)

        [(With regard to) Ean]na, which Íulgi (Shulgi), a previous king, had had built and which had become old,

          (with regard to) this temple, whose walls had buckled, whose bondings had disintegrated,

          whose parapet had become ruined, whose foundation had collapsed,

          (and) whose reconstruction had not occurred to (any of) the kings, (his) predecessors —

           (giant god Marduk & his king)

        At that time, the great lord, the god Marduk, gave excellent judgment to Sargon (II),

          king of Assyria, king of the world, viceroy of Babylon,

          (Adad, Ashur, mixed-breed king, & Ninurta)

          one who was chosen by the god Asari (Ashur), and increased his understanding.

        He (Sargon) directed his attention [to] renovating the abandoned cult centers

          and sanctuaries of all the gods of the land Akkad.

          He was assiduous toward the sanctuaries of Eanna, the abode of the goddess Ištar, mistress of the lands, his lady.

           (E-ana, way above city of Uruk)

          (With regard to) the outer enclosure wall of Eanna in the lower courtyard,

          he tore down its parapet and laid bare its foundation.

          (mixed-breed descendant-king Sargon II)

        With fervent entreaties, prayers, and expressions of humility he (Sargon) laid its foundations (anew)

          and he fixed its foundation on the breast of the netherworld (as secure) as a mountain.

           (monument builder Ningishzidda & mixed-breed king)

          With the work of the god Kulla (Ningishzidda), the chief builder,

          and (with the help of) artisans who know (their) craft,

          he raised its top with (ritually) pure bricks and completed its construction.

          He made (it) superior to what had been there before and carried out the plans correctly.

        On account of this, may the goddess Ištar, mistress of the lands,

          look upon this work with pleasure and may she bestow a (long) life on Sargon,

          king of Assyria, king of the world, viceroy of Babylon, the king who provides for her!

          May she say good things about him before the god Marduk, king of the gods!

        May she go (with him) as his helper in strife and battle!

        May he smash the weapons of his enemies and may he achieve whatever he wants!

         May he subjugate at his feet all rulers who are not submissive to him!

         By the command of the goddess Ištar, beloved of the lord of the gods, may he increase (his) good fortune!

         May long life, happiness, and gladness be bestowed on him and may his reign be long!

         May he make the foundation of his throne secure for future days and may he control (all) regions (of the world)!

        May he exercise the rule over the people who are of privileged status (mixed-breeds)

         (and) freed from taxation by the great gods!

         During his reign may those ones freed from taxation not be in disorder!

         May he decrease their negligence and may he remove their sin!

         Let turmoil be unknown to them (and) may he make their heart(s) rejoice!

         Like the foundations of Uruk and Eanna, may their foundations be firm!


        Copy of the inscription, dispatch to/of the palace of Assyria; copied and collated.


       Sargon (II), great king, king of the world, king of Babylon,

         king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, commander of Assyria and of all Amurru,

         had the outer enclosure wall, the courtyard of Eanna, the narrow gate, and the regular gate built.


          (Inanna) (E-ana)

       For the goddess Inanna, lady of Uruk, who dwells in Eanna, the august, supreme lady, his lady:

         Sargon (II), king of the world, viceroy of Babylon, king of Sumer (and) Akkad,

         shepherd of the land of Assyria, had baked bricks made

         (and) made the processional way of Eanna shine like daylight.


       For the lady, the goddess Inanna, mistress of the lands, his lady:

         Sargon (II), m[ight]y king, king of Babylon, king of the world, king […], king […],

         (re)constructed Eanna, her beloved temple.

Prayers to Marduk for Sargon II (01, 02)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)


        For the god Marduk, great lord, compassionate god who dwells in Esagila, lord of Babylon, his lord:

           (palace entrance for King Sargon II)

        Sargon (II), mighty king, king of Assyria, king of the world,

        viceroy of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad,

        the one who provides for Esagila and Ezida, thought of (re)building the (city) wall Imgur-Enlil.


                            (Marduk’s Esagila residence)                               (Nabu’s Ezida residence)

        He had bricks made and constructed a quay-wall of baked bricks fired in a (ritually) pure kiln,

        (laid) in (both) refined and crude bitumen, along the bank of the Euphrates River, in deep water.

        He founded the (city) wall Imgur-Enlil and the (city) wall Nēmet-Enlil (as secure) upon it as a mountain range.

        May the god Marduk, great lord, look upon this work (with pleasure)

        and may he bestow a (long) life on Sargon, the prince who provides for him!

        May his reign be as firm as the foundation of Babylon!


          (giant god Marduk & mixed-breed king, etc.)

        For the god Marduk, the gr[eat] lord, his lord: Sargon (II), king of the land of Assyria,

        king of the world, viceroy of Babylon, king of Sumer (and) Akkad,

        constructed anew the (city) wall Imgur-Enlil (and) the (city) wall Nēmet-Enlil

        for the sake of his life (and) made (them) shine like daylight.

Praise of Nabu for Neriglissar (8)

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal)

        w[is]e prince, the one who daily through the su[pport of his gods]

           (Marduk, his son Nabu, & Babylonian king)

        const[antly] seeks re[spect for the god Marduk — the great lord] — and the god Nabû — his t[rue] heir —

        the one who se[eks] to copiously supply sattu[kku-offerings (…)] to Esagil and Ezida

           (Nabu’s Ezida; Marduk’s Esagil)

        (and) to perform daily that [which is pleasing] to the gods Nabû and Marduk, [his] lords,

        the one who fulfills [their] comman[d], son of Bēl-šum-iškun

        [wise] prince [(…)] — the perfect young man, the vali[ant] young man, [(…)].

           (Nabu, son to Marduk, spouse to Nanaya)

        When the god Nabû, the e[xalted] vizier, the one who speaks about [my] good de[eds],

        spr[ead] word of my good deeds (and) elevated the head of my royal majesty,

        he looked upon me with his gracious face an[d] granted to me a just reign.

        At his exalted command, I travel[led] enemy road(s), […] mountain path(s),

        […] lands […] … [… h]ostil[e …] (i 25ˊ) … [… k]i[ng …]