Author Archives: nibirudb

The Advice of an Akkadian Father to His Son

c. 2200 BC of an akkadian father to .htm

Portions of this work contributed by Robert A. Guisepi and F. Roy Williams, University of California

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Do not set out to stand around in the assembly.

Do not loiter where there is a dispute, for in the dispute they will have you as an observer.

Then you will be made a witness for them,

and they will involve you in a lawsuit to affirm something that does not concern you.

In case of a dispute, get away from it, disregard it!

If a dispute involving you should flare up, calm it down.

A dispute is a covered pit, a wall which can cover over its foes;

it brings to mind what one has forgotten and makes an accusation against a man.

Do not return evil to your adversary; requite with kindness the one who does evil to you,

maintain justice for your enemy, be friendly to your enemy.

Give food to eat, beer to drink, grant what is requested, provide for and treat with honor.

At this one’s god takes pleasure.

2b - Utu (Utu, son to Nannar, grandson to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

It is pleasing to Shamash (Utu), who will repay him with favor.

Do good things, be kind all your days.

Do not honor a slave girl in your house;

she should not rule your bedroom like a wife, do not give yourself over to slave girls….

Let this be said among your people:

“The household which a slave girl rules, she disrupts.”

Do not marry a prostitute, whose husbands are legion,

an Ishtar-woman who is dedicated to a god a kulmashitu-woman. . . .

When you have trouble, she will not support you, when you have a dispute she will be a mocker.

There is no reverence or submissiveness in her.

Even if she is powerful in the household, get rid of her,

for she pricks up her ears for the footsteps of another.

My son, if it be the wish of a ruler that you belong to him, if you are entrusted with his closely guarded seal,

open his treasure house and enter it, for no one but you may do it.

Uncounted wealth you will find inside, but do not covet any of that, nor set your mind on a secret crime,

for afterwards the matter will be investigated and the secret crime which you committed will be exposed.

Do not speak ill, speak only good.

Do not say evil things, speak well of people.

He who speaks ill and says evil— people will waylay him because of his debt to Shamash.

2ee - Utu, Shamash (giant mixed-breed king stands before Utu, the Sun God)

Do not talk too freely, watch what you say.

Do not express your innermost thoughts even when you are alone.

What you say in haste you may regret later.

Exert yourself to restrain your speech.

Worship your god every day.

Sacrifice and pious utterance are the proper accompaniment of incense.

Have a freewill offering for your god, for this is proper toward a god.

Prayer, supplication, and prostration offer him daily,

then your prayer will be granted, and you will be in harmony with god.

Agade / Akkad Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


at that time, holy Inanna established the sanctuary of Agade

as her celebrated woman’s domain; she set up her throne in Ulmac…”


        “Inanna’s temple in Agade, UL.MASH (“Glittering, Luxurious”)

         in Agade did Inanna erect a temple as her noble abode;

         in the Ulmash she set up a throne…”


         “In those days, the dwellings of Agade were filled with gold;

         its bright-shining houses were filled with silver.

         Into its storehouses were brought copper, lead and slabs of lapis-lazuli;

         its granaries bulged at the sides.

         Its old men were endowed with wisdom,

         its old women were endowed with elegance;

         its young men were endowed with the Strength-of Weapons,

         its little children were endowed with joyous hearts…

         The city was full of music…”


One legend related of Sargon in neo-Assyrian times says that:

“My mother was a changeling (?), my father I knew not.

The brothers of my father loved the hills.

My city is Azurpiranu (the wilderness herb fields),

which is situated on the banks of the Euphrates

My changeling mother conceived me, in secret she bore me.

She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed my lid.

She cast me into the river which rose not over me.

The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the drawer of water.

Akki, the drawer of water, took me as his son and reared me.

Akki the drawer of water, appointed me as his gardener.

While I was gardener Ishtar (Inanna) granted me her love,

and for four and (fifty?) … years I exercised kingship…”


Sargon, the king, to whom Enlil permitted no rival—

         5,400 warriors ate bread daily before him …”


One tablet reads:

         “Sargon, the king of Kish, triumphed in thirty-four battles (over the cities)

         up to the edge of the sea (and) destroyed their walls.

         He made the ships from Meluhha (the Indus civilization),

         the ships from Magan (and) the ships from Dilmun (Bahrein)

         tie up alongside the quay of Agade.

        Sargon the king prostrated himself before (the god) Dagan

         (and) made supplication to him;

         (and) he (Dagan) gave him the upper land,

         namely Mari, Yarmuti, (and) Ebla,

         up to the Cedar Forest (and) up to the Silver Mountain …”


Troubles multiplied toward the end of his reign. A later Babylonian text states

In his old age, all the lands revolted against him,

and they besieged him in Akkad (the city)…”


         “he went forth to battle and defeated them,

         he knocked them over and destroyed their vast army…”


Also shortly after,

the Subartu (mountainous tribes of) the upper country—

in their turn attacked, but they submitted to his arms,

and Sargon settled their habitations, and he smote them grievously…”


The Curse of Agade” chronicled…that Inanna had indeed gotten out of hand,“the word of the Ekur” (Enlil’s sacred precinct) was issued against her. But Inanna…forsook her temple and escaped from Agade:

         “The ‘word of Ekur‘ (Enlil’s residence – command post) was upon Agade like a deadly silence;

         Agade was all atremble, its Ulmash temple was in terror;

         She who lived there, left the city.

         The maiden forsook her chamber;

         Holy Inanna forsook her shrine in Agade…”


The great gods arrived in Agade, they only found an empty temple; all they could do is strip the place of its attributes:

         “In days not five, in day not ten,

         The crownband of lordship, the tiara of Kingship, the throne given to rulership

         Ninurta brought over to his temple;

         Utu carried off the city’s ‘Eloquence’;

         Enki withdrew its ‘Wisdom.’

         Its Awesomeness that could reach the Heaven,

         Anu brought up to the midst of Heaven…”


        “The kingship of Agade was prostrated, its future was extremely unhappy…”


         “Naram-Sin had a vision,

         He kept it to himself, put it not in speech,

         spoke with nobody about it…

         Seven years Naram-Sin remained in wait…”


The coup…against Anu was accompanied by a parallel attack on Enlil’s seat and symbols of authority. This task was assigned by Inanna to Naram-Sin. Upon receiving his new orders:

         “He defiled the word of Enlil,

         Crushed those who had served Enlil,

         Mobilized his troops, and

         Like a hero accustomed to high-handedness

         Put a restraining hand on the Ekur.

         Like a bandit he plundered it…”


        “Erecting large ladders against the House,…”

smashing his way in, he entered its Holy of Holies:

         “the people now saw its sacred cella, a chamber that knew not light;

         the Akkadians saw the holy vessels of the god…”



         “cast them into the fire, docked large boats at the quay by the House of Enlil,

         and carried off the possessions of the city…”


The horrible sacrilege was complete…Enlil lifted his eyes”…Because his beloved Ekur had been attacked,he ordered the hordes of Gutium—a mountainland to the northeast of Mesopotamia—to attack Akkad and lay it waste. They came down upon Akkad and its cities

         “in vast numbers, like locusts…nothing escaped their arm…”


The fall of Akkad was due to Naram-Suen’s attack upon the city of Nippur. When prompted by a pair of inauspicious oracles from Inanna, the king sacked the E-kur temple, the House of Enlil. As a result of this, eight chief deities of the Anunaki pantheon came together and withdrew their support from Akkad.

        For the first time since cities were built and founded,

         The great agricultural tracts produced no grain,

         The inundated tracts produced no fish,

         The irrigated orchards produced neither wine nor syrup,

         The gathered clouds did not rain, the masgurum did not grow.

         At that time, one shekel’s worth of oil was only one-half quart,

         One shekel’s worth of grain was only one-half quart. . . .

         These sold at such prices in the markets of all the cities!

         He who slept on the roof, died on the roof,

         He who slept in the house, had no burial,

         People were flailing at themselves from hunger…”


        “the city who dared assault the Ekur…”


        “And lo, so it came to pass…Agade is destroyed…”

Agade forever remained desolate.


A later Babylonian text states:

In his old age, all the lands revolted against him,

and they besieged him in Akkad (the city)…”


         “he went forth to battle and defeated them,

he knocked them over and destroyed their vast army…”

Also shortly after,

the Subartu (mountainous tribes of) the upper country—

in their turn attacked, but they submitted to his arms,

and Sargon settled their habitations, and he smote them grievously…”


        “Who was king? Who was not king?

         Irgigi the king; Nanum, the king; Imi the king; Ilulu, the king—

         the four of them were kings but reigned only three years.

         Dudu reigned 21 years; Shu-Durul, the son of Dudu, reigned 15 years. …

         Agade was defeated and its kingship carried off to Uruk…”


We read further in the inegmatic text that during the Gutian occupation that followed Naram-Sin’s reign, the divine object lay untouched

         “beside the dam-works for the waters…”


         “they knew not how to carry out the rules regarding the divine artifact…”

The object had to remain in its divine place

         “without being opened up,…”


         “not being offered to any god…”


         “the gods who brought the destruction shall make restitution….”


King Utu-Hehal

         “seized the Shuhadaku in its place of resting; into his hand he took it…”


         “the end of the restitution has not yet occurred…”

Unauthorized, Utu-Hegal

         raised the weapon against the city he was besieging…”

As soon as he had done that, he fell dead.

         “The river carried off his sunken body…”

Amar-Sin of Nippur Tablet

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)











MS in Neo Sumerian on white marble, Sumer, 2046-2038 BC, 1 brick printing block, 18,5×10,0x3,5 cm, single column, 7 lines in cuneiform script, with a handle on the back.

Context: Bricks of King Amar-Sin with full texts are MSS 1878 and 1914.

Commentary: Brick printing blocks are so rare as objects that there is a theory that they were broken when a production run was finished. Those that are known are almost never intact. There are some broken ones from the Old Akkadian Period, including the intact MS 5106, but they are of terracotta. Until this one there were no examples of an UR III brick printing block known at all, and the material of their construction was a complete mystery.

The inscription is a well known one, but the last 3 lines have not been cut, apart from the first sign in line 7. This printing block was never used, but discarded by the scribe due to a slight chipping to the inscription. Since the natural medium for writing at this time, was clay, the process of impressing a block into wet soft clay can be seen as the first known example of true printing. Some of the printing blocks even had ‘movable type’ so that the inscription relating to more than one building could be accommodated with a minimum of effort.

Sîn-iddinam and Ishkur (Sîn-iddinam E): translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)

          OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA (Ishkur / Adad, 3rd son to Earth Colony Commander Enlil, & Thunder God of Mesopotamia)

           1-8 When Ickur (Ishkur / Adad) — the lord, the storm, the …… lion,

        the great storm of heaven and earth, confident in his majesty, the foremost,

        the advocate, the son (grandson) of An (Anu), whose head is clothed in power,

        the fearsome chief lord, the great storm that has no rival ……,

        who masses the clouds — rushes within the storm, the earth trembles before him.

           9-18 A majestic wind bellowing in the broad heavens, whose thunder signifies abundance —

        when he utters his cries, the Land and the great mountains are fearful.

         (Ishkur with the “shepherd’s crook in his hand” & “clasping authority at his side”)

        Great hero, holding the shepherd’s crook in his hand and clasping authority at his side —

        when he roars over the sea and covers the Land with radiance, huge hailstones …… and slanting (?) rain, …… they set up …… for him.

          19-23 2 lines missing

        …… like a reed (?), on their own accord at his presence they (?) lift …… to him.

          24-32 He surveys these numerous people — the lord of prosperity who makes celebration plentiful,

        who gives sustenance to the Land, the merciful prince whose solicitude is kind,

         1e - Larsa 1912 (ancient Larsa ziggurat & city ruins discovered)

        (Adad) the protector of Larsa, the helper of Sîn-iddinam on the battlefield,

        who stands in combat with the troops at his side, the great lord,

        the canal administrator of An and Enlil, whose destiny has no equal!

          33-56 Sîn-iddinam the mighty man (semi-divine giant king), the humble prince who respects Enlil;

        2e-enlils-home-in-nippur   (E-kur, Enlil‘s house in Nippur;  earthling & Enlil, heir to King Anu)

        approved with a “let it be so!” by the E-kur (Enlil’s temple residence, Command Central in Nippur);

          3b-nannars-temple-in-ur-terah-was-the-high-priest3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar‘s house with Ur way below; Nannar, god of Ur)

        the young man given a propitious name by Nanna (Nannar / Sin);

        the provider of Urim (Ur), the king of Larsa, the king of Sumer and Akkad,

          2e-eridu-temple-reconstruction  2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki‘s house in Eridu; Enki, eldest & wisest son to King Anu, was 1st to land on Earth)

        given broad wisdom and surpassing intelligence by Nudimmud (Enki),

        granted a good reign, a long life and unending abundance by Ickur, his god;

        2ba-enkis-temple-ziggourat-in-eridu 2-enki-eridu-1st-city-established-in-sumer  (Eridu ruins, Enki‘s city discovered)

        who puts in order the divine plans of Eridug (Eridu), who makes perfect offerings to the gods;

        the wise one who has restored the ancient divine powers (alien technologies),

        …… who has favorably identified his numerous people —

        put in place a majestic throne, …… surpassing in form, for his lord, for his god.

          57-67 Made grandly from …… and refined silver, …… of the beautiful heavens,

        approx. 4 lines missing

        befitting his size and well-suited to running (?) — with jubilation he finished the work.

          2j - Teshub in a chariot pulled by Taurus6-twin-temples-to-anu-and-adad-in-uruk (Adad; Adad‘s & grandfather King Anu‘s twin residences in Uruk)

           68-74 At that time he grandly seated Ickur (Ishkur / Adad), his god, on his throne of glory.

        Then he made its form surpassing for ever.

        He sought out its majestic divine plans and divine powers (alien technologies).

         2f-hadad-warrior-upon-a-bull-taurus2e-adad-war-god-upon-taurus-the-bull Tablet from Syria. Two bulls facing each other, a large deity, followed by a smaller, winged deity, is adored by an orant. Late Bronze. Terracotta, 7,9 x 7,1 cm AO 28362  (Adad attacks earthlings with alien weaponry) 

          75-85 By the throne he …… two great wild bulls, below (?) on the right and the left, butting the king’s enemies

        1 line fragmentary

        9d-giant-god-teshub-unknown-king  (Adad & smaller mixed-breed descendant-king, giant gods protected their semi-divine kings)

        The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods in abundance …… stand beside him …… the horizon (?).

        He …… that statue and …… on its lap.

        He …….

        3 lines missing

The Cedar

Unknown web source

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)



2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna (Utu, son to Nannar, grandson to Enlil, symbolized as the Sun god)

O Shamash (Utu), I place to my mouth sacred cedar,

For you I knot it in a lock of my hair,

For you I place in my lap bushy cedar.

I have washed my mouth and hands,

I have wiped my mouth with bushy cedar,

I have tied sacred cedar in a lock of my hair,

For you I have heaped up bushy cedar.

Cleansed now, to the assembly of the gods draw I near for judgment.

2 - Utu-Shamash, god of the mountains,2a - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub, upon Taurus (Utu / Shamash & Adad / Ishkur)

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad (Ishkur), lord of prayers and divination.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

O Shamash, I place incense to my mouth,… sacred cedar, let the incense linger!

Let it summon to me the great gods.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

2-enki-eridu-1st-city-established-in-sumer (Sumer, the “Eden”, Land of gods Between the Rivers)

O Shamash, I hold up to you water of Tigris and Euphrates,

Which has carried to you cedar and juniper from the highlands (of Lebanon).

Wash yourself, O valiant Shamash,

Let the great gods wash with you.

And you too, Bunene (unidentified?), faithful messenger,

Wash yourself in the presence of Shamash the judge.

2b - Utu (Utu, god of laws & justice, Commander of the Space Ports)

O Shamash, to you I hold up something choice, … sacred water for the flour.

2c - Utu - Shamash, Commander of the Space Port (Utu seated on his throne, symbols of Nannar, Anu, & Utu / Inanna)

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad, lord of prayers and divination,

Seated on thrones of gold, dining from a tray of lapis (-lazuli blue-hued stone),

Come down to me that you may dine, that you may sit on the throne and render judgment.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

3a - Utu in the mountains with weapons of brilliance 2ka-peru-utus-sawed-off-mountain-top-airport-used-by-the-gods

        (Utu cutting launch & landing sites into the mountains, hidden away from the earthlings)

O Shamash, I hold up to you a lordly tribute,

Which in the courtyard of the gods [ ] to you.

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad l[ord of prayers] and divination,

Seated on thrones of gold, dining from a tray of lapis,

Come down to me that you may sit on the throne and render judgment.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

2ee - Utu, Shamash (damaged mixed-breed king stands receiving his instructions before giant Utu, the Sun God)

O Shamash, I hold up to you seven and seven sweet loaves,

The rows of which are ranged before you.

O Shamash, lord of judgement, O Adad, lord of divination,

Seated on thrones of [gold], dining from a tray of lapis,

Come [down to me] that you may eat,

5aa - giant god Utu, Shamash, Throne of Sippar  (Utu & the wheel of justice, alien god pulling the strings from above)

That you may sit on the throne and render judgement.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

O Shamash, I hold up to you the plentiful yield of the gods, the radiance of the grain-goddess.

(Utu, Adad, & Ninhursag)

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad, lord of divination,

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

O Shamash, I have laid out for you the plentiful yield of the gods, the radiance of the grain-goddess,

O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad, lord of prayer and divination,

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

Take your seat, O valiant Shamash,

Let there be seated with you the great gods,

 2bc-nanna-his-symbol (alien Anunnaki King Anu & his grandson Nannar)

Let Anu, father of heaven, Sin (Nannar), king of the tiara,

2b - Nergal, god of the Underworld1 - Ishtar & her divine weapons (Nergal & his niece Inanna, Goddess of War) 

Nergal, lord of weaponry, Ishtar (Inanna), lady of battle

Be seated with you.

In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth!

Or: cleansed for the assembly of the gods.

The Phoenician Letters

By Wilfred Davies and G. Zur From The Phoenician Letters (Davies and Zur, Mowat Publishing, Manchester, 1979)


The most complete description of Adad can perhaps be found in The Phoenician Letters, and we quote now from some of this master work:


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


            1d - Adad, giant, Enlil's son (giant alien god Adad, 3rd son to Earth Colony Commander Enlil)

a) Adad as the Shaper of Elemental forces, who therefore gives physical manifestation to them:

Rimon (Adad) strikes the earth and the mountains fall, the plains rise as mountains;

He breathes and the storm flies before Him, sighs and the gentle rain descends upon the earth.

3 - Adad with divine weapons (Adad with his high-tech alien weaponry, Thunder God for most all cultures in history)

He throws the thunderbolt and the heavens crack asunder.

He strikes the air as a workman strikes his flint, behold the flash blinds the multitude.

The seas flow forth upon the land and the land sinks beneath the sea.

He smiles and the birds sing, corn grows (in Mesopotamia!), and there is food for all

and the sun falls pleasant upon the face.”


b) Manifestation of His power: “Look up into the heavens at night.

See Him scatter the grains, the golden grains of the stars, upon the fields of heaven;

Rimon (Adad) is seeding the heavens.

Count the stars in the sky, these are the plants he tends;

He breaks the clouds of the heavens when there is need.

He is air and the fire, the water and the earth;

he mixes the fire and the earth and the mountains run like water,

and the smoke of his furnace ascends unto the heavens.

All things in the heavens and the earth are mixed by him.


He is the land we live in, he is our bodies, our blood, flesh, and life.

Without air we die quickly, without warmth it takes longer,

without water and earthly food we die after a little while.

These things cannot be taken away from us, for they are our life.

They are his gifts, in them and on them and in them we live”.


2j - Teshub in a chariot pulled by Taurus (Adad riding the air in his sky-chariot, with his Taurus the Bull zodiac symbol)

         Adad / Rimon and the King:

           farming-gods-then-man-tilled-the-fields  (earthlings taught to farm for the gods)

         “Now, as future king, one of your titles will be “Tenant farmer of the God,”

         and this is both your position and the position of all men.

         We are all tenants, stewards of his gifts; you as monarch are steward of the realm during your lifetime.


         Ignorant people think that they own the land.

         It was there before them and it will be there when they are buried with their fathers.

         Ignorant kings think that families own the land, but families also die in time.

         None can do good without land and water, warmth and air,

         O tenant farmer of the god.

         A man is entitled to the results of his work while he lives,

         but all his effort, without land, will be as nothing, for we cannot produce anything without it. “…



                  (Adad with alien technologies, semi-divine king getting instructions from his god, & Nergal with his alien weaponry)

“The king’s duties are to give justice, control the strong, aid the weak,

steward the land, and to defend the people against the covetous and violent

who would take by force the fruit of the other mens’ labor.

To aid him in his work he has priests and councilors, servants and the army.


Cylinder seal: two orants before a goddess. Cuneiform inscription in the name of the scribe Ur-Nanshe. From Tello

  (high-priest & king Ur-Nanshe, his goddess-spouse InannaGoddess of Love, & Inanna‘s mother Ningal seated on her throne in Ur)

The priests hold the times;

the councilors of the state hold the knowledge of men and interpret their moods to the king.

The army and the king’s servants put the judgments of the king into practice.”…


“Now it is the work of kings to foster this growth,

for only by so doing may a king become a great man himself.

And the conditions for this growth are freedom, justice, leisure and instruction.

If the conditions are good, skills develop, men specialize and co-operate, exchanging their skills

so that they may be fewwd from the necessity of being their own diggers and planters,

reapers and threshers, tailors and shoemakers, carpenters and smiths.

Then together they may produce enough for all to enjoy the fruits of their labors

and be free to devote themselves to discovering their own abilities and natures”.


  (Enlil’s appointed son Adad as the Canal Inspector of Sumer)

         Adad as the Water Baliff of the Lord: “Now, my Prince, see and comprehend:

         all is the god’s, and his people appoint over themselves a judge,

         a steward, a ruler in his place, so that all may share in the wealth of the god.


         Thus in our land no man may own the land he works on, or the water,

         no man, not even the king or the priests,

         and each man shares in the produce of all according to his labors,

         giving a portion to the god, from which the god provides for those who cannot labor.

         Each person who is fed from the god’s share has, therefore, duties according to his station.”


It is important to point out that the origin for this title may very well be in the Sumerian myth of “Enki and the World Order“, where Enki puts Ishkur, the Sumerian Adad / Rimon in charge of inspecting the canals of heaven and earth, of rain and clouds, storms and lightning, showing the importance in controlling the elements that enable agriculture and abundant harvests, which were vital for South Mesopotamia in special.


               9d-giant-god-teshub-unknown-king  (giant alien god Adad, & smaller Anunnaki-earthling, semi-divine descendant appointed to kingship)         

Adad as the fruits of the Kingdom:

“But the basis, the foundation of all this, is the free access to land and warmth and water and air.

All the products of man’s labors are the field of Adad / Rimon;

for men, by their arts, control for themselves the combinations of the elements,

the mixtures of air and water, and fire and earth, that are the gifts of Rimon.


Men build their cities to protect themselves from his moods;

they make wells and irrigate the land, wall, and shelters guard their seeds from tempest,

they store the rains, they dig the earth and melt the rocks for metal, they embody in themselves Rimon.

From a man and a woman come great nations, from one life many lives.


A man can kill or nurture, free or enslave.

So it is with us; we are Rimon; all is Anu.”


1c - Hadad - Assyrian weather god (Adad / Ishkur / Rimmon / Rimon)

“Therefore when you go up into the temple of Rimon and bow before his image,

remember you are bowing, as all men must bow, to the oceans, the rivers, the plains and the mountains,

the sun, the moon and the stars, the spaces between the stars,

the spaces between the clouds in the air and the clouds in the heavens.

All that can be seen with the eyes, heard with the ears, smelt, touched, tasted, and felt by the body,

4 - Shala, Anu's daughter, Adad's spouse  9aa-adad-spouse-shala

       (alien Anunnaki King Anu‘s daughter Shala;    Adad with his aunt-spouse Shala)

all this is the god Rimon (Adad) and his wife Shalla, the corn goddess, (corn from the Americas?)

the compassionate one; they are the earthly presence of the great gods.”

Ishkur (Adad’s Houses) – Temple Hymns

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

        O house inspiring terror like a great lion, making as clear as day

         1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub  (giant god Adad in statue form, now eliminated, shamefully destroyed by Radical Islam, hiding from vast populations ancient historical records & artifacts that contradict modern belief systems)

        the decisions for those on the high plain, house of Iškur (Adad), at your front is abundance, at your rear is celebration.

        Your foundation is a horned bull, a lion.

        Holy staff, teat of heaven with rain for fine barley,

        the pilasters of your house are a wild bull with outspread horns, your ……, foundation and wall rising of their own accord,

        ……, thick cloud, …… snake, …… moonlight, …… Iškur, a sweeping flood, …… a storm and seven raging winds,

        ……, blowing raging winds, …… running from the ……, splits the …… hillside, diorite, stones and …….

        2 lines missing

        1 line fragmentary

        The ……, the seed of the Land, the ……, the …… prince, the canal inspector of heaven and earth,

        the …… living, the numerous people, the ……, Iškur, has erected a house in your precinct,

        OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA (Ishkur / Adad, god of the north & west of Mesopotamia, Earth Colony Commander Enlil’s 3rd son)

        O house Karkara, and taken his seat upon your dais.

        23 lines: the house of Iškur in Karkara.

Aba Temple (Residence in Agade) Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

        3d - Adad with alien technology weaponry (rock relief of Adad with high-tech alien weaponry, the Thunder God in all our cultures)

        O house, right arm, battle-ax cutting down the rebel lands, digging up their green fields,

        2 lines fragmentary

        Your prince, the warrior who ……, who defeats (?) all in battle, exulting ……,

        1e - Rimmon, Adad with lightening bolts (Rimmon / Aba / Adad, royal grandson to alien Anunnaki King Anu, the god in heaven ruling earth)

        Aba, the god of Agade, has erected a house in your precinct,

        O house Agade, and taken his seat upon your dais.

        8 lines: the house of Aba (Adad) in Agade (Akkad).



                         ENLIL                          BAU                   ENKI                      NINHURSAG

NINURTA    NANNAR    ADAD                                   MARDUK    NERGAL    GIBIL    NINGISHZIDDA    DUMUZI









Adad Quotes From Texts

Adad = Enlil & Ninlil‘s 2nd son, spouse to Shara


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


Adad Speaking in the 1st Person:

        “They called the canal-controller, Anu´s son,

        The decision-maker spoke for him;

        They called Adad, the canal controller, Anu´s (grand) son,

        The decision-maker spoke to him,

        ‘ Powerful Adad, ferocious Adad, your attack cannot be deflected;

        Your name shall be great in the great gods´ assembly,

        You shall have no rival among the gods your brothers,

        Then surely shall shrines be created!

        Establish your cult centers all over the four quarters!

        Your cult centers shall enter Ekur!

        Show prowess to the gods, and your name shall be Powerful!

        Adad answered the speech, addressed his words to Anu, his father:

        ‘ Father, who could rush off to the inaccessible mountain?

        Has taken away the Enlil-power: rites are abandoned!

        Anzu flew off and went into hiding!

        His utterance has replaced that of Duranki´s god!

        He has only to command, and whoever he curses turns to clay!

        At his utterance, the gods must now tremble!’

        He turned away, saying he would not make the expedition….”



        “Adad as the Shaper of Elemental forces, who therefore gives physical manifestation to them:

        ‘Rimon strikes the earth and the mountains fall, the plains rise as mountains;’ …”


        “O Adad (Ishkur), lord of prayers and divination.

        In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth! …”


        “O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad, lord of prayers and divination,

        Seated on thrones of gold, dining from a tray of lapis (-lazuli),

        Come down to me that you may dine, that you may sit on the throne and render judgment.

        In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth! …”


Ickur / Ishkur Quotes From Texts

Ickur / Ishkur = Adad, Enlil‘s 3rd main son

        “the son of Enlil, the god Ickur (Ishkur / Adad), thundering in heaven and earth,…”


        “He called to the rain of the heavens.

        He …… as floating clouds.

        He made …… rising at the horizon.

        He turned the mounds into fields …….

        Enki placed in charge of all this him who rides on the great storms, who attacks with lightning bolts,

        the holy bar which blocks the entrance to the interior of heaven, the son of An, the canal inspector of heaven and earth —

        Ickur (Adad), the bringer of plenty, the son of An (Enlil, grandson to Anu)…”


        “like the seven storms, those of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad, Enlil‘s son), let me leap like a flame, blaze like lightning! …”


Addu Quotes From Texts

Addu = Adad, 3rd most important son to Enlil

        canal supervisor

        “If he looses the yokes of their oxen,

        And puts them into other fields

        Or gives them to a foreigner, […] will be devastated […] of Addu.

        If he seizes their … stock of sheep, Addu, canal supervisor of heaven and earth,

        Will extirpate his pasturing animals by hunger…”


Rimon / Rimmon Quotes From Texts

Rimon / Rimmon = Adad, Enlil‘s son

As Rimon:

        “All the products of man’s labors are the field of Adad/Rimon;…”


        “Adad/Rimon and the King:

        ‘Now, as future king, one of your titles will be ‘Tenant farmer of the God,”…”


        “all this is the god Rimon and His wife Shalla, the corn goddess, the compassionate one; 

        they are the earthly presence of the great gods…”


As Rimmon:

        “And Rimmon (Adad) rides triumphant on the air,..”


        “Asur (Ashur) the great lord, the director of the hosts of the gods,

        the giver of the scepter and the crown, the establisher of the kingdom;

         Bel (Enlil), the lord (bilu), the king of all the spirits of the earth, the father of the gods, the lord of the world;

         Sin (Nannar) (the Moon-god), the sentient one, the lord of the crown, the exalted one, the god of the storm;

         Samas (Utu / Shamash) (the Sun-god), the judge of heaven and earth, who beholds the plots of the enemy, who feeds the flock;

         Rimmon, the prince, the inundator of hostile shores, of countries (and) houses;

         Uras (Marduk), the hero, the destroyer of evil men and foes, who discloses all that is in the heart;

         Ishtar (Inanna), the eldest of the gods, the lady of girdles, the strengthener of battles….”


        “Rimmon, the crowned hero, Lord of canals the Sun-god;…”


        “the cyclical-feast of Assur and Rimmon I had inaugurated…”


        “like Rimmon the inundator of the plain…”


        “I roared like Rimmon the inundator…”


        “the beloved of Rimmon mightiest among the gods,…”


        “With the help of Assur (and) Rimmon…”


        “By the help of Samas (Utu) and Rimmon, the gods my ministers…”


        “By the command of Assur, Samas (Utu / Shamash), and Rimmon,…”


        “named by Sin, the servant of Anu, the favorite of Rimmon,…”


        “The bodies of their warriors in destructive battle

        like the inundator (Rimmon) I overthrew; their corpses I spread…”


         “Rimmon (the Air-god) (Enlil is Lord Air), the prince,

         the inundator of hostile shores, of countries (and) houses; …”


Yav Quotes From Texts

Yav / Jav = Adad, Enlil‘s son

Assyrian Pantheon (Ashurnasirpal II):

        “namely, to Assur (Ashur), Anu, Hea (Enki), Sin (Nannar) [the Moon],

        Merodach (Marduk), Yav (Adad) Jahve, Jah (unidentified?), Ninip (Ninurta),

        Nebo (Nabu), Beltis (Ninlil), Nergal, Bel-Dagon (Enlil),

        Samas (Utu) [the Sun], Istar (Inanna)…”


        “a temple to Ninip my Lord I therein founded;

        when an image of Ninip himself which had not been made before,

        in the reverence of my heart for his great mighty god-ship,

        of mountain stone and brilliant gold I caused to make in its completeness;…

        an altar to Ninip my Lord I therein consecrated:

        a temple for Beltis (Inanna), Sin (Nannar), and Gulanu (Bau / Gula),

        HeaManna (Enki) and Yav (Adad) great ruler of heaven and earth I founded…”


        “ By help of Assur and Yav, the great gods who aggrandize my royalty, chariots, (and) an army,…”


        “in honor of Assur, the Sun-god and Yav, the gods in whom I trust, my chariots and army…”


        “ With the help of the Sun-god and Yav, the gods in whom I trust…”


        “like Yav the inundator I rushed upon them;…”


        “worshipper of Anu, exalter of Yav, suppliant of the gods…”


        “to the god Yav who confers the fertilizing rain upon my land, his house (also) in Borsippa…”


Aba Quote From Text

Aba = Adad, Enlil‘s son

        “Your prince, the warrior who ……, who defeats (?) all in battle, exulting ……,

        Aba, the god of Agade (Akkad), has erected a house in your precinct,

        O house Agade, and taken his seat upon your dais. the house of Aba in Agade…”

Adad Quotes From Zecharia Sitchin’s Books



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)


The Sumerian Kings List records the priestly reign of Enmenduranki in Sippar, then the location of the Spaceport under the command of Utu / Shamash

To demolish E-kur as if it were a huge ship, to break up its soil

like the soil of mountains where precious metals are mined,

to splinter it like the lapis lazuli mountain, to prostrate it,

like a city inundated by Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)….”


        “Edmenduranki (was) a priest in Sippar,

         Beloved of Anu, Enlil, and Ea.

         Shamash in the Bright Temple appointed him.

         Shamash and Adad (took him) to the assembly (of the gods)

         They showed him how to observe oil and water,

         a secret of Anu, Enlil, and Ea.

         They gave him the Divine Tablet, the “kibdu” secret of Heaven and Earth…

         They taught him how to make calculations with numbers…”

Ninhursag took the surrender offer of Enki’s to Enlil. She met him in the presence of Adad (while Ninurta remained on the battlefield). “O hear my prayers!” she begged the two gods…

         “Presenting himself there, to the Mother,

         Adad thus said:

         ‘We are expecting victory.

         The enemy forces are beaten.

         The trembling of the land he could not withstand’…”

Adad said, let her call discussions on the basis that the Enlilites are about to win:

         “Get up and go—talk to the enemy.

         Let him attend the discussions so that the attack be withdrawn…”


Chased out of their strongholds, the Enemy began to retreat…Adad roamed the countryside behind enemy lines, destroying the adversary’s food supplies:

         “In the Abzu, Adad the fish caused to be washed away…

         the cattle he dispersed…”


The “men of Nippur, Sippar, and Babylon were called into his presence…”

It shall be passed, the gods commanded, from father to son:

         “The learned savant, who guards the secrets of the gods,

         will bind his favored son with an oath before Shamash and Adad….

         and will instruct him in the secrets of the gods…”

The tablet concludes with a postscript:

         “Thus was the line of priests created–

         those who are allowed to approach Shamash and Adad.

         And so priesthood was created!…”


        “They called Adad, the canal controller, Anu´s son,

         The decision-maker spoke to him,

         ‘Powerful Adad, ferocious Adad, your attack cannot be deflected;’ …”

after the Pyramid wars…the territories of Adad in the northwest were extended…(Lebanon) to include the Landing Place at Baalbek.


Hitttite Quotes From Texts

A Hittite woman’s prayer to Teshub’s spouse, the goddess Hebat:

         “Oh goddess of the Rising Disc of Arynna,

         My Lady, Mistress of the Hatti Lands,

         Queen of Heaven and Earth….

         In the Hatti country, thy name is…”


         “Goddess of the Rising Disc of Arynna;

         But in the land that thou madest,

         In the Cedar Land,

         Thou bearest the name Hebat…”

Adad Overview

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

1d - Adad, giant, Enlil's son 1b - Ishkur, Adad, Teshub


        . Adad = most of Mesopotamia, Akkad, Semitic Tribes beloved

        . Ishkur = Babylon

        . Yav = Assyrian

        . Addu =

        . Aba = Akkadian


        . Rimmon = AssyrianAddu and Dadu were the names given to Rimmon in Syria, Hadad was one of many names used in Assyria. Besides Dadu, Dadda and Dadi. Thunderer


        . Teshub = Hittite    

        . Tesheba = Hurrian, north of Akkad      

        . Teshubu = Uratian     

        . Rammanu / Amurru = Amorite   

        . Ragimu = Caananite    

        . Buriash = Indo-European    

        . Meir = Semite – Caucasian descendants of Shem, Hebrews & Arabs     

        . Thor = Norsemen

         . Viracocha = Mayan


        . 2nd son of Ninlil, 3rd main son of Enlil   

        . brother to Sin, uncle to Utu & Inanna   

        . younger ½ brother to Ninurta


        . married to Shala, Anu‘s daughter, the Corn Goddess (her symbol)

          . Shala = Hebat Hurrians & Hittites


        . Adad’s ranking # is 10


        . he is known as the Thunder God


        . Adad was the main deity of the mountain lands north and west of Mesopotamia. Adad was placed there by his father Enlil, perhaps to protect him from war between brothers

          . E-an-da-di-a, the ziggurat of Akkad

          . E-Ulmash in Akkad       

Adad’s Son:

        . Sarruma


Adad’s Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Son-Kings:

        . son mixed-breed Isin King Ur-Ninurta, “…… may …… be his helper. …… the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…”

        . son mixed-breed Ur King Amar-Suen / Bur-Suen, “the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…”